What it takes to become an oil worker. A career in the oil industry. What a profession

Features of the profession of an oil worker

Oil is one of the most valuable and expensive minerals in the world. In addition, oil can also be considered the most an effective tool politicians - precisely because of the opportunity to take possession of oil production sites, wars and negotiations between states begin. Oil can revive the economy of any country. This resource is now called black gold for a reason. Oil production is carried out by people of various professions and specialties, which can be combined under the general name oil workers - employees of oil fields.

Given the fact that most modern countries are very dependent on oil, an oil worker who is engaged in the extraction of such an important resource can bring enormous benefits to his country and its economy. The relevance of the profession directly depends on such factors as the region of residence of the specialist, his consent to leave his home for a long time. After all, oil workers are needed only where oil is produced and in order to find work, specialists have to leave hometown and even the country. The work involves a rotational method, so you need to be ready for such a schedule - not everyone can withstand difficult conditions and prefer to work in other areas with a more familiar work schedule.

In order to work as an oil worker, regardless of specialization, a person must have good health, be in excellent physical shape, be efficient and attentive, and possess a technical mindset. For some reason, it is generally accepted in society that for successful career it is enough for an oilman to have physical strength, but this is far from the case. A specialist will have to monitor pressure gauges, react to various pressure changes, use complex power tools, etc.

A qualified specialist can count on a high level of income, since oil is always appreciated. Especially good prospects open up for those who are ready to leave to work for one of the Western companies - there the world oil magnates agree to pay generously for work to experienced specialists. True, there is always a risk that the next sale of the company's shares to the new owner will entail a change of staff and have to look for work.

The profession of an oil worker is associated with a certain risk - a specialist in a well risks his own life and health. Cases of oil fires right in the place of production are not uncommon. Many operations have to be performed from a considerable height, which also increases the risk of falling and injury. An important minus of the oilman's work is the significant remoteness of the place of work, both from his home and from any settlement. Many employees in this field are generally forced to work at sea, which suggests an even greater danger. As a rule, all these disadvantages are compensated for by high wages, which allows you to live comfortably, to help the family.

The oil profession is best suited for young people with good health(preferably without a family) who need to make good money to open own business, buying an apartment, etc. For people with not very good health and those who have a family, such work can only bring homesickness and problems with well-being.

Oil is one of the most expensive minerals in the world. Its production is carried out by representatives of various specialties, which are united by the profession of an oilman.

There is a stereotype in society about an overgrown man covered with oil from head to toe. This is an erroneous image, because a modern oil worker is a young man of about 30 years old, in a solid suit with a folder of documents. Any talented specialist can realize himself in the oil industry. According to experts, the demand for the profession of an oil worker in the future will grow by 40%.

Description of the profession of oilman

The primary responsibilities of a petroleum engineer include:

  • search and development of new oil and gas fields;
  • assessment of the potential of deposits;
  • ecological restoration of the working area upon completion of drilling operations.

Achievements are actively used in the modern oil industry computer technology... The work of specialists is carried out both in the office and directly at the field. Thanks to the introduction of qualitatively new technologies into the work, the profession of an oil worker opens the doors to young specialists who get a chance to quickly advance in career ladder... In addition, the starting salary of an oil worker is much higher than that of some office workers.

To be successful in the oil industry, you need to be highly skilled. In addition, the following requirements are put forward:

  • for ordinary employees - secondary vocational, for leadership positions- higher education;
  • experience in engineering and geological surveys;
  • skills in using computer-aided design systems (AutoCAD, DraftSight, LibreCAD);
  • readiness for business trips and moving.

Today, there is no worthy alternative to fossil energy sources. They will surely appear in the future, but for now the profession of a petroleum engineer will be popular and attract young specialists to its ranks.

The oil industry occupies a leading position in terms of salaries in Russia. The salary of an oil worker largely depends on working conditions, the scale of the company's activities and the position of the employee.

Below is the average salary oilman in Russia

The numbers are impressive. However, in fairness, an allowance must be made for the salary of the top management, the income of an ordinary oil worker is much more modest.

How to find a job in the oil industry? In the countries of the post-Soviet space, there is an opinion that without connections to get a job on high-paying job impossible. However, recent research refutes this opinion. According to experts, the decisive factor is quality preparation and focus on results.

Pros and cons of being an oil worker

Advantages :

  • work can hardly be called routine. The development of deposits is associated with the departure to new territories, their study and the solution of non-standard situations;
  • the opportunity to visit remote places of our country;
  • mobile work in the fresh air;
  • oil workers carry out strategic work, indirectly filling the state budget.

disadvantages :

  • lack of comfort in the workplace over time can cause negative feelings;
  • constant business trips interfere with personal life;
  • the choice of oil refining companies is not so great, the competition for one place is quite high;
  • work is associated with health risks.

This section contains information on the variety of professions and areas of work in the oil and gas industry that are in demand at Shtokman Development AG.

We hope this information will help those of you who have not yet decided on the choice of your future professional path.

We know that you can ask a question related to the needs of Shtokman Development AG in workers and specialists.

What jobs will appear in the future? What kind of education should children choose?

The list of positions will depend on the structure of the facility, but already now, based on the experience of similar projects, we can talk about some of the demanded specialties:

  • gas production operators
  • geologists
  • geophysicists
  • process engineers
  • drilling engineers
  • labor protection specialists
  • repair workers
  • electricians
  • maintenance technicians
  • technical workers

The labor market in Russia remains in short supply of working specialties for working at industrial facilities!

Career in the oil and gas field

Due to the growing need for mid-level specialists, the development of working specialties is an excellent starting point for career growth young and enterprising people.


Before you get oil or gas, you need to find them. This is precisely what geologists are doing - exploring the bowels of the Earth. This specialty has always been considered very romantic. Just imagine: life in a tent ‚songs with a guitar‚ delicious stew for breakfast ‚lunch and dinner ... But not everything is so simple and easy. Geologists work on a rotational basis: for several weeks or months they walk with heavy backpacks in the steppe or taiga - collecting samples rocks They draw up maps and diagrams, and upon returning to the base, they process the received data. This profession is not for the weak. Specialists have to work in all weather conditions, climb mountains, raft along rough rivers.


The geophysicist is engaged in seismic exploration. This method is based on the study of the propagation of elastic waves in the earth's crust, caused by an explosion or impact. Considering the time of propagation of these waves and the nature of their oscillations, geophysicists get an idea of ​​the composition of rocks and the presence of minerals in a particular area. But their work doesn't end there. After the discovery of a deposit, it is necessary to assess its reserves and rationally carry out development, without harming the environment. All these issues are also dealt with by geophysicists.

For a professional in this field, such qualities as physical endurance, attentiveness, diligence, analytical skills are important.

Drilling engineer

As you might guess from the name, this specialist is responsible for drilling wells. Oil well- a hole in the ground with a diameter of about 20 cm and a depth of 2–4 km; a pipe is lowered into it, through which oil, gas or other fluids are supplied to the top. Today, the latest advances in science and technology are used in drilling. But despite this, the record of the Kola superdeep well (12,262 m) has not yet been broken. The engineers of the future have yet to conquer the bowels of the planet. To do this, you need to know well mathematics, physics, mechanics, chemistry and other technical sciences. The duties of a drilling engineer include scheduling drilling, predicting the results of this process, coordinating work and necessary equipment‚Analysis of data on nearby wells‚ calculations for well casing ‚calculation of the risk of collision of wells, etc.

Occupational safety specialist

Oil and gas workers deal with flammable and explosive substances, their work is considered dangerous, therefore, labor protection specialists in this area are in great demand.

Such employees monitor the execution officials and employees of the enterprise of regulatory acts on industrial and environmental safety; plan and carry out measures to prevent injuries and accidents at work, to improve working conditions for employees, to preserve their health. They have to investigate accidents, maintain statutory reporting, develop local regulations.

It is obvious that an occupational safety specialist should not only understand the specifics of engineering, know the technological process of oil and gas production and processing, but also have developed communication skills and excellent organizational skills.


Project management in the oil and gas sector is a very difficult and responsible job. The manager is obliged to organize manufacturing process so that both people and technology work as efficiently as possible. Due to the fact that oil and gas production is a rather specific industry, former engineers with geophysical education usually become project managers here.

The manager must know all the stages technological process‚Have experience in participating in tenders‚ an understanding of document flow and engineering approvals ‚be able to assess the effectiveness of investments‚ solve production optimization problems ‚conduct marketing research.

Process Engineer

A process engineer is a specialist who controls the quality of materials products, maintains technological documentation. His responsibilities also include the development and implementation of new quality control systems, reporting, and risk analysis.

Depending on the position, a quality process engineer can control both all stages of production and individual aspects. Sometimes you have to go on business trips to check the quality of materials from suppliers.

The personal qualities that a given specialist should have are: responsibility, accuracy, diligence, attentiveness.

A leading process engineer for oil and gas production is a specialist who develops requirements and documents for hydrocarbon production systems and methods for lifting them to the surface, is engaged in the creation of models production wells and regulatory process documentation to optimize production and increase the operational efficiency of all systems of the production complex, improve the development system through an integrated system of geological and technical measures, is responsible for conceptual standards and technological requirements for the completion, development and operation of wells, prepares a work program aimed at increasing oil production, such as: major overhauls wells, downhole operations, hydraulic fracturing, acid treatments.

Electrical Engineer

This specialist analyzes and approves the range of electrical works, their optimization, evaluates and develops measures to improve reliability during the design and operation of power equipment, carries out installation, commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting of electrical equipment and ensures the stability of electrical equipment, complies with standards for the operation and safety of electrical equipment ...

Required knowledge for an electrical engineer are: technical knowledge in the field of electrical equipment / systems and databases, knowledge and skills in the field of engineering support of electrical projects.

Instrumentation and Automation Specialist

Such a specialist is responsible for instrumentation and automation when performing multidisciplinary work, installation, configuration, diagnostics (troubleshooting), repair and maintenance of instrumentation and instruments for measuring process parameters. It also provides maintenance of instrumentation and automation of the process control system, fire and gas alarm systems and other instrumentation, as well as storage, updating and maintaining statistical data on equipment. He is responsible for ensuring the correct functioning and Maintenance all security systems in accordance with the requirements.

Equipment repair mechanic

The mechanics are doing maintenance mechanical equipment, identifying its malfunctions. Configuring new equipment, actively monitoring technical condition mechanical equipment and systems, if necessary, order spare parts. Functional tests are carried out during the commissioning of new building structures, commissioning and equipment transfer.

And, of course, they ensure the reliability and technical integrity of equipment and systems through the application of approved standards, procedures and schedules, observe safety measures when working with equipment.

Oil and gas production operator

Performs operations related to oil and gas production, gas and water injection processes, oil and gas equipment, the operation of devices and pressure vessels so that it is safe, taking into account the requirements for protection environment, efficiently, economically and does not complicate the production process. Manages, maintains and monitors all process equipment and ancillary equipment on the offshore platform. Manages the operation of wells, monitors the safe state of wells. When making a conclusion about a safety hazard, he independently makes a decision to shut down the well (s). Manages equipment and devices for production, support systems for the technological process, corrects violations of the technological process. Continuously monitors the state of the security system.


This specialist ensures the safe, efficient and timely execution of the entire range of tasks for the maintenance of mechanical equipment, performs scheduled preventive and unscheduled repairs of rotating equipment, generators, technological equipment and auxiliary systems, carries out routine tests and inspections of mechanical equipment, scheduled adjustment of mechanical equipment, monitors the technical condition of mechanical, plant-wide equipment and systems, performs troubleshooting, identifies defects and repairs all mechanical equipment.

Industrial Safety Engineer

Of course, at any industrial facility there is always an engineer responsible for industrial safety (IS) and environmental protection (EP). This specialist monitors compliance with industrial safety rules at production facilities. He monitors the correct operation of the equipment in terms of industrial safety. Develops and implements methodologies in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection. Controls and evaluates the results of the performed environmental protection works. And of course, it develops and implements training programs, visual aids related to the field of safety support at industrial facilities.

Oilman profession

One of the most valuable minerals and commodities in the world today is oil. It is a tool of geopolitics, wars are fought over it, it revives the economy of any state. Oil today is called black gold and people extract this resource different professions, which are united under a common name - oilmen. This is the name given to oil field workers from engineer to driller assistant.

Traces of oil fields found in Iraq are more than 4,000 years old. This means that then there were already oil workers. In Moscow, oil was first seen in the 16th century and was called "burning water". Drilling wells were invented only closer to the middle of the 19th century, and at the same time they began to use them as the main method of oil production. Until 1823, no one knew that oil could be refined and kerosene extracted from it. The profession of an oilman became widespread already in the XX century, when the widespread use of this fuel began. ...

Most countries modern world depend on oil more than on the political situation in the country. Of course, an oil worker who extracts a resource that is so necessary for the people is of great benefit to his fellow citizens. The need for specialists in this field depends on the region of the country and in general on the place on the world map. In our country, most of the oil deposits have already been discovered, but not all of the deposits are being developed. Therefore, it is not difficult for an oilman to find a job, but he must be ready to work away from home on a rotational basis.

People in this profession should have a penchant for technical sciences, good physical condition and be attentive. The oilman must monitor pressure gauges, respond to pressure changes in time, own a power tool and have a variety of other skills depending on his particular function in the field. Good specialist in this area has great prospects. Oil is good way earn, including for the employees of the field. In addition, an intelligent engineer and designer gas wells may go to work abroad, where the world's oil giants pay lavishly experienced specialists.

The oilman at the well is risking his life, as there have been cases of black gold burning right in the field. Some operations have to be performed at high altitudes, so the possibility of falls and injuries is not excluded. A significant disadvantage should also be considered the remoteness of the place of work from home and in general from settlements... A significant part of the employees in this industry generally work at sea, which entails even more dangers. But basically all this is compensated by decent wages.

Petroleum engineers are trained at universities and institutes. The training of such a specialist takes 5 years, after which an internship at the place of work will take place. Workers such as a driller or rig fitter are trained in vocational schools and training centers oil production enterprises. Often, graduates receive the qualifications of an assistant or junior specialist and only after a few years of experience can they become an independent worker.

The need for clean, safe, affordable energy is increasing every year. Following the growth in demand, oil production also grows. You can help achieve the goals of the oil industry. If you want to change this world for the better, love solving complex problems, look for an interesting job and strive for financial security - you should seriously think about a career in the oil industry.

Why is a career in the oil industry attractive? High salary, high bonuses, a significant social package. But not only material rewards are attractive.

The oil industry is one of the most complex. What does it mean? This means that almost any talented person can find application in it. For one word oilman there is a whole arsenal of professions. The oil industry is both engineering and economic specialties. These are chemists, mathematicians, drillers, financiers, lawyers, accountants, locksmiths, technologists, geologists, power engineers, economists and other very different professions.

Petroleum engineer is one of the most promising professions

How is this data obtained? The Society of Petroleum Engineers is sending an invitation to participate in the study to its members. After receiving the data from the questionnaires, a statistical analysis is carried out and a report is drawn up. It is understood that the data reflects the salaries of members of the Society of Petroleum Engineers only. And these, as a rule, are already accomplished specialists who occupy not the last place in large oil-producing companies. After all, membership in the Society of Petroleum Engineers is paid. Therefore, there are, as a rule, experienced specialists, for whom the employing company pays the annual membership dues.

Make money like an oil worker

Psychologists have found one very interesting rule. Works ironically. Whatever one may say, but you cannot get away from him. A person earns as much as average earns his inner circle. If you want to make money as an oilman - become an oilman! If you want to earn more - become an advanced oilman!


Squeeze everything out of your capabilities

How do people, in principle, make a career in any organization? Success in today's business culture is based on some principles that differ from conventional wisdom about fairness. Life, in general, is not a very fair thing.

The conventional wisdom, not unwarranted, is: Connections are everything! The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) and HeadHunter conducted a joint study of the role of connections in building a career. and, as they say, wind it up.

According to the results of the study, connections helped in their careers only 24% of the surveyed respondents. How did their connections help them? For most of them, connections helped to get a job on Good work... Only 11% said their connections helped them get promoted.

The main factors in building a successful career were named: quality professional training (37%) and hard work and great patience (32%).

One of the key skills for successful work v large company is an teamwork skills... This requires the ability to interact with the most by different people... Here are some tips for successful work with people from Garrison Wynn in his book The Real Truth about Success:

  • People are more likely to bond with people who listen more than they talk.
  • People are more likely to agree with people who do not embarrass them.
  • People value more the decision in which they were involved.
  • People are more likely to avoid complex processes, even if they produce the desired result.
  • People are more inclined to choose what is more familiar to them, more convenient, regardless of whether it is the best or not.
  • People are more likely to follow a leader who gives them a sense of their worth. Such leaders achieve better performance.

But besides all this, the most important thing:

What qualities should a person have to become a successful oil worker?

He must love his profession. A person who enjoys doing what he does can achieve good results in any field of activity.


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