Analysis of the immediate environment. Analysis of the environment Analysis of the immediate environment of the organization

The study of the immediate environment of the organization is aimed at analyzing the state of those components of the external environment with which the organization is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that an organization can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction and thereby actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and in the prevention of threats to its further existence.


The analysis of customers as components of the immediate environment of the organization is primarily aimed at compiling a profile of those who buy the product sold by the organization. Customer research allows an organization to better understand what product will be most accepted by customers, how much sales the organization can expect, to what extent customers are committed to the product of this particular organization, how much the pool of potential customers can be expanded, what the product will expect in the future, and much more. ...

A buyer's profile can be based on the following characteristics:

Geographic location;

Demographic characteristics (age, education, field of activity, etc.);

Socio-psychological characteristics (position in society, style of behavior, tastes, habits, etc.);

The attitude of the buyer to the product (why he buys this product, whether he is a user of the product himself, how he evaluates the product, etc.).

Studying the buyer, the firm also understands for itself how strong its position in relation to it in the bargaining process. If, for example, the buyer has a limited opportunity to choose the seller of the goods he needs, then his bargaining power is significantly lower. If, on the contrary, the seller should strive to replace this buyer with another who would have less freedom in choosing a seller. The trade power of the buyer also depends, for example, on how important the quality of the purchased product is to him.

There are a number of factors that determine trading power the buyer, which must be opened and studied during the analysis. These factors include:

Correlation of the degree of dependence of the buyer on the seller with the degree of dependence of the seller on the buyer;

The volume of purchases made by the buyer;

Buyer's awareness level;

The presence of replacement products;

The cost for a buyer to switch to another seller;

The sensitivity of the buyer to the price, depending on the total cost of purchases made by him, on his orientation towards a certain brand, on the presence of certain requirements for the quality of the goods, on the amount of his income.

When measuring the indicator, it is important to pay attention to who pays, who buys and who consumes, since it is not necessary that all three functions are performed by the same person.


The analysis of suppliers is aimed at identifying those aspects in the activities of entities that supply the organization with various raw materials, semi-finished products, energy and information resources, finance, etc., on which the effectiveness of the organization's work, the cost price and quality of the product produced by the organization depends.

Suppliers of materials and components, if they have a large competitive force can make the organization very dependent on itself. Therefore, when choosing suppliers, it is important to deeply and comprehensively study their activities and their potential in order to be able to build such relationships with them that would provide the organization with maximum strength in interaction with suppliers. Competitive strength supplier depends on the following factors:

The level of specialization of the supplier;

The value of the cost for the supplier to switch to other customers;

The degree of specialization of the buyer in the acquisition of certain resources;

The concentration of the supplier on working with specific customers;

Importance for the supplier of the volume of sales.

When studying suppliers of materials and components, first of all, you should pay attention to the following characteristics of their activities:

The cost of the supplied goods;

Quality assurance of the supplied goods;

Time schedule for the delivery of goods;

Punctuality and obligation to comply with the terms of delivery of goods.


Study of competitors, i.e. those with whom the organization has to fight for the buyer and for the resources that it seeks to obtain from the external environment in order to ensure its existence, occupies a special and very important place in strategic management... Such a study is aimed at identifying weak and strengths competitors and on the basis of this to build your strategy of competition.

The competitive environment is formed not only by intra-industry competitors who manufacture similar products and sell them in the same market. The subjects of the competitive environment are those firms that can enter the market, as well as those that produce a substitute product. Besides them on competitive environment an organization has a significant impact on its product buyers and suppliers, who, with the power to bargain, can significantly weaken the organization's position.

Many firms do not pay enough attention to the possible threat from newcomers to their market and therefore lose in competitive struggle exactly to them. It is very important to remember this and create barriers in advance to the entry of potential aliens. Such barriers can be deep specialization in the production of a product, low costs due to economies of scale of production, control over distribution channels, the use of local characteristics that give an advantage in competition, etc. However, it is very important to know well what barriers can stop or prevent a potential newcomer from entering the market, and to erect precisely these barriers.

Producers of replacement products have a very high competitive power. The peculiarity of the transformation of the market in the case of the appearance of a replacement product is that if the market of an old product was killed by it, then it usually cannot be restored. Therefore, in order to be able to adequately meet the challenge from firms producing a replacement product, the organization must have sufficient potential to move to the creation of a new type of product.

Market work force

The analysis of the labor market is aimed at identifying its potential in providing the organization with the personnel necessary to solve its problems. The organization should study the labor market both from the point of view of the availability in this market of personnel of the necessary specialty and qualifications, the required level of education, the required age, gender, etc., and from the point of view of the cost of labor. An important area of ​​study of the labor market is the analysis of the policies of trade unions that influence this market, since in some cases they can severely restrict access to the labor force necessary for organizing.

The study of the immediate environment of the organization is aimed at analyzing the state of those components external environment with whom the organization is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that an organization can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction and thereby actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and in the prevention of threats to its further existence.


The analysis of customers as components of the immediate environment of the organization is primarily aimed at compiling a profile of those who buy the product sold by the organization. Customer research allows an organization to better understand what product will be most accepted by customers, how much sales the organization can expect, to what extent customers are committed to the product of this particular organization, how much the pool of potential customers can be expanded, what the product will expect in the future, and much more. ...

A buyer's profile can be based on the following characteristics:

Geographic location;

Demographic characteristics (age, education, field of activity, etc.);

Socio-psychological characteristics (position in society, style of behavior, tastes, habits, etc.);

The attitude of the buyer to the product (why he buys this product, whether he is a user of the product himself, how he evaluates the product, etc.).

Studying the buyer, the firm also understands for itself how strong its position in relation to it in the bargaining process. If, for example, the buyer has a limited opportunity to choose the seller of the goods he needs, then his bargaining power is significantly lower. If, on the contrary, the seller should strive to replace this buyer with another who would have less freedom in choosing a seller. The trade power of the buyer also depends, for example, on how important the quality of the purchased product is to him.

There are a number of factors that determine a buyer's trading power, which must be revealed and studied during the analysis. These factors include:

Correlation of the degree of dependence of the buyer on the seller with the degree of dependence of the seller on the buyer;

The volume of purchases made by the buyer;

Buyer's awareness level;

The presence of replacement products;

The cost for a buyer to switch to another seller;

The sensitivity of the buyer to the price, depending on the total cost of purchases made by him, on his orientation towards a certain brand, on the presence of certain requirements for the quality of the goods, on the amount of his income.

When measuring the indicator, it is important to pay attention to who pays, who buys and who consumes, since it is not necessary that all three functions are performed by the same person.


The analysis of suppliers is aimed at identifying those aspects in the activities of entities that supply the organization with various raw materials, semi-finished products, energy and information resources, finance, etc., on which the effectiveness of the organization's work, the cost price and quality of the product produced by the organization depends.

Suppliers of materials and components, if they have great competitive power, can put the organization in a very high dependence on themselves. Therefore, when choosing suppliers, it is important to deeply and comprehensively study their activities and their potential in order to be able to build such relationships with them that would provide the organization with maximum strength in interaction with suppliers. A supplier's competitive strength depends on the following factors.

The immediate environment includes that part of the external environment with which the organization interacts directly, namely: consumers, competitors, suppliers, intermediaries (if necessary).

The task of the analysis is to assess the state and development of the market situation, the competitive environment in the industry.

Characteristics of the state and development prospects of the industry

The state of the market environment in the industry can be represented by the values ​​of technical and economic characteristics, the most important of which are:

Goods (products, services);

Market size (can be expressed in the number of products sold, their total value);

Market growth rate, phase life cycle;

Total production capacity;

Demand satisfaction level;

The number of competitors and their structure;

The number of buyers and their structure;

The size of the entry barriers;

Character vertical integration(direct, reverse);

The degree of product differentiation;

The amount of investments, including from centralized sources;

Average level of profitability of enterprises in the industry.

Studying these characteristics and identifying trends in their change provide important information for determining possible directions for the development of the industry.

Analysis of the state of the market environment in the industry will identify the main driving forces of the industry and assess their impact.

As driving force industries can be:

1. Product update (product innovation).

2. Technological innovation.

3. Marketing innovation.

4. Entering or leaving the industry of large enterprises.

5. Long-term change in demand.

6. Changes in public policy.

7. Changes in cost and efficiency levels.

Industry Competition Analysis

To analyze the competitive environment in the industry, M. Porter's model can be used (Figure 1)

Figure 1 - Model of the forces of competition by M. Porter

When completing a course project, you should analyze the impact of the following five forces of competition:

1) competing enterprises that are already entrenched in the industry market;

2) new (potential) competitors entering the industry;

3) competition from substitute goods;

4) the positions of buyers, their economic opportunities;

5) the position of suppliers, their economic capabilities.

Analysis of competitors and their possible actions

In order to analyze competitors in the industry, it is necessary to single out the so-called strategic groups of competitors. To identify strategic groups, it is recommended to map the strategic groups of competitors.

The sequence of building the map is as follows:

1. Choose the characteristics of the industry. The characteristics include price, quantity, assortment, level service etc. The choice of characteristics is determined by the objectives of the analysis.

2. A card with two characteristics is drawn up. It is important that they are not correlated.

3. Enterprises are placed on a two-dimensional map, taking into account the values ​​of the selected pair of characteristics.

4. Enterprises that fall into one space are united into a strategic group.

5. A circle is drawn around each strategic group, the diameter of which is recommended for clarity to be determined in proportion to the share of the strategic group in the total sales of the industry.

Analysis of the maps of strategic groups makes it possible to establish:

The composition of strategic groups and their positions;

Composition of enterprises in the group and their positions;

Main competitors;

Assess the level of competition in the industry.

Having identified the closest competitors, it is necessary to assess their following positions:

current position(positions in the strategic group);

Possible goals and strategies of competitors;

Potential (technological, personnel, financial, etc.).

When analyzing competitors, you can use the approach proposed by M. Porter, who recommends investigating four elements:
goals for the future, current strategies, views and capabilities of competitors.

The research scheme of competitors according to M. Porter is presented in Figure 2.

An analysis of the competitive environment in the industry, the composition and structure of competitors, their intentions and actions must be supplemented with an analysis of the state of the competitive capabilities of the analyzed enterprise.

Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise

In a competitive struggle

As a rule, the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in the competitive struggle covers the following functional areas (areas of activity):







Figure 2 - Elements of competitor analysis

The literature describes techniques for such an analysis.

Below is a list of the main characteristics that are recommended to be taken into account during the analysis.

Marketing: market share controlled by the enterprise; prices for goods and services; sales organization, service, Advertising activity, nomenclature (assortment) of products.

Finance: structure of assets, intangible assets on the balance sheet of the enterprise, the ratio of sales to the value of used assets, investment resources, cash flow, size of ownership, turnover of shares, dynamics of dividends.

Production: production capacity, equipment use, age technological equipment, quality control, sales per 1 employee, number of employees, opportunities for expanding production, efficiency of transition to output new products, direct production costs.

Technology: R&D expenditures, R&D capacity, patent positions, applicable standards and their compatibility, new products, reputation as a leader in innovation.

Management: the number of engineering and technical and managerial personnel, the type of organizational structure of management, the clarity of the division of powers and functions, the speed of management's response to changes in the external environment, the degree of flexibility of the organizational structure of management, the number of management levels.

Staff: personnel structure, terms of employment, remuneration systems and motivation, training and professional development costs, staff turnover.

The list of the given characteristics can be expanded, narrowed, corrected taking into account the specifics of the object of research.

There are various techniques for assessing comparative characteristics. In this course project, it is proposed to conduct quantification characteristics based on the maximum level equal to 100 points (Table 3).

Table 3 - Determination of the relative advantages of the enterprise

in competition

Specifications Specific Analyzed enterprise Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3
the weight, % scores 0-100 grade scores 0-100 grade scores 0-100 grade scores 0-100 Grade
1. Market share
2. Product price 11,5 7,5 11,5
3. Service level ...
Total: - - - -

The ranking of characteristics is made using the specific gravity indicator.

By assessing the positions of competitors in a similar way, you can build a profile competitive advantages(table 4).

Table 4 - Profile of the competitive advantage of the organization

Variants score correspond to the following positions of the enterprise:

"2 points" - The company is a leader in the industry. The position of the company is better than any of its competitors.

"1 point" - The company's performance is good and stable, above the average level.

"0 points" - Medium, full compliance with industry standards. Strong market position.

"-1 point" - The level of indicators is below average. There is a deterioration in the indicators of economic and financial activities.

"-2 points" - The position of the company is worse than that of any of its competitors. The enterprise is in a crisis situation.

During the assessment, a mark is made for each of the above characteristics in the corresponding column. Characteristics with negative variants of marks correspond to the weaknesses of the enterprise's activities, with positive ones - to the strengths.

The broken line that sequentially connects the ratings for all characteristics is called the profile of competitive advantages (disadvantages).

The SWOT analysis (SWOT on the initial letters of the English words "strength", "weakness", "opportunities" and "threats") allows to determine the possible combinations of characteristics of the market situation with the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

The SWOT analysis technology provides for filling in the matrix, the form of which is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - SWOT Matrix

Four fields are formed in the matrix:

I field includes strategies that use the strengths of the enterprise to realize opportunities that have emerged in the market;

II field - strategies that use strengths to eliminate threats;

III field - strategies that minimize the weaknesses of the enterprise, using the possibilities of the situation;

IV field - strategies that minimize the weaknesses of the enterprise and threats to the external environment.

Vision, mission of the organization

Vision is the guiding philosophy of the business, the rationale for the existence of the enterprise, not the goal itself, but rather a sense of the underlying purpose of the enterprise. Vision is an ideal picture of the future, the state that can be achieved under the most favorable conditions. The vision determines the level of leadership aspirations in the strategic planning process.

The mission of the enterprise is the main, general goal, the purpose of the existence of the enterprise, which must be fulfilled in the planning period.

When formulating a mission, it must be borne in mind that its content should include the following main positions:

1. Description of the products (services) offered by the company.

2. Characteristics of the market - the company defines its main consumers (customers).

3. The objectives of the enterprise, expressed in terms of survival, growth, profitability.

4. Technology: characteristics of equipment, technological processes, technology innovation.

5. Philosophy: the basic views and values ​​of the enterprise should be expressed here, serving as the basis for creating a system of motivation.

6. Internal concept, within which the company describes its own impression of itself, indicating the sources of strength, the main weaknesses, the level of competitiveness, factors of survival.

7. The external image of the enterprise, its image, emphasizing the economic and social responsibility enterprises in front of partners, consumers, society as a whole. In this part, the mission should convey the impression that the company wants to make on the outside world.

Analysis of the immediate environment

The study of the immediate environment of the organization is aimed at analyzing the state of those components of the external environment with which the organization is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that an organization can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction and thereby actively participate in the formation of its potential.


Analysis buyers primarily has the task of drawing up a profile of those who buy the product sold by the organization. Customer research allows an organization to better understand what product will be most accepted by customers, what sales volume the organization can expect, to what extent customers are committed to the product of this particular organization, how much the circle of potential customers can be expanded, what the product will expect in the future, and much more. ...

The buyer profile can be compiled according to the following characteristics: О.S. Vikhanskiy. Strategic management, M., Gardariki, 2000

Geographic location

Sh demographic characteristics

Ш social and psychological characteristics (position in society, style of behavior, tastes, habits)

Ш the attitude of the buyer to the product

By studying the buyer, the organization also understands for itself how strong its position is in relation to it in the bargaining process. If, for example, a buyer has a limited opportunity to choose a seller of a product that is dear to him, then his bargaining power is significantly lower. If, on the contrary, the seller should strive to replace this buyer with another who would have less freedom in choosing a seller. The trade power of the buyer also depends on how important the quality of the purchased product is to him.

There are a number of factors that determine a buyer's trading power that must be examined in the analysis. These factors include: O.S. Vikhansky. Strategic management, M., Gardariki, 2000

W ratio of the degree of dependence of the buyer on the seller with the degree of dependence of the seller on the buyer

Ш the volume of purchases carried out by the buyer

Buyer awareness level

Availability of replacement products

W cost for a buyer to switch to another seller

The buyer's sensitivity to price, which depends on the total cost of purchases made by him, on his orientation towards a certain brand, on the presence of certain requirements for the quality of the goods, on the amount of his income.

When measuring the indicator, it is important to pay attention to who pays, who buys and who consumes, since it is not necessary that all three functions are performed by the same person.


Analysis suppliers is aimed at identifying those aspects in the activities of entities that supply the organization with various raw materials, semi-finished products, energy and information resources, finances, etc., on which the effectiveness of the organization's work depends.

Suppliers of materials and components, if they have great competitive power, can put the organization in a very high dependence on themselves. Therefore, when choosing suppliers, it is important to deeply and comprehensively study their activities and their potential in order to be able to build such relationships with them that would provide the organization with maximum strength in interaction with suppliers. A supplier's competitive strength depends on the following factors:

Sh level of specialization of the supplier

W is the value of the cost for the supplier to switch to other customers

W is the degree of specialization of the buyer in the acquisition of resources

The importance of the sales volume for the supplier


The study competitors, those. those with whom the organization has to fight for the buyer and for the resources that it seeks to obtain from the external environment in order to ensure its existence, occupies a special and important place in strategic analysis... Such a study is aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and, on the basis of this, build your own competitive strategy.

The competitive environment is formed not only by intra-industry competitors who manufacture similar products and sell them in the same market. The subjects of the competitive environment are those organizations that can enter the market, as well as those that produce a replacement product. In addition to them, the competitive environment of the organization is influenced by the buyers of its product and suppliers, who, having the power to bargain, can significantly weaken the organization's potential.

Many organizations do not pay enough attention to the possible threat from newcomers to their market and therefore lose in the competition to them. It is important to remember this and create barriers in advance to the entry of potential aliens. Such barriers can be in-depth specialization in the production of a product, low costs due to economies of scale of production, control over distribution channels, the use of local characteristics that give an advantage in competition. It is important, however, to be well aware of which barters can stop or prevent a potential newcomer from entering the market, and to erect these particular barriers.

Labor market

Analysis labor market aims to identify its potential in providing the organization with the personnel necessary to solve its problems. The organization should study the labor market both from the point of view of this market for personnel of the necessary specialty and qualifications, the required level of education, age, gender, etc., and from the point of view of the cost of labor. An important area of ​​study of the labor market is the analysis of the policies of trade unions that influence this market, since in some cases they can severely restrict access to the labor force necessary for organizing.

Analysis of the internal environment

The internal environment of an organization is that part of the overall environment that is directly within the organization. It has a constant and most direct impact on the functioning of the organization. The internal environment has several sections, the state of which together determines the potential and the capabilities that the organization has.

Slices internal environment Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management, M., Gardariki, 2000

A snapshot of the internal environment covers processes such as:

Interaction between managers and workers

Hiring, training and promotion of personnel

Assessment of work results and incentives

Creating and maintaining relationships between employees

Organizational cut includes:

Communication processes

Organizational structures

W norms, rules, procedures

Ш distribution of rights and responsibilities

Ш hierarchy of subordination

V production cut includes:

Production of products

Ш supply and warehouse management

Maintenance of the technological park

Research and development

Marketing slice the internal environment of the organization covers the following parties that are associated with the sale of products:

Product strategy, pricing strategy

Strategy for promoting the product on the market

Selection of sales markets and distribution systems

Financial cut includes processes related to collateral effective use and movement Money In the organisation:

Maintaining the proper level of liquidity and ensuring profitability

Creation of investment opportunities

The internal environment seems to be completely permeated organizational structure , which must also be subjected to the most serious study.

The study of the immediate environment of the organization is aimed at analyzing the state of those components of the external environment with which the organization is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that an organization can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction and thereby actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and in the prevention of threats to its further existence.


The analysis of customers as components of the immediate environment of the organization is primarily aimed at compiling a profile of those who buy the product sold by the organization. Customer research allows an organization to better understand what product will be most accepted by customers, how much sales the organization can expect, to what extent customers are committed to the product of this particular organization, how much the pool of potential customers can be expanded, what the product will expect in the future, and much more. ...

A buyer's profile can be based on the following characteristics:

geographic location;

demographic characteristics (age, education, field of activity, etc.);

socio-psychological characteristics (position in society, style of behavior, tastes, habits, etc.);

the attitude of the buyer to the product (why he buys this product, whether he is a user of the product himself, how he evaluates the product, etc.).

Studying the buyer, the firm also understands for itself how strong its position in relation to it in the bargaining process. If, for example, the buyer has a limited opportunity to choose the seller of the goods he needs, then his bargaining power is significantly lower. If, on the contrary, the seller should strive to replace this buyer with another who would have less freedom in choosing a seller. The trade power of the buyer also depends, for example, on how important the quality of the purchased product is to him.

There are a number of factors that determine a buyer's trading power, which must be revealed and studied during the analysis. These factors include:

the ratio of the degree of dependence of the buyer on the seller with the degree of dependence of the seller on the buyer;

the volume of purchases made by the buyer;

customer awareness level;

availability of replacement products;

cost for a buyer to switch to another seller;

the sensitivity of the buyer to the price, depending on the total cost of purchases made by him, on his orientation towards a certain brand, on the presence of certain requirements for the quality of the goods, on the amount of his income.

When measuring the indicator, it is important to pay attention to who pays, who buys and who consumes, since it is not necessary that all three functions are performed by the same person.


The analysis of suppliers is aimed at identifying those aspects in the activities of entities that supply the organization with various raw materials, semi-finished products, energy and information resources, finance, etc., on which the effectiveness of the organization's work, the cost price and quality of the product produced by the organization depends.

Suppliers of materials and components, if they have great competitive power, can put the organization in a very high dependence on themselves. Therefore, when choosing suppliers, it is important to deeply and comprehensively study their activities and their potential in order to be able to build such relationships with them that would provide the organization with maximum strength in interaction with suppliers. A supplier's competitive strength depends on the following factors:

the level of specialization of the supplier;

the value of the cost for the supplier to switch to other customers;

the degree of specialization of the buyer in the acquisition of certain resources;

the supplier's focus on working with specific customers;

the importance of the sales volume to the supplier.

When studying suppliers of materials and components, first of all, you should pay attention to the following characteristics of their activities:

the cost of the supplied goods;

quality assurance of the supplied goods;

time schedule for the delivery of goods;

Punctuality and obligation to comply with the terms of delivery of goods.


The study competitors, those. those the organization has to contend with

for the buyer and for the resources that it seeks to obtain from the external environment,

to ensure its existence, it occupies a special and very important place in

strategic management. Such a study is aimed at identifying

strengths and weaknesses of competitors and build your strategy on the basis of this

competitive struggle.

Labor market

Analysis labor market is aimed at identifying its potential in providing the organization with the personnel necessary for it to accomplish its tasks. The organization should study the labor market both from the point of view of the availability in this market of personnel of the necessary specialty and qualifications, the required level of education, the required age, gender, etc., and from the point of view of the cost of labor. An important area in the study of the labor market is the analysis of the policies of trade unions that influence this market, since in some cases they can severely restrict access to the labor force needed to organize.


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