The Lukoil company accepts congratulations. Anniversary in working style 25 years of Lukoil

PJSC LUKOIL is one of the largest vertically integrated oil and gas companies, developing fields in 12 countries around the world. Its structures and divisions employ more than 110 thousand people and account for more than 2% of world oil production. About global projects, product price dynamics and the future of the company - in a special project of the Business of Russia portal.


July 15, 2016 at 6:26 am

PJSC LUKOIL is developing new global projects in Uzbekistan, Eastern Taimyr, Iraq and other regions.

Western Siberia, one of the main oil-producing regions of the country, has always been the focus of attention of the management of PJSC LUKOIL and its subsidiaries. It was here that many projects were implemented that play a huge role in ensuring Russia’s energy security.

Currently, LUKOIL - Western Siberia is working on the launch of the Pyakyakhinskoye field - another large center hydrocarbon production located in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Important role in the implementation of this project belongs OOO"Dorstroyservice" - subsidiary company transport holding Spetsneftetrans, a reliable partner of PJSC LUKOIL.


Paving the arteries of life in the oil-producing region

July 15, 2016 at 6:16 am

Director of Dorstroyservice LLC

- “Dorstroyservice” is a powerful company that can rightfully be proud of its work in today’s realities

One of the challenges facing oil producing companies today is the search for effective methods use of associated gas. In the past, this valuable resource was simply flared due to the lack of infrastructure for its collection, preparation, transportation and processing. Such extravagance is unacceptable at this time.

Partner of PJSC LUKOIL JSC "New Technologies" has developed an advanced technology for involving associated petroleum gas into circulation by converting it into stable liquid synthetic products directly at the field. This method allows to significantly reduce the costs of production and transportation of such gas and, most importantly, is available to most oil and gas companies.


Gas processing using GTL technology

July 13, 2016 at 1:21 pm

An innovative development of New Technologies JSC - block-modular complexes BMK GTL.

LUKOIL has always been a pioneer in the application of innovative approaches in the oil and gas industry. One of its development partners newest types equipment that allows you to increase production efficiency is. Thus, the order of PJSC Lukoil for the development of the offshore platform of the V. Filanovsky field allowed OKB Zenit JSC to enter the market of oil treatment equipment and develop competencies in managing complex international projects.

Main Executive Director On Tuesday, November 22, Igor Sechin sent a letter to Rosneft congratulating the LUKOIL team on the company’s 25th anniversary. It posted​on the LUKOIL Facebook page.

In the letter, Sechin noted that the current generation of Russian oil workers is consistently and competently solving complex and responsible tasks facing the industry. “LUKOIL is known not only for its economic successes, but also for its environmental and social programs and support for the indigenous peoples of the North. Thanks to your efforts, LUKOIL worthily represents the interests of Russia in the world hydrocarbon markets, and is distinguished by its high business reputation", the letter emphasizes.

A LUKOIL representative confirmed to RBC that Sechin’s letter was received on November 22, when the company’s anniversary was celebrated. A Rosneft representative said he would comment on the fact that the letter was sent later.

In honor of LUKOIL's birthday, a concert was held at the Kremlin Palace on Tuesday, at which, among other things, congratulations from government officials were heard. In particular, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s congratulatory telegram was read from the stage by his assistant Andrei Belousov. In the telegram, the President noted that LUKOIL has an impeccable business reputation and high social responsibility. Head of Government Dmitry Medvedev also sent congratulations. “LUKOIL is a well-known Russian brand that is well known not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. It is a symbol of excellent quality, reliability and stability,” he noted in the telegram.

Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko in her letter called LUKOIL one of the symbols of the economy modern Russia, a pioneer in management large companies. State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin noted that LUKOIL remains the leader in the oil and gas industry in the difficult conditions of global competition. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak personally congratulated the LUKOIL team on November 21 at the ceremony of presenting state and departmental awards. The head of Transneft Nikolai Tokarev congratulated his colleague from LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov personally, arriving at the Kremlin Palace at the end of the concert.

LUKOIL is the largest private oil company in Russia. State-controlled Rosneft is its main competitor. Both companies applied to purchase the state share in Bashneft, but in the end Rosneft sold the asset without bidding for 329.69 billion rubles. The company is the only one among the contenders

Today LUKOIL is:

More than 2% of global oil production;

About 1% of the world's proven oil reserves;

16.4% of all-Russian oil production;

15.7% of all-Russian oil refining


LUKOIL celebrates its 25th anniversary as one of the largest oil companies in the world. It has huge proven hydrocarbon reserves, powerful enterprises in Russia and abroad, and a team of thousands of high-class professionals. The company provides production and refining of oil and gas, sales of petroleum products, production and sale of electricity and heat. All over the world, LUKOIL is rightfully considered a reliable partner and a conscientious taxpayer.

The LangepasUrayKogalymneft oil concern, subsequently transformed into the LUKOIL company, was created on November 25, 1991 in accordance with the decree of the Government of the RSFSR.

A quarter of a century has passed since that date, and every day of LUKOIL was filled with movement forward.

2016 was no exception. As if specially preparing for the anniversary, LUKOIL completed a number of large-scale investment projects.

In February, in the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory, the first start-up complex of a gas processing plant was put into operation at the Stavrolen plant. The implementation of the project will allow for the complete utilization of associated petroleum gas

(APG) from the fields of the Northern Caspian Sea, provide the new energy capacities of the LUKOIL Group in the Stavropol Territory with its own gas, and also begin the production of petrochemical products. Part of the APG will be processed into polyethylene and polypropylene, which in turn will stimulate the development of small and medium-sized plastics processing businesses in the region.

On March 2, 2016, the joint venture of PJSC LUKOIL and PJSC ANK Bashneft - LLC VOSTOK NAO - began drilling exploratory well No. 1 at the Yuzhno-Visovaya promising structure of the North-Yareyaginsky area, which is located in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Its design depth is 4,000 meters. Previously, seismic exploration work on an area of ​​103 square kilometers was carried out in this area. Resource potential The South Visovo structure is concentrated in Devonian deposits.

In 2016, it is planned to drill another exploratory well at the Yangareisky license area within the Korotaikha depression in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The work is being carried out in accordance with a long-term program, including seismic research, prospecting and exploration drilling and scientific and technical work.

Also in March, LUKOIL-Komi LLC commissioned a gas compressor station (GCS) at the Kharyaginskoye field of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The new gas compressor station receives associated petroleum gas from three large fields of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province: Kharyaginskoye, Yuzhno-Shapkinskoye and Inzyreyskoye. Thanks to the launch of the station, gas from these oil fields is transported for the needs of consumers, while ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Russian Government resolution on beneficial use APG at least 95%.

In April, the half-millionth ton of oil was produced at the Imilorsko-Istochny license area, located in Western Siberia. PJSC LUKOIL passed its first significant milestone just a year and a half after the field was put into pilot production.

In May, at the oil refinery LLC LUKOIL-Volgogradneftepererabotka, the largest complex in Russia for deep oil refining based on hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil, built in record time, was put into operation short time- in just three years. Its capacity is 3.5 million tons per year.

The complex also included installations for the production of hydrogen and elemental sulfur, and plant facilities. Investments in the project amounted to $2.2 billion.

In June, LUKOIL began development drilling at the Vladimir field

Filanovsky in the Caspian Sea. It is carried out from an offshore ice-resistant stationary platform (LSP-1). It is planned to begin commercial oil production here in the second half of the year.

On November 21, 2016, in Moscow, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the LUKOIL Company, ceremonies were held to present state, departmental and corporate awards to employees of LUKOIL Group organizations.

In the Kremlin, the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Anton Vaino conveyed to the President of PJSC LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov the gratitude of the head of state to the Company’s team, a number of LUKOIL employees were awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, Honor and Friendship, medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland and awarded honorary titles"Honored Oil and Gas Worker" gas industry RF" and "Honored Chemist of the Russian Federation".

On the same day, at the central office of PJSC LUKOIL, the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak awarded more than 20 employees of the Company with state and departmental awards, and President Vagit Alekperov presented corporate awards: signs “For Services to the Company”, certificates of honor PJSC LUKOIL, signs and certificates of conferment of the honorary title “Veteran of the Company”.

“The history of LUKOIL is the history new Russia. During this time, the company has become one of the leaders in oil production and is successfully implementing the tasks assigned to oil industry. Today LUKOIL provides 16% of all-Russian production and 15% of oil refining. This year, two unique fields were put into operation - Filanovskoye on the Caspian shelf and Pyakyakhinskoye on Yamal. I would like to note that LUKOIL operates not only in Russia, but also in many foreign countries, where it has also established itself as a highly qualified company,”-said Alexander Novak.


The editors of the magazine "Safety of Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities" join in the congratulations and remind that by implementing innovative technologies, including in the field of ensuring the safety and anti-terrorism protection of its own facilities, specialists of PJSC LUKOIL are regular authors of publications on the pages of the publication, as well as participants in the annual All-Russian conference “Safety of Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities”.

Thus, on December 1, 2016, Mr.Head of the Corporate Security Department of PJSC LUKOIL Izotov S.P., who will tell the Conference participants about current issues of ensuring the safety of PJSC LUKOIL facilities in Russia and abroad ( draft program).

Let us remind you that the conference will take place on December 1, 2016 in Moscow with the direct support and participation of the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy of the Russian Federation P.N. Zavalny, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sentyurina Yu.P.

The conference is also supported by: Ministry of Energy of Russia, Security Council of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Rostekhnadzor, ATK of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Among the participants State Duma deputies Russian Federation, representatives federal bodies executive power, the Office of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the National Guard, Anti-Terrorism Commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, managers and specialists in the field of security, corporate and physical protection of enterprises and organizations of the fuel and energy complex system (PJSC Gazprom, OJSC NK Rosneft, PJSC RusHydro, PJSC "Rosseti", JSC "Concern "Rosenergoatom", etc.), as well as professional associations, associations and unions of oil, gas and energy workers of Russia.

This year is a jubilee year for LUKOIL; in November it will turn a quarter of a century old. This became the topic of our conversation with the representative of the company’s president in the Central and Southern regions federal districts, Volga region by Semyon Glozman.

Semyon Moiseevich, by the standards of human life, 25 years is the period of the prime of life and realization long-term plans. What can be said about the company in this sense?

Semyon Glozman: In my opinion, it's about the same. LUKOIL celebrates its 25th anniversary as one of the largest oil companies in the world. It has huge proven hydrocarbon reserves, powerful enterprises in Russia and abroad, and an entire army of highly professional employees. The company provides production and refining of oil and gas, sales of petroleum products, generation and sale of electricity and heat. It is extremely important that throughout the world LUKOIL is deservedly considered a reliable partner and a conscientious taxpayer. No amount of money can buy such a reputation; it can only be earned.

How do you plan to celebrate the company's anniversary?

Semyon Glozman: I would say in working order. For the 25th anniversary of the company, an action plan has been prepared for the entire 2016. There are practically no protocol or purely festive events in it, but there are many important production or socially significant matters.

I will name just a few events in the regions of my responsibility as a representative of the company’s president. Just the other day in Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory, the Stavrolen enterprise held a ceremonial commissioning of a high-performance plant with a processing capacity of more than two billion cubic meters of gas per year. Here, in Budennovsk, at the end of the year we will put into operation a number of social facilities, the construction of which is financed by LUKOIL under an agreement with the regional government: apartment house, sports and fitness complex, kindergarten.

Semyon Glozman: In the spirit and style of the company, there is constant modernization and technical re-equipment of its structures.

The Saratov Orgsintez plant will receive further development. A big event will be the commissioning of the richest oil field named after Filanovsky in Astrakhan, planned for the summer. And in Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region, in early autumn, together with the Our Future Foundation, we will open a well-designed and equipped kindergarten for 140 places.

Already from these examples it is clear that the company will mark the anniversary year with large-scale activities and will spend it in a tense working rhythm. As, indeed, throughout its quarter-century history.

How will the Volgograd enterprises of the LUKOIL group celebrate the anniversary?

Semyon Glozman: Here, first of all, we must say about our oil refinery. In June, it is planned to ceremoniously put into operation a complex for advanced processing of vacuum gas oil. This will increase the production of highly environmentally friendly diesel fuel class 5 by almost two million tons per year. Thus, a large-scale project requiring multibillion-dollar investments will be completed.

The spirit and style of the company is constant modernization and technical re-equipment of its structures. This fully applies to such Volgograd enterprises as LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt, which I led for ten years, LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo and a number of others. The energy sector alone plans to carry out investment activities worth about 200 million rubles. Investments, projects...

What about the crisis? It seems that the negative phenomena in Russian economy passed the company by.

Semyon Glozman: LUKOIL is an integral and integral part of the country, and we share all existing problems with it. However, the potential, margin of safety and long-term strategy accumulated over a quarter of a century allows the company not only to stand confidently on its feet, but also to make plans for the future.

At a recent meeting of the board of directors, LUKOIL President Vagit Alekperov summed up the results of 2015. Despite all the problems, the company continues to develop. Major projects were implemented on the shelf of the Northern Caspian Sea, in Western Siberia, the Komi Republic, as well as abroad, in Iraq. Hydrocarbon production has increased. The President especially emphasized that all obligations to society and the state have been fulfilled, stability has been ensured labor collectives. This means that LUKOIL has once again confirmed that it is not only a highly efficient, but also a socially responsible company.

By the way, Vagit Yusufovich will personally take part in most anniversary events. This year he has dozens of trips planned in the country and abroad, numerous meetings in our teams, lectures in Russian universities, speeches in regional parliaments and at international forums. We celebrate the anniversary as usual. However, the president is no stranger to this.

Direct speech

Alexey Makhnev, General Director of LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteproduct LLC:

It is obvious that oil product supply enterprises largely determine the face of the company. Few people see how oil or gas is extracted or how they are processed, but every gas station under the LUKOIL logo receives thousands of drivers every day. The quality of fuel and service, the range of shops and cafes at gas stations directly determine the attitude of people towards the company. The measure of our responsibility is always great, and especially in the year of Lukoil’s 25th anniversary.

In my understanding, an anniversary is not only and not so much a topic for festive events, but an occasion to evaluate what has been done, think through the future and systematically move towards the intended goals. In this sense, LLC LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt has a clear development vector for the period until 2019. We are talking about the program for modernizing existing and building new gas stations at our enterprise. It did not start yesterday and continued to operate even in 2015, despite the fall in oil prices and the crisis in the economy. This year, in the Volgograd, Rostov and Astrakhan regions, eight additional stations will be thoroughly reconstructed and two new ones will be built. At many gas stations in our operating regions, it is planned to simultaneously replace individual elements, including information signs and fuel dispensers. The total investment volume for 2016 will amount to hundreds of millions of rubles.

It is clear that modernizing facilities is not an end in itself. Gas stations of the LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt enterprise should greet drivers with maximum comfort and service, that’s the point. For this we spare no effort and money. And if the impeccable quality of Lukoil fuel has long been a proverb, then in recent years a lot has also been done to ensure that customers at our stations have a spacious, comfortable, cozy environment. Cafes with high-quality and tasty dishes, mini-markets with a good range of food and industrial goods, - we strive to make customer service truly comprehensive.

Alexey Makhnev. CEO LLC "LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt"

It's nice that these efforts are bearing fruit. With all the variety of oil companies, the majority of drivers consistently choose LUKOIL. This is evidenced by data from numerous regional and federal surveys.

However, the enterprise is not alive by work alone. Along with the tense production program"LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt" is actively working in social sphere. Yes, we provide about three thousand jobs and pay salaries and taxes to budgets of all levels on time, but not only that. Together with the representative office of the company's president in the Volgograd region, the company, despite the problems, continues to engage in charitable activities. In the coming year, our support has already been received by the Volga Children's Shelter, the Volgograd Foundation "Children in Need", the Kalmyk Center for Social Rehabilitation, the Rostov Branch of the Society for the Disabled and a number of other organizations. Social responsibility business is the main principle of LUKOIL, which means that the charity program will continue to be implemented in the future.

There are many tasks, and the key to solving them is the hard work of the enterprise team. A lot can be said about the professionalism and integrity of our employees. It is especially pleasant that among them there are many truly gifted people. Most recently, the “Talents Among Us” festival was successfully held, a corporate sports competition is next, and this year the traditional competition “King and Queen of the Gas Station” will take place - a kind of show of professional and artistic excellence, and a number of other events. The enterprise lives a full life, in which there is a place for both production and public affairs.

Returning to the 25th anniversary of the company, I will say this: customers are always welcome at the LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhsknefteprodukt gas station. However, now they will be greeted more cordially than usual. After all, everyone who uses our services this year will thereby share the joy of Lukoil’s anniversary. Caption for the main photo: This year, eight additional stations will be thoroughly reconstructed and two new ones will be built in the Volgograd, Rostov and Astrakhan regions.


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