The procedure for terminating an employment contract on the initiative of an employee. Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee: grounds, terms and procedure. Compulsion to dismiss: judicial practice

Filling out an employee's personal card is fraught with many peculiarities. Let's consider this procedure in more detail using examples.

The unified form of personal card number T-2 consists of four sheets and contains the following sections:

I. "General information";
II. "Information about military registration";
III. "Recruitment and transfers to another job";
IV. "Attestation";
V. "Advanced training";
Vi. "Professional retraining";
Vii. "Awards (incentives), honorary titles";
VIII. "Vacation";
IX. "Social benefits to which the employee is entitled in accordance with the law";
X. "Additional Information";
XI. "Grounds for termination employment contract (layoffs) ".

When filling out the card, you should not use characters such as colon (:), equality (\u003d), forward slash (/). In the coding area, such designations are generally unacceptable.

When filling out the text, it should not enter the coding field, otherwise the document is considered damaged, and it must be rewritten (during initial filling).

If some data are not filled in the personal card or the answers are negative, we do not write anything in the encoded part. Dashes are not used in empty columns.

The initial filling of a personal card can be carried out either manually or in in electronic format... Subsequent entries are made already manually, since the employee must be familiarized with them against receipt, and reprinting the T-2 form in a new way is prohibited.

We fill in the "header" of the personal card T-2

In the header of your personal card, you indicate the OKPO of the organization based on statistics. The name of the organization is written without abbreviations. The location of the company is written with a comma after the name.

Date of preparation personal card is reflected in the following form: DD.MM.YYYY (04/23/2013, for example).

A personal account card is started at work immediately after the registration of an order for employment. At the same time, you need to make an entry in the employee's work book about hiring.

Personnel Number Is the employee number assigned to him on this enterprise for internal accounting. When filling out a personal card, a personnel number has already been assigned to him (from the order of the head).

INN (tax identification number). An employee may not provide a TIN when applying for a job, because this is not spelled out in either the TC or the Tax Code, and, accordingly, is not mandatory. If the employee does not have a TIN or did not provide it, this field is not filled.

SNILS (number of the insurance certificate of state pension insurance).

Based on Part 1 of Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee must provide the employer with SNILS. If an employee gets a job for the first time, then the obligation to issue a certificate rests with the employer (part 4 of article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If an employee has lost SNILS, he must write an application for restoration of this document and hands it over to HR officers, who then forward it to the FIU. After that, the SNILS number is filled in on the basis of the newly received document.

Insurance certificates are kept in the hands of employees.

Alphabet. Here we indicate the first letter of the employee's surname for the convenience of organizing the cards.

The nature of the work. We indicate "permanently" or "temporarily". We fill in according to the order. We write the words completely.

Type of work. We indicate the main job or part-time. We write in full.
If an employee works on internal part-time, the personal card for him is not filled out, since all information is indicated in the card at the main place of work.

Floor can be indicated in full words, or by the first letters "M" and "Ж".

Section I "General information"

1. Surname, name, patronymic. This data is recorded based on the passport. We write completely and legibly.

We must fill in the encoding zones on the basis of all-Russian classifiers:

OKATO - "All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division" OK 019-95 approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation No. 413 of July 31, 1995;

OKIN - "All-Russian classifier of information on the population" OK 018-95 approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation No. 412 of 31.07.95;

OKSO - "All-Russian classifier of specialties in education" OK 009-2003 approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation No. 276-st of 30.09.03;

OKPDTR - Resolution of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation No. 367 dated 26.12.94 "On the adoption and implementation of the all-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories"OK 016-94.

If you entered the encoding incorrectly, the T-2 form is considered corrupted and must be rewritten. Therefore, either enter the encoding data correctly, or do not enter it at all until the card is returned to the archive.

2-3. Date and place of birth written on the basis of a passport or similar document. We write it entirely in words, for example: "May 24, 1973" and encode it on 05.24.73.

The line "Place of birth" when filling in should not exceed 100 characters. We write regions and regions in the genitive case, without commas. You can write with abbreviations by general rules: city - city, region - cr., village - village, region - region, district - env., village - settlement, station - st., district - pH; words - aul, kishlak, village, stanitsa are written in full.

Residence coding - by OKATO at this address.

4. We write citizenship without reduction. Citizenship is subject to coding based on OKIN:

Citizen Russian Federation - 1;
- a citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign state - 2 (if the citizenship is double, next in brackets we indicate which state this citizenship is);
- foreign citizen (which state is indicated) - 3;
- stateless person - 4.

If the employee has two citizenships and he did not inform the employer about the second, this is not the employer's fault. This information is required only for employees who get a job related to access to state secrets.

5. Degree of language proficiency

At this point, we write down a foreign language in relation to the language of Russia, which the employee speaks, if necessary for work. We take the data from the words of the employee himself (questionnaire, test, etc.).

The HR inspector can fill in two codes: the language itself and the degree of his knowledge, or he can indicate only one code - the degree of knowledge of the language. This data is written with several spaces. Language codes and degrees of their knowledge:
- English (OKIN code "014"), German (OKIN code "135"),
- French (OKIN code "213") Italian (OKIN code "070");
- reads and translates with a dictionary - OKIN code "1";
- reads and can be explained - OKIN code "2";
- owns freely - OKIN code "3".

If the employee speaks several languages, they are recorded separately on each line.

6. All information about education. Here we write qualifications, specialties, etc. We take these data from documents on education.

Education has the following OKIN encodings:
- primary (general) education - 02;
- main general education - 03;
- Secondary (complete) general education - 07;
- primary vocational education - 10;
- secondary vocational education - 11;
- incomplete higher education - 15;
- higher education - 18;
- postgraduate education - 19.

Form T-2 has two blocks of columns, which indicate information about two educational institutions.

If an employee has completed three courses of the university, he is classified as a person with an incomplete (incomplete) higher vocational education... Confirmation of such education is only a certificate or diploma of incomplete higher education of the state standard (not a student's book and not a student card!).

If the employee has not graduated from the university, then his education records will look like this.

If an employee has completed training in full or more than half, but has not defended his thesis or has not passed the state exam - "incomplete higher";

If the employee has completed three courses - "incomplete higher, III (IV, V, VI) course";

If an employee studied, but did not graduate from a university or vocational school and completed less than half of the courses, then we write the education according to the previous graduated educational institution: "basic general"; "average (full) general"; "lower secondary"; "incomplete secondary education".

If an employee receives education of the next level, then education is added additionally in part 1 of clause 6, for example:

Name educational institution, we write its series and number on the basis of a certificate of education. Long names can be abbreviated without loss of meaning (for example, the name - "them."). No awards (orders) are indicated in the names of educational institutions. When finished educational institution we put the entry in Arabic numerals, for example 2013.

A qualification (degree) is written on the basis of the same educational document. For the qualifications "bachelor" and "master" the direction is indicated, and for the qualification "specialist" - the specialty.

Upon graduation from vocational school, the qualifications are indicated as follows: "assembler", "locksmith", "lawyer".

The personal card in the last block of clause 6 reflects a record of postgraduate training: postgraduate study, residency, postgraduate studies or doctoral studies. Doctoral studies have OKIN code 01, other forms - 02.

7. Profession. In this column we write a profession based on a work book, explanations of employees and staffing table... If the employee has another profession, it is filled out on the basis of a document on obtaining a second, etc. education.

The profession code is determined by OKPDTR and includes 17 digits, and the position code is 13. The code contains all information about the employee's profession, working conditions, position and pay. It is allowed to shorten the code to the first five or six digits, which denote the profession (5 digits) or the profession and check number (6 digits).

8. Work experience. We take experience from records in work book (labor contracts, etc.). It is reflected in days, months, years.

When calculating the length of service, it is necessary to use clause 61 of the Instructions for filling out forms of individual (personified) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system, approved by the Resolution of the PFR Board No. 192p. from 31.07.06.

The duration of work experience is determined as the difference in the sums of the dates of the end and beginning of the periods indicated in the work books. Since the day of dismissal is the last day of work, it should be added to the total amount of seniority. We write the calculated total work experience in total - this is the number of years, months and days that the employee has worked.

The length of service, which gives the right to a seniority bonus, is also calculated. It is determined in accordance with special regulatory documents.

In the column "length of service" there is a length of service defined as preferential (for example, work experience in the Far North and equivalent areas). When hiring an employee for whom your place of work is the first, we put zeros in the lines about the experience.

9. Marital status. This refers to the encoding based on OKIN:

Never was (was not) married - 1;
- is in a registered marriage - 2;
- is in an unregistered marriage - 3;
- widower (widow) - 4;
- divorced (divorced) - 5;
- sold out (sold out) - 6.

10. Family composition. Here we show only family members, indicating the degree of their relationship in relation to the employee and those living with him. We fill in the information about the next of kin (mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, the person in whose upbringing the employee was, and other close relatives).

11. Passport data we fill out on the basis of the passport.

12. Place of residence. We write on the basis of passport data. We fill in the actual place of residence according to the employee. If the place of residence according to the passport and actually coincide, then the line with the actual address can be left blank. We code the place of residence according to the OKATO.

Section II "Information on military registration"

We fill in this section on the basis of the documents:
- a military ID (or a temporary certificate issued in exchange for a military ID) - for persons in stock;
- certificate of a citizen subject to conscription - for conscripts.

We fill in the form as follows:

item 3 "Composition (profile)" - filled in without abbreviation (for example, "medical", "command", or "sailors", "soldiers", etc.);

point 4 "Full code designation of the VUS" - write the full designation (consists of six numbers or six numbers and a letter, for example, "127659A");

clause 5 "Category of fitness for military service" has encodings: A (suitable for military service), B (suitable for military service with minor restrictions), C (limited for military service) or D (temporarily unfit for military service ).

If there are no such entries in the military ID, we put the category "A".

Item 7 "Is on the military register" is filled in with a simple pencil:

line a) - in cases where there is a mobilization order and (or) a stamp on the issuance and withdrawal of mobilization orders;
line b) - for citizens booked behind the organization for the period of mobilization and for wartime.

For citizens subject to conscription for military service, the following items are filled out on the basis of a certificate:

point 2 "Military rank" - we write "subject to conscription";
clause 5 "Category of fitness for military service" - we write in letters: A, B, C, D (see above) or D (not fit for military service).

In paragraph 8 of Section II of the personal card, if necessary, we make entries "removed from the military register by age" or "removed from the military register for health reasons."

After completing section II, the personnel inspector certifies the written data with his signature and makes a transcript indicating his position. He also signs on the second page and puts the date of completion. The employee also signs this page.

Section III "Hiring and transfers to another job" and Section XI "Grounds for termination of an employment contract (dismissal)"

These sections are filled out very carefully, since the length of service of the employee depends on their completion. We write the data in these sections on the basis of the order (order) of the head: about hiring, about transferring to another job about termination (termination) of the employment contract. This information should be duplicated in the work book.

Each record is certified by the employee's signature.

In the "Grounds for termination of an employment contract (dismissal)" we write the reason for dismissal in accordance with the articles of the Labor Code.

The termination date is the employee's last day of employment. Dismissal information must be certified by both the employee and the HR inspector.

Section IV "Attestation"

In this section, we fill in the data from the solution certification commission, which are usually formulated like this:
- corresponds to the position held;
-corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the commission with re-certification in a year;
- does not correspond to the position held.

We write the date of certification, the number and date of the certification results, the basis for certification (order).

The certification data are affixed on the basis of the document issued to the employee.

Section V "Advanced training"

Information on advanced training and professional training is filled in on the basis of documents provided by the employee, or from the personnel training department. We fill in:
start and end date of training, type of advanced training, name of educational institution, type of certification document (certificate, certificate, diploma).

In the "Foundation" we can not write anything, or we fill out the order, on the basis of which the employee was sent for advanced training (Article 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or the contract for vocational training between the employee and the employer.

Here we enter data on professional retraining employee.

Section VII "Awards (incentives), honorary titles"

In this section, we write all types of incentives to the employee on the basis of Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local normative acts, as well as list awards, honorary titles.

Section VIII "Vacation"

This section contains information about all holidays that were provided to the employee: another vacation, parental leave, unpaid leave.

We fill in the type of vacation, its period, duration and the basis for its provision.
Vacation without pay with a total duration of more than 14 days (Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) during the year is not included in the length of service, which gives the right to an annual basic paid vacation, but is taken into account in changes in the working year.

Periods not included in work experience on the basis of Part 2 of Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for example, the time an employee is absent from work without good reason) are reflected in the personal card by changing the date of the working year. The basis for this is time sheets, orders to suspend an employee from work, etc.

The working year for determining the leave is counted from the moment the employee is hired. For example, from March 20, 2013 to March 19, 2014.

If an employee takes vacation in parts, the working year is still indicated in full.

The "end date" of the vacation is the date when the employee actually went to work, and not the planned end of the vacation based on the order, because the employee can be recalled from vacation ahead of schedule.

If the graph for vacation is not enough, the "Supplement to the employee's personal card" is started. It represents the header and tabular section of the section that is missing.

Section IX "Social benefits"

In this section, we reflect the social benefits provided to the employee on the basis of legislation.

Section X "Additional Information"

This section is completed at the discretion of the manager. This can include information that has not been reflected in other departments. For example, the study of an employee in part-time (evening) courses, data on a working disabled person (based on a certificate from the Medical and Social Expert Commission (hereinafter - MSEC, VTEK), disability group, and other information.

If the employee does not want to sign the records of his dismissal, the HR inspector draws up a special act.

Changing employee information

If the employee has changes (changes in his personal life status, address, passport data, etc.), they are indicated on his personal card and certified by the signature of the inspector and the employee himself. In this case, the old entry is crossed out and a new one is made in the same column on the basis of the new submitted documents.

It is undesirable to change the personal card due to the fact that it is difficult to collect all signatures from the employee and restore his original data.

For example, if the employee has changed the surname, then the new one can be written like this: cross out the old one, and write the new one on top or on the side. This record is certified by the signature of the personnel worker here.

The document on the basis of which the changes occurred can be indicated in section X in additional information... At the same time, it is not necessary to certify this record by an employee of the HR department.

You can make an additional sheet to replace the page. Moreover, on the old page we put a note that the page has been changed and write the reason (change of surname). In the new page we also make such a note.

How to make corrections in a personal T-2 card?

If you entered the information by mistake, then the incorrect information is crossed out, the correct ones are written. Next we write the word "corrected" and certify it with the signature of the HR inspector and the employee himself.

See the organization of accounting for personal cards at work and a sample

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Among HR documents, an employee's personal card is the main source of information for each employee. The employer is obliged to maintain it (form t2) for all employees, even for those who are employed concurrently. detailed instructions on filling, form and ready example - about everything right now.

The legislation approved a unified form of T2, which is maintained by all organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and the number of personnel. The document contains all the basic information about the citizen:

  • information about education;
  • information about professional experience (length of service, qualifications in accordance with the received education);
  • personal information (address, family composition);
  • data on the current place of work (vacation, awards, retraining, etc.);
  • data of passport, diploma, military ID and some other documents.

Along with a single template, there are several other options, which are discussed below.

Form t2

This is the main type of document that is used in the vast majority of cases. The form looks like this.

Form t-4

Provided specifically for employees who belong to the scientific and teaching staff:

  • scientists with candidate or doctor degrees, as well as with the titles of associate professor, professor or academician;
  • university teachers (including senior lecturers and assistants).

The difference in form is associated with the presence of special columns (academic degree, title, date of assignment and relevant documents).

Form t2 GS

To be filled in if the employee is a civil servant. There is only one difference from the usual form. Section IV appears, which contains information about the assignment of a class rank or other movements in career ladder... All other sections are filled out in the same way, but their numbering is shifted by 1 point (starting with the "Attestation" section, which follows number V).

Required documents

For correct registration, you need to take only confirmed information.The following documents will be required:

  • citizen's passport;
  • management order, which approves the employee's admission;
  • it is imperative to bring a work book (for those citizens who work for the first time, it is drawn up by the employer);
  • if a citizen belongs to the category of military obligations, he also provides a military ID;
  • a document that confirms the level of education;
  • INN and SNILS;
  • documents that confirm the passage of retraining, the assignment of titles, etc. provided upon availability;
  • an employment contract with an employee.

All documents are submitted as originals.

Step-by-step instructions for filling

The correct execution of personnel documents is a mandatory requirement for the personnel department, therefore, when filling out, you need to proceed from the official instructions, which are described in detail below.

Section I

It is the first sections of the t2 form that make up the main part, which must be filled out according to the following rules:

  1. The name of the company or individual entrepreneur is always written in full. However, abbreviated versions are also allowed if they were originally assigned to the company and reflected in the corresponding constituent documents.
  2. The unique personnel number that is assigned to each employee must consist only of numbers (the maximum number of characters is 6). At the same time, the combination does not change even in cases where the employee is promoted or transferred to work in another branch or department, etc.
  3. In the "Alphabet" column, you only need to indicate the letter with which the citizen's surname begins.
  4. The nature of the work - here we mean the expected duration of the signed employment contract: most often permanent job, and if it is seasonal or part-time, then temporary.
  5. View - most often this is the main job, but sometimes a citizen works part-time (internal or external).
  6. Gender is indicated by a capital letter.
  7. Full name is recorded in full, as indicated in the passport (patronymic - if available). And the date of birth is also written in text format, for example: "January 28, 1991".
  8. The residence code is indicated in accordance with the OKATO.
  9. Citizenship is registered by code.
  1. The degree of speaking skills in a foreign language is also prescribed by codes.
  1. The designation of education is also made using codes - they are set by OKIN.

NOTE. Unfinished concept higher education, which is also called incomplete, has been abolished since 2013, so if an employee is currently studying at a university, only the education actually received is taken into account.

  1. The qualification is indicated exactly according to the diploma (for example, "Bachelor of Science Education").
  2. The profession is prescribed on the basis of how it is accepted in the company - for this you need to apply to the staffing table, as well as to the order that approved the employee for this position.
  3. The total length of service is usually calculated according to the dates given in the work book. But it is allowed to use other papers in which there is confirmed information about the terms of a citizen's work in different places.
  4. Personal life is also marked by codes.
  1. The composition of the family should be understood literally those people who live with a person as one family. Their name is registered, as well as the degree of relationship (father, son, sister, etc.).
  2. Passport data must be filled out strictly as indicated in the document, up to abbreviations and punctuation marks.

Section II

In these columns, you must use the data from the military ID, if available. At the same time, the compliance of the data must also be strict - abbreviations, names, punctuation marks, etc. At the same time, there are some peculiarities if a reserve officer gets a job.

And if an employee is employed who is subject to conscription (men fit for health and women with military ID - nurses, some other personnel), then items 1,3,4 and 7 remain empty. The rest are filled in as shown in the table.

Remaining sections

The remaining sections are filled in in accordance with the following rules:

  1. SectionIII - here all the data is the same as they are indicated in the internal documentation of the company. The full name of the company, the exact title of the position are recorded, and the order (with the name, number and date) or order is given as the basis for the decision.
  2. SectionIV - entries are also carried out on the basis of approved documents. In this case, each line is filled in completely (all columns), except for the column "Base". Usually here they refer to the protocol, which contains the results of the attestation - they prescribe the name, number and date.
  3. SectionV - here the dates of training (start and end), the type of promotion, and also the full official name are recorded educational organizationin which the learning process takes place. It is not necessary to prescribe information in the "Foundation", but if there is a corresponding order or order, you need to enter its name, number and date of approval.
  4. SectionVI - in this part, information about the professional retraining that the employee underwent is similarly written.
  5. IN sectionVii records of awards and honorary titles that the employee received for their labor merits are carried out.
  6. SectionVIII - here information is recorded about all vacations that the employee officially received, regardless of their duration. The data must match the orders exactly as well as the vacation schedule. Special attention should be paid to unpaid leave, which the employee takes at his own expense. They are also taken into account regardless of the duration. In this case, all information must be the same - in the employee's statement, in the order and in the card itself (you need to pay particular attention to the accuracy of the dates). It should also be borne in mind that days off for several hours (due to overtime, overtime, etc.) are not self-paid leave. And a day off for a whole working day (for 1 or more) is a vacation without pay.
  7. SectionIX filled in in accordance with the legislation on benefits. That is, both federal benefits and those adopted at the regional level are taken into account (in each region their list can be very different). Benefits that are established by internal acts of the enterprise (in large companies, enterprises often have their own benefits, which are established at the initiative of the employer and, accordingly, can be eliminated by his own decision). The name of those documents that give the right to benefits is indicated as the "Grounds".
  8. SectionX contains heterogeneous information that does not belong to any of the previously considered categories, for example:
  • information that at the moment a person is studying at a university, technical school, college, vocational school and other educational institutions; the start date and the estimated end date are indicated, as well as data on the actual number of courses that have already been completed at the moment;
  • data on a disabled employee: medical documents, disability group, as well as the date of change of medical decisions, if any;
  • document-conclusion, which was drawn up by a special commission for the assessment of working conditions (harmful, dangerous factors, regulatory compliance, etc.).

When registering all sections, there is a single rule to leave the field empty if there is no data on it or the answer is negative. For example, you cannot write "I have not" - you just need to ignore the line.

How changes are made to the card

If any information has changed over time, it must be entered into the form in a timely manner. As a rule, the regulations provide 14 calendar days to make changes... In this case, new data is entered in the same way as in the work book. There are two options:

  1. If previously empty columns are filled in, the employee must sign, thereby assuring the accuracy of the information entered. This applies to the first and second sections.
  2. If the previously recorded data has changed, then you need to carefully cross out the old record and put a new one. For example, if a woman is married, the old surname is crossed out, and a new one is inscribed on top.

NOTE. In the event of blots, a large number of corrections, illegibility of the text, damage to individual pages or the entire employee's personal card, which is maintained in the t2 form, it is allowed to create a new document, into which all information from the old form is transferred.

If an employee leaves

In this case, it becomes necessary to make entries in sectionXI. It is important to write down the reason for the dismissal here, and the wording must accurately cite articles Labor Code... The date of dismissal is given - i.e. the last working day of an employee, regardless of whether it fell on a weekday, holiday or weekend. The employee must sign and decipher it, and if it is impossible to do this (for example, in the event of death), then the signature is put by the responsible official or a close relative indicating the degree of relationship, or the employee's representative acting by proxy (its number and date of compilation are recorded).

NOTE. After dismissal, the card is handed over to the archive, which must be kept for at least 75 years.

Example of filling

A real example of a completed personal employee card, approved according to the standard form t2 (first section), looks like this.

Employee's personal card (form T-2) - an information document about the new employee. When hiring an employee, it is necessary to fill out a personal card for him according to the unified form T-2. This personnel document is required to be filled out, it contains all the necessary information about the biography and data of the employee, as well as about his labor activity... In the article, you will learn how to fill out an employee's personal card using an example. Below you will find a completed sample card, where you can also download the T-2 form.

The document consists of 4 sections, some sections need to be filled out at the very beginning of the employee's labor activity, some are supplemented in the process.

Employee's personal card (Form T-2). Sample filling

Filling out section No. 1 of the employee's personal card (form T-2)

Fill in here general information about the employee. To fill out, you need to take from the employee such documents as a passport, birth certificate, education documents, employment contract (or).

When filling out this section, you must not forget about specifying the codes in paragraphs 3-6. The codes are taken from the corresponding classifiers.

In clause 3 - OKATO code of that settlementwhere you were born.

Paragraph 4 indicates the OKIN code for your citizenship: "1" - if you have Russian citizenship, "2" - if you have two citizenships, 3 - if not at all.

Paragraph 5 indicates the OKIN code for the level of knowledge of the foreign language you specified: code "1" corresponds to the fact that you are able to read and translate with a dictionary, "2" - you read and can explain yourself in this language, "3" - you are fluent.

In paragraph 6, the OKIN code for your level of education: 4 grades (primary general) - "02", 9 grades (basic general) - "03", 11 grades (secondary general) - "07", school (primary vocational) - " 10 ", technical school (higher professional) -" 11 ", 3 courses of the university (incomplete higher) -" 15 ", higher -" 18 ", postgraduate -" 19 ".

Information about education is taken from the education document (certificate, diploma, etc.).

Sample filling out 1-6 points in the employee's personal card

Work experience - for this item, information is taken from the work book provided by the employee.

For your marital status (clause 9), you also need to indicate the corresponding OKIN code: "1" - not married / not married, "2" - registered marriage, "3" - unregistered marriage, "4" - widow / widower, "5 "- divorced," 6 "- divorced.

Then comes the standard information about the employee's passport, place of residence and date of registration at the address of residence. The employee's personal card in the first section ends with the employee's contact phone number.

An example of registration of an employee's personal card p. 7-12

Filling out section No. 2 of the employee's personal card

The section is filled in for men, the information is taken from the military ID. For men who have not yet served and are subject to conscription, you need to fill out: (click to expand)

  • point 2 - the phrase "is subject to appeal" is written;
  • clause 5 category of suitability - "A" - suitable, "B" - suitable with minor restrictions, "C" - limited suitability, "D" - temporarily unfit, "D" - not suitable.
  • point 8 - for men who have reached 50 years of age, the mark "removed from military registration by age" is put here, the phrase "removed from military registration for health reasons" can also be indicated.

The rest of the items in this section for this category of citizens are not filled in. For men in stock, all items must be completed. All information is taken from the military ID.

An example of registration of section No. 2 of an employee's personal card

Filling out section No. 3 of the employee's personal card T-2

Here we indicate for which position the employee was accepted, with what salary and on the basis of what order for hiring. Here the employee must sign.

In the future, in the course of work, this section can be supplemented with information on the movement of the employee within the organization: from one position to another, from one department to another.

Sample filling out section No. 3 of an employee's personal card

Sections 4-7 of the employee's personal card are filled out in the process. Section No. 8 reflects information about the vacation, which indicates the type of vacation, its duration, the period of work for which it was granted. The basis is indicated.

The last section is filled in when an employee is dismissed, the date and reason for the dismissal, number and date are written here.

The employee fills in the personal card personnel service, at the end of the form, he puts his signature, and the employee himself, after familiarization, signs this document.

An employee's personal card is an important business paper in the workflow of any organization; its registration is usually entrusted to the personnel service. It is used for the purpose of thorough accounting of employees and contains all significant information about him: passport data, TIN, SNILS, information about place of residence, registration, work, education, as well as brief information about the family.

The final version of the unified form T-2 is approved by labor legislation. All organizations are obliged to generate personal cards for all employees without exception, and for some even more than one. Individual entrepreneurs freed from such a need, but they also have the ability to formalize them.

Keeping personal records is not only a duty, this activity can bring significant benefits to the organization. The employer can often use personal cards to protect their interests, using them to confirm the legality of deductions from the salary of employees, correct calculation average headcount employees, for calculating taxes, etc., court arbitration practice describes a lot of such examples.

For convenience, the employer is allowed to conduct electronic circulation of personal cards in the T-2 form, almost all modern companies use this opportunity: it is practical, if necessary, makes it easy to find the required materials. But he must have them printed on paper media... This is justified by the content in the personal card of the fields intended for the signature of the employee, as well as the employee of the personnel department responsible for maintaining it. Since a personal card is a document of long use and storage, when printing it, it is necessary to use thick A4 paper.

It is important to remember that there is no single guideline for working with personal cards, except for the above resolution, therefore, the article is primarily of a recommendatory nature.

General information about the T-2 form and the intricacies of its filling

When asked who fills out and maintains the T-2 forms, the Goskomstat Instructions will answer. According to them, personal cards are drawn up by an employee of the personnel service, and when the staffing table does not include such a position, the person authorized to maintain hR administration or the head of the enterprise. The employee himself is prohibited from making any entries in his personal card, with the exception of a personal signature upon employment, personnel changes or dismissal.

Form T-2 contains 11 blocks, divided by topic and placed on 4 pages. For a more visual understanding of the structure and understanding of the features of filling, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the form. (link to download the form)

The law does not regulate the terms for the formation of the T-2 card and the best option will include this item in the set of standard operations for registration of a new employee. This is due to the rule: the entry in the employee's work book is certainly duplicated by a similar entry in his personal card. Materials in the T-2 form are brought in based on a typical list of documents:

  • the order of acceptance to work
  • employment contract
  • employment history
  • documents on education, advanced training
  • military registration documents (for persons liable for military service)

Some professions and types of work have their own specifics; in such situations, additional papers may come in handy. The employer has the right to request them from the candidate, if this does not contradict the current legislation.

Ultimate request to provide a certificate of TIN assignment, characteristics with former place work or a certificate of family composition may be illegal. It is prohibited to require third-party documents, contrary to the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

We fill in the personal card correctly according to the sections

The first two pages of the T-2 form contain a number of fields for different codes that must be completed. What to write? The required information is contained in a number of classifiers. We emphasize that a specialist in the personnel sector must have access to them; no codes can be required from a person applying for a job. Personnel accounting in an organization is based mainly on the use of specialized computer programs, for example, 1C, in which all these classifiers are built and, of course, this greatly simplifies the task of the personnel officer, he just needs to enter the data intended for coding in the appropriate fields and choose from the proposed list suitable code.

The name of the organization is recorded in the header of the form without abbreviations; it is customary to record the date of the personal card in a standardized form (for example, 01/13/2014).

The personnel number must be assigned to each hired employee, this is useful for the organization timekeeping and identification.

When accepting a part-time employee, do not forget to assign him a unique personnel number and be sure to form another personal card. As a result, such an employee has two unique personnel numbers and cards at the same time.

Information about the individual taxpayer number is entered based on the certificate of assignment of the TIN, which is provided by the employee. If the certificate is not on hand, the corresponding field remains empty.

The legislation obliges the employee to provide a certificate of state pension insurance when signing an employment contract, by analogy with the TIN, we enter the SNILS number in the form. If an employee is registered for the first time, he will not have a certificate in his hands and the employer is obliged to issue him SNILS, in this case we leave the field blank, the record will be made after receiving the certificate.

The presence of the "Alphabet" column is convenient for storing and accounting for personal cards. The first letter of the last name of the accepted employee is recorded here.

The next field is "Nature of work", here it is indicated whether the employee is hired permanently or temporarily. Accordingly, the column "Type of work" is intended for information about whether the work is the main one or the employee combines it.

In the last column we enter “male” or “female”, respectively.

Section 1 General

We start filling out this block of the card by specifying the details of the employment contract, write its number and the date of conclusion in the already familiar format, as in the example above.

The name of the employee must be written down legibly and without abbreviations, while it is recommended to start recording as far to the left as possible, in case of changes. So, if the employee marries in the future and takes the spouse's surname, this fact will certainly be reflected in her personal card.

In the item "Date of birth" we denote the date and year of birth in Arabic numerals, the month is written in a word without abbreviations (23 April 1985). The date is duplicated in the code field in the traditional dd / mm / yyyy format.

“Place of birth” is rewritten from an identity document, indicating the type of administrative-territorial unit, it is allowed to use generally accepted abbreviations.

The field "citizenship" is also filled in by the personnel officer, based on the data from the passport.

Knowledge Details foreign languages usually written down directly from the words of the employee or on the basis of the test results, if it is provided for hiring. It also specifies the degree of language proficiency using standard wording.

The personal card reflects knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bonly in relation to Russian. For example, knowledge of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Tatar, Udmurt and other peoples is not indicated.

The employee confirms the level of his education by providing the relevant documents, diplomas and certificates. The main parameters are transferred to the next item on the card.

Incomplete (incomplete) education records cannot be made based on student ID, grade book, or employee's word of honor. Such an entry is made only when they provide them with a certificate or diploma of an educational institution.

The entry "incomplete higher education" is made if the employee has completed most of the training course at the university or completed the full course, but did not defend the diploma or did not pass the state exam.

If an employee, while studying at a university, has not completed even half of the training course, paragraph 6 will indicate "secondary (complete) general".

It is advisable to indicate the name of the educational institution in full, but if it is too long, it is permissible to use abbreviations. This field also indicates the name of the provided educational document, its series and number, year of completion of education, qualifications and specialty. Clause 6 also contains information on postgraduate training.

It is customary to make entries about the profession based on the work experience reflected in the work book, the staffing table and the words of the employee.

The length of service is calculated primarily based on the entries in the work book. When an employee is hired for his first job, zeros are written in the given lines.

Record of the so-called marital status is done on the basis of a stamp in the passport, marriage certificate, divorce certificate provided by the employee.

Important! We fill in the field "state of marriage" only using the wording of the OKIN, the wording "single", "married", "married", "divorced", etc. masterpieces of folk literature are unacceptable.

The next paragraph of the first section is "Family composition", there is no need to list all known relatives, it is enough to indicate the closest ones: mother, father, wife, husband, daughter, son, siblings. The employee provides this data based on which of the relatives lives with him or is dependent.

We transfer passport data carefully, strictly in accordance with the employee's document. The address of the place of residence according to the passport is transferred from the registration stamp. The actual address must be indicated only when it is not identical to the registration, this data may be needed by the employer in case of, for example, absenteeism or if the employee does not come on the day of dismissal for a work book. Don't forget to write down your phone numbers.

Section 2 Information on military registration

One of two types of documents is used when registering a block on military education: persons in reserve provide a military ID, and recruits bring a certificate of a citizen subject to military service.

All the necessary information can be found in the relevant paragraphs of the above documents.

It happens that the category of validity is not spelled out at all, we are not afraid, by default we put "A". Do not forget to fill in point 7 with a simple pencil, this will be needed in the future. And when entering a mark at point 8, remember that a citizen is subject to deregistration both upon reaching the maximum age and for health reasons.

On the second page at the bottom of the form, the employee signs, after checking the correctness of the recorded data, there is also a field where he signs after checking the entered personnel officer.

Section 3 Recruitment and transfers to another job

This block traditionally repeats what is written in the work book, the table will open with a record of admission, here we enter the position, salary, order details. Further, we make consecutive translations, if any. An important point - we acquaint the employee with the records displayed here, because he needs to sign for each of them.

Section 4 "Attestation"

Many enterprises carry out certification for their employees, for this they collect a commission, the result of which is a kind of protocol. Information about such a protocol is written in this part of the T-2 form.

Sections 5 - 6 "Professional development", "Professional retraining"

There are two options here:

  1. the employee undergoes advanced training prior to employment and brings the relevant documents;
  2. the employee takes courses directly in his company, then the personnel worker will use the data of the personnel training department.

All dates are in the typical format found in the previous sections. Usually, there are no special questions when filling out these blocks. If the employee did not improve his qualifications and did not undergo retraining, then, accordingly, the sections remain blank.

Section 7 "Awards"

As the name implies, all types of incentives that the employee received in the process of his work within the organization fit here. In general, the information in this section is identical to the similar section in the work book. You can use generally accepted abbreviations, if this does not distort the general essence.

Section 8 "Vacation"

This block reflects all types of leave that the employee has ever used: annual, educational, unpaid, childcare. You should record information about the duration of the vacation, its start and end dates, the period for which the vacation was granted and, of course, the details of the corresponding order.

On his career path, an employee goes on vacation several times. Naturally, free fields will end one day. We do not get lost, but simply print an additional page containing the continuation of the table.

Section 9 "Social benefits"

Here the employer indicates information about the benefits provided by specific employee, as well as data on documents that make it possible to obtain this or that privilege.

Section 10 "Additional Information"

Practice shows that this section is rarely filled out, but if desired and available, information about:

  • disabilities
  • employee training
  • international passport
  • if the employee has disabled children, this fact can also be displayed here.

Section 11 Grounds for termination of an employment contract (dismissal)

The final paragraph of the T-2 form is short and laconic, here is the place of the dismissal record, the wording, moreover, is exactly rewritten from the dismissal order, the same record will be indicated in the work book. By analogy with the second page of the form, this paragraph is signed by the personnel worker and the employee himself

Storage and accounting of personal cards in the T-2 form

Form T-2 - paper of a long "shelf life", cards are prescribed to be stored for 75 years, which means that you should take care of their integrity in advance, in particular, use thick paper for printing proper quality... There are no strict accounting standards, cards are usually kept in lockers at the personnel hotel or in the office of the head of the organization, being arranged in alphabetical order. This issue is discussed in more detail in the following video.

After a certain time, the personal cards of already dismissed employees are sent to the archives.


As we have seen, the personal T-2 card, although voluminous, is a rather simple document to fill out. However, questions still arise, and we will talk about them in conclusion.

Situations often arise when some fields remain empty for various reasons. In this case, you should not put dashes in them, let alone delete them. Form T-2 is regulated by law, so no sections can be deleted from it. But you can add new details if necessary.

Any change to the unified form should be accompanied by an appropriate order signed by the management

HR workers are people too and make mistakes. Having found an inaccuracy or mistake in a personal card, it is recommended to carefully cross out with one line, and write the correct information on top. In this case, the employee of the personnel department must certify the corrected with his signature and familiarize it with the signature of the employee so that he does not have any questions in the future.

We do the same when an employee changes his surname, for example. Old data is neatly crossed out, written actual information, be sure to mention here the document that is the basis for such a correction.


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