Restaurant business and catering software for automating accounting in restaurants, bars, cafes and other catering establishments. Restaurant business and catering programs for automation of accounting in restaurants, bars, cafes and other catering establishments 1 from the enterprise

With the help of the solution, single and network enterprises of any formats and concepts can be automated - restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, catering units of hotel and restaurant complexes, entertainment centers and other catering establishments.

"1C: Enterprise 8. A restaurant"is a front-end solution, can be used both without a back office and with a back office, which can be a product" 1C: Enterprise 8. Catering ".

The software product "1C: Enterprise 8. Restaurant" provides the following functionality related to the automation of sales and customer service at catering establishments:

  • Independent work without a back office - prompt formation of the menu and setting prices directly from the program.
  • Entry of visitors' orders using the touch interface, depending on the service format, equipment features and user rights.
  • Visitor service schemes:
    • table-service - classic service with a waiter, pre-ordering a table.
    • fast-food - fast sales, service without a waiter.
    • mixed - a combination of the previous points, for example, each restaurant hall can have its own customer service scheme.
  • Graphic representation of the floor plan, allowing waiters to quickly navigate the system by choosing the desired table.
  • Multiple location plan, built-in restaurant plan editor.
  • Table reservation system with contact information and various reservation options. Convenient reflection of the reserve on the plan of the institution.
  • Using several menu options with manual or automatic selection when placing / correcting an order. Menu availability by date, time, days of the week. Different prices for dishes for each type of menu.
  • Sale of goods and dishes "at a free price" if the system user has the appropriate rights.
  • Configurable automatic printing of orders for service printers, depending on the place of preparation of the dish.
  • The selection of goods and dishes into orders can be carried out at POS-terminals using the "touch" menu, "hot" keys, by code or barcode, as well as by accepting weight from electronic scales.
  • Managing the order of serving dishes.
  • Transferring specific dishes or the entire order to other tables, adjusting orders, splitting the preliminary invoice between guests.
  • Cancellation of an order (partial or full), indicating the reason for the cancellation and generating a report on the reasons for deletion. Automatic printing of order cancellations on service printers at the points of preparation.
  • Visitor loyalty management - manual discounts, discount and payment cards, setting up and applying various automatic discount schemes: discounts by date and time, discounts on position or invoice amount, "3rd circle for free", etc.
  • Various types of payments: cash, bank transfer, bank cards, payment cards of the institution, food coupons, employee cards, combined payment.
  • A large number of analytical reports, and many of them can be generated directly from the touch screen of the POS terminal. For example: a shift report on dishes and cashiers, a report on the sale of goods, dishes and services, reports on discounts, cancellations and many others.
  • Differentiation of access rights to program functions, control of personnel actions.
  • Convenient technology for configuration and administration. Almost any object can be configured not only from a full-fledged workplace (mouse + keyboard), but also from the touch screen of the POS terminal.
  • Integration of the 1C Restaurant software product:
    • 1C: Enterprise 8. Public catering - back-office automation: warehouse accounting, production and sale of products, cost calculation, accounting and tax accounting. It can be connected during operation with the ability to save the accumulated data.
    • 1C: Enterprise 8. Hotel - automation of hotel and restaurant complexes. A single place for settlements with guests at the hotel reception for all services provided (closing an order "per room").
  • Wide range of plug-in shop equipment:
    • Touch POS terminals (15 "or 17" with a resolution of 1024 x 768, CPP\u003e \u003d 1.5 GHz, RAM\u003e \u003d 1 Gb)
    • Fiscal registrars:
      • SHTRIKH-M-FR-K, SHTRIKH-MINI-FR-K, SHTRIKH-LIGHT-FR-K, Felix-RK, Felix-02K, Felix-03SK, FPrint-02K, FPrint-03K, FPrint-5200K, FPrint- 88K, PRIM-08 TK, Mobius 2K, Mobius 3K, Mobius 5K.
      • For Ukraine: Datecs FP 3530T, Maria 301-МТМ.
    • Service print printers:
      • any models via the Windows driver (provided that their esc control sequences are known).
      • direct printing RS-232, LPT, Ethernet via Epson / Star protocol.
    • Programmable keyboards, barcode scanners, magnetic and proximity card readers, electronic scales, cashless payment authorizers.

A product from 1C Rarus allows you to fully automate the work of waiters, cashiers, bartenders and administrators of enterprises specializing in the provision of catering services.

Configuration creates personalized workspaces for such company employees catering:

  • head waiter;
  • administrator;
  • waiter;
  • cashier;
  • barman
  • bartender.

To create personalized workplaces, the program uses ergonomic interfaces that allow you to implement all the necessary actions in accordance with the functions performed by employees of the enterprise.

Functionality of the 1C applied solution

The application has a very large functionality, including:

Menu control

  • for each type of menu, setting different prices for the same dishes;
  • The 1C program for a restaurant makes it possible to use several types of menus with manual or automatic selection (during work or by time), depending on the rights assigned to the user;
  • you can search by "code", there is a customizable position and colors of buttons or groups for working with the program menu;
  • sale of both weight and quantity goods.
  • the use of different modifiers of dishes (with a price, characteristics);
  • management of the food delivery queue.

Working with halls and orders in 1C Restaurant management

  • properties of tables and their arrangement in halls using an intuitive interface;
  • refunds of payments;
  • editor of organization plans;
  • 1C restaurant allows you to book tables indicating payment methods and;
  • quick control of the status of table occupancy and room loading;
  • convenient and prompt entry of new orders "from the table";
  • editing orders, transferring an order between waiters;
  • printing orders using a service printer (convenient setting of print properties);
  • different types payment for orders: non-cash, cash or at the expense of the company;
  • transfer of certain dishes to other tables, division of the bill between several visitors;
  • canceling the order (full or partial) with the name of the reason for the cancellation, as well as creating a report on the reason for the deletion;
  • the 1C restaurant program provides manual discounts, payment and discount cards, convenient setting of all kinds of discount schemes that work in automatic mode.

System setup and administration

  • the possibility of assigning some rights to waiters who work with certain tables and halls;
  • quick setup of access rights to various system functions, both for the user and for different user templates;
  • a verbose log that records user actions.

Connectable equipment

  • various fiscal registrars;
  • touch POS terminals;
  • any service printers;
  • barcode scanners;
  • programmable keyboards;
  • card readers (proximity and magnetic);
  • non-cash payment authorizers;
  • electronic balance.

If you decide to buy 1C Restaurant 8 from us today you is free get:

  • first 3 months of support, consultations and updates
  • delivery in Moscow and regions
  • installation

1 С Restaurant is a "front office" class system designed to record food sales. Such a system most often requires a "back office", for example: 1C Public catering, 1C Restaurant management, 1C Food factory and so on.

Distinctive features of the program

  • clear and fairly simple interface, which is also designed to work on the touch screen;
  • 1C restaurant makes it possible to carry out preliminary, as well as its administration at the level of the back office system;
  • can be used in mixed-concept organizations (fast food in the afternoon, and a restaurant in the evening);
  • a large number of analytical reports, many of which can be created directly from the touch screen of the POS terminal.
  • independent functioning without the presence of a back office, allows you to quickly form the setting of prices and menus directly from the program.

For an effective and high-quality introduction of a program for public catering enterprises, you must definitely find a reliable programmer who will carry out the necessary program settings, taking into account the individual characteristics of your institution.

After installation and configuration software it is necessary to train the operating personnel in its effective use.

You should know that the program includes several modules and you need to determine the demand for each of them and buy exactly the package that suits you.

Regarding the purchase and implementation of 1C Restaurant, you can contact us, our quality of service will pleasantly surprise you! Details on the page.

Hello! We have a chain of 3 cafes. We are planning to buy 1C Restaurant for automation. Tell me how to connect everything into a single system?

For full-fledged work you will need a program for a "back office" (For example, 1C Public catering). That is, the program where recipes will be entered, costing, acceptance of products from suppliers, etc. Data from your three restaurants can be automatically loaded into this program. Thus, you will see all relevant reports in one place.

We have two legal entities - LLC (for the sale of alcohol) and individual entrepreneurs (everything else). Accordingly, two fiscal receipts from different companies are printed. Tell me, is it possible to "combine" the bill for two companies. And already printing the check itself from two companies?

Yes, this functionality has been implemented. To do this, it is enough to indicate in the product card on behalf of which organization the product will be sold.

When purchasing the 1C Restaurant 8 program, the set will include:

  • User's training manual;
  • 1C company questionnaire;
  • CD with the program;
  • ITS disk (information technology support);
  • Security key 1C restaurant 8.

Video presentation on 1C Hotel

Starting a new business is a daunting task for every entrepreneur. And, of course, the restaurant business is no exception. It is especially difficult for a person who decides to open a cafe or restaurant to understand where to start, as well as take into account all the pitfalls that may be encountered on the way of developing his business.

How to organize your business so that the client is satisfied and minimize the costs of organizing your restaurant business?

First of all, in the restaurant business, it is necessary to solve two main management tasks:

  • how to correctly organize booze. and tax accounting in the restaurant;
  • how to organize management and operational accounting so as to receive timely information about all business processes, be able to conduct analytics, and make informed and effective decisions.

For example, you need to keep track of how many orders were made per working day, what dishes were ordered and, ultimately, how many products were used and how many products are needed the next day, etc. Analytics also helps to track the performance of personnel, analyze the “weak points” of business processes and adjust them in a timely manner.

For start-up companies, the need to automate restaurants and cafes is beyond question. Existing restaurants, as a rule, already operate on some special software product, and since the requirements in a highly competitive environment are growing, the installed program can no longer cope with the requirements of new business processes in a growing company.

For example, the program does not support the ability to keep records for several departments in one database. As a result, each accountant for his division (this especially applies to geographically remote divisions) creates a separate database, both for accounting and management accounting... All this leads to the fact that the number of bases by a certain moment exceeds tens and hundreds!

Restaurant automation

It often happens in the restaurant business that several accounting programs from different suppliers are used, which is usually due to the entry into the company of several legal entities with their "inheritance". And part of the management reporting is formed by means spreadsheets... At some point, the management begins to understand that it becomes risky to trust the data collected manually from a huge number of databases. And even more so to make managerial and strategic decisions.

Problems that arise can be resolved with integrated automation catering enterprises using specialized software products on the 1C: Enterprise platform, such as 1C-Rarus: Public catering 8, 1C-Rarus: Restaurant management, 1C-Rarus: Food processing plant. These industry-specific programs allow you to smoothly automate accounting even in a working catering enterprise, when for some time document flow and accounting are kept on the old and new software.

Programs for automating restaurants provide real assistance to the personnel of catering establishments: technologists, cooks, production managers, calculators, storekeepers, accountants responsible for various accounting areas, cashiers and waiters.

The program "1C-Rarus: Catering" allows you to:

  • Multi-company accounting in the restaurant business - accounting and tax accounting of several organizations in a common information base;
  • Accounting at enterprises with various forms management - all legal entities organizations can have their own accounting policies and apply their own tax regime;
  • Currency accounting;
  • Accounting for additional costs.

To automate a restaurant business with a complex organizational structure, as well as for the automation of enterprise networks, it is recommended to use the standard solution "1C-Rarus: Restaurant Management (back office)". "1C-Rarus: Restaurant Management" is one of the few systems that include all the necessary functions for full control and management of the enterprise.

Warehouse, production, financial accounting - these are the basic things on which accounting in a restaurant is based. The system of operational control of warehouse stocks, constant analysis of the state of production, planning of purchases, sales - all this can be obtained from software package "Restaurant management".

It is often not enough for a modern restaurant owner to have data on income and expenses; he seeks to identify "bottlenecks" in his company, where it is possible to improve and optimize the operation of the enterprise. "1C-Rarus: Restaurant Management" can provide invaluable assistance in this.

In the current market conditions, it is already impossible to imagine a restaurant without modern equipment and special industry software that takes into account all the features of the restaurant business.

Software "1C: Enterprise 8. Restaurant"ready solution for process automation retail and customer service at catering establishments using commercial equipment.

A typical solution creates personalized workplaces for the following employees of a catering enterprise:

  • administrator;
  • head waiter;
  • cashier;
  • waiter;
  • bartender;
  • barman.

To create personalized workplaces in "1C: Enterprise 8. Restaurant" ergonomic interfaces are used to implement all the necessary actions in accordance with the functions performed by the employees of the enterprise.

Basic functionality

♦ Distinctive features of "1C: Enterprise 8. Restaurant"

  • the ability to pre-configure the system and its administration at the back-office system level;
  • simple and intuitive interface designed to work with a touch screen;
  • use of the solution in mixed-concept enterprises (fast food in the afternoon, restaurant in the evening);
  • independent work without a back office - prompt formation of the menu and setting prices directly from the program;
  • a large number of analytical reports, and many of them can be generated directly from the touch screen of the POS terminal.

♦ Menu control:

  • use of several types of menus with automatic selection (by time) or manual in the course of work, depending on the user's rights;
  • setting different prices for dishes for each type of menu;
  • customizable position of buttons and colors of buttons or groups for working with the menu, search by "code" is possible;
  • the use of dish modifiers (characteristics, with a price);
  • managing the order of serving dishes;
  • sale of quantitative and weight goods.

♦ Working with orders and rooms:

  • restaurant plans editor;
  • arrangement and properties of tables in the halls using a special interface;
  • operational control of the state of loading of halls and occupancy of tables;
  • table reservation with instructions on payment and service features;
  • quick and convenient entry of a new order "from the table";
  • printing orders for service printers (flexible configuration of print routing);
  • editing an order, transferring orders between waiters, guest checks, canceling a guest bill;
  • transfer of specific dishes or the entire order to other tables, division of the preliminary invoice between guests;
  • cancellation of the order (partial or full) with indication of the reason for the cancellation and the generation of a report on the reasons for the deletion
  • different types of payment for the order: cash, non-cash, at the expense of the institution;
  • manual discounts, discount and payment cards, configuration and application of various automatic discount schemes
  • refunds of payments.

♦ Ability to configure and administer the system from any workplace:

  • access control allows you to quickly configure access rights to system functions, both for user templates and for the user himself;
  • the possibility of assigning the rights of waiters to work with certain rooms and tables;
  • the system maintains a detailed log of user actions

♦ A wide range of connected commercial equipment:

  • touch POS-terminals (15 "or 17" with a resolution of 1024 x 768, CPP\u003e \u003d 1.5 GHz, RAM\u003e \u003d 1 Gb);
  • fiscal registrars:
    • SHTRIKH-M-FR-K, SHTRIKH-MINI-FR-K, SHTRIKH-LIGHT-FR-K, Felix-RK, Felix-02K, Felix-03SK, FPrint-02K, FPrint-03K, FPrint-5200K, FPrint- 88K, PRIM-08 TK, Mobius 2K, Mobius 3K, Mobius 5K.
    • For Ukraine: Datecs FP 3530T, Maria 301-МТМ.
  • service print printers:
    • any models via the Windows driver (provided that their esc control sequences are known).
    • direct printing RS-232, LPT, Ethernet via Epson / Star protocol.
  • programmable keyboards;
  • barcode scanners;
  • readers of magnetic and proximity cards;
  • electronic balance;
  • non-cash payment authorizers.

♦ The software product can be used both independently and in conjunction with accounting solutions:

User support

Select the required software product from the list 1C: CRM CORP 1C: CRM PROF 1C: Enterprise 8. Trade and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 1C: Enterprise 8. ITIL Management information technology enterprises PROF 1C: Enterprise 8. ITIL Information technology management of the enterprise STANDARD 1C: Retail 8 1C: Retail 8. Pharmacy 1C: Retail 8. Bookstore 1C: Retail 8. Auto parts store 1C: Retail 8. Shop household appliances and communication facilities 1C: Retail 8. Clothing and footwear store 1C: Retail 8. Store of building and finishing materials 1C: Retail 8. Optics salon 1C: Retail 8. Jewelry store 1C: Enterprise 8. Pharmacy for Ukraine 1C: Enterprise 8. Shop household appliances and communication equipment for Ukraine 1C: Enterprise 8. Clothing and footwear store for Ukraine 1C: Enterprise 8. Car service 1C: Enterprise 8. Car service Alfa-Auto: Autosalon + Autoservice + Auto parts Prof, edition 5 Alfa-Auto: Autosalon + Autoservice + Auto parts Ukrainian version 4.0, for 1 user Alfa-Auto: Autoservice + Auto parts Ukrainian version 4.0, for 1 user 1C: Accounting 8 CORP 1C: Accounting 8 PROF 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version 1C: Accounting state institution 8 PROF 1C-Rarus: Hotel management, revision 2. Basic supply 1C-Rarus: Management of a sanatorium-resort complex, edition 2. Complex supply 1C-Rarus: Children's health Camp, edition 2, Basic delivery 1C: Document flow 8 CORP 1C: Document flow 8 PROF 1C: Document flow of a state institution 8 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 1C-Rarus: Outpatient clinic, edition 2 + License for 10 workplaces 1C-Rarus: Outpatient clinic. Registry + License for 10 workplaces 1C-Rarus: Outpatient clinic. Registration office + Insurance + Pharmacy + License for 10 workplaces 1C-Rarus: Hospital pharmacy + License for 10 workplaces 1C-Rarus: Management of a medical organization + License for 1 workplace 1C-Rarus: Integration with telephony client PBX Integration with telephony. 1C-Rarus: Cloud ATS 1C: Integrated Automation 8 1C: Management of a small company 8 1C-Rarus: Non-bank financial institution, edition 1 (basic delivery for the microfinance market. Software protection) 1C-Rarus: Non-bank financial institution, edition 1 (software protection ) Microfinance organization, revision 1. Basic delivery 1C-Rarus: Pharmacy management. + License for 1 workplace 1C: Enterprise 8. Accounting for bakery and confectionery enterprises 1C: Bakery and confectionery 2. Module for 1C: ERP 2 1C-Rarus: Food processing plant edition 1 1C-Rarus: Restaurant management edition 3 1C: Enterprise 8. Catering 1C: Enterprise 8. Catering for Ukraine 1C: Enterprise 8. Catering CORP 1C: Enterprise 8. Restaurant 1C: Enterprise 8. Fast food. Front office Module 1C: Catering for 1C: ERP 1C: Enterprise 8. Accounting of a poultry farm 1C: Enterprise 8. Management service center 1C: ERP Management of a construction organization 2 1C: RengaBIM and Estimate. 3D design and preparation solution suite estimate documentation... Electronic delivery 1C: Rent and management of real estate for 1C: Accounting of a state institution 1C: Rent and management of real estate for 1C: Accounting of a state institution (USB) 1C: Rent and management of real estate based on 1C: Accounting 8 1C: Rent and management of real estate based on 1C : Accounting 8 (USB) 1C: Rent and property management. Module for 1C: ERP 1C: Accounting construction organization 1C: Accounts department of a construction organization (USB) 1C: Accounts department of a construction organization KORP 1C: Accounts department of a construction organization CORP. Electronic delivery 1C: Accounting of a construction organization. Delivery for 5 users 1C: Accounting of a construction organization. Delivery for 5 users (USB) 1C: Customer-developer. Module for 1C: ERP 1C: Customer-developer. Module for 1C: ERP. Electronic delivery 1C: Construction contractor. Construction production management 1C: Construction contractor. Construction production management (USB) 1C: Construction contractor. Financial management 1C: Construction contractor. Financial Management (USB) 1C: Construction Contractor. Financial management. Delivery for 5 users 1C: Construction contractor. Financial management. Delivery for 5 users (USB) 1C: Realtor. Real estate sales management. Module for 1C: ERP 1C: Realtor. Real estate sales management. Standard 1C: Estimate 3 1C: Estimate 3. Basic version 1C: Estimate 3. Estimate 3. Special delivery for 50 workplaces for users "Estimate Plus, network version for 50 users" 1C: Estimate 3. Special delivery for 5 workplaces for users " Estimate Plus, network version for 3 users "1C: Estimate 3. Special delivery for one workplace for users" Estimate Plus "or" WinAVeRS "1C: Management of our construction company 1C: Management of our construction company for 5 users 1C: Management of our construction company for 5 users. Electronic delivery 1C: Management of our construction company. Electronic delivery 1C: Construction production management. Module for 1C: ERP and 1C: KA2 1C: Management of construction production. Module for 1C: ERP and 1C: KA2. Electronic delivery Configuration Elite-construction. Accounting Module Renting and managing real estate for 1C: Accounting 8 Module Renting and managing real estate for 1C: Accounting 8 (USB) Module Renting and managing real estate for 1C: Accounting for a public institution Module Renting and managing real estate for 1C: Accounting for a public institution (USB) Elite construction 1C: Enterprise 8. Trade management 1C: Enterprise 8. Trade and customer relationship management (CRM) 1C: Enterprise 8. Taxi and car rental 1C: Enterprise 8. Transport logistics, forwarding and vehicle management CORP 1C: Enterprise 8 Vehicle management for Ukraine, Main delivery 1C: Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Prof 1C: Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Prof (USB) 1C: Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Standard 1C-Rarus: Non-bank financial institution, edition 1 (software protection) 1C-Rarus: Back office, edition 5 1C-Rarus: Depository, edition 2 1C-Rarus: Mutual investment funds, edition 2 1C-Rarus: Securities accounting, for 1C: Accounting 8 1C-Rarus: Data Management Center (MDM), edition 3 CORP


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