Project presentation of one of the types of transport. Presentation on "modes of transport"

1. Classification of urban transport The transport complex of a modern city includes intracity passenger transport, intercity and suburban passenger transport, freight transport, specialized transport (transportation of bread, milk, gasoline, export household waste, medical transport, etc.), as well as various services and subdivisions that ensure its functioning (transport parks or depots, garages, services for the maintenance of tram tracks, electric transport contact network, railway stations, parking lots, gas stations, repair and maintenance services). The organization of the coordinated work of these parts of a complex transport complex requires management by the city authorities.

In turn, depending on the use of vehicles and their ownership, urban passenger transport is subdivided into: mass - general use; public - for individual use (taxis, departmental cars and buses); individual - personal use (personal cars). Normal life support of a modern city, especially a large one, is impossible without convenient and reliable transport links.

At the same time, mass types of urban passenger transport, whose role in a modern city boils down to providing convenience and reducing travel time. The level of development of urban passenger transport, the ramification and density of the transport and route network in the city, the interval and speed of transport determine the time that city residents have to spend on the necessary trips. The duration of the trip, determining the phenomenon of transport fatigue of the population, directly affects the productivity and quality of labor.

2. Bulk views urban passenger transport. Massive types of urban passenger transport operate on predetermined routes and are characterized by large capacity and high carrying capacity. The most common of these is the bus. Its advantages over other types of urban passenger transport include: - good maneuverability; - relatively small capital investments in traffic organization; - a wide variety of types and types, both in terms of capacity (from minibuses to Ikarus of increased capacity) and in terms of cost. The disadvantages of this type of transport: - an environmentally harmful type of transport that causes pollution environment; - relatively low carrying capacity (9-10 thousand passengers per hour).

Thus, a bus is a trackless street transport with autonomous power supply, highly maneuverable and does not require the construction of special track devices. The bus provides the ability to easily change the route network in accordance with fluctuations in passenger traffic and the organization of routes in new areas of residential development. The main disadvantages of bus transport are associated with the complexity of an autonomous internal combustion engine, with significant operating costs, relatively small capacity of vehicles, environmental pollution, and high noise levels. However, due to the advantages of bus transport over other modes and, despite its inherent disadvantages, it has become widespread and is the only mode of transport in small towns and villages with relatively small passenger flows. A trolleybus is almost as good as a bus in terms of performance, but it requires large investments in traffic management. The main advantage is an economical and environmentally friendly form of urban transport. The tram has an increased carrying capacity, but the complex arrangement of the moving track requires large investments, in addition, the tram as a type of passenger transport is characterized by extremely low maneuverability.

The main operational indicators that are used in organizing transport services for the population are: - carrying capacity of transport; - message speed. Distinguish between low, medium, high and very high carrying capacity. The tram has the highest carrying capacity, and the bus has the lowest. Communication speed - the average speed at which the vehicle is moving, taking into account stops and delays on the line. For these types of transport, the average traffic speeds are comparable and range from 16 to 18 kilometers per hour. Indicators Modes of transport metro tram tram trolleybus bus Carrying capacity 15 3.5 1 1 Speed \u200b\u200bof communication, 2 Cost price 1.5 1.6 1.3 1 Characteristics of types of urban passenger transport

The main economic criteria for the organization transport system the city and the choice of the type of urban transport are the amount of capital investment and the cost of transportation (cost of one passenger-km.) For ease of comparison, if we take the worst indicators (the lowest carrying capacity, speed of communication, cost) as a unit, then the indicated indicators of the main types of surface urban passenger transport can be estimated in conventional units.

Enterprises of urban electric transport (UET) are more difficult to operate and manage, they consist of the following elements: rolling stock, repair base (trolleybus fleets, tram depots), energy facilities (contact network), track facilities (tram) and when organizing the management of UET it is necessary to ensure the coordinated and effective work of these units. In the structure of management of enterprises, UET is distinguished: directly the management apparatus (chief, accounting, personnel department, financial department, etc.), rolling stock service (organization of repairs and release to the line), traffic service (traffic organization - scheduling of traffic, formation release order, including dispatching service - traffic control on the line and compliance with the schedule and regularity of traffic), track management service (maintaining tracks in good condition), energy management service (maintenance and repair of network facilities and electrical substations), and various emergency recovery services and brigades. To improve the efficiency of traffic control and the speed of adoption management decisions recently widely introduced automated systems traffic control (ASDU), transport units (tram, trolleybus) are equipped with special devices that transmit a signal to the dispatcher's console.

In the largest cities of the country there are off-street types of passenger transport: -metropolitan, the functioning of which belongs to the federal - competence in coordination with city authorities; -monorail, which is being tested in Moscow. In some cities, water, rail and other types of transport are used as intracity passenger transport. When organizing the transport complex of the city, the peculiarities of urban passenger transport as an object of management must be taken into account.

Connection with city planning and traffic capacity of the road network Possibility of competition between modes of transport Significant fluctuations in passenger traffic in time and directions Features of urban passenger transport Large specific gravity privileged categories of passengers Coincidence in terms of production and consumption of services Competition between the municipal and private sectors in road transport Possibility of different methods of payment for services (one-time or travel tickets for a certain period, advance payments) High degree of wear and tear of vehicles and high costs for their renewal Features of the city transport complex

For the organization of urban passenger transport in the city, the most important is to comply with the necessary correspondence of the capacities of individual links and elements of the transport system to the expected volumes of passenger transportation. The main elements of the transport economy are, firstly, rolling stock, secondly, track devices, thirdly, the power supply system, and fourthly, devices for storing and repairing rolling stock.

The calculations are based on the determination of passenger flows for all types of movements in different periods of the day, day, season and year. It is the size of passenger traffic that determines the general nature and volume of transport work in the city, as well as the composition and size of the transport industry. This calculates following indicators: 1. The annual traffic volume (A) is determined by the formula: A \u003d n * N (thousand passengers per year), where N is the number of city residents (thousand people); n - transport mobility of the population, characterizes the number of trips per person per year.

The following factors influence the amount of transport mobility of the population: - the size of the city's population; - the size and shape of the urban area; - city planning; - the degree of development of urban passenger transport, which depends on the degree of provision of the city with transport and is determined by the number of car or car places provided to the population and the quality of the projected transport network; - the level and state of the organization of traffic on the streets of the city.

The transport mobility of the population is constantly changing for the following reasons: - an increase or decrease in the level of well-being of the population and tariffs for urban transport services; - an increase in the number of trips for cultural and household purposes - concentration of places of employment, etc. To determine the indicator of population mobility, different methods (tabular, graphical, empirical) and criteria (depending on the employment of the population, on the size and layout of the city's territory, on the balance of time). In aggregate calculations, the following formula is used in practice: where: the number of movements per worker per year (work trips); α is the share of the working population, varies from 0.4-0.6; K tr - the coefficient of using transport for labor purposes; the number of movements for cultural and domestic purposes per year per inhabitant; К к-б - coefficient of using transport for cultural and domestic purposes; λ is the coefficient of connecting from route to route or to different types transport, depending on the convenience of the planning of the city's transport and route network, is taken in the range from 0 to 0.4; q is the coefficient taking into account visitors from the suburbs, ranging from 0.07 to 0.1; f is the share of passengers used by mass urban passenger transport within 0.8-0.85 of the total.

2 The annual volume of work of urban transport (P), which determines the size of transport enterprises, is calculated by the formula: where A is the volume of traffic, (the number of passengers carried per year), 1 cp is the average travel distance of one passenger (km), its value is determined based on various kinds of surveys of passenger traffic, but for practical purposes the most convenient and simple method for calculating the distance of travel is the method according to empirical formulas: lav. \u003d 1.3 + 0.3 Fc lmax \u003d 1.3 + 0.72 Fc lmin \u003d 1.3 + 0.13 Fc Fc - residential (city area, excluding industrial, warehouse, railway, etc. territories) cities. (sq. km.)

3. The volume of passenger traffic characterizes the distribution of passenger traffic by directions and sections of the city's transport network. Passenger flows are characterized by capacity - the number of passengers passing through a given section of the route in one direction in a certain time. Average passenger traffic (Fri) in the city is calculated by the formula: Fri \u003d P: Lc, where Lc is the length of the city's transport network. (km.) The transport network of the city is organized taking into account the following requirements: - it should provide the shortest possible connections between residential areas and the main points of gravity of passengers; - the density of the network should be such as to provide a pedestrian approach to the passenger transport line (no more than m to stopping points); - transport networks should run in the direction of the main passenger flows; - the length of the transport network must be in accordance with general plan city \u200b\u200band the number of vehicles.

Characteristic feature urban transport influencing its design and organization of operation and movement along the city routes is the uneven distribution of passenger traffic over time and the city's territory, which creates maximum and minimum loads on the route network. Passenger traffic during rush hours determines the nature of mass movements and is the basis for determining the need for rolling stock, when deciding on transportation and bandwidth transport and road network of the city. The patterns of changes in passenger traffic are called fluctuations. The more significant the fluctuations in passenger traffic, the lower the transport utilization rates, the less economical the city's transport system. On weekdays, the nature of fluctuations in passenger traffic is mainly determined by the start and end times of most enterprises and organizations in the city.

Fluctuations in passenger traffic by hours of the day are taken into account by the “peak” coefficient when calculating the transport system. Taking into account the unevenness of passenger traffic, the movement of passenger transport on urban routes is organized, for example, a stepwise schedule for the release of transport units per line is used, which in general view repeats the nature of the passenger traffic schedule. In accordance with the schedule, during hours with minimum passenger traffic, part of the rolling stock is parked in bus and trolleybus fleets and tram depots. The mode of operation of urban transport should also be linked to the work schedule of large city-forming enterprises. The unevenness of passenger flows is manifested not only by the hours of the day, but also along the length of the transport network, by directions of movement, as well as by the seasons and days of the week.

Fluctuations in passenger traffic along the length of the transport network and routes are stable and depend on the layout of the city, on the routing of transport lines and other factors. To study fluctuations, various methods of passenger traffic survey are used (questionnaire, tabular, coupon, visual, ticket, survey, automated and others) on the basis of which a cartogram of passenger traffic is compiled. The cartogram of passenger flows is graphic image loading of individual sections of the transport network by passenger flows for a certain period of time and is used when organizing the movement of passenger transport.

Unevenness of passenger flows along the sections of the transport network during the design and organization of transport routes is taken into account by the appropriate coefficient, which is defined as the ratio of the maximum flow in a certain section of the network to the average flow of passengers on the transport network. The value of this coefficient is usually higher in large cities due to more branched network transport. The distribution of passengers along routes is determined using the coefficient of unevenness of the rolling stock occupancy along the route length, which represents the ratio of the product of the maximum number of passengers by the length of the haul to the total volume of transport by this direction... This coefficient is used when organizing the city's route system.

The management of the organization of passenger traffic in the city by the city authorities is designed to ensure that the needs of all segments of the population are met with minimal loss of time. Therefore, the main comprehensive criterion for assessing the quality of transport services for the city population is the indicator of the total time spent (T) of passengers on a trip (movement). This indicator can be determined by the following formula: T \u003d tn1 + texpected. + tmov. + tn2, min. where tn1 is the approach time to the stop, tn2 is the approach time from the stop to the destination. The values \u200b\u200bof these terms directly depend on the density of the city's transport network. For a uniformly distributed network tn1 \u003d tn2, then: T \u003d 2tn + t is expected. + t motion t expected. - the average waiting time of a passenger for a vehicle, depends on the interval of traffic on the route, as well as on compliance with the traffic schedule. t move. - the average travel time of a passenger in public transport depends on the operating speed of movement, as well as on the number of transfers from route to route, made by the passenger (transfer coefficient).

Evaluation of the convenience of the travel interval from the passenger's point of view Travel interval, minutes Very convenient Convenient Moderately comfortable Inconvenient Inconvenient Up to more than 10 Estimation of the travel interval The value of the specified indicator should not exceed 1 hour, otherwise the phenomenon of "transport fatigue" occurs, which leads to a sharp decrease in productivity labor.

Indicators of urban passenger transport performance The total volume of passenger traffic in dynamics The number of passenger-kilometers per inhabitant for a period of time (day, month, year) The occupancy of the rolling stock (number of passengers per one car-kilometer) Safety level (standard level road transport accidents) Indicators of urban passenger transport

The main tasks of the municipal administration in the field of organizing transport services for the population are: - ensuring a reliable state of transport lines and the development of highways; - modernization of traffic management systems, dispatching and quality control of public transport services; - bringing the rolling stock into proper condition, corresponding to the technical parameters and standards; - ensuring the safety of transportation. The functions of local governments in managing the city's transport complex are shown in the figure

Adoption of rules and procedures for organizing the work of transport Development of a traffic scheme Establishing tariffs for transportation Functions Issuing a municipal order for passenger and specialized transportation and concluding contracts Development of schedules and traffic dispatching Development of a road network development scheme Monitoring compliance with traffic schedules Organization of dispatch service Environmental monitoring parameters of transport (through the traffic police) Functions of city authorities in the field of transport

In the context of a variety of forms of ownership vehicles and competition between municipal and private passenger transport, the main mechanisms for regulating and coordinating the activities of transport enterprises are the municipal order for transportation and traffic dispatching. City authorities may also be endowed with state powers to finance municipal and private transport enterprises and carriers to compensate for the transportation of privileged categories of passengers, subject to the receipt of appropriate subventions from the federal or regional budget. Many complex problems have accumulated in the urban transport system of most Russian cities. One of them is the problem of toll control. Another equally important problem is rolling stock wear.

In most cities in Russia, municipal passenger transport is almost half worn out. The funds of the city budget, as well as part of the proceeds of municipal transport enterprises, are not enough for the repair of rolling stock, since most of them go to compensate the travel of privileged categories of the population. The increase in the cost of travel only causes an outflow of passengers on private buses, as a result of which municipal transport suffers additional losses. It is also necessary to coordinate the work of intracity and external transport. Management of external transport facilities (railway and bus stations, river and sea ports, airports, etc.) is carried out, as a rule, state enterprises or large joint stock companies. City authorities are obliged to ensure the "docking" of these objects with the routes of intracity transport, a network of trade enterprises and catering, other city services.

For the organization and management of the city's transport complex, the administrations of most large cities have structural units in charge of urban transport issues. The preferred scheme is with a single structural unitin charge of passenger transport and urban road maintenance. A promising scheme is the separation of the municipal customer service into a separate structure (municipal enterprise) transport services... In this case, the structural division of the administration is assigned the issues of regulatory and legal regulation of transport activities in the territory municipal formation and financing the transportation of privileged categories of passengers through the municipal ordering system. The customer service for transport services distributes traffic volumes between municipal and private carriers on a competitive basis, sets traffic schedules, carries out dispatch control and performs other functions of managing transport services for the population.

Purpose: To give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of transport. Note the salient features of the transport. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the road and the rules of behavior on it. Develop attention, memory, thinking. To develop the speech of children, to activate the dictionary: nouns: pedestrian, crossing; adjectives: pedestrian; verbs: rides. Teach children through playful images of the rules of behavior in public transport. Objectives: Teach children to designate the word transport for various cars and name the main parts of transport. Form the ability to take on a role and perform role-playing actions in play activities... To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of conduct on the roadway. Material: Toy cars, pictures of vehicles and animals. Game situation "Bus for animals".

Cognitive - speech Social - personal Artistic - aesthetic Physical development Communication WalkCognitionReading art. letter. Social ization Labor Safety Hood. creative MusicPhysical culture.D.I. "Right - wrong about", "Who will name t more", "Collect cars". S.r.i. "Auto bus". Observation of cargo and passenger transport, similarities and differences. A mobile game "Steam zik", "Tr amway". "Passengers rsky transport"; "Freight transport"; “Specialized transport”; “How transport helps us. Construction: "Car door". IN AND. Miryasov "Passenger car". B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur". V.I. Miryasova "Bus", "Trolley mustache". Memorizing a poem. Communication situation: “What do I know about transport”; "Fire truck". Imitation game: "I am a chauffeur"; S.r.i. "Let's go to grandma e". To foster interest in life and work of adults, to tell children about professions they understand (chauffeur), to expand and enrich about work activities. Imitation game "I am a machine". Communication situation “As I rode the bus.” D. and. "Children for a Walk." Drawing "Wipe off the wheels for the car", "Rail for a steam locomotive" Application "Wagon" .Le pka "Svetofor". M. Raukhverger era "Sparrow and the car". E. Tilichevoy Found th "Airplane". Learn to start walking on a signal. To cultivate endurance and to perfect the ability to move in a certain direction. Hardened according to the scheme. Content of works on the topic of transport

This presentation is suitable both for the lesson of the surrounding world in grade 1, and for extracurricular activities according to the rules road traffic in grades 1-2. The presentation shows the types of transport: land, underground, water and air, as well as special transport.

The presentation was made according to the outline of the lesson, which was taken from the manual by N.V. Ershova "SDA in primary school". Publishing house" PHOENIX "Rostov-on-Don, 2013. The abstract is located on pages 62-65 of this manual for the teacher.

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"Presentation for the lesson" Modes of transport. "

Modes of transport / extracurricular activities /

Teacher made presentation primary grades GBOU School No. 2098, Moscow

Horcheva Olga Alekseevna

PURPOSE of transport

  • passenger
  • cargo
  • special


  • Bus
  • Trolleybus
  • Tram
  • Underground
  • Taxi


  • Truck
  • Plane
  • A train
  • Ship


  • Street cleaning
  • Ambulance
  • Police
  • Fire Service
  • Rescue Service


Fire Department 01

Police 02

Ambulance 03


Talking machine

Near a passenger car.


Rusty, toothy,

Walking, walking down the street

It is falling and the snow is grabbing

And the janitor just squints.


This car with a red cross

Rushing to help the patient jogging.

Wearing a white robe on the car

Its red cross is visible from a distance.


There is not a cloud in the sky,

And pouring rain pouring down on the asphalt.


A car goes fast to the fire

The driver spares no gasoline.

This car has water cannons

The car with fire is torn to join the battle.

QUESTIONS on securing the material

  • Name the types of transport.
  • What cars belong to public transport.
  • Name the machines of special purpose.
  • What are the phone numbers by which special vehicles come to help the victims.

USED \u200b\u200bBOOKS

  • N.V. Elzhova "Traffic rules in elementary school", pp.62-65 (summary of the lesson). - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2013
  • YANDEX Internet resources (pictures)


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