Who can work with the qualification of a technician. Technician instruction and duties. We assign a qualification category to an employee

Technicians belong to the category of engineers and technicians, they are led by qualified specialists with higher educationworking as an engineer. Their responsibility includes technical calculations of a simple project documentation, simple schemes for providing technical specifications in accordance with standards and regulations.

Who is a technician and what is PTO

Technician refers to engineers and technicians, with secondary specialized education. Depending on the size of the enterprise, employees can work in a design office, developing drawings for simple units and elements.

On industrial, construction enterprises created production technical departments where mid-level professionals are needed. In this case, they enter the VET staff under the leadership of the head of this department, as an independent structural unit.

The organization of the activity of such a structure complies with the legislation, enshrined in regulatory and legal acts. The leadership of this unit is based on the criteria of the materials of management methods. The head of the enterprise appoints the chief and other employees by order, and also relieves them of their duties.

In the VET, work is carried out according to a plan agreed with the organization's activities regarding documentation, development technological processes to improve performance efficiency by checking the validity of data in reports coming from other parts of the company.

Qualification requirements and types of categories

Technicians are specialists first and foremost.

The professionalism of employees of this level is assessed in stages:

  1. A technician enters the organization immediately after graduating from a technical school, college. If, after completing their studies at the institution, graduates receive a level technician and secondary vocational education.
  2. The first category is assigned after two years of work in the company.
  3. Depending on the abilities, it is possible to be promoted to another level and the appointment of the second category. With sufficient experience, experience, outstanding professional achievements, good recommendations from higher officials provide movement around career ladder with an appointment as an engineer.

A good specialist still has to improve the level of knowledge in a higher educational institution.

Appointment of technicians to the position and dismissal occurs by order of the director of the company, on the basis of a report or a petition received from the immediate supervisor. Without a preliminary interview with the head of the VET employee will not be included in the state.

Technical personnel at this level must have knowledge of:

  • normative legal acts, reference materials on the topic related to the work;
  • methods of adjusting units, assemblies;
  • terminology of reference books, programs, instructions;
  • standards, technical specifications for the developed documentation, design procedures;
  • sequence of measuring, experimental actions;
  • rules for the operation of equipment and apparatus;
  • fundamentals of production technological processes;
  • technical characteristics, design features, operating principles of devices used in production;
  • ways to detect faults;
  • on receiving, processing data and transmitting them using technical means.

The technician's actions are based on outgoing provisions:

  • legislation;
  • company charter;
  • orders, orders of higher officials;
  • job description;
  • internal regulations of the company.

During the absence of a technician from work, his functions will be performed by a person appointed by order of the director with the same rights and assigned responsibility for the proper performance of duties.

The duties of a technician include:

  • implementation of settings, adjustments, checks of the working condition of devices, tools in systems and equipment;
  • participation in experiments, tests, connection of technical elements, registration of characteristics and parameters, final processing;
  • assistance in developing software, technical documentation, instructions for them;
  • collection of baseline information for various reports;
  • study of reference, special literature;
  • participation in business case various developments in technology and technological part in the field of rationalization;
  • creation of reports, execution of current documents, change, correction of inaccuracies on decisions received from higher officials;
  • registration of outgoing and incoming papers, correspondence, ensuring safety, accounting of document circulation;
  • systematic data processing, transferring them to the reporting officer;
  • compliance with the rules on labor regulations within the enterprise and its local regulations;
  • following in accordance with the rules for labor protection, labor safety, sanitary and fire safety standards;
  • ensuring the proper condition of the workplace;
  • fulfillment in accordance with the employment contract of orders of employees, in whose subordination the employee is.

Technicians are responsible for extensive range of activities, thereby freeing high-level professionals from the usual production routine, which must be carried out responsibly and scrupulously, otherwise a serious unit, a large prefabricated structure developed by a leading engineer, will not function.

Rights and responsibilities

Technicians, like all employees, have all the rights that apply in labor law.

Working in a production facility in a VET, he can use rights:

  • submit suggestions to the director for improvement effective work enterprises;
  • to reward subordinate personnel;
  • to prosecute employees of various levels for misconduct, provided that they obey his orders;
  • acquaintance with the information coming from workshops, departments, production sites, necessary for further work.

Employees of this level carry responsibility:

  • in case of improper performance of the functions provided for by the duties assigned to him according to the job description;
  • for committing offenses;
  • for material damage caused by proving guilt in accordance with the law.

All conditions in which technical workers work are regulated by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Relationships and connections by position

By the nature of their work, technicians have to communicate with representatives of other departments, workshops in production.

Reporting emanating from authorized persons for its preparation goes to production Department.

The responsible technician accepts the documentation in order to verify the reliability of the materials written off for the manufacture of products according to the consumption rates for each part. A signed report means that all actions performed comply with the established standards.

Technicians, like other employees, are required to have correct relationships with work colleagues, politeness, and accuracy. In this case, an obligatory feature is exactingness and adherence to principles.

Working conditions and specialization features

A citizen with the profession of a technician should be able to resolve production problems according to the task assigned to him. This includes the ability to perform mathematical calculations, the study of state standards, an understanding of the design features of devices.

Basically, this is mental work with knowledge of the correct techniques for processing informative data, although the use of physical forces is not excluded. The growth of technological progress requires employees constant updating of knowledge.

From the set of requirements that the technician position imposes, the employees of this unit are universal specialists of manufacturing enterprises.

They are ready at any time to fix the device, make the area that has stopped from a malfunction with the help of skillful hands and the amount of knowledge of technical characteristics, standards, familiarize workers with the instructions for the equipment installed at the enterprise, monitor the consumption of materials, exercise control over effective use mechanization.

Technicians are a whole category of specialties from a wide variety of fields of science and technology. This position can be held by people involved in the design vehicle, or in construction. In addition, a technician is most often a generalist.

Features of the profession of a technician

Technicians are graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions who have previously completed training in the relevant direction. Their responsibilities include a variety of technical tasks. At the same time, the level of training determines the complexity of the tasks.

It is also worth noting the fact that initially graduates of colleges and technical schools receive the qualification of "technician", as the professional development of a specialist can rise to the level of a senior technician. As a rule, there are special refresher courses for this.

Due to the fact that the specialty meets in many industries, the following professions can be distinguished:

    aviation technician;




In fact, specialists operate at the junction of physical and mental labor. This can be called the main feature of the profession. Therefore, its representatives should be developed in both directions. Thus, the number of men and women in the profession is approximately the same.

Military technician

The profession of a military technician stands apart from the rest. And this is quite understandable: the Armed Forces and the Navy have their own specifics of work, their duties, regulated by the Charters. Technicians in the army usually wear shoulder straps of junior command personnel (warrant officers, sergeants, senior sergeants), and in some branches of the military, officers.

However, in general, the duties of army technicians in the army are practically no different from civilians - they debug and repair various equipment, weapons systems. In a number of cases, they participate in field tests of promising weapons, are engaged in running-in of repaired and new machines entering service.

For example, airfield technicians in the army refuel aircraft with kerosene, maintain pressure in the hydraulic system, charge airborne weapons, carry out scheduled repairs, etc.

Duties of the technician

Nevertheless, wherever a technician works, the list of his duties is approximately the same:

    tracking the health of the equipment and the correctness of the necessary stages of work;

    monitoring and analysis of conducted experiments and tests;

    carrying out various preparatory work;

    tracking the activities and coordinating the work of other specialists;

    work with technical documentation.

To work successfully in a specialty, a technician must know:

    techniques of technological processes;

    structure and principles of functioning of equipment and tools;

    methods of conducting experiments, tests;

    methods of personnel management, management skills.

In addition, most often representatives of this profession need to be able to conduct mathematical calculationsknow the principles of engineering and constructivism in various degrees. Knowledge of the established quality standards for products and services will be no less important.

Requirements for the qualifications and qualities of the technician

Working as a technician assumes that the specialist has a fairly high endurance and physical activity. This type of activity involves multitasking and switching from manual to mental work.

In this regard, we can single out some medical contraindications for this type of activity:

    nervous and mental disorders;

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

    disorders of vision and hearing.

Place of work and working conditions

The work of a technician is highly dependent on his specialization. For example, a dental technician most often has a standard five-day working week and the situation with overtime work extremely rare.

At the same time, the plumber most often works in the housing and communal services system, and the most common work schedule is shift. Usually its change lasts about 10 hours, and when emergency situations overtime work begins.

Where to learn to be a technician?

Technicians are trained as in secondary specialized educational institutionsand in higher educational institutions.

It should be noted that universities offer a more in-depth knowledge of the industry, and most often employers themselves give preference to candidates with higher education. Thus, the duration of training for technicians, depending on the level of training, can be either two or four years.

Approximate directions to which you can enter to get a technician education:

    geological exploration technology;

    technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment;

    acoustic devices and systems;

    operation of radio communication and electrical radio navigation equipment for ships;

    informatics and programming.

Professional growth prospects

Due to the fact that a specialist of such training can realize himself in various enterprises that have different focus, specificity and pitfalls. In this regard, career growth is unique everywhere and it is extremely difficult to single out a common model. In other words, if a technician works in a laboratory, then gradually he can become a senior technician and move either to a scientific or management unit. It all depends on the qualifications of completing additional education.

Another option for many in this profession is to start their own business.

Personal qualities of the profession of a technician

Necessary qualities to start labor activity in this industry, the following can be considered:







    teamwork skills;

    organizational skills.

How much do technicians earn on average?

The job market offers a variety of technician jobs that have varied requirements, working conditions and salary levels.

For example, an equipment maintenance technician with a complete technical education and shift work schedule can count on a salary in the region of 50,000 rubles. A dental technician with over three years of experience can earn about 40,000 rubles a month.

There are also vacancies for technicians in the aviation field. In this case, the wage level starts at 80,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of being a technician

The positive aspects of the profession include the following:

    the opportunity to work in different fields;

    relevance and relevance;

    high level of monthly income;

    perspectives career growth and development;

    the opportunity to start your own business.

The disadvantages of this kind of activity include:

  • high level of responsibility.

I. General provisions

1. The technician belongs to the category of specialists;

2. For the position:

A technician is appointed by a person who has a secondary vocational (technical) education without requiring any length of service;

Technique of the II category - a person with secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a technician or other positions replaced by specialists with an average vocational education, not less than 2 years;

3. Appointment and dismissal of a technician is made

by order of the director of the enterprise on the recommendation (head of the corresponding structural unit)

4. The technician should know:

4.1. Normative legal acts and reference materials on the subject of work.

4.2. The main methods of performing adjustment work.

4.3. Terminology used in special and reference literature on the profile of work, work programs and instructions.

4.4. Applicable standards and technical conditions on the developed technical documentation, the procedure for its preparation and the rules for registration.

4.5. The sequence and technique of measurements, observations and experiments.

4.6. Control and measuring equipment and rules for using it.

4.7. Basics of production technology.

4.8. Technical characteristics, design features, purpose, principles of operation and rules of operation of the equipment used, methods of inspection and detection of its defects.

4.9. Methods and tools for measuring parameters, characteristics and data of the operating mode of equipment, performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work.

4.10. Technical means of receiving, processing and transmitting information.

4.11. Operating rules computing technology.

4.12. Applied forms of accounting and reporting, accounting and reporting procedures.

4.13. Methods for calculating the economic efficiency of implementation new technology and progressive technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.

4.14. Fundamentals of record keeping.

4.15. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

4.16. Fundamentals of Labor Law.

4.17. Internal labor regulations.

4.18. Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. The technician reports directly (to the head of the relevant structural unit; to another official)

6. During the absence of the technician (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

1. Under the guidance of a more qualified specialist, he performs work on processing information, performing the necessary technical calculations, developing simple projects and simple schemes, ensuring their compliance technical specifications, applicable standards and regulations.

2. Performs commissioning, tuning, adjustment and pilot testing of equipment and systems in laboratory conditions and on-site, monitors its good condition.

3. Participates in experiments and tests, connects devices, registers the necessary characteristics and parameters and processes the results obtained.

4. Takes part in the development of programs, instructions and other technical documentation, in the manufacture of models, as well as in testing and experimental work on ongoing research and development.

5. In the process of carrying out research and development in accordance with the approved methodological program, carries out work on the collection, processing and accumulation of source materials, data statistical reporting, scientific and technical information.

6. Draws up descriptions of ongoing research and projects under development, necessary specifications, diagrams, tables, graphs and other technical documentation.

7. Studies reference and special literature for use in work.

8. Participates in the substantiation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.

9. Performs technical work on the design of manuscripts, planning and reporting documentation, provides graphic design of materials.

10. Makes the necessary changes and corrections to the technical documentation in accordance with the decisions taken during the review and discussion of the work performed.

11. Verifies and corrects documents after copying and reproduction.

12. Accepts and registers incoming documentation and correspondence on the work performed, ensures its safety, keeps track of the passage of documents and controls the timing of their execution, and also carries out the technical registration of documents completed by office work.

13. Systematizes, processes and prepares data for drawing up reports on work.

III. Rights

The technician has the right:

1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

2. Submit to the management of proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3. To inform the immediate supervisor of all deficiencies identified in the course of the performance of their official duties in production activities enterprise (its structural divisions) and make proposals for their elimination.

4. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor.

5. Engage all specialists (individual) structural units to the solution of the tasks assigned to him (if it is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the management).

6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility

The technician is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a technician, sample 2019/2020. Do not forget, each technician's instruction is handed out against a receipt.

This section provides typical information about the knowledge that a technician should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. The technician belongs to the category of specialists.

(- Technician of the II category: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the position of a technician or other positions replaced by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 2 years.

- Technician: secondary vocational (technical) education without any requirements for work experience.)

3. A technician is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The technician should know:

- normative legal acts and reference materials on the subject of work;

- basic methods of performing adjustment work;

- terminology used in special and reference literature, work programs and instructions;

- current standards and technical conditions for the developed technical documentation, the procedure for its preparation and the rules for registration;

- sequence and technique of measurements, observations and experiments;

- instrumentation and rules for using it;

- basics of production technology;

specifications, design features, purpose, principles of operation and rules of operation of the equipment used;

- methods of equipment inspection and defect detection;

- methods and means for measuring parameters, characteristics and data of the operating mode of equipment, performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work;

technical means receiving, processing and transmitting information;

- rules for the operation of computers;

- applied forms of accounting and reporting and the procedure for maintaining accounting and reporting;

- methods for calculating the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technology and progressive technology, rationalization proposals and inventions;

- the basics of record keeping;

- fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

- fundamentals of labor legislation;

- internal labor regulations;

- rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the technician is guided by:

- RF legislation,

The organization's charter,

- orders and orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction,

- this job description,

- The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The technician reports directly to the head of the technical department.

7. During the absence of a technician (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the technician

1. Under the guidance of a more qualified specialist, he performs work on carrying out the necessary technical calculations, developing simple projects and simple schemes, ensuring their compliance with technical specifications, applicable standards and regulatory documents.

2. Performs commissioning, tuning, adjustment and pilot testing of equipment and systems in laboratory conditions and on-site, monitors its good condition.

3. Participates in experiments and tests, connects devices, registers the necessary characteristics and parameters and processes the results obtained.

4. Takes part in the development of programs, instructions and other technical documentation, in the manufacture of models, as well as in testing and experimental work.

5. Carries out work on the collection, processing and accumulation of source materials, statistical reporting data, scientific and technical information.

6. Draws up descriptions of the work carried out, the necessary specifications, diagrams, tables, graphs and other technical documentation.

7. Studies reference and special literature for use in work.

8. Participates in the substantiation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and progressive technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.

9. Carries out the work on the execution of planning and reporting documentation, makes the necessary changes and corrections to the technical documentation in accordance with the decisions taken during the consideration and discussion of the work performed.

10. Accepts and registers incoming documentation and correspondence on the work performed, ensures its safety, keeps records of the passage of documents and controls the timing of their execution, and also carries out the technical registration of documents completed by office work.

11. Systematizes, processes and prepares data for drawing up reports on work.

12. Takes the necessary measures to use modern technical means in work.

13. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations organizations.

14. Complies with internal rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

15. Ensures the observance of cleanliness and order in his workplace,

16. Performs within employment contract orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

3. Technician rights

The technician has the right:

1. Submit proposals to the director of the organization:

- to improve the work related to the provisions of this instruction responsibilities,

- on the encouragement of distinguished workers subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees subordinate to him who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from the structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management concerning its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Technician responsibility

The technician is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description of the technician is a sample of 2019/2020. Technician's duties, technician's rights, technician's responsibility.

At the very beginning of the emergence of the profession "technician" this was the designation of a person working with any equipment or mechanism. With the passage of time in Russia, in order to work in this profession, it was necessary to obtain a secondary specialized education. And if you look further, now you can't do without a university diploma. So, a technician can be: aviation, dental, sanitary, housing and communal services technician and software technician.

The concept of the word "technician" and the demand for the profession in the labor market

The meaning of the word "technician" takes its roots from the Greek word technike and translates as "art". In the beginning, everything that was done by hand was indicated by this word. During the Renaissance, the approach to technical activity became more fundamental. During this period of time, interest in the production of various kinds of mechanisms and devices is increasing. In this regard, various factories began to appear, and as a result, various technical specialties became more in demand. Despite the fact that the "army" of technicians is growing every year, the demand for this profession does not decrease. As before, it has its own popularity and significance. Many firms and enterprises need qualified specialists. Because modern technical progress is steadily increasing, in the coming years this profession will be as much in demand in the labor market as before.

Job responsibilities

The work of a specialist is associated with the use of various types of equipment. A technician is a person who performs the installation, configuration of the necessary functions. In addition, he monitors the quality and health of the device. If necessary, a master technician (more experienced person) repairs or replaces any parts. With highly specialized skills, an employee can combine his work with the activities of a mechanic, electrician and technologist. A technician is a sought-after professional. His skills are required in areas such as: aviation, construction, electricity, car manufacturing, household appliances and other equipment manufacturing. In essence, the technician is a completely versatile worker. This is due to the fact that it is not only near the equipment that he maintains (repairs, monitors how it works, checks that other employees of the enterprise operate it correctly), it is also at the desk. After all, the duties of the technician also include writing various reports on the operation of the equipment and instructions for its operation.

The level of education

As public opinion shows, secondary vocational education is not enough to work as a technician. Managers of firms and enterprises want to see a person with a degree in specialization and knowledge of the profession where he wants to get a job.

Specificity and career opportunities

A technician is a person who can work in various industries, in design bureaus, and car services. The level of his professional knowledge, experience and place of work directly depends on and wage in this profession. With a certain zeal and desire to advance in his career, a technician has a great opportunity for this. With an increase in the level of knowledge and diligence, having come to work as an ordinary worker, you can really succeed in your work.

Character traits that a specialist should have

What is a Technician? A person of this profession, in order to cope with all the tasks assigned to him, needs accuracy, attentiveness, responsibility and an appropriate Technician - this is a person who is able to independently plan the order of his work and fully focus on business. He also cannot do without the ability to perform mathematical calculations and study state standards and regulations. For a more correct understanding of how the mechanism works, it is advisable to have knowledge of the design and engineering profession. Also, in order to work comfortably in a team, the presence of communicative qualities will be useful for a technician.

The degree of complexity of the profession

For the most part, the profession of a technician consists in mental labor, receiving and processing information. With the growth of technical progress, the specialist himself must constantly update his knowledge. Do not forget that physical work is not the main thing in the specialty of technology, but it cannot be completely excluded either. Although there are no categorical objections to the presence of men in the profession, there is more and more a woman's face. A technician is a universal "soldier" who can put in order any equipment and keeps in his head a huge amount of information about various characteristics of mechanisms and standards of regulatory documents.


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