Economic types of professions. Professions related to economics and finance: a list. What professions are related to economics? Where does an economist work?

In the near future, many professions related to the economic sphere are waiting for significant changes. After implementation automated systems many of them will disappear or be significantly transformed. Another important catalyst for change will be the proliferation of alternative currencies. We advise you to pay attention to these fundamental changes now, so as not to miss the moment and, in the wake of the renewal of the appearance of many professions, become one of the incredibly sought-after specialists.

Below is a list of future professions that may appear in Russia over the next 5-15 years:

1. Personal financial development manager

In the future, the economic sector will change significantly and become more complex to some extent. Many people will find it quite difficult to understand the updated system, others will simply not want to understand. In this regard, specialists involved in the development of an individual investment plan, career development and even purchases will be in demand. In other words, a personal financial development manager takes care of financial well-being client. Naturally, not for free.

The starting position may be the profession of a financier. Having worked in this area, you will know all the subtleties and nuances of the world of finance and will be able to try yourself as a developer of personal financial plans.

2. Financial engineer

As has been repeatedly said, the future is inextricably linked with the introduction of technology and innovation in all areas of life. This trend will not bypass the financial sector. The profession of a financier is waiting for a significant modernization. The specialty will become more technologically advanced. Specialists will develop financial programs using advanced technologies and devices.

What to focus on today? The profession of a financial engineer already exists, but has not yet received proper distribution. In the future, the situation will change in better side. The specialist will need knowledge in the field of finance and programming.

3. Crowdfunding Specialist

Literally translated, crowdfunding is public funding ( from English. lang.- сrowd funding, сrowd - crowd, funding - financing). Today, you can find a large number of crowdfunding platforms on the Internet, where projects are presented that require money or other resources to implement. They are collectively invested by interested or simply caring people. In the West, the profession of a crowdfunding specialist has already been formed. The profession organizes crowdfunding platforms, reviews and prepares projects, and advises companies or individuals on issues related to this type of funding. A noticeable increase in the popularity of crowdfunding platforms in Russia suggests that there will soon be a demand for specialists in this field.

What to focus on today? Economic education will be the basis. It is obvious that it is necessary to understand the mechanism of operation of crowdfunding platforms. To start a career, a job in the field of investing is well suited.

4. Trend watcher

The emergence of the profession of a trend watcher should be expected in the next 5 years. Specialists will be required primarily in the field of business and economics. The need for such professionals is due to the fact that the trend watcher is engaged in the analysis of trends in the economy, politics, and public life. The information obtained allows us to calculate the risks and possible threats. Based on these data, the company's development strategy is built.

What to focus on today? To date, the profession closest to a trend watcher is an analyst, in particular a strategic analyst. It is quite possible that from this position it will be easiest to start a career as a trend watcher, having already gained the necessary professional skills.

5. Developer of individual pension plans

In Russia, pensions and pension savings are a significant problem. Many simply cannot understand this system. In the future, the situation should change for the better. One of the innovations will be the emergence of specialists involved in the development individual plans investment in pension funds based on the client's income level, place of work, lifestyle and values. The developer of personal pension plans will help you make effective investments that can bring pension payments to a decent level.

What to focus on today? Starting positions may be the professions of a pension fund specialist or a bank employee. In the first case, you will be able to learn more about the specifics of the work of the pension fund. Subsequently, this knowledge will be useful in the development of pension plans.

Kristina Alakhverdieva, article author


There are many economic specialties. But not everyone will be lucky in the labor market. True, if you enroll in the most sought-after economic specialties, then the chances of finding an excellent job will increase dramatically.

Economic specialties on the crest of success. They are still in demand and consistently in demand. The massive boom in admission to them has already died down, but the number of people who want to become economists is quite large. Economist is a profession needed in any enterprise. Absolutely everyone needs economists, because before launching any project into production, whether it be a product or device or even a service, it is necessary to calculate economic indicators. And all the activities of firms and organizations are regulated and accounted for with the help of economics, economists calculate profit using the formulas, wages, profitability and much more. No side production activities does not go uncovered.

The most demanded economic specialties with higher education

What are the most demanded economic specialties at the moment?

Experts believe that university graduates majoring in economics are in high demand on the labor market, accounting for almost half of the vacancies. They are well trained, usually proficient English language and have computer literacy and almost 90% already have work experience in their specialty by the end of the university. According to forecasts, in the next 5 years, the demand for this profession will remain stable.

The term "economist" covers various specialties - economic theory, economics and management at the enterprise, world economy, labor economics, mathematical methods in economics, statistics, etc.

Specialists in economics are most in demand in banking structures. There is a particular shortage of professionals in customer service, financial risk analysis, lending to legal and individuals, specialists in mortgage, investment. There are many banks in our country and strong professional economists are needed in almost all of them. The most demanded economic specialty today is finance and credit.

The need for qualified accountants is also very high. But the salaries of most of them are not very high. Here experience and knowledge of the intricacies of the profession are valued. It is possible that over time, the accountant will be able to become the chief accountant and then the level of income will increase with the level of responsibility.

There is a high demand for economic specialties related to analytical work. But if to work as an ordinary accountant it is enough to complete accounting courses, then to work as a financial analyst, of course, a higher economic education is required. Always on the list of needed, also, are business consultants and crisis managers. This is one of the most lucrative professions.

The most demanded economic specialties without higher education

Today, economic specialties without special higher education are also in demand - tellers, cashiers, general economists, financiers, commodity experts. But the salary for these positions will be low. But this is a good starting point for career growth.

However, experts from higher education are more likely to find decent job, as they have fundamental knowledge in the field of economics, marketing, management, stock markets. There are economic faculties in almost every university. The diplomas of these universities are most valued among employers: Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Economics. G. V. Plekhanov, Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov. Among the leaders, also the State University high school Economics, State University of Management, MGIMO, Moscow State University Economics, Statistics and Informatics, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade.

The profession of logistics is also gaining popularity. This is a specialist who is engaged in the promotion of goods and services from producers to consumers, the movement of products, the management of warehouse stocks and the infrastructure of goods distribution. Logistics is the control and management of costs, material commodity flows and storage. The concept also includes information flow management and financial flows. Logisticians optimize costs, rationalize production and marketing processes. The profession is new, therefore, as a result, there are still not enough such specialists and they do not sit without work and money.

As long as the world produces and sells goods and services, economists will be needed and in demand. As in many other professions, the career and the amount of money earned depend mainly on the person himself. Rich experience and a good education is an invaluable capital, it will certainly be well appreciated and will bring life success. The most demanded economic specialty is a professional. Indeed, as employers note, there are many people with diplomas, and only a few professionals. A task young specialist try to become a strong professional in your field.

What are the economic professions? In order to choose the appropriate direction of study, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with what areas of the economy exist and what are the specifics of each of them.

The section contains detailed descriptions of professions related to the economy. This material will certainly help you make the right choice.

What are the features of the auditor's work? What will he be doing during his professional activity and who suits this work? Read on if you want to know the answers to these and many other questions.

Banking is a specialty that is becoming more and more widespread. This is not surprising, since the number of banks and banking organizations in our country is rapidly increasing.

The famous entrepreneur Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Corporation, started doing business at the age of 15. The first success was brought to him by the magazine project "Student", but Branson was never successful in his studies. Should you take your education the same way if you plan to start your own business? Or will we leave the geniuses their own way - and we ourselves will combine business projects with quality education?

An accountant is the specialist without whom no self-respecting commercial organization can do. That is why it is safe to say that the profession of an accountant is in high demand today.

Commerce is seen as entrepreneurial activity. Also this concept are interpreted as trading or trading and intermediary activities between the client and the manufacturer through the seller.

Studying markets, analyzing competitors, drawing up balance sheets and plans for product promotion - this is what marketers do. Want to know more?

At the moment, the profession of a manager-manager is quite in high demand. This can be explained by the fact that these specialists allow us to bring the company to a new level of development.

Who is a sales manager? What does he do and what is he responsible for? What specialties and universities are best for studying? Learn all about the profession and decide if it is right for you!

This profession is suitable for sociable people who are ready not only to earn money, but also to really help their clients to identify all the offers of the market to make the best choice.

If the word "McDonald's" makes you imagine not a hamburger, but a globe, on which the yellow arches of the letters M are scattered ... If you look at the stands of currency exchange offices with more interest than pictures in magazines ...

The merchandiser is an indispensable employee in any point of sale. He knows everything about the products, and definitely will not miss the defect on the shelves.

The financier is one of the most prestigious professions modernity. Specialists in this field of activity are quite highly valued, subject to their high qualifications. This is not surprising, since the goal of any commercial organization or enterprises - to increase capital. This is exactly what financiers do.

One of the most popular professions is the financial analyst. These specialists are needed in various fields of activity, despite the fact that their profession is considered relatively young.

The profession of an economist is one of the most popular among Russian applicants. It is believed that economic education provides additional career opportunities, and is also in great demand in the labor market. Find out if this is true and what an economist will really have to do in the course of his career.

If in our time there was a Table of Ranks, it would be much more complicated. Indeed, today it would have to include those who give a public assessment of the activities of their colleagues and the external situation. Indeed, the Table of Ranks of the 21st century would have to include experts.

Economists are different, but all of them, ideally, are sincerely interested in economic laws, they are able to "calculate" the idea of ​​a particular business, presenting its implementation on the market. These attentive people are able to predict the future fate of the product that they directly work with, and the product that accidentally comes up in a friendly conversation. If you are sure that such questions really fascinate you to a large extent, then you are already close to choosing the right professional aspect, getting the appropriate education and testing your knowledge in practice.

In the world of economic professions, narrow areas of work are possible, but each such specialist - if he is a real professional - understands the importance of an entrepreneurial vision of the situation, a qualitative financial analysis, competent marketing, clear accounting and logistics, mutual understanding with technical specialists. The complex of such knowledge can help you find your own professional niche, determine what you need to study in order to gain a foothold in it, and in the future - successfully build work in cooperation with colleagues and organize effective communication with consumers.

Representatives of economic professions stand firmly on the ground and have a great sense of the material world. And modernity has also taught them to understand the new economy and the signs of a post-industrial society.

Economist is a specialist in the field of economics, an expert on economic issues. Economists are both scientists (that is, experts in the field of economic science) and practitioners who work in the field of research, planning and leadership. economic activity enterprises. The profession is suitable for those who are interested mathematics and economics(cm. choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

An economist is one of the most important specialists in an enterprise. The job of an economist is to properly prioritize and set goals in order to maximize profits with minimal losses.

Features of the profession

The responsibilities of an economist include: economic analysis the work of the organization to improve the efficiency of its activities.


  • plans and improves the activities of the enterprise;
  • participates in determining the system of remuneration and incentives for all categories of employees, calculates the organization's need for personnel;
  • plans costs, use of resources, expenses and profits of the enterprise;
  • exercises control over the process of performing financial and economic activities.

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession: The profession of "economist" is in high demand in the labor market. The versatility of the profession allows you to find work in any field of the economy. With special economic knowledge, you can safely open own business without risking becoming unprofitable.
Disadvantages of the profession: High responsibility: the success of the enterprise depends on the work of an economist. Quite a lot of competition in the labor market due to an overabundance of specialists. Hard work with numbers.

Place of work

The profession of "economist" is in demand in almost all areas:

  • State institutions dealing with economic problems (Ministry of Finance, Central Bank);
  • industrial and agricultural enterprises;
  • educational institutions (teaching activities);
  • Hotel and restaurant business;
  • organizations and enterprises of small, medium and large businesses;
  • financial institutions (banks, tax inspections, pension funds, insurance agencies);
  • research institutes, Academy of Sciences.

Important qualities

High intellectual performance, developed logical memory, high concentration, the ability to work with large amounts of information, the ability to correctly state and prove one's point of view (orally and in writing), responsibility, organization, self-confidence. Active life position, propensity for research activities.

Economist training

The Interregional Academy of the Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to get a profession within the framework of additional education. In addition to retraining programs, the Academy offers advanced training courses in the main areas and specializations within this professional industry. Distance learning is possible.

On this course, you can get the profession of an economist in 6 months and 10,000 rubles:
- one of the most affordable prices in Russia;
– Diploma of professional retraining of the established sample;
– Education in a completely remote format;
— Certificate of conformity to the professional standard worth 10,000 rubles. as a gift!
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students to receive a specialty through a distance program professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and fast way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!


Salary as of 08.05.2019

Russia 20000—65000 ₽

Moscow 30000—80000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

For a novice economist, to gain extensive experience, it is better to start labor activity in a small business. Here he will quickly get acquainted with the real state of affairs in Russian economy and organizations in particular. From the first days, he will have to solve a whole range of problems, and not work in one direction. Career economist is to achieve the position of chief economist, and subsequently, and financial director subject to a high level of development of managerial competencies.

Famous Economists

Historians consider Aristotle to be the first economist, who built theories about the exchange of goods, their cost and utility.

Bukharin Nikolai Ivanovich, Gaidar Yegor Timurovich, Gromyko Andrey Andreevich, Keynes John Maynard, Karl Heinrich Marx, Ricardo David, Smith Adam, Struve Peter Berngardovich.


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