Where does a startup start? What is a startup company? How to start a business like this. Cooking and restaurant business

Everyone knows that you can organize your own business. For example, build a hotel on the seashore. Also, everyone knows approximately what needs to be done for this: to acquire a piece of land, draw up a package of documents, create a project, calculate an estimate, start and finish construction, find trained personnel, do not skimp on advertising, and then somewhere in five to ten years, with a successful In the course of business, the invested capital will pay off, and the business will begin to generate income.

This is a classic version of the foundation and development of a business, which requires considerable financial investments, but there is another one: the creators of the famous computer game Angree Birds in a few years, they earned almost 56 million euros with an investment of 100 thousand. Or Facebook, the approximate cost of which is 100 billion dollars. United States, and this with a relatively minimal investment.

Many such examples can be cited - these are projects VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and the well-known Google. They are all similar in that they have passed fast track successful development, were based on the innovative ideas of their creators and did not require much start-up capital. These are startups. Projects, ideas, IT-technologies. They cannot be touched, but they can bring billions to their creators.

Important definitions

A start-up (start-up - English) is a company that has just been created and started its activities, usually with limited financial possibilities and a small number of people working in it. Its activities are not necessarily based on IT technologies, as many mistakenly believe, but on any innovative ideas related to medicine, nanotechnology, the Internet, or any other field. A startup is a firm, organization, any other entity. It is extremely incorrect to call this term any Internet service, successful site or project.

A startupper is a person who created a startup and is an employee of the company.

Startup development is impossible without attracting investors. It could be:

  • Venture fund- a company that invests in innovative, risky projects that, according to research, can bring good returns later.
  • Business angels- individuals who are ready to finance a startup at the development stage and expect to receive long-term interest from profits in the future.

The main distinguishing feature of a startup is its youth. After a few months of work, the company either becomes a fairly successful business, or ceases to exist. key point is the desire to find and offer a completely new solution to a problem, an unknown service or product. Therefore, first of all, it is creativity and innovation.

And novelty, in turn, is inextricably linked with suspense and uncertainty, as the company has to do everything from scratch. This includes determining the pricing policy, and payment methods, and studying the audience that is interested in their product, and planning a future development strategy, and much more. It is from this that such a feature of a startup as the search for a behavior model in the market follows.

History of occurrence

The English term "start-up" in its current meaning was born in the USA, near San Francisco, in Silicon Valley in 1939. This is the place where almost all companies that were engaged in the development of information technology were gathered. In principle, the success of the valley is inextricably linked with the emergence of the first startup - when two Stanford graduates William Hewlett and David Packard founded an enterprise that later became the world-famous giant Hewlett-Packard.

Other classic examples of successful startups are:

  • Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
  • Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne, who joined a little later, Apple company computer inc.
  • Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Very often in recent years, startups are mistakenly called any well-known company, Internet project or website that is somewhat different from others. For example, among the popular networks Facebook, Odnoklassniki.ru, VKontakte, only the first one is a real startup, and the rest are its successful clones, which are popular mainly in Runet.

Specifics of work in Russia

The young startup market in Russia is now in a stage of rapid growth and development. But it is precisely because of his youth that he experiences great difficulties. Over the fifty years of the existence of this sector in the West, a certain innovative culture, innovation support mechanisms, and investment forms have managed to develop there. There are thousands of venture capital firms and business angels, private investors, and, accordingly, thousands of opportunities for startups. In Russia, this is not yet the case, so it is extremely difficult to find sources of funding. Another distinguishing feature Russian company is the time the firm can spend in this stage.

In the classical version, which operates in the West, it is given a time of 6-8 months, after which, if the idea fails, the company dies, so as not to waste time and money. In our country, this stage can last for years, which is a mistake.

Also, the fate of the Russian startup, its further existence or development remains uncertain due to the low interest of our large companies in such projects. Western giants constantly monitor the teams that have appeared in them and buy the most promising ones. We do not have such a practice. That is why foreign investors are increasingly turning their attention to the Russian market.

Creation of a startup

Nowadays, anyone who would like to try himself in this field can found a startup. The easiest way, of course, is to do this in the IT field. Today, having a laptop, a bright head with ideas and a desire to create something unusual can be enough for the first steps in this field.

To facilitate the task, you can follow theses:

  • Define the problem you are going to solve. For reliability, it is better to take a real sphere and real consumers who have difficulty in something. You can find out by talking with clients, listening, reading reviews, comments, and making sure that this is a really sore subject, you can try to find ways to solve it and implement the project. Signing would be ideal. letter of guarantee with the client who raised the problem, about his willingness to further cooperate with you and use your product in case of a successful solution to the problem.
  • Do not rush to optimize the product, bring it to an ideal state. Your task is to create a trial version as soon as possible and give it to friends, acquaintances, customers for testing. And based on their comments, already refine it, release the next and subsequent versions.
  • Don't delay your first sale. It is not worth sitting over the interface for years without trying to implement what is already there. A startup is a business, and business is accelerated. Here you need to understand as soon as possible whether it will be successful, and for this you need sales. And if a raw product is purchased from you, this will be a signal that you are on the right track.
  • Don't waste money, especially money you haven't earned yet. If you have invested in a startup own funds, are at the beginning of the journey, have not yet received a single payment for the product, save on everything - the office, employees, business cards and other things that you can do without.
  • Devote as much time to the project as possible. The success of an enterprise is almost 100% dependent on how much work and time is invested in it. If you work on a project for an hour a day, the result is likely to be mediocre.
  • Do not rush to look for outside investors. On the initial stage better get along on their own, attract friends, relatives. In order to create a trial model, not so much money is needed. If the prototype is successful, things have gone well and need to be developed, then you can think about raising additional capital. In addition, it is much easier and more profitable to do this with a ready-made positive result.
  • Don't put off ideas for tomorrow. If you are sure of something, do the project immediately. No need to slow down on the search for a team, discussions and other things. Just start. Everything else will catch up in the process. A startup is a matter of the young, impulsive, hot. The older a person becomes, the less he is subject to impulses and belief that at first glance a crazy idea can be successfully implemented.
  • Don't be discouraged if you fail. Before giving up on a startup, make sure you've done your best. Or is it enough to tweak a failed product a little to make it sellable?

How to start developing your project - in the video:

The process of turning a startup into a successful enterprise consists of several stages.

Stages of development

  1. Origin. This stage is characterized by the presence of an idea and sometimes a test sample of the product. There are initiators of the creation of the company, but the process of founding a business has not yet begun.
  2. Formation. At this stage, the company has already been created, the product has been launched, but it is still raw, not finalized and does not yet generate income. Formed management team the documentation of the enterprise is put in order.
  3. Early development. Gaining momentum, the company gains its first popularity and takes its place in the market, the first profit appears.
  4. Extension. At this stage, product sales increase, the company reaches a stable profit, it has well established its position in the market and is able to start the development of related projects.
  5. Maturity. The last stage, at which the company, as a rule, occupies a leading position in its industry and a fairly large share of the market segment, it is highly profitable, all processes have been worked out, and highly qualified specialists work in it. In this position, the company usually starts issuing shares or can be sold to a suitable investor.

Investors and fundraising

In order for the undertaking to be successful, in addition to the idea, a good source of investment is needed. Or several. A startup cannot survive without funding. Ideally, at each stage of development, it should move to a higher level of funding. Sources can be:

  • Personal savings.
  • Means of friends and family members.
  • Crowdfunding. A startupper can make a presentation of his offspring in the Internet environment and ask for money for development. For depositing a certain amount, they usually promise a prize. This type of investment is poorly developed in Russia, and the search on foreign sites is difficult because you need an account in a foreign bank to withdraw funds.
  • Credit. Unlike Western countries, where there are programs for preferential lending to start-ups, in Russia you can get a consumer loan for this business or for the development of a small business. A high percentage scares off novice businessmen, making the project deeply unprofitable in the early stages of development.
  • A business angel is an investor that every startupper dreams of. For people who have the gift of persuasion and believe in the success of their project, finding such investors is quite a feasible task even in Russia, where their number is increasing every year.
  • State. The budget of any country includes funds for the development of innovative business. If you manage to meet the stringent requirements, you can get a stable financial assistance at a low percentage.
  • Venture funds. It is quite difficult to get such investments. In order to convince people who have a colossal practical experience in such cases, it is necessary to have a really bright and profitable undertaking.

Decision making also takes quite a bit. long time. Each source of funding has its own nuances and problems, but faith in your work and perseverance in work will help overcome these difficulties.

Business accelerators and incubators

Important elements in the startup system are incubators and accelerators. Their field of activity is the development of companies at the initial stage, turning them into a profitable business. They work simultaneously with a large number of projects, thereby minimizing their risks.

  • Incubator– specializes in business development at the idea stage. This, as a rule, is the first structure where a startup can turn after family and friends. The incubator's arsenal includes training programs for project development, theoretical and practical trainings that help to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
  • Accelerator- works with a ready-made company that has its own team and developments, requiring serious investments. The essence of the program is about the same, but at a deeper level, related to the analysis of investment activities and communication with future investors.

If a startup lacks a team or a place to develop an idea, you should contact the incubator. If a company is established but needs professional advice on how to bring it to big business- to her accelerator.

The main activity of the incubator is consulting, so any startup that can pay for services can become its client. In order to become a client of the accelerator, you must pass the selection process. Experts with extensive experience are involved in their work, as well as additional financial resources. The task of the accelerator is to mold an attractive startup from a startup in a short period of time. investment plan product. Very often, large accelerators cooperate with venture funds, which can subsequently finance such a company. To become their client, the proposed project must show good promise of success.

Examples of successful projects

There are many companies that have made their projects successful and extremely profitable in a short time. These include:

  • Wikipedia- the most extensive online encyclopedia, where the number of articles is increasing every day.
  • YouTube- the largest database of video products.
  • Of the startups that have become famous in recent years, one can name a manufacturer of gadgets from China - Xiaomi. By setting minimum prices for devices while providing them with decent quality, the company sold 18.7 million units of smartphones last year, and it has other high-demand electronics in its arsenal. Market value company is 10 billion dollars. United States with an investment of $507 million
  • As a prime example of a successful startup on Russian market you can bring a company "Enter", founded by Maxim Nogotkov. The basis of her activity was the idea of ​​creating a project that includes real and online stores. The company includes more than a hundred points of sale, operates in 40 Russian cities, you can order goods through the website, a special application on your cell phone, landline phone or directly in the store. To date, the range of goods includes more than 35 thousand items.

A startup solves the problem of the consumer, solves it differently than other market players. A startup is a young company whose business is based on an innovative idea or technology.

Launching an already “run-in” business with known risks and well-predicted marginality is not a start-up. Traditional schemes without innovation are business as usual. Opening a guest house is not a startup. Opening a guest house specialized for freelancers, something between a hotel and a co-working space, is already more like a startup.

  • Synthesis of ideas.
  • Audience specialization.
  • Search for new schemes.

The original idea - this is important - a startup begins with it. In fact, this is a rarity. Most startups work on the principle: there is an idea, we do it, it doesn’t work, we change, it doesn’t work, we develop in some special direction, it doesn’t work, along the way we make trial runs into various directions. It doesn’t go, everything is gone, and suddenly, something from an accidentally touched one shoots.

Here's a team that's been making games for years, many of which could have been hits. But there is no success, after a long time of beating against the wall, the company is preparing to close, releases the last game on the thumb and this is Engry Birds.

It's not the idea that's more important, it's more important to assemble a team and start doing something, to find your way to success, to create a viable product.

The startup is trying new business models and ways to attract customers in order to:

  • get higher margins in the target market
  • significantly reduce the threshold for entering the target market,
  • find new solutions for .

The startup has prospects to raise more money than a traditional business in this market - this explains and justifies experimentation with unconventional approaches.

Often startups start with almost no money - on the personal efforts and time of the founders. Historically, the first office for such companies is often .

The advantage of a startup is in flexibility and the ability to abandon templates. Disadvantages - more opportunities to burn out, less chance of success than a traditional business with a ready-made and run-in model.

The reality of startups is often far from the ideal picture - a group of like-minded people. Alas, behind many startups there is a banal desire to knock money out of investors.

What is a startup?

A newly created company, which in most cases has not yet even been registered as a legal entity, is called a start-up. It is built on innovative technologies or new ideas.

One of the hallmarks of a startup is the lack of funding. Startup in simple words is a garage company that can arise not only in the IT field, but also in any other.

"What is a startup?" Today, almost everyone will answer - this is a new Internet project. This is mainly due to the fact that the appearance of this name contributed to the development of new companies directly in the Internet industry.

The main advantage of a startup is the willingness to introduce innovations into life right now. A new business needs a fresh and special idea that has the highest demand in the market. In some cases, investors are willing to pay for the idea itself, even without its implementation. Often, this preference is given to young startups under the age of 25, since usually these people are passionate about their idea, the idea captures them completely, and they are ready to give everything for its implementation even more than 100%.
Another important factor for success is a good team and mandatory funding in the required amount.

Stages of startup development

Each company chooses its own development path on its own, but most often the stages of startup formation can be described as follows:

  1. Pre-startup - this stage lasts from the birth of an idea to the release of the first sample.
  2. Creation of a prototype. Initially, a prototype is created, then an alpha version for testing.
  3. Mass product launch. This stage begins with growth and coverage of a certain niche in the market, followed by consolidation and increase in the volume of niches. And ends with the exit from the business of investors who, having received a profit, sell their share to strategic investors or startup ideologists.

How to start a startup

  1. Form an idea, briefly describe the basic technology. Do it on paper.
  2. Determine the audience for your product.
  3. Write down business processes.
  4. Determine how much money and time you need to create a viable product.
  5. Where can I get funding to start?

Paul Graham is a name that every person has heard at least once in their life. The main areas of activity of this American are programming and entrepreneurship.

It was he who created software Viaweb, which interested Yahoo and was later acquired by Yahoo in short term.
However, Paul Graham is not only a great programmer, but also a wonderful writer.

He described in detail all the ideas of startups from America in the article "How to Start a Startup?". Graham drew the main information for this article about starting his own business from the lectures of the Harvard Computer Society.

the basics successful business, according to Paul Graham, are the 3 following rules:

  • A product that will be in high demand.
  • Highly qualified personnel who will be able to perform all the necessary operations.
  • And, of course, capital. (Graham advises spending as much money as possible on your business.)

In his essay, Paul Graham describes in great detail all 3 components of the above. He tries to anticipate all the problems that a novice businessman may face and describes how to solve them. Offers an ideal startup business model.

Surely, each reader focused on point number 3. Indeed, how does a person who is just starting his own business get enough money?! However, Graham anticipated this issue, so he devoted a specific paragraph to this topic.

In it, he talks about sponsoring a business from own pocket not profitable, and not at all reasonable. The ideal option in this situation, according to the author, is an investor (sponsor).

Paul Graham pays great attention to the official registration of a business. He believes that this is the first thing to do. The author also gives his recommendations to novice businessmen who will help them in the design of their business.

Paul Graham considers communication skills a necessary quality of a successful businessman. In the article, he details the rules for communicating with investors and subordinates.

Paul Graham tries to back up all his arguments and advice with facts so that the reader understands that all these recommendations are not “taken from the ceiling”, but really work in practice.

That is why he pays attention to the history of the creation of his company. Graham believes that in business it is necessary to understand the tastes and preferences of customers so that unnecessary complications do not arise.

Business is not easy Therefore, people who want to create their own business have a lot of doubts and fears. This fear is quite understandable, although, in the opinion of the author, it has absolutely no reason, so a separate paragraph in the article “How to Start a Startup?” Paul Graham Dedicates psychological issue: Do you need it?

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So, to summarize: if you have decided to start your own business, and you want it to develop, but you are afraid and don’t know where to start, then you just need to read Paul Graham’s article “How to Start a Startup?”.

This essay has opened up new heights for beginner businessmen, because it contains a lot of useful information. To access the article described above, you need to enter in any search engine the following text: book start-up free download. Or read in the original language:

Do you want to open a startup? Congratulations! You are on the right track. Because, before opening a startup, you must definitely study the topic, find new moves, tools, conduct marketing research. In general, to become a true professional in the field.

And, of course, your startup will be a startup of startups. Clearly, quickly and immediately. And, you will definitely come across 7 truths. We suggest you prepare for them in advance.

1. You and your startup are ... nobody needs. Yes, you heard right - not needed. Since all investments, loans and state aid provided to entrepreneurs are designed for payback. And your startup is an idea whose payback is doubtful. Therefore, at the first stage, when there will be no profit, no one needs your startup.

2. Time is against you. Even having calculated all the terms according to textbooks - implementation, payback, entering the market. In reality, you will find that this does not work, and the other tool does not work as fast as you planned. Therefore, all theoretical terms will fail. Real terms are more times in 3-4 theory. Get used to it.

3. Cadres decide everything. Brilliant words of Stalin. Trust us, he was a very good personnel manager. It's all about the staff and the team that will implement your startup. Look for smart people who work with their heads, not their tongues. Who are not afraid to look for flaws in themselves that affect work and business in general.

4. How much to hang in grams? More specifically, how much money does it take to bring your startup to market? Have you counted? Plus 50%. How did you count? Therefore, add another 50% of the cost. Since you did not take into account overhead costs, sick leave in your team, increased deadlines, stretching deadlines and other things. So plus fifty percent. And it's still good. He knows one uncle, to whom the cost of the project came out 250% more than he had planned.

5. They launched a startup, but did not do a pre-project study. And why? Are you so confident in your idea that solves the current problems of humanity? For a moment, a pre-project study will mitigate or eliminate all of the above points to one degree or another. And you scored on him. And they did it right. Better reconnaissance in battle and most importantly get involved. Meanwhile, by conducting a simple survey, making a landing page for 500 rubles and spending some money on advertising, you will study the market and be able to correct your idea. Cheap.

6. Dead ends. This is normal. Any business has a dead end when you don’t know where to go next and what to do. In a startup, this can happen the next day. Too many problems close a person. Do not be afraid, all problems are solved, and the exit can be where the entrance is. To mitigate this problem, try switching to another project or idea that is less capacious than the main one. Such a switch will unload you and you will get out of the impasse.

7. Investments. The weakest point. Any project. Even having found investments, they will act extremely slowly. Even if you successfully bring your project through, you will receive the minimum that your startup requires. This is fine. Just get ready for it. Save up more money for a startup. Take a consumer loan. It's your project, you get paid.

So, after studying the 7 points, what conclusion did you draw? Do you want a startup? You just don't want to work. Work hard. Day and night. But when you really want to work and you are not afraid of our points, then your startup will become successful, profitable and popular. Like Apple. Almost. Interest by 5%. But, it will! Don't get lost, work!

The world is one, the Internet erases borders - and that's great. But only for those who have already received investments. And if you have just drawn the first prototype of your drone-vacuum cleaner for catching flies, a long road awaits you. Because talking with a business angel over a freezing Skype from Kostomuksha is to wake up the business devil in him. For presentations and negotiations, you need a personal presence, which means you need to go where there are accelerators, business incubators, technology parks and other nests of investors.

In America - Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Seattle, and, of course, Silicon Valley, where any beggar has a startup presentation with him.

In Canada, there is the small town of Waterloo, where Blackberry is fighting for life and a young growth of startups is growing, many of which are associated with a half-dead giant.

In Germany, Berlin.

In India - Bangalore, a local analogue of Silicon Valley, where investors from all over the world come to get hold of shares of very high-quality Indian startups.

In Russia - Moscow, where there is Skolkovo, and besides it - well-known accelerators and venture funds: IIDF, GenerationS, Farminers. Also Kazan, where the Pulsar Venture accelerator works, and St. Petersburg with iDealMachine.

Choice of helpers

It just seems that there are a lot of ideas around, but little money. There really isn't much to invest in. In reliable banks, rates are zero. In stocks, the risk is high, but the return is not very. But a successful startup gives up to 1000 percent per annum - there will definitely be those who want to help.

FFF - from family, friends, fools (family, friends, fools). They will finance you a little at the start, because they managed to have common genes, study together or be optimists.

Business incubator. If the project is impressive, the incubator will provide a room, office equipment and a coffee maker for a small fee or share in the project. Unfortunately, they don't give a secretary.

Accelerator is a business incubator with training and supervision options. The purpose of the accelerator is to polish the project so that when reading the presentation, investors do not have suicidal thoughts. And then sell. Business angel - will buy out a share from the accelerator if he believes in the growth of the project. There is no clear boundary between an accelerator and a business angel, they can replace each other. But business angels are usually pickier.

Venture fund - from here you will receive the first big money. Or you won't. The Foundation can spend hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars on your project, but only if everything is already working and growing at the pace of a broiler chicken.

Answers on questions

This step will be repeated every time, from investor to investor. And it's the easiest thing to stumble on. So first, answer the questions for yourself.

Does anyone need your product? Most startups close because the product is not needed. Yes, the public simply has not yet grown up to an application that identifies a German philosopher by the first volume of the text. But it's better to understand it right away.

Is it a venture business? If we are talking about 25 percent per annum, it is easier for an investor to buy a pub in Munich. A startup can only attract it with a tenfold profit in a short time. This is the point venture business: big win for big risk.

Do you have something to show? Investors want to see an MVP (minimum viable product) - a product that can be sold immediately, even if it is raw. That is, the drone prototype should at least bounce. Can you scale quickly? To grow 10x quickly, a business must scale quickly. To make 100 more pubs is a year and a billion. Enabling new distribution channels for an app is a week and a million. And which is more attractive?

Whether there is a competitive advantage? Riveting the same Facebook but with purple buttons is a feat that will not be appreciated. Investors are advised to "seek pain" - to find out from buyers what they are missing in the existing solution to a certain problem.

Is it a seasonal business? The application for an urgent call to Santa Claus will set a record of downloads on New Year's Eve, but the rest of the year will only be of interest to bored penguins. And it's a pretty narrow market.


Startup co-founders who discuss pre-seed in a coworking space over a glass of smoothie often forget that the output will still be a banal LLC or CJSC with tax reporting and staffing. Or GmbH, Ltd, LLC, SRL - depending on the country. Therefore, any investor will want to see at least basic documents.

Confirmation of the existence of a legal entity. charter, memorandum of association, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificate of registration. The whole procedure of pumping money into a startup is accompanied by transfers of shares from one hand to another. The investor must be sure that not a single detail in the design of the legal entity will interfere with this.

Registration of intellectual property. If you came up with a rubber suitcase that can hold everything, and immediately shared the idea with the whole world, as we are now, the investor, at best, will pour you strong sweet tea to relieve stress. Because someone else has already patented the product and is preparing it for sale. All your ideas must be formalized, there must be contracts for others.

Receiving the money

Pre-seed stage. There is a team, there is a working prototype, there are first buyers, there is no money for a full-fledged launch. At this stage, it is better to go to three Fs, or engage in bootstrapping - this is how they delicately call shaking out a piggy bank, laying an apartment in a bank, selling your favorite collection of Bryansk porcelain. Accelerators at this stage give money only to very tasty projects. The amount of investment is usually 1–1.5 million rubles.

seed stage. The rights are issued, the market is studied, growth graphs are drawn in Excel, the economy is calculated. Here you can connect an accelerator or a business angel. Main mistake a startup at this stage is generosity out of desperation. If you give the first investor a third in the enterprise, then in the course of the next financial injections, other people's shares will exceed 50 percent. And venture funds believe that a startup with a small share of its own loses motivation - they don’t give big money to them.

Round A. The project worked for a year or two, the unit-economy (income-income per client) is positive, the growth is continuous and there is still room for growth. This is the stage at which an accelerator or business angel is ready to sell his stake to a venture capital fund. This means that you are waiting for communication with a large investor who will pour 50-100 million rubles into your business.

Round B. Everything is going well, and the investor proposes to start scaling in a serious way, at the international level. Here, up to a billion rubles can be poured into the promotion.

IPO. The secret dream of any start-up and investor, for the sake of which everything is started, is the launch of the company's shares into free circulation. The procedure is not fast, it requires transparency and good accountability. But it is on the stock exchange that your share will be valued in money and can immediately turn into money, you just have to give an order to the broker.

Round BBB (beach, boat, blond). Yes, we read in your business plan about the mission and benefit to society. But after all, everything was started for the sake of this round, right?

Growth Technologies

A startup can be launched with only an old laptop and a mobile phone. But there must be something new in them so that the chance of success is higher. For example, new Information Technology specially designed for startups. If you don’t know about these, then your competitors probably already know.

VTsOD. A virtual data processing and storage center is when you are rented out the power of a cloud service and you create a virtual machine there with up to sixteen cores. Rostelecom has such a service: it rents out the capacity of the National Cloud Platform. Scaling - for example, with an increase in site traffic - can be done quickly and without contacting technical support.

Virtual PBX. If your startup is tied to a lot of incoming calls, you need several lines. And to buy them separately - the entire tranche of round B will just go away. But a virtual PBX gives a bunch of lines and numbers of internal subscribers on one city number. Again, scalable.

VPN network with protection against DDoS attacks. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network - virtual private network. That is, you do not pull cables around the office, but rent a virtual server and work through it. Rostelecom also protects tenants from DDoS attacks - this is when villains overload the server with requests so that no one can enter.

Virtual contact center . Instead of renting a semi-basement at the price of a suite at the Ritz and settling operators there, you can order a service that comes with Rostelecom's virtual PBX. In a couple of days, a contact center of any scale will be set up for you - it can be controlled remotely without buying new equipment.

Web video conference. If any meeting with partners and investors ends with beer and dancing until the morning, you should not risk your business. By connecting the Internet in Rostelecom, all participants in the negotiations can be united in one video conference without downloading new software and regardless of what browsers they have.


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