Sunflower processing line. Production of oil from sunflower seeds. What is required to start a sunflower oil business

General characteristics of sunflower seeds.

Sunflower - Helianthus annuus L. Belongs to the Compositae family. This is an annual plant, the seeds of which are collected in a basket. Sunflower in our country is the main oilseed crop, its crops account for about 70% of the sown area of ​​all oilseeds.

Sunflower oil is used for food, technical and medical purposes. For food purposes, varieties of sunflower oil are used according to GOST 1129-93.

The sunflower seed consists of a hard fruit shell (in the collapsed state it is called the husk), a very thin seed coat (film) and two protein cotyledons. The cotyledons are the main reservoir of oil and protein. The composition of sunflower seeds varies depending on varietal features, growing conditions, quantity and quality of nitrogen fertilizers, as well as from post-harvest seed treatment. The content of the kernel in the seed ranges from 50 to 80%, the shell from 20 to 50%.

Sunflower seeds are combustible and prone to spontaneous combustion. Self-ignition temperature 335 degrees. C. ignition temperature 305 0 C. Dust generated during their processing of sunflower seeds can cause the development of pneumoconiosis and respiratory diseases. The maximum permissible concentration of sunflower seed dust MPC is 4mg/m3. Oilseeds are a source of extremely valuable food and feed products. In the overwhelming majority of cases, such valuable groups of substances as lipids and proteins are localized in the seed nucleus. Other morphological parts of the seeds contain a much smaller amount of valuable components, and the integumentary shells (fruit and seed) serve as a source of many undesirable substances that turn into oils under conditions of oil production.

Kernels 72.5 - 82.7%
Casings 17.7 - 27.5%

Seeds 44.5 - 53.8%
Core 55.2 - 63.0
Shell 1.3 - 9.06
The nitrogen content in the husk 0.55 - 2.96%

In seeds 3.9 - 20.5%
In the defatted kernel 41.25 - 66.0%
In defatted husks 3.4 - 13.15%

In the defatted kernel 6.4 - 9.7%
In defatted husks 57.1 - 68%
Content of mineral elements 1.8 - 4.9%
The content of nitrogen-free substances 14.3 - 17.5%
Carbohydrate content 24.0 - 27.0%

The seed mass entering the plant for processing is a multi-component mixture that can be divided into:

  • intact seeds of the main crop;
  • oil impurities;
  • organic and mineral litter, including metal impurities;
  • impurities determined by the presence of extraneous living biological systems in the seed mass.

    All components of the seed mass vary widely in chemical, physical, biochemical and other properties. It is customary to refer to oilseed impurities as collapsed seeds of the main crop, seeds with kernel residues (eaten by pests, broken), moldy, rotten, germinated, seeds with a changed kernel color, underdeveloped and frost-damaged.

    Organic litter in seeds consists of parts of anthologies, fragments of plant stems, inflorescences, etc. Mineral impurities consist mainly of lumps of earth, dust, stones, and metal impurities.

    Technological process sunflower oil production consists of the following operations:

  • Industrial cleaning of seeds;
  • Crushing seeds to separate the husks;
  • Separation of the kernel and husk;
  • Grinding the kernel on a roller machine;
  • Moist heat treatment;
  • Pressing pulp in screw presses;
  • Oil filtration;

    seed cleaning

    Purification of oilseeds from impurities is a necessary and very important process of processing and preparing the seed mass for processing.

    Plant stems, leaves, mineral litter, metal and other impurities, with the exception of the collapsed sunflower kernel, contribute to premature wear of equipment (especially mineral and metal impurities), reduce the productivity of the latter and the quality of the products produced.

    Upon receipt for processing, the content of weed impurities in the seeds should be no more than 2%, after cleaning no more than 0.5%. As a result of seed cleaning, several types of weed waste are formed: a) large and small litter; b) cyclone dust The oil content of the emitted litter is ~ about 3%

    The high content of fat, protein and other nutrients indicates that the waste obtained during the cleaning of sunflower seeds on separators is of some value and can be used as an additive to the basic diet of animals. Seeds are cleaned on separators of various designs (ZSM; A1- BIS; WLAN, etc.). To ensure the normal technological mode of operation of the separators, the following must be done:

  • check nutritional devices in the separator and clean them from foreign impurities; to achieve a uniform distribution of seeds on the sieves by uniform feeding along the entire length of the feeder and the correct installation of the sieve frames;
  • select sieve numbers according to the required throughput separator and seed size;
  • monitor the condition of the sieves, avoiding irregularities and depressions on the surface;
  • monitor the timely cleaning of the receiving, sorting and overseeding sieves, since when they are clogged with a large amount of impurities, the useful sifting area decreases, as a result of which the seeds immediately fall from the sorting sieve into waste, and due to clogging of the opening of the undersowing sieve with fine husks, mineral impurities come off with the seeds ;
  • monitor the timely and continuous removal of litter from the sedimentation chambers, as well as the condition of air ducts, separators and promptly clean them from settled dust;
  • monitor the condition of bag filters and clean them in case of clogging;

    Collapse of seeds and isolation of the kernel.

    In the production of high-quality oils, meals and cakes, the hulling and separation of seed coats from the rushanka are important and necessary technological operations. During the processing of seeds, wax-like and other undesirable substances pass from the shells into the oil, which worsen the taste and smell, increase the acid number and color of the oils, and also reduce their storage stability.

    The quantitative ratios between the kernel and the shell of seeds during their processing in schemes that involve the removal of shells directly affect the productivity of the main equipment, the quality of the products produced and the yield of cake, oil, and husks.

    The maximum separation of shells from seeds before their processing is a prerequisite for obtaining high-quality oils and high-protein meals in the production.

    The main processes that ensure the separation of the kernel from other morphological parts of oilseeds include the hulling and separation of the Rushanka.

    Collapse of sunflower seeds is carried out on seed mashers. The purpose of the seed hoppers is to completely collapse the seeds with a minimum of kernel chaff and oil dust.

    Each seed hopper should work in pair with its seed hopper, this is necessary not only to reduce the oiling of the husk, but also to establish the correct technological mode of operation of the seed hopper and its seed hopper. With paired work, it is easy to identify defects in the operation of each machine and eliminate them.

    Sunflower seeds collapsed on seed mashers - rushanka - consist of collapsed, whole, normal and puny kernels, various large particles of kernels, oil dust, whole seeds, under-development, litter (vegetable and mineral). The main purpose of the seeds is to separate the maximum amount of husk from the husk with a minimum loss of oil in the husk.

    Crushing the core.

    When grinding sunflower seed kernels, the main goal is to achieve complete destruction of the cellular structure of the kernel, which contributes to a more complete extraction of oil. For crushing the kernel of sunflower seeds, roller machines are used.

    The quality of grinding the kernel is affected by its moisture content. The optimal humidity of the core for maximum destruction of the cellular structure lies in the range of 5.0–6.0%. An increase in the moisture content of the kernel compared to the specified one worsens the quality of grinding (grinding).

    The quality of grinding the oilseed oil also deteriorates with an increase in the huskiness of the kernel, since the husk has a solid structure compared to the kernel, and its presence in the kernel increases the distance between the grinding rolls, as a result of which the fineness of the oilseed oil is deteriorating.

    The passage of the resulting mint through a 1 mm sieve should be at least 60%.

    In order to carry out the optimal technological mode of grinding the kernel on a five-roller B6-MVA machine and obtain the mint of the required grinding, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The quality of the kernel entering the rollers must meet the necessary requirements for moisture and huskiness;
  • It is necessary to make timely cutting and grinding of grinding rolls;
  • Do not exceed the normal load of the roller machine, guided by the ammeter readings of the electric motor that drives the machine;

    Moist heat treatment;

    Roasting oilseed oilseeds in braziers (that is, conditioning them for moisture and temperature) is one of the important processes preparation of goods for oil extraction. The mode of moisture-thermal processing of mint (conditioning) is determined by the laws of mass - (moisture) and heat transfer. The process of roasting mint before pressing is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, both heating and moistening of the mint to the optimum limits are carried out. At the second stage of frying, the pulp is dried, bringing the humidity and temperature to the values ​​determined by the technological requirements in relation to the processed raw materials.

    During moisture-heat treatment of mint, due to heating and wetting of the surface of protein substances, they swell and partially release oil on the surface of the mint. The swelling of the gel part of the mint is accompanied by an increase in its plasticity.

    When drying the pulp, in addition to reducing humidity, there is a further change in physical and chemical properties mint in general and its constituent substances. The overall effect of roasting the pulp is expressed in a decrease in its moisture content, plasticity, a decrease in the viscosity of the oil and a change in its surface tension.

    Acute water vapor supplied to the oilseed layer acts as both a moisture and a heat carrier. As a moisture carrier, steam has the advantage that, during condensation, it distributes moisture more evenly on the mint compared to moisturizing with water. However, the effect of steam as a moisturizing agent is limited, as it gradually decreases and then stops as the mint warms up.

    The removal of evaporating moisture from the braziers in the second stage is carried out using natural exhaust through pockets and aspiration pipes. The restriction of air circulation in the braziers is due to the desire to reduce the contact of hot oilseed pulp with atmospheric oxygen, which causes all kinds of oxidative processes during frying.

    The structure of the pulp entering the press must be sufficiently plastic and elastic so that, on the one hand, it is possible to ensure good shell briquetting, and on the other hand, to develop a sufficiently high pressure in the press without creeping the pulp out of the zeers and at the same time obtain a given oil content. The combination of these properties of the pulp is determined by the optimal ratio of temperature and humidity of the finished pulp coming out of the brazier. Exceeding (against the optimum) moisture content of the pulp causes the pulp to creep out of the zeers, the release of a shapeless cake shell and an increase in its oil content. Deviation from the optimal humidity downwards causes overdrying of the pulp, the release of crumbling oilseed shells and, again, an increase in its oil content. Optimal humidity and temperature also guarantee optimal plasticity of the pulp.

    The pulp coming out of the brazier should have the following indicators:

    A) when the press is in pre-compression mode:

    Humidity 5.0 - 6.5%
    Temperature 100 – 105%

    B) when the press is in the final pressing mode (on converted presses)

    Humidity 2.0 – 3.0%
    Temperature 114 – 120%

    The quality of the resulting pulp is also greatly influenced by the preparation of the goods for moisture heat treatment. The quality of the mint entering the brazier should be characterized by the following indicators:

    Humidity 5.5 - 6.5%
    Humidity no more than 15%
    Pass through 1mm sieve not less than 60%

    Pulp pressing in screw presses MP-68

    The screw press MP-68 is designed to extract oil from oilseed raw materials - sunflower seeds prepared in an appropriate way. The scheme for extracting oil using screw presses provides for the following steps: seed hulling. Separation of the resulting rushanka into a kernel and a husk, grinding the selected kernel and moisture-thermal treatment of the mint in order to obtain the pulp of the required quality.

    Description of the oil press MP-68

    The pulp prepared in the brazier enters the feeder pipe and is directed to the receiving cavity of the grain chamber. The amount of incoming pulp is regulated by a damper located in the outlet window of the lower vat of the brazier.

    When the pulp passes through the grain chamber, it is compressed and oil is released through the grain slots. The movement and compression of the pulp in the grain chamber is carried out by a screw shaft. The protruding ends of the knives and the ribbed surface of the grain chamber prevent the pulp from rotating together with the shaft and provide the necessary mixing of the pulp for more efficient extraction of oil from it.

    The oil, flowing down from the zeernoy chamber, falls on the oil sump, from which it is fed for further processing. The pulp squeezed out of the oil leaves the zeer chamber in the form of a densely compressed mass (shells), the optimal thickness of which, and hence the degree of pulp compression in the chamber, is set by the shell thickness control mechanism.

    Operation of oil press MP-68

    To use the full power of the presses in terms of productivity and depth of oil extraction without degrading the quality of the latter, it is necessary:

  • maintain a continuous and uniform flow of mint into the brazier;
  • to ensure a continuous and uniform supply of pulp to the press, for which purpose it is necessary to monitor the constant supply and filling of the grain chambers, guided by the nature and yield of the pressed shell and the readings of the ammeters of the drive motors;
  • make sure that the cake exiting the presses is dense, without cake fines and has a smooth surface on the side facing the pressing roller, and slightly porous on the side of the zeer;
  • The normal operation of the press is when the largest amount of oil is squeezed out at the end of the first and second section of the sieve chamber. The degree of oil extraction should decrease towards the outlet.

    The performance of the oil press, that is, the number of seeds processed per unit of time, increases with an increase in the speed of rotation of the screw shaft and decreases with a decrease in the speed of rotation of the screw shaft. The normal loading of the oil press depends on the amount of pulp entering the oil press and is maintained according to the readings of the ammeter. When the load rises to 80A, an audible signal (siren) and an “OVERLOAD” light on the control panel turn on, warning of overload. At the same time, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate the overload. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the supply of pulp to the feeder. If this does not lead to a decrease in load, it is necessary to retract the cage, thereby increasing the width of the outlet annular hole. If this event also fails, the oil press must be stopped, and the sieve chamber must be disassembled to eliminate the existing defect (incorrect assembly of the oil press or the ingress of a foreign object).

    If measures to reduce the load are not taken, and the load continues to grow, then when overloaded by 1.7–2 times (from the rated power of the electric motor), the shear pins in the cross safety clutch will be sheared. If the cause of the shearing of the pins was the ingress of a foreign object into the auger chamber, then it is necessary to open the auger chamber, remove the foreign object and close it, then, having replaced the broken pins, you can start pressing again.

    If the pins were sheared due to pressing the oil press, due to the supply of overcooked pulp to the oil press or the supply of a large amount of pulp to the cold oil press (during start-up), then the next start after replacing the pins should be carried out at a stop for up to 1 hour with preliminary turning on the reverse rotation of the screw shaft according to the same rules as when stopping due to a power outage (see below). With a longer stop, the next start-up can be made only after disassembling and cleaning the screen chamber and auger shaft.

    Overdrying (overcooking) of the pulp.

    Signs of overdrying (overcooking) of the pulp in the brazier are:

    1) a sharp increase in the load on the drive motor of the press;
    2) reduction of oil output and displacement of its runoff towards the output of cake;
    3) the appearance of crumbling, unformed cake;
    4) grinding in the press area and its vibration due to increased friction of the pulp on the working surfaces of the pressing path of the press;
    5) the appearance of a specific smell of burnt shells at the outlet of the press diaphragm.

    Overcooking of the pulp leads to intensive wear of the screw links, grain grates, breakage of knives, operation of the electric motor protection and, consequently, to the stop of the press.

    When the pulp is overcooked, the color and acid number of the oil increase, the content of undesirable oxidation and polymerization products increases, the content of water-soluble proteins in the cake decreases and its color increases.

    In the event of the appearance of signs indicating overcooking of the pulp, it is necessary:

    1) Reduce or temporarily stop the supply of dead steam to the brazier;
    2) Reduce the supply of pulp to the press until the load on the electric motor is brought back to normal;
    3) Press the diaphragm if necessary, increase the thickness of the outgoing oilseed shell.

    Undercooking of the pulp.

    Signs of undercooking of the pulp or waterlogging are:

    1) The appearance of too soft shells, loosening when leaving the press body;
    2) Cake rotation together with the cone;
    3) Reduced oil output and movement of its drain to the feeder;
    4) Increase in the amount of scree;
    5) Reducing the load on the press drive motor.

    Pressing the pulp with high humidity leads to an increase in the oil content of the cake and, consequently, to a decrease in oil removal and a decrease in the performance of the press.

    If there are signs of undercooking or waterlogging of the pulp, it is necessary:

    1) Check the moisture content of the mint in the 1st pot of the brazier and, if necessary, reduce it;
    2) Check the supply and pressure of the jacket steam in the brazier, the correct operation of the condensate pots;
    3) Check the condition of the aspiration pipes of the brazier, clean them in case of clogging and enhance the removal of moisture vapor by fully opening the gates;
    4) Temporarily reduce or completely stop the supply of pulp to the press for additional drying in the brazier.


    In the process of removing oil on screw presses, particles of pulp and cake get into the oil. Small particles of the pressed material are carried out by oil flows through the press slots, and larger particles are squeezed out in the form of lamellar formations. Thus, the resulting oil, after the screw of the press, is a suspension with a greater or lesser content of solid particles. The size of solid particles in oil varies over a very wide range - from a few centimeters to 2 - 4 microns. The amount of solid suspended particles in the press oil can vary from 2 to 10%, their density is 1.10 - 1.40 g/cm 3 . The impurity content is affected structurally mechanical properties pressed material and features of the working parts of the press (the size of the gaps in the steps between the seed plates, the degree of wear of the screw shaft parts, etc.).

    The presence of insoluble mechanical impurities in vegetable oils worsens their quality, since oxidative and hydrolytic processes proceed faster on the surface of the particles than in the bulk. Therefore, in the process of producing vegetable oils, they tend to quickly and possibly completely remove insoluble mechanical impurities from the oil (filtration) with the help of fuse traps and filters.

  • Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Vegetable oils - complex mixtures organic matter- lipids isolated from plant tissues (olives, sunflower, soybeans, rapeseed, etc.). According to their composition, lipids are divided into two groups: simple and complex. The main components of simple lipids are fats, which make up to 95-97% of lipids. Fats are mainly triglycerides, which are viscous liquids or solids with a low (up to 40 °С) melting point, colorless and odorless, lighter than water (at 15 °С density 900…980 kg/m3), non-volatile. They are highly soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water. Fats also contain saturated and unsaturated acids and waxes. Phospholipids are important components of complex lipids.

    Vegetable fats and oils are essential components of food, a source of energy and plastic material for a person, a supplier of substances necessary for him, which are involved in the regulation of metabolism, blood pressure, excretion of excess cholesterol from the body, etc. The most important components of fats are polyunsaturated acids - linoleic and linolenic. They are not synthesized in the human body and are called essential or essential acids. A long-term restriction in the diet of essential fatty acids leads to physiological abnormalities: the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted, the body's immunity decreases, and life expectancy is reduced. But excessive consumption of fat is also undesirable, it leads to obesity and cardiovascular disease.

    The following types of vegetable oils are produced in Russia: refined (deodorized and non-deodorized), hydrated (highest, I and II grades), unrefined (highest, I and II grades). To retail chains and enterprises Catering it is necessary to send only refined deodorized oil, which is packaged in glass or plastic bottles.

    According to the standard, physical and chemical indicators of the permissible content of harmful substances, the amount of moisture, acid and iodine numbers, etc., as well as organoleptic indicators are determined in the finished oil: transparency, smell and taste.

    The recommended content of fats in the human diet is on average 100…108 g per day, including directly in the form of fats 50…52 g.

    The raw materials for the production of vegetable oils are mainly oilseeds, as well as the pulp of the fruits of some plants. According to the oil content, the seeds are divided into three groups: high oil (over 30% - sunflower, peanuts, rapeseed), medium oil (20 ... 30% - cotton, flax) and low oil (up to 20% - soy). In Russia, the main oilseed crop is sunflower. Sunflower seeds with an oil content of 40…50%, a moisture content of 6…8%, and a content of weed impurities of no more than 3% come into production.

    Features of production and consumption of finished products. The processing of sunflower seeds into vegetable oil involves the implementation of the processes of hulling and grinding seeds, hydrothermal processing of mint, extraction and refining of oil.

    Collapsing seeds under the sun. Oil reserves in the tissues of oilseeds are unevenly distributed: the main part is concentrated in the kernel of the seeds - in the embryo and endosperm. The fruit and seed coats contain a relatively small amount of oil, which has a different (worse in nutritional value) chemical composition. In this regard, the shells are separated from the main oil-containing tissues by destroying the integumentary tissues of the seeds - hulling and subsequent separation of the resulting mixture - rushanka into a kernel and husk.

    The most important requirement for the caving operation is that the destruction of the shell should not be accompanied by crushing of the core. The quality of rushanka is characterized by the content of undesirable fractions in it - whole and partially destroyed seeds, the so-called whole and under-derushed seeds, crushed kernels (chopped) and oil dust. The presence of such fractions increases the clogging (huskiness) of the core, increases the loss of particles of the core with separated husks.

    The division of Rushanka into core and husk is based on the difference in their size and aerodynamic properties. Therefore, Rushanka fractions containing core and husk particles of the same size are first obtained, and then the Rushanka is separated into a core and husk in an air stream. The quality of the operation of separating the rushanka is evaluated by the residual husk content in the finished kernel and the loss of oil with the separated husk.

    GRINDING SEEDS The oil is contained in the intracellular structure of the seed nucleus, which must be destroyed to release the oil. The required degree of grinding is achieved by exposing the material being processed to mechanical forces that produce crushing, splitting, abrading and impact actions. Usually grinding is achieved by a combination of several types of these forces.

    The semi-finished product obtained after grinding is called mint and has a very large specific surface, since in addition to the destruction of cell membranes during grinding, the intracellular structure of the oil-containing part of the cell is also disturbed, a significant proportion of the oil is released and immediately adsorbed on the surface of the mint particles.

    Well-ground mint should consist of particles of uniform size passing through a 1 mm sieve, should not contain intact, intact cells, and at the same time, the content of very fine (farinous) particles in it should be low. The end result of the grinding operation is the conversion of the oil contained in the seed cells into a form available for further technological influences.

    H y d r o t e r m i c h a n t i o n s The oil adsorbed in the form of thin films on the surface of the oilseed particles is retained by significant surface forces. These forces can be significantly weakened by moisturizing and subsequent heat treatment of the mint.

    Intense short-term heating of the mint with simultaneous moistening contributes to the uniform distribution of moisture in the mint and partial inactivation of the hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes of seeds that degrade the quality of the oil. Then the mint is heated and dried. As a result of this processing, the mint turns into a pulp prepared for oil extraction.

    Extraction of oil. In the practice of vegetable oil production, there are two fundamental various ways extracting oil from vegetable oil-containing raw materials: mechanical extraction of oil - pressing and dissolving oil in volatile organic solvents - extraction. These two methods for the production of vegetable oils are used either alone or in combination with one another.

    Currently, to extract the oil, first the pressing method is used, in which ¾ of the total oil is obtained, and then the extraction method, with which the rest of the oil is extracted.

    The oil is pressed in screw presses of various designs. The pressure developed by the screw press reaches 30 MPa, the degree of compaction (compression) of the pulp is 2.8 ... 4.4 times. At the same time, the pulp particles approach each other, the oil is squeezed out, and the pressed material is compacted into a monolithic cake mass.

    It is impossible to achieve complete degreasing of the pulp using the press method, since thin layers of oil always remain on the surface of the cake particles coming out of the press, held by surface layers that are many times higher than the pressure developed by modern presses. Even on presses operating with maximum oil removal and developing high pressure, cake with an oil content of 4 ... 7% is obtained.

    Extraction - the extraction of oil from the oil cake, produced with the help of solvents. As solvents for the extraction of vegetable oils, extraction gasoline and nefras with a boiling point in the range of 63 ... 75 ° C are used. The oil that is on the surface of the opened cells, when washed with gasoline, easily dissolves in it. A significant amount of oil is inside unopened cells or inside closed cavities (capsules). Extraction of this oil requires the penetration of the solvent into the cage and capsules and the exit of the solvent into environment. This process occurs due to molecular and convective diffusion.

    As a result of extraction, a solution of oil in a solvent, called a miscella, and a defatted material, a meal, are obtained.

    To remove mechanical impurities from the miscella, it is filtered. After that, it consists of a low-boiling solvent and a practically non-volatile oil. In the fat and oil industry, the operation of distillation of the solvent is called distillation. At relatively low oil concentrations in the miscella, the solvent removal process is initially reduced to a conventional evaporation process. As the concentration of the oil increases, the boiling point of the miscella rises very rapidly. In this regard, to reduce the distillation temperature and speed up the process, distillation of the solvent under vacuum, as well as with water vapor, is used.

    R a f i n a c and i a s l a. Refining is the process of oil purification from undesirable groups of lipids and impurities. Due to the variety of physical and chemical properties of lipids that make up natural oils and fats, modern refining is a complex process that includes a sequential chain of technological operations that differ in the nature of chemical and physical effects on the lipid groups to be removed.

    The volume and sequence of operations during refining depend on the type and purpose of the oil. Hydration is used to remove from the oil with water a group of substances with hydrophilic properties (phospholipids, mucous and protein substances), which precipitate during storage of the oil. Neutralization of the oil with alkali allows it to be purified from free fatty acids capable of saponification. Cooling the oil is necessary to freeze the waxes and separate their crystals. Oil deodorization is a distillation process that removes volatile substances that determine the smell and taste of oil, as well as foreign compounds, pesticides and toxic products.

    When performing all of the above operations, changes occur chemical composition and the physical state of unwanted substances, as a result of which they turn into solid particles and suspensions. They can be removed from the oil by various physical methods of mechanical refining: filtration, settling and centrifugation.

    Required condition applied technological operations is the preservation of the nutritional value of the triacylglycerol part of the oil in its native state.

    Complete refining is necessary in the production of salad oil for direct consumption, for oils and fats used in the production of margarine, confectionery, cooking fats and mayonnaise.

    The meal obtained as a result of the extraction processing of cake is also purified from the solvent by distillation and used as animal feed. Food protein can be extracted from the meal using a special technology.

    When sunflower oil of the highest and grade I is hydrated, a food phosphatide concentrate is obtained containing 40 ...

    Soap stock, formed during alkaline neutralization of oil, is used in the manufacture of soap.

    Stages of the technological process. The production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds consists of the following stages and main operations:

    - acceptance of seeds and their cleaning from impurities;

    - seed hulling, separation of the kernel and husk;

    – grinding of seeds and hydrothermal treatment of mint;

    – pulp pressing and pressing oil cleaning;

    – cake structuring and oil extraction from it;

    – miscella distillation;

    – oil refining: hydration, neutralization, deodorization, cooling, mechanical purification of impurities;

    – distillation of the solvent from the meal;

    - packaging of finished oil in consumer and transport containers.

    Characteristics of equipment complexes. The line starts with a set of equipment for seed cleaning, consisting of scales, silos, separators, magnetic traps, supply hoppers, bucket elevators and conveyors.

    The next set of equipment for obtaining the seed kernel, which includes centrifugal crushers, seeders, aspiration systems, sieving, bucket elevators and conveyors.

    The leading set of equipment of the line is intended for the production of press oil, including roller mills, an inactivator, an oil press, filters and pumps, as well as equipment for crushing pre-press cake and final extraction of oil from it.

    The set of equipment for extracting oil production includes a crusher and flattening machine for prepress cake, an extractor, miscella filters, heaters and distillers, an oil cooler, conveyors, pumps and tanks, equipment for stripping the solvent from the meal, as well as equipment for cleaning the solvent .

    The complex of equipment for the complete refining of oil contains a hydrator, a neutralizer, a bleaching and drying apparatus, filters, a deodorizer, pumps and collectors.

    The final complex of the line includes dosing devices, machines for filling oil and packaging products in shipping containers.

    The machine-hardware diagram of the line for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds is shown in fig. 2.11.

    The device and principle of operation of the line. Sunflower seeds entering production are freed from ferromagnetic impurities on a magnetic separator, weighed, then by a screw conveyor 1 are fed to the air-sieve separator 2 for cleaning from mineral and organic debris (Fig. 2.11, a).

    Large rubbish coming off the top (sorting) sieve, screw conveyor 5 is taken out of production. Small litter passing through the bottom (sowing) sieve and exiting the cyclones 3 aspiration system of separators equipped with fans 4 , also by screw conveyor 5 is taken out of production. The content of oil impurities in the outgoing litter is not more than 3%.

    Seeds cleaned on sieves from large and small litter enter the vibrating tray of the separator's pneumoseparating channel 2 . When air passes through the flow of seeds, light impurities are separated from the mass of seeds and carried out by air through the pneumatic separating channel and air ducts into the sedimentation device - horizontal cyclones. They are intended for preliminary purification of the air flow from impurities isolated from sunflower seeds in the separator's pneumoseparating channel. From horizontal cyclones, light impurities through the anti-sucking channel enter the screw conveyor 5 .

    The air leaving the horizontal cyclones is additionally cleaned in the cyclones 3 , separated impurities from which are also removed by a screw conveyor 5 .

    Peeled sunflower seeds from the pneumatic separating channel by a scraper conveyor 6 , elevator 7 , screw conveyor 9 fed for caving in centrifugal crushing machines (rushes) 10 . Before the seeds enter the rushes on gravity from the bucket elevator 7 into the conveyor 9 installed magnetic separator (iron separator) 8

    Seeds, having received acceleration on a centrifugal rotating disk, fall into the radial guide channels of the rush, lined with liners made of wear-resistant ceramics, from where they are thrown onto the annular deck, hit it with a sharp or blunt end of the seed (i.e., they receive a blow in the weakest direction - along the long the axis of the seed, which basically provides the best effect of collapsing). When hitting the deck, the largest part of the seeds collapses and, in the form of a rushanka, enters a cylindrical sieve located inside the cyclone of the rushka. When the roller moves down the sieve, part of the oil dust is separated from the roller, which is removed from the roller by a screw conveyor 14 on the core screw conveyor 22 where it mixes with the core.

    Sunflower seeds (rushanka) collapsed in rushkas consist of whole kernels, their large particles, chaff, oil dust, whole seeds, under-dice, husks of various sizes and litter (vegetable and mineral). Rushanka containing up to 25% of whole grain and underdrink, up to 10% of oil dust, up to 12% of chaff is fed by gravity into the seed bins 16 with scraper conveyor 15 .

    The main purpose of seeds is to separate required amount husks from rushanka with minimal loss of oil from the husk. At the same time, part of the remaining litter is also removed from the seeds.

    In seed succulents, the crushed sunflower seeds are separated into fractions. Rushanka, having passed through the sieving of the seed-cooker, is divided into six fractions, of which five are fed to the wake, and the sixth is taken out of the machine, bypassing the wake. Each of the five fractions of the product that enters the wake enters the chamber intended for it, where the product is winnowed by an air stream and the husk is separated from the core according to the difference in aerodynamic characteristics.

    Kernel with a husk content of not more than 12% from the second to fifth sections of the seeds 16 screw conveyors 22 , 48 fed into the core bins above the roller mills and then into the roller mills 49 for grinding. Before the core enters the roller mills by gravity from the conveyor 22 into the conveyor 48 installed iron separator 47 to remove metal impurities.

    When grinding sunflower seed kernels, the main goal is to achieve complete destruction of the cellular structure of the kernel, which contributes to a more complete extraction of oil, both by pressing and by extraction methods. The optimal humidity of the nucleus, at which the maximum destruction of the cellular structure occurs, lies in the range of 5.5 ... 6.0%. An increase in the moisture content of the kernel compared to the specified one worsens the quality of grinding (grinding).

    The core, getting into the passages between the grinding rolls of the roller machine, due to the difference in the circumferential speeds of the rolls, the presence of corrugations on their surfaces, as well as the different size of the gap between the rolls, is crushed, i.e. turns into mint.

    Mint (pass through a 1 mm sieve at least 60%) with a moisture content of 5 ... 6% after roller machines by a screw conveyor 50 submitted for pressing.

    Nedorush from the first sections of working seeds 16 screw conveyor 21 , as well as nedorush from the first sections of the seeds for nedorush 35 screw conveyor 36 served for control by elevator 23 , screw conveyor 24 into seeds 25 where the husk is separated from it.

    From seeds 25 nedorush screw conveyor 27 , elevator 28 , screw conveyor 29 is fed for re-collapse on the centrifugal crusher 30 . Part of the oil dust separated from the roller in the centrifugal roller is removed from it by a screw conveyor 33 into the core screw conveyor 22 where the oil dust is mixed with the kernel.

    Description of the stages of the production of vegetable oil.

    Very often the question arises - how does unrefined cold-pressed oil differ from the refined oil familiar to many, which is sold on store shelves. In order to answer this question, Let us consider in detail the production process and its varieties.

    Seed processing. The quality of sunflower oil depends on the quality of sunflower seeds supplied for processing, the terms and conditions of storage of seeds before pressing. The main quality characteristics for sunflower seeds are oil content, humidity, ripening period. The oil content depends on the sunflower variety and how warm and sunny the summer turned out to be. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield. The optimal percentage of moisture content of sunflower seeds supplied for processing is 6%. Seeds that are too wet will store poorly and be heavier. Ripening time in our climatic conditions is a very important factor that indirectly affects the price of sunflower oil. The peak of production and supply of finished vegetable oil is October - December. And the peak of demand is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Accordingly, the earlier raw materials are received, the faster the finished product will reach the consumer. In addition, the seeds must be well cleaned, the content of debris should not exceed 1%, and broken grain - 3%. Before processing, additional cleaning, drying, caving (destruction) of the seed peel and separating it from the kernel are carried out. Then the seeds are crushed, mint or pulp is obtained.

    Extraction (production) of sunflower oil. Vegetable oil from the mint of sunflower seeds is obtained by 2 methods - pressing or extraction. Oil extraction is a more environmentally friendly way. Although the oil yield, of course, is much less and does not exceed 30%. As a rule, before pressing, the mint is heated at 100-110 ° C in braziers, while mixing and moistening. Then the roasted mint is squeezed out in screw presses. The completeness of the extraction of vegetable oil depends on the pressure, viscosity and density of the oil, the thickness of the mint layer, the duration of the extraction and other factors. The characteristic taste of oil after hot pressing is reminiscent of roasted sunflower seeds. Oils obtained by hot pressing are more intensely colored and flavored due to the breakdown products that form during heating. BUT cold pressed sunflower oil obtained from mint without heating. The advantage of this oil is the preservation of most of the useful substances in it: antioxidants, vitamins, lecithin. The negative point is that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, it quickly becomes cloudy and rancid. The cake remaining after pressing the oil can be subjected to extraction or used in animal husbandry. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing is called raw, because after pressing it is only settled and filtered. Such a product has high taste and nutritional properties.

    Extraction of sunflower oil. The production of sunflower oil by extraction involves the use of organic solvents (most often extraction gasolines) and is carried out in special apparatus - extractors. In the course of extraction, a miscella is obtained - a solution of oil in a solvent and a fat-free solid residue - meal. The solvent is distilled off from miscella and meal in distillers and screw evaporators. The finished oil is settled, filtered and further processed. The extraction method for extracting oils is more economical, as it allows the maximum extraction of fat from raw materials - up to 99%.

    Refining of sunflower oil. Refined oil has practically no color, taste, smell. This oil is also called impersonal. His the nutritional value is determined only by the minimum presence of essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic and linolenic), which is also called vitamin F. This vitamin is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, maintaining immunity. It gives stability and elasticity to blood vessels, reduces the body's sensitivity to the action of ultraviolet rays and radioactive radiation, regulates the contraction of smooth muscles, and performs many other vital functions. In the production of vegetable oil, there are several stages of refining.

    First stage of refining. Getting rid of mechanical impurities - settling, filtration and centrifugation, after which the vegetable oil goes on sale as commercial unrefined.

    The second stage of refining. Removal of phosphatides or hydration - treatment with a small amount of hot - up to 70 ° C water. As a result, proteinaceous and mucous substances, which can lead to rapid spoilage of the oil, swell, precipitate and are removed. Neutralization is the effect on the heated oil of the base (alkali). This step removes free fatty acids, which catalyze oxidation and cause smoke when frying. Heavy metals and pesticides are also removed at the neutralization stage. Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw, since hydration removes part of the phosphatides, but it can be stored longer. Such processing makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

    The third stage of refining. Excretion of free fatty acids. With an excess content of these acids, vegetable oil has an unpleasant taste. The vegetable oil that has passed these three stages is called already refined non-deodorized.

    Fourth stage of refinement. Bleaching is the treatment of oil with adsorbents of organic origin (most often special clays) that absorb coloring components, after which the fat is clarified. Pigments pass into the oil from the seeds and also threaten to oxidize the finished product. After bleaching, there are no pigments left in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw.

    Fifth stage of refinement. Deodorization is the removal of aromatic substances by exposing sunflower oil to hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230°C under vacuum conditions. During this process, odorous substances that lead to oxidation are destroyed. Removal of the above, undesirable impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil.

    The sixth stage of refinement. Freezing is the removal of waxes. All seeds are covered with wax, this is a kind of protection from natural factors. Waxes make the oil cloudy, especially when sold on the street during the cold season, and thereby spoil its presentation. During the freezing process, the oil turns colorless. After going through all the stages, vegetable oil becomes impersonal. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oils are made from such a product, and are used in canning. Therefore, it should not have a specific taste or smell, so as not to disturb the overall taste of the product.

    Sunflower oil hits the shelves as the following products: Refined, non-deodorized oil - outwardly transparent, but with a characteristic smell and color. Refined deodorized oil - transparent, light yellow, odorless and tasteless seeds. Unrefined oil- darker than bleached, maybe with sediment or suspension, but nevertheless it passed the filtration and, of course, retained the smell that we all know from childhood.

    • Capital investments 11 685 104 rubles
    • Average monthly revenue 5 879 556 rubles
    • Net profit RUB 455,225
    • Payback 26 months.

    1. Production technology

    Manufacturing process the production of refined sunflower oil consists of the following steps:

    • Spin;
    • refining process;
    • Packaging and labeling of finished products.

    1.1. Oil extraction

    Before pressing, the raw materials are heated in braziers at a temperature of 100-110 ° C, while mixing and moistening. Next, the raw material is pressed in presses. The completeness of extraction of vegetable oil depends on pressure, viscosity and density.

    After sunflower pressing, cake and husks remain, which can be further processed or used in animal husbandry. So from one ton of sunflower seeds with an oil content of 44.7%, you can get the following products:

    1.2. Refining process

    First step:

    Getting rid of mechanical impurities (settlement, filtration and centrifugation), after which vegetable oil goes on sale as commercial unrefined,

    Second stage:

    Oil treatment with hot water (65-70 °C). This is done to remove phosphatides or hydration. After processing, the vegetable oil becomes transparent.

    Third stage:

    Excretion of free fatty acids. With an excess content of such acids, vegetable oil has an unpleasant taste. The vegetable oil that has passed these three stages is called already refined non-deodorized.

    Fourth stage:

    Deodorization (Whitening). After this process, no pigments remain in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw. removes volatile compounds, deodorizes vegetable oil and turns it into a refined deodorized oil.

    Fifth stage:

    Freezing, with its help, waxes are removed, after which a colorless, viscous vegetable oil is obtained

    2. Required equipment

    After analyzing the offers on the Internet for the sale of equipment/lines for the production of refined sunflower oil, we came to the following conclusions:

    • If you plan to produce more than 30 tons of products per day, then it is optimal to purchase an oil plant, in addition to the extraction line, a refining line will be included in its kit, the disadvantage of such plants is the high cost (prices start at 1.5 million euros without installation),
    • If you plan to produce 5-10 tons of products per day, then it is optimal to buy equipment separately (pressing, refining, packaging)

    Our business plan considers the organization of sunflower oil production with a capacity of 5-10 tons of products per day, so all equipment will be purchased separately.

    2.1. Press line

    When analyzing the proposals, the most attractive in terms of price / performance / quality ratio seemed to us the equipment of the company Penzmash OJSC. This company manufactures custom lines for the production of vegetable oil LM-1.


    1. Productivity for sunflower seeds, t/day: 10 - 12
    2. Oil yield, %, at oil content
    • sunflower seeds 48-50%: 40-42
    • flax seeds 42-45%: 3-38
    • rapeseed 40-42%: 33-35
  • Installed power, kW: 60
  • Nominal parameters of the supply network: voltage, V: 380, Current frequency, Hz: 50, Number of phases: 3
  • Occupied area, no more than, m2: 55
  • Weight, kg: 6200
  • 5 people per shift are required to service the plant.

    The cost is 1,931,040 rubles including VAT.

    With an oil capacity of up to 5-10 tons per day, the LSX-5000 cleaning and refining line is optimal (China), productivity up to 5 tons per day.

    The LSX-5000 line implements the principle of batch refining, which is fully consistent with the classical technology of this process for industrial variants of such equipment.

    The equipment is supplied with a high degree of installation readiness, equipped with a heat and electrical control panel; for commissioning, it is only necessary to provide a supply of tap water, electricity, and fuel (coal or wood, or gas or diesel fuel), caustic soda, phosphoric acid and bleaching agent (clay or Activated carbon) .

    Specifications of the LSX-5000 Press Line

    • Packet (discontinuous) type lines.
    • Simple thoughtful design and layout.
    • Includes heating unit and control panel.
    • The equipment is not intended for refining highly rancid oils with a peroxide value greater than 10 meq/kg.
    • Ease of installation work, no special requirements for the premises and foundation, the equipment can be installed both indoors and outdoors.

    * It is also possible to use gas or diesel fuel as a heat carrier

    2.3. Packing line

    For bottling of finished products into bottles, the equipment manufactured by Prodvizhenie LLC is optimally suited. This company produces automatic line for bottling oil in PET bottles with a capacity of 0.25-2.0 liters, with a capacity of 2700 bottles / hour (1.0l). The cost is 2,132,000 rubles.

    Number of staff: 2 people per shift.

    3. Feasibility study of the project

    3.1. Equipment costs

    3.2. Equipment delivery and installation costs

    3.3. working capital(raw materials, monthly expenses, etc.)

    Naming of expenditures

    Working capital (purchase of raw materials, monthly payroll, other)


    Total capital investments amount to 11,685,104 rubles.

    3.4. Required premises

    • To place the spinning line, a production facility with an area of ​​55 sq.m. is required. (ceiling height 3.5 meters)
    • To accommodate the refining line, a room of 100 sq.m. is required.
    • 60 sq.m. is required to accommodate a product packaging line.
    • Warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products are also needed: 200 sq.m. and administrative premises for staff 25 sq. m.

    Total required

    not less than 215 sq.m. for the organization of production
    not less than 200 sq.m. for storage facilities
    at least 25 sq.m of administrative and amenity premises.

    The workshop premises should be equipped with 380 watts, a water supply system should be connected, and there should be a convenient truck access to the workshop for the delivery of raw materials and the shipment of finished products.

    3.5. Staff

    25 workers will be required to service the production




    Art. Technologist



    Direct pressing workshop

    Refinery shop

    Packaging department


    • The direct pressing shop and the refining shop are open around the clock (shift 8 hours)
    • 1 foreman works in a shift, 3 workers in the pressing shop and 2 workers in the refining shop.
    • Technologists, storekeepers, as well as workers of the packaging department work in one shift.
    • The director deals with the purchase of raw materials, the sale of finished products
    • 3.6. Taxation

    Since most potential buyers work with VAT, the most acceptable form for an oil production workshop is 3 personal income tax, form of activity: Individual entrepreneur.

    3.7. Pricing

    According to the data of the Internet, the prices for products are as follows:

    3.8. Revenue calculation

    As a result of processing sunflower seeds, the following products are produced:

    Sunflower oil refining - used in Food Industry.

    Cake, husk is used in animal husbandry

    3.9. Cost price:

    For the manufacture of 5 tons of products, it is necessary to process 11.8 tons of sunflower seeds. Also included in the cost of production are the costs of electricity, coal, water, soda, bleaching agent and packaging costs.

    Coal, water, soda bleaching agent is the raw material for oil refining and refining line.

    4. Feasibility study

    Input data

    Productivity: 5 tons per day.
    Capital investments: rubles: 11,685,104 rubles
    Room area: 440 sq.m. (rent 100,000 rubles per month)
    Number of shifts per month: 30
    Number of staff: 25 people.

    4.1. General expenses, per month

    4.2. Profitability calculation

    4.3. Payback calculation

    To calculate the payback point of a sunflower oil workshop, you can use our online break-even point service.


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    sunflower competitiveness economic

    Sunflower and sunflower products are the second largest agricultural export in terms of revenue after grain in Russian Federation. But the genetic potential of sunflower is used by no more than half. Sunflower oil seeds are widely used. The first is the production of sunflower oil, which is not inferior to animal oil in terms of calories, but with one very important advantage: it does not contain cholesterol. The second is meal (or cake), which is valuable feed additive, which allows to ensure the balance of feed rations of agricultural animals and poultry in terms of protein, due to the lack of which in the production of livestock products there is a waste of feed from 10 to 30%. In addition, sunflower is used in the confectionery industry. In recent years, research has been carried out aimed at creating a highly efficient biofuel based on crop by-products.

    Sunflower production, in comparison with other marketable crop products, is the most efficient due to the high selling prices of oilseeds and products of their processing due to the high demand for consumer market. However, in some years there is a decrease in its profitability due to fluctuations in yield, as well as outstripping growth rates of the total cost of 1 centner of oilseeds compared to the rate of increase in the average selling price. This situation is largely due to the influence of inflation, the disparity in prices for sunflower oil seeds and purchased material resources of industrial origin. A significant factor in the growth of the cost of oilseeds is the low level of yield due to violation of the requirements of agricultural technology, insufficient use of mineral and organic fertilizers, means of protecting crops from pests, diseases and weeds in many agricultural organizations.

    The current situation in the industry does not meet modern requirements for the highly efficient use of labor, production, economic and financial resources, necessitates a significant increase in the level and sustainability of yields. To improve the efficiency of sunflower cultivation, it is important to develop a set of measures aimed at improving the production, distribution and use of sunflower oilseeds, taking into account the conditions of its storage, processing and market conditions.

    V.P. Brazhnik, G.G. Gonik, N.I. Dvoryadkin, K.M. Krivoshlykov, M.I. Kruchinin, A.M. Lyakhovetsky, I.F. Popov, A.L. Rizgaev and others. In their scientific papers theoretical and methodological foundations scientific support for the organization of highly efficient production of oilseeds, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the oil and fat subcomplex.

    The purpose of writing a term paper is to substantiate directions for improving the efficiency of production and use of sunflower oil seeds in agricultural organizations. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified and solved:

    analyze state of the art production and use of sunflower oilseeds, the level and trends of its effectiveness;

    explore the essence and content of the concept of economic efficiency of production and use of agricultural products;

    clarify the system of indicators for assessing the economic efficiency of the production and use of sunflower oilseeds;

    to give organizational and economic characteristics of CJSC "APK Yunost";

    evaluate the role of sunflower production in the economy of ZAO APK Yunost

    to conduct a comparative assessment of sown areas, yields and gross sunflower production in CJSC APK Yunost

    assess the economic efficiency of production and sale of sunflower seeds in CJSC APK Yunost;

    to study the reserves for increasing yields and reducing the cost of sunflower production based on the modernization of the industry;

    consider the pricing methodology as a factor in improving the organization of sunflower production;

    substantiate the main directions of on-farm use of sunflower oil seeds, marketing of processed products.

    The object of the study was the farm of CJSC APK Yunost.

    The subject of the study was the economic relations that develop in the production and use of sunflower oilseeds, as well as products of their processing.

    The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the work of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of the efficiency of production, distribution and use of sunflower.

    The empirical basis of the study was the data annual reports ZAO APK Yunost for 2010-2012

    The nature of the object under study and the objectives of the study led to the use of the following methods and techniques: monographic, graphic, economic-statistical, abstract-logical, counting-constructive.

    Course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, including 10 paragraphs, nine tables and two figures, a section with conclusions and suggestions, a list of references, and three appendices. The volume of work without appendices is 60 pages.

    1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the organization of storage, processing and sale of sunflower

    1.1 Economic importance and current state of sunflower production in Russia

    One of the most important components of the agro-industrial complex is the oil and fat complex, which is a multifaceted and complex economic subsystem of the agro-industrial complex, organically including a set of enterprises in various fields and sectors of the economy, interconnected by the unity of the processes of production of oilseeds, their transportation, storage, processing and sale of oil and fat products.

    One of the sub-sectors Agriculture which is currently under the most pressure from consumers is the production of sunflower.

    Sunflower is the main oilseed crop. Seeds of modern varieties and hybrids contain 50 - 52% or more light yellow edible oil with good taste, up to 16% protein. Sunflower oil belongs to the group of semi-drying; it has high palatability and surpasses other vegetable fats in nutritional value and digestibility. Sunflower oil is used directly for food, as well as in the manufacture of margarine, canned food, bread and confectionery. The special value of sunflower oil as food product due to the high content in it of unsaturated fatty linoleic acid, which is characterized by high biological activity. The presence of this acid in the human diet accelerates the metabolism of cholesterol esters in the body, which has a positive effect on health. In addition to fatty acids, sunflower oil also contains phosphotides, vitamins (A, D, E. K) and other very valuable food components. The lower grades of sunflower oil are used in the soap, paint and varnish and other processing industries, are used in the production of stearin, linoleum, oilcloth, waterproof fabrics, electrical fittings, etc.

    During the processing of seeds for oil, by-products are obtained - cake (with the pressing method) and meal (with the extraction method), which are valuable high-protein feed containing protein with a large number of essential amino acids. 1 kg of meal contains 1.02 feed. units and 363 g of digestible protein, and in 1 kg of cake - 1.09 feed. units and 226 g of digestible protein.

    Threshed sunflower baskets serve as an additional source of animal feed. The yield of dry baskets is 56-60% of the mass of seeds. 1 kg of flour prepared from dried baskets contains 0.8 fodder. units and 38-43 grams of protein.

    Husk of sunflower seeds is a valuable raw material in the production of hexose and pentose sugar. Hexose sugar is used to produce ethyl alcohol and fodder yeast. And pentose - to obtain forfurol, used in the manufacture of plastics, artificial fibers, safety glass and others chemical materials. The yield of husks in modern sunflower varieties is 18-20% by weight of seeds.

    Sunflower is also cultivated as a fodder crop. It can form up to 500-600 c/ha and more green mass both in pure form and in mixed crops with other fodder crops when used for silage. Sunflower silage is well eaten by livestock and is not inferior in nutritional value to corn silage. 1 kg of sunflower silage contains 0.13 - 0.16 fodder. units, 10 - 15 g of protein, 0.4 g of calcium, 0.28 phosphorus and 25.8 mg of carotene (provitamin A).

    Sunflower stalks can be used to make paper, and ash as fertilizer (contains up to 35% K2O).

    Sunflower is a valuable honey plant. From 1 hectare of sowing during the flowering period, bees collect up to 40 kg of honey. This significantly improves the pollination of flowers and increases the yield of seeds.

    As a row crop, sunflower is considered a good fore crop for many field crops.

    Sunflower is a highly profitable, economically profitable crop. In 1999-2001, the state undertook a set of customs and tariff regulation measures to limit the export of sunflower seeds and the import of vegetable oils, which created unprecedented favorable conditions for the development of oil-producing enterprises. However, they have not led to their proper participation in the production of raw materials, as evidenced by the low yields of sunflower seeds. At the same time, in the conditions of limited channels for the sale of sunflower seeds, the market was under the active influence of local monopolies - processing enterprises and wholesale intermediaries serving them.

    The severity of this problem was not so obvious in previous years, when the production of sunflower seeds was lower than the existing production capacity, which allowed to maintain a relatively high profitability sunflower production. Although the production of sunflower seeds has a general upward trend, it is necessary to pay attention to the extremely unsatisfactory dynamics of yield growth, which is a consequence of the low investment attractiveness of production in a monopoly market for the sale of products.

    Another negative problem is that sunflower is a highly depleting crop and its return to former place sowing is possible only after a few years. For this reason, a sharp expansion of sown areas for crops leads to the need to reduce them in subsequent years. However, sunflower growers, in order to increase the one-time income in conditions of high prices for the crop, often neglect the rules of crop production, which leads to the degeneration of sunflower, and hence the reduction in yield.

    In the 2005-2006 season, when a large harvest was obtained, there was a sharp drop in purchase prices, which became the main factor in the reduction of acreage and sunflower production for the next year, which, in the context of the global food crisis, led to a sharp increase in prices for sunflower seeds and vegetable oil . As a result, there was a sharp increase in sown areas in Russia in 2008 (compared to 2006-2007), which indicates the main factor in stimulating production - a high level of purchase prices.

    According to the results of 2013, the yield of the main oilseed crop - sunflower - in the Oryol region was 24.0 c/ha.

    According to the Department of Crop Production, Chemicalization and Plant Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, this is the third place in Russia after the Belgorod Region - 26.0 c/ha and the Krasnodar Territory - 25.2 c/ha. At the same time, in general, in Russia, the highest yield over the past 10 years was obtained - 15.1 centners / ha of sunflower oil seeds (2012 - 13.0 centners / ha, 2011 - 13.4 centners / ha).

    In 2013, about 92 thousand tons of sunflower were threshed in the Oryol region, which is more than 1.5 times higher than in 2012. The gross harvest of sunflower oilseeds, according to preliminary data from Rosstat, is estimated at 10.2 million tons. This figure is a record: 3 times more than in 1990 (3.42 million tons) and 27.7% more than in 2012 (7.99 million tons).

    In many ways, sunflower production is affected by the efficiency of the oil and fat subcomplex, which is associated with the market environment, the action of its regulation mechanisms. The weak development of market mechanisms and the need to solve economic and social problems predetermine the region's need for the creation and development of a wholesale food market, which will allow minimizing intermediaries in the process of product distribution and increasing the competitiveness of locally produced oil and fat products, carrying out supplies from other regions only if necessary.

    Sunflower production has a significant impact on the efficiency of the entire crop industry. The high purchase price for the seeds of this crop makes it economically beneficial for cultivation, and contributes to the growth of the economy of farms. Demand for sunflower and sunflower oil does not significantly decrease with price growth. In such a situation, the income of agricultural enterprises producing and processing oilseeds should grow.

    However, due to the unsatisfactory use of the production and bioclimatic potential, the lack of economic, agrotechnical, organizational and other experience, the plans for the production and delivery of this valuable oilseed crop are not being fulfilled.

    Innovative developments in modern economic conditions represent significant reserves for increasing the economic efficiency of the oil and fat industry on the principles of introducing the achievements of scientific and technological progress, which contributes to the achievement of the identity of interests:

    states - in developing the potential of agricultural production as the main direction of ensuring the country's food security,

    local governments - in providing economic growth in the region,

    industry enterprises - in obtaining additional profit;

    population - in providing high-quality oil and fat products

    1.2 Methodology, indicators and criteria for the efficiency and competitiveness of sunflower production

    The efficiency and competitiveness of sunflower production is determined by the indicators of harvest, productivity, labor intensity of products, production and full cost of production, profit, as well as profitability.

    The crop category is multifaceted. On the one hand, it characterizes the process of growing crops and forming products, on the other hand, the overall result of their cultivation and harvesting. In this regard, as in the case of sown areas, to reflect the course of the process and its results, not one indicator is needed, but their system. In practice, several yield indicators are used: species, standing before timely harvesting, and actual harvest.

    The specific yield is the expected yield for a given particular crop condition, assuming that the conditions for subsequent cultivation of the crop will be normal, average. This is, in essence, an assessment of the state of plants in terms of their possible productivity, knowledge of which is important for organizing plant care, cleaning, and product use. The definition of a specific yield, or "types for a crop", is widespread in economic practice at all levels of management. It can be carried out repeatedly depending on the need, for example, for winter crops in autumn, spring, summer. The species yield is determined in different ways. Most often, this is done by agricultural workers and specialists through an eye-based expert assessment based on the condition of plants: appearance, density, development, condition. The regression method of analysis and forecasting can be effectively used. At the same time, according to the actual mass data for the past years, they study the relationship of productivity with indicators of the state of the plant for a certain time, as well as with the most significant indicators of weather conditions.

    With the development of astronautics, the state of crops and the species yield began to be assessed by the method of space sounding. It is fundamentally new way obtaining statistical (summary) indicators for large areas without using traditional methods statistical observation for the magnitude of the signs for each unit of the population and their further summary.

    A standing crop before the start of timely harvesting is a grown, actually existing, but not yet harvested crop. The biological process of crop formation is completed, but the economic one is not yet. In economic practice, this yield is determined expertly, as well as instrumentally in two ways:

    By selective harvesting of the entire crop without losses in small areas (meters) and its weighing.

    By selectively determining the number of plants and the weight of production from 1 plant, the product of which gives the yield value. The weight of products from 1 plant can be determined by direct weighing, or by counting the number of ears, grains on the plant, determining their weight, the multiplication of which gives the weight of products from 1 plant.

    The standing crop can also be determined by adding the amount of losses to the actual collection. Losses are determined by an expert or instrumentally selective method for all possible channels. For example, grain losses can be from shedding, uncut and fallen ears, incomplete threshing, grain getting into straw and chaff, “during loading, unloading, transportation, cleaning and drying of the crop, etc. Losses from late or premature harvesting, when different cleaning methods are usually determined experimentally. So, when harvesting on the same plots at different times, it is possible to determine the losses for each day of delay in harvesting in the form of a regression coefficient, to build graphs of losses depending on the timing.

    The actual harvest (gross harvest, or granary harvest) is determined by direct weighing, measuring and counting products during the harvest period and after its completion. There are three indicators of actual collection:

    In the originally credited weight, obtained in the process of harvesting grain, sunflower, i.e., with an admixture of weeds, earth, high humidity. Previously, this weight was called bunker. This is a real category of harvested, transported, paid for the crop at the first stage of its receipt.

    In weight after completion, i.e. minus waste and shrinkage. Now this is the main indicator of the yield, although earlier (until 1990) the main indicator in the statistics was the initially recorded weight, which significantly (by 9–12%) overestimated the level of yield and productivity. In this regard, when analyzing the dynamics of the crop, it is important to monitor the comparability of the data.

    In weight converted to standard quality indicators (corn grain, hay of the established moisture content), or in the test weight adopted by procurement organizations (tobacco).

    The main performance indicators of agricultural enterprises include not only the harvest, but also the yield. The level of crop yields concentrates the entire system of farming: crop cultivation technology, the level of mechanization, electrification and automation, the organization of production, labor and management.

    Yield is the amount of production obtained from 1 ha of crops. Yield increase - the most important factor reducing costs per unit of production and increasing its competitiveness in the market. Due to the limited land, only the growth of crop yields can provide an increase in crop production. The most important task is to conduct a comprehensive economic and statistical analysis of yields, monitor the implementation of the yield plan, analyze its dynamics, compare yields by territorial formations, compare yields in experimental institutions and ordinary farms in order to find reserves and ways to increase yields. This is especially important for Russia, where the productivity of the main crops is only 30-50% of what is possible and achieved in countries and farms with high production intensity and farming culture. The development of methods for obtaining and analyzing yield indicators serves as an important basis for the analysis of other productive indicators of agriculture.

    Yield indicators of field crops are differentiated depending on the type of crop and the category of sown areas. Usually distinguish: specific productivity; yield on the vine before the start of timely harvesting; actual collection per hectare (in original weight and after completion).

    The specific yield is determined by visual assessment of crops in different periods of their development. This takes into account the density of seedlings, the degree of development of plants, the degree of tillering, the corresponding plant density, size, etc.

    Growing yield is determined in three ways:

    ) visually, by carefully examining the crops before harvesting (subjective method);

    ) instrumentally, by selectively imposing meters on crops before harvesting (objective method);

    ) by calculation (balance sheet method).

    When assessing the yield on the vine, it is necessary to take into account the constituent elements that directly determine the magnitude of the yield. The value of these elements is taken into account selectively even when determining the types of crop. Comparing such values ​​with the corresponding standards for various stages of the growing season, a conclusion is made about the possible level of yield.

    The actual average collection per hectare is determined in the calculation:

    ) To the spring productive area.

    ) to the area actually harvested.

    The state statistics considers the yield per productive spring area to be the main indicator of yield. The actual fee is determined by ordinary business accounting and is reflected in the annual reports.

    The yield is calculated for each crop separately for the main and secondary (roots and tops), the main and associated products, as well as in terms of the main products. The state of crop yields is determined by a number of factors, both economic and natural.

    Labor productivity is the main indicator of the economic efficiency of sunflower production. The identification of reserves and ways to increase labor productivity should be based on a comprehensive technical and economic analysis of the enterprise. Analysis of labor productivity allows you to determine the effectiveness of the use by the enterprise labor resources and working time. The inverse indicator of labor productivity - labor intensity is characterized by labor costs for the production of a unit of output or all output and is measured in units of time.

    The economic efficiency of sunflower production is characterized by a system of indicators. One of key indicators efficiency of production is the cost, which reflects the efficiency of resource use, the results of the implementation new technology and progressive technology, improving the organization of labor, production and management. The cost consists of the costs associated with the use of fixed assets, raw materials, materials, fuel and energy, labor, as well as other costs necessary for the production of products.

    1.3 Forms and principles of organization of sunflower production

    Sunflower is one of the main agricultural crops. The main tasks of enterprises engaged in the cultivation of this crop are to make a profit, fulfill contractual obligations to sell products and provide livestock feed. At the same time, the problem of improving the quality of products is being solved, which has a certain impact on the profitability of production.

    There are two main periods in sunflower production technology - soil preparation and sowing, as well as a set of harvesting works. Soil preparation and sunflower sowing are almost completely mechanized. The final results of production depend on the quality and timely implementation of these works. Their implementation is associated with high energy costs. Soil preparation includes the main processing - stubble peeling, plowing or non-moldboard processing and pre-sowing processing. Sunflower is cultivated in almost every enterprise. The exception is highly specialized livestock enterprises (poultry farms, pig breeding complexes).

    There are the following features of sunflower cultivation:

    1)to obtain high yields, it is necessary to apply both organic and inorganic fertilizers;

    2)the need for inter-row cultivation and hilling of crops;

    3)the need for field dissipation.

    These features of sunflower cultivation cause additional monetary, technical, material and time costs.


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