Presentation: recreational resources are the basis of recreation and tourism. Presentation for the lesson "Recreational resources of the Russian Federation. Sometimes it is very important to forget about problems and relax your soul and body

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1 teacher: Golovina E.A. Welcome! Geography natural resources peace

teacher: Golovina E.A. 2 Purpose of the lesson: To form the concept of “resource provision” of territories. Reveal the main patterns of distribution of natural resources. Learn to assess the provision of the world and individual regions with various types of natural resources

teacher: Golovina E.A. 3 We will learn: Classification of natural resources and the concept of resource availability; Land resources: two opposing processes; Mineral resources. Are there enough of them? Terrestrial water resources: fresh water problems; Resources of the World Ocean: the ocean is “sick”.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 4 What is what Natural resources are bodies and forces of nature that, at a given level of technical and technological development can be used for production material goods. The main property of natural resources is consumability (i.e. reserves have a certain amount) and the possibility of removal from the natural environment.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 5 Classification of natural resources

teacher: Golovina E.A. 6 By origin: Minerals (mineral resources); Climate Resources; Water; Land (soil); Biological; Resources of the World Ocean.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 7 By exhaustibility: Exhaustible: Non-renewable (minerals, non-ferrous metal ores, sulfur, etc.); renewable (land, water, air, soil, hydropower); Inexhaustible: energy from the sun, geothermal, wind, sea tides, currents.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 8 By application: For industry: Fuel and energy; Metallurgical; Chemical and other raw materials. For agriculture: Land; Soil; Agroclimatic. For recreation and tourism: Recreational resources.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 9 Resource availability Resource availability is the relationship between the amount of natural resources and the extent of their use. It is measured either by the number of years for which a given resource should last, or by its reserves per capita. The resource availability indicator is influenced by: The wealth or poverty of the territory in natural resources; The scale of their extraction (consumption). Russia, USA, China, India, Brazil, Australia - these states are provided with almost all natural resources.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 10 Land resources of the world

teacher: Golovina E.A. 11 Land resources: two opposing processes Land resources are a universal type of natural resource necessary for almost all areas human activity. For industry, construction, and transport, land serves as a territorial resource. Earth is the source of life; World land fund - the degree of provision with land resources. Amounts to 13.1 billion hectares.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 12 Agriculture peace

teacher: Golovina E.A. 13 Agriculture of the world All countries of the world differ in the size of arable land, the degree of plowing of the territory and the indicators of the provision of arable land per capita. In general, security worldwide has decreased by 2 times. It is affected by 2 processes: Land expansion; Deterioration, depletion, global changes in land resources: soil erosion, waterlogging, desertification. Desert is a geographical, flat or mountainous space devoid of vegetation.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 14 Desert

teacher: Golovina E.A. 15 Mineral resources. Are there enough of them? Today, the entire periodic table of Acad. is laid at the feet of humanity. A.E. Fersman The peculiarity of all types of mineral resources is their non-renewability, although their formation occurs continuously.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 16 Mineral resources of the world

teacher: Golovina E.A. 17 The distribution of minerals in the earth's crust is subject to geological (tectonic) laws: Fuel PIs are of sedimentary origin and accompany the cover of ancient platforms and their internal and marginal troughs; Ore PIs accompany the foundations and ledges (shields) of ancient platforms, as well as folded areas (Alpine-Himalayan, Pacific, tin-lead belt - in China, Vietnam).

teacher: Golovina E.A. 18 Fuel and energy resources

teacher: Golovina E.A. 19 Fuel and energy resources Humanity is best provided with coal reserves. More than 3.6 thousand coal basins and deposits are known, most of which are located in the northern hemisphere. Of the 600 explored oil and gas basins, 450 are being developed in 95 countries. Russia is a leading gas power.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 20 Precious stones and metals

teacher: Golovina E.A. 21 Precious stones and metals Deposits of precious stones are often secondary. Thanks to the processes of weathering of primary deposits, precious stones, which are more stable, accumulate in loose sediments of rivers and coastal strips of oceans and seas - from where they can easily be obtained by washing.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 22 Precious stones and metals Gold panning Gold nuggets platinum

teacher: Golovina E.A. 23 Terrestrial water resources: the freshwater problem

teacher: Golovina E.A. 24 Land water resources: the problem of fresh water. Fresh water resources, constituting only 25% of the total volume of the hydrosphere, are characterized by an uneven geographical distribution over the land surface. In the glaciers of Antarctica, Greenland, in the ice of the Arctic, in mountain glaciers there is an “emergency reserve”. River (channel) waters account for 40 thousand km 3 . Fresh water consumption is growing and exceeds 4 thousand km 3 per year. Economically developed countries a city dweller uses 300-400 liters. per day.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 25 Main consumers of fresh water Agriculture; Industry; Electric power industry; Community services.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 26 Drinking water has already become a strategic resource. This is explained by a shortage of fresh water due to the uneven distribution of its reserves and increasing volumes of consumption, and a sharp deterioration in the quality of surface water as a result of predatory behavior. 1.5 million people are deprived of access to clean water. Every year, 3 million people die from infections (typhoid, cholera, dysentery) brought by dirty water.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 27 Plant resources

teacher: Golovina E.A. 28 The main type of plant resources is forests - the largest, most complexly organized and self-preserving ecosystems. They cover about 30% of the earth's surface (3866 million hectares). The main characteristics of forest resources are the size of the forest area and standing timber reserves. The indicator of the area of ​​remaining forests is important. More than 80% of such forests are located in just 15 countries: the Russian Federation, Canada, Brazil, the USA, etc.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 29 Mangrove forests Rainforests Bottle tree

teacher: Golovina E.A. 30 Resources of the World Ocean

teacher: Golovina E.A. 31 The main resource is sea water. Reserves are 1370 million km 3 or 96.5%; For every inhabitant of the planet there is 270 million m 3 of ocean water; “living water” is the 75 chemical elements of the periodic table; 1 km 3 of water contains - 37 million tons of dissolved substances: salt - 20 million tons, sulfur - 6 million tons, a lot of soda, bromine, aluminum, calcium, sodium, copper, thorium, gold and silver.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 32 Mineral resources of the ocean floor On the continental shelf - oil and gas: 1/3 of total world production. Gulf of Mexico - 57 active wells; North Sea – 37; Persian Gulf - 21; Gulf of Guinea – 15. Deep ocean floor – ferromanganese nodules; Treasures of sunken ships.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 33 Energy resources of the ocean floor Tidal power plants - the total power of the tides is 1-6 billion kWh, which exceeds the energy of all the rivers of the globe. Opportunities exist in 25-30 places around the globe for the construction of these power plants. The largest tidal energy resources belong to: Russia, France, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Argentina, and the USA. Wave power plants using the energy of sea currents.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 34 Biological resources of the ocean floor Biomass includes 140 thousand species - animals (fish, mammals, mollusks, crustaceans) and plants living in its waters. The main part of the biomass is phytoplankton and zoobenthos. Nekton – fish, mammals, squid, shrimp (over 1 billion tons).

teacher: Golovina E.A. 35 Economic use of the waters of the World Ocean The most productive water areas are the northern latitudes: Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, USA (seas: Norwegian, Northern, Barents, Okhotsk, Japanese, northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans). World production of fish and seafood = 110 million tons per year.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 36 The ocean is “SICK” 1 million tons of oil enter it annually (from tanker and drilling platform accidents, oil discharges from polluted ships). Industrial waste: heavy metals, radioactive waste in containers, etc. More than 10 thousand tourist ships in the Mediterranean throw sewage into the sea before being cleaned.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 37 Recreational resources

teacher: Golovina E.A. 38 Recreational resources The basis of recreation tourism. These are both natural and man-made objects and phenomena that can be used for recreation, tourism and health restoration. Recreational resources are divided into 4 main types: Recreational and therapeutic (for example, treatment with mineral waters); Recreational and recreational (bathing and beach areas); Recreational and sports (ski resorts); Recreational and educational (historical monuments).

teacher: Golovina E.A. 39 Natural and recreational resources include sea coasts, banks of rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, mineral water outlets, and therapeutic mud. Main forms: green areas of cities, nature reserves and sanctuaries, national parks. Recreational resources include cultural and historical attractions: the Moscow Kremlin, the Roman Colosseum, the Acropolis of Athens, the Taj Mahal tomb in Agra (India), etc. international tourism especially developed in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland, India, Egypt and other countries of the world.

teacher: Golovina E.A. 40 Thank you for your attention!

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Recreational resources Work of a student of grade 11 B Priydak Maria MBOU Secondary School 43 Khabarovsk

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Recreational resources are resources of all types that can be used to meet the needs of the population for recreation and tourism.

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Recreational and health resources Recreational and health resources are used to prevent diseases or organize recreation. Mainly beach areas, national parks, nature reserves, picturesque natural landscapes, etc.

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Plitvice lakes Plitvice lakes- national park in Croatia, located in the central part of the country.

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Recreational and therapeutic resources - resources used to treat diseases. The healing properties of natural objects and conditions are established on the basis scientific research, many years of practice and approved federal body executive branch in charge of health issues.

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Mineral springs Lake Proval in Pyatigorsk is a lake and a natural cave on the southern slope of Mount Mashuk in Pyatigorsk. The cave is a cone-shaped funnel 41 m high, at the bottom of which there is a karst lake of pure blue mineral water. The depth of the lake is 11 m, the diameter is 15 m. The water temperature is from 26° to 42 °C. The blue color of water is given by the hydrogen sulfide contained in it and special bacteria.

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Türkiye, Antalya district Mineral spring in Sheitan (Devil's) cave. The cave is located on the island of Sulu, in Adrasan Bay. The boat ride from the shore to the island takes only an hour. It is said that drinking this source of water internally on an empty stomach has a positive effect on the kidneys, especially if they have stones.

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Geothermal source - the release of groundwater heated above 20 °C to the surface. Since ancient times, hot springs have been used to treat the sick. The corresponding branch of medicine is called balneology. Pamukkale - thermal springs in Turkey. Translated from Turkish as “cotton fortress”. Known since ancient times. Water flowing from the slopes of the mountain forms a cascade of oddly shaped reservoirs with limestone walls. The dazzling white terraces (travertine formations) appeared on the mountainside as a result of the deposition of salts from calcium-rich springs. In 1988, Pamukkale and the ruins of the city of Hierapolis were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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The Blue Lagoon geothermal complex, formed around a complex of natural pools, is one of Iceland's most popular natural attractions. About 300 thousand people visit the resort every year. The complex of volcanic origin has unique healing and healing properties, known since 1976. The minerals contained in the water, sea salt, sulfur and even blue-green algae can cure skin diseases. People can swim here even in winter: the water in deep reservoirs maintains a comfortable temperature from +37°C to +40°C throughout the year.

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Jigokudani mud springs are world-famous warm mud springs of volcanic origin. This place is located in northern Japan, in Nagano Prefecture and is known by its original name “Hell Valley”. Here you can meet Japanese macaques, also called snow monkeys, who while away the cold winter days by bathing in warm springs with tourists.

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Brine is the water of estuaries, salt lakes and artificial reservoirs, which is a saturated saline solution. Brine

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Lake Sasyk-Sivash, Crimea. Sea salt from Lake Sasyk-Sivash has a pink color, thanks to the amazing microalgae Dunaliella saline, which has adapted to life in brine. Biochemical studies of lake water, carried out back in 1903, showed that the metabolic product of microalgae is beta-carotene.

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Recreational-health and recreational-medicinal resources include resort towns and sanatoriums

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Kislovodsk, Russia The most famous patients: Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Shalyapin The first recognition of the sources of Narzan belongs to the physician of Peter I, who mentioned a “fairly sour spring” in the Pyatigorye region, followed by another member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences - Peter-Simon Pallas - gave a detailed description of the water, accompanied by the following remark: “It’s a pity that in Russia they manage the gifts of nature so poorly. Millions of liters of healing water are poured here, and Russians travel to Europe.” As a result, in 1803, the Decree of Emperor Alexander I “On recognizing the Caucasian waters as a healing area of ​​national importance” was issued. Leukerbad, Switzerland The most famous patients: Goethe, Mark Twain, Maupassant Hot springs in the Swiss Alps were discovered by the Romans. And at the beginning of the 16th century, a magnificent guest courtyard with baths and swimming pools was built here, which, however, was sometimes demolished by avalanches. By the end of the 19th century, they learned to cope with this scourge and built railway, ski lifts and built more than 30 indoor and outdoor thermal pools, which are filled from 65 springs in Leukerbad. By the way, this is one of the few places on earth where mineral water is cooled before entering the pool, and not vice versa.

Recreational resources

Ertsova Daria 10 B grade

Recreational resources-- these are resources of all types that can be used to restore and develop a person’s physical and spiritual strength, his ability to work and health in recreation and tourism.

Recreational resources include:

1) natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, reservoirs, vegetation, animal world, National parks);

2) cultural and historical (cultural, archaeological sites, historical areas, monuments, ethnographic diversity)

3) socio-economic (economic potential of the territory, including infrastructure, labor resources)

Climatic recreational resources

Climatic recreational resources are understood as a set of weather conditions suitable for various types recreation. Types of weather are divided into comfortable, allowing certain types of recreation without restrictions, subcomfortable, in which certain types of recreation are possible with restrictions, and uncomfortable - a certain type of recreation is not allowed. For example, for relaxing on the beach, comfortable weather is with an average daily air temperature of +20 +25, a clear cloudless sky, a wind speed of no more than 5 m/s, and a relative humidity of 30 to 90%. When the listed characteristics go beyond the specified limits, for example, when the wind speed increases, the weather becomes subcomfortable - vacationers experience some inconvenience. In some weather conditions, such as heavy rain, a beach holiday is not possible.

Forest recreational resources

Forest recreational resources include all forests suitable for recreation. Only impenetrable forests (growing in impenetrable swamps) are unsuitable. Forest recreational resources are characterized by the following indicators.

Forest cover is the percentage of forested area of ​​the total area of ​​the territory. Characteristics of the forest plant community: predominant tree species, their age, the presence and density of undergrowth (young trees), undergrowth (shrubs), species composition of the herbaceous-shrub layer, mosses and lichens. The latter are indicators of soil moisture and fertility conditions.

Landscape recreational resources

Landscape recreational resources include natural or artificial landscapes that are of educational or sporting interest, as well as those that have fairly good hygienic qualities. For different types Tourism is interested in different landscapes. For sports and educational tourism, mountainous areas are most interesting as they are the most picturesque and difficult to navigate. One of the main criteria for assessing a landscape for recreation is its aesthetics. It includes such categories as the variety of shapes of landscape elements, their color, color combinations between them, the size of panoramas that open from viewing points, etc. From the point of view of aesthetics, territories with different topography are distinguished. Mountain areas are considered the best. Next in descending order are: hilly areas, gently rolling areas, flat areas (the most unaesthetic).

Water recreational resources

Water recreational resources include all water bodies suitable for recreation. Only heavily polluted rivers, streams and lakes are completely unsuitable; recreation on the banks of which is unpleasant.

Recreational characteristics of water bodies:

  • Water temperature and its changes throughout the year.
  • Types of coasts: beaches, rocks, cliffs, grassy, ​​marshy. Beaches, in turn, are divided by width and composition. rock- sandy, pebble, boulder.
  • Depth of the reservoir.
  • Safety of the reservoir for swimming: absence of areas of fast current, whirlpools, algae, various dangerous objects at the bottom - logs, sharp shells of mollusks, etc.
  • Polluted water body.

Educational tourism resources

These include objects of educational significance that can be shown during excursions. Natural educational objects of tourism include beautiful landscapes, as well as individual attractions: rocky cliffs, glaciers, waterfalls, lakes, springs, old trees, trees uncharacteristic for the area, traces of animal activity, and more.

Balneological and mud-curative recreational resources

Balneological and mud therapeutic resources are sources of mineral waters and deposits of therapeutic mud of various compositions and origins - silt, peat, sapropel, volcanic. Their characteristics are similar to those of other mineral deposits.

Characteristics of balneological and mud therapeutic resources: 1) qualitative composition - medicinal properties determined by the content of chemical and biological (for dirt) substances;

2) production conditions (for example, for mineral waters - depth)

Recreation(from Latin recreation - restoration) - restoration of forces expended by a person in the process of labor, accumulation of a certain reserve of these forces for further activities, development of physical and intellectual potential. The recreational potential of Russia is great. Natural recreational resources (seas, rivers, lakes, mineral waters, picturesque landscapes, etc.) are very diverse. But climatic conditions, environmental problems, and underdeveloped infrastructure significantly reduce the possibility of their full use.

Objects and phenomena of nature, as well as human activity, that can be used for recreation, tourism and treatment are called recreational resources . The largest recreational areas in Russia are North Caucasian, Central and Northwestern. Russia today has unique healing sources, such as the Martial waters of Karelia, the radon waters of Pyatigorsk and Belokurikha, the narzans of Kislovodsk, the healing mud of Lake Karachi, and the hydrogen sulfide of Matsesta. You won't find such variety neither in one another country of the world. These are the pearls of Russia, which have been in the service of man for more than 250 years. .

  • Deals with problems of recreational resources recreational geography, which studies the geographical patterns of human activity outside of working hours: rest or recreation. Recreational resources are associated with such types of human activity as tourism . Tourism- this is one of the most important areas of activity modern economy, aimed at meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. In countries where tourism is especially developed, natural and recreational resources are combined with cultural and historical attractions.

  • It is perfect not only for winter recreation and sports - snowboarding, alpine skiing, but will also be of interest to fans of cultural and educational tourism.
  • In this region of untouched Caucasian nature there are many ancient monuments that remind us that once on the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia there was a crossroads of the most important trade routes, and in the 8th-12th centuries even one of the branches of the famous Great Silk Road passed through.
  • The local region was a connecting link between Byzantium and Russia - the oldest Christian churches, the first on Russian territory, remind us of this.

  • One of the most famous relics of Karachay-Cherkessia is the rock icon of Christ. This phenomenon is located on the steep left bank of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River. The Savior looks to the East, at the thousand-year-old Christian churches standing over the ruins of the ancient capital of the state - the city of Meuse.
  • Don't forget to also visit the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the country's largest astronomical center for ground-based observations of the Universe.

  • 1. What is recreation?
  • 2. What science deals with recreational resources?
  • 3. In which republic? Russian Federation Is the Arkhyz resort located?
  • 4. Would you like to visit Arkhyz?

Thank you for your attention!


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