A characterization on a hairdresser for an awarding example. Examples of positive characteristics (samples from the place of work). Sorochinsky urban district

A request to prepare a description of an employee is most often addressed to specialists in the HR department:

  • by the employee himself;
  • government agencies;
  • the head of the organization.

In the first and second cases, a ready-made characteristic from the place of work is needed to present it to some authorities outside the organization in which the employee works (for example, to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities; or to an educational institution in which he studies on the job ; or at a new place of work; or in court). Thus, the performance is required by an external customer.

In the third case, certain internal organizational procedures are being prepared related to the assessment of an employee, and the document will be used within the institution. His customer is internal.

Specialists personnel service they are not obliged to write a description on their own, because they cannot know the business qualities of each employee, but they must organize the preparation of such a document: contact their immediate supervisor, assist him in writing and drawing up the document.

The content will depend on the purpose of creating the characteristic. Therefore, we will consider various options that are often encountered in practice.

Examples of positive and negative characteristics

To begin with, let's give an example of a positive characteristic from the place of work. This is the most common option that lists strengths person and his positive professional qualities.

Nikiforov Semyon Ivanovich is a high profile specialist who has been working at Electrosystems LLC for 15 years. His total work experience is 22 years. During his work at Electrosystems LLC, he has established himself as a responsible, qualified employee. Semyon Ivanovich competently, quickly and efficiently solves the tasks assigned to him. The projects for the installation of electrical systems entrusted to him were carried out with high quality and in short time... The main positive qualities of Semyon Ivanovich are his responsibility and perseverance in achieving the goal. It is also impossible not to note his ability to correctly explain the task to other specialists. Nikiforov Semyon Ivanovich was twice awarded a commendation from the management of Electrosystems LLC.

Now let's give an example of a negative characteristic:

Mitrofanov Ivan Ilyich worked at Electrosystems LLC as a mechanic for 1 year and 3 months. During this time, he did not show high professionalism. Despite some positive traits Ivan Ilyich is characterized as a poorly disciplined worker. Lack of discipline manifested itself in non-compliance with the deadlines for the execution of work, regular delays. Ivan Ilyich was twice disciplined.

Feature when encouraged

The promotion can be initiated by the management of the organization. In this case, the requirements for the procedure can be flexible and determined by local regulations:, Regulations on incentives, etc. Often, the package of documents for presenting an employee for incentives also includes the characteristics of the immediate supervisor.

A sample of the characteristics from the place of work to the worker who is planned to be awarded the Certificate of Merit

To choose the right words for characterization, you need to think about what qualities in the company are considered the most valuable, and based on this, define the employee. The example of a job profile presented above emphasizes performance. However, it is possible that your company particularly encourages:

  • dedication, loyalty to the company and its leaders;
  • or the ability to make decisions, take initiative;
  • or a responsible attitude to the quality and timing of work;
  • or the ability to build relationships with clients ...

But there is another type of encouragement - awarding with state awards. Russian Federation... In this case, serious requirements are imposed on the documents from the place of work (for details, see the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07.09.2010 No. 1099 "On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation", as well as in the Letter of the Presidential Administration of 04.04.2012 No. AK-3560). The Letter contains guidelines regarding the execution of documents for the award.

Sample characteristics for an employee to receive a state award

Characteristics in deciding the issue of collection

The employee has committed a misdemeanor, and the question of recovery arises: reprimand or dismissal. Perhaps an internal investigation is underway. What kind of punishment should you choose? To answer this question, all the circumstances and materials of the incident are carefully investigated. If a positive characteristic from the place of work is taken into account, containing such assessments as:

then the punishment for an employee who has committed a misconduct may be mitigated.

Sample characteristics when deciding on collection

Boost characteristic

In a large organization with an extensive hierarchical structure, or in state and municipal bodies many of the internal procedures are strictly formalized. For example, there is. The set of documents for each participant of such a reserve includes characteristics. They focus on the qualities of an employee required for a candidate for leadership position: competence, strong-willed, organizational skills, intelligence and authority.

Sample boost characteristic

Characteristics at certification

The Labor Code does not regulate the procedure for conducting in an organization. However, if such a procedure is planned, it is necessary to draw up a local normative act- Regulation on certification, approving it by order. The Regulation should contain a list of documents to be provided attestation commission, including the characteristics of the certified employee.

The characteristic should include:

  • information about education, professional development, position, work experience;
  • evaluation of the results of work and the implementation of significant projects;
  • information about the presence or absence of penalties or incentives.

Sample characteristic for attestation

Characteristics to court

During court hearings, characteristics of the defendant (accused) are often attached to the case materials: they can be requested by any participant in the trial, including the employee against whom the case has been initiated. Look at a sample of the characteristics of the driver from the place of work - it became a circumstance mitigating administrative responsibility (decision of the Davlekanovskiy District Court of 23.08.2010, case No. 12-93 / 2010).

  • signed by the head of the enterprise;
  • certified by a seal (if any).
  • Incentives in professional and labor sphere imply the preparation of such a document as a characteristic for rewarding an employee. This is not exactly what is applied for presentation in government bodies and organizations or for. When drawing up a document for awarding an employee, it is necessary to take into account: the level of the award (state, municipal, departmental, local from the organization, etc.), the presence or absence of relevant requirements for the submission of documents for awarding.

    Since it is difficult to bring a universal sample of characteristics for rewarding an employee, given the existence of various levels of awards and for various achievements in professional activity, the example below can be adapted for specific situation... And if you have additional questions, you can always ask a question to the duty lawyer of our website.

    An example of a characteristic for rewarding an employee


    Chief Power Engineer of CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant"

    Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich began labor activity at the Novosibirsk Metallurgical Plant in 1984 after graduating from Novosibirsk technical university with a degree in power supply, faculty of industrial energy, he rose from an engineer at the plant's energy bureau to the head of the electrical measurement group. Hired to work at CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant" in 2002 as the head of the energy department, since 2010 he has been the chief power engineer of the CJSC.

    During the period of his labor activity at the enterprise, Konstantin Anatolyevich Cherepov has established himself as a qualified specialist, high professional, proactive and highly organizational leader.

    Cherepov Konstantin Anatolyevich is the initiator of the development and implementation at the enterprise of a number of technical innovations in the entrusted field of activity, including the introduction of alternative energy sources in industry. This made it possible to reduce the cost of manufactured products, which allowed the enterprise to compete with foreign suppliers, to participate in state and municipal purchases.

    Over the years of his career, he has repeatedly been sent to refresher courses in the specialty "power supply", strives to independently improve his professional and managerial level. During his work at the enterprise, he received a second higher education in the specialty "Personnel management". It is distinguished by high efficiency, non-conflict, stress resistance. In the department of the chief power engineer, under his leadership, a stable team has been formed, the atmosphere in which is distinguished by initiative and hard work. Personally monitors the safety of working conditions.

    During his work, Konstantin Anatolyevich Cherepov was repeatedly encouraged by departmental and municipal certificates, including awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Department economic development of the city of Novosibirsk, thanks general director JSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant".

    General Director of CJSC "Novosibirsk Machine-Building Plant"

    Odintsov P.K.

    What is the characteristic for rewarding an employee

    Let's make a reservation right away that the document in question is not a presentation for an award. That is, the description only accompanies the written position of the management on the need to reward the employee for his professional contribution to the development of his business. Therefore, to include in the description of the formulation - worthy of an award or the like. - meaningless.

    The characteristic for rewarding an employee is an assessment document. It describes professional achievements, work activities, business and personal qualities. It is important for leaders in the document to reflect the presence of a close-knit and stable team, managerial and organizational skills.

    Despite the evaluative nature, the characteristic for rewarding an employee is an official document. It should reflect the employee's merits to the enterprise, organization, which are the basis for encouragement. A document is drawn up in writing official business style (there should be no inaccuracies, ambiguity, corrections, speech repetitions, etc.).

    Structure of characteristics for rewarding an employee

    For ease of use, we propose the following algorithm for filling in the characteristics for rewarding:

    1. Name "characteristic", full name, year of birth, education, position
    2. Information about the general labor activity, work experience at the enterprise, "movement" in the service
    3. Assessment of business and personal qualities, contribution to the activities of the enterprise and department, specific merits, results (examples), specific quantitative indicators of work
    4. Relationships in the team and leadership
    5. Information about available awards, incentives

    The document must be signed by the head of the enterprise. If the award implies a local character, then the immediate supervisor. The characteristic for rewarding the employee must be certified by the seal of the organization.

    Characteristics from the place of work pretty much in demand. As a rule, such a characteristic is needed when a device is installed on new job, for filing in courts and law enforcement agencies, in guardianship and trusteeship authorities, in banks when receiving a loan. It may also be needed in a number of other cases. In the article you will find tips for writing characteristics and a few samples.

    Characteristics from the place of work

    Despite the fact that many consider the job description a relic of the past, this document is still in demand. A job description is an employer's assessment of the professional and personal qualities in relation to an existing or retired employee. The ambiguous attitude towards this document is explained by the fact that most employers approach its content rather formally and such characteristics, as a rule, do not have any real individual affiliation. Accordingly, the content of such a characteristic may be questionable.

    There is no specific form of characterization from the place of work, but there are generally accepted rules its compilation. So, the characteristic usually contains the following information:

    • Data about the person to whom the characteristic is issued, which includes the name of the person, information about the date of birth, marital status, military service, education, as well as the presence of various regalia.
    • Information about the work. This section contains information about work experience, about the beginning of work and its end (if the employee no longer works in this organization), about personnel movements within the company that issues the characteristic. It is necessary to note the labor achievements and professional skills of the person. If the employee in the process of work was sent for training, professional development, etc., then this should also be indicated in the characteristic. If the employee has various merits (gratitude, encouragement, etc.) or disciplinary action, this information should be indicated.
    • Personal characteristics. This information is probably the most significant part of the entire characterization. It may contain various information regarding the personal qualities of a person. If an employee is the head of a unit, then it is worth noting his organizational qualities, the presence or absence of responsibility for subordinates, the degree of readiness to make difficult decisions, exactingness towards himself and his subordinates, and other qualities. If the employee is a performer, then you can indicate the degree of his readiness to fulfill the orders of the manager, initiative, striving for excellent results, etc. the team does not add up due to the complex nature or other characteristics of the employee.

    Depending on the internal regulations operating in the organization, the characteristic can be drawn up both on a form in which the details of the organization are indicated, or without the form, but the details in this case must also be indicated. If a characteristic from the place of work is provided at the official request of some institution, then it should be indicated where given characteristic provided. To give the characterization legal effect, it is signed by the person responsible for the issuance of such a document. This can be either an employee of the personnel department, or directly the head of the organization. In addition, it is imperative to put down the date of issue of the document.

    Examples of characteristics from the place of work

    Here are some examples of ready-made testimonials from the workplace.

    1. (on the letterhead of the organization)

    "______" _______________ twenty___


    Issued by ______________________________________________

    (Surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

    Full name work (-t / -l) in ____________________________________________ starting from "______" _______________ 20___. During his work, he was repeatedly sent to refresher courses, which he successfully completed, according to the programs: ___________________________.

    The full name has a vast amount of knowledge in the existing specialty and is always up to date with the latest developments in his field. Possesses excellent business negotiation skills.

    The full name has established himself as a responsible employee, aimed at excellent results, always ready for the quick adoption of innovative decisions and responsibility for their adoption and for the actions of subordinates. Ready to work in any conditions, including after hours.

    Differs in punctuality, delicacy in communication with subordinates and colleagues, for which he has respect in the team. Demanding to himself.

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    For everyone socially active person inevitably, the trail of his previous work experiences, relationships with people, habits, behavioral characteristics and formed views of the world lasts. More fully reflect the qualities of a person associated with his performance official duties, managers or HR specialists will be helped by a sample characteristics for an employee to be awarded a certificate of honor or when applying for a new job.

    When a characteristic is required

    A characteristic for an employee from the place of work is drawn up in the following situations:

      By the personal will of the employee:
  • to resolve conflicts in the family;
  • for pre-trial proceedings;
  • at the place of study;
  • to resolve disputes with a new employer.
    • At the initiative of the head of the organization for internal events:
  • preparation of attestation checks;
  • awards or bonuses;
  • when preparing the issue of filling a position;
  • when considering candidates for a new position.
  • You can make a characteristic for an employee who works in the organization or who has retired.

      Depending on the place of destination of this document, the characteristics are divided into:

    External ones are prepared for submission to government agencies according to official requests or at the request of the employee himself. Such characteristics are sent to the court, to the military commissariat, to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the place of study or internship.

    There are no fundamental differences in these types of documents, both of which are of a universal nature, but differ in nuances that take into account the labor duties of the employee. For example, the professional requirements for knowledge workers cannot take into account the physical characteristics of, for example, a lumberjack.

    Drafting and execution procedure

    The decision on how to write a description from the place of work is made by the head of the enterprise or institution. He deals with this issue himself, if the organization is small, or assigns it to the HR department. A document is drawn up in a fairly free form and signed by the person who formed the document.

      Let's indicate the main design elements:
  • The A4 paper size is considered optimal.
  • The name of the document in the form of the word "characteristic" is located strictly in the middle at the top of the page, below on the right are the name of the employee, place of work and position. Abbreviations of words are not allowed.
  • Before proceeding to describe the personal and professional qualities of an employee, one should indicate his personal data, level of education, place of study, list refresher courses, if any.
  • The writing of the text is formulated from a third person, verbs in the past or present tense are used, characterizing the activities of an employee at the enterprise according to the situation.
  • Information about the employee's seniority (date of enrollment, promotion, change of position) should cover not only work at the present enterprise, but also all work activities before it. Describing employee movements and achievements that only affect their own company is a common mistake employers make. Competence of the manager about a person's work path is welcomed before getting acquainted with this organization.
  • Particular attention should be paid to weighty facts of the employee's activities, for example, participation in large-scale events or the active development of a serious project.
  • The main focus of the document should be on the assessment of the business qualities and professionalism of the employee. It can be both positive and negative when describing the level of theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice, the relationship of a person in a team, the ability to work in a team, the timeliness of fulfilling commitments and other abilities.
  • In addition to purely business qualities, it is imperative to mention personal ones: the ability to get along with team members, the level of stress resistance and self-control in conflicts, responsiveness and the desire for mutual assistance. Here it is appropriate to note the moral qualities of the employee.
  • At the end of the narrative part, the incentives and penalties from the side of the authorities that have taken place in this company are listed. However, it should be remembered that penalties have a limitation period of 1 year, and after this period it is not worth mentioning them, as they become invalid.
  • The place of its presentation is indicated at the bottom of the document.
  • You can write a characteristic on an employee both on the official letterhead of the company, with a logo and a corner stamp, and on clean slate... In the second case, it is imperative to certify with a seal.

    Features of compiling characteristics

    The above are the universal requirements required to compose any characteristic. In addition to them, depending on the official duties of the employee and the place of presentation of the document, specific points that are characteristic especially for this situation should be highlighted. Let's consider them in more detail.

    Upon dismissal

    Often it is required to draw up a characteristic for an employee when he is fired for a new job or when an enterprise is closed. Look step by step instructions how to close an LLC on your own.

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      In this case, the manager should describe:
  • The degree of the employee's compliance with the position: labor achievements, successful project implementations, etc. are described. It is appropriate to list awards, incentives or penalties, if any.
  • Business and professional qualities: punctuality, organization, efficiency in fulfilling labor obligations, etc.
  • The level of the employee's competence in his profession - the degree of his qualifications, the experience gained, the willingness to help newcomers are indicated, rationalization proposals if they took place.
  • Personal qualities of an employee, one way or another related to the performance of job duties: initiative, responsibility, the ability to smooth out conflicts in the team, the presence or absence of bad habits and other character traits.
  • In the event that the quitting employee did not leave a positive impression of himself, the manager has legal right make up a negative description of him from the place of work. Unpleasant nuances, such as: irresponsibility, conflict, failure to meet deadlines, violations of internal regulations, have the right to appear in the employee description, if this is really true.

    Naturally, such a negative characteristic of an employee from the place of work can play a negative role in his future employment, which should be remembered by the manager and try to be as objective as possible.

    To be awarded with a certificate of honor

    Internal characteristics are intended to address organizational or professional issues with employees within the enterprise. They may be required during job transfers within the company, for the presentation of awards or incentives, which should be correctly reflected in work book... If an employee has achieved success in his work activity and he is entitled to encouragement, then the characteristic, first of all, should reflect those qualities of a person that helped him achieve this goal. In these cases, as a rule, a positive description from the place of work is drawn up.

    For the police

    If a person is suspected of committing an offense - administrative or criminal, a characterization from the place of work to the police is requested for pre-trial proceedings. This is done for the most objective investigation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Often, there are no specific instructions from the law enforcement agencies and the heads of the organization, when preparing a response, cannot always decide on the nuances required upon request. In this case, to clarify the situation, you should consult with the legal adviser of the organization and talk to the subordinate. The main emphasis should be on the personal qualities of the employee, on the presence or absence of bad habits, on the observance of the rules of internal discipline.

    To court

    Particular attention should be paid to situations where a characterization is required for submission to court. This information is necessary for the judge in order for him to make the most fair judgment. As a rule, a request from a judge does not contain specific instructions. If you do not want to harm your subordinate, seek the help of a lawyer and talk to the employee himself. It must be indicated that the document is intended to be submitted to the court.

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    To the military registration and enlistment office

    A characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office is usually drawn up from the place of work or by employees educational institution where the conscript was trained - school, college or university. The document should tell about the person's relationship with the team, his ability to adapt to a new environment, to resolve conflict situations.

    Working specialties

    Examples of characteristics from the place of work, for example, a cook, a worker or a salesman, contain, in addition to general information, specific moments inherent in these particular professions. Properties such as vigor, endurance, hard work, and diligence will be acceptable for compiling a description from place of work to worker, but they are completely irrelevant when describing specialties of a creative orientation or working with clients. When describing the work of a pastry chef or web designer, the emphasis should be on neatness, neatness, the presence of a creative component, individualism, and the ability to learn new technologies.

    The characteristic from the seller's place of work provides for a mandatory description of the presence or absence of such character traits as tolerance, politeness, stress resistance, punctuality, honesty in a person.

    When writing a description of a watchman from a place of work, the emphasis is on conscientiousness, diligence, a sense of responsibility, and no previous convictions.

    The characteristic of an administrator from the workplace involves the coverage of such professional qualities as the accuracy of tasks, the presence of organizational skills, the ability to smooth out conflict situations, communication skills, adaptability, negotiation skills, etc.

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    What to pay special attention to

    It is important to remember that a person who has received a characterization has the right to appeal against it.

      To avoid trouble, the following guidelines should be followed:
  • Disclosure of confidential information contained in the characteristics, in accordance with the "Law on the Protection of Personal Data", is permissible only with the written consent of the employee.
  • It is not allowed in the document to mention political, religious, national, property or other information not related to the professional sphere of the employee.
  • Requirements must be met business etiquette: lack of emotionally charged expressions or insults.
  • How to correctly draw up a description from the place of work:


    A good job description should clearly and objectively communicate personal and professional qualities employee and contain maximum business information about the person. You should not either praise a person or look for only negative qualities, but you should most fully characterize the personal qualities and work achievements of the employee.

    Video, how sometimes it is not easy to make a description of an employee from the place of work:

    We hope that the above tips will help you arrange this important document in a professional manner.

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    Characteristics of a caretaker for awarding a diploma: writing features

    The employer often needs to resort to different types encouraging their employees. This is necessary to express gratitude to the conscientious employee and to inspire him for excellent work in the future. In such cases, awards and certificates of honor are awarded.

    For special merits, an employee can also be encouraged by higher authorities. When presenting an employee for a certificate of honor, the employer should collect a whole set of documents, including a description.

    What is the characteristic for awarding a certificate of honor?

    A feature of this characteristic is that it usually has a positive character and is required in order to note:

    Characteristics per employee

    • conscientious work in the workplace
    • special merits in work
    • high moral and ethical qualities

    It should be noted that the characteristic does not play the role of presentation to any award. This is just the opinion of the company's management about the need for rewarding individual worker for merits in the field of his activity, expressed in writing. Therefore, you should not include expressions such as "worthy of an award" or "deserves to be encouraged" in the text.

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    The document should be of an evaluative nature. In addition to achievements in work, business and personal qualities of the employee, it is advisable for the manager to focus on healthy team cohesion, skillful management and organization of production.

    Types of characteristics

    The characteristics are different, depending on the reason for writing and the address where each of them is sent. But in the content different types there is no fundamental difference between such a document.

    Any characteristic has a universal character of presentation of information, but with certain nuances regarding work duties and achievements.

    For example, the characterization of a person engaged in intellectual activity will differ slightly from that of a locksmith or lumberjack.

    On the one hand, characteristics can be divided into 2 types:

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    1. Internal. They are drawn up and stored at the enterprise. They are necessary, for example, when awarding honorary diplomas to employees at the enterprise itself, for other ways of encouraging or criticizing, when raising the career ladder, professional certification.
    2. External, which are required for transfer to a third-party organization, for example, an educational institution, law enforcement or judicial authorities, a bank. Or, when an employee, after being fired from this enterprise, applies for a job in another organization.

    Exactly external characteristic written to an employee who was decided to be awarded a certificate of honor by higher authorities, including the ministry. In addition, a positive characteristic from the place of work plays an important role for the guardianship authorities when adopting a child.

    The characteristic can also be:

    1. Service. The most common type. It is drawn up at the request of higher authorities, when a person is transferred to a higher or responsible position, for rewarding or collection. It indicates the entire work path of the employee, progress in career ladder, experience, skill level, achievements in the profession.
    2. Production. Contains information about the employee's experience, the position he holds, the nature of his duties and working conditions. It is required to enter the volume of work performed by him, the effectiveness of his activities. Most often, such characteristics are required for submission to medical institutions, dispensaries, for medical and social examination, medical labor commissions and professional examinations.
    3. Psychological. It is necessary if the workplace requires a professional study of the employee's personality. Determined personal qualities... Helps create better working conditions, resulting in higher returns and productivity.

    General rules for composing text

    In the absence of uniform requirements the characterization may turn out to be too formal or, conversely, too subjective.

    Before you start writing, you should establish for what purpose the characteristic is being written, to what type (external or internal) it belongs.

    For example, if a characteristic is required for former employee, then you should focus on the position for which he claims in the new place. It is necessary to describe specific achievements in the workplace if the new person will occupy the same or a similar position.

    When drawing up a document, you need to consult with those representatives of the administration who work in direct contact with this employee, as well as with him.

    The employee has the right to familiarize himself with the content of the document, make changes or additions to it, make his point of view (part 6 of article 89 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    There are no uniform requirements and forms for drawing up a characteristic. There are generally accepted rules and requirements, although the document itself should be drawn up in any form.

    The following conditions must be met:

    1. Adhere to the formal business style of the letter.
    2. Submit information from a third party. Use the present tense if the person works for this enterprise, and the past - for an employee who has already quit.
    3. Objectivity and reliability of information is required.
    4. What is important is the absence of emotions and feelings, restraint and concreteness. That is, you need to ask specific questions and answer them: where did you study, what you did, what you achieved, what you improved, what you published.
    5. Inappropriateness of highly specialized vocabulary.

    How to arrange

    The characteristic is usually written on a standard A4 sheet. If the company has its own letterhead, the characteristic should be written on such a letterhead. Two options are allowed: printed and handwritten. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended size of the specification: one page is enough. Abbreviations are not used.

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    The document is usually drawn up by the immediate supervisor who knows well this employee, or an employee of the personnel department. In some cases, it is allowed to write a characteristic to the person who claims to be awarded.

    For presentation of the certificate

    1. Name of the document (write the word "characteristic" in capital letters).
    2. Personal information, date of birth, level of education, position held are entered.
    3. Professional and service qualities, full length of service, duration of work in a given place, professional growth are assessed.
    4. Business and moral qualities, service achievements, contribution to the development of the enterprise, merits are characterized.
    5. The presence of awards and service incentives is noted.
    6. The nature of the relationship with management and colleagues.
    7. It is indicated what the characteristic is for and where it is going.

    At the end, you need to put the date of writing, signature and name of the person who draws up the document.

    The signature must be put by the head of the company or the person who has been given such authority. A seal is required. The document is made in two copies: one remains with the employer, the other is handed over to the intended purpose.

    If the customer of the characteristics is the employee himself, then before writing it is advisable to ask why it is written this document, on what points you need to focus especially.

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    In the case when a characteristic is needed for awarding an honorary diploma, it is necessary to focus on the labor success and achievements of a person, his scientific or innovative activities.

    It is imperative to identify those positive qualities and abilities that helped the employee reach certain heights, receive awards and encouragement.

    Components of the document form

    If an employee will be awarded by a higher authority, for example, a ministry or regional committees, for special merit and achievements in performance, then the characteristics of the external form are developed.

    To fill out such a document, the state standard R 6 was developed with uniform rules and requirements. The unified form requires the following information:

    1. Details of the company that issues the characteristics: telephone numbers, legal and email addresses.
    2. Document titles ( in big letters), with the obligatory indication of the content.
    3. Numbers and dates of writing, according to the numbering of the company.
    4. Employee's personal data.
    5. Professional, business and moral qualities, professional development.
    6. A detailed description of achievements and discoveries, the implementation of project and innovation activities.
    7. Participation in seminars and conferences.

    The obligatory personal data of an employee include:

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    • Date of Birth
    • the level of education ( educational establishments and diplomas)
    • marital status
    • job and professional functions
    • work experience
    • availability of awards, titles, incentives
    • publications and scientific works

    What should not be in the characteristic

    The administration should not use and distribute personal data, except for those related to its work area. That is, it is illegal to enter information about political or religious views and beliefs, housing conditions, family life, trade union or social activities.

    What not to include

    Consequently, if a person has been repeatedly prosecuted for drinking alcoholic beverages in in public places, then this is his personal matter, which is forbidden to be mentioned in the characteristic.

    Or is he a member public organization, for example, animal rights protection, it is also not relevant to the characterization.

    Objectivity lies in the fact that one should not, for example, write that a person is responsible and executive, if he has repeated disciplinary action or he is seen in the misconduct of his duties.

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    Before fitting any kind confidential information the written consent of the employee should be obtained (part 4 of article 9 of the Law on personal data).

    The exceptions are cases when this is permitted by law (Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or a characteristic is needed to prevent a threat to the life and health of the employee himself.

    Violation of the law on personal information will lead to a fine of up to rubles for the administration of the enterprise.

    Feature characteristics at the manager

    Writing a characteristic for a caretaker has its own characteristics associated with his professional duties. On the one hand, the post of manager can be attributed to working specialties that do not require the use of extensive mental abilities and scientific knowledge.

    On the other hand, a supply manager is an administrative employee, a middle-level manager, under whose supervision there is a whole staff of service personnel. A favorable working and psychological atmosphere of the enterprise depends on his well-coordinated work.

    For the skillful coordination of the actions of personnel and the activities of other departments, the supply manager must have great organizational skills, an analytical mind, the ability to develop a strategy and production tactics.

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    Effective leadership from an experienced and knowledgeable caretaker ensures the smooth operation of the entire organization.

    In addition, it is extremely important that the caretaker knows how to get along with people, find a common language and understanding, in order to provide an optimal psychological atmosphere, so that even a cleaning lady in her place can do her job with pleasure.

    Example of characteristics for rewarding

    MKOU "Secondary school No. 4 pos. Beautiful"

    Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor of the manager

    Suprunov Sergey Vasilievich, born in 1965, has been working as a manager since 1998. Has a secondary specialized education. The total work experience is 32 years, the work experience in this institution is 19 years.

    Free legal advice:

    Suprunov S.V. is an enterprising, conscientious worker. During his work in this institution, he has established himself as a responsible executive head the economic part. Sergei Vasilievich is able to make decisions and be responsible for the result of his work.

    Achieves excellent performance within job description and his own efforts, he always acts in interaction with all structures of the school.

    The structure of activities established by the manager of the farm allows all departments and divisions to interact quickly and efficiently.

    He achieved the respect of his subordinates, enjoys authority among colleagues.

    Marital status: married, has a daughter and two grandchildren.

    Free legal advice:

    If the higher authorities considered it necessary and possible to award the manager with a diploma, then it was these listed personality traits that led him to success and recognition. Therefore, when filling out the characteristics for the caretaker, the manager must reflect all these points in it.

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    Characteristics for rewarding an employee

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    Free legal advice:

    During the period of work in the JSC, he has established himself on the positive side. Responsibly treats his direct work. Demanding both to himself and to his subordinates. Maintains the level of labor discipline in the team. He constantly gets acquainted with the new achievements of domestic and foreign science, technology, production, with modern directions of their development. Introduces everything new into work practice. Able to analyze a new situation and make appropriate decisions on the problems that have arisen. Entrepreneurial, able to quickly make decisions to achieve the goal.

    Performs its job duties, is able to cope with a large volume of work, with responsibility for the results of work.

    Contributes personally to implementation new technology in improving the organization of production, labor and management.

    He is persistent in completing the work he has begun. Energetic, accurate, knows how to defend his point of view.

    Maintains in the team an atmosphere of high mutual demand, benevolence, interest in achieving the set goals.

    Free legal advice:

    During the period of work in JSC "" _________ has established itself on the positive side as a competent and responsible employee. She is hardworking, responsibly treats her direct work. She is entrepreneurial, knows how to quickly make decisions to achieve the goal.

    Performs her job duties efficiently, is able to cope with a large volume of work, and takes responsibility for the results of their implementation. The team is respected by the employees. She did not admit any cases of violation of labor and performance discipline.

    "should contain an objective and comprehensive assessment of his work, indicating specific merits to the state and the people in public, humanitarian, charitable, industrial, military and other spheres of activity, and also reflect outstanding innovative activities aimed at increasing production efficiency, developing the national economy, strengthening the power of the country and the improvement of the well-being of the people, to disclose the personal contribution of the person nominated for the award to the development of the organization, industry or region "(Presidential Decree No. 168 of 04/08/2005)

    Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus

    The meeting of the labor collective of the PDP "Design Institute" RUE "Vitebsk

    Free legal advice:

    DSK "Protocol No. 1 dated 08.01.2008

    for presentation for awarding with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.

    H A R A K T E R I S T I K A

    Shpin'kov V.N. he began his career in the construction industry in 1961 as a master construction department"Beltransstroy" where he was sent after graduation from the Belarusian Institute railway transport... In the period from 1963 to 1965 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

    After completing the service, he continued his career in the construction industry. From 1966 to 1978, V.N. Shpinkov's career. was associated with the Vitebsk DSK, where he worked as a foreman, head of flow No. 2, director of the KPD plant, and from 1973 to 1978 he headed a house-building plant. During the period of work and leadership, Viktor Nikolaevich participated in the reconstruction of the KPD plant and the transition of the house-building plant to the development and production of houses with improved planning and increased number of storeys. He showed himself as an excellent organizer and knowledgeable, competent specialist in his field, actively paid attention to the issues of introducing new technology and achievements of advanced practice into production.

    10 years old Shpin'kov V.N. worked in management communal services, where he gained a great and invaluable experience for his further career, which in 1988 led him to work as the director of the Vitebsk branch of the Belgipro-Stroy Institute, which is currently renamed into the PDP Design Institute of RUE Vitebsk DSK.

    During his work as the director of the design institute, Viktor Nikolaevich managed to create a close-knit and efficient team, many of whose members still continue their work at the institute. During this period of his career, Viktor Nikolaevich disinterestedly passed on his vast industrial and life experience to his colleagues and young specialists.

    Working at various sites Shpin'kov V.N. he was repeatedly encouraged with prizes, was awarded with certificates of honor, as well as state awards.

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    The employer often needs to resort to various types of incentives for their employees. This is necessary to express gratitude to the conscientious employee and to inspire him for excellent work in the future. In such cases, it is made and certificates of honor.

    For special merits, an employee can also be encouraged by higher authorities. When presenting an employee for a certificate of honor, the employer should collect a whole set of documents, including a description.

    A feature of this characteristic is that it usually has a positive character and is required in order to note:

    • conscientious work in the workplace
    • special merits in work
    • high moral and ethical qualities

    It should be noted that it does not play the role of presentation to any award. It is simply the opinion of the management of the enterprise on the need to reward an individual employee for merits in his field of activity, expressed in writing. Therefore, you should not include expressions such as "worthy of an award" or "deserves to be encouraged" in the text.

    The document should be of an evaluative nature. In addition to achievements in work, business and personal qualities of the employee, it is advisable for the manager to focus on healthy team cohesion, skillful management and organization of production.

    Types of characteristics

    The characteristics are different, depending on the reason for writing and the address where each of them is sent. But in different types of such a document there is no fundamental difference.

    Any characteristic has a universal character of presentation of information, but with certain nuances regarding work duties and achievements.
    For example, the characterization of a person engaged in intellectual activity will differ slightly from that of a locksmith or lumberjack.

    On the one hand, characteristics can be divided into 2 types:

    1. Internal. They are drawn up and stored at the enterprise. They are necessary, for example, when rewarding employees with certificates of honor at the enterprise itself, for other ways of encouraging or criticizing, when moving up the career ladder,.
    2. External, which are required for transfer to a third-party organization, for example, an educational institution, law enforcement or judicial authorities, a bank. Or, when an employee, after being fired from this enterprise, applies for a job in another organization.

    It is the external characteristic that is written on the employee whom the higher authorities, including the ministry, decided to award with an honorary diploma. In addition, a positive characteristic from the place of work plays an important role for the guardianship authorities when adopting a child.

    The characteristic can also be:

    1. Service. The most common type. Drawn up at the request of higher authorities, for a higher or responsible position, for rewarding or collection. It indicates the entire work path of the employee, career advancement, length of service, qualification level, achievements in the profession.
    2. Production. Contains information about the employee's experience, the position he holds, the nature of his duties and working conditions. It is required to enter the volume of work performed by him, the effectiveness of his activities. Most often, such characteristics are required for submission to medical institutions, dispensaries, for medical and social examination, medical labor commissions and professional examinations.
    3. Psychological. It is necessary if the workplace requires a professional study of the employee's personality. Personal qualities are determined. Helps create better working conditions, resulting in higher returns and productivity.

    General rules for composing text

    Due to the lack of uniform requirements, the characteristics may turn out to be too formal or, conversely, too subjective.

    Before you start writing, you should establish for what purpose the characteristic is being written, to what type (external or internal) it belongs.

    For example, if a characteristic is required for a former employee, then you should focus on the position for which he is applying for a new position. It is necessary to describe specific achievements in the workplace if the new person will occupy the same or a similar position.

    When drawing up a document, you need to consult with those who work in direct contact with this employee, as well as with him.
    The employee has the right to familiarize himself with the content of the document, make changes or additions to it, make his point of view (part 6 of article 89 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    There are no uniform requirements and forms for drawing up a characteristic. There are generally accepted rules and requirements, although the document itself should be drawn up in any form.

    The following conditions must be met:

    1. Adhere to the formal business style of the letter.
    2. Submit information from a third party. Use the present tense if a person works at this enterprise, and the past - for already.
    3. Objectivity and reliability of information is required.
    4. What is important is the absence of emotions and feelings, restraint and concreteness. That is, you need to ask specific questions and answer them: where did you study, what you did, what you achieved, what you improved, what you published.
    5. Inappropriateness of highly specialized vocabulary.

    How to arrange

    The characteristic is usually written on a standard A4 sheet. If the company has its own letterhead, the characteristic should be written on such a letterhead. Two options are allowed: printed and handwritten. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended size of the specification: one page is enough. Abbreviations are not used.

    The document is usually drawn up by a direct supervisor who knows the employee well, or. In some cases, it is allowed to write a characteristic to the person who claims to be awarded.

    1. Name of the document (write the word "characteristic" in capital letters).
    2. Personal information, date of birth, level of education, position held are entered.
    3. Professional and service qualities, duration of work in a given place, professional growth are assessed.
    4. Business and moral qualities, service achievements, contribution to the development of the enterprise, merits are characterized.
    5. The presence of awards and service incentives is noted.
    6. The nature of the relationship with management and colleagues.
    7. It is indicated what the characteristic is for and where it is going.

    At the end, you need to put the date of writing, signature and name of the person who draws up the document.
    The signature must be put by the head of the company or the person who has been given such authority. A seal is required. The document is made in two copies: one remains with the employer, the other is handed over to the intended purpose.

    If the customer of the characteristic is the employee himself, then before writing it, it is advisable to ask why this document is being written, what points you need to focus on.

    In the case when a characteristic is needed for awarding an honorary diploma, it is necessary to focus on the labor success and achievements of a person, his scientific or innovative activities.

    It is imperative to identify those positive qualities and abilities that helped the employee reach certain heights, receive awards and encouragement.

    Components of the document form

    If an employee is rewarded by a higher authority, for example, a ministry or regional committees, for special merits and achievements in service, then a characteristic of the external form is developed.

    To fill out such a document, the state standard R 6.30-2003 was developed with uniform rules and requirements. The unified form requires the following information:

    1. Details of the company that issues the characteristics: telephone numbers, legal and email addresses.
    2. The title of the document (in capital letters), with the obligatory indication of the content.
    3. Numbers and dates of writing, according to the numbering of the company.
    4. Employee's personal data.
    5. Professional, business and moral qualities, professional development.
    6. A detailed description of achievements and discoveries, the implementation of project and innovation activities.
    7. Participation in seminars and conferences.

    The obligatory personal data of an employee include:

    • Date of Birth
    • educational level (educational institutions and diplomas)
    • marital status
    • work experience
    • availability of awards, titles, incentives
    • publications and scientific works

    What should not be in the characteristic

    The administration should not use and distribute personal data, except for those related to its work area. That is, it is illegal to enter information about political or religious views and beliefs, housing conditions, family life, trade union or social activities.

    Therefore, if a person repeatedly drinks alcoholic beverages in public places, then this is his personal business, which is forbidden to be mentioned in the description.

    Or he is a member of a public organization, for example, for the protection of animal rights, this also has nothing to do with the characterization.

    Objectivity lies in the fact that one should not, for example, write that a person is responsible and executive, if he has repeated disciplinary sanctions or he is noticed in improper performance of his duties.

    Before entering any kind of confidential information, the employee follows (part 4 of article 9 of the Law on Personal Data).

    The exceptions are cases when this is permitted by law (Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or a characteristic is needed to prevent a threat to the life and health of the employee himself.
    Violation of the law on personal information will result in a fine of up to 50,000 rubles for the administration of the enterprise.

    Feature characteristics at the manager

    Writing a characteristic for a caretaker has its own characteristics associated with his professional duties. On the one hand, it can be attributed to working professions that do not require the use of extensive mental abilities and scientific knowledge.

    On the other hand, a supply manager is an administrative employee, a middle-level manager, under whose supervision there is a whole staff of service personnel. A favorable working and psychological atmosphere of the enterprise depends on his well-coordinated work.

    For the skillful coordination of the actions of personnel and the activities of other departments, the supply manager must have great organizational skills, an analytical mind, the ability to develop a strategy and production tactics.

    Effective leadership from an experienced and knowledgeable caretaker ensures the smooth operation of the entire organization.

    In addition, it is extremely important that the caretaker knows how to get along with people, find a common language and understanding, in order to provide an optimal psychological atmosphere, so that even a cleaning lady in her place can do her job with pleasure.

    Example of characteristics for rewarding

    MKOU "Secondary school No. 4 pos. Beautiful"

    Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor of the manager

    Suprunov Sergey Vasilievich, born in 1965, has been working as a manager since 1998. Has a secondary specialized education. The total work experience is 32 years, the work experience in this institution is 19 years.

    Suprunov S.V. is an enterprising, conscientious worker. During his work in this institution, he has established himself as a responsible, executive head of the economic unit. Sergei Vasilievich is able to bear responsibility for the result of his work.

    Achieves excellent performance within the job description and his own efforts, always acts in interaction with all structures of the school.

    The structure of activities established by the manager of the farm allows all departments and divisions to interact quickly and efficiently.

    Discussion: 2 comments

      Everything needs brevity and to the point. However, I noticed that each organization has its own individual requirements. And if some are satisfied with a small characteristic, then for others, an expanded one, on three sheets, is required, no less.

      To answer

      Probably, a person is pleased that his work did not go unnoticed and he is given certificate of honor... Will this reward also have a material meaning for him, will it somehow affect the amount of his pension?

      To answer


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