What to present to the nurse. Presentation on "The profession of a nurse". A nurse is a soul above all

GBPOU "Medical College of the Ministry of Health and Demographic Policy of the Magadan Region" Project name: The most humane profession Project nomination: "My profession is my future" Completed by: first-year nursing student Lyusana Vladimirovna Alexandrova Leader: Elena Arnoldovna Zolenko, Magadan, 2015

There is no point in arguing about how the nursing profession is needed, important and wonderful. Sincerity, emotional culture, the ability to perceive the experiences of a neighbor, good breeding in responsibility, a sincere understanding of your duty to other people, the realization that only you and it is you who can and should help a sick person to gain the fullness of existence, that is, to become healthy - these are moral indicators necessary, in my opinion, for people who have chosen this profession.

In the past, she was called the Sister of Mercy. In the days of terrible epidemics, wars, sometimes in one word, they could soothe the pain of the suffering, comfort and give hope for recovery. Under the nurse's gentle voice, the most painful injection is imperceptible, and the bitter mixture does not seem so bitter. The history of caring for the sick and wounded in Russia began in the era of Peter I (1803)

But it was the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale, in the days of the Crimean company, who organized an ambulance detachment, which included nuns, sisters of mercy, 38 people in total. Today, May 12, on her birthday, nurses of all countries celebrate their professional holiday - International Day nurse.

The profession of kindness and mercy The peculiarities of the profession of a nurse include the fact that many people of this specialty not only give injections and measure blood pressure, but also morally support the patient in difficult times. After all, even the strongest person, being ill, becomes defenseless and vulnerable. A kind word can work miracles.

This profession is incredibly relevant and in demand. The geography of possible work is extensive: small regional hospitals, clinics, dispensaries and large medical centers, sanatoriums, all kinds of recreation centers, educational institutions, large state and private organizations, enterprises.

In order to work as a nurse, you need to graduate from a professional educational medical institution, college. A nurse can improve her qualifications on courses. You can get a bachelor's degree in nursing from medical school.

Real specialists can only grow from people who, by the beginning of their studies, have gone through a fairly serious school of self-education and have not lost their humanity in the storms of experiences, but have strengthened their own soulfulness; they did not become callous, did not close themselves off from human suffering, but they became stronger and more confident in their own strengths, they learned to discipline themselves.

I believe that a nurse is one of the noblest professions. In the work of a nurse, I am attracted by communication with people, because every day I will learn more and more, I will participate more in their fate, because they have entrusted me with their health and life. People always have a special attitude towards medical workers, they value and respect them ... In college, a world of knowledge and friendship opens up for me. I love my college, I am glad that I study here and have chosen this wonderful profession - a nurse!

Nurse (nurse) - a person with an average medical education who works under the guidance of a doctor or paramedic. She does not examine the patient, diagnose, prescribe treatment. A nurse, unlike a paramedic, is not an independent person, and fulfills the appointments already made.


Officially, this day was established only in 1971. 1971 Nurse Day is celebrated since the unification of sisters of mercy from 141 countries into a professional public organization international council of nurses. For the first time, the service of sisters of mercy was organized during the Crimean War by the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale. Then a stable stereotype was formed: a nurse is a nurse who takes out the wounded from the battlefield or stands at the operating table.

In the rapidly emerging healthcare market, the need for nurses is 2-3 times greater than for doctors; in the rapidly emerging healthcare market, the need for nurses is 2-3 times greater than for doctors. Today there is an acute shortage of nurses. However, there is an even greater demand for experienced initiative nurses in the paid health care system. In this system, the number of vacancies exceeds 56%, and the real need for executive qualified experienced nurses reaches 86%. Today there is an acute shortage of nurses. However, there is an even greater demand for experienced initiative nurses in the paid health care system. In this system, the number of vacancies exceeds 56%, and the real need for executive qualified experienced nurses reaches 86%. FACTS

The work of a nurse is associated with high responsibility and stress. She begins her working day in the morning by taking the temperature of patients, cleaning the beds, then delivering medicine and breakfast. Throughout the day, she monitors patients and informs doctors about the state of affairs in the wards, measures blood pressure, sets an IV, gives injections, prepares patients for X-rays and other procedures, informs doctors about the state of affairs in the wards. She also maintains the patient's hospital records. DESCRIPTION OF TYPES OF WORK

PERSONAL QUALITIES: 1. common sense 1. common sense 2. neatness 2. neatness 3. strong and firm 3. strong and firm character 4. flexibility 4. flexibility 5. compassion for people 5. compassion for people 6. physical endurance 6. physical endurance 7. psychological stability 7 .psychological stability 8.sociability 8. sociability 9. benevolence 9. benevolence 10. patience 10. patience

1. caring for patients, walking with them 2. providing patients with food and drinks 3. receiving medical supplies and medicines 4.measurement of temperature, blood pressure and pulse 5.bathing of patients 6.installing droppers 7.puppets 8.preparing patients for diagnostics and treatment procedures 9.working with medical equipment 10.willingness to serve the patient TYPES OF RESPONSIBILITY:

POSSIBLE CAREER Any promotion of a nurse is possible only after a long period of her conscientious work. She may be interested in the activities of a gerontological sister, which gives more freedom and allows her to start her own business.

Nursing Schools or Special Courses: 1. Nursing Nurse (3-6 months) 2. Operating Nurse (2 years) 3. Intensive Care Nurse (2 years) 4. Older Nurse (1 year work experience)). Nursing Schools or Special Courses: 1. Nursing Nurse (3-6 months) 2. Operating Nurse (2 years) 3. Intensive Care Nurse (2 years) 4. Older Nurse (1 year work experience)).

PLACE OF STUDY Meshchersky Medical School Address:, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhovsky district, s. Meshcherskoe Tel. (499) Podolsk Medical School: Address: Moscow region, Podolsk st. Karavaeva, 8 Company phone: (4967) and others.

1.Application of admission; 2. Birth certificate (original) or passport; 3. Certificate of complete or incomplete secondary education (original); 4.Medical certificate; 5. Certificate from the place of residence about the composition of the family; 6.Photos 3x4 - 6 pieces. 1.Application of admission; 2. Birth certificate (original) or passport; 3. Certificate of complete or incomplete secondary education (original); 4.Medical certificate; 5. Certificate from the place of residence about the composition of the family; 6.Photos 3x4 - 6 pieces.

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Nurse (nurse) - a person with secondary medical education who works under the guidance of a doctor or paramedic. She does not examine the patient, diagnose, prescribe treatment. A nurse, unlike a paramedic, is not an independent person, and fulfills the appointments already made. For the first time, the service of sisters of mercy was organized during the Crimean War.

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Officially, this day was established only in 1971. Nurse Day is celebrated since the unification of sisters of mercy from 141 countries into a professional public organization - the International Council of Nurses. For the first time, the service of sisters of mercy was organized during the Crimean War by the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale. Then a stable stereotype was formed: a nurse is a nurse who takes out the wounded from the battlefield or stands at the operating table. World Nursing Day in Russia has been celebrated since 1981. A monument to a nurse has been erected in several cities.

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In the rapidly emerging healthcare market, the need for nurses is 2-3 times greater than for doctors. Today there is an acute shortage of nurses. However, there is an even greater demand for experienced initiative nurses in the paid health care system. In this system, the number of vacancies exceeds 56%, and the real need for executive qualified experienced nurses reaches 86%. FACTS

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The work of a nurse is associated with high responsibility and stress. She begins her working day in the morning by taking the temperature of patients, cleaning the beds, then delivering medicine and breakfast. Throughout the day, she monitors patients and informs doctors about the state of affairs in the wards, measures blood pressure, sets an IV, gives injections, prepares patients for X-rays and other procedures, informs doctors about the state of affairs in the wards. She also maintains the patient's hospital records. O P I S A N I E V I D O V R A B O T

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PERSONAL QUALITIES: 1. common sense 2. neatness 3. strong and firm character 4. flexibility 5. compassion for people 6. physical endurance 7. psychological stability 8. sociability 9. kindness 10. patience

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GENERAL SKILLS AND SKILLS: Willingness to serve the client 2. Ability to persuade 3. Organizational ability 4. Willingness to work in extreme conditions 5. Skills psychological communication 6. Basic knowledge of medicine, biology, chemistry

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1. caring for patients, walking with them 2. providing patients with food and drinks 3. receiving medical supplies and medicines 4. measuring temperature, blood pressure and pulse 5. bathing patients 6. installing droppers 7. injections 8. preparing patients for diagnosis and treatment procedures 9.working with medical equipment 10.willingness to serve the patient TYPES OF RESPONSIBILITY:

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"!" "!" POSSIBLE CAREER Any promotion of a nurse is possible only after a long period of her conscientious work. She may be interested in the activities of a gerontological sister, which gives more freedom and allows her to start her own business.

HISTORY OF PROFESSION The history of medicine has its roots in antiquity. But there was no such profession as a nurse for a long time. The first nurses appeared in the 11th century. They were called sisters of mercy. Initially, representatives of this profession provided basic assistance in caring for the sick exclusively to women. But in wartime, the activities of specialists extended to the wounded military as well. In 1617 begins new era nurses - opens the first community to provide training nursing... Since then, the profession has been developing rapidly. It consists not only in helping the sick, orphans and lepers, but also in frontline activities. Nurses accompany doctors on the battlefield, caring for the wounded. Over time, they begin to assist with operations. The profession is becoming quite prestigious, and many secular ladies are involved in nursing. A modern nurse has a fairly wide range of responsibilities and is an indispensable assistant to any doctor.

DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE PROFESSION At work, the nurse daily becomes an intermediary between the doctor and the patient. The specialist communicates with patients, calming them down and caring for them. In addition, almost every nurse may be faced with the following responsibilities: Providing first aid. Everyone should be able to do this medical worker, from junior to senior staff. Intramuscular and intravenous injections. The nurse must know the anatomy and clearly perform this manipulation. Nursing. This is the main responsibility. Sampling of analyzes. Distribution of drugs and control of their intake by patients. Installation of droppers, if necessary. Sterilization of medical instruments. Records management. Preparing patients for operations and other procedures. Preparing the operating room. Carrying out medical and preventive procedures. This is well-known electrophoresis, paraffin, etc. The list of nurses' activities is quite extensive and directly depends on the position and specialization. They must first of all help the sick by providing care. Mass character and uniqueness of the profession A nurse is the first assistant to a doctor. Given the fact that there are a lot of areas of activity, the profession has a strict classification:

Chief nurse. This is a nurse with higher education on nursing. The head nurse is a certified specialist who organizes the work of the hospital's middle and junior staff. She distributes responsibilities and controls the process of their timely and accurate implementation. Head nurse. This is a kind of hospital administrator. Usually this kind of specialist is assigned to the head of the department. The head nurse supervises and manages the nursing and nursing staff. She is also responsible for supplying the department with all necessary concomitant medications and materials. The sentry nurse. The specialist strictly follows the doctor's prescriptions and fulfills them. Usually assigned to specific chambers. This employee cares for patients, monitors medication and nutrition of patients. Procedural Nurse. This specialist performs all the manipulations - injections, installation of droppers, sampling of tests. Also, the procedural nurse is the physician's assistant during procedures that must be performed by the doctor. Operating room nurse. An employee of the surgical department. The tasks include the preparation of tools, suture material, linen for surgery. Also, the specialist submits everything necessary tools at the first request of the surgeon. District nurse... This is a constant companion of the district doctor at the reception of patients. The specialist makes home visits and fulfills the doctor's prescriptions, but this is mainly paperwork. Diet nurse. This is an assistant nutritionist who monitors the quality of food, their processing and compliance with the doctor's recommendations. Usually works in hospital canteens and distributes menus to appointments. Specialist nurse. Usually, such specialists can be encountered at an appointment with an ENT, optometrist and other specialists in the clinic. Junior nurse. Carries out small errands and nursing. The assistant nurse cannot carry out manipulations, other employees are engaged in this. Nurses are indispensable in medical practice. They help doctors and patients.

WHERE TO GET A PROFESSION? In almost every major locality there are educational institutions that allow you to get a nursing diploma. For example: Tambovskiy State University them. GR Derzhavina Tambov Regional Medical College.

SPECIFICITY OF WORK PLUSES Opportunity to get medical education; the awareness that the nurse is involved in saving lives; gratitude from the recovered patients. an experienced nurse can find a job faster and Additional income... We can say with confidence that for a woman this is the most demanded and prestigious profession... CONS Night shifts, which often fall on holidays; low wage; stressful situations in medical institutions; unbearable physical activity. danger of contracting a dangerous infectious disease, ingratitude on the part of patients.

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Nursing profession Ministry of Health Nizhny Novgorod region GBPOU NO "Nizhny Novgorod Medical College" PRESENTATION On the topic:

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A nurse (nurse) is a specialist with secondary specialized medical education in the field of nursing. A nurse belongs to the nursing staff, is a junior specialist in relation to a specialist - a doctor. Nurse is a specialist with special secondary medical education in the field of nursing. Nurse refers to secondary medical personnel is the younger specialist in relation to a specialist is a doctor.

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The nurse acts as a doctor's assistant in medical institutions, performs medical appointments and carries out the nursing process. The nurse acts as an Assistant physician in hospitals, performs medical appointments and performs nursing process.

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HISTORY OF THE PROFESSION: The first nurses appeared in the 11th century in Western Europe, but officially this profession arose much later. In Russia, the position of a nurse first appeared during the Crimean War in 1854. The besieged Sevastopol was overcrowded with wounded, and the doctors could not cope. The Sisters of Mercy offered help in caring for the soldiers. In six months, the mortality rate in hospitals has dropped from 40 to 2 percent. The medical volunteers were awarded silver medals at the end of the war. The first nurses appeared in the 11th century in Western Europe, but officially this profession emerged much later. In Russia, the nurse first appeared during the Crimean War in 1854 a year. Beleaguered Sevastopol was overflowing with the wounded, and doctors could not cope. Assistance for the care of soldiers suggested the Sisters of mercy. Half-year mortality in hospital dropped from 40 to 2 per cent. Medical volunteers at the end of the war were awarded silver medals.

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PLACES OF WORK Nurses and nurses work in hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, private clinics, children's institutions, military units and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes. Nurses work in hospitals, clinics, hospitals, private clinics, institutions, military units and hospitals, sanatoria and rest houses.

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NURSES ARE DIVIDED BY WORK PROFILE: Home nurse Head nurse Ward nurse Procedural nurse Operating nurse District nurse nurse) Dietetic nurse Nurses working on reception of patients with doctors narrow specialties Nurses for civil defense (Nurse for civil defense)

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HOME NURSE Specialist with higher medical education, who graduated from the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education of the Medical University. She is a Specialist with higher medical education and graduated the Faculty of higher nursing education medical University. It deals with the rational organization of labor, training of middle and junior medical staff in hospitals and oversees its work. rational organization of work, advanced training of secondary and junior medical staff hospitals and monitors its work.

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HEAD NURSE Assists the head of the hospital (polyclinic) department in administrative and economic matters, organizes and supervises the work of ward nurses and junior medical personnel. Provides assistance to Department head of hospital (clinics) in administrative matters, organizes and supervises the work of ward nurses and Junior medical staff.

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WARD NURSE (WARD NURSE) Carries out medical appointments for patients in the wards assigned to her, monitors the condition of patients, takes care of them and organizes their meals. Performs medical appointments to patients in assigned wards, watching as patients, cares for them and arranges for their food.

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PROCEDURAL NURSE Performs medical appointments (intravenous injections and infusions), helps with manipulations that only a doctor has the right to perform, takes blood from a vein for research. Performs a medical appointment (intravenous injections and infusions), helps when carrying out manipulations, which is authorized to perform only the doctor, conducts the removal of blood from the vein of research.

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OPERATING NURSE Assists the surgeon with surgical interventions, prepares surgical instruments, sutures and dressings, and underwear for the operation. Helps the surgeon during surgical procedures, prepares for surgery surgical instruments, sutures and bandages, underwear.

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PRECINCT NURSE (DISTRICT NURSE) Assists the district doctor in receiving patients living in the assigned area, performs medical procedures at home as prescribed by the doctor and participates in preventive measures. Helps district doctor at the reception of patients living in the designated area for them, carries on prescription treatments at home and participates in the conduct of preventive measures.

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DIETIC NURSE Under the direction of a dietitian, responsible for the organization and quality health food, draws up the menu, controls the cooking and distribution of food, as well as sanitary condition kitchen and dining room for patients. Under the leadership of doctor-nutritionist is responsible for the Organization and quality of therapeutic feeding is menu controls the culinary processing and distribution of food and the sanitary condition of the kitchen and dining room for patients.

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NURSE FOR CIVIL DEFENSE A specialist with a higher non-medical education who received this qualification in higher educational institution Specialist with higher non-medical education, awarded this qualification in higher education along with basic qualifications and relevant to reserve paramedical personnel (in the presence of higher pedagogical education can also teach the fundamentals of medical knowledge in secondary education). (if you have higher pedagogical education, you can also teach the basics of medical knowledge in secondary educational institutions).


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