Blogger: On the tricks of Yandex.Taxi taxi drivers to extract money from clients. Among them are a leisurely driver and unproven services. Secrets and tricks of work in Yandex taxi Tips of work in Yandex taxi

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A taxi driver is one of the most widespread professions of our time. But, apparently, there are still not enough taxi drivers, since 90% of them work in excess of the norm. With the advent of relevant applications, services compete with each other and low prices lure passengers to their place. And now "our people take a taxi to the bakery" still like that. And I take them there.

My name is Igor, and for site I will tell you without embellishment what it is like to spend your working day behind the wheel and drive from 200 to 600 km per shift.

I wanted to temporarily earn some money

After moving to another city, work was hard. I had my own, not new, but not bad car. Therefore, the idea arose to go to a taxi. It turned out to be very easy to get settled - it took less than an hour to complete.

Nobody checked neither technical condition cars, no skills - the experience was determined by the date of obtaining a driver's license. I liked the free schedule, communication with passengers did not bother me, I liked the daily payments and tip - so I name everything: money in excess of the cost of the trip, and change, which was not taken away.

As it was before

Having traveled a little in my car and worked through the application, I realized that it was unprofitable: the poor condition of the roads in Tula killed the car day after day. Therefore, I switched to a regular car in a taxi company. There was a shift schedule and its own dispatchers. The scheme is simple: the client called the operator, who spoke the address on the air. All connected taxi drivers started in response shout your numbers on the radio.

To be heard, you needed a radio in the car. They were 100, 200, 500 W. The latter is the most powerful, but very expensive. But all the self-respecting taxi drivers hunted for her anyway. I remember this time with nostalgia. But then problems with payments began, the management had a task fine the driver for any reason- in the end, I earned only 30-40% of my revenue.

As it is now

I switched to Yandex.Taxi, and everything became completely different: an order appears on the screen of the gadget, and in 15 seconds I need to decide whether you will take it or not. If the car is not branded and there are no inscriptions with the names of one taxi on it, then you can work with different applications. So, if you got into the car with a driver who has several tablets installed on the panel at once, then it works with different services.

I often travel between cities, since Tula is conveniently located - close to Moscow. Near Domodedovo airport, further away Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo. This is very beneficial for me, since I carry passengers at the "comfort" tariff. I don’t want to give up this part-time job when I finish my job in a taxi.

How the work is structured

If you take orders through the application, then you just launch it when you are ready to go online, and that's it. We need take photo control every 10 days- all for the safety of the passenger. But many people tidy up their cars with the help of Photoshop, and at the same time change the numbers and seals in their certificates. So either non-professionals or inadequate drivers get to work.

Taxi fleets with a dispatcher have not disappeared anywhere, now they just use their mobile phones - the dispatcher calls, offers an order, if it is profitable for you, then you take it. According to the second scheme, I work with intercity - if there is no order back or there, I take fellow travelers on BlaBlaCar in order to beat off the cost of gasoline. I won't say that this is a dream job, but I definitely like it. Communication with people also bears fruit - I found several business contacts in a second job.

Taxi for clients has become much cheaper

Previously, people could not afford a taxi. Now, driving almost every day has become a common thing for everyone. Moreover, many agree and drive to work in the same car. And it turns out that threesome-foursome is even cheaper than using public transport.Drivers give a share of their earnings to Yandex and the taxi company. I pay 12% to Yandex and 6% to the taxi company, which gives me access to the system.

Unstable earnings

It happens that you need to go to the airport every day, and sometimes there is a week of downtime. It is necessary to receive a lot of orders around the city in order to get the same money as for intercity. In the city profitable to go online, when the amount for the trip is calculated with the coefficient of price increase, which steadily increases in snowfall, frost, heavy rain and, of course, during rush hour.

I often have to meet and escort foreigners to airports. I try to make them feel comfortable, I communicate with them in broken English and with an online translator. Sometimes on new year holidays they leave a tip in foreign currency, this is very uplifting and motivates to work further.

Most frequent requests

"Is it possible not to buckle up?" - to this I react calmly. Each adult is responsible for himself - if he stops the traffic police, then let the passenger pays a fine if it is essential for him to go unfastened. I don’t take the five of them into the car - they have to be refused right away.

People who are amazed want to take children without a car seat:"Drive right there for 5 minutes." I never agree, and not because of harm - for such a violation a fine of 3,000 rubles to the driver. However, I have heard stories that the article "On the provision of services that do not meet security requirements" may be applied. If an accident suddenly happens and someone gets hurt, you can get a real prison sentence.

There was also such a case: I am driving in a car with a woman, and she calls during the trip. quality control service and asks if the driver suggested music. And she replies: “No, he didn’t offer me music or climate control, and he also didn’t offer this, and this ...” For such a review I am assigned a fine, a small one - 50 or 100 rubles. But the question remains: is it really so difficult to ask a taxi driver to make it warmer if it's cold? At the beginning of my work, I offered all this to passengers, but noticed that it only irritated them, and stopped.

What are the passengers

Taxi drivers work 12-14 hours a day, and a person behind the wheel must be stress-resistant, as passengers are different. I noticed that those who calls by phone, often go out for a long time, they cannot find my car, they are very drunk. Sometimes huge people sit in the front and cannot even fasten a seat belt there, although they could easily get into the back seat. I drove one madam 2.5 hours to the suburbs and back, and all this time she was talking on the phone! During that trip, I realized that the main problems in life are hair and nails.

Passengers who ordered through the application, are very different: they come out quickly, which is very important, especially during peak loads. But sometimes there are people for whom 100 rubles is a lot, and they show by their behavior that they all owe them: they walk for a long time, knowing that the car is already waiting, try to change the route without increasing the price. There is no point in swearing with such, I try to cancel such trips or drop them off.

It happens that a passenger orders a car and leaves in front of your nose in another car without warning. Then you have to stand still for 10 minutes and cancel the order by clicking the "Client did not leave" button. Over time I get a bonus from the system for idle travel to the address and idle.

Why do we ask you to put "5 stars"

Yandex monitors the activities of drivers through rating scales... Moreover, this is the whip method: if you refuse an unprofitable order, you will get a minus in the rating. Received bad reviews from a client - minus rating. Fulfilling few orders - the rating does not grow. Namely, he directly affects the salary: thanks to him, good orders appear in large quantities. The first weeks I did not earn at all, since there were few orders and they were not the most convenient and profitable. But I had to take what they give.

All these rules exist to ensure that the service as a whole is convenient and safe for customers. As a carrot, the app often pays the driver extra for orders. The client pays one amount and the system calculates the bonus up to an acceptable amount for such work.

Things are often forgotten in taxis

A couple of times they left the phones, I returned them and did not demand money for it, but people gave them themselves. Once the guys from other cities thought that they had forgotten my MacBook, and offered € 500 if I returned it. But, unfortunately, I did not have it. They obviously did not forget it with me, although they did not believe it - they decided to check it with the police on video cameras. But they got into the car without a computer.


Previously, a client called a taxi from a city phone or simply caught a car at the side of the road, and we knew nothing about him, except where and where to take him from. Anyone could get in the car, and if something happened, it was almost impossible to find a person.

Now we are not afraid of passengers We have a lot of information about them: phone number, passport number to which the SIM card is linked, and even links to profiles in social networks... It is clear that with desire and perseverance, you can figure out how to deceive the system, but we felt calmer. And even more so for passengers: they understand that the likelihood of committing criminal acts against them is excluded, all actions are recorded.

There are different types of drivers

When work becomes scarce, we gather with a group of drivers near a cafe with shawarma - we discuss clients and related life situations. I divide all taxi drivers into 3 types:

  • hard workers - those who work here all the time;
  • bombiles are drivers without licenses who live on one-time earnings, overcharge prices as much as possible, become impudent for any reason;
  • adventurers - they, as a rule, work not for the sake of money, but for the sake of casual relationships, some kind of fraud and just adventure.

Amateurs create oversupply in the market

Some people go on the line a couple of times a week in the evening or in the morning before work to fulfill several orders and get, in their opinion, easy money. But they quickly realize that it is not profitable. Today they rejoice that spent a little gasoline, but earned several times more.

  • Sometimes the taxi driver deliberately drives the wrong way, which is loaded. And the system increases the cost of the trip.
  • Surely everyone noticed this sad "No free cars" among economy class taxis. This is because drivers are not very fond of taking this class to work and, although they are nearby, they are just waiting for more profitable orders.
  • There is an old trick in use - to "accidentally" add services that you did not order to your order. For example, luggage, car seat, transportation of animals.
  • It happens that the drivers themselves specifically create an increased coefficient: they see that there are a lot of orders from some place, they agree and do not accept them. Then the application increases prices by 1.5-2 times to motivate taxi drivers to take orders.
  • How to save money on a taxi

    • Pay per minute can sometimes help save money on short trips. In this case, when ordering a car, the end point of the trip is not indicated. But this method only works when there are no traffic jams in the city.
    • Try to move the icon on the map within walking distance of the place where you should be picked up and the place where you need to be dropped off. Sometimes the cost within one pedestrian crossing can vary per 100 rubles.
    • If you follow the promotions on different services, you can catch discounts on trips.
    • Install several applications on your phone. Each taxi has its own price calculation algorithms, so they will offer different prices from the same address at the same time.
    • Book in advance. For example, you know that you will arrive or arrive at a certain time at a train station or airport. Especially for such cases, some applications allow you to order a car in advance. This is especially true if the trip is planned during rush hour, because the multiplying coefficient in this case will no longer affect it.
    • If the trip went without complaints, then do not be lazy to give a good grade the driver in the app. This way you help him improve his rating and receive more high-quality orders in the future and, accordingly, earn more. And don't hesitate leave negative feedback if you didn't like the trip. To begin with, such taxi drivers will take fewer orders and may eventually stop working.

      According to the taxi driver's code, we cannot be the first to start a conversation unless it is directly related to customer service. Therefore, if you are bored on the road and you want to communicate, then thoughtfully look out the window and say: “Oh, you have brought the country ...” Until the end of the trip, you will have an unforgettable dialogue with the driver.

      Do you often use taxi services? Are you satisfied with the service?

    How to make money in a taxi: 4 ways to make money + how much you can actually earn from it + 5 tips for getting stable orders + 3 options additional earnings.

    Now is the time when there are much more people with a car than people with a job. And often the car is idle in the garage and does not bring any benefit to its owner.

    But you can make money on it and provide for your family.

    There are many ways to get income from your own car, but we will tell you about how to make money in a taxi: what to consider and how profitable it is.

    4 ways to make money in a taxi

    The time when the word "tax" meant a daily downtime at a train station or in the city center in anticipation of a client has long ended.

    Consider what has changed and how to make money in a taxi today.

    Method number 1. Private cab.

    To make money in a taxi, you will need:

    • a car;
    • a special checker for a car or other identification marks.

    The way is that you yourself will look for clients for yourself.

    In order to find passengers, you need to stand in crowded places:

    • near restaurants, clubs, pubs in the evening;
    • next to bus stops in the morning;
    • close to shopping and entertainment centers on weekends;
    • not far from train stations, airports;
    • near hospitals, clinics, clinics, etc.

    Finding a client and making money in such places is a matter of a matter of minutes. But there is one "but". Competition.

    Often, all active "points" are already distributed among taxi drivers, and it is not so easy to take your place.

    At best, you will need to share your earnings, for example, with the security guards of establishments who will call you for clients; at worst, conflicts with nearby taxi owners are guaranteed to you.

    The advantages of the method:

    1. Free work schedule without standards.
    2. You can use almost any car that looks more or less presentable.

    Disadvantages of this type of taxi earnings:

    1. If there is no established customer base, it is quite difficult to find permanent orders, so downtime is ensured.
    2. There is a lot of competition, which is often unfair.
    3. Risk of damage to property at the hands of other taxi drivers.

    If you want your car to remain safe and sound, we recommend that you think about other ways to make money in a taxi.

    Method number 2. Cooperation with the dispatcher of the taxi service.

    Let's make a reservation right away that this method is most popular in large cities of our country.

    First you need:

    • automobile;
    • smartphone or tablet;
    • a special application that you need to install on your gadget.

    Your cooperation with the taxi dispatch service begins with an agreement, according to which you are provided with a special application for downloading and assigned a unique number.

    You will be required to indicate your full name and phone number, as well as the brand, color and numbers of the car.

    It is completely optional to come to the taxi service and sign any documents, it is rather an exception. The application can be made online or by phone.

    As soon as you get to work, launch the downloaded application and select your sector - and notifications of possible orders will begin to arrive on your smartphone.

    If the order suits you, you accept and serve it. And so in a circle.

    How long to work per day to earn money in a taxi, you decide for yourself, but for each order you need to pay a commission to the dispatch service (about 10%).

    This can often be done through a self-service terminal. If you do not do this, then you will not receive the next orders.

    The advantages of the method:

    1. You don't need to look for clients yourself.
    2. The ability to choose more suitable and profitable orders.


    1. Transportation tariffs are set by the dispatch service.
    2. The need to share the proceeds.
    3. If you do not have a license, you face a fine of 30,000 rubles.

    Method number 3. Earning money in a taxi legally.

    According to Law No. 69 of 2011, for legal earnings in a taxi, it is necessary, i.e. license.

    What you need for this:

    The license price in each region may differ, but on average it is from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

    Also, the following requirements are imposed on the driver and the vehicle:

    1. Driving experience from 5 years.
    2. Mandatory presence of the following taxi attributes:
      • taximeter;
      • roof lantern orange (yellow), removable;
      • checker belt (squares of contrasting color, staggered).

    You can use magnetic strips or attach some squares to the door.

    Thus, for a month and a maximum of 10,000 rubles, you can start making money legally in a taxi. How you look for clients is up to you.

    The advantages of the method:

    1. There is no need to be afraid of checks, fines and responsibility.
    2. You are left with the choice of how to look for clients.


    1. Additional license costs and taxes.
    2. The license must be renewed every 5 years.
    3. It is necessary to bring vehicle in accordance with the requirements.
    4. The profit is reduced due to the payment of taxes.

    Method number 4. Taxi earnings on the Uber app.

    Now the Uber mobile application is gaining more and more popularity in the circles of taxi drivers and customers. They call him the taxi killer.

    This is because it eliminates the need for dispatchers and any taxi services.

    What it takes to become an Uber driver:

    1. Age from 21 years.
    2. The presence of a car and driver's license.
    3. Watching a training video.

    3 steps to partnering with Uber:

      Register now.

      It is necessary to tell about yourself and the car.

      Upload all required documents.
      Passport, driver's license, insurance, STS - provide copies of these documents.

      Get an interview.

      You must drive a registered car to the activation center and undergo an interview.

      If you and your car meet all the requirements, you will start partnering with Uber on commercial basis and you can make money on it.

    How to make money in a taxi with Uber?

    As with dispatchers, the application allows you to find the orders you need and respond to them. It shows the route to the customer's location and destination.

    After the trip, the client pays for it by bank transfer. Cash payment in the Russian Federation is not yet available.

    For this, the company charges you 20% commission.

    In addition, there are two payment options available:

    1. Daily - in addition to the standard commission, another 14% is taken.
    2. Weekly - plus 7% to the standard commission.

    It turns out that making money on Uber with such a large commission is oh, how difficult it is.

    Therefore, there is a bonus system:

    1. First, there is the minimum hourly wage.
    2. Secondly, if you fulfill the minimum requirements (1 - 2 orders, good rating), you will receive a surcharge from the company.
    3. There are also bonuses for the number of completed orders.

    The advantages of this way of making money in a taxi:

    1. The presence of permanent orders.
    2. A large number of bonuses and incentives.
    3. Safety, because all personal data of not only the driver, but also the passenger is checked.


    1. Big commission.
    2. The need to meet all the requirements.

    How much can you actually earn in a taxi?

    Cost of 1 km run, rub.9,34 - 11,5


    Car price, rub.690 000
    Resource up to overhaul(cheaper car by ¾ cost), km.300 000
    Average daily mileage in a taxi, km150 000
    Service life, years5

    Total depreciation
    (250 working days × 5 years with a mileage of 150 km / day), RUB / km

    Maintenance and repair

    MOT and maintenance (oil, filters, belts, rubber, etc.), RUB / 10,000 km25 000

    Total maintenance and current repairs, rubles / km

    Fuel costs

    The cost of 1 liter of gasoline, rub.40
    Cost of 1 liter. gas, rub.16
    Consumption l / 100 km9

    Gasoline costs, RUB / km

    Gas costs, RUB / km

    Obligatory payments

    Insurance, rub / year15 000

    Total obligatory payments RUB / km

    In theory, 1 km of run costs less than 12 rubles, but if we take into account idle penetrations, road accidents, fines, etc., then the cost rises to almost 15.

    Taking into account the average cost of 1 km and the current tariffs (delivery 50 - 70 rubles + from 20 rubles per kilometer), with an average daily mileage of 150 km per week in a taxi it is really possible to earn from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles .

    In order not just to sit your time in the car, but to earn good money in a taxi, take into account the following tips:

      Find your niche.

      Most likely, your car will do it for you.

      But if you have the opportunity to choose, then decide who or what you will transport: if you have a small passenger VW Multivan, then you should focus on the airports; Nissan Qashkai is suitable for working at night when restaurants and clubs are closed, etc.

      Decide on a schedule.

      Remember: you can't earn all the money, and a good rest is necessary for the driver.

      Find a schedule that suits you. After all, the number of orders and their cost often depend on this.

      Filter orders - don't tackle everything.

      Try not to rush to the first order you receive, because you can wait a little and get a route with a higher cost or in a more suitable area.

      Build a loyal customer base.

      Now more and more people are abandoning the use of their own cars in favor of taxis.

      Take advantage of this.

      After all, you can take a manager to his office or a teacher to work at the university every day.

      Learn the tricks of the profession.

      For example, the effect of weather on the demand for taxis.

      There are many more clients in rainy weather and in severe frost than on sunny and clear days.

    How much does a taxi driver earn in Moscow?

    Find out firsthand by watching this video:

    How to make money in a taxi on additional services?

    You already know how to make money in a taxi, but you can think about additional ways to make a profit:

      Working as a courier.

      Get a courier in a software company or an online store and deliver orders in your free time from taxation.

      Service of events.

      If you own a premium car, then it will be in demand in servicing events: weddings, bachelorette parties, conferences, photo sessions, filming, etc.

      You can make money on this too.

    As you can see, working in a taxi is not so easy and has many options on which income will depend.

    Who figured out how to make money in a taxi, is unlikely to give up on it. After all, you can combine a free schedule with decent earnings, and the amount that you can earn will depend only on you.

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    Some probably know or guess that transport services like Yandex.Taxi, in addition to creating convenience for passengers, are also fighting at the technological level with the traditional tricks of taxi drivers. For example, car feed to the address controlled by the application via GPS, and the route to the final point is built by the navigator taking into account traffic jams and monitored so that the driver is not tempted cut into circles overstating the cost of the trip.

    But our person for the sake of an extra penny, he is able to hack any technology.

    Here are some tricks almost legal to shoot from a client by more money.

    1. Inflated expectation... As already mentioned, the delivery of the car to the ordered address is controlled by geolocation. SMS to the client will not go away and the waiting time will not start if the position of the taxi on the GPS does not match the coordinates of the address. But some drivers park their cars in such a way that it is difficult for the passenger to find them. A classic of the genre here is to put the car on the opposite side of the house from the entrances / front doors. And when two free waiting minutes will expire and the counter will start ticking, you can turn on the fool- start calling the passenger, ostensibly to clarify where he is. This allows you to wind up 100-150 rubles before landing. Moreover, when sitting in the salon, few look at the taximeter.

    Trifle? How to say, after all, the average cost of a trip in Moscow on the same nuclear fuel is rubles 500-600 .

    2. Leisurely driver... Gone are the days when taxi drivers deliberately zigzagged through the streets in order to inflate the cost of the trip. Now the route from point A to point B is laid by the navigator, and the passenger can control this. But small games with the speed of movement and maneuvers on the track allow the driver to increase the check.

    So, Moscow taxi fares are combined - in terms of mileage and time. An experienced taxi driver can drive a car in such a manner that the total duration and, accordingly, the cost of the trip is slightly higher than the initially calculated by Yandex - percent by 15-20 ... For example, when a driver delivers a passenger to the airport (the fee in this case is initially fixed), he will drive along the Moscow Ring Road with all his might, regardless of traffic, and when he simply drives a client around the city from point A to point B using the Moscow Ring Road, it will literally be trail even if the track is empty. From the same opera - braking at every traffic light, stopping at an intersection even at a blinking green, etc.

    Bonus? Another plus 50-150 rubles to the proceeds. The passenger will most likely not notice this.

    3. Services not provided... According to the tariffs, some additional Yandex.Taxi services are paid separately. For example, Baby chair, transportation of skis, luggage in the cabin. And some taxi drivers quietly add them to the bill. Especially when it comes to luggage - a regular backpack can also be issued for it, which, according to the rules, is considered free carry-on luggage. The expectation is that a hurrying passenger will not go into details or waste time arguing.

    And this is another plus 100 rubles to the check.

    Nothing unusual, as usual. But it often works. There are many taxi drivers who will give a head start to a certified psychologist in terms of skill inbound rate the passenger. Some experts also argue that in taxi services, the average percentage of people with a criminal past is higher than the average, and they are all right and with the ability read people, and with the gift of persuasion. Perhaps this and urban legend- but one of those who can be trusted.

    Antidotes here, on the whole, it is clear - attentiveness, common sense and perseverance. So there is probably no need to dwell on them.

    And you were cheated official taxi drivers? How?

    Many taxi drivers use a trick to increase their income. As an experienced Yandex Taxi driver, I will give you some tips on how to increase your earnings.

    What influences a taxi driver's earnings?

    It's no secret that the goal of any taxi driver is to generate income. It consists of the following criteria:
    The number of applications completed per work shift;
    - average work score for the last 60 days;
    Compliance with the rules set by Yandex Taxi.

    Rating is the main indicator of the taxi driver's performance. Much depends on him. However, for it to affect income, the final grade must be at least 4.5. Otherwise, the program temporarily blocks the receipt of orders. Then you can be left completely without earnings.

    Important! If you want to start working as a Yandex Taxi driver, you just need to follow the link, fill out a mini-questionnaire (name and phone number). Everything. We are waiting for the manager's call and expect to be connected to the service as a driver. We'll take a closer look at this process below.

    Over the years of my work, I managed to find out little tricks that allow you to earn more.

    The best assistant in the work of a Yandex Taxi driver is a Taximeter. Allows you to determine which area has the most applications. Based on this information, it will not be difficult to determine where to follow the client. From experience, most of the calls come from public places e.g. train stations, airports, shopping and entertainment centers, etc.

    Many people think that small orders do not generate much revenue. However, the service pays extra for trips with a low cost so that the driver does not go into negative territory. It is better to go for a full work shift with a break per day than every day for a couple or three hours. In addition, points are awarded for small orders. This means the rating will increase.

    Holidays are quite laborious shifts. However, there is an opportunity to earn more. There are two main benefits of working on a holiday:
    1) The passenger traffic is increasing, which means the number of applications;
    2) An additional coefficient is calculated.

    Most avoid night shifts. But it is at night that there is an increased tariff. At the same time, the number of trips may be less than during the day, and the income is higher.

    To get more orders, you can try to work in different areas and determine the most profitable one. Although the Taximeter allows you to see them. All information is available on the application screen.

    Yandex Taxi has developed a schedule in which it has combined statistics on the most advantageous hours and days, when is the best time to go online. The schedule depends on the specific region.

    The Comfort, Business and Premium fares allow the driver to get a higher cost of travel. To receive such tariffs, you must undergo training from Yandex, as well as have a car that meets the requirements of the service. If there is a desire to work with foreigners, the company offers courses in English.

    Business cards that experienced taxi drivers give out to their passengers indicate that reorders are often received. Of course, provided that the trip was successful.

    Don't ignore the rules of driving etiquette. Read comments to the application and personal messages on the Taximeter screen. Be sure to pass the photo control in a timely manner. During the trip, the passenger evaluates not only the driver's communication, but the external and interior view car. After graduation, he gives a mark, which affects the rating. Satisfied customer is highly appreciated.

    You can get the status of an official partner after branding the car - pasting corporate logos Yandex Taxi. At the same time, a number of advantages appear, namely, priority in the distribution of orders and a reduced percentage of commission payments.

    How to increase the driver's earnings?

    To summarize in one phrase: the more you work, the more you earn. Actually, this applies not only to work in the taxi service.

    It works stably, pays money and continues to develop. Thousands of new users register on this site every day, but not everyone is happy with the profit. Why? Because you need to understand all the features of this project.

    For several years I myself have been earning in this game, I often order payments, I constantly post videos on YouTube where I show the withdrawal of funds. it Best game, she has no worthy competitors, the main thing is to understand all the functions.

    Economic game with withdrawal of money Taxi Mani

    The taxi fleet simulator stands out from similar projects. Unlike other games, you won't be able to receive passive income from purchased cars. They must be used to fulfill orders in the city. You transport passengers and get money for it, and how quickly the expenses will pay off depends on the level of the car:

    This is the first important point - expensive cars pay off faster, the higher the level, the more money you get from orders. At the start, it makes sense to invest, so it will be easier to start getting a normal profit. A 25% bonus is set for the first replenishment, deposit 1040 rubles and you can immediately buy a car of the 3rd level.

    Taxi money recently turned 5 years old! a short clip was filmed in honor of this:

    Those who want to start from scratch are offered a welcome bonus for registration and can earn in the CLIX section by browsing sites or completing easy tasks.

    The players' profit is largely influenced by the time they spend on the game. Many people are too lazy to log into their account and take orders, their cars are idle. Because of this, it is not possible to achieve the maximum return on investment. We do not recommend using any bots, this is prohibited by the rules of the project.

    Those who have not yet registered on this site should open an account today. The game is worthwhile, payments come from it, and even if you do not understand all the functions, you can earn extra money. With the introductory part finished.

    How much can you earn with TaxiMoney?

    There are also negative reviews about this project, many are unhappy with the availability of payment points (passenger account), others believe that it is not realistic to withdraw money from the game at all. By my own example, I was convinced of the opposite. Here are my stats with the latest payments:

    I know people who invested 1000 rubles, and withdrawn over 30,000 rubles from this project... Moreover, there are options for starting with no investment at all. Income is not limited by anything, withdraw at least 10,000 rubles every day and earn 300,000 rubles a month. This is quite real, the main thing is to be an active user.

    How to make money in Taxi Mani?

    Most of the newcomers who come to economic games are led by flashy headlines and huge profit margins. In TaxiMoney, you can also see on the main page that with an investment of 25,000 rubles, you will receive 7,500 rubles a month. Only the number is preceded by a "before" and even if you collect this amount, it is not a fact that you will be able to withdraw it.

    The game has its own subtleties, passenger account, companies, additional functions and much more. You need to be well versed in this, otherwise you will never come out on top. First of all, you need to find out that orders are different, learn to take the most profitable ones.

    Read detailed article About, . Only due to this it is possible to increase the profitability by 20% -30%.

    To always have available orders, come in at a certain time. Orders are added several times per hour - 0:03, 0:23 and 0:43 minutes. Refresh the page with orders at these minutes, immediately go beyond the third page and look for the most advantageous offers. In addition, there are tricks:

    1. Use services with timers or a regular alarm clock so as not to miss the right moment.
    2. If you do not have enough money to refuel your car, use a free refueling service, it is given every day.
    3. Open several tabs with orders at once, prepare for this in advance, and just update the page at the right time.
    4. If you have already taken an order, but found a more profitable one, press the button. You have 20 seconds to change your mind.
    5. Develop your own taxi fleet, as the level increases, the amount of energy proportionally increases.
    6. When choosing orders, look not for hack, but for simple orders. When they are fulfilled, you can transfer the profit to the passenger account.
    7. When you get a job in a company, carefully study the conditions and compare offers, avoid greedy businessmen.
    8. Do not chase after payment points, first you need to reach high profitability. Buy more cars, tune them, develop.
    9. Use different boosters (available in the store), pump over a taxi. XP increases for completed orders, and this affects profitability.
    10. With the help of car tuning, it is possible not only to raise the cost of orders, but also to reduce the likelihood of robbery.

    Very few people manage to squeeze the maximum out of the game, because only a few know all the secrets of Taxi Money. The developers of this project are constantly updating something, adding new functions, already now you can not buy cars, but build your own city and open other types of profitable business.

    Basic Game Tips You Should Know About

    The game has a lot of functions, draws are constantly held here, only if you follow all the events, you can earn even more money. The game with the conclusion of Taxi Money in this regard is very different from competitors. Only the presentation of its features takes a whole article, sometimes we make reviews of such projects less. What is profitable on the site?

    1. Contests and prizes.

    Prize draws with different rules are running stably. At the moment, a competition is being held with a prize fund of over 40,000 rubles. The winner is determined by the amount of deposits, and there are three prizes, the winners receive free cars. The draw is updated daily, everyone has the same chances:

    1. Stock.

    Do not rush to top up your balance, make deposits only during promotions. They are launched very often on TaxiMoney. Now there is an autumn promotion for which you can get at least a 10% bonus. And if the top-up amount is more than 14,500 rubles, you will receive 35% on top (at least 5075 rubles):

    1. Taxi sale.

    Selling cars from your garage brings income, it is better to do this immediately after passing MOT, because in this case the percentage of the cost will be maximum (the cost of the car and all installed equipment is taken into account). Different bonuses are given for the sale of promotional cars.

    1. Automatic refueling.

    Don't miss the moment when you need to refill the tank. To avoid wasting time, check the box for automatic refueling. Free daily refueling will also be used here:

    1. CLIX section.

    Make more active use of your earnings by browsing websites and completing assignments. Really lucrative offers are often added to the site, and payments from here can be received to the passenger account. In addition, income from the CLIX section is equivalent to replenishment (taken into account in contests).

    1. Passive investment.

    Shares are sold on the TaxiMoney exchange, their holders receive dividends. Fully automatic earnings, plus this, securities grow in price, here you can make a profit from the resale of shares. The profit of the trader or shareholder is credited to any account in the game.

    1. Leveling up the player.

    Each order increases the player's level, it is displayed on the "Profile" page, the higher the level, the more opportunities. When you get a new level, points are given for pumping agility, skill, endurance and luck. Each parameter makes the game more profitable in its own way.

    1. Robberies and fines.

    In the city, you can find and rob another player when completing an order. The robber takes the reward from the passengers, and the taxi driver continues the trip for just 1 kopeck. There is a risk of being caught by the police, in this case a fine of 220% of the order amount is imposed. Risky, but you can also make money. Robbery can be caught in sets:

    1. Earnings for police officers.

    Try your luck, try to become a recruit in the police academy. In the section "Police" there is a button "Join" for each car. Orders are also carried out through them, only they bring much more money. You can use a car for a week, the more applications you send, the higher the chances of joining the ranks of cops:

    1. City development.

    TaxiMoney has seriously expanded its functionality compared to what was at the start. Now you can make money here not only from a taxi company, but also to build buildings of different levels. They provide income. Plus, recently added car services, construction companies and licensing agencies, this is already a full-fledged business providing services to other players.

    Despite the fact that there are so many tools in the TaxiMoney withdrawal game, the developers continue to update the project. They change the work of companies, bonus orders, added crystals, parking lots, new goods in the store, and all this is only for the last 2 months. Stay tuned for updates to be one of the first to take advantage of the new features.

    The most powerful way to make money in TaxiMoney

    Any economic game offers favorable conditions for cooperation. Taxi Money project is no exception, there is a two-tier affiliate program with minimum deductions of 7.5% and 2%. It is not the first year that I myself have been earning by attracting referrals.

    About such a large and interesting project I'm not ashamed to tell, besides, there are a bunch of topics through which you can advertise the game. Passive earnings on promotions and referrals, bonuses, promotions, contests and much more. Active partners receive even more money, for this it is necessary to pass the qualification once a month:

    In section with affiliate program the conditions are spelled out and it is shown how much the commission rises. Look for new users, get interest on their replenishment, plus on the deposits of those whom they call to the site.

    Affiliate income is not limited by anything, and most importantly, it brings rubles to the passenger account and removes all restrictions on payments.

    With the help of our article, you can find many players without investing and without having your own website.

    It makes sense to register in the game exclusively to work through the referral system. In this case, you won't have to make a penny of investments. Help your refs also develop a team, share your secrets and tricks, active partners are even more profitable than investors.

    Have you read the article up to this point? So you really want to squeeze more money out of the popular game. The project is of high quality, and in order to understand all its functions and find various tricks, you will have to play for more than one month. With our selection useful tips, you will save a lot of time:

    • every day a bonus is handed out to players, you just need to press one button, use this gift;
    • do not rush to withdraw money, it is better to reinvest everything first by making a transfer to a shopping account and expanding your taxi fleet;
    • use all additional ways to earn money in TaxiMoney, and there are really a lot of them here, starting with TaxiDice and ending with click tasks;
    • even if you really need it, never take loans in the game, because the minimum percentage here is 1% per day, which is 30% per month or 360% per year;
    • if you do not have time to fulfill orders, rent your car, the main thing is that the driver is active;
    • the car rental function is also useful for those who do not have enough money to buy a car. The rental contract costs only 5% of the cost of the car;
    • in the "Abilities" section you can improve your cars. This unlocks as the level of the player or vehicle increases;
    • catch random orders, it may or may not be lucky, the order time may be increased, the payment will be instant, the client will run away with the money or throw a tip.

    Check the project news more often in order to find out in time about the new features of Taxi Money. Making money in this game becomes even more interesting, and additional opportunities make the project more profitable. It is already difficult to understand everything at once, what will be difficult to imagine in a couple of years.


    Having studied all the secrets of earning in TaxiMoney, you will definitely be able to increase your income. How much? It all depends on the efforts made. Whatever one may say, but profitability depends on the activity of the player and his strategy.

    I advise you to visit the following pages.


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