Service training in transport. Service in transport (by type of transport) - secondary vocational education (43.02.06). Transport functions in the state

V modern world transport plays crucial role allowing people and things to move not only within one country, but also in cross-border directions. Therefore, the professions related to transport will always be popular. After all, it is thanks to them that fast delivery of goods and passengers to different, even the most remote and inaccessible places of our planet is carried out.

What professions in transport exist today, many people who are thinking about who to become in this life want to know. Transport professions, the list of which is quite wide, traditionally differ depending on the mode of transport.

Railroad professions

In the overwhelming majority of developed countries, it is rail transport that bears the main burden of transporting goods and passengers, therefore, the profession of an employee railway transport not only always in demand, but also very popular among job seekers. The list of professions of railway transport, specific exclusively to this industry, is not very extensive, and they can all be classified depending on the three main areas of activity of workers:

  1. Travel specialties.
  2. Station specialties.
  3. Station specialties.

Travel specialties are as follows:

  • Driver. Carries out control of the locomotive. It is believed that in the near future, this profession will disappear, and the management of trains will be trusted. automatic systems... But so far nowhere in the world can they do without this, the most respected and prestigious profession on railway transport. Moreover, in Russia it is a purely male profession, completely inaccessible to women.
  • Driver's assistant. Performs a lot of functions, being, in fact, the eyes, ears and hands of the driver.
  • Train chief. Responsible for the functionality of the train, its normal operation, its condition, including each carriage, compartment and individual seats.
  • Conductor. The profession "Conductor in railway transport" involves the implementation of direct work in the carriage, including servicing passengers, maintaining order, etc.

Among the main station professions, the main ones are the following:

  • Travel specialists. This profession includes two specializations: foremen and crawlers. At the same time, they have one goal - to ensure the integrity of the railway track. The crawlers discover its damage, and the foremen repair it.
  • Electricians. Their duty is to ensure the operability of switches, hitchhikers, traffic lights, high voltage lines used by rail, etc.
  • Electromechanics. Carry out maintenance of the alarm system, centralization and blocking, eliminate its malfunctions, malfunctions and breakdowns.
  • Carriages. Inspection of trains, internal and external control of the condition of wagons is carried out.
  • Repairmen. Their task is to troubleshoot the rolling stock.

Station occupations include:

  • Station duty officer. His functions include drawing up a train timetable, monitoring their arrival and departure, and managing the station entrusted to him.
  • Dispatcher. Carries out direct coordination of movement, constantly being in touch with drivers.
  • Service and maintenance personnel, including several specialties related to ticket sales, food preparation, medical care, security, cleaning, etc.

Profession road transport

Road transport is younger than rail transport, but its role in transportation is also very important. Road transport workers , professions which differ in their specificity, carry out their activities in the field of road transport. Among their specialties are the following:

  • Drivers of various categories. These people directly drive vehicles, both passenger and freight.
  • Dispatcher. The profession of "road transport dispatcher" is in many ways similar to that on the railway. Here it is also necessary to coordinate the movement of vehicles, maintain constant communication with them, and promptly solve emerging problems.
  • Speciality " Maintenance and repair of road transport ”is associated with maintaining vehicles in proper functional condition and repairing them, if necessary.

  • Maintenance and service personnel.

Air transport professions

Air Transport irreplaceable over long distances and especially in cases where the destination is not accessible for other modes of transport. The profession of this type of transport is steeped in romance and is very prestigious. Specific among such professions are the following:

  • Aircraft commander. He is in charge of the crew, combining the functions of the main pilot.
  • Pilot. Operates an aircraft.
  • Navigator. Its main functions are to plot a course, control the following along it with navigational instruments.
  • Flight engineer. Controls the operation of engines, landing gear and other aircraft systems.
  • Flight attendant. Representatives of this profession are also called stewardesses and stewards. Their task is to directly serve passengers and ensure their safety.
  • Flight director. This is the main person at the airfield, overseeing everything that happens there, including the state of all technical support, the runway, the situation in the air (including weather conditions). Only he can authorize landing or take-off.
  • Air traffic controller. Regulates movement aircraft using aeronautical and aeronautical meteorological data. He is constantly in touch with aircraft.

River transport professions

Today river transport is no longer as popular as in Soviet times, but in many regions of our huge and not very well-developed country in terms of infrastructure, it is almost the only means of transporting goods and passengers. Therefore, the professions of water transport are also necessary and respected, and the main ones are presented below:

  • The captain of the river vessel. He supervises the crew, bears full responsibility for the ship entrusted to him.
  • Technician-navigator. Ensures the operation of ships, including the safety of their navigation.
  • Ship mechanic technician. Responsible for operation power equipment ship.
  • Engineer. Carries out the operation of the engine, its start, stop and change of operating modes.
  • Helmsman (helmsman). The person who provides control of the ship in the process of its movement.
  • Boatswain. Supervises the crew of the vessel in the field of all economic works.
  • The ship's cook. He's a cook. Responsible for food preparation and adequate nutrition for the crew and passengers.
  • Radiotelegraph operator. Provides communication between ships and the shore and between different ships.
  • Sailor. The main working unit of river transport, carrying out all the necessary work under the supervision of the boatswain.
  • Port manager. Carries out control and management of the movement of ships.
  • Port workers. These can be crane operators, loaders, handymen, and a host of other professions directly related to work in the port.

Marine transport professions

Professions in the field of maritime transport are practically no different from those in river transport. Therefore, only the following can be added to the above list:

  • Skipper. Responsible for deck property.
  • Major assistant. Right hand captain, performing a huge number of functions, sharing them with the boatswain.
  • Lighthouse keeper. Operates the lighthouse to ensure the safety of maritime navigation.

Profession organization of transport and management of transport

Whatever the mode of transport, it needs qualified management to organize uninterrupted transportation. This requires different specialties, including « Technique and technology land transport», A profession related to the provision of work for both road and rail transport. The profession "Automation and telemechanics in transport" is directly related to railways, where specialists of this profile carry out the operation of interval movement systems.

Transport service, what a profession

The profession "Service in transport by mode of transport" implies specialization in passenger service, registration required documents, financial settlements, security, etc.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the professions of transport workers are not limited to the considered specialties. There are many more different professions that are used, including in transport, but are not specific to this industry.


The range of competencies acquired by students during their preparation is extremely wide. Organization of passenger and cargo transportation, including service and legal support, is the main subject of the curriculum. Students learn to provide first aid, organize transportation of special categories of passengers, avoid illegal interference in activities transport company... A mandatory part of the process vocational training is an industrial practice, which is organized in places of possible employment of graduates of the specialty.

Who to work with

Airlines, transport companies specializing in passenger transportation, cargo terminals are some of the main employers of graduates of the specialty. Considering that the main specificity of professional training is for the transportation itself, namely the accompanying service, many graduates strive to receive additional transport or logistics education, which gives them a form when they are admitted to high-paying job... It must be borne in mind that work in the service sector presupposes a high degree of personal motivation and diligence, which means that it is possible professional growth to the head of the service or specialized transport department at the enterprise.

Specialty 43.01.06

Qualification: Transport service specialist.

On the basis of 9 classes (term of study 2 years 10 months); on the basis of 11 classes (term of study 1 year 10 months).

An important direction in the field of transport services is the close cooperation of various transport systems... This contributes to the creation and improvement of stations, the coordination of the timetable, the harmonization of transport services and their comprehensive provision to passengers. Each type of transport has its own advantages, but they all pursue one main goal - the fullest satisfaction of customers' needs in the implementation of transportation services.

In an age of high mobility, the development of technology, and with it the speed of movement, safety becomes an important criterion. People are ready to pay large sums for high-quality transport services, since human health is the main value.

A transport service specialist participates in the process of organizing the transportation of passengers, cargo and special wagons. Issues (re-issues) tickets for passengers in direct and reverse directions, cargo (postal) documentation. Implements financial calculations with passengers and shippers. Provides passengers with information and reference services at the points of departure and arrival of transport. Carries out measures to ensure transport safety. This specialty is one of the most demanded in the labor market.

General characteristics of the specialty.

Among the disciplines of the professional cycle : service activities, management, tariff regulation, risks and insurance in transport. Future conductors need to master the rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo, the operation of rescue and airborne equipment. The work of the conductor includes organizing meals for passengers, so they need to know everything about the timing of the sale of products issued on board the plane and in the train car. In addition, students are introduced to the rules of first aid.

Advantages of the specialty:

· Demand in the labor market.

· High level of wages.

· Possibility of career growth.

· The prestige of the specialty.

· Realization of professional potential.

· Continuing education in the specialty in universities.

Who to work with.

Flight attendants and attendants passenger cars work in airlines and the Russian Railways system. They provide a comfortable and safe pastime for passengers during the flight and moving. The flight attendant inspects the aircraft, checks for the presence of emergency equipment, food, medicines for first aid on board. His competence is to control the air temperature on board, the well-being and behavior of passengers. The duties of the train conductor are the same, plus checking passports and tickets when boarding the carriage.

Professional growth opportunities:

Steward work for a well-known airline is usually highly paid. If the flight attendant has more than 2 years of work experience and a good knowledge of English, he can get a job in business aviation, where the salary is even higher. A successful specialist can grow to a foreman-chief of a service.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a student wishing to study at transport service specialist :

· Purposefulness, determination, creativity;

· Ability to get in touch, build relationships;

· Well-developed analytical skills, ability to receive and process necessary information,

Evaluate, compare and assimilate it;

· Self-confidence, in the decisions made, energy, clear personal goals.

Practice of students.

Educational and industrial practice are a mandatory part educational program. Internship takes place in two stages: practice according to the profile of the specialty and pre-diploma practice. As a rule, practices are organized on the basis of station complexes, in forwarding companies, in service centers for passenger service, in the centers of corporate transport services.

Your possibilities:

· Book the carriage of passengers by transport

· Issue and reissue tickets for passengers in the forward and backward directions

· Book baggage and cargo transportation

· Execute and reissue cargo (postal) documentation

· Provide financial settlements with passengers and shippers

· Book hotel rooms and car rental

· Provide passengers with information and reference services at the points of departure and arrival of transport

· Organize services for special categories of passengers (passengers with children, disabled people, passengers with disabilities) at the points of departure and arrival of transport

· Organize passenger service in VIP - lounges and business lounges of departure and arrival points of transport

· Provide first aid to the injured and take the necessary measures in case of accidents

· Ensure transport safety

· Carry out measures to suppress acts of unlawful interference in the activities of transport

SPECIALITY: 43.01.06 Transport service (by type of transport).

QUALIFICATION:Transport service specialist.

TRAINING PERIOD:on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 10 months,

on the basis of 11 classes - 1 year 10 months


EXAMS:competition of certificates

COST OF EDUCATION: 85,000 rubles / year

Take advantage of the privileges


To a university on a preferential basis

Just based on the results of the interview! Upon admission to the university partner TSiT No. 29, you will be credited with the years of study at the technical school:


For friends!


In an age of high mobility, the development of technology, and with it the speed of movement, safety becomes an important criterion. People are ready to pay large sums for high-quality transport services, since human health is the main value. Therefore, there is a need for training specialists who will be responsible for organizing and planning transport services.

Description of activities

The activities of a transport service specialist will not be useful without the basic knowledge that the specialist must have. These are legislative documents on the organization of transport services, the technology of car service enterprises, the basics technological processes transport services, systems automated control as well as market conditions. A specialist can use this knowledge when working at enterprises of the system of municipal and regional auto services, enterprises of the insurance service system, in car service companies, and government bodies.

Labor responsibilities

The work of a transport service specialist includes organizational and managerial, production, technological and service work. Organizational and managerial work, accordingly, affects the issues of studying the service market, making decisions, organizing orders and the work of the team itself. Production and technological work is associated with the choice of equipment and technological means, is responsible for the safe and operational activities... Service work is aimed at the quality of services, the study of the desires of consumers, in the application of new techniques.

Course work




1.1Functions of transport in the state

1.2 Types of transport services

1.3 Types of transportation of transport services

1.4 Organization of tourist services in transport


2.1 The history of the development of transport services for tourists in Tomsk

2.2 The current state and prospects for the development of transport services in the travel agency "Tomsktourist"





Since ancient times, transport has been the engine of progress. The man used any means at hand to transport people and goods. With the invention of the wheel, and somewhat later of various types of engines, man began to develop the means of transportation accordingly: carts, carriages, steamships, steam locomotives, airplanes, etc. This made it possible to travel long distances and for various purposes. If the word "transport" means, first of all, the process of moving material masses and people in space, then after food, clothing and dwelling for the physical existence of a person, transport is also necessary. In essence, without moving tools and objects of labor and the person himself, it is impossible to obtain (produce) food, or make clothes and dwellings, or any other purposeful activity.

Transport service is a set of transport services provided for the carriage of goods and passengers. Transportation is carried out by various types of transport - air, land, water. Level and type vehicle, the length of travel determines the specificity of the transport service. However, popularity or demand different types transport for tourist traffic depends on the geographic and climatic conditions of the country, national traditions, social status and living standards of people and other factors. Each type of transport has its own advantages and disadvantages, but all types of transport systems pursue one main goal - the most complete satisfaction of needs, through the provision of an appropriate service, in the implementation of transportation services.

Target term paper: define the entity of the transport service

Coursework object: different types of transport

Subject: service provided on different types transport

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Collect and study material on the topic of the course work.

2. Describe the modes of transport

3. Outline the role of transport at the state level

4. Consider the service provided on the considered modes of transport.

5. Describe state of the art and the prospects for the development of transport services of the travel agency "Tomsktourist".


1.1 Transport functions in the state

The importance of transport for a country that occupies 1/6 of the world's land area is exceptionally great. He performs important economic, political, social, cultural and defense functions in the state.

The economic role of transport consists, first of all, in the fact that it is a limited link in any production and a material base for a deep division of labor, specialization and cooperation of enterprises, as well as for the delivery of all types of raw materials, fuel and products from points of production to points of consumption. Figuratively speaking, transport is the state's circulatory system. Development of new regions and natural resources is unthinkable without transport. As part of the productive forces, it serves as a variable condition for the rational distribution of production and high productivity of social labor. He actually acts as a pioneer in the formation of territorial-production complexes, especially in Siberia, in the North, in Far East... Transport is an important factor in economic integration between countries, as well as in international trade.

On the other hand, transport itself is the largest branch of the national economy. Fixed assets of transport, which are under the administration of transport ministries, account for about 13% of the total funds of the state, and the share of fixed assets exceeds 20%. If we add fixed assets to this departmental transport, then specific gravity the entire transport economy in the general funds of the country will be significantly higher.

According to statistics, transport accounts for 9% of workers and employees. This does not take into account the contingent employed in departmental and urban transport, as well as in loading and unloading operations (in industry, trade, construction, agriculture and etc.).

In addition, a number of industries work partly or almost entirely for transport. The first subgroup of (part-time) industries includes the fuel industry, cement and many others. The second subgroup of industries, almost entirely working for transport, includes the locomotive and car building industries, to a large extent the automobile, shipbuilding, aircraft building and some others. Taking all this into account, the number of people employed in transport and for transport will exceed 20% of the nationwide contingent. Consequently, transport is a gigantic sphere of application of human labor.

It is also appropriate to emphasize here that transport consumes a significant share of minerals and products produced in the country.

Only on public transport in the process of movement is constantly (simultaneously) about 50 million tons of various goods, and the total transport costs in the country, taking into account the costs of freight and warehouse work are, according to various expert estimates, at least 100 - 120 billion rubles. in year. It is not difficult to understand how these costs are reflected in the cost and price of goods. Thus, the share of transport costs in the price of many bulk cargo is 15 - 40%, and transport costs for the delivery of a number of goods to remote areas are many times higher than their price at points of production.

The political significance of transport lies in its fulfillment of the role of a material base for the unification of republics, territories and regions into a single state - The Russian Federation... With the help of transport, material and spiritual values ​​are exchanged between peoples, nationalities and ethnic groups of the country, which is especially pronounced during natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, crop failures, etc.). Modern transport it is widely used for international relations.

The social function of transport is primarily to ensure work and domestic travel of people, service these people during travel, to facilitate their physical labor, in particular, when moving significant amounts of materials in the production process and in everyday life. Transport contributes to the preservation of health, provides large masses of people with health zones and natural resources of not only nearby, but also remote areas. It provides territorial accessibility to resorts with their healing springs and climate, as well as special medical centers in the capitals of the republics and in the largest cities. With the help of transport, doctors and specialists are delivered to any point where help is needed.

Consequently, transport is one of the most important components of the material base of the economy of any country.

1.2 Types of transport services

Transport service, according to GOST R 51006-96 "Transport services," is the result of the activities of the transport service provider to meet the needs of the passenger, consignor and consignee in transportation.

Transport ensures the development of international economic relations, contributing to the implementation of mutually beneficial exchange between different countries.

By types transport services can be divided into:

Road transportation

Air transportation

· rail transportation

Sea and river transportation

By type of transportation for:

· Passenger transportation: transportation services for the movement of passengers related to the safety, timeliness and comfort of passenger transportation, as well as the safety of luggage.

· Freight transportation: transportation services for relocation material values related to their safety and timeliness of delivery.

Consider the features of the types of transportation on the main modes of transport.

Road transport is a type of transport that transports goods and passengers by cars (trucks, cars, buses, trucks and trailers). Plays an unjustifiably modest role in freight and passenger transportation in modern Russia.

Harsh climatic conditions causing greater than others developed countries, costs for road construction, the operation of roads and vehicles, is only a partial explanation for this. After all, even in the settled, economically developed regions of Russia, motor transport is poorly developed, and so far the main "stumbling block" on the path of development of domestic motor transport is off-road.

Ranking first in the world in terms of the area of ​​its territory, Russia is inferior in average density of roads not only to highly developed, but also to most developing countries. The total length of paved roads in Russia at the end of 1996 was only 745 thousand km, and in the overwhelming majority even these roads did not meet generally accepted world standards.

Despite the high unit costs for the transportation of goods, road transport is more mobile than other types of transport, and allows for door-to-door delivery of goods, which is its indisputable advantage. Passenger vehicles, in addition to high mobility and speed of communication, have great comfort for passengers. The most effective area of ​​using road transport is short-range transportation. The average distance of transportation of 1 ton of cargo is 20-24 km. In this regard, the share of road transport in the total freight turnover is about 6%.


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