Types of social management. The concept of "management" in administrative law The specifics of military management


Stock lectures can be used by students of legal specialties when studying the discipline " Administrative law ».

The purpose of studying the discipline "Administrative Law" is the formation and development professional culture students, improving the creative qualities of a future lawyer, acquiring the practical skills necessary for their professional activities.

When studying the discipline, the following tasks are solved:

Ensuring the assimilation by students of concepts, categories and institutions of public administration;

Formation of students' ideas about administrative and legal norms and relations; subjects of administrative law; administrative coercion and administrative responsibility; the basics of the administrative-legal organization of economic management, socio-cultural and administrative-political spheres;

Developing students' skills to use normative legal acts that regulate relations that form the subject of administrative law.

The study of the discipline involves a logical combination of lectures and seminars, as well as independent work of students on educational material.

These lectures are written taking into account changes in the field of legislation and jurisprudence, and are recommended for use in the preparation and conduct of practical classes, in the performance of independent and control works in preparation for the course exam.

Management, public administration, executive power

Questions to the topic:

1. Concept, content and types of management. Social management.

2. The concept, features and types of public administration. Correlation between the concepts of executive power and public administration.

3. Features of the executive power. Executive and administrative activities.

The concept, content and types of management. Social management.

Management is purposeful and constant process of influence of the subject of management on the object of management. Various phenomena and processes act as an object of control: a person, a team, a social community, mechanisms, technological processes, apparatuses. Management as a process of the influence of the subject on the object of management is unthinkable without a management system, which, as a rule, is understood as a mechanism that provides the management process, i.e., a set of interrelated elements that function in a coordinated and purposeful manner. The elements participating in the management process are combined into a system using information links, more specifically, according to the feedback principle.

"Manage" means "direct, lead"(to take care of something, to do something on behalf of, to execute and dispose). In the 60s. 20th century a new scientific direction was formed - cybernetics, the subject of which was the management processes in various fields. Using the mathematical apparatus, mathematical logic and the theory of functions, it was possible to combine the most important achievements of the theory of automatic control, computer science and many other areas of scientific knowledge. This science studies the issues of management, communication, control, regulation, reception, storage and processing of information in any complex dynamic systems. At the same time, management is considered at a high level of abstraction, and special importance is attached to management procedures, its principles, patterns and relationships of numerous elements that form a single system.

The concept of "system", revealing the essence of management, is characterized by the presence of the following features: tasks and goals; subjects and objects of management; functions; organizational structure; unity, independence and interdependence of the elements of the system; certain forms and methods of activity.

Governed by in the most general sense, one can understand the purposeful influence of the subject of management on the objects of management in order to create an efficiently functioning system based on information links and relations. A very precise definition of management was given by G.V. created bodies and structures (state bodies, political parties, public associations, enterprises, societies, unions, etc.).

It should be noted that the essence of management has remained unchanged for many decades.

Defining the concept of "management", the classic of management A. Fayol names the following six functions (operations):

1) technical (production, dressing and processing);

2) commercial (purchase, sale and exchange);

3) financial (raising funds and managing them);

4) insurance (insurance and protection of property and persons);

5) accounting (accounting, costing, accounting, statistics, etc.);

6) administrative (foresight, organization, command, coordination and control).

Revealing the meaning of the administrative operation, the scientist explains:

- “To manage means to foresee, organize, dispose, coordinate and control;

Foresee, that is, take into account the future and develop a program of action;

To organize, i.e., to build a double - material and social - organism of the enterprise;

Dispose, i.e., force the staff to work properly;

Coordinate, i.e. link, unite, harmonize all actions and all efforts;

To control, that is, to take care that everything is done according to the established rules and given orders.

The literature deals with several types of systems: technical systems(energy system, information and computing network, technological process etc.); socio-economic systems (industries, individual enterprises, service sector, etc.); organizational systems, the main element of which is the person himself. As a rule, most members of society are members of one or more organizations, that is, organizational relations are a characteristic feature of human existence.

People enter the organization to solve problems through management processes. An organization is a conscious association of people, characterized by the principles of systemicity, reasonable organization, structuredness and pursuing the achievement of certain social goals and the solution of socially significant tasks. Every organization has the management processes necessary to achieve its goals and objectives.

Every management process has the following characteristics: character traits:

1) the need to create and operate a complete system;

2) purposeful impact on the system, the result of which is the achievement of orderliness of relations and connections capable of fulfilling the tasks set;

3) the presence of the subject and object of management as direct participants in management;

4) information as the main link between management participants;

5) the presence of a hierarchy in the management structure (elements, subsystems, industries, areas);

6) the use of various forms of subordination of the control object to the control subject, within which various methods, forms, methods, means and techniques of management.

Traditionally, the following types of management are distinguished:

1) mechanical, technical management(management of equipment, machines, technological processes);

2) biological management (management of vital processes of living organisms);

3) social management (management of social processes, people and organizations).

Each of these types of management is distinguished by its purpose, qualitative originality, specific features, intensity of management functions and operations performed.

social management

Under social management management in the sphere of human, social activity is understood; management of social relations, processes in society, the behavior of people and their teams, organizations in which they carry out labor or official activity people. Joint social activities of people are carried out in various areas, for example, in the process of production and consumption of material goods, in the socio-political, ideological, ethical, cultural, and family spheres. The processes taking place in these areas, which are sometimes of particular complexity and importance, require guidance, i.e., bringing relations into a complete system, creating order in social relations. In each sphere, which has a qualitative originality, only special systems of managerial organization are acceptable.

Thus, the managerial beginning is obligatory, in particular, for social system, in which two control participants are distinguished - the subject and the object with direct and feedback links between them.

Essence social management is revealed in the process of analyzing its following characteristics:

1) management - the process of conscious-volitional influence of a particular subject of management on the corresponding objects;

2) management - an activity built on specific principles for the implementation of management actions, the achievement of certain management goals and the solution of administrative tasks;

3) management is a functional socio-legal phenomenon, i.e. public administration is characterized by a multitude of administrative functions carried out;

4) management is organized and carried out by specially trained subjects of management, for whom management is a profession, professional activity;

5) management is a management process, a system of administrative procedures that have a specific legal content;

6) management is carried out either to achieve general management tasks , or to solve managerial affairs in specific areas of social or public life (management internal affairs, management in the field of foreign affairs, protection of public order, management in the field of finance, management in the field of justice, management of the country's construction complex);

7) management can be considered as a specific closed organizational system built on certain legal grounds; i.e. it is a separate organization that has specific management goals and objectives, organizational structure, powers and structure, interacts with other organizations.

The content of social management is the streamlining of social relations, the regulation of the organization and functioning of the social order and public associations, providing conditions for the harmonious development of the individual, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. In all these cases, social-volitional connections, human behavior and actions become the object of control. However, a person is also a subject of social control, which is carried out by him in relation to other people. In each case, the subject of social management are both individuals and organizations: state, public, international.

Social management includes the concept social management activities, which is broader than the term "management". Management activity presupposes the presence of a practical element in the implementation of management, that is, it is characterized by the direct implementation of the functions of social management - the implementation of norms, rules, organization, leadership, coordination, accounting and control.

Creation organizational structure social management is a necessary but not sufficient condition for achieving the goals and objectives of management. The reality of management is provided by such qualities as organization, responsibility, subordination, strength, will. Taken together, they form a new quality - control dominance, i.e. empowering the subject of management activity with the necessary powers to successful implementation management functions assigned to it.

Thus, management is inseparable from the concepts of "power", "state power". The authority of management determines the emergence of organizational ties that ensure the subordination of the participants in joint social activities to the desire of the subject of management, his "dominant" will. Power is a necessary means of regulating social processes; it forms a single organizational and governing will that meets the public interests and ensures the creation of a social order, democratic foundations for the life of society.

The power of social management includes such a social phenomenon as authority. Social management should ensure the interaction of two factors: on the one hand, the power and authority of the subject of management and management (in broad sense- the authority of the state), and on the other - voluntary execution by people and their organizations social norms, conscious submission to the subject of power and control, as well as its instructions. The balance of these phenomena creates the necessary quality of social management activity.

Social management is characterized by the fact that it:

1) arises in connection with the need to organize and regulate the activities of people and their organizations, as well as to establish standards for their behavior and actions;

2) is aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of management, which are to satisfy public interests through the implementation of joint activities of people;

3) uses the available powers and functions;

4) is carried out on the basis of subordination of participants in management activities to a single control will of the subject of management (person, team, organization).

Social management includes several species, differing in goals, objectives, functions, subjects and their powers, as well as management procedures:

1) public administration (management in the field of organization and functioning of the state, state executive power);

2)local government (municipal government, local self-government, communal self-government);

3) public administration (management in public associations and not commercial organizations);

4) commercial management (management in commercial organizations created for the purpose of making a profit and distributing the profit received among their participants).

Control- the process of purposeful influence on the system (mechanical, technological, biological, social), as a result of which its orderliness is achieved, development in accordance with the goals set.

signs controls:

The quality of an integral organized system is obligatory;

The presence of mandatory elements: the subject of management and the object of management;

A certain focus, achievement of the set goal (management result);

Serves the interests of the interaction of the main elements;

It is provided by a system of certain means.

Kinds management: mechanical, technological, biological, social.

1.2. Social management: concept, common features, types, elements

social management- type of management, the process of influencing society, social groups, individual individuals in order to streamline their activities, increase the level of organization of the social system.

Common features social management:

1) exists where there is a joint activity of people and their communities;

2) provides an orderly impact on the participants in joint activities;

4) is characterized by the presence of a subject and an object of management;

5) the subject of management is endowed with a certain power resource;

6) the object of control is a subject subject, whose conscious-volitional behavior must change in accordance with the instructions of the subject;

7) is implemented within a certain mechanism.

Kinds social management: public administration, local (municipal) self-government, public self-government.

Elements social management: the subject of management, the object of management, managerial links (direct links and feedbacks).

Subject management can be individual or collective.

There are such objects management as a person (individual), collectives (social groups), the state (society as a whole).

Direct connections - purposeful organizing influence of the subject of management on the managed object.

Feedback - the channel of information impact of the control object on the control subject in order to inform about the fulfillment of the management tasks assigned to it.

Management cycle - a set of interrelated, logically conditioned managerial stages, characterized by certain tasks, composition of participants.

Stages of the management process:

Analysis of the management situation;

Development and decision-making;

Organization and execution of the decision;

Monitoring the implementation of the decision;

Summing up, making adjustments.

1.3. Functions of social management: concept and types

Functions of social management - due to social purpose, the most typical, homogeneous, stable areas of managerial influence that meet its intended purpose and objectives.

signs functions of social management:

Due to the social purpose of management;

Characterized by a certain focus and stability;

They represent an external manifestation of the properties of the control system;

They represent the direction of its active action;

They are predetermined by the set goals and objectives.

Depending on the the content and nature of the impact the following control functions can be distinguished: general (inherent in all control systems); special (inherent in individual control systems, for example, the federal security service: counterintelligence activities, the fight against crime, intelligence activities); providing (create conditions for the implementation of general and special functions, for example, logistics, personnel, financial planning, etc.).

Depending on the directions of influence distinguish between internal and external functions.

Depending on the duration of action There are permanent and temporary functions.

General control functions:

Information support - collection, receipt, processing, analysis and storage of information necessary for the implementation of management activities;

Forecasting - foreseeing the prospects for the development of events or processes in the future;

Modeling - creating a sample (model) of certain managerial relations to anticipate the solution of managerial problems in the future;

Planning - determination of directions, rates, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the development of processes in the management system;

Organization - formation of a management system, establishment of its principles, subject composition, bringing to a state of readiness;

Coordination - coordination of joint activities of various subjects of managerial relations to achieve the goals and objectives of management;

Disposition - operational regulation of managerial relations, giving instructions to performers;

Regulation - the establishment of generally binding requirements and procedures for management objects;

Control - establishing compliance or deviation of the actual state of the control system from the specified parameters;

Accounting - fixing information, expressed in quantitative terms, about the results of the state of the management system.

1.4. Public administration: concept, principles, goals

Public administration- in a broad sense - the activities of all state bodies for the implementation of the assigned powers, in a narrow sense - by-law, legally imperious activities of executive authorities Russian Federation and its subjects to exercise the assigned powers.

signs government controlled:

This is a type of state management activity;

The activity is legally authoritative, executive-administrative in nature;

Activities are carried out continuously, continuously and according to plan;

Activities are carried out on the basis of and in pursuance of laws (legislative activities);

It is characterized by the presence of vertical (hierarchical) and horizontal links;

Implemented in various forms(legal and non-legal);

Provided through a system of guarantees;

Violation of managerial activity entails the onset of negative consequences (legal restrictions).

Target public administration - the expected results that the subject seeks in the implementation of managerial activities. There are the following management objectives:

1) socio-economic - streamlining public life and satisfying the public interest; achieving economic well-being, building and maintaining a certain system of economic relations;

2) political - participation in the management of all political forces in the country, the development of positive proposals and processes in society and the state that contribute to the improvement of state and public structures, human development;

3) security - ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, legality in society, public order and public safety, the required level of well-being;

4) organizational and legal - the formation of a legal system that contributes to the implementation of all the main functions of the state and the solution of all its tasks with the help of democratic institutions and mechanisms rule of law, as well as organizational and functional formations.

Principles public administration - fundamental ideas, guiding principles that underlie management activities and reveal its essence.

The principles are divided into general (social and legal) and organizational.

General (social and legal) principles:

Democracy - the people are the only source of power; he exercises power both directly and through executive authorities; control over the activities of executive authorities is carried out by legislative and judicial authorities, the prosecutor's office, as well as the population (public control);

Legitimacy - the activities of the executive authorities should be based on the exact and strict observance and implementation of the Constitution and laws, the compliance of the attached regulatory legal acts with acts of higher legal force;

Objectivity - in the implementation of management activities, it is necessary to adequately perceive the ongoing processes, establish existing patterns and take them into account when making decisions. management decisions and their implementation;

Scientific character - the use of scientific methods for collecting, analyzing and storing information, taking into account scientific developments in the course of making and implementing management decisions;

Concreteness - the implementation of management should be built taking into account specific life circumstances, i.e. in accordance with the real state of the management object and the resource of the management subject;

Separation of powers - subdivision state power on the legislative, executive and judicial with the assignment of specific functions to them in the prescribed manner;

Federalism - the activities of executive authorities are based on the normative consolidation of the delineation of competence and jurisdiction between the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Efficiency - the achievement of the goals of management activities should be carried out with minimal effort, money and time.

Organizational principles:

Sectoral - the implementation of management activities, the organization of the management system is built taking into account the generality of the management object, which forms a certain industry (management of industry, transport, communications, agro-industrial complex, education, healthcare, etc.);

Territorial - the formation of a management system is based on a territorial basis (administrative-territorial division);

Linear - the type of organization of services and divisions that carry out executive and distributive activities, in which the head, within the limits of his competence, has all the rights of management in relation to his subordinates;

Functional - bodies and apparatuses of executive power carry out general subordinate management functions (finance, statistics, employment, etc.);

Dual subordination - a combination of the principles of centralized leadership, taking into account the territorial conditions and the state of the control object;

The combination of unity of command and collegiality - the most important issues relating to the fundamental aspects of management activities are taken collectively, and operational, current, not requiring collegial consideration, are resolved individually.

1.5. Executive power: concept and features

Government- the possibility and ability emanating from the state to exert a certain influence on the behavior of people with the help of certain means.

Shared by the following branches (kinds) state power: legislative; executive and judicial.

executive branch - a branch of state power, activities to manage the affairs of the state and society, carried out by a system of state bodies that are endowed with executive and administrative powers and controlled by legislative and judicial authorities.

signs executive power:

It is an independent branch of the unified state power;

Acts as subordinate to the representative (legislative) power;

It is carried out by executive authorities, which are government bodies;

Possesses subject-functional independence;

It has unity, i.e., it is carried out throughout the territory of the Russian Federation;

It is organized and carried out on the basis of federalism with the delimitation of the subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Federation;

Its activities are of an executive-administrative nature;

It has a universal character, i.e., it is carried out constantly and continuously;

Has at its disposal certain means (resources) for the implementation of coercive functions.

1.6. Goals, functions and levels of executive power

Goals executive power:

1) ensuring the security of the individual, society, state;

2) creation of conditions conducive to the well-being of the individual, society, state;

3) creation of conditions for the implementation by the subjects of social relations of their rights, freedoms, legitimate interests;

4) protection of a person from unlawful encroachments. Functions executive power:

1) executive (law enforcement) - implementation of the Constitution, federal laws and laws of subjects of the Russian Federation;

2) human rights - the function of observing and protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

3) socio-economic (providing) - creating conditions for the development of economic construction, socio-cultural and administrative-political management;

4) ensuring the rule of law and compliance with the constitutional order in the country;

5) regulatory - the implementation of leadership, control, coordination, planning, accounting, forecasting, etc.;

6) norm-setting - carrying out in accordance with the established procedure activities for the adoption of regulatory legal acts;

7) protective (jurisdictional) - application of measures of state (administrative) coercion to legal entities and individuals in the event that these persons violate the norms of the law.

There are two level executive power: federal executive power and executive power of subjects of the Russian Federation.

To become a highly qualified lawyer, you need to know more than one branch of law, incl. You also need to know the basic concepts of administrative law. To help aspiring lawyers and law students, we have put together all the necessary information about (all about) administrative law, consider: concepts, types, norms, features, signs, subjects, sources, functions, principles and much more about administrative law, which is called "From and To".

The content of the article(navigation):

Considered basic concepts of administrative law

The concept of Administrative law and its features

The concept of Administrative law as a branch of law

First, we will reveal the concept of administrative law from the point of view of the branch of law. Term "Administrative law" short and in simple words - it's an industry Russian law, which is a set of legal norms designed to regulate public relations with executive authorities, as well as intra-organizational relations at enterprises, institutions, organizations.

Consider complete definition administrative law in the Russian Federation. Administrative law- a branch of the Russian legal system, which is a set of legal norms that regulates social relations that develop in the process of implementing the tasks and functions of state authorities, local self-government in the implementation of executive and administrative activities, as well as intra-organizational relations at enterprises, institutions, organizations.

The concept of Administrative law as a science

And now we will reveal the concept of administrative law from the point of view of science (administrative-legal doctrine). Term "Administrative law"like a science short and in simple words - it is a part of Russian legal science, a system of scientific views and ideas, knowledge and theoretical provisions about the branch of administrative law and the subject of its regulation.

Consider complete definition administrative law in the Russian Federation as a science. Science "Administrative Law"- this is an integral part of legal science, defined as a system of state-administrative, administrative views, ideas, ideas about the laws governing relations in the field of public administration, about its social conditionality and effectiveness, about patterns, reforms and trends in the development of administrative legislation, about the principles of administrative law, history and development prospects.

Signs of administrative law

Lawyers have long described the signs of administrative law. There are the following signs branches of administrative law:

  • is one of the fundamental branches of public law;
  • is a set of legal norms;
  • has a separate subject of legal regulation - managerial relations that arise both in the field of public administration and in other areas;
  • has its own method of legal regulation;
  • has internal consistency, consists of certain elements;
  • has an external expression, i.e. fixed in certain forms-sources.

The concept of norms, types of norms of administrative law, features and structure of norms

In this section, we will explain to you what the term norms of administrative law means and describe in detail the types of administrative law, or rather the types of norms of administrative law. Also, we will describe in detail the structure of the norms of administrative law and the features of the norms of administrative law.

The concept of administrative law

The question about the concept of the norm of administrative law is often asked, so we decided to present it here. Administrative and legal norms - these are the rules of conduct established by the state that regulate relations in the field of public administration, as well as relations of a managerial nature that arise in the process of exercising state power.

The norms of administrative law in the Russian Federation determine the procedure for the creation, reorganization and abolition of executive authorities, their list, the goals and objectives of their activities, the competence and other aspects of the legal status of these bodies, their structure and procedure. They also apply to the organization of local self-government, and the procedure for the interaction of its bodies with state authorities.

The norms of administrative law establish, in addition, the procedure for the creation, reorganization and abolition of managed objects - enterprises, institutions and organizations and regulate many aspects of their activities, regardless of ownership, their relationship with state administration bodies. The norms of administrative law also fix the procedure for forecasting, planning and pricing, distribution of material resources, and regulation of wages.

The structure of administrative law

So, The structure of the norm of administrative law- the way and form of the relationship of its elements. These elements are hypothesis, disposition And sanction. At the same time, encouragement is also inherent in the norms of administrative law.

allocated elements of the structure of administrative law norms:

  • Hypothesis characterizes the conditions under which the provisions of the relevant legal norm must be applied. In fact, the hypothesis provides for circumstances that serve as the basis for the emergence, change, and termination of administrative legal relations. The hypothesis is usually absent in the administrative and legal norms regulating the organization and activities, as well as defining the powers of government bodies and their officials. In the administrative and legal norms that provide for the composition of administrative offenses, the hypothesis merges with the disposition. The hypothesis may also be located not in the administrative legal norm itself, but in general provisions normative act (introductory part, preamble) and even in other legal provisions.
  • Disposition This is the wording of the rule of proper conduct. This element of the structure of the administrative-legal norm is expressed in direct instructions that establish mandatory rules of conduct, prohibitions, restrictions on certain actions.
  • Sanction- this is an indication of the measures of responsibility applied in case of violations of the administrative-legal norm. Most often, sanctions provide for a measure of disciplinary or administrative action on the violator.

Features of the norms of administrative law

There are the following features of administrative law:

  • are a kind of legal norms;
  • the object of regulation is a special kind of social relations - managerial;
  • administrative and legal norms - a means of realizing public interests in the field of public administration;
  • established by state authorities, local self-government, administration of enterprises, institutions, organizations;
  • are contained in regulatory legal acts of various legal force (laws and by-laws);
  • have a representative and binding character;
  • are provided with measures of state coercion;
  • pursue the goal of ensuring proper management order;
  • in many cases, they regulate social relations that are the subject of other branches of law (financial, land, environmental, labor, etc.).

Types of administrative law (types of norms)

The types of administrative law, or rather the types of administrative and legal norms, are well researched in the legal literature and studied by many jurists. Therefore, it is possible to carry out a different classification of administrative and legal norms, depending on the grounds that underlie the classification. Let's list existing species administrative and legal norms.

For the intended purpose:

  • Regulatory- containing the rules of creative, normal activity;
  • Protective- designed to provide protection, protection of relations regulated by legal norms.
  • material. They legally fix a set of duties, rights, as well as the responsibility of participants in regulated public relations, that is, in fact, their administrative and legal status.
    For example, FZ-79 "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 defines the civil service as a professional activity to ensure the execution of the powers of state bodies. This norm is static, since it only fixes the possibility of acquiring the status of a civil servant described in it in a general form.
  • Procedural. According to their purpose, they determine (regulate) the procedure or procedure for the implementation of duties and rights established by the norms of substantive administrative law within the framework of regulated managerial relations.
    In particular, they determine the procedure for entering the civil service and its passage.

According to the method of influence:

  • binding, i.e. containing a legal order to act properly under the conditions provided for by the norm.
    For example, to perform certain types of work, it is necessary to obtain a license (official permission); upon admission to the civil service, the relevant officials are required to issue an order; the emerging commercial association is obliged to undergo state registration with the justice authorities, etc.
  • Forbidding, i.e. providing for a ban on the commission of certain actions under the conditions determined by this rule.
    For example, general is the prohibition of actions (inaction) falling under the signs of administrative offenses (CAO RF); it is prohibited to consider a complaint by an official whose actions are the subject of a citizen’s complaint, etc.
  • Authorizing (permissive), i.e. providing for the possibility of the addressee to act within the framework of the requirements of this rule at his own discretion. There is a permission that makes it possible to choose one or another variant of actions (inaction), but within the framework of a certain legal regime created by this norm.
    For example, the citizen is given the opportunity to independently resolve issues related to the practical implementation of his subjective rights and freedoms in the field of public administration (for example, the right to appeal against illegal actions of officials). If we are talking, for example, about officials, then in relation to them, permissive norms mean an independent choice of a certain variant of behavior, but not arbitrary, but one of those proposed by this norm. Thus, officials exercising control and supervision powers may apply to the violator of the relevant rules of conduct one of the measures of administrative coercion provided for by the administrative-legal norm.
  • Stimulating (rewarding), i.e. ensuring proper behavior with the help of appropriate means of material or moral influence on the participants in regulated management relations.
    For example, tax or other benefits, the use of concessional lending, etc.
  • Recommendations, i.e. enabling the search for the most appropriate options for solving certain problems.
    For example, recommendations on the most effective organization of the work of state tax inspections on the application of sanctions for violations of tax laws.

By subject matter:

  • By action in space (territorial scale): federal, operating on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a region, intersectoral, sectoral, local (intraorganizational). The effect of administrative and legal norms in space is associated with the position of the body that issued the act;
  • By circle of people: obligatory for all subjects, for special subjects (certain groups of persons).

By legal force:

  • legislative acts;
  • regulations- may be contained in decrees of the President, resolutions of the Government, orders and resolutions of departmental bodies, resolutions of heads of administrations.

By validity period:

  • Temporary. If the validity period of the norm is predetermined, then it is temporary, urgent. An urgent norm, if it is not canceled ahead of schedule, terminates automatically when a pre-named date arrives;
  • Permanent. Permanent norms are valid indefinitely, their duration is not determined in advance, they are valid until they are canceled.

Address regulating:

  • administrative-legal status of a citizen;
  • administrative and legal status of commercial organizations;
  • administrative and legal status of public associations and other non-profit organizations;
  • administrative-legal status of executive authorities;
  • administrative-legal status state enterprises and institutions;
  • administrative and legal status of civil servants;
  • various issues of organization and activities of executive power units.

By scale of action:

  • federal regulations;
  • norms of subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • local government rules.

According to the object of regulation:

  • General, regulating the most important aspects of administrative regulation and having a wide application. Such norms are aimed at all spheres and branches of public administration;
  • Intersectoral regulating all or several branches of public administration, while having a special character. For example, the administrative norms available in the customs legislation;
  • Industry regulating managerial relations arising in certain branches of executive power.

By action in time:

  • urgent, for which an expiration date is defined;
  • perpetual, i.e. their validity period is not specified and they are valid until canceled by the competent authority.

The concept of the Subject of administrative law and their types

The concept of the Subject of administrative law

First, we will reveal the concept of subjects of administrative law. Term "Subject of Administrative Law" short and in simple words - this is a specific participant in administrative-legal relations in which he enters either by own will(discretion), or by virtue of a duty imposed on him by a special legal norm.

Consider complete definition subjects of administrative law in the Russian Federation. Subject of administrative law- this is a specific participant in relations that meet the special features enshrined in the norms of administrative law, which determine the ability to acquire and exercise rights and obligations on the basis of such norms, which he enters either at his own request (discretion), or by virtue of the obligation assigned to him by special law.

For example, a citizen may challenge the decision adopted by the executive authority in court if he considers that it violates his rights and freedoms. However, he may not contest this ruling. An official holding a civil service position in an executive body is obliged to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens and, if necessary, take appropriate measures to ensure them. The prosecutor is obliged, if there are sufficient grounds, to initiate proceedings in the case of an administrative offense; this decision is the realization of its legal status. Examples of the implementation by the subjects of administrative law of their legal status are very, very numerous.

Traditionally subject of administrative law is a natural or legal person (organization), which, in accordance with the norms established by administrative legislation, participate in the implementation of public administration, the implementation of the functions of executive power.

Types of subjects of administrative law

  • individual subjects(natural person, citizen, stateless person, foreigner, official, etc.);
  • collective subject(individual: participants in a rally, demonstration, picketing, strike, etc.; legal entity, organization, structural unit, state, local government, etc.);
  • special subject.

Under individual subject administrative law refers to an individual (person) participating in administrative legal relations. Taking into account the peculiarities of administrative law, in which the vast majority of legal relations are in the nature of "power of subordination", individual subjects have a number of features that significantly distinguish them from subjects of other branches of law. Depending on which party an individual subject participates in administrative legal relations, its legal capacity and legal capacity are determined.

As collective subjects administrative law are various organizations and associations. At the same time, in administrative law, a collective subject does not necessarily have to have the status of a legal entity. Thus, participants in a rally, demonstration, picketing, strike, etc. are recognized as a collective subject in administrative law. The executive authorities of the state and local self-government, enterprises and institutions, public organizations and associations, etc. act as subjects of administrative law.

Administrative law also provides for the concept special subject, whose legal status has a number of features that distinguish it from other subjects of administrative law. The following special subjects of administrative law are distinguished: members of administrative teams; subjects of administrative guardianship; subjects of the licensing system; residents of territories with a special administrative and legal regime; subjects of administrative supervision, etc.

Subject of administrative law

In this paragraph, we will reveal the concept of the subject of administrative law. Term "Subject of the branch of administrative law" short and in simple words - social relations, which are regulated by the norms of administrative law.

Consider complete definition subject of the branch of administrative law in the Russian Federation. Subject of administrative law- a set of social legal relations that develop in the process of organization and activities of the executive branch, other state bodies and officials, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

The subject of administrative law includes three areas of legal relations, namely:

  1. managerial relations- are executive and administrative activities. Within the framework of these legal relations, the goals, tasks, functions, powers of the executive power are directly implemented;
  2. organizational legal relations- auxiliary. Organizational legal relations are implemented in the process of forming the composition of state bodies, the distribution of rights, duties and responsibilities between them in general when forming the management structure;
  3. control legal relations– like any other type of activity, the implementation of public administration is controlled by specialized bodies. To some extent, control powers are typical for any state body, but for some bodies this function is the main one. The method of administrative-legal regulation is a set of means and methods of influencing managerial relations, the behavior of their participants.

The concept of Sources of administrative law, their types and its system

Perhaps you are interested in what are the sources of administrative law? Therefore, we decided in this section to consider the interpretation of the term source of administrative law, the types of sources and the system of sources.

The Concept of Sources of Administrative Law

Consider complete definition sources of administrative law in the Russian Federation. Sources of administrative law- these are external concrete forms of expression of administrative-legal norms, i.e. refers to the legal acts of various state bodies containing this kind of legal norms (otherwise normative acts).

Types of sources of administrative law

Also, often people are interested in what types of sources of administrative law are, then we’ll talk about them in more detail.

Legal sources of administrative law are divided into the following types:

  • federal sources of law(adopted by federal government agencies and operating throughout the country);
  • sources of law of subjects of the Russian Federation(accepted by state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and operating on the territory of this subject).

To the number federal legal sources administrative law include:

  • the constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • international legal treaties and agreements;
  • federal constitutional laws; federal laws;
  • resolutions of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation; Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • legal acts establishing the legal status federal ministries, federal services and federal agencies;
  • normative acts of federal ministries and other federal executive bodies.

At the level subjects of the Russian Federation The sources of administrative law are:

  • legislative and other normative acts of representative and executive bodies(constitutions of the republics - subjects of the Russian Federation, charters of territories, regions, cities of federal significance, an autonomous region, autonomous regions);
  • legal acts of local self-government bodies, their administration and executive bodies, adopted within the powers granted to them.

The system of sources of administrative law and its features

Allocate six features system of sources of administrative law (SIAP):

  1. Administrative legislation forms its core (in contrast to the system of sources of criminal law);
  2. administrative and administrative procedural legislation are jointly administered by the Russian Federation and its constituent entities (in accordance with);
  3. variety of sources;
  4. consists in a huge number of sources included in the SIAP;
  5. mobility and variability of SIAP;
  6. the complexity of systematizing administrative and legal norms and the impossibility of their unified codification.

Methods of administrative law and their essence

Administrative law uses various techniques and methods to regulate administrative relations. And first of all, the methods peculiar to all (or many) branches of law. Comparing with the methodology of the general theory of law, we can say that all this is applicable to the method of administrative law. Any branch of law, including administrative, uses three main methods:

  1. prescription: the establishment of a certain procedure for actions - an instruction to act in appropriate conditions and in the proper manner, provided for by this administrative-legal norm. Failure to comply with such an order does not entail legal consequences, the achievement of which is oriented by the norm;
  2. Ban: the prohibition of certain actions under pain of applying appropriate legal means of influence (for example, disciplinary or administrative liability). Thus, it is forbidden to send complaints of citizens for consideration of topics officials whose actions are the subject of the complaint; guilty officials shall bear disciplinary responsibility for violation of this prohibition;
  3. permission: providing the opportunity to choose one of the options for proper behavior provided for by the administrative-legal norm. As a rule, this method is designed to regulate the behavior of officials, and the latter have no right to evade such a choice. This is a “hard” version of permission, which makes it possible to exercise independence in deciding, for example, the issue of applying to a person who has committed an administrative offense one or another measure of administrative influence (punishment) or releasing him from liability.
    Permission is also expressed in the provision of the opportunity to act (or not act) at one’s own discretion, that is, to perform or not to perform the actions provided for by the administrative legal norm under the conditions specified by it. As a rule, this takes place in the implementation of subjective rights. For example, a citizen himself decides whether it is necessary to appeal against the actions of an official, which he assesses as unlawful. This is the "soft" version of permission. In this regard, it should be emphasized that the actually permissible options for control action have all the features of official permission to perform certain actions.

According to another classification in legal theory there are two main methods legal regulation - imperative and dispositive, which are characteristic of two large, opposite in their legal nature and purpose, blocks of legal branches - public (for example, administrative, state (constitutional), procedural) and private (for example, civil, labor) law.

  1. Imperative method of legal regulation- This is a method of authoritative prescriptions, characteristic primarily for administrative law. This method differs in imperious-imperative principles of regulation of relations and is characterized by relations of subordination (subordination), the establishment of the appropriate legal status of subjects of law. For example, the system of legal regulation of law enforcement or military service includes many imperative legal characteristics that determine the proper construction and functioning of such types of public service. At the same time, the relationship between law enforcement officers or military personnel is based on direct subordination, command and centralization of control;
  2. dispositive method involves the establishment of the legal equality of participants in legal relations, the freedom to exercise their will. This method is used mainly in the branches of private law (civil, labor, family). The legal fact in this case is, as a rule, an agreement in which the parties independently establish rights, obligations and liability for violation of its provisions on an equal footing. The dispositive method can be used within certain limits in the system of administrative and legal regulation, for example, when concluding administrative contracts, distributing state functions between public authorities.

The system of administrative law and its parts

In this section, we will explain to you what the term system of administrative law means and describe in detail the parts of the system of administrative law.

The concept of the system of administrative law

We will reveal the concept of "administrative law system" and describe its parts. So, Administrative law system - this is the internal construction of administrative law as a branch of law, a set of interrelated and interdependent legal institutions and norms that regulate social relations in various areas and branches of management.

Parts of the system of administrative law

As promised, we will consider parts of administrative law. Initially, the system of administrative law divided into two parts:

  1. IN general part includes norms containing principles, methods of management (subject, forms and methods, subjects of administrative law, responsibility under administrative law, administrative process);
  2. IN special part- specific norms regulating certain areas of activity with the participation of the executive power (economic sphere, socio-cultural sphere, administrative-political sphere, intersectoral).

In its turn, a common part The system of administrative law consists of:

  1. General provisions and general principles administrative law (subject of AP, method of AP, system of administrative law, administrative legal relations, sources, norms of AP, subjects of AP relations);
  2. The main issues of organizing the activities of executive authorities (issues of the system of federal PEI and PIV of the subjects of the federation; legal status individual federal OIV and OIV subjects);
  3. Sub-branch - service law (institute of public positions, institution of the legal status of civil servants, institution of public service);
  4. Institute of special administrative-legal statuses (refugees, unemployed, individual entrepreneurs, etc.);
  5. Institute of administrative procedures (regulates the procedure for the execution of state functions);
  6. Institute of Administrative and Legal Coercion;
  7. Administrative and tort law;
  8. Administrative litigation.

Compared to the general part, special part system of administrative law, does not have a complete system and structure of the branch of legislation, but there are two approaches to the special part of the system of administrative law:

  • By areas of management which includes three areas:
    • 1) management in the field of administrative and political activities (state administration in the field of defense, security);
    • 2) management in the economic sphere of the state (management of public property);
    • 3) management in the socio-cultural sphere of activity of the state-va (in the field of science, culture, etc.).
  • Sub-sector- the main element of the Special Part, which is grouped according to the specific subject of regulation, the dominance of the administrative-legal method and the presence of a relatively separate regulatory framework: customs law, educational law, urban planning law, antimonopoly, medical, transport, public and state security law, etc.

Structure of administrative law

In this paragraph, we will reveal one of the essential parameters, the concept of the structure of administrative law. Definition (term) "Structure of administrative law" - a set of norms that make up administrative law, united in institutions, sub-branches and parts of administrative law.

However, the illumination of the structure is also possible in non-traditional ways. Doctor of Law Yu.N. Starilov, for example, proposes to consider administrative law as a set of segments of law that combine norms on a functional basis. Thus, general administrative law seems to the professor to be a system of general norms that determine the essence of administrative and legal regulation in its entirety and in relation to all subjects of law and regulate the four largest blocks of relations:

  • organizational and management law regulating relations in the field common organization management and its implementation in various industries and areas;
  • management process, i.e. the procedure for performing managerial actions, establishing management procedures, adopting and executing legal acts of management (regulatory and individual), administrative contract;
  • administrative process(administrative proceedings), i.e. judicial protection of citizens from actions and decisions of public authorities that violate their rights and freedoms (consideration by the court of a citizen's complaint against the actions and decisions of government bodies, officials, state and municipal employees); Russian science of administrative law defines the judicial protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens from actions and administrative acts that violate the rights of freedom of citizens, the term "administrative justice";
  • administrative and tort law, establishing the so-called administrative-tort (administrative-jurisdictional) relations, i.e. relations that arise in the process of applying measures of administrative coercion by authorized bodies and officials to subjects that violate the rules of conduct that are mandatory for all; administrative-tort law, according to Yu.N. Starilov, consists of two parts: substantive administrative-tort law and procedural administrative-tort law.

The concept of management in administrative law and their types

In this section, we will explain to you what the term management in administrative law means and describe in detail the types of management in administrative law.

The concept of management in administrative law

The question about the concept of management in administrative law is often asked, so we decided to present it here. "Management in administrative law" - these are executive and administrative actions carried out using the method of power and subordination, aimed at the functioning of complexly organized systems, designed to ensure their safety, to support the mode of activity.

Types of management in administrative law

The types of management in the branch of administrative law have been studied by many jurists. Therefore, it is easy to list the existing types of management in the field of administrative law.

There are the following types of management in administrative law:

  • state;
  • collective - regulation at the level of the team;
  • family.

By influence methods distinguish the following kinds:

  • mechanical;
  • technological;
  • social;
  • biological.

Functions of administrative law concept and types

In this section, we will explain to you what the term Administrative Law Functions means and describe in detail the types of Administrative Law Functions.

The concept of the function of administrative law

The functions of administrative law determine its significance and role in the establishment of administrative legal relations, reflect the nature and role of managerial social relations arising in the sphere of organization and functioning of the executive branch.

Types of functions of administrative law

The types of functions of administrative law are described by many jurists. Taking into account the structure of the general part of administrative law, they distinguish two main functions administrative law: regulatory And protective. In turn, the regulatory function consists of five subspecies. So, we list the types and subspecies of the functions of administrative law:

  • Regulatory the function is expressed in the impact on social relations through the establishment of rights, obligations, prohibitions, restrictions, powers, competence of the subjects of administrative law. For example, legal regulations the concept and types of civil service positions, the rights and basic duties of civil servants, the procedure for serving, the procedure for attesting civil servants, the need to conclude a service contract are established. Subspecies of the regulatory function:
    • 1) Organizational the type of this function of administrative law ensures the proper level and limits of the normative legal regulation of the organization and functioning of both the executive branch and all types, forms and methods of public administration.
    • 2) executive view this function contributes to the implementation by the subjects of administrative-legal relations of their legal status. Administrative law in this sense ensures the implementation of Russian administrative legislation regulating relations in the field of public administration, organization and functioning of the executive branch.
    • 3) permission type This function of administrative law is realized in the establishment of licensing administrative-legal regimes, i.e., in determining the system of licensing proceedings used in many institutions of administrative law. In this case, administrative-legal regulation makes it possible to carry out in the proper scope such a function of public administration as the permission of any activity, the determination of the appropriate legal status of participants in administrative-legal relations.
    • 4) Rulemaking view this function of administrative law is arbitrary from the function of law-making, carried out by state executive authorities. At the same time, the procedure for the adoption of regulatory legal acts by federal executive bodies is established by the relevant regulatory administrative legal acts. Administrative rule-making is based on the law, therefore it is lawful, i.e., consistent with the principle of legality.
    • 5) Supervisory view this function of administrative law is manifested in the need to exercise the function of control and supervision in the established field of activity specifically created bodies federal executive authorities, their territorial bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the relevant regional bodies of state executive power.
  • Protective the function is manifested in the impact of administrative law on the subjects of public relations, prompting them to comply with the administrative and legal norms established by the state. When implementing the protective function of administrative law, administrative coercion can be used, as well as legal liability measures and restorative sanctions. The protective function of administrative law is implemented through the relevant activities of state bodies, state and municipal employees, and other subjects of administrative law. A civil servant has the right, for example, to apply to the relevant state bodies or to the court to resolve disputes related to public service, including on issues of attestation, disciplinary liability of an employee, non-compliance with legal and social protection civil servant, dismissal from service.

Principles of administrative law

In this section, we will explain to you what the term principles of administrative law means and list the main principles in detail.

The main principles include:

  1. The principle of equality before the law. According to Art. 1.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, persons who have committed administrative offenses are equal before the law. Individuals are subject to administrative liability regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official position, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances. Legal entities are brought to administrative responsibility regardless of location, organizational and legal forms, subordination, as well as other circumstances. Special conditions the application of measures to ensure proceedings in a case of an administrative offense and bringing to administrative responsibility officials who perform certain state functions (deputies, judges, prosecutors and other persons) are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.
  2. The principle of the presumption of innocence is enshrined Art. 1.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which a person is subject to administrative liability only for those administrative offenses in respect of which his guilt has been established. A person in respect of whom proceedings are being conducted on a case of an administrative offense shall be considered innocent until his guilt is proven in the manner prescribed by Administrative Code, and established by the decision of the judge, body, official who considered the case, which has entered into force. A person brought to administrative responsibility is not required to prove his innocence. Irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person brought to administrative responsibility shall be interpreted in favor of this person.
  3. Priority principle interests of the individual in the life of society. states: “Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the duty of the state. The state, including in the process of exercising executive power, guarantees the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring their protection.
  4. Rule of law principle when applying measures of administrative coercion in connection with an administrative offense, established, states that a person brought to administrative responsibility cannot be subjected to administrative punishment and measures to ensure proceedings in a case of an administrative offense otherwise than on the grounds and in the manner established by law. The application by an authorized body or official of administrative punishment and measures to ensure proceedings in a case of an administrative offense in connection with an administrative offense is carried out within the competence of the said body or official in accordance with the law. When applying measures of administrative coercion, decisions and actions (inaction) that degrade human dignity are not allowed.
  5. The principle of separation of powers- one of the most important conditions for the functioning of the rule of law. Each branch of power (executive, legislative and judicial) must be independent, which implies the prevention of the substitution of one branch of power by another, excludes the intrusion, for example, of the legislative branch into the sphere of executive power, and implies the business interaction of all branches. Only in this case, public administration will be effective, and the interests of the individual are guaranteed and protected. Proper implementation of the norms of administrative law is possible if this principle is observed.
  6. The principle of legality involves the application of administrative and legal norms of law in strict accordance with the Constitution, laws of the Russian Federation and other regulations.
  7. The principle of publicity means that acts of administrative rule-making, as a rule, come into force no earlier than from the moment of their official publication. Administrative and legal acts, activities of executive authorities, results of administrative and legal regulation, etc. should be in the public domain. In addition, when issuing and implementing norms of administrative law, the opinion of citizens, public associations, etc., should be taken into account.
  8. The principle of responsibility. The established norms of law must be respected, otherwise the violators will be liable. At the same time, administrative liability must be imposed in accordance with the procedure and amount established by the Administrative Code and by the state bodies competent for this.

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Sources of information

PravoDeystvie LLC sincerely thanks the following sources for providing information on administrative law: ru.wikipedia.org; www.grandars.ru pages:, No. 3; be5.biz.

Question 1

The concept of "administration" comes from the Latin word "management".

Management - actions of an administrative nature, aimed at the functioning of complexly organized systems, designed to ensure their safety, maintain the mode of activity.

Allocate the object, subject and content of management.

The object of control is various systems and their components (people, phenomena, events, etc.).

The subjects of management are always people. There are two groups of control subjects:

1) sole proprietors;

2) collegiate (groups of people). The content of management is the legal relationship that arises in the course of management activities, including the impact on objects by coordinating, directing various actions, processes by the subject of management through the application of appropriate methods and mechanisms.

There are three types of management: technical, biological, social:

1) technical - control of objects based on technical rules (physical, mathematical), for example, control of machine tools, complex machines, etc.;

2) biological - management of biological processes, taking into account the laws of nature, the patterns of development of certain organisms (poultry farming, breeding, animal husbandry, etc.);

3) social - management of people. In this case, both groups of people (work collective, students, etc.) and individuals can act as the object of control. The most complex in its structure is the management of the state, which in a broad sense is an association of groups of people (labor collectives, public associations, nations, etc.). It is social management that is the main component in the content of management as a whole. The features of social management are:

a) an object is always a person or a group of people;

b) relations arising in the course of social management are of an organized, legal nature;

c) social management has a power-volitional character, i.e., it is carried out on the basis of the priority of the will of the subjects of management, securing special rights for them;

d) a special subject of management - authorities or other authorized person.

Control types:

- state;

- collective - regulation at the level of the team;

- family.

Public administration is a type of social administration, the functioning of which is associated with the formation of a special branch of law - administrative law. The main sphere of application of the norms of administrative law is precisely public administration.

Public administration is the organizing influence of the entire state apparatus on an extremely wide range of social relations by all means available to the state.

There are also subspecies of social management:

1) family social - carried out within the family;

2) public social - leadership of individual organized groups of people (political parties, religious organizations, etc.);

3) municipal - management at the local level;

4) state social.

Social management - a type of management, the process of influencing society, social groups, individuals in order to streamline their activities, increase the level of organization of the social system. General features of social management: exists where there is a joint activity of people and their communities; provides an orderly impact on the participants in joint activities; aimed at achieving a specific management goal; characterized by the presence of a subject and an object of control; the subject of management is endowed with a certain power resource; the object of control is a subservient subject, whose conscious-volitional behavior must change in accordance with the instructions of the subject; implemented within a certain mechanism. Types of social management: public administration, local (municipal) self-government, public self-government. Elements of social management: the subject of management, the object of management, managerial links (direct links and feedbacks). The subject of management can be individual or collective. Such objects of management as a person (individual), collectives (social groups), the state (society as a whole) are singled out. Direct connections - purposeful organizing influence of the subject of management on the managed object. Feedback is a channel of information impact of the control object on the control subject in order to inform about the fulfillment of the management tasks assigned to it. Management cycle - a set of interrelated, logically determined management stages, characterized by certain tasks, composition of participants. Stages of the management process: analysis of the management situation; development and decision-making; organization and execution of the decision; decision implementation control; summarizing, making adjustments.

Public administration (. public administration) - the activities of public authorities and their officials in the practical implementation of the political course developed on the basis of relevant procedures (public policy). Activities in public administration are traditionally opposed, on the one hand, to political activities, and on the other hand, to activities to formulate a political course.

In the theory of public administration, there are three main approaches to formulating the basic principles of public administration:

  • legal approach;
  • political approach;
  • managerial approach.

According to the legal approach, the key values ​​of public administration are the values ​​of the rule of law, the protection of the rights of citizens. A civil servant is subordinate not so much to his leadership as to the requirements of the rule of law and the Constitution.

According to the political approach, the main task of public administration is the best possible embodiment of the will of the people. Civil servants must be politically responsible (accountable), receptive to the current interests of citizens. In order to realize this, it is sometimes proposed to implement the concept of "representative bureaucracy", in which the executive authorities should be a miniature social model of society. It is assumed that in this situation it will be easier for the departments to take into account the interests existing in society, and the opportunities for discrimination of certain groups will be reduced.

According to the managerial approach, the main values ​​of public administration should be efficiency, economy and efficiency, formulated, if possible, in a quantifiable (measurable) form. The main problem posed in this approach is how to provide the desired result with least cost or, alternatively, how to get the maximum result for a given cost. A characteristic feature of this approach is the use of the concept of "public management" (public management) as a synonym for the concept of "public administration".

Common to all three approaches is the problem of compliance of the actions of civil servants with the principles formulated in advance:

  • adherence to the principle of the rule of law (legal approach);
  • following the will of the people (political approach);
  • following the goal of obtaining the desired socio-economic result (manager approach).

The assessment of the extent to which this problem is solved is called the quality of public administration. Each approach uses as the main different indicators of the quality of public administration.

To understand the essence of executive power, bodies and subjects of executive power, it is methodologically important to resolve the issue of the relationship between state administration and executive power.
As early as paragraph 13 of the Declaration "On State Sovereignty of the RSFSR" dated June 12, 1990. The separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers was proclaimed as the most important principle of the functioning of Russia as a constitutional state.
After the adoption of the Constitution in 1993. the concept of "executive power" became legislatively fixed. This was followed by the almost automatic withdrawal from the normative practice of the terms "management", "public administration", "government body". As a result, all government bodies (of different levels) began to be called executive authorities. In fact, there was a mechanical replacement in the legislative terminology, which violated the continuity in the name of state bodies and complicated the activities of the state apparatus.

But the Constitution of the Russian Federation and current legislature The Russian Federation was not offered a synonym for public administration. They say nothing, for example, about executive activity; the subjects of this activity are obvious, but its nature is not defined. Meanwhile, the system of separation of powers proceeds from the fact that each branch of the unified state power is realized in the activities of their subjects. Therefore, public administration, according to its purpose, is nothing more than a type of state activity, within the framework of which the executive power is practically implemented.
Consequently, public administration is practically carried out within the framework of the system of state power, based on the principles of separation of powers. Executive power as a manifestation of the unified state power acquires a real character in the activities of special units of the state apparatus, currently referred to as executive bodies, but in essence are state administration bodies. In a similar sense, public administration, understood as an executive and administrative activity, is not opposed to the implementation of executive power, understood as the activity of the subjects of this branch of government.
In the science of administrative law, by now, there has been a stable position that the concept of "public administration" is broader than the executive branch.

The latter, in a certain sense, is derived from state administration. It is designed to determine the scope and nature of the state-authority powers, implemented in the process of state-administrative activity. On the other hand, public administration is the type of activity that is aimed at the practical implementation of executive power. Executive power essentially constitutes the content of public administration activities, expressing primarily its functional (executive) orientation. Accordingly, all subjects of executive power are simultaneously links in the public administration system.
The sphere of public administration is a concept whose boundaries in modern conditions are determined not only by practical activities for the implementation of executive power, i.e. the actual work of the subjects of this branch of government, but also all other manifestations of state-administrative activity (for example, the activities of managerial units in their nature that are not direct subjects of executive power).
State-administrative activity is the functioning of the subjects of executive power and other levels of state administration in the implementation of their tasks and functions.
Bodies of state administration - executive authorities and other units that carry out state-administrative activities in one volume or another.
Executive bodies - all subjects of public administration, including subjects of executive power, as well as government bodies operating outside
practical implementation of executive power (for example, executive bodies of the local self-government system, management bodies for the life of enterprises, institutions, public associations, commercial structures).
So far, the legislation of the Russian Federation has not yet fully developed a unified terminology regarding the executive branch.
Thus, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, along with the widespread use of the term "executive authorities", often contains references to "executive authorities", "state governing bodies", "executive bodies of state power", etc.
As already mentioned, most scientists rightly point out that government bodies can be considered executive authorities. “Because the Constitution of the Russian Federation did not find a place for the terms “public administration” or “public administration bodies”, practical public administration did not cease to be constantly and continuously carried out through the formation and empowerment of special executive bodies of state power with the appropriate competence.
Quite a lot of scientific publications are devoted to the problem of the legal nature of the executive branch (see, for example, the works of I.L. Bachilo, A.F. Nozdrachev, Yu.N. Starilov, Yu.A. Tikhomirov, etc.), some of them have already been mentioned in this work. The authors also pay attention to the relationship between the concepts of "executive power" and "public administration".
It is noteworthy that immediately after the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, the terms "public administration" and "public administration bodies" practically ceased to be used both in legislation and in specialized literature.
Some scholars, but they are a minority, believe that "the term "public administration" will gradually disappear from the lexicon of Russian law." Most scholars consider it unreasonable
exclude them from circulation, since the system of public administration in practice as a concept is broader than the concept of "executive power". We should agree with the opinion of Yu.N. Starilov, who believes that "public administration as a type of state activity, only because of its constant practical existence, will never lose its significance and will not change its name."
One can fully agree with the opinion of Professor I.Sh. Kilyashkhanov, who states that “if we talk about public administration, understood as the activities of bodies representing all the “branches” of state power, then the ratio of these concepts can be represented as a ratio of the categories “general” and “private”. In this case, public administration is perceived as more general concept. After analyzing the relationship between the concept of executive power and public administration, we can come to the conclusion that one term should not be automatically replaced by another. Governmental activity has always been necessary, and remains as such today. Over time, there are changes in the forms and methods of this activity, which are determined by the conditions of social development in a particular period of development of the state, especially during the period of reforms. From the point of view of administrative law, the concept of "public administration" is broader than the concept of " state regulation". From another point of view, considering state regulation as the main method of management in the economy, state regulation is used more widely than direct state management, while indirect means of control (taxes, benefits, etc.) are used to a large extent.

The subject of administrative law is a system of social relations regulated by administrative and legal norms. The subject of administrative law includes five constituent parts.

Firstly, these are social relations that arise in the process of exercising executive power, exercising public administration at all its hierarchical levels: from the President of the Russian Federation to the administration of state enterprises, institutions and organizations. Here it means first of all external activity executive authorities, the entire system of government bodies, for the implementation of which they were actually created, namely, the organization of the economy, socio-cultural and administrative-political activities.

Secondly, these are intra-organizational relations of all state bodies, which are basically the same, similar, of the same type, regardless of where they are carried out: in executive, legislative or judicial bodies. These relationships cover information and analytical work, office work, hiring, promotion, dismissal, disciplinary responsibility, promotion, logistics, etc. All this activity is of an auxiliary, security nature and is regulated by the norms of administrative law.

Thirdly, the subject of administrative law is the functioning of nation-wide control, which is carried out throughout the territory of the Russian Federation on behalf of the state, being endowed with state-power powers of a federal nature. At the same time, control is exercised in relation to all state bodies, not only in terms of the legality of the acts adopted and the actions taken, but also their expediency, which is fundamentally different from the general supervision of the prosecutor's office. The measures taken by the national control are of a disciplinary nature, including the removal of violators from work (positions) and a monetary charge. Previously, this type of control had various names - the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection, the Ministry of Control, party-state control, people's control. In recent years, it has been abolished. However, the state need for this kind of control is obvious and is beginning to be recreated in the form of the Control Directorate of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Fourthly, the subject of administrative law also covers the activities of courts and judges in considering cases of administrative offenses. The fact is that, being a body of justice, they are nonetheless guided by the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which cannot be excluded from the subject of administrative law. It is possible that this sphere of activity of courts and judges will eventually turn into administrative justice, the courts will be called administrative, and the judges of the peace, who single-handedly consider a significant category of cases of administrative offenses.

Fifthly, the subject of administrative law may include public relations that arise in the activities of public associations to which the state has transferred some of its state powers. For example, the people's guards have been transferred some powers of state law enforcement agencies in the field of public order, and the people's guards can detain violators, draw up protocols (acts) on offenses. Naturally, such activities of public associations are regulated by the norms of administrative law.

The exercise of executive power (public administration) is implemented in specific forms of executive and administrative activities (forms of public administration) of executive authorities and their officials.

The category "form of government" is associated with the implementation of the competence of the executive authority, since it is management actions that allow for the external expression of the competence (ie, duties and powers) of the subject of government.

The forms of state-administrative activity of executive authorities and their officials are determined by law, fixed in laws and other regulatory legal acts that determine the activities of these bodies. Consequently, in public administration, state bodies and officials should use only those forms of activity that are established by the norms of administrative law. Failure to comply with the law entails the invalidity of the actions of the executive authority or official.

It should also be noted that the administrative-legal forms of public administration always entail clearly defined legal consequences associated with the emergence, change or termination of administrative-legal relations (for example, drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense, issuing an order to assign a class rank, etc.). P.).

In this way, under the administrative-legal form of public administration is understood as an outwardly expressed action of an executive body or its official, determined by the nature, carried out within the framework of its competence and causing legal consequences. The type of a specific form of public administration is determined by the tasks facing the executive authority or official, as well as the functions they implement.

Types of administrative and legal forms of public administration in administrative law are classified according to the content and method of expression.

Lawmaking form public administration consists in the issuance by the subjects of public administration of by-laws of regulatory legal acts of management that regulate public relations in the field of their public administration activities. Normative legal acts of the management of federal executive bodies are issued on the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in their law-making activities are also guided by the legislation of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Enforcement Form public administration, in turn, is divided into the issuance of individual legal acts of management (acts of application of the rules of law), as well as the performance of actions of a legal nature.

The publication of individual legal acts of administration is carried out by the subject of state administration when, due to the circumstances of the case, the subject of state administration, in accordance with legal norms, must make a decision in the form of an individual legal act.

The performance of actions of a legal nature is carried out in cases where legal norms do not require the adoption of a legal act from the subject of public administration and the subject of government performs the legally significant actions provided for in these cases (for example, drawing up a protocol, issuing a permit, etc.).

According to its content, the law enforcement form of public administration is divided into regulatory and law enforcement.

The regulatory form is used in the process of public administration in various areas of state activity (economic, socio-cultural, defense, foreign policy, etc.).

The law enforcement form is used in the application of coercive measures against persons violating the norms of administrative law, in the protection of the subjective rights of citizens and organizations, as well as in resolving disputes arising in the field of management.

By way of expression legal forms of public administration are divided into written And oral.

The main form of government is the written form. This form is used in solving managerial issues that require a written registration of the actions of a public administration entity, which gives rise to legal consequences. The content of this form of public administration consists in the preparation and adoption by the relevant executive authorities of legal acts of management (normative and individual), as well as the execution of administrative documents (protocols, acts, certificates, and others).

The oral form of state administration is used in the cases provided for by legal norms when resolving operational issues and consists in issuing oral orders, instructions and commands, which also entail legal consequences.

It is necessary to distinguish from the legal forms of public administration organizational actions And logistics operations, which are also used in the process of public administration.

Organizational actions are expressed in the organization of office work, methodological work, reporting, holding meetings, staff training, implementation scientific organization labor and other organizational work in the executive branch. These actions are aimed at improving the culture and efficiency of management activities and are not associated with the emergence, change or termination of administrative and legal relations.

Material and technical operations are designed to ensure the work of executive authorities. These operations include the organization of material and financial support of the state body, the organization of the work of the expedition, transport, the introduction of office equipment and a number of other measures.

One of the main administrative and legal forms of public administration is publication of legal acts of management.

Legal acts of management have the following characteristic features: subordination, legal character, authoritarianism, imperativeness.

Subordination act of management means that the issued act should not contradict the requirements of the current legislative acts and is issued within the competence of this governing body. The legality of a management act in a broad sense is also understood as the compliance of acts not only with the law, but also with acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and other executive authorities.

Legal nature acts of management means that it can cause certain legal consequences. These consequences may be expressed in the establishment of appropriate rules of conduct (norms) of a general nature or affect relations associated with specific persons.

imperative act of management is associated with the state-imperious powers of the subjects of state administration and is expressed in the obligation of its execution, regardless of the consent of the performers.

In this way, legal act of management can be defined as a unilateral legally authoritative decision of a public administration entity based on legislation, issued within its competence, regulating public relations in the field of public administration or aimed at the emergence, change or termination of specific administrative and legal relations.

Legal acts of management should be distinguished from office documents which do not have a legal nature (protocols, acts, certificates, reports, reports, etc.). Official documents do not establish or change specific legal relations. However, official documents may serve as the basis for issuing legal acts of management.

Legal acts of administration are issued, as a rule, in writing. However, in some cases, its oral form is also allowed, for example, in military administration in the case of giving oral orders and in a number of other cases determined by law.

Legal acts of management can classify according to the following criteria.

Legal content legal acts of management are divided into normative and individual.

Normative are the technical acts of management, which contain the rules of law, regulate social relations in the field of public administration, are calculated on long term actions and do not have a specific personalized character. Administrative law-making finds its expression in the normative legal acts of management. They concretize the norms of laws and other acts of higher legal force and define the model rules of conduct in the sphere of public administration. These acts establish the legal status of executive authorities, determine the procedure for performing certain actions and procedures of a state-administrative nature, establish the necessary restrictions and prohibitions, and regulate other issues in the state-administrative sphere. Regulatory legal acts of management are one of the most important sources of administrative law.

Individual acts of management do not contain the rules of law. They resolve specific management issues on the basis of laws and other regulatory legal acts, i.e. are acts of applying the rules of law to specific cases. These acts cause legal consequences in the form of the emergence, change or termination of specific administrative and legal relations (for example, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on conferring the military rank of a senior officer).

According to the bodies that publish them, legal acts of management are subdivided:

to decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation on issues related to public administration;

resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

resolutions, orders, orders, regulations, rules, instructions of federal executive authorities;

resolutions, orders, orders, regulations, rules, instructions of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

By area of ​​operation legal acts of management are divided into acts that are in force throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an administrative-territorial unit.

By the nature of the competence of the bodies issuing them, legal acts of management are divided into acts of general and sectoral and intersectoral management.

Acts general management are published by subjects of public administration of general competence - the Government of the Russian Federation, governments (administrations) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Acts of branch management regulate social relations and resolve managerial issues in a particular branch of management. Such acts are issued by state administration entities with sectoral competence (in particular, ministries) and are mandatory for bodies, organizations and officials subordinate to them, as well as citizens entering into public relations in this area of ​​public administration (for example, entering military service under a contract).

Intersectoral management acts are issued by state administration entities with intersectoral competence, which resolve issues of an intersectoral nature. These acts are binding on all executive authorities, organizations, officials, regardless of departmental subordination, as well as citizens.

The following requirements are imposed on legal acts of management.

1. The legal act of management must be issued in accordance with the legislation by the authorized body within its competence.

Thus, legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation are issued on the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation.

Legal acts of federal executive authorities are issued on the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as on the initiative of federal executive authorities within their competence.

Structural subdivisions and territorial bodies of federal executive bodies are not entitled to issue regulatory legal acts. A normative legal act may be issued jointly by several federal executive bodies or by one of them in agreement with others.

2. A legal act must be issued in a certain order. The procedure for issuing management acts is established by legislative and other normative acts regulating the status of executive authorities.

Thus, in particular, the Government of the Russian Federation, on the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulatory decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, issues resolutions and orders. Acts of a normative nature are issued in the form of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Acts on operational and other current issues that do not have a regulatory nature are issued in the form of orders of the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for issuing acts of the Government of the Russian Federation is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Regulatory legal acts of executive authorities are issued in the form of resolutions, orders, orders, rules, instructions and regulations (see Rules for the preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities and their state registration, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1997 No. 1009). The publication of normative legal acts in the form of letters and telegrams is not allowed. The draft regulatory legal act is subject to agreement with the concerned ministries and departments, if such approval is mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and also if the regulatory legal act contains provisions, norms and instructions relating to other ministries and departments. The approval of a normative legal act is formalized by visas. Visa includes i! himself the name of the position of the head of the ministry (department) or his deputy and the personal signature of the approver, the transcript of the signature and the date. Visas are affixed at the bottom of the reverse side of the last page of the original of the normative legal act.

The preparation of a draft normative legal act is entrusted to one or more structural divisions federal executive body, taking into account their functions and competence. At the same time, the circle of officials responsible for the preparation of the specified project, the period for its preparation, and, if necessary, the organizations involved in this work, are determined.

The legal service of the federal executive body participates in the preparation of a draft normative legal act. The term for preparing a draft and issuing a regulatory legal act in pursuance of federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, as a rule, should not exceed one month, unless another period is established. To prepare drafts of the most important and complex normative legal acts, as well as acts issued jointly by several federal executive bodies, working groups may be created.

In the process of working on a draft regulatory legal act, the legislation of the Russian Federation related to the topic of the project, agreements on the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers between state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the practice of applying the relevant regulatory legal acts, scientific literature and materials of periodicals should be studied on the issue under consideration, as well as data from sociological and other studies, if any.

3. The legal act of management is issued in the prescribed form and signed by the relevant official. The form of the act (structure, details, language) must comply with the accepted requirements.

Thus, the structure of a normative legal act should provide a logical development of the topic of legal regulation. If an explanation of the goals and motives for the adoption of a normative legal act is required, then the draft contains an introductory part - a preamble. Normative provisions are not included in the preamble. Regulatory instructions are drawn up in the form of paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot and do not have headings. Clauses may be subdivided into subclauses, which may be numbered alphabetically or numerically. Significant normative legal acts can be divided into chapters, which are numbered with Roman numerals and have headings.

If necessary, for the completeness of the presentation of the issue, the regulatory legal acts may reproduce certain provisions of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, which must have references to these acts and to the official source of their publication. If tables, graphs, maps, diagrams are provided in a normative legal act, then, as a rule, they should be drawn up in the form of applications, and the relevant paragraphs of the act should have links to these applications.

Simultaneously with the development of a draft normative legal act, proposals should be prepared to amend and supplement or invalidate the relevant previously issued acts or parts thereof. Normative legal acts issued jointly or in agreement with other federal executive authorities are changed, supplemented or recognized as invalid in agreement with these federal executive authorities. Provisions on amendments, additions or invalidation of issued acts or their parts shall be included in the text of a normative legal act.

If, during the preparation of a normative legal act, the need to introduce significant changes and additions to previously issued normative legal acts or the existence of several acts on the same issue is revealed, then in order to streamline them, a new single act is developed. The draft of such an act includes new normative prescriptions, as well as those contained in previously issued acts, which remain in force.

Before signing (approving) a prepared draft of a normative legal act must be checked for compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the rules of the Russian language, and endorsed by the head of the legal service of the federal executive body.

Normative legal acts are signed (approved) by the head of the federal executive body or by a person acting in his capacity. The signed (approved) normative legal act must have the following details:

the name of the body (bodies) that issued the act;

name of the type of act and its name;

date of signing (approval) of the act and its number;

the name of the position and the surname of the person who signed the act.

4. Regulatory legal acts of management affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen, establishing the legal status of organizations of an interdepartmental nature, regardless of their validity period, including acts containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature, are subject to state registration.

State registration of normative legal acts is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which State Register normative legal acts of federal executive authorities.

State registration of a normative legal act includes:

legal examination of the compliance of this act with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

making a decision on the need for state registration of this act;

assignment of a registration number;

entry into the State Register of Normative Legal Acts of Federal Executive Bodies.

State registration of normative legal acts is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of Russia within 15 days from the date of receipt of the act. If necessary, the registration period may be extended, but not more than 10 days, and in exceptional cases - up to one month.

Within a day after the state registration, the original of the normative legal act with the registration number assigned to it is sent by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the federal executive body that submitted the act for state registration.

The registration of a normative legal act may be refused if, during the legal examination, it is established that this act does not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Regulatory legal acts, the state registration of which is refused, are returned by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to the body that issued them, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

Within 10 days from the date of receipt of a refusal in state registration, the head of the federal executive body or a person acting as such shall issue an appropriate document on the abolition of the regulatory legal act, the registration of which has been refused, and send a copy of it to the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

A normative legal act may be returned by the Ministry of Justice of Russia to a federal executive body without registration at the request of the federal executive body that submitted this act for state registration, and also if the established procedure for submitting an act for state registration is violated. If a normative legal act is returned without state registration in violation of the established procedure for submitting it for state registration, the violations must be eliminated, and the act must be re-submitted for state registration within a month, or a copy of the document on the abolition of the normative legal act must be sent to the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

5. Certain requirements are also established for the procedure for publishing regulatory legal acts of the administration (see Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1996 No. 763 "On the procedure for publishing and entry into force of acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies" ). Thus, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory official publication, except for acts or their individual provisions containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature. Acts of the President of the Russian Federation are subject to official publication within 10 days after the date of their signing. Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, with the exception of resolutions containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature, are subject to official publication no later than 15 days from the date of their adoption.

The official publication of acts of the President of the Russian Federation and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation is considered to be the publication of their texts in " Russian newspaper" or in the "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation" or the first placement (publication) on the "Official Internet Portal of Legal Information" (pravo.gov.ru). The texts of acts of the President of the Russian Federation and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation distributed in in electronic format Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Technical Center for Legal Information "System"" Federal Service protection of the Russian Federation, as well as federal bodies of state protection. Acts of the President of the Russian Federation and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation may be published in other print media, as well as communicated to the public on television and radio, sent to state bodies, local governments, officials, enterprises, institutions, organizations, transmitted through communication channels.

Acts of the President of the Russian Federation, having a normative character, shall enter into force simultaneously throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation after seven days after the day of their first official publication. Other acts of the President of the Russian Federation, including acts containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature, come into force from the date of their signing.

Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen, establishing the legal status of federal executive bodies, as well as organizations, enter into force simultaneously throughout the territory of the Russian Federation after seven days after the day of their official publication. Other acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, including acts containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature, come into force from the date of their signing.

Acts of the President of the Russian Federation and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation may establish a different procedure for their entry into force.

Normative legal acts of federal executive bodies affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen, establishing the legal status of organizations or having an interdepartmental nature, which have passed state registration with the Ministry of Justice of Russia, are subject to mandatory official publication, except for acts or their individual provisions containing information constituting state secret, or information of a confidential nature.

Normative legal acts of federal executive bodies are subject to official publication in Rossiyskaya Gazeta within 10 days after the date of their registration, as well as in the Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies of the Yurydicheskaya Literatura publishing house of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The said Bulletin is also official and is distributed in electronic form by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Technical Center for Legal Information "System"" of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, as well as by state security agencies.

Normative legal acts of federal executive bodies, except for acts and their individual provisions containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature that have not passed state registration, as well as registered but not published in the prescribed manner, do not entail legal consequences, as they do not entered into force, and cannot serve as a basis for regulating the relevant legal relations, imposing sanctions on citizens, officials and organizations for failure to comply with the instructions contained therein. These acts cannot be referred to in resolving disputes.

Normative legal acts of federal executive bodies shall enter into force simultaneously throughout the territory of the Russian Federation after 10 days after the day of their official publication, unless the acts themselves establish a different procedure for their entry into force.

Normative legal acts of federal executive bodies containing information constituting a state secret or information of a confidential nature and not subject to official publication in connection with this, which have undergone state registration with the Ministry of Justice of Russia, shall enter into force from the date of state registration and assignment of a number, if the acts themselves no later date for their entry into force.

To the number administrative and legal forms of public administration include and administrative contracts. In the theory of administrative law, the following features of an administrative contract are distinguished.

  • 1. The conclusion of an administrative contract entails the emergence of legal relations between its subjects on the basis of voluntary consent and equality of the parties, which is the difference between an administrative contract and acts of management.
  • 2. An administrative contract is concluded on the basis of the norms of administrative law, which regulate the procedure for its conclusion and termination (cancellation). Thus, the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Art. 13 of the Law on the Government of the Russian Federation, by agreement with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, may transfer to them the exercise of part of their powers, if this does not contradict the Constitution, the Law on the Government of the Russian Federation and federal laws.
  • 3. The content of the administrative-legal contract is management relations. The purpose of this agreement, in contrast, for example, from a civil law agreement, is the settlement of relations that develop in the field of public administration, relations of a managerial nature. In particular, art. 28 of the Charter of the Moscow Region dated 11.12.1996 No. 55 / 96-03 provides that federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the Moscow Region may, by mutual agreement, transfer to each other the exercise of part of their powers, if this does not contradict the Constitution and federal laws.
  • 4. One of the parties to the administrative contract is the executive authority, which is the subject of public administration. Without his participation, this agreement cannot be concluded.

In this way, administrative contract - this is an agreement based on the norms of administrative law, at least one of the participants of which is a subject of public administration, concluded in order to regulate relations that develop in the field of public administration, in relation to a managerial nature.

In the literature on administrative law, the main classification criterion administrative contracts is subject of the contract. According to the subject of the contract, the following types of contracts are distinguished: contracts on competence, contracts on cooperation, contracts on the entry of citizens into the state (military) service. Agreements on competence, in particular, include agreements between federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the delimitation of competence, as well as on the delegation of powers. Cooperation agreements define various areas of management activity, in particular, the exchange of information, joint activities and a number of others.

  • See Regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.06.2004 No. 260.
  • See: Administrative law: textbook / ed. L. L. Popova. M., 2005. S. 275-279.


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