Installation of production of granules from grass. Feed and feed additives. Technology for the production of herbal granules from vitamin-herbal flour

Almost all farm animals are herbivores. In the summer period, there are no particular problems with feeding livestock, but in the autumn-winter period it is necessary to draw up a menu for pets, based on previously prepared stocks. As a rule, the diet consists mainly of hay with the addition of vitamin admixtures to maintain the balance of the body. The supply of nutrients in such food for stable animals is very low, and there is quite a lot of storage space for dry grass.

The innovative technology for the production of grass meal allows to solve the problem of feeding livestock and poultry with useful components and to reduce the area occupied by food stored for the cold season.

Benefits of herbal flour and vitamin granules

Grass flour is an addition to the main food of animals, although it can also serve as a complete feed. It is made from freshly cut grass that has been dried in specially created artificial conditions, collected in the early period (before the appearance of buds and coarseness of the stems). After careful processing, the resulting hay is processed to a state of dusty consistency or pressed into granules of various sizes (granulated grass flour).

In its composition, such a food supplement contains the following important nutrients for feeding the household:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin B;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • digestible protein.

The production of vitamin grass flour and herbal granules allows you to minimize the loss of raw materials, which are inevitable when drying grass in natural conditions, and to preserve the optimal amount of healthy components in the final product. At household way hay harvesting, it is possible for insects to enter the composition of the source material, chemical precipitation from the environment, spoilage of forage by small rodents or rot and mold formation due to changes in weather conditions. In the conditions of high-tech production and rapid dehydration of greens in specialized units under the influence of high temperatures, foreign impurities are completely excluded. Thus, the herbal flour plant maintains the quality and environmental friendliness of the manufactured products.

The usefulness of biological additives in the form of flour or granular form of complementary feed for livestock is several times higher than the content of feed units when eating only standard hay. The indicators of carbohydrates in artificial feed increased by 3.5 times, protein - by 1.5-1.7, and carotene - up to 8.

  • poultry - up to 5%;
  • rabbits - up to 10%;
  • pigs - up to 15%;
  • cattle - up to 40%.

An indisputable advantage is the fact that in the stomachs of poultry and animals, granules and herbal flour are digested better, ensuring healthy digestion of animals, an increase in milk yield and a speedy increase in live weight.

Features of the production of protein and vitamin supplements

In Russia, agriculture is a fairly developed and promising industry, so doing business in this direction is a very promising and profitable direction. Investing in the production of vitamin herbal flour and herbal granules provides a good prospect for increasing capital and long-term stay in trade market... The initial investment in the purchase of special equipment, as in any business, will cost an entrepreneur dearly, but the high demand for products makes it possible to reach the full payback of the established company in one season.

The production of herbal granules and flour can be briefly divided into several main stages:

  • cleaning (mowing) of raw materials;
  • loading and transportation (logistics part);
  • drying process;
  • grinding and granulating;
  • packing and warehousing.

Each stage of manufacturing requires thorough adherence to technological standards and the use of appropriate equipment. However, with appropriate preparation and study of production features, it is absolutely realistic and affordable to make herbal flour at home, which allows you to develop private business on the territory of a separate farm.

The first phase - mowing - assumes the presence of an area sown with perennial or annual grasses. A wide variety of meadow grasses, oats with vetch, clover, lupine, nettle or alfalfa are used for planting fields. The nutritional values ​​of the additives depend on the varieties of the starting material. The material allowed for further production must be certified by a veterinarian and have a conclusion issued in a chemical laboratory.

There are certain criteria for determining the readiness of herbs for harvesting and further processing:

  • it is optimal to collect plants in the morning (approximately from 6 to 10), since at this time they contain the maximum level of carotene;
  • the height of the stems should not exceed 50 cm for legumes and 30 cm for meadow grasses;
  • mowing occurs before the stage of bud formation, spikelets, during the growing season.

With timely mowing of the sown fields, up to 10 complete mows of high-quality raw material for the production of grass flour can be harvested per season. This stage assumes that the manufacturer has harvesting equipment, but with a private small business and a small area of ​​plots, it is quite possible to get by with harvesting plants manually.

Transporting the crop to the location of the grass meal production line should not take long. In this phase, the initial crushing of the harvested green mass is often carried out, involving the involvement of forage harvesters in the process, configured for fine cutting. The most popular units in Russia today are self-propelled, semi-mounted harvesters (Polesye-300, Maral-125, etc.) or trailed forage harvesters with tractor equipment. The length of 80% of the stems from the total amount of crushed particles should not be more than 30 mm, the size of the rest of the raw material is allowed up to 110 mm. These parameters are due to the requirements for improving the quality of products suitable for further processing.

There are also methods of making herbal flour, in which plants are wilted in the field before grinding. It is applicable only if there is a guarantee of absence of precipitation and for a short period of time, in order to avoid the loss of valuable vitamin components of raw materials. The preliminary short wilting of the green mass helps to reduce the moisture content of the raw material, which in turn facilitates the work of the grinding equipment. The fuel consumption, which is consumed by the unit cutting into small particles of grass stalks, is reduced, resulting in significant cost savings.

The time interval from mowing and grinding to the beginning of drying of the grass should in no case exceed two to three hours. These limitations are explained by the danger of losing the quality of raw materials as a result of the self-heating process. Thus, the production of grass flour in granules will be difficult due to the need to discard the spoiled material. Logistics calculations must include the elimination of delays in transit and pollution or loss of original weight during the carriage of goods.

The third phase - drying herbs - is carried out in drying units located in special-purpose workshops. When small production renting or building bulky premises does not seem necessary, a mini plant for the production of grass flour can be successfully located on a relatively small area without taking up extra territory.

When preparing and calculating the required amount raw material for drying is calculated the approximate yield of the final product. The preparation of grass meal involves the cost of 2.5 to 5 tons of green mass to obtain 1 ton of the final result. Variations in the size of the required herb depend on the type, variety and moisture content.

The process of drying and subsequent grinding can be carried out on a single line, providing a set of measures, consisting of dehydration, additional grinding and subsequent granulation of grass flour.

The technological line for the production of vitamin-herbal flour includes:

  • high temperature dryer;
  • herb flour grinder;
  • granulator;
  • final product packer.

After finishing production process the goods are stored in prepared hangars or distributed for delivery directly to customers or to trading platforms for implementation.

The profitability of the herbal organic feed business

Despite the fact that the production of herbal flour and herbal granules is possible only during the growing season of herbs (spring-summer), its profitability is quite high. Low costs for the preparation and cultivation of raw materials and the relative simplicity of the technology make it possible for entrepreneurs to establish production not only on an industrial scale, but also to buy equipment for the production of grass flour with their own hands for a private person and develop their business on the basis of a personal land plot.

Just as a classic home mill generates income for its owner, the sale of grass flour and pellets will be able to find demand for pet food additives among the nearby farms... The sale of products useful to breeders of agricultural livestock and poultry products does not depend on the season. An increase in sales turnover is usually observed during a period of shortage of fresh feed, but even in the summer period it does not decrease to tangible limits.

The financial analysis of the profitability of the lines already in operation shows that the price of the herbal flour equipment is returned as profit to the owner of the plant during the first half of the year after the start of operations. High indicators of the quality of manufactured products affect the increase in demand, and climatic conditions Russia contribute to the successful production of vitamin and protein supplements in summer season and successful sales in the winter season.

The sphere of agriculture in Russia is considered today a rather promising direction, since the government has finally turned its attention to it - for example, many startups today are subsidized and supported by the state in every possible way. And in a separate line, we will note here the following business idea - the production of vitamin herbal flour and herbal granules. Selling this demanded product on the market as feed additives to livestock, you can start making good money. Grass flour is a vitamin supplement to compound feed or a complete feed obtained by drying natural herbs. This is a valuable product containing protein, carotene, vitamins E, K, B.

Our business valuation:

  • Initial investments - from 700,000 rubles.
  • Market saturation is low.
  • The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

The production of herbal flour and herbal granules is considered profitable, primarily due to the high demand for the product. Harvesting hay for future use is not always profitable for farmers - storage of stocks takes up a lot of space, and the product itself loses its useful properties over time. Grass flour is another matter entirely. It, dried under certain conditions and formed into granules, can be stored for a very long time, and its composition does not change. And given that there is practically no competition in this industry, the sale of final products can bring an entrepreneur high profits- even taking into account its sales only in the local market.

The next argument in favor of this business idea is the simplicity of the technology, which allows making herbal flour at home. You can place simple equipment on the basis of your own garage or suburban area. And master technological stages even a non-specialist in this field can.

It will be quite profitable to organize the production of grass flour for farms that have been operating on the market for a long time. It turns out that you can provide not only your own livestock with useful feed, but also supply the product to nearby farms. For this, all you need is to study the demand and buy a mini-installation, because large production capacities are not needed here.

And even though the production of herbal granules is seasonal business, the enterprise, even for such a short time, will be able to provide itself with large stocks of the finished product, which can then be sold to large or small wholesale farms.

What will an entrepreneur who decides to start a mini plant for the production of grass flour need to take into account?

Assortment and business permits

Despite the simplest technology, products of different quality can be obtained at the output. And it is divided into 3 classes. This division is based on the content of carotene in the finished product - the higher the class, the more nutritious the additive, and, accordingly, more expensive. And in order to be able to provide all segments of the population with products, it is better if the line for the production of grass flour will produce each of its possible classes.

To conclude profitable contracts with wholesale buyers, the manufactured product must be certified for quality. To do this, a package of documents should be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor, after which the entrepreneur will receive all permits to conduct legal activities. If there is no time to collect papers and prepare product samples for analysis, you can entrust this issue to a qualified lawyer.

Technology for obtaining herbal flour and herbal granules

The technology for the production of grass meal involves the processing of a wide variety of meadow and field plants - clover, alfalfa, nivinyak, tansy, wheat, St. John's wort, etc. Enterprises rarely perform a thorough sorting of incoming raw materials, and therefore, a special mill simply mixes all the herbs into a single mass.

In general, the technological line for the production of vitamin-herbal flour can be represented as follows:

  • Primary grinding of raw materials.
  • Drying the grass mass.
  • Regrinding grass.

On this, in principle, the technology can be completed, since at the exit we get ready-to-sell herbal flour. But the production of herbal flour in granules will require the presence of the last stage - flour granulation.

Whatever the final product, flour or granules, at the last stage it is fed to the filling and packaging unit.

The described technology is quite "working". But entrepreneurs today are trying to introduce methods of making herbal supplements that would significantly reduce the cost of the process. For example, it is not uncommon for the crushed mass to be dried before drying in order to preserve the carotene in it and spend less time drying the product. But in this case, you will have to spend money on additional plants for grass flour, which is not always suitable for novice entrepreneurs who are on a budget.

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Technical equipment of the workshop

After working out the assortment and technology, it will be necessary to equip the future enterprise. The price of equipment for herbal flour is quite high - starting from 2,500,000 rubles. You can reduce costs by purchasing machines from Asian suppliers - they supply equipment no worse, but at a lower cost.

Grass flour production and granulation line

The complete line includes the following machines and devices:

  • Industrial crusher.
  • Conveyors.
  • Cooling columns.
  • Filling and packaging machine.

And to obtain a granular herbal supplement, the line will need to be equipped with a granulator, the cost of which starts from 500,000 rubles.

For a mini workshop, equipment of small and medium capacity is enough - 200-500 kg / h.

If the entrepreneur does not have such impressive funds. You can buy equipment for the production of grass flour with your own hands. This will require semi-automatic dryers and shredders. For the purchase of everything necessary equipment it will take a maximum of 500,000 rubles. But with this option of equipment, it will not be possible to produce large quantities of goods, which means that the profit received will be much less than that which can be obtained when working with a fully automated line.

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The profitability of the planned business

The payback period of the enterprise will depend on the investment and the set prices for the final product. How much money will be required in general to launch a full-fledged workshop?

To purchase a grass flour grinder and other equipment, prepare the premises for work and stock up on raw materials, you need to invest at least 3,000,000 rubles. Organize home business with simpler machines and without renting production space, you can literally for 700,000 rubles.

As for the profit, then the basis for calculations can be taken the following indicators... Herbal flour costs 10,000-15,000 rubles per ton on the market. And its cost price is 4000-8000 rubles / t. And these are excellent indicators of profitability. Allowing the entrepreneur to establish highly profitable business... And granulated herbal flour costs a little more - from 12,000 rubles per ton. That is why the release of this product is more profitable for a novice businessman.

Every day a person, waking up in the morning, has breakfast and goes to work. This is a city dweller: coffee with milk - a frequent breakfast on his table. Milk is easy to buy at the nearest supermarket, but few of the townspeople know how long it takes from the field to the consumer's table.

How much effort is required for the country's agricultural structures to grow, feed and supply the city with milk and meat in large quantities, of high quality. To facilitate labor (feeding livestock and birds), equipment for the production of herbal granules has been created.

Livestock needs

In summer, there are no problems: cows graze in the meadow and calmly give 10-12 liters of milk a day. In autumn, and even more so in winter, things are worse, and it is necessary to create reserves. Previously, they were limited to hay. Mowed in the summer - and half a cow on dry rations. But time does not stand still. Today, special technological lines for the production of herbal flour enriched with vitamins have been created.

The complex allows you to produce both granules and flour. The herbal granule production equipment is very versatile. It allows you to produce not only livestock feed, but also fuel. Pellets with a diameter of 2 to 10 mm are perfect for a universal heating boiler. The raw materials are annual and perennial herbs. Nettle, lupine, goat's rue and alfalfa are also suitable for storing feed.

Production Line

The pellet production line is not complicated and expensive. Here is its complete set:

  • conveyor belt, through which the raw material is fed to the shredder;
  • cyclone suction air;
  • dryer that removes moisture to a minimum of 10%.

After the dryer, the raw material goes to the hammer-type crusher. At the exit, particles with a size of 1-3 mm are obtained, which after the granulator are cooled by a fan. On a special table, the granules are separated from the placer. Two types of products are packaged on separate lines. Depending on the capacity, the cost of the line ranges from 2 to 9 million rubles. Herbal pellet equipment is considered to be cheap and profitable. It pays off quickly and does not require a large number of service personnel.

Herbal granules

The use of herbal granules in livestock and poultry farming is very effective. The content of amino acids, carotene, vitamins contributes to better assimilation and digestion of feed in the body of animals and birds. As a result, the cow will give 10% more milk, the poultry - 15% more eggs, and the young fattening will add up to 20% weight.

The production of herbal granules is popular throughout the European and Asian part of the continent. The only exceptions are, perhaps, deserts and semi-deserts. It is worth noting that for the manufacture of such products, it is necessary to use young plants. After all, only they contain more than 20% protein, only they are rich in trace elements and amino acids. And only young plants will produce high-quality animal and bird feed.


Plant processing lines can use both grain and beer ingredients. The brewery also uses herbal granule production equipment. The lines are used to produce barley-hop pellets. This is the wort from which the liquid component has been separated. European countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria) are stocking ripe hops for future use. It is also subjected to a granulation process and supplied to breweries. Hops in pellets are widely used because they can be stored all year round.

The use of lines is not limited to the manufacture of feed, fuel, brewing components. They are used wherever vegetation processing is required: the production of tea, medicines, food additives, spices. Today this equipment is in demand and relevant.

Nowadays, the main principle of profitability in livestock farm is the correct feeding of cattle. For those farmers who prepare food for their animals on their own, it is important to know what equipment for the production of compound feed is.

As you know, each compound feed is created specifically for a certain category of animals, and therefore has some peculiarities in processing and preparation for use.

What is an extruder

So, what kind of equipment is used for the production of compound feed? There are quite a large number of units, but the most popular of them are extruders for the production of animal feed.

This device is mainly used for the processing of blasted grain and is used on livestock farms, as well as in feed shops. This device is capable of producing from 70 to 100 kg of compound feed in one hour. Consumes up to 6 kilowatts. Has a weight category within 230 kilograms.

Extruder working principle

It is able to prepare feed both for large cattle and for pigs directly to feeding. In the process of processing the grain goes through some changes. Dry grain gelatinization occurs, after which cellulose is transformed, followed by the death of unfavorable microflora.

Fungus and mold are considered unfavorable microflora. This is due to the high pressure and temperature in the equipment. The extruder is capable of processing peas, barley, wheat, which are the main types of feed for pigs. The products listed above provide high weight gain for pigs.

Installing the extruder

This equipment for the production of compound feed can be installed on any level surface, in particular on the floor. The device does not require the installation of a foundation; after a minute of operation, the equipment delivers the first ready-made feed. In addition, the grain does not require pre-steaming before being fed into the extruder.

What is a granulator

There is a special equipment that makes granules from ordinary compound feed. This is a granulator for the production of compound feed. The principle of creating granules from compound feed is as follows. The required raw material is placed in a tank, from which it enters the matrix, which has a temperature of up to 110 ° C.

There the feed is tightly pressed against the walls of the matrix and passes through round holes, where it is cut to the required size at the exit. This operation is performed using a specialized internal device. At the end of the processing, finished products are obtained, which undergo the packaging and packaging procedure.

Multifunctional feed mill

In order to observe an increase in animal husbandry, high-quality feeding with combined feed is necessary. So, you cannot do without such equipment as a machine for the production of compound feed. This device can be quite functional and perform several actions at the same time.

Every detail of the compound feed plant plays a important role... The composition of the product, which is added for the production of combined feed for livestock, remains the same at the exit, that is, it does not lose useful properties that directly affect the development of animals. Such equipment for the production of compound feed can work with the following types of products:

  • grain mixture and clean grain;
  • oily soy;
  • bran product;
  • green mass;
  • chopped straw;
  • grain with mold.

For the processing of each type of product, certain standards are established. On average, the machine is capable of producing one ton finished products in one hour.

How to choose equipment for the production of compound feed?

Today on the market you can find a fairly large number of machines and granulators for the production of compound feed. If these are units of known models, then there should be no problems during operation. And if this equipment is rare, then it is worth considering that the replacement of worn out parts and the prevention of the units themselves can result in large financial losses.

Therefore, when choosing this or that equipment, it is worth taking note of this and, perhaps, it is better to overpay once by buying good machine than then to lay out tidy sums for its repair.

Modern equipment has good aspiration capability, dosage accuracy and, moreover, it is more energy-intensive. It performs in the best way such operations as the introduction of liquid or dry mineral mixtures, crushing of raw materials, subsequent mixing, granulation, and expansion of feed. After all these stages, the food is disinfected and absorbs medicinal additives. The price for such equipment ranges from $ 100,000 to € 5 million.

Some Russian manufacturers of compound feed choose European firms as equipment suppliers. The cost of such products is high, as is the quality. Plus, every three years it is necessary to carry out Maintenance... However, if the plant works at least 80%, then the equipment will pay for itself in 3-5 years.

Is it possible to prepare compound feed at home

The production of compound feed at home is also possible. What does that require? First of all, it is worth deciding for which type of animal the combined feed will be produced. Making compound feed with your own hands is also a pledge healthy way the life of your cattle.

Making pelleted food at home, you will be sure of the presence of nutrients in its composition. Remember that such food for farm animals should include products not only of plant, but also of animal origin. The proposed product can be prepared at home without any extra effort.

From the above information, it can be seen that it is quite simple to produce compound feed, it is only necessary to have certain products for each type of farm animals.

To convert feed into granules, special devices are used - feed granulators. This is a rather expensive equipment with mobility.

The use of a pelletizer allows you to convert a wide variety of feed, including green grasses, into pellets. The processing speed directly affects the price of a household feed pellet mill. For example, a machine with a capacity of 150 kg per hour will cost about 70,000 rubles, and models capable of delivering a ton of feed cost more than 250 thousand.

To save money, you can make a do-it-yourself feed granulator. Rabbits and poultry will appreciate the work, and cooked food can be stored longer than grain.

How the device works

To make your own granulator for compound feed, a drawing is needed in the same way as knowledge of the principle of operation. The device works like this: the raw material is poured from above, which enters the matrix. Then the raw material is pushed by rollers into a special hole. Granules come out through a special hole in the body.

For the preparation of a small volume of compound feed, a design based on a meat grinder is used. It uses an auger instead of rollers to push the raw material. The disadvantage of this type is that only very small raw materials, grass, must be used to fall asleep.

Granulator structure

All feed granulators consist of the following parts:

  • matrix;
  • rollers with a toothed surface;
  • frame (base of the device);
  • engine;
  • reducer.

The frame is best made from solid steel, as the device vibrates a lot during operation. The body can be made from a pipe, or from a sheet of steel by bending a cylinder from it. It is best to make the case collapsible in order to be able to service the device. In the lower part, an opening is provided for the exit of finished granules.

Matrix feature

Matrices are of two types: cylindrical and flat. The latter type looks like a disc with holes. This option is used in the production of mixed feed in granules. This device is capable of handling tough raw materials.

The cylindrical type of matrix is ​​a drum with holes, inside which rollers are located.

Considering that such a mechanism as a household feed granulator has a rather high price, it is best to make this device yourself. To avoid problems with the matrix, it can be purchased separately.

Assembly process of the Compound Feed Granulator

To avoid any difficulties during assembly, it is recommended that you first make drawings. A do-it-yourself feed granulator can be assembled using them in a matter of hours. The assembly begins with the installation of the gearbox in the housing. Its function is to transfer torque from the motor to the shaft. During this process, the roller and die rotate.

In the upper part, the matrix and the roller are mounted, which are fixed to the shaft. The rollers themselves are attached by bearings. The bearing is also put on the pivot axis first, and then the roller. The structure is pressed against the matrix with a nut. The finished unit is installed in the housing. In this case, the size of the rollers should cover the entire matrix in width.

An engine is installed near the body. The gearbox is connected to it by means of a belt or chain. A container is mounted on top of the body, into which the raw materials will be laid.

Grinder Granulator

You can make granulators for compound feed from a meat grinder. To do this, you need to make a frame. You will also need a meat grinder, an electric motor, two pulleys and a matrix. It should be the same diameter as the grinder grill.

Ribs are mounted inside the body, which fit snugly against the body. Outside, knives are installed that will cut the pellets to the desired length. Next, the pulleys are mounted, the engine is installed. Belts are pulled from it to the main structure.

Machine making

Any do-it-yourself feed granulators use a matrix, a shaft, an electric motor. In addition, bearings, metal sheets, an angle, nuts, bolts should be prepared. Of the tools you will need: welding machine, drill, grinder, wrenches, tape measure.

The entire manufacturing process of the device can be divided into several stages.

  1. Stanina. In the manufacture of the frame, materials should be selected that can withstand heavy loads and strong vibrations. As soon as the bed is ready, the base (body) of the granulator is installed. On the upper part of the body, a marking is made, which will correspond to the thickness of the matrix, a hole is cut out along it for supplying raw materials.
  2. Side. A strip about 10 centimeters wide is cut out of the metal. A side for the hole is made from it. The strip is welded to the body of the device.
  3. Hole at the bottom. A hole for the shaft is made at the bottom of the housing.
  4. Loading place. To simplify the loading of raw materials, a funnel-shaped bell is placed on top of the loading opening. It is best to make it removable.
  5. Installation of the interior. The rotation shaft is fixed inside the housing with nuts. The matrix is ​​attached to the shaft in such a way that its surface and the top of the box are in the same plane.

At the last stage, a motor is fixed to the frame, which is connected by a belt to the shaft. After assembly, it remains only to check the operation of the device at idle. If everything works properly, you can add raw materials and test the granulator for preparing compound feed.

Making a matrix

It is not possible to find a matrix everywhere, but you can make it yourself. This will require a metal circle with a wall thickness of more than two centimeters. The diameter depends on how fast the feed is to be processed. For example, a disc with a diameter of 50 centimeters is capable of processing up to three hundred kilograms of raw materials per hour. It should be borne in mind that the engine power must be at least 25 kW.

The granulator can solve a wide variety of problems. With its help, you can process a lot of grass that can be added to the diet of rabbits and poultry. Also, thanks to this device, it is possible to harvest large volumes of feed mixtures useful for animals.

Granulators for the production of compound feed are intended for the manufacture of balanced nutrition for pets and poultry. Granular feeds differ from ordinary feeds by long-term storage without changing their properties, they do not harm the health of animals and birds, since their composition is completely ecological and balanced in accordance with the established nutritional standards.

Granulators in agriculture are becoming more and more popular. After all, often purchased feed formulations are poorly eaten by animals or become completely unusable, since their composition does not correspond to the existing norms of healthy nutrition. But ordinary, unprocessed feed is often lost when given to animals on farms, during their transportation. Making compound feed with a granulator for your own needs is a good way out of all these situations.

By purchasing a household mini-granulator of mixed feed, an entrepreneur gets much greater business opportunities, since he will be able to preserve all the useful qualities of feed obtained from grown crops for a long time. But these feeds contain a large number of high-calorie substances, which under normal conditions cannot be stored without losses. In addition, it is much easier to create the conditions for storing granulated compound feed themselves than for untreated feed stocks. The procedure for the task of feed for animals and birds at agricultural enterprises is also simplified.

Agricultural enterprises European states They have been using feed granulation techniques for a long time, thereby preserving their high calorie content and environmental friendliness. This is now becoming the norm for livestock feed operations around the world. It has long been revealed that, with their homogeneity in terms of constituent elements, such feeds contribute to the rapid growth of animals and birds, their health. Both their general condition and the respiratory system are significantly improved, the productive indicators of livestock and poultry farming are increasing.

The principle of operation of mini-granulators and their device

The concept of a granulating device includes a special-purpose device with which you can make animal feed. Due to the processing of raw feed materials on them, the resulting granular mass retains all positive traits raw materials, and at the same time does not lose its useful properties at all.

The parameters of the obtained feed depend on the device of the granulator and contribute to the efficient and economical rearing of animals and birds, the conditions for transporting feed to the places of use are improved and their distribution to animals is simplified.

The economic development of enterprises using feed pelletizing technology is taking place at a faster pace. Usually, mini-granulators are made only by those equipment manufacturers who have the appropriate permission for such activities from state supervision and a license to work.

All feed pelletizing devices are based on simple principle work of the granulator. The main element of any of them is the matrix. Indeed, with the help of the matrix, you can change the size of the resulting feed granules, depending on the requirements for feed for animals and birds. The feed initial mixture, passing through the holes of the matrix, is heated to the required temperature. At the exit from the matrix, the feed material is cut lengthwise into the required granules.

The size of the pellets must correspond to the optimal parameters for the animals and birds being raised, in particular their age. If for birds pellets up to 5 mm in length are the norm, then for piglets they should already have a greater length - up to 8 mm. But adult pigs eat granules up to 10 mm long well. Cattle consume well pellets ranging from 10 to 15 mm.

Technology for the production of herbal granules from vitamin-herbal flour

No special knowledge is required to pelletize feed on granulators, the principle of obtaining compound feed is quite simple. You can list the sequential operations of this process:

  • feed raw materials are poured into the receiving tank of the device;
  • with the help of rotating rollers, the raw material is crushed and fed to the heated matrix;
  • when the raw material is tightly pressed, it passes through the holes in the matrix;
  • at the exit from the matrix, the granules are trimmed to the required length;
  • the finished product is packaged in prepared packaging.

The main granulating device is a press regulator, which gives the mixture the final appearance... The matrix for the granulator sets only the diameter of the future granules and their shape. Roller pelletizing installations make it possible to prepare feed with pellets with a diameter of 4 to 15 mm, and their length is regulated in the specified parameters by automatic cutting.

To maintain the stable shape of the granules, a special adhesive or liquid is introduced into their composition. A very important factor in the preservation of feed qualities during the processing of raw materials in the granulator is the absence of the oxidation process when heated on the matrix. Oxidation is absent due to the restriction of oxygen access to the matrix processing zone and the short duration of this process. This contributes to the high productivity of animals receiving such feed.

Mixed feed mini-granulators

When deciding which feed granulator to buy, Special attention should be given to the economy of energy consumption. It is also important that the main elements of the device are heat treated by the manufacturer and are made of high-strength and wear-resistant steel. This will allow you to use the device for many years, while maintaining its high performance.

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Grass flour is a natural protein-vitamin feed (additive to compound feed) for farm animals made from grass harvested in the early phases of vegetation, quickly dried at high temperature and ground into flour.

The production of granulated herbal flour is a highly profitable business. The cost of making one ton of such feed is 2-4 thousand rubles (depending on the technology used and the fuel for drying). At the same time, the selling price usually ranges from 8 thousand rubles per ton (in small batches - up to 15 - 20 thousand rubles. Russian livestock and poultry farms are experiencing a shortage of herbal pellets!

For the production of grass flour and grass granules, freshly cut grass of legumes, cereals and herbs are used. Often, the profitability of such industries suffers from the fact that the processing of such raw materials is possible only for several months a year. The technology we offer allows us to successfully process other types of raw materials outside the season - haylage (for feed), sawdust, wood chips, straw and other types of biomass (for fuel). This requires only a minimal changeover of the equipment. This allows you to load production throughout the year and significantly reduce the payback period of investments..


Like most other types of biomass, high quality pellets that ensure the safety of the feed, as well as good feed transport characteristics, can only be obtained from properly dried material. Grass flour should be fed into the granulator at a relative humidity of 9-11%.

Given the high initial moisture content of fresh grass (70-85%), special attention should be paid to the drying area. Most manufacturers around the world use tumble dryers to dry grass meal. An example of such a complex is presented below:

1 - Heat generator
2 - Bunker-batcher
3 - Drying drum
4 - Cyclonic unit for unloading dry material
5 - Chimney

Very good results are obtained by using an alternative technology - the AS-4 drying-grinding unit.

To obtain one ton of granules from the original grass, it is necessary to remove up to 6 tons of moisture. To do this with a traditional tumble dryer, it is required to provide up to 6 MWh of thermal energy for every ton of finished product. allows more efficient removal of unbound moisture from biomass and thus significantly reduce the consumption of thermal energy and, accordingly, fuel.

However, it should be borne in mind that if the sawdust drying line with a capacity of 1 ton per hour must be equipped with a heat generating unit with a capacity of 1 MW, then the line for drying and granulating fresh grass based on AC-4-1500 with the same capacity will include a heat generator 2-3 MW.

The economics of herbal pellet production still allows the use of natural gas and even liquid fuels. However, we recommend considering the use of environmentally friendly solid biofuels (wood chips, straw, pellets, etc.) as an alternative. Even now, the use of pellets for these purposes is much more economical than liquid fuel. The choice of fuel should be taken into account when initially completing the technology.

Pelleting section depending on the required performance, we recommend completing with imported equipment (CPM Europe, Promill-Stolz, Muench-Edelstahl). You can consult the specialists of our company for more details about this equipment:

WOOD-PELLETS.COM Group has a successful experience in designing and completing plants for the production of granulated herbal flour. Details:

Every day a person wakes up in the morning, has breakfast and goes to work. This is a city dweller: coffee with milk - a frequent breakfast on his table. Milk is easy to buy at the nearest supermarket, but few of the townspeople know how long it takes from the field to the consumer's table.

How much effort is required for the country's agricultural structures to grow, feed and supply the city with milk and meat in large quantities, of high quality. To facilitate labor (feeding livestock and birds), equipment for the production of herbal granules has been created.

Livestock needs

In summer, there are no problems: cows graze in the meadow and calmly give 10-12 liters of milk a day. In autumn, and even more so in winter, things are worse, and it is necessary to create reserves. Previously, they were limited to hay. Mowed in the summer - and half a cow on dry rations. But time does not stand still. Today, special technological lines have been created for the production of herbal flour enriched with vitamins.

The complex allows you to produce both granules and flour. The herbal granule production equipment is very versatile. It allows you to produce not only livestock feed, but also fuel. Pellets with a diameter of 2 to 10 mm are perfect for a universal heating boiler. The raw materials are annual and perennial herbs. Nettle, lupine, goat's rue and alfalfa are also suitable for storing feed.

Production Line

The pellet production line is not complicated and expensive. Here is its complete set:

  • conveyor belt, through which the raw material is fed to the shredder;
  • cyclone suction air;
  • dryer that removes moisture to a minimum of 10%.

After the dryer, the raw material goes to the hammer-type crusher. At the exit, particles with a size of 1-3 mm are obtained, which after the granulator are cooled by a fan. On a special table, the granules are separated from the placer. Two types of products are packaged on separate lines. Depending on the capacity, the cost of the line ranges from 2 to 9 million rubles. Herbal pellet equipment is considered to be cheap and profitable. It pays off quickly and does not require a large number of service personnel.

Herbal granules

The use of herbal granules in livestock and poultry farming is very effective. The content of amino acids, carotene, vitamins contributes to better assimilation and digestion of feed in the body of animals and birds. As a result, the cow will produce 10% more milk, the poultry - 15% more eggs, and the young fattening will add up to 20% weight.

The production of herbal granules is popular throughout the European and Asian part of the continent. The only exceptions are, perhaps, deserts and semi-deserts. It is worth noting that for the manufacture of such products, it is necessary to use young plants. After all, only they contain more than 20% protein, only they are rich in trace elements and amino acids. And only young plants will produce high-quality animal and bird feed.


Plant processing lines can use both grain and beer ingredients. The brewery also uses herbal granule production equipment. The lines are used to produce barley-hop pellets. This is the wort from which the liquid component has been separated. European countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria) are stocking ripe hops for future use. It is also subjected to a granulation process and supplied to breweries. Hops in pellets are widely used because they can be stored all year round.

The use of lines is not limited to the manufacture of feed, fuel, brewing components. They are used wherever vegetation processing is required: the production of tea, medicines, food additives, spices. Today this equipment is in demand and relevant.

Herbal flour and granules - natural
protein-vitamin feed (additive in compound feed) for
farm animals produced from
grass harvested in the early growing season quickly
dried and ground into flour with its subsequent
Granulated herbal flour production -
highly profitable business in the post-Soviet space.
The cost of making one ton of such feed
is 2.1-4.2 thousand rubles (depending on
technology used and drying fuel).
The retail price, as a rule, is 8-12 thousand rubles.
per ton (small, packaged in small containers,
in lots of 14-21 thousand rubles.

For the production of herbal flour and herbal granules
use freshly cut grass of legumes, cereals and
forbs green mass.

However, the technology we offer also allows
and out of season to successfully process other types of raw materials
- haylage, straw, corn stump and other types
biomass in feed. In this case, it is required in each case
only minimal equipment changeovers. it
allows you to load production facilities in
throughout the year and significantly reduce the time
return on investment.

Like most other types of biomass
high-quality granules that ensure safety
feed, as well as its good transport
characteristics can only be obtained from the correct
dried material. Grass flour granulation
works best at 9-12% relative humidity.

Considering the high initial moisture content of fresh grass
(70-85%) special attention should be paid to precisely
drying area. Most manufacturers in all
the world used for drying herbal flour drying
New technologies make it possible to produce
drying the vitamin herbal mass without using
external heat supply.

Technological solution of the Sapropel Center
designed for farms and small
rural business... Includes
feasibility study (FS)
manufacturing enterprise and production line
fortified feed.

Feasibility study is developed for a specific raw material base
of the customer, the specified performance and the available
production area. Consists of text and
graphic part, technical and economic calculation,
master plan complex and specification

The equipment of the complex consists of
drying and grinding unit of grass and unit of final
processing and granulation.

The performance of a single-threaded production
lines for the finished product 500 kg / h. Equipment
allows you to increase production by adding
parallel lines of final processing in multiples of 500
kg / h and increasing the productivity of the drying unit and


Used as part of a production complex
vitamin-herbal flour or granulated feed.
This equipment includes: dryer
green mass and shredder. Primary drying
wet grass is carried out in meadows, lapping
green mass to the required process of its processing
takes place in an automated compact line.
The automated compact line allows
dry plant raw materials at the same time
grinding, without the use of external sources
heat. The operation of the unit is based on multifactorial
energy impact - pressure pulsations in
local volumes of the grinding chamber, providing
high rates shear forces, with
relative motion of media and phases. Removing moisture from
the surface of the particles of plant material occurs in
as a result of its mechanical removal (shaking off,
centrifugation, extraction) in combination with
temperature separation of material-air
flow, similar to the Ranque effect (by the type of vortex
Ranque tube)


Supply of technology and equipment for the complex
carried out on a contractual basis according to the Technical
the order of the customer. Work execution is divided into three
- feasibility study (FS)
production and equipment specification. Timing
preparation of the feasibility study - 1.5-2 months. Cost: Option 1
(traditional technologies) - 448 thousand rubles. Option 2
(new technologies) - 382 thousand rubles.
- manufacturing, supply of equipment for its
specifications. Delivery time - no more than 3.5 months.
Cost - according to the specification in the feasibility study.
- installation, commissioning, commissioning of the complex. Timing
execution - 1.0 months. Cost from 8% to 11% of
equipment cost.

With the existing properties of the raw materials
feed additive, the general terms of work are not
exceed 5 months.

The cost * of the complex (feasibility study and equipment) for
- 500 kg / hour of finished products 5220 thousand rubles,
- 1000 kg / hour of finished products 8540 thousand rubles.
* the cost is given as of 1.01.2015


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