There lived a birthday girl with an inquisitive passion. Women's prayer before the anniversary

A family New Year's holiday involves a fun pastime for all family members, therefore, in this matter, it is worth paying attention to both adults and children. moving, funny, funny contests will make an unforgettable holiday for the younger members of the family and give them a lot of fun and, of course, a lot of sweet prizes.

Competitions for erudition, dexterity and a little frankness also do not hurt for older family members. We picked best contests for the new year for children and adults, designed to be held at home in an ordinary apartment. We hope this article will be a useful guide to having a fun New Year's leisure.

Funny contests for children for the New Year

Small children are very fond of taking part in the fun, because in addition to Have a good mood they receive many prizes.

But there are some features in working with kids, so I would like to advise the following:

  • kids quickly switch attention, so you should not hold protracted contests and it is better to make them dynamic;
  • several competitions in a row can tire small participants, so you should dilute them with musical breaks and performances by small artists;
  • be sure to give a lot of gifts not only to the winners, but also to the participants.

We offer a selection of diverse competitions, where there is a place for both active children who love attention, and shy, but no less charming children.

We drive, we drive a round dance

At any holiday there are picky people who are difficult to captivate with something or children who are quickly distracted and lose interest in what is happening. It is quite difficult to entertain these kids, but there is a fun that almost all children like, regardless of age - a round dance around the Christmas tree.

To the songs In the forest a Christmas tree was born and the Little Christmas tree is cold in winter, the children are merrily circling around a beautiful festive Christmas tree.

Game What a Christmas Tree

The host announces the rules of the game. First you should ask, where do Christmas trees grow? Having received an answer, the presenter continues the story that Christmas trees are high, low, wide and thin. Next, the guys stand in a circle and hold hands.

They should raise their hands if the host is talking about tall trees, squat when talking about low trees, make a wider circle when they hear about wide Christmas trees and snuggle closer to each other when there are words about thin spruces.

Musical competition

The competition will be held with the use of the song About the Good Beetle from the movie Cinderella as the musical accompaniment.

The children should repeat the movements that are sung in the song:
  1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle! Clap your hands, do not spare your hands! Jump like bunnies: jump and jump, jump and jump! Now stomp, not sparing your feet!
  2. We will take our hands as soon as possible, more cheerfully and raise our hands up, we will jump above all! We put our hands down, stomp with our right foot, we stomp with our left foot and turn our heads!

These couplets should be repeated twice so that the baby has time to jump and stomp properly.

Christmas Tree Game

Children are divided into two teams and in front of each, at a short distance, they set up an artificial Christmas tree. Teams are provided with a basket of unbreakable toys. Then cheerful music is turned on, to which a team member takes one toy, runs to a tree, hangs an ornament on its branch and returns to the team.

Only after the return of the player has the right to run the next contestant. The team that decorates the Christmas tree the fastest wins. Entertaining young children is a difficult task, but burning eyes and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter will be a worthy reward for the efforts made.

And do not forget to reward all the little participants, at a young age it is very important to receive even a small prize for participation.

Competitions for elementary school children

Grown up children require more serious competitions.

Dancing and outdoor fun has not been canceled, but it is possible to introduce intellectual puzzle games into the program.

The best Santa Claus

To compete you will need:

  • gift bags;
  • boxes with unbreakable toys;
  • beards and hats of Santa Claus;
  • eye patches.

In this competition for children on New Year 2 to 4 applicants are selected, preferably boys, because the stage image is more masculine. Each participant is blindfolded and taken to the toy boxes and explained that they should fill their gift bag with decorations, but only one item can be taken out of the box. Then cheerful music is turned on for 30-40 seconds, and the children begin to complete the task.

The winner is the one with the most toys in the bag.

We look under the tree

The attributes of the game competition will be the following things:

  • large beautiful bags;
  • prize box;
  • Christmas tree.

Children are invited to divide into two teams and stand at a certain distance from the Christmas tree. The meaning of the competition is to take the prize, which in a single copy is under the Christmas tree.

The task of the participants is to take turns jumping in bags around the spruce and passing the baton to the next team member. The last participant must take the prize with them and return to the team. The one who got there faster won.

Game Congratulation from the Snow Maiden

Children's competitions for the New Year should be mobile, the only way to cheer up children. The game will require the following items:

  • chairs;
  • garments of the Snow Maiden costume.

The competition is individual, several girls are selected from those who wish. The chairs are covered with clothes turned inside out. The task of the girls is to turn them out as quickly as possible, put on all the elements of clothing and at the end shout out congratulations - Happy New Year!

New Year's games for children 10-12 years old at school

Despite the fact that adolescence is already close, children aged 10-12 still adore children's new year games. But it is already possible to select contests with subtle humor and count games for boys and girls who may already like each other.

And the Christmas tree loves

Christmas games for kids don't have to be a highlight holiday program. There are competitions that can be held before the feast.

And the Christmas tree loves - a children's New Year's warm-up competition at the beginning of the holiday, designed to stir up only the guests who have come. Grandfather Frost appeals to those present with a request to help figure out what his Christmas tree loves. He says the words, and the children must loudly confirm or deny with the words Yes or No.

The list of words may be as follows:
  • crackers, laughter;
  • guns, beaters;
  • laughter and mood;
  • joy and fun;
  • songs, poems;
  • dances, round dances;
  • despondency and adversity;
  • toys, tinsel;
  • tears and blues;
  • children and gifts;
  • stars, lights;
  • boredom and idleness;
  • quarrels, squabbles;
  • kindness and generosity;
  • jokes, jokes;
  • children's round dance and merry New Year.

There are no winners or losers in the game and this will be a great start to the evening.

Competition I'm faster

Before starting, prepare:

  • two chairs;
  • ropes, tie hands;
  • two rather big containers with corn sticks.

The chairs are arranged back to back so that the participants do not see each other. Next, the children tie their hands behind their backs so that there is no temptation to help themselves with them, and they must eat for a minute to cheerful music. corn sticks. The one who ate more of the opponent won.

Funny Bunnies game

You will need:

  • headbands with bunny ears;
  • a ball symbolizing a snowball.

As a snowball, it is possible to use a ball pasted over with white paper. Participants are divided into two teams, put on headbands, turning into a bunny. The task of everyone is to take a snowball, jump with it to a certain place and back, passing the baton to the next contestant. Whose team coped faster, she won.

New Year's competitions for children and adults at home

Meet the magical night in a warm family company very good, because busy families do not often manage to do this, but funny Games and competitions will help to unite and tune in to a festive mood.

Game Pass to Another

The leader puts in a bag items of clothing from those that he finds in the apartment. To the groovy music, the bag is passed in a circle between the guests sitting at the festive table.

When the music stops, the participant who has the bag in his hands must, without looking, take the thing out of it and put it on himself. The game ends when all the guests are dressed up and at the end it is possible to dance an incendiary dance in a new image.

Game Guess Me

The names of animals, professions and more are written on the leaves, they are folded into a hat or box. Each participant in turn takes out a piece of paper and, without showing it to the audience, tries to explain with gestures and facial expressions who he is at the moment.

In another interpretation of the game, words are written on stickers, stuck on each other's foreheads, and the person tries to guess who he is with the help of leading questions.

New Year's mafia

Many people know the course of the game, and although this is not a very New Year's game, it is possible to remake it in a new way.

Have you played at least once in the New Year's mafia?


For example, replace the main characters:

  • civilians - bunnies;
  • commissioner - Santa Claus;
  • mafia - witch;
  • doctor - Snegurochka.

And win, as in the classic version, bunnies or a witch.

Games and contests for a corporate party with jokes

At a corporate party, you should start with games where guests can sit and not get up. As the degree rises, it is possible to move on to more mobile and bold entertainment.

Game And in my pants

The facilitator prepares the phrases written on the sheets in advance and puts them in a special box. Then he comes up to the guests with a microphone, offers to say the phrase: but in my pants ... Then the participant takes out any fant and continues the said sentence.

And the endings are:

  • dry and comfortable;
  • there are still balls in trousers;
  • joy swells;
  • general cleaning is required;
  • the quieter you go, the further you'll get;
  • it's a pleasure to look at;
  • good mood;
  • you can look, do not touch.

Game wand lifesaver

A team of 6-10 people is recruited. Participants stand in a circle, they are given a stick. To the music, the stick is passed in a circle, and the one on whom the melody broke off must go into the circle and complete the task.

For example, dance with a stick like a pylon, fish, ride a horse, lift a barbell, or sing a song like a microphone.

fun my thoughts

Initially, you will need to prepare a hat with a brim or another interesting headdress as a prop. The hat is put on the guests in turn and at the same time an excerpt is turned on famous song, denoting what thoughts are currently in this head.

Excerpts can be used from the following compositions:

  • I'll send it to - Lolita;
  • We are all bitch women - Irina Alegrova;
  • Well, girls, little by little - Elena Kukarskaya;
  • I'm so cool - Leningrad;
  • Let's drink for love - Igor Nikolaev.

In the process of holding adult contests, you should not be shy, but you should always remember who is at the table so as not to go too far with too bold contests.


Competitions and games during new year holiday are designed not only to amuse and entertain children, but also to instill in them the ability to communicate and work in a team. Games, competitions for the New Year with children will help to find a common language with them and liberate them. Try to ensure that not a single child stands aside, and everyone takes part in the New Year's fun together.

As prizes, it is possible to give felt-tip pens, Kinders, bubble, coloring pages and much more, in any case, you will like the prize, because it is honestly earned.

New Year is the main and most anticipated winter holiday especially for children. What child will not be delighted with a cheerful round dance around a festively decorated Christmas tree sparkling with multi-colored lights, the presence of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? BUT funny contests, games for children will make the New Year even more interesting. Even a simple collective game will seem especially exciting if a friendly children's team with positive attitude. The kids especially like children's games and contests for the New Year, in which incentive prizes are provided for the victory in addition to the usual New Year's gifts.

Competitions for the little ones

Christmas story

The competition for the New Year in kindergarten is often based on fairy tales. Here the kids have to come up with their own fairy tale. First, they need to be divided into 2 teams. Each of the teams in turn, the leader asks suggestive questions: “Once upon a time, who were?”, “Where did they live?”, “Where did they go?”, “And who did they meet?” etc. The children first consult within their team, and then give collective answers. So you can accompany the whole scenario of a fairy tale. Surely both tales will turn out to be very original, so it is hardly worth choosing a winner here.

Where is the tree?

When choosing contests for the children of employees for the New Year, you can try this one. All children are divided into 2 teams, and each chooses a captain. After that, both teams line up in two parallel lines. The leader of each team hands three flags to the captain of each team: two of them are drawn fairy tale characters or animals, and on the third - a Christmas tree. This is followed by the leader's command, and the team captains pass one flag back down the chain, with the flag with the Christmas tree being passed last. As soon as the last player in the chain receives this flag, he must raise his hand with it up and shout "Yolka!". The team whose flag rises first wins.

magic scooter

Mobile children's New Year's games and competitions always especially attract children. For this game, you will need small artificial Christmas trees and a couple of scooters. Children need to be divided into 2 teams and line them up opposite their row of arranged Christmas trees. Then the leader gives a start and the first pair of scooters competing must go around each of the Christmas trees in their row, then return to the team and pass the scooter to the next participant. The team that gets to the finish line first and knocks down fewer Christmas trees will win.

cat and mice

For this competition, you will need a long elastic band (3-4 m), the ends of which must be tied. Among the children, a “cat” is selected, which sits in the middle of the circle formed by the “mice” and “sleeps”. The elastic band should be slightly stretched, covering the legs of the mice from the outside at the level of the ankles. Then the music turns on, and the mice carelessly dance first clockwise, then against. But suddenly the music stops, the cat wakes up, and then the mice need to jump out of the rubber band as quickly as possible, and the gaping mouse becomes a cat. Then the mice return to the circle, but this time the elastic is raised to the level of the knees, and the whole action is repeated. Further, the elastic band rises to the level of the belt, back, neck and, finally, the arms raised up. Such New Year's competitions for the children of employees can unite all the kids, even if they have not met before.


First, the driver is selected - the one who has to look for the ring, and he temporarily leaves the room. The rest of the players line up in a circle: one of them hides the ring, and then everyone folds their hands behind their backs. Then the driver is launched into the center of the circle formed by the players. Then he tries to understand by the eyes who has the ring. Children are too simple-hearted and, as a rule, quickly betray themselves by facial expressions or glances. Such competitions for children for the New Year at home can be held without fear that something will break or someone will get dirty.

Who is first?

For this New Year's fun, you will need a couple of chairs and sets. winter clothes. The sleeves of winter jackets must be turned inside out, and in this form, hang on each chair, and put a scarf, hat and gloves on the seat. The game is divided into several rounds according to the number of pairs of children available. Each pair stands at the ready not far from their chair, and as soon as the leader gives the command, both players rush to the chairs. They must quickly turn in normal position jacket, put it on, as well as other details of clothing. The first one to put everything on has to sit on a chair and loudly shout “Happy New Year!”.

Christmas bags

If you are coming up with new competitions for children of 10 years old, do not forget about the competitive component, when the child strives to do something better or faster than others. This competition is an ideal version of such a game.

All its participants need to be divided into pairs, which will compete. The facilitator gives each participant a beautifully decorated bag and brings them to the table, on which there are two boxes filled with various items, including unbreakable Christmas tree figurines and toys. After that, both players are blindfolded and, on command, they must begin to blindly collect items from the boxes into their bags, and only those related to the New Year will be taken into account in the calculation. Only one item is allowed to be picked up at a time. While the bags are being filled, the music plays, and after about a minute it stops, the players are uncovered and offered to compare the contents of their bags. The winner is the one who collects more items related to the New Year holiday.

New Year's suit

New Year's competitions for children 10-11 years old can be a little more difficult. For this competition, you will need a fairly large sheet of paper, scissors, pins, glue and tape. Participants are given a certain time (for example, 10-15 minutes), during which they must model and make a New Year's costume, and even arrange a show for the public, tell what it is for (for example, it is a fancy dress or evening dress). The audience votes for their favorite outfit with louder applause. The fashion designer who caused the most noisy applause wins.

Christmas tree with a surprise

Contests like this New Year's party for children require more thorough and lengthy preparation. Here you will need to make a Christmas tree layout out of cardboard, and cut holes in it to indicate Christmas balls. FROM back side"Christmas trees" under each such hole, you can attach a bag. During the matinee, the presenter gives each contestant 5 small balls and explains that they need to get into the holes in the "Christmas tree". The winner will be the one who does it more often than others and will receive a prize, which can be hidden among the branches of a real Christmas tree.

Ball with a surprise

New Year's contests for children 7-12 years old offer such an interesting option: comic New Year's tasks are written on scraps of paper, after which they are put into balloons and inflated. Each participant of the competition receives such a ball with a task, which he must burst without touching his hands. Having come up with a way to do this, the player must complete the task found in the ball (sing, dance, and something like that). Whoever manages to make the funniest performance wins.

Competitions for children of any age

collect snowball

3-4 teams can participate in this fun at the same time. First you need to prepare a lot of small white balloons, which will play the role of snowballs, as well as large garbage bags. At one end, the bags must be cut so that legs can be inserted into these holes and a kind of harem pants would be obtained. Then, from each competing team, a participant is selected who must put on these "harem pants", and the rest of the team, at the sign of the leader, must begin to collect snowballs in them. Whoever collects the most impromptu snowballs will win.

We decorate the Christmas tree

Many children's competitions for the New Year are dedicated to decorating the Christmas tree. For this competition, you need to prepare two small artificial Christmas trees, as well as a couple of boxes that contain unbreakable Christmas tree decorations. There should be a distance of about 2-4 meters between the trees and the boxes. Then the contestants are divided into two teams, and each takes its starting position near its box of decorations. The host gives a command, and the competitors take turns decorating their Christmas tree. Each player can take only one toy at a time. The winner is the team whose box is empty first.


To hold this competition, you will need plastic buckets and snowballs made of cotton wool, fabric or synthetic winterizer, for beauty and compactness, tied with a silvery rain. Participants of the competition must be divided into two equal teams and give each of them 2-3 snowballs. Place buckets 3-4 meters from the teams. The task of the players is to throw their projectiles exactly into their bucket. When everyone shoots back, you need to check which of the buckets had more snowballs - that team won.

New Year's tinsel

This game will require bright tinsel and perky New Year's melody. From the children present, two equal teams are recruited, which line up, and the host of the game gives each of their participants one string of tinsel. On command, the first player must tie the tinsel on the neighbor's hand, and he does the same along the chain. The last member of the team must run up to the first and also tie his tinsel on his hand. After that, the team captain must raise his hand, decorated with tinsel up - whoever does it first, that team won. When preparing this competition, adults need to take into account that some types of tinsel can get hurt, so you need to choose it very carefully.

It's me!

Merry Christmas contests for children elementary school you can replenish the following entertainment: an adult should quickly ask questions, and children should answer them “It's me!”. Naturally, among the usual questions with tricks will come across, and the children, by inertia, will answer them “It's me!”. Something will be fun after some confessions. Here are some questions.

Who walked the dog?
Who cleaned the kitchen?
And who did not help mom?

Who planted flowers?
Who got two?
Who helped grandma?

Who was careful?
Did you say thank you?
Did you forget your briefcase at home?

Who picks his nose?
Did you clean up after yourself in the forest?
Did you pull the girl's hair?

Did you clean up after yourself?
Who helped the parents?
Who painted on the wallpaper?

Who said hello?
Did you break the glass?

Who walked through the puddles?
Who has dirty ears?

What kind of animal?

Looking for funny New Year's contests for children, you can pay attention to this one. For him, you will need a variety of masks depicting animals. The player must close their eyes, after which they put on a mask of a certain animal. The task of the player himself is to guess who he has now turned into, based on the prompts of others. He may ask questions about the size of the teeth, the color of the coat, etc., as well as whether it is a domestic or wild animal. But you can only answer "yes" and "no". Of course, there should be no mirrors in the room, otherwise the secret will quickly be revealed.

tightrope walkers

Children can participate in this competition different ages. They need to be divided into 2 equal teams and lined up in two parallel rows, and before the first number of each team, lay a rope on the floor. This competition consists of three stages, the complexity of which is increasing.

  1. The first players must simultaneously begin to walk along the rope in small steps, trying not to stumble and not step on the floor. Having reached the end of the rope, you need to turn around and return to your team, where you can pass the baton to the next “rope walker”.
  2. The next task is to grapple into a train, taking the front member of the team by the waist, and on the same conditions, only all together, go along the rope in one and the other direction.
  3. One by one, walk along the rope, but only with your back forward.

Teams can also be formed from members of the same family, it will turn out even more fun.

Height meter

Such New Year's competitions for children 7-8 years old will be very funny. In this case, it is necessary to measure the growth of all participants in any oblong objects. Everyone will be interested to know what their height is in pillows, cucumbers or pencils. You can invent as many such length standards as you like. Children, having amused themselves, will surely begin to suggest what else they can be measured in, which should be done. At the end of the "research" you need to draw up a "scientific" document. You can take as a basis new year card, on which to write in advance: “My height” and then list the units of measurement, and during the competition enter the data obtained there.

New Year's chain

Often, the size of the apartments does not allow for noisy games and running around, then adults are forced to look for quieter contests on the New Year theme for children. For example, this one:

Divide the children present at the holiday into 2 teams and give them sheets of paper, scissors and an adhesive pencil. In a short time (5-7 minutes), the teams must cut the paper into strips, which they glue with rings into a long New Year's chain. Whoever has it longer is the winner.

Do you know any other funny New Year contests for kids? Share them in the comments or write which of the presented games you liked the most.

Maybe for many people the New Year is associated with tangerines and champagne, but for real caring parents, the New Year is exclusively children's holiday. After all, it is the children who believe in Santa Claus and are waiting for New Year's joys and miracles, it is for the kids that the Christmas tree is dressed up and the house is decorated. And the pre-New Year fuss of parents is connected not only with what and how to give a child to make it look like a miracle, but also with how to organize New Year's contests for children so that the holiday is sincerely fun.

Encyclopedia of the best New Year's contests for kids

That's right - before you is a complete collection of scripts for competitions for children for the new 2019!

You can even turn a holiday into a celebration and carefree fun at home, especially if there are a lot of children, and you take care to hold contests among children.

The New Year is a great occasion to get together with friends and their children, hold various New Year's competitions for children and see how your child does everything to win. And victory in children's competition- it is a pride for the baby and his parents.

New Year's fun: games, quizzes, contests for children of all ages

You are going to be a big family or a loud friendly company. Everyone has children, but here's the bad luck - children of different sexes and ages. No problem! In the encyclopedia "Home Holiday" you will find entertainment for every taste.

We advise you to take care of the preparation for the holiday in advance. Do you already know that there will be children aged 12, 13 and 14 at the party? - It's just great. They have the same interests and fun for them you will find in the section of competitions for school children. At the same time, you will distinguish yourself favorably in their eyes, because you will be able to find the most original and funny New Year's contests for children. For children from 5 to 7 years old, you can find good entertainment ideas - among the New Year's competitions for children preschool age or primary school. Here you can not only find ready-made holiday contests for children, but also to take something as a basis in order to independently refine and translate into new competition for kids.

New Year 2019 - from morning to joyful fatigue

You can start giving a New Year's miracle long before the feast at home. For example, in schools, holidays are held a little in advance. Therefore, you can take the initiative into your own hands and offer your child's teachers New Year's competitions for children at school, and, believe me, they will be original and will be able to truly please the children.

And with competitions for children at home, you can think of a whole program for the whole celebration. Of course, one cannot leave aside music and dance competitions for children for the New Year, there are also a lot of them in the encyclopedia. Find or come up with contests for children at the table so that during the New Year's feast, children do not get bored with the conversations of adults - otherwise they will start acting naughty. After eating, it's time to move on to active and mobile New Year's competitions for children, but they need to put their energy somewhere. Most funny contests for children, it is better to spend in between the performances of young singers and dancers so that everyone has fun. If, after a home holiday, you plan to go to the Christmas tree on the street, then find scenarios for New Year's outdoor competitions for children in advance. It will be unexpected and very interesting!

And for your adult children who, after a family feast, plan to get together with a youth company, you can prepare a whole new year party, respectively, look for contests for parties for children.

To give a miracle - you don't have to be a magician, it's enough to sincerely love and give loved ones what they dream of.

1. New Year's competition "Christmas trees are "

We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest different Christmas trees grow, both wide and low, tall, thin. Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up. "Low" - squat and lower your arms. "Wide" - make the circle wider. "Thin" - make a circle already. And now let's play! (The host plays, trying to confuse. He says one thing, but shows another)


2. Competition "Attach the Snowman's nose."

(Two people come out to the board. They are blindfolded and brought to the Snowmen. It is necessary to attach a carrot to each Snowman. Repeat 2-3 times)


3. New Year's game "Christmas Tree Decorations".

We will play with you now

Into an interesting game.

What we decorate the Christmas tree with

I'll call you quickly.

You listen carefully

And finally answer

If I tell you right

Say yes to the answer

Well, if suddenly it's wrong,

Answer boldly - "no".

Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Folding beds and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Colored beads?

Are the garlands bright?

Snow from white cotton wool?

Backpacks and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Candy shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the buds golden?

Are the stars radiant?

4. New Year's competition "Snowballs. Hit the target."

(Snowballs are rolled out of paper first. Children are divided into two groups. Each has a snowball in their hands. Everyone needs to get into their box. The team that collects the most snowballs wins).


5. The game "Who does not wash his ears."

(A question is asked, the children must answer “yes” or be silent.)

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves pomegranate?

Who loves grapes?

Who loves apricots?

Who doesn't wash their hands?


6. Game "Pass the balloon"

(Children are divided into two teams. At the command of the leader, each first is given a ball. It is necessary to pass it from hand to hand to the next team member as soon as possible. Two or three balls can be given at the same time)


7. New Year's riddles for children

If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the tree goes to the house,

What holiday? ...

(New Year)

Christmas tree on New Year's holiday

Calling adults and children.

Invite all people

On New Year's ... (round dance).

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.


Everywhere on this holiday there is a roar!

An explosion followed by merry laughter!

Very noisy toy

New Year's ... (clapperboard.)

Christmas balls -

The best gift for kids.

Fragile, fabulous and bright

This festive ... (gift).

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.


To the trees, to the bushes

Flowers fall from the sky.

white, fluffy,

Just not fragrant.


He's busy all the time

He cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white

Everything he sees along the way.


I am snowy, I am white

The guys made me

During the day they are always with me,

In the evening they go home.

Well, at night under the moon

It's very sad for me alone.

(snow woman)

They fly faster than the wind

And I'm flying with them for three meters.

Here is my flight completed. Clap!

Landing soft in a snowdrift.


And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver.


Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It hurts to bite.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street ... (Frost)

Under my feet

Wooden friends.

I'm flying at them with an arrow,

But not in summer, but in winter.


We looked out the window

Well, I can't believe my eyes!

Everything around is white - white

And sweeps ... (Snowstorm)

Hedgehog looks like her

Leaves are not to be found.

Like a beauty, slim,

And for the New Year - it is important.

(Christmas tree)

Rushing like a bullet I'm forward

Only the ice creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? ...(Skates)

Barely breathed in winter -

They are always with me.

Warm two sisters

Their name is ... (mittens)

They are shaken, rolled,

And they carry it in the winter.

(Felt boots)

She sparkles in the sky

Decorates our Christmas tree.

Will never fade

On New Year's Day ... (star).

Santa Claus for the New Year

Bring the Christmas tree to the children.

And it's like a fire

Red blazes ... (ball).

In the New Year we are not sad,

We are sitting under the tree

And to each other with expression

We say ... (congratulations).

Santa Claus big bag

Behind his back carries

Calls all the people

For a merry ... (New Year).

Santa Claus came to visit us

With a fragile, snow-white guest.

He called her daughter.

This girl ... (Snow Maiden).


8. The game "Guess what's in Santa's bag."

( There are all kinds of things in the bag: cones, small balls, bows, an eraser, a toy, a cube, etc. The child puts his hand into the bag. He finds one thing by touch and describes it without naming it. Everyone has to guess what it is.)


9. New Year's contest "Collect snowflakes"

(2-4 people can play. Snowflakes (buttons) are scattered on the floor. Children in thick adult mittens should collect as many snowflakes as possible in a minute.)


Game program.

Competition 1 "Mosaic" (envelopes with postcards)

An envelope is given to each table, in which a beautiful postcard is cut into various geometric shapes. The task is to collect a postcard.

Competition 2 "Game of snowballs."

Teams of girls and boys line up opposite each other, 5-6 people each. Each team receives "Snowballs" - wads of white paper, 2 snowballs for each team member. The task is to throw snowballs into your basket (bucket), placed 2-3 meters from the team. The winning team receives prizes.

Competition 3 "Telegram to Santa Claus".

Children are asked to write 13 adjectives. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts the missing adjectives from the list into it.
Telegram text : "... Grandfather Frost! All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances! Finally- then the New Year will come! How I hate to talk about... studies. We promise that we will receive only... grades. So, open your... bag as soon as possible and give us... gifts. Regards to you... boys and... girls!"

Competition 4 "New Year's theater" .
Participants are given cards with the name of roles. When their role is called, they enter the stage and perform the proposed action.


shining bright sun . suddenly blewwind . A little one ran into the suncloud . Trees(2-3) shackled by winter sleep. Ran up to the treebunny . He stood up on his hind legs and wagged his ears merrily. Cautiously, sniffing the ground, approached the bunnyhedgehog . On its thorns sat a prettyApple . At this time, the first snow fell on the ground. funnysnowflakes(6-7) circled in the air and landed on the ground. Soon they fell asleep the hare and the hedgehog.
But then the sun came out again. It shone brightly, brightly, and the snowflakes melted. And the friends, having freed themselves from the snow, shook themselves off, rejoiced at the sun, jumped, and each ran his own way.

Competition 5 "Hunting for gifts."

They pull the rope, various small prizes (toys, sweets, etc.) are hung on strings on it. The participant is blindfolded and given scissors. He must go to the rope and cut off the prize that he can.

    You got this soap

To wash your hands more. (Soap).

    We give you (a notebook), there was something to write on.

    Yes, your lucky ticket, keep it up (pencil).

    Oh, what a fine fellow you are, get a lollipop. (Chupa Chups).

    Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).

    Since you got chocolate,

Then you will not be bitter - it will be sweet! (Chocolate).

    This prize went to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Seeds).

    Happiness fell into your hands, you got a big apple. (Apple).

    Receive quickly as a gift

Your winnings are (balloon).

    We'll have to live the study of grief,
    Don't forget about calendar days. (Calendar)

    Means for fighting infection, in order to prevent massive absences from classes. (Disposable wipes)

    If you want to dress chic and have a wide range of clothes, you will need the best sewing machine. (Needle).

    Don't be sad, don't grieve
    Go kiss your neighbor.(Kiss neighbor)

    To keep your teeth from hurting
    Clean them at least once a week.(Toothbrush )

    Do not be bored in the evenings - drink fragrant tea (tea).

    The yacht fell on this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).

    Get it, hurry up, you - a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook).

    Dear comrade, get (candy)

Just don't eat it yourself, treat a neighbor.

Competition 6 "Dance" . (New Year's disco.)


The participants of the game line up in a line. There is a basket in front of them at a distance of 2-3 meters. Each participant is given a piece of paper. Task: crumple a sheet of paper, i.e. turn it into a "snowball", and get into the basket.


A chair is placed near the Christmas tree, on it is a rattle. You need to ride a broomstick around the Christmas tree and ring a rattle.

Competition "Snowflakes"

Teacher throwing up snowflakes three colors, reads a riddle.

To the trees, to the bushes

Flowers fall from the sky

cold, fluffy,

Just not fragrant.

What's this?

All (in chorus). Snowflakes!

As soon as the music starts, each team collects snowflakes of only one color, and then forms a winter word from them (letters are written on the snowflakes).

"What is hanging on the tree?"

So what happens on the tree?

A loud buzzer?

Beautiful toy?

Old tub?

That's the decoration on the Christmas tree! Be careful.

We repeat.

A loud buzzer?

Cheerful parsley?

Hot cheesecake?

Cheesecake, and even hot, is unlikely to decorate the Christmas tree, most likely it will be eaten.

White snowflakes?

Bright pictures?

Ripped boots?

Are the fish golden?

Are the balls turned?

Soaked apples?

Well guys, it's time to end the game!


Several couples are involved. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain amount of “snowballs” (tennis or rubber balls). On a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The pair that finishes the game first and collects the most snowballs wins.


All children stand in a circle. Santa Claus loses his mitten.

The host of the holiday finds her and, turning to Santa Claus, asks: “Santa Claus, is this not your mitten?” Santa Claus replies: “My mitten is mine, I’ll catch up with her, friends.” Children pass each other a mitten, and Santa Claus tries to take it from the children.


2 kids compete. They become bagged and kicked. The top of the bags is held by hand. On a signal, the children run around the Christmas tree in different directions. The one who runs faster wins. The game continues with the next couple.


2 players participate. They are given in their mouths a spoon with a cotton ball in it. On a signal, the children scatter in different directions around the Christmas tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop the snowball from the spoon.


Large boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree. Two children are playing. On a signal, they run around the Christmas tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the Christmas tree faster and puts on boots.


Players can be 2 - 4 people. Each is given a balloon. On a signal, the children begin to inflate them. The one who inflates the balloon faster wins.

Running around the chairs


A large hoop is placed on the floor. The players are chosen. They stand in a hoop on one leg, on a signal, the players begin to push each other out of the hoop with their elbows. The winner is the one who can stay in the hoop (standing on one leg).

For parents : Sing a song

Sing verse 1 "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" as if you ...

nursery group kindergarten

Military choir

Choir of pensioners

The rest of the verses of this song can be staged.

Competition "Funny nonsense"

This competition improves the mood of those present, gives the holiday gaiety.

The host has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The host goes around the tables, playing alternately “blindly” pull out either the question (read aloud) or the answer. It turns out to be a funny joke.

Use your imagination when composing questions and answers. The larger the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations.

sample questions:

- do you read other people's emails?
- do you sleep well?
Do you eavesdrop on other people's conversations?
Do you break dishes out of anger?
- can you put a pig on a friend?
- Do you spread gossip?
- do you have a habit of promising more than you can?
- Would you like to get married?
- When do you celebrate the new year?

When does Santa Claus give gifts?

Do you drink champagne on New Year's Eve?

Do you torture cats?

Do you sleep on New Year's Eve?

Do you like to give gifts to relatives?

Do you like going to school?

Can you hit a friend?

Do you like to lick icicles and eat snow?

Sample answers:

- this is my favorite activity;
- occasionally, for fun;
- only on summer nights;
- when the wallet is empty;
- only without witnesses;
- only if it is not connected with material costs;
- especially in a strange house;
- this is my old dream;
- No, I'm a very shy person;
- I never refuse such an opportunity.

Find the word

From the letters, add the word: K E N ZH O S, V N O K G E S I. (snowball, snowman)


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