Opening a carpentry business plan. Business plan for a carpentry workshop (workshop). Minimum cost, thousand rubles

Carpentry tools for the home or professional workshop are one of the most important attributes of a carpenter. In this article, we will take a closer look at what tools and equipment are needed for a full-fledged and high-quality work of a carpenter.

Today, more and more craftsmen dream of creating a small carpentry workshop in their own house, garage or other premises. As a rule, most household men have a screwdriver, a jigsaw and even a circular saw. However, for the full-fledged work of a carpenter, the above tool is not enough.

The main tool for the carpentry workshop

You will need a large number of shelves for storing tools, equipment and small nozzles for machine tools.

Recommendation. It is best to buy carpentry tools and equipment in the middle price category. It is better not to consider cheap ones, in view of build quality and reliability, but a professional tool because of its high cost and uselessness for domestic and semi-professional tasks.

Thickness gauge - the best assistant carpenter

The thickness gauge is an electric planer, which is fixed permanently on the frame. This machine allows planing boards according to a strictly specified thickness. Buying a simple raw board, We can turn it into a beautiful finished product with the help of a thicknesser.

Plunge circular saw with bar

This equipment provides the ability to quickly and beautifully cut sheet material. This saw allows you to replace a professional panel saw. A plunge-cut circular saw with a tire is a less productive, but no less accurate carpentry tool.

Band saw machine

This equipment is not as indispensable as it is convenient for creating curved cuts, sawing out unusual patterns and shapes on workpieces. It is also worth noting that this band saw machine is very affordable for a person with an average income.

Miter saw

A miter saw is used for most carpentry tasks:

  • adjustment of workpieces in size;
  • trimming knots, irregularities on workpieces;
  • processing of the ends of the workpieces.

To work with a miter saw, we need a special industrial vacuum cleaner that connects to the machine, allowing you to suck out all the dusty chips. Since in the process of intensive operation a lot of sawdust and dust are produced.

Suction shavings - best friend carpenter

When several machines are installed in the workshop, it becomes necessary to purchase a suction chip. Because during operation carpentry equipment produces a lot of sawdust and wood dust. The design of the suction chip is too simple - an engine and an impeller with a reservoir, which affects its affordable cost. It is for this reason that you can buy the simplest chip suction.

Jointer - creates a perfectly flat surface

First of all, when buying a jointer, you should pay attention to such important parameters as:

  • planing width;
  • desktop length.

It is worth noting that the longer the desktop, the more accurate, the processed workpieces are obtained. Jointer allows you to create a flat plane of a wooden workpiece.


If you take a grinder and attach it to the carpenter's table with clamps, then we get a full-fledged grinder. Using a grinder, you can create a smooth surface, remove burrs on wooden blanks. To attach the clamps, the grinder must have special holes, as shown in the photo below.

With the help of a manual router, you can perform a number of carpentry operations.

  • Making holes in workpieces;
  • Cleaning blanks from knots, irregularities;
  • Production of edges and ledges.

To expand the functionality of a manual router, you can make a small carpentry bed yourself, as shown in the photo below.

A metal 6 mm plate was taken as the basis of the table, to which a manual router will be fixed. A metal plate is attached to a chipboard table top. In parallel, a side stop is mounted, which is made from a piece of an old floorboard. The rest of the table structure is made from scraps that were in the workshop. The movable carriage was taken from an old circular saw. A special box with an adapter for connecting a vacuum cleaner is mounted to the parallel stop.

Natural wood products are a classic that will never go out of fashion and will not lose relevance. Manufacturing wooden products can bring good dividends to its owner, if the process is organized correctly. The carpentry shop business plan below does not require a large investment and is suitable for beginners who understand wood. The calculation example is based on the regional center.

Legal information

Direction: carpentry workshop for the manufacture of furniture and interior items from expensive wood.

Premises: garage of 40 sq. m. The owner is a tenant.

Schedule: from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 19:00. Saturday, Sunday - day off. Off-schedule shifts are possible if the order is urgent.

Offered products:

  • Wooden furniture.
  • Bath furniture.

Legal registration: individual entrepreneurship (IP).

Taxation: simplified taxation system (STS).

Product range

For the production of products, two types of wood are used: linden and pine. The carpentry workshop manufactures and sells the following types of natural wood products:

Interior accessories:

Name Unit rev. price, rub.
1. Hanger simple: 4 hooks PCS. 270
6 hooks PCS. 290
2. Step hanger: 5 hooks PCS. 310
7 hooks PCS. 340
3. Hanger corner PCS. 590
4. Hanger straight PCS. 610
5. Trio hanger PCS. 310
6. Hanger shelf PCS. 430
7. Shelf 1-tier PCS. 310
8. Shelf 2-tier PCS. 360
9. Corner shelf PCS. 430
10. Butterfly shelf PCS. 300
11. Lampshade small PCS. 290
12. Medium lampshade PCS. 310
13. Lampshade round PCS. 290
14. Door handles comp. 2 pcs. 190
15. Droplet handles comp. 2 pcs. 240
16. Carved handles comp. 2 pcs. 240
17. Headrest: hard PCS. 330
soft PCS. 410
18. Slani (lattice on the floor in the bath) sq. m 800
19. Ventilation grille: small PCS. 300
average PCS. 320
big PCS. 350
20. Shoe rack PCS. 630

Wooden furniture:

Name Height (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm) price, rub.
Simple shop 450 400 1 thousand 1050
Dimensional ruler 450 400 1100 1100
450 400 1200 1150
450 400 1300 1200
450 400 1400 1250
450 400 1500 1350
450 400 1600 1450
450 400 1700 1550
Table 750 620 1000 1250
Dimensional ruler 750 620 1100 1300
750 620 1200 1350
750 620 1300 1450
750 620 1400 1550
750 620 1500 1750
750 620 1600 1850
Stool 500
Shelf bench 250 310 500 600
Small shop 250 310 600 650
Medium bench 350 310 700 700
Medium bench 350 310 800 750
350 310 900 800
Shop 450 310 1000 1000
Dimensional ruler 450 310 1100 1050
450 310 1200 1100
450 310 1300 1150
450 310 1400 1300
450 310 1500 1400
450 310 1600 1500
Laundry box 400 300 600 800
Armchair 800 500 600 1000
Armchair 800 500 700 1050
Bench with armrest 800 500 1000 1300
800 500 1100 1400
800 500 1200 1450
Folding table 1000 1350
1100 1400
1200 1450
1300 1550
1400 1650
Bench with back 800 500 1000 1200
800 500 1100 1300
800 500 1200 1350
800 500 1300 1450
800 500 1400 1550
800 500 1500 1650
Park bench 800 500 1000 1450
800 500 1100 1550
800 500 1200 1650
800 500 1300 1750
Chaise longue with armrest hard 600 1150
700 1250
800 1350
Chaise longue soft 600 1450
700 1500
800 1600
Chair 800 500 500 800
800 500 600 900

Sales are planned through the following sources:

  • Wholesale buyers.
  • Retail sale through social networks.

Project estimate

In the business plan for a carpentry workshop in a small room, the following investments are planned:

Most of the finances are spent on the purchase of equipment for carpentry. To reduce costs, you can assemble some of the equipment with your own hands or order local craftsmen at an affordable cost. The price of tools and the machine may vary depending on the quality of the equipment, its manufacturer, model.

Don't buy an old machine imported production. The estimate will be reduced, but spare parts for the machine will cost you a pretty penny. The total estimate includes the cost of monthly expenses until the moment when the project starts to bring the first profit. This money can be paid gradually.

Project Implementation Planning

It is planned to launch the carpentry workshop within three months, from March 1 to May 31, by the beginning construction works. In summer, the workshop has more orders, as seasonality affects.

The phasing is signed for certain dates, deviating from which is not recommended. The owner can transfer some of the responsibilities law firm, for example, registration of IP. But this entails additional costs.

Equipment for small production

It is more profitable to buy equipment for a carpentry workshop in bulk in a specialized mall. Legal entities with bulk purchases have a discount of 10 to 25%.

Price and types of necessary equipment:

  • Lathe (1 pc.) - 65-120 thousand rubles.
  • Vice (2 pcs.) - 6,000 rubles. (total - 12,000 thousand rubles).
  • Circular or miter saw (1 pc.) - 35 thousand rubles.
  • Jointers (2 pcs.) - 12 thousand rubles. (24 thousand rubles).
  • Thickness gauge (1 pc.) - 85 thousand rubles.
  • Electric drill (2 pcs.) - 3.5 thousand rubles. (7 thousand rubles).
  • Milling cutter (2 pcs.) - 5 thousand rubles. (10 thousand rubles).
  • Electric jigsaw (2 pcs.) - 2.5 thousand rubles. (5 thousand rubles).
  • Electric planer (2 pcs.) - 2.4 thousand rubles. (4.8 thousand rubles).
  • Screwdriver (2 pcs.) - 2.5 thousand rubles. (5 thousand rubles).
  • Grinding machine (2 pcs.) - 2.8 thousand rubles. (5.6 thousand rubles).
  • Hand tools (screwdrivers, hammers, saws, pliers) - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Roulette (2 pcs.) - 80 rubles. (160 rubles).
  • Caliper (2 pcs.) - 800 rubles. (1.6 thousand rubles).
  • Moisture meter (1 pc.) - 700 rubles.
  • Automatic spray gun for applying paintwork and antiseptic (1 pc.) - 10 thousand rubles.

As a result, 335,860 rubles will be needed for the minimum equipment of a carpentry workshop. The amount of equipment costs may vary depending on the quality of the purchased tools and woodworking machine.

To this amount are added the costs of two workbenches, at least 7,000 rubles, and the purchase Supplies: glue for carpentry, oil, sanding paper, paint brushes, glue, antiseptics and varnishes. This is about 25,000 rubles more. As a result, 367,860 rubles will be needed for tools, consumables and equipment.

Staff organization

It is initially possible to organize a small carpentry production from four employees and the owner, who will act as a controller and manager:

  • Carpenters - 2 people.
  • Worker for painting and impregnating blanks and finished products– 1 person
  • The controller who will check the quality of products and perform a managerial role - 1 person.
  • Cleaning lady - 1 person

Salary salary. Masters additionally receive a percentage of completed orders. Monthly labor costs without interest surcharges are shown in the table:

The cleaner comes to work in the evening for 2-3 hours. Wet cleaning is performed once every two days. The rest of the employees work from Monday to Friday inclusive, from 10:00 to 19:00. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

Each employee is labor contract. Contributions are paid to insurance and pension funds.

Monthly expenses

Monthly expenses consist of the following parts:

  1. Purchase of consumables and raw materials for the carpentry workshop - 425 thousand rubles.
  2. Administrative expenses - 10 thousand rubles.
  3. Salaries to employees and contributions to various funds - 105,545 rubles.
  4. Payment of bills and rent - 40 thousand rubles.

The graph below shows the ratio as a percentage of expendable parts per month.

Total: 580,545 thousand rubles will be needed to maintain the carpentry workshop per month. To this amount we add unforeseen expenses (for tool repair, purchase of additional equipment) - 20 thousand rubles. As a result, the costs amount to 600,545 rubles.

Add up monthly expenses and the cost of equipping a carpentry workshop:

367 860 + 600 545 = 968 405 thousand rubles. This amount will be needed to organize the work of the workshop, purchase raw materials and keep the business afloat for the first month.

Projected income

You can predict revenue by analyzing competitors' sales. On average, competitors sell from 450 to 780 pieces per month. wooden products of various sizes. For forecasting, let's take the average figure - 580 pieces. Knowing the prices for manufactured products, we predict the revenue:

Monthly expenses are deducted from the proceeds received: 703,500 - 600,545 \u003d 102,955 rubles, this is the net profit per month. The profitability of the carpentry workshop is 7%. Let's calculate the payback. The initial capital amounted to 838,000 rubles. We divide this amount by the net revenue per month: 838,000 / 102,955 = 7.79. The average payback period for a project is 8 months. But this is only subject to sufficient sales volumes. Profitability is possible already in the second month of work.

The following activities will help increase sales:

  1. Purchases from 10,000 rubles. considered wholesale.
  2. Suggest free shipping their products to the buyer.
  3. Participation in a weekend fair where goods are demonstrated and sold.

Marketing strategy

There is no need to organize complex marketing campaigns to promote your workshop. It is proposed to use the following methods of advertising and promoting your product:

  1. Establishment of a special group in in social networks. Promoting it through the community of lovers of baths, wooden housing construction.
  2. Placement of advertisements for sale in periodicals of your region.
  3. Printing color booklets with price lists and distributing them to hardware stores and companies that complete the decoration of houses and baths.
  4. Creation of an online store where all goods will be presented not only for one region, but also for buyers from neighboring cities.
  5. Offer to entrepreneurs who construction stores, host your item and pay for it after the sale.

If wooden products have an original design and differ from other analogues, then regular customers will appear very quickly.


A carpentry workshop business plan with calculations will help a beginner realize his idea and start a business. It will take three months to implement the carpentry workshop plan. You will have to invest in your business from 968 thousand rubles. This amount will include equipment costs, monthly expenses, including wages employees and procurement of raw materials. The project pays off within 7-8 months, depending on the turnover.

A small carpentry workshop is a project for the central part of the region. It is difficult to start a small business in large cities, as competition with large manufacturers is very high. In the region, the workshop will quickly begin to generate income, it is possible to expand and increase sales to other cities.

A neat, well-organized workshop is the dream of many do-it-yourselfers and professionals. A corner in a room or garage is all you need to start setting up your workshop.

If you plan to often spend your time in it, then it is worth putting some effort now so that later you can work comfortably and safely. The functionality of the workshop is ensured by sufficient space for work and storage, the availability of electricity, lighting and ventilation.

The arrangement of your workshop will depend on its intended use. For some, it is enough to allocate space for storing tools and simple repair work others will need special equipment to pursue their hobby.

Place for a workshop

If you are lucky, then you may have a studio, shed or garage that you can use for your needs or hobbies. The space available will determine the contents of your workshop, so you need to plan very carefully to make your workshop as efficient as possible.

If you're into car tinkering, you'll need a garage for at least one car, but if you're into woodcarving, four to six square feet in the corner of a spare room might be enough. In any case, it is important that the workshop has good organization, good lighting, good ventilation, ensured the safety of work and ease of cleaning.

Workshop lighting

The workspace must be well lit, as poor lighting can lead to poor results. Windows in the south wall will provide plenty of natural light without direct sunlight, which is ideal for woodworking.

If there is no window, then the skylight from flexible pipes with a reflective coating is a great and easy-to-install alternative. Where artificial lighting is required, 150-watt halogen floodlights are best; fluorescent lighting, although popular, is not very suitable for workshops because it distorts colors and creates a so-called stroboscopic effect, which makes it seem that a rapidly rotating object is stationary. This is a serious job safety hazard when variable speed mechanized tools such as milling machines, drills and lathes are used.

Linear halogen floodlights

Place lights so that they are either directly above the workbench/desktop, or to one side. Do not place them so that they shine into the eyes or behind, which creates shadows on the processed objects.

Workshop ventilation

Through (cross) ventilation will be the best option, so place your workbench between the door and the window if possible.

If the work is dusty or you have to use solvents or other volatile substances, then cross-ventilation with air flow coming from your back is preferable. This, together with an appropriate mask/respirator, will provide reasonable protection against airborne substances and particles.

Consider artificial ventilation with fans if it is not possible to provide adequate air circulation in the room. In cold climates where windows and doors are kept closed and the room is heated, circulate air around the room with an air circulation fan system, preferably with a filter that is easy to clean. Adhesives and paints can release fumes, so cross-ventilation is useful to disperse these fumes and also help glues and paints dry.

When working with wood, the air must be dry so that the wood does not warp or swell.

Workshop layout

First of all, you will need a solid, flat work surface in the form of a wooden workbench or table and enough space to assemble and move products.

If the work area will be used for other purposes at the same time, consider a folding workbench and a wall-mounted tool box. In a limited space, a wall-mounted workbench or workbench, under which there is a place to store various items, will be more useful.

If you are the lucky owner of a large workshop, then a freestanding workbench will give you the most flexibility in its use. You will probably need some sort of vise on your workbench, so think about where to make them and how much space you need to handle the elements of your projects.

If you have machine tools, such as a saw, drill, or lathe, try to place them so that you can easily and freely move between different work stations.

The surface of the floor needs serious attention, especially if you will be standing on it for long periods; The floor should be easy to sweep and keep clean. Cover or eliminate low spaces under cabinets and shelving where dust can accumulate and where small parts can get in that can be difficult to get out.

Keep the tools in close proximity to the workplace, each in its place, so that you can always easily find the necessary tool.

The worst place to store tools is the “big shelf”, that is, the floor.

Most hand tools are usually stored on a wallboard. A low open shelf under a workbench or nearby is good for storing hand-held power tools such as a drill or circular saw. The upper limit of tool storage space is determined by where you can easily reach, and the most frequently used tools should be kept at or above workbench height to avoid unnecessary tilt.

Workshop layout example

The practical and comfortable layout shown in the image above was originally designed for a cabinetmaker. Interesting points can be noted: a wallboard with its tools, a small cabinet and various shelves are located close and conveniently relative to the workbench. The band saw, as the most commonly used machine, is also nearby. The windows are very well positioned and maximize natural light, which is complemented by a few halogen floodlights (not shown). Machines are located so as not to fall under direct sunlight. There is enough space between the roller doors and the workbench to assemble large items.

Power supply in the workshop

Suspended universal electrical outlets are convenient and safe. Above the workbench, they keep the power cords of hand-held power tools out of the workbench and floor where they can be accidentally damaged or caught on them, and in addition, they increase the range of the tool.

You may also need additional lighting, which should be positioned above workspaces and properly directed to avoid annoying shadows and dark areas. Ask your electrician to provide sufficient wiring capacity (capacity) for possible installation of additional outlets that may be required later, and learn about special outlets and electrical circuits that may be needed if you plan to use machine tools or welding equipment.

Make sure that there are enough sockets and they are conveniently located around the work area and equipped with residual current devices (RCD) to ensure the safety of work. Small power tools such as jigsaws and drills will suffice with standard 220 volt single-phase power, but machine tools such as band saws, drills, and circular saws may require three-phase power.

All electrical work must only be carried out by a qualified electrician.

Work safety - how to ensure

Contain workplace clean and tidy, not only to create a pleasant working environment, but also to ensure safety and protect health.

Always follow correct work practices, such as using appropriate work clothing and protective equipment and using tools exactly for the purpose for which they are intended. Be careful and protect yourself, your family, friends and anyone else who may have reason to enter your workshop.

Eye protection is required whenever necessary, such as when using a milling machine/machine, drill, power saw, lathe, or any tool with a fast moving cutting element.

Noise-protecting headphones or ear plugs ("ear plugs") are very important when working with very noisy equipment; hearing damage often goes unnoticed for several years after it has occurred.

Safe, comfortable shoes are a must, and safety shoes work clothes a type of robe or coverall is essential when conditions are or will be polluted with dust or other contaminants.

Close fitting clothing and a hair net will help prevent loose clothing or hair from getting into the machinery.

Machine tools, stationary machinery must have safety switches such as circuit breakers and emergency switches. Automatic disconnectors automatically turn off the machine when the power supply from the network is interrupted, making it impossible to accidentally turn it on when the power supply is suddenly restored.

Emergency stop button

The emergency switch is usually a large red button that, when pressed, will turn off the machine. As an added security, many of these devices must be manually switched to working position before you can turn on the machine again. Check these devices regularly so they don't let you down in an emergency.

Disposable face shields/respirators provide sufficient protection against normal dust, but if you work in environments with toxic fumes or very fine dust, respirators with replaceable cartridges should be used. When using a mask/respirator, carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations and, if the work requires the use of toxic substances, carefully read the description of the substance in order to observe the necessary precautions.

If a lot of dust is generated during operation, it would be wise to invest in a dust extraction system. All wood dust is potentially hazardous, especially from fiberboard (MDF, PSP) and chipboard. The simplest solution for a small workshop can be a household vacuum cleaner, but if there is a lot of dust or work is carried out on a large area, then a system with dust pipes connected to each type of equipment would be best, or you can use a mobile dust collector that can be transported around the workshop to those places where it is needed. Keep a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit handy for emergencies.

As a result, there are several basic protective equipment that you need to have in your workshop:

  • Protective glasses. Protect your eyes when working with power tools.
  • Respirator with replaceable cartridges. More effective than disposable dust masks/respirators and suitable for handling toxic substances.
  • Gloves. They provide some protection against accidental injury, but should not be worn when operating machines with a rotating tool.
  • Earplugs and headphones. Disposable earplugs provide good hearing protection. Some find ear protection to be more comfortable and effective.
  • Working shoes. Durable hard boots with non-slip soles.
  • Jumpsuit/Robe and hairnet. Close fitting clothing helps prevent loose clothing and hair from entering the machine.
  • Anti-dust respirator/mask. Disposable respirators effectively protect the respiratory system from wood dust.

Which workbench to choose

While an old table can be strong enough for small jobs, most carpentry projects will require a sturdy workbench.

The workbench should be approximately 850 mm high and have braces on the legs to ensure rigidity. The table top should be made of thick wood that can withstand impact, especially at the front. Thinner wood can be used in the back or middle to create a tray where tools can be safely placed.

If the workshop space is limited, then you can work with a portable folding workbench. When not needed, it can be folded up and stowed or moved to a construction site. Its tabletop is divided into two parts, which can be moved and pushed apart, using as a vise.

Workbench accessories include adjustable planing pins, crosscut benches, a beveling miter box, a tool or hardware storage box, and a carpenter's vice. The latter differ from the bench vise in that they fix the workpiece next to the workbench, and not on top, and also have wooden sponges to protect the workpiece. Goats and various ladders will be useful.

Tool storage

Proper storage and care of instruments will ensure their good condition. Tool racks and shields will protect them and help you always find the right tool quickly. A well-designed shield is a very useful item in any workshop.

You can make your own tool shield to suit your toolbox and available space, and there are many special fasteners available commercially to secure your tool. Many tools are already sold in a storage container. Even if it's just a cardboard box, it will serve you well for a while. If the tool will not be used for some time, remove them, especially at the end of the working day.

Keep hardware and fasteners in their packaging until they are needed - it is designed to protect and preserve the complexity of products. Store screws and nails in a clearly labeled box.

Workshop Tools

There are a huge number of tools, but you can build your tool kit gradually, buying tools as needed. For best results, only purchase brand name products. Here basic set tools to get started:

  • hammer with nail puller (570 g)
  • plane
  • thickness gauge
  • combined measuring angle
  • steel tape (3 m)
  • three chisels/chisels (10, 18 and 32 mm)
  • hacksaw for cross cutting (length 650 mm)
  • backed hacksaw
  • nail puncher (3 mm)
  • set of twist drills set of screwdrivers (flat, cross Posidrive and cross Phillips)
  • whetstone (whetstone)
  • sanding block
  • variable speed electric drill
  • jigsaw

In this material:

The carpentry business will not lose its popularity in the near future. The thing is that natural wood has a special, only inherent energy and an unusually attractive appearance.

Like many centuries ago, people who make high-quality products from natural wood are not only respected in society, but also have a good income. In addition, having a carpentry workshop, it is not necessary to produce exclusively furniture. It can be other interior items, for example: picture frames, wooden decorative utensils, table and floor vases and much more. If you know how to carve wood or can hire someone who knows how to do it, then this will be a huge plus. After all, carved elements can decorate not only frames and decorative boards, but also the furniture itself. Then the price for it will increase several times. But first you need to draw up a business plan for a carpentry workshop.

How to start a natural wood products business

The question arises how to open a carpentry workshop and start making money on it. First you need to solve the following questions:

  • find a room for rent where your carpentry shop or, at worst, a small carpentry workshop will be located;
  • register as individual entrepreneur(IP);
  • find suppliers of raw materials;
  • find and install machines, without which it is simply impossible to produce joinery in large quantities;
  • run a marketing campaign.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is a standard procedure in the local administration. It makes no difference whether you register a large workshop or a tiny workshop. If you want to produce something, you must have the appropriate documents and you must pay taxes. Sole proprietors have a fixed income tax.

It should be noted that firefighters show increased interest in workshops of this type (which is quite natural). Try to make sure that all documents are in order. In the room where your workshop will be located, you must install a fire shield.

As for the premises itself, in order not to spend money on rent, initial stage your own garage is also suitable if there is no car in it and its size is large enough. But this is only for a very small workshop. Ideally, you should look for a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50 m² and a ceiling height of 4 m. It is recommended that your workshop (or workshop) be rectangular if you have to process long boards. This is where you will install all the necessary equipment.

Banal truth: your potential suppliers should sell you a quality product at a low price. But your whole business will be based on this truth. Look for cheap and good quality. The inexpensive price of raw materials will subsequently allow you to set a small price for your products, which will surely please buyers.

BUT good quality will allow the production of relevant products. The manufacture of joinery as a business will primarily rely on well-organized deliveries.

Machine tools play an important role. Which machines must be installed, and which ones can be completely dispensed with so that there are no extra costs?

The minimum required for a carpentry workshop to work successfully:

  • Circular Saw;
  • end saw;
  • jointer;
  • thickness gauge.

From power tools you will need a drill with a milling cutter, and from hand tools - planers, jointers, chisels, hacksaws, mallets. Production is unthinkable without all this.

Studying the market

So, you have a workshop equipped with all the necessary machines. In your arms Required documents, which you can safely present to representatives of the tax inspectorate, fire safety officers and even the local district police officer. Now you need to decide what exactly you will produce.

If you do not plan to sell your products yourself, but will give them for sale, then you need to release only what the sellers order. Be ready to fulfill all their whims and not ask too many questions. But then you do not have to look for buyers yourself. Vendors can be found by visiting furniture stores and markets. If the product is good, then many people will want to take it for sale.

If you yourself begin to look for buyers, then the goods will be sold much faster (you will come up with discounts and various promotions). In addition, it will be more interesting to produce goods. The line can be extended indefinitely. So, for example, if there are a lot of summer cottages under construction in the vicinity of your city, produce garden furniture, you can’t go wrong. Add here a swing that can be hung from a tree or mounted on racks.

If the location of your workshop is not far from new buildings, then produce furniture for apartments. Find out the price of new buildings and produce furniture of the appropriate price category. You can also specialize in the manufacture of frames and doors.

Do not forget about the various little things that new settlers will buy to equip their homes. Here is an example that may help you find the right direction in souvenirs. There is a talisman called "Knock on wood". It is a birch log, sawn lengthwise. A stylized figurine of a spirit is carved at the bottom of the log. People believe in such things and willingly buy them in order to install them in the hallway or living room. The cost of such an impromptu amulet is a penny. And the selling price is several times higher.

Instead of a conclusion

Here, perhaps, are the main points that a person who decides to start the production of joinery should pay attention to.

And, of course, the craftsmen working for you must have a fairly high qualification.

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Pyrolysis boilers Tundra - An alternative to gas! You will be a manufacturer and not an intermediary. Our pyrolysis boilers replace gas. This is the most profitable way to heat the room after the main gas. 1st place in terms of cheapness is occupied by main gas (0.5 kopecks per kW) 2nd place pyrolysis boilers (0.8 kopecks per kW) 3rd place is waste oil (1.83 kopecks per kW) 4 ...

Investments: Investments 1 400 000 - 1 800 000 ₽

The Krown® brand was founded in 1986 in Canada. Currently, more than 1000 integrated corrosion protection stations are successfully operating in the world. Unique product T40, which is specially designed by the company's engineers, allows you to comprehensively protect vehicles from harmful effects environment. The composition of the inhibitor is protected by a patent, production is organized only at the Krown® company factory in Canada. Every year more than 1,000,000 vehicles…

Investments: Investments 550,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

Open your chemical production with NPK AtomChem! You will be able to produce in your region products: - auto chemical goods and auto cosmetics - antifreeze liquid - antifreezes and antifreezes - household chemicals - liquid soap- prof. chemistry for enterprises. You can implement it, offer best price than dealers for similar products. The research and production company AtomChem works in the field of…

Investments: Investments 1 500 000 - 4 000 000 ₽

The company "CULT STROY" No. 1 in the design and construction of "Inverted Houses" in Russia, having a slope in two planes of 10 and 13 degrees. At the moment, we have developed and implemented projects in the following cities: Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Yaroslavl, Penza, Gelendzhik, Perm, Ulyanovsk, Voronezh, Blagoveshchensk, Evpatoria. Our long-term plan is that in every city on Earth with a population ...

Investments: Investments 4 000 000 - 8 000 000 ₽

INGLOT is a wide network of branded salons of European professional decorative cosmetics and skin care cosmetics. Our brand is independently engaged in the creation of cosmetic products, accessories and equipment, currently uniting more than 700 outlets Worldwide. The mission of our company is to produce high quality cosmetics at an affordable price for everyone. These are products you can trust...

Investments: Investments 400,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

NIKI FILINI has been working since 2013, we specialize in selling youth clothing. We are focused on selling sweatshirts, t-shirts, hats, accessories and many other products. 31 franchise partners are already working with us. Franchisee partners grow and help each other. Our goal this year is to open more than 69 franchise stores. We…

Investments: Investments 1 000 000 - 2 000 000 ₽

In 2016, the company launched the automated production of the First Furniture Factory-ALNO joint venture, rebranding the factory, a new model range for various segments and the premium kitchen brand Bruno Piatti. A joint venture with the Piatti Factory has made it possible to produce kitchens according to Swiss quality standards. To date, the First Furniture-ALNO is: -52,000 m2 of production and storage space. - Capacity -50000 sets of furniture...

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We have been producing unique "Norwegian Houses" for 5 years. We offer you to open the production of "Norwegian Houses" in your region and earn 2.5 million rubles. in year! The uniqueness of the "Norwegian Houses": A residential 2-storey house for permanent residence, with an area of ​​33 sq.m, is assembled in 1 day and costs only 590,000 rubles! The house is manufactured in the factory, ready to be transported and mounted ...

Investments: Investments 10,000,000 - 15,000,000 ₽

The history of the company began in 1948 and has been going on for 70 years. ROBERTO BRAVO is currently international company with offices in Vicenza, Istanbul and Moscow, modern industries in Italy, Turkey and Korea. ROBERTO BRAVO is a regular participant of reputable industry exhibitions that are trendsetters in the world jewelry fashion: VICENZAORO Italy, JEWELRY SHOW Turkey, International Jewelery Show…

Investments: Investments 1 800 000 - 4 320 000 ₽

Retail network COZY HOME stores are a corner of comfort in a modern dynamic city. The range of stores includes exclusive collections of bed linen, fashionable home clothes, original decor, high-quality terry products, pillows, blankets and various cute things for your home. The emphasis is primarily on textiles, because the Company has long been a leading expert in this area and has…

Wood is universal natural material, which is used in the construction and decoration of houses, in the architectural and artistic design of buildings, in furniture production. Carpentry workshops are engaged in the manufacture of wooden products. The list of products that can be produced using the labor of professional carpenters, as well as special machines and tools, is very wide: these are windows, doors, frames, furniture, interior elements. Carpentry workshop as a business - a good option both for someone who loves and knows how to handle wood, and for someone who has organizational skills and entrepreneurial talent. In this article we will tell you how to open such an enterprise, and how much you can earn.

Features of a business idea and options for opening a workshop

The opening of a carpentry shop is a relevant and promising enterprise. Such a business has a number of advantages:

  • high demand for finished products;
  • stability (wood products will never go out of fashion, as it is a high-quality, natural, environmentally friendly, durable material);
  • relatively low competition in the industry;
  • no need to invest large amounts at the start;
  • low running costs.

Some experts recommend choosing a narrow niche when opening a carpentry business. For example, technical (, windows, doors, balcony blocks, etc.) or artistic (making crafts, souvenirs, decor elements). The scope of activities may also vary. This may be a small workshop, where only individual parts of a simple profile are made by one or two workers, or a large workshop in which joiners, carpenters, wood carvers work, who carry out the complete assembly and design of products.

Which option to choose depends on the wishes of the entrepreneur, the situation on the market (the level of supply / demand, the characteristics of competitors) and the available resource base.

Do not know, ? Read about the most promising areas of entrepreneurship and study recommendations for choosing an idea for your own business.

Material and technical base and workshop staff

You can even carry out carpentry work on the territory of your own garage (see). It won't bring too much big money, but will allow for some time to accumulate funds for the organization of the workshop.

The base for such an enterprise is a room with an area of ​​​​about 200 square meters. m with a wall height of at least 3 meters, the necessary set of equipment and tools and a team of specialists.

The workshop must have:

  • warehouse of raw materials;
  • warehouse finished products;
  • area for the manufacture of carpentry array;
  • site for the production of individual elements;
  • assembly shop;
  • paint shop;
  • staff room and bathroom.

It is obligatory to have all utilities: heating, water supply, electricity, sewerage and supply and exhaust ventilation systems. It is desirable that the room has a three-phase power line with a voltage of 380 volts.

The workshop should have natural and artificial lighting. To prevent damage to materials, it is important to ensure compliance with the temperature regime (optimally 18-20 ° C) and maintain the recommended humidity level (about 50%). To do this, you can use dehumidifiers and heat guns.


Lion's share the cost of opening a workshop is spent on the purchase of equipment and tools. The number and functionality of machines depends on what you will be producing. If you plan to produce a wide range of products, then you can purchase universal equipment. We will present the names and approximate prices in the form of a table:


Average cost, rub.


Trimming machine



Milling machine

Drilling machine

Grinder machine

Electric jigsaw

Electric saw

electric planer


Staple gun

Set of hand tools

Thus, about 465,000 rubles will have to be spent on equipping the workshop. This is not counting workbenches, cabinets and shelves, which, as a rule, craftsmen make on their own. Many modern manufacturers provide the opportunity to buy equipment on lease. One way or another, saving money by purchasing used or low-quality machines is not worth it. Not only the quality of finished products depends on them, but also the safety of workers. Read on to find out which one is best.

It will take several people to open a carpentry shop. The main work will be carried out by professional carpenters. They need handymen to help them. For the implementation of paint and varnish work, it is advisable to hire a qualified wood painter.

The foreman or technologist should monitor the work of the workshop, carry out control functions. In addition, you will need a cost estimator or accountant, as well as an account manager.

Formation of the assortment

One of the most common options for the carpentry business is the manufacture of custom-made furniture. Most wanted clients use kitchen sets, bar furniture, cabinets, beds. In addition, you can include interior items in the assortment: balusters, railings, steps for stairs, frames for mirrors and paintings, flower stands.

If the workshop opens in the private sector, then garden furniture (tables, benches) and small ready-made structures (arbors, animal houses, etc.) will be in demand.

In areas with active development, income will be brought Decoration Materials: parquet board, wall panels, decorative beams.

The success of the enterprise will depend on the number and volume of orders, as well as on the quality indicators of your products.

Legal base

A carpentry shop, like any business, requires registration entrepreneurial activity at the tax authority. If you are planning a large-scale enterprise, it is better to issue immediately entity, for example, a society with limited liability. This legal form will allow you to cooperate with big companies, take part in various tenders and develop in almost any direction.

About that, we talked in one of the previous articles. One can only add that when filling out an application for registration, code 43.32 (“Joinery and carpentry work”) should be indicated as the code for the type of main activity according to OKVED. As codes for additional activities, you can designate 31.01 (“Manufacture of furniture for offices and trade enterprises”), 31.02 (“Manufacture of kitchen furniture”), 16.23 (“Manufacture of other wooden building structures and joinery”) and others, depending on whether what you will be doing.

These types of activities are not subject to licensing. But before putting the workshop into operation, it will be necessary to coordinate its opening with local authorities Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as obtain the necessary permits from these services.

Marketing plan

Important role On the way to the success of any enterprise, advertising and promotion in the market play. These issues must be approached with all responsibility. If you want to establish your trademark, then start with a name for a carpentry shop. It should be positive, original, talking about the specifics of your products. Examples of successful names: "Forest Tale", "Royal Chambers", "Cabinet Maker", "ArtBrus".

The workshop must have its own website, where it should place a photo gallery with examples of work, information about the materials used in the work (if there is a screen copy of certificates and declarations of conformity), reviews of satisfied customers. Banners can be used as online advertising search engines, promotion in social networks.

Means are considered effective outdoor advertising, cooperation with local trade enterprises, placement of information in newspapers and magazines on relevant topics.

In a month, an average workshop can produce and sell up to 6 sets of natural wood furniture for a total amount of about 800 thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of raw materials, rent of premises, wages of workers, advertising, taxes, transport and other expenses in the aggregate will amount to about 700-720 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be at the level of 80-100 thousand rubles. With such indicators, investments will pay off in about a year.

You can sell the products of the carpentry shop in bulk trade organizations, retail to private customers. Over time, you can open sales on the Internet. Additional income can bring repair and restoration of old furniture, as well as the provision of assembly and installation services.

Consider others interesting ideas in the field of wood processing. For example,


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