Class hour on the topic “to believe in good, you need to start doing it.” To believe in good, you need to start doing it - essay To believe in good, you need to start

“Whoever does good to worthy people does good to everyone” - these words belong to Publication Sir, they reveal the issue of kindness and nobility in the best form. This word is familiar to us from early childhood, we were not kind from birth, only as we grew up did we manage to divide the world into good and bad. But knowledge alone is not enough; many of us forget about good deeds and kind treatment of each other.

They say that in the 21st century, the fashion for kindness is a thing of the past. Many people think that being a good man not profitable and very damaging. I consider the main problem of this trend to be human egoism; it is this that pushes people to selfish and evil actions. People only care about their own well-being, so wanting to succeed, they are ready to go over their heads, leaving behind tears and disappointment.

Nowadays, the problem of goodness attracts a lot of attention. The main reason is that people have stopped sincerely loving, helping and giving each other kindness and care. But every problem has a solution, I believe that if every person does at least one good deed, then very soon it will be in the hearts of every person.

What happens if a person does good can be seen in the examples of famous works of Russian writers. For them, goodness is one of the most important qualities of a person, so this problem has been raised more than once in their works. One of the most striking examples can be seen in the epic novel “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy. The writer’s most favorite character was Natasha Rostova, which the author mentioned more than once in his notes. He considered her an example of a Russian woman who managed not to succumb to the mores of the past century.

Natasha had very valuable personality qualities, she had a sense of humor, the ability to love and worry, and was always honest with herself. The heroine can be called a model of kindness, because in the novel there are more than once examples given to prove this fact. In the final part of the novel, when Napoleon Bonaparte attacked Moscow and the residents of the capital rushed to flee, burning their houses, Natasha showed real mercy. Before leaving the house, she and her family tried to take away their valuables. Seeing how many people are dying around, how many of them need help. Natalya gave the order to give people carts to save the wounded, and then sincerely rejoiced at their salvation.

“A fairy tale is a true story, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows” - these words belong to a writer known to all of us, a real creator of Russian literature. And I hasten to agree with A.S. Pushkin, fairy tales really raise very serious and vital problems. So the problem of goodness is main theme any fairy tale and here's why. Resistance to evil is the main thing in human life; this is the only way we can arrange our lives correctly. The main characters of fairy tales are always unusual characters whose main quality is kindness.

But it is not only the lack of kindness in people that is the main problem of our society. Many people stop believing in its existence, and this is already a very serious problem. In a world where business relationships, thirst for profit and selfishness come first, it is not at all surprising to observe a decline in faith in goodness. This can also be affected by improper upbringing or the society surrounding a person.

If people stop believing in good, then we just need to start creating it. Only in this way can we prove its existence and even improve our lives. Goodness is selfless and this is its main value. Children's fairy tales, where good always triumphs over bad, can help in this difficult task. Also, there are thousands of books where this problem is considered from all its angles. Let us help others, thereby lifting humanity onto the right spiritual path.

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My attempts to explain the selflessness of volunteers in their free time from work and time away from the family, it seems, did not convince the mother of many children. So he shared the girls’ phone numbers with her and asked to meet them. At the meeting, I received information that my opponent, after a female conversation between the accuser and the petitioner, was thinking about joining the detachment of providing free assistance. And since I know the head of the “Life” Center in the name of Mikhail Muromsky, Elena Olegovna Kryukova, and saw a huge number of boxes and bags with things intended to help those in need in the entryway of her house, I was not surprised by the piles of clothes, shoes, packages, bags and boxes in the basement on Pervomaiskaya.

In the cold basement I met several women sorting piles of shoes and clothes by size and type. Some of them shared information about their families and types of activities, but not one of them revealed their name to me. And such helpers are easy to understand. Not everyone will like close attention to their person. Especially on the part of those who show it not out of a desire to join the ranks of volunteers, but out of curiosity to find a speck in someone else’s eye, without noticing the log in their own. Yes, and there is something to be afraid of. I haven’t come across a single negative comment about volunteers concerned about the fate of animals. Even collecting signatures for a petition to introduce an animal rights commissioner does not attract criticism. And only the President, at a press conference of journalists on December 23, answering this question, expressed doubt about the need to introduce such a position. In volunteers who help children and the elderly, they only look for a criminal component. And this is done, as a rule, by people with a wormhole in their souls. And selfless donors who have revealed their names can be found in the information of the newspaper “EVERYTHING FOR YOU. Region" and on the pages of reports in the photo albums of the "Helping Hand" detachment, which are published after each past action. But the majority of donors prefer to remain nameless.

To have, but without owning, we must learn,
Like the sun, wind, stars: mine and not mine!
we are happy, free and joyfully living,
when you are generous in giving, you are generous in receiving!
Marina Maslova – Bulgakova

These lines can rightfully be applied to my interlocutors. It is not the generosity of the wallet, but the generosity of the soul that makes these women go once a week to the basement of the house of one of the ten active participants. And before the New Year, every day, to sort and wrap gifts, to the apartment of another active participant, because it is impossible to store food in the basement. Well, wallets with husbands’ cars will be in demand when it’s time to deliver gifts to apartments. Now the detachment has about one and a half thousand helpers and donors. Most active person ten and headquarters of three mothers: Lyubov Volkova, Svetlana Kostina, Elena Mitrakova.

The freest mother is Lyubov Gennadievna Volkova. Her daughter is almost an adult. Schoolgirl. Elena Aleksandrovna Mitrakova’s life becomes more difficult over time. Although my son is big, he is already a year and 10 months old, but my daughter is only two months old. Fortunately, there is someone to leave with for a couple of hours, and my husband Zhenya helps with moving to different parts of the city. Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kostina is forced to miss participating in the New Year’s event this year because she also became a mother for the third time two weeks ago. I am posting this information not for discussion, but to limit volunteers from attacks by those who doubt their sincerity and integrity. And to limit the time of access to their mobile phones.

This squad is not government agency, providing financial assistance within the law. Initially, they began by helping their friends, each on their own. Then Elena and Svetlana met and decided to join forces to provide all possible assistance to children. Then Lyubov joined them, volunteers appeared, including from the editorial office of “EVERYTHING FOR YOU. Region". And for the second year now, the girls have been holding an action to collect gifts for children from large low-income families, spreading this appeal:

“There is a wizard living inside each of us, it’s time to wake him up! There is very little time left until the New Year. Every child looks forward to this holiday as a miracle, every child believes in the magical power of this holiday, in Grandfather Frost and his beautiful granddaughter Snegurochka.

But not every child can receive a gift for this holiday. And we want to improve the situation a little, and with your help, give a holiday to several dozen more kids from large and low-income families.

Any contribution you make is important. A box of juice, chocolate, candy, toys, books... anything that can serve as a gift and bring joy to children. All photo reports will be provided in our group and posted in the album “Give your baby New Year"Thank you all in advance!!!"

My first question to Lyubov Gennadievna Volkova.

- What made you, in the cold, from a warm apartment, go to the river in an icy basement to sort things?

Children are the most vulnerable part of the population; they cannot ask for it themselves. The girls and I met through social media. networks and help children first of all. But people also carry adult things. We help both adults and the elderly, but our main concern is children. To clothe someone, and to help someone with food.

- Now you are collecting gifts for New Year's gifts. But is it possible to store food in such a room?

This is not possible. Here we have a warehouse of things, and we put gifts in bags in the apartment of another caring family.

- Do you also help parents who are alcoholics, who don’t need children, and can get gifts for a bottle?

I don’t agree that parents don’t need children, even alcoholics. It’s one thing when a parent or parents drink, hang out in state-issued apartments, and send their children to an orphanage. This is a sad category of parents who look at children as a source of income or ballast, and the children pay the price. But we began to live in a different reality. Previously, both trade union committees and party committees with Komsomol and Pioneer organizations took care of children.

But at that time people were working, and there was a shortage of goods in stores. The levers of moral pressure have disappeared. Now any product can be delivered home, if only there was money. Solution social problems We cannot take it upon ourselves, but we are engaged in identifying children in need and providing them with all possible assistance. Some people find out about us through an advertisement, others through rumors. Even judging by the New Year's gifts, the number of people applying is growing. Last year we gave 97 gifts, and this year the list of children is already approaching 150.

Questions for Mitrakova Elena Aleksandrovna

- How do you determine who to help?

We try to help everyone who applies. But, excuse me, if the apartment is renovated to European standards, an expensive car is in the garage, photos from resorts - of course, we won’t help. We have already learned to discourage freebie lovers. But we are not psychics and cannot know who needs help and what kind of help, so we turn to KOS. Not all families in need come to the attention of KOS, that’s why we blow all the whistles on the Internet, newspapers, on television, we put up leaflets with our phone numbers that we are there and ready to help.

The problem of our society is embarrassment, fear of condemnation and gossip. Sometimes problems are overwhelming. Sometimes it seems that you can’t cope on your own, hence depression and nervous breakdowns. And if you share it with someone, the problem turns into a temporary nuisance. Often people come to us confused and desperate. But let’s talk, share our troubles, make friends, and people understand that they are not alone. A sparkle appears in the eyes. We hold distributions weekly and our students sometimes drop in just to chat, take a break from family problems, and laugh. And we are happy about this attitude.

We physically do not have time to find out about all the families. It happens that people who turn to us for help also become involved in the search for those in need. And they help. It's nice that absolutely different people unite and live by a common idea. People from janitors to directors join our squad, but no one has arrogance, everyone in our squad is equal. We were united by the desire to help. We didn’t even know each other, but we experienced so much that we became almost family. We can be compared to a snowball. Let's roll, make new acquaintances with new caring people. I am very glad that young people who have barely turned 20 have started to come. So young, with sparkling eyes and sensitive hearts. They want to make this world a kinder place. And the more persistent ones succeed! They already know that volunteering is not only a carrot of gratitude, but also a stick for those who doubt our cleanliness.

- How do your families react to your hobby?

Our families are our support, support and the wall behind which we hide when we are tired. When you run out of strength or give up from yet another disappointment. Yes, this happens too. It happens that we try to help people, and then it turns out that freebie lovers are simply using us. At such moments, despair sets in and we hide in our families. Our household members are the same vest in which we come to cry. Our husbands always support us, give us advice and remind us that we are strong, we can handle this. That we cannot give up this business for one simple reason - our students believe in us, they need us.
Our husbands help us. They don't consider themselves volunteers. They simply silently take out their wallets when another family needs help with food, get together and go to the addresses to pick up the things of donors or deliver packages to those in need. They're just nearby.

When we opened the campaign, we did not hope that our call would cause such a stir. They brought us sweets, transferred money, and gave it to us. Teachers, entrepreneurs, mothers on maternity leave, office workers, needlewomen, athletes... everyone was united by one desire - to help. Thank you all so much!!! Special thanks to the editors of the newspaper “EVERYTHING FOR YOU. Region" and personally to Tatyana Dorosevich for participation and information support. On December 24, we begin to congratulate the kids. We will try to do this in as soon as possible, but just in case, we take until January 13th. Photos of the presentation will be posted in our group.

On December 22, the girls reported that 135 New Year's gifts were packed. The editorial office of the newspaper “EVERYTHING is for you. Region" closed the gift collection campaign and thanked the donors. “Helping Hands” activists decided to extend the campaign for accepting gifts because calls continue to be made indicating the addresses of families in need. Some of the gifts will be presented at a charity Christmas tree on December 24 in the children's city library on Kuibysheva Street, and the remaining ones will be delivered home by Father Frost and Snow Maiden until January 13. And if your child or your children are left without New Year's gift, that means there was no signal about your problems either in the KOSAS of the city, or calls from you and your neighbors.

I think that I answered the question of those showing curiosity: “Where are the collected gifts “hidden?” Murom-mama published phone numbers, and the newspaper editors and volunteers explained where to look for a report on every candy and every penny. But not everyone reads newspapers, and rumors are not always reliable. Volunteer squad "Helping Hand" state organization, which provides financial assistance to the poor on the basis of laws, but simply caring people. Addresses where they can be found: Serova street, 39. Tel: 89209307208 - Lyuba, Karacharovskoe highway, 10. Tel: 89209066910-Lena. St. Moskovskaya 62 "a", office 6, editorial office of the newspaper “EVERYTHING FOR YOU. Region" 3-24-15.

This is an announcement about the end of last year's promotion. Go to KOS. Maybe you will be able to get on the list of poor people New Year's promotion next year. And girls and their husbands don’t have the energy or time to walk all over the city looking for those in need.

Photos from the editorial archives and personal archives of volunteers.
Ivan Vasilievich Kostin

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1" Gubkinsky, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Essay on a patriotic theme

“To believe in good, you need to start doing it”


Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy said: “To believe in good, you need to start doing it.” What does it mean? Let's try to figure it out. Good and evil are antonyms that accompany a person throughout his entire life journey. What is good? This is a certain moral category that characterizes moral values. This is the desire to perform a good deed for any living being, be it a person, an animal or a plant. There are many songs, proverbs and poems about goodness. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. From childhood, adults teach children that they need to be kind, and then everything will work out.

Believe in goodness. It would seem strange. What is complex is either good or not. But what a deep thought is contained in the words of the great classic! We live in complex, rapidly changing times, when authorities and values ​​are rapidly changing. What seemed unshakable just yesterday is being trampled on today. What our parents and grandfathers bowed their heads to is now in oblivion.

Everything changes, the new replaces the old, but kindness, generosity, courage, and humanity always remain valuable. This list can go on and on and call it one in general terms"virtues". They all go back to the word “good”, since it is impossible to be truly brave and generous, humane and tolerant if there is no place for goodness in the heart.

Why is it difficult to believe in goodness today? Seeing that someone is doing a good deed, a person begins to suspect and check to see if there is a trick somewhere! Indeed, we have stopped believing in sincere, selfless kindness! Why did it happen? We need to turn to the lives of our grandparents. If trouble came to someone’s house, it was divided equally among relatives, neighbors and fellow villagers. The world was ruled not by money, but by simple human relationships. What do we see today? What kindness can we talk about when television screens show us continuous horrors about how close people break off family relationships because of money, deceive, kill. Think about it! We are not even talking about neighbors, but about blood relatives. Or how often there are stories about abandoned elderly people dying in poverty. And there is no one to take care of them with living relatives. How much deception and fraud flourishes today. People profit from other people's grief, from illness, from the desire to be healthy and happy.

How do we feel about beggars begging near the subway, on the street, at the entrance to churches and mosques? We turn away, lower our eyes, or simply pass by indifferently. Why have people become so callous? Yes, because all too often there is “begging” - profitable business, bringing someone millions. So why are we contributing to this?

But aren’t there enough of those who actually ended up at the “day of life”? Every day you pass by a legless grandfather, you know what landfill he lives in, and yet you continue to tell yourself that he is just a link in a chain of scammers? Let's not be hypocrites. We can only believe in the sincerity of the good we do when we ourselves learn to do it selflessly, without regard to others, without listening to the instructions of “good” advisers.

Let's do good deeds as religion teaches us: so that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Another important aspect that needs to be touched upon is retribution for good. Do you need to expect good in return for your actions? It’s like situations with children: “I let you play with my shovel, so you give me your car.” Agree, it's funny! Here again we need to turn to wisdom, now popular: “They do not seek good from good,” the proverb tells us. Of course, if you start demanding some kind of reward for the kindness shown, then what you get is not good, but a service.

Only a good person can do a good deed, from a pure heart. If he sees injustice happening, if there is an unfortunate person in front of him, and he is able to do something, he does it. Simply because his conscience, duty, patriotism, faith, pity, kindness, compassion tell him so. In this case, you can count on the fact that someday someone will turn to you and help you in difficult times.

The story of one woman will prove our point of view better than any explanation. Once upon a time in a small village there lived a lonely widow. It was a hard, hungry time. One day a ragged boy appeared on her doorstep and asked for a glass of water. The woman was very poor, but when she saw the child’s pitiful state, she brought him a full glass of goat’s milk. The child, greedily drinking the treat, said goodbye and disappeared. Many years later. The woman grew old and was overtaken by a serious illness. Huge amounts of money were required for treatment. She was completely desperate and was already preparing for death when the postman brought her an envelope. Having opened it, the woman found a wad of money and a letter with one phrase: “Thank you for the glass of milk!” Respect and admiration deserves not only the one who gave a drink to a defenseless child, but also the boy who, despite the difficult trials that fell on his children's shoulders, did not forget the kindness shown and repaid in a difficult moment for a person.

Everything comes back like a boomerang. Good will one day turn into good, and evil will turn into misfortune.

Dear people! Don't be afraid to do good! Be afraid of not having time to help. Try to live in such a way that every new day adds good deeds to you. They will not make you poor, but your actions will please someone, feed someone, warm someone, save someone’s life. When we understand this, our world will become more beautiful and people will be happier.

Sections: Cool tutorial

Target: to form in students a value orientation, the desire to do good deeds, and awaken good feelings.


  • teach to reflect on the moral essence of an action,
  • let children feel that goodness is joy for others and oneself,
  • cultivate kindness and mercy, respect for each other and others, the desire to help.

Kind of activity: value-oriented.

Form: conversation with training elements.


  • multimedia equipment;
  • Dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov,
  • book exhibition,
  • tape recorder with a recording of the song “On the Road to Goodness”,
  • Handout(cards with proverbs, signal cards, mock-ups of cups and flowers, reminders for children),
  • magnets, tape.

Progress of the class hour

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys.

I am very glad to see your kind faces and radiant eyes again! Let's give a piece of ours Have a good mood each other! Smile!

2. Opening remarks.

Guys, I know that all children love fairy tales. Listen to one of them.

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Love on Earth. She was bored living in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived a hundred years:

Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her throughout the life God has given me.

The wizard thought and said:

Come see me tomorrow morning.

In the morning, Love came to the appointed place and saw: 5 beautiful girls standing by the pine trees, one more beautiful than the other.

“Here, choose,” said grandfather the wizard. - One is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sadness, the fifth is Kindness.

The girls' names are presented on the board.

“They are all beautiful,” said Lyubov. - I don’t know who to choose...

“Your truth,” answered the wizard, “they are all good.” And you will meet them again in life, and maybe you will become friends, but choose one of them. She will be your friend for life.

Love thought. Then she walked up to one of them and extended her hand. The girl took her hand and led her along the road that went beyond the horizon.

But try to determine which road they took by listening to a verse from the song.

Which path did the girls take?

- What do you think the girl's name was?

3. Determining the topic of the class hour and goals through listening to the song.

Every person wants to be happy and tries to choose the right path for this. Today we will also set off along this road.

This will be the path of goodness.

The topic of our class hour is: “To believe in goodness, you must begin to do it.”

These are the words of the great Russian writer - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, who throughout his life tried to do good to people.

Our goal:

  • remember what the concept of “kindness” includes;
  • reflect on what it means to be kind;
  • learn to see people around you who especially need kindness;
  • we will try to determine whether we should wait for a request for help or do good ourselves. And for this we will complete several tasks.

I ask you to be attentive, active, and help me in my work.

4. Analytical conversation.

How do you understand what the word “KINDNESS” means?

There are many different dictionaries in the Russian language.

Let's compare your understanding of this word with how Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language explains it.

Kindness is a responsive, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

What does it mean to “do good to others”?

Did you know that in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet the letter “D” was called “Good”.

For a long time, people have strived for good and hated evil, and they reflected this idea in proverbs that are passed on from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

I offer you a task that will show your knowledge of proverbs about kindness.

Work in pairs.

You need to connect the beginning of the proverb with its ending with lines. ( 2 minutes)

So, let's check what proverbs you have made. I will start the proverb, and you will finish it.

- What do these proverbs teach?

- Do you follow these proverbs in life? Tell us what good deeds you have already done?

5. Problem test.

Now you only need to answer “yes” or “no” to my questions, using signal cards. Red circles indicate a “no” answer, green circles indicate a “yes” answer.

Is it possible to call a kind person who:

  • does something useful for people;
  • does homework for someone;
  • waits to be called for help;
  • takes the old lady across the road;

Can a person be forced to be kind?

Is it possible to become kind for a while? Why?

Let us always be sincere and give kindness from the bottom of our hearts.

6. Exercise with a “Cup of Goodness”.

Imagine that each of you now has your favorite cup in your hands. (The teacher shows a model of a paper cup and invites everyone to take their “cup” in their hands.)

Fill it to the brim with your favorite drink. Take a pencil and mark the boundaries of this drink with a line.

Now take the cup in your hands and stand in a circle.

Take a leak! Don't be sorry!

Now look at your cup again.

ABOUT! It's still full to the brim.

What happened, why did this happen? ...

But because your cup is special, magical! We can cast from it, and it will always be full!

This cup is the soul and it is filled with your kindness. The more kindness you give to others, the more kindness you receive back.

Say calmly and confidently: « It's me! I have such a cup!”

Let's talk about it together!

7. Working with a picture.

Guys, do you always notice those people around you who especially need human kindness?

Look at this portrait. This is a reproduction of the painting “Alone” by Alexander Shilov.

What thoughts come to your mind when you look into the face of this elderly woman?

What kind deeds could you do for her?

Have you ever been lucky enough to help such people?

It was not by chance that I used the word “lucky”, because... the one who does good is happier than the one who receives it!

The teacher is attending a book exhibition.

The heroes of the works of art that are presented at the book exhibition are your peers. And they also do good deeds.

Want to know which ones? Read these books.

8. Summing up.

Today we talked a lot about kindness, about good deeds, we realized that there are people next to us who need support and a kind word.

There are paper flowers on your tables. Write on one side what good deed you plan to do in the near future.

The children do the work.

Let's see what we got .

The teacher reads out several answers.

Everyone will do one good deed, and together we will create a clearing of good deeds.

Look what a wonderful clearing we have!

Good deeds always make people feel warm in their souls and want to sing.

Let's continue the song together "The path of goodness."

The words of the song are in front of each student.

At the end of our conversation, I would like to leave you a reminder in which I shared with you tips of kindness.

I think today Classroom hour should be remembered by you and it will definitely be remembered by me.

Thank you and all the best to you!

Volunteers from the Leo Tolstoy Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication successfully started the new academic year with a series of September trips to the Ronald McDonald House with exciting master classes for children. In addition to senior students, IFMC first-year students also took an active part in the events.

Already on September 8, the active team of volunteers of the institute again began to do good deeds. Students taught children to create funny toys from ordinary clothespins. The master class turned out to be so entertaining that both children and adults lost track of time!

On September 15, an excursion to the most sincere place on Earth - the Ronald McDonald House - was organized for first-year students. During the excursion, they learned about the history and activities of the family hotel, which has been operating for 5 years and helps children and their families not to be separated during treatment. This introductory event was the starting point for student volunteers and gave a powerful impetus to doing good deeds.

On September 18, first-year students held an unusual master class for children: volunteers, together with the children, created drawings from magic dust. The kids crumbled up some colored crayons, drew on what they liked with glue, and added some magic dust to their work. Many decided to give crafts to their parents and loved ones who are always near them. The master class delighted not only the children, but also their families. Both the little wizards and the volunteers received extremely positive emotions, and the clothes stained with crayons were definitely worth these genuine, sincere emotions!

On Saturday, September 22, students visited the Ronald McDonald House again with a new master class. This time the children were offered a variety of materials for crafts: leaves, cereals, plasticine, colored paper and much more. The guys brought their ideas to life with great pleasure. The theme was autumn motives, and the children used all the proposed tools and materials, which served them as both an entertaining game and exciting learning. Developing fine motor skills, everyone was able to realize their idea on cardboard, which became a kind of canvas for the little artists. Each participant was satisfied, and the bright pictures of the golden autumn will now be memorable gifts for children and their loved ones.

Traditionally, IFMC social worker Guzel Valieva also attends all volunteer events with her team and shared her impressions: “Trips to visit children charge us with positive emotions. Gratitude in the eyes of the residents of the Ronald McDonald House is the best payment for our efforts. For me personally, it is important and pleasant that the senior student volunteers have formed an excellent volunteer asset that is able to lead the freshmen and be for them good example in performing selfless deeds."

On behalf of all students, we express our gratitude to the volunteers of our institute for their sincerity and cordiality. Thank you for the positive emotions and joy that you give to children free of charge. Leo Tolstoy said: “To believe in good, you need to start doing it,” and volunteers show us by their example that good exists, we all just need to start helping others.


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