Ecological business project ready-made examples. Crazy ecological ideas. Shoes and newspaper baskets

Our planet is getting more and more polluted every day, thanks to which ecological business ideas in Russia are becoming more and more relevant. But how can you make money on eco ideas? The main options need to be considered. Today, environmentally friendly vehicles are starting to spread. It's time to open a salon of such vehicle? Let's look at the situation of such cars on the market.

Recently, the demand for such cars is growing more and more, because they are not only ecological, but also economical. What will need to be done? Sell \u200b\u200bcars that do not pollute the world around you and save fuel. We will need knowledge about automotive technology and sales and start-up capital in the region of 800,000 USD The business will be launched from several months to several years, it all depends on you.

Now there are many similar solutions on the market, there is great competition, there are already a lot of manufacturers producing such environmentally friendly vehicles, for example, the Toyota Prius car. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the demand for ecological cars is growing as oil prices rise. Therefore, it is worth remembering that oil is an exhaustible resource, and it will someday disappear.

In addition to the sale of ecological cars, other eco ideas... For example, trade in products that are produced in an environmentally friendly manner. People will start thinking about how the things they buy affect the world around them and start buying things that are produced in an environmentally friendly manner. So, you will need to release products in an ecological way and clearly inform buyers about this so that they understand in what way their things were made.

One of the best options Is the cultivation of environmentally friendly food: the cultivation of animals, plants and agriculture... Well, or the production of ecological paper bags that decompose quickly and do not pollute the environment.

To start your business, 10 thousand USD will be enough for you. You can start your business in about a couple of months. But it is worth considering some difficulties: you will need to find a niche that meets the criteria for demand. For example, store owners will be happy to order reusable shopping bags with their logo on them. In order for the buyer to become interested in the product, it will be necessary to come up with an original design and think over all the convenience of its use.

You can also deal with certification of eco-construction. People love to buy apartments in ecologically clean places. Many construction companies are trying to meet all eco-conditions. In order to engage in certification, you will need to be accredited and obtain the necessary permits.

Man does not live by bread alone, the old saying containing deep meaning... Of course, many of us strive to create our own business with one relatively mercantile goal - to make money. It is quite difficult to disagree with this approach, at the same time, and in such cases, you want to do not just something for yourself, but also something that will benefit. The question is not idle enough, the last May holidays prompted me personally to think about it, or rather another trip to the "barbecue" with the team. We often hold such events, but this year I was simply surprised by the state of our permanent place on a suburban private lake, I want to emphasize the private one, which has an owner who takes care of environment of their possession and periodically removing garbage. According to him, this year he was not in time due to the influx of clients and apologized for the mess. Purely logically, if there is such a mess, what is going on with the environment in "public" places?

There is no sense in answering this question, I think, no, the environmental situation in the country is just awful, we are simply drowning in our own garbage. Impressed by the past kebabs, the idea of \u200b\u200ban ecological project was born. But as people who are quite mercantile, they decided to combine the useful and the pleasant, that is, they thought about the implementation of a multi-step combination pursuing several goals at the same time.

The purpose of the environmental project:

  • - environmental protection;
  • - drawing public attention to the problem of nature conservation;
  • - providing an opportunity for everyone to contribute to the protection of the environment, and not distant and incomprehensible, but specifically the wild nature around the region of residence;
  • - implementation school projects on ecology
  • - creating an ecological business and making a profit.

As you can see, the goals are quite diverse and are designed to solve several problems at the same time, including providing motivation for conducting an environmental project. No matter how much we want, it is necessary to clearly understand the psychology of a person, where the period of "disinterestedness" sooner or later passes, and even more banal money ends and then any project, and even more so an environmental initiative, is simply doomed to failure. I think it is possible to find examples of such environmental projects, but we decided to initially provide for an engine that makes the entire business structure work. Taking into account the fact that you can really earn money on nature conservation.

Socio-ecological project - "Let's make our vacation enjoyable"

The goal of the environmental project is to cleanse the region from plastic bottles, films and so on.

The motivation for the project is that plastic and other similar materials decompose for hundreds of years, in practice this means that every year the level of environmental pollution increases exponentially. On the other hand, recycling is not difficult technological process and has a fairly high profitability.

And now let's talk about the very process of project implementation in the ecological market. The project was conditionally divided into several stages:

The first stage is the development of a business concept and the formation of a basis for the implementation of an environmental project to clean up the environment. On this stage considered the possibilities of recycling PET bottles and other plastic, it is they that pollute the environment to a large extent (we do not take into account production waste, this is a completely different topic for environmental protection). Today there are two alternative options for project implementation:

- the first option, collection of plastic bottles, sorting with subsequent pressing and sale for further processing. The option is not bad, but unprofitable, taking into account the cost of such raw materials (sale) and the costs of collecting it. In fact, in such cases, there is simply no reason to carry out cleaning along river banks and planting, because even taking into account the involvement of schoolchildren and volunteers, when implementing environmental initiatives, money is needed to ensure the collection of raw materials.

- second option, purchase and installation of a mobile and mobile workshop for processing PET bottles. Actually, it is possible to install a stationary mini-plant for plastic processing, but taking into account the fact that we are talking primarily about environmental project the best is a mobile processing workshop. Why exactly this? Everything is quite simple, a mobile workshop allows you to deploy the collection and processing of raw materials in the required region, which significantly reduces the cost of collecting and disposing of waste in a specific place and increases efficiency many times over. By the way, the problem is not very idle, as an example, just look at how much they take plastic bottles in its original state, that is, the weight is small, but it is necessary to take out and it is not effective. By the way, many environmental campaigns end with the remelting of such bottles in improvised furnaces (namely remelting, not incineration), which is very laborious and ineffective enough for large volumes. By the way, when communicating with representatives of local authorities, it was this problem that sounded in the first place, formulated as follows:

"So what. They took the people out, gathered them, but there is nowhere to go, try to hire or attract transport, you need a lot of money, but they don’t pay from the budget, so you’ll have to pay for the ecology, and then you can mess with a pile of bottles. Although a lot of plastic was collected for schoolchildren within the framework of environmentally friendly projects, it is easier with waste paper, it is taken away. "

Stage two, fundraising. Setting up this kind of environmental business is quite costly. A mobile mini-workshop for recycling PET bottles and other plastic will cost 150-170 thousand euros, stationary mini-workshops will cost a little less. This is where the skills of environmental activists come in handy. The fact is that, whatever one may say, the project is not just commercial, but really socially ecological, and here it is necessary to use all the possibilities from the idea of \u200b\u200benvironmental protection, including the formation of an image.

Business in the ecology industry aims to reduce or eliminate negative impact on the environment. The goal of such an initiative is not only to make a profit, but also to make the planet healthier.

This area of \u200b\u200bactivity includes:

  1. niches that reduce environmental pollution. These include: the manufacture of equipment, instruments, vehicles, special services for environmental expertise, etc.;
  2. niches that use resource saving technology ( alternative views energy);
  3. improvement of the environment, landscape design in accordance with the principles of preserving natural balance;
  4. eco-education.

As you know, it is most profitable to sell a finished product, not a resource.

Directions of the domestic eco-business:

  • measuring and control devices,
  • devices and technologies for saving resources,
  • use of secondary raw materials,
  • ecological planning and reproduction,
  • reproduction of human resources,
  • organization of recreation,
  • ecology training,
  • control over the population level.

How to make money in the field of ecology?

Investments in eco-business allow not only to make a profit, but also help to improve the ecological situation on the planet. Most of all can be earned in the field of obtaining electricity and fuel from alternative sources (energy from cocoa beans, garbage, the use of wind and sunlight), but the amount of investment is also required considerable.

At the peak of popularity are now environmentally friendly products - this applies to both food and other goods. These include bio-packaging, recycled packaging, bamboo and other plant toothbrushes, and even eco-coffins.

If you have chosen recycling for your activity, try to adopt experience successful businessman Vyacheslav Grishina.

In the city of N, thanks to the project launched by him, several programs are being implemented at once:

  • Non-toxic waste disposal.
  • Production building materialsaffordable.
  • Implementation of the plan for the separate collection of waste.

What are the benefits of waste recycling for the state and for the businessman

The main idea behind plastic recycling is that it is profitable: each of us throws an average of about 200 kg of plastic waste per year. Each foreign manufacturer of plastic packaging pays a tax, which already includes the cost of processing products. These funds cover the costs of disposal and recycling of plastic.

How to implement a recycling project?

Trash is a truly unique resource: you can get income from literally nothing. Competition in this niche is practically zero, while this given view activity is highly profitable.

According to statistics, about 31 million tons of waste is disposed in Russia, which are simply in landfills.

The complexity of such a business lies in the fact that any waste of different classes (there are 5 of them in total) has its own owner, and the waste has documents. The law does not apply to fifth class solid waste: therefore, it is beneficial for a startup to work with waste food products, scrap metal, waste paper and plastic.

Recycling stages and ways to make money on it

The main ways of recycling solid waste


Waste removal from residential or industrial areas. The popular among the population is the service of removal of construction waste, and in winter - removal of snow. An unusual idea - the production of garbage containers with an unusual design and garbage collection machines.

  • Disadvantages: you will have to spend money on the purchase of fuel and conclude an agreement with the landfill.
  • Advantages: no need for rent, no specialists and no expensive equipment - it is enough to have a spacious freight transport and a contract with housing and communal services.
  • Profitability: the profit depends on the tariffs for the removal and disposal of waste, and if you combine this type of earnings with the one described below, this will increase income significantly.

Garbage compaction

The first ballot boxes appeared 10 years ago in the States. The peculiarities of the containers were that the press was powered by the energy of sunlight. MSW can be viewed as trash or resource source. Here the decision is for the start-up - in what area he wants to work and develop.

The main purpose of waste disposal is to move them outside the consumer's territory.

For example

Canadian firm 1-800-GOT-JUNK, led by Brian Scudamore, started in 1989 with one cheap used car and under the motto "We’ll stash your trash in a flash!" ("Let's take your trash in an instant!"). Skudamor was still a student at the time, and a modest income from his private garbage collection service helped him pay for his studies. Finally, he made such a profit that he dropped out of school and devoted his time to garbage collection. At the moment, his company is making profits of over $ 100 million per year, and franchises 1-800-GOT-JUNK have opened in the USA, Canada and Australia.

  • Advantages: you do not need to rent anything, attract highly qualified personnel and purchase expensive equipment.
  • Disadvantages: High fuel costs and the need for a landfill site.
  • Profitability: the price of removing 0.8 cubic meters of garbage (a standard trash can) in Moscow is from 330 rubles. Up to 60 such tanks can be taken out in one flight. The prices are highly dependent on the prices for the landfill.
  • To start you will need: transport and driver.
  • Competition: garbage collection from the population is a municipal service provided utilities and belongs to the category of "living quarters maintenance". Firms and enterprises, on the other hand, can be serviced by private collection companies, and there is high competition here; more than 500 waste disposal companies operate in Moscow alone.
  • Specificity: if you are going to create a garbage collection business, you will certainly face the problem of transportation costs.
  • To reduce them, it is necessary to increase the carrying capacity - for this you can press the garbage, for which you need a special garbage truck with a press.

You can also use special urns with a press. This is very beneficial for the clients of the company, as they have to pay less often for export. The first urns equipped with a press were presented in 2004 by Seahorse Power. Their autonomous press on solar powered The BigBelly is driven by a chain, no hydraulic mechanisms. The machine is very easy to maintain - just grease the door lock once a year. The filling level of the tank can be monitored using online systems alerts, which can incredibly increase the success of logistics. The container can reduce waste collection costs by five times, but it still costs a lot - over $ 3,000.
Another important issue is waste storage. After all, after the garbage is taken out, it needs to be stored somewhere. You can also dispose of waste or recycle it.

The waste dump is, as a rule, temporary before its processing or disposal - in the latter case, the waste is completely isolated from the environment.

  • Advantages: no waste disposal required special labor or funds - nothing needs to be done.
  • Disadvantages: this requires a huge territory, which will very quickly be filled with garbage (one large city requires an average of 40 hectares of land per year for a landfill). At the same time, the income from such a business will be relatively low, since the tariffs are carried out by the city authorities, and they will not set high tariffs for the landfill.
  • Profitability: burial household waste can cost up to 1000 rubles per ton, moreover, a regular garbage truck can fit up to 10 tons, and even more in a garbage truck equipped with a press.
  • To start you will need: large land plot outside the city, away from protected areas and recreation areas.
  • Competition: Today there are 1,092 official landfills on the territory of the Russian Federation, almost all of which are filled, and some are overflowing with waste. New places for waste disposal and disposal are always in demand.
  • Specificity: the landfill, according to the regulations, must be protected from the wind and ensure the protection of groundwater from the ingress of toxic effluents, therefore such a landfill must be built in accordance with the norms. At the same time, in practice, most of these territories are not equipped with adequate protection and were formed spontaneously.

To organize similar business, it is necessary:

Get permits to create a landfill and make it a single state Register... You are also obliged to check the ecological situation in the place of its location even after the closure of the landfill.

Waste incineration

Most often, waste is incinerated unauthorized. In order to dispose of garbage by incineration, several rules must be followed, but this method is usually quite expensive and unprofitable.

Incineration of waste can significantly save space at the landfill, but this method of ecology causes irreparable damage. The price of waste disposal is set by the state. It is the cheapest at the moment, so alternative methods are not always welcome. In Western countries, waste incineration is several times more expensive than recycling it using other, more environmentally friendly methods.


Waste sorting is best done during the waste collection phase. Sorted waste can go to electricity generation - experience in Germany and Norway - best of all example.

The cheapest waste sorting complex will cost 4,000,000 rubles. The organization of city-wide waste sorting is also expensive. At the moment, only 50 such complexes are operating in Russia.

Waste sorting as a business can be represented in the form of two types of activities: sorting at the stage of collection (or the acquisition of certain types of waste).


Recycling, recycling (from the English recycling) - the transformation of waste into something new (for example, toilet paper or cups for drinks can be created from paper waste). Pat - bottles are literally everywhere, but they can be used several times and thus cleanse the planet and reduce waste at times!


If you are looking to recycle waste food, you can opt for a niche like compost. This odorless substance is used to fertilize the soil and increase its fertile qualities. In addition to food, you can use grass, manure and sawdust, sometimes - cardboard.

The compost heap must be moistened and mixed in time.

Pyrolysis method

Waste from this method of processing decomposes under the influence of high temperature, but is not burned - at the exit we get a product for secondary use, as well as fuel. This processing method requires careful sorting of the starting material.

Benefits: Pyrolysis provides heat energy and reduces waste in landfills. This includes recycling tires into fuel oil, for example.

Example: Danish company Gypsum Recycling International. Has been organizing the recycling process for about 15 years. Advantages: demand for raw materials for processing, profitability, foreign investment, governmental support, payback period from 2 to 5 years.

  • Disadvantages: Requires large financial investments, market unevenness and instability in demand for the product.
  • Profitability: with high costs for initial stage, the profit in this niche is also very high: if the complex is engaged in the manufacture of products from the obtained raw materials, the cullet processing enterprise can bring the startup up to 100,000 rubles, provided that the raw materials were purchased for 2,000 rubles.
  • Specificity: the efficiency of waste recycling depends on the quality of sorting, therefore the best waste recycling complex is a complex system, adjusted from collection and sorting to the sale of finished products of secondary processing to the consumer. Here one cannot do without close interaction with the authorities and a whole campaign to form a culture of waste management.
  • Legal subtleties: processing permission required.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the removal of solid waste and the disposal of household rubbish is a profitable niche.

How to make money in the field of ecology without investments?

What to do if there are no ideas in the field of ecology, but this direction has been chosen? Become a volunteer - then ideas are guaranteed to appear by themselves! If there is no start-up capital, try such a way to quickly raise the required amount, such as crowdfunding - this is both attracting investment and a way to draw attention target audience to your goods and services.

Possible Eco-Business Ideas:

  • Arrangement of an organic farm;
  • Delivery of organic products;
  • Seed bank;
  • Restaurants that prepare dishes only from local products - while the conservation is prepared by the restaurant employees;
  • Tactical Urbanism - Urban projects to modernize urban space;
  • Small housing - for example, tree houses or mini-houses made of corn boards;
  • Organic farming and everything related to it. The sphere of agribusiness is closely related to the eco-direction, and if you have your own plot or even a small summer cottage, you can “shoot” in this area.
  • Environmental education - society needs to be encouraged to collect waste separately, use less plastic containers, and more.
  • Eco-businesses can be built in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth and tourism - for example, organizing joint morning runs and becoming a coach for a group of interested people.
  • An ecological business can be a business without investment - you just need to learn how to sew or create designer items from parts of the interior or wardrobe that have become unnecessary.

Wastes that are classified as hazardous - energy saving bulbs and used batteries:

You can promote information about such things to the masses and make money on this, gradually creating an environmental-oriented community - working in a team is much more effective than alone! Propaganda healthy way life, which includes proper nutrition and various self-development practices, heal society and make people pay attention to things that they have not even thought about before! Why not try to make money in such a vast and, most importantly, profitable and clean niche like eco-business.

Nov 4, 2015 Sergei

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Making seals is easy, but profitable business, which will require a small investment to start. But the payback in this business is no more than two months! And this is understandable, because printing, the cost of which is 10 rubles, is sold for about 100-600.

After the licensing of this activity was canceled, it became easy to enter the market. It is enough to register as individual entrepreneur, rent a small room, buy a computer, a laser printer and special equipment, advertise and that's it, you can work!

The service for the production of seals is in demand everywhere, throughout the country, in all cities, without exception. And the demand for these products is unlikely to disappear.

Competition in this market is fierce, but not everywhere. This is, first of all, the capital market. In the regions, it affects more the volume of orders than the pricing policy, because the regional market is still far from saturation in the capital.

The process of making a seal includes the following steps:

Search for a customer;
- receiving an order, including wishes, what should be the seal ( standard samples approved by the registration authorities), documents on the registration of the company, a finished sketch. If there is no sketch of the future print, it must be drawn (and do not forget to take $ 3–10 for this);
- drawing out a sketch on a negative or positive film on a laser printer (this stage is skipped if we are dealing with a Brother StampCreator PRO machine, which is directly connected to a computer via a printer or mouse port. The cost of such an installation is $ 1,800. The layout designer draws a sketch of the future print, clicks a button ... then everything is done by a smart machine Thanks to the drivers, the computer reads the device like a printer;
- materialization of clichés (in all technologies - in different ways), which includes a number of operations;
- installation of the cliche in the tooling using glue or tape.

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RUB 200,000 a month having fun!

Trend of 2020. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment... No additional deductions and payments. Turnkey training.

The selling price of printing consists not only of the cost of the cliche, but also of the cost of equipment. The rig is where the finished print cliché is inserted. Rigs are manual (plastic, wooden, metal) and automatic with a built-in stamp pad, Russian and foreign production.

This article may be out of date. More relevant articles on this topic:

Business plan of the enterprise for the production of seals and stamps

Special equipment is required for ink-filled prints made using flash technology, since the print is saturated with ink.

Most companies not only in Moscow, but also in the regions have switched to remote production of stamps. Customers need to send by e-mail files of sketches of seals and stamps in the desired format and select the material and equipment. When the print is ready (and this can be done within one hour), you can send it by courier directly to the client in the office or by mail.

Technology selection

At the moment, there are four widespread technologies for the manufacture of stamp products: photopolymer, vulcanization of raw rubber, flash method and laser engraving.

Photopolymer technology is cheap, of high quality and therefore very popular. Experienced entrepreneurs advise you to start at this very level: low organizational costs. The main advantages of photopolymer technology: relatively fast technological process, low cost of the cliche (0.3 dollars, or 10 rubles), harmless production. Disadvantages - you need running water, or you will have to buy an automatic car wash (from $ 250). In addition, the manufacture of polymer seals is largely handwork... Plus the quick wear of polymers.

Minimum set supplies for this technology includes 1 kg of polymer, 1 roll of border tape, 25 sheets of matte and transparent film. At the same time, one pack of film is enough for 300–1,500 stamps, one roll of border - for 150, one spray bottle - for 1000 and one kilogram of polymer worth 500–700 rubles - for 100–150 stamps.

Making rubber seals by vulcanization is also an inexpensive technology, but the prints are of higher quality. However, the manufacturing process is lengthy and laborious, again without " manual labor"You can't do it. The main thing to remember right away is that rubber is very strong ... it smells when vulcanized.

The flash method is almost completely automated and so simple that a ten year old child can easily master it. For the production of an impression on the printing plate, special equipment is used - flash installations. They are compact, lightweight, easy to handle and fit easily on the edge of an office desk.

Ready ideas for your business

Seals made using flash technology do not have a relief, unlike polymer and rubber ones. Flash requires a special fine-pored rubber with a high resolution. However, only one seal can be produced at a time. And photopolymer technology allows you to simultaneously "light up in the camera" several cliches.

For vulcanization of raw rubber, you will need raw rubber sheet (250 rubles per kilogram), matrix cardboard (650x650mm, 1,550 rubles per sheet), solid photopolymer on a metal base (A4 sheet, 600 rubles). For flash technology - special rubber blanks with a thermally conductive coating.

Laser engraving is a very modern and technological thing. However, it has one big drawback - the price of the equipment. The minimum amount to start with is $ 8,000. The average price of a quality laser engraver is 15-20 thousand. Typically, such "sophisticated" installations are purchased by companies that are well established in the market, which expand the range of services. Such equipment is beyond the power of a beginner. The main advantage of this method is its ultra-high resolution.

Ready ideas for your business

There are no problems with suppliers in Russia. The market for equipment for stamp production is quite saturated. So, in Moscow there are several large suppliers: "Graphics-M", "Trodat XXI", "New stamps", "". If desired, you can find any equipment for any technology. Its cost from different suppliers is approximately the same.

Cameras for photopolymer stamps - Soligor from 380 USD, PLC from 320 USD

exposure cameras from VitStamp uncertified from 230 cu

heat presses for vulcanizing rubber about 500-700 USD

japanese flash units TAIYO for ink-filled prints - from 1,500 USD

unique flash system Brother - 1 800 USD

laser engravers - Lazer Pro Venus V12 - from 8,000 USD,

All products from major suppliers are under warranty. In addition, the cost of the equipment of the supplying companies includes training - two hours a beginner masters work on installations.

The list of services of the manufacturer of stamp products

1. Making new seals

Legal entity seals
Your main customers are legal entities and private entrepreneurs who need a stamp for their activities in accordance with Russian law. Seals are also needed by the authorities, state and regional. Some firms successfully manage to cooperate with law firms providing registration services for ready-made enterprises. They deliver a stream of customers and charge their commission.

Official seals
State authorities need special seals - official seals with a clear image of the Russian coat of arms. Today, the production of official seals accounts for about 5% of the market in Russia and 10% of the market in Moscow.

Other stamp products
Stamps for internal use, these include all kinds of "received", "paid" accounting stamps, date stamping dates, and numbering stamps (stamps with numbers).

facsimile - stamp with an imprint of your signature.

2. Restoration of used stamps by cliche or by imprint
This service costs around $ 10-30.

3. Become a dealer of a company supplying equipment and consumables

Based on the article by Ekaterina Chinarova for the magazine "Business Journal"

10,720 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days, this business was interested in 430,749 times.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Global environmental problems, in our age of concern for human health, have never been more urgent. And turning to the use of recycled material for the production of new products is quite logical. Agree that in our country the recycling industry is poorly developed and therefore it will not be difficult to implement ideas, the main raw material for which is used material. And the awareness that you care about the environment and the preservation of natural resources will also add optimism to your work. Many of you have already come across this kind of environmental ideas: making T-shirts from garbage, toys from old sweaters, making furniture from old cardboard boxes, and many other interesting options. As you can see, the limits of human fantasy are endless.

The designers of the All Black company also approached the solution of global environmental problems in an original way - they have developed unique shoes from newspapers. It took three and a half pages of a Chinese newspaper to make one pair of ecological shoes. To increase strength and make the product water-repellent, the masterpiece was covered with plastic. According to shoe designer Colin Leanne, the benefits of the newspaper as a shoe material are undeniable. This innovative material not only has a unique composition, but is also distinguished by its attractive cost. And animal activists will thank you, because you should not forget that shoes are mainly made from genuine leather - the skin of reptiles and animals. Initially, paper shoes were presented in the American market, where they immediately won over buyers who are not indifferent to environmental issues, and were included in the catalog of the well-known Anthropologie store, where they cost $ 110. And it is not at all expensive if we consider the purchase of such a masterpiece from the point of view of the contribution of money to the environment.

Now let's turn to the idea of \u200b\u200bPolish craftsmen. Newspapers again - certainly, there is no more widespread material. In Poland, they came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bweaving baskets from newspapers. The production process is not complicated at all. To make a basket, you will need old newspapers, glue, scissors and a thin knitting needle. Newspapers are cut into long strips 10 cm wide, and then each strip is wound diagonally on a thin stick (from the middle to make it easier to remove). Then the workpiece is carefully removed and the end of the product is glued. Such blanks, in fact, resemble a vine. And then, as they say, "a matter of technology" - weaving a basket from a vine, only instead of a vine, paper blanks. After the end of weaving, the basket can be coated with paints, stain or varnish - here everyone relies on their own taste. This work is quite simple, and subject to any age, and the flight of imagination in choosing a color scheme or shape is limitless.

But not only craftsmen are impressed by the prudent use of recycled material - for example, the well-known Heineken company also came up with original idea... They began to give life to the company's “old-fashioned” advertising billboards. Advertising group JWT Puerto Rico has developed “eco-friendly bags” for Heineken. And since October 2009, unique handbags have been made from old canvases of advertising billboards. It is not only a stylish accessory, but also advertising product... In the first five days, the $ 20 bags were completely sold out.


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