Where can you make a fast career? Secrets of building a successful career Examples of who could make a career

You can look for a job for today, or you can make a career.

Sitting in one place, you won’t make a career: moving up involves an increase in the complexity of tasks, professionalism, circle of influence and level business activity. If you are active, then you can make a quick career where there are a lot of vacancies. Even faster where there are many vacancies, but there are few candidates for these places. But that's not all: companies need to have vacancies at different levels of the hierarchy. Then you will have a chance to climb these stairs to the top.

For example, you start from the starting position of a manager or sales specialist. Then you can become a sales representative: medical, insurance, advertising, finance or tourism according to your taste, opportunities and abilities. The next step is an account consultant (including corporate) or a sales development manager. Then you can become a specialist in working with key clients or project manager. And from there, go to the head of the sales department, head a regional or territorial representative office, become the director of a branch. Do you want higher? Become commercial director entire firm or lead the development of a regional network.

Of course, the demands of companies are dynamic, but the interest in specialists from a certain field has lasted for at least several years. And if you got a profession in a sought-after field, if you are professional and mobile, then when a large number of companies open many vacancies in your field of activity, you have every chance to quickly rise to the top.

How to make a successful career? This question worries almost every woman. In our modern world there are more and more independent women who have achieved high results in their careers. What are the rules to follow in order to be a successful lady?

Let's start with a goal

You must have a clear, realistic goal in life! Walk towards it with confident, firm steps, despite the obstacles that will be in your way. Only the persistent achieve success!

10 means to achieve the goal

First is education! Once you get it, don't stop! Show interest in anyone learning process that you will have at work. This will be a big plus for you and your progress in career ladder.

Third- find a common language in the team. Join the general system without noise and dust, show how sociable you are! Try to quickly adopt the experience of a mentor and show the first successes to your leader!

Fourth remedy- personal life. It should be 100% separate from your work. Let it take all your free time, weekends and holidays, but at work there is only you and your job responsibilities.

Fifth- Be humble and honest. You always need to remain a well-mannered person, you don’t need to be an upstart and wonder - this will only harm your reputation. The main thing to remember is that your work will show everything for you!

sixth rule - do not be afraid of change! Oddly enough, but it is. Yes, it may seem difficult to move from one department to another, but this step will only strengthen you and put you in a good light in the eyes of your boss. A person who is not afraid of change and in whose hands everything starts spinning and spinning in the right direction will not go unnoticed.

Rule Seven: do not beware of parties and events arranged by your firm. Keep up to date with all the events and in front of everyone - important rule if you want to be successful. At corporate parties, you can make many useful acquaintances that will definitely be useful in the future. Who knows, maybe at one of these evenings you will be offered to climb up one more step on the career ladder.

eighth, and very important - do not be late! Lateness is very striking to the boss, and this alone can be the reason why you are not recommended for a higher position in the future.

ninth- Be an optimist! Always look for a way out of even the most difficult situations, do not be discouraged, take problems and difficulties easier, participate in various projects, offer your own solutions - the main thing is to act and you will definitely be noticed!

And finally tenth a means to achieve your goal - do not become the one on whom everything rests. Do not grab onto everything, do your job, otherwise you will work without days off, vacations and sick days, because without you all the work will stop. Such an employee will always drag tails behind everyone and he obviously does not get a promotion.

Higher education and a diploma confirming it are a guarantee for many applicants successful career. After all, most employers are willing to provide highly paid positions only if the employee has a certificate of graduation from a specialized university. Let's see if it is possible to take a leadership position with only a secondary education.

Is higher education really necessary?

A diploma is not a guarantee of employment, and even more so - a successful career. History is full of examples of self-taught professionals leading successful business with only a high school diploma. So, the creator of the world's largest automobile industry, Henry Ford, worked from the age of 15, and then took a chance and opened the Ford Motor Company. Ford was skeptical of those who waste their time chewing on the granite of science. “If I wanted to destroy my competitors, I would provide them with hordes of graduates,” said the millionaire.

However modern society thinks differently. Employers are not willing to offer leadership positions graduates of technical schools, focusing on the candidate's lack of the necessary knowledge base. And those who do not have the coveted diploma in their hands do not dare to apply for money places.

According to a survey conducted by Levada Center sociologists in August last year, 55% of Russians are sure that without higher education you can't build a successful career. At the same time, only a fifth of citizens work in their specialty.

“Apparently, this explains the large proportion of those dissatisfied with the education system in Russia. A third of employers call Russia a lagging country in terms of the quality of higher education. And more than half of them do not consider Russian higher education to be modern, corresponding to the needs of the economy and the needs of the development of society in the 21st century, ”says Yaroslav Zinchenko, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology at the South Russian Institute of Management of the RANEPA.

However, not all of our compatriots are so categorical. According to a survey conducted by VTsIOM in January 2015, potential wage-earners(52% of respondents) believe that the importance of higher education is exaggerated - a successful career can be made without it.

What job will not be hired without a diploma

According to the president of the Russian Association of Honest Lawyers Anton Matyushenko, from the standpoint of the law, having a higher education is not necessary for employment. There are many specialties for which no prior education at the university is required. This is a make-up artist, builder, programmer, driver, auto mechanic, locksmith, controller, seller, cook, builder, seamstress, welder and many others.

According to Marina Melchukova, General Director of the Center for Psychology and Business Consulting MediStar, higher education is not necessary for professions that require the employee to perform elementary tasks.

“Often in such areas, the emphasis is on the ability to handle a hand tool, on the physical endurance and health of the employee. Such employees without higher education are required for companies providing cleaning services, landscaping services, as well as housing and communal services, property protection, and laundries. These jobs are considered low-skilled. For employment, incomplete secondary education and minimal training or instruction are sufficient. But in large enterprises where a strict hierarchy is built, higher education is indispensable. There, priority is given not only to the professionalism of the leading personnel, but also to quality education received at an accredited university,” emphasizes Marina Melchukova.

In some areas of activity, higher education is mandatory. A diploma will certainly be asked from applicants for the position of a lawyer, judge, school teacher, doctor.

In addition, there are such areas of business where the obtaining of a license for a certain type of activity and the right to carry out it depends on the availability of higher education for employees.

In other cases (if the law does not provide for higher education for an applicant for a particular position), the company has the right to employ a person at its discretion.

“In this case, there are no risks for the company, except that the employee may not be able to cope with his duties. But the risk that the employee will not cope with the duties exists even in the presence of higher education, for this the law provides probation when applying for a job,” emphasizes Anton Matyushenko.

Diploma, knowledge or enthusiasm?

Practice shows that employees are selected for lower positions according to personal qualities, for this there are many questionnaires and instructions for recruiters. And the company teaches additional skills and knowledge to the beginner.

“If an employee is interested in career growth, then he will independently find a way to get the education necessary for this, sometimes even at the expense of the company. But it’s difficult to get into key positions without higher education, the candidate’s expertise should be quite high,” comments a specialist in interpersonal relations, owner and CEO network optician Svetlana Leonova.

At the same time, the expert is sure that having a diploma does not promise for a long time career development. The desire of the applicant to work for the benefit of the company is important. An experienced HR professional is able to detect enthusiasm and a desire for learning during an interview. They conclude an agreement with worthy candidates, turning a blind eye to the lack of specialized education.

“For employment and career growth, higher education is desirable, but not necessary. Many billions of dollars were created without university degrees. For example, Bill Gates graduated 30 years after he dropped out of Harvard. Steve Jobs never sat out lectures and seminars in college, which did not prevent him from becoming a billionaire and one of the most famous people planets. Roman Abramovich graduated in 2001, many years after becoming rich and famous. Some billionaires did not have not only higher, but even secondary education. For example, Amancio Ortega, one of the richest people planet, dropped out of school at 13. Billionaires Li Kashin, François Pinault, Richard Branson, Joe Lewis, Kirk Kirkorian, David Murdoch did not receive a high school diploma. This means that business intuition, entrepreneurial spirit, a reasonable amount of excitement and a propensity for risk can more than compensate for the lack of fundamental academic knowledge,” says Elizaveta Nekrasova, General Director of the Must Have luxury real estate agency.

By the way, for some professions in our country there is no specialized higher education at all. Take, for example, realtors. However, this does not prevent people who have chosen this type of activity from honing their professional skills and seeking promotion.

Advice for those who want to learn new specialty, without an appropriate specialized education - engage in self-education: sign up for courses, study literature on the Internet and in libraries, learn the basics of the profession as an intern. In a word - go for it, because climbing the career ladder involves continuous movement.

According to the article

Elizabeth Babanova

For those who are concerned about the question “How to make a career”, such information will be of interest. The legendary Jack Welch, based on his 30 years of experience in managing the international corporation General Electric, came up with the following formula: out of 100% of the employees of any organization, 20% are stars / excellent students, 70% are good employees who will never become high-level leaders and managers , and 10% - threes and twos, which should be disposed of.

You can work with good students if you carefully control them, but they do not shine for rapid career growth. Only stars become leaders! The remaining 80% of employees, even moving up in the service and going through different stages of career growth, will never take leadership positions.

Are you a manager, a business owner or an employee who dreams of one day becoming a manager or opening your own business?

Whatever position you hold today, this article can help you answer the question “How to make a career” on 3 levels:

  1. If you consider yourself a star/excellent student, you can check if you are doing everything in order to achieve a rapid career growth or start your own successful business.
  2. If you do not yet consider yourself a star, but you have a great desire to grow professionally, then the recommendations will be the most useful for you: how to become an irreplaceable excellent student from an ordinary good student who is not afraid of layoffs and layoffs? After all, even if your company files for bankruptcy, the skills you gain from these tips and your career plan will give you a huge head start in your next job.
  3. If you are a manager or leader, you can use these criteria when evaluating your team.

So what do you need to do to become a superstar? I made a list useful tips on the topic “How to make a career?”?


Nothing distinguishes a star from a mediocre employee like initiative in work and ability to work. As a rule, it is these qualities that contribute to fast career growth.

Dale Rogers, President of Rogers Capital, where I did an internship during my last 2 years at an American university, once he told me that in his company there are people who work for return and with soul, and there are clerical rats who come to work at 8:00 and leave exactly at 17:00.

"They can neverget a raisein the service,” Dale told me. Comparison with rats, of course, is rude, but this is how the president assessed his people successful company. As an intern, I devoted more and more time to work and carried out the tasks assigned to me. additional projects, while my colleagues, who work "from call to call", career , to put it mildly, did not shine. For two years, I, a trainee, overtook many of my colleagues.

People who work more than others in their team are the first to get a promotion, and vice versa - those who work from"call to bell".

Another benefit of working to your full potential rather than a fixed schedule is your increased value to your boss. Only exceptional employees, after receiving a credit of trust from their superiors, subsequently get the opportunity to have flexible schedule and choose which projects to take on.


Despite the fact that for professional and career growth, you need to work hard - this does not mean working smart. In my practice, there were cases when my subordinate worked from morning to night, hoping for fast career growth , but at the same time performed as many tasks as I could complete in a couple of hours.

Learn how to make the most of your time and strive to always exceed the expectations of your manager or client. If you learn to regularly raise the bar for yourself, then for your manager this will be the first signal for your promotion.

While still an intern at Rogers Capital and developing marketing material for investment project I, without even thinking about it, what is needed for career growth , proposed and introduced several innovations: additional charts, interesting statistics and a new Handout. As a result, I earned the right to participate in negotiations that resulted in several additional millions of investment capital for our firm.


If your manager considers such a spiritual impulse a threat to his position, then it's time for you to look for another job. If a job change is not feasible at the moment, then find a professional mentor who is in a high position in another firm and is ready to help you with development and career growth.

I was very lucky - even at university, my mentors were the dean of an American business school, part-time consultant in an investment company, a hedge fund manager who earned a multi-million dollar fortune in two years. Then financial director multi-billion dollar investment company, president of Frost Bank, and other mentors from whom I learned a lot, and some of whom later became my friends.

Every time I met an interesting person, I asked for an hour of my time to talk about their careers and learn from them. In 100% of cases, I received a positive response. I studied their companies, biographies, and I always had a huge number of questions for them. Meetings were scheduled either in their offices or in a restaurant over a cup of tea, and they shared their principles for building a successful career with great pleasure.

Very rarely our communication ended with one meeting. Feeling my enthusiasm and desire for development, they invited me to interesting business events, and sometimes to visit. Communication with such people is truly an invaluable experience.


How does a mediocre employee respond if his work did not satisfy the manager?

"I'm sorry I couldn't do it."

How does the "star" respond?

“What do I need to do to make you satisfied with my work?”

Each leader on his way to work with career growth has made a lot of mistakes and knows that without them the path is impossible. professional development. But if he became a leader, it means that he worked on his mistakes and strove to correct them.

If your boss is unhappy with your work, do your best to fix it. Don't give up and don't let him finish what you couldn't do. For him, correcting your mistakes will be a signal that he needs to look for another, more capable employee. And for you a serious obstacle on the way to career growth.

If you make a mistake and you have a choice - tell your manager or hide, always do the first. The truth will come out sooner or later, but if you jeopardize the reputation of your firm or your boss, you will lose his trust for a long time. About rapid career growth, respectively, you can forget.

Loss of trust of the manager to the subordinate most often leads to the replacement of the subordinate, unless he is instantly rehabilitated and then within long term will not prove his honesty and diligence.

Your manager needs people on whom he can count, otherwise he will have chronic stress from the need to constantly control you, double-check.

If you find a mistake, report it to your supervisor immediately. Most The best way voicing a problem is just saying how you solve it. If you cannot solve it on your own, then tell your boss how you have already tried to solve it, what steps you have taken, and only then ask him for help.


This is the best way to make a career. Your manager dreams that you will be able to do your job, and he will be able to delegate additional projects to you. The more he can convey to you, the more irreplaceable you will become for him.

Constantly improve all processes and help your colleagues to improve. Also, do not forget about delicacy in taking the initiative. It is very important that your leader does not feel that you are aiming for his place. A person who is not too developed will start to put a spoke in your wheels and interfere with your development and professional growth. Take the initiative in a subtle way, with the intention of making life easier for your boss, not "hooking" him.


One of the biggest irritants for a leader is when an employee does not complete the assigned task. Often the manager does not explain all the details of the project, but expects the employee to ask him questions to clarify the task.

If you need to get an answer from a boss who doesn't respond to your question, get his attention until you get your way. This is exactly what all people who have managed to achieve professional and career growth do. Very often, an employee comes to a dead end, asks a question, but not having received an answer, shifts responsibility to the manager. Responsibility, however, is not removed from the employee, it is still on him.

Your manager, most often, has 3 times more daily tasks than you do. Therefore, he may postpone the answer to your question, switch to a more significant matter.

Remind him that you are waiting for an answer from him to complete the assigned task.

An annoying, but executive employee who brings everything to the end is much more valuable than one who gives up.

One more recommendation. Before contacting your boss, ask your colleagues if they can help you. Always think about how to make life easier for your leader: if the answer can be found in your organization (your team) - find it!


Only those who know how to obey the leader will be able to learn to lead in the future. If you want to build own plan career development, you must understand this.

Sometimes a manager wants your innovations, but sometimes they just want you to get the project done on purpose.

The manager may be in time trouble and not be able to explain to you why the task should be done in a certain way.

You will become an invaluable player if your manager is confident that you can be assigned a task and forget about it, knowing that you will do it right.


This is a big secret that most employees do not know about, even those striving for career growth.

Believing that by working less than the manager (not in terms of hours, but in terms of the number of projects completed as efficiently as possible), they will be able to rise to the next level. Miracles don't happen.


If you don't respect a leader who is on a higher level, find yourself another job and another boss who will be an authority and leader for you, under whose guidance you will not be a burden to make a career. Only then can you learn and grow from him.

There is a law of hierarchy: if you do not respect the one who is higher, your subordinates will not respect you.

Show signs of respect and never allow yourself familiarity.


Never say such words: “Why can’t I make mistakes, but you can?” The leader is, first of all, your teacher and coach. He has his own teachers and coaches who help him work on his mistakes throughout all stages of his career. Teacher lower grades also makes mistakes, but the first grader has no right to point them out to him.


Gossip at work always leads to a loss of trust and sincerity. Your boss will definitely know if you said something negative about him. As a result, this will slow down your career growth, because he will promote you with much less enthusiasm, and even more so, he will not stand up for you with reductions.


To succeed in the professional world and have an amazing career, you need to be physically and energetically strong. Replenish your energy supply daily by exercising and following the basic rules of nutrition. Certainly a huge number successful people leads the wrong way of life. But what pleasure will you get from success if you are constantly sick or experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome?

In the US, almost all successful people devote time to their health. At my last job in America, I was asked what sport I do. And as a reward for the year successful work I was given an unlimited subscription to the best fitness club in the city with daily individual sessions with a trainer.


It is not the organization that decides how much you get paid, when you can be promoted, and when you go on vacation. It is up to the person you report to. Think more about him: how to make his life calmer and more efficient. The dream of every competent leader is to have people on his team who can be relied upon. Become one, and your impetuous professional growth will not be far off.


The more you take responsibility and love what you do, the more you will develop the habit of working like an owner.

This is, in my opinion, the most important skill in developing the leadership qualities of a superstar.

While ordinary employees are always looking for ways to shift responsibility to someone else in their team, potential stars take on any job and treat it like their own business.

It is these invaluable employees who become partners in the future, and also develop the skills necessary to manage their own business.

Remember successful people from your environment. Do they do everything listed here? What else do they do to be successful? What are you doing (or not doing)?

It is traditionally believed that it is difficult to make a career if you do not have the necessary connections, because it has long been no secret that “their own” and “proven” are often promoted.

But all this does not mean at all that for everyone else a successful career is a pipe dream. Imagine - more than 80 percent of the world's millionaires today are first-generation millionaires, that is, they did not inherit their untold wealth, but earned it. So everything is possible in this life, including a successful career.

And we offer a few tips - how to achieve the goal easier and faster.

Make the right choice

The first and most important thing is to choose a job that matches your ambitions and does not hurt your pride. Ideally, this should be a favorite job, because success depends entirely on how satisfied a person is with what he does. In an unloved business, it is impossible to achieve high results. So, when deciding what you will do, do not think about prestige, demand and high salaries - all this is secondary, although it is difficult to believe in it. Find a job that you like, and you can become the best. And if you are the best - success, money and promotion will come by themselves.

And by the way, if the choice has already been made, but you are making your way with great difficulty and are sure that it is difficult or even impossible to make a career, most likely you just turned off your path. Listen to yourself: does your soul sing when you are “working”? Have you dreamed of this activity since childhood?

If you feel like you're battling like a fish on ice, you look forward to Fridays and hate Mondays, it's time to change everything. Just don't rush to slam the door and leave. Just start looking around with interest - and your dream job will surely flash on the horizon.

Show face

To be bought dearly, learn to sell yourself: present yourself, emphasize your merits, pay attention to the good results of your activities. Don't be too modest. But do not go to the other extreme and do not shout about your successes at every step. Even if it's true, it's very annoying. When you know you're doing a great job, people around you see it.

Today is better than yesterday

Continuous improvement is one of the keys to success. Read the relevant literature, be interested in the latest in your field of activity, do not be afraid to try new techniques. Think about what the company (bosses) needs from you, how you can bring maximum benefit.


Maintain an even and friendly relationship with the team and superiors. Do not enter into conflicts, do not participate in gossip and intrigue. This way you will have more time for the actual work, and when it will be decided who to appoint to vacant position, you will have another plus.


Don't give your all to work if you want to build a successful career. It sounds paradoxical, but it's true. An exhausted employee with tousled hair and a wild look of a sleepy person is far from an ideal employee. Get the job done right, on time and responsibly. But there is no need to "burn" at work. If you sacrifice your health or family to your career, this will not help you build it.

Don't Make Small Mistakes

Another paradox is that you are more likely to be forgiven for one serious “jamb” than many small mistakes. Five minutes late, a typo in a report, an unfulfilled order from the boss - all this greatly interferes with the image of a successful employee applying for a promotion. So be careful and collected. But this does not mean that now you need to be afraid of "screwing up" - you definitely shouldn't be afraid. Just when you are at work, focus on work. And then, at the end of the working day, you will not have to carry the burden of office problems home - in personal relationships.

Dispersal field

No matter how much you love your native enterprise, look through the vacancies. It is useful from all points of view. First of all, there is a good chance that the opportunity for a brilliant career is not waiting for you in your current workplace. And secondly, when there are backup options, or at least the knowledge that if necessary you can easily find them, you become calmer and more confident in your abilities. And this is a great platform for promotion.

No connections?

By the way, let's reconsider the belief that you do not have any necessary connections at all. Just look around, there is definitely someone next to you who could help you advance in your career. And even if right now you don’t notice anyone suitable, this does not mean that there is no one. Just pay attention to it, stop repeating: "There are no connections" and allow yourself to find them.


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