How to open a new car showroom. How to open a car dealership: everything an entrepreneur needs to know. The carrier must have

MMS Rus LLC, the official importer and exclusive distributor of Mitsubishi cars in Russia, is currently planning to expand its dealer network in the Russian Federation.

You can fill out the Dealer Candidate Form and provide a kit required documents. The dealer network development team will carefully analyze your application. In case of interest in the implementation of the project in your region, our specialist will contact you to clarify further actions.

Dealer Requirements:

The car showroom of the dealer center must comply with the concept of "Sales, Service, Spare Parts", that is, have a showroom, a service area with a direct acceptance area and a body repair area, and a spare parts warehouse. In exceptional cases, upon written agreement with the Distributor, the service area and the showroom may be located in different buildings, and body repairs may be carried out by a third party.

The area of ​​the showroom of the dealer center must be at least 70 sq.m. per 1 model of the current model range of Mitsubishi Motors in Russia, with a total of at least 300 sq.m. The showroom must display all vehicles supplied by the Distributor.

The dealership showroom should include the following areas:

  • Reception area, with an installed reception desk equipped with all necessary means of communication (computer connected to local network and Internet, telephone), chairs for receptionists, a decorative wall “Image Wall” with the Mitsubishi logo, located behind the reception desk, made in accordance with the Brand Book;
  • Showroom area with separate areas for off-road vehicles/pickups.
  • Acceptance zone for service, with a monitor for recording customers for the current date, as well as a zone for direct acceptance of cars equipped separately in the locksmith zone;
  • Spare parts and accessories sales zone, equipped with cabinets and open showcases for visual demonstration of products to customers;
  • Waiting area for customers, equipped with a sofa, a coffee table with constantly updated thematic press, a TV that constantly broadcasts TV programs during the opening hours of the dealership, as well as a channel for viewing the situation in the locksmith repair area and the status of work performed, a cooler, vending machines selling hot and cold drinks and snacks, with sales of new cars by the dealership over 300 cars a year - a cafeteria for customers. Customers waiting for repairs for more than 2 hours should be provided with free hot or cold drinks and snacks. The waiting area must have working free wireless internet;
  • Children's play area, including a table and chairs, an easel, a set for drawing, coloring books and other children's literature.
  • Clean and well-maintained customer washroom equipped with a soap dispenser, electric dryer or paper towels, automatic air freshener, hooks for clothes and bags.

If you are interested in obtaining the status of an official dealer, you need to fill out a dealer candidate form and provide a set of necessary documents. Documents must be sent to in electronic format on e-mail to addresses [email protected], or through a file sharing system on the Internet or on electronic media.

List of cities where the opening of new Mitsubishi Motors dealers is being considered:

Russian Federation:

  • Astrakhan
  • Blagoveshchensk
  • Bryansk
  • Yekaterinburg city
  • Irkutsk
  • Kazan
  • Krasnoyarsk
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Novosibirsk city
  • Omsk
  • Sochi
  • Sterlitamak
  • Ulan-Ude
  • Yakutsk
  • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

After receiving the completed application form and a complete set of necessary documents, we will contact you to discuss the procedure for further interaction.

For all questions please contact:

Maxim Alyoshin - Director of Corporate Strategy and After-sales Service

Andrey Cheremisin - Dealer Network Development Manager

Every year more and more cars appear on the roads. The automotive market is growing, new dealerships are opening, car dealerships are being built. It would seem that opening your own car dealership is a winning and profitable business. But one desire will not be enough. To open a successful dealership requires the experience and knowledge of specialists.

So, first you need to draw up a business plan for a car dealership and answer a few basic questions:

  1. Dealership of which car factory you want to open.
  2. Where will the car dealership be located?
  3. You will be in the business of selling new or used cars.
  4. How to find competent employees for a car dealership.
  5. How to get extra income.

Let's consider these questions in more detail.

How to become a dealer

Dealer is a representative big company in a certain territory.

In large cities, there are usually already enough representatives of a particular company, it will often be difficult to compete with salons that have already made a name for themselves.

If you have chosen a car factory that does not have a representative in your area, then you can consider yourself lucky. The manufacturer will be less demanding of you, because you will help him enter the new region. Nevertheless, you will still be considered from all sides on the topic of reliability, professionalism and financial stability.

An example of the main package of documents for a meeting with representatives of the automaker:

If the manufacturing company is satisfied with everything, you will need to conclude two agreements with it: a marketing agreement for a dealership and a commercial agreement for the sale of cars.

It is almost impossible to get an exclusive dealership in any territory. Often, this form of cooperation is unprofitable for car factories with business-class cars, since it does not guarantee an increase in sales.

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Location of the car center

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Choose a region

Large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg are oversaturated, and opening a dealership there is a risky undertaking. Example: there are more than 80 Audi dealers in Moscow alone! But becoming an official dealer in any region can be a profitable solution, because the solvency of the population in the regions is growing, and they buy new cars regularly.

If you have already decided on the brand that you will represent, you can ask the car factory directly which region is most interesting to them. Some manufacturers regularly publish lists of priority regions where their network is either not developed at all or is not sufficiently developed.

Example: BMW prioritizes the following regions for opening a dealership:

  • Chuvash Republic;
  • Belgorod region;
  • Kaluga region;
  • Vologodskaya Oblast;
  • Udmurt region.

Dealers who enter new territories are most often given benefits in the form of an increased percentage of dealer discounts, assistance in advertising promotion and priority vehicle deliveries.

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Choosing a place for a car center

The business plan of a car dealership should include calculations not only for a salon store. You also need to take into account the spare parts warehouse and the repair area. The center, which will provide the buyer with a full range of services, will require a room of about 800 m2.

An example of the distribution of premises for a car center:

Renting a non-residential area of ​​800 m2 in the city center will always be more expensive than on the outskirts. Example: in the center of Moscow today the cost of 1 m2 is about 120-180 thousand rubles, while outside the Moscow Ring Road the cost will be 20-30 thousand rubles. The difference is significant. In addition, if your car center is located on the outskirts, it will be much easier to deliver new cars. Delivery is mainly carried out using car transporters, which do not have to maneuver on narrow roads clogged with city transport in order to get to the city center.

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Sale of used or new cars

The Western market has long gone from private transactions for the purchase and sale of used cars. Arriving at the car dealership, you will see new cars on display, and a large selection of used cars will be displayed in a fenced area next to the car dealership. At the same time, used cars have a guarantee in the same way, the entire history of repairs and maintenance is preserved.

On the Russian market you can buy a cat in a poke. The secondary market is held by the so-called "outbid" and private traders. Very few car centers accept a used car for sale. Recently, the Trade-in program has begun to gain momentum, according to which the old car of the client is offset against the cost of a new car.

The car dealership sets its own rules for accepting and evaluating used cars, most often they focus on the following points:

  • year of issue;
  • mileage;
  • brand popularity;
  • technical condition;
  • appearance.

An example of a cost calculation scheme: the first year of using a car is minus 20% of the price, each subsequent year is minus 10%.

The sale of used cars purchased under the Trade-in program will be after a full maintenance and necessary repairs.

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Choosing staff

Properly selected staff is 50% of success. Opening a dealership requires an office manager, a sales assistant, a car mechanic and a tinsmith. The main criterion in choosing employees is their professionalism and work experience. Especially when it comes to sales managers who are the face of the car dealership, because sales depend on them.

Sellers Qualities:

  • good communication skills;
  • ability to listen to the client;
  • ability to work with objections;
  • ability to identify customer needs;
  • patience;
  • stress tolerance.

Employees for work in the service department are selected according to the following criteria:

  • technical education;
  • knowledge of the car (knowledge of the specifics and features of your particular brand is welcome);
  • work experience;
  • no complaints about previous place work.

Keep in mind that the main profit of the dealership comes from post-warranty service, so the specialists in it must be competent.

Many businessmen are concerned about the question of how to become a distributor and bring their company to a high level of profitability in today's Russian market. To answer it, it will be necessary to analyze a number of important aspects of working in this industry.

The market demands innovation

The growth rate of car sales has been declining in recent years, due to the gradual saturation of this market. At the same time, models of new or little-known brands sell well in Russia. Therefore, it makes sense for entrepreneurs planning to open dealerships to arrange supplies of cars that are rare or have no sales history in our country. The lowest frequency of the presence of machines of this type is in the regions east of the Urals.

There are not many dealers as such: in Novosibirsk, for example, only a few brands have more than one dealer. In neighboring Siberian cities - Tomsk, Irkutsk, as well as in Barnaul and Kemerovo - many well-known car brands are not sold at all. Distributors tend to focus on locations with higher populations.

Competition first, business later

Choosing a promising market geography is only the first step for an entrepreneur on the way to opening a dealership. How to become a distributor? It is necessary to pass the selection according to the criteria of the car manufacturer. The latter, as a rule, is interested in such information as the authorized capital of the dealer, the characteristics of the sales center, information about the profile of the enterprise, and the business plan of the distributor.

In general, there are about 30 provisions. They are divided into four main groups: legal, financial, material and human resources. But this is only the first round of selection: then a complex negotiation process will follow, following which the automaker will choose a specific dealer.

It happens that none of the proposals of the contestants suits the factory, therefore, the procedure starts again. Often, entrepreneurs themselves do not understand how to become a car dealer in accordance with all the intricacies of the process.

This is exactly what happened in Omsk, when the competition for the opening of an official representative office was organized by Skoda. Some manufacturers install some sort of probation(as, for example, Volvo does), stipulated in the contract with the dealer who won the tender. It should be noted that the highest chance of winning is with the distributor who will show that his image is fully consistent with the brand code of the machine supplier factory.

Entry threshold is high

Since selling cars is a serious business, the criteria for allowing entrepreneurs to enter the market are much higher than in most other industries. You can't just fall into this segment. A businessman with high financial possibilities: the amount of initial investment in a dealership can be millions of dollars, or even tens of millions (as was the case with Novosibirsk showrooms selling Nissan and Toyota brands). Apart from "seed" investments, in order to be competitive, a business will have to invest in advertising, which, according to experts, is about another 200 thousand euros every year.

The payback period for the dealer center is also long - 5 years or more. This indicator tends to increase over the years: the rate of profit, as the market is saturated, falls all the time. In Europe, for example, dealers earn about 2% from sales of finished cars. The indicator for auto parts can be much higher - about 30%, and entrepreneurs should pay attention to this fact. Special attention. At the same time, there are not so many businessmen who are ready to work on all these conditions, especially in provincial cities.

The subtleties of arrangement

If the competition is passed and the money is found, then the next step for the entrepreneur is to organize the infrastructure. An efficient dealership includes a number of components. Firstly, it should be a parking lot equipped with all the necessary accessories. This object is the face of the dealer company and an important factor in successful sales.

Secondly, all cars exhibited in the showroom must be brought to a shine: you will need a high-quality car wash. Thirdly, cars need constant care in terms of technical control: Dealer will need their own car service.

Fourthly, since we have determined that the greatest profitability in this business comes from the sale of spare parts, then a separate store will have to be part of the infrastructure of the company this profile. Qualified personnel will have to be hired for each of the marked divisions of the dealership.

We are located optimally

The geography of the location of the car dealership should be clearly thought out. How to open a distribution company with this factor in mind? The most important condition is the location of the company near an actively used highway. This is a general law for any market: the higher the customer traffic, the better the sales.

Potential customers need to create conditions for a convenient visit to the salon: that is, if there is no equipped exit from the highway, then the entrepreneur will have to build it on his own.

The showcase of a car dealership must be directed towards the road where future buyers come from. That same busy highway may not be in the city center: it is necessary to study the transport infrastructure of the streets and find a place where the traffic intensity and the costs of building (renting) a car dealership and adjacent facilities will be optimally combined.

As mentioned above, the most important component of the profitability of the car sales business is after-sales service. It is fundamentally important to create conditions for comfortable access to the center for two groups of customers at once - those who go to buy a car and those who visit the salon to buy spare parts.


How to become a distributor and work legally? The entrepreneur will have to register as a legal entity. The best option is a company with limited liability. The specifics of work in this status, however, is such that it will be necessary to deal with VAT, as well as with imputed income tax - this must be taken into account.

When applying for state registration it is best to use the following OKVED codes: 50.10, 50.20, and also 50.3. These values ​​allow the company to trade in motor vehicles, carry out maintenance of machines, repair them, and also sell spare parts, assemblies and parts.

Be sure to note the most important code in OKVED - 65.23.2. It means that the firm will operate as a dealer. It is important for an entrepreneur not to forget to register a company in a pension fund, as well as in extra-budgetary Russian funds.

The practice of the dealer business is such that paperwork will be required at the State Fire Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor. The next steps are opening a cash account in a bank, purchasing cash registers and other equipment of this profile.

And, finally, you will need to go to the Consumer Market Department to enter information about the company into commercial register and then get a certificate there. You may need certificates for work in the car service mode - they are issued by Rostest. How to become a car dealer and successfully go through all these complex procedures are issues that are very relevant for entrepreneurs.

Choosing suppliers

Business plan distribution company should, first of all, include provisions concerning the price segment in which sales will be conducted. Actually, the more expensive the brand is, the higher the degree of its promotion, the more significant will be the amounts that the entrepreneur will have to invest in the business. From time to time, the dealership will have to bear the costs associated with certain requirements of the brand regarding the business strategy.

It is perfectly acceptable to start selling cars with low-budget brands, then, as demand is identified, move on to more expensive ones. The option of combining several brands in one salon is not ruled out. It must be borne in mind that some manufacturers are very picky about the marketing policy of dealers, they like to advise what and how to do.

Methods of foreign brands may differ from those typical for Russian firms but about how to become a dealer foreign company, our entrepreneurs are thinking more and more often. The demand for cars from abroad among the citizens of the Russian Federation is growing at an impressive pace.

Why Honda?

Cars of this Japanese brand fit perfectly into the Russian market. Firstly, Honda cars have an increased wear resistance of parts - much higher than, say, most Chinese foreign cars that are gradually flooding car dealerships in our country. The quality of the metal from the "Japanese" is consistently high. Honda is one of the world's largest car engine manufacturers. This brand is a leader in technology and the level of development of various mechanical components.

Many Honda cars have reduced gas mileage and engine oil. The engines of this manufacturer are very easy to start, meet the most modern requirements environmental friendliness. Branched network branded services Honda is one of the largest in the world, and the car dealer will have no problems supplying their showrooms with original spare parts. But before deciding how to become a Honda dealer and adapt the business to selling cars of this brand, the entrepreneur needs to find out if the Japanese are suitable for the market in a particular region.

Where to buy cars?

The easiest option is to find suppliers in the country where the cars are made. However, within the framework of this scenario, the dealer will have to work on logistics himself, exercise control over the transport delivery channels from the factory to the showroom.

Among the mandatory procedures that an entrepreneur must go through are the purchase of insurance policies for cars, the registration of cars at customs, and the payment of all necessary fees. To optimize work in this direction, the dealer can create a special structure within the company that delivers the vehicles being sold from the factory.

For many businessmen, it is not entirely clear how to become a distributor under this scheme, and they prefer another option - outsourcing, that is, they find a company that is ready to do the same with payment for specific types of services. When choosing such a company, you need to make sure that it has a license to carry out transportation, has certificates of compliance with Euro-2 and, as a rule, Euro-3. You will also need a document confirming the status of the company as a licensed customs carrier. Another procurement format is from an official importer. This greatly simplifies the work of the dealer. The only question is to find a competent company of this profile.

Who is a dealer. Why becoming a dealer is a great start for aspiring entrepreneurs. Is it possible to become a dealer without investment. Where to look for employers.

Dealer is a natural or legal person carrying out retail goods purchased in bulk from a manufacturer or distributor. Selling a finished product is the most common business in the world. It requires a small investment, usually paid off in short time. Many successful businessmen today with large capitals began by representing the interests of another large company. Therefore, aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering what needs to be done to become a dealer.

What to do to become a dealer

It's not that hard to get started. If you decide to try yourself in this area, answer the questions:

  • What product will you be selling?
  • Where will you get this product?
  • What trading method will you use to sell the product ( outlet market, pavilion, warehouse, online store)?
  • How much money are you willing and able to invest?
  • Who will you be selling my product to?
  • What form of cooperation with a manufacturer or supplier are you interested in?

After you have roughly decided on the product, the form of cooperation with the employing company and the method of implementation, you can start looking for a company that suits your wishes.

Finding an employer

Companies are interested in selling their goods through dealers, as this takes less money and resources than creating their own retail network. There are many proposals for cooperation, so in most cases there are no problems with finding and choosing a company-employer. It is more difficult to convince company representatives that it is you who will sell their goods. Often the company producing the product has a list already ready requirements to your dealer. They include experience successful implementation various goods in retail chains. However, if you are convincing at the interview and show yourself as an adequate partner, then, quite possibly, your candidacy will suit the manufacturer.

Moreover, not all companies choose their dealers. Many manufacturers sell a trial batch of goods to everyone, and the better the dealer sells units of goods, the more discounts and receives bonuses.

Registering activities

In order to carry out trading activity must be registered with the tax authorities. Most start-up entrepreneurs register as individual entrepreneurs, as it is easier. However, it should be remembered that both the registration of an individual entrepreneur and the registration of a legal entity have their advantages and disadvantages. To summarize, then individual(IP) is personally liable for its debt obligations with personal property, and also cannot share a share in the business with its partner. To legal entity many more requirements (for example, having authorized capital, a complex system withdrawal of profits, etc.), but at the same time they are taken more seriously and cooperate more willingly. In addition, when creating a legal entity, you can divide the shares of the business between partners.

If you want to be a dealer, the business registration form must be discussed with the partner. But in most cases, you will be enough to issue an IP.

Dealer certificate - a document that confirms your right to sell products of a certain manufacturer, and also serves as a quality guarantee from the supplier company for the end user

We are looking for customers for the sale of goods

The most important part of any business is the customers. Therefore, finding and attracting buyers should be given a lot of attention. If you are selling goods from a well-known manufacturer, then for successful sales it is important to choose a good location for the store or properly set up SEO when it comes to online sales. If the product is not so famous, then it is worth investing in its promotion. Therefore, immediately ask yourself the question: can I convince the buyer that he needs the goods? How will I do it?

Many successful small reselling businesses started with the fact that the entrepreneur had customers. My friend has her own orthopedic pillow store. She started her business not by searching for suppliers, not by registering an individual entrepreneur, and not by opening a store. She made a joint purchase for her large family at a wholesale price from a warehouse, but in the end, due to the move, she was forced to sell pillows. The price in the advertisement for the sale of a friend wrote not wholesale, but retail. The pillows sold surprisingly quickly, and she was glad that she got rid of them so easily and even at a profit. As a result, they began to recommend her to friends as a person from whom you can buy high-quality pillows, calls and messages rained down on her. After that, she decided to buy another batch of pillows for sale, and about six months later she opened her own. retail warehouse store.

Warehouse store is a fairly common business format for novice dealers.

How much money to invest

Dealers, especially beginners, often wonder how much to invest in a business and what exactly to invest in, as well as whether it is possible to become a dealer without investment.

In any case, you will have to invest. But the amount of investment will depend on your ability to negotiate with the supplier and the conditions on which you cooperate. By saving on some points, you can minimize investments, respectively, reducing risks.

To understand what you can save on, consider where the dealer invests:

  • for the purchase of goods (direct payment for the goods);
  • storage and transportation of goods (warehouse rental, trading floor, payment for cooperation with a transport company);
  • advertising and sales costs.

If you are good at negotiating, it makes sense to save on the first point by agreeing with the supplier to purchase goods for sale. That is, first you sell the product, and only then pay for it. But this option has its own risks, and is also less profitable, since the price for goods for sale is usually higher.

Large suppliers often help their dealers in market promotion, advertising and marketing, providing their own experience, but the organization of promotions is usually undertaken by the dealer.

If you want to try yourself as a dealer, but invest own funds not yet ready, you can try a “demo version” of this activity by working as a regional hired employee (for example, a sales representative) of the company whose products you are interested in promoting. So you will gain the experience necessary to start and, if it is successful, you will earn money without your own investments. But the income with this method of earning will be significantly lower, as well as the risks.

Where can a dealer look for employers?

Nowadays, it is very easy to find a supplier or employer. There are many resources on the Internet for finding partners. The most famous of them are:

  1. "Manufacturers of Russia" - on this site, all Russian manufacturers can leave an application to search for their dealer, and dealers can find an application and contact the supplier. All products are conveniently divided into categories, which greatly facilitates the search for the necessary and interesting.
  2. "" - this resource was created to ensure communication between suppliers and buyers. Here you can also easily find the product and supplier you need. Moreover, it can be both a manufacturer and a distributor (a person who buys goods in bulk from a manufacturer and sells them in smaller batches to dealers).
  3. "I am a Dealer" is not only an extensive catalog of dealer offers, but also information help novice dealers, here you can read the latest news in the business world, as well as find a lot of useful information.

Using these and other resources, study the market offers and choose the partners you are interested in.

How to become a successful dealer

To become a successful dealer, you need to constantly develop yourself and your business. This is an increase in client flow, and an improvement in business design, and pumping personal qualities and search for more qualified personnel.

Sell ​​your in-demand product

In order to successfully sell a product, it needs to be in demand. If you try to sell sleds in Thailand, then most likely, no matter how talented a seller you are, you are unlikely to succeed in this enterprise. The time when you could sell anything is long gone. People are wary of new offers and products, as well as intrusive advertising.

Form your client base and constantly expand it

A dense flow of customers provides good profit and the success of the dealership. Therefore, it is important to form and maintain a customer base. For this you need:

  1. Analyze the market. Where do your clients spend their time? What are they buying? What need will your product satisfy?
  2. Gather customer contacts. To offer a product to a buyer, it is important to know how to contact him. There are different ways to collect contact information about your potential client. It's like online databases that are collected by parsing (if the sale is carried out in in social networks), as well as offline databases for working in telephone mode. If you plan to sell goods through a store, you can issue accumulative cards to customers with their contact details, so that later they can inform you about discounts and bonuses.

Value loyal customers

It is important to recognize regular customers by sight, provide them with bonuses and create loyalty programs. If customers see your good attitude towards them and a unique approach, they will come back to you again and again, and also recommend to their friends, which will ensure constant sales and even expand the base due to positive reviews.

Create a positive image

To sell your product or someone else's product well, it is important to make a positive impression on people. This is a disposing appearance, and a manner of communication, and the ability to negotiate, respectfully treating the interlocutor and showing moderate perseverance in presenting their ideas. It is important to be able to convey information not only verbally, but also non-verbally. Gestures, voice, manner of communication, look can also affect the impression of you and, accordingly, the decision to cooperate. Therefore, you need to create an image of a successful and knowledgeable person who can be trusted.

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The automotive market is now experiencing a period of stability. Demand is moderate. There is no boom, no decline in sales. For businessmen who decide to open a car dealership, this situation is quite favorable.

How profitable is this business?

On the one hand, with a competent formulation of the case, a car dealership can bring significant profit. True, this applies only to wide-format points with equipped parking, washing, service center, spare parts shop. The main income (about 70%) comes from after-sales service.

On the other hand, according to experts, the average profitability of a business is about 10%, so its payback period is quite long - 4 years or more. In addition, it requires significant costs. The opening of the most modest car dealership (500 m 2) for the sale of cheap cars involves significant investments (from 15 million rubles). It is possible to speak about the profitability of a car dealership with a high degree of unambiguity only with a detailed business plan in hand. Its compilation is mandatory.

Where do I need to register a car dealership?

1 In the tax. Choose legal form. For a car dealership, this will be an LLC - the most suitable form for working with car manufacturers. You will have to apply the main taxation system for trade (since the entire plant-dealer chain works with VAT) and single tax on imputed income for the service.

2 In the tax it is necessary specify codes OKVED. We recommend that you mark all the subsections included in the sections:

  • 50.10 Trade in motor vehicles;
  • 50.20 Tech. maintenance and repair of motor vehicles;
  • 50.3 Trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories.
  • 65.23.2 Dealer activities

3 Registration in the Pension Fund and in all other off-budget funds

4 In Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor

6 In the tax register cash machine

7 In local government consumer market get a certificate in entering the dealer company in the trade register.

8 In Rostest ( get certificates for certain types works (in case of parallel opening of a car service).

Which car supplier do you prefer?

This is the main question. The entire car dealership business will be based on working with a specific supplier. It should be borne in mind that when selling machines little-known and inexpensive brands do not have to rely on high profitability of the business (manufacturers set a low margin), however starting investments when creating a case, they will be minimal (about 15 million rubles).

When implementing cars of world brands you will have to lay at least 150 million rubles for the start, and also be prepared for the fact that the manufacturer will dictate his terms for organizing the business at all its stages.

In conditions of strong competition, it is worth thinking about selling brands that are not yet represented on the market in your region. In a large city, quite promising Renault, Man, Volvo trucks can become them.

It is also worth focusing on the solvency of the population of the region. In small settlements Inexpensive cars (within $10-25 tons) will be in greater demand. In million-plus cities, where all wealthy people in the country mainly buy cars, it makes sense to organize dealerships for the sale of elite brands. You can also enter the auto business from the cheap segment of cars, and then, after gaining experience, move on to the dealership of higher-class vehicles.

It is imperative to develop a concept for the salon in order to know exactly what it will be like: multi-brand, representing one company, selling new or used cars, etc.

How to start working with a car manufacturer and as a car dealer?

  1. In order to become a car dealer, the first thing you need to do is send a request to the official representative office of the automaker in Russia. On the website of each representative office there is an address intended for correspondence with potential business partners. It is to him that you should send a letter of your intention to become a car dealer of this brand.
  2. Then you have to fill out formalized questionnaires that come in response. They usually indicate detailed information about the company and its current activities, about the size of investments and the market of this region, the location plan of the proposed salon on the ground with photographs. At this stage, you should have ready business plan, with the content of which you need to familiarize the supplier.
  3. Then to be telephone conversation with the manager for the development of the dealer network of representative offices. If you can convince him of the expediency of cooperation between your companies, he will come to meet with you personally.
  4. Based on the results of the manager's visit to a potential dealer, a decision will be made on further cooperation with him.
  5. With a positive decision of the representative office or the importing company, endowed with the appropriate authority, the dealer will be offered sign a protocol of intent. It will indicate the order of construction, purchase of equipment, purchase of a batch of cars, opening, sales plan for 1 year, advertising company with specific deadlines.
  6. Then between the manufacturer and the car dealer signing a dealer contract, which is the legal basis for cooperation between companies. It, like the manufacturer's certificate, you will have to provide to car buyers upon request.

Vehicle Delivery Technologies

Photo of cars arriving at the seaport

For each batch of cars, the dealer concludes an agreement in which the price and terms of delivery are specified in detail. Buying cars can be carried out at different points:

1) Buying a car in the manufacturer's country

In this case, the dealer himself solves all the problems associated with the delivery of cars from the factory to his showroom:

  1. purchases cars directly from the automaker's factory;
  2. he insures transport, delivers it to the salon and does customs clearance (for official dealers, this procedure takes place in a simplified form in 1 or 2 days). The calculation of the customs payment can be done on the resource:
  3. cars undergo pre-sale preparation in the car dealership.

If according to this principle it is planned to deliver cars from abroad, then you need to create either your own delivery service, or a full-fledged transport company, or rent a car transporter from others transport companies or car dealers (from $2,000 per trip).

The carrier must have:

  • international license for the carriage of goods;
  • certificate of compliance with Euro-2, Euro-3;
  • all-Russian license customs carrier.

2) Purchase of cars from an official Russian importer.

In this case, issues related to the transportation of cars to Russia, their customs clearance, fall on the shoulders of the importer. This option is the most attractive for novice dealers, especially in terms of money it is equivalent to the first delivery option.

As for the settlements for cars, the options may be different, but most often manufacturers require Russian dealers 100% payment for shipped cars(Honda, Volkswagen, Audi, Toyota,).

If the manufacturer has an official importer on the Russian market, who has a warehouse common to all dealers, then the latter will receive the goods on the terms of a commodity loan(Opel, BMW, Volvo, etc.). The dealer is obliged to distribute the cars taken from the general warehouse within a month. If, after this period, unsold vehicles remain, then the importer accrues daily penalties on their value. Anyway, after 3 months, unsold goods must be redeemed by the dealer.

Therefore, it is especially important to fulfill the monthly sales plan. For a novice dealer selling premium cars, one should proceed from the number of 250-450 vehicles per year. When selling cheap cars - at least 1000 units per year.

About warehouses, plans and prices

One of the questions of interest to many concerns how many machines should be in stock. It depends on the trademark manufacturer. If a the lineup is vast, you will have to keep quite a lot of machines in stock. It is desirable that there be twice as many of them as it is predicted to sell in 1 month.

Now for the prices. Each manufacturer sets its own prices. Margin size is also dictated, which the dealer can receive (usually from 8 to 20%). To attract customers, a car dealer can reduce prices, but only at the expense of a margin.

Usually, with the strict implementation of sales plans, the manufacturer provides the dealer with bonuses. Moreover, it is more important for the supplier to fulfill the model plan. Along with running models, a car manufacturer often obliges dealers to sell slow-moving goods.

Where is the car dealership located?

It is important that the place meets the following requirements:

  • it was close to the highway; it should be easily accessible by any means of transport;
  • the shop window overlooked the roadway;
  • The plot must be at least 0.5 ha.

Which room to choose?

Usually, the manufacturing company strictly regulates both the design of the salon and its design: color schemes, furniture, symbols, etc. However, there are various accommodation options to consider:

  • In the buildings of old car parks. In Moscow they can be rented for $200-500/sq. m.
  • Reconstruction of objects. Moscow rent - from $150/sq. m.
  • The construction of single independent auto centers (if we are talking about middle-class salons, then construction in Moscow will cost about $ 2.4 million). The construction and equipment of a new building takes about 1.5 years.


A typical car center includes:

  • exhibition hall (show-room);
  • staff offices;
  • area for visitors;
  • warehouse for cars;
  • warehouse of spare parts;
  • those. center.

The cost of equipment is determined depending on the size of those. center. For example, the average Audi station, designed for 25 workers. seats cost about 450-500 tons. In any case, the cost of the equipment is strictly regulated by the manufacturer's project, so its selection for the dealer is usually unproblematic.


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