Strategy for strengthening market positions. Strategies that businesses can pursue to improve their market position. Horizontal integration strategy

IN modern management There are 4 groups of reference business development strategies, the basis of which are changes in one or several key factors of the company's functioning, namely: product, market, industry, position of the company in the industry and technology. Each of these components can either remain in the current state, or move into a new one, determining the characteristics of the path of development of the organization.

The first group basic strategies are strategies concentrated growth. These strategies consider business development within the framework of the "product-market" model, without affecting the other selected categories. The author of this theory is the one of the founders of strategic management, Igor Ansoff, already mentioned several times in this work, who developed a matrix that allows to determine the strategy for positioning a product on the market:

Table1. Ansoff's matrix

Existing item

New product

Existing market

Market penetration

Product development

New market

Market development


This tool allows you to determine the optimal strategy for entering the market, based on two factors: the degree of market saturation, as well as the company's ability to permanently improve manufacturing process... Ansoff singles out 4 alternative marketing strategies, Howeverdiversification implies not only impact on the market or product, but also entering new industries, therefore it will be considered a little later. This leaves 3 possible concentration strategies:

§ Strategy for strengthening market position.

Most often, the main goal of such a strategy is an elementary increase in sales. This strategy has the least degree of risk, but the scope of its applicability is quite narrow. First of all, for the success in the implementation of this strategy, an actively and rapidly developing market is required, otherwise the company's investments in existing products may not pay off. In addition, the reputation of the company is important, since in conditions of the impossibility of influencing the characteristics of the product and the market segment, marketing policy begins to play a key role. Finally, such a strategy is promising only for weak competitive markets, since in a highly competitive environment, its use will only be a prerequisite for a price war.

§ Product development strategy.

Promotion new products carried out in previously developed markets. Within the framework of this approach, not only the appearance of fundamentally innovative products is possible, but also the improvement of old ones (quality improvement, design improvement, functionality expansion, etc.). The product development strategy is applicable in cases where the company feels comfortable in terms of technology, and the market has a high development potential - otherwise, the cost of the product may turn out to be unjustified. The most relevant use of this concept will be in cases when a company needs to return consumer interest in its products, or to make some repositioning, focusing on the changed properties of an old product or unique novelties introduced to the market.

§ Market development strategy.

Search for new markets to sell current products. Expanding market boundaries can take place in two directions - searching for new geographic segments or finding new industries for products, that is, developing a target segment. So, for example, a company that organizes catering for universities in Moscow can not only open branches in other cities of Russia, but also start cooperation with schools or kindergartens. It is important to note that for successful implementation of such a strategy, the firm must have a certain margin of safety, expressed in additional physical capital, as well as experience gained in the course of working in already conquered markets. It is also important that the markets themselves do not have high barriers to entry, and that there are consumer groups with unsatisfied demand.

Next type of reference strategies are integrated growth strategies. These strategies are focused on the structural expansion of the company and can be divided into 2 types:

§ Vertical integration.

It involves the merger of the company with the previous (vertical integration back) or subsequent (vertical integration forward) link in the product value chain. Vertical integration helps to reduce the company's dependence on suppliers or distributors / sales companies, depending on the direction of integration, as well as to accelerate the overall production cyclebecause the company relies only on own sources supply and distribution channels. At the same time, over time, relying solely on one's own forces may become more costly than using external firms, thus, this will no longer be an advantage, but a significant one. negative factorinhibiting the development of the company, reducing its ability to be flexible and adapt to constantly changing customer requirements.

§ Horizontal integration.

This strategy involves the merger or acquisition of direct competitors, that is, firms operating in the same industry and producing similar products. The main goal of horizontal integration is usually to significantly strengthen the market position, based on economies of scale obtained by combining structures, as well as reducing the level of competitive struggle, achieved by eliminating one of the opponents. Despite the fact that the horizontal integration strategy can significantly increase the efficiency of most organizational processes, its use is quite risky, because under adverse market conditions, the company will incur a double loss, which, together with transaction costs from the merger transaction, can significantly impact the company. Thus, any prospect of horizontal integration should be carefully analyzed both in terms of the company's resource capabilities and in terms of market attractiveness.

Considering integration strategies, one cannot fail to mention the trend, which is becoming popular in some industries, towards the creation of fully integrated companies, that is, organizations that carry out a full production, distribution and sales cycle. An illustration of a fully integrated company is an oil giant like Lukoil, which oversees oil production, refining, and sale as gasoline.

Third the group of basic business development strategies includes diversification strategies - they are used in cases when a company is looking for fundamentally new ways to expand its activities, offering new products in new markets. Thus, diversification can affect all 5 elements of the company's functioning, and depending on what the focus is on in developing the concept of changes, the following options for its implementation are distinguished:

§ Centralized diversification.

Implies the use of existing production facilities to create a new product; in other words, a centered diversification strategy is a strategy associated with expanding a company's product range as part of an increase in the number of product groups sold by the firm.

§ Horizontal diversification.

This strategy involves the creation of goods or services that are not directly related to the existing products, but that can interest the current customers of the company. Thus, the firm relies heavily on the same consumer segment, in some cases uses part of the existing infrastructure and technology, but produces something new and different from what it offered before. Using this technology, a company can significantly save on promotion brandsince her the target audience already has a definite formed idea of \u200b\u200bthe company's products.

§ Conglomerative diversification.

It implies the company's entry into previously untapped markets with a product that is fundamentally different from those that the company has previously sold. This strategy is the most risky and difficult to implement, since the firm needs investments both to create a completely new production chain and to position itself in a new market. Thus, to implement such a strategy, the company must have significant financial stability, as well as in-depth knowledge of the specifics of the market to which it plans to enter. On the other hand, conglomerative diversification practically neutralizes entrepreneurial risk for the company, because even with the complete decline of the industry in which the company's main business is concentrated, it will be able to stay afloat by reallocating resources in favor of a new direction of development.

All 3 groups of strategies discussed above imply impact on different aspects of the company's activities, but at the same time, each of them is aimed at expanding the range of the firm's activities. Often, a firm needs to regroup its forces somewhat and perhaps even to some extent abandon the development of certain business units, therefore, one more group of reference strategies is distinguished - reduction strategies.

§ Harvesting strategy.

This strategy is applicable in cases where there is no growth prospects for the market in which the company's product is circulating, or when the company is no longer able to maintain a high level of competition in the market. Its essence lies in the fact that the company focuses its efforts on obtaining maximum profit in the short term, practically stopping financing product development... Most often, various marketing campaigns to stimulate sales are used for this, or a simple strong price reduction. Often, these actions allow the company not so much to profitably sell the product as to inflict a certain blow on competitors who are forced to react to a changing situation.

§ Cutting off the excess.

This strategy involves the closure or sale of any unprofitable structural unit enterprises. This can be a regional branch, a factory, a research center, or any other facility directly related to the creation of a company's product.

§ Reduced costs.

The fundamental difference between this strategy in comparison with the previous one is that the firm seeks to maintain its integrity, but is looking for ways to get rid of costs at one or another link in the product value chain. As part of the implementation of the cost reduction strategy, the company can reduce the volume of production or purchases, reduce part of the staff, revise management costs, etc., however, the elements of the firm's system do not qualitatively change.

§ Liquidation.

This strategy implies the complete collapse of the company, leading either to its sale or to complete bankruptcy and exit from the market. Of course, the elimination strategy is the last possible reduction measure, but in the context of modern market economycharacterized by a sufficient degree of instability, such an outcome becomes inevitable for many companies.

  • Automatic lines; flexible production systems. Their structure, the possibility of using in technical processes.
  • Administrative management methods: possibilities and limitations of use
  • Administrative methods of management: possibilities and limitations of use.
  • Analysis of the distribution of net profit: order, assessment of dividend policy and indicators of sustainability of economic growth.
  • Questionnaires and interviews in sociology: scope, cognitive opportunities and limitations
  • Definition of strategy and types of strategies. Concentrated growth strategy - strategies related to product and / or market changes (strategy to strengthen market position, market development strategy, product development strategy). Conditions for the strategy (goals and means).

    Defining a strategy

    Strategy- this general plan the organization's actions, defining the priorities of strategic objectives, resources and the sequence of steps to achieve strategic goals.

    The main task of the strategy is to transfer the organization from its present state to the foreseeable future state desired by management.
    Depending on the chosen object of strategic management, there are:

    Ø corporate strategy - the strategy of the organization as a whole;

    Ø business strategy - the strategy of a separate strategic division of the organization;

    Ø functional strategy - the strategy of the functional area of \u200b\u200bmanagement.

    There are four main types of strategies:

    1. Strategies for concentrated growth - strategy for strengthening market positions, market development strategy, product development strategy.

    2. Strategies for integrated growth - reverse vertical integration strategy, forward vertical integration strategy, horizontal integration strategy.

    3. Strategies for diversified growth - centralized diversification strategy, horizontal diversification strategy, conglomerative diversification strategy.

    4. Reduction strategies - liquidation strategy, harvest strategy, reduction strategy, cost reduction strategy.

    Before everyone successful business sooner or later the question arises as to which development strategy should be applied for further growth.

    Concentrated growth strategies

    Concentrated growth strategies are strategies that involve product and / or market changes. If these strategies are followed, the firm tries to improve its product or start producing a new one without changing the industry. As for the market, the firm is looking for opportunities to improve its position in the existing market or move to a new market.

    The following types of concentrated growth strategies are distinguished:

    · strategy to strengthen the market position;

    · market development strategy;

    · product development strategy.

    Strategy to strengthen market position assumes that the company is doing everything possible to win the best positions with a specific product in this market. It takes a lot of marketing effort to get it done. Strengthening positions is based on a number of principles, which can be presented as follows:

    Growth as the most important task;

    Constant search for more efficient ways of production;

    Striving to get a large share of the existing market by using one product;

    Capturing consumer and market share from competitors.

    Concentration strategy benefits:

    Based on the known abilities and capabilities of the organization;

    Can effectively develop existing skills to create a competitive advantage;

    High sensitivity to market needs and the ability to gain a reputation in this area;

    Low risk;

    Easy to manage gradual growth.


    It is more progressive than revolutionary strategy;

    There are limits within which growth can take place in one market;

    Submission to changes in consumer preferences and recession turns in the economy;

    Complicates the task of the company in the matter of tracking the actions of competitors;

    Imposes responsibility for maintaining the level of innovation in the field of its own products;

    Requires significant financial expenses for advertising and product promotion.

    Market development strategy is to find new markets for an already manufactured product. This strategy involves moving the company into new market areas using existing products or services. It can take several forms. A firm may modify its product to a small extent to make it more attractive to certain markets. Alternatively, there could be expansion across national borders through exports, or there could be geographic expansion on a national basis. To effectively carry out market development, its segmentation is necessary. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of the market development strategy.


    Builds on existing strengths, skills and capabilities;

    Relatively low commercial risk;

    Can provide significant income at relatively low cost;

    Can provide sufficient income for new product development.


    The scope of the strategy is limited: it is usually appropriate when the product is at an early stage in its life cycle;

    Requires significant market research;

    It may be difficult to identify the required market segments;

    The organization may not be able to meet the needs of the identified market segment due to capacity constraints or other reasons.

    Product development strategy, involves solving the problem of growth through the production of a new product and its implementation in the market already mastered by it. This version of the strategy is most appropriate for existing markets, and it may include new types of products resulting from technical developments or modifications (improvements).


    Allows to improve the competitive position of the company by attracting new buyers;

    Extends the product life cycle;

    Benefit from professional skills in areas such as research and development;

    Helps the company meet new market needs or deal with the problems of possible substitutes;

    Often essential to the survival of the organization;

    Used to enhance product differentiation;

    New product development plays important role in determining profitability at later stages of its life cycle;

    Essential for products with a short life cycle if continuous growth is to be achieved.


    A relatively high risk strategy;

    There is a high probability of new product failure;

    Significant investments are required in research, development and advertising.

    Thus, the strategy is the general direction of action of the organization, following which in the long term should lead it to its goal. In practice, a firm can simultaneously implement several strategies. This is especially common among diversified companies. Can be made by the firm and a certain sequence in the implementation of strategies. In the first and second cases, the firm is said to be pursuing a combined strategy.

    Integrated growth strategies - reverse vertical integration strategy, forward vertical integration strategy.

    Diversification Growth Strategies - a centered diversification strategy, a horizontal diversification strategy.

    Reduction strategies - eradication strategy, harvest strategy, reduction strategy, cost reduction strategy.

    In essence, a strategy is a set of decision-making rules by which an organization is guided in its activities. “It includes general principles, on the basis of which the managers of this organization can make interrelated decisions designed to ensure the coordinated and orderly achievement of goals in the long term. "

    There are four different groups of rules:

    The rules used in assessing the performance of the company in the present and in the future. The qualitative side of the assessment criteria is usually called the benchmark, and the quantitative content is the task.

    The rules by which the relationship of the firm with its external environmentdetermining: what types of products and technologies it will develop, where and to whom to sell its products, how to achieve superiority over competitors. This set of rules is called product-marketing strategy or business strategy.

    The rules by which relationships and procedures are established within an organization. They are often referred to as an organizational concept.

    The rules by which a firm conducts its day-to-day activities are called basic operating procedures.

    38. Concentrated growth strategies.

    A concentrated growth strategy is about change product and market and does not affect the other two elements: the company seeks to improve a product or produce a new one without changing the industry and looking for opportunities to improve its position in the existing market or move to a new market. The types of concentrated growth strategies are:

    1) strategy to strengthen market position(with an existing product in a given market);

    2) market development strategy (search for new markets for the manufactured product);

    3) product development strategy (production of a new product and its implementation on an already developed market).

    39. Integrated growth strategies.

    Business strategies that involve expanding the firm by adding new structures. These strategies are called integrated growth strategies. Typically, a firm can resort to such strategies if it is in a strong business, cannot implement concentrated growth strategies, and at the same time, integrated growth does not conflict with its long-term goals. The firm can pursue integrated growth both through the acquisition of property and through expansion from within. Moreover, in both cases there is a change in the position of the firm within the industry.

    There are two main types of integrated growth strategies:

    · The strategy of reverse vertical integration is aimed at the growth of the firm through the acquisition or strengthening of control over suppliers. The firm can either create sourcing subsidiaries or acquire companies that are already supplying. Implementing a reverse vertical integration strategy can lead to very beneficial results for a firm by reducing exposure to fluctuations in component prices and supplier demands. Moreover, supply as a cost center for a firm can turn into a revenue center in the case of reverse vertical integration;

    The strategy of forward-going vertical integration is expressed in the growth of the firm through the acquisition or strengthening of control over the structures located between the firm and end consumer, namely distribution and sales systems. This type of integration is very beneficial when intermediary services are very expanding or when the firm cannot find intermediaries with a quality level of work.

    40. Diversification strategies.

    Concentration on one type of business has organizational, managerial and strategic advantages... As long as the company is making a profit from growth in the established industry, there is no need for diversification: diversification is not a strategic goal. In a dynamic external environment, diversification becomes the basis for achieving a certain level of internal and external flexibility. At the same time, four components change: the market, the product, the industry and the position of the company in the industry.

    Diversification refers to the expansion of activities into new areas. A diversification strategy is advisable if:

    - development opportunities are narrowed current business;

    - new opportunities are opening up;

    - it is possible to transfer existing opportunities to other industries;

    - there is a reduction in production costs;

    - there are resources (including organizational ones).

    The decision to diversify is made based on expectations and forecasts. When developing a diversification strategy, the following three criteria should be used:

    1) the attractiveness of the industry;

    2) the costs of entering the industry;

    "A strategy is a long-term, qualitatively defined direction of an organization's development, concerning the sphere, means and forms of its activity, the system of relationships within the organization, as well as the position of the organization in the environment, leading the organization to its goals."

    "An organization's strategy is a master plan of action that prioritizes strategic objectives, resources and a sequence of steps to achieve strategic goals."

    There are four main types of strategies:

    1. Concentrated growth strategies - a strategy for strengthening market positions, a market development strategy, a product development strategy.
    2. Integrated growth strategies - reverse vertical integration strategy, forward vertical integration strategy.
    3. Diversification Growth Strategies - a centered diversification strategy, a horizontal diversification strategy.
    4. Reduction strategies - eradication strategy, harvest strategy, reduction strategy, cost reduction strategy.

    In essence, a strategy is a set of decision-making rules that guide an organization in its activities. "It includes general principles on the basis of which the managers of a given organization can make interrelated decisions designed to ensure the coordinated and orderly achievement of goals in the long term."

    There are four different groups of rules:

    1. The rules used in assessing the performance of the company in the present and in the future. The qualitative side of the assessment criteria is usually called the benchmark, and the quantitative content is the task.
    2. The rules by which the relationship of a firm with its external environment is formed, determining what types of products and technologies it will develop, where and to whom to sell its products, how to achieve superiority over competitors. This set of rules is called product-marketing strategy or business strategy.
    3. The rules by which relationships and procedures are established within an organization. They are often referred to as an organizational concept.
    4. The rules by which a firm conducts its day-to-day activities are called basic operating procedures.

    I. Ansoff highlighted the main distinctive features of the strategy:

    1. The strategy process does not end with any immediate action. It usually ends with the establishment of general directions, the advancement along which will ensure the growth and strengthening of the firm's position.
    2. The formulated strategy should be used to develop strategic projects using the search method. The role of strategy in search is, first, to help focus attention on specific sites and opportunities; secondly, to discard all other possibilities as incompatible with the strategy.
    3. The need for a strategy disappears as soon as the real course of development leads the organization to the desired events.
    4. When formulating a strategy, one cannot foresee all the opportunities that will open up when drafting specific measures. Therefore, one has to use highly generalized, incomplete and inaccurate information about various alternatives.
    5. As soon as the search process reveals specific alternatives, more accurate information appears. However, it can question the validity of the initial strategic choice. therefore successful use strategy is impossible without feedback.
    6. Since both strategies and benchmarks are used to select projects, it may seem like the same thing. But these are different things. Benchmark is the goal that the firm seeks to achieve, and strategy is the means to an end. Landmarks are a higher level of decision making. A strategy that is justified with one set of benchmarks will not be so if the organization's benchmarks change.
    7. Finally, strategy and benchmarks are interchangeable both at specific times and at different levels of the organization. Some performance parameters (for example, market share) can serve as a guideline for a firm at one point, and become its strategy at another. Further, as benchmarks and strategies are developed within the organization, a typical hierarchy arises: what at the upper levels of management are elements of strategy, at the lower levels turns into benchmarks.

    Levels of strategy in the organization:

    "The first level - corporate - is present in companies operating in several areas of business." Here decisions are made on purchases, sales, liquidations, re-profiling of certain business areas, strategic correspondences between individual business areas are calculated, diversification plans are developed, and global financial resources are managed.

    The second level - business areas - is the level of the top managers of non-diversified organizations, or completely independent ones, who are responsible for developing and implementing a business area strategy. At this level, a strategy is developed and implemented based on the corporate strategic plan, the main purpose of which is to increase the competitiveness of the organization and its competitive potential.

    The third - functional - the level of managers of functional areas: finance, marketing, R&D, production, personnel management, etc.

    The fourth - linear - the level of heads of departments of the organization or its geographically distant parts, for example, representative offices, branches.

    A non-diversified organization has, respectively, three levels of strategies.

    The variety of strategies used in strategic management makes it very difficult to classify them. Among the classification features, the following are the most significant:

    • decision making level;
    • the basic concept of achieving competitive advantages;
    • stage of the life cycle of the industry;
    • the relative strength of the organization's industry position;
    • the degree of "aggressiveness" of the organization's behavior in the competition.

    A complicating factor is that most strategies cannot be unambiguously identified by one of the attributes.

    Zabelin P.V. and Moiseeva N.K. propose to classify all strategies according to three criteria:

    • belonging to the five fundamental strategies for achieving competitive advantages (global strategies);
    • belonging to portfolio management strategies of business areas (portfolio strategies);
    • belonging to the strategies used depending on external and internal conditions (functional);

    Assessment and control of strategy implementation

    I. Ansoff in his book “ Strategic management»Formulates the following principles of strategic control:

    1. Due to the uncertainty and inaccuracy of calculations, a strategic project can easily turn into an empty undertaking. This must not be allowed, the costs must lead to the planned results. But unlike conventional manufacturing control practice, attention should be focused on cost recovery, not budget control.
    2. At each checkpoint, it is necessary to assess the return on costs over the life cycle of a new product. As long as the ROI exceeds the benchmark, the project should continue. When it falls below this level, other options should be considered, including terminating the project.

    Establishing marketing goals also presupposes the determination of ways to achieve them, that is, the development of marketing strategies, for which step-by-step actions are written - tactics, that is, specific events, deadlines, persons responsible for their implementation.

    For example, the decision about the market price of a product is strategic, but the decision to decrease or increase by 1-2% or more in specific markets in a certain period of time is tactical.

    Before choosing and formulating marketing strategies, it is necessary to identify competitive advantages AP.

    For this purpose, you should study the results of the SWOT analysis, including, firstly, assess the opportunities and threats from the external environment, and secondly, determine your strengths and weak sides... This is followed by the development of a basic strategy with which the AP is going to achieve its goal of strengthening market positions.

    There are three main types of basic strategies:

    · protective - used to prevent the loss of existing customers;

    · developing - suggest expanding the range of goods and services;

    · attackers - aimed at attracting new customers.

    An enterprise can use a variety of strategies, but priority should be given to those that best suit its goals, resources and capabilities.

    Strategies in relation to the nature of consumer demand for the product are presented in table. 4.26.

    Table 4.26 - The goals of the strategy to strengthen the market position of the enterprise, depending on the nature of demand and the type of marketing

    Nature of demand Marketing type The goal of the strategy
    Negative Conversion Create favorable opportunities and conditions for the promotion and sale of goods, as well as a favorable image of the goods
    Lack of Stimulating Create conditions for the emergence of demand, stimulate its formation
    Potential Developing Develop a marketing mix to develop demand and turn it from potential to real
    Falling Remarketing Develop a marketing mix to increase demand in the event that the product is of a certain value to the consumer
    Irregular (hesitant) Synchromarketing Develop conditions for balancing demand with increased activities not only during periods of demand decline
    Excessive Demarketing Develop a marketing mix to reduce demand due to the lack of opportunities and resources to fully meet it
    Full Supportive Develop a set of measures to support existing demand
    Irrational Opposing Create a negative image of the product, convince the consumer of the undesirability of its use (tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, etc.)

    The formulation of strategies for the 4P complex can be as follows:

    · by product:changing the product portfolio or assortment structure; exclusion, addition or modification of goods; change in the design, quality or characteristics of goods, etc.;

    · by price:changing the pricing methodology; application of pricing strategies for new or existing goods on the market; the use of pricing tactics, etc .;

    · by commodity movement / distribution:changes in distribution channels, logistics, increasing the level of service, etc.;

    · on promotion / communications:changes in the organization of sales, advertising activities and sales promotion, in public relations policy, etc.


    In order to develop a marketing plan, first of all, you should formulate the goal (s) of the FI for the planned period.

    Objectivesare formulated as the desired result of the market activity of a pharmacy enterprise, which will be obtained in the course of implementing the developed plan. They must be consistent with the mission of the organization.

    The following requirements are imposed on the formulation of goals:

    For example, increase sales of goods by 1.2 times during 2009, etc.

    Strategies- these are the ways to achieve the goal, which are formulated mostly as directions for improving the activities of a pharmacy enterprise, identified as weaknesses of the organization in the course of the SWOT analysis. They relate to the basic elements of marketing - 4P and personnel. However, one should also envisage directions for improving relationships with consumers and competitors.

    Eventsconcretize the actions of the FI on the implementation of strategies. To do this, you should draw up a planning map. The form of the card can be developed in the organization, but it must have mandatory columns (Table 4.27).

    Table 4.27 - Planning map

    Let's analyze the process of developing a marketing plan using the example of a situational problem with the Essliver drug.

    So, in order to develop a marketing plan for Essliver Forte drugs, it is necessary to bring all the audit results on the previous topics into a general SWOT analysis table (Table 4.28).

    Table 4.28 - Results of SWOT analysis

    S - Strengths O - Opportunity
    Essence of goods Health status and outlook: increasing incidence
    Actual item Unsatisfactory state of health care (insufficient budget funding)
    UDT Increasing the population's ability to pay
    The drug is successful in the market "Aging" of the population in a demographic situation, the predominance of women in the structure of the population
    The ability to use two strategies for selling goods Development of social benefit programs
    High competitiveness of Essliver Forte, as well as high consumer value, stable sales, good forecast reliability Development of the preventive direction in healthcare and the growth of Russians' preferences for self-medication
    Development of scientific and technological progress (STP)
    Availability of a discount system for regular customers Technogenic character of society
    Compliance of advertising brochures with advertising requirements
    legislation Deteriorating environmental situation, depreciation of the dollar
    Improving the financial situation of the population
    Good financial position AP
    Stable political course of Russia
    Perspective state policy in the field of health care, culture, education, labor and wages
    Pharmaceutical market growth trends
    A significant share of the pharmaceutical market of the group of drugs used for treatment digestive tract
    A small range of hepatoprotective drugs containing phospholipids on the Russian pharmaceutical market
    Target segment of real consumers
    Presence of segments of potential consumers
    W - Weaknesses T - Threats
    Added product Population decline
    Decline phase in life cycle goods (ZhTsT) Prospects for improving health care
    Lifecycle type - hobby Development of scientific and technological progress
    Medicines of special demand or pre-selection Development of scientific and technological progress in the pharmaceutical industry
    PM interchangeable Depreciation of the dollar
    Two options for drug sales development A significant proportion of poor Russians in the population structure
    Lack of drug implementation strategies Poor financial position of AP
    Fierce competition among various pharmacy organizations pharmaceutical market Rising customs duties, inflation, energy prices and the ITF
    Serious competitors among drug substitutes A change in the political situation in Russia is possible in connection with the upcoming presidential elections
    Lack of other means of sales promotion Availability of analogue drugs (substitutes) in the assortment of the target segment of the Russian pharmaceutical market
    Unsatisfactory state of merchandising in pharmacies Insufficient experience of medical practitioners in the use of drugs
    Disadvantages in design and content of advertising brochures Insufficient awareness of practicing doctors about the consumer properties of drugs
    The AP has no campaign to promote drugs

    As an example, let us analyze once again the favorable opportunities and threats for the activities of Panacea LLC.

    In general, the situational analysis testifies to the prevalence of favorable opportunities from the external environment for the functioning of the AP in the Russian pharmaceutical market. At the same time, when developing a marketing plan, it is necessary to take into account the threats from the product range with the presence of a group of analogue drugs, as well as the lack of awareness and experience among practitioners in the use of LS Essliver Fortein the treatment of patients.

    The basic information for developing a marketing plan is in the SWOT analysis - weaknesses. According to the results of the audit, deficiencies in the product, price, place of sale and promotion were revealed (we did not consider pricing issues, but they are reflected in the section on sales incentives).

    The purpose of the PM is to develop a set of marketing activities, the implementation of which will allow Panacea LLC to strengthen its market position and increase the sales volume of Essliver Forte drugs by 1.1 times during 2007.

    Before developing strategies, let's clarify competitive advantages LS Essliver Fortefrom SWOT analysis. First of all, this is the uniqueness of drugs in the form of a complex of phospholipids and vitamins, success in the pharmaceutical market, high competitiveness and consumer value, and stable sales. Consequently, it can be assumed that there is a possibility of drug sales growth under the condition of certain marketing efforts within the marketing plan.

    Of types basic strategies it is advisable to choose protectiveand attackers to prevent further loss of real buyers and attract and retain potential buyers in their clientele.

    Of the types of marketing, we will choose remarketing in case of falling demand, since drugs Essliver forterepresents a certain value for the consumer.

    So, relying on weaknesses, we will formulate the following main strategies, including:

    By product

    · Explore the possibilities of developing elements of the added product (booklets for doctors, consumers, souvenirs);

    · Apply new strategies for the sale of drugs (according to the Ansoff matrix, in theme 4.16.5, strategies are proposed for introducing into the existing market and modifying the product with the use of the added product and pricing tactics);

    By price

    Explore the possibilities of using different pricing tactics (for selected categories population not included in the DLO program);

    By place of sale

    Improve the state of WAP merchandising (reverse special attention to the presentation LS Essliver Forte);

    promotion / communication

    Improve product promotion - LS Essliver Forte(using various means of communication).

    According to the formulated strategic directions, we will develop a planning map (marketing plan) to strengthen market positions LS Essliver Forte for 2007in the form presented in table. 4.27.

    To shorten the material, we will draw up a marketing plan using only columns 1 and 2 (Table 4.29).

    Table 4.29 - Marketing plan

    N / a Necessary activities
    1* Submit an application to OAO Nizhpharm to receive funds for the added product (brochures, souvenirs)
    2** Justify proposals on the use of various pricing tactics for certain groups of the population that are not part of the DLO contingent
    s *** Engage a merchandising specialist to increase his level in AP, draw up a cost estimate and allocate funds for this purpose
    4**** Develop a campaign to promote Essliver Forte drugs, including: - Prepare information material on drugs for publication in regional newspapers and use in other media; - prepare a script for TV and conduct a program with the participation of specialist doctors (gastroenterologists, therapists, etc.); - to hold a presentation of drugs for doctors at the day of the "Chief Physician" with the participation of JSC "Nizhpharm"; - take part in exhibitions at medical conferences in the region; - to organize a competition with prizes for doctors prescribing drugs; - prepare an information block about drugs using various advertising means in nearby health care facilities
    To develop a sales promotion system for Essliver Forte drugs: - introduce discounts on the purchase of drugs for pensioners in the morning hours, holidays; - organize a lottery with prizes for buyers of this drug

    * Provide certain types added product for both doctors and consumers. For example, prepare a sketch of a consumer booklet with information on dietary nutrition for liver diseases, about healthy way life, etc.

    ** Use pricing tactics such as ranked prices for non-disabled retirees, parents of large families, honored workers, etc.

    *** Provide for the renovation of the interior of the AP, showcases, specially highlight the showcase with hepatoprotectors and information materials, think over the design of AP windows with a poster for Essliver drugs, etc.

    **** When preparing a drug promotion campaign, take into account the target segments of consumers, include measures for the presentation of drugs specifically for each segment.

    The list of activities can be continued depending on the creative capabilities of the AP marketer and the financial resources allocated for this purpose.


    Monitoring the implementation of the marketing plan (PM) provides appraisalachievement of certain results. Therefore, when planning marketing, you should propose methods for such an assessment. Methods of control over the implementation of the marketing plan depend on those quantitative or qualitative indicators of the PA, which should change during the implementation of the plan.

    If the action plan provides for the growth of indicators in monetary or physical terms, therefore, it is possible to propose the calculation of rates or growth indices, for example, in percent. Perhaps, in order to control measures to improve communications, a consumer survey, etc. should be conducted.

    Based on the results of control and analysis of the reasons for deviations from the original goal, it is possible to adjust the PM.

    Alternative strategiesare a mandatory attribute of the PM, since the marketing analyst must understand the changes in the external environment faster than anyone else and predict possible consequences, including for the position of the enterprise in the market. They allow the AP to adapt to the new conditions of the market situation in a short period of time.

    For example, what will the AP do if there is a sharp drop in the dollar exchange rate, or, conversely, an increase in the dollar exchange rate, etc.

    Of course, the PM should also have a financial part in the form of an estimate of income (investment) and expenses for individual activities.

    All analytical calculations and other materials are attached to the PM.

    The executive summary is prepared as a short abstract indicating the PM sections, goals, developed strategic directions and a planning map (0.5-1 s), located in the PM folder after the title page and content indicating chapters and pages.

    According to the figurative description of marketers, the PM is like a map: it shows where the company needs to move and how to get there.

    It connects all the elements of marketing into an agreed action plan, where it is detailed: who, what, when, where and how does it to achieve goals.

    Thanks to this process, the AP will always be aware of the changes taking place in the market, aware of the needs of buyers and the demand for drugs and price offers competitors. MP allows you to effectively use the resources available to the AP and be prepared for possible surprises.


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