Experience with a computer indicate the name of the programs. What if you have minimal or no PC skills? Programs for the designer and professional earnings

Desk and conductor.

Today we will look at what are computer programs. Let's review them. You will find out which programs and applications you need to work with, which ones have extensions and how you can open them.

So, the main computer programs list;


This is a suite of applications included with Microsoft Office. There are versions of 2003, 2007 and 2010. New versions read old ones, but vice versa - not always. This requires additions to the computer.

Therefore, if a person sends you some office document in new version, and you have an old one - ask him to convert it to old version. This is easy to do, we will learn how to do this when we study these applications in detail.

This package includes

1. Text editor WORD- allows you to create and edit letters, articles, brochures.

It has a DOC extension. (2003) and DOCX. (2007 and 2010)

2. Spreadsheets EXCEL- allows you to perform calculations, analyze, build diagrams, graphs.

This is a great assistant in business and you will see for yourself when we study this program.

XLS extensions. (2003) and XLSX. (2007 and 2010).

3. POWER presentation POINT tool for preparing and conducting presentations

Extensions PPT (2003) and PPTX (2007 and 2010)

4. Picture Manager Microsoft Office e - picture manager. Helps to edit graphic files. It can partly be replaced by the simple computer program Paint, which is built into Windows.

These are the most basic applications that you will need in your work for the first time.

This package also includes - Microsoft Asses (helps create databases and programs for working with them), Microsoft OneNote (collection, organization, search and use of notes and other information), Microsoft Outlook (allows you to receive and send mail, work with schedules, contacts, tasks, keep a record of your activities), Microsoft Publisher (allows you to create high-quality newsletters and brochures).

For all of these applications to open, you must have Microsoft Office software installed on your computer.

Programs for reading PDF files

These programs are easy to use and will help you a lot in your work.

Programs for communication

If we are building a business on the Internet, then it is impossible to do without communication. And thanks to these programs, we can communicate both in writing and by voice.

1. Skype is the main and widely used program. Installation and

2. ICQ - otherwise "ICQ"


5. Google TALK


They allow you to "walk" on the Internet and work there. There are many, but the main Internet Explorer(IE), Google Chrome, Mazilla FireFox, Opera, Safari. We will meet with these programs more than once on this blog.


Everyone knows how important and necessary these programs are. They will help both prevent infection with viruses and remove those already on the computer. There are free antiviruses and paid ones.

For the free version, AVAST is perfect. It protects your computer very well.
Another very good free antivirus program - 360Total Security. I use exactly them. It perfectly protects your computer, and if you want more advanced protection, then there is a paid premium version.

If you want a paid one, enter “The best antiviruses of 2019” into the browser line. And see what they offer you.

File download programs

Help download files quickly, conveniently, easily. There are a lot of them on the Internet. They are especially relevant when you need to quickly download large volume files, or who does not have a very good Internet connection.

Computers have become an important part of the job for any profession. And therefore it is important to know a variety of applications, as well as be able to use them. Today we will see which computer programs for a resume are extremely important. Of course, for each profession there is a list of everything you need. Only now there are such applications that are considered universal. That is, everyone should be able to use them. Yes, and some "original" applications for the chosen profession will really give you a significant advantage over others. Let's point out the computer programs (names) for the summary, and then discuss what they serve.

Microsoft Office

So, the first point that is mandatory is the indication of an application such as Microsoft Office. This is a rather convenient "collection" of various kinds of programs that help process information.

For example, you can not do without Word. Any computer user is familiar with it. This application helps to process text information, edit it and print it. So, for example, if you don't specify this remedy in your resume, then a potential employer is unlikely to communicate with you at all. After all, then we can assume that you do not even know how to print text on a PC.

We continue with you to analyze computer programs for resumes. The Office is not over yet. In addition to "Word", you must specify at least power point, Excel, Outlook Express, Access. The first program helps to make slides and show presentations. Now every student owns it. Excel is an editor that helps you make calculations using complex formulas. Of course, all of them are present in the "kit" with the program. She, too, by the way, knows how to use every student. Thus, if you do not specify application data, then they will also not particularly want to communicate with you.

"Outlook" and "Access" are e-mail and database, respectively. If you must be able to use the first application, then it is desirable to use the second. Databases are important primarily for accountants, economists, lawyers, operators, and so on. In general, their knowledge will give you a slight advantage over others.

But what other computer programs should be included in the resume? Let's try to think and understand this. Moreover, it is necessary to make a bias towards those applications that will always give you an advantage when submitting a resume. Regardless of the chosen profession.


Of course, every computer user should, more precisely, must be able to use the Internet. With all this, it is important to know some features of browsers. And they are also worth pointing out.

Thinking about which computer programs to use for your resume? The list, of course, can be endless. But here are the means for working with the Internet (or rather, with virtual information) you must list without fail. These include: Google Chrome, Mazila Firefox, Explorer, Opera.

If you want to show off your knowledge of browsers, you can write down what you can do in these applications. For example, export / import bookmarks, install plugins, protect your computer from various spam (specify the "AdBlock" program here), and so on. In principle, these are still mandatory items for all employees. Knowledge of computer programs in the resume shows your professionalism and desire to explore "new spaces". The more different applications you specify, the better. But what else would you recommend? Let's try to find out.


There is another pretty important program. It should be indicated when you want to get into accounting or economics. In general, it is best to always know this program. After all, we are talking about "1C".

This application, to be honest, also has quite a lot of different "subtypes". Just like Microsoft Office. All "1C" products are aimed at managing the economy and settlements. For example, you can quickly create a report and reduce the debit to the credit. In other words, it is an excellent accounting tool.

Computer proficiency on your resume helps an employer assess your value. Yes, skills too. Agree, in our time it is difficult to imagine an accountant who has no idea about the applications in which reports are compiled and summary statements are maintained. That's why it's worth specifying "1C". But our list does not end here. The thing is that we have so far studied only the main computer programs for resumes. A little later, we will also learn optional ones, but they give you some advantages over other candidates for the position.

Operating Systems

Yes, yes, the list of computer programs for resme also includes operating systems. Now there are quite a few of them. And no one knows with which one we will have to work further. Maybe with the usual "Windows", or maybe with the "exotic" - "Linux". And therefore it is important for the employer to know what "axes" you work with.

Be sure to include all versions (mostly the latest) of Windows. In particular, "Seven" and "Eight". After all, they often have to deal with them. In principle, if you have already worked on Windows 10 and figured it out, then also indicate this feature. After all, this operating system is relatively new. And users have already managed to get used to it.

In addition, it would be nice to include the so-called Linux operating system in computer programs for resumes. To be honest, it will be unusual for an ordinary user who is used to Vidnovs. But its knowledge will give you already a significant advantage over the rest. However, if you are applying for a position as a system administrator, then Linux should be on the list of important and necessary applications. Otherwise, his knowledge will elevate you above other candidates.

Computer programs in the resume, examples of which we have given, are far from the whole minimum. Let's try to figure out what else should be on your must-have list. After all, the computer and its applications are diverse. And the better the user knows them, the easier it will be for him to work in the future. Thus, we continue our conversation with you.

Graphic arts

Of course, if you know how to work with text and information, then you should also be able to manage computer graphics. Yes, this is not particularly important for an accountant or a lawyer, but nevertheless, now even schoolchildren are mastering various applications for working with graphic data.

What computer programs should be indicated for a resume in this case? Of course, there are two unsurpassed leaders - "Photoshop" and "Korel Draw".

Let's start with the second one. Corel Draw is a special application that is used to process graphics. Here you can edit, redraw, change color, make a collage and so on. In general, if you, for example, decided to edit photos or glue them together, then this idea will be implemented in a matter of minutes.

Photoshop is the main competitor of Corel Draw. In general, this application, in truth, performs the same functions. Only has a different creator and interface. Many users really find it easier to handle Photoshop. However, it is better to list the two programs together. This will help showcase your versatility. Computer programs for resumes, which everyone must know, in principle, are over. Now we will find out with you those that give advantages over other candidates, regardless of your profession.


In principle, modern teenagers and the younger generation are familiar with such an application as Fraps. You can include it in your resume. For work, it is not so important, but its mention will demonstrate your desire to explore a variety of computer capabilities.

The thing is that Fraps is a special application for capturing "pictures" from the screen. In other words, it helps you take screenshots as well as shoot video from your monitor. And both with system sound and from your microphone. And, of course, both from the system and from "reality" at the same time. True, few people use this opportunity at work now. Unless to track what the employee is doing at the computer.

But what other resume software can help you? In fact, there are very, very many of them. Nevertheless, we will give some more rather amusing examples. Let's get down to business as soon as possible.

3D Max

Well, another pretty interesting application is 3Ds Max. What is it for? To create 3D models. This point is especially important for designers and developers of computer games.

The thing is that 3d modeling is now used in many places. So, you can make a "virtual" room and demonstrate it, as well as develop something of your own and show it "from all sides" to clients. For example, this application is very useful for those who create furniture. You can discuss the order with the buyer, and then make it virtually. Then you show, refine and get the maximum compliance with the requirements.

For an ordinary worker, knowledge of 3Ds Max is not so important. However, the presence of this application will help draw the attention of the employer to you. Maybe you will be offered another position that is more interesting and suits your skills. As a rule, such "places" are also paid better. There are also computer programs for resumes. And now we will get to know them.

For communication

Well, do not forget about the various applications that serve for communication. At first glance, it may seem that you are simply pointing out programs that no one needs. But in reality this is not the case at all.

After all, today everyone is trying to negotiate through various kinds of applications. So, it is worth indicating in the resume knowledge of ICQ, Skype, [email protected] and so on. In fact, it will help you connect with customers. For example, consult. The most commonly used, of course, is Skype.

In principle, you can not specify specific programs. Sometimes it is enough to write "means for communication on the Internet." However, so that you are not asked for details later, it would be better to indicate the names of these applications.

Sony Vegas Pro

Well, here is another program that you can list in your resume. True, it also serves to process graphics. After all, it is about Sony Vegas Pro. This application is a real universal video studio on your computer.

Here you can easily and simply make a video from slides, mount a video, process it, prepare it for display, and so on. In general, this application is simply necessary for those who decide to work with graphics in general. For an ordinary user, knowledge of Sony Vegas Pro is just a small "plus" in the direction of offering one's candidacy for a particular position.


Well, if you do not know what other computer programs can be indicated for a resume, then you should write about knowledge of antiviruses. In fact, the issue of data protection is usually very important. Especially in the workplace.

Write some antivirus programs - Nod32, Avast, Dr.Web, Kaspersky. After that, specify additional applications such as SpyHunter, Ccleaner and so on. In general, this list is enough to show your data protection skills.


So, today we have learned computer programs for resumes. In fact, our list could go on and on. After all, there are a lot of applications on the network.

However, if you include the listed list of programs in your resume, regardless of the position, then you can hope for success. After all, the more the user knows, the more necessary and "universal" he is in the workplace. You already have a list of computer programs for resumes (the most popular ones). You can easily learn and use them.

In this article, you will find tips on how to properly list PC skills on your resume.

A resume should be written correctly, because it depends on it whether you get the desired job or not.

  • Additional skills are an important resume block in which the applicant describes computer, Internet and specialized programs.
  • Other information can be described in this block, for example, the presence of specialized knowledge or a driver's license.
  • But when filling out this column, it is usually difficult to indicate exactly the computer skills that the applicant owns.
  • How should these skills be correctly indicated, and what programs do you need to know for certain specialties? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

The section with additional skills should be structured. First you need to evaluate yourself as a computer user in general, and then talk about your skills in the field professional programs. If you have many skills to list, then group the names of program schemes and skills into groups.

What is PC knowledge for a resume? PC proficiency levels, for use in a resume, are classified according to the following criteria:

  • Advanced user: programmer, administrator. Can compose programs, reinstall the system, and so on.
  • User is a professional. Works with specialized programs and in text editors.
  • Regular or basic user. Knowledge of the Internet and basic programs.

The summary should indicate data on knowledge in the field of working with such programs and applications:

  • professional software products
  • office packages
  • operating platforms
  • Computer techologies

Depending on the specific position, in the resume you need to structure your skills in one column or a whole paragraph. Be sure to indicate the level of your knowledge in front of each program or application. In particular, this advice is useful for IT workers.

A confident user knows what browsers, search engines are, and he actively uses the network to search necessary information. He can easily find any file folder in his OS, and also restore the OS in case of problems or format the flash drive.

  • Before you start compiling your resume, remember to list only those programs that you know well.
  • After all, on new position you have to work with them.
  • Therefore, it is better to indicate less than more. For example, for a confident user, specify the following: "Confident PC user - optimization, security."
  • If you have little work experience, but you need to indicate something in the additional skills section, then you can describe your personal qualities and tasks. But all this should be clear and interesting to the employer.

Skills are also indicated depending on the specialty. Here are some examples:

What programs should a confident PC user use for a resume - a designer?

Here is a list of programs that a confident user should know:

An office worker must be good at PC. After all, his work is connected with a computer, drawing up various tables, diagrams. Therefore, employers thoroughly study each resume, and only then invite the applicant for an interview. Here is the list and name of office basic PC programs for resume:

Any office worker must be proficient in programming Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

  • With their help, you can create not only a simple text document, but also make a diagram, various cards, write a resume, portfolio, write a plan, make various forms for work, labels, invoices, invitations, advertising booklets, notes, protocols and more.
  • In these editors, you can easily create formulas without moving from one window to another.
  • You can also use a large number of add-ons to synchronize work with other software.

Improve your knowledge in the field of IT technologies. After all, this is not only exciting or interesting, but also vital, since such knowledge will help you quickly learn something new and move up the career ladder.

Computer programs for a resume to a bank, for an accountant: names, list

Bank specialists, economists and accountants are among the most demanded specialties in the labor market. But there are a lot of applicants for these professions.

Therefore, banks and various companies carefully study resumes and select the best of the best for such positions. Knowledge of a PC and the ability to work with many programs is an additional requirement for any applicant.

Here are the computer programs you need to specify for a resume to a bank, for an accountant - names, a list:



Bank Specialist must be proficient in all of the above programs. Cashiers, cashier managers, heads of sectors cash transactions and auditors should indicate in the resume knowledge and ability to work with such programs: Word, Excel, Outlook, Consultant.

How to write in a resume about knowledge of a computer, office equipment and programs: an example

Prepare to write a draft resume first.

  • Then you need to make corrections and rewrite on a clean copy. This is if the resume is needed on paper.
  • Everything is easier with a resume in in electronic format. Amendments can be made endlessly.
  • As mentioned above, additional skills or PC knowledge are indicated in one line if your position does not involve computer programs, and a small paragraph if you need to indicate the presence of knowledge in certain professional programs.

How to write about knowledge of a computer, office equipment and programs in a resume? Here is an example for different professions:

Important: Read the job ad before describing additional skills. First, in the list, always indicate those programs that the employer mentioned in the requirements for the applicant.

Now you know how to properly list PC skills on your resume. Do not attribute to yourself unnecessary knowledge, as it will not be difficult for the employer to test you at the interview. If it turns out that you provided false information, then the interview will end there.

Video: How to write a good resume | Basic rules | Link to sample! | My experience

A description of computer skills is usually one line in a resume if the profession does not involve the possession of specialized programs; and a small paragraph if the profession requires knowledge of special programs, computer technology and tools.

Landmarks for describing computer skills:

make this section of your resume structured. First, rate yourself as a PC user in general, then describe your skills in the field of specialized programs;

to make the list even more structured, it is worth combining skills and programs into groups, if there are a lot of them;

The general level of PC proficiency can be described as follows:

a) new user
b) average level,
c) a confident user,
d) advanced user.

Here's how to describe the general level of computer proficiency:

"Experienced user. Good knowledge of MS Office package (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), graphic editors (Picture Manager, CorelDRAW), work with email(Outlook Express). Confident work with different browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer). Skills for working with operating systems Linux and Windows.

The description of computer skills is determined by the profession - if your profession requires knowledge of certain programs, this should definitely be mentioned. Of course, if you own these programs. You should not deceive the employer - you can test your skills very easily at the interview, and if it turns out that you gave false information about yourself, the interview will end there.

An important point: before describing the skills, read the job advertisement carefully. The first in the list is to indicate the programs that the employer mentioned in the list of requirements for the applicant.

Examples of describing computer skills for different professions


Experienced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), Internet skills (Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox) and e-mail (Outlook Express).

Excellent knowledge of 1C 7.7, Trade + Warehouse, 1C 8.2, 8.3, Trade Management, Salary + Personnel, ZUP, FIREPLACE, electronic reporting.

    Assistant Manager

Knowledge of Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Linux. Confident user of MS Office (Exсel, Word, Outlook, Access), Internet (Opera, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) and e-mail (Outlook Express). Text and graphic editors (Word, WordPad, PowerPoint, Access, Paint, Excel, Photoshop). Ownership of Abbyy FineReader 9.0 Professional Edition, MOSEDO.

Confident user of office equipment (fax, MFP, PBX).


Confident user of the Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), legal systems and programs: Garant, Consultant+, Chief Accountant System, System " CFO". Familiarity with accounting automation software management activities and electronic reporting(KonturExtern, SBiS++); 1C-Enterprise.

    web programmer

Expert level: PHP‚ AJAX‚ Jquery‚ LeafLet‚ Perl‚ HTML5‚ JavaScript‚ XML‚ MySQL‚ MSSQL‚ Oracle. Confident knowledge of modern platforms for creating and managing sites (CMS‚ FrameWork): 1C-Bitrix‚ UMI‚ NetCat‚ osCommerce‚ Joomla‚ Magento‚ Zend‚ YII‚ Cohana‚ CodeIgnitor‚ Symphony. Knowledge of specialized software systems: Mastertour by Megatek‚ Moodle‚ Elbuz.

    Systems Analyst

Case tools: ERwin, BPwin, MS Visio, StarUML, Enterprise Architect, Visual Paradigm.

DBMS: MS Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL Workbench, Firebird SQL.

Project management: MS Project, Project Expert, Jira.

Development environments (languages ​​С/С++, JS, PHP): MS Visual Studio, Embracadero Rad Studio XE5-7, Borland C++, Aptana Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver OS.

Technologies: Windows Server, Debian, Ubuntu, Cent OS, Elementary OS, LAMP, WAMP, Denwer

Virtualization: Oracle Virtual Box. VMware Workstation, Bluestacks MISCELLANEOUS: Letograf EDMS, 1C, Cisco Packet Tracer, Mathcad, Evernote, MS Office, Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice.

Elena Nabatchikova

On a “clean” newly installed Windows, for normal operation, it is simply necessary to install many more programs, because without them, as you understand, there is nowhere. Let's try to compile a small list of the most necessary programs for a computer, without which, the full use of a computer is simply impossible. Please note that in the article, in the description of any program there is a link to its working version

The most necessary and important program is your anti-virus protection.Usually it is divided into 4 categories: antivirus, firewall, comprehensive protection and computer scanning programs. I prefer complex protection consisting of antivirus + firewall. At the moment I use one of the free ones - Avast! I would recommend using only the most proven antivirus programs: Kaspersky, Norton, ESET(nod32), DrWeb, Avast, Panda, McAfee and other popular ones. In general, a matter of taste. If you don't want to pick up some Trojan, be sure to install it!

Next, install the archiver. Since most files on the Internet are in archives (.rar .zip .7z), we will definitely need an archiver program. I suggest using two at the same time: WinRar and 7Zip.
Their differences can be described in one line: winrar- a beautiful and advanced archiver, but with 7zip it's free. Well, as a bonus - only the archiver 7zip opens .7z format archives

Next on the list we will have disc burning software(although in recent years I have begun to doubt its necessity more and more ... I use disks once every 3 months). dominates here Nero, the most popular program for burning discs (few people are confused by the fact that it is paid). As a free alternative I can advise ImgBurn or shareware Ashampoo Burning Studio- the functionality is smaller, but for its main task - recording discs, it is more than enough.

Further... we need Office. And most likely - Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.). I think you should not paint - you yourself know perfectly well what it is. For lovers of free software I can advise open office or even better libreoffice- they are almost as good as the brainchild of Microsoft, and they work with Microsoft formats without problems.

Now we will consider codecs. What is this thing for? And so that when watching your favorite movie, you, dear readers, do not have any problems. Without them, many video and audio formats simply won't play! Most Popular Codec Pack - K-Lite Codec Pack. By the way, a very good video player is installed with it - Media Player Classic.

Video viewer essential for any PC user. Even if you have a brand new home theater, you often have to watch a variety of videos on your computer - from clips to video seminars. This task is excellent KMPlayer and Quick Time Player.

We listen to music- Using the standard Windows Media Player, it’s simply impossible to listen to music, no matter how hard the developers try ... 2 of the most popular players are suitable for this purpose: winamp and AIMP. The second player consumes less resources, and besides, it's free. But even here it is a matter of taste and habit. For example, I use two.

I will also advise universal players which both video and audio files are read without problems: GOM Media Player and VLC media player- they read all formats and by the way they are completely free!

We must not forget that we need .pdf file reader. In this format, many books, articles, and other literature are published. Here I recommend Fox Reader, as a replacement for a cumbersome (and even, as it were, paid) monster adobe reader. You may need Adobe Photoshop and view photo albums ACDsee Pro

Text recognising- here is the most the best program, of course ABBYY FineReader, however, there are free analogues, for example CuneiForm

Don't forget about utilities to keep your system clean - Uninstall Tool and CCleaner. As a result, we have an extensive list of programs - and at least two dozen of them will definitely come in handy for you...


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