Unique and will look like. Influence of content uniqueness on ranking and its importance for SEO. What the indicators depend on

The importance of content is difficult to overestimate. If the site contains a large amount of quality content, then the site is doomed to success. But everything would be fine if not for one thing: content should be yours... Own, unique, interesting and useful. And now on the word “ unique"Cut off 90% of those who discovered the beauty of content.

And really, why invent something if everything has already been invented? The Internet is big, and everything is already written there, why reinvent the wheel? We take a piece of text from Wikipedia, a bunch of paragraphs from a competitors' website, a pinch beautiful phrases from sites from the top of search results and decorate with photos from Google Images. Links to sources? No, have not heard. That's all, the article is ready. Welcome to the world of modern copywriting!

Unique content

Unique content is the foundation of the Internet... There is also communication, but this topic goes beyond the scope. That is, Internet users, besides the opportunity to communicate, go to the Internet to gain access to some information of interest to them. Content search is exactly what search engines are for and what search engines value above all else. Yandex openly says that the main thing for Yandex is content... Analogy for Google - "Content is King"... Accordingly, search engines value most those who regularly deliver unique and relevant content.

Question, what is considered unique content, has long been stirring up the fantasies of people who want to protect their intellectual rights or want to cash in on other people's works. I don’t want to get into controversy, but it’s almost impossible to create something from scratch. To create something, you have to create it from something. That is, in any case, the new appears on the basis of something already existing, and to declare: “I created it!” Is at least strange.

However, this does not mean at all that labor, time and effort should not be rewarded, let alone borrowed. Therefore, the question is not so much in protecting rights and not even in creating difficulties for the use of someone else's content, but in speeding up and simplifying its indexing, that is, in the recognition of the content for you as the primary source.

Non-unique texts

Content is assessed for potential applicability and benefits that this content can bring. But if we are talking about content from the point of view of search engines, then the UNIQUENESS of the content is added to the potential applicability of the content. Therefore, the question arises, who determines the uniqueness of the content? Indeed, the uniqueness of content is a comparative concept.

So who, how, what and with what compares? Compare search engines, compare new content with already indexed. Roughly speaking, for whom the text was indexed first, for that one it is original. I repeat, roughly speaking, the source of content is the resource on which this content was first discovered. Roughly because to different types content apply different ways analysis to determine the primary source. It can be assumed that the original source of content may vary depending on the accumulated data about content and content sources and the state of these sources.

Non-unique pictures

Take images for example. Today the search engine found a new picture with a resolution of 640x480 on one site, and tomorrow the same picture with a high resolution of 800x600 on another site. Who is the original source? It depends on the search engine itself, which found these pictures.

Content on the Internet is laid out for free use, and all users can do whatever they want with this content. This is so, in fact. Of course, someone can claim that this is his picture, and start proceedings on the misuse of the copyright material. But the very ability to use this content is not going anywhere.

Therefore, no one can be sure that 100% of the content he creates will be recognized as 100% of his authorship. And the © icon won't help.

Stolen content

Texts are being stolen. Photos, pictures and all kinds of images are stolen too. Videos are being stolen. Music is being stolen. They also steal oil, gas, timber, people, fur seals, love, freedom and independence. Everybody steals. You need to understand, accept and think about how to resist this, especially since here they have really thought and thought up for you. Why not take advantage of it? 🙂

I will not list all possible ways fight against content theft (if you really want, write in the comments, you can write a separate article about this). I will try to explain general principles placement and primary protection of content on the Internet.

Basic principles

The first and most important principle is the maximum uniqueness of the content.... It is clear that the letters in the alphabet limited quantity, and there are only three colors (ok, there is still black and white). But, in each text there is a unique logical structure and, if the text is written by a person, then the logical structure and manner of writing become a unique imprint. And it is impossible to create two absolutely identical photographs.

Conclusion: By creating content yourself, the likelihood of significant matches tends to zero.

The second important principle is the speed of indexing.... The faster the search engine finds and indexes content, the faster its source will be determined. For example, you are actively blogging, but search engines index your site poorly for one reason or another. Someone whose site is indexed better (faster) begins to steal your content with a banal copy-paste and place it on your site. If your content gets indexed faster on someone else's site, it's not your content. From the point of view of search engines, the site where your article is first found will be considered the primary source. And you, it turns out, stole the article.

Conclusion: high speed indexing is your best friend.

Yandex.Webmaster - Original texts

This is a service with which you can inform Yandex about the appearance of the original text on the site.

Quote: If you publish original texts on your site, and they are reprinted by other Internet resources, warn Yandex about the imminent release of the text. We will know that the original text first appeared on your site, and we will try to use this in setting up search algorithms.

There are many ways to prevent misuse of your content. But for each of them there are several ways to get around them. And if it is known that someone is systematically stealing your content, you can request that your content be removed from a third-party site or you can initiate proceedings. But practice shows that if a third-party resource does not voluntarily remove the content, then an attempt to achieve this through a court may cost more than damage from theft of the content.

Post your own unique content. Think about how, when and where to post content. And you will be happy 🙂

    Sergey Burykh

    Example: I am a startup. opened an online store, at first I did not have the physical ability to post unique content. And of course I do a baaalshay copy-paste. But, for example, things went uphill, I had resources, and I decided to improve the situation. And he began to systematically, well, at least rewrite the texts. Will search engines index them?
    And another question, what percentage of uniqueness can be considered suitable? for example 70% is enough, or is it necessary 99, not less?
    Thank you)

    1. Anton Soshnikov

      1. "... I have no physical ability to post unique content." If a site has nothing to offer the search engine, then it has nothing to do in the SERP.
      2. “… I started to systematically rewrite the texts at least. Will search engines index them? " Search engines will index anyway.
      3. "... what percentage of uniqueness ...". Percentage relative to what? Do you know exactly how search engines determine the uniqueness of the text on the site and how to express it as a percentage?
      4. “… can it be considered suitable? for example 70% is enough ... ”. "Good" and "enough" for what?

      Based on the example that you gave: You are trying to plug a hole in a site under the fancy name SEO, not fully understanding what it is and why. SEO is a large complex of interrelated factors and rewriting texts alone will not do the weather.

      1. Sergey Burykh

        I understand that the seo hole is large, and there are many factors affecting its size. And work on them is going on. Let's take a hypothetical situation that all technical issues are more or less solved. But the content has remained the same, that is, non-unique. So I take, re-read the text, check it on Advego Plagiatus, or in another way, and the program tells me that the uniqueness is 70%. And it highlights sections of text that are already on other sites. And here I just wanted to ask a question to professionals: "How do search engines determine the uniqueness of the text on the site and how to express it as a percentage?" I understand that these algorithms are probably unknown. But at least I want to understand the principle. And "good" means that the text is perceived by search engines as unique. The confusion turned out, but I hope it is clear at least a little)

        1. Anton Soshnikov

          There is no clear value that could characterize the originality of a particular text through the eyes of a search engine. Therefore, there is no point in focusing on this. That is, literally, we should not think about the originality of the content if the source of the content is ourselves. This means that the rewriting of the text as a free retelling can be considered original. Revealing a percentage match with the source is good, as it allows you to move further from the source. But here, too, everything is not so simple. Search engines like Google or Yandex perfectly recognize synonymization and read the logic of the text. Ideally, when rewriting, logical constructions in the text should change, and instead of synonyms, it is better to use logical synonyms (you can always describe the same thing in different words and with different meanings). Google wrote somewhere that it is not so much the uniqueness of the text that is important to it, but the unique opinion that a person expresses using the text. Therefore, I wrote above about the FULL retelling of the source, namely the personalized rewrite. Within an online store, the task can be more difficult, since the volume of text descriptions is usually small and it is difficult to express originality in them. But the essence of the approach does not change. If you make original, unusual and more informative text descriptions, you will definitely see that they will rank better than the standard descriptions of competitors.

  • Everyone who has come across optimization and website promotion in search engines, heard about unique text. SEO specialists vying with each other insist that the text on your site must be 100% unique. Let's face it, we are talking about it ourselves (for example, in the article "Checking the text for ... uniqueness"). But! 100% technical uniqueness is far from being a guarantee of success.

    We've seen hundreds of sites with seemingly unique content. At least anti-plagiarism programs showed 85-100% uniqueness. But they were very, very far from the TOP. Why?

    Let's omit the long arguments that website promotion is a whole range of activities, including technical and semantic optimization, building up the natural link mass, etc., etc. Now we are only interested in uniqueness... We will try to answer the question why, given almost equal external conditions, some sites are in the top, while others are in * opera.

    We have 3 versions to this effect:

    Version 1 (and basic) - no added value.

    Even if the anti-plagiarism program shows 100% uniqueness, does this mean that the text is really Unique with a capital "U". Is not a fact. There are so many similar texts on the web that it makes you feel nauseous from “dynamically developing companies" with " low prices"," High quality "and" a team of professionals. " The technical uniqueness in such texts is quite acceptable, but the semantic uniqueness is completely absent.

    But where it is worth placing unique texts is on the main page (albeit a small text, but it will be), on the pages “about the company”, “conditions”, etc. And, of course, in “useful articles”. twenty unique articles- this is not a description for 2000 products ... you can master it. But the content of the site will be really attractive and unique. And you can survive similar product cards.

    And by the way, when there are a lot of goods or services on the site, it is worth remembering about the law Pareto, or the 20/80 principle. Pick 20% of the products that generate 80% of the profit, and write 100% unique texts for them.

    Conclusion... The task of a unique text is not to get a value of 100% in a plagiarism checker, but to interest the client, lead him to a purchase and return to the site again and again with recommendations and positive reviews.

    Therefore, other things being equal, the following texts are needed to promote a website to the TOP:

    1. With 100% actual uniqueness
    2. Added value
    3. Interesting for your clients

    All copywriters, without exception, face the uniqueness of the text, and for many it becomes a serious stumbling block. Why do customers pay so much attention to uniqueness? Everything is very simple - modern algorithms on which the work of search engines is based do not like copy-paste and low-quality rewriting, and a site with such content has practically no chance of getting into the top.

    Most customers are satisfied with the uniqueness in the range of 80-95%, but some of them are adamant - 100%, and that's it. To achieve such figures, as practice shows, is not always an easy task that requires some experience and knowledge.

    "Good" and "evil" services

    A small digression: at one time, even at the dawn of Runet, I had to work hard as a webmaster of several sites. Nobody had heard of the uniqueness at that time, and the content could simply be ripped off from other people's sites, although the chief still demanded that the text be composed of several pieces taken from different resources.

    To check the thoroughness of the work, he had his own way - he enclosed any sentence from the middle of the text in quotation marks (“”) and “drove” through Google. Subsequently, the need for this disappeared, since special services for checking uniqueness appeared.

    Today there are quite a few of them: some check the content online, others require the installation of the program on a computer, and some even require payment a certain amount for full functionality. Most often, customers check the uniqueness of the following services:

    • text.ru;
    • content-watch.ru;
    • Advego Plagiatus;
    • eTXT Anti-Plagiarism.

    In addition, almost all copywriting exchanges have their own verification service, for example, https://miratext.ru/orders/text_check (the link is available only to registered users).

    I will not describe each of them, but from experience I can say that one of the most "evil" services is Advego Plagiatus. Once he drove me to madness and madness, and I tried to understand a little about the algorithms of work - to put it simply, he checks the uniqueness of the "overlap".

    For example, the sentence “I am writing texts for the Miratext exchange” must be checked with shingle 3 (the number of words in a separate fragment). The program divides its pieces: "I write texts", "I write texts for", "texts for the exchange", etc., and if at least one of them is found an exact match - that's it, the uniqueness is reduced.

    A little "kinder" are the copywriters content —watch .ru and eTXT, and text .ru is one of the most loyal (humble IMHO).

    The result of checking this article by the Text.ru service
    The result of checking this article by the Content-watch service
    The result of checking this article by the service Advego Plagiatus

    What the indicators depend on

    First of all, of course, from the experience and skill of the copywriter, but the subject of the articles plays an important role. The most difficult thing is to write a unique text on topics that imply the use of special terms - medicine, construction, jurisprudence, etc.

    From experience I can say that in articles with a large number of recipes and instructions for medicines it is almost impossible to deduce 100% uniqueness: phrases like “beat eggs with sugar” and “take 2 tablets 3 times a day” are too common.

    Short texts of 500-1000 characters are also quite "stubborn" in this regard, which is quite logical - if in an article with 10 thousand characters one non-unique sentence practically does not play a role, then in a small one it can reduce indicators to 50% and below. The numbers are also influenced by the speed of the Internet connection and other factors, so the copywriter and the customer often get different results.

    How to increase uniqueness

    To make the text absolutely unique, you need to write it in your own words and use as many sources as possible - at least three to five. If the service still showed the hated figures of 80% or lower, you can do the following:

    • rearrange the words in non-unique fragments (while preserving the meaning, of course);
    • replace numbers with words where appropriate, but without abuse and lowering the quality of work - for example, the same phrase “take 2 tablets 3 times a day” can be written like this: “take two tablets three times a day”;
    • remove "worn-out" and not carrying a semantic load of expressions like "today", "in modern world" etc.;
    • paint the terms in your own words, if the style of presentation allows it;
    • replace some words (not necessarily all) with synonyms;
    • if it is not possible to improve the uniqueness without sacrificing quality, you can try to negotiate with the customer and slightly lower the bar.

    A little advice: before each change, save the last version of the text - in my practice it happened that after replacing two sentences, the uniqueness dropped from 95% to 70%.

    How you don't need to uniqueize texts

    Do not forget that the uniqueness of the texts is not the only requirement for quality. The article should be easy to read and generally look "smooth" and "beautiful", so to improve performance, you should not:

    1. Deliberately make mistakes. It doesn't need any comments - it's an unclean job, as Ostap Bender said.
    2. Change Russian letters to similar Latin ones. For example, "a" to " a " - at first glance, they do not differ from each other, but when placing an article on the site, the customer may notice the substitution and will be very unhappy.
    3. Use too literary expressions, especially in technical texts. In articles on medicine from novice copywriters, I have come across the expression "the doctor will make his verdict" in the sense of making a diagnosis. In my opinion, it sounds archaic, pompous and inappropriate.
    4. Inventing new words. A good (or rather bad) example is the word "uniqueize";).

    Using the above methods to increase uniqueness is a direct path to customer complaints, low ratings, account bans on exchanges and other troubles.

    The uniqueness of this text:

    • Content Watch - 100%;
    • text.ru - 100%;
    • Miratext - 100%;
    • Advego Plagiatus (shingle 4) - 9 7/100%;
    • eTXT Anti-Plagiarism - 98%.

    Good luck with your work and unique texts!

    - this is the most important and key requirement for articles on the site. If the articles are not unique, then there will be no promotion, no matter what you do, no matter what money you invest in the site, its traffic will not increase. Therefore, the uniqueness of the article is important, as, for example, breakfast for a person.

    What does unique article mean?

    A unique article is a text that has no analogues on the Internet. Search engines are not yet very good at recognizing the meaning of text, so only the textual analogue is taken into account, that is, words, and not the essence. Therefore, any thought can be expressed in dozens of articles, unique in the eyes of a search engine.

    How to check the uniqueness of an article

    The uniqueness of the article is checked using a variety of services, we wrote about some of them. It is noteworthy that each of them can show different results of checking the uniqueness of the article, since it works according to different algorithms. And it is impossible to say for sure which one is the most correct.

    But no matter what complex algorithms the text uniqueness checker uses, if the article is 100% unique, this result will be shown in all services. Therefore, in order to be sure of the uniqueness of your article, you need to achieve just such an indicator.

    How a non-unique article will affect promotion

    Uniqueness up to 95% is considered normal. However, even a small deviation from 100% can affect the site's position within the TOP 10. Therefore, if you are aiming for such high positions, you need articles with 100% uniqueness.

    The uniqueness of the article below 90% can begin to negatively affect the promotion of the site, since when ranking, the search engine will take this into account, and significantly reduce the position of the site.

    Uniqueness below 80% can attract the imposition of filters from search engines, which for a long time will lower the site to the bottom of the search results, from where it will be difficult to get out.

    Therefore, if about an article with "average uniqueness" you think "maybe it will do", then you are mistaken. Not only will this not benefit the site, but it can also harm it.

    How to make a unique article

    The best option is to do absolute copyright. That is, to express your unique thought, which was born in your head, and not to rewrite other people's words. But the presentation of someone else's thoughts in your own words will do.

    The worst way is rewriting, especially if the method is used synonymously. Search engines have long learned to recognize not deep rewriting of articles.

    (2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    Content is the most important criterion for evaluating the quality of a site by a search robot. It's no secret that search engines love texts that convey the latest information to users. At the same time, the degree of novelty of a particular text is characterized by the indicator of its uniqueness on the Internet.

    Uniqueness of the text- a relative indicator, expressed as a percentage, that determines the degree of compliance (or rather even inconsistency) of a new document previously published on the Internet. The higher the value of the uniqueness of the text, the better.

    In essence, this indicator is important for a search robot from the standpoint of assessing the novelty and relevance of the information provided. For the user, the uniqueness indicator itself does not mean anything. Readability, ease of perception of the text, manner of presentation, etc. are important to him. But in general, all of the above forms a general idea of ​​the quality of the content.

    Uniqueness, non-unique and pseudo-unique

    Conventionally, the text can be divided into unique, non-unique and pseudo-unique:

    1. Unique text - the author's text, which is written from scratch and does not have its duplicates or analogues on the Internet. Most often, the idea and logical chain of such texts is encountered for the first time. Also, a revised and augmented rewriting can be attributed to a unique text.
    2. Non-unique text - text that completely or largely duplicates the content of pages previously presented on other sites. It is important to understand that publishing non-unique content ALWAYS incurs search engine sanctions.
    3. Pseudo-unique text - text, the uniqueness of which was achieved by dubious methods. At the heart of a pseudo-unique text is always an attempt to deceive either a search robot or a customer. In some verification algorithms, the uniqueness of the text can be achieved by banal replacement of Cyrillic characters with Latin characters. Also, the uniqueness of the text can be achieved by manipulating the site code, when tags are inserted between the characters of the text, which are invisible to the user, but allows the text to be unique in the eyes of the search robot.

    How to check uniqueness

    The uniqueness of the text is determined by means of auxiliary programs, as well as online resources, which, through various algorithms, form own indicator uniqueness of the text. The developers of such services are increasingly trying to bring the algorithms for calculating uniqueness closer to those of search engines.

    Among the algorithms for assessing the uniqueness of texts, several groups are distinguished, united by similar processing mechanisms. One of them performs an analysis based on a given sequence of repeating words from the same text, and compares them with all the others presented on the network. The other evaluates the text entirely by finding common points of correspondence, applying newer and more complex validation algorithms.

    What should be the uniqueness of the text?

    The uniqueness of texts on the Internet should be close to or equal to 100%. The only excuse in case of not full of uniqueness content is quoting. Also don't forget about copyright and backlinks to the source. Search engines are very positive about links to the original source, which they consider to be of high quality.

    Many webmasters order content from rewriters to promote their project. And the percentage of uniqueness of such orders is directly related to the rewriter's prices for their work.

    Search engine uniqueness filters?

    To stimulate the activity of webmasters to provide quality, unique and new content on their own sites, search engines use filters that significantly reduce resources that do not comply with the agreed requirements.

    Yandex search engine ... When using duplicated, non-unique and low-quality content on the site, you can get under the "AGS" filter. This filter throws out almost all pages of the site from the search, leaving up to 10, regardless of their original number. Also, when recognizing a duplicate of existing pages, it is possible to apply the "You are the last" filter.

    In order to avoid falling under Yandex filters, you should fill the site with original content with a uniqueness of at least 95% and prevent copying from your resource by adding texts to a special section "Unique texts" in Yandex Webmaster.

    Google search engine ... The filter from the Google search engine for the use of non-unique content on the site is called "Panda". It manifests itself in the form of a sharp drop in traffic, after 1-3 days after the update. In order not to fall under the formidable panda of the panda, you should use exclusively unique content.

    How to get out of Yandex and Google filters related to the uniqueness of texts

    1. Search for non-unique content and transform it into a unique one. Or banal deletion of all non-unique pages;
    2. Publishing unique articles of more than 2.5 thousand characters with their addition to Yandex “unique texts”, or using other methods of protecting texts. This will help protect your unique content from theft;
    3. The publication of new materials on the site with a high frequency. For example 1-2 articles per day;
    4. Improving the speed of page indexing. It will also help protect yourself from those who like to cash in on someone else's content;
    5. Quoting your articles;
    6. The emergence of new high-quality links from trust sites to your publications;
    7. After correcting all claims against you from search engines, as well as publishing new unique articles, you can write a letter to the service technical support sent through the panel for webmasters.


    High-quality content is the key to the success of any site. Always write text for people and never forget about uniqueness. Even if you draw inspiration from the Internet, try to process the information received and write it in an accessible and competent language with your own comments.

    In order for the site to get to the top, it should be filled with high-quality and unique content. The use of non-unreadable articles on the site will scare customers away from it, and the presence of non-unique text entails sanctions from search engines.


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