Documents for recruiting a director. How to hire a director, he is also a founder. Sample employment contract with the CEO

Keeping your body in shape is key point in the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Calculating your body mass index (BMI) is one way to check your healthy weight. This indicator will show how much the weight corresponds to the height of a person, and whether such a proportion does not pose a threat to life.

The basics of BMI concept were developed by the Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet, but the term itself was first coined after the publication of an article on obesity in the Journal of Chronic Diseases in 1972.

This index was created with the aim of determining the amount of mass of adipose, muscle and bone tissue in each individual, in order to further classify his weight as underweight, normal or overweight.

BMI (from the English "body mass index") has a direct relationship with the normal functioning of the whole organism. Because being overweight increases your risk of developing diseases such as:

  • ischemic disease;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • hypotension;

How to calculate your BMI?

The Quetelet index, better known as the body mass index, is a value that is determined by the formula: a person's weight divided by height in square meters.

For example, for a girl weighing 65 kg, whose height is 172 cm, the calculation will be made as follows: 65 / (1.72) 2 = 21.97. According to table number 1, it can be determined that this indicator is within the norm.

To simplify the calculation, you can use special online calculators that independently calculate body weight according to the specified parameters.

If you use pounds and inches to calculate your BMI, the formula looks like this: weight (lbs) / height (inches squared) * 703.

More details on how to calculate the mass index and decipher the results obtained can be seen in this video:

Decoding data: BMI table

According to the generally accepted classification, the Quetelet index has the following ranges:



Life risk level

Up to 25 years oldOver 25 years old
Being underweight - may indicate poor nutrition, an eating disorder, or other health problemHigh. The development of anemia, loss of bone mass, and in women - the occurrence of problems with conception is not excluded. The work of the immune system deteriorates, the body does not fight infectionsYou should forget about restrictions on food intake, improve the quality of nutrition, and also eliminate stress and physical activity, that is, the body should receive more calories than it spends
Up to 22.920 to 25.9NormNot available, provided that the waist does not exceed 80 cm for women and 94 cm for menTo maintain the indicators within the normal range, it is enough to observe the previous dietary regimen and do not forget about the daily warm-up (walking, cycling, exercise)
23-27,4 26-27,9 OverweightIncreased, metabolic syndrome may developIt is necessary to balance your diet, excluding high-calorie and fatty foods from it, and it is also recommended to radically change your lifestyle - to devote sufficient time to sports, good sleep and active pastime
27,5-30 28-31 Obesity (1st degree)Very tall. There is a risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as the formation of malignant tumorsA specialist consultation is required, as well as a complete examination of the body, including diagnostics of the thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels
31-35 32-35,9 Obesity (2nd degree)
35,1-40 36-40,9 Obesity (3rd degree)
≤40,1 ≤41 Obesity (4th degree)

According to studies by American scientists, 1% of men and 2.5% of women suffer from underweight. At the same time, the maximum life expectancy is observed in guys, whose BMI is 25-27 kg / m 2.

BMI: what to look for?

It should be remembered that the calculation of the mass index is not the basis for the diagnosis. For some people, particularly athletes, BMI can be deceptively high compared to actual body fat levels.

For example, the ideal weight for a 175 cm tall girl is 75 kg. But, if she has a thin physique, her norm should be calculated according to the scheme: 75 kg-10% = 68 kg. Conversely, overweight people should add 10% to their current weight.

When calculating BMI, the World Health Organization does not take into account the age and gender of a person. For children over 2 years old, the index is calculated according to the same scheme as for adults.

Studies conducted by British scientists have proven that the BMI of girls 12-16 years old is, on average, 1 kg / m2 less than the BMI of boys of the same age category.

Also, when calculating the mass index, the principle of the distribution of body fat in the body is not taken into account. That is, the indicators can be overestimated due to the accumulation of fat in the lower body, which, in principle, is not life-threatening. And at the same time, a person with a normal index should be more worried about health if excess fat is based in the abdomen.

In matters related to obesity, in addition to BMI, it is necessary to consider:

Application of BMI in the world

In 2005, Singapore found that Asians have a relatively higher percentage of fat than Europeans, with the result that the former are more likely to suffer from diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Recently, the authorities of France, Italy, Israel and some other countries have changed the legislation, according to which models with an index below 18 are not allowed to participate in fashion shows. In this way, a healthy lifestyle is popularized and anorexia prevention among young people.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, if a conscript's Quetelet index deviates from the prescribed standards (both upward and downward), he has the right to receive a deferral from military service up to six months. During this period, the conscript is obliged to undergo an examination and bring the indicators back to normal. For comparison, in Taiwan, recruits with a low or high BMI are immediately commissioned.

Calculating excess weight using BMI

BMI makes it easy to calculate excess weight, for this it is enough to correct the already known formula as follows:

Weight (kg) - BMI is normal (see table) * height (m 2)

For example, for a man under the age of 25 and weighing 115 kg, the normal BMI indicator will be the number 22. That is, his overweight is: 115-22 * (1.75 2) = 47.6 kg

This formula shows that the normal weight in this case should not exceed 67 kg.

So the body mass index is important indicator designed to control everyone's weight and health. Despite some inaccuracy, BMI has been used in world practice for the primary diagnosis of obesity in patients of all age groups for many decades.

Body mass index is the ratio of a person's weight to height. Thanks to simple calculations, doctors determine the lack or excess of muscle and adipose tissue in the body, which makes it possible to start the procedures for weight correction in a timely manner. Thanks to the calculator below, you will also find out how much your weight corresponds to your height. This will help you choose a diet, if necessary, normalize physical activity, etc.

Body Mass Index Formula

In 1869, an eminent mathematician / sociologist from Belgium, Adolphe Quetelet, first proposed a formula for measuring body mass index. It was he who considered that in order to derive the coefficient, thanks to which it is possible to estimate the fullness / thinness of a person, it is enough to divide his weight in kg by the square of his height in meters. In other words, to find out the body mass index, the formula looks like this:

Let's try to calculate: suppose that we are approached by a woman whose height is 1.64 m, and her weight is 75 kg. To calculate her BMI, you need 75 / 1.64 * 1.64 = 27.89. As you can see in the table, this is pre-obesity. That is, our hypothetical lady urgently needs to reconsider her lifestyle or food system.

However, do not assume that this BMI result is always correct. After all, when calculating, we did not take into account what kind of life a woman leads (suddenly, she is a professional athlete - a wrestler or a boxer with well-developed muscles?), And we also did not take into account the woman's age.

Therefore, Adolf Ketele's formula for measuring body mass index can only be used to obtain primary coefficients. To do this, use a calculator.

If the result of the calculations shows that it is time for you to lose weight, use the advanced BMI calculator.

Body mass index norms

As already mentioned, the body mass index norm is a conditional value. So for people of asthenic physique, a BMI of 24 points can mean pre-obesity, and for a professional athlete, a BMI of 27 can be the norm. However, roughly you can still rely on the indicators approved by WHO.

I would like to note that the body mass index rate is calculated not only for adults, already physically formed men and women, but also for children. It is very important to monitor the weight of the child, as a deficiency and an excess of weight can lead to serious illnesses and deviations in physical development.

How to calculate your ideal weight?

Knowing your body mass index rate, you can calculate your ideal weight. To do this, you should multiply the optimal BMI result (19-24) by the square of your height in meters. Calculate by hand or use this calculator.

Brief theory

The index method is one of the most common methods of statistical analysis of economic phenomena. With the help of indices, the national economy as a whole and its individual sectors are studied, as well as the activities of enterprises, associations, firms, farms, etc .; reveals the dynamics of the development of socio-economic phenomena, analyzes the implementation of plans or norms; the influence of individual factors on the overall result is determined, production reserves are revealed; territorial and international comparisons of economic indicators are carried out.

An index in statistics is a relative indicator that characterizes the ratio in time, in comparison with the plan or in the space of levels of socio-economic phenomena. Since the index is a relative indicator, it is always obtained when the ratio of two greatness: reporting (or current), that is, compared, and the base, that is, the one with the level of which the reported value is compared. If the level of the phenomenon for some past period of time is taken as the comparison base, dynamic indices are obtained; if the level of a phenomenon in another territory is taken as the base for comparison, territorial indices are obtained, and if any normative level is taken as the base for comparison, indices of plan fulfillment, indices of fulfillment of norms, etc. are obtained.

In formulas, systems of equations, economic and mathematical models, current data are marked with a unit just below the letter designation of the value.

Like any relative value, indices are expressed as coefficients if one is taken as the base, or as percentages if one is taken as the base.

Socio-economic phenomena studied by statistics usually consist of many elements. Thus, the gross output of products and services includes the cost of final goods and services created by all socially organized types economic activity and in all sectors of the economy. In other words, the gross output of products and services consists of many certain types products and services.

Indices are calculated both for individual elements of a complex phenomenon and for the entire complex phenomenon as a whole. In the first case, they are called individual and are designated by a Latin letter, and in the second, they are general and are designated. Individual indices include indices that characterize the change in the output of one type of product (indices of steel smelting, potash production, TV production, etc.), indices characterizing the change in the price of a product (bicycles, cement, beef, etc.) , the cost of a separate product, etc.

The indices calculated for the entire complex phenomenon, that is, the general ones, include indices that characterize the dynamics of the output of all products of an enterprise, industry, etc., the dynamics of prices of a group of goods, or all goods, or a set of food and non-food goods and services included in " consumer basket ", the dynamics of the cost of a number of products, etc.

Common indices are used to compare directly disparate, dissimilar phenomena. For example, using general indices, one can characterize the dynamics of the output of the entire industry or the dynamics of the volume of all output at a furniture factory that manufactures various types of products: tables, armchairs, sofas, wardrobes. However, you cannot just add up the production volumes. different types for two periods and relate these amounts to one another. Such a summation is meaningless not only because of the different units of measurement (tons, pieces, meters, etc.), but also because each type of product has its own purpose and is produced with different costs of funds and socially necessary time.

To make incommensurable phenomena (or their elements) comparable, it is necessary to express them in a common measure; cost, labor costs etc. This problem is solved by building and calculating general indices. The main form of general indexes is aggregate indexes.

The aggregate index consists of two elements: indexed values, the change of which should reflect the index, and indicators that serve as co-measures (weights).

The product of each indexed value by the co-measure (weight) must give a certain economic category.

The value of the indexed quantity always changes: the reported value is compared with the base value. The specific name of the index is always given according to the indexed value. For example, if the price is indexed, then the price index is obtained, if the physical volume is indexed, the physical volume index is obtained, etc.

The indicator-co-measuring (weight) performs the function of weight in relation to the indexed value. The value of the co-measure (weight) in a particular index is taken to be the same in the numerator and denominator in order to exclude the influence of the co-measure on the change in the indexed indicator. Index weights can be expressed in cost, labor and other units of measurement, as well as in the form of relative values ​​of the structure. When building aggregate indexes, it is important to choose the correct index weights. They should be selected taking into account the essence of the studied socio-economic phenomenon in order to preserve the economic meaning of the index and to be able to calculate the absolute amounts of the economic effect on its basis.

Depending on the content and nature of the indexed value, there are indices of quantitative (volumetric) indicators and indices of qualitative indicators. Quantitative (extensive) indicators characterize the total, total size of a particular phenomenon, for example, the amount (physical volume) of products in physical terms, the number of employees, the total time spent on the products produced, the size of the cultivated area, etc. Qualitative (intensive) indicators characterize the size of the feature per unit of aggregate: the price of a unit of production (goods), the cost of a unit of production, the cost of working time per unit of production (labor intensity of a unit of production), output per worker, consumption of material (fuel) per unit of production, crop yield in per hectare, etc. As a rule, qualitative indicators are either average values ​​or relative values.

There is a rule for constructing aggregate factorial indices, according to which in the indices of qualitative indicators the weights are the indicators of the reporting period, and in the indices of quantitative indicators - the base period.

The corresponding quantitative (volumetric) and qualitative indicators are closely related to each other. V general view this relationship is expressed in the fact that the product of a qualitative indicator by the associated quantitative indicator gives a new indicator, another economic category. For example, if we multiply the price of one product (, qualitative indicator) by the number of these products (, quantitative indicator), then we get the total cost of these products or turnover (, new indicator); the product of the specific material consumption by the number of product units is the total material consumption (, new indicator); the product of the yield of a crop by its sown area gives the gross yield of this crop (new indicator), etc. This relationship between quantitative and qualitative indicators is valid when constructing and calculating their aggregate indices.

For example, the product of the aggregate price index by the aggregate index of physical volume is equal to the aggregate index of the value of production (turnover).

The aggregate price index is determined by the formula:

The aggregate price index characterizes how the prices for various types of products, included in the calculation of the general price index, have changed on average.

The aggregate index of physical volume characterizes how the total volume of production has changed on average for the analyzed list. It is determined by the formula:

The index of the cost of production (turnover) is determined by the formula:

The product cost index characterizes the change in the actual cost of the produced or products sold or the size of the turnover for the analyzed population.

The relationship between indexes can be represented by the expression:

Using these formulas, it is possible to determine the third one by two known indices.

The aggregate index is the main, but not the only form of the general index. The general index can also be calculated as the average value of individual indices. This mean can be calculated as the arithmetic mean and as the harmonic mean. Both one and the other mean are derived from the aggregate indices and give results that are identical to these indices. The choice of the form of the index depends on the nature of the source data. If the values ​​of the indexed indicator and the weight in the reporting (current) and base periods are known, then the aggregate form of indices is used. If there are no values ​​of the indexed indicator or weight in the reporting or base period, but changes in the indexed indicator or weight are known for individual units of the studied population, then the form of average indices is used.

When comparing the levels of the average values ​​of the reporting and base periods, an index is obtained, which in statistics is called the index of variable composition. So, for example, the index of the cost price of a variable composition is calculated by the formula:

The index of variable composition (dynamics of average values) is influenced by two factors: firstly, the change in the levels of the averaged trait (in our example, the change in the levels of production costs for each of the enterprises) and, secondly, the change in the proportion of units of the population with different values ​​of the trait ( structural changes).

The variable composition index is calculated using the following formula:

The cost index of a permanent fixed composition is calculated by the formula:

The index of structural changes is calculated by the formula:

Relationship of indices:

Subtracting the denominator from the numerator of each of the indices of the reduced system, we obtain the expansion of the absolute change (increase) in the average level of the feature due to the direct change in the levels of the averaged feature (individual cost levels), and due to the change in specific weights (structural shifts):

An example of solving the problem

Problem condition 1

The dynamics of average prices and sales volume on the collective farm markets of the city is characterized by the following data:

Products Products sold, thousand kg Average price for 1 kg, thousand rubles base period reporting period base period reporting period Collective farm market number 1 Potato 4.0 4.2 6.4 7.6 Cabbage 2.5 2.4 7.2 8.4 Collective farm market number 2 Potato 10.0 12.0 7.6 7.0

Based on the available data, calculate:

  • For the collective farm market No. 1 (for two types of products):
    • a) individual indices of prices, volume and value;
    • b) general index of turnover;
    • c) general price index;
    • d) general index of the physical volume of goods turnover;
    • Define in reporting period the absolute increase in turnover and decompose by factors (due to changes in prices and sales of goods).
    • Show the relationship between the calculated indices.
  • For collective farm markets together (for potatoes):
    • a) variable price index
    • b) price index of constant composition
    • c) the index of the influence of changes in the structure of potato sales on the dynamics of the average price
    • Explain the difference between the values ​​of the indices of constant and variable composition.
    • Determine the total absolute change in the average price of potatoes in the reporting period compared to the baseline and break it down by factors: due to direct changes in price levels and due to changes in the structure of potato sales.
    • Formulate your conclusions.

Solution to problem 1

Calculation of individual indices of turnover, prices and volume

Let's calculate the individual price indices:



Prices for potatoes increased by 18.8%, and for cabbage by 16.7%

Let's calculate the individual indices of physical volume:



Physical sales of potatoes increased by 5%, while physical sales of cabbage decreased by 4%.

Let's calculate the individual sales value indices:



The sales value of potatoes increased by 24.7% and cabbage by 12%.

Calculation of general indices of turnover, prices and volume

The general turnover index can be calculated using the formula:

where is the price, is the number of products sold

The general price index is calculated using the formula:

General index of the physical volume of trade:

These indices are related to each other by the formula:

Thus, the trade turnover increased by 19.4%, including due to an increase in prices by 17.9%, due to an increase in the physical volume of trade by 1.3%.

Decomposition into factors of the absolute increase in turnover

Absolute increase in turnover:

Including due to price changes:

Including due to changes in the sale of goods:

Absolute gains are linked by the formulas:

Thus, the turnover increased by 8.48 million rubles, including due to an increase in prices by 7.92 million rubles, due to an increase in the physical volume of trade by 0.56 million rubles.

Calculation of average price indices of variable composition, constant composition and structural breaks

Let's calculate the price index of variable composition for 2 collective farm markets for potatoes:

Let's calculate the price index of constant composition:

Let us calculate the index of the influence of changes in the structure of potato sales on the dynamics of the average price:

The difference between the indices of variable and constant composition is that the index of variable composition is equal to the ratio of the average price levels, and the constant one characterizes the change in the average price due to changes in only prices in each market.

Thus, the average price in the markets decreased by 1.4%. If the structure of sales in both markets were the same, the average price would decrease by 1.9%. The increase in the share of the more expensive market in the structure of sales increased the average price by 0.4%.

Decomposition into factors of the absolute increase in the average price

Let's define the total absolute change in the price of potatoes:

Total absolute price change for direct changes in potato price levels:

Total absolute price change due to changes in the structure of potato sales:

Thus, the average price for potatoes decreased by 0.11 thousand rubles, including due to a direct change in price levels by 0.14 thousand rubles. An increase in the market share with more expensive potatoes increased the effective indicator by 0.03 thousand rubles.

Problem condition 2

Company The cost price of 1 thousand pieces. Base period Reporting period Base period Reporting period 1 250 320 18 16 2 300 500 21 17


  1. Individual cost indices for each enterprise;
  2. General indices of the cost of production of constant, variable composition and structural changes.

Solution to problem 2

Individual cost indices

Let's calculate the individual cost indices for enterprises:

At the first enterprise:

At the second plant:

Average cost indices

The cost index of variable composition can be found by the formula:

The cost index of a constant (fixed) composition can be found by the formula:

Structural change prime cost index:


Conclusion to the task

Thus, the average cost of production at enterprises decreased by 15.4%. Due to the direct decrease in the cost of products, the indicator was reduced by 16.2%. Due to an increase in the share of a plant with a higher cost in the production structure, the average cost increased by 1%

Problem condition 3

There is the following data on the release of products of the same name in three workshops of the enterprise:

Shop Products manufactured, thousand units Cost of production per unit of production, rub. base period reporting period base period reporting period 1 86 56 34.0 39.0 2 152 146 52.0 56.0 3 134 132 48.0 46.0


  1. Indices of the prime cost of variable composition, constant composition and index of structural breaks.
  2. The absolute change in the average cost of production per unit of production in the reporting period compared to the baseline: a) general; b) by changing the cost of production per unit of production in individual shops; c) by changing the structure of manufactured products.
  3. Establish and check the relationships: a) between the calculated indices; b) between the calculated absolute changes. Explain what is the structural shift in the production of products in the reporting period compared to the baseline.
  4. Draw conclusions.

Solution to problem 3

Fixed and variable composition cost indices

Let's calculate the cost index of the variable composition:

Thus, the average cost in the reporting period increased by 6%, provided that the structure of production in the shops was the same, the cost increased by 3.8%.

Structural change index

Let us calculate the index of the influence of changes in the structure of production on the dynamics of the average cost:

The difference between the indices of variable and constant composition is that the index of variable composition is equal to the ratio of the average levels of the cost price, and the constant one characterizes the change in the average cost price due to changes in only the cost price in each workshop. The structural shift consists in a change in the share of workshops with a higher (lower) cost price.

The relationship between the calculated indices will be as follows:


Conclusion to the task

The average cost of a product in the reporting period increased by 2.8 rubles, including due to a change in the level of cost by 1.8 rubles, an increase in the share of products with a higher cost price increased the effective indicator by 1 rubles.

The ideal weight in the understanding of people is a different value. For one person, the optimal body weight is the ribs protruding through the clothes, for another - the exact opposite. Everyone has their own idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe figure of a dream. But the imagined ideal weight may not match reality. Imagining yourself as a person with an ideal figure can be very wrong.

Both being overweight and underweight lead to serious disabilities. Lack of body weight leads to dystrophy, which, in turn, affects internal organs and negatively communicates at their work. Excess body weight negatively affects the blood supply to all organs. Due to the development of atherosclerosis of the arteries, the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues decreases, and the risk of developing various diseases increases.

There are many formulas to determine what weight is optimal for a particular person. They determine the body mass index (BMI).

Ideal weight calculation options

For a long time people have been trying to find a counting formula ideal weight... It should show the optimal weight of a person. At the same time, the measurement should be simple and fast.

The most commonly used calculation is that 100 or 110 (for women) are subtracted from the height in centimeters. The resulting figure is a subjective indicator and does not take into account either the body type, or age, or other features of the body.

How to calculate Broca's body mass index

Broca's BMI was first developed in the 19th century. The formula was created by a doctor from France Paul Broca, it is suitable for people with a height of 1.55 to 2 m. The index takes into account 2 types of human constitution. Here we can already talk about the individual characteristics of a person. The body composition is different for everyone, the formula takes this factor into account. There is also a drawback: Broca's index does not show the degree of obesity.

The formula at the beginning of the study suggests choosing 2 body types: asthenic or muscular. Then, according to the formula IB = height (in centimeters) - 100 - 5, for the muscle type, IB = human height (in centimeters) - 100 - 10, for the asthenic type - we get the body mass index. The calculation is quite simple and takes into account only one variable - growth.

For more accurate data, it is better to use a different formula.

BMI according to Quetelet

The question of how to calculate the body mass index arose back in the 19th century with the Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet. To understand what weight should be ideal for a particular person, he developed a special formula. How to calculate body mass index? Very simple.

BMI = weight / height 2.

This formula is used by all doctors to determine the normal weight range for an individual.

The body mass index for women and men is determined in a similar way. The formula does not take into account either gender or age.

BMI calculation

It can be seen that the obtained index in an adult will depend only on body weight. For example, you can calculate the BMI of an imaginary person. His height is 1.6 m, weight - 60 kg. It turns out 1.6 * 1.6 = 2.56, BMI = 60 / 2.56 = 23.43.

The resulting coefficient shows that the weight of this person is within the normal range. The formula can be easily applied to everyone.

Interpreting BMI

Decoding of the result obtained is carried out using a special scale. It shows the intervals of the coefficients.

A reading of less than 18.49 means a lack of mass. If the resulting coefficient is less than 16, this is a critical weight deficit. The result obtained indicates possible disorders in the body.

From 18.5 to 25 - the indicator is within the normal range. For most people, this is the optimal weight.

From 25 to 30 - there is excess weight. For men, 25-27 is considered the norm.

From 30 to 35 - the 1st degree of obesity. This indicator can be found in both athletes and overweight people.

From 35 to 40 - the 2nd degree of obesity. There is overweight. Or the person who was considered to be BMI is a very muscular athlete (bodybuilder).

From 40 and more - obesity of the 3rd degree. Significantly overweight or well-muscled athlete.

Whatever the result, it must be remembered that the formula was created for mass research. The result of the calculations is the body mass index. Everyone can calculate (men or women will do it, it doesn't matter). But the result does not reflect the full picture.

If we take athletes as a standard and determine their body mass index (calculate), men will be surprised, because the results obtained will show different degrees of obesity. The athlete's body weight will be rather big. All of them have developed muscles, which, with smaller volumes (compared to fat), weigh much more.

BMI results

The coefficient does not show the composition of the human body, but reflects only the general picture. How to calculate body mass index to take into account the body composition of a person? It is necessary to use already other research methods.

BMI may be the same for perfectly different people, different sex and age. They may have different amounts of fat and muscle from each other, while the indicators will be the same.

Body mass index (for women it is calculated in the same way as for men) does not take into account age-related changes, body type and body composition.

Other research methods

To determine more accurately the body mass index, the formula should be more detailed and reflect all possible variables, primarily gender.

At home, in addition to BMI, you can estimate the size of the skin and fat folds in the abdomen. To do this, you need to clamp it with two fingers in the navel area. The thickness is measured with a special tool - a caliper. If not, then the thickness of the fold can be assessed visually. Normally, it should be about 2 cm. Full research the caliper is carried out in 3-5 folds. The results are evaluated using a special formula.

Any measurement assumes an error. It is in all existing formulas, because they are created for mass use.

Psychological assessment of BMI

All experts recommend not using various indices to determine weight and appearance. If the reflection in the mirror pleases, and the measurements show a deviation from the norm, then this will negatively affect mental health. Possible consequences are low self-esteem, depression, self-doubt.

It's worth evaluating your lifestyle yourself. If the daily diet includes healthy foods, and physical activity is not in last place, then your own BMI is the optimal value.

One should always use objective judgment when interpreting the various tests that are designed to standardize all people.

The consumer price index, CPI (Consumer price index, CPI) is a price index that is calculated for a specific group of goods and services that determine the composition of the consumer basket of one resident of the country and is calculated for a certain period of time.

For example, in the United States, the consumer price index is calculated based on 265 goods and services taken in 85 cities of the country. In Russia, when calculating, a consumer basket is taken, the composition of which is approved Federal law No. 44-FZ "On the consumer basket as a whole for Russian Federation". It includes both food, non-food products and various kinds of services.

The formula for calculating the consumer price index

Consumer price index = (Consumer basket at current prices / Consumer basket at base year prices) * 100

Thus, the definition of the consumer price index is the ratio of the entire consumer basket of the base year, which is estimated at the prices of the current year, to the consumer basket for the base year, which is estimated at the prices of the base year.

Calculation of the consumer price index

If we assume that the consumer basket includes only three types of goods, then an example of calculating the indicator will look like this, as shown in the table below.

Table. Example for calculating the consumer price index.

The consumer price index is one of the most common price indices that play important role in the economy, because is the base value that serves as an impetus for recalculation wages, social payments and other payments that must occur regularly and automatically, for example, every quarter, annually or every six months, by organizations that hire employees.

The important role of the consumer price index implies the need to create a unified methodology for calculating this indicator in the economy, which in due time would reflect the degree of price level change. For example, when calculating the CPI, only small and limited quantity goods that belong to the minimum level of consumption.

Based on this, the price change index will be much lower and the growth of wages will not compensate for the rise in inflation, which may affect the decrease in incentives to work.

A similar situation can happen if, for example, the consumer basket includes such goods that were produced within the country. In such a situation, with a high level of centralization, it is imperative to redistribute the rise in prices for consumer goods. For example, between such goods as Kalashnikov assault rifles and tarpaulin boots, the prices of which can be artificially reduced by the government.

The calculation method itself also plays an important role. For example, consider the following methodology for calculating the consumer price index, which is mathematically correct and even recommended for calculating the CPI, but gives a slightly different result than in the case shown above. The formula looks like this:

CPI = (Price of food 1992 / Price of food 1982) * 100 * share of food + (Price of clothing 1992 / Price of clothing 1982) * 100 * share of clothing + (Price of housing 1992 / Price of housing 1982) * 100 * share of housing.

Having determined the share of each group of goods that make up the usual consumer basket and substituting prices in the formula, we get:

CPI = (5/2 * 100 * 0.46) + (10/5 * 100 * 0.35) + (20/10 * 100 * 0.18) = 116.25 + 69.80 + 37.20 = 223.25

When calculating indices, statistical accuracy entails the creation of a single base, and therefore the consumer price index in the country is based on a single base, which is the production volume of the base year or uniform shares of goods in the consumer basket.

As a result, the CPI does not reflect the effect of price changes on the change in the share of consumption of any product.

In addition, the price index cannot estimate what percentage of the increase in prices is occupied by the qualitative improvement of the product as such. For example, a 1960 car and a 1990 car differ significantly in their quality characteristics.

The consumer price index differs from such an indicator as the GDP deflator. The GDP deflator estimates the value of total production in current year prices. In addition, the GDP deflator takes into account the goods and services that make up the country's GDP, while the CPI is just the goods and services that make up the consumer basket.


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