The script for the last call is interesting and original. Last call scripts. Scenario. Last Call Line

Germogenova Anastasia
Card file for didactic games kindergarten

Didactic card index games for older children

Performed: Germogenova A.G. - educator MBDOU DSKV "Sardana"

Didactic game

Card number 1

Games with objects.

"Wonderful bag"

Target: Develop tactile perception, teach to highlight the signs of an object by structure, surface, group objects according to the material from which they are made. (metal, wood, plastic)... Activate the dictionary; to educate observation, the ability to clearly follow the rules of the game.

Game rule: Items can only be placed on a tray made of the same material as the item.

Game actions: Guessing the object by touch, guessing the object according to the description; search for items made from different materials; grouping them by quality; usage "Wonderful bag".

Manuals and materials: Wonderful bag, items made from different materials.

Rules of the game: You need to feel, without looking at the object, find out what it is made of, and tell about it in such a way that the children will recognize it from the description and correctly name it.

Didactic game

Card number 2

Games with objects.

"Who hears what?"

Target: To develop auditory attention, the ability to designate sounds with a word (ringing, rustling, playing, cracking);

Develop ingenuity, endurance.

Game rule: You can show an object only after the children correctly name both the object and the sounds it makes.

Game actions: Operate with sounding objects.

Without looking at the object, find out what objects sound.

Manuals and materials: Items that publish the sounds: bell, book, pipe, scissors, water.

Rules of the game: A child is invited behind the screen, playing the pipe or rustling with a book, etc. Children, hearing a sound, guess what sounded, and the one who played comes out from behind the screen with a sounding object in his hands.

Didactic game

Card number 3

Games with objects.

"Guess what changed?"

Target: Develop skill in spatial positioning subject: right, left, front, back, side, about, etc.;

Develop observation, active memorization, speech and activate vocabulary.

Game rule: A change in the arrangement of objects is called only by those children who Petrushka points to.

Game actions: Behind the screen, objects are rearranged so that children cannot see. Using a puppet character, children guess permutations.

Manuals and materials: Parsley or doll, various toys and objects.

Rules of the game: The game can be carried out if children have certain knowledge and skills in spatial orientation.

Didactic game

Card number 4

Games with objects.


Target: To learn to establish the magnitude relations of sets, to use words in speech. Indicating the size of objects. Perform movements according to their verbal designation. Continue teaching your child to reason; develop attention.

Game rule: Children perform only those actions that the teacher is talking about.

Game actions: Only real food should be used in the game (not dummies so that children feel "lung" and "Heavy".

Manuals and materials: Shopping bag, groceries.

Rules of the game: Children together with the teacher go to "shop" and the words denote what they bought.

Example: I bought a tomato, a cucumber from a grocery store and put vegetables in a bag. My bag became heavy, I came home, put vegetables from the heavy bag and my bag became light.

Didactic game

Card number 5

Board - printed game.

"Paired Pictures»

Target: Develop the ability to find in objects depicted on pictures similarities and differences; to intensify dictionary: similar, different, the same; Develop observation skills.

Game rules: Select only the same Pictures; the winner is the one who does not make mistakes even once.

Game actions: Search for identical pictures.

Manuals and materials: Subject Pictures(10-12 pcs., They are all different, but among them there are 2 identical.

Game progress: The teacher asks which of the children to find and show the same Pictures and show them to all children. Paired Pictures put aside. Then the teacher mixes everything up Pictures(they must be upside down) and imperceptibly puts in 1 more steam room picture... Having spread them out with the front side, he again offers to find the same ones. The difficulty lies in the fact that among pictures may be very similar, but not the same, for example: cups that are the same color but different without a handle. Children talk about objects, note how they are similar and how they differ.

Didactic game

Card number 6

Board - printed game.

"What's superfluous?"

Target: Learn to notice mistakes in the use of objects; develop observation, a sense of humor, the ability to prove the correctness of your judgment; to consolidate knowledge about the tools of labor.

Game rules: Close cardboard only an extra picture... The winner is the one who is the first to find the unnecessary item.

Game actions: Find and hide the image of unnecessary items.

Manuals and materials: Profession cards, subject pictures with tools.

Game progress: People in large squares different professions, in the cells, the objects and tools of labor they need for work, among them, those that they do not need. The child must notice and close cardboard, a piece of unnecessary subject.

Didactic game

Card number 7

Board - printed game.

"When does this happen?"

Target: Consolidate knowledge of the parts of the day; exercise in juxtaposition pictures with parts of the day: morning afternoon Evening Night.

Game rules: According to the word spoken by the teacher, show card and explain why he picked it up.

Game actions: Search for the desired Pictures.

Manuals and materials: Story Pictures reflecting the lives of children in kindergarten: morning exercises, breakfast, etc. There should be several plot points for each part of the day pictures.

Game progress: Children choose their own picture, on word "morning", should pick it up and explain why he picked it up.

Didactic game

Card number 8

Board - printed game.


Target: Consolidate knowledge about domestic and wild animals, note the characteristics of animals, continue to develop the ability to play together, obey the rules of the game.

Game rules: The first player to finish the rebound wins pictures, put them on rule: dog to dog, bear to bear - and never make a mistake.

Game actions: Search for the desired pictures, adherence to priority.

Manuals and materials: Board game "Domino"

Game progress: 4 - 6 children play, who is the first to put the last card, he wins.

Didactic game

Card number 9

Word game.

"Where we were, we will not tell, but what we did, we will show"

Target: Learn to call action a word; use the form of verbs correctly (time, face); develop creative imagination, ingenuity.

Game rules: All children must correctly portray the proposed action so that they can guess and name it.

Game actions: Imitation of movements, guessing; choice of the driver.

Manuals and materials: (No)

Game progress: They choose the leader, he goes out, the rest agree that they will act as an action, the leader must guess what the children did for the action.

Didactic game

Card number 10

Word game.

"It happens or not".

Target: Develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistencies in judgments.

Game rules: Whoever notices the fable must prove why this does not happen.

Game actions: Guessing fables.

Manuals and materials: (No)

Game progress: The teacher can tell that something is wrong, for example: "In the summer, when the sun is shining brightly, we went out and made a snowman out of the snow.".

Didactic game

Card number 11

Word game.

"Add a word"

Target: Exercise in the correct designation of the position of objects in relation to yourself; develop orientation in space.

Game rules: Only the one to whom the teacher throws the ball answers.

Game actions: Children are looking for correct words, denoting different locations of objects in space. The person who caught the ball must quickly complete the sentence with the desired word.

Manuals and materials:

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to the child and asks where is the table? Or a wardrobe? a child who caught the ball, answers: The table is behind me.

Didactic game

Card number 12

Word game

Didactic game"Find the mistake".

Goals: learn to pronounce polysyllabic words clearly loudly, develop auditory attention.

Game progress: The teacher shows a toy and names a deliberately wrong action that this animal allegedly performs. Children must answer whether this is correct or not, and then list those actions that this animal can actually perform. For example: “The dog is reading. Can a dog read? " Children answer: "No"... What can a dog do? Children list. Then other animals are named.

DIY didactic games

Layout "Pets"

was made of waste material (cardboard and newspaper tubes), for children preschool age.
You can get acquainted with the master class on making a layout
Target: reinforce ideas about pets.
Consolidate children's knowledge of pets. Note characteristic signs animals.
Strengthen the ability to compare, find similarities and differences.
To develop the ability to distinguish between animals and their young.
Form the skill of composing short story about animals.
To develop in children memory, thinking, imagination.
To develop children's interest in wildlife, emotional responsiveness.
To educate children to love their native land.
To bring up in children a kind attitude towards animals, arouse a desire to help them.

Model "Miller's Courtyard"

Purpose: the layout is intended for direct educational and play activities of older preschool children, for interior decoration.
Target- to promote the emergence and development of an emotional and cognitive interest in the historical and cultural heritage of Russia.
1. To consolidate knowledge about the peculiarities of peasant labor, about the miller's profession.
2. Expand the understanding of the life of a peasant family in Russia.

Didactic game: "Feed the kolobok"

Target: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.
Equipment: not tall plastic jars with lids, beans.
Making a manual: depict a kolobok (or other character) from self-adhesive paper on the lid. Make a hole in the mouth with a clerical knife (it is convenient to cut a hole if you twist the knife in a circle)


There are a lot of options for this game. It can be complicated depending on the age of the children. I offer my options with children of the younger, middle group.
The child catches a fish with a fishing rod.
1. "What size, color is it"
Purpose: to train children in determining the size of the fish; consolidate knowledge of color.
2. "Where, what is growing"
Purpose: to teach to classify subjects according to the themes "Vegetables", "Fruits".
3. "Who lives where"
Purpose: to teach to classify subjects according to the themes "Domestic, wild animals"
4. "Where's Whose Mom"(additional cards with animals are needed)
Purpose: to teach how to select domestic and wild animals, to name them correctly.
5. "The fourth extra"
Purpose: to teach to classify subjects by topic.

"Carnations and rubber bands"

This game requires wood plywood, stationery studs, and bank rubber bands.
Purpose: for the development of fine motor skills, visual, color and spatial perception, imagination ;; to consolidate knowledge of various types of geometric shapes, lines.

Game "Funny Gnomes".

Target: learn the names of the days of the week and the order, consolidate the concepts of yesterday, today, tomorrow.
First option.
"What a gnome is gone."
Children close their eyes, the teacher removes one gnome. Children open their eyes and guess which gnome ran away.
Second option.
Children close their eyes, the teacher changes the order of the gnomes. Children open their eyes and place them in the correct sequence.
The third option.
We teach with children yesterday and tomorrow, if today is Monday, yesterday and tomorrow, if today is Tuesday, etc. the goal: to develop tactile perception in children; enrich the active vocabulary of children with new words, develop memory, attention, imagination, imaginative thinking; fine motor skills.

"Tactile caps"

for the game I took:
- caps for bottled water;
- fabric of different textures, fur, sandpaper, leather, beads;
- glue.
- cut out circles of the same size from different materials as the caps and glued them.
How we play:
- Put all the caps in an opaque bag and ask the child to take out the cap with a smooth texture, etc.
- "Find a Pair"
- "Find dissimilar caps"(such as fur and leather)
- "Guess what (who) looks like"
-"Guess who am I"(red fur - fox, sandpaper - hedgehog, smooth skin - frog)

Educational game "Squares with a secret"

Purpose: to enrich the active vocabulary of children with new words, to develop memory, attention, fine motor skills.
Feeling or tactile perception plays important role in development. And it is associated with the development of imagination, figurative thinking and creative speech abilities in children. And the training of fine motor skills of the fingers stimulates the timely development of speech skills.
Each "square" is sewn from an opaque fabric. It is a 6x6 flat pad with a cardboard frame inside and one small object in the center. There should be a pair of "squares" with the same objects inside. This game is multifunctional.
First option Find a pair. The child feels the "square" and finds a pair for it.
Second option. It is necessary to divide the "squares" into two piles so that each does not contain the same. Place the first pile on the table, and distribute the “squares” from the second to the players equally. Players place their "squares" in front of them. The adult becomes the presenter, but can also take part in the game. The facilitator takes the "square", feels it and describes its contents in words. For example, he says that there is a large smooth stone. The player who has a paired "square" takes it for himself. The winner is the one who is the first to receive a pair for each of his "squares".

Educational game "Sweets"

Purpose: to teach to differentiate non-speech noises, to find “sweets” of the same sound, to develop logical thinking, attentiveness, memory.
Hearing is no less important tool for comprehending the world around us than sight and touch. The ability to hear and distinguish sounds also needs constant training. How better baby hears, the sooner he learns to understand the meaning of what is said to him and the faster verbal communication will become for him effective way gaining new knowledge.
Each "candy" is made of a kinder surprise. Filled with "sweets" with different fillers that produce a certain sound when shaken, and trimmed with bright fabric. A couple is made up of "sweets", emitting the same sound when shaking, with the same filling. These can be beads, cereals, paper clips, etc.
The first option is "Find the same". Two are playing. "Sweets" are laid out on the table, the player takes any one "candy" and rattles it, and then takes another one and also shakes it. You cannot take more than two "sweets". If the sound is different, then the player puts each on former place, and the turn goes to the next player. If the sound is the same, then the player takes both candies for himself, and gets the right to immediately make another move. The game continues until the table runs out of "sweets".
And this is a similar game to "sweaters", the manual is made of chocolate eggs and pasted over with thermal film

Game for the development of fine motor skills "Box with a surprise"

A didactic game is a great example of how, in the experienced hands of an adult, a game process turns into an educational one. During an exciting lesson, kids 4-6 years old expand their circle of knowledge, develop intellectually and personally. Gaming activities are a must in the daily routine of any preschool... If a preschooler is at home, it is important for his parents to know what are the features of didactic games and how to organize the educational game process at home.

The value of didactic games in the development of a preschooler

Didactic (educational) play is a particularly important type of child's activity, in the process of which he gains new knowledge and improves the previously acquired one. In fact, this game is the most effective method preschooler learning. It rarely occurs spontaneously. It is most often initiated by an adult. To organize the educational gameplay, he needs to prepare in advance.

For the first time, a full-fledged educational game is possible with preschool children because:

  1. In babies of this age group, attention is already quite stable. The game process can last about 20 minutes, and in case of extreme interest of the child, even longer.
  2. At the age of 4-6 years, the child's sensory perception and imaginative thinking are improving, he is completely ready for learning.
  3. The vocabulary of preschoolers is already quite large, they express themselves practically without problems.
  4. In preschoolers, it is already possible to consider the ability for certain types of activity. One or another type of educational game can be aimed at developing these abilities.
  5. Four- and six-year-olds can already follow the rules of the game, consistently perform actions. The obligatory presence of rules and a clear plan is one of the features of the educational game.

Using one or another type of didactic game, adults develop in a preschooler:

  • sensory perception;
  • motor skills;
  • speech;
  • thinking logical and figurative;
  • memory;
  • imagination;
  • spatial and temporal perception;
  • perseverance;
  • curiosity.

The purpose of a didactic game can be to expand the range of knowledge about the nature, properties and purpose of objects, certain phenomena of the surrounding world, rules of behavior, etc.

This type of game activity has four mandatory components: goal, rules, certain actions participants and the result. Therefore, they are not only organized by an adult, but also take place in his presence.

Features of the choice of didactic games

Often, educational play activities do not require special equipment or any specific toys. By organizing it, an adult can use everything that is at his fingertips.

Special attention should be paid to board games. Usually, they are themed. Choosing a purchased set or book manual, intending to make it yourself, you should pay Special attention topics relevant to preschool children. These can be:

  • weather;
  • nature;
  • flora and fauna;
  • right-left;
  • daily regime;
  • etiquette;
  • check;
  • alphabet;
  • other.

Types of didactic games with examples

Since an educational game is a rather complex pedagogical phenomenon, there are a large number of criteria by which it is classified.

For example, by the number of participants, it can be:

  • individual;
  • collective.

And for the purpose of the event:

  • aimed at the development of speech;
  • creative;
  • educational;
  • mathematical;
  • logical;
  • other.

The following classification is generally accepted in pedagogy:

1. Didactic object games

This type of games is designed to improve motor skills, tactile, visual, and auditory perception of a 4-6 year old child. By manipulating toys and other objects, the preschooler develops creativity and imagination. During the game, he communicates with other participants, adults and children.

"Learning materials"

Purpose of the game: teach the child to visually and by touch determine what material the object is made of, group objects by common feature, develop speech, attention and observation of the preschooler.
Game inventory: small items and toys made from various materials(plastic, rubber, wood, glass, metal).
Game progress:
A basket is placed in front of the child, in which objects and toys are stacked. The kid is invited to take turns taking out objects, inspecting and touching them. Based on his feelings, the child must say what material the object is made of. You can ask him to tell why he decided that way. Further, the baby takes out, describes and puts the objects so that in each of the heaps they are from the same material.
If several children are playing the game, you can organize something like a relay race: put baskets with the same number of items in front of the participants. On command, the children will have to sort them according to the material. The winner is the one who is the first to do it right.

"All the way around"

Purpose of the game: development of gross motor skills of a preschooler, expansion of his vocabulary and improvement of speech.
Game inventory: ball.
Game progress:
It is better to play such a game in three or in a small group (up to 5 people).
A leader is chosen from among the participant. He stands in front of the other players and throws the ball to them in turn. At the same time, he names the word - an adjective, and the one who catches the ball must say the opposite to this word.
For example:
cold - hot;
high Low;
big small;
kind angry;
heavy - light.

If one of the participants makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game. The last participant who managed not to be eliminated from the game becomes the leader.

2. Board-printed didactic games

The use of visual aids in the game process is envisaged: collections of educational tasks, cards, posters, models, toys, etc. Often, these manuals are made with your own hands.

"Fruits and vegetables"

Purpose of the game: consolidate the child's knowledge about fruits and vegetables, teach him to group objects according to a certain criterion.
Game inventory: basket, plates, paper-cut fruits and vegetables.
Game progress:
Cards with images of fruits and vegetables can be bought in the store, found on the Internet and printed, drawn by yourself.
The paper harvest is put in a basket. Two plates are placed on the table in front of the child. The kid should take turns taking cards out of the basket, name the fruit or vegetable, then put the card on the plate. In this case, fruits should be in one, vegetables - in another.

"Dress for the weather!"

Purpose of the game: recalling the names of clothing items, the development of speech and logical thinking, learning to group items according to a certain criterion.
Game inventory: cardboard cards (with the image of the seasons - a larger size, with the image of clothing items - a smaller one).
Game progress:
If an adult plays with a child at home, he gives him a large card with winter, spring, summer or autumn landscape... Small cards with images of clothing items are neatly laid out next to the baby. The child is asked to choose those that correspond to the weather of the time of year that he came across. For example: winter - warm overalls, hat, scarf, mittens, boots.
In the second version of the game, you can lay out in front of the child a card with the season of the year and several cards with items of clothing, one of which is incorrect. For example: Summer: dress, sandals, shorts, socks, hat with bubo. The kid must find and remove the excess.

3. Word learning games

They are aimed at developing attention, memory and recall. Playing in such, the child improves speech, learns to communicate coherently.

"Come up with a riddle"

Purpose of the game: development of speech and communication skills of a preschool child.
Game inventory: cards with images of objects.
Game progress:
The game turns out to be very exciting. 3-10 people can take part in it. You can come up with riddles at home, together with one baby.
Children sit on a rug, sofa or high chairs. The first of them comes up to an adult and receives a card. The kid should not show it to anyone. He stands in front of the other players and describes the object depicted on the card. However, he should not name it.
For example:

  • doll - a toy, beautiful, with a bow, in a dress, for girls, and so on;
  • the ball is round, rubber, played on the street, and so on;
  • wolf - predatory, angry, gray, lives in a forest or a zoo.

Children must guess and name the item being described.


Purpose of the game: activation of vocabulary.
Game inventory: Ball, pin, flag, soft toy to choose from.
Game progress:
If there are two participants (an adult and a child), they stand opposite each other. If there are more of them, they become in a circle. The first participant holds in his hands soft toy(ball, flag, pin, etc.). He passes it to a neighbor and calls the word. The neighbor must name another that is in some way related to the previous one. Etc.
For example:
autumn - rain - cloudy - cold - wet;
game - fun - dolls - cars - friends;
kindergarten - teacher - nanny - quiet hour - walk.


Today is a joyful, cheerful holiday:
A difficult, long school year is over.
The guys did not come to school -
Hear the call for the holidays.


Today is an unusual day
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the last lesson, farewell,
Graduation class set off!


May day plays on the line
The breeze whispers softly in the foliage,
Seeing off your pets on the way,
The school will give them last call!


There will be a sea of ​​guests to worry
There will be many poems and flowers -
Oceans of stormy applause
We welcome ...
Together. GRADUATES !!!

Graduates, grade 11 come out to music

NIKITA: Each of you for 11 school years transformed from a tiny spark into a bright star.
YULIA B: And among you there is not a single star similar to each other, because you are very individual and unique.
YULIA N: Our today's holiday, albeit not in full measure, will nevertheless show your skill and talent.
Zakhar School! Attention! Solemn ruler Last Call 2017 is announced open.


NIKITA: The floor for reading the order on admission to the final certification is given to the deputy director for teaching and educational work, F.G. Cheltygmasheva.


Dear graduates!
How cute you are today-
With a smile, the mood is great!
And on this day, important and solemn,
Let the words of greeting sound in your honor!


The floor is given to the director of the school, O.A. Tokmova.


All your emotions, worries are clear,
You have grown up, congratulations!
May life, consisting of impressions,
Will give you the future and the present!


I give the floor ...


I remember the first time you
School entered these walls,
Your first teachers
You were escorted to first grade with a smile


They were like second mothers to you
They carried good, protected from evil.
Today they will see off
Those whom, once met here


The floor is given to the first teacher, E.A. Leonova. and students of grade 3 A


The floor is given to the class teacher of the 11th grade, Zakharova Z.V.



What are the birds singing to us today?
What did the breeze whisper about in the morning?

What event will happen at the school?
What is our holiday?
Together: Last Call!


What's going on at school in the spring?
Something changes suddenly.
It's just that this childhood is leaving us forever
And does not come back.


The last call is goodbye to childhood.
The last bell rings only once.
We will leave school with a huge inheritance,
That shines with knowledge from clever eyes.


The last call, how sad it is.
The last call - he is the crown of happiness.
We did not come to school by accident.
And know that life is not over yet.


The last call is just the beginning
For those who are sure that they know their way.
And even though our childhood has already died away,
We can look into our future.


Dear teachers! Let me say thank you
Let me look you in the eye
Our soul is heavy and lumpy -
We are embarking on a new path!


We say goodbye to you and the school,
We say goodbye to the family,
Expects a new path in life,
We know it won't be easy!


Thank you for giving us
The ability to love and dream
We were given everything that they themselves knew
We will miss you all!


We will not forget our native school,
We will all miss you
And entering into life is not easy
We promise to study everything!


Thank you, teachers, for your knowledge,
What they gave us
For disinterested generosity,
For kind hearts
For everything, for everything that our souls have conquered!


Thank you for loving us,
Although they were strict with us at times,
For the fact that you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything that has been done for us.
Sincere thanks to everyone
We tell you, teachers.


Dear, beloved mothers and fathers! So we finished school. Everyone says they have matured a lot. But for you we are still small, helpless, and you are worried, worried about how we will behave in a new life. Be calm, dear ones! We will not hurt you. Neither you nor our teachers will have to blush for us!

1. Host: Good afternoon!

Everyone was whirled with spring commotion
May. The twenty-sixth number. The cherished date has come.
Ninth grade
The last school bell will ring.

2. Host:

Today is an unusual day: the sun has risen, washing itself with dew,
On the call for the last, farewell, the graduation class is going.
May day plays outside the window, the breeze whispers softly in the foliage,
Seeing off their pets on the way, the school will give them the last call.

1.Master: Out of graduates (number 2)

Attention! Solemn moment!

To your endless applause, we invite the heroes of the occasion - the graduates of 2017 to the hall.

Today we see off to the school of life

Those who have gone through a difficult school path.

Let's wish them all together-

Do not get lost in life, do not collapse!

Came here on a fine September day

Confused, timid children.

Today you are not like those,

Which mothers led by the hand.

Confident, strong, athletic,

Responsible and active in everything

Clockwork, cheerful, gentle,

And diligent in their studies and friendship.

The school will remember you for a long time,

There were "stars" and there were "stars"

there were difficulties, there were "jokes" -

Never gave up, never whined!

Let's just wish them luck-

Keep it up! Only this way - not otherwise!



The ceremonial part dedicated to the Last Bell is declared open.
The motive is both proud and familiar

Sounds on the radio in the morning.

This is how the country wakes up

To the sounds of the Anthem is a special sign.

And we shouldn't forget -

At the sound of the Anthem

I have to get up.

The anthem of Russia is played. (No. 3)


Here it is: exciting, disturbing
And the long-awaited moment of parting.
All the chalk was written, and the bells rang,

And large mountains of books have been re-read.

1. Host:
The last lessons have already passed,
And each teacher was in a hurry to give you advice.
Today is a parting word
We will ask the deputy director to say.

The floor is given to the deputy director of the school Svetlana Vitalievna Maltseva


2 Lead: Dear graduates, today those who will be in your place - eighth-graders - have come to congratulate you.

(come on stage two eighth grader in a master's costume)


We are messengers from the age of enlightenment.
We greet you, oh young talents!

Graduates in chorus (cheers)

2. Master
We are seriously concerned
The fate of science in the current environment
We intend to take an oath from you!

1. Master

1. Do you swear, listening to strangers,
From now on with the words of godless
Our mighty tongue is not clogged?

2. Master

2. Do you swear, about the ignorant tribe,
Throwing without looking back into the sea of ​​life
Do not forget Alma Mater in the future.
And, most importantly, her dining room?

(graduates in chorus answer: "We swear!")

1. Master

3. And if luck comes in life,
Do you swear, having become a thousand times richer,
The last shirt from Versace
Will you give this monastery over?

(graduates in chorus answer: "We swear!")

2. Master

4.Do you swear on the genius of science,
Achieve unprecedented success in exams?

Do not whistle all knowledge and experience,
received within these walls here?

(graduates in chorus answer: "We swear!")

1. Master

Let's end the oath with a wish:

I wish you success and a little luck,

For you, after all, this is, oh, a difficult time.

2. Master

We wish you good luck and great patience!

And each so that the exam was passed only with a bang!

Masters are removed from the scene



We have a lot of guests today -

Graduates, colleagues, friends,

To touch the school doorstep

Be sad with your school.

But we have a special guest -

He didn't go to first grade here

But we are not indifferent to him,

And he congratulates us personally.


Guests have come to your holiday,

To wish you luck.

They want you goodbye

Useful Tips to give.



It is impossible to forget the first teacher, who will forever remain for you the most, the most:

the very first, most affectionate and most loving. With loud applause, we greet the first teacher of our graduates Raspopova Irina Vitalievna.

(speech of the first teacher)


But who is your main mentor?

Who ruled your boat at school?

Sorry, scolded, talked, asked,

The magazine suddenly brought to lessons,

I advised, I charged my parents,

I loved and helped people as they are

From all caps TEACHER!

He is your homeroom teacher.

The word for congratulations is given to the class teacher of the 9th grade

Yeltsova Irina Pavlovna

So, you grew up, you are quite adults

And life is rich in bright dreams!

But sadness and joy are fighting in me

When I look at you guys now.

I am glad that you have matured so much,

That instead of foolish children - children,

At the holiday, I see in this hall,

Quite independent people!

I am glad that you are all so beautiful

That you are in the prime of life's spring!

That there are no soulless and arrogant among you,

And you are striving into the distance with dreams! ...

And I'm glad to dreams and your plans

And I believe - go far!

And I'm sad that I came up to us

It's time to part - it's not easy!

But for a teacher, such sadness is eternal:

We release you into life, like ships at sea ...

Bring goodness and humanity to the world,

To be proud of you, we could!

Presentation of gifts from Cl. the head


The whole family to accompany the graduates on the way.
On the day of "Last Call", even the little ones
In a hurry to congratulate the senior class
From all their little souls.
(performance of first graders)

1st: We are good guys.
Take us seriously.
To you - graduates, of course,
First graders have questions.

2nd: You have become big in stature,
Men, not boys,
Questions arise here:
How much "Rastishki" should you eat?

3rd: To look beautiful,
You tried very hard.
My question is naive:
Have you already fallen in love?

4th: Glamorous girl
I will be in 10 years.
Among you potential
Grooms, by chance, no?

5th: I want to know about one thing:
If you are free,
Dads hit you with a belt
Or put in a corner?

6th: You wrote tests
4 and 5.
Would you tell us
What is the best way to write off?

7th: Boys, boys,
I need answers:
How to solve mathematics?
How to make the girls goofy?

8th: I have 200 questions,
And you have 100 answers.
Somewhere in the future, I hope
We'll see you again.

9th: On this May day, radiant
We want to wish you
For any question from life
Only answer correctly!


Who loved and caressed children?

Who didn’t sleep at night?

Who worried about them,

And, at times, he was grim?

Patiently day after day

I raised them with a belt

Helped the teacher

Who is this?…..

Graduates in chorus: Parents!


And now they look excitedly,

On matured, grown-up children.

And you have your parental word

V solemn moment they want to say!

On behalf of all parents, the floor is given ………………………………

(Speech by parents).




And now our graduates will say words of gratitude and appreciation

Speech by 2 graduates

Evgeniy... I had a dream tonight

As if I'm going to first grade!

In the hands - peonies, white as snow!

And behind the back is a shiny new satchel!

Kate... You left the house, you look - I am!

And immediately pulled me by the pigtail!

Evgeniy... And you let’s shout and call your mom.

Kate... And I had to get into class one!

Evgeniy... Listen, this is not a dream at all, but a reality!

However, it's true, like dreams,

School moments rushed like a whirlwind!

And yours have grown, my friends!

Kate... We are on the verge of a new life.

Graduates - we are called today!

And ahead - roads, sun, showers,

Actions and achievements await us.

Evgeniy. Let the bad weather pass by
And the world will become brighter for us.

Today everyone, accept the wish of "happiness"

From us already rather big friends.

All graduates go on stage

melody "For those who are at sea" (no. 4)

Do you remember how it all started;
Everything was for the first time and again:
Calls to lessons, ABC and notebooks,
And the first love in my life.

We solved problems together
We read and learned poetry.
They passed the tests, and every fifth,
As a rule, I was at the blackboard!

Thank you, everyone who is at school
He works, teaches, leads the way of knowledge.

We will remember you in both joy and sorrow;
We wish you good luck, health and happiness,

Worthy students.

1.Master: Dear alumni, today you are given the opportunity to say all words of gratitude, appreciation, love to those who were the guiding and guiding force of your growing up.

Artem : Teachers! Our dear ones!

We love you all, respect and honor you.

We sincerely want to say thank you

And the light that you lit, we will save!

You gave us a lot of energy and knowledge -

Stocks of warmth and kindness

And from their graduates as a keepsake

Accept these delicate flowers!

First teacher



With deep love and words of gratitude and appreciation, we turn to our class teacher

Dear Irina Pavlovna!

Kind, warm-hearted, wise,

Brave as a musketeer.

But sometimes also formidable,

Strict like a prosecutor.

Nurse or tamer?

Or a mother of many children?

Classroom teacher,

What should I call you now?

It is not easy to climb the heights of knowledge,

You can stumble, you can break,

Only upward we stubbornly walked straight,

We had a reliable, cool guide with us!

And I wanted to say a special word

An educator who strove to understand

Every step is ours

Who was the leader of all affairs.

This is our classroom teacher!

To the teacher of the Russian language and literature


Happy holiday to the teacher of Russian language and literature Burkova Svetlana Sergeevna

Probably, God wanted it this way:
Only with you did our mind comprehend
Great, mighty, truthful, free,
Fairest Russian language!
Without wasting words, without spraying strength,
We are not hiding in a corner
And we sincerely congratulate you on this day,
On Russian moreover language!

History and social studies teacher


Many thanks, love and gratitude to Valentina Nikolayevna Burkova. During our studies, she was for us both the headmaster of the school, and the teacher of the origins and some regional subjects.


Small service personnel


Words of gratitude and gratitude to the workers of the "invisible front" Burkova Nina Alexandrovna and Bazhenova Lyudmila Pavlovna.

Cleanliness will save the world!
Everyone knows this
We are the school staff thank you
Brave for your work.
Thank you for saying
What did you clean up after us,
That everything is so clean and light
For being with us for a long time.
Very difficult job
sweep, vacuum
Pick up everything that is thrown on the floor
Wipe the dust off the table
And make sure that here and there
Everything was in place.


And my word is -

Look for the main thing in the dining room,

Everyone who lives here at school

Only with the nose and lead:

How to smell the rolls -

Everyone is running to the dining room!

To everyone who fed us

and washed the floors behind us,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

We say thank you to everyone

Graduates in chorus: "Thanks!

motive of the song "Smile"

from the movie "Carnival Night" (No. 6)

1.If you will leave the house, frowning,

If you are not happy with a sunny day.

May you smile at the doorstep of the school

You have long been familiar, nimble guy.

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes,

AND good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

2.If a student has stunned you with something,

If he succeeded in his antics,

Remember how many good children there are,

We have much more of them - remember them.

3. How beautiful and rich in soul you are.

In the morning, hurry to the children for the lesson.

May your salary be increased by one hundred,

So that everyone can go on vacation to the Canary Islands.




Grandmothers, grandfathers, dads and moms,You beat the school program!You shared tears and laughter with the children,Ups, doubts, shame and success ...Assess your teamworkYou will soon find it in your certificates!


Thank you, parents, for
That the nights didn't get enough sleep because of us
That we, beautiful, to the first call
In the early morning we saw off to school!
For not being scolded if we
Once in the lesson they found
Or a huge window with a ball
In the teachers' room, they accidentally smashed it!
Thank you for your support, kindness,
For the tenderness of the hands and the kind word,
For true heart kindness,

And the fact that they are always ready to help us!


The last bell is an important holiday, a little sad,
Our parents are all gathered here,
Today we will say thank you for everything,
They raised us and gave us life
We promise them to continue to learn,
To please with success, to have time for everything,
We will always love them very much,
We will devote our victories to them!

Thank you, our dear parents.
Forgive us if you are offended in something,
During sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience
For the gray hair on the temples of my father
And for the wrinkles of his own face.
Let us bow to you in the belt to the ground,
Thank you, family, thank you!

2. Host

School years rush rapidly
Leaving a trace in the memory.
How amazing they were
A fragment from the movie will remind you




We studied for nine years

Rubbed books and pants

They got used to scoliosis,

Nine times smarter than steel.


Nine years in your favorite school ...

We ate three pounds of salt.

This school country

She gave us everything in full:


Expectations of the formidable "deuce"

Following her - headwash,

Over the tasks of suffering

Useless expectations


The necessary thoughts for the composition,

With dad - mom of explanations,

With our classroom revelations

And from the lessons of vapors.


Please forgive us!

You are not raising us in vain!

Teachers! Dads! Mom!

We all stand before you.

We are your work

In our school!

all graduates bow to teachers and parents in unison


The last school bell
It excites the hearts so much
And the threshold of adulthood,
He will tell you a lot tomorrow.

You guys have matured
Well, it's time to have a good trip,
All horizons are open
And you need to sparkle brightly.

May everything succeed
And big things await
Good luck with all your achievements,
Health, peace, kindness.
The right to make the last call is given to a graduate participating in sporting events school, district, school and municipal olympiads ah, the game "Zarnitsa", concerts, festivals and other events to Bazhenov Evgeny.

The right to submit the last call is given to a graduate, an active participant in regional competitions (Children's computer project, Sumarokov readings, Safe wheel, Real mathematics, the game "Zarnitsa" and other activities of the school and municipal level) Raspopov Artemy.

The right to send the last call is given to a school graduate, an excellent student, a participant in school, district and regional competitions, an active participant in municipal Olympiads, a student who has a large number of prizes and, accordingly, certificates in various fields learning activities(First steps into science, Sumarokov readings, Children's computer project, Leader of the 21st century, Safe wheel, Zarnitsa, cross-country skiing and much more) and a 1st grade student Matvey Korobitsyn.

The last bell rings

Lead 1 : We are completing our holidayAnd we wish everyone presentLead 2 : Let everything work out in your life - this is ONCE!Lead 1 : Were healthy so that it is always TWO!

Lead 2 : So that the soul is beautiful from the inside - this is THREE!Lead 1 : So that everyone lived in love and peace - it seems to be FOUR!

Lead 2 : To never lose heart - this is FIVE!

Lead 1 : Friends so that you can not count - this is SIX!

Lead 2 : More good songs for everyone - that's SEVEN!

Lead 1 : So that autumn is fruitful - it will already be EIGHT!

Lead 2: That everything will be fine, one must believe in it, of course - this is NINE!Lead 1 : More GOOD, PATIENCE, STAYING .... All the best in my wishes!

In our beloved school, there is a law that is:
The whole family should accompany the graduates on their way.

Circle of honor (no. 7)

Lead 2: The festive line of the "Last Call" is declared closed !!!


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