How to fix cool sketches at home on February 23rd. Scenarios of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday for adults. Contest "february humorina"

Scenario of a festive buffet table for February 23 This is an original version of congratulating colleagues with a costume surprise, warm words and a sincere desire to surprise and delight them.

Add to this some good dance music and a few fun contests, then the holiday will turn out to be bright and will be remembered for a long time by the male half of the team. (Thanks to the author Fedunova T.A.)

Introductory part of the buffet script for February 23.

A completely empty stage.

1 vote (from behind the curtains): Once, once! Dear friends! We ask you to break away from delicious salads and listen to an important government announcement! Today, February 23, 20 ..., an unprecedented surge of positive emotions will take place on this stage, aimed at glorifying males!

Two presenters come out to the sounds of very energetic music.

1st presenter: My God, my God! There are so many attractive men in one room!

2nd presenter: Gentlemen! We are glad to see you more than ever! Let me congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day on behalf and on behalf of the Women's Council of the world community!

1st presenter: Lovely! Be strong and courageous! Don't be afraid to make tons of money! And don't be shy about beautiful women!

2nd presenter: This is practically all that we want from you!

We include a bravura march, literally a few musical phrases. At this moment, four or five girls come out from behind the curtains with various objects in their hands - a ladle, an accounting ledger, a bottle of baby food and a rattle, a bucket with a rag, etc.

First girl: God! When will this hard labor end?

Second girl: Don't tell me, I definitely won't make it to the weekend! The fifth, then the tenth! Every two minutes is a disaster, and the report had to be handed in yesterday!

Third girl: And the boss went berserk! Whatever you do - he doesn't like everything!

Fourth girl: Yes! Is it better at home? There is no time to even drink tea!

Fifth girl: What kind of tea ?! Also say - read a book! In the morning, it’s like a routine, but there’s no less work!

Again the same head sounds from behind the curtains.

First girl: Holiday? Why haven't I heard anything about the holiday?

Second girl: Hurray, comrades! That is, girls!

Third girl: Let's rest now!

Fourth girl: And what kind of holiday?

Fifth girl: Yes, is it all the same ?!

V the song "Po Little" is included. The first girl runs offstage and brings a tray with a bottle of vodka and small glasses. Ladies stage a fun bottle drinking.

1 vote: Khe-khe! (music is interrupted). Woman comrades, have a conscience! Really, except for my voice, nothing tells you that today is not your day ... Ugh! Holiday! So, let me "please" you that today we have Defender's Day ... (microphone whistle and hiss again).

First girl: Damn, I didn't give you a drink!

Third girl: Stop, what kind of defender did he mean there?

Fourth girl: Come, the surrounding nature!

Fifth girl: Are you really drunk, are you? Your male voice meant - Defender of the Fatherland Day! After all, February is in the yard! What other defender could be in February?

Everything: Exactly!

First girl: So theirs, defenders, ugh! Men! Congratulations!

Second girl: (stroking her thighs): Yes, no question, congratulations!

Everyone runs backstage laughing and screeching.

Scene for February 23 "Captured by the Amazons".

To this music such as a military march, the sound of a timpani, the sound of a war bugle, or a drum roll work best. Under any of these sounds, five women run out onto the stage (maybe the same ones who complained about their fate in the introductory part). They should be wearing some accessories related to the military style - a holster on a belt over a belt for stockings, caps, shoulder straps attached to the shoulder straps of sexy tops, unbuttoned tunics, from under which stunning underwear can be seen. Naturally, the makeup of the heroines should be more than provocative. Each is holding a fake or toy weapon.

They sing a song-alteration to the motive of the song of robbers from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians"

They say that the Amazons -
Fighters are all as one.
Do not believe - these gossip
The moon is provoking!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, the moon provokes
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, eh-ma!
We are smart, eloquent
They are noble and gentle.
All were born from a test tube
So - dads are not needed
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, so no daddies needed
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, eh-ma!
We live without worries,
Exercising every day
We send arrows aptly
We are from the bow and into the target!
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, we are from the bow to the target
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, eh-ma!
Long-legged and beautiful
We will stand up for ourselves!
And our planet is alive
We will protect from men!
Oh, la-la, oh-la-la, we will protect from men,
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, eh-ma!

First Amazon a ( aiming a pistol at the hall): Sitting is afraid! Everyone froze! Now you are in our power!

Second Amazon: Yes Yes! You are caught! There was no point in coming to the land of free women, the Amazon!

Third Amazon: And I, old ladies, wonder: what is it that earthly women find special in such imperfect beings as men ?!

Fourth Amazon: Personally, I am absolutely indifferent to this question, because I am not going to baptize children with them!

Fifth Amazon: Oh, dark, children are not baptized with them, but made! Can't you see the difference, or something!

(Suddenly, a military march sounds and the Atamansha enters the stage, she has a bugle in her hands. Stopping in the middle, she blows at him).

Atamansha: Conversations! We will deal with the men ... slowly! And now, we all dance!

(The ladies line up in a semicircle and, to the music from the movie "The Color of the Night" or another incendiary melody, take turns out to the center of the circle, performing seductive dances. At the same time, it is not at all forbidden to use the weapon available with you for erotic body movements. It is quite appropriate in meaning if one of the dancers pulls one of the men onto the stage. A playful, but not vulgar striptease is quite acceptable, for example, to lower a military jacket from one and the second shoulder, etc.)

First Amazon: Well, boys? Fearfully?

Second Amazon: Why are they scared? Yes, they are such a fucking beauty when they were born!

Third Amazon: Interestingly, what could be so useful with them? Well, apart from children, of course ...

Atamansha: Let our crocodiles brush their teeth! And here's another job - you need to chop the coconuts. Let them wave their hands before death.

Fourth Amazon: And what, we will not leave them alive? Let's start up everyone?

Fifth Amazon: Why be sorry? There are so many of them! Why are you so killed? I suppose you want to warm up? Go, have you already looked after someone?

Fourth Amazon(acting out embarrassment): Well, and looked closely ... what's wrong?

Atamansha: And nothing is bad! Warm up while I'm good!

The fourth lady coquettishly and shyly approaches one of the men and slowly runs her hands under his jacket.

Fourth Amazon: Oh, lukewarm! ...

Fifth Amazon (to the side): Damn it! I, too, would not bother to warm my hands. My chieftain, dear mother! Let me also warm one of these ... imperfect creatures in the end ?!

Atamansha: Yes, for the Moon Goddess's sake! Legs at least! At least the ass!

First Amazon: Damn, why am I worse?

Second Amazon: Yes, nothing, not worse! Girls, let's get warm!

All the others also descend into the hall and attack the men sitting at the tables. Some put their hands in their pockets, some sit on their knees, some presses a man's head to their chest. On the stage, only the leader of the Amazons remains in a disgruntled pose. She stands with her arms crossed over her chest. Watches a little, then blows the horn. The girls, as if on command, go up to the stage and line up in a "frunt".

Atamansha (in a very low, threatening voice): What are you !? Have you forgotten everything? Or remind you how long we have fought against the violence of dirty pots and nappies! Have you forgotten what it cost us to get rid of all the "give" / "bring" ?! from all suspicion of treason ?! From socks, after all, lying wherever the feet of these male people! (these words are already very loud).

Atamansha: So, I propose to proceed with the destruction! Second! Break down! Are our crocodiles ready to eat?

Second Amazon: (sluggish enough): Crocodiles are ready to eat!

Atamansha: Why without enthusiasm?

Third Amazon: Listen, mother, can we leave ourselves a couple of three? For sugrev?

Atamansha: Again? But what good is their sugrev? Are you missing a kangaroo? What wool they have!

Fourth Amazon: And what does the wool have to do with it, I'm sorry? By the way, male people have many different other advantages!

Atamansha: Which ones, for example?

First Amazon: They are smart and, by the way, on some issues have more information than all of us put together.

Atamansha: Yes, and then they gather in flocks of three people and spend all their intellect on solving the question "who respects whom"!

Second Amazon: But they skillfully earn money! And they can even work in several organizations at once!

Atamansha: Interesting! For which of the female people was the money earned by the men entirely sufficient?

Third Amazon: (offended): And that's enough! And on a fur coat! And on the boots! And on a new dress for March 8th!

Fourth Amazon: Yes Yes! And they also know how to say such words! Such words! It will take your breath away! And no one, no one else can do that!

Atamansha: Aha! Words, then! Have you forgotten that after the wedding, their vocabulary changes strictly perpendicularly: "bring", "give", "get out"! In short, that's enough! Get the crocodiles! The animals have not been fed for two days!

Fifth Amazon: Girls! We will not let the lawlessness happen! We need men like air! Am I not right?!

First Amazon: Absolutely right! After all, they are so gentle!

Second Amazon: After all, they are so caring!

Third Amazon: After all, they are so strong!

Fourth Amazon: And they don't let us get bored!

Atamansha: Eh! Damn me! Yes, I myself, horror, how I love men! Okay! Let them live!

Congratulatory part of the buffet table "Captured by the Amazons"

Lead 1: Really! You can't live without men, no! The sun of May is in them! Love flourishes in them!

Leading 2: Hush hush! And then you will praise us lovely boys.

Lead 1: Once a year you can! Really, girls?

Beautiful and cheerful music plays, to which all the same five damsels run out onto the stage.

Leading 2: You know, but we are talking about "Defender's Day", "Defender's Day"! Is a modern man a defender? Is that what he can protect a simple modern woman from? For example, me?

First girl: In my opinion, this is a stupid question!

Second girl: Personally, a modern man can protect me from loneliness!

Third girl: And me - from a dystrophic wallet!

Fourth girl: Me - from a boring vacation and long evenings in the middle of the week!

Fifth girl: From lonely walks with the dog!

First girl: From going to the cinema together with a girlfriend!

Second girl: From self-opening champagne on New Year's Eve!

Third girl: From stupid dating on the street!

Fourth girl: From the question "what to wear?"

Fifth girl: And even from myself!

Leading 1: Oh, how difficult it is to be a man in our century ..

Lead 2:

To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sweet sensitive person,
Strategist between the world between the wars.
Be strong, but ... submissive, wise, very gentle,
To be rich, and ... to spare no money.

Lead 1:

Be slim, elegant and ... casual.
Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.
On your holiday we wish you ... patience
In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
I wish you creative success and every success!

Lead 2: Girls, did you say everything? For some reason, it seems to me that the main word has not been uttered today!

Leading 1: What do you mean? That we didn’t wish good health?

First girl: No, of course not! Girls! Do you know which word is the most important today?

Together: Men! We love you!

Musical congratulations to colleagues on February 23.

After a short buffet table, it is quite possible to present the men with one more musical congratulation. To do this, the five girls will again have to change into Amazons and perform a couple of verses from... The song "I kissed him" by A. Pugacheva was taken as a basis:

Let it throw life and flutter

But in the struggle, the soul will grow stronger.

Love united us

I opened my eyes to men! Mm...!

Congratulations to you today,

We wish you happiness, joy

So that all women are adored

We kissed you all! Mm...!

And they run to the men and kiss them all, the rest of the ladies sitting in the hall can join.

V During the performance, the girls dance seductively, urging everyone in the hall to surrender to the music. When the last lines are sung, the Amazons come down from the stage and begin to kiss all the men present on the cheeks.

Lead 1: Allow for the sake of the holiday, dear men, to give you not only beautiful words and sweet kisses, but also accept awards from us in various nominations.

Lead 2: The nominations were specially developed by the Institute, not very noble girls and their girlfriends!

Lead 1: So here we go! But right away I would like to note what voluminous work your colleagues have done. Yes, those whom you so casually call the "weaker sex"!

Lead 1: Yes, what am I? After all, March 8 is just around the corner! Our dear! We worked all year: we spied on and spied on your valiant deeds!

Lead 2: With pleasure, over a cup of tea, we collected fresh gossip about each of you! Oh, news!

Lead 1: The dimensions of your cars were determined with an accuracy of a millimeter!

Presentation of comic nominations to colleagues

Lead 2: All nominations received their winners.

Congratulation "Life is empty without you!"

There is a beautiful day in February
When we congratulate men!
There is no "Man's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the error.
Men, life is empty without you,
There are grim examples of this.
For you all our beauty,
We do not lose faith in love.
For you lipstick on the lips,
For you and hair we ruin the curling.
And in high heels
We are in a hurry to those whom we love!

Our dear men! Remember: we love you!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Leading 1: Our dear men! Can even the most beautiful words convey what you mean to us ?!

Lead 2: Just let me congratulate you again! Happy Holidays! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Lead 1: It's a pity, but our festive, entertaining and enticing program has come to an end! We really hope that you enjoyed both our songs and our dances! Remember: this was all invented especially for you, because we really, really wanted to surprise you! After all, a woman can not only cook deliciously and wash cleanly! For the sake of her beloved man, she can even turn into an Amazon!

Ved. 1 Dear men! We congratulate you on the Day of Defenders of the Motherland! (see congratulations on February 23)
Vedas 2 We congratulate you on the occasion of the soldier,

But we always want to see you only in civilian clothes!
And if in a uniform, then only in a sports one -
For running, football and active life!

The female ensemble performs the song:
(Performed to the melody of the song "Friends have been married for a long time, but I still dream of a prince")

Wine is foaming in the glasses
And we dream to congratulate you!
We have men, like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:

To grow your income,
There was an account in a Swiss bank!
To wait for pilaf in the kitchen,
Fishing was waiting for the catch!
To go on vacation to the Bahamas!
To be loved by ladies
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in my soul is not extinguished!

We wish you bright dreams
And delightful dates!
And understanding without words
And the fulfillment of desires!

Every husband and every rank is here!
All handsome supermen here!
Together we will drink to men!
May happiness await you without betrayal!

The female ensemble performs a song to the tune of "Songs of the Pilots":

Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without you, men, frankly, there is nothing to do!
We will gather at the table
Pour full glasses
And for the men we love we will sing a song.

It's time for us to confess
That we love you dearly, we love you, we love you dearly!
Always lean
On your faithful shoulder we want!
Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be!
Never allow despondency in your heart!
There will be a lot of luck
Everything will change, you just know!

You guys are gallant, gallant, gallant!
So slender, beautiful, curly!
We'll drink one, we'll drink two
For your glorious deeds,
But not to have a headache tomorrow!

Ved. 1 We wish to live always "on takeoff",
Both in personal life and in work!
Vedas 2 And always remain real knights!

The song to the tune of the song from the movie "The Three Musketeers" is performed:

Again February, and the red number,
So, Defender's Day is on schedule!
And we were again brought to the stage,
Hiring an ensemble is not yet affordable!

It's time-let's-rejoice
In my lifetime
To the fact that there are men
Free day!
Bye-bye-bye we have such defenders
We whisper to fate more than once:
- Mercy sideways!

Men need money -
Ce la vie!
And women need them all the more!
But most importantly, we wish you love!
And may good luck accompany you!

And now we want to congratulate each of our defenders personally ... ...

IT IS POSSIBLE TO CONDUCT Oscars IN DIFFERENT NOMINATIONS (Although we do not have Hollywood, Oscars are given here too ...)
(Contact the author)

And, at the end of our concert - a song that we dedicate to all our men!
The song to the tune "You are not firemen, you are not carpenters" is sung….
Gifts are given.
(They need to be beaten - contact the author)

Veda: It's time to take stock of the questionnaire that was conducted among men, so that our lovely women finally get an idea of ​​the tastes and preferences of the male half of the team!
The questionnaire looks like this:
1. What military qualities do you need in your work?
2. Describe your life with a line from a song.
3. Decipher the word HUSBAND by the first letters.
4. Why do women love you?
5. Your motto in relationships with women.
6. What do you value most in a woman?
7. Still, what is love?
At the bottom, draw a woman of 12 shapes (you can choose circles, squares, triangles)
On back side sheet, draw a non-existent animal and write its name
Sign your last name or nickname.
(The questionnaire with pictures is filled in by men in advance, a week before
holiday. You can conduct it with each of them in the form of an interview.
Then you need to select the few best answers for each question and
draw up a summary questionnaire).
The presenter with two assistants read out the summary questionnaire.
(The presenter is the question and the other two women are the best answers, taking turns)
Then 2 prizes are awarded - for the most witty questionnaire (pepper or hot ketchup) and the most lyrical questionnaire ("Delight" chocolate)
You can give a prize for the best answer to each question.

Then the presenter sums up the results of the woman's drawing test.
After that, the results are summed up on the "very-very" man on the test
"Non-existent animal". Little funny prizes are awarded
for each item (Contact the author)

The presenter makes a toast:
Do you know the difference between a diplomat and a girl?
If a diplomat says yes, it means maybe;
If a diplomat says “maybe,” it means “no”;
If a diplomat says no, then it is not a diplomat!
If a girl says no, it means maybe;
If a girl says "maybe" it means "yes";
If a girl says yes, then it's not a girl!
If a man says no, that means no;
If a man says yes, that means yes;
If a man says "maybe", then this is not a man!
So let's drink to real men who know what they want!
Ved: To everyone whose answers have been recognized as the best, we will now hand over the chips.
For what - I will explain later.
(Chips are awarded to all men whose answers were voiced in the summary questionnaire).
Our goal is to identify Mister ..... (Organization name), that is, our Super-man! In the future, if a woman earns the chip, she must present it to one of the men. The one with the most chips wins.

There is a competition for the title of Super-Man.
(Contact the author)

Ved. Now let's check how you know women!
In your name, dear men, congratulatory telegrams have been received from your female colleagues. But they were all in such a hurry that they forgot to subscribe. Your task is to identify the sender. For example,

Telegrams from colleagues to guess the sender by rhyme
(Contact the author)

Ved: We thank everyone who took part in our competition!

After a pause, the gypsies appear.
Here all the men are on the selection!
So let the gypsy choir sound!

Women dance and sing to the tune of "Gypsy":

Then they tell every man on cards or on comic cards.
(Contact the author)
Ved. Dear Men! We are grateful that we have you!
We wish you to always be Men with a capital letter!
We wish to achieve the generals' epaulettes,
Know everything, be able to do everything and work great!
Follow the bearing of your army,
Less often from wives to go AWOL!
Let the contractions not spill blood
And your glorious regiment never surrenders!
We wish you to always stay in the ranks!
May you be lucky in love, as in battle!

In almost every company or team on the eve of the traditional men's holiday, the traditional question arises: how to congratulate friends or colleagues? And in order to come up with something original or comic as a surprise or lead to the presentation of prepared gifts? If it takes place at a general buffet table, corporate or friendly party, then some funny scene may become a good idea, at the end of which you can arrange the most important solemn moment holiday - honoring the heroes of the occasion. We offer one of the possible options - easy and funny a fancy-dress scene for congratulating men on February 23rd "Grandmothers-old women".

Advice to organizers: The scene can be performed as having rehearsed the main dialogue and musical outputs in advance. additional characters, and with the involvement of guests from the audience to participate in the episodes directly at the holiday with the help of some kind of game moment or a survey. Their task: to parade effectively and artistically across the stage (center of the hall) to the appropriate melody, and the participant in the role of grandfather, in addition to the defile, will also have to read the words and put on a vest to match the image. If it is impromptu, then one of the assistants should tell the participants the moment of their exit.


Grandma Masha

Glasha's grandmother

In the episodes: a fashionable girl, a glamorous lady, a tough guy, a heartthrob brigadier, a leggy beauty, a grandfather in a vest.

Scene script - congratulations on February 23 "Grandmothers-old women"

("Grandmothers" come out)

On the way out sounds 1. An excerpt from "Grandmothers-old women"

Glasha: Hello Masha.

Masha: Hello, Glasha.

Glasha: How are you, how are you?

Everything is still with Lenka,

Do you drink blood from your neighbor?

Masha: What health is there?

I don't drink cow's milk,

Stabs in the side, the hand hurts,

Yes isho sciatica.

Knee aches at night.

Do you know, neighbor Lenka,

Here is an infection so that she

Husbands are changed every year.

And she's years old, do you know how old?

Older than her husband MOV Kolka.

Glasha: Is that the third one?

Masha: No, well, the third one is Petya.

Well, and Kolka, that second.

He was not on friendly terms with the head.

Glasha: Do you know that Pugacheva

I'm getting married again.

Masha: What! But what about Galkin?

Glasha: They say she got divorced.

Masha: Well, now she needs a husband

Straight, probably with children. garden.

(A stylishly dressed girl walks by as a model)

Sounds 2. Excerpt "I walk so all ..."

Glasha: Vaughn, your neighbor passed.

Young, and, already, a flirt.

Masha: A skirt, some kind of disgrace,

It will crack right now at the seams.

Glasha: Yes, already, nowadays the youth,

You won't find one decent one.

Not like we used to be

Everyone studied and read.

Masha: Yes, they worked until the night,

There was no urine for dancing.

(A "cool" man passes by, twisting the key fob from the car)

Sounds 3. Excerpt "600th Mercedes"

Glasha: Look, your new neighbor is here.

Chickens do not peck money.

Masha: He stole tea.

Look, what a bumpkin!

Glasha: Mafioso, not otherwise.

Look, what a dacha I have built.

And a Mercedes car.

She rides like a demon.

(Glamorous lady passes)

Sounds 4. Excerpt "More, more glamor ..."

Masha: Look, beautiful evona.

All through and through silicone.

Doesn't come out, look you,

From beauty salons.

Do you know, my neighbor Vanka,

Well, he has a cow Manka,

Red-haired, he is so long,

Drives moonshine at night.

Glasha: What are you?

Masha: Yes, here are those cross -

I cannot leave these places.

(A man walks by in a dancing gait, in a tie or jacket)

Sounds 5. Excerpt "And I love girls"

Glasha: Look, our foreman, Valentine.

The most prominent of the men.

Masha: Brigadier, yes, you know

He seems to be a drunk.

And there is one more sin

He is painfully weak to joy.

And, the main thing is not ashamed

Dragging behind each skirt.

(A young girl in a short skirt or dress passes by)

Sounds 6. Excerpt "Beauty Queen"

Glasha: There Natasha, slender legs,

Just like a cover model.

Masha: As skinny as they are.

They don’t feed her, understand.

(Grandfather comes out in a vest)

Sounds 7. Excerpt "You are a morchka, I am a sailor"

Masha: Oh, look, I drew myself.

Where are you going?

Glasha: Oh, great, Pyotr Kuzmich.

Masha: What are you dressed up for, you old bastard?

Glasha: Look, I've put on my vest,

Yes, and shaved off his beard.

Grandfather: Weekday, the holiday of the Army and the Navy,

And you have one concern -

To wash everyone's bones

And it's time to pour! (or congratulations)

Masha: Oh, we are always ready!

Glasha: Men, be happy!

Masha: rich!

Glasha: loved!

Masha: and healthy! (raise their glasses, all the guests support)

Sounds 8. Let's drink to men

(You can end the scene with a toast, presenting gifts, a common song or dance, depending on what kind of surprise is prepared for the heroes of the occasion)

For Defender of the Fatherland Day, we offer you a scenario with contests for holding a holiday in high school.

There is a bench on the stage (or three chairs in a row), three girls are sitting on it, their chin resting on their hand, and sighing heavily. On the head there may be kokoshniks made of painted cardboard, or each girl has an artificial braid woven over her shoulder, in this case, it is appropriate to make a blonde, a brunette and a redhead. If possible, throw Russian scarves over your shoulders. Girls can dress as they like, the main thing is to indicate that they are almost Pushkin's "three girls".

1 Maid (yawns):

Girls, it's boring ...

2 Maid (sighs):

Very boring…

3 Maid:

People say the truth

Choosing a future husband

Difficult if there are no guys!

1 Maid (sarcastically):

You are logical dear

Amazingly smart

But while we're chatting,

Would you knit canvases!

2 Maid:

Well, for you, friend

A feast like a mountain, then merit!

3 Maid(jumps up, indignantly):

That is, to put it simply,

Should I give birth to a hero ???

No, girls, you are something completely! Maybe we will first choose the suitors, such good fellows, so that blood and milk, and a ward of mind, and a heroic horse to boot ...

1 Maid (sarcastically):

Yes, yes, and half a kingdom, how have you forgotten !!!

2 Maid:

Enough to pin up all the time, let's better and really think of something. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, so it's worth finding out who we have here is the best defender. I propose to introduce four nominations: "Tsar", "Tsarevich", "King", "Korolevich" ..

3 Maid:

You express it constructively!

1 Maid:

And now I’ll come up with such tasks that even Vasilisa the Wise cannot cope! For example: let our candidates for the defenders write - how to cook pasta and fry eggs! And while our kings are trying, they will speak ...

While the guys are doing the tasks, they can speak amateur performances- dance, song, magic tricks. It is desirable that this be a gift from girls to boys.

Competition "Culinary"

Young people should put on paper the process of making pasta and scrambled eggs within five minutes, and for the correct answer it is worth taking the exact recipe - for sure, the boys will be wrong somewhere in the technology, so it can turn out to be quite fun. The girls-presenters collect the leaves, and read out in turn, commenting. The winner is the one with the recipe closest to reality.

1 Maid:

Yeah, girls ... I should have made them cook it and eat it!

2 Maid:

Are you starting again? It's okay when a man doesn't know how to cook, the main thing is that he has potential! It's good that they even know what scrambled eggs are!

3 Maid:

Girls, would you know what I checked? Consideration! Let's give them puzzles, let them figure it out in five minutes!

Contest "Puzzle"

For the next competition, you need popular puzzles - it can even be Rubik's cubes or rings with ropes that you need to untangle. If all the guys cope with the task, then it is worth evaluating the result in terms of time - who did it faster. By the way, then, after the end of the competition, you can present such puzzles to all the boys as a gift, there are a lot of such toys at quite affordable prices, so as a small souvenir for the holiday this is a very good option.

1 Maid:

Well, I must admit, our princes are good at thinking. But I would, of course, come up with some other trick.

2 Maid:

Who would have doubted something ... But I also feel that something is missing.

3 Maid:

I know! You've heard the expression: "Men love with their eyes, and women - with their ears." We need to give them an assignment so that they read a poem dedicated to women with expression, and whoever does the best will win!

Competition "Poetic"

You will need to prepare in advance four different poems of great poets about love. Preferably about the same size. You can take Shakespeare's sonnets, because they are just written in one way of versification. Or, on the contrary, a poetry that is fundamentally different in style. For example, Mayakovsky has very beautiful lyrics, and it can be read very expressively. It will be enough for the children to read the poem to themselves once or twice, and already begin to improvise. Of course, it is very difficult to determine who reads better, but you can ask the literature teacher or class teacher to judge.

1 Maid:

What are they all the same ... fickle !!! (turns away, pretends to sob)

2 Maid:

What are you doing this?

3 Maid:

Never mind, it was she who was moved. But I'm impartial, so I think it's time to determine the winner.

Voting in three contests can be made unified, or you can let one teacher judge each contest, or let the audience judge with applause, or the presenters themselves. The main thing is to remember that all contests are comic, so it is quite possible to "fool around".

For 1 place "Tsar" you can make a crown, and, if you suddenly succeed, get a fake gray beard. If there is no beard, then it is quite possible to make it from a regular washcloth to which an elastic band is sewn. These "regalia" should be left to the participants of the competition as a keepsake.

"King" - 2nd place. The Russian tsar, as a character, is, of course, more important in Russia. Therefore, the title of king is awarded to the runner-up. He can also wear a crown on his head, only narrow and wide, and put on his shoulders a "royal mantle" made from a piece of fabric gathered with an elastic band or a ribbon around the neck.

"Tsarevich" - 3rd place. Here you can play a hooligan and present to a young man, for example, the Frog Princess drawn on a Whatman paper with an arrow in her mouth or in her paw, write a funny phrase, such as: "You are lucky, I am yours!" or “The prince was not looking for a ford, he wandered into a swamp for an arrow. I was always waiting for you, I was unapproachable! "

"Korolevich" - 4th place. For this young man, you need to prepare a ribbon over his shoulder, with medals sewn to it, and to it an epaulette - a cardboard oval sheathed with blue fabric, yellow fringe. You will need to attach it to clothes with double-sided tape, but in any case, it will not be for long.

One of the presenters or all three, reading a quatrain, congratulate all young people on the holiday:

Guys, we are confident in you

Although you are not all tested,

We look at you with confidence,

And we don't dream of titles.

Already and now we are sure

That you will protect the Motherland,

We look at you with confidence -

Truly, and not "like".

This is how humanity is arranged

That everything can be in the world.

And defending the Fatherland

Remember - you are his children!

After that, the girls can give young people souvenirs as a keepsake.

Great contests for February 23 for boys

"Italian" weaving

Weaving as a form of folk art appeared in time immemorial, because even primitive people guessed that all kinds of things or food can be stored in objects woven from rods. For weaving, a variety of materials were used - these are birch bark and willow rods, lianas, fishing lines, twine, ropes (by the way, we owe the last type of weaving to sailors, and sea ​​knots). But so far no one has tried weaving from ... spaghetti! Therefore, the participants of the competition can be invited to weave all kinds of knots that bear specific names from the weaving masters:

  • eight;
  • tie knot;
  • kalach;
  • Capuchin;
  • tatting.

Movements at an accelerated pace

Contestants can be asked to depict the simplest movements, but at the same time resort to a trick known among filmmakers - how to "scroll" their gestures in accelerated mode. This technique was used by many directors and cameramen shooting comedies - for some reason it always amused the audience. Participants need to "speed up" two or even three times, but at the same time show the simplest movements, for example.

Cool script corporate party with a unique entertainment program that allows all the men present to honor comic nominations and gives them a chance to demonstrate their best qualities in exciting contests, will help to arrange an unforgettable holiday, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland.

Hall decoration: The venue of the holiday is decorated with balloons, posters depicting military personnel with the faces of the team's employees (photoshop to help) and comic congratulations from February 23rd. Before entering the hall, you need to attach a "stadiometer".

Required attributes:

  • Stadiometer
  • Score sheets
  • Props for contests
  • Presents for men


For the role of leaders, you should choose two sociable and cheerful employees who can attract men to participate in competitions.

Event progress

In the hall, on one of the walls, there is a “height meter” with markings from 1 to 2 m.

The following inscriptions are near the labels:

  • 1 m 60 cm - "Economic"
  • 1 m 65 cm - "Small and remote"
  • 1 m 70 cm - "Super lover"
  • 1 m 75 cm - "Eurostandard"
  • 1 m 80 cm - "Star of the Catwalk"
  • 1 m 85 cm - "The ideal man"
  • 1 m 90 cm - Basketball Hope
  • 2 m - "Alpha male"

At the entrance to the hall, where the festive event will be held, guests are greeted by a woman with a bandage on her arm "Evaluation point". She says that only men who have "score sheets" will be able to enter the hall and invites them to undergo an examination. Girls in white robes give each representative of the strong half of humanity a form, which indicates his last name, first name, patronymic and age. "Nurses" weigh men, measure the volume of the chest and measure the height with the help of a "stadiometer". All data is recorded in the "score sheet", while the height is indicated in accordance with the names that were near the tags.

Participants of the event hand over the forms at the entrance to the hall and take places at the tables. The festive party begins with congratulations to male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is preferable to perform all congratulations in poetic form, using beautiful toasts. It is worth mentioning all the men by name, to say a few pleasant words about each. Entertainment program it is recommended to start after the participants of the event "satisfy the first hunger".

The presenters invite all men present in the hall to take part in the show program "Man of the Year".


Competition "Sharpshooter"

For the competition, you will need three targets, arrows with Velcro from the game of darts. Assignment: as accurately as possible (preferably in the "top ten") to hit the target with a dart. The most accurate participant becomes the winner in the "Sharpshooter" nomination.

Contest "Knock-in"

Men receive 5 nails, hammers and wooden blocks. Assignment: hammer all the nails into the block with a hammer. The winner in the "Household Man" nomination is the one who completed the task faster and with the best quality.

Competition "Recognize by Smell"

For the competition, you need to prepare a blindfold and several containers with spices. Assignment: recognize the spice by the smell. The best person who coped with the task becomes the winner in the "Sharp Smell" nomination.

The presenters report that the popular group "VIA Gra" has come to congratulate all the men on the holiday.

There is a musical pause (performance of girls disguised as members of the "VIA Gra" group with the song "February 23").

Then the presenters offer all the participants a little refreshment (a feast with toasts and congratulations).

Competition for women "The most attentive"

All women present are invited to participate in the competition. Assignment: carefully look at the proposed video sequence (make a slide show using photographs of male colleagues who participate in the holiday) and, by body parts, determine which of the men they belong to.

  1. First video sequence "These eyes are opposite." Women need to determine which of the men owns the eyes on the slide. First, the man's eyes are shown, and then, when the answer is heard, the whole face is shown.
  2. Second video sequence "Mesmerizing smile": recognize a man only by his lips.
  3. Third video sequence "Strong male back": recognize the man from the back.

The most active participants are awarded with lollipops. Men, whose body parts were easily guessed, become winners in the nominations "Expressive eyes", "The most charming smile", "Courageous man".

Best Actor Competition

The presenter reads the rhyme "Our Tanya is crying out loud", as if she is frightened, and then tells the rules of the competition to the participants. Assignment: you need to read the verse, adhering to a certain image. With the help of a drawing of lots, it is determined to whom in which way the rhyme is to be told.

The options are:

  • Embarrassed
  • Like a japanese
  • Like a georgian
  • As a person who does not pronounce the letter "r"
  • Like a little child
  • Mysteriously
  • Sexually
  • Offended
  • Enthusiastically

The strength of the applause determines who did the best on the task. The winner is nominated for Actor of the Year.

Harem competition

Eastern music sounds and the presenters offer the women present in the hall to dance (a small master class on oriental dances is held), and the men take a close look at the dancers, because they will have to visit "sultans" for some time and collect their harem from the ladies present at the holiday. All male participants are given ribbons or rubber bands for money of a certain color. Assignment: while the music is playing, the "sultans" should put "bracelets" on the wrist of women. The more "concubines" you can "ring", the better. An important rule: one lady cannot wear more than one rubber band. The winner in the "Loving Man" nomination is the one with the largest "harem".

Competition "Stirlitz"

Men are invited to become "Stirlitz" for a while. A girl is invited from the audience to hold the competition. Participants are encouraged to carefully examine her outfit and try to remember even the smallest details. Then the "object of observation" is taken out of the hall and several details are changed on it: they unbutton a button, tie a scarf, take off or put on earrings, or a ring on a finger, change a blouse. The more subtle details are changed, the better. After the performed manipulations, the "object" is returned back to the hall. Assignment to participants: find differences between the previous image of the girl and the created one. The man who named the greatest number of differences becomes the winner in the "Most Observant Man" nomination.

Competition "Fishermen"

Option 1. Props for the competition: a fishing rod with a line to which a sinker is attached, empty beer bottles, a stopwatch. Assignment for the participants: to hit the neck of the bottle with a sinker, make a "sweep" and "pull out" the fish (pull the fishing rod so that the bottle falls on its side). The winner in the "Fisherman of the Year" nomination is the player who has caught the most "fish" in 1 minute.

Option 2. This option is good for the case when the "Fisherman of the Year" nomination needs to be assigned to several participants at once. Props for the competition: three ropes, 3 meters long, with sticks tied to them at the ends; dried fish tied to a rope in the center. Task for the players: stand opposite each other and grab the sticks tied to the rope. At the signal, quickly start winding the rope around the stick in order to be the first to reach the fish. Whoever twists the rope first becomes the winner.

At the end of the holiday, the results of the show program "Man of the Year" are summed up. The “score sheet” of each participant is read out. It will sound something like this: “Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich, 40 years old, weighing 75 kg, chest volume 120 cm, with the growth of the“ super lover ”category became the winner in the“ Actor of the Year ”nomination. He is awarded a commemorative diploma (read the text of the diploma) and a valuable gift. " To the accompaniment of solemn music and loud applause, the participants are awarded.


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