Customs declaration of letters. Sample of filling out the customs declaration for the parcel (cn23). You can read about filling out the declaration for Boxberry

When moving goods within foreign economic activity using the IGO channels for small packages and parcels, a customs declaration form CN 23 is filled in. The customs declaration and accompanying documents are firmly attached to the outside of the shipment or, preferably, inserted in a transparent self-adhesive envelope.

To speed up customs processing, the customs declaration is made in French, English or any other language accepted in the country of destination.

For customs inspection of the departure, the customs of the country of destination must know exactly its attachment. Therefore, the declaration must be completed fully and clearly. Otherwise, it can lead to delays in the shipment, as well as other inconveniences for the recipient. Any false or unclear declaration may result in a fine or forfeiture of the shipment.

Included goods may be subject to restrictions. Therefore, the sender should inquire about the possibilities of import and export (prohibitions, restrictions such as quarantine, restrictions regarding pharmaceutical products, etc.) and inquire about the documents (merchandise invoice, certificate of origin, sanitary certificate, license, product permit, subject to quarantine (products of animal, vegetable origin, foodstuffs etc.)) that may be required in the country of destination.

A commercial item means any goods exported or imported in the framework of any transaction, regardless of whether it is sold for any amount or exchanged without money supply.

(1) A detailed description of each item contained in the shipment must be provided (eg “men's cotton shirts”). General indications such as "spare parts", "samples", "foodstuffs", etc. are not allowed.

(2) List the quantity of each item and specify the unit of measurement used.

(3) and (4) Report the net weight of each item (in kg) and the total weight of the shipment with packaging (in kg) when weighed it in the mail at the time of submission.

(5) and (6) Include the cost of each item and the total cost by specifying the currency (eg Swiss francs for Swiss francs).

(7) and (8) The HS code (six-digit index) is determined according to the harmonized system of description and coding of goods developed by the International Customs Organization. The term “country of origin” refers to the country of origin of the goods (for example, the country where they were produced, manufactured or assembled).

(9) Indicate the amount of the fare paid for the item by mail. Specify any other fees (eg insurance fee) separately.

(10) Cross out the box or boxes to indicate the shipment category.

(11) Please clarify if an attachment (animal, vegetable, food, etc.) is subject to quarantine or other restrictions.

(12), (13) and (14) If your shipment is accompanied by a license or certificate, please cross out the appropriate box and indicate the number. You must attach an invoice to all commercial shipments.

(15) Your signature and date are proof of your responsibility for the shipment.

When sending parcels from the United States to Russia, we are necessarily faced with the need to fill out accompanying documents for customs services. This is due to the fact that the parcel can cross the borders of several states at once. And so that customs officers do not open all parcels in a row in search of prohibited items, the corresponding documents must be attached to the parcel. This refers to a declaration with a description of the content, which indicates the type of product, its quantity and price.

There is one more important point: customs restrictions. According to the regulations of the Federal customs service(FCS), each "Individual within one month has the right to receive duty-free goods for personal use in international mail (IGO) for an amount not exceeding 500 euros (starting from 1 January 2019) and weighing no more than 31 kg. " Simply put, customs officers are required to check parcels for compliance with the limits, and the declaration greatly simplifies their work, speeding up the processing of parcels.

Why is it important to fill out the declaration correctly? Customs officers are strict people. They strictly follow office instructions. If any package raises questions or suspicions, then it will be detained to clarify all the circumstances. And this can take a long time. To avoid such delays, it is better to spend a little time on correct design customs declaration. Moreover, it is not very difficult.

Secrets and rules for processing a customs declaration ( except Boxberry)

  1. Write to English language... Not in Russian, not in transliteration. Only English... If necessary, use online translators. Imagine how surprised an ordinary American will be when he sees unfamiliar krakozyabry in the accompanying documentation instead of the usual names. Of course, he will delay the package. Or even bring it back.
  2. Use simple words to describe goods (t-shirt, jeans, pants, skirt, coat, etc.). If your package contains 10 sweaters, you don't need to write "sweaters - 10". The parcel can be assigned a commercial status. It is safer to write "pullover - 4", "sweater - 3", "shirt - 3". To find other variants of words to describe the product, use the English synonym services. For example, this one.
  3. Do not send more than 5 units of the same product in a parcel. This can be regarded as a commercial batch. And you have to pay tax.
  4. Remove famous brand names from descriptions. There is no need to tease the customs officer with the words Rolex, Lego, Timberland, etc. Instead, just specify: watches, toys, shoes (watch, toys, shoes).
  5. Never mention in a declaration Apple brand... Any iPhone, iPod and other equipment can be listed as an electronic device. Or even a refurbished electronic device, if you need to explain low cost devices.
  6. Do not list the size of clothes and shoes, so that thieves cannot pick up the model that suits them when they see necessary information in the declaration. It is not at all necessary to indicate that the clothes are for women, children or men. That is, you can, but only if it is more convenient for you. The impersonality of things is their best defense against dishonest people.
  7. Describe each heading so that you can quickly find out what is missing if necessary. This accuracy also helps when visiting customs, if the need arises.
  8. Be honest. Indicate in the declaration the price you paid for the goods. We cannot recommend lowering the value of the goods in the package, leaving it to your discretion.
  9. Don't use dangerous words (like guns). For example, if the parcel contains a lighter in the form of a pistol or a watch in the form of a grenade, it is highly discouraged to indicate a gun lighter or grenade watch in the declaration. The customs officer will definitely react to a dangerous word.

You can read about filling out the declaration for Boxberry.

How to file a customs declaration with fishisfast?

The principal difference between a customs declaration for different postal services no. It's pretty simple. You can specify everything right on the page. This option is suitable for those who do not have a lot of goods in the package.

Or, when registering a parcel (section "Collecting a parcel"), you can put a tick in the item "Filling in the declaration manually". The fishisfast system allows you to upload an excel file with product descriptions. You can simply fill in all the fields of the categories manually on the site. Please note that when filling out the declaration, it is enough to approximately determine the weight of each item. It is important that the total weight in the declaration does not exceed the actual weight of the parcel with things.

The excel declaration should look like this:

Do not forget to indicate your preferred delivery method and type of goods (usually "Gift" or "Goods", but customs officers do not see much difference between these two categories).

If necessary, you can always return to the “Collecting the parcel” section and make changes to the declaration. Load a new item, add / remove an item, etc. The system will inform you that you have already created a declaration and will offer several options for action.

Download data, click "Continue" and follow the instructions of the system. You're done with customs clearance. Congratulations!

In customs legislation, parcels are understood as international postal items.

Currently, the Russian Federation is a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), on the territory of which the same customs rules apply. The EAEU member states are the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.

What is IGO

The concept of IGOs ​​(or "international postal items"), Applied in customs legislation, is enshrined in the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

International postal items (IGO) - these are parcels and letter-post items that are objects of postal exchange in accordance with the acts of the Universal Postal Union, are accompanied by documents provided for by the acts of the Universal Postal Union, are sent outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union or arrive at places (institutions) through the places of the international postal exchange, or follow in transit through customs territory EAEU.

Types of IGOs

  • postal items in the form of written messages on a special form, sent in open form (simple, registered) (hereinafter - postcards);
  • postal items with a written message, including in the form electronic document(simple, including those sent in the form of an electronic document, customized ones, including those sent in the form of an electronic document, with a declared value) (hereinafter - letters);
  • postal items with printed publications, manuscripts, business papers, photographs (simple, registered, with declared value) (hereinafter - parcels);
  • postal items delivered in open form with an attachment intended exclusively for the blind (simple, registered) (hereinafter - secograms);
  • postal items with a commodity investment (ordinary, with a declared value) (hereinafter - parcels);
  • postage with goods and others material assets sent to the place of destination (ordinary, with a declared value) (hereinafter - direct mail containers).

New rules for duty-free movement of parcels to Russia

Parcels from abroad are subject to customs clearance. At the same time, customs legislation established limits for the duty-free shipment of parcels from abroad.

Moving without customs declaration:

  • aerogram;
  • letters;
  • postcards;
  • departures for the blind.

New rules on restrictions on the forwarding of parcels (applied from July 2017 after the entry into force of the Customs Code of the Eurasian customs union) provides for a gradual cost reduction of goods that can be imported into Russia duty-free. If the allowed import limits are exceeded, you will have to pay tax in the form of customs duties.

Such norms apply to parcels sent to Russia from all foreign countries (USA, Canada, Ukraine, Western and Eastern Europe, Lithuania, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, China, Korea, India, Israel, Vietnam, etc.).

Parcels arriving from abroad are processed without paying customs duties:

  • in the period from 2017 to December 31, 2018 inclusive - goods, the value of which does not exceed the amount equivalent to 1000 euros, and (or) the gross weight of the IGO does not exceed 31 kg when imported within a calendar month to the address of one individual;
  • from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 inclusive - goods, the value of which does not exceed the amount equivalent to 500 euros, and (or) the gross weight of the IGO does not exceed 31 kg within a calendar month, addressed to one individual;
  • after January 1, 2020 - goods, the value of which does not exceed the amount equivalent to 200 euros and (or) the gross weight of the IGO does not exceed 31 kg.

If the permitted import norms are exceeded, customs duties are subject to payment at a rate of 30% of their value, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

The procedure for passing the customs declaration of parcels

Goods sent to the IGO arrive at the customs territory of the EAEU and depart from such territory at the places (institutions) of international postal exchange, determined by the legislation of the State of the Party.

Transfer across the customs border Russian Federation IGO is carried out using the following postal documents:

  • Customs label CN ​​22;
  • customs declaration CN 23 and dispatching address CP 71 or form pack CP 72;
  • CN 37 land delivery bill or CN 38 air delivery bill;
  • parcel card. Ground parcels and S.A.L. CP 86 or air parcel card. Air parcels. CP 87;
  • CN 31 exchange chart or CN 32 bulk mail chart;
  • special list of registered items CN 33;
  • a substitute CN 46 delivery bill;
  • CN 47 empty sack delivery bill.

The CN 22 "Customs" label, the CN 23 customs declaration and the CP 71 dispatching address or the CP 72 form-pack, filled in by the sender, are glued or attached to the IGO shell in a way that prevents their loss.

Delivery invoices for CN 37, CN 38, CN 41, CN 47 dispatches shall be filled in by employees of the places of international postal exchange.


Name of the place of international postal exchange

Address of the place of international postal exchange

Blagoveshchensk MSC

st. Pionerskaya, 27, Blagoveshchensk, 675000

Bryansk MSC

st. Rechnaya, 1, Bryansk, 241960

Vladivostok AOPP

st. Portovaya, 41, Artem, Primorsky Territory, 692760

Vladikavkaz post office

ave. Costa, d. 134, Vladikavkaz, 362000

Yekaterinburg MMPO

st. Bakhchivandzhi, 63, letter A, Yekaterinburg, 620025

Kazan Logistic Post Center

st. Pochtovaya, 1, Kazan International Airport, Stolbishenskoe rural settlement, Laishevsky municipal district, Republic of Tatarstan, 442624

Kaliningrad MSC

st. Railway, 29, Kaliningrad, 236015

Peaceful MMPO

st. Lenin, 5, Mirny, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 678174

Moscow - Vnukovo AOPP

2nd Reisovaya, 2a, bldg. 1, Moscow, 119027

Moscow - Vnukovo MMPO

n. Marushkinskoe, near the village. Sharapovo, Moscow, 108809

Moscow - Domodedovo AOPP

Domodedovo Airport territory, Domodedovo, letters 1B1, 1B2, Moscow region, 142015

Moscow - Sheremetyevo AOPP

ow. Sheremetyevo-1 Airport, Khimki, Moscow region, 141400

Orenburg MSC

Privokzalnaya sq., 1a, Orenburg, 460960

MMPO Railway post office at the Kazan station

Krasnoprudny lane, 7, bldg. 1, Moscow, 107140

St. Petersburg - Pulkovo AOPP

Pulkovo airport, St. Petersburg, 196210

Tolmachevo MMPO

Mozzherin Avenue, building 20, Ob-2, Novosibirsk region, 633102

List of abbreviations:

  • MMPO is a place of international postal exchange;
  • MSC - main sorting center;
  • AOPP is an aviation branch of mail transportation.

Goods sent to the Russian Federation in the IGO, if it is impossible to deliver them to the addressees (their legal representatives), including in the absence of permission from the customs authority to issue the IGO, are stored in postal facilities in accordance with the Rules for the provision of postal services for a month. The storage period of the IGO can be extended at the request of the sender or addressee (his legal representative).

Features of registration of IGOs ​​arriving in Russia from abroad

By general order dispatches, postal and accompanying documents for them, arriving at the places of international postal exchange (MMPO), are presented by the employees of these places to the officials of the customs authority located in these places of exchange for customs control and customs clearance.

The dispatches from the IGO, with the exception of dispatches with empty containers, are opened by the employees of the IGO in the presence of customs officials. At the same time, places of international postal exchange using computer technology processing IGOs, register received and subject to submission to the customs authority IGOs ​​in the database with the mark "Subject to customs control".

Written correspondence, literature for the blind and IGOs ​​containing goods worth less than 5,000 rubles are sent by employees of international postal exchanges to the addressees without additional presentation to the customs authorities.

If it is established that the parcel contains goods prohibited for movement, then the IGO containing such goods is subject to return to the sender.

The purpose of the goods sent to the IGO to the address of an individual is established by executive customs authority based on the nature of the goods, their quantity and frequency of shipment.

Whether it is necessary to pay customs duties depends on the value of the parcel.

The cost is accepted by the customs authority, in the region of activity of which the places of international postal exchange are located, on the basis of the value indicators indicated in the "Value (customs)" column of the CN 23 customs declaration or in the "Declared value" column in the CP 72 form-pack, and in the case of absence of this information - on the basis of the declared value indicated in the "Declared value" column of the CP 71 shipping address when sending goods in parcels or in the "Value (customs)" column of the CN 23 customs declaration or the "Customs" label when sending goods in small packages and international express mail, or on the shell of a letter with a declared value.

At customs clearance and customs control of goods sent to the IGO to individuals intended for their personal use and subject to customs duties and taxes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an official of the customs authority in the region of activity of which the place of international postal exchange is located, when calculating and accruing customs duties and taxes subject to payment uses the customs receipt order (TPO) indicating in it the customs value accepted for calculating the customs payments payable, as well as the mass (weight) of goods sent to the IGO.

Issuance individuals IGOs are produced by the postal operator, in the region of operation of which the recipients of the IGOs ​​are located, only after the payment of customs duties and taxes.

What products cannot be sent in the package

In addition to goods that cannot be transported to Russia in any way, which include hazardous waste, special technical means designed to secretly obtain information, etc. (a complete list of goods prohibited for import can be found at the link), additional restrictions have been established for parcels.

Goods prohibited for shipment to the IGO include:

  • alcoholic beverages, ethyl alcohol, beer;
  • any kind of tobacco products and smoking mixtures;
  • any types of weapons (their parts), cartridges for them (their parts), products structurally similar to civilian and service weapons;
  • radioactive materials;
  • cultural values;
  • counterfeit goods;
  • goods subject to rapid spoilage;
  • live animals, with the exception of bees, leeches, silkworms;
  • plants in any form and condition, plant seeds;
  • precious stones in any form and condition, natural diamonds, with the exception of jewelry;
  • narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, including in the form of drugs;
  • ozone depleting substances.

Prepared by "Personal"

When moving goods in the framework of foreign economic activity using the IGO channels for small packages and parcels, a customs declaration form CN 23 is filled in. The customs declaration and the documents attached to it are firmly attached to the shipment from the outside or, preferably, put in a transparent self-adhesive envelope.

To speed up customs processing, the customs declaration is made in French, English or any other language accepted in the country of destination.

For customs inspection of the departure, the customs of the country of destination must know exactly its attachment. Therefore, the declaration must be completed fully and clearly. Otherwise, it can lead to delays in the shipment, as well as other inconveniences for the recipient. Any false or unclear declaration may result in a fine or forfeiture of the shipment.

Included goods may be subject to restrictions. Therefore, the sender should inquire about the possibilities of import and export (prohibitions, restrictions such as quarantine, restrictions regarding pharmaceutical products, etc.) and inquire about the documents (merchandise invoice, certificate of origin, sanitary certificate, license, product permit, subject to quarantine (animal, vegetable, food, etc.)) that may be required in the country of destination.

A commercial item means any goods exported or imported in the framework of any transaction, regardless of whether it is sold for any amount or exchanged without money supply.

(1) A detailed description of each item contained in the shipment must be provided (eg “men's cotton shirts”). General indications such as "spare parts", "samples", "foodstuffs", etc. are not allowed.

(2) List the quantity of each item and specify the unit of measurement used.

(3) and (4) Report the net weight of each item (in kg) and the total weight of the shipment with packaging (in kg) when weighed it in the mail at the time of submission.

(5) and (6) Include the cost of each item and the total cost by specifying the currency (eg Swiss francs for Swiss francs).

(7) and (8) The HS code (six-digit index) is determined according to the harmonized system of description and coding of goods developed by the International Customs Organization. The term “country of origin” refers to the country of origin of the goods (for example, the country where they were produced, manufactured or assembled).

(9) Indicate the amount of the fare paid for the item by mail. Specify any other fees (eg insurance fee) separately.

(10) Cross out the box or boxes to indicate the shipment category.

(11) Please clarify if an attachment (animal, vegetable, food, etc.) is subject to quarantine or other restrictions.

(12), (13) and (14) If your shipment is accompanied by a license or certificate, please cross out the appropriate box and indicate the number. You must attach an invoice to all commercial shipments.

(15) Your signature and date are proof of your responsibility for the shipment.

If every second person sent letters and parcels across Russia, then with small packages and parcels abroad, the situation is a little more complicated. It doesn't matter if you are sending an item sold in your store on Etsy, or sending a present to your friends.

In this article I will tell you what you need to know before sending a package abroad (to the USA, Europe, Australia and any other country).

At first, I did not plan to write a separate article on the topic of sending parcels. After all, there are already enough such articles on the net. But just the other day, a good friend of mine who opened a store on Etsy, by the way, quite recently, made her first sale. And in a panic she turned to me for help. And then I thought that if I write an article taking into account the information that a beginner needs, filling it out in stages, it will be convenient and visual. And it will calm down the sender of the parcel a little.

Stage 1: Find out if there are any restrictions on sending abroad

Check on the website of the Russian Post, here on this page, if there is a name in the list of prohibited goods that you plan to send abroad.

On the same page you can see the choice and size of the package, as well as the size of the shipment. Therefore, I will not duplicate this information here.

If everything is in order, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Choose a shipping method

You can send items and products by letter, small package and parcel. The choice of dispatch method depends on the weight of the product, dimensions, strength.


The letter is intended for personal correspondence, sending documents, papers, magazines, postcards and other printed materials. The maximum weight is 2 kg. The maximum size is A4.

If you are, for example, a designer of postcards, brochures, pictures, then you can choose this method.

Parcel post

This is a shipment that is larger in size or weight than a letter, but so is a letter with paper products and printed publications: books, magazines, posters.

The maximum weight of the parcel is 5 kg. The maximum sum of three dimensions (length + width + height) is 90 cm. Or the maximum length of the parcel is 60 cm.

Small package

This is a small international shatterproof package.

Maximum weight 2 kg. As for dimensions, the maximum sum of three dimensions (length + width + height) is 90 cm. Or the maximum length of a small bag is 60 cm.

If you are sending goods from Russia, then you can see the tariffs of the Post at this link (item International parcels, shipment by air). Without VAT - it is payment with stamps, with VAT - in cash.

Sending small packages and parcels to stamps is cheaper than cash. For example, if your parcel weighs less than 100 grams, then you will pay 300 rubles in stamps for sending it or 354 rubles if paid in cash at the branch.

The new tariffs are valid from December 3, 2018. You can read about how much it cost to send parcels and small packages before.

If you want to send something small and not very fragile abroad (for example, bracelets, earrings, key rings, bars of soap, knitted sweater, etc.), then this method is the most optimal and inexpensive.


This way you can send items with a total weight of up to 20 kg. If you need to send a heavier package, you can use EMS.

The longest side of an international parcel must be less than 105 cm.

The cost of sending a parcel depends on both the weight and the country of destination. For example, sending a parcel up to 1 kg to America costs 1180 rubles (or a little cheaper, about 980 rubles, if sent with stamps). And, for example, to Germany - 1510 and 1260 rubles, respectively.

You can read more about this method of sending on the mail website. Also, there you can calculate online the cost of sending a parcel, indicating its approximate weight and country.

Step 3: Pack the items to ship

The goods must be packed in such a way as to prevent deterioration during delivery. But you also need to take into account that customs officers may suspect that something is wrong and open your parcel for inspection.

Envelopes and boxes are usually available from the post office. But it is best to do this in advance, because on the day of dispatch, there may not be a box or envelope of the required size and then you will have to resolve this issue in a hurry.

If you are shipping items that may deform during shipping, such as candlesticks, vases, clay figurines, etc., you can wrap each item individually with bubble wrap. This film is sold in large hardware stores.

It will also be nice if you weigh your products in advance - this will be useful to you in the next step.

Step 4: Filling out the customs declaration

After you have resolved the packaging issue, you need to fill out customs declaration... Or download it all from the same website of the Russian Post (at the very bottom of the page), or get e e at the post office.

Addition: you can fill out the CN 23 declaration online here on this resource, and then download and print it. I myself use this resource very often.

Important: the declaration is filled out in triplicate in the language accepted in the country of destination (for example, English, French, etc.). The information must be accurate and correctly written in order to avoid all sorts of misunderstandings.

Sample of filling out the customs declaration CN 22

Sample of filling out the customs declaration CN 23

Explanations for customs declaration CN 23

In both declarations there is a clause about what kind of shipment it is. You can choose, for example, Gift, Commercial Sample or Other. Parcels marked as "Gift" are most often less likely to fall under.

CN23 is most often not needed for small packages.

If you want to insure a shipment, then this can only be done with parcels (small packages cannot be insured). And if something happens to your shipment, the post office will reimburse you for the amount of insurance.

Stage 5: Payment for the shipment and receipt of the track number

After everything is packed, drawn up and signed, you pay for this service and receive a check in which it will be spelled out mail ID- a numerical combination of letters and numbers.

First, be sure to save the receipt until the addressee receives the shipment. ...


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