Personal assistant to the head: duties and requirements. Job description of an assistant to the head - sample Sample job description assistant to the chairman of the Duma

The assistant is the face of the company, valuable employee, which keeps all work processes under control, without losing sight of anything, knows how to quickly deal with difficulties, conflicts, problems and takes on any organizational processes. The assistant manager implements labor duties under the supervision of his immediate boss, being his right hand. The assistant performs a huge number of assignments of a different nature, thereby freeing up his boss's time for more global tasks in the campaign.

Job description assistant manager

A job description is a document that contains several key sections: a list of duties, rights, and responsibilities of employees. The instruction, which the applicant for the position of assistant must carefully study and sign, details what the duties of an assistant manager are.

General provisions

Usually, persons with higher education, work experience of at least one year, knowledge of the basics of legislation, possessing office work skills, knowledge of foreign languages, able to work on a computer and print from high speed. The duties of an assistant director require the presence of certain personal qualities:

  • performance, responsibility;
  • literacy, accuracy;
  • stress resistance, initiative;
  • learning, diligence;
  • positivity, diplomacy;
  • endurance, perseverance;
  • sociability;
  • honesty, devotion;
  • discipline, organization.

Qualification requirements for an assistant manager are established by the professional standard approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor dated 06.05.2015 No. 276n. The standard defines the following requirements for employees:

  • education - secondary special;
  • additional education - a program of professional training in the profession of employees;
  • experience requirements are not required;
  • special conditions Work permits are not required.


A professional standard is necessary for an employer to understand the clear functional requirements for an employee. But the law allows you to choose between the requirements of standards and qualification guides. By the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 37 of 08/21/1998, the Qualification Directory contains the position of secretary of the head. According to her, official duties The Assistant Manager's functions are as follows:

  • implementation of work on organizational and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise;
  • conducting office work of the company, fulfilling the instructions of the head;
  • organization of the process of receiving visitors, calls and analysis of correspondence.


It is not difficult to formulate what the duties of an assistant director of an organization are: regardless of the direction of the organization, the functions of management are generally the same. The assistant's duties are to:

  • fulfillment of personal assignments and requests of the boss;
  • record keeping;
  • accompanying the boss on trips and at business events;
  • coordination and distribution of telephone calls, correspondence and visitors;
  • organization of calls for the manager;
  • correspondence both on paper and digitally;
  • making quick decisions in situations of urgency, and providing the head of all with an information base;
  • organization of work events and trips of the head;
  • monitoring the implementation by employees of orders and instructions from superiors;
  • providing the head with all the necessary materials, office, equipment;
  • participation in negotiations as necessary;
  • organization of the presentation of the company.


What duties an assistant director has and what rights are assigned to him is determined by the local normative act organizations. For better performance of direct work in the job description, it makes sense to fix the right:

  • make suggestions to improve their work and provide management with projects to improve the work of the company;
  • demand the observance of their rights, signed in the employment contract, and the creation of the conditions necessary for work;
  • make decisions within its competence;
  • get everything Required documents and necessary information necessary for the performance of official duties.

The list of rights sometimes differs depending on the type of activity.

A responsibility

Every employee is required to do their job properly. After the company has fixed what duties the assistant manager has and fixed them in the job description and other LNA organizations, the employee is responsible for dishonesty and incompetence. The level of responsibility is provided for and implies material, disciplinary and in some cases criminal liability for violations committed during the performance of work. An assistant may be liable for:

  • causing material damage to the organization;
  • negligence in work and failure to fulfill their duties;
  • doing personal business working time;
  • non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety;
  • rudeness with customers, employees and violation of the rules of politeness;
  • actions outside their competence.

Assistant to the head - a responsible administrative position related to the provision of various kinds of assistance to the head of the enterprise, including economic, legal and technical.

In fact, an assistant manager is a secretary, a computer specialist, an employee of the personnel department, a lawyer and an economist all rolled into one. No manager can do without the first assistant, who is ready to help in the most unfavorable times for business, deliver forgotten documents on time, remind about important meeting, listen and prompt in making the right decision.

Relevance and prospects for the development of this position

In connection with the expanding ties between enterprises, active use in Everyday life and work, the need to constantly be in touch with business partners, many entrepreneurs are forced to acquire assistants.

The position of an assistant is as relevant as possible in the modern world. Having undergone development from an ordinary secretary serving tea and answering calls, this profession is currently associated with great responsibility and the presence of certain knowledge.

Hold this position not only responsibly, but also very promising, since after the boss leaves for a promotion, there is an opportunity to get his place. The practical and theoretical experience gained in the position of an assistant will be the best recommendation for higher management and will help in the future to advance well in the service.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as an assistant

The position of assistant manager has both advantages and disadvantages.

To positive aspects positions held include:

  • proximity to superiors;
  • constant access to up-to-date information;
  • the ability to be somewhat higher than other employees of the company;
  • the opportunity to meet interesting people, make new useful acquaintances;
  • work in a comfortable environment.

Negative sides The jobs of an assistant manager are:

  • frequent business trips;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • being in a stressful situation;
  • emotional breakdowns of the authorities;
  • the need to give up personal life for the sake of a career and work.

The assistant manager must have increased resistance to stress. Managers can not always cope with the emotions that arise after a bad day at work, because their assistants often fall under the hot hand.

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Requirements for applicants for this position

good helper should have knowledge in various fields. Most often, this position is occupied by specialists in the field of recruitment, persons with legal, economic, technical and humanitarian education.

It is extremely important for an executive assistant to have such qualities, how:

  • sociability;
  • self confidence;
  • the ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances;
  • correct speech;
  • a certain rigidity;
  • firm life position.

In the event that we are talking about an enterprise in the construction, technological and other specific areas, the assistant manager must have special knowledge and skills. When choosing an assistant, special attention is paid to the candidate's knowledge of foreign languages ​​and skills in using computer programs.

Job Responsibilities


The position of an assistant is diverse, you can’t count on the fact that you can sit in the office and occasionally print out the necessary papers.

Rights and responsibilities

has the right to to sign documents on behalf of the head, if this relates to his authority. In addition, the person performing the duties of an assistant has the right to examine documents related to his official duties, as well as receive information for their qualitative implementation. If necessary, he has the right to send requests to the relevant bodies and structures related to the receipt of working documents.

One of the most important rights of an assistant is the ability to demand that management create suitable working conditions for him:

  • providing a workplace;
  • equipping the workplace with a computer, fax, printer and scanner;
  • providing writing and other materials necessary for the work.
responsible for negligent or insufficient quality performance of their duties. In case of detection of offenses, the assistant bears administrative, criminal and civil liability. When causing material losses, the assistant is obliged to bear responsibility in accordance with the norms of the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Features of the resume design

Applying for the position of Assistant Manager you must specify in a summary sent to the director of the organization:

When compiling a resume, it is necessary to unobtrusively indicate the presence of communicative qualities, the absence of emotions about the increased tone and readiness for an irregular working day.

Features of work in various fields of activity

In the public reception of the deputy

Deputy Assistant you just have to be extremely communicative. In addition, he must know the names, surnames and telephone numbers of all activists living in the district, district, district, of which his head is a deputy.

The deputy assistant must have their own base of voters, as well as a list of district problems that need to be addressed. The assistant should get to know as many useful people as possible, be ready to answer questions from the press and the public, conduct and organize negotiations.

An assistant to a deputy must be legally savvy, have a humanitarian education and an ability in psychology. You should prepare in advance for an irregular work schedule and the absence of days off.

Human Resources Department

The duties of the assistant head of human resources are to prepare, provide, print documents, answer calls received and maintain working documentation. The advantages of the position - a standardized work schedule.

Sales department

The assistant to the head of the sales department must know the basics of the trade craft, be able to find buyers and suppliers, communicate with customers and other entrepreneurs involved in the field of trade.

The main quality is sociability and stress resistance.

Artistic director

An assistant artistic director must have an artistic taste, communication skills with artists and cultural figures, the ability to handle documentation and organize presentations, exhibitions, and various kinds of press releases.

The position is suitable only for people with artistic inclinations and a humanitarian mindset.

The advantages and disadvantages of working as a personal assistant to the manager are described in the following video:

Secretary, deputy or personal assistant? Depends on the situation! Consider the requirements, responsibilities and conditions that the job description of the assistant manager-2018 should contain.

From the article you will learn:

Assistant manager - real " right hand» the first person of the company. The range of tasks assigned to such an employee is, as a rule, wide. If in staffing the position of a personal assistant to the director is provided, try to describe its functionality in as much detail as possible in the employment contract and job description.

Properly written instructions are useful to both parties. labor relations. Employee from day one new position will understand what is required of him. And the employer will outline the range of official powers and duties, for failure to comply with which one can be subject to disciplinary responsibility or raise the issue of incomplete official compliance of the employee. In addition, the CI lists all experience requirements. practical work and qualifications of a specialist (see article " : conditions that need to be entered for all employees”).

Don't miss: the main article of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

A complete reference book of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

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Job description "Assistant manager": structure and content

There is no single form of job description that is mandatory for all employers.

However, there is a handy template that consists of several sections:

  1. general provisions;
  2. functional responsibilities and qualification requirements;
  3. rights and powers;
  4. a responsibility;
  5. revision instructions.

General provisions include information about the category to which the described position belongs, the procedure for appointment to the position and dismissal from it. Here you can also indicate that the employee reports directly to the CEO and in professional activity guided by the regulations developed by the company. List the main documents - job description, internal labor regulations, collective agreement, labor protection instructions.

The knowledge and skills necessary for effective work can be listed in the section on job responsibilities, or separately. The assistant manager must know:

  • structure of the enterprise and features of the industry;
  • norms of office work and archiving;
  • standards for the system of registration of organizational and administrative documentation, business letters and commercial offers;
  • labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • regulations business communication and fundamentals of economics.

Do not forget to reflect in the CI the main rights and responsibilities of the assistant director. Like any other employee, he has the right to:

  • get acquainted with the documents defining official powers;
  • receive information and documents necessary for the full performance of the labor function, and demand the creation of the necessary conditions for this;
  • get everything social guarantees provided by legislative and local regulations;
  • confirm and improve their qualifications;
  • to get acquainted with the decisions of the management concerning its activities.

The assistant manager bears material and disciplinary responsibility within the limits provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Since this position is one of the leading ones, the employee often has to deal with confidential information and restricted documents. For violation of the rules for working with such documents, disclosure trade secret and other offenses committed in the performance of labor duties, administrative, civil and criminal liability is provided. To help the personnel officer - article " to be entered by all employees.

The last section is filled with information about the procedure and frequency of revision of the instructions, the rules for familiarizing with it, the number of copies.

Familiarization of employees with DI

It is necessary to familiarize with CI against signature all employees holding this position. If the director of the company has several assistants, everyone should get their own copy of the instruction in their hands and keep it at their workplace in the future.

Job Responsibilities of Assistant Manager

The most important section of the manual contains job function description. It is recommended to use wording that describes as accurately as possible the routine tasks that the assistant director solves, job responsibilities, and the procedure for interacting with subordinates. This takes into account objective factors that affect the scope of the employee's powers, for example, the total number of manager's assistants and the principles for the distribution of duties between them. For example, the duties of an assistant director may include:

  • organization of telephone conversations and business meetings;
  • , business letters and other documents;
  • preparation of conferences and meetings;
  • collection reference materials;
  • preparation of reports, proposals, ;
  • reception of visitors, assistance in considering the wishes and requests of the staff;
  • visits to state institutions on behalf of the authorities;
  • acceptance of applications, memos, requests;
  • accompaniment of business trips of the head (ordering tickets, booking accommodation).

Before transferring information from the professional standard to the job description, make sure that they correspond to the work activities performed by the assistant manager specific company. Details are in the article "How taking into account professional standards.

Job description of the assistant manager: registration procedure

For a JI project to become effective, it must be approved. The approval procedure is identical to the scheme used in the development of local regulations (see the article "How to develop and In the organisation"). Information about the employer and the stamp “I approve” can be put down at the top of the form, then the head of the company just needs to sign the document. Another, no less common mechanism is approval by order. A separate administrative document is issued, by which one or more DIs are put into effect.

An assistant CEO is a person that every worthy leader needs.

When managing a company, it is important to entrust half of the work to a person who has the proper knowledge, skills, and relevant competence.

That is why the first and most significant vector of the direction of activity is the job responsibilities of the assistant general director.

Instruction approval

The basis of any job description is the labor legislation of Russia, and such a position as an assistant to the general director was no exception. The duties assigned to the “right hand” of the manager must be drawn up in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as additional regulatory legal acts.

The prepared instruction is approved by the head or head of the organization. His signature means the legality of the adopted document, as well as agreement with all its provisions. Moreover, the manager has the right to make changes, supplement duties, or not sign an autograph at all with a reasoned refusal and an indication of significant shortcomings.

General provisions: what guides the assistant?

It is impossible to overestimate the role played by the Assistant General Director in the company's activities. The job description for such a category of persons must necessarily contain general provisions where the employee will be able to familiarize himself with the legal framework governing his activities, as well as with materials that determine the nature of his work.

The assistant to the general director is the technical executor of the instructions and decisions of the manager of the organization. Accepted and dismissed from office by order of the relevant official. As a rule, the following requirements are imposed on him:

  • higher education;
  • the presence or absence of work experience (its term is determined by the head);
  • requirements for work experience in the specialty.

If you want to try yourself in this position, then be prepared for the fact that direct and strict submission to the boss is the main rule of work that any assistant to the general director adheres to. The job description also talks about cases of the absence of an assistant in the workplace. At this time, his duties are performed by the deputy head, who is fully responsible for their implementation.

Legal regulation

The functions of the Assistant General Director are based on the following legal acts:

  • Documents that regulate its activities in general or regulate a similar type of activity.
  • Guidelines and other materials created in order to streamline a particular area of ​​activity.
  • Charter of the company/organization/enterprise.
  • Labor schedule.
  • Orders and instructions issued by the immediate head of the organization.
  • The job description determined by the head.
  • The assistant to the general director must quickly, clearly and correctly navigate the legal framework that regulates his activities in general, as well as the work of officials subordinate to the assistant. It is important to note that it is necessary to study not only federal and regional legislation, but also local regulations.

    What do you need to know?

    The position of the "right hand" of the head of the company requires a solid knowledge of the structure and management of the organization, as well as all existing departments.

    An important skill in work is the ability to correctly draw up an appropriate document - an order, order, resolution, and so on.

    That is, without the basics of office work, the assistant general director will not be able to fully fulfill his job duties.

    Persons applying for a position must have the basics of ethics, know the rules of business communication, and also know the general rules labor code and administrative law. Yes, and without the skills of working with electronic computers is also indispensable.

    Assistant functions

    The next basic section of the job description is a list of functions that the Assistant General Director for General Affairs is required to perform:

    • Correct and clear organization of technical support for the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the company.
    • Maintaining and organizing office work, monitoring the activities of other employees, explaining unclear issues to employees in this area.
    • Development or participation in activities aimed at streamlining the company's workflow.
    • Reception of visitors.

    Job Description Example

    The characteristics of the assistant to the general director consist of both the presented job responsibilities and the level of their performance, and is as follows:

    • Acceptance of incoming correspondence addressed to the head of the company, its transfer and use in accordance with the decision of the head.
    • Conducting office work in accordance with federal laws, as well as the effective use of computer technology; application of basic skills in the work of collecting and processing information.
    • Acceptance of documents and applications, sending them for signature to the head of the organization.
    • Preparation of documents for the work of the head.
    • Organization of telephone conversations. In addition, the person holding this position is obliged to bring the information received as a result of the negotiations to the employees, exposing them in the required form.
    • Drawing up letters, requests, as well as other types of documents, preparing responses to requests on behalf of the head.
    • Organization of activities for the preparation of meetings, meetings, keeping minutes and their subsequent execution in the proper form.
    • Supervision of the work of company employees.
    • Organization of the workplace of the head in accordance with the requirements, provision of office supplies, creation of conditions for successful and efficient work.
    • Print office and work materials.

    It is important to note that this list of job responsibilities is not exhaustive. The head, at his own discretion, can change each item, if the amendments made do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Rights of Assistant General Manager

    AT general view The rights of the Assistant General Director are presented in the following list:

    • the right to familiarize with the draft decisions of the head concerning the activities of the assistant;
    • the right to consider proposals made by the head and related to the implementation job activity assistant;
    • the right to information, the receipt of which is necessary for the successful performance of labor activity in the future;
    • the right to demand from the management actions that contribute to the execution of the job description.

    Assistant Legal Responsibility

    As a rule, the final paragraph of any job description is the provisions on the measures of responsibility imposed on the employee. Thus, responsibility is provided for the following types of actions:

    • Improper performance or refusal to perform official duties.
    • Violations of criminal, administrative, labor, civil legislation.
    • Causing damage to the property of the organization.

    Legal liability can be imposed on a person both with the participation of law enforcement agencies, and without the involvement of such.

    As a rule, the nature and extent of the harm caused plays a significant role in determining the measure of responsibility. If the employee has damaged the thing of the organization, then the recovery occurs as part of disciplinary liability.

    If the damage is of an interpersonal nature, the involvement of the investigating authorities is indispensable

    Instruction approval

    Job description of Assistant Gen. director is approved not only by the signature of the head, but also by the signature of the person starting to perform his direct duties.

    This legal act is local, therefore, it applies only to the territory of a certain organization.

    If the job description contains inconsistencies with federal or regional legislation, then the employee has the right to refuse to fulfill the illegally approved position.

    Job Description Assistant General Manager. General information

    There is no unified sample job description, so the named document can be drawn up in free form.

    Requirements for an employee, his qualifications, as well as the range of his rights and obligations are determined by each organization independently. Often, an assistant manager, in addition to standard organizational and technical work, performs the functions of a human resources specialist, lawyer or translator.

    It should be noted that the name of the position of an employee with the specified functionality may vary: administrative assistant to the head, assistant, secretary, assistant secretary, etc. Including there is no provision for such a position as an assistant to the head, and All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories OK 016-94, adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1994 No. 367.

    Approximate structure of the job description of an assistant manager

    The standard job description of an assistant manager usually includes the following blocks:

    • general provisions - this indicates the title of the position, the procedure for appointing and dismissing an employee, the requirements for a candidate to fill the named position, the regulatory framework, the position of the employee to whom he is directly subordinate assistant general manager;
    • job responsibilities of an assistant manager - are determined depending on the production needs of a particular legal entity and its internal labor schedule (see recommendations below);
    • the rights of the assistant manager - mainly come down to the employee receiving the information necessary to perform his official duties, the rights to normal working conditions and the ability to make decisions within the boundaries of his competence;
    • employee liability - may be provided for improper performance of their duties, violation of the trade secret regime, non-compliance with labor regulations, security regime, etc.

    A sample job description for an assistant manager can be downloaded from the link:

    Job description - template.

    How to define the list of requirements and responsibilities of an assistant CEO

    As a basis for developing a job description, you can use Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (hereinafter referred to as the Handbook No. 37).

    This document contains:

    For example, when writing a job description assistant general manager You can see the characteristics and requirements for:

    • administrator
    • translator
    • HR specialist;
    • public relations specialist;
    • clerk;
    • secretary of the head;
    • legal adviser, etc.

    The above list is purely advisory in nature, since the job description must take into account the specifics of the organization of labor, production and management in specific organization.

    Directory No. 37 presents only the most characteristic range of functions for a particular position, therefore, when developing job descriptions, it is allowed to expand or narrow the list of works, taking into account the characteristics of a particular organization. The standard requirements for the necessary special training of workers in the situation under consideration, listed there, can again be changed.

    Proper execution of the job description

    The job description is drawn up in writing.

    The standard layout of the job description, which should guide assistant general manager must include the following details:

    • name of company;
    • stamp on approval (name of the position of the person authorized to approve job descriptions in this organization, his signature with a transcript);
    • reference to the document in accordance with which the job description was developed (name, number and date of adoption of such a document);
    • signature of the head of the structural unit who developed the job description, with a transcript. As a standard, the development of such documentation is carried out by the personnel service, but, depending on the internal labor regulations, this may be a different structural unit;
    • approval stamp (usually approval is carried out by the legal service of the enterprise, but, depending on internal organization work of a legal entity, it may be another structural unit). This requisite includes the name of the position of the person authorized to approve the document, his personal signature with a transcript and the date of approval;
    • a mark on familiarization with the job description (the requirements of the job description become mandatory for the employee from the moment he familiarizes himself with the named document against receipt and until he is transferred to another position or terminates the employment relationship).

    An agreed and approved instruction is necessary:

    • number;
    • lace up;
    • certify with the seal of the organization (if any);
    • be deposited with the appropriate structural unit of the organization (usually the personnel department).

    So, assistant general manager can perform a fairly wide range of duties, therefore it is not possible to draw up a universal sample job description for this category of employees - the standard content of the document is supplemented and revised depending on the needs of a particular enterprise. For convenience, when compiling a job description, special directories and job classifiers can be used.

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    Job Description Assistant General Manager

    Every head of the company (regardless of its size) should have a good and intelligent assistant to shift some of their responsibilities to him.

    Such a specialist must have the proper competence and skills, since he will have to perform a wide range of tasks and cases.

    What are the job descriptions of an assistant general manager? Let's take a closer look, because this document will allow you to find a specialist who will perfectly fulfill his duties.

    What should be guided by the assistant general director?

    It is impossible to overestimate the role of the general director in the company, since this is an important specialist who fulfills the instructions of his immediate superior, his main assistant, who has the necessary professional knowledge and skills to build normal work in the company.

    Assistant General Manager

    The assistant to the general director is the technical executor of the instructions and decisions of his head. Can only be hired or fired by order of the CEO. Typically, this specialist is subject to such requirements as:

  • Availability higher education preferably in the economic or legal fields.
  • Experience and experience in a similar position.
  • Having decided to become an assistant to the general director, remember that the main thing is to strictly comply with all the requirements of your immediate supervisor.

    In addition, the position provides for the performance of the duties of the head in his absence (for example, if the director is on vacation or on a business trip). His assistant bears not only the full right to carry them out, but also responsibility for the decisions made.

    The work of the assistant manager is based on the following local and regulatory documentation:

    • Documents regulating its type of activity. For example, it can be methodological organizations or other materials necessary to streamline activities.
    • The charter of the organization, which also prescribes the duties of the management team.
    • Labor contract.
    • Orders issued by the immediate supervisor.
    • Job Description Assistant General Manager.

    That is why it is so important that the assistant to the head is guided in the regulatory framework of the company, knows the laws, observes them at work, does not violate and understands the full extent of his responsibility for making decisions that run counter to the decisions of the management.

    Let's take a closer look at what should be directly in the assistant general director's DI, which will allow you to draw up the document as clearly as possible.

    What does a specialist need to know?

    This position provides a good knowledge of the structure of the company, the management team, all departments of the organization. A good skill is the ability to correctly draw up all documents, especially orders, various resolutions. Thus, one of the main skills is the knowledge of office work, because without this the specialist will not be able to fully fulfill his duties.

    Read also! On-the-job training program

    In addition, the “right hand” of a specialist must have business communication skills, know the rules of etiquette, and comply with the norms of the Labor Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Naturally, it is necessary to be able to handle a computer - to know all office programs, to be able to quickly find information on the Internet, etc.

    What functions does it perform?

    Let us consider in more detail what functions this specialist should perform in order to prescribe them in the job description:

    • Organization of the normal activities of its management.
    • Managing personnel matters.
    • Supervising the work of other employees, explaining to them various issues.
    • Development of measures aimed at optimizing the workflow in the company.
    • Reception of visitors.

    In addition, the Assistant General Manager must perform the following duties:

  • Acceptance of correspondence that comes in the name of his head.
  • Conducting office work in accordance with the Federal Law and the Labor Code.
  • Collection and processing of information, its analysis.
  • Acceptance of documents, their verification before sending to the head.
  • Organization and conduct of telephone conversations.
  • Also, the person who occupies this position is obliged to communicate to the employees of the company the goals and tasks adopted at the meetings, to check their work.

    Also, the duties of the Assistant General Director include drafting letters, requests, and various documents.

    In addition, you need to help your immediate supervisor in organizing the workplace, make sure that all stationery is available, etc.

    At the same time, it is worth remembering that the list of duties compiled by us is not complete, that is, as necessary, it can be expanded and other duties added. The main thing is that the adjustments made do not contradict Russian legislation.

    The assistant to the general director has not only duties, but also rights, which should also be prescribed in the DI:

    • The opportunity to get acquainted with the projects and decisions of the management that relate to its activities.
    • The right to receive information necessary for the performance of their duties.
    • The right to receive input and action from management as part of the assistant's job description.

    Thus, the "right hand" of the manager has the right to receive any information that relates directly to his work.

    Read also! New report to Rostrud for employers (letter No. 858-PR)

    What is the responsibility of the specialist?

    The last section of any job description is the responsibility of the specialist, which lies with the employee. Thus, the employee is responsible for:

  • Refusal to fulfill its obligations.
  • For actions that violate administrative, civil or criminal law.
  • For causing damage to the company, etc.
  • At the same time, I can impose legal responsibility on a specialist both with the involvement of representatives of law enforcement agencies, and without them - within the framework of the organization.

    When determining the degree of guilt, they usually rely on information about the harm done. For example, if an employee has damaged property belonging to the company, then he is usually subject to disciplinary punishment.

    But besides the above, it is also important to correctly draw up the document itself. Let's look at how to do it correctly so that you don't have any problems in the future.

    The standard DI template looks like this:

  • The name of the company where the employee will work.
  • Full name of the official who has the right to approve the execution of job descriptions at the enterprise, his signature.
  • A link to a document (for example, an order or regulation), in accordance with which the DI was issued.
  • Signature of the person who developed the instruction. Most often, such work is carried out by specialists of the personnel department, but it all depends on the features of work prescribed in local acts.
  • Signature of coordination with the personnel or legal department. In this case, the signature of the official must be mandatory.
  • After the job description and its "composition" are approved, each sheet is numbered, laced, and the document itself is certified with the company's seal. An employee of the company must be introduced to the DI, and then the document is deposited in the archive of the organization.


    The assistant to the general director is able to perform various functions and duties at the enterprise, therefore he must have a good experience, broad skills in many areas, including employee management, office management skills, knowledge of the laws of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, etc. The design of the job description will outline the main scope of duties and responsibilities of this performer.

    Assistant manager job description - sample

    Job description assistant manager- a document that clearly defines the specifics of the tasks performed by the employee in the relevant position, since it can include a wide range of responsibilities. What to look for when compiling instructions, we will tell in our article.

    What is an Assistant Manager

    The position of “assistant to the general manager” can mean very different labor functions. An employee of the company occupying it, in practice, can be:

    • the actual deputy head of the company for certain groups of issues (for example, legal);
    • director's personal secretary.

    Let's study the features of the instructions for each of the positions in more detail.

    Job description of Assistant General Director (Deputy)

    In the instructions of the assistant director for a certain group of issues, it is first of all recorded that this employee:

    • belongs to the category of leaders;
    • reports directly to the CEO.

    In terms of his powers, such a specialist is actually equal to the deputy head of the company. To this employee rather high qualification requirements are set:

    • the presence of higher education in the profile of special issues (for example, legal);
    • long work experience - 3 years or more.

    In addition, the instructions for this specialist indicate a list of sources that he should be guided by.

    As a rule, this is a very complex set of documents: it may include regulatory legal acts related to both general and special legislation in the field of the company's activities, local acts, methodological, educational materials, sources reflecting law enforcement practice.

    The assistant director for a special group of issues often has other employees subordinate, has a lot of authority to organize business events, issue orders and instructions, and monitor the work of various departments of the company.

    Personal assistant director's manual

    The position of assistant manager may also correspond to the position of a secretary who performs work in the reception.

    AT assistant manager job description, which performs this function, it can be fixed that it:

    • belongs to the category of specialists;
    • reports not only to the general director, but also to the head of the service responsible for personnel management, in terms of secretarial functions.

    Thus, an assistant director in the status of a secretary has disproportionately less authority than a specialist who, in terms of his labor functions, corresponds to a deputy general director.

    This predetermines significantly less stringent qualification requirements for this employee.

    As a rule, it is enough for him to have a secondary education to occupy a position, and the requirements for work experience for a secretary may not be established in principle.

    The list of sources that the secretary should be guided by is also significantly narrower than in the case of the actual deputy director. As a rule, we are talking about general legal norms, as well as local acts that directly regulate the work of the secretary.

    The assistant to the general director of the company, who performs the labor function of a secretary, most often does not have other employees subordinate to him. However, he may be empowered to send requests and orders to other employees, if necessary for the performance of his labor functions.

    Where to download a sample assistant director job description

    Since in practice an assistant to the head of a company can be understood as either his deputy or secretary (2 positions that are dissimilar in terms of labor functions and powers), we provide sample instructions for employees holding each of these positions.

    Download assistant director job description who performs the labor function of a secretary, you can here.

    Download job description assistant director


    Assistant manager - a position that can be understood as very different labor functions. It is important for the employer, firstly, to define them very clearly, and secondly, to fix them by issuing a job description.

    You can study the features of compiling other instructions in the articles:

    Assistant manager - job responsibilities and career prospects

    Enterprise management is responsible and difficult task, a top manager is obliged to perform many processes - to control the work of subordinates and the implementation of a given plan by the enterprise.

    It is simply impossible to achieve all these goals without good support, so the second significant person in an enterprise or business is assistant manager, whose duties and powers leave a weighty impression.

    The manager values ​​intelligent assistants to the same extent as office managers, since this position obliges a person to have not only basic basic skills, but also to possess many human qualities:

    • good taste;
    • developed aesthetic sense;
    • internal readiness;
    • devotion to the interests of the enterprise;
    • sense of tact and upbringing.

    At the same time, the assistant manager must combine conflicting traits:

  • Be able to obey the leader and adapt to the characteristics of his character, but at the same time be capable of managing projects, organizing employees of various ranks.
  • In addition, it is important to feel the fine line of responsibility, since to do more than expected means to do the work of the leader, which is not always welcome, and less is to leave your responsibilities for refinement to the boss.
  • An executive assistant usually works not for a paycheck, but for an idea, and loyalty is the most valuable trait.

    The assistant is charged the following functional responsibilities:

    • control of the working day of the head - meetings, meetings, business trips, lunches;
    • taking care of the chef's workplace - monitoring the cleanliness of the office and maintaining an optimal microclimate in it;
    • control of correspondence, especially incoming documents;
    • answering calls;
    • prevention of stressful situations;
    • conducting initial negotiations;
    • translation;
    • control over the availability of necessary stationery.

    This list can be much longer, while the scope of the assistant's powers may depend on the scale of the enterprise or business.

    Yes, on small businesses this specialist, in addition to his duties, can be engaged in the economic support of the office, maintaining primary accounting documentation, coordinating the work of drivers, couriers, suppliers.

    While on large enterprises the head has two assistants at once - a clerk who is related to working with papers and calls, and an assistant - the organizer of the working day.

    Employer requirements for the applicant's professional skills

    Requirements for different managers may differ slightly depending on their ideas about the duties of an assistant, in addition, many of them believe that this place is intended for young professionals starting the career ladder.

    But an employer with big demands will look for only an experienced specialist in professional and life terms.

    The main requirement is the presence of a profile education of a secondary specialized or higher education, the best option is administration and jurisprudence.

    In addition, the applicant must:

    • be able to type quickly;
    • work with all office programs;
    • know a foreign language, at least English;
    • avoid spelling, stylistic and punctuation errors in documents;
    • be able to work with non-standard computer programs, which implies the presence of primary programming skills;
    • know everything about office work and generate documents in accordance with regulatory requirements;
    • possess competent formation of thoughts and delivered speech;
    • know the basics of the law.

    Personal qualities of an assistant

    The applicant for a place in the reception must have certain character traits, which will be useful to him in the performance of the duties of an assistant:

  • Stress tolerance- it is the assistant who will be the first to take on the displeasure of his superiors or hear the murmur of his subordinates.
  • Functionality The assistant must be able to perform and control several processes at the same time.
  • Positivity- such a specialist should always radiate positive, as he often has to communicate with partners and business partners.
  • Optimism- the assistant is obliged to see the prospect in any troubles and not give up unfinished business.
  • Ability to learn- the desire for new knowledge and scrupulousness in the study of the work process are required.
  • In addition, the character of the assistant must complement character traits leader, which is very important for harmonious cooperation.

    The assistant is the right hand of the leader, his work involves a constant presence with the authorities and the execution of all his instructions, namely:

  • Control of the document flow of the head, in some cases, management of the secretariat and documentation of the enterprise as a whole.
  • Control of the boss's working day - a reminder of meetings, meetings, presentations and other important events.
  • Managing external correspondence of the employer.
  • Reception of incoming calls.
  • Providing the manager with all the required information.
  • Entry in the workbook

    Entering information into the labor must be done within 5 days from the moment of signing the contract and the beginning of the performance of duties.

    An entry is made on the basis of the order of the head on the employment of a specialist.

    fit in following data:

    • sequence number of the record;
    • date of admission of a specialist;
    • the name of the enterprise is indicated in the section "Information about the work", here the following sentence is formed: "The employee is hired as an assistant to the head";
    • the basis is an order from such and such a date indicating its number.

    In the same way, data on dismissal are indicated in the labor and, while the employee must familiarize himself with the record under painting.

    This video is about who is a personal assistant to the head.

    Rights and responsibilities of an assistant

    The person holding this position has the right to:

    • sign documents on behalf of the head, if it is provided for by the employment contract;
    • request documents to obtain the necessary information related to its activities and duties;
    • make inquiries to the relevant structures and organizations to obtain working documents;
    • require management to provide him with appropriate conditions for the quality performance of duties.

    The assistant is responsible for poor-quality performance of duties and negligent execution of instructions. If he has committed offenses, he can bear administrative, criminal and civil liability.

    He is liable in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in case of material damage.

    The job description is obligatory local act at each enterprise, it contains the duties of a specialist.

    The document contains:

    • job title;
    • general provisions, which contain the requirements for education and work experience;
    • official duties;
    • additional actions of the assistant - relationships;
    • rights and responsibilities;
    • options for resolving labor disputes;
    • mode of work and rest;
    • processing compensation.

    The job description at the enterprise is usually compiled by a personnel officer together with a lawyer, the head is obliged to approve it.

    The employee must familiarize himself with it and put a signature to confirm this fact.

    The assistant manager has a standard work schedule of 8 hours according to the employment agreement.

    But in fact, you have to be constantly in touch and depend on the daily schedule of the head, which is strange and inappropriate for a university graduate.

    An experienced specialist will not be so categorical, since situations can occur in any position that require extracurricular work.

    Information in the resume of the applicant

    Start writing a resume for this position after studying the duties and characteristics of the assistant.

    The resume for the position consists of the following items:

  • Name of the applicant.
  • Marital status - this item has great importance, on the one hand, a family person is more responsible, but on the other hand, private business trips and an irregular work schedule can be the reason for breaking the idyll in the family.
  • Education - it is necessary to indicate all completed educational institutions, if the education is incomplete, this is emphasized. Indicate all courses that improve qualifications, clarify knowledge of foreign languages.
  • Work experience - if available, must be done detailed description, but if not, you should indicate your readiness to diligently perform duties, you can describe achievements in the process of practice, even bring a characteristic from the place of its passage or from educational institution.
  • Additional information - here you can indicate your achievements in olympiads, competitions, describe your organizational skills, what skills besides professional ones are still present, for example, driving a car.
  • Contact information - address, contact phone number, email address, a link to a page on social networks should not be left.
  • Photo - this issue must be taken with responsibility, as the photo must be in a discreet business style, a picture in a dressing gown is unacceptable, but at the same time, the appearance should radiate friendliness and evoke affection.
  • This section is necessary to give weight to your person, so that the employer understands that this particular candidate is what he needs. It would be better if it is done in the process of study or work.

    The assistant position is great start for a graduate of an educational institution, it provides an opportunity to expand their horizons and put into practice the acquired knowledge.

    As an assistant, you can get invaluable experience, both professional and life, but it is not always possible to achieve career growth.

    Occupying such a place, and performing his duties perfectly, a specialist can stay in it for a long time, since managers are not always ready to let go of valuable personnel. In this case, you can expect good pay, bonuses and other benefits, but not career advancement.

    If a young specialist came to the position of assistant to the head of the department, then there are more chances to get into the reception room of the general director, and this is already moving up.


    Working as the right hand of a manager is the best option for people who are obsessed with it and consider it their vocation to be an assistant, because it is a great prospect to have a stable and high salary, as well as gain experience and see many countries.

    How to successfully build a career as an assistant manager? The answer to the question is in the video.

    Job description of an assistant (assistant) to the general director

    The well-being of the company in the conditions of the fiercest competition in the modern market depends almost entirely on the correct and timely decisions taken leader. To help the director and to create conditions when the head is not forced to be distracted by resolving secondary tasks, and there is a position of an assistant or assistant.

    In Russia, there is a shortage of employees who can take on administrative duties, and the need for qualified assistants is huge. A reliable assistant who responsibly performs the duties of organizing, collecting and transmitting information frees the CEO from the need to waste time.

    In fact, an assistant is not a secretary, but a trustee of the head with a special status in the company. An intelligent personal assistant is valued by directors of firms no less than top managers.

    A personal assistant must possess not only professional knowledge, but also a certain set of human qualities - devotion to corporate interests, good taste, a sense of tact, goodwill. On the one hand, the assistant director must be able to adapt to the characteristics of the director's character, and on the other hand, organize a team and control the implementation of some projects.

    At the same time, the assistant in his work must maintain a balance so as not to make decisions instead of the leader, while at the same time not shifting tasks to the boss.

    Today, about 80 universities in Russia train specialists in document management and management, but the leaders traditionally prefer to hire graduates of the historical, archival and philological faculties for the position of assistant.
    Well-proven secretaries, coordinators, call-center operators, consultants, receptionists, clerks, office managers and assistant secretaries often move to the position of an assistant.

    Job Responsibilities of Assistant General Manager

    The scope of duties of an assistant director depends on the size of the enterprise, the company's standards and leadership style. As a rule, the duties of an assistant are reduced to the following functions:

    1. Assistant must be able to work with documents

    • check the correctness of paperwork before submitting them for signature to the head, and edit if necessary;
    • receive correspondence incoming to the head and transfer it to departments or performers or prepare answers;
    • conduct office work, draw up letters, requests and other documents, prepare draft reports, reports and materials for the work of the director;
    • form cases according to the nomenclature approved by the company, ensure their safety and transfer to the archive in a timely manner;
    • store working documents before archiving;
    • control the execution of orders and compliance with their deadlines;
    • maintain a control and registration file.

    2. Work on organizing the work of the company

    • receive and send messages by fax, e-mail, etc.;
    • create the image of the company during telephone communication, protect the director from unwanted visitors, independently make a decision on forwarding telephone calls;
    • provide necessary equipment and stationery workplace leader;
    • organize and coordinate meetings of the director, develop his rational mode of work;
    • prepare meetings and meetings with the head (collect materials, notify participants), keep minutes of meetings;
    • organize presentations and representative activities;
    • organize the reception of visitors, facilitate the prompt consideration of applications from employees;
    • run personal errands (choose gifts for business partners etc.).

    A highly qualified assistant director is, in fact, a managing administrator, and in order to be effective, he must be able to anticipate developments in order to prevent possible complications. The ability to handle confidential information with tact is also highly valued.

    The most valuable qualities of an assistant to the general director: communication skills, literacy, diplomacy, diligence, accuracy, responsibility, the ability to quickly cope with a large flow of information, which requires a good memory and quick reactions.

    The main advantage of this profession is the opportunity to receive invaluable information from a successful leader. managerial experience. The knowledge acquired in this way will help you get promoted or start your own business.

    Job description of Assistant Deputy General Director for External Relations

    473 General provisions

    1This job description is the main regulatory and organizational document that establishes the functions, rights and obligations, responsibilities of the Assistant to the Deputy General Director for External Relations, regulates the organization of his activities, the procedure for business interaction with officials structural divisions XXX and external organizations. This job description is a document of direct action, comes into force from the date of approval and is mandatory for the employee from the moment of familiarization against signature.

    2 Renaming, liquidation of the position of Assistant to the Deputy General Director for External Relations, appointment to the position and dismissal from the position held are carried out by order of the General Director XXX.

    3Assistant to the Deputy General Director for External Relations reports directly to the Deputy General Director for External Relations.

    1.4 The Assistant to the Deputy General Director for External Relations has no subordinates.

    474 Purposes and duties

    474.1 The activities of the Assistant Deputy General Director are aimed at achieving the following goals:

    474.1.1 ensuring the quality distribution of working time of the Deputy General Director for External Relations;

    474.1.2 ensuring the interaction of the Deputy General Director for External Relations with officials of XXX and external companies.

    474.2 In order to achieve the stated goals, the Assistant Deputy General Director for External Relations performs the following duties:

    474.2.1 ensures the efficiency of planning meetings, meetings and negotiations of the Deputy General Director for External Relations;

    474.2.2 provides technical support scheduling the working time of the Deputy General Director for External Relations;

    474.2.3 ensures the continuous receipt of urgent information from employees of the Company and external organizations, ensures its processing;

    474.2.4 ensures compliance with the Company's document flow rules for documents received or initiated by the Deputy General Director for External Relations;

    474.2.5 ensures continuous reception, sorting and timely transfer to the Deputy General Director for External Relations of all incoming correspondence;

    474.2.6 prepares materials for the Deputy General Director for External Relations for reports, meetings, etc.;

    474.2.7 organizes activities carried out under the supervision of the Deputy General Director for External Relations;

    474.2.8 carries out operational communication within the Company, as well as with third-party organizations on issues of current activities;

    474.2.9 ensures the effectiveness of administrative, informational and economic support for the activities of the Deputy General Director for External Relations;

    474.2.10 arrange travel expenses for the Deputy General Director for External Relations;

    474.2.11 takes into account the working hours of employees, draws up vacation schedules, draws up sick leaves;

    474.2.12 ensure timely and effective budget planning and cost control;

    474.2.13 draws up forms BD-5, BD-8, B-2R, B-1R, etc.;

    474.2.14 orders office supplies;

    474.2.15 forms a first aid kit (submits applications once a quarter).

    474.3 In order to achieve the established goals, the Assistant to the Deputy General Director for External Relations interacts with other organizations within the scope of his duties.

    Interaction on issues of professional activity with external organizations is carried out in accordance with the activity plans, management tasks and their functional duties.

    475 Performance indicators

    The activities of the Assistant to the Deputy General Director for External Relations are evaluated based on the achievement of goals and the solution of the tasks set in full within the time limits established by the strategic and calendar plans.

    476 General corporate rules

    The activities of the Assistant General Director for External Relations are governed by general corporate standards, reflected in the following documents:

    476.1 Internal labor regulations

    476.8 This job description.

    The Assistant to the Deputy General Director has the following rights necessary for the performance of his functional duties:

    5.1 receive information in accordance with the functional duties performed, regarding the performance of the Company's activities and any other information necessary for the full performance of their duties;

    5.2 be provided with the necessary inventory for work.

    478 Liability

    The Assistant to the Deputy General Director is personally responsible to CEO XXX Firms XXX for failure to perform or improper performance of their functional duties in achieving the established goals, as well as improper use of the rights granted to him:

    - in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, internal regulatory documents, an employment contract, the employee bears disciplinary responsibility;

    - in accordance with the agreement on full individual liability, the employee bears material liability.

    479 Requirements for an employee when applying for a job

    General mandatory requirements


    Higher (humanitarian, economic, legal)

    work experience

    Not required

    Professional skills

    Business communication and telephone communication skills, general literacy, knowledge of the basics of office work and workflow

    Special Requirements

    Knowledge of special software, technical systems

    Experienced user of Word, Excel, email, Internet, Power Point

    Knowledge of regulatory documents

    Code of Conduct

    Possession of techniques

    Negotiation, business ethics.

    480 Dictionary of special terms and abbreviations

    term, abbreviation

    Definition of the term, abbreviations

    Government departments


    Memo for the purchase of works, services and inventory items that require manufacturing

    Memo to increase / decrease the budget

    Service note for expenses

    The instruction fully reflects the content and specifics of the activities of this official.

    481 Acquaintance sheet

    I am familiar with the job description and accept the obligations to fulfill the norms of activity established in it. Received a copy of the job description.

    The main resource of any organization is its employees. They contribute to the growth and prosperity of production. Good bosses value their employees. Among other significant positions, the assistant to the head stands out in particular. Duties and importance of which is difficult to overestimate. This is the right hand and chief advisor, event organizer and meeting coordinator. Without a good assistant, it will be very difficult for a top manager to manage an enterprise.

    Distinctive features and specifics of the assistant's activity

    There is no such position that would be as controversial and ambiguous in terms of requirements as an assistant manager. The duties of employees engaged in this type of activity include quite a few items. In addition, personal assistants are often confused with secretaries or office managers. These are similar but different activities.

    Responsibilities of the Assistant Manager:

    • Ensuring the boss's working day - schedule, meetings, signing documents and business trips;
    • providing a comfortable workplace for a top manager - taking care of the microclimate, cleanliness and comfort of the premises;
    • work with documents of the head, in particular with incoming letters and calls;
    • ensuring the psychological comfort of the authorities;
    • conducting initial negotiations;
    • translation;
    • providing management with stationery, etc.

    This list is much wider than secretarial and administrative duties. However, the specifics that an employee faces in the position of "personal assistant to the manager", the duties and nuances of the activity will be different for different employers.

    It happens that this is mainly secretarial work. Or the assistant is exclusively busy providing comfort and order to the boss. Some assistants are full-fledged deputies and have subordinates of their employees.

    Professional requests of the employer to the candidate for the position of "assistant manager", duties and educational requirements

    The requirements for basic education and work experience will differ, depending on the views of management. Most often, this vacancy is considered as a start in a career. However, a serious top manager will look for a person with a certain professional and life experience as an assistant.

    The minimum requirement is a secondary specialized education related to administration or jurisprudence. In addition, employers expect the following professional qualities from applicants:

    • ability to work in all office programs;
    • high speed printing;
    • literacy;
    • knowledge of at least one foreign language, most often English;
    • knowledge of the basics of programming, and non-standard computer programs;
    • ability to conduct office work and correspondence in accordance with regulatory requirements;
    • knowledge of the basics of the current legislation;
    • well-organized speech.

    This is the minimum requirement for an applicant for the position of "personal assistant to the head." Responsibilities can also be added, depending on the scope of the organization. At some enterprises, a specialized or related education is considered a prerequisite for admission to such work. In addition, additional business education or advanced training courses are considered a big plus.

    Assistant Personality Requirements

    In addition to professional, a number of personal requirements are imposed on assistants to top managers. The specifics of the position of "assistant to the head", the duties and features of the work imply a special character warehouse.

    First of all, it is:

    • stress resistance - after all, an assistant often has to be the first to take on the wrath of his superiors and listen to the discontent of his subordinates;
    • multitasking - the ability to do several things at the same time - the most valuable quality of a good assistant;
    • positive thinking - without this character trait, the assistant manager will not be able to cope with additional duties, because his activities often go beyond the scope of standard business cooperation;
    • high learning ability - the desire to learn new things and understand the workflow in a quality manner should be present in every good assistant.

    These are just the basic, basic character traits that every assistant manager needs for successful professional activity. But the most important personal requirement - the temperament and behavior of the chef and assistant should not be dissonant, but ideally complement each other.

    General duties of an assistant manager

    The assistant works directly with the management of the organization, performing both personal assignments and professional duties. They usually include:

    • record keeping of the head, and in some cases the entire organization. At individual enterprises, assistants manage the secretariat of the organization;
    • coordination of management activities. Scheduling business meetings, reminding superiors about events and events of various kinds;
    • conducting correspondence on behalf of the organization;
    • receiving and redistributing incoming telephone calls;
    • providing the head with all the necessary information upon request.

    Additional Responsibilities of the Executive Assistant

    A personal assistant to the manager with additional duties and functions is the most common vacancy for this field of activity. Most often, management is looking for a fairly versatile employee who is capable of expanding responsibilities.

    The most common additional duties are:

    • translation from a foreign language, including during negotiations. It is not always possible for management to fully trust third-party workers, and knowledge of at least English is very useful here;
    • organization of trips of the head and accompaniment on trips. Such activity assumes that the assistant will take care of all everyday moments: movement, ordering a taxi and hotels, catering and paperwork;
    • accompaniment of superiors to protocol events;
    • household services.

    This list is far from complete. Most often, it is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what is the responsibility of an assistant manager? This activity is very diverse. Each boss makes his own demands, the main thing is to make sure that all of them are within the law.

    Working hours of the personal assistant

    One of the main features of this activity is the dependence of the employee's working hours on the management. Of course, the standard working day is eight hours. In fact, the assistants compare their regime with the authorities.

    This “blurring” of working hours, and the need to always keep in touch with management, often deters graduates from these vacancies. In fact, you have to work no more than in any other place. It's just that the time of rest and work becomes fickle.

    Job description assistant manager

    The structure of the position "assistant to the head", duties, requirements for education and work experience should be spelled out in the job description. This is a document that provides transparency of management requirements and easy control over the performance of employee duties.

    The job description is of a normative nature and is mandatory for execution. This document spells out all the subtleties of the work of an assistant manager. It's practically a guide to action. The document includes not only duties, but also rights, responsibilities and features of resolving labor disputes.

    In connection with the specifics of the activity of the assistant manager, the preparation of his job description should be treated with special attention. Be sure to prescribe the features of work, the nuances of organizing work and rest time, compensation for overtime.

    It is necessary to distinguish the job description of an assistant from the same document for the position of "assistant project manager". The duties of the latter are often temporary, like the work itself.

    In addition, the title of the position should be clearly stated in the job description. Most often they indicate "secretary", "secretary-referent", "direction manager". Please ensure that this entry complies with current regulations and is up to date.

    What to include in an executive assistant resume

    The position of personal assistant is a great start for a graduate career. Thus, you can get your first job and get an incomparable professional experience. However, for applicants with experience, this vacancy may seem interesting. Especially if you are planning to change the field of activity.

    Knowing the main duties of an assistant manager, it is not difficult to write a resume. This document assumes that you have read the theoretical part of the question and are ready to get started. Carefully study the requirements for the applicant and start writing the text.

    Information that must be indicated in the resume for the vacancy of "assistant" or "personal assistant to the head":

    1. Full name, surname and patronymic, in resume for foreign company only the first two are allowed.
    2. Family status. This is a mandatory item - the position of an assistant often involves irregular working hours. You need to be sure that such a schedule will not adversely affect family responsibilities.
    3. Education. Listed in chronological order. If you are still studying, be sure to make a note of how long it will take to complete. Often, employers take final-year students as assistants, with subsequent career advancement. Here, indicate the knowledge of a foreign language and the level of proficiency in it.
    4. Work experience. Point from the last. If you don’t already have one, then list your volunteer projects, participation in social activities or trade union organizations, learning practices and other relevant activities. If you can’t provide anything, take a testimonial from the graduating department and write that you are ready to provide it.
    5. Personal characteristics. Give yourself the most honest assessment possible. Describe the character from the point of view of classical psychology and be sure to note your strengths and weaknesses.
    6. Additional information. Here you should write why the employer should choose you from other applicants. In addition, be sure to include additional skills, such as having a driver's license. It will also be useful at this point to write about the availability additional education, refresher courses, business education.
    7. Contacts. Leave as many ways as possible to contact you: cell and home phone, address Email, skype, link to the page in the social network. Provide only up-to-date information.

    A well-written resume will not go unnoticed by the employer.

    Responsibilities of the Assistant Department Manager

    Typically, job seekers are looking for a job as a personal assistant to an executive. But it is easier to start promotion in this career niche, from the position of "assistant to the head of sales." The duties of this employee are not so voluminous, but the experience and prospects are incomparably greater.

    The main difference between the assistants to the heads of departments is their more specific and narrowly focused activities. They perform work related to a particular area of ​​production or management. This experience is invaluable for further career advancement.

    The duties of an assistant to the head of the department include everything the same as those of the head of the enterprise. But there is also a special feature:

    • the need to thoroughly know the essence of the production, management or sales process of the unit;
    • communicate with assistants from other departments and the assistant general director;
    • Maintain departmental documentation.

    Personal Assistant Career Opportunity

    Young people see this position as a career start. However, it is necessary to distinguish what kind of promotion you want. Horizontal or vertical? On the this enterprise, or is this just the opening line in a future resume? The answers to these questions also determine the strategy for further action.

    Management appreciates good assistants, and this, unfortunately, has a bad effect on their career growth. The boss does not want to let go of the ideal employee, agrees to raise wages and gives additional benefits - this is a variant of a horizontal career. Most common among personal assistants.

    The easiest way to move up the career ladder in a particular organization is from the position of assistant to the head of the department. Such positions are often taken with the prospect of getting to know the employee better and training. If you want a vertical career, then this is your path.

    The position of assistant manager is not visible to the outside, but very significant for the organization. A competent assistant is able to improve the performance of the authorities and thus ensure more profit for the enterprise.


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