A very beautiful story about my mother. Essay about mom. Mom, don't ever let go of my hand

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It is better to write an essay about mom in the first person with gratitude to your mom. Below is a plan and a few examples of essays on the basis of which you can write your own.

Essay plan. An essay may include:

  1. Mom's name (you can add a surname, patronymic), age
  2. How many children
  3. Mom's profession
  4. Description of mom's character
  5. What does she like
  6. What I remember from my childhood about my mother
  7. How I help her with the housework
  8. How she spends time with me
  9. What good did mom do for your family
  10. I love my mom

1. Essay on the topic "Thank you, mom" for grades 5, 6, 7, 8

My mom is the dearest person to me. I love her so much. I love not for something, but just like that, just because I have it. I am very proud and cherished by my mother. I have no one closer to her. My mother's name is Tatiana Nikolaevna. She's beautiful. I love my mother's smile and big green eyes that sparkle with mischievous lights, perky laughter and her hands, caring, warm, two dear hands to me. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects and loves her. She knows how to support in difficult times and warm her with her warmth, when sometimes I am sad and bitter.

Mom takes care of my brother and me from the very birth, gives us her kindness, care, tenderness and motherly love. I am very grateful to my mother for everything she does. Yes, and I always try to help her with something. I help my mother carry heavy bags of groceries, I help with cleaning our house. My mom cooks very tasty and I love helping her with this. I learn quite a lot of useful things while cooking. Mom teaches me the necessary and useful knowledge that will be useful to me in life. I also love to walk with her - I'm always interested. We go to visit, to the cinema, to exhibitions, we just breathe fresh air.

I want my mother to never be upset, always be joyful and cheerful, and her eyes shone like two suns. I want her smile to please me and the people around me more often. I want to wish my mom happiness, health and everything that she would like, but has not yet come true. May all her dreams come true. After all, not only we children need love, attention and care - mom needs them too. Dear mom, I love you very much! I will try to please you every day with my studies, good behavior and will always help you. Mom, thank you for having you!

2. Essay about mom 9, 10, 11 grade

A mother's heart loves her children in all situations, ever since, one beautiful and unforgettable day in her life, a mother takes her baby in her arms. The desire to raise a child who will justify all hopes and expectations, from this day on, occupies all the thoughts of the mother, and only the child now completely belongs to her loving mother's heart.

Mom, Mom! You deserve these gentle, sincere words. I look at you and remember my carefree childhood. You gave my sister and me life and dedicated yourself to us. How can your heart love us so much! What a pity that we do not think that sometimes with our actions or harsh words we can offend you. Forgive us for upsetting you, for sometimes listening to teachers' comments about our bad behavior.

We should often think about how not to hurt your heart, how to make sure that the wrinkles on your face are smoothed out. After all, the older we get, the more you need our attention and love. We should not be ashamed to be kind and gentle with our mother, not to consider it hard to be patient and attentive to her.

Unclaimed and unspent good feelings dry up, we get used to being callous and ungrateful with the closest and closest person - mother. And very often it happens that we behave prudently and rudely: “If you buy me new phone, I will try to get high marks on geography; if you allow me to go to a party, I will take out a bucket of trash. "

We should love our life already for giving us a mother - such a cheerful, sincere, kind and wise. After all, how many children in this world are deprived of this happiness. A mother's heart and boundless motherly love do not warm them, do not fill their children's lives with meaning.

Mom, you have become a friend for me, a like-minded person who understands and respects my interests. You always listen to what your mother's heart tells you, and give the right advice. Thank you, mom, for being there and that your heart is always ready to love and forgive!

3. Composition-description

The dearest person for me is my mother. My mom is friendly, kind, gentle, affectionate, cheerful. She knows how to support in difficult times and give good advice. My mom is of medium height, slender as a birch tree, and very feminine.

She has beautiful curly hair that resembles a golden spike field. My mom's eyes are blue as cornflowers. They are always clear and radiate benevolence.

Her lips are bright red, like ripe cherries. Her face is always illuminated with an affectionate smile that cheers up and relieves fatigue. Mom says calmly, in a gentle tone. It is interesting and pleasant to listen and talk to her. My mom is very patient, flexible. Everyone respects and loves her. I am very proud of my mom.

4. Essay on the topic of mother for 1, 2 grades

Mom is the dearest and closest person to all people. My mother's name is Irina. She is young and beautiful. Mom doesn't work anywhere. Every morning, she and dad take my sister Dasha to kindergarten, and then my mother checks, and sometimes helps me do my homework. Mom is very hardworking and skillful. She always has time to do everything: cook and clean up. Mom cooks so delicious that we always ask for more. Mom has a hobby, she loves to knit. She knitted socks and mittens for Dasha and me, and a sweater and a hat for dad. Mom always cares about us and worries if something is wrong. My mom is very kind. True, when Dasha and I are indulging, she is strict and can sometimes scold us. I love my mom very much, she is mine best friend... I tell her all my secrets and secrets. Mom will always understand and help. I try not to upset her with my actions. I make surprises for my mother at home so that she always has a good mood.

My mom is the best!

5. Composition for grade 3, 4

The most dear person to me is my mother. My mom is of medium height, very feminine. She has lovely blonde hair, not very long. My mom's eyes are blue like a sea wave. They are always clear, friendly, affectionate. Mom says in a calm tone. Talking to her is interesting and pleasant.

My mom is very patient, flexible, kind, cheerful, energetic and unique. Everyone respects and loves her. Mom always supports me in difficult times. She is a jack of all trades: she knows how to cross stitch, knit in different ways, sew and cook deliciously. Mom's profession is a hairdresser. I really love to watch how it works - it makes people beautiful. But she comes home late because she has many clients.

Mom and I have a lot in common. Together we knit, sew, embroider. I help her in all matters. My mom is the best and I love her very, very much!

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In the essay, the girl talks about her mother, who is raising her alone.

Family is the main wealth of every person. Thanks to our parents, we were born. It is they who give us a start in a happy life. Mom is one of the first words that the baby begins to say, he was the only one who saw her heart from the inside.

I, like all children, also have a mother. Of course, I will say that she is the best in the world, because she not only gave me life, but she is madly in love and cares. My mother's name is Alla. She is the most beautiful, kind and affectionate. She has big green eyes, brown hair. She is short, so she seems fragile and delicate. She has soft arms that are always happy to hug me. A radiant smile on my face illuminates with its warmth even in the saddest moments of my life. If troubles and failures lie in wait, mom will be the first to come to the rescue. My friends and acquaintances respect her.

As soon as I was born, my mother became my guardian angel, and I was her reliable support and support. She always said that I was the meaning of her life.

I understand what a responsibility it is to be a mom. It's not enough just to love and pat on the head. It is necessary to grow, educate and educate a worthy person. My mom works tirelessly to feed and clothe me. She has to stay late at work to go to the cinema or the park with me on Saturday. I understand that she gets tired and help with housekeeping.

On evenings like this, when my mom has a lot of work, I cook dinner and do wet cleaning, then I set the table and wait for her. Having crossed the threshold, my mother feels the fragrant smell of food, washes her hands and we sit down at the table together. We can discuss many topics in just one evening. The baggage of life experience that my family gives me will help me throughout my life.

It so happened that we do not have a dad, but mom is not to blame for this and is trying to educate me for two. I appreciate this and all my life I will be grateful that she never gives up, fights alone for our happiness with her. I have never seen her cry, although I heard her crying into her pillow at night, and in the morning with reddened eyes she goes to work. My soul is torn at these moments. I understand that it is very difficult for her and will never upset her.

We do repairs together, go shopping. How can I leave her alone with household chores. My family knows everything about me, we have no secrets from each other. I am always ready to receive good advice from her.

In the future, I will also become a mother and I want my children to be as proud of me as I am their mother. She completely forgot about her feminine happiness, giving all the warmth and love to me. There are very few people like her. I will never leave her, in old age I will take care of her and will certainly please with my grandchildren. We will all gather at a huge table and remember all the happy moments of my childhood, so that my children not only know who I was, but also be proud of their grandmother.

Thank you, my dear mommy, for giving birth to me, for loving and sacrificing yourself for my happiness. Thank you for the sleepless nights spent at my bed and for every day you gave me. You are a very strong woman and I really want to be like you. I love you very much.

More essays on the topic: "My mother":

My mom is the dearest person to me. I love her so much. I love not for something, but just like that, just because I have it. I am very proud and cherished by my mother. I have no one closer to her. My mother's name is Tatiana Nikolaevna. She's beautiful. I love my mother's smile and big green eyes that sparkle with mischievous lights, perky laughter and her hands, caring, warm, two dear hands to me. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects and loves her. She knows how to support in difficult times and warm her with her warmth, when I am sometimes sad and bitter.

Mom takes care of my brother and me from the very birth, gives us her kindness, care, tenderness and motherly love. I am very grateful to my mother for everything she does. Yes, and I always try to help her with something. I help my mother carry heavy bags of groceries, I help with cleaning our house. My mom cooks very tasty and I love helping her with this. I learn a lot of useful things while cooking. Mom teaches me the necessary and useful knowledge that will be useful to me in life. I also love to walk with her - I'm always interested. We go to visit, to the cinema, to exhibitions, we just breathe fresh air.

I want my mother to never be upset, always be joyful and cheerful, and her eyes shone like the sun. I want her smile to please me and the people around me more often. I want to wish my mother happiness, health and everything that she would like, but has not yet come true. May all her dreams come true. After all, not only we children need love, attention and care - mom needs them too. Dear mom, mommy, I love you very much! I will try to please you every day with my studies, good behavior and will always help you. Mom, thank you for having you!

Source: nsportal.ru

From the moment of birth until old age, his mother is next to a person. From the very beginning of a child's life, she loves him more than anything else, protects him from all adversity, worries about him.

Mother's love is limitless. Who, if not her, gives the last piece to the children, who takes on the burdens of housework only so that the child is healthy and happy. There were even cases when a mother sacrificed her life to save a child.

For any mother, a child is the most precious thing in life. For mom, we will always be children who need to be cuddled, comforted, and helped. It doesn't matter how old we are. She will always love regardless of age. It is not for nothing that a child who has just learned to speak is the first to pronounce the word "Mom". Even then, he realizes that there is no closer person in the world. And whatever happens to you, mom will always be by your side. She will still take care of you, love you even across distances.

I really love my mom. I know that in difficult times she will always come to my aid.

My mother's eyes are kind, calm, in them you will always find sympathy, compassion when you are in trouble. If you are lucky, then in them you will see joy and love. When I look into my mother's eyes, my soul immediately becomes calm and joyful. For me, there is no kinder, closer person who understands you.

It is not without reason that they say that each of us thinks his own mother is more beautiful, because each of us loves his mother. This means that the most beautiful person for us is the person we love most of all in the world. It doesn't matter if he is old or young, handsome or not very good, rich or poor.

The best and wisest for a person is his mother, and she must be protected, loved and respected.

Mommy! For sixteen years we have been walking with you on the Earth. How quickly time flew by, how much we have seen and experienced over the years, mom!

At sixteen, you already feel like an adult, a person. I became who I am thanks to your attention. Became not a "mama's daughter", but your "continuation". When I hear from someone: “Arina is all mother,” I am proud of that, believe me. You taught me to love my neighbor, taught me to work. By her example, she proved to me that there is real friendship and loyalty in life, there is deserved happiness, and that all this is born out of love for people.

My dear! I owe you so much. I don't know how, but with your mother's heart you always feel that I feel bad: I was offended, did not notice, did not understand. My happiness is in your advice, in your warm hands, in your slightly sad smile.

Mommy, my dear, I will never forget how many nights you spent near my bed while I was sick. I will never forget any of your bedtime stories, I will never forget my birthdays, when you organized a real holiday, no matter how hard it was and no matter what obstacles stood in your way.

How many worries and troubles you have! But you don’t demand anything from anyone, you don’t expect help, and you’re doing it all by yourself, all day long you spin like a squirrel in a wheel: work - home - family and work again. You know how to hide your tears, your problems, your troubles from me, so that I grow up calmly, so that I don't see your tears.

Please do not be sad or cry. Life is too short to be wasted in tears. And I don't want you to get old, Mom. Let birthdays come and go, let the years go by, and you still don't get old!

Mommy! I'm sorry for all the wrongs I have caused you. Why do I sometimes indulge in cruel words and actions? I feel sick afterwards because of this ... But oddly enough, you don't scream, but seem to remain indifferent. But this is only an external appearance, but in reality it is hard for you, no, you are not angry, it just hurts you, it hurts a lot. I never notice it because I am selfish. Forgive me that I do not understand your inner feelings for me and sometimes remain indifferent when cats scratch on your soul.

Maybe I want to come up, ask for forgiveness and say that you are the dearest person in the world for me and that I love you the most, but something always gets in the way ...

You always tell me: "When you become a mother, you will understand me!" Of course, you're right, I still don't understand everything in this life. Years will pass, and only then will I understand that it is too late to ask for forgiveness. How then I will reproach myself for everything said and unsaid, how it will be excruciatingly painful ...

Mommy, thank you for everything! Dear, sweet, beloved, the most beautiful! Let's never quarrel or part! Let's live happily ever after! And together we will live to see the days when you teach the first steps and first words of your grandchildren and granddaughters.

Mom, mom ... Such a dear, such a sincere word that carries so many memories, so much warmth and kindness. You say this word "mom", and your heart is filled with a wonderful, incomparable feeling - a feeling of love for her, for the only one. And let everyone have their own, mom, but there is no one in the world better than my mother. Not only gratitude lives in my heart, but also love. This is love that only a child can have for a mother, that unique, beautiful and sensitive love that can only be for one person, which will last for a lifetime, which will never leave my heart.

Oh, how scared, painful, cramped I am, I see something bright, I breathe, I scream! I was born! I'm afraid! I'm scared! And suddenly there was something so unfamiliar, but already dear, such a long-awaited face of her ... Smiling, moving face. And for some reason, tears are flowing down him, so hot. Drip-drip-drip. Oh, yes, this is my mother, so that's what you are, dear! And I’m no longer afraid, I don’t scream, I with rapture for the first time taste the taste of her milk and fall asleep with a happy infant sleep. I am growing ... Mom gave me life!

Mom is the dearest person on Earth. It is the word "mother" that children say most often first. Is there a measure of maternal love? What is maternal instinct? I think many will agree that this is a very strong feeling that makes you do the impossible. Remember how a big crocodile mother carefully carries her cub in her teeth, fearing to damage it; like a cat, saving its babies, each time it enters a burning house, until it carries out all its kittens safe and sound. And as during the war, hunger, a mother gives the last piece of bread to her child, as she instinctively shields herself from a bullet, a knife, sacrificing the most valuable thing that she has - life! Isn't this mother's love?

Warm memories of my mother's quivering love and care live in my memory. A gentle affectionate voice, warm hands that iron their hair in the morning wake me up. The day promises to be a good ... Then my mother slowly helps me dress for school, braids beautiful braids, picks up amazing hairpins to match the color of the dress. We have breakfast with her, talk about everything in the world ... How happy I am in these morning moments! So what is mom for me?

Mom is like nature in early summer, when everything is fragrant, growing, blooming, the world breathes life. My mother and I are walking in the woods. Time seemed to have stopped for us, and we just walk, enjoying the beauty of nature, holding hands, weaving wonderful wreaths of yellow fragrant dandelions, similar to fluffy chickens. Mommy so patiently answers questions about the world that surrounds me. As I remember yesterday the sounds that filled that beautiful day: the melodic play of birdsong, the endless buzzing of bumblebees, the gentlest rustle of emerald green leaves ... You get the impression of an orchestra playing, where each plays his own instrument, each has his own role. And it's great that it is my mother who reveals to me this amazing wealth of nature!

Mom is like a skillful artist who has decorated my happy childhood with bright, cheerful colors! I can feel like a charming princess in a fairy-tale land, because my mother filled it with such different events: gifts hidden under a decorated Christmas tree, packed in a bright and shiny wrapper; a room filled with all kinds of balloons and flowers on my birthday; preparation for family holidays; joint trips to the cinema, theater ... I think everyone has such memories associated with mom, which are stored deep in the heart, in the most intimate corner, sweep through life.

Moms are heroes who perform feats every day. Do you know why? Because they hide tears, pain, resentment behind a very kind and sincere smile. It would seem that such feelings are difficult to suppress, but they have the strength to do so. How is this possible? When do they all have time? How do they do it? It seems to me that I will be able to find out the answers to these questions when I myself become a mother, and I really hope that I will be at least a little like her. As an adult, I will be able, like a mother, to come home from work and, despite the fatigue, address my children with a radiant smile. I will love, stroke, kiss, inhale the native smell of my children and will definitely make them happy. I will become a ray of the sun and will warm their souls all my life! I dream to be a lifeline for my children too ... I will always understand, help and forgive!

For me, mom is love! Unselfish, understanding, all-forgiving ... How happy I am! Unfortunately, not every child has a mother. I cannot help but remember the children deprived of their mother's love and care. They were left consciously or by chance, the children still love, they are waiting for their mother to return and take them away. I hope that faith and hope will always live in the hearts of these children, and they will not stop loving the woman who gave them life ... Still, I want to believe that one day every abandoned, abandoned child will be able to pronounce the word "mother" to a person who will become for him the closest and closest forever.

I want to shout: "People, love the person who gave you life! Do not forget the mothers, be grateful to them, because they are like guardian angels invisibly accompanying us all our lives! Appreciate every moment while your beloved mothers are with us!"

So what or who is mom for me? Mom is nature, an artist, a medicine, a hero, a guardian angel ... Mom is a wonderful and wonderful world that is around me, inside me! Mom is life ...

“Communicating with our children every day, we do not notice how quickly they grow up, how they become smarter and wiser. But, comparing two creative works of the same children, you clearly see the changes. How wiser you have grown in a year, my beloved students! So, essays about mothers last and this year. Read, be surprised and rejoice! "

Teacher - Podkoho Yulia Anatolyevna

Compositions of second graders. 2015-2016 academic year

Elizaveta Samyshkina

Dear Mom! I love you because you take care of me and cook for us every day. You are trying to look after us as best you can. You are kind, beautiful and most beloved! You always try to finish work as soon as possible so that we have more time to be together. Mom loves us even when we indulge. I see so little of you, but it's not your fault, it's just that you have a long job, but you help us, you earn money for us. I wish you never get sick, that you are a queen and that you can sleep!

Esther Greener

My mom is good and serious!

Anastasia Konkova

My mom is the best in the world! She is always kind and takes care of granny! She will always calm me down and will not tell anyone too much. She loves me very much, and I love her very much! Mom will always support me. She loves me for who I am, and I love her very much (although she sometimes swears). Mom always helps me with lessons, she is the best!

Anna Yelesina

My mom is very kind, smart, caring, beautiful! She does everything to make us happy and I wish her happiness, health and so that no one offends her, a lot of rest, so that everyone loves her, stay the same beautiful and smart!

Alexandra Lepekhina

My mom is very kind and beautiful! She loves cleanliness and is afraid of heights. Mum! I wish you all the best, health and happiness! I want you to be beautiful and slim, to rest more often and all the best!

Veronica Savinova

My mom is the best in the world! My mom brought me to the "Sweep" school! She tries to do the best for me! She buys me gifts, she always supports me! When I wake up in the morning, she greets me with a smile! When I come home from school, her smile shines like a rainbow!

Polina Belova

Mom always helps me, and my mom and I go to the "Vzmakh" school. My mom always knows what to do. She is very rarely angry. She used to work at a bank. Mom always loved me very much, did not give me offense! She is positive, successful, dear, I love her! I am very glad that I have such good parents! I love them !!!

Anya Guryeva

Mom is my love! This is the love of every person for life! My mother's name is Olya, she is kind and good! When I am sick, she gives me medicine. It happens that I take offense at her a little when I see how he and his brother play. She was also an Octobrist. I wish my mother happiness and joy, so that she does not take offense, that she cooks deliciously and is the best!

Sasha Grigorieva

My mother is the person who is very valuable to me, she loves, she will not quit, she will support. Mom and I have a lot in common, for example, we are both forgetful! Mom's birthday is on November 15, like Yulia Anatolyevna's, but my mother is a different person. My mother says that she is ugly, and I am sure that she is very beautiful! Mom is a real hostess and cook, she is very responsible for our house, and my dad and I love and appreciate her very much, she is the best mom. She is a cartographer, like Dad, I love my mom, she is the best!

Zhenya Ivanyus

My mom is very good! She is kind, cheerful, caring, she is the director of ZAASO, this is a very serious job, she works from 9 am to 6 pm. She gets very tired after work, but we play with her, this adds strength to her and we play further!

Alexander Kostetsky

My mom helps me do my homework, plays with me, takes care of me, heals me. My mother has a very kind character, once, when I got sick, my father and mother treated me. She helped me get through a very bad illness. I really love my mom and dad and I tell her: "Thank you!" Mom caresses me and it always makes me feel better. She prepares delicious food!

Kirill Medvedev

My mom is a photographer and designer. Yesterday, for example, she was at work all day, although she usually works 3-4 hours. She used to work in a cafe, and now she makes us very, very tasty pancakes and much more! She helps me do my homework. I love her so much! Sometimes she takes me to work.

Marusya Vasilieva

I know for sure that my mom is the best! I love her so much! I want to knit a phone case from rubber bands for weaving. My mom is a very good cook. But once there was a case when my mother baked a bad cherry pie. The biscuit was burnt and salty, only the cherries were delicious, but still my mom is the best! And, of course, she often cooks deliciously than not tasty! Mom always helps me and appreciates what I give her!

Katya Antokhina

My mother is very kind, sometimes strict, cheerful, ambitious, honest, smart! She has three favorite colors: green, red and blue. Mom loves to wear dresses, skirts and jeans. My mother works at an institute called GUAP. I want to wish mommy health, happiness, love, success in work and in personal life, beauty, prosperity, wealth, intelligence, long, long life!

Milana Studilova

My beloved mom is very kind and good, she always helps me with my lessons. Thanks to my mother, I got a dog, Armani and Maskino. I love my mother very much and wish her all the best so that in 2016 you will succeed, so that you smile more and be happy! May this year be better than last!

Compositions of third graders. 2016-2017 academic year

"Moms are like buttons: they hold everything!"
"Having a child is wealth, being a mother is great happiness!"

Everything depends on my mom: my studies and my health, my whole life.

For example, my mother helps me prepare for all tests. We study poetry together. When I am sick, she is always in a bad mood. My mom is very kind, thanks to this, she and I do a lot. And she gets very upset when something doesn't work out for me.

I really love how she cooks. She thinks how to feed me tasty and healthy!

My mom is very responsible. She has a very serious job, she comes home very tired. I feel sorry for her ...

My mom and I love to go shopping. Mommy buys me different things.

For all this, I love her very much!

Ekaterina Antokhina, grade 3

“Who said that angels don't exist? It's just that they are called mama on earth "

It's true - mothers keep everything going! Mothers feed us, monitor our health, take care of us. And our nutrition, and our health, and even our mood often depend on the mother. Mothers also bring us big and small joys.

You can probably overlook a lot. Or not take it seriously. But mothers are different - they notice everything, everything that happens in the lives of children is important to them! Mothers give us so many things: both material and non-material. Although, is it so important - material or not? Our mothers give us everything!

My mother allows me a lot, she really appreciates freedom! She also takes me to school and wushu. I have a great mom! I think that all mothers are just as kind and caring!

I think mothers are the best people for everyone. And mothers, however, are like buttons, they hold everything. And mothers keep to all their relatives. Including us.

Artyom Firsov, grade 3

"Only a mother for the sake of her children is capable of the impossible"

I think that my mother has all the hope and care. Mom does everything for the family, for example, she cooks soup, cleans, iron, takes the children to school, prepares outfits for the holiday and wakes the children up to school early. Mommy! I want to wish you happiness, health, so that you can do everything at home. Believe in yourself, everything will work out, you will have time for everything, you can do everything. In general, I love you very, very much, more than anyone.

Anna Guryeva, grade 3

"Mom - one word, four letters, eternal meaning ..."

My mother once told me that there are no ideal people ... Probably, this is so ... but for me my mother is ideal. My mother's name is Natasha. She is a teacher and teaches children about music. All children love my mother very much. She is cheerful, very kind and always knows how to joke merrily. My mom knows how to keep secrets. I always consult with her and I can tell her everything. My older sister and brother also trust my mother with their secrets and secrets. Mom loves us very much and will always help with good advice or a joke.

Mom and I are always together. She helps me. We love to walk together, go to the cinema, travel. I know if mom is around, then everything will be fine!

Veronica Savinova, grade 3

“Mommy, did you have a dream?
- Was!
- And now?
- And now he sits nearby and asks questions!

My mom is the best, and I love her, and she loves me. My mom has blonde and very beautiful hair. She is very slim because we go to the gym on weekdays. And my mom is great, because she married my dad, who is the funniest of all dads, I have never seen any other such.

And I also think my mom is kind of weird because she doesn't like her birthday. How can you not love receiving gifts? I do not understand… . I love to help my mother, but she does not always allow me. Thinks that I will not cope, and I will not succeed. My mom does a lot for me, not for Themes. The topic is my brother. He is 4 years old. Mom buys nice clothes for me. My mother is like a button, everything is held on her. She is the best who is on the planet! I love her very much!

Anastasia Konkova, grade 3

"And I don't need your praise, my mom's smile and her words are enough"

I have a kind mother, she loves me very much. For me, mom is the most important thing in life. She is ready to help, explain, suggest. I remember there was one case when I really wanted a dog for myself, and then my mother found a very cute dog and, after looking at many photographs, we went to persuade dad, from the first time we could not persuade him. But then, when I went to bed, my mother persuaded him. And after a while we got Armsney's dog. Then, after a while, thanks to my mother, we got a second dog named Moschino. When dogs appeared in our family, my mother became kinder, we began to walk more. And when mom has no time, I have someone to play with.

When I was little, I walked with my mother more. Even sometimes I wrote poetry for my mother, but for some reason I did not tell her. After we got the dogs, I started helping my mother at the show. Thanks to my mother, we went to Moscow to the exhibition. I really liked this exhibition. I really enjoyed our joint trip to China. We stayed there for only two days, but my mother bought me a lot - clothes, toys, and many other things.

When my father is busy, my mother brings me to school. My mom is very good, kind. I don't even know what words can describe it. She is very good. When I get sick, my mother heals me. Also, thanks to my mother, we went to Dubai with her. It was very cool and fun with my mom! Before we went to Dubai, we got another Dolchi dog. But we had to sell Moschino.

Milana Studilova, grade 3

"Remember about Mom, because only she will believe you and in you"

I love my mother very much: she is kind, always helps. If dad swears at me, then mom will protect me, calm me down. For the holiday on March 8, I made her a gift. My class and I were embroidering flowers from ribbons. I made many colors: first turquoise, then aqua, yellow and orange.

I think if mom was not in the house, it would be just a mess! Thank you mom for your care, happiness, mercy, and love.

My mother is very creative: for example, she sewed me a skirt and embroidered a fox. When I’m in fourth grade, my mother will sew me the picture I’ll draw. It will be pink or light peach in color.

My mother's name is Oksana - this is a Ukrainian name, and my father calls her Ksyusha. Even though it's a completely different name.

My mom knows how to cook well, she bakes cookies, knows how to roast nuts and pick spices for them.

She knows how to draw beautifully: for the New Year she draws wrapping paper, and dad prints it. And when you need to wrap something, Mom glues the sheets. This year my mother wants to compose the Russian alphabet. She comes up with a letter, draws a picture for it, and then she connects all the leaves, and you get an alphabet book.

My mom can do almost everything! She is the best!

Vasilyeva Maria, grade 3

"Thank you for everything I tell you!"
Mommy, sweet, gentle, nice, kind, smart and radiant.
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
Thank you for everything I'm telling you!

My mother's name is Olga Petrovna Nikitina. She is now 33 years old. She has dark blond hair and brown eyes. Mom loves to take pictures and knit. She knitted hats and even a blouse for my toy. Mom also makes beautiful photos. She also cooks deliciously. She is good at meat, charlotte, muffins, and more. Mom makes beautiful hair. When dad is not there, she takes us to school. Also, my mother is very smart, she was an A at school. If I get sick, she heals well. If my studies are difficult, she will help me.

Anna Nikitina, grade 3

"Mother's love is the only love from which betrayal cannot be expected"

My mother is sweet, gentle, glorious, kind, intelligent and radiant. Mom takes care of the family, helps when needed. She helps even just like that, in advance. Mom takes care of the cats, and about us and about herself. In the morning, mom tells us it's time to get up. Mom prepares breakfast, lunch and dinner. My mom loves to go on excursions, go to museums, read and learn something new. Mom tries to make us feel good when we are sick, mom takes care of us. If something is not clear, mom will explain. Mom makes sure that the cats do not fight, do not quarrel ... My mother loves to play with cats, with me and with the whole family. If I have learned a verse and asked my mother to listen, my mother will always listen. Often I ask my mother to buy me something in the store, my mother will buy. And if I ask her to come with me to the store, my mother does. Sometimes I manage to persuade my mom to buy me ice cream in the winter. And in the summer, mom often buys ice cream for the whole family. Mom walks with me, goes to the amusement park. My mom buys me books, toys and sweets. Mom loves all the drawings and crafts that I make for her. Even if the drawing or craft did not work out very well or did not work at all, mom will still like it. Almost every day my mom picks me up from school. If possible, my mother picks me up late from school, because I like to leave school late. If we have tea on the day when I have a workout, mom gives me the opportunity to choose where to go - to workout or tea. If I choose to have tea, Mom will call my coach to say that there will be no workout today. Often after training, I want to work out tricks, if we are not in a hurry, my mother will allow. In training, I really want to drink, my mother either takes something to drink from home or buys me a drink where I practice. Thank you for everything you do for us, Mom!

Anna Yelesina. Grade 3

"Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness"
"Mom is the first word, mom is the main word in every destiny"

Mom's hands are not just hands. They are the embodiment of love, tenderness, warmth, this is experienced by the one who truly loves and appreciates the mother. As soon as you touch these hands, you can drown in love and care. And you can't just say it's just hands. This is part of your mom's love. And your hands for mom are a part of her heart. You cannot feel it in other people. After all, mom is the most important thing in life. Why are mother's hands the embodiment of tenderness? Because mom's hands are always affectionate and caring! Even if mom is old, but for you - these are the most best hands... If mom is far away, you will still feel mom's hands.

This is the feeling when you always feel your mother's presence. It's affection for mom or love. And mom will feel you because she misses you so much. And when you are together, this feeling explodes with the joy of meeting! Parts of your heart and your mother's are connected!

Mom cannot be imagined without her hands. Even if you love to hug or kiss, you will still represent her hands. Mom's hands are magic, they do everything for you: they cook food, iron clothes, help to dress and more. Mom's hands are also the strongest, because mom will help to lift everything, even very heavy ones.

I can say with precision that mom's hands are a part of our heart and mom's love! Both you and I will know that mom's hands are the most magical and strong!

Alexandra Grigorieva, grade 3

“I know what happiness is. Happiness is to see your mother happy. "

I have been sad lately. Recently, my mother flew to hot countries. I was lonely and bored, and when my mother sent me photos, I happily look at them. In sad moments, I really dreamed that right now there would appear in front of me happy momand I would be funny too. But soon she will come and, probably, I will smile as never before, and we will go with her to the concert of my favorite singer. It seems to me that when my mom comes, she will be very happy, just like me! This will be the best day of my life. Although every day when mom is happy is the best!

Kirill Medvedev, grade 3

“Mom is the sunshine,
The look of wonderful gentle eyes.
Will save from a thousand troubles
And it will help a thousand times "

I love my mother! When mom comes home, my mood rises by itself !!! Mom comes and she always has a smile on her face. Yes, it happens that when mom fights with dad, she still smiles, but we all understand that in her heart she wants to cry, but mom holds back. I don’t understand how mom does it ?!

My mother has three children, and she takes good care of us, although my mother has a lot of work, she does things until two in the morning, I really feel sorry for her! Even if mom is very, very, very, very busy, she still finds time for tenderness and kindness both with me and with others!

Our whole family often go to cafes - dad, mom, Ksyusha, Olaf and me! I love it!

We all love mom very much! I am very lucky, she is the best! My mother is very kind, I appreciate her not for one, not for two things, but for her whole life for us, because she is the best! Mom is kind, good, beautiful, not just in appearance, but also in her soul! I have the best mom!

Elizaveta Samyshkina, grade 3

"Mom's love is a cozy courtyard where it is always warm and sunny"

I really love to see my mom happy! When mom is happy and calm, I think that everything is all right with Katya, with dad, with Lisa, and when she is sad, it seems to me that not everything is in order and I feel sad too. Mom is a person who loves me very much. My mom always comes to me when Katya is sleeping and I am very pleased! When I am in a quarrel with my mother, I am very sad, I always go to her to make peace or she to me. Mom is the best person for me, when I introduce her, I feel good. Mom does almost everything in our house - she removes clothes, ironing them, prepares delicious food: soups, salads, pasta, and much more. Mom is everything to me. I love her so much. Mom's hands, her happiness is a part of my heart! Until Katya was born, dad was always at work, and mom took me and Lisa everywhere. When I feel the touch of her hand, I feel better. Mom is the teacher in my heart! Mom is not angry with me, it's true. I love her very much!

Alexander Kostetsky, grade 3

"Mom's love is a garden in which the sun shines and always spring!"

Unfortunately, not all people have a mother, and I feel very sorry for those people. After all, mom is a person who loves you, you could not live without mom, even if you don’t think so, sooner or later you will still say to her: “Mommy, I love you!” Once you realize that your mother's love is the best thing in the world. You go to bed and you dream that you are entering the garden, and even if it is winter, there is now spring and the sun.

Unprecedented flowers and wonderful trees grow!

At first you don’t understand where you are, but soon you realize that this is mother’s love, a garden where the sun shines and always spring! But the dream is over, it's time to get up!

Don't fight with your mom! Sometimes you think that you are living in vain, but you are not. Even if you are offended by your mother, forgive her, because she wants the best. There is nothing in life more dear than mother's love, she has the right to scold you, and do not think that she has deprived you of a computer or TV because she is sorry. No no! She worries for you, for your eyes. Yes, it's true that mom does not always speak and advise correctly, but so what, everyone can be wrong. Do not be angry with her, she does not wish you harm, she is very kind, her love for you is sacred. I love my mother very much, I never want to part with her!

Alexandra Lepekhina, grade 3

Mom is the sweetest, dearest and most tender word. My mother Lilia is the best in the whole world. She loves me very much, helps me in any business. I always feel her care for me. Mom even fulfills my whims, for which I sometimes feel ashamed.

My mother devotes a lot of time to my studies: she helps with homework, checks poems, the multiplication and division tables. We can say that we teach my lessons together.

My mom is the best because she is my mom.

I love you very much, my dear, and I will always love you!

My lovely mum

Mom ... The very first and dearest word for each of us. This is tenderness, love, kindness, a sense of peace and family comfort. Her warm hands smell like fresh bread, spring flowers and summer rain ...

I'm sure my mom is the best! She loves me for who I am, she will always understand and calm me down. Her emerald eyes are sometimes sad and tired, but they invariably radiate warmth. She rejoices at my victories and worries if failures occur in my life. I know that I can always count on my mother's help in difficult times. Mom is there when I am sick, when I cry and laugh ... She will understand my mood at a glance and feel anxiety in her soul.

Most of all in my life I want to see her smiling and happy, to protect, love and never see tears on her face.

I love you very much, mommy!

The best mom

Each person has his own mother, and we have one for two. We want to tell you about our mom.

Our mother is kind, beautiful, gentle. She has gentle hands, a kind heart, a sincere smile. Mom teaches us to be kind, well-mannered, takes care of our health and well-being.

We really like it when mom affectionately calls us “my bunnies”, “my cats”, “my kids”, “my stars”. When we deserve - she will praise, and sometimes she makes comments to us.

We love our mother very much and want her to never get sick.

There are many different good mothers in the world, but our mother is the best.

Mom is my closest person

The most dear person

Each person has no one closer and dearer than mom. And I am no exception. My mom is the best for me. From the first minutes of my birth, I was surrounded by her care, warmth and tenderness. I want to be like my own mother in everything. She is always kind, gentle and beautiful. My mom gives me good advice, and I try to listen to them, because I know that she only wants the best for me.

I love my mom!

Now I try to do well at school, to be polite and obedient, kind and sympathetic girl, because my mother wants and teaches me this. In the future, I will try to do everything so that mommy can always be proud of me and less upset because of my failures. After all, I really love my mother and want to see her always happy, kind and smiling.

It seems that there is nothing in the world that my mother could not do. She creates warmth and comfort in our home, cooks well, always helps in everything, listens and supports.

My mom is my closest person. She is my best!

Mom is my best friend

My mother's name is Julia. She is very kind and gentle. My mom is slender and fragile like a birch. She has thick black hair and brown eyes. She's very beautiful.

When I am sad, my mother will always listen to me and support me. Mom is my best friend! I like playing with her, talking and spending my free time.

Mom is thirty-five years old and works as a manager in her own travel agency... She chose this one for herself because she loves to give people joy. And rest, as you know, is long-awaited and everyone associates with joy.

I really love my mom and want to be like her, because my mom is the best in the world!

My Mom is the best!

The word "mom"

Mum. At first glance, this word is so simple. But how much goodness, joy, warmth, faith and hope in it. Every person in the world says this word at least once a day. It is understood by young children, adults and the elderly. For who can be dearer than mommy? She will calm, and regret, and be happy for you. There is nothing more beautiful than the moment when mom smiles. And even when she is angry, there is still no dearer person. Mom teaches us the main human qualities: kindness, honesty and decency, helps us not to get lost on the path of life.

For me, there is no closer person than my mom. She is my friend, advisor, mentor, my inspiration. And how beautiful, kind, hardworking she is! She will do everything possible and impossible for her children (me and my brothers). She never has a word "no" for us. She in every situation, both good and not so, approaches with wisdom, prudence.

Mom of three sons

My mom has so many dreams and desires associated with us. There is so much love and hope in her heart that three sons have enough in full. He devotes a lot of time and love to everyone. She never sits idle: she wants to help with her homework, then play with her younger brother, then cook something delicious and with love, because this is for us! Every evening she does not go to rest until each of us kisses and wishes good night. And in the morning, when we wake up, he immediately comes to our room to kiss and congratulate on the new day.

I am looking forward to the weekend to be with my mom. How good I am with her, how comfortable, how calm in my soul! When one of us gets sick, my mother gives all her strength, soul and money so that we get well. Since we had the youngest in the family, my mother has no time for herself at all, but I really want it. I dream that when I grow up, I will help my mom in everything. And I will definitely thank her for our happy childhood!

Mom is my dearest person

Mom is the dearest person in the life of every child. And, of course, for everyone, his mother is the best.

My mom is not like anyone else. She's very beautiful. She has beautiful blue eyes, long hair, a sweet smile. Mom is not tall, but she cannot be overlooked in the crowd. For me, she always stands out among everyone with her pretty appearance.

Mom's external beauty is complemented by the internal one. Mom always supports me, listens and understands. She knows how to forgive and herself admits that sometimes she is not right. I know that she always believes in me and is proud of me. It gives me tremendous self-confidence.

My mother is a very intelligent person, competent in many areas. I constantly learn a lot of interesting things from her. She helps me in my studies, I always share with her my successes and small failures.

All our friends consider my mom to be cheerful, sweet, welcoming. And indeed it is. She always smiles at whoever turns to her. And my mother smiles at me in a special way, because for her I am a dear person, her blood.

I love my mother very much, so I try never to upset her. Every day I strive to show my love for her by my actions.

My dear mom

I have the best mother in the world - sensitive, kind, affectionate. It's always interesting with her. My mom turns thirty this summer, but she looks much younger than her age. She is very slender and beautiful, like a real Slavic beauty.

My mom works nurse... My little sister Masha and I always greet her with joy when she comes home from work. And if Mom is tired, Dad and I cook dinner together, clean up or play with my little sister while Mom is resting.

Spending free time with mom is a pleasure. Every evening, when everything is done, we watch interesting films or films with the whole family. Sometimes we play board games... And when my little sister is sleeping, my mother and I cook something delicious in the kitchen.

My mother is a wise counselor. I consult with her on all matters important to me. Mom always listens to me attentively, calms me down if I'm upset, gives advice so that next time nothing bad happens to me.

Mom for me is the most dear person and a real friend. There are things that I can only talk about with her. Of course, she sometimes scolds me for low marks or comments, but she immediately gives advice on how to prevent these troubles. I am not offended by her: I understand that she is right and does this for my upbringing.

I love my family very much: my mother, sister, father. They are my dearest and closest people in the whole world!

My mom is my guardian angel

My beloved mother ... She is the most affectionate, the best and most dear mother in the world. I have never seen a woman of such extraordinary beauty: a white face, joyful eyes and warm lips.

Mom will not harm anyone, she will not offend. She always smiles and is glad that she has us: dad, brother and me - Dasha. When my mother looks at me, it seems that this clear sun is shining. And when he touches his hair with gentle hands, it is as if the breeze caresses. Could there be more happiness in the world than waking up in the morning from mom's kiss? When she hugs me and presses me to her heart, I immediately forget about pain, and about resentment, and about failures, and about despair.

Mom is my guardian angel. It so happened that there was a difficult period in my life when I had to fight a protracted illness. This was the period of many operations. I could not walk on my own. But can a mother leave her child at such a moment? Mine - no! She did not sleep at night, listening to my every breath, treating my wounds, carrying me in her arms, doing me various procedures, massage, gymnastic exercises. Mom was both a nurse, an advisor, a friend, and an older sister. It was difficult for her, but she endured and taught me to walk again. I know that in any situation I can rely on my mother and entrust my life to her.

I am grateful to my dear mother and I love her very much. And it cannot be otherwise. The Lord God sent me such a wonderful mother, and gave her me - Dasha! I ask God for my mother to be healthy and happy.

My mom is a heavenly star

When the sun hides behind the horizon, the day comes to an end, and bright stars appear in the sky, a real miracle occurs. Indeed, among the millions of stars, the most dear and dear to me star, the star of my mother, flashes. All my girlfriends have earthly mothers. And my mother is a heavenly star.

When I was still very young, a terrible disease took my mother away from me. Her soul flew high into the sky and shone with a bright star there. Every night I see her over our house.

Believe it or not, I am in secret with her. When I'm fine, the star shines brightly. And if I get sick, I don't get a very good grade at school, she throws her affectionate star ray at me, which touches my cheek, hair, warms me with her warmth and seems to whisper in my ear: "Dasha, don't worry, everything will be fine."

Dad told me that my mother was very beautiful and sang beautifully. Sometimes it seems to me that I hear her magic voice, which rushes between the clouds, I hear it and when I go to bed to sleep. I ask: "Are you next to me, my mommy?" And in return she gives me a beautiful colored dream.

But on Earth, I have the most dear person - my grandmother. She is both a grandmother and a mother for me. Her love is limitless. Her pies are the most delicious. Hands are the most gentle. Words are the warmest.

I ask God: “Give health to my dear grandmother. Give her many years of life. Because for me she is my support and my future. "

Mommy star, I love you very much! Come to me every day. Dad and I miss you very much.

I can't imagine my life without my mother

My mother is the best, dear, and I love her very much. I am happy that I have such a good and gentle mommy. She has a pretty face, expressive brown eyes. I really love the pleasant smell of her lush dark hair. And a kind, gentle look always warms me. I cannot imagine my life without my mother. I see her sincerity, gentleness and kindness in everything. Mom is very affectionate, she always supports me, instilling hope and confidence in my strength in my heart.

My first word was "mom". From her lips I heard my native language. Mom gave me life, took care of me when I was very little. She still helps, worries, enjoys my academic success and saddens me because of my failures.

My mom instills in me politeness, teaches me to work, teaches me to respect elders and not offend kids, to peacefully avoid misunderstandings with peers, to be a real gentleman and just a good person. The warmth and affection of my mother will warm me all my life. Let there never be obstacles on her life path, and the sun always gently illuminates the path.

I wish you good health, mom. May fate protect you!

Mom, don't ever let go of my hand

Mother's voice

Long, infinitely long bridge. Wet gray slabs are barely visible through the fog. I walk across this bridge and hear my steps. They beat out a slow beat, merging with my heartbeat. I come to the iron railing, and behind them - the abyss. No water or land can be seen, only fog. I feel a sharp desire to jump into this abyss. Behind the past - old problems, ahead of the future - new problems, and below - nothing. The bridge is my life, which no longer brings happiness and does not give hope for the best. I would like to jump off it and passively fall into nowhere. I take the first slow step, when suddenly ... I hear a voice.

I know this voice. Not one of the voices that I have heard in my entire life sounded so tender and loving, no one penetrated the heart with a light wave, no one occupied the soul with a warm blanket. He calls to him with calmness and hope. The voice sounded before and is heard now. Mum…

I dash off and rush forward at the call of this voice. I see the one to which he belongs. Shrouded in rays of light, she spreads the fog in front of me with her hands. As a child, these caring hands rocked me so that I fell asleep faster, stroked my blond hair, and said without words: "It's okay, I'm with you." Even now, like wings, they try to surround me to protect me from the wind, to warm me from the cold ...

Mom's hug

Gentle hugs, barely noticeable hand touch on the cheek and quiet: "Do not be afraid, I will not let you fall." And I believe. I believe every warm word, every look of the sky-blue eyes, every gentle touch. And I don't want to go to the abyss anymore. No, I will go ahead, because I have someone to go with, and there is someone to live for.

Mom ... It's hard for me to imagine how many nights you didn't get enough sleep, how many hard days you went through. From the very moment I was born, you held me close to you and never let go. You carried me in you for nine months and in your arms until four years. And I know you will carry me in your heart for the rest of your life.

I am ashamed that sometimes I forget about everything that you have done for me. Sometimes, without thinking, I brutally throw harsh words at you. To blame you for your actions is the same as accusing you of loving me too much. You cry when I don't smile, thinking that this is your fault. You do not want to let me go far, because you are afraid that you will not be able to protect me from a distance. You look into my eyes and you see the sadness. You ask why there is such old sadness in my young eyes, but I cannot tell you anything: I myself do not know.

You probably protected me too much from harm. Living in your safe arms, not knowing what the cold and cruelty of the world is, I believed that it would always be so. But is it possible, faced with the injustice of our life, to remain as innocent as I was under your reliable wing? That's why I have changed.

Generational gap

I'm not that little girl who loved to open her eyes so much and chat happily about her childhood nonsense. No, now, looking at the world with a sad smile, I am talking about things that, unfortunately, are difficult for you to understand, although you are trying with all your maternal strength. And it is very difficult to bridge the gap between generations, which was at all times of human existence.

I say to myself: “She won't understand, there is no need to try,” but some force pushes me towards you. And I, despite the gap between us, tell everything, as I see it, and you share with me your understanding of the essence of what is happening. Perhaps we will not understand each other's thoughts, but through the connection between the child and the mother, we can convey our feelings, and they are a hundred times more valuable than words.

Yes, you have not prepared me for hardship and problems. But would you be a mother if, even for my own sake, you pushed me into the abyss. No, all your life you protected me as best you could, and for that I am very grateful to you. My tears as heavy crystals fell into your heart, my pain cut with a knife your thin soul. If you could, you would take all my problems for yourself, but you don't need it. Now it's my turn to protect you!

My promise to mother

Mom, I've grown up. I know you still see me as a little blonde girl who can be easily picked up in your arms and pressed to your heart. But I'm not small anymore. Now I myself go up and, hugging, I hug you to my chest. I stroke you on your, already a little gray from troubles, hair. Now I whisper to you that everything will be fine. I will give my last dream for making you feel good. I will renounce all desires except one - to see you happy. I will spend my whole life on the fact that you saw no need for anything: neither joy, nor dreams, nor love.

Mom, I won't break. No way, I won't break. I will crawl out of any abyss, I will resist any wind and will stubbornly walk forward on this bridge-life, because you are walking next to me and holding my hand. I will swim across the seas, cross the mountains, climb to the stars, and with only one condition ... Mom, never let go of my hand!

My Mom is the best

Dearest person on the planet

A quiet spring evening descended over the city. The first stars have already appeared in the sky, and the month is peering into my window. Not a sound is heard around, silence enveloped the room. A warm blanket warms the body, but the soul is so cozy ... There, on the table, stands in a beautiful frame a photograph of my mother, a charming blue-eyed woman. Today I argued with her again ... It's a pity that it's already night, because I really want to hug my dear mother, apologize for everything that I did wrong ...

Mom for me is the most dear person on this planet. Until now, the words of the lullaby sound in my memory: "Sleep, my joy, sleep ..." Yes, it was mommy who sang to me ... What wonderful times were!

Of course, now I do not hear that gentle lullaby in the evening, but, believe me, it is enough that my mother lightly pats the head with the words: "Sleep well, daughter." I look into her eyes, and they are full of tenderness, affection ... I fall asleep ... and again my mother dreams, who, as always, smiles ... Growing up, I understand that my mother is the best in the world. And, probably, the sun is no longer needed, if only there is a person nearby who always understands everything, forgives everything, loves ...

My mom is a unique person

Even in early childhood, my mother told how she should be, not suspecting that she herself is. She is the person with whom you can cry, be silent, who will forgive and listen, will remain faithful, will always understand, no matter how the circumstances develop. I can come to her, even at twelve o'clock in the morning, for advice, to tell everything that has boiled in my soul, being sure that no one will know about it. Study, friendship, art, fashion and style - there is nothing that you cannot talk about with your mother.

My mum - unique person... She may not sleep at night when I am not at home or I am sick. I remember how I passed the state final attestation, the first in my life. I was worried, but it was nothing compared to my mom's feelings. She prayed for me, and when I entered the study room, I knew that I would get the best ticket, because my dear one supports me there, at home. And so, miraculously, my hands stopped trembling, my eyes were constantly looking for the necessary table or map, and my fingers seemed to automatically write the correct answers. And that exam is not so terrible!

And how she was happy for me! Tears of happiness rolled from tender eyes, and I thanked, thanked, thanked ...

Mother's native traits

I often look at her, peer into her native features, kind eyes ... I try to find in them something similar to others, but I don't see, because they are special. There is no falsehood, duplicity, indifference in the mother's gaze. These eyes glow with sincerity, kindness, devotion. And even when Mom is angry or just something hurts her, trust and love do not disappear in them. I would have watched them forever ...

And I also adore her hands, which cherish me since childhood. I have never seen them without work, sometimes it seems that the whole world requires the attention of my mother's hands, no one can do without them. I always asked myself: “Don't they get tired? Doesn't mommy want to just lie down and rest? " Now I understand that she would gladly sit down, but she cannot, because many things are waiting for her.

And my mother's sincere heart ... How often it is because of me that it begins to beat faster, to hurt ... How many people it regretted, how many failures it felt on itself! The mother's heart is like a crystal vessel that can break at any moment ... My mother, I promise I will do my best not to damage it! After all, I love it so much when you smile ...

My mom is the best

As a child, my mother taught me how to take the first steps around the room, stairs, street, and then through life. She took her daughter by the hand and led her into the world, pushing her with her palm, and she herself remained at the beginning of the path. The sun that my mother lit by the road will always burn ... And her song ... All my life it sounds in my soul, helps to fight to the last, not to give up, but to smile, to give light. Sometimes I want my mother to sing even now: "Sleep, my joy ..."

I remember that when I’m a little girl I’ll do something wrong, and Mommy will press me to my chest, calmly explain that I’m wrong. Sometimes her words came to tears ... Then she was ready to get out and make peace with her brother. Often, in order to see a smile on your mom's face, you try with your last bit of strength to do something pleasant. And then, when the task is completed, you yourself rejoice with your mother.

I am sure that my mom is the best, the most cheerful, kind, beautiful. I want her to always stay that way.

My thanks to mom

I can say that I continue to live the way my mother taught: with faith, hope, love, because I adore this world. Although sometimes he hits hard, I admire his wealth and diversity. for being so spacious and mysterious. I appreciate my cozy gymnasium, because it was here that I found myself as a person, learned to be frank, to take care of what I have. I love nature, the smell of a fire, friendly songs with a guitar ...

But most of all I love the one to whom I dedicate this composition - my mother. It was she who gave the start and was always there when I needed it, did not impose her opinion, but gave useful tips... And although sometimes we do not understand each other, I want mommy to know that she is still my best and most loyal friend. And I try to bear the name given to me at birth with dignity.

Mom, thank you for being in the world, for your affection and warmth, for sleepless nights and for my first steps. You raised me as a man, put me on my feet, withstood all my actions and words. Thank you, dear!

Another night ... A month is still peeping through my window, and a dream-doze goes around the bed. But a star falls, and I make a wish: "May my mother always be healthy and smiling." I fall asleep ... In the morning, mommy will wake me up again, smile gently, wish have a nice day... As always, I look into her eyes and, fueled by good energy, start my day with warm words addressed to my mother.

Mother's heroism

Mom image

My first word is mom. Every child in the world speaks it at least once a day. This word is understood in all countries, and it sounds almost the same in most languages. How many verses, poems and novels are devoted to love for the mother ... It is this word that seems to contain something tender and warm. And immediately her fragile and delicate image appears in the imagination.

What could be dearer than mother's hands? When I'm sad, they warm me with hugs. What could be softer than mom's eyes? They light up the world around me. There is nothing happier than the moment when mom smiles. And even when she is angry, there is no closer than a person.

Mom gave me life. Cherished from the first moment of existence ... And no one will understand me better than my mother. She is always there. Mom prepares the best dishes and gives wise advice. She is proud of her son's achievements. Loves me more than anything else.

Biography of my mother

My mother's name is Lyudmila Nikolaevna Sorokina. We have two children in our family: me and my brother Roman, who is ten years older. We're fine now. I can call my family perfect. But it was not always so.

Mom met my dad when she was studying at the university. They had a lot of love. At that time, like every family, they did not have enough funds, they lived in a small apartment ... Dad served in the army, so he was often not at home. All responsibility for the well-being of the family fell on the shoulders of the mother. She studied, worked and raised Roman, the eldest son. I can't even imagine how hard these years passed. But mom now only smiles at the memories of those times. But that was only the beginning…

Dad had a permanent place of work, so he had time that he could spend with his family - his wife and children. But he did not pay attention to us ... His goal was a career and money, which he put above his family. Mom herself raised Roman, every day she did all the household chores. She also took care of her parents. She even solved the problems of her own husband, which he constantly had. Mom lifted him from his knees ... And what did she get in return? He left her with a small child in his arms. It was me.

As a child, I didn't even want to see my father. Mom compensated with her upbringing and care for everything I could get from dad. She was left alone with life's problems, a frustrated teenager and a small child. It seemed that such a family had no future. And I would agree ... But no!

My mom is an angel given to me by God

Thanks to endurance and strong character, my mother was able to raise two sons. We did not become the outcasts of society, which we could be ... I study perfectly well, go in for sports, I have many friends. My brother is respected at work. He received two higher educations. And this is all thanks to my mother, her maternal heroism.

My mom is an angel given to me by God. In her place, everyone would have stopped and fled, and she went forward, despite the pain, despair ... And she achieved what she wanted.

Now my mother is a successful doctor. It is not the first year that it takes leadership positions... She is appreciated because her mother is a real pearl of human purity.

She is kind, sincere, persistent, benevolent, fair, responsive, open, intelligent, hardworking, decent, has a good sense of humor.

I love my mother very much, because she is the best for me. Mom, thank you for everything!

I'll tell you about mom

Mom is my friend

For me, my mother is the most precious thing I have. She gave me life. I want to say a big thank you to her for teaching me kindness, decency and honesty. I try to follow my mother's example in everything. She has become a friend to me, understands me and takes my interests into account. I can trust her with the most intimate. And no matter how old I am, fifteen or fifty, I will always need my mother's smile and love.

My mom has a very interesting and beautiful name. Her name is Natalia. This mysterious name means "dear, blessed." She is thirty-six years old. She has blonde hair and beautiful blue-gray eyes. My mom is very fragile and gentle, but she is also determined and brave. We live together with my mother. Every day she has to solve various life problems: then buy something, then I get sick and I need to be treated ...

And no matter how old I am, I always need a mother, her affection, a gentle look. The more I love my mother, the happier and easier it is to live.

My thanks to mom

My mom is a good housewife. When I come home from school, I always have a delicious lunch. I love the way she bakes blueberry pie. Our house is always clean, warm and comfortable. I owe this to my mother. We have many colors. Mom teaches me to take care of them properly. She also teaches you to take care of your things, respect your elders, not offend those who are weaker.

I always listen to her advice, thoughts and am grateful that she understands me. I don't have a dearer and dearer person in the world. Mom will not betray or leave in trouble. You can find millions of words, affectionate and tender, but they are unlikely to be able to reflect the fullness of my feelings for the closest person.

When mom is not at home, I always look forward to her. And now mom is on the doorstep - I hug her tightly and kiss her.

I want to thank you, dear, for sleepless nights, for your care and affection. Bright could guardian angel, my guiding star!

My Mom is the best

Mom is my best friend

For me, the dearest and dearest person in the world is my mother, Inna Mikhailovna Avdeenko. For fifteen years now we have been going through life together.

How quickly time flew by, now I'm a tenth grader. I have only the warmest childhood memories of the past. I close my eyes and listen - I hear my mother’s gentle voice that spreads throughout the room. It cannot be confused with any other. He still lives in me. Listening to the melody of the lullaby - and immediately imagine the tender, loving face of the mother.

Gradually she revealed to me magic world... The first fairy tales and songs I heard from my mother. It was she who took me to kindergarten, with her I first crossed the threshold of the school, with her my education began. Mom is now constantly with me - in my joys, in my difficulties. She teaches me to help others, educates me to be independent and responsible.

Mom protects our family from life's troubles. Her wise advice helps to solve many problems that arise. She creates comfort in the family and is an example for all of us.

My mom is my best friend. There is so much mercy, affection, compassion and care in her. My happiness is in her advices, gentle hands, warm smile. By her example, Mom proved that there is true friendship and loyalty, love for people in life.

Mom's love

My dear, I will never forget how many nights you did not sleep, standing at my cradle. And when I was sick, how worried, I cared, I was always there. I remember my first concert at a music school, how we prepared for it together. Mom gave advice and guidance. She still worries about me, loves and protects me. Mom's love does not fade over the years, because she sincerely and selflessly loves her children, regardless of their age. I want my mother to always smile and enjoy life.

Mom, mom, mommy ... How much warmth and caress these magic words conceal! After all, they call a person whose love knows no boundaries. You mentally address your mother - and your heart is filled with tenderness.

I love my mom, she is the best in the whole world. I am very grateful to her, I bow deeply for everything that she has done for me. And above all for giving me the most precious thing - life. I am proud that there is love in my heart that only a child can have for a mother - pure, real, beautiful.

Forgive me mom

We are like tourists in this world: as we have arrived, we will fly away when the time comes. And then we will only understand who will take what container of sins with them at the end of life.

Despite the fact that lately my quarrels with my mother have become more frequent, I understand that it is terrible - quarrels with a loved one.

Sometimes we do not understand how painful we are to our relatives, loved ones, the best mothers. I realized this just recently, so I want to ask my mother for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart.

My dear! I know that I was wrong, and I sincerely repent of my words and actions. Please forgive me!

I love you, Mom

Mom ... Everything dear, dear, sweet has absorbed this amazing, sunny word. Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without a mother there would be no poet or hero. She gives life to a child, raises and educates him, teaches goodness and love.

Each person has his own destiny, purpose, experience and life truth. But, apparently, everyone has one thing in common - they want to leave their mark on Earth. People who succeed are interesting personalities and often serve as worthy role models.

My mother is a doctor by profession. At the same time, she is also a skilled cook. Many colleagues call her to find out a new recipe. Mom is a strong-willed person, but at the same time has a kind heart. You will never hear offensive words from her lips. Mom, on the contrary, will cheer you up and will not let you get bored. She will calm you down, kiss you - and instantly your soul is warm. When I am sick, my mother takes care of me, gives her boundless love and care. Yes, sometimes we quarrel over trifles, but we put up very quickly, because we understand that close people should not quarrel among themselves.

I know for sure that my mother is very good manwho is ready to do anything for his family. I am proud to have such a caring, intelligent, loving mother. I am grateful to her for everything she does for me.

There will be many friends and girlfriends in our life, but we must not forget her, the most important woman in life - mother. And you definitely need to find time and say to her short, but pleasant and wonderful words: "I love you, dear!"

My Mom is the best

Mother's love

Mum. How many poems, how many stories and songs have been written about her! And it will be dedicated to her in the future, because the word "mother" is inexhaustible.

Here are just a few sayings: "The first gift that she gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding." "Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness ..." And my favorite: "God cannot keep up everywhere and therefore He created mothers." These statements belong to prominent people of different ages.

We cannot imagine our life without mother's love, care and tenderness. Every person in the world, be it a superstar or an ordinary worker, has grown out of a mother's hands. It is from mommy that we hear the first words, the first song. In childhood, we take an example from her, try to do what she does, even think like she does. It is mom who influences our worldview, tastes and emotions, which are signs of personality formation.

My mom's biography

My mother also influenced and influences my inner world. Her name is Inna Aleksandrovna Sabelnik. She works in a pharmacy, and it was from her that I inherited an interest in medicine, spending a lot of time with my mother at work since childhood.

Mom graduated from high school with a silver medal, then there was a university, after studying in which she returned to her hometown. The nineties passed, there was no work in the specialty, but Mom did not fold her hands. At the children's and youth center, she led a circle where she told schoolchildren about the medicinal plants of her native land. Together with the members of the circle, she often went out “into nature”, studying plants in their environment. It was then that my mother took part in the creation of the book "Wild nature of Ukrainian cities", conducting research and sending materials. And my mother's name in this book is listed among those who helped the author.

After a while, the situation changed, and my mother began to work in her specialty. I believe that my mother is engaged in a noble cause. She helps to heal people. Health is the most valuable thing a person has. When you or your loved ones are sick, everything else fades into the background.

I myself underwent a difficult operation. And my mother was there all this time. She did not allow me to be sad, to lose heart, although it was very difficult for me. One night, while lying in the hospital, I woke up because my mother was crying. She thought I couldn't hear her. Then she confessed that she couldn't afford to cry for me to see. “I should have supported you, not complained about problems,” she said.

Mom is the most important person in a child's life

What else to tell about your mom? She cooks very tasty! When in the morning you are greeted with the smells of delicious food with your mother's smile, your mood immediately rises, and you even want to go to school.

To do everything, mom wakes up before everyone else in the family. I try to get up with her, to help. But my mother, taking pity on me, often gives me a little more sleep. And I am very grateful to her for that, although every time I pretend to be indignant.

I try to adopt my mother's skills, learn to cook, take care of loved ones, and in the future, like her, I want to become a pharmacist.

Mom is the most important person in the life of every child and one of the most important in the life of an adult. Let's take care of our mothers!

Thanks to mom

Mom, my own mom! I never thought it would be so difficult to write an essay about you. Since elementary grades the teachers taught us to love and respect you, but it was unconscious, and I never deeply thought about it. Words of gratitude and congratulations have always sounded sincere and touching for you. But we quickly returned to the gray routine, and again your instructions were perceived by me without inspiration and enthusiasm. And you all continued with warmth and affection to accompany me to bed and every morning, encouraging me, return me to my everyday worries.

What about homework? How much patience was needed to awaken in me a thirst for knowledge! Where should I look for the “carrot” that motivates me to study well?

The need to make important decisions and life obstacles, whatever they may be, make me turn to my mother every time.

Mom, the greatest happiness on Earth is to know that you are near, that you remember and pray for me. This is so inspiring! Thank you, dear, for your care, affection, warmth. After all, how often have I not appreciated this love ...

My own mother

My love for mom

What is most important for a child? How does human life begin in this world? Of course, from the family, from the mother. It is she who introduces a small child into a strange and big world, becomes next to him, helps in everything, supports in difficult times, shares joy and hope with him. My love for my mother is immeasurable, trembling, huge.

Here it is, the seed of truth - the mother's soul, as the source of the happiness of every person. This is her heart, voice, smile, hands, eyes. I can't even imagine that someone has them better than my mother, they are the only and inimitable. From the first day of life, my mother's heart always beats next to me, her hands are ready to help me, support, protect me at any time. Mom's eyes follow my every step, trying to prevent trouble, and a smile fills my heart with such joy that it seems that only happiness exists in the world.

Mom, my dear, the best! I love your eyes, your breath, your heart. I am ashamed that so often I make you worry about my reckless actions. And now I want to protect you, entertain you in moments of sadness, give you joy.

Mom is a model for me

My mom is a model for me. She will approve, and warn, and support ... And also, as I have been convinced more than once, there is no judge better than her. And there is no better defender! Not only I myself, but also my brother and father were convinced of this. Her generous heart is enough for all of us: it loves everyone with special love, worries about everyone, gives everyone its strength. My mom is the best, and every day I say: “Lord! What a blessing that you gave it to me! Please, save her from trouble, may she live happily ever after. "

All of the above words are true and sincere. No matter how I tried to put feelings into them, they still won't convey boundless love for the most beautiful person in the whole world - for my mommy, my tender sun!

My story about mom

The native word "mom"

Mom, mom ... Such a dear, such a sincere word brings so many memories, so much warmth and kindness. You say the word "mom" - and your heart is filled with a wonderful, incomparable feeling - a feeling of love for her, for the one and only. And let everyone have their own, mom, but there is no one in the world better than my mother.

From the first steps of my life, maternal love and affection surrounds me. It was my mother who read me fairy tales, she took me to kindergarten, and then to the first grade. This is how my schooling began. My mother is always with me: both in joy and in difficulties. And now for fifteen years we have been walking together through life. How quickly time flies!

When I hear from someone: "Karina is all in her mother," I am proud of that. Mom taught me to love my neighbor ... By her example, she proved to me that there is real friendship, and loyalty, and deserved happiness in life, and all this is born from love for people.

Indeed, who, if not a mother, gives wise advice, protects us from a wrong step? But it's so easy to make a mistake and take the wrong path, and even worse, to break and cross out all my mother's dreams. I so want to fulfill all her secret dreams, to reach the heights in this life, if only my mother was proud of me. She is happy with all my successes, and it is so nice to see a smile on her face.

I owe so much to my mother. I don't know how, but she always feels with her mother's heart when I feel bad: I was offended, did not notice, did not understand. My happiness is in her practical advice, in her warm hands, a radiant smile.

Sorry, Mom, for all the insults that I caused you. Forgive me when I sometimes remain indifferent. Mom always tells me: "When you become a mother, you will understand me!" Of course she's right. I still don't understand everything in this life. Years will pass, and only then I will understand that it is too late to ask for forgiveness ...

I want to thank my mother for all that tenderness, for sleepless nights by my bed, for love and affection. However, no words are enough to convey boundless love for the most beautiful person in the world - my mother, my bright angel, my tender little star. Apparently, this can be explained very simply: when the heart speaks, words are superfluous ...

Mom is the closest and dearest person

Mother's love and care

Everyone knows that there is no closer and dearer person on Earth than mother. From the very first minutes of our life, we are surrounded by her warmth and care.

The feeling of being at home appears in childhood and gets stronger from year to year. Of course, first of all it is connected with mom. Small and defenseless, we come into this world and immediately plunge into the warmth of mother's love and care. We hear her gentle voice singing over our bed, whispering tender words. From all this, children's memory is formed, the feeling of the native guardian of childhood. You believe that mom's kiss will heal a broken knee, you know who to run to for protection. You will never see falseness and cunning in a mother's gaze.

I have the best mom in the world. I love her so much. My mom is an energetic, modern woman. She goes in for sports, goes to the pool, loves to play tennis and badminton with me. Mom is engaged own business... She creates new baking recipes - she is very good at it. As a director of two stores, she always makes time for me and the rest of our family.

Sometimes my mother and I go out to the river, which flows not far from our house, and go skiing or ice skating. It is very useful and fun. Mom also loves nature and grows wonderful flowers on the windowsill. She especially loves orchids. Half of the house is furnished with them.

My mom is a real friend

Mom, thank you for everything! Dear, sweet, beloved, the most beautiful! Let's never quarrel or part! Let's live happily ever after! And together we will live up to the time when you teach the first steps and first words of your grandchildren. Dear, how many worries and troubles you have! You know how to hide your tears, your problems, your troubles from me, so that I grow up calmly, so that I don't see your tears.

Please do not be sad or cry. Life is too short to be wasted in tears. Let birthdays come and go, and you still remain the same young and irresistible!

Mom, mom ... Such a dear, such a wonderful word - carries so many memories, so much warmth and kindness. You say this word "mom", and your heart is filled with a wonderful, incomparable feeling - a feeling of love for her, the only one. And let everyone have their own, mom, but there is no one in the world better than my mother.

Forgive me, dear, for all the troubles that I caused you.

My Mom is the best

The most dear person

The first word of the baby is mom! Everyone has his own mother, because if she did not exist, then there would be neither me, nor you, dear reader, no one! Even animals have a mother.

For me, mom is the dearest person, she is the sweetest, most beautiful and sincere ... She is a person who will always support you in a difficult situation, give advice and will always be by your side. When I was little, I probably did not understand the meaning of this word. Now I am already a teenager and I can say that my mother is dearer than all my friends, teachers, acquaintances. To whom, if not her, you can turn for help, advice, opinion.

When I am with my mother, I forget about all the troubles, problems, everything bad and unpleasant. My mom is the best in the world! I love her so much. She's a smart, graceful woman. Now my mom works as a teacher primary grades... When she comes home from work, you want to quit all your business and rush into her arms.

Mother's words

Mom has two of us - me and my brother. Every day she tells us that we must stand up for each other as a mountain, help out in difficult situations, rejoice in success and support each other in difficult times. The most important thing in life is a friendly, strong family in which peace, joy and happy laughter would always reign.

When I look into my mother's eyes, they reflect both joy and sadness. I want my mother to smile more often, and I will try to do everything for this. I dream that my mother will always be there. It's so nice to snuggle up to her and as if to plunge into a carefree childhood ... So I want to hug her strongly, strongly, kiss her and say a lot of warm and tender words, say how much I love her!

Mothers love us for being close. For each of us, mother is an incentive to become better, kinder, smarter, to achieve the highest heights. Do everything so that a smile does not leave her face, joy always burns in her eyes, and only positive points life. I so want my mother to be proud of me!

About love for mother

Best mom in the world

I have the best mom in the world. My brother Vladik and I love her very much. My mom is an energetic and modern woman. She is thirty-six years old. She looks good and plays sports. My mom has long black hair and radiant blue eyes. Her beautiful lips radiate a soft smile, but I already know: when the lips are compressed, her mother has made some decision, and no one will convince her to change it. And how many shades her wonderful voice has! From sonorous, like a source, to gurgling, like a dove.

And I also want to tell you that our mother prepares delicious meals for us. He spares no money for medicines so that we never get sick. Mommy wakes up early in the morning making breakfast. Then he takes us to school.

My mother and I love to go for walks, go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. And in winter - sledding and skiing from high hills.

My mom helped me see how interesting and bright the world around me is. After all, it was she who first showed me, took me to the zoo, where she introduced me to animals from different countries our planet. She taught me how to plant and grow flowers, appreciate other people.

Take care of mothers!

Mothers must be protected. After all, they invest so much in us that they often forget about themselves. Children can help their mothers with the housework, study harder and give fewer reasons for unnecessary trouble. Sometimes it's worth giving up too expensive gifts if you see that your parents can't afford them.

I really sympathize with those who do not have a mother. And I would like to wish everyone else to remember that our parents will live longer if we cherish their every minute, take care of their peace and good mood... I love my mom because she is kind, smart, fair - the best.

Every evening, when I go to bed, I pray to God to take care of my mother, give her health and peace of mind. And also - carried out cherished desires... Mommy, I love you! And you know about it!

I am proud of my mom

Every child has the right to a family. We are children, our mother always takes care of us. She will help us in trouble, advise, understand. In moments of joy and anxiety, mom is always next to her child.

My mom works as a teacher at the school. She loves her students very much, and especially me. The students understand and respect her. Not every teacher manages to interest students. My mom knows how to make the lesson interesting and exciting.

She is an intelligent, responsible woman who knows everything about me. Sometimes we can quarrel over a trifle, but immediately we put up. My mom works, so when I'm sick, she can't sit with me. But when she has free time, she comes and tries to entertain me. When my mother is sick, I take care of her, I try to help with something. I love her very much, respect and understand her. We do all household chores together. If you are planning to do something, then we will definitely do it. Mom is my guardian angel, protects me from prying eyes, never allows anyone to offend. Yes, and I do not let anyone offend her.

Most of all, I love those moments when my mother and I can watch TV, listen to music, or just talk about something interesting. I am happy that I have such a keeper who will always help me, advise, prompt. I think that there is no better mother than me. I am proud of my mother, so caring, intelligent and loving.

What is my mom

Mom is the first word we said in childhood. This is the person who loves you, helps you, takes care of you. Mom is the dearest person in the world. There is no such person who would not love his mother. She can replace everyone, but no one can replace her! The meaning of our life is a million of her kisses and smiles. This is what we live for.

My mom is the best in the world! My brother and I love her very much, she is an energetic woman, modern. She is thirty-three years old. She looks very good, plays sports and fitness, loves to go to the pool, play volleyball and football. My mom chose. At work, she keeps track of building materials.

My mom works a lot, ten hours a day. She gets up at six in the morning to cook our food. Her food is very tasty, nutritious and healthy, she loves to cook varied and nutritious food: muffins, pizza, pies, fish. Sometimes it happens that Mom does not have time to prepare food for us. Then we cook and serve ourselves. This can be to our advantage, as it teaches us to be independent. When mom has time, she knits. She knitted a sweater for my little brother, and now she knits for me. Sometimes we play board games with the whole family. Also, my mother loves orchids very much and grows them on her windowsill.

For my brother and me, our mother is a real friend. We tell her about our problems, and she listens and helps us in difficult situations. Sometimes mom is in a bad mood, then we amuse her, and her mood rises. My mom is kind and calm. But she is not the best for this reason, but because she is our mother. The dearest and dearest.

Mom's role in our life

In the life of every child there is the most important person - a mother. She gives the most precious thing - life. Then he takes care of us, educates, instills independence.

I really love and appreciate my mother, I am grateful to her for everything. She teaches me to understand the surrounding reality, helps me with advice in difficult times, protects me from troubles.

How many sleepless nights my mother had! Mom looked after me when I was little, worried when I was growing up. No wonder the saying goes: "Children are small troubles, big children are big troubles."

We, children, want to finish school faster and go into an adult, independent life. We do not understand that our mothers will always worry about us, wherever we are.

Time is known to be fleeting. Soon I will grow up and leave the family nest. However, my mom will always support me with her thoughts, wherever I am.

About my mommy

Everyone knows that there is no closer and dearer person on Earth than mother. From the first minutes of our life, we are surrounded by her warmth and care. As we grow older, we trust our secrets and fears, share with her our impressions of the world around us, and always count on the full support and understanding of a loved one.

I want to tell you about my mom, the best in the world. She has a very beautiful name - Love. She was born on August 13, 1980 in the city of Sumy. Mom has dark brown eyes. Her beautiful face Medium length hair of dark brown color is framed.

I love my mother very much, her meek look makes me happy, and her gentle and kind smile cheers me up. If I'm sad, my mother encourages me, gives me confidence.

My Mom is the best

Everyone says their mom is the best. But I am one hundred percent sure that it is my mother who is the best in the world. Don't believe me? Want to prove it?

Most of all I love my mother because when I do something wrong, she does not scold me. Mom also prepares delicious food that you can't refuse. Also, my mother and I love animals, and when I bring a kitten or a puppy home, my mother does not scold me.

When I grow up, I want to be like my mother, to be the same gentle, kind, beautiful and happy. I really love my mom!

Mom is an angel

Mom is an angel who helps us explore the world. When we fall, it helps to take off. I feel bad without my mother, because she will delight in difficult times and tell me what to do next. From early childhood, my mother sings songs to us, teaches us how to walk, talk. Surely everyone noticed with what love mom embroiders a shirt, prepares food. And we try to help her in everything, even if she does not ask for help.

My mom is a hard worker. When everyone is still asleep, she cooks breakfast, ironing clothes. She will feed us, clean up the house, and then knit our things with love. And when I come home from school, she will help me with my homework.

My mother and I often go for walks, most often in winter. Mom says it's very good in winter. On weekends, we invite our relatives for tea, my mother always prepares some delicious dish.

My mother will always be the best for me, because she showed me this big and interesting world. She took me to the zoo, arranged trips to the sea, told many interesting stories about her childhood.

I will always be grateful to my mom, I will listen to her advice, I will help her when she asks. Mom is the greatest treasure that needs to be protected, as she takes care of me.

Mom characteristic

I have a mother. Like everyone else, I think my mom is the best. I love my mom very much and she loves me too. My mother's name is Irina. She is thirty-nine years old. She has green eyes and short blonde hair. Her lips are like red roses. Mom works in a vocational school for social rehabilitation. She is a lawyer by profession.

My mom is loving, resourceful, kind. She helps me with my homework. She was an excellent student at school, received only good grades. I take an example from her. I'm also an excellent student at school.

Apart from work, my mother spends time with me, my sister and our dad, that is, with her family. Together we relax, solve pressing problems, go hiking. In the summer, my mother loves to relax in the city of Odessa.

Mom cooks delicious, and my dad and I are always fed. Mom teaches me to cook different dishes, teaches me to knit and embroider different pictures. She likes cooking Russian and Ukrainian dishes more than mine.

We are always happy to help mom. I love her very much, because without her there would be no me. Love your parents, respect and take care of your loved ones!

My mom is my friend

Mom ... This is the first word that I said. Everything that happens around me is connected with her presence and support.

Mom gave me life. She loves me from the first moment I was born. No one understands me better than my mother. My mom is always there, she will always help. She is proud of my accomplishments. Mom loves me more than anything.

What is my mother like? You can find millions of gentle and affectionate words. She is kind and fair, affectionate and serious, bold and gentle, beautiful, energetic, modern woman. She is the best mom in the world. I love her very much and try to help her in everything. My mom is a nurse. She is respected by her colleagues. In our free time we play different games. But she is not the best, but simply because she is my mother.

For me, mom is not just a nanny, but a real friend. You can always come to her with your problems, and she will listen and help. My mother teaches me the most important human qualities - kindness, honesty, decency and humanity. She opens the path of life for me.

Mom will never betray or leave in trouble. I always try to do something nice for her and not to upset her. I know that my mother is a very good person who is ready to do anything for her family. And I am proud that I have such a caring, smart, loving mother and I am grateful to her for everything she does for me.

May my mother always be with me!

I'll tell you about mom

My mom is the best in the world! Her gray eyes are not like everyone else's, they are filled with love. And her smile ... When I see her, it is as if I am immersed in the world of happiness ... My mother is the most beautiful, kind, sincere, cheerful in the whole Universe. You can not only chat with her, but also play various games. She has an unusual personality. Sometimes she yells at me, but she does it with love.

There are no people like my mother, neither in character traits, nor in appearance. I am proud of my mother and I can safely say: "My mother is the best!" But that's not all about her, there are many things that I would like to tell, but I think this will be a lot for this composition. I will tell you the most important thing! At first glance, it seems that my mother is an ordinary person, and if you look closely and listen, that is, see what she really is, then you will understand that you were very wrong. She is extraordinary, loves to be in the spotlight!

She is also proud of me, my beloved dad and our whole family. I think whoever's mom is good, but my mom is the best combined! I think that every child will agree with me.

Mom's description

My mother's appearance

It is my mother that I owe that I have become so kind, polite, benevolent. She taught me to respect people, learn to listen to them, be grateful to them, help if necessary.

From the very childhood my mother worked with me: she taught me to read, write, draw. Thanks to my mother, I started going to a ballet studio, music and art schools. There I learned to dance, sing, paint, so my mother made me a fully developed person. Also, it is thanks to my mother that I study well at school, because from the first grade she put a lot of effort into this, studied with me, taught lessons.

Every evening she tells me before bed very interesting stories with characters that she invented herself. When I was sick, my mother took care of me, took pity on me and helped me to recover faster.

Our pastime

My mom is an editor by profession. She studied at the Ukrainian Academy of Printing in Lviv, then worked in various print media in our city. This is a person who has her own position, which is very important for her profession. Mom is very smart, educated, proactive, always takes part in various events. She is a member of the parent committee of our class, she never stands aside from the problems of school life.

In addition, she is athletic, often goes to the gym, runs, swims. She taught me to do this too. Often I go jogging with her, visit the pool. She is very mobile and active, together with her and our mutual friends, every Saturday and Sunday I go for a walk in the forest. In winter we go sledging. In the summer we go to the river. Every year we go on vacation to the sea, where we try to spend time as actively as possible. In addition to swimming and sunbathing, we always go on various excursions.

Thanks to my mother, I visited many cities of our country: Kiev, Odessa, Nikolaev, Poltava, Kharkov, Sumy, Yalta, Evpatoria, Sevastopol, Berdyansk, as well as in Russia, in particular in Moscow. Together with her, we drove around almost the entire Crimean peninsula, where we climbed mountain peaks. In particular, I very much remember the ascent to Mount Demerdzhi, as well as to Ai-Petri.

My mother is my angel


Have you met an angel in your life? Warmed by his wings? Did you feel how an unknown power saves where salvation could no longer be?

Now, I know who this angel is. Once I heard a parable about him.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

Why am I going into this world?

And God answered:

I will give you an angel, he will explain everything.

How am I going to understand him?

He will teach you his language.

What is the name of my angel?

You will call him Mom!

Since then, each child has its own guardian angel. And I have my own - my mother. Simple and amazing at the same time.

My mom is the best!

They say that my mother and I are very similar in appearance. I look in the mirror - everything is familiar: eyes, lips, nose. I look at my mother - and there is no more beautiful woman in the world for me. I especially love to look at her when she is sleeping. It seems to me that the whole world rests with her.

She is ordinary, like any mother in the world, with her advice and guidance. Cheerful, kind, affectionate ... She is unusual, because only I listen to her and only with her peace reigns in my soul. Even if she scolds me, I am not offended, because my mother always says wise words, to which I listen and draw conclusions.

She is the strongest, because she is ready for anything for me. She is the weakest, because even a little thing can hurt her, but she will never say that. Her expressive eyes express thoughts more eloquently than any words.

She is the quietest in the whole world, because she will never wake me up with her inaudible gait. She is “loud” because even when she is not there, I feel her presence in my heart.

It all started with her - my first cry, my first word, my first steps. It all ends with her - my leaving for school with a kiss, my "good night" before bed.

In short, she is the best! But the most important thing is that I am infinitely grateful to her. She gave me the best present. She gave me life!

Mom in my life

My mom is the best of the best!

I am the happiest girl in the whole world, because the best of best moms - my mommy.

Mom, mom, mom ... That's what I call my dear, dear, most important person in my life. After all, my mother for me is the whole world. She gave life, filled it with bright colors and unforgettable impressions. Thanks to her, my mouth spoke the first word. Holding tightly to my mother's hand, I took my first hesitant steps. Together with my mother, I learned to read, write, count ... And from childhood, my mother taught me to respect people, to be honest, decent, modest. Therefore, everything that I can and know today, I owe my dear mother.

Every day, hourly, every second I feel her boundless love and care. Mom is the best friend, an interesting conversationalist, a wise counselor. I can always count on her friendly care and support. She will tell you how to solve the problem, help make a wall newspaper, advise which dress is better to wear ...

My guardian angel

Mom is my guardian angel, my talisman. Next to her I feel calm and protected. I know Mommy will never let anyone insult me. And it gives me confidence in myself and my strength. I am grateful that my mother loves me the way I am: not always obedient, a little lazy, sometimes stubborn. But I'm trying to be better to please my mom.

I love my mother very much and am proud of her. She is polite, well-mannered, kind. She has many friends, colleagues appreciate her, students and their parents respect her. Every year, on Teacher's Day and Birthday, mom receives numerous SMS congratulations, cards, flowers from former and current pupils. I am so pleased when my friends, having met my mother, say: "You have such a cool mother!" Yes, my mom is really cool, and she is also beautiful, affectionate, gentle, sympathetic, sincere, smart, cheerful, loving ...


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