General advice on how to get a job. Work without education and experience. Is it possible to find a high-paying job? Will they take to work in

Good afternoon. I have a secondary and higher ped. education. I graduated from the university a week ago. In the future, I want to work at school, but 3 years ago I had a conviction under Article 158, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Please tell me will they take me to school to work? Or will my previous conviction prevent it?

How to tell the headmaster about this during the interview? What if I am denied employment?

And the second question, is it possible to somehow remove the criminal record, or to re-conduct the trial, since I was not guilty, but my lawyer could not prove this and I was given a criminal record and 6 months probation.

Hello Alena.

1. Restrictions on engaging in pedagogical activity are established by Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 331. Right to engage in teaching activities

    ... Persons are not allowed to pedagogical activity:

    deprived of the right to engage in pedagogical activity in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

    who have or have had a criminal record, who have been prosecuted (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution has been terminated on rehabilitating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the person (with the exception of illegal hospitalization in medical organization, providing psychiatric care in inpatient conditions, and libel), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional order and security of the state, as well as against public safety, with the exception of the cases provided for in part three of this article;

    having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for other intentional grave and especially grave crimes not specified in the third paragraph of this part;

    declared incapacitated in the established federal law okay;

    having diseases provided for by the list approved federal body the executive branch responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care.

Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not apply to the types of the above crimes, which can become an obstacle to work in the field of the pedagogical specialty.

The main obstacle is the requirement to clear the criminal record.

In accordance with Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 86. Conviction

    h 3. Conviction is canceled:

    c) in relation to persons sentenced to imprisonment for crimes of minor or medium gravity - upon the expiration of three years after serving the sentence.

Thus, you have the right to triple to work in an educational institution after 3 years from the end of the sentence.

However, if you are in judicial procedure you will achieve the removal of a criminal record earlier than this period - you will be able to get a job earlier.

They have no right to refuse to hire you in an educational institution on the grounds of having a criminal record, if the criminal record has been canceled or canceled altogether. Therefore, there is no need to hide this fact, since sooner or later it will become known to the employer anyway.

If a job is denied on the grounds of a criminal record, appeal the refusal to the prosecutor's office or in court.

Do not forget that you will need to have the appropriate evidence (written refusal of the school principal, dictaphone recording of the interview, testimony of witnesses, etc.)

2. The removal of a criminal record means the termination of a criminal record by a court decision. When a conviction is cleared, in contrast to its cancellation, the course of the term established by law and the failure of a person to commit a new crime by themselves, automatically, do not terminate the state of conviction.

The law does not oblige the court, but only grants it the right, on the basis of the specific circumstances of the case, to remove the conviction.

According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 86. Conviction

    5. If the convicted person after serving the sentence behaved impeccably, and also compensated for the harm caused by the crime, then, at his request, the court may remove the criminal record from him before the expiry of the term for the cancellation of the criminal record.

    6. Cancellation or cancellation of a criminal record cancels all legal consequences associated with a criminal record.

Accordingly, if the court establishes the presence of these conditions, it makes a decision to remove the criminal record, after which the person is recognized as having no criminal record.

To remove a criminal record, you must apply to the court with the appropriate petition and evidence specified in part 5 of Art. 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Let's make a reservation right away that there is no one hundred percent “idle” work. You still need to do something: follow, observe, shift, notice, respond, enlighten, or perform some other action. But these responsibilities are so small or simple that there is a sense of inactivity.

The rating of the "unemployed" job is headed by grandmothers, peacefully dozing on chairs between the halls of museums. Their duties include "overseeing the museum exposition and the process of excursion services to the population," that is, you need to ensure that rare visitors touch equally rare exhibits. Sometimes grandmothers break away from knitting or books, remember their duties and begin to exercise supervision: to chase interested ones, breathe in the back of their heads, arrogantly scold for ignorance of history and reprimand for ... for something.

2. Elevator

The savior of all those stuck must be on the lookout - you never know who manages to hang between floors. But elevators do everything better and they get stuck less and less. But the profession remained.

3. Concierge

Another "driveway" profession. A special luck if you get a job in a house with an intercom or videophone. It remains only to occasionally be distracted from personal affairs in order to say hello to the tenants, to note for yourself who came out and returned at what time. The position is ideal for those who like to keep abreast of everything. Not only is the responsibility to monitor the situation at the entrance, but you can also get money for this.

4. Evening nanny

Parents need to go somewhere, but grandparents are far away. With whom to leave the child? The night nurse usually needs to feed the children, bathe them, read, play before bed, and put them to bed. All this usually takes 1-2 hours. And if the parents come late at night, the nanny will have time to do a bunch of personal affairs, and this time will be paid for her.

5. in a small store or "island"

V large stores Someone wants to try on clothes all the time, products from the shelves are taken apart and they have to be reported, cosmetics must be selected, and spare parts must be carried from the warehouse. A small shop is a different matter. People don't come here often, and those who dare to tear themselves away from an interesting occupation can be frightened off with a glance or a formidable question “What do you need?”. And that's all - the potential buyer is removed from the shop for a long time and you can again plunge into sweet idleness.

In the "islands" it is also convenient to hide in a book or phone and not notice passers-by looking at the windows. The question may not be heard, and the sign "left for 5 minutes", displayed periodically, guarantees 2-3 free hours a day. Even if earnings depend on the percentage of sales, more often than not, some minimum salary is still relied on, which is enough for a doshirak and a loan for a cheap e-book reader.

6. Security guard at the checkpoint

The stream of people flows through the fence, independently fixing their appearance. It remains to occasionally check whether the device beeps and whether the metal turnstile is bent.

A friend from the bank said that the smartest person in their team is a security guard who has worked in this place all his life. “He has read so many books! - she shared. - You can discuss any topic with him. He knows the answer to any question. " Still - in 20-30 years of work, you can read thousands of books. If there is nothing else to do.

7. An employee of a private security company

Security services, which install call buttons in offices and shops, usually deploy a rapid response team in each area so that they can reach the call in a few minutes. Abnormal situations in which you need to press this button are rare. Therefore, employees have to spend their days in standby mode.

A similar team is located not far from my house. Every time I walk by, I see the beefy guys in uniforms playing on their phones, watching movies on their tablets, or just sleeping. Once I, apparently, caught a holiday. Right in the parking lot next to the alley, they set up a portable stove and fried something delicious in a mini-cauldron. I hope that they did not have to be distracted by the call this evening and they had time to taste their street food.

8. Watchman

Some organizations choose not to install alarms in a store or office, trusting living people. The watchman is usually locked from the inside and guards the premises. If a thief arises, it is recommended to drop your personal files or wake up urgently, call the police and hide your whereabouts before their arrival. Especially if a weapon is not provided for this position.

Also, watchmen are invited to guard summer cottages, cottages, country palaces or villages.

9. Coach in a sports club

There is an individual training, when you need to work one-on-one with a client, and there is a duty in the gym, when you just need to make sure that the bike does not hit the treadmill, and 0.5 kg dumbbells do not put in place the three-kilogram ones. The main influx of people wishing to train usually occurs in the evening hours. And the rest of the time you just have to be on duty, that is, sit on the simulator, leaf through magazines for visitors, or sneak a nap in the back room on mats.

10. Hostess

Smile and wave. Or we don't wave, but just smile. meets visitors of a restaurant or hotel and escorts them to a table or explains where to find the reception (if suddenly someone did not see it from the entrance). At conferences and exhibitions, it helps visitors find their way. Her task (and more often girls are hired as hostesses) is to be friendly and attractive. Well, and sometimes say something.

Either I work or not ...

In some professions, employment depends on various factors.

V large companies with a small accounting department, everyone will be buried in papers. In a small office, where there are 1-2 payments per day and the main list of things to do is to check the receipts to the account, the employee can pretend to be busy or “go to the bank” for half a day.

  • Beauty salon or fitness center administrator

In popular promoted places, the flow of customers will be inexhaustible. Where they don't advertise, cut their hair crookedly, or simply don't want to work, there will be plenty of time for idleness.

  • Cloakroom attendant

In early autumn, when people still do not want to warm themselves, and in late spring, when shorts with tights and shirts without jackets are preferable, in the wardrobe you can only find crazy mothers who think that their children are always cold. The cloakroom attendants are counting the days until vacation.

  • Laboratory assistant

Depends on the direction of the laboratory. An acquaintance from the forensic department is often delayed, because, unfortunately, there is a lot of work. Another familiar laboratory assistant from the institute can easily decompose a "spider" of four suits and beat off the pigs with loggerhead birds.

  • , designer, , copywriter, content manager, SEO, etc.

This block can include any representative of a profession incomprehensible to the rest, especially if he is alone in the team. How long does it take to set up a network? How long does it take to come up with a slogan? How many photos can you process in Photoshop in an hour? If a person is not attached to any volumes and determines the required amount of time himself, he risks becoming a lazy person. Since no one controls or understands how to check it (sitting at the computer, looking at something, and okay), you don't have to try.

Once on a Moscow train, I became an involuntary witness to bragging: a guy of about 25 proudly told me that he was going to the capital to work, and that he had such a place - everyone would be envious. A few minutes later, the neighbors found out that he got a job in some kind of hypermarket as a video observer, comes for 15 days, sleeps in the same “office”, earns 15 thousand. Rubles. Per month. And he is very proud of his work, or rather, of how well he outwitted the employers: he is paid for the fact that he does nothing. Indeed, a worthy cause for pride.

A lazy inactive would-be worker will find a place everywhere to read, dream, play and discuss instead of working.

Who's to blame when there's nothing to do

But sometimes in a situation of unemployment of a worker, not only the employee himself can be guilty, but also his manager, who:

    set tasks illiterately,

    does nothing himself, because his boss, in turn, did not define his tasks,

    does not know how to distribute responsibilities between subordinates (someone more, someone nothing) and control the work process (ask in time what has been done and how long it will take);

    too harmful and his subordinates sabotage the work.

For several months I worked in a team where we had no business at all. A large well-known company, with a staff of almost 20 people, it seemed that it was possible to turn the city over with such forces, but ... The architect studied the photos of beauties, the creative was Spanish, the designer made up hack, the journalist replenished the collection of music, pumping out everything he could find, the advertising department read, played and arranged practical jokes. No, we were not lazy and could mobilize if necessary. It's just that this need did not come in any way. We were not given any tasks, but the salary was paid regularly.

Doing nothing and still getting money is a tempting prospect. But you need to understand that payment for such work is often appropriate. Everyone can “do nothing”, therefore they will pay little for it. In addition, this approach to work excludes career... What is more important to you - development, success, promotion or extra hours of laziness?

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To find interesting professions, for which they will take without a diploma, we rummaged through sites to find work. Some vacancies in which you can work without special education turned out to be so cool that you can send your resume right now.

Work for food

The first group of professions for which no crusts are needed is associated exclusively with natural talent. To become a taster, you need sensitive receptors and a love of food. The most attractive vacancies are related to sweets and what sweets to drink.

Cake taster

The Christophe Laermans confectionery factory was looking for a person who can eat 2.5 kg of sweets per day. Employment required a medical record and the absence of allergies, and the company gave a salary, a discount on factory products and paid for a gym membership.

Tea tester

A tea taster is a person who tastes tea. Such employees are needed when a company is going to purchase a batch of goods: they determine how high-quality tea suppliers offer. And for this you have to travel to India, Africa, China and in general to all countries producing tea.

The tester also drinks tea after purchases: he checks if the taste has changed after transportation and packaging in the factory.

When we were given this vacancy to select a candidate, the requirements were: first, to love tea, second, to have a certain physiological sensitivity, the ability to determine astringency and aroma. It should be noted that salaries are high: this profession is rare.

Natalia Storozheva, general manager recruiting agency"Perspective"

In Russia, they do not teach for a profession anywhere, so the company itself recruits people and sends them to study abroad. Further, only experience is required and more experience.

Work for travel

Not everyone can be tasters if the tea bag tastes the same as the rare loose leaf tea. To become a traveler, you need much less natural data, there would be a desire.

Tourism manager

Quite a common vacancy for which special education is not needed. It is just such a "rough" work in tourism that will replace any university.

The advantage of work is the opportunity to go on special study tours, which are usually held out of season. Minus - low initial wage, but there is an opportunity to develop and become an expert in directions.

Olga Evstratova, Commercial Director company "Caribbean Club"

The manager communicates with clients, studies the offers of hotels and guides in different countries and makes sure that the expectations of the customers match the capabilities of the host.

Leisure Director

This is, apparently, the highest stage in the development of a tourism manager. The One to Trip company offers everyone over 18 years old with a passport and passable English, performing crazy tasks. Then it is imperative to report on the trip, but not to the bosses, but to the whole world: tell the details and give advice to the company's subscribers.

Professional traveler

A vacancy similar to a director of recreation: a person with knowledge of English, a passport, active and sociable is required.

The traveler had to deliver hornbeams (orders of our users), communicate with customers and conduct interviews with them, blog about bargain purchases abroad, advice and experiences of our users, create content for our social networks and help other travelers.

Daria Child, founder of Grabr

An additional point in the job requirements is love for. We need a person for whom Black Friday is not the title of a horror movie, but the event of the year.

Work for interest

Earning money for a hobby is not only cooking soap and making cakes to order. There are also unexpected options.

Car navigator

Roman Gerasimov, navigator of the FONBET Trophy-Team, author and host of the project "Motorsport in faces", spoke about this profession.

To become a co-driver, you must first get to the next competition with anyone: a spectator to understand whether you like this kind of motorsport, an assistant judge to find out the organization of the race from the inside, a pilot if you have your own car. The main thing is to understand that you are ready to endure all this.

Roman Gerasimov

In trophy-raids, the navigator is the “eyes” of the crew, it is he who knows where to go, and also keeps track of the time, instruments and works with sports documents. In addition, in the event that the car gets stuck, the navigator works with an electric winch, jack and shovel to pull the car out.

On initial stage you need to study navigation devices, competition rules, terms and tools. It is important to work on physical fitness, because it is difficult to move through the swamps.

The payment for the work of the navigator at the initial stage may be small, it depends on the experience and reputation of each specific specialist... Outstanding representatives can be spotted by major sports teams and taken on permanent job... The navigator's work is sporadic, usually on weekends, when trophy raids are more frequent. That is, it can be combined with other work.

Untitled profession

This is a job for those whose hobby is messing around.

Alexander Malafeev, HR Director of Srochnodengi, says: “A couple of months ago, one of my friends on Facebook published a vacancy as part of his sociological project. He could not come up with a name for this vacancy, because the main functional responsibility This position was that you have to sit at an empty office table all day and do nothing. It was necessary to understand how long the average average citizen would withstand such torture for money, as well as what his motivation was. I will say right away that there were enough responses. "

Party King

In April 2016, the JoyME mobile app was looking for a candidate for the "Party King" position. Responsibilities: to know everything about entertainment, fashion shows, crossfit, races and parties in Moscow. The king of parties had to attend all these events (although it is not always easy), make acquaintances and attract users of the application, and at the same time look for partners for further business development. Education did not matter, but the ability to pass any face control was needed.

Work that helps

There is such a profession - helping people. For example, looking after the owners while the owners are away, walking if the owners are busy, combing and even teaching the dog to speak. The service helped with a selection of such professions, where they often look for unusual assistants:

  • A person who will make friends with a cat and a dog.
  • A responsible man who will remind you three times a day that it is time to take medicine.
  • A cheerful girl who will play the role of the second half in front of relatives at a family evening.
  • A music lover who can compose an original playlist with comments.
  • A persevering person who completes a large puzzle.

And that's not counting the standard requests to stand in line or help with cleaning. You can hardly make a career in this area, but if you love helping people, then why not make money on it.

HR vice versa

Recruiters learn from the field, where they have to evaluate people. Typically, an HR manager works with job seekers. But sometimes the “wrong” HR is required.

Elena Sentsova, HR Manager at CTC Group, says: “CTC Group specializes in outsourcing and personnel leasing, as well as outstaffing. At our facilities, it is common shift method work. The shift lasts 45, 60 days or more - at the person's choice. Then the labor agreement with him is closed.

This is done by employees unusual profession- managers for work with laid-off workers. A laid-off manager is the opposite of a secretary. He sees off shift workers on vacation and makes the process as comfortable as possible. Later he calls people and offers to continue cooperation. Such care is bearing fruit: more than half of the specialists are returning. "

You can work as a dismissed manager without education. The main requirements for such specialists are a positive outlook on life, sociability, the ability to establish contact with owners of even the most complex nature.

We found all the above professions in less than a week. And these are not all cool positions for which you do not need a diploma. Tell us in the comments what vacancies you have seen for the "ignorant".

Work in modern world very important. And all children from the cradle are instilled with the opinion that it is impossible to achieve a place in the sun without education, training, experience and special skills. In fact, this is a stereotype. But every new generation still follows it. After spending 5-6 years at the university, it is very difficult then to admit that you could do without it. Work without education and experience is far from being the greatest rarity. And you don’t need to think that the career of a loader or a cleaning lady is shining for you. Let's take a look at some of the vacancies that may turn out to be your "gold mine".

We evaluate ourselves

Without education and experience? You need to start by evaluating yourself. More precisely, their strengths and capabilities. Maybe a loader or cleaning job really suits you better. But often people who, for some reason, refuse to receive special education, face the problem of finding a job. They tend to work more straight after school.

In this case, work without education and experience can be found quite quickly. But before looking for suitable vacancies, better assess your health, skills, abilities and character. So, for example, if you are an ambitious, open-minded, active person, then a job in the tourism or sales field is more suitable for you. But it would be good for diligent candidates with willpower to choose an office job or something like that. After you can assess your skills and capabilities, start searching and analyzing vacancies.

Worker in a fast food cafe

Work without education and without experience can start from school. So, it is worth paying attention to the vacancies that are chosen by schoolchildren. For example, a very popular place is a cafe fast food... You can not earn much here, but enough for a living. Especially if you don't need to rent a house.

Working without education and without in a fast food cafe is not at all a shame, as many believe. The real shame is getting higher education, and then completely remain unemployed. Or go to a vacancy, where they take a university diploma.

To achieve success and a good salary, this work without education and without experience requires a lot from the applicant. For example, quick learning, stress resistance, activity and politeness. Be prepared for the fact that all day you have to run from the checkout to the kitchen, cook, smile, take orders, and so on - all the time. Basically, sometimes it's worth it. After all, over time, you can be promoted to a senior manager. And then you don't have to cook. Your responsibilities will include supervising newcomers.


Work without education and work experience is, frankly, diverse. For example, if you have an ear and you can easily and simply become a musician. True, for a safety net, it would be better to graduate from a music school or go to some courses.

If you take a closer look, then many creative people take just vacancies without education and work experience. And with all this, they receive millions for fulfilling their duties. If you decide to become a musician, be prepared that in the very beginning you will most likely have little success. But over time, you can definitely become famous. For example, within your city. This, of course, is not worldwide fame, but it is also quite a worthy indicator. And if you're lucky, you can hope for a world career as a musician.


Working in Moscow without experience and education, for example, sometimes offers babysitting jobs to girls. True, in most cases, applicants are required to have a pedagogical education. But there are exceptions, and quite often. For example, when there is a catastrophic lack of personnel, as well as in the case of a girl's own child.

Babysitting is not the highest paid job. But only if you decide to become a private nanny or you managed to get a job in a good company, you can count on huge success. The average salary of a good nanny is 30,000. And all without education and experience. If you graduated from a pedagogical institute or college, you can hope to receive 45-50 thousand rubles a month. True, the selection for such prestigious firms is very tough.

Sales Manager

There is also a job with no experience and no special education that suits most job seekers. This is a sales manager vacancy. It doesn't matter what exactly. This profession has become extremely popular among all ages. Especially when you consider the fact that you can independently regulate your own earnings.

Usually, good manager on sales receives from 30,000 rubles. But in order to earn large sums, you will have to work, and not sit and wait for clients to come to you themselves. All it takes is persuasion. You can always learn it. One has only to find a job, and then start promoting your product, and you will very quickly see the result of the work.

True, in recent years, earnings for this vacancy have slightly decreased. And it's not a crisis at all. Competition in the market for goods and services is great. Therefore, you have to constantly prove that your products are worthy of attention. This is sometimes difficult to do. But you shouldn't give up your career as a sales manager.


There is a good job without experience and education. For example, another worthy job is a photographer. In order to be called a real master, you can complete photography courses. They last for several months. After that, you can arrange your own career.

On average, a photographer receives from 45,000 rubles. It's good if you become childish and wedding photographer... So, for example, you can get from 50,000 rubles for 1 day of shooting. It usually takes little time to process a photo. And there are a lot of orders, especially in summer.

How to start a career as a photographer? You can be helped with this. social networks... Create your own group, post some of your work and price list there. Then wait. Also, ask your friends if someone needs a photographer. Several successful photo sessions - and you are guaranteed fame. In any case, such as to get a fairly high income.


There are also some non-standard jobs without education and experience. It's about a career as an actor. To be honest, many famous people never studied in cinema before. Just graduated from school. That is, they received basic knowledge.

It takes talent to become an actor. And if there is one, then just go to different auditions and auditions, send out your questionnaires and wait for the results. Over time, you are bound to succeed.

If in doubt, you can remember the famous actor Johnny Depp. This man admitted that he barely finished school and never studied at a university. And with all this, he earns very well. So there is always an opportunity to become famous. And the level of education has nothing to do with it. The main thing is to have talent. And, of course, don't give up. Be prepared for failure at first. They will make you stronger. But if you really strive for an acting career, you can always achieve tremendous success.


Is there work from home without education and experience? Of course, yes. You just need to look carefully for her. The vacancy of a writer will be very interesting. Now such a career can be built, perhaps, by every person.

The main thing here is the ability to write. Imagine, come up with interesting stories and describe them. Try to start with small stories. Publish them online. This will grab your audience's attention. After that, start writing serious books.

There are several ways to become a writer. The first is to become famous through the so-called samizdat. A way when you publish and publish books for your money. Very helpful at first. The second option is to build a career through a publishing house. To do this, you will have to prove that it is your work that has a huge advantage over others. What exactly should it be released. And that your book can generate a good income. But get ready for rejection. The main thing is not to be discouraged. Over time, you will surely achieve success. And if you write a bestseller, you will be provided with a quick and huge income.


Another very popular move is the creation of an IP. Now entrepreneurial activity every third person in Russia is engaged. And often given reception allows, without education and work experience, to receive a stable and good income. So you can try to do this activity.

The main thing here is to choose the right direction. Don't set up law firms or open clothing stores. It is best, for example, to open a private beauty salon or service computer assistance... You will be able to find a good direction - and the money will go into your hands.

However, sometimes it is better to have an education. Or completed courses in economics and accounting. This will save cash and will reduce the cost of maintaining records.


Well, the most popular way to build a career without work experience and education is nothing more than freelancing. To be honest, this is the activity that everyone can earn - both children and adults. Even mothers with babies on maternity leave. Special education is not required, but professional skills should be. For example, in the field of writing articles, as well as in the field of editing computer graphics.

To start a freelance career, you will need to acquire an e-wallet and find a suitable freelance exchange. For example, Advego. Here you can easily and easily register, specify your wallet for calculations, and also find a job to do. You take an order, fulfill it, hand it over, get paid and rejoice. Usually a freelancer earns an average of 20,000 rubles. But this is at first. In the process of work, you can increase your income up to 100,000. And these are not fairy tales. As you can see, work without education and work experience is a reality. The main thing is to be motivated to work independently.

V modern society more and more people start working from adolescence. Someone at the request of their parents, and someone on own initiative trying to show themselves to adults. However, many, due to inexperience and ignorance of the laws, either simply do not find work, or get a job, not even suspecting that their employers have deceived them.

According to law labor contract can be issued from 16, and at special conditions at 14-15 years old... Up to this age, exploitation child labor prohibited.

It should be clarified right away that persons who have not reached the age of majority are allowed to engage only in work that is not harmful to health.

If you do not want to look for a job, then you can safely contact youth employment centers, where you will be assigned to different kinds activities according to Labor Code... This is convenient in that when you make the device, you will be told and explained not only your duties, but also your rights. Often the salary in such societies does not exceed 5,000 rubles / month.

In order to get a job, a minor is obliged, which he subsequently must go through once a year, all costs for its implementation must be reimbursed by the employer.

Restrictions on child and adolescent activities:

  • Sending on a business trip. It is forbidden to send to business trips to other cities and countries.
  • ... It is not allowed to stay at work after working hours.
  • ... The exploitation of child labor at night is prohibited and the employee must be released at least one hour before the start of the curfew.
  • ... Minors have the right to rest on weekends and holidays.

Below we will consider the lists of conditions and documents required for employment from 14 and 16 years old, as well as examples - where exactly you can get a job and what areas are open.

Like adult workers, minors are entitled to leave, which can be issued after 6 months. One year must have 31 calendar days.

Who can work at 14 years old?

Flyer Distributor

A popular activity for young people in our country. Both girls and boys are taken to work. They can be seen on all busy streets, these are young people who distribute advertisements and business cards of various organizations. The salary varies depending on the employing company and is from 80 to 200 rubles / hour.

However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Immediately you need to clarify: are you satisfied, or are you simply, believing in your word, go to hand out leaflets. If the employment is conditional, then it is better to look for another place, since you may be deceived and not paid a salary, and without a contract you will not be able to prove that you worked for this particular organization.

The complexity of this work is also communication with people, not everyone will calmly take a piece of paper and go their own way, some may shout at you.


Promoters advertise or advise buyers by talking about a particular product. More often girls are hired for such work, since it is easier for them to attract attention to themselves.

The difficulties include the fact that for such an activity you need to learn additional materials in order to tell people about the benefits of the products offered. Payment is most often hourly.


This is the person who delivers the goods to the customer. Such an activity is more difficult, since it requires knowledge of the location of city streets. More often, young people are hired as couriers.

On average, it delivers 5 to 20 orders in 5 hours, so payment may vary. Minimum wage per day is usually about 500 rubles.

There are 3 types of such work that are suitable for minors:

  • Walking courier - orders are delivered on foot, and movement around the city is carried out by public transport.
  • Roller courier - the option is similar to the first one, except that it is possible to get from the stop to the customer faster. Only one fact is inconvenient: you can't go far on roller skates over mud and stones.
  • Bicycle courier - movement is carried out by bicycle, often for such work you need your own transport. This option is convenient in that you can shorten the path to the customer, saving travel time.

You also need to remember that you should definitely get a job with a contract.

Posting ads

Most often, posting workers work from early in the morning, since there are fewer people at this time and everything can be done faster. Such work most often includes walking around the city and pasting various leaflets on notice boards at the entrances.

There are also drawbacks to this activity. In the early days, you will be tired, as the posters can go through many houses before they run out of flyers. Also, you will have enemies in the face of grandmothers, who often do not like this.

Payment here is made from the calculation of leaflets pasted on bulletin boards, or from the number of incoming calls to the advertised number.

Working conditions

From the age of 14, they can take a job if 3 parameters are met:

  • The activity is easy and does not harm your health.
  • The teenager is a student.
  • Work takes place in free time from school.

Generally speaking, an employment contract with 14-year-olds can be concluded to fulfill easy work that is not a hindrance to learning. It should also be borne in mind that under an agreement with minors, organizations are prohibited from establishing any. It means that no trial days and weeks can be installed to see how the child works, payment must be calculated from the first day and in full.

The contract itself is drawn up in writing in 2 copies, one remains with the employer, the second - with the employee.

The maximum working day during holidays can be 5 hours, and during school hours - 2.5 hours.

If all the conditions are met by the employer, then you can go to the list of documents required to apply for a 14-year-old to work.

List of required documents

The first and one of the most important documents for employment is a certificate of medical examination, which every minor must pass. There must be a document confirming the consent of one of the parents to employ a teenager.

You will also need a passport, a document from educational institution, where the training schedule will be indicated. And if you are not going to work for the first time, then bring your SNILS (certificate of pension insurance) and work book.

For information on where to go to work, and what it is better to give up, see the following video:

Where to get a job at 16?

From the age of 16, it is much easier to find a job, mainly due to the fact that from this age the bar of working hours rises. In his free time from school (for example, in the summer), a teenager can work up to 7 hours... And during training - 4 hours.

In addition to the options presented earlier, upon reaching the age of 16, several more are added to them.


They are responsible for the layout of the product in trading floor, and also monitor the shelf life and quality of the packaging of the products themselves. Such work requires care and accuracy.

Basically, only young men are hired, since it is required to do physical work throughout the working day. Payment is charged mainly hourly.


One of the most common activities for young people over 16 years old. The job has many advantages: both girls and young people are hired as waiters. The schedule is most often drawn up by the employee himself, which is convenient when combined with study. And the salary exceeds the level of all other options.

There are negative sides - everything work time you have to stand on your feet, little time is given for a break, you need a good memory to remember the orders of guests and the menu. For the device by the waiter you need be sure to get a sanitary book, it is needed to confirm your good health.

What do you need for the device?

As in the first option, you will need a passport, a document from an educational institution and a medical certificate. reference. Parental permission is no longer required. Also, if you have already worked in another place, then you need to have SNILS and a work book.

Everyone understands in due time that he needs to go to work, and chooses the type of activity that suits him. However, one should not forget that work is a great responsibility, you cannot skip it, you cannot be late. After all, this is no longer a study, it is a new level of consciousness.


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