Where can you buy equipment for the production of foam rubber. How to open an enterprise for the production of foam rubber in Russia? Among its advantages, I would like to highlight

The main chemical components of the formulation for the preparation of polyurethane foam (PPU) are simple and complex polyesters. With the use of polyesters, an elastic molded polyurethane foam is produced. Many times superior in characteristics to foam rubber, which is polyurethane foam on polyethers, it is twice as expensive to manufacture and has practically disappeared from our daily use.

On our foam rubber production technologists use a molded (periodic) method of making foam rubber.

When using this option, the production of foam rubber occurs by pouring an elastic mass into molds, where it is foamed. During the polymerization process, the foam rises above the level of the upper cut of the mold. After that, we remove the finished block of polyurethane foam from the mold and send it to a special chamber for 24 hours until it ripens. After this time, we cut off the crust that has solidified at the edges from the block and cut it into sheets of the required size and shape.

Thus, the molded foam rubber has wider stereometric capabilities, that is, depending on the customer's requirements, we can manufacture a product of any shape, i.e. contour cutting is applied to certain parts.

Our production offers various brands of foam rubber such as: ST - standard foam rubber; EL - high-rigidity foam rubber; HL - super hard foam rubber, HR - highly elastic foam rubber; S - soft foam rubber; HS - super soft foam; VE - viscoelastic foam rubber (foam rubber with memory).

The main range of products made from foam rubber in our production is sheets with a size of 1000 × 2000 mm., Sheet thickness varies from 0.5 mm to 200 mm. Also, at the request of the customer, we are ready to fulfill the order for non-standard sheet sizes such as: 1200 × 2000 mm; 1300 × 2000 mm; 1400 × 2000 mm; 1500 × 2000 mm; 1550 × 2000 mm; 1600 × 2000 mm.

Equipment. Components. Reviews.

What is foam rubber?

Foam rubber is a two-component polyurethane foam. Since foam rubber is a polyurethane foam with a very low density, it is logical that the components for it are also a political scientist and an isocyanate. The properties of the final product directly depend on the formulation (volume and mass ratio of components, additives, plasticizers, thinners). Usually, in the manufacture of products on one casting machine, the same isocyanate is used, and the second component, a polyol, is selected depending on the specification. And the additives are poured into it. What kind of additives and additives necessary for a specific product are given by the technical department or the laboratory of the component manufacturer's plant.

The principle of the filling installation.

The main unit of the filling machine is the mixing chamber, which receives the polyol and additives. There they quickly mix and, already in a homogeneous state, enter the second mixing chamber where they mix even faster with the isocyanate. And then all this mass is fed into the mold. The larger the bin for the foam block, the more components have to be moved initially. Most often, pouring into a mold is done once. But if there is a need to make products from two or more types of foam rubber, then pouring can be performed in several steps, observing the polymerization technology of each of the layers using intermediate primers.

When pouring foam blocks, the surface of the mold is treated with a special compound to prevent sticking. Or, before pouring the components into the mold, polyethylene is placed. Polyethylene is one of the few materials to which PU foam does not stick.

If you pay attention to what companies are most often opened today, then here you can undoubtedly name jewelry, alcoholic beverages, automobiles and furniture. Let's pay attention to the furniture. It consists of simple and lightweight materials, but with an interesting design it can be very expensive. Thus, the furniture generates a high income with minimal cost... As a result, equipment for the production of foam rubber is considered relevant for purchase.

  • Equipment for the production of foam rubber
  • Necessary costs for the production of foam rubber
  • How much can you earn in the production of foam rubber
  • A step-by-step plan for starting a foam rubber business
  • What is the OKVED for the foam rubber business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for a foam rubber business
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Foam rubber production technology

The material is widely used in the manufacture of furniture, toys, sports goods. Foam rubber is a material composed of polyurethane. It is very elastic and resilient, as it consists of 90% of cells filled with air.

The material is used in the manufacture of:

  • various furniture;
  • soft toys;
  • auto seats;
  • sports and household goods.

Issue volumes upholstered furniture v Russian Federation increase every year. The annual growth in this market segment is 10%. With the development of this industry, the demand for materials that are needed also increases. The main thing is foam rubber.

At the moment, there are two main methods that are used in the manufacture of foam rubber: continuous and periodic. Small firms use the second technology because it is simple and the equipment purchase and maintenance costs are minimal. In addition, no specific education is required to make foam rubber, it is enough to take training courses offered by suppliers.

Equipment for the production of foam rubber

In order to start making foam rubber, you need to have:

  • machine (automatic machine) for foaming;
  • thermal chamber;
  • a machine for cutting blanks;
  • dosing apparatus;
  • configuration block (forms);
  • related materials (couplings, hoses, etc.).

In order to organize a full-fledged line, you should purchase additional devices: a waste crusher, a machine with which you can twist sheets and an apparatus for wrapping in film. Above listed types equipment can be ordered separately, or a complete line can be purchased.

Necessary costs for the production of foam rubber

A set of equipment producing 12 m 3 of material per shift costs around 300 thousand rubles. If you order a line that includes all devices for the production of foam rubber of various brands and is capable of producing up to 30 m 3 of foam rubber per shift, you will need 1.3 million rubles.

There is an option where you can order a mini-factory in China. The production volume of such a line is at least 50 m 3 of finished material per shift. The price of the issue is 1.6-1.8 million rubles. This option is more profitable. To effectively build the process, you will need 7 employees who will work 8 hours per shift. Capital expenditures for organizing a line for the production of foam rubber will amount to approximately 1.78 million rubles.

Those who decide to engage in this activity need to apply for an individual entrepreneur. Find a suitable premises where a work shop with a total area of ​​200 m2 will be located. Find buyers among enterprises and firms that produce furniture and other products that use foam rubber.

Line load is closely related to customer demand for upholstered furniture. The largest revenue will be received during the peak times of furniture sales (autumn and from February to April). The rest of the time, there will be a decrease in revenue due to seasonal buyers' requests. There are very few orders in January, this is primarily due to the holidays. This is the best time to spend Maintenance equipment.

How much can you earn in the production of foam rubber

It is best to calculate revenue on the condition that the line will be loaded by 50%. When producing foam rubber with parameters of 20 mm, thickness and density of 25 kg / m3, the price of large orders will be 150 rubles / sheet, and the retail price will be 250-270 rubles. As a result, we can draw up the following table.

In the manufacture of a sheet of foam rubber, the cost will include the cost of raw materials for production and the energy used:

Thus, having carried out approximate calculations, you can see that even with a payback period of 12 months, you can regularly receive high income even with 50% of the line load. With 100% operation of the equipment, it will be possible to return your costs in six months. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the ways of selling products in advance.

The main activity of the company is production of sheet and block foam rubber in a periodic way... The produced foam rubber is used as a stuffing material in the production of upholstered furniture, sports mats, modular products for children, medical mattresses, and also for other purposes. Our company offers for sale not only produced foam rubber, but also a set of production equipment with a full composition of chemical components for this type of activity. Our specialists with many years of experience,will conduct the whole range of services for installation, commissioning, learning Your staff and the release of final products on the proposed equipment. If necessary, our company offers on favorable terms for you supply of chemicals including transportation.
We have been cooperating since 2003 with the following organizations:
- OOO " DOWEIsolan"Vladimir
- OOO " Furniture-group", Nizhny Novgorod
- OOO " NVP Vladipur", Vladimir
- OOO " Factory of semi-finished products", Nizhny Novgorod
- OOO " NN rate", Nizhny Novgorod
- NPP LLC Elastoprom"Penza


The equipment is manufactured according to the design principles of imported (German) equipment, with the exception of complex expensive electronics, all critical components and assemblies are simplified and strengthened in accordance with domestic working conditions.
Allows to produce up to 60 cubic meters of foam rubber in an 8-hour work shift.
The constituents
Mixing setup
Designed for the manufacture of PPU blocks.
Overall dimensions 1400x1000x2730 mm.
- Supply voltage 3x380 V
- Maximum power consumption - 3 kW
- The capacity of the mixer allows for a range of densities from 16 kg / cubic meter to 25 kg / cubic meter
Form - movable with a floating lid
Cutting horizontal installation
- Designed for cutting PPU blocks into sheets of a given thickness (from 3 to 220 mm). Overall dimensions 4460x2500x2700 mm. Characteristics: - Supply voltage 3x380 V - Maximum power consumption - 5 kW

Technology and components

This type of activity uses six-component system... The main ones are: a polyester component and an isocyanate component T-80. The apparent density of the obtained polyurethane foam depends on the amount of the main components and water in the recipe. The surfactant and catalysts provide a balanced foaming and curing process for the foam.
The process of obtaining polyurethane foam at batch plants consists of the following technological stages:
- preparation and tempering of raw materials
- preparation of the activator mixture and component A
- preparation of component C.
- dosage
- production of blocks and their aging
- cutting blocks into sheets of a given thickness
When making blocks of elastic PPU the room temperature must be kept at a specific temperature. During maturation, PPU blocks are installed on the floor at a distance of at least 0.2 m from each other. Standing takes place for at least 12 hours, then the finished blocks are sent for cutting. In the process of standing, the processes of chemical transformation of the initial substances into non-volatile polymer products are completely completed, reactive compounds are bound and the block is cooled.
Requirements to industrial premises
- The area of ​​the molding shop (casting) should be 30 - 35 sq.m, temperature regime 20 - 28 C, ceiling height of at least 3 m
- Availability of exhaust ventilation in the molding shop. An umbrella with a size of 1.2 mx 2.2 m is installed directly above the mold, where foaming occurs. Fan motor at least 3 thousand rpm, diameter of air ducts 0.3 m
- The room for sawing and storage must have an area of ​​at least 200 square meters, without reference to the temperature regime
In total, the total area of ​​the premises required for the placement and operation of this production must be at least 230 sq. M.


Departure of specialists for the organization of the entire mini-production "turnkey" to the address of the customer.
- Installation and start-up adjustment of equipment
- Project of the premises for given view activities
- Selection of all the necessary attributes used in the production of PU foam
- Technology training
- Delivery of chemical components
- Release finished products
- All further consultations on customer issues


In this production process must involve at least three people (technologist and two workers). In the manufacture of foam rubber of any density, from 15 to 30 blocks are produced in one working shift. Per month(24 working days) is produced on average 500 blocks. Here is the calculation of the cost of one block of foam rubber with a density of 22 kg / cubic meter. By technology required amount raw material for the manufacture of one block is 50.17 kg. The cost of a six-component system for the production of foam rubber is $ 2.8 for 1 kg(1 kg contains all the necessary components in the required proportions). Therefore, the cost of one block for raw materials will be: 50.17 kg x 2.8 $ = 140.47 $... The block obtained on this equipment has dimensions: width - 1000 mm, length - 2000 mm, height 1100 mm.
Thus, 110 cm of foam rubber (110 sheets measuring 10x1000x2000 mm) is supplied to the sale. On average, for January 2009, the cost of one sheet of foam rubber with a density of 22 kg / cubic meter with a size of 10x1000x2000 mm is 2,1 $ , therefore 110 sheets x $ 2.1 = 231 $ ... Let's determine the difference between the selling price and the cost of one block for raw materials: 2 31 $ - 140,47 $ = 90,53 $ ... With an average employment of workers in the production process, up to 500 blocks per month with income $ 25-30 thousand... Electricity costs are 2000 - 2500 kW per month at the above rates of work. The salary of the employees is piecework, on average it is 3 $ for the production of one PPU block. Running costs for the needs of production activities are 400 - 500 $ per month... This equipment allows you to produce up to 35 tons of foam rubber per month, subject to continuous production

In the mini-production of foam rubber, high-molecular substances are used that have an unpleasant, specific smell. The smell arises from the presence of volatile components. Some of these types, meaning volatile components, cause allergic reactions in people, all kinds of irritations, especially sensitive, delicate skin in children.

For the safety of people, in the workshops for the production of foam rubber, supply and exhaust ventilation is installed. Ventilation in production halls is placed according to the layout of each specific room. In the process of making foam rubber, harmful substances decompose under the influence of air, as well as humidity, into elements of substances that are absolutely safe for humans, animals and nature. Thus, the production of foam rubber does not destroy the atmosphere of the earth, and natural resources do not suffer.

Technology for mini production of foam rubber.
The production of foam rubber takes place according to a certain technology. The temperature regime is of great importance here. In the premises for the production of foam rubber, the temperature should not be lower than 18C heat. In other areas of foam rubber production, it is not necessary to maintain the temperature regime. These are such premises as: warehouse, utility rooms, premises for cutting finished products.

The most important point in the production of foam rubber is the dosage of all the components that make up the foam rubber. There shouldn't be any errors! In this regard, all the masses of the constituent components are carefully weighed, on very accurate, electronic scales. During the process of making foam rubber, chemical reactions take place.

Therefore, the entire process of making foam rubber should be supervised by an experienced person, with work experience, having the education of a chemist-technologist. Under the guidance of a highly qualified employee, the process of mini-production of foam rubber proceeds in accordance with technological instructions.

The production of foam rubber is as follows: all components are liquid chemical reagents, are placed in a special mixer of a certain volume. There, the mixing of the components takes place, to the state of foaming.

After that, the resulting mixture is put into a mold with folding walls. There the foam lays for half an hour and cools, and after three days, the foam is already cut into the necessary sheets.

Organization of a mini business for the production of foam rubber.
To start production from scratch, a good financial investment is required. You will need to buy a ready-made line of low power for the production of foam rubber. Subsequently, it can be expanded. It will cost you about half a million rubles. Plus, the costs of installing this production, and specialists will be needed who will serve it. Specialists will have to be trained and everyone will have to pay wages. The whole process for the production of foam rubber will cost 755,000 rubles, excluding wages, for staff.

There are special requirements for the mini production of foam rubber. The temperature in the room, never, should be below 18 degrees C. Otherwise, the production, pouring of blocks will be impossible, requirements are also put forward for the height of the ceilings in the workshops for the production of foam rubber, they must be at least three meters.

The optimal area, according to experts, for the production of foam rubber should be 200-250 sq. M. This should also include: a technologist's office, and household premises for personnel. Good ventilation is essential, and mandatory conditions, the presence of 380V wiring.

Sales of foam rubber products.
In the production of foam rubber, components such as polyisocyanate and polyol are used.
Your customers will be: factories and factories for the production of upholstered furniture. They use foam rubber as stuffing products, in order to save money. These are sofas, armchairs, ottomans, as well as their other products. Such plants and factories consume 70% of foam rubber at the enterprise.

Your regular customers will become construction companies... They use foam rubber for sound insulation, thermal insulation, vibration insulation. Also shoe factories will cooperate with you. They also use foam rubber to create their products. These are insoles for shoes. Foam rubber is also used in medicine; it is used to make prostheses that fix splints.
Audio equipment manufacturers may also become your clients. They use foam rubber in the manufacture of microphones, headphones, audio speakers.

Very often, foam rubber is used by individuals for their home purposes. They will buy your products in small bulk quantities.

Hardware stores will also contact you for foam rubber. They sell it in their stores. Also foam rubber is used in some types of soft stuffed toys. This means that toy factories are also potential customers.
The demand for foam rubber is great. This means that this type of mini-business will bring results.

Video mini production of foam rubber:

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