Production of polymer sand tiles. Detailed business plan. Business plan for the production of polymer-sand shingles Technology for the production of shingles from plastic and sand

Polymer sand tiles appeared on Russian market construction materials quite recently, but has already managed to establish itself as a material worthy of becoming a full-fledged replacement for traditional cement tiles. The demand for such tiles is growing, and those businessmen who are not afraid to work in innovation sphere, there is a great opportunity to show your entrepreneurial talent, of course, having assessed all the possible risks beforehand.

The appearance of this building material was initially due to the desire of technologists to find a coating that could solve two main problems of cement tiles: low frost resistance and durability. And, I must admit, they succeeded: polymer sand tiles have many advantages. She:

  • Durable: according to the assurances of manufacturers, its service life is about 30 years
  • Stable to negative impacts external environment... Polymer sand tiles are not afraid of frost, moisture, direct sunlight, acidic liquids and oils. It is resistant to high mechanical stress and is not at all prone to point splitting.
  • Decorative: can have any shape, any surface: matte, glossy, structured. It is made in a wide range of colors, and more importantly, it does not lose its decorative effect over time.
  • Does not emit toxic fumes under the scorching sun
  • Easy to clean
  • Easy to repair and can easily withstand repeated use

Polymer sand tiles can be used:

  • when improving garden plots;
  • for arrangement adjoining territories;
  • in places of mass traffic: courtyards of summer cafes, parks, trade and exhibition pavilions);
  • in garages and covered parking lots;
  • in workshops;
  • for covering exploited flat roofs;
  • for lining the plinth.

All of the above speaks of demand of these products among buyers and as a consequence of the large market capacity, and taking into account the simple manufacturing technology and relatively low costs for starting a business, all this makes the activity for the production of polymer sand tiles quite relevant to start.

The realization of finished tiles can be carried out:

  • directly to consumers of products: individuals, construction crews and organizations, organizations whose activities are aimed at improving the city;
  • across wholesale network: wholesale warehouses, bases.
  • across retail network: construction supermarkets, specialty stores, markets.

Raw materials for the production of polymer sand tiles are:

  • sand without clay inclusions, the fraction of which does not exceed 3 mm;
  • polymers: primary and secondary - the latter option is more attractive from an economic point of view,
  • pigments, both mineral and organic.

The main stages of production

  1. Crushing or agglomeration of raw materials. This stage may be absent if the manufacturer purchases polymer chips.
  2. Mixing of raw materials in a concrete mixer.
  3. Melting the mixture in an extruder (APN).
  4. Forming the product using a press.
  5. Shipment of finished products to the warehouse.

When calculating economic efficiency production of polymer sand tiles, the following parameters were taken as a basis: the work is carried out in 2 shifts, the duration of each of which is 12 hours. The productivity of the mold is 5.83 m 2 of finished products per hour, respectively, the entire line produces 140 m 2 of finished products per day.

Finished product characteristics

  • Tile size - 330 x 330 x 35 mm;
  • The number of pieces of the product in 1 m 2 - 9 tiles;
  • Tile weight - 4 kg;
  • Weight of 1 m 2 - 36 kg.

Initial costs of starting a business

Naming of expenditures

Price without VAT, rub.

Depreciation per year, RUB

Commissioning works

Scales MK-15.2-AB20 for general purposes

Visit the list of equipment for polymer sand tiles in the dedicated section.

Requirements for production facilities and rental costs

The rental price per 1 m 2 of finished polymer-sand tiles will be 2.38 rubles.

Labor costs

Number of employees

Wage, rub.

Total, rub.

APN operator

Auxiliary worker on the batch

TOTAL per month

The cost of materials for the manufacture of 1 m 2 of finished products

Thus, the costs for the manufacture of 1 m 2 of polymer sand tiles will amount to 136.58 rubles.

Electricity consumption for 1 work shift


Power, kW / hour

Quantity, pcs.

Total consumption

Consumption per shift, h

Total, kWh / shift

Modernized D2430 press

Concrete mixer SBR-500

General purpose scales MK-15.2-AV20


The average cost of electricity in Russia is 4.03 rubles. for 1 kW / h, from which it follows that the production of 1 m 2 paving slabs will entail electricity costs in the amount of 7.8 rubles.

The current costs of the workshop for 1 month of work

Naming of expenditures

per month, rub.

per 1 m2, rub.




The final calculation of the profitability of the business for the production of polymer sand tiles

The cost price of 1 m 2, rub.

Overhead costs, rub.

Including overhead costs

Market price of 1 m 2, rub.

Profit before taxation for 1m 2, rub.

Income tax (20%), rub.

Profit from 1 m 2, rub.

Profit per day, total, rub.


Payback period, days

* The calculations presented in the section are conditional and only give a general understanding of the profitability of this type of activity based on the expert opinion of the author of the material. To determine the exact size of profitability, you must independently make a feasibility study, based on the specific numbers of your region and the size of the business you are planning.

On construction market a lot of materials with a wide variety of properties. And many of them can be a source of high income for an entrepreneurial person. We will also include the production of polymer sand tiles here. And the main advantage of the business being organized will be not only the great demand for products in the market, but also the fact that they can be manufactured on relatively inexpensive mobile equipment. Polymer tile is a building and finishing material based on sand and polymers. He possesses several positive qualities, for which he won the trust of buyers - strength, frost resistance, durability.

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - from 1,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

Open production polymer-sand tiles not difficult - neither huge investments, nor hiring highly qualified personnel. What does an entrepreneur have to take into account here?

Product receipt process

Generally available and inexpensive components are used as raw materials for the production of finished tiles. You can get them in every region of the country.

Technological scheme for the production of polymer sand tiles

These include:

  • cleaned sand,
  • polymers,
  • pigments.

To reduce the cost of purchasing all the necessary components, you can buy secondary raw materials - they are much cheaper.

As for the exact recipe, everything here is strictly individual - each manufacturer works with its own composition. You can develop a recipe yourself, or you can invite an experienced technologist for consultation.

The technology for the production of polymer sand tiles is extremely simple and does not require any specific skills and knowledge from the entrepreneur (if he decided to carry out all the work with his own hands).

Making polymer sand tiles with your own hands is carried out as follows:

  • Prepare all ingredients and mix them.
  • Melting of the raw material.
  • Pressing products.
  • Storage of finished products.

Business prospects.

Purchase of equipment for obtaining products

The next thing an entrepreneur will need to do is buy equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles. And even home production will require certain machines.

Line for the production of polymer sand tiles

TO technical equipment we will assign the following items of equipment:

  • Dispenser - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Concrete mixer - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Melting and heating machine - from 350,000 rubles.
  • Press - from 150,000 rubles.
  • Molds - from 1500 rubles / piece.

The final price of equipment for polymer sand tiles will depend on the capacity of the machines, their configuration and the degree of automation. Minimum cost production line for a mini-workshop and its commissioning is ≈800,000 rubles. And this figure can be much higher if we talk about a more powerful enterprise.

Sales of finished products and profitability of the workshop

The sale of polymer sand tiles, with established distribution channels, should bring the entrepreneur high profit... And given the demand for products, there is no doubt that many customers will be interested in purchasing high-quality tiles from a direct supplier. It is used for paving roads, interior and exterior cladding.

Products can be sold:

  • hardware stores and warehouses,
  • developers,
  • repair firms,
  • private buyers.

Despite the fact that the bulk of the profits will come from wholesalers, private buyers should not be discounted. For this, a small pavilion can be organized in the workshop, where the manufactured products will be displayed in front of customers.

The production of polymer sand paving slabs, as practice shows, will begin to pay for itself rather quickly. The launch of a small workshop will require investments of at least 1,000,000 rubles. This will include the following costs:

  • purchase of the most basic equipment,
  • preparation for the operation of the premises (supply of light, water and sewerage),
  • providing a raw material base for the release of the first batch of goods,
  • company registration.

To calculate the profitability of the planned enterprise, let us take as an example a low-power line with a capacity of up to 50 m 2 of finished tiles in an 8-hour shift. It turns out that more than 1000 m 2 of products can be received monthly. Polymer sandy tiles for a basement stand today on the wholesale market 250-500 rubles / m 2. This means that if you immediately sell all the products produced, the entrepreneur can receive revenue in the amount of 500,000 rubles. And these are excellent profitability indicators for the shop floor in the small business segment.

To calculate net income and total revenue, subtract variable costs:

"Business plan for production -" Cable closure plates. Prices and equipment are as of January 1, 2011.

To find out the current prices and get the current "Business - plan" fill out the form at the end of this page, or call the phone number indicated at the top of the site or in the section.

Consider an example of calculating the cost of manufacturing polymer sand tiles, which can be taken as a basis for drawing up a business plan and a feasibility study of production.

All calculations are given as an example. Data is up-to-date on January 1, 2011 for the Udmurt Republic. All prices are without VAT. A simplified taxation system was taken for the calculation.

You can also order and fill in your data.

Produced construction material: Roof tiles.

Main parameters.

The work is carried out in two shifts, the duration of the shift is 12 hours. The productivity of one mold is 6.66 m 2 per hour. Thus, the line produces 160 m 2 of finished products (tiles) per day. 160 x 30 days per month = 4 800 sq. M.


The total cost of a set of equipment, including the cost of turnkey commissioning, is: 2,708,780.00 rubles excluding VAT.

Wages Fund

Three people are enough for the operation of the site - a manager (25,000 rubles), an operator of the APN (20,000 rubles), an auxiliary worker (20,000 rubles). The wage fund is 65,0,000 rubles per month for one shift and 130,000 rubles. based on 2 shifts.

Thus, the cost of wages per 1m 2 is 27.08 rubles.

Unified social tax - 30%, gives 8.12 rubles. in the cost of 1m 2 of finished products.


For the placement of equipment and storage areas for raw materials and products, it is necessary to provide for about 100 m 2 of production area and 100 m 2 of a warehouse (may be located outside the premises). The production area does not have to be heated, heating occurs due to the heat generated by the equipment. Finished products is stored in the workshop and then moved to the warehouse.

At a rental rate of 100 rubles per sq.m. the cost of renting production space will not exceed 10,000 rubles. Thus, the rental price for 1m 2 of the product is 2.08 rubles.


In total, the cost of raw materials (polymer + sand + pigment) per ton is 5,000 rubles.

Tile weight 1 m2 9 pcs * 1.8 kg = 16.2 kg. Thus, the cost of raw materials per 1m 2 of tiles is 81.00 rubles. For 1 piece 9 rubles.


  • A crusher with a capacity of 300 kg / h consumes 22 kW / h. For the production of a mixture in the amount of 2 592 kg, 637 kg of polymer is required. To prepare it, the crusher will work 2.1 and consume 46.2 kW of energy.
  • APN - 29 kW / h when warming up, when working around the clock with a heated APN consumption decreases 4 times, i.e. calculation: 7.25 kW x 24 hours = 174 kW / day
  • Hydraulic press - 5.5 kW / h. When forming a product, the program on the presses is designed for the consumption of e-mail. Energy in the mode of raising and lowering the upper punch, when molding el. No energy is consumed. The slide travel time is 40 seconds. Per day 1440 pieces x 40 sec. = 57 600 sec. = 960 minutes = 16 hours of press work
  • Consumption per day 88 kW.
  • Mixer - 5.5 kW / h 1 batch - 3 min. Mixes 0.5 tons in one batch. For a shift, 2,592 tons of mixture for 1,440 pieces of tiles. 15.6 minutes per day. Electricity consumption 1.4 kW.-
  • Lighting - 12 kW / hour

Polymer sandy tiles are considered to be an analogue of natural ones, however, this material can be called qualitatively new, with advantageous characteristics compared to other market proposals. This covering material is 2 times lighter than natural material, and wins significantly in cost. With it, you can make the roof more noise and heat insulating than with the use of metal tiles. The absence of corrosion is one of the important advantages. The roof is more durable than bitumen. And during the installation process, there is no need to carefully prepare the surface.

Features overview

Polymer sandy tiles are resistant to ultraviolet light and temperature extremes, as evidenced by laboratory tests. Operation of the material is possible at temperatures ranging from -65 to +100 ° C. Shingles retain their appearance for many years of operation, because it takes about 100 years for the complete decomposition of the polymer film.

Thermoplastic composite material has an insignificant moisture absorption coefficient, therefore it is protected from the emergence and further development of moss, mold and mildew. In addition, the roof surface will be resistant to acid rain. The polymer sand tile has a low thermal conductivity, which allows maintaining the temperature regime under the roof. Under such a roof it will be cool on hot days and warm in winter. That is why this covering material is often used in the construction of terraces and attics. As a result, it is possible to form a reliable barrier for condensate.

Additional properties

The roof structure is reliably protected from destruction, which is especially important for wood elements. Shingles are excellent at blocking out noise. No sound absorbing layer is required during installation. The roof will be silent in any bad weather. Another important advantage is impact resistance, which makes installation economical. During transportation, the material does not break, as well as during installation. It meets all the standards and requirements of sanitary, epidemiological, fire and radiation safety.

The main advantages

Polymer sandy tile has many advantages. During the production process, it is coated with a substance that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. This indicates that even over time, the color remains pristine and the surface does not fade. The material perfectly copes with the harsh continental climate, it is frost-resistant and is able to withstand about 200 freeze-thaw cycles.

Compared to metal roofs, the latter have a drum effect. The shingles do not corrode, they are resistant to chemicals. It is water-repellent and prevents blooming of the roof. The material is dielectric, so the roof does not need lightning protection. The canvases are easy to lay, for this the master does not need to have special skills. Even if you have to work with roofs of complex shapes, the waste will be minimal. A roof made of polymer sand tiles can be operated at a point load ranging from 150 to 360 kg.

Negative reviews

In order for your idea of ​​the described material to be complete, it is necessary to note its shortcomings. Among them, consumers note that over time, the roof erodes, this suggests that its thickness may decrease under the influence of negative factors.

But many consumers do not consider this disadvantage so serious, because the process is sluggish, in addition, the initial thickness of the material is quite impressive. Although the quality of the material itself, according to consumers, does not deteriorate under the influence of temperature deformations, but the tool joints can be depressurized, resulting in a leakage of the coating.

What else should be considered

Choosing the described tile, many consumers emphasize that the buyer can run into a fake. Some manufacturers use low-quality raw materials in the manufacturing process, which affects the final product. Despite the fact that editing is not so difficult, neglecting it can lead to the opposite effect. In this case, the roof will be damaged. Therefore, many consumers believe that it is better to involve specialists in laying the material. However, this will entail additional costs, which also cannot be called an advantage.

Installation features

Roof tiles with back side equipped with a ledge that is fixed to the crate. The elements are fastened to each other with side locks, which allows you to get a solid carpet. For additional fixation, a pore of technological holes is provided on each element. It is necessary to start the installation of polymer sand tiles from the bottom.

The elements are not very rigidly attached to the crate, it is important to ensure the presence of backlash, otherwise the material will not be able to move when exposed to temperature. If everything is done correctly, the roof will take up loads from wind, snow, temperature changes and precipitation quite freely.

Rust streaks should not appear on the front side after fixing. To do this, use galvanized nails or anodized self-tapping screws as fasteners. The former are preferable, because they allow you to speed up the installation process, in addition, they provide non-rigid fastening.

Front and ridge tiles should be fixed with anodized self-tapping screws. Some shingles will be attached to the valley gutter, this applies to ridge elements. They are additionally fastened mechanically using anti-wind or stainless ridge clamps.

Roof tile production line

The line for the production of polymer sand tiles is a right-heating apparatus that mixes and heats the ingredients, including:

  • polymer;
  • sand;
  • pigment.

As a result, it is possible to obtain a uniform consistency in the form of a tight dough. The productivity of such equipment can reach 1000 kg per hour. The mixture is preliminarily prepared and heated, and then it is fed into the heated chamber through the receiving hopper. The material is pushed inward by the screw, which rotates and provides mixing of the mixture. It moves inward and undergoes three heating zones.

Polymer shingles, the reviews of which were presented above and should help you make right choice, in the first stage of heating, it is dried, where residual moisture is removed. The second zone involves the plasticization of polymers. This allows a homogeneous composite mass to be obtained. Last zone- this is the maintenance of the temperature of the mass, which is required for molding.

The finished mass moves to the outlet port, which is located in the front flange of the body. For production, molding presses can be used, which provide a force of 100 tons. The resulting mass is put into a mold, while the mixture is subjected to pressure and simultaneous cooling, which increases productivity. Production of polymer sand tiles on final stage involves the extraction of products with the lower pusher. After the tiles are stacked on pallets and cured, this is what distinguishes them from cement products.

In the process of manufacturing the described material, a radial crusher may be needed, which prepares polymers by crushing them to a homogeneous fraction. Raw materials help to save on polymer, because the cost of waste is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of finished raw materials. The production of polymer sand tiles can involve the use of the following polymers:

  • shredded film;

In the second case, we are talking about low-density polyethylene, in the third - about high-pressure polyethylene. The use of recycled polymers not only saves on the purchase of raw materials, but also solves the problem of waste disposal.


If you decide to purchase the material described in the article, then you should be interested in manufacturers of polymer sand tiles. One of them is the Bistot company, which provides a complete set of roofs. You can also buy shingles from the manufacturer "Polisand", which is located in the Moscow region. An additional advantage of this company is the ability to purchase from it the remnants of roofing material at reduced prices.

So all of us favorite activity in childhood - making cakes from wet sand and even the construction of whole cities from it - turns out to be quite in demand in adult life. Buildings, of course, cannot be built from this material, but it is quite possible to produce a whole range of the most diverse products from a polymer sand mixture.

To obtain the desired composite, all you need is to mix the sand with the polymer and add the appropriate color pigment to this solution. And then from this mixture create: roofing, construction, decoration and other improvement elements. These include tiles, sewer manholes, paving and facing tiles, paving stones, curbs, trays, gutters and many other products of various shapes and colors.

What to work on?

The organization of this business does not require the presence of complex and cumbersome equipment. Basic kit polymer sand equipment includes 3 machines: radial crusher, melting and heating unit (extruder) and molding press. In addition, of course, you will need molds, as well as auxiliary installations: screw and belt conveyors, systems for feeding and dosing the mixture, oil stations and, finally, tables for curing the finished product.

We will not talk about secondary equipment, since this is a universal equipment and there should be no problems with its choice. But the main machines are worth paying attention to.

First of all, we think about purchasing shredder plastic... It is best to take a radial crusher. This will allow you to save a lot on raw materials, since the cost of the finished polymer is much higher than crushed used waste. And the shredder can recycle absolutely everything: cans, bottles, cans, films, etc. You just need to find a supplier of this waste (you won't collect it yourself).

Further we select an extruder... The task of the smelter is to heat up and mix all the components into a single mass to the consistency of a tight dough. The productivity of these machines can reach 1000 kg / h, so you need to take the device in accordance with your needs.

Well, the last car in the production chain - molding press... In our case, it should be with a force of at least 100 tons and with a variable size of the desktop. The latter factor is necessary for the placement of various molds (curbs, tiles, etc.). By the way, it is better not to save on their cost. The fact is that only high-quality molds made of heat-hardened alloy steels can last a long time and withstand up to 5 million moldings.

Despite the ease of operation of polymer sand equipment, it is better to entrust its commissioning to professionals. The suppliers of this equipment will not only set up production, make a technical connection to other workshop equipment and conduct a trial production of products, but also tell your staff about all the intricacies of working on these machines.

Machine overview

Let's start right away with the good news. mass produced in Russia. Therefore, there is a choice, as they say, and prices are quite reasonable. A complex of installations can be purchased literally in every region of the country, which, of course, significantly reduces the cost of transporting machines to the place of their future operation.

If we talk about the leaders, the most popular among customers are the POLIMERSTROY 18 machines. The production company from Izhevsk offers not only a wide range of high-quality installations of its own design, but also equipment from proven suppliers from the Middle Kingdom. For example, their product line includes 2 universal crushing units for polymer raw materials of Russian and Chinese production. 300-watt machines are designed for grinding hard, soft and film plastics up to 5-8 mm fraction.

Also POLIMERSTROY 18 offers an extruder of its own design, which, due to a variety of modifications, can be combined with different kinds related equipment. The productivity of the melting and heating machine is 600 kg / h. Depending on the tasks, you can also select presses from the D24 series with an effort of 100 to 400 tons. Digital control units of foreign production are used as the program-controlling body of the press. With their help, you can make, say, up to 50 sewer hatches or about 140 square meters of paving slabs per day. Well, in general, Izhevsk molds made of alloyed design steels (40X and 45X) make it possible to produce about two dozen types of various products.

Another leading manufacturer of polymer sand equipment is located in the city of Zlatoust Chelyabinsk region... The MONOLITH enterprise has established itself throughout the country from the Baltic States to Of the Far East... Here you can purchase a set of machines for organizing a full-fledged production. First, a radial shredder for plastics up to 8 mm thick and with a capacity of 100 kg / h. Secondly, an economical in energy consumption extruder of its own brand "Mastek", producing 500-600 kg polymer sand mixture in hour. Thirdly, a semi-automatic molding press with a force of 100 tons. As well as additional equipment: a unit for drying and sifting sand, a forced mixer, an agglomerator for processing polyethylene films into granules, etc.

We will also tell you about another domestic manufacturer, whose installations are worth paying attention to. This is POLYMER-TECHNOLOGY from the city of Orsk, Orenburg region. According to the specialists of this enterprise, the guarantee for polymer sand products made on their equipment is at least 50 years! And the resource of each mold, if used correctly, is 5 years! The minimum set of installations includes 3 units: a polymer crusher, a thermo-screw mixing machine and a molding unit with a vertical hydraulic press... Chopper productivity - 700 kg / h; extruder - 250-370 kg / h. And one more competitive advantage this manufacturer is the cost of the equipment. The basic kit (and in fact - a whole mini-plant) will cost only 772 thousand rubles.


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