You need to be glad that. How to learn to enjoy life - advice from a psychologist. How to get rid of depression

Each person sooner or later finds himself in a situation where he is overcome by pessimistic feelings, detachment, depression, lack of joy in life and complete apathy for what is happening.

The main advicethat will help you overcome depression, gain confidence and teach you to see the positive side of everything:

  • Know your desires. It is difficult enough to learn how to enjoy life when there are many problems to be solved. Often the problem is reflected in the habit of dwelling on the bad and the lack of seeking positive sides in problematic situations.
  • Live for today. A person often leaves this valuable quality in childhood. Thinking about the future, we spend a lot of energy, which leads to an inability to rejoice. The future will always be unpredictable for us. Learning to live in the present is difficult, but real. You need to thank life every day for what you have.
  • To be able to give. By adjusting your meaning of life to the bestowal mode, you can feel the harmony of joy. After all, giving is considered a kind of creativity, which manifests itself in caring for loved ones.

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How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life

To overcome depression, gain confidence, first of all, a person must be able to rejoice, easily endure moments of separation, and be constantly charged with optimism. All this will make any man and woman happy.

You need to find the strength to positively perceive an unpleasant situation, from which you can then draw useful conclusions for yourself. You need to try to become strong, gain confidence, find positive moments in difficult situations.

As you know from training in psychology, physical activity helps to get rid of depression, increasing the level of endorphins in the blood. Researchers have shown that an hour's workout is generally beneficial for the entire body and can increase the level of happiness hormones in the body by 7-10 times.

For depression, there are some foods that will be good for your body by energizing it: banana, dark chocolate, nuts, seeds. They will also help get rid of this problem, thereby raising your spirits and setting you up for a positive.

How to enjoy life every day - 4 simple steps how to learn to enjoy life

To enjoy life every day and gain confidence, you need stick to basic tips, learn to develop new abilities, translating them into everyday life:

  • Search for happiness in every minute of life. The ability to enjoy life is a useful skill that many people abuse. To master this art, you need to do what will bring you pleasure, appreciate the work, the business you are doing, be able to clearly speak about your opinion. After all, nothing prevents you from finding happiness and pleasure from listening to your favorite song, smiling from a passer-by, communicating with a good friend.
  • Change the way you think about yourself... Think only positively of yourself, praise yourself more, rejoice in your small achievements, compliment yourself, appreciate yourself, take care of your appearance. Adhering to this method - the result will not be long in coming, you will definitely see changes in yourself, as well as the attitudes of others.
  • Move towards a new goal... Think carefully about what you want to achieve in the near future. It must be remembered that there are no unattainable goals, as good motivators say. If you put required level your desires and strive for them, doing everything necessary, then you will get the desired result and at the same time do many useful tasks, learn to get out of difficult situations, and begin to believe in your abilities. The main thing is that such a goal should not violate ethical rules society, you should not go over the heads of other people to achieve personal needs. This method will not bring joy.
  • Treat everything positively... You don't need to control every moment in your life, because this is not possible. You need to behave in a way that suits you, to be able to deal with fear in different situations, to treat everything with a grain of humor, to take life more positively, to support your loved ones and not to ridicule other people's mistakes.

Tips on how to learn to enjoy life and gain self-confidence

Tips on how to start enjoying life and gain confidence in men and women are very simple. The only thing that is required is to start implementing them today, take your first step. There is no need to spin in the hustle and bustle and everyday worries.

Tune in to success, learn to find answers to emerging questions and live in the present. Learn to enjoy yourself, improve your emotional strength and never be jealous of other people, do not compare yourself to anyone.

Psychologists know from books that the one who can raise and lower ourselves is ourselves. Everyone's happiness depends on how much effort and time they are willing to spend in order to learn to enjoy what is happening.

How a woman can overcome depression and learn to be happy

For the treatment of depression in women, doctors prescribe special antidepressants for a short time. A long course of treatment can negatively affect a woman's body, after which it becomes very difficult for her to cope with minor nervous disorders.

First, you need to try to get rid of such a disease on your own, using tips for overcoming depression at home. Often, a woman develops depression during pregnancy, which is expressed by neuroses, anxiety and a sense of fear. For many women, this stress persists after childbirth, developing into prolonged postpartum depression.

First of all, a woman must believe that she is strong and capable of dealing with any problems herself.

To make life joyful and easier to overcome depression, consider the following tips for women:

1. It is advisable to arrange mental and physical relaxation, you need to give your body rest;

2. Eat right, eat healthy food, get enough sleep;

3. Go where you can get positive emotions guaranteed;

4. Communicate in a circle of pleasant, positive people, do not pay attention to minor troubles;

5. Appreciate everything that you have every day;

6. Know how to enjoy every little thing, overcome depression.

How a man can gain self-confidence and see positive

  1. For a man to gain self-confidence, it is enough to believe in himself and be purposeful.

2. It is worth remembering that you do not need to look at others, imitate other people's ideas, be like someone else - be yourself! Try to do what you really need and will only benefit.

3. A man's confidence in life directly depends on communication with positive, optimistic, strong people!

4. A self-confident man loves and values \u200b\u200bhimself, and his love spreads to the people around him - and this serves as a powerful support for them! People with a negative aura always bring it to your side, so you need to remember that such people are best avoided. Pessimism will negatively affect your aspirations, desires, you will gradually begin to turn into an unsuccessful man.

5. No need to criticize and blame yourself, this lowers self-esteem and self-confidence.

How to enjoy life and smile no matter what tips

To learn to enjoy life, gain confidence, and overcome depression easily, it is enough to identify important ways that will help you become happy.

Start giving joy to others, and it will return to you in twins, treat other people the way you would like to be treated. You should not be satisfied with what has already been achieved, you should always strive for something new and better.

Monitor your health, eat right, exercise and smile more often. Learn to love yourself, respect and value yourself, surround yourself only with positive things.

All these tips in life will help to overcome depression, gain confidence and teach to enjoy life, both man and woman.

If life brings you to the point that you have to ask "" the Internet, then the case really requires close consideration.

The most important thing to start with is to realize that you just don't need to learn this. We, people, know from the beginning how to enjoy life. Rather, for this we, people, live on this beautiful planet at this wonderful time of the year, day or night. If you thoroughly recall individual moments of a carefree childhood, you can again return for a while a pleasant, light sensation in the body and again feel the free, unhurried flight of your thoughts. Yes, it is my own thoughts, unique and unlike anything else.

It's simple. It takes a little free time to just continue being happy. Literally a minute or two. We have been taught to believe that we have no or very little time, and we should only spend it on important things. One can agree with this. And we should spend all the time we have on the most important thing we have - ourselves. Therefore, allocating the necessary minutes will not be a problem. It's important to feel happy again, isn't it?

So, if there is time to start rejoicing, it's already good. Further - it is easier. A minute will only be a full-fledged period of time for us, when it will be free from a million thoughts swarming in and around our head about anything. For this moment we must forget about work, children, parents, family, car, football, traffic jams, lunch, etc. And this is the most difficult thing. The mind constantly generates obsessive thought-forms that are absolutely unnecessary on closer inspection, without any value. They are almost always imposed on us by external constant stimuli and deprive our own thoughts of lightness and freedom. The task is simple - to get rid of thoughts altogether - to stop thinking. Our real thoughts are just born in the void, and also have the necessary operational space for maneuver. The main thing is the very presence of emptiness - this is the beginning of beginnings. When the head is free, and thoughts are natural and light, creating a mood of joy is as easy as shelling pears, if, of course, it has not yet come by itself, which often happens. Then a smile is required - it comes by itself, and after its appearance the body begins to breathe deeply and calmly and gains extraordinary lightness, breathing is carried out without difficulty through the nose, when exhaling (which is longer than inhalation) the muscles of the body are pumped from top to bottom, while the body feels pleasant relaxation ... There are practical ways to create a joyful mood, which we will definitely cover in this article.

But how did it happen that we stopped enjoying life? Why don't we do things that are familiar to children? How to get away from the hustle and bustle and is it important to get away from it?

Unfortunately, today's essence of the human world is reduced to ordinary standardization. A beautiful and unique child grows up, gradually turning into an ordinary, typical adult, similar to many others like him. Of course, this is not interesting to the person himself. Unlike a child who has not yet been molded and polished in the institutes of secondary and higher education or in the office crucible of corporations, an adult is doomed to think and act according to patterns. There are sets of rules - morality and etiquette, there are even indestructible templates - laws of the state, which are not appropriate not to follow in society. Of course, this is beneficial to those who are called, or those who are believed to be called, to rule a person. The government, the director, the marshal of the military branch - these are local roles. Probably, the hierarchical ladder goes even further up, but is it so important? Everything ultimately depends only on you and me. And the old fun of looking for someone to blame is part of the hustle and bustle world to avoid.

Oh, it's very simple. Much easier than it might seem due to the stereotyped thinking, which requires us to think that learning something is a special, hard work, for the achievement of the fruits of which a decent time must pass. Of course it is not. Everything happens right now and at once. We do not study, but remember how it should be. After all, we know how to rejoice, we simply do not rejoice because for a long, long time there was no reason for joy. And we are not taught to rejoice without reason. Although there is nothing unusual or difficult in this - to rejoice is the meaning of a person's life. Rejoice and express gratitude to everything around you for your existence with your joy. This is such a natural state of ours that it is not at all perceived as something special - you just need to realize it.

All of the above is a small theoretical basis, confirmation of which can be found in numerous works of esotericists, philosophers, mystics and other people with interesting life experiences.

But back to the first part of our conversation. Yes, there are also simple practical techniques for bringing your body into a joyful state. In Taoist practices, there are techniques for influencing the entire human being through the body. Of course, a person who is incarnated on Earth in a physical body is able not only to influence this body with his thought, but also has the ability to influence subtle non-material bodies through a material body. By creating the right way of thinking, we are able to control the state of the body, make it more susceptible to changes. Most often, we do not fully control the process, switching our attention to external stimuli, hence domestic injuries with diseases, and a bad mood. Clarity of mind and concentration are important, as well as the presence of free time, which you devote only to yourself, without parallel events.

Mirzakarim Norbekov has a great exercise in his gymnastics - auricle massage. Cool stuff. The fact is that the massage of the auricles in itself is very effective. An incredible number of receptors are collected on human ears - and the usual rubbing, stroking and any other non-painful physical effect on them causes a whole range of sensations. And to start rejoicing while rubbing your ears, you just need to smile.

Another great technique is the "inner smile". We often smile outwardly - we put a smile on a gloomy face, which makes our cheekbones narrow, and the muscles of the face soon begin to ache and lead the corners of the lips into their natural state of deep and sincere sadness. And you just have to smile from the inside. It is not necessary to stretch the lips. Someone smiles with only eyes. The benefits of such a smile are much greater than the grimace of pseudo-joy. You can create an inner smile by a simple volitional effort or by simply remembering a picture from childhood - you can remember your photo of a child with a real smile, imagine that this child is looking inside us, and start smiling in return. This state must be remembered and stored as long as possible. And if something from an alien world bursts in and tears us away from the joyful awareness of ourselves and the world around us, we need to take time and plunge into ourselves again and repeat the exercise. If everything is so neglected that the picture of oneself small and laughing is not in the corners of memory, one must imagine a simply smiling child - and do the same.

It is good to enter a state of harmony and tranquility, from which you can get out of any mood - in our case, this is the desired mood of joy - various oriental practices and meditations, yoga, jogging or swimming, tourism help to enter. In general, any contact with water and nature is very effective - it helps to create a space inside a person free from imposed thoughts. Beauty in any form - landscapes, works of art - evoke contemplative attention and also contribute to the correct movement of thought. The world of sounds helps no less visual beauty. The sound is also important here - the singing of birds, the rustle of leaves, the murmur of water or the sound of rain, melodious laughter, beautiful music, a song, the correct reading of a prayer aloud - this is the sound aura that has a beneficial effect on the whole human body in general, creates peace and harmony within us.

When we have a free minute, we see and hear the beauty around. In the hustle and bustle, we almost always pass by without noticing her. This should also be taken into account.

So, how to learn to enjoy life, what is the main conclusion? It's simple: you need to take time for yourself, smile at yourself and notice the world around - all this makes us joyful and happy. Because the meaning of our life is not in serving higher ideals, not in trying to force ourselves to believe in something, not in conquering power and material goods, not in the search for mutual love or friendship, and not even in the birth and education of children. Although all these things are very important, necessary and interesting. The meaning of life is to live! To live every moment of life, notice and learn everything around, changing and unique, without closing your eyes, not remembering at this moment about the past, even if unique and magnificent, without predicting a possible future, which may not come, but living in the present moment, here and now - on this beautiful Earth at this wonderful time of the year and day, feeling joy in every moment of being!

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Modern man lives better than previous generations. However, it is the modern person who most often depresses and experiences bad things than his predecessors. The ability to enjoy life must be learned, because most often people are deprived of this skill.

Experts of the online magazine say that any person has the ability to enjoy life to some extent from birth. Please note that there are no unhappy children. Little boys and girls rejoice in everything that surrounds them. They get to know the world, and it pleases them. They are growing and they are happy about it. They learn new skills that make them self-reliant, and they rejoice.

Only an adult has a problem of lack of joy in life. That natural habit of simply enjoying one's life is disappearing somewhere. This is facilitated by parents who rigidly educate the child, teachers who teach not life, but unnecessary and uninteresting sciences, and the surrounding adults, who constantly sharpen the child to the fact that he should be beautiful, wealthy, strong and the most-most in everything. only then to feel happy.

Note that modern happiness for many people is somewhere in the future. They must achieve it by acquiring some kind of benefits or developing some skills and traits. People want to receive joy only after achieving something. In other words, a person deprives himself of happiness by postponing it for later. “I will achieve this first, and then I will rejoice” - in fact, it turns out that a person forgets so much about how to enjoy life that even after achieving what he wants, he remains unhappy.

How to learn to enjoy life?

Every child knows how to enjoy life. However, then he is weaned from this skill by the fact that he must first do something, achieve or acquire something, so that later those around him will agree that he is. To learn to enjoy life modern man you have to learn it. We'll start by defining joy.

What is joy (or happiness)? When you ask people what would make them happy, they will say pretty much the same thing. For some, the joy is having large sums of money, for others - the opportunity to go to nightclubs, dress nicely and drink the right drinks, for others - to have a family, etc. For many people, joy is to have something from the material world. But why so often when you buy a long-awaited car, the joy passes after a few days? There are, of course, the only ones who cherish their acquisitions so that the bird does not accidentally nap on them. But even in this case, a person does not rejoice in himself, but only at the sight of his good.

What is joy? In fact, joy is the realization of your desires. And you can wish anything. Have different people there are different desires. Accordingly, their implementation makes people happy, no matter what desires these may be.

But in modern society joy is the presence of money, a large wardrobe of clothes, cars, prestigious work, status, a beautiful wife and a rich husband. In other words, people do not realize their desires, but what was inspired from the outside. "Marry a rich man - and you will be happy", "Drink 2 bottles of beer - and you will be happy", "Give birth to children - and you will become happy", etc. All this is nonsense that people are trying to implement in the hope of that they will truly become happy. But it is impossible to achieve joy if you are trying to have what it is customary to have, and not what you want.

You may feel like eating a lot of meat every day. You may dream of dancing every day. You may have a dream based on the desire to have a cabin in the woods. And believe me, if you realize these desires of yours, you will become much happier than those people who are trying to get rich and start a family. If you don't want to make a lot of money, then you don't need to. If you do not want to start a family, then you do not need to strain yourself. This will only diminish your happiness. Other people will consider you a successful and happy person, although you yourself will feel deeply unhappy.

Happiness arises when you fulfill your desires. And while you are chasing some kind of success that all people are chasing, you continue to deprive yourself of the joy of life.

A person often deprives himself of happiness. This is facilitated by the inner fear that happiness may go away. The fear is quite justified: happiness, just as it can stay, can go away. But now a person faces a choice: will he continue to be afraid, depriving himself of happiness, or will he still enjoy life, accepting the fact that happiness sometimes passes?

It is only natural when happiness passes. It's like being afraid of death. What difference does it make whether you are afraid to die or not. It will happen to you anyway. Therefore, it is better not to be afraid of death, but to accept the fact that soon it will happen to you. It's the same with happiness. It's okay when happiness passes. And it's quite normal when happiness stays with you for a long time. But while you are afraid, most likely it will not stay for long. But if you stop being afraid and just enjoy it, support it, preserve it, then it will last.

People are very shy creatures. Unwillingness to accept the fact that happiness can pass, makes them already deprive themselves of happiness. Then what difference does it make when you lose your happiness: now because of your fear or later, when it might pass? That in the first case, that in the second you are deprived of happiness. Then what is the point of your fear if you are already starting to realize it?

While a person is afraid, he is not able to enjoy and even learn to preserve his happiness. What you hold dear can never leave you if you learn to enjoy, develop and preserve it. If you are constantly afraid, then in the end you yourself will create a situation where happiness leaves you. What we fear is what we get. And if you learn to maintain your happiness, develop it, increase it, then it will definitely not go anywhere.

How to learn to enjoy life here and now?

Happiness (joy) is not in the future or the past, it always lives here and now. You can rejoice only now. Good memories can cause melancholy and a desire to return everything (as you can see, sadness comes). A good future can give rise to regret that it has not yet been achieved (as you can see, frustration sets in). To enjoy life, you need not think about the past or the future, but pay attention to what surrounds you right here and now.

A person can be happy only now and here. Memories and dreams are just compensation for the lack of happiness for the present moment. If you want to truly enjoy life, learn to receive the good from the world right here and now.

While walking in the park, listen to the birdsong, the warmth of the sun, the silence or the noise of the city. While at home, rejoice in the fact that you are safe, cozy, warm and that luxury that your grandparents clearly did not have in their young years.

The state here and now allows you to feel real happiness. And if you are waiting for joy or remembering about it, then this is only an illusion, a shadow of the desired state.

Almost all people are faced with the problem that they do not feel the joy of being, and their hearts have ceased to radiate happiness. In childhood, no one thinks about what to rejoice, how to do it and what happiness is. As children, people simply live rejoicing, grieving, having fun and crying. But growing up, everyone seems to forget what happiness is and how to rejoice. But even the question itself is posed incorrectly, because you cannot learn to rejoice or feel happiness. It's like making you feel full when you're hungry. It would be more correct to ask: how to return the state when a person can rejoice and be happy?

To answer this question, you should understand what distinguishes an adult from a child who can enjoy life? Besides age and life experience, one of the main differences between adults and children is how people relate to happy and painful moments in life? The fact is that young children accept pain and joy as an integral part of life. And adults try to avoid pain by focusing only on positive aspects... What comes out of this?

Pain and joy are opposites of one whole. If there were no pain, a person would not know what happiness is. If there was no happiness, a person would not know what grief means. Therefore, one simply cannot exist without the other. Children do not yet know that they can make claims to life and demand only positive events from it, therefore they allow themselves to experience both joy and sadness.

Adults, on the other hand, consider themselves to be omnipotent and constantly demand that fate give them only happiness. They don't want to be in pain, but they want to have fun all the time. It is the desire to remove the negative and leave only the positive that goes into inconsistency with the laws of nature, where pain and happiness go hand in hand inextricably. This is why people don't feel happy: they don't want to accept pain. If there is no grief, there is no joy. If there is no joy, then grief is gradually dulled.

It should be understood that life cannot only consist of positive and colorful colors. It is necessary to learn not to run away from pain, not to confront it, but to experience. After all, if you know what sadness is, you can also feel joy. If you learn to experience pain, you can experience happiness.

You should not run away from the opposite side of happiness, because then you will not be able to recognize its real side. People very often close their hearts when they get into unpleasant situations and feel pain. But it is precisely the unwillingness to know pain that leads to the inability to know happiness. Children feel both, understanding what is good and what is bad. And adults, remembering their life experience, are afraid to learn the bad again, trying to get only the good. But how can light exist without darkness? How can good exist without evil?

This is the secret: if you are afraid of experiencing pain, then you will never experience happiness. Your heart is closed - and it is closed not only from pain, but also from happiness. If one is not there, then the other is not. You can be happy and happy if you learn to feel pain. Your heart must be open. But then know that in addition to the good, you will have to feel the bad.

What advice can psychologists who most often face with the opposite of happiness state in their clients? How to learn to enjoy life?

  1. Stop being sad and depressed a lot. Look forward or up often.
  2. Surround yourself with nice people and events. If they are not there, then create a comfortable environment yourself.
  3. Begin to please yourself and the people around you.
  4. Look at happy people and understand why they enjoy life. Just look at the kids. They don't need much to feel happy! They simply rejoice at what they already have, life.


Joy is a state within a person, not an emotion that should be evoked by the surrounding world. Undoubtedly, a person rejoices and rejoices when all the circumstances around him contribute. However, a state of joy can be developed in oneself: for this it is proposed to learn to think positively, to see the world in bright colors and to notice the good even in the bad.

A person's life is not long enough to be wasted on a bad mood. One must be able to enjoy every little thing in life, only then everything around will sparkle with colors and cease to be monotonous and gray. Joy is a great charge of positive energy and positivity that charges our vital energy, and also gives us strength to overcome difficulties and move on, despite obstacles.

Most people have ceased to genuinely truly rejoice, as children do. This is because we have turned all value priorities upside down.

The vast majority are in a state of chasing money. And no matter how many of them there are, there are still few of them. In this frantic life jump, we stopped appreciating the attention of a loved one, the support of a friend, the smile of a passer-by, meeting with relatives, a beautiful view from the window of the house.

The most interesting thing is that there is no less joy in life, we just stopped appreciating what we have. Classics of the genre: we have - we do not appreciate, but having lost we regret the loss.

We must be able to rejoice at any simply good moments that life gives us, because they are all unique and will never be repeated. Then we will have an inexhaustible supply of positive and a reason for a good mood. A person who knows how to notice the beauty in the most ordinary things is truly rich - the whole world belongs to him.

Such a person does not need to invent and look for something to please - every new day in his life is already a reason for joy. Being able to enjoy life is necessary not only to feel good, it has a positive effect on personal life, work, business, creativity and other activities.

Ability to enjoy life

In a bad mood, we only harm ourselves and deprive ourselves of the right to live happy life and carry out normal activities, we become irritable or, on the contrary, indifferent to everything that happens around.

A chronic pessimist, as always, he just throws up his arms and lowers his head even more. Good mood is a catalyst for progress, and the bad, on the contrary, is a ballast.

People are used to complicating things, if suddenly something went wrong, then everything is depression, a nervous breakdown. But you have to be simpler, be able to enjoy every minute of your life, not to lower your head at every failure.

To be able to enjoy life. A person who knows how to rejoice is always more resourceful than a pessimistic one. He will always find an original solution and laugh at a difficult task, humorously beat the happened trouble.

Finding a reason for joy is easy, there are a lot of them around, you just need a desire to find them. Then life will change, work will improve, business will go uphill, and people around will become more friendly and responsive.

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Surely every person has faced apathy at least once in his life. In this state, it is difficult to make decisions, and prolonged depression just wants to knock on the door. The world ceases to please with its colors and wonderful events, a person gradually fades away. You don't have to use radical methods to learn to enjoy life. It is enough to change the habitual foundations and look at things differently. Experienced psychologists advise adhering to practical recommendations, consider them in order.

Step # 1. Smile

  1. To enjoy life, first of all, you need to change the "sour" face with a radiant smile. Start your morning awakening with a simple exercise in front of a mirror. Stand opposite, smile at your own reflection. At first it will seem to you that you are carrying out the manipulations insincerely. Later, the smile will become more natural.
  2. To enhance the effect, along with a smile, you need to note positive traits in appearance. For example, today you noted how beautiful your eyes are. Pay attention to your hair or lips tomorrow. Try not to notice defects (small pimples, etc.), focus on the good.
  3. A person who has completely loved himself knows how to enjoy life. This does not mean that you do not need to take care of yourself. On the contrary, such a move will make you act, transform, it gets better every day. The recommendation is especially relevant for people prone to rapid mood swings.
  4. Learn to smile at strangers, relatives and friends. Get in the habit of thanking the bus driver and the shop assistant so that you brighten up their day and get a smile back. Uncomplicated communication will give you a dose of positive emotions, filling your day with joy. Over time, you will become a smiling person, despite all the adversity.

Step # 2. Immerse yourself in work

  1. It is known that labor ennobles. Do something useful, go headlong into work. Ask your boss to send you on a business trip or give you a responsible assignment. Such a move will take up your hands and head, as a result of which you will not find time for self-flagellation.
  2. If there is no way to immerse yourself in work, do chores around the house. Rearrange, update furniture, re-paste wallpaper. Any activity will do, be it helping friends move or keeping a neighbor's cat. Most importantly, do not allow yourself to mess around.
  3. Work includes refresher courses, sign up for one of them. If you wish, you can master a new business, for example, hairdressing, nail extension (hair, eyelashes), wood carving, and more. Needlewomen should take a closer look at cutting and sewing courses. You will be able to decorate your apartment and create beautiful things.
  4. Men are suitable for business related to cars or other equipment, electrical, electronics, construction and repair. Try to make a hobby or new hobby not only bring joy, but also profit. Combine business with pleasure, you will notice how life takes on a different turn.

Step # 3. Go in for sports

  1. People who go in for sports feel alive and happy. Follow their lead by purchasing a gym or aerobic gym membership. Make a training program with the trainer, follow it strictly.
  2. Buy from the store sports nutrition isolated protein, amino acids, and other performance-enhancing foods. Go to the right six meals a day, delicious food will cheer you up.
  3. An alternative gym serves a section of kickboxing or mixed martial arts, swimming, water gymnastics, acrobatics, all types of dancing, yoga, stretching, pilates. Choose the direction of your choice.
  4. Thanks to effective physical activity and proper nutrition you will heal the body. A beautiful body will force you to move forward, not stopping there. You will have an incentive that will make you rejoice at your own success.
  5. If it is not possible to visit the gym, start exercising at home. Work your abs, squat, jump rope, lunges, twist the hoop. Go for a jog to the nearest park, go up to the apartment not by elevator, but on foot. Instead of driving to work by car, walk a couple of kilometers.
  6. For mothers with children good option there will be "children's" entertainment. Ride the kid on a sled, visit an ice rink, go to a ski resort. In the summertime, go rollerblading or cycling, and try to spend more time outside the house.

Step # 4. Watch yourself

  1. To feel happy, satisfied with life as a person, you need to invest in your own “I”. The recommendation is especially relevant for beautiful ladies who are constantly unhappy with their appearance by nature.
  2. As a transformation, you can use a complete change of image. This includes a new hairstyle, a change in clothing style, tattoos, and more. Overweight people are advised to go on a diet, sign up for a gym or pool.
  3. Reconsider your wardrobe, throw away everything that doesn't fit perfectly. Measure your shoes, for sure you have shoes that have never been dressed. Give everything you don't need to your friends or give it to an orphanage, learn to get rid of trash.
  4. If you don't want to experiment with looks, create beautiful things in your environment. Make renovations, hang bright curtains and paintings, replace old carpets. Get beautiful potted flowers, arrange them on the windowsills.
  5. The beauty also lies in everyday things, for example, nature. Go out of town for a weekend, enjoy the beauty of flowering plants, or walk in the woods or parks with friends. Look for joy everywhere.

Step # 5. Dream

  1. Dreamers rightfully belong to happy people, because they are periodically forgotten, being in their own dreams. As the saying goes, "Dreaming is not harmful!", So dream. A similar feature should be present in the life of every person, be it a child or an adult.
  2. Dream about the real, do not set impossible tasks. Imagine buying a house by the sea with your family, traveling. Think of a prestigious job and your own office, an expensive car, or a lot of money. It should be understood that you don't need to limit yourself in your ideas.
  3. Dreams have a nice feature to come true. The main thing is, when you imagine a beautiful life, do not get depressed that you do not have it. After visualizing the future, begin to imagine how all this is done.
  4. Don't listen to those who say that a dream is child's play. Perhaps they will begin to teach you, do not succumb to provocations. Live in your own happy world, try to make your dreams come true slowly.

Step 6. Travel

  1. To learn to enjoy life, it is not enough to sit all day in front of the TV or live according to the principle of "home-work-home". Go to a language school, learn English or Spanish (the two most spoken languages \u200b\u200bin the world).
  2. Take a trip to Europe. Upon arrival in one of the countries, rent a car, drive around the surroundings, take pictures. Have you dreamed of visiting New York for a long time? Fine! Set a goal and strive for it.
  3. Beach lovers should take a closer look at Thailand, India, Greece, the United Arab Emirates. Pack a small suitcase, purchase a last minute tour and head to the airport. Spontaneity inspires new feats, you will love it.
  4. You don't have to spend fabulous money on hotels, stay in hostels, plan your trip yourself. If there is no money for an overseas tour, travel around your country. Visit relatives or friends in neighboring cities, change your permanent place of residence.
  5. In cases where the proposed options are not suitable, make it a habit to drive out of town every weekend. Get together with friends in nature, talk about the essentials, put problems out of your head.

Step 7. Go shopping

  1. Shopping perfectly cheers up not only the female, but also the male half of humanity. Go shopping with your friends, buy delicious perfumes, clothes, shoes and accessories.
  2. You can buy beautiful underwear for girls, it significantly increases self-esteem and attitude towards life. If we talk about men's shopping, buy "nishtyachki" for your iron horse. Also, the X-Box prefix is \u200b\u200bconsidered especially popular, consider this option.
  3. Shopping doesn't have to be thoughtless. Set aside several days a month for shopping or visit stores once every 2 weeks. It all depends on financial capacity... Smile at the salespeople, take a break between shopping with a cup of coffee and a croissant.
  4. It is not necessary to spend fabulous money on purchases, limit yourself to little things. Buy cute trinkets for yourself and your family, prepare gifts for the upcoming holidays, equip your home with scented candles.
  5. It is important to understand that shopping is, first of all, a distraction. Do not try to spend all your savings, be sensible. Make a list of what you need, follow it with minimal deviations.

Step 8. Do good

  1. To breathe colors and new positive emotions into life, learn to do good deeds. Volunteer or help a friend move. Sew a cute sweater for your friend's daughter, provide full support to nursing homes or an orphanage.
  2. You can feed stray dogs in the winter season, buy chrysanthemums from grandmothers on the streets. If you are asked for help, do not rush to say “No!”, Do your best for loved ones and relatives.
  3. As you know, goodness returns a hundredfold, follow this advice. Today you will help a person, and tomorrow he will do a good deed for you.
  4. Supporting friends in difficult times is considered a good thing. You may notice that many of the problems in life are contrived. Compared to the other person's difficulties, your troubles may seem petty.

It is not difficult to learn to enjoy life if you have knowledge of the psychological aspects. Smile often, look for the good in everyday things. Go in for sports, travel, dream. Change your image, go shopping with your friends, learn foreign language... Improve yourself financially, enrich yourself spiritually, help other people, get a pet.

Video: how to learn to enjoy life


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