Graphic writing in kindergarten class notes. Summary of the lesson in graphic writing in the preparatory speech group “Forest walk. Stage of project implementation

Summary of a lesson on preparing hands for writing for children of a preparatory group for school
Article from the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson"

Software content:

  • Continue building children's readiness to learn to write.
  • Improve orientation skills on a sheet in a cage.
  • Continue to develop visual and spatial perception, visual memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, coordination in the eye-hand system.
  • Continue to shape the correct grip on the pencil.
  • Continue to develop the ability to understand the educational task, control oneself in the process of work, and achieve success.
  • To foster a culture of communication, the ability to listen.

Task 2.

Consider the first row. Find and name a letter. (Ooh)
Consider the second row. Find and name a consonant letter. (D)
Consider the third row. Find and name a letter that consists of two long sticks and one short one. (A)
Consider the fourth row. Find and name the letter that occurs most often in this series. (H)
Consider the fifth row. Find and name the extra letter. (A)

Children carry out the task. Then the found letters are called, observing the sequence of their finding. The teacher opens one by one all the letters in the word-name of the ship. Then the name of the ship is read. (LUCK)

Educator... Let's pave the way for our journey to the land of cells. This is quite difficult because the ship needs to be guided past the underwater reefs.

Task 3. Under my dictation, "travel" through the cells. Listen carefully, you will succeed.

"Graphic dictation"

From point: 2 cells to the right, 2 up, 1 left, 2 up, 7 right, 1 up, 4 right, 2 up, 1 left, 1 up, 3 right, 1 up.

Dynamic pause.

Game "Attentive ears".

Finger gymnastics "Sing - sing along".

Educator. We rested, we continue our journey through the country of cells. Residents of the country of cells began to draw "fences" from oblique lines, tired and not finished. Let's help them finish the work they have started.

Task 4.

To draw them, you need to connect the upper and lower corners of the cells to each other. Be careful! The heights of the lines are different, the cells will help you not to make a mistake.

Educator... The inhabitants of the cell country thank you for your help and give you a box with gifts. To open the chest, you need to pick up a cipher. ( Each child receives a plate.)

Task 5.

Consider the chain, find a pattern, and draw in the missing shape. Follow the shading pattern, observing the shading rules.

Summary of a lesson on preparing hands for writing for children of a preparatory group for school

Software content:

  • Continue building children's readiness to learn to write.
  • Improve orientation skills on a sheet in a cage.
  • Continue to develop visual and spatial perception, visual memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, coordination in the eye-hand system.
  • Continue to shape the correct grip on the pencil.
  • Continue to develop the ability to understand the educational task, control oneself in the process of work, and achieve success.
  • To foster a culture of communication, the ability to listen.

Materials and equipment:The silhouette of the ship (each letter of its name - "Luck" - is covered with a round sheet of white paper, a magnetic board, a set of cards for the game "Physical education for letters", D / and "Silhouette and contour", a chest, Card - a plate with a number of geometric shapes, a picture of several objects, a set of colored pencils for each child, a simple pencil for each child, a worksheet with assignments for each child.

Course of the lesson

1. Educator.

Today I invite you on a journey through the country of cells, where we will learn to navigate on a sheet in a cage. First, let's prepare for the trip. To do this, we will make a hand massage.

Massage. (Mutual massage of palms with massage balls)

With the help of chips, children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given one massage ball, with which the children alternately massage each other's palms and fingers.

2. Finger games.

"Rope", "Salt the soup".

3. The practical part.

Educator. Guys, what kind of transport do you think you can travel on?

Children's answers. On water, air, land.

Educator. What water transport do you know?

Children's answers. Ship, boat, yacht, boat, etc.

Educator. What transport we will take with you, you will know the way if you complete the task.

Exercise 1. Connect the numbers in order. What happened?

(Picture 1 ) A simple pencil is used.

Educator. What is the name of our ship? To read its name, let's playgame "Physical education for letters"

(Hangs the silhouette of the ship on the board). (Figure2 )

Task 2.

Consider the first row. Find and name a letter. (Ooh)
Consider the second row. Find and name a consonant letter. (D)
Consider the third row. Find and name a letter that consists of two long sticks and one short one. (A)
Consider the fourth row. Find and name the letter that occurs most often in this series. (H)
Consider the fifth row. Find and name the extra letter. (A)

Children carry out the task. Then the found letters are called, observing the sequence of their finding. The teacher opens one by one all the letters in the word-name of the ship. Then the name of the ship is read. (LUCK)

Educator ... Let's pave the way for our journey to the land of cells. This is quite difficult because the ship needs to be guided past the underwater reefs.

Task 3. Under my dictation, "travel" through the cells. Listen carefully, you will succeed.

"Graphic dictation"

From point: 2 cells to the right, 2 up, 1 left, 2 up, 7 right, 1 up, 4 right, 2 up, 1 left, 1 up, 3 right, 1 up.

(Figure 3 )

Dynamic pause.

Game "Attentive ears".

Finger gymnastics "Sing - sing along".

Educator. We rested, we continue our journey through the country of cells. The inhabitants of the country of cells began to draw "fences" from oblique lines, they were tired and did not finish. Let's help them finish the work they have started.

Task 4.

To draw them, you need to connect the upper and lower corners of the cells to each other. Be careful! The heights of the lines are different, the cells will help you not to make a mistake.

Nominated: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, additional education, Preparatory group
Alla A. Veligovskaya

Lesson summaries for the preparatory group for preparing a preschooler for writing

Topic: "Fun Competitions".

Purpose: Development of attention, speed, reaction, motor dexterity, preparation of the hand for writing,. Material: handouts (for each child): notebooks, a set of simple and colored pencils, chips of different colors, lacing, samples of the graphic exercise "Geometric Pattern", "Rectangles", "Superman"; medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

The course of the lesson.

Educator.- Children, today we will hold a fun competition. For each correctly completed task, the child will receive a token. At the end of the lesson, we will count your chips and reward the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Remember the main thing is that the task is completed correctly and accurately, and not quickly!

- But first, as before the real competition, the athletes warm up, and we will do the warm-up.

Dynamic pause

Warm-up begins We got up, leveled the backs To the right - to the left, bent over And repeated again (side bends) We squat one by one One, two, three, four, five. This work is necessary - to train the muscles of the legs (squat) And now hand jerking We perform with you (jerking hands in front of the chest).

1st task "Geometric pattern" (samples are given to children)

- Why do you think it is called that? (consists of geometric shapes).

- Be careful that each rectangle has its own pattern, you need to repeat it correctly.

For the correct completion of the task, the child is given 1 token.

- I will dictate half of the drawing, you have to guess what it is and draw the other half.

(chips are dealt)

- You need to lace up your laces yourself, just like

shown on sample (sample show)

- Guys, you have been studying at the Obedient Pencil school all year. I believe that by the end of the year you have become real supermen. And I suggest you portray such a superman (sample show)

For the correct completion of the task, the child is given 1 token

Outcome: Chips are counted, medals are handed out.

Abstract of a lesson on preparing hands for writing in preschoolers in kindergarten
Topic: "Snowflake".

Target: Development of attention, speed, reaction, motor dexterity, preparation of the hand for writing, the development of the accuracy of hand movement.

Material: illustrations with a snowflake; handouts (for each child): notebooks, a set of pencils, barbed balls; pouch.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Hello guys! Look what I brought for you today (showing a picture with parts from a snowflake). Do you understand what it is? Yes, I also think that this is a snowflake, only unusual. Do you know why she is like that? The evil north wind broke our snowflake. And he said that we can return her only when we complete all his tasks. Can we help our snowflakes become beautiful again and shine for our joy? ( Yes)

Then the 1st task.

In order for the first ray of the snowflake to return to its place, you need to do a winter warm-up :( Children imitate walking in the snow, shoveling snow, making a snowman and playing snowballs)

Educator: Guys, after completing the task, we will put one ray of snowflakes in this magic bag, which will then help us return our snowflake (put the first ray of snowflake in the bag).

2.Made of sticks


Educator: Well done! Another ray saved from the evil north wind (put in a bag).

Educator: Guys, I propose to draw a kind wizard who will help us pacify the north wind so that he does not break anything else.

Educator: Well done, everyone did a good job! I hope the kind wizard can help us. Place another ray of snowflakes in our magic bag.

4th task. "We will play with a snowball" (spiky ball)

We will play with a snowball and warm our palms. (Children roll the ball between their palms in different directions, squeeze the ball in their hands, toss and catch with both hands, then with each hand alternately)

Educator: Well done! 4th ray saved from the evil north wind (put in a bag).

Educator: Well done! 5th ray saved (put in a bag). There are only last tasks left.

Educator: We have 1 ray left. To disenchant him, you must complete the most difficult task.

(draw with both hands mirror-symmetrical patterns - snowflakes).

Educator: Guys, look, while you were drawing snowflakes, our bag returned our snowflake to us (show). Now she will again delight us with her radiance! Snowflake thanks you for your help!

Nominated: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, additional education, Preparatory group, lecture notes for preparing for school for children 6-7 years old, preparing hands for letter exercises

Position: higher educator qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU number 66
Location: Tomsk

Abstract of a lesson on preparing hands for writing in a preparatory group for school.

Learning tasks:
Develop graphic skills in children: complete an assignment on paper in a cage.
Strengthen the ability to use different kinds shading; draw lines along the points without lifting your hands. Continue to develop handicraft skills: lay out objects with sticks, threads, seeds.
Educational tasks:
Develop visual attention; fine motor skills of the muscles of the fingers when performing exercises to prepare the hand for writing.
To cultivate the ability to understand and independently perform an educational task.
Maintain correct posture.
Equipment:; checkered sheets of rockets; pencils of different colors; samples for drawing on the points of the constellation Ursa Major; seeds, sticks, threads, drawing with a labyrinth.

Educational activities of children:

Educator. Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all. Let's greet each other with our palms. Let's pass on our warmth and good mood to each other.
(the touch is passed to the neighbor on the table), while the children silently smile at each other, then hold hands and say the words:
We touched our palms
And they smiled at each other.
You're my friend,
And is your friend.
How beautiful the world is around.
Educator. Guys, please tell me which group do you go to? (to the preparatory group)
This means that you will soon become schoolchildren. Today we will go to the camp of Knowledge. And where we go, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

No feather, no wing, but faster than an eagle

As soon as it releases its tail, it will rush to the stars. (rocket)

Before you are sheets of paper with missiles drawn. On these rockets we will embark on our journey. And to go on a journey, you need to shade these rockets.

Let's remember what types of shading do you know?
Children answer (oblique, straight lines; points, loops, waves, glomeruli, crosses, etc.)
Performing rocket hatching

You got beautiful rockets, you used different types shading. Well done! But in order to go on a journey, in our labyrinth, we must find the shortest way to the Land of Knowledge. Color the desired track in blue. Go!

Physical education

The rocket has a sharp nose (fold your arms over your head)

There is also a body (with your hands in front of you, form a ring)

There is also a tail (put your hands down, gently wiggle your body)

See how beautiful it is around. In the distance we see a constellation. In order to see it closer, I suggest that you connect the dots on a piece of paper in a cage in order, without lifting the pencil from the paper. It turns out the constellation of the big dipper "Bucket".

Draw the constellation "bucket" in the air with your hand

We saw a lot of interesting things today, so our eyes are very tired. I suggest doing eye exercises.

Unusual objects can be seen in the distance, think what each figure might look like. Finish.

Finger gymnastics

Hello, golden sun!
Hello, the sky is blue!
Hello, free wind!
Hello, little oak tree! (bend our fingers)
We live in our native land
I love you all! (we hit the table with our palm and fist).

The sun is the only star in the solar system. I suggest you draw the sun on the table using strings, sticks, seeds.

Well done. And now it's time to go back to our group. Did you enjoy the trip? What do you remember the most?

Pedagogical project

"On the path to school" (preparing the hand for writing)

MKDOU "Kireevsky d / s Romashka"

Romanenko E.G.,

Project participants: pupils of the preparatory group for school, parents of children.

Children's age: 6 - 7 years old

Problematic question : Preparing hands for writing preparatory children.

Relevance of the problem:

the main task preschool education- teach children

Learn to develop their mental abilities without seeking

at the same time to an abundance of knowledge.

V.F. Odoevsky.

The issues of preparing kindergarten pupils for school are becoming increasingly important. They are especially relevant at the present time, when the content of primary education has changed. The school is committed to ensuring that children entering the first grade are well prepared for learning. Unfortunately, the level of their preparedness does not always meet these requirements.

Preschool age is the time of intensive development in children of an indicative basis for their actions. Full education should be based on the child's sensory experience, on his direct observations of the surrounding reality. Therefore, one of the principles of teaching preschoolers is the principle of visibility. The famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky believed that learning should go ahead of development and lead it along, relying on the "zone of proximal development." This statement is closely related to the theoretical concept that the child has a special sensitivity to a certain kind of external influences. In other words, training should begin during the formation of the mental functions of a preschooler. Being late in training, teachers lose the ability to direct children's development along the right path, to regulate this process. Most efficient use the rich possibilities of the child are real only when the period of special sensitivity to the assimilation of this or that material in his development has not yet passed.

At the first stage of learning, children most often experience difficulties with writing: the hand quickly gets tired, the working line is lost, the correct spelling of letters is not obtained, mirror writing is often encountered, the child does not distinguish between the concepts of "left", "right", "sheet", "line" , "page" does not fit into the general pace of work.

These difficulties are due to the weakness of fine motor skills of the fingers and insufficient formation of the skills of visual-motor coordination, voluntary attention, analytical perception, and auditory attention.

All this negatively affects the assimilation of the first grade program by children and makes it necessary to organize kindergarten special classes, the purpose of which is to prepare the child's hand for writing. Such classes, combining the training of fine motor skills of the fingers of the hand with the solution of problems of mental development, can be organized through the circle classes according to the program "Preparing the hand for writing".

Objective of the project:Formation of components of intellectual and sensory readiness for school through:

Development of fine motor skills of the child's hand.

Development of auditory attention.

Development of graphic reproduction.

To achieve the goal, the following are set tasks:

Educational: Development of finely coordinated hand movements. Development of auditory attention and graphic reproduction.

Developing: Development of graphic movements, visual perception, visual-motor coordination.

Educational: Education of diligence, accuracy, independence and confidence in their skills.

The project is designed for 9 months ( preparatory group). The lesson is held once a week. 4 times a month. 36 lessons per year. It is organized during the free activities of children, after lunch.

Estimated result of the project:

· By the end of the year, children should know and be able to:

· Know the hygiene rules of writing

· Be able to maintain the correct fit and position of the hands when writing.

· Know the correct position of the notebook and pen when writing.

· be able to hold a pen, pencil correctly.

· Know the shading rules.

· Be able to navigate on a sheet of paper in the box, in a notebook.

· Know the rules for working with a notebook.

· Be able to perform shading, observing the rules.

· Know the rules for working with scissors.

· Be able to independently draw simple elements, shapes.

· Be able to navigate in a notebook, on a line, on a page.

· To be able to properly hold and work with scissors.

· Drawing on the cells according to auditory perception.

Stages of the project.

Stage of project implementation



The timing

Expected Result

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Condition analysis


To study and analyze psychological, pedagogical and special literature, pedagogical experience, legislative documents on preparing the hand for writing preschoolers.


Promotes a better understanding of certain aspects of theoretical and practical issues on the selected topic

Explore parents' opinion on this issue through their questioning;

Promotes better problem understanding and choiceways to solve them.

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment to prepare the hand for writing

Select, make visual, didactic, handout material to prepare hands for writing, games, stationery, diagrams.

All period

The subject-spatial, developing environment for this problem will be enriched.

System improvement methodical work

Summarize your experience in preparing the hands of preschoolers for writing;

Make an analysis and conductadjustment of the forms of organization;

Determine the model, system, content, forms of work, structure of classes for preparing hands for writing in kindergarten;

Study and select diagnostic material;

Select and purchase methodological literature on teaching preschoolers to read and write;

· draw up a perspective-thematic plan for preparing a hand for writing, taking into account age;

· Develop a series of thematic lessons to prepare the hand for writing for preschoolers;

· Make presentations for classes, interactive games for the studied material for children on this issue;

All period

Created by system of methodological work for teaching children to read and write preschool age and to prepare their hands for writing, improved planning work;

used interactive forms work in the classroom with children to teach literacy;

A selection of diagnostic material has been made to determine the level of development in children in this area;

The subject-developmental environment of the kindergarten for teaching preschoolers to read and write and preparing their hands for writing has been enriched;

Stage 2. Practical.

To intensify close cooperation with parents of pupils on teaching literacy and preparing hands for writing


Parents survey

"Literacy training for preschool children";


"Preparing a hand for writing";

Checkout the folder-slides:

1. "Getting ready for school. Games for developing a child's speech";

2. "Fun tracks or I can write beautifully" (Exercises to prepare the hand for writing).

October - April

Cooperation with the parents of the pupils has been intensified;

parents are involved in preparing their hands for writing; a plan of cooperation with parents in this area was drawn up.

Increasing the level of readiness of the hand for writing in the preparatory group.

Organize work with children to prepare their hands for writing (according to complex thematic planning) in the immediate educational activities, during regime moments and independent children's activities;

To organize work on the development of fine motor skills in centers of knowledge, plot-role-playing and didactic games of visual activity, construction, music, modeling;

October - April

Children master the basics of spelling, hand prepared for writing.

Children take an active interest in learning activities.

Stage 3. Final, generalizing.

Approbation and verification of the final product

To identify the success of the development of the system for preparing the hand for writing in older preschool children.


The level of success of the system of teaching the basics of literacy and preparation of the hand for writing is revealed.

Perspective lesson plan.

Structural elements of classes

Finger gymnastics, work with counting sticks.

Shading, graphic exercises.

Cutting out

Repetition of what has been learned, taking into account learning outcomes.


Number of lessons per month - 4

Number of lessons per year - 36

Lesson structure

Part 1 - Exercises for the development of coordination of the fingers:

finger gymnastics, exercises with counting sticks.

Part 2 - Drawing, applique, modeling.

Part 3 - Exercises for the development of hand-eye coordination and orientation on the sheet: work in a notebook, graphic dictations.

Part 4 - Summary.

Duration of the lesson: Lessons are held for 25-30 minutes

This work assumes a system of techniques and tasks from simple to complex. Taking into account the age characteristics of older preschoolers, the peculiarities of auditory and visual perception, classes are held in a notebook in a cage. The cage provides great opportunities for the development of fine motor skills and elementary graphic writing skills, since drawing on the cells requires fine and precise movements, and also develops the ability to navigate in space.

At the first stage, the child gets acquainted with a notebook in a box, then learns to perform tasks in a limited space-cell with a working line, and improves the ability to measure with a conventional yardstick-cell.

In the future, the tasks will become more complicated, gradually we move on to complex auditory dictations after the children have already formed sufficiently clear spatial landmarks and they freely perceive auditory tasks. Classes are recommended to be held once a week for 25-30 minutes. Before completing the task, the mental attitude, and after completion - exercises for the hands. Quests can be completed various materials: ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, pencil or colored pencils.

Children consolidate all the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom "On the Path to School" in free activity. For this, in the corner of educational games, notebooks and pieces of paper in a box, pens, pencils, samples of various tasks from the books of the publishing house "Karapuz" from the series "Preparing a child's hand for writing", "Mathematics in a box" and others are placed.

Children independently redraw pictures by cells, come up with their various shapes.

Activities for the implementation of the project.

Preparing your hands for writing.

Developing the correct posture, an inclined position of the notebook on the desk and the ability to hold a pencil and pen when writing and drawing. Preparatory exercises for the development of the eye, hand and small muscles of the fingers: outlining and shading contours, connecting lines and shapes, drawing and painting patterns and borders with a continuous movement of the hand. Mastering the line.

Writing the elements of letters: straight oblique short stick, straight oblique long stick, stick with a rounding at the bottom, long stick with a loop, sticks with a round top and bottom, semi-oval and oval.

Finger gymnastics.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hands, or rather from the fingers. Need to stimulate speech development children by training finger movements. Performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively occurs in the centers of speech), but also prepares the child for drawing and writing. The hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, which will further facilitate the acquisition of writing skills. Finger games are very emotional and exciting. They seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. In the course of finger games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. Thus, dexterity, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate on one type of activity are developed.

"Finger games" is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.

These games are very important for the development of children's creativity. If the child has mastered any one "finger game", he will definitely try to come up with a new dramatization. Children over 5 years old can decorate games with a variety of props - houses, cubes, small objects, etc. It is advisable to begin each lesson in preparation for writing with "finger games" in order to stretch the fingers, activate hand motor skills for successful implementation children of a variety of graphic exercises. Carrying out time 3 - 7 minutes.

Graphic exercises. Hatching.

Drawing exercises and shading will help prepare your hand for writing. The development of fine motor skills is determined not only by the clarity and beauty of the image of the lines, but also by lightness and freedom: hand movements should not be constrained, tense. Correctly maintaining graphic proportions, writing fluently and symmetrically is important for developing a beautiful and clear handwriting. The child should try not to pull the pen off the paper or break the lines. When drawing straight lines, the clarity of the handwriting and the confidence of the hand movement are clearly visible. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right is important when shaping your handwriting. The ability to write with a slope from top to bottom and from bottom to top is essential in the formation of handwriting. The development of movement accuracy, attention and control by their own actions graphic exercises are also promoted.

Hatching is one of the most important exercises. By mastering the mechanism of writing, children develop such confidence in the stroke that when they start writing in notebooks, they will get it like a person who wrote a lot.

Shading rules:

Only hatch in the specified direction.

Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.

Observe the parallelism of the lines.

Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm.

Performing various exercises to prepare for writing, the child and the teacher must constantly remember and observe the hygienic rules of writing, bringing their implementation to automatism. Compliance with hygiene rules will help the child to overcome the difficulties of the technical side of writing in the future.

Cutting with scissors.

The teacher pays Special attention mastering the basic cutting techniques - cutting skills in a straight line, the ability to cut various forms(rectangular, oval, round). The task is to bring children to a generalized understanding of how to cut out any objects. When explaining the task, it is necessary to teach children not only to passively assimilate the cutting process, but also to encourage them to give a verbal description of the teacher's hand movements when showing cutting methods. Getting symmetrical shapes when folding accordion-folded paper, children must learn that they are not cutting out the whole shape, but half of it.

Older preschoolers begin to master the skills of silhouette cutting without preliminary drawing, preparation of the contour line. When teaching silhouette cutting, the technique of tracing the contour of an object in the air is successfully used. The development of the ability to “see” an object in the air is facilitated by the systematically conducted games “Guess what I’m drawing?”, “Guess, I’ll guess” (children or a teacher outline an object in the air, guess). Before proceeding with cutting out the silhouette, you should think about where, from what angle, in which side of the sheet, to direct the scissors, i.e. learn to plan an upcoming action.

The ability to use scissors confidently plays a special role in the development of manual skill. For preschoolers, this is difficult, it requires coordination of movements. Symmetrical cutting, cutting out various figures from old postcards, magazines is a useful and exciting activity for future first graders.


Ability to clearly perform finger gymnastics

Ability to perform shading, observing all its rules

Ability to correctly perform graphic dictation

The ability to properly hold a pen in hand

The ability to navigate in space

Compliance with the rules hygiene requirements for writing

Methods for testing knowledge, skills, and abilities.

3 points - fully meets the criterion (there is significant evidence that the activities of the preschool educational institution meet this criterion).

2 points - partially meets the criterion (there is some evidence that the activities of the preschool educational institution meet this criterion);

1 point - does not meet the criterion (there is practically no evidence that the activities of the preschool educational institution meet this criterion)

During the initial diagnosis, it was revealed that the children have insufficiently developed motor skills, which is very clearly manifested in the ability to hold a pen in the hand, in the ability to correctly perform shading, and in other criteria. The development of children's motor skills should be given special attention, this need is felt not only by first graders, but also by all students primary grades... That is why it is necessary to start work on the development of fine motor skills as early as possible - already in preschool age.

Perspective lesson plan "On the path to school"




1. Introductory lesson

Reveal the level of formation of graphic skills in children,

Ability to trace a drawing by points and color it

Revealing the leading hand in children

Check the ability to navigate a sheet of paper,

2. Autumn. Hatching. Graphic exercises

Learn to make a base from plasticine, lay out a drawing from beads.

Development of fine motor skills

To acquaint with the method of creative work by beading. Creating a pattern using different materials.

Work on the development of coordination of movements with speech

Learn to connect dots without lifting the pencil from the sheet, learn to control the pressure on the pencil.

3 Autumn leaf fall (work with beads). Contour tracing

To develop an aesthetic perception of color in nature and the art of landscape; learn to create a decorative composition, placing images over the entire surface of the sheet.

Develop color perception. Teach children to see the boundaries of the picture.

Mixing paint directly on the leaves.

4. Migratory birds(origami). Hatching

Continue teaching to follow verbal instructions

Getting to Know the Art of Origami Origami Bird


1 Fruit (stencil printing). Graphic exercises

Exercise in the technique of stencil printing; instill the skill of working in a team.

Introduce a new method - stencil printing. Develop a sense of rhythm.

Creating a drawing using a stencil

2. House (modular application). Contour tracing

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, to exercise in coordination of speech with movement

Exercise arm muscles

Master the methods of modular application.

Learn to tear off paper along the contour Form the ability to plan work and technologically implement a creative idea

3 Autumn tree in the rain (drawing). Hatching

Exercise in the ability to build their activities according to verbal instructions.

Learn to portray a tree in windy weather.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercise in the coordination of hand movements.

To consolidate the skills of working with colored pencils (shading, drawing vertical lines, curved lines with different pressure, without lifting the pencil from the paper.

4 Berries (stencil printing). Contour tracing

Development of fine motor imagination, aesthetic taste.

Learn to navigate on a piece of paper.

Learn to control the movement of the hand, hand, control the force of pressure.


1. Pets (application). point trace

Develop a sense of color, composition. Continue learning to navigate on paper. Learn to perform a plot application consisting of two characters.

2. Fairy tales (origami). Hatching

Create interest in preparing mini performances based on familiar fairy tales.

The development of fine motor skills, continue to teach how to perform the task according to the model Working with paper, continue to teach how to fold the paper according to the model, carefully, calculate the strength of the brush when smoothing the paper.

3. Mother's Day (plastic picture). Graphic exercises

Development of the imagination of fine motor skills of the sense of color.

Acquaintance with the type of painting - portrait To continue teaching children to work with plasticine, to teach proportionally to draw parts of the face with a pencil, to select a contrasting color of beads.

4. First snow (drawing with fingers) Hatching

Development of imagination.

Continue teaching orientation on a piece of paper.

Development of fine motor skills of hands

Introduction to the technique of drawing with your fingers


1. Winter (drawing with applique elements). point trace

Arouse interest in depicting a winter landscape. Emotional response to poetic images.

Use a cold range of colors when transferring winter flavor.

Training arm muscles Learn to use the drawing technique - poke (drawing with a hard, semi-dry brush, and sprinkling

Adding birch (volumetric applique) by gluing.

2. Spruce branch (drawing with cotton buds). Hatching

Development of visual - spatial perception.

Learn to draw with needles at a certain distance from each other Acquaintance with an unconventional drawing technique - cotton swabs.

3. Making a panoramic new year card(appliqué with construction elements) Path tracing

Development of visual - motor functions, exercise in orientation on the sheet. Creation of a festive mood, a positive emotional response.

Learn how to make homemade greeting cards with a surprise.

4. We decorate the Christmas tree (application using cotton pads). Graphic exercises.

Learn to follow the pattern, learn to use glitter, cotton pads in the applique.

Development of fine motor skills, attention, imagination. Learn to work with glue, cotton pads, gloss. Monitor the accuracy of the work.


1. Snowman (work with wire). Contour tracing

Learn to work with wire, familiarity with safety precautions

2. Trees in the snow (work on a plasticine base and with groats). Graphic exercises

Arouse children's interest in depicting a winter landscape, teach them to reflect the impressions received while observing winter nature. Learn to make a plasticine base with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Along a given contour, press in the groats one by one, so that you get a silhouette of a tree in the snow.

3. Patterns on glass (magic patterns). Contour tracing

Creation of a festive mood, a positive emotional response.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Learn to paint, evenly placing one tone of paint on the sheet. Drawing is a surprise.

4. White birch (drawing with applique elements). point trace

Learn to create a plot composition, depict a winter (silver) birch tree based on the poem.

Work on the development of motor skills and visual perception.

Harmoniously combine different visual techniques.


1. Winter - winter (drawing). Contour tracing

Learn to reflect the impressions received while observing the winter landscape.

Exercise in orientation on the plane, work on the development of visual-spatial perception

Continue learning to use unconventional painting techniques

2. Polar bear admires the northern lights (drawing and applique). point trace

Development of fine motor skills, imagination.

Improve graphic skills and abilities. Teach to create a plot composition, using the collage technique.

3. Clothes (decorative painting with applique elements). Hatching

Development of imagination.

Training of arm muscles, development of visual-spatial perception.

Consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal clothing. Learn to create original images based on the silhouette of your hand

4. Tea set (applique.) Trace by points

Development of general and fine motor skills.

Development of aesthetic perception, learning to apply the same ornament

Development of logical thinking imagination.

To learn how to perform the applique by cutting off.

Learn to select and distinguish between warm and cold tones for composition


Development of imagination.

Arouse positive emotions.

Development of fine and general motor skills. Learn to control your actions, monitor the accurate performance of work.

2. The kingdom of wild animals (work with threads). Graphic exercises

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, to train the muscles of the arms.

Introducing children to the applique technique - gluing the silhouette with finely cut threads to convey the effect of fluffy fur.

Learn to apply glue to the base evenly, in a thin layer.

3. Blooming spring (drawing). Contour tracing

Development of imagination, fine motor skills.

4. Spring flower (origami) circle by points

Development of motor skills, logical thinking. Learn to follow the pattern, teach to fold paper, press, smooth.


1. Aquarium (volumetric application). Hatching

Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual - spatial perception. To continue to learn to cut along the contour, to teach the technique of paper twisting.

2. Cosmonautics Day (applique made of colored paper, fabric, foil). Contour tracing

Learn to observe the contrast of color, complement the drawing with compositional lines that create a beautiful rhythm and accent.

Development of imagination, fine motor skills. Continue to learn to cut along the contour, Learn to select and distinguish between warm and cold tones for composition

3. Lilies of the valley (picture - plasticine work with beads). point trace

Learn to make a plasticine base with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Press in the beads one by one along a given contour

4. The first puddles (drawing on a wet sheet). Hatching

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, to train the muscles of the arms.

Development of attention, imagination.

Learn to follow the pattern


1 Spring rain (spray painting technique). Graphic exercises.

Use a range of colors

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, to train the muscles of the arms.

Acquaintance and training new technology drawing Learn to create original images based on the silhouette Learn to create a plot composition.

2. In the meadow (work with beads and cereals). Contour tracing

Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual - spatial perception. Training of arm muscles, development of visual-spatial perception.

Learn to make a plasticine base with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Press in beads and cereals one by one along a given contour

3. Insects (origami). Hatching

Arouse interest in working with colored paper, origami.

Development of motor skills, logical thinking To teach to perform actions according to the model, to teach to fold paper, press, smooth.

4 Insects (volumetric applique) trace by points.

Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual - spatial perception. Learn to control your actions, monitor the accurate performance of work.


In the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex, the projection of the hand is enormous in relation to the projection of other parts of the body. In addition, it is extremely close to the speech motor zone (Broca's zone). Once again, I would like to emphasize that training finger movements is a stimulus for the development of a child's speech, and a powerful tonic factor for the cerebral cortex as a whole. Exercise helps develop memory and imagination, increases children's interest in educational activities.

Fine motor skills in life and work perform many different functions. It activates the necessary and inhibits the currently unnecessary psychological processes, promotes an organized and purposeful selection of information entering the body in accordance with its actual needs, provides selective and long-term focus on one object or activity.

Work on the development of the hand and the correction of existing defects should be carried out in close contact with the parents, preschool educators and primary school teachers. This will ensure the continuity of control over the formation of the correct motor skill and will help to achieve the desired results faster.

Any exercise will be effective only with regular exercise. You need to do it every day!


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