Korf ventilation unit. Korf fans. Ostberg history

Don't come here to work. Believe me, you don't need to do this. There is no reason why you could get a job here. Salaries, ecology, experience, conditions ¬¬– this is an incomplete list on which you should not go here.
The salaries are really small. Apparently, someone came up with the idea, and let's pay small salaries, someone will work. These are the ones who work. Do not join their ranks. If you were offered, say, 50,000 rubles a month, then you should know that in Moscow they pay an average of 70,000 rubles for such a volume of work. That is, they have you for 20,000 rubles every month. And this is not a weak amount of work (well, of course, except for you, there were no volunteers).
Employees very quickly understand where they are. Unless, except for two or three fools in pink glasses, well, what to take from them, fools are fools. The rest quickly catch where they are. And almost immediately they start looking for another job. As a rule, most of them do not work for more than six months, some leave in the first days. Given that they are in no hurry to go to them, they clearly have problems with the selection. And you don’t go, don’t let someone solve their problems at your expense. It is difficult for them to choose, they have to take almost everyone. The people are still going there. An unforgettable cocktail of prisoners' tattoos, Uzbek flavor and stupid cattle is waiting for you. In the order of things, after sunset in the shop you can stumble upon used syringes (really), and there is an infection, do you need it? They have such problems with personnel that even guest workers are hired for managerial and office positions. If you want to understand what the chief Ravshan is, you are welcome. Apparently, these Ravshans write positive reviews. As you understand, normal people don't work here for a long time.
If suddenly you decide that okay, at least I will gain experience, then you will be greatly mistaken. The experience that you gain here will not be useful anywhere. So, for example, the warehouse here is, in fact, a bunch of equipment piled up in different heaps. Nowadays almost nobody works like that. The schemes of work were invented under the king of peas. It seems that the accountant is no, no, yes, and they check on the accounts at the computers. Nobody needs new. Employees have no interest in work. What are you going to learn here?
Moving on. They save on everything here. Well, for example, the chairs are bought cheap and very uncomfortable, you won't sit for a long time. Getting to work is inconvenient. You will have to go outside the Moscow Ring Road. There is no metro nearby. By the way, about the location. There is a garbage factory behind the fence, and there is always some kind of dust in the air. (By the way, there is more salary in this garbage factory. There are more salaries in the garbage can, Karl!) And this is not the kind of dust you are used to. This dust is so much that a rather large layer is accumulated in the room during the day, it is really visible. And the dust is not household, but products of industrial waste processing. According to one of the ratings, this place is one of the dirtiest in the Moscow region. And this will have to breathe. You won't die from this, but health problems will appear over time. Yes, by the way, do not forget the busy highway on the other side (how could people be put to work in such a place), smoking trucks under the windows on the territory and the plant in Kapotnya 1 km away. You can read about the healthy climate of Kapotny on the Internet.
Let's summarize. Small salaries, inconvenient location, high turnover, useless experience, bad environment. Do not go, do not repeat other people's mistakes.

Products of the Korf brand are confirmation that domestic ventilation equipment can also be of the highest quality, in no way inferior to foreign counterparts, but at the same time outperforming most of them in price. Under the Korf brand on russian market an extensive range of fans is supplied for residential and industrial applications, differing in power, capabilities, sizes and other parameters. You can view, select and order Korf fans by examining our catalog.

Features of Korf products

Korf fans (Korf) have many advantages, including:

  • adaptation to domestic climatic and operational conditions;
  • duration of operation;
  • strict but attractive design (for wall models with decorative protective grilles);
  • low noise due to the use of asynchronous motors and a balanced impeller.

All this, combined with attractive prices, makes Korf products an excellent choice for organizing ventilation at any facility.


The basis of the manufacturer's assortment are wall and duct Korf fans of the axial type. These categories represent the largest number of manufactured models. Also worth noting is the good selection of Korf roof fans in terms of power and the company's production of a number of protected ventilation units.

To learn more about the brand's products, study the catalog on this page.

Today it is difficult to imagine working in an office or in a production facility without good air exchange. Performance drops sharply in the absence of ventilation systems in our lives. In a closed room, health worsens, drowsiness and headache appear. Organization of air exchange, cleanliness, as well as maintaining the required air temperature is a matter of prime necessity.

The construction of ventilation systems is not an easy task and requires great knowledge from engineers in the field of ventilation systems design. Every year there are new solutions and new ventilation equipment that allows us to save energy, choose a class of air purification, control the entire system from a mobile phone.

Ventilation equipment for ventilation systems
Here we present the basic elements for creating a forced ventilation system for both residential and commercial premises. Compact air handling units with a heat recuperator are ideal for placement in an apartment or a private house. Industrial systems ventilation and type-setting duct systems are selected individually for each room.

All ventilation is divided into several types:

  • natural ventilation
  • forced ventilation

The most effective ventilation system is considered forced, since it allows you to supply required amount fresh air. The supply air can be heated, cleaned or cooled, as well as the extract air can be used as a heater due to the recuperator. This ventilation equipment can be hidden behind a false ceiling or in a special room.

Exhaust ventilation is also considered not unimportant, since it allows you to extract polluted air from the room, and, due to natural ventilation ducts, draw fresh air. Such systems are used in restaurants and in manufacturing where this process is very important for a person's performance or recreation.

All systems, be it supply or exhaust ventilation, do not work without correct calculation and proper installation. Installation of ventilation systems and wiring of air ducts should be carried out by qualified specialists with practical experience in the work. You can order ventilation equipment in our store on favorable price no doubt about its quality. You can see the approximate cost of installing ventilation systems in the section.

Initially, all the company's products, including Korf ventilation, are distinguished by high technological characteristics and quality, thanks to cooperation with manufacturers of reliable electronic systems and accessories (firms SIEMENS and ZIENL-ABEGG). Using the latest European equipment with a high level of accuracy and productivity, the company produces product samples that are superior in quality to European counterparts created by well-known brands.

Functional features of supply ventilation

Modern ventilated devices have successfully replaced the primitive old ventilation system, giving homes, offices and industrial premises required percentage of thermal comfort. Cooling air in summer, warming up in winter, as well as cleaning it from dust are the main functions of supply ventilation.

Speaking specifically about Korf ventilation, the principle of its operation is as follows:

  • air intake through the filter system and performing the cleaning process;
  • air supply inside the room with parallel cooling or heating;
  • the ability to regulate the speed and volume of air flow using a valve system.

The price of the supply ventilation system directly depends on the capacity of the device and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room that it will serve. The Korf catalog offers supply systems with a capacity from several hundred to several thousand cubic meters per hour, providing efficient ventilation of both small offices and large-scale production halls.

Design nuances, their impact on the price

Analyzing the design features of the Korf air handling unit, pay attention to the two main types of systems and the degree of ease of installation.

  1. Prefabricated type. Installation of such a system is carried out according to the well-known "constructor" principle. The Korf prefabricated supply unit allows you to create a complex with the required parameters and low cost.
  2. Monoblock type. It is compact and, accordingly, more convenient in the process of mounting, silent in work. The price is much higher.

Regardless of the price segment, Korf ventilation remains a reliable guarantor of cleanliness and freshness of the indoor air.

Equipment advantages

The supply unit Korf is the best option for ventilation equipment, from all basic positions (price and functional), since it allows you to organize air conditioning systems in rooms for various purposes and different areas.

The price for Korf equipment remains stable, not exceeding the level of the previous two years.

Among the advantages of ventilation Korf should be added:

  • normalization of the level of humidity in the air, cleaning from dust, harmful impurities and removing unpleasant odors;
  • simplicity in operation: the unit is started up once for a long period, during operation it is enough just to adjust the device;
  • low percentage of energy consumption;
  • the possibility of installation in rooms with various architectural features.

And one more important point: Korf takes over warranty obligations for the repair and correction of equipment defects for a period of three years and five years from the date of purchase of the goods. This is why buying Korf means providing production with reliable, easy-to-set up equipment with high performance. An online catalog will help you choose a model with suitable parameters.

VAPAC history

The British company VAPAC, part of the Eaton-Williams Group holding, produces steam generators for ventilation systems since 1970. This reliable and high-precision technology is used in the largest printing complex in Great Britain and Europe in Westferry, as well as in the assembly workshops of Jaguar in Coventry. About 60% of VAPAC products (microclimate experts value them no less than cigar experts - DAVIDOFF humidors) are exported to 40 countries.

Today the company produces 7 standard sizes of LE and LE (P) electrode type steam humidifiers with a capacity from 5 to 90 kg / h. The units are provided with a regulation system by changing the power supply of the Pulsed Energy electrodes, which are used for precision conditioning. Versions provide for the use of single-phase, two-phase and three-phase power supply in the voltage range of 200-440 Volts. The accuracy of maintaining the humidity parameters with LE (P) units in rooms is ± 5%.

KORF history

KORF company was founded in 2000. The main activity is production, development, manufacture of equipment for systems ventilation and conditioning... KORF products are manufactured on own production... Production facilities are located in the city of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region.

Today KORF is one of the largest manufacturers in Russia. All, without exception, KORF products are certified in accordance with GOST, and KORF is certified in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000.

Due to its high technical equipment and production facilities, KORF produces a wide range of duct equipment and central air conditioners. In 2005, more than 14 thousand different types of products were produced. KORF equipment successfully competes with well-known brands and is an import substitute. KORF production is equipped with high-performance and high-precision equipment with automated control TRUMPF (Germany).

The developed multi-stage quality control system allows us to manufacture highly reliable products that meet the highest requirements. And, as a result, the warranty for KORF equipment is from 3 to 5 years.

The products exhibited by the enterprise have been repeatedly awarded with diplomas and other high awards. Our own production and technical complex allows us to carry out the whole range of works on maintenance, installation supervision, commissioning of climatic equipment.


The production facilities of KORF are located in the city of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region. The production area covers 8 thousand m2. When creating the production, the advanced high-tech experience of European manufacturers and unique Russian scientific developments were used.

The production is equipped with high-performance high-precision CNC equipment from TRUMPF (Germany). The accuracy of obtaining the required dimensions of the part is +/- 0.1 mm.

The use of components from leading European manufacturers (ZIEHL-ABEGG, SIEMENS, etc.) made it possible to produce equipment with characteristics that are not inferior to imported analogues.

The developed multi-stage quality control system allows us to manufacture highly reliable products that meet the highest requirements. And, as a result, the KORF equipment warranty is 5 years.

KORF uses components from various supplier partners, including such well-known European manufacturers as Siemens and Ziehl-Abegg.

Ostberg history

    In 1973, Hans Ostberg created the world's first inline centrifugal fan - a clever design with undeniable simplicity. This was a real event and at the same time a powerful foundation for the subsequent rapid development of the company. The SK fan (as it is now called) is an engineering concept recognized throughout the world. The next step was the invention of the rectangular duct fan (RK), which revolutionized the industry.

    In 1981, Hans Ostberg set about setting up a ventilator company. From this moment, the path of progress and engineering creativity begins. The staff of the company was then only three people, but the volume of production already reached 15,000 fans per year. From the first day of operation of the Ostberg plant, the words "quality" and "development" have become a real motto for the entire company.

    Since 1983 "Ostberg" has started cooperation with the Swiss manufacturer of electric motors - the MES company. To this day, Ostberg equipment is equipped with electric motors of this company, known for their reliability and long service life.

    The period from 1987 to 1990 can be called the most fruitful in terms of the development of the model range, since during these three years "Ostberg" has developed and introduced into production a whole series of new fans: roof fans - TKS, TKK, in a soundproof casing - IRE and IFK

    Since 1993, manual assembly has been replaced by highly automated, which made it possible to control the quality of products at all stages of production. Fans of the company are made from components of the best quality and preliminarily, before shipment, each of them is tested with the entry of the results in the passport. The number of employees has grown to sixty people, and the volume of production - up to 130,000 fans per year.

    In 1996 "Ostberg" received international Certificate Quality ISO 9001. Since 1997, a new round of expanding the range has been carried out by launching a line for the production of powerful roof fans with standard sizes TKK 560 - TKK 1060. Production areas are significantly expanded.

    In 1999 the Ostberg company introduces to the market new series duct fans RKC. The number of employees already reaches 130 people and about 300,000 ventilators are produced annually.

    The Ostberg company made a new leap forward in 2000. The company has developed two series of mini-units for building ventilation systems: a series of SAU supply units and HERU supply and exhaust units. The HERU model won first place in a competition run by the Swedish government. Beyond the flawless technical properties SAU and HERU have small dimensions, which allows them to be placed above the suspended ceiling, and the cost is lower than for similar products from other manufacturers.

    In the jubilee year 2001, Ostberg expanded the range of its products and prepared for production a series of centrifugal fans in explosion-proof design RFTX.

Systemair history

Systemair Group Headquarters and largest production, located in Skinnskatteberg and covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 27,000 m2. 325 people work here. The group's annual turnover exceeds 200 million euros.

    In 1974, a fan company was founded in the Swedish town of Skinnskatteberg, near Stockholm. The name of the company was given very simple - Kanalflakt, which in Swedish means - "duct fan".
    For several years the company has managed to grow into one of the world leaders in the production of ventilation systems and ventilation equipment. In the early nineties, a period of intense international integration began for Kanalflakt. Manufacturing facilities in Europe and North America were added to factories in Scandinavia. And in connection with a significant expansion of the range of products manufactured in 2001, it was decided to rename the group of companies to Systemair.

    Today the classic range of Kanalflakt duct fans designed for use in round and rectangular duct ventilation systems is complemented by a wide range of other ventilation products. The product range also includes roof fans, axial fans, air conditioning units, heat recovery units as well as ventilation accessories and air terminal devices.
    The company's goal is to establish both mass production of goods and production in small volumes in accordance with market demands. This led to the choice of equipment to be produced and production planning. The company is continuously improving product quality and production organization. New Center research and design is one of the leading in Europe and equipped with the most modern means for measuring aerodynamic, acoustic, thermal and other characteristics of manufactured equipment. All measurements are carried out in accordance with the most common AMCA and ISO standards.

    Quality and environment
    Systemair is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Through our quality management system, we continually improve the products and services we provide to our customers. The aforementioned certificate assumes that the negative impact on environment reduced to a minimum.

VTS history

VTS was founded in 1989 in Poland.

Today the company has 54 Representative offices in 19 countries and more than 600 employees around the world.

After establishing a reliable base on the European continent, we have established Representative Offices in the Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. We started with one plant in northern Poland, and today we have 3 logistics centers in the main markets:

    Central Europe - a logistics center located in Poland.

    Eastern Europe - the logistics center is located in Russia.

    Asia & Pacific - The logistics center is located in China.

It is planned to open the next 2 logistics centers on other continents.

Every hour our ventilation units process 715,000,000 m3 of air at more than 47,000 facilities around the world.

History of the company "Veza"

The Russian enterprise "Veza" was founded in 1995. The main activity is research and production: development, manufacture and sale of climatic technology. The range of manufactured equipment includes more than 300 standard-size units and is conventionally divided into three main groups:

  • new equipment, which is among the import-substituting equipment - central air conditioners, compact air conditioners, copper-aluminum heat and cold exchangers, condensers, heating units, heat curtains and other equipment manufactured using a foreign technological line;
  • fire-fighting ventilation and network equipment: radial, axial and roof smoke exhaust fans for operation at t \u003d 400 ° C and 600 ° C and universal fire dampers with a fire resistance limit of up to 120 min;
  • traditional heating and ventilation equipment: centrifugal fans of low, medium and high pressure of various designs; axial and roof fans; air intake valves and other network equipment manufactured on the basis of the current regulatory materials of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation. Also "Veza" supplies components for the installed equipment (filters, heat exchangers, fans, valves, etc.).

Veza specialists have developed special designs of equipment, taking into account the specifics of industries (for example, oil and gas, chemical, light), climate (Far North) and much more. The enterprise has established itself as a reliable partner of design, construction, installation and operating organizations not only in terms of supplying equipment, but also in providing scientific and technical assistance in its calculation and selection, and is happy to share the accumulated experience.

The equipment is supplied to both domestic and foreign markets, including countries with a tropical climate; used in civil and industrial facilities. Currently, "Veza" as a whole provides up to 45% of the volume of the needs of civil and industrial construction Moscow and up to 40% - Russia in the specified equipment. A number of new secondary schools and residential buildings, built according to standard and exclusive designs, skating rinks with year-round ice, a number of banks, casinos, enterprises of the nuclear, chemical, oil and gas, energy, mechanical engineering, food, pharmaceutical, light, woodworking and other industries.

The history of the Frivent company

  • In 1961, Josef Friedl founded the Frivent company in the city of Sant Johann in Tyrol (Austria).
  • In 1969 Frivent moved from a trading company to a manufacturing company and develops heat recovery systems.
  • 1980 - start of production of special fans for heat exchangers. Next comes the invention and development of a new principle of heat recovery in air handling units.

Frivent regularly develops and increases the standard and model range of heating and ventilation equipment, and at the moment the company has more than two dozen types of equipment designed to perform specific tasks for the preparation and supply of air, and the number of models is more than two hundred.
Frivent is especially proud of its patented heat recovery fan, which is a very simple and compact unit for supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery. A feature of this device is that the heat exchanger and the fan form one structural unit, allowing you to save on energy costs due to the use of one fan for both supply and exhaust.

History of the company "Arktos"

The Arktos plant is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of equipment for ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems. The company was founded in 1998. The enterprise includes two factories located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as a research laboratory of aerodynamics and acoustics. The production area, equipped with modern imported and domestic equipment, occupies more than 10,000 square meters.

From the very beginning, the plant set a course for the production of high-quality products. Today, the "Arktos" enterprise is not just a modern plant with high-precision equipment and automatic lines, it is a close-knit team of highly qualified specialists who produce ventilation equipment at the level of the best foreign analogues using the latest technologies in their field, these are their scientific research and original developments of new equipment.

The Arktos plant has successfully passed the test for compliance with the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001: 2000 in relation to the development and production of equipment for ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems.

The high quality of the products was appreciated by consumers not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also in the Baltic countries, Finland, Germany, and Ireland.


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