Breeding pig farms in Russia. Organization of breeding work in pig breeding

The main task of breeding work in modern pig breeding is the improvement of pigs of bred breeds in order to obtain animals that efficiently use feed and are suitable for industrial technology.
Organization of breeding work with pigs in breeding farms. In connection with the industrialization of the pig-breeding industry, the differentiation between breeding and commodity farms is increasingly deepening.
The results of practice and scientific and production experiments served as the basis for the transition to a step-by-step repair according to the scheme: breeding farm - breeding farm of the complex (breeding reproducer) - industrial herd. Such a system makes it possible to avoid inbreeding and effectively use the phenomenon of heterosis. This breeding system is currently the basis for industrial farms (with completed and incomplete production cycles), as well as territorial units (districts, regions, republics).
On the present stage development of pig breeding, the breeding network should include the following links: breeding centers, breeding farms, breeding farms, breeding reproducers or breeding farms of industrial complexes.
One of the priority tasks facing pig breeding centers is the development and experimental verification of breeding programs, which, in addition to those usually included in the selection process of economically useful traits, would include new ones related to the industrial technology of pork production.
Currently the most important features during selection they become: the ability of animals for long-term exploitation in conditions of industrial technology. At the same time, it is imperative to take into account the already accumulated data on the fattening and meat-fat qualities of pigs during breed tests.
Breeding plants carry out selection and breeding work to improve the herds, breeding new, more productive lines and families. The number of farms of this type is small; enough 1% of the queens in them of the total number of them in the industrial farms of the region, region.
Breeding farms are, as a rule, subdivisions of breeding farms, they work with them according to a single breeding program and are engaged in breeding lines and types created in breeding farms. The number of queens in such subsidiaries should be 4 times more than in breeding plants.
Breeding farms are engaged in the reproduction of replacement young animals for the acquisition and subsequent replenishment of loudspeakers of special farms and complexes. The number of queens on breeding farms should be 15% of the total number of queens in reproducers. Breeding animals on these farms is mostly purebred. Many breeding farms receive two-breed pigs on their farm, which complete the reproductive herds of pig breeding complexes.
In breeding farms, already proven methods of breeding and selection should be widely used: purebred breeding by lines and families, selection of queens and boars by origin, exterior and constitution, breeding, large-fruitedness and evenness of the nest, multiple pregnancy and milk production, as well as by the quality of the offspring by the method of control fattening and control cultivation.
Carrying out breeding work in a breeding farm or on a breeding farm, the breeder must have a good idea of ​​the desired type of animal in terms of development, productivity, exterior and constitution, which he should be guided by in the targeted selection, selection and cultivation of replacement young animals.
When creating specialized lines and types, approximate target standards are planned: for the paternal specialized line - by precocity (average daily gain in live weight for fattening - 700-800 g; age of reaching 100 kg live weight - 175-185 days with the cost of feed per 1 kg of gain 3.8-4 feed, units); for the paternal line of the meat direction - the thickness of the fat at the level of the 6-7th thoracic vertebra - 28-30 mm, the muscle eye - 32-35 cm2, the meat content in the carcass - 58-60%, the weight of the back leg - 11-11.5 kg; for the maternal specialized line - multiple pregnancy - 11-12 piglets, the total weight of the nest at 2 months of age - 210-220 kg.
When using differentiated selection of pigs for intraline breeding, one should not be carried away for a long time by one-sided selection of a single trait, since this can lead to a narrowing of the hereditary basis, reduce viability and weaken the constitution of the offspring. These undesirable phenomena can be prevented by a cross line. At the same time, excessive crossing leads to the loss of individual characteristics of individual lines and a decrease in their genetic heterogeneity.
In breeding farms, factory lines, related groups of queens are usually bred for 4-5 generations, and then a new ancestor is isolated and a new line or related group is laid.
In order to prevent inbreeding and maintain genetic differentiation in breeding herds, it is advisable to breed pigs in closed populations. It is recommended to keep in the herd eight related groups of boars and queens - the descendants of eight original pairs of ancestors and ancestors. With the correct selection of boars unrelated to them (in four rows of the pedigree), the unification of the genotype is excluded, sufficient variability and high productivity of the offspring are preserved. At the same time, the common origin, targeted selection using complex inbreeding for outstanding ancestors in a moderate and remote degree ensure the similarity of genotypes and standard high productivity of all animals of this herd.
The data of the last test of all breeds of pigs bred in our country, in terms of fattening and meat qualities, indicate enough high rates their productivity. So, the average age of reaching a weight of 100 kg was 195 days, the average daily gain was 770 g, the feed consumption per 1 kg of gain was 3.93 feed. units Out of 1465 goal. pigs met the requirements of class I and the elite - in terms of growth rate of 65% and in terms of feed consumption per unit of growth of 75% of animals. For Large White pigs, the average daily gain in live weight was 725 g, the average age of reaching a weight of 100 kg was 192 days, feed costs were 3.91 feed. units The best results were respectively 753 g, 185 days and 3.86 feed. units
According to VNIIPlem for 1999 (Yearbook on breeding work in pig breeding in farms Russian Federation, Moscow, 2000), currently 27 breeds and types of pigs are bred in the Russian Federation: large white, early meat (CM-1), large black, Landrace, North Caucasian, Don meat, Breitovskaya, Belarusian black-and-white, Duroc , Kemerovo meat type (KM-1), Kemerovo, short-eared white, German landrace, Belgian landrace, Liven, Lithuanian white, Murom, Yorkshire, Urzhum, Welsh, Estonian bacon, kahib, Tsivil, experimental bacon, early meat Leningrad (CML) . In breeding farms and breeding reproducers for all breeds, the reproductive abilities of the queens were 10.9 and 10.5 heads, respectively, in terms of multiple pregnancies, 54.3 and 50.8 kg in milk production, and 9.6 and 9.3 heads in the number of piglets at weaning, nest weight at weaning - 172.2 and 161.5 kg, by weight of one piglet at weaning - 17.9 and 17.3 kg.
The main task of breeding farms is the cultivation and sale of high-value young animals. Thus, in 1998, 60,923 goals were sold for breeding purposes, including 27,489 breeding farms and 28,287 breeding reproducers. The current situation creates certain difficulties with the replacement of boars in user farms, which ultimately reduces the quality of boars-producers and leads to spontaneous inbreeding in pig breeding.
In recent years, for a number of reasons (lack of compound feed of the required formulation, etc.), the tendency to reduce the evaluation of boars in the breeding pig breeding by the method of control fattening of offspring has been steadily preserved. And only in 16 regions, territories, republics, some work is being done to assess the quality of the offspring of boars and queens. It should be noted that in 1998 in all categories of farms there were 499 evaluated boars-producers, and in 1999 - only 342 goals. According to the grading data for 1999, boars of the Large White, Landrace, North Caucasian, Kemerovo, Short-eared White and Tsivil breeds had an assessment (Table 5.19).

According to the breeding plan, according to which all breeding plants, farms, reproducers should work, the best animals, tested for hereditary qualities, will be widely used when improving the herd. From among the main queens and boars, the leading group of the herd (25-30%) should be formed. The performance indicators of animals in this group are 25-30% higher than the average for the herd. From pigs of the leading group, pedigree young animals are obtained for repairing their own main herd, from the rest of the queens and boars - pedigree products for completing the broodstock of subsidiaries and for sale to the farms of the district and region.
An annual grading of animals is planned, which allows you to analyze the state of the herd, monitor the implementation of the selection and breeding plan and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments.
They practice natural mating or artificial insemination of pigs with the individual selection of animals for mating. The following load is planned for one boar: 10-15 queens of the leading group; 15-20 queens of the rest of the herd.
The main herd of queens and boars is repaired annually by about 25-30%, which allows using the best animals up to 5 years of age and older (Table 5.20).

The number of checked queens is at least 80% of the main ones. This ensures that one queen out of three is introduced into the main herd after verification. Checked boars make up 80% of the main ones.
Features of breeding work in commodity farms industrial type. The industrialization of pig breeding has put forward new requirements for animals. Commercial pigs coming off an industrial assembly line modern enterprise of an industrial type, should be not only highly productive, but also unified in terms of the main economic and useful features, have a strong constitution, high viability in conditions of intensive use and lack of walking. In the course of the work of pig farms on an industrial basis, it was revealed that for large specialized farms or associations, the usually accepted methods of breeding work, methods of feeding and keeping animals are not always suitable. In progress production activities pig-breeding complexes and large farms of Moscow, Leningrad, Tyumen, Penza, Belgorod and other regions of Russia, it was revealed that high and stable indicators of animal productivity in pig-breeding enterprises of an industrial type can be maintained at the proper level with a combination of three mandatory components included in the breeding process: high heritability of traits, i.e. the ability of animals to sustainably transfer their valuable qualities to offspring under conditions of industrial technology; full feeding of pigs, contributing to the manifestation of their hereditary inclinations; necessary conditions content in which heredity can be fully manifested.
In conditions of intensive pork production, the pig breeding scheme is based on three main principles: the division of livestock into three production groups - breeding, user (reproductive) and fattening; repair of the broodstock of the user group at the expense of gilts obtained from the queens of the breeding group (pedigree); homogeneity of all production groups in terms of breed and linear composition.
An approximate structure of herds for farms (reproductive and with a complete production cycle) with uniform year-round farrowing was developed by the Poltava Research Institute of Pig Breeding (Table 5.21).

To obtain stable indicators of high productivity of pigs in the conditions of industrial technology, it is recommended to use interbreeding. As a result of scientific and industrial tests, it was found that hybrids, as a rule, are distinguished by increased viability, better absorption of feed, more high speed growth, better reproductive ability and more resistant to diseases. It is believed that under favorable conditions, the effect of crossing on average is about 10-15% in terms of live weight gain and 8-10% in terms of feed payment. When crossing sows of a large white breed of greasy type with boars of meat breeds (Landrace, Pietrain, etc.), the yield of meat in the carcass at slaughter increases by 3-5% in crossbreeds. As the practice of the work of pig-breeding enterprises shows, it is best to use animals of a large white breed to complete the broodstock of commercial farms. Pigs of this breed are distinguished by good precocity, high reproductive qualities and great plasticity during selection. In our studies, it was found that in many cases, when crossing, the fertility in queens of the Large White breed did not decrease and remained at a fairly high level.
For the successful application of the methods of industrial crossing and hybridization in the reproduction of pork on an industrial basis, VIZH employees proposed a pig breeding system based on the production structure of the herd and the obligatory principle of one-way flow of animals from the breeding farm to the breeding group of the complex, then from it to the user herd and to the exit from complex through the fattening shop. The scheme of breeding pigs in a commercial economy with two-breed crossing is shown in fig. 5.3.

When using three-breed crossing in the breeding group (farm) of the complex, two-breed crossing is carried out; two-breed crossbred pigs complete and repair a user herd (reproductive farms), on which boars of meat breeds are used and three-breed young animals are obtained for fattening (Fig. 5.4).

The scheme of breeding pigs in a commercial economy with three-breed crossing: A, B, C - breeds of pigs; the movement of gilts is indicated by a solid line, the movement of boars is indicated by a dotted line.
When using two- or three-breed crossing or hybridization in industrial-type pig farms, it must be remembered that the effect of heterosis can manifest itself only with full feeding and favorable conditions for keeping animals that ensure their normal reproduction, good development and high productivity.
Forms of manifestation of heterosis are different. Usually, when animals of two breeds are crossed, the level of productivity of the hybrid offspring is equal to the average productivity of the original breeds - hypothetical (probable) heterosis. Often the productivity of hybrid animals is significantly higher than the average productivity of the parents, and sometimes it exceeds the performance of the best of the parental forms - absolute (true) heterosis. If the productivity of hybrids exceeds the performance of only one of the parents - the worst, then heterosis will be relative.
To determine the degree of these forms of heterosis, the following formulas are used:
absolute (true) - I \u003d (Pg / Pl * 100) - 100;
probable (hypothetical) - G \u003d Pg / 0.5 (Pm + Po) * 100 - 100;
relative (normal) - O = (Pg / Pm * 100) -100,
where Pg is a sign of a hybrid; Pl - a sign of the best breed; By - a sign of the paternal breed; Pm is a sign of the parent breed.
It should be noted that heterosis is manifested in crossbreds and hybrids - interbreed, interline - according to a limited number of signs, but is never observed in the sum of all signs inherent in parents. Often, heterosis is observed on one basis, its absence on the other, and intermediate inheritance on the third. Therefore, heterosis should be understood as the superiority of offspring (crossbreeds or hybrids) over parental forms, not in all, but only in specific characteristics.
The degree of manifestation of heterosis depends on following conditions:
the nature of the inheritance of economically useful traits;
breed and breeding qualities and properties of parents;
individual compatibility of maternal and paternal heredity or selection of parental pairs and their combinational abilities;
heterogeneity of crossed animals (especially from right choice maternal breed and from correct selection to her paternal breed);
the level of feeding and maintenance, the adaptability of the breed of pigs to climatic conditions.
In interbreeding or intrabreeding linear hybridization in a breeding group, queens of a specialized (in terms of reproductive qualities) lines of the same breed are crossed with boars of a specialized line of the same or another breed. Hybrid gilts repair the broodstock of the user group. Two-line queens of the user group are crossed with boars specialized in fattening and meat qualities of lines of the same or third breed; all resulting hybrid young animals are fattened.
It should be noted that interbreeding industrial crossing and hybridization in pig breeding are not the same thing. Hybridization requires the use of specialized lines or stud types, testing of boars for the quality of offspring, checking lines for compatibility and widespread use in the commercial herd.

Currently, there are specialized pig farms, including breeding, reproduction, fattening and state farms with a complete cycle of pork production.

The task of breeding plants is to constantly improve the breeding breed of pigs and supply breeding breeding farms and commercial reproducers with high-value breeding animals.

The task of breeding reproducers (breeding farms of complexes) includes the reproduction of pigs created in breeding farms and the provision of commercial reproducers with them. The most expedient principle that should be used is the one-way direction of the movement of replacement young animals from the breeding plant to the breeding reproducer, and from it to the use herd of the commercial economy.

Specialized commercial reproductive farms produce young animals for fattening with intensive use of the broodstock, grow piglets to a weight of 35-40 kg and sell them to fattening farms.

Reproductive state farms are large specialized farms. In them, it is possible to divide the entire broodstock into two production groups - breeding and user. The breeding group (farm) of the herd produces breeding gilts for the maintenance of the breeding stock of the user group. It is completed and repaired with purebred livestock of large white breed, imported from breeding farms. Only purebred breeding should be carried out here.

Further improvement of the breeding system consists in the creation of special farms instead of breeding groups - breeding reproducers and the elimination of self-repair of broodstock at the two final stages of the system: breeding reproducer - commercial reproducer.

In the user group of the commercial farm, interbreeding is used (uterus of a large white breed and boars of the Urzhum or Landrace breed) and the resulting crosses are sent for fattening. Three-breed crossing is also carried out, while the queens of the breeding group are inseminated with the sperm of boars of another breed, and the queens of the user group are completed and repaired with two-breed crossbred animals. Young animals for fattening are obtained by crossing two-breed queens with third-breed boars.

All reproductive state farms have been given the task of further increasing the production of early maturing young animals for fattening. Therefore, along with improving the feeding and living conditions of animals, purposeful breeding work is one of the main ways to increase the productivity of sows of reproductive herds, improve the quality of pig products and increase the efficiency of this industry.

A characteristic reproduction farm is the Budennovets state farm in the Moscow Region. In 1977, the state farm had 5,535 hectares of agricultural land (including 3,578 hectares of arable land). The production of piglets at the state farm reached 40 thousand heads. According to the conveyor technology plan, 130 sows are inseminated weekly, which makes it possible to receive farrowings from 100 queens and transfer 790 piglets for fattening.

State farm "Taldom" is one of the largest pig breeders in the Moscow region. Here, from year to year, the number of piglets grown, which enter the fattening farms of the region, is increased. In addition, the state farm also sells piglets to its workers and employees for fattening in personal subsidiary plots.

For the tenth year now, the state farm "Taldom" has been a farm for a non-exhibition display at the VDNKh of the USSR. Delegations of experts come here Agriculture Byelorussian and Kazakh SSR, Baltic republics, Siberia and Far East. The creative team of state farm specialists is constantly searching for better ways raising piglets, maintains close relationship with the five agricultural institutes, boldly introduces the achievements of science and best practices into production.

The state farm has five workshops: a pig breeding workshop producing 60,000 piglets a year; dairy farming, numbering 2750 cows with an average milk yield of 3400 kg; crop production; mechanization and construction.

The pig breeding workshop has three production sites, where 20,000 pigs are kept at the same time. The commodity farm includes two production sites. Here, 40 thousand piglets are received during the year. On the breeding farm, 20 thousand piglets are grown, of which 2-3 thousand are breeding pigs. An average of 8.9 piglets is obtained per farrow, the weaned weight is 15.9 kg. The cost of 1 centner of weight gain is 161 rubles, labor costs are 14 man-hours, feed is 5.4 centners of feed. units The state farm transfers piglets to fattening farms at the age of 3.5-4 months with an average weight of 32 kg, 2 r. 80 k. for 1 kg. The profit from the production activities of the pig breeding shop is 1 million 380 thousand rubles. Practically over the past seven years, the state farm has increased the production of piglets by 1.5 times, and the receipt and transfer of young animals to fattening state farms have become uniform.

One of the main conditions successful implementation production program is a new organization of production, which has a significant impact on the intensity of the use of breeding stock, premises, technological equipment and, ultimately, economic performance.

Pig-breeding enterprises with a complete production cycle combine the technological processes of livestock reproduction and fattening of pigs. In doing so, the following principles are observed:

1. Maximum specialization and cooperation using the latest achievements in the field of feeding, breeding, genetics, physiology of pigs, mechanization and automation of production processes, combined into production lines for the production of pork.

2. Providing enterprises with high-grade animal feed industrial production in accordance with the physiological needs of animals of different sex and age groups.

3. Special rearing of young stock for transfer to industrial complexes.

4. Training of highly qualified personnel, creation of working conditions equivalent to working conditions in industry, and maximum satisfaction of the domestic and cultural needs of all workers involved in production.

The organization of production at such enterprises is based on the technological schemes of reproduction and fattening, which take into account biological features pigs of each age group and provide for intensive use of premises, equipment, mechanization and work force. Technology system should ensure uniformity, rhythm and a constant level of production of marketable pigs in large homogeneous lots.

Typical industrial-type enterprises are complexes with a complete production cycle with a capacity of 108 thousand fattening pigs per year. These complexes are designed to produce 108,000 marketable pigs, weighing 112 kg each, at the age of 222 days, during the year, which makes it possible to obtain 12,600 tons of pork. The livestock is divided into homogeneous groups depending on age and physiological state. The main production units are groups of queens, which are formed during insemination and kept during gestation and suckling period until weaning, as well as groups of piglets, which go through all stages of rearing and fattening.

The size of a pig farm - breeding, breeding or complete production cycle - largely depends on the size of the average annual number of sows. This indicator determines the possibility of obtaining the required number of animals. The most common capacities of enterprises with typical technological process make up the production of 12 thousand, 24 thousand, 54 thousand and 108 thousand fattened pigs per year.

The volume of pork production at these enterprises is determined not only by the number of fattened animals. If an enterprise specializes in the production of piglets, it should take into account the mass of weaned piglets that are sold, and, in addition, the mass of culled gilts and sows, which is an integral part of the annual production of this enterprise.

If the enterprise has a complete production cycle, then in addition to the mass of sold fattened gilts, the mass of culled gilts and sows is also taken into account, which make up 3.4% of the livestock, or 5.6% of the sold mass.

In pig fattening plants, 100% of the annual production is generated from the mass of fattened pigs.

Indicative indicators for calculating the volume of annual production for reproductive state farms with a 75% marketability of production can be as follows: the sale of weaned piglets with an average weight of one head of 30 kg is 95.77%, queens weighing 160 kg - 2.82%, discarded replacement pigs weighing 115 kg - 1.44% total strength animals. The mass production of pigs in farms of this type should be distributed as follows: weaned piglets - 80.5%, culled queens - 14.3, culled gilts - 5.2%.

Thus, specialization leaves a peculiar imprint on the production of final and intermediate products, which must be taken into account in the mass production of pork.

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At any pig breeding enterprise, a reproducer (or queen cell), which includes an insemination shop, a waiting shop (pregnant sows), a farrowing shop and a gilt shop, performs only one function - it must provide the rearing and fattening buildings with the necessary number of quality piglets daily / weekly / monthly, so that when they are sold, the company makes a profit. The reproducer performs this function regardless of whether the production has a full cycle or is a separate reproduction farm. Traditionally, the efficiency of a reproducer is often expressed in terms of "number of piglets produced per sow per year". If you ask a hundred pig farmers or farm managers how productive their farm is, they will most likely give a figure that reflects the number of piglets per sow per year. This figure is even used to compare the efficiency of pig production in different countries.
As a method of measuring the efficiency of the loudspeaker, this indicator says little about the state of affairs of the enterprise. At best, it can be used to judge what result the sows give.
The reasons are as follows:

  1. What is meant by the term "sow".
    Differences in the interpretation of this term can be observed both between countries and within one country. They are associated with a different understanding of when a gilt becomes a sow: upon admission to the farm, at the first insemination, at the onset of pregnancy at the age of 5 weeks after insemination, or even at farrowing. There are also discrepancies due to the fact that everyone understands differently at what point a sow ceases to be a sow: when she dies, when she is sold, or after she is culled.
    Obviously, when calculating the indicator “number of piglets per sow per year”, such discrepancies in the number of sows significantly change the result.
  2. Falsification of results.
    For one reason or another, productivity indicators on farms can be deliberately distorted. In most cases, this happens if a bonus system is applied for a low mortality rate or for a large number of piglets produced per sow per year. In other cases, when you need to hide the theft of piglets or just create a good picture of the results of the farm. The most common method of falsification is to have more sows than are reflected in the accounting system. Obviously this will increase the number of piglets produced per sow per year. I have also seen cases where weaned piglets were returned to the sow's cage to be "weaned" again the next week (this was at a genetics company that paid bonuses for the number of weaners - thankfully that company no longer exists!).
  3. Mathematically speaking, we are comparing two variables – piglets and sows! Whereas for a true comparison, it is necessary to compare a variable with respect to a constant. For example, to compare the fuel efficiency of cars, we look at the number of liters used per 100 km, not how long a tank of gas takes!
I started by saying that the job of a reproducer is to produce piglets. The priority is to fill the nursery in each cycle (daily or weekly). By "fill" I also mean that the shop will be full when it's time to sell pigs - in other words, if the mortality from weaning to finish is 5%, you need to put an additional 5% of pigs into the system so that sales are 100% of possible farm capacity.
If the plans for the number of pigs received are being met, it is important to pay attention to quality. The larger the piglet at weaning, the faster it will grow and the more in-demand meat can be obtained from the same nursery and fattener in the same time. The number of piglets per sow per year does not tell us whether the target for the number of weaners is being achieved - and therefore does not reflect the results of the business.
The number of weaners per week is a much better indicator of the overall performance of a reproducer.

Number of piglets per pen
To compare the performance of pig farms, a more accurate indicator is the number of weaners per farrowing pen. The number of farrowing pens on a farm is a fixed value, so when comparing the number of weaners per pen it is possible to compare how well the farms cope with the limiting factors of production (the area they have).
To determine the number of piglets per pens, divide the total number of pens by 5 to get the number of pens per week. Divide the average number of weaners per week by the number of rigs per week.
Let's look at two identical units with 2500 sows (data from 2010).

Using traditional methods of performance measurement, the results of both farms are about the same, with farm B having some advantage. If we look at the number of piglets per pen, farm A looks much better. If we look at economic results, and not just performance as a way to amuse our ego, then after converting the numbers into sales, we will see a significant financial difference.
(To calculate the amount of unsold meat, a 10% mortality in the period from weaning to slaughter was taken, a slaughter weight of 115 kg and a price of 82 rubles / kg).
In terms of piglets per sow per year, farm B performed better than farm A, but its income is significantly lower. Both farms are good at keeping sows, but Farm B is not business efficient (insufficient number of sows and gilts, not enough sows inseminated). Just!

What should I do if my sows are not producing 11.5 weaners?
Most of the genetic types available today are capable of producing 11 or at best 14 weaners. On new or modernized farms in Russia with European genetics with a high health status, these indicators are achieved.
Unfortunately, such farms today are a minority, but even without such conditions, it is possible to achieve the target indicators. If your sows are not currently producing 11.5 weaners or they are not capable of it, it does not matter. Remember that we are running a business and trying to reach total weaners (to maximize income). There are different techniques for getting more weaners per stall than per sow.

Production cost
The main advantage of getting more piglets from a sow is (at least in theory) that the cost of producing a piglet is lower. Naturally, this is good for the enterprise. Of course, everything is not so clear. Many costs in the production of pork are fixed, that is, they do not change with changes in production volumes. Analyzing the costs of the pig farm and based on the definition fixed costs, it can be seen that most costs are fixed or vary so little that they are practically constant. depreciation, depreciation, labor costs, public Utilities, manure removal, repairs and maintenance remain the same regardless of the size of the sow herd.
Among the costs that are changing are the cost of feed, medicines and sow wear and tear. They make up the largest part of all expenses.
It seems quite clear that the fewer sows used to produce the same number of piglets, the lower these three cost items will be.
However, by analyzing the amount of feed consumed on different farms in different countries, one can observe large differences in the amount of feed consumed per sow and even greater differences in the amount of feed consumed by sows per piglet.
Obviously, sows need food to support their own life and growth, regardless of production volumes. Sows also need feed to produce piglets – logically, the more piglets, the more feed is required.
On farms in Russia and around the world, I have calculated that sows consume 1-1.5 tons of feed per year. Looking at the amount of feed consumed per piglet by a sow, this amount is 45 kg at best and 75 kg at worst. Even among companies that are considered cost-effective, these figures vary considerably, ranging from 45 to 65 kg.
The difference in feed costs is quite significant and definitely has a wider range of values ​​than the difference in drug costs or sow wear.
Assuming feed consumption stays the same and weaners per sow change, this obviously also shows some variation in costs.
Surprisingly, the difference in costs due to different amounts of feed consumed is similar to the difference in costs caused by increasing the production of sows.
With regard to the amount of feed consumed by the sow per piglet produced, one interesting trend can be seen: the higher the production of sows, the less feed is required per sow and per piglet. This is partly due to the consumption of feed that the sow needs for her own needs. However, how much cost is caused by overfeeding sows producing fewer piglets?
Controlling the feed intake of sows is quite simple. Exist technical solutions this problem in the form of electronic feeders that recognize each individual sow by an electronic ear tag. The feeder automatically gives the sow the amount of feed she needs per day. Also, the exact amount of feed can be supplied using volumetric measuring devices, but as the density of the feed changes, regular calibration is required. If the pigs are hand-fed, even a simple chalk note on the cage wall (how many ladles or pails of feed is needed for a particular cage) can help.
by the most in a simple way control is to track the amount of feed used each week. Your feed specialist or feed supplier will give you a target amount of feed per sow per year. Multiply this by the number of sows and divide by 52 and you get the total amount of feed required per week. If you are using much more, you will need to calibrate the feeders. It is also an easy way to detect a decrease in feed intake during the summer due to hot weather. To ensure that the performance of sows is not reduced, feed intake should not be restricted. If feed intake in the farrowing house is declining, give the missing amount of feed to sows early in gestation in order to compensate for excessive loss of condition.


  1. The main function of the reproducer is the production of piglets, which will then be transferred to the available areas of nursery and fattening shops.
  2. If the plan is to produce the right number of piglets, the quality of the piglets becomes more important (a 4 kg piglet is better than no piglet!).
  3. Traditional performance factors (number of piglets per sow per year) do not tell us anything about the profitability of the enterprise and can easily become false benchmarks.
  4. To measure the efficiency of the reproducer, it is better to use the indicator "number of piglets per pen".
  5. good target is 11.5 piglets per pen and can be achieved with average sow production (on most farms).
Getting more weaners per sow should lead to lower costs, but this requires good management of the animals – in particular, control of the feed consumption of the sows.

Breeding reproducer for breeding pigs of Ukrainian meat and large white breeds

LLC "Lugovskoe" Solonyansky district, Dnepropetrovsk region

LLC "Lugovskoye" of the Dnipropetrovsk region is a breeding reproducer for breeding pigs of large white and Ukrainian meat breeds (an independent genealogical type of selection of the Dnipropetrovsk Agricultural Institute).

Male boar and replacement pig 9 months old, weighing 155 kg

The high selection and production culture achieved in pig breeding allows the farm to have a stable the economic growth industries and produce high-quality breeding stock.

Suffice it to say that such well-known in Ukraine "pig-breeding authorities" as "Olympex-Agro", "Olympex-Aurora", "Chumaki" breeding farm, inter-district breeding enterprises of the Dnepropetrovsk region and other farms, have repeatedly purchased replacement boars and pigs of both breeds from LLC "Lugovskoye ".

Repair boars Ukrainian meat breed(type of selection DSHI) age 5.5 months, weight 95-105 kg

More than 8,000 piglets are obtained from them per year with a multiplicity of more than 11 heads per farrow. Payment for feed, in general, for both herds is less than 4.8 feed. units taking into account queens and boars-producers, and without taking into account - 3.4-3.6 feed. units

On the basis of 000 "Lugovskoye" under the auspices of the Ministry agricultural policy and the Poltava Research Institute of Pig Breeding HAAH held a Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar-study on breeding meat genotypes of pigs.

The foregram shows a high hereditary consolidation of DSHI breeding pigs for a number of microsatellite DNA loci, which at the genetic level confirms their high breeding value.

When breeding pigs, the most modern methods population genetics, immunogenetic monitoring and studies of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. On the basis of which a program was developed for improving and developing these populations according to a closed type - “in itself”, which made it possible to create highly productive animals highly adapted to the conditions of the Central Steppe of Ukraine and avoid veterinary risks associated with the acquisition of imported livestock.

Change in gene frequencies for 9 genes as a result of selection in the gene pools: a), b), d) and c) generations of pigs of the DSHI selection; e) - large white breed of pigs

Since 2005, a highly inbred line has been created in the population of pigs of the DSHI selection, the gene pool of which is freed from the genetic load. Representatives of this line are not inferior to outbred animals in terms of productivity. They have high homozygosity and original genotypes for a number of genes, therefore, they show a high effect of heterosis when crossed with animals of traditional breeding in terms of growth rate and feed payment.

In fact, this is the nuclear line!

On a synthetic basis of two breeds, in 2010, work began on creating a line with genotypes resistant to pathogenic intestinal microflora.

Replacement gilts and boars of the inbred line of the fifth generation


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