Lean tools and their essence. The ABC of Lean Manufacturing - Visual Management Road Signing Method in Lean Manufacturing

At work gemba every day there are different kinds of deviations. There are two possible situations in the workplace gemba: either the process is under control, or it is out of control. The first situation means that operations are smooth; the latter situation is difficult. Visual control practice includes explicit demonstration of material objects gembutsu, maps, lists and work records so that both administrations and workers are constantly reminded of all the elements responsible for success in quality, cost and delivery (QCD) - from demonstration overall strategy to production numbers, to a list of the latest rationalization proposals of employees. Thus, visual control forms an integral part of the foundation of the workplace at home. gemba.


Problems must be visible in the workplace gemba. If the deviation cannot be detected, no one can control the process. Thus, the first principle of visual control is to place the problem in the spotlight.

If defective parts come out from under a broken punch in the press, and no one notices the defect, then soon you will have to face a mountain of defective parts. Mechanism equipped with a device jidohka, however, it will stop at the start of the defect production. Stopping the equipment allows you to notice the problem.

When a hotel guest walks up to the counter and asks for an aspirin or a list of nearby restaurants, the hotel's failure to comply is a rejection. By compiling a list of the most frequent requests of guests, the hotel administration can find out about the shortcomings of the service, which should be dealt with. This is visual management: making deviations visible to all workers — managers, supervisors, and workers — so that remedial action can begin right away.

A wealth of information originating from the workplace gemba, passes through many layers of management before reaching the top management, and this information becomes more abstract and distant from reality as it moves upward. However, where visual management is practiced, the manager can see problems as soon as he goes to workplace gemba, and therefore can give instructions without delay, in real time. Visual control methods allow workplace employees gemba solve such problems.

The best thing that can happen in the workplace gemba production company is to stop the line when a deviation is detected. Taiichi Ono once said that an assembly line that never stops is either perfect (which is, of course, impossible) or incredibly bad. When the line stops, everyone understands that there is a problem and does everything to ensure that the line no longer stops for this reason. Line stop is one of the best examples of visual control in the workplace. gemba.


If the first reason for visual control to exist is to make problems appear, the second reason is to help workers and managers stay in direct contact with the reality of the workplace. gemba. Visual control is a practical method of determining if everything is under control and warning if an abnormality occurs. When visual control works, everyone in the workplace gemba can manage and improve processes to implement QCD.


At work gemba the administration has to manage five Ms: workers, machines, materials, methods and measurements. Any deviation associated with the five Ms must be visually noticeable.

Below is a more detailed discussion of visual control in these five areas.


What is a worker like? This can be measured by the number of rationalization proposals made.

niy, degree of participation in quality working groups and data on absenteeism. How do you know who is absent today and who is taking the absentee's place? These issues should be visible in the workplace. gemba.

How do you know the skill level of a person? Workplace scoreboard gemba can show who is qualified to perform what tasks and who needs additional training.

How do you know the operator is doing their job correctly? Must be

shows the standards defining correct ways performance of work - for example, a one-point standard and a standard worksheet.

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All topics in this section:


AQL: Acceptable Quality Level - the acceptable level of quality - the interaction between the consumer and the supplier, which allows suppliers to deliver a certain percentage of defective

JK (jishu kanri): Jishu kanri in Japanese means independent control
It has to do with the participation of workers in problem-solving activities (kaizen) as part of their daily activities under the direction of the line manager; it differs from active

Total productive maintenance
General monitoring of equipment wear and damage. Policy deployment policy Suggestion system

Muda: In Japanese, the word "Muda" means "waste"
Used in relation to workplace management, it refers to a wide range of valueless, unnecessary activities. In the workplace (gemba), there are only two types of activities

Scare report: See Hiyari report
SDCA: Standardization - Execution - Verification - Action - basic steps to maintain current status. Simultaneous realization of QCD: Simultaneously

Basic concepts of the kaizen concept
Management must learn to implement some basic concepts and systems in order to implement the kaizen strategy: Kaizen and management

Kaizen and management
In the context of kaizen, management has two functions: support and improvement. (See Figure 1-1.) Support refers to compliance activities current standards in those

Process versus result
The Kaizen concept fosters a process-oriented mindset, as processes need to be improved in order for better results. Failure to achieve planned results

Follow pdca / sdca loops
The first step in the kaizen process is to establish the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle as a "vehicle" in order to provide

Quality comes first
Among the main goals, which are quality, cost and delivery, quality should be the highest priority. It doesn't matter how attractive the price and delivery terms are for sweat

Speak with data
Kaizen is a problem-solving process. For a problem to be properly understood and resolved, it must be identified and relevant data collected. Torture

The next process is the consumer
All work is a series of processes, and each process has its own customer and supplier. Material or part of any information in the process A (supplier) works and is perfect

Basic kaizen strategy systems
These systems are basic, they must be implemented for successful implementation kaizen strategies: Total quality control / management through total quality control

Total quality control / management through total quality control
One of the principles of Japanese management is total quality control (TQC), d in which in the early stages of development there was a bias towards process quality control. it

Full control over equipment wear and damage
An increasing number of manufacturing companies are using TPM (Total Equipment Wear and Breakage Control) both in Japan and around the world. While TQM focuses on

Hint system
The hint system is an integral part of kaizen's individually oriented concept. In this system, the main bias is towards obtaining the moral benefit from positive participation in the ministry.

Small group activities
The kaizen strategy includes small group activities. Small groups - informal voluntary groups of company personnel organized to solve problems in the workspace

The unique goal of the kaizen strategy
Since kaizen introduced the concept of "improvement", we need to know which aspects of business performance are most in need of improvement. And the answer to this question

In Japanese, the word gemba means a real place - a place where real action takes place. The Japanese use the word gemba in their everyday speech. When the earth happened

Gemba and administration
In gemba, customer satisfaction is added to a product or service, allowing the company to survive and thrive. Figure 2-1 places the gemba in the top organizational structure.

Gemba workplace house
With regard to resource management, there are two major activities in the gemba workplace on a day-to-day basis - namely, maintenance and the kaizen problem-solving system. The first has

In order to achieve the QCD principles, the company must manage different resources correctly every day. These resources include manpower, information, equipment, and materials.

Five s "rational housekeeping
"Five Cs" refers to the five Japanese words that make up housekeeping. Nowadays, the five C's have become almost mandatory for any manufacturing company. Supervisory expert-me

Eliminating useless muda actions
In Japanese, muda means waste, rubbish; however, the use of the word is also possible when it comes to everything that does not generate income. Workplace gemb

Gemba's golden rules for workplace management
Most managers prefer to work at their desks in the workplace and want to distance themselves from the gemba workplace events. Many managers face reality

First go to the gemba workplace
Management responsibilities include hiring and training workers to set work standards and create products and processes. The administration sets the conditions at the gemba workplace

Standardize to prevent recurrence of the problem
The job of the gemba workplace manager is to implement the QCD. However, problems and deviations of all kinds occur in the factory every day; this is a marriage, a stop of machines, a loss of production goals and about

Applying the golden rules
Let me explain how these golden rules have been applied in my own experience. Fax is becoming an essential business tool. As a problem solving system consultant

Quality: more than just the result
In this context, quality means the quality of a product or service. In a broad sense, however, the word also refers to the quality of the processes and work that results in those goods or services.

Quality management in the workplace gemba
In the gemba workplace, quality is viewed from a different angle from management based on working on quality prior to any action in the workplace (Upstream mana

Cost reduction in the workplace gemba
In this context, the word cost does not mean cost reduction, but cost management. In the course of cost management, the development, production and sale processes are monitored then

Delivery means the on-time delivery of a specified quantity of goods or services. One of the tasks of the administration is to deliver the required volume of goods or services on time for discharge.

Quality improvement and price reduction are compatible
A recurring theme in this chapter is that improving quality and reducing price are compatible goals. In fact, quality is the foundation on which cost and delivery are built. Without creation

Maintain and improve standards
If things are not going well at the gemba workplace, for example, a marriage or dissatisfied customers appears, the administration must find a reason, take action to correct the situation and with

Operating standards
Before we go any further, let's focus on how we use the word standards. In this context, there are two types of standards. The first is management standards,

Key features of standards
Standards have the following key features: 1. Reflect the best, easiest and safest way to get work done. The standards reflect the long-term wisdom and know-how of workers

Kaizen history
The kaizen story is a standardized format for recording kaizen events conducted by small groups such as quality circles. The same standardized format is also used

KAIZEN / 1SO 9000 / QS 9000
Today it has become almost mandatory for any company to apply for a national or international certification standards such as ISO 9000 or QS 9000 if this company wants to stay

S: five steps of housekeeping
5S, the five steps of farming, was developed through intensive work in a production context. Service-oriented companies can easily spot concurrent conditions in their

Five Steps to Good Housekeeping
The five steps of housekeeping and their Japanese names are: 1. Seiri: Separate the required and optional items in the gemba workplace and get rid of the latter.

Useless muda actions
One day, after closely observing the operators working at the gemba, Tahiichi Ohno told the workers, "May I ask you to work at least an hour a day?" Assuming, h

Muda's useless overproduction activities
Solving the problem of Muda's useless overproduction activities is the function of the line manager, who is worried about issues such as machine failures, rejects and absenteeism, and who

Waste muda activities in the stock area
Processed goods, semi-finished goods, or parts and inventory held in stock do not add value. Rather, they add transaction overhead by taking up space and requiring additional

Muda's useless actions in the area of ​​repair / scrap
A scrap interrupts production and requires costly rework. Therefore, you should get rid of marriage - this is a big waste of resources and strength. In today's mass production environment, the wrong

Useless muda actions - back and forth movements
Any human movement not directly related to adding value is unproductive. When a person walks, for example, he adds no value. In particular, any action required

Useless muda actions in the processing area
Sometimes inadequate technology or design leads to useless muda handling. Excessively long preparation or overshooting of machining, unproductive press strokes and

Useless muda actions while waiting
The useless actions of Muda while waiting take place when the operator's hands are motionless; when the operator's work is stalled due to line imbalance, missing parts, etc.

Useless muda actions during transportation
At the gemba workplace there are all types of transport - trucks, lifts and conveyors. Transport is an essential part of operations, but the movement of materials or goods does not

Gemba workplace home foundation
As shown in Chapter 2, the gemba workplace home rests on a solid foundation of employee engagement activities such as teamwork, mood enhancement, self-discipline, workers.

Educational enterprise
Bill Ford, Professor Emeritus, Visiting Center for Industrial Relations Research, University of New South Wales, Australia, supports the idea educational enterprise... He quotes high

Rational proposal system and quality working groups
An important part of the structure of the gemba workplace home is the rationalization system and quality circles - proof that employees are actively involved in the problem solving system.

Building self-discipline
Needless to say, self-discipline is the cornerstone of running a gemba's home. Self-disciplined workers can be trusted to report on working hours; maintaining cleanliness, order and

Materials (edit)
How do you know if material is being fed smoothly? How do you know that you have more material than you can handle and that you are producing more goods than you should? When specified by mi

How can you check if the process is flowing smoothly? Instruments should be clearly labeled to identify safe operating ranges. Heat-sensitive tapes should be

Implementation of standards
When we arrive at the gemba workstation, the visual control provides performance measures. We notice a deviation when we find extra boxes near the line; when the trolley for

Goal setting
The third purpose of visual management is to clarify improvement tasks. Suppose that external requirements force the plant to reduce the setup time of one of the presses for w

The role of the manager in gemba workplace management
It often happens that managers at the gemba workplace do not know exactly their responsibilities. They take part in activities such as firefighting, censuses, and quota achievement.

Controlling input parameters
(WORKFORCE, MATERIALS AND MECHANISMS) The manager is the person responsible for directing 20 or so operators in the gemba workplace, and so on.

Defining tasks

Best Quality Assurance Line Certification
For over 20 years, the so-called Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) approach has not been used in Japan. AQL is a quality assurance system that allows suppliers to supply specific

Map 3 Stages of certification
STEP 1 Determination of the best QA line STEP 2 Problem solving activity kaizen STEP 3 Application for approval Leader STEP 4 Pr

Defining tasks
In today's dynamic and competitive environment the administration is meeting with increasingly stringent requirements from customers seeking better quality, low price and fast delivery Only me

Pseudo-managerial functions of managers in the workplace gemba
As stated earlier, the job of a manager is divided into two main tasks in the gemba workplace: maintenance and improvement. Maintaining is the maintenance of the status quo - that is, to the manager

Necessary conditions for the successful definition of the duties and responsibilities of employees of the company "there"
Job instructions the duties and responsibilities of the various gemba managers of Toyota Astra Motor are clearly defined in

On-the-job training
The main method of training at Toyota is on-the-job training to provide workers with the necessary skills and abilities. For this training program, Toyota

Identifying potential problems
HIYARI reports TAM (Toyota Astra Motor Company) has two special programs aimed at warning

Main production processes
In order to achieve the goal of quality, price and delivery (Quality, Cost, Delivery; QCD) and satisfy the needs of the consumer, as well as their requirements, it is necessary that in industrial computers

Organization of continuous production
With a pull production system, all processes must be organized so that the product passes through different workstations in the order in which it performs

Impact of the just-in-time (LT) system on other industries
Aisin Seiki has successfully implemented just-in-time (LT) work in mattress production, in a special seasonal business characterized by a variety of demand. Company

Gemba Kaizen 2-day Workplace Problem Solving Concept Program and Kaizen Overall Corporate Concept
When you go to the workplace (gemba) and observe how your workers work, how the material moves, how the equipment is organized, does it satisfy you and accept

Since 1980, the Kaizen Institute has hosted workplace problem solving (gemba kaizen) events in the United States, Europe, South America and other parts of the world. VM institute consultants

Sociological research
MK Electronics Company The example below shows how the gemba-gembutsu principle and

Flawless performance
Upon closer inspection, visitors to the company's parks may notice that garbage containers are installed everywhere. During my recent visit, I counted six such containers at that time.

Press workshop
The case below shows how closely the principle of safety and housekeeping is interrelated. It happened one rainy June day in a press shop in Japan.

How the Five C (5S) System Eliminated the Need to Relocate the Die Plant
This story is about the implementation of the Five Cs (5S) system in a tire company. As in the previous example, it will also show the importance of implementing the "Five Cs" for streamlining production

How to get rid of useless
activities (muda) at Sunclipse Sunclipse is located in Commerce City, California, USA. She

Be confident in the work of employees
Several years later, Sunclips applied different types concept of problem solving (kaizen), involving the employees of the company. (Sunclips prefers the term "employees" to the term "workers

Endless innovation
Each department of the company has a consultant who develops a variety of programs in order to convince employees to support innovation. Each department also has a team to address issues

Wish tree
The principal activities of the Orange Division of Sunclipse s Kent H. Eandsberg are the administration, distribution, storage and sale of

How can the concept of problem solving ("kaizen") be used in sales technology?
The Kent H. Landsberg division of Kent H. Landsberg is one of the most profitable in the sale of not only its own products, but also those of other manufacturers.

Employee Effort Scorecard: Quality Dollars
Another hallmark of the concept of problem solving ("kaizen") is a system for evaluating employee contributions called "dollars for quality" ("Q bucks"). The amount of dollars can be

The need for additional training
When the Excel team working on the Worker Empowerment Program was developing training materials for production teams

Activity and responsibility
Excel's top management realized why change is needed corporate culture... Global competition forces us to constantly improve quality, price and transportation.

Organizational changes
To implement the concept of problem solving (kaizen) at Leyland Truck, Oliver made three major changes to the organizational structure of the company: 1) the introduction of a business block

Protracted leadership process
The traditional management structure poses many obstacles to building an organization with new personnel mandates. Although, any movement towards an enlarged, more extended pyramid with

Development of effective systems
The third change in the organization of the governing structure improved the work process itself. Oliver offers the following observations on this point: Notes on replacing old instruments and

Corporate culture change
There is a saying by the Japanese that the statue of Buddha will crumble if a person does not put his soul into it. “Even after Layland followed closely the aspects of the business block program such

Supporting workers' initiative
Realizing this, John Oliver decided to encourage workers to make changes in the company. “With the help of consultants, we gave each worker the opportunity to express their true opinion.

Learning from the experience of the lobro company
Lnhr & Bromkamp GmbH (Löbro) (Löbro) in Of-fenbach, Germany, is a part of GKN and is engaged in the production of constant velocity joints. Löbro company, and

Looking to the future
Focusing on equipment wear and damage control (TPM) in the concept implementation process (kaizen), the company has identified the following set of objectives for itself. The first of them guarantee

Gemba Time
FIGURE J Governance policy turns into worker involvement in the management process. As a result of these actions, Siemens Ostkamp was able to reduce the number of

Overcoming Initial Difficulties
STATISTICAL DATA COLLECTION The first challenge CEO Reinhard Straihammer faced was the problem of collecting statistical information on the job.

Organizational problems
The next challenge for Strayhammer was the organizational structure of the enterprise itself. Organizational structure Siemens Ostkamp repeated functional structure before

Keeping the kaizen concept in action
As strategy rollouts and audits go into action, says Strayhammer, the next challenge is to keep the concept in action, as it has been implemented so far.

Ideas following the concept of kaizen problem solving
if you have good idea please state it here: 1. This is how I dealt with the problem. Date: This is how I'm going to deal with

Further actions
The Problem Solving Concept (kaizen) process resulted in the following activities: Feasibility study of the overhead conveyor system. Analysis of technical

Alarm reporting as a quality improvement tool
In 1985 director clinics dr Takashi Inoue, learned about the use of alarm reports in the manufacturing industry. According to this system, every time the operator is at work

Quality Improvement Working Groups
Another characteristic feature concept (kaizen) at Inoue clinic is a year Number of working groups Number of people employed in them

Next step: applying the concept of problem solving (kaizen) from the supplier's side
Shortly after the introduction of the new procedures, employees from the logistics and operations departments formed a group, which included people involved in quality control and production.

The kaizen activity where the pilot group worked saved 34,000 Argentine pesos a year. Application of the same procedures in other areas where the assembly was carried out

All information focus: infotech
The activity of Infotech in Italy is to provide customers with copying equipment and fax machines, as well as the implementation of technical support and repair and other consumer goods.

Process change
Fidelity also uses the philosophy of the concept of problem solving (kaizen) to change its business processes. The following table shows the percent change model

Company A has a global strategy known as the Five Core Strategies. One of these "Five Core Strategies" is a production system that includes production

My experience with
concept of problem solving (kaizen) My work on concept of problem solving (kaizen) was completely natural. Since she is perceived by me as the only way

Lean manufacturing (Lean system) is special approach to the organization of management at the enterprise. It aims to improve the quality of work by reducing waste. Michael Weider talks about the intricacies of this concept in his book. Instruments lean manufacturing are used at all stages of the enterprise's activities - from design to product sales. Let's consider them in more detail.

Lean tools and their essence

The basic principles were developed in the late 1980s and 1990s. The main goal of the system is to reduce actions that do not add value to the released product throughout its entire life cycle... When choosing tools and methods of lean manufacturing, you must be guided by the following principles:

  1. Develop leadership at every level of process management.
  2. Team leaders should develop long-term and short-term strategies using feedback from their subordinates.
  3. Each leader is responsible for the results of the implementation of their own projects.

The use of lean manufacturing tools is focused primarily on improving the quality of work. It should be assessed at all levels and the results obtained should be received by all employees. The enterprise must develop clear instructions and rules for each group of specialists. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure their close relationship and mutual assistance. It is necessary to train staff in short term identify production errors and fix them just as quickly. To involve all employees in the implementation of the concept, certain standards should be developed key parameters quality.

Lean tools: mini-guide

The main task of the enterprise management, striving to improve the quality of products by reducing losses, is the creation of a well-developed scheme of actions. The development of instructions and rules should ensure the formation of an integral system, increase staff motivation. They must have a logical connection with each other. The system distinguishes the following basic tools of lean manufacturing:

  1. Visual management.
  2. "Right on time."
  3. Standard operating processes.
  4. Mapping.
  5. Organization of seats 5S.
  6. Built-in quality.


Total Productive Maintenance is a total process maintenance. As mentioned above, lean manufacturing tools are aimed at reducing waste. Typically, they are associated with equipment downtime resulting from breakdowns and redundant maintenance. The main idea of ​​TRM is to involve all employees of the enterprise in the process, and not just specialists of individual services. Thus, each employee must know the specifics of equipment maintenance and be able to quickly fix the problem on his own. The success of using TPM depends on how correctly the idea is conveyed and how positively it is perceived by the staff.

TPM stages

Implementing lean tools requires following a set pattern. The peculiarity of TPM is that on the basis of this approach, a planned and smooth transformation of the service system operating at the enterprise into a more perfect one is possible. For this, within the framework of the TRM, the following stages are provided:

  1. Operational repair. It involves an attempt to improve the existing system, identifying weaknesses in it.
  2. Service based on forecasts. It is about organizing the collection of information about existing problems in the operation of equipment for subsequent data analysis. At the same time, preventive maintenance of machines is planned.
  3. Corrective maintenance. Within its framework, the equipment is being improved to eliminate the causes of systematic failures.
  4. Offline service. It involves the distribution of functions related to ensuring the smooth operation of machines between the repair and maintenance services of the enterprise.
  5. Continuous improvement. This element includes all Lean tools. Continuous improvement actually means involving employees in a constant search for the causes of losses and suggesting ways to eliminate them.

Visual management

It represents an arrangement of parts, tools, manufacturing operations, and performance information in such a way that they will be clearly visible. This will provide the participants in the process with the opportunity to assess the state of the entire system at a glance. The implementation of visual management is carried out in several stages:

  1. Jobs are being organized.
  2. It visualizes important information about safety, quality standards, procedures and equipment use.
  3. The results are shown and the effectiveness of the processes is assessed.
  4. Decisions are made according to the visualized information.

Standard procedures

It should be noted that the tools of lean manufacturing are designed in such a way that their use can only be carried out in an integrated manner. Otherwise, the activity will not bring the expected effect. Within the framework of the system, special instructions are developed, which determine the stage-by-stage sequence of execution of any operation. Verbal recommendations are either distorted or forgotten. In this regard, they are replaced by written instructions, for which the following requirements exist:

  1. They must be quickly understood. For this, instead of long texts, diagrams, drawings, photographs, and special symbols are used.
  2. Constantly reviewed and updated in accordance with changes in the order of operations.
  3. Developed together with employees. This will ensure their validity and provide a positive experience.

Right on time

Just In Time is a way to shorten the duration production cycle and involves the provision of services, materials and other resources only when they are needed. This allows you to carry out the following activities:

  1. Reduce batch sizes to the least economically profitable.
  2. Balance the number of employees, equipment, material.
  3. "Pull" products - the productivity of current operations is determined by the needs of the forthcoming ones.
  4. Use audiovisual methods to monitor product status and machine utilization.
  5. Delegate decision-making for managing the movement of goods to the lowest possible level.


It presents the process of creating a simple graphical diagram that clearly depicts the information and material flows that are required to provide services or products to end users. Mapping allows you to immediately identify bottlenecks, and based on the results of its analysis, determine non-productive operations and costs. Based on this, an improvement plan is developed. As the time of value creation, it is customary to take the period of performance of work, through which the product is transformed so that the consumer is ready to pay for it. The creation flow is all the actions that are required to produce it. As practice shows, losses at most enterprises are up to 80%.

Stages of creating a circuit

Mapping includes the following activities:

  1. Documenting the current state. At this stage, the process of creating a value (or a group of them) is described in detail. In this case, all states and operations are indicated, the time required, the number of information flows, the number of employees, and so on.
  2. Analysis. Mapping is done to identify actions that form and do not form the value of the product. Some of the latter cannot be eliminated (for example, accounting). However, they need to be optimized as much as possible. Others can be eliminated or unified. To implement these tasks, it is necessary to find out the customer's requirements for the quality of the product and its consumer properties. Based on this, those characteristics are established that cannot be excluded under any circumstances, and those that can be corrected by agreement.
  3. Creation of a diagram of the future state. This map reflects the ideal situation after all the planned changes have been made. At the same time, hidden losses are revealed for their subsequent elimination.
  4. Development of an improvement plan. At this stage, methods of transition to the ideal (future) state are determined, specific tasks are assigned, deadlines and persons responsible for the implementation of the program are established.

Built-in quality

This technique allows you to manage the state of the product directly at the place of its creation. Built-in quality provides:


This system assumes efficient distribution and organization of the workspace. It, like other Lean tools, helps to make the zone more manageable and saves time. The system includes:

  1. Sorting.
  2. Rational use of space.
  3. Cleaning.
  4. Standardization.
  5. Improvement.

The 5S system allows you to reduce the number of errors in documents, create a comfortable climate at the enterprise, and increase productivity. The undoubted advantage of this tool is the absence of the need to use new management theories and technology.

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1. Lean

lean management production loss

Lean - a production enterprise management concept based on constant striving to eliminate all types of losses. Lean production involves the involvement of each employee in the business optimization process and maximum customer focus. Originated as an interpretation of ideas production system of the Toyota company by American researchers of its phenomenon.

Taiichi Ohno (1912-1990), one of the main creators of the Toyota production system, identified 7 types of losses:

· Losses due to overproduction;

· Loss of time due to waiting;

· Losses due to unnecessary transportation;

· Losses due to unnecessary processing steps;

· Losses due to excess inventory;

· Losses due to unnecessary movements;

· Loss due to the release of defective products.

How to get rid of waste and make your company prosper lays out the essence of Lean as a five-step process:

· Determine the value of a specific product.

· Determine the value stream for this product.

· Provide a continuous flow of product value stream.

· Allow the user to pull the product.

· Strive for perfection.

2 . Instrlean manufacturing tools

Lean tools:

· TRM (TotalProductive Maintenance)

Visual management

Standard operating procedures

· Exactly intime

Value stream mapping

Built-in quality

· Organization of workplaces - 6S

TR M ( Total Productive Maintenance ) is one of the lean manufacturing tools, the use of which allows you to reduce losses associated with equipment downtime due to breakdowns and excessive maintenance. The main idea of ​​TPM is to involve all personnel of the enterprise in the process of equipment maintenance, and not just the corresponding services.

The peculiarity of the TPM methodology is that, on its basis, a smooth and planned transformation of the existing service system to a more perfect one is possible. For this purpose, it is convenient to present the TPM implementation path as a sequence of stages, each of which follows quite specific goals and, most importantly, it gives a quite tangible effect.

· Rapid troubleshooting - an attempt to improve the existing service system and find its weak points.

· Predictive Maintenance — Organizes the collection of information about equipment problems and their subsequent analysis. Planning for preventive maintenance of equipment.

· Corrective maintenance - improvement of equipment in the process of maintenance in order to eliminate the causes of systematic malfunctions.

· Autonomous maintenance - distribution of functions for equipment maintenance between operating and maintenance personnel.

· Continuous improvement is a mandatory attribute of any lean manufacturing tool. In fact, it means the involvement of personnel in the continuous search for sources of losses in operation and maintenance, as well as the proposal of methods for their elimination.

Visual management

Visual management is the arrangement of all tools, parts, production stages and information about the performance of the production system so that they are clearly visible, and so that any participant in the process can assess the state of the system at a glance.

Visual management is implemented in several stages.

Stage 1. The organization of workplaces is carried out, this is the stage at which you need to use all the power and capabilities of 5S.

Stage 2. The important information that is in the workplace is visualized:

information about safety, quality, how operations are performed and what and how equipment should be used.

Stage 3. The results and performance indicators of a process are visualized.

Stage 4. Decision making is implemented based on this visualized information.

Standard operating procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) - Document Step by

Standard procedures

step that determines the sequence of execution of any

production operation.

· Verbal instructions are forgotten and distorted, so they should be replaced with written ones - SOP.

SOPs should not take too long to understand,

therefore, they should use descriptive notation,

drawings, diagrams, photographs, etc.

· SOPs must be constantly updated to reflect changes in the order of operations.

When developing an SOP, employees should be involved, it is

guarantees its reliability and will not cause rejection.

Exactly the time

Just-In-Time (JIT) is a method of shortening the production cycle time, when exactly on time materials, services and other resources are provided only when they are needed.

· Reducing the batch size to the minimum cost-effective (ideally to one product unit).

Balancing the size human resources, the amount of materials and equipment.

· "Pulling" of products. The performance of the current operation is determined by the need for the next one.

· Use of audio-visual means of control over the condition of the product and the workload of the equipment.

· Delegation of the decision-making process for managing the movement of products to the lowest possible level.

Value stream mapping

Value stream mapping is a fairly simple and intuitive graphical diagram that depicts the material and information flows required to provide a product or service. end consumer... A value stream map makes it possible to immediately see the bottlenecks of the stream and, based on its analysis, identify all overhead costs and processes, and develop an improvement plan.

Mapping is a visualized description in a certain form of the flow (material, informational) of value creation of a business process. Mapping is done in terms of “as is”, “as it should be” and “as it will be”.

With this tool, a value stream map is created that will clearly identify value creation time and waste in the value stream.

A creation stream map is a tool with which you can map material and information flows during value creation. Time to create value is considered to be the time it takes to complete work that transforms a product so that consumers are willing to pay for it. Value stream - all the activities (value adding and non-value adding) needed to produce a product.

Built-in quality

Built-in quality - a technique for managing product quality directly at its place. Built-in quality of production.

The basic principles of embedded quality.

· Possibility of stopping the conveyor by an employee in the event of a defect or equipment breakdown (Jidoka).

· Design the equipment so that deviations are detected and stopped automatically.

· Using the production line warning system (Andon).

· Using techniques to prevent unintentional operator errors or technology flaws (Poka-Yoke).

· Standardization of quality control procedures and assignment of control responsibilities to equipment operators.

Organization of workplaces - 6 S

The 6S system is effective method organization of workplaces, increasing the controllability of the working area, increasing the culture of production and saving time.

1S - WITHORT- get rid of everything unnecessary.

2S - WITHOBSERVE THE ORDER- define a place for each part or tool.

3S- WITHKEEP CLEAN your workplace.


5S - WITHTANDARDIZE procedures for maintaining cleanliness and order.

6S- WITHIMPROVE previous points, encourage the maintenance of order and cleanliness.

3. TRM (TotalProductive Maintenance)

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance, TPM) is a production equipment management concept aimed at increasing efficiency Maintenance... The Total Equipment Care Method is built around the stabilization and continuous improvement of maintenance processes, a preventive maintenance system, zero defect operation and the systematic elimination of all sources of waste.

The goal of TPM implementation is to eliminate chronic losses:

Equipment failure

High changeover and adjustment times

Idling and minor faults

Decrease in performance (speed) in the operation of equipment

Defective parts

· Losses during the commissioning of equipment.

Eight principles of TPM

Principle 1 - Continuous improvement: practice-oriented prevention of 7 types of losses.

Principle 2 - Autonomous maintenance: the operator of the equipment must independently carry out inspection, cleaning work, lubrication work, as well as minor maintenance work.

Principle 3 - Maintenance planning: ensuring 100% availability of equipment, as well as carrying out kaizen activities in the field of maintenance.

Principle 4 - Training and education: employees should be trained in accordance with the requirements for the improvement of qualifications for the operation and maintenance of equipment.

Trigger control: realize vertical trigger curve new products and equipment.

Quality management: realizing the goal of "zero defects in quality" in products and equipment.

TPM in administrative areas: Waste and waste are eliminated in indirect production units.

Safety, environment and health care: the requirement to convert plant accidents to zero.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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“Use visual control so that no problem goes unnoticed” is one of the principles of Toyota management. Indeed, problems are easier to fix when they are visually “sorted out”. Visual management will help us with this.

Visual management is understood as the location of all tools, parts, production stages and information about the performance of the organization so that they are clearly visible, and so that any participant in the process can assess the state of the system at a glance. The simplest example of visual management is cards or stickers with assignments. More perfect views are kanban, 5C, cross learning tables, equipment layouts, and visualization boards. Let us dwell on the latter in detail.

A visual control board (Task Board, Visual board) clearly demonstrates which part of the work has already been done and which is still in the process; what tool is used; how many materials are needed; what problems the team faced in the course of work, etc. It is easy enough to make such a board. Some people use a laser pointer for this.

But, in order to really be useful, the visualization board must be readable and extremely easy to use. It is also important to decide on the degree of detail - the work must be broken down into tasks so that daily progress is noticeable, otherwise the board will lose its value.

In some companies, the idea of ​​using a visualization board hasn't caught on. This usually happens due to the low interest in this approach of the manager. If he asks subordinates to enter into the table the problems that have arisen in the course of the work, but does not check them himself, people gradually lose interest in her, considering it a waste of time. Therefore, it is important not only to post information, but also to make sure that each employee sees it as part of their job functions.

It is very easy to check how effective the visual control board is. It is enough to bring a person to her from the outside. If he understands what it is about quickly and without additional explanations, the goal is achieved.

When used correctly, the render board provides positive influence on employees, increases their level of responsibility for completing tasks, builds relationships between subordinates and managers through information clarity, and also reduces the risk of defects in production.

Visual control is implemented in several phases:

  • Organization of workplaces using the 5C system (here you can put a link to the article about 5C, which I wrote earlier);
  • Visualization of important information about safety, quality, equipment;
  • Visualization of the results of a particular work;
  • Making decisions based on the available visualized information

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