Problems and prospects for the development of rural tourism. State and prospects for the development of rural tourism in the Russian Federation. I. Rural tourism and prospects for its development


Features of rural tourism

Organization of tourist reception

I. Rural tourism and prospects for its development

Rural tourism includes any type of tourism outside the urban environment that does not harm natural complexes, contributes to the protection of nature and the improvement of the well-being of the local population.

Rural tourism is not only a tourist accommodation in rural house, but also the functioning of the whole infrastructure, which includes good transport links between settlements, places of leisure, the availability of services that provide various services for the provision of information and services, small restaurants, cafes and taverns. Moreover, each guest, and in rural tourism a tourist is called a "guest", must constantly feel the comfort of home and increased personal attention. The main figure providing accommodation, food and sightseeing countryside, is a rural family.

Rural tourism refers to a passive form of recreation, according to the purpose - more social, and not purely commercial.

It is especially important that rural tourism does not require as large public investment as other types of tourism. So far, he is content with using the existing potential of rural regions: unique natural resources and objects of historical and cultural significance; private housing stock in the countryside; food produced on private households, etc.

In general, the emergence of rural tourism should be based on the funds of the population, which assumes the maintenance and service of tourists and vacationers, of course, for a monetary reward. Another feature of rural tourism is that it does not require the creation of large travel companies, but is an object for the voluntary association of private farms and the owners of some small businesses to provide individual tourist services.

The practical experience of rural tourism that appeared quite recently in Western Europe (60-70 years of the XX century) shows that it is gradually conquering the whole world, and the profit from this specific holiday in some countries can be compared with the income from Agriculture... One of the most important advantages of rural tourism is that it improves environmental education and the general cultural level of both visitors and local residents.

Rural tourism includes a fairly wide range of activities: scientific and educational (ornithological, botanical, archaeological, ethnographic), adventure tours (hiking, cycling, water, horseback riding and routes), summer camps, bases and programs for schoolchildren and students in nature, weekend trips out of town.

However, rural tourism contains great potential hazards. An excessive number of tourists, their vehicles and equipment can fill small towns and villages. Their culture can be foreign and hostile to the locals. Their pursuit of entertainment can distort and degrade local culture. The aimless and uncontrolled development of rural tourism on a large scale can be devastating to local landscapes and ecosystems.

Avoiding such dangers requires a clear understanding by the local authorities of what they want, sound land use policy, competent management of programs for organizing local tourism, which means: striving to create markets based on local "products", taking into account the peculiarities of the culture of the owners; development of efficient infrastructure; control over the number of tourists; prohibition of ugly forms in construction; providing profits to local residents; quality assurance in the new development of the village.

Rural tourism or agritourism is the recreation of townspeople in the countryside in micro-hotels created by rural family on the basis of their own residential building and personal plot. The main person providing accommodation, food and sightseeing in the countryside is the rural family.

Today, no one doubts the fact that the future of our region is closely related to tourism. Several years ago, in the mass consciousness of the villagers, hostility towards vacationers and tourists was still firmly rooted. Today, many families with free housing have spontaneously joined this lively, interesting and profitable business. Renting out housing to vacationers was quickly mastered and began to bring families additional income... But this income is seasonal and depends little on homeowners. To receive stable income work is needed to create permanent jobs. And here we should understand and accept that no one will do this for us. We already live in a society with market economy, which is alien to the consumer approach. If we wait for a solution to our problems from someone, then we will simply suffer from depression and hopelessness, get sick, be angry and destroy nature by excessive consumption of it. In fact, there is a way out. Only many villagers are not used to looking in this direction. For many families, the solution is to create jobs in rural tourism. Then this family activity becomes professional, requires knowledge, skills and compliance with certain norms.

Features of rural tourism

Peace and tranquility of country life.

Living spring water.

Air filled with pines and cedars.

Garden vegetables, fresh milk, homemade bread.

Individual rest and service.

Home cuisine for every taste.

Possibility to take a four-legged friend with you.

Accommodation in a solid peasant house with a stove.

Russian bathhouse with a fragrant broom.

Possibility to communicate with pets.

Harvesting berries, herbs, mushrooms, nuts.

Fishing, horseback riding, participation in haymaking, mastering crafts.

Participation in folk festivals.

The opportunity to relax with the whole family or a small group

Also, rural tourism has a number of advantages over recreation at tourist centers. For greater clarity, the benefits are presented in a pivot table:

Rural tourism Rest at the camp site
The ability to temporarily change your lifestyle from urban to rural A recreation center is, as a rule, just a part of the city in the forest, with all its inherent culture, which does not always provide an opportunity to switch to a different rhythm and truly relax.
Friendly hosts Service staff
Sturdy peasant houses with specially prepared rooms and amenities for guests Housings. Possibly - separate houses and hotel-type cottages
Solid, unusually tasty food from Mother Nature. Honey, milk, sour cream, meat, etc. - all homemade and of the highest quality

Food from the canteen and shop

Individual guide, individual hiking, horseback riding, car and boat trips and travel. Time, place, duration of travel convenient for you.

Group instructors. The job, as a rule, is to get as many people out of the standard program as possible.

Pros and cons of rural green tourism

1. Possibility additional earnings.

2. An incentive to put your farm in order.

3. The opportunity to engage in creative work of adult able-bodied family members.

4. Opportunity through friendly relations with tourists to solve various problems with children (spending vacations in cities, assistance while studying at universities, sales of products subsidiary plots and etc.).

5. Interesting communication.

6. Raising the educational level.

7. An incentive for active learning foreign languages.

1. Increase in employment of the population.

2. Reducing social tension.

3. Increase in family income.

4. Low cost of this type of tourism for the authorities due to the use of family resources.

5. All funds earned by families remain in the region.

6. Solution by the organizers of tourism of the tasks of the government (creating temporary and permanent jobs, improving the life of the population).

7. Possibility of additional earnings by cultural organizations from serving tourists.

8. Growth of social activity of participants in rural tourism.

9. Additional taxes to the budget from the service sector in connection with the attraction of tourists to rural settlements and an increase in the income of NWT participants.

10. Improvement appearance settlements.

11. Growing interest of the population in keeping settlements clean.

12. Additional income for the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspection.

13. A reliable source of budget replenishment with a wide network of stable operating estates with a wide range of services.

14. Improvement in the future of the crime situation due to the growth of the cultural level of the population.

1. Increase in revenues for the entire service sector due to the emergence of solvent customers (shops, gas stations, telecommunication centers, post offices, etc.)

2. The possibility of creating various industries in connection with the increased demand and guaranteed sale of goods and services.

3, Opportunity to establish business ties and attract investment.

1. Reducing the burden on the environment, since jobs are created in the service sector and the population ceases to excessively consume natural resources.

2. Waste from tourists' stay is disposed of by the owners of micro hotels.

2. The interest of the population in the preservation and prosperity of the surrounding nature is growing, since nature is the main magnet for tourists.

3. The environmental education of the population is being increased through training at seminars for the owners of micro-hotels.

4. Participants of rural tourism take practical part in cleaning up river banks, ennobling springs, clearing the territory attached to estates, improving access to rural tourism facilities.

1. Weak inflow of direct revenues to budgets of all levels in the first years of its existence.

rural tourism program tour

2. The need for constant financial support for the organizers of rural tourism due to the high costs associated with systematic work with the population and promotion of tourism products.

Housing classification

All accommodation included in the structure of rural tourism is divided into categories. The lowest category is 0, the highest is 4. The cost of renting housing is set depending on the category.

1. Separate buildings, converted into housing, a small separate house, a summer attic, a veranda.

2. A source of drinking water (river, water column, spring) at a distance of no more than 100 meters.

3. Bedrooms with minimum dimensions: for 1 person - 5 sq. m., for 2 people - 8 sq. m., for 3 people - 12 sq. m. Bedrooms for more than three people are undesirable.

4. Beds with minimum dimensions: single - 80 cm x 190 cm, double - 140 cm x 190 cm.

5. Quality linens and accessories.

6. Wardrobe for guests' belongings, a hanger for outerwear.

7. Place for washing in the house, in the summer near the house, by the river.

8. Bath with the necessary accessories (firewood, brooms, basins, ladle, buckets).

9. Separate kitchen, sheltered kitchen or equipped fireplace on site. Kitchen equipment: a gas or electric stove for 2 burners, a stove, a dining table, chairs or benches, dishes, a cupboard for dishes and food, an underfloor for storing food.

10. Toilet in the yard, clean, with a neat approach.

1. Rooms in the owner's house with a separate entrance for guests, a separate house, an insulated attic.

2. Drinking water Location on.

3. Large enough bedrooms: for 1 person - 6 sq. m., for 2 people - 10 sq. m., for 3 people - 15 sq. m,

4. The presence of a window or an opening window in the rooms.

5. Wooden beds with minimum dimensions: single - 90 cm x 190 cm, double - 140 cm x 190 cm (exclude beds with a metal net).

6. Quality bedding (exclude old mattresses and blankets).

7. A wardrobe, a hanger for outerwear, bedside tables according to the number of guests, a mirror, blackout curtains on the windows.

8. Separate kitchen for guests size: for 4 people - 12 sq. m., for 6-8 people - 16 sq. m.

9. Kitchen equipment: gas or electric oven (at least 2 burners), dining table according to the number of guests, refrigerator, wardrobe, well-chosen and high-quality dishes.

10. Heating in the house (stove, gas, central, electric).

1. The same conditions as in category 1.

2. Car parking on site.

3. Finished facade of the house (plastered, sheathed with a rail, etc.).

4. Availability of cold water supply and drain in the kitchen, in the bath.

5. Having a summer shower.

6. Availability of a TV set for guests.

7. Neat entrance to the house.

8. Separate guest toilet (if the number of guests received is more than 8).

1. The same conditions as in category 2.

2. Good entrances.

3. Cold and hot water supply, shower, warm toilet.

4. Well equipped kitchen with modern electrical appliances.

5. Availability of a TV set for guests.

6. Possibility to use the washing machine.

7. Carport for guests' cars.

8. Equipped recreation areas (terrace, gazebo, balcony with flowers, hall in the house, etc.).

1. Detached house, cottage of original design, impeccable appearance.

2. Well-groomed area with a gazebo.

3. Garage for a car.

4. Toilet for every 6 guests on each floor.

5. Availability of color TV, telephone.

6. Perfect heat and sound insulation.

7. Availability of leisure elements (tennis court, table, billiards, exercise equipment, skis, snowmobile, horses, boat, video camera, volleyball court, fishing tackle, camping equipment, etc.)

Establishment of a farmstead for rural tourism

Basic conditions that a homestead and host family must meet

1. Housing, if possible, should be located in a picturesque place near the reservoir. Such housing can be a house in a village, a house or a campsite in an apiary, a house or a campsite on a farm. The homestead will work more efficiently if it is located in a popular tourist destination with a strong natural magnet. The presence of nearby production facilities, dung heaps, destroyed buildings, sources of constant and loud noise and an unpleasant odor is unacceptable. There should be a good road leading to the estate.

2. Impeccable cleanliness, safe living conditions, a neat and beautiful garden plot are required for the estate.

3. Guest rooms should be isolated from the owner's living quarters. Guests are provided with a separate house, isolated rooms with an entrance from the street, attic, veranda.

4. Guests should be given the opportunity to prepare food (kitchen in each homestead) in a room without a common passage.

5. The attentive attitude of the host family to the guests (this should be the main quality of all family members, if this quality is not there, then the business should not be started).

6. Having a stable connection. (This is the concern of the owner of the estate. Lack of communication can negate all the efforts of the family. If there is no telephone at home, then you need to negotiate with your nearest neighbor and thank him generously for these services so that he will always willingly and promptly bring you information).

Additional conditions that increase the competitiveness of the estate are as follows:

· Ability to provide excursion services. This skill must be constantly learned: in courses, through books, mastering folk crafts, adopting the experience of other people. If the host family does not have a person who can provide high-quality excursion services, you should look for him in the immediate environment (among relatives, neighbors, friends) and encourage him to study as a guide-guide. An original excursion service is a strong magnet. Excursion services are certified!

An original and flexible kitchen. The importance of this service can hardly be overestimated. The hostess must have knowledge of vegetarian, separate, mixed, dietary, baby food, raw food diet. If you have your own signature "zest" - great!

Possibility to provide transport services. If you have your own transport, then it must be serviceable, clean and safe. If not, then you need to find a driver with a private car in your immediate environment and agree with him about the provision of services to your guests. If the driver has a license for passenger transportation, then he is responsible for the safety of passengers, if not, then the owner of the estate.

The main condition, without which no work is possible, is the creation of a legal legal framework. This means registering your entrepreneurial activity... The legal legal base is responsibility to a partner, own social security, clean and open relationships, ease of mutual settlements with partners.

In addition to registering entrepreneurial activity, the owner of the estate must obtain the consent of the sanitary inspection and fire inspection authorities, register his micro-hotel with the Ministry of Tourism, and obtain a certificate. These are the main requirements of the authorities and management to rural micro-hotels.

What does it take to become a participant in rural tourism?

availability of own real estate and resources,

desire to work in the field of providing services to vacationers,

the ability to treat guests attentively and kindly.

The family's own resources can be as follows:

own or rented dwelling house, located on the banks of a river or lake, near a forest, which the family vacates for the period of receiving guests, moving to a separate room not far from the main dwelling,

free space in the owner's house with a separate entrance,

a sufficient amount of dishes, bed linen, furniture,

personal plot, farm, horses,

vehicle (car, boat, catamaran),

grasslands, an apiary (for the provision of excursion services),

the ability to fish, find mushrooms, understand medicinal herbs,

possession of folk crafts and the ability to teach others (for the provision of excursion services),

free labor,

knowledge of the history and culture of their people,

knowledge of the area and its attractions,

knowledge of foreign language,

presence of a telephone, computer, Email... It is not necessary to have all the resources, service and workplace can consist of one resource.

The desire to work is understood as the following actions:

compulsory registration as an entrepreneur (becoming a Master in your own business),

regular study (using the experience gained by other people, training family members in courses for guides, participating in seminars, reading magazines and newspapers),

putting things in order in the backyard and adjacent to the house (creating a beautiful landscape),

improving the improvement of a residential building for guests (increasing the culture of everyday life),

creating your own unique excursions for guests (raising your cultural and spiritual levels),

providing other guests additional services(smoking fish and meat, baking cakes, homemade bread, making homemade cheese, wine, transport services, fishing, etc.),

provision of quality food (home cooking with a "twist"),

obtaining a certificate of compliance of services with safety standards (responsibility for the life and health of guests, safety of their property),

conclusion of contracts for attracting tourists (establishing partnerships with other organizations).

What is meant by the ability to treat guests attentively and kindly?

The ability to be a flexible Host and quickly make changes to the equipment of the house depending on the composition of the group of guests (install a baby bed, make ramps for moving a wheelchair, install or remove sleeping places, provide skewers, etc.)

The presence of an agreement with other villagers to provide additional services to their guests, if these services are not provided centrally

Ability to resolve conflict situations (look for and find the cause of trouble in yourself)

Maintaining a joyful atmosphere in your "green home" in Attention to the slightest request of guests (change the towel once again, dry the linen soaked by the child, call by phone, etc.) "The ability to take into account any comments of guests

Striving to improve the quality of services

Where to go to become a member of civilized rural tourism?

Civilized rural tourism is understood as such a tourist activity that is carried out legally on the basis of concluded agreements. Taking on certain responsibilities, a participant in rural tourism also acquires rights. The responsibilities of the owner of the micro-hotel are as follows:

ensure that your micro-hotel complies with sanitary and fire safety requirements;

create a legal legal framework for the implementation of entrepreneurial activity;

be responsible for the quality of their work and compliance with contractual obligations;

pay taxes on time and report to the tax office.

In return, he acquires the following rights:

to receive the necessary information for the correct conduct of your business:

assistance in attracting tourists to your estate;

assistance in obtaining a loan.

Organization of tourist reception

Meeting, registration, acquaintance with local conditions.

The reservation of the estate is carried out, as a rule, in advance by the tour operator. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the guest at the agreed place and escort him to the estate. If the guest arrives by his own car, then, having placed his car in the personal plot or in the garage, you should proceed to the registration procedure. If the guest arrives through a tour operator, then he presents a voucher filled in by the travel agency and certified by the seal and a voucher. These documents contain enough information necessary to issue your own receipt. One copy of the receipt is given to the guest, one remains with the owner. On the basis of this receipt, the owner makes a later entry in his income book. If the guest arrived on his own, then the owner asks him to present documents and writes out his receipt, indicating the necessary information in it. Will greatly facilitate future relationships with a clear written contract that the owner prompts the guest to sign. Further, the owner acquaints the guest and his group with the estate, the rules of residence, with the requirements for fire safety, shows where the keys are, the trash can, and so on. It is also recommended to inform guests about local conditions, bus schedules, natural sites, cultural and other events.

Accommodation .

Temporary accommodation is the main service provided by all micro hotels. Comfort and convenience are the main criteria for the quality of micro-hotel services. Guest rooms and other living and utility areas must be kept clean and free from unpleasant odors. If the elimination of external and internal sources of noise and smell does not depend on the owner of the estate, then guests should be warned about this. In the summertime, insect screens are required on the windows and vents. It is imperative to warn the guest that smoking is prohibited in the homestead. It is desirable to have internal rules use of the estate, drawn up by the owner.

Nutrition .

An equipped kitchen is provided for self-catering. The kitchen must be impeccably clean and necessary equipment(kitchen furniture, refrigerator, cupboard for storing food and dishes, electrical appliances). Homeowner cooking is not a rental or short-term stay service. Therefore, in order to provide these services to a guest, they must be certified. But so far, certification authorities cannot find a suitable option for certifying a home kitchen. Therefore, the cooking contract is concluded without the participation of the tour operator. The Turoperetor is not responsible for the quality of food preparation. For its part, the organizer contributes to the improvement of the skills of housewives in the field of cookery through training housewives at seminars. A varied, high-quality, original cuisine is undoubtedly a factor that enhances the attractiveness of the "green home".

Ensuring the security of residence.

Ensuring the safety of guests is one of the critical factors activities of any hotel, including the "green house". The term "customer safety" refers to almost all aspects of the micro-hotel's activities. After the impressions gained from visiting an attractive area, the second condition for any tourist is his own and property security. Ensuring the security of the client depends on both external and internal factors.

External factors include the general political and socio-economic environment for doing business, the level of crime in the country and the region. External factors do not depend on the owner. Internal factors are entirely dependent on the owner of the home. These include issues of safe living, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements when preparing food, ensuring local fire and anti-epidemic safety in the house, compliance with safety measures when using household appliances.

In addition, the owner of the estate is advised to insure his business against unforeseen events. In a number of countries where rural tourism is widely practiced, local authorities strictly require the owners of micro-hotels to have insurance in case the tourist has put his life and property in danger due to the fault or due to inaction of the owner. Due to such insurances, possible damage caused to guests through the fault of the owner is reimbursed, complaints of the travel agent or tour operator to the owners are paid.

The owner's insurance also increases the attractiveness of his estate. Collective homeowner insurance is much cheaper.

Category External factors Internal factors
Threats Prevention Threats Prevention
Personal and property safety of tourists Offenses against persons and property It is necessary to warn guests in advance about the crime situation in the village, region Non-differentiation of the territory of family and guest use It is recommended to strictly distinguish between family, guest and common areas. Warn guests in advance about the differentiation of places of use
Epidemics, pandemics, the danger of tick-borne encephalitis, dysentery, etc. Warn in advance about a difficult anti-epidemic situation, warn about the need for vaccination, recommend the appropriate form of clothing when hiking in woodlands. Diseases, malaise, poisoning with wild fruits, mushrooms, other food products Have a first aid kit, quick access to an ambulance call (communication). It is recommended that a family member be trained in basic first aid skills
Accommodation Cutting off electricity, water supply, heat supply in emergency situations Warn guests about possible power outages, water supply and drinking in the village. It is recommended to have autonomous means, sets of warm clothes, food and drinking water supplies. Fire hazardous situations due to the fault (inaction) of the homeowner due to faulty electrical wiring, electrical appliances, smoking The owner is obliged to monitor the serviceability of electrical wiring and household appliances, store flammable and explosive substances in proper order
Fire hazardous situations due to the fault (inaction) of guests due to malfunction of electrical appliances, smoking, improper storage of flammable items It is necessary to remind guests of the rules of fire safety, smoking in certain places and their responsibility for damage to the property of the estate
Nutrition Poisoning due to poor-quality products purchased by guests outside the estate It is necessary to warn guests about possible low-quality products, recommend certain points of sale of food and catering Poisoning food prepared by the owner of the estate It is necessary to monitor the quality of food from which food is prepared for guests, the cleanliness of the kitchen, prepare only from fresh products. Provide in the agreement with the guest for a refund for food, a guarantee of medical care.

Additional services .

The standard set of services for rural micro-hotels includes accommodation and meals. Due to the above circumstances and to attract tourists, a basic set services, the provision of which by the owner of the estate is mandatory: accommodation, provision of an equipped kitchen, provision of a bath 1 time (if paid for at least three days of stay), parking a car on the territory of the personal plot, greenery from the garden. All these services are included in the cost of living. Rest paid services considered additional, which are necessary to improve competitiveness. The composition of additional services is determined by the owner independently, depending on the demand from the client.

The main types of additional services:

Heating stove of a bath with the provision of a broom

· Horse riding

· Sale of products of subsidiary plots - at negotiated prices, but not lower than prices in stores.

· Transport service on the owner's own car

· Cooking individual dishes by order of the guest - at negotiated prices.

Use of firewood for cooking barbecue and fire, fireplace

· Providing a telephone for long-distance calls - at the rates of the regional communication center (if there is a telephone in the house).

Accommodation of the guest's car in the garage of the owner of the house

Admission of dogs

· Cooking by the hostess from the guest's products in houses of category 0-2. Mixed meals ( meat dish 1 per day).

Resolution of conflict and controversial issues

Conflict or near-conflict situations can arise in any business. Tourists are, first of all, consumers who pay to get a pleasant, interesting, maximally comfortable and non-tiring pastime. Near-conflict situations are generated by a significant difference between the expectations of the tourist and his specific impressions received from the trip and accommodation. For example, the cost of the estate services seemed to the tourist too high in the absence of the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions (no hot water, cold toilet in the yard, etc.). Such situations can arise when the owner himself receives guests. They do not occur if tourists come from an experienced tour operator or travel agent. Conflict situations are associated with the so-called "difficult" clients, which include overly demanding guests. But the practice of receiving guests by "green houses" has shown that such situations happen very rarely, because the owners of "green houses" treat their guests more attentively and hospitably than in large hotels and tourist centers.

Owners of micro-hotels need to remember that their economy is not a separate entity in the tourism industry. It, like any other hotel, is in close cooperation with the tour operator and travel agent, who are also responsible for their obligations. Maintaining a reputation as a good and reliable partner is the key to the further prosperity of the estate owner's business.

II. Tour "Visiting Idrinsky peasants"

Information leaflet

Residents of large cities experience a lack of communication with nature. If they are given the opportunity to visit the countryside, communicate with nature and the villagers, stay in their house, take a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse, go skiing or just along a forest path, breathe in crystal clear air, they will certainly be recharged with a large supply of health and energy, they will remember the time spent in the village with warmth, they will want to come back for the "village vacation".

Residents of the village Idrinskoye invite you to visit them, take advantage of the hospitality of their warm cozy houses, spend your vacation in pleasant communication with nature and with each other. A new benevolent environment can heal not only your body, but also your soul, restore peaceful family relationships, give rest and peace. And how happy your children will be for a trip to the village! Here they will learn and see a lot of new and interesting things, make new friends, new grandparents.

You can go on a visit with your long-established company of 2-3 small families or just a group of workmates. Yes, as you wish, if only it was easy and pleasant for you together.

You will be provided with a separate room or house for each family or couple. While you are walking or going on an excursion, the hostess will prepare a table for you with village supplies and treats. The food will be prepared from organic products. Your children may see a live cow for the first time and taste fresh milk.

You can visit such excursions as:

"Nature of Idrinskoye village" - the route of the excursion will pass through the most beautiful places around the village. You can eat wild berries, pick mushrooms, collect medicinal herbs... The guide will tell you about healing and edible wild plants, boil tea over a fire.

"Visit to the apiary" - the apiary is located in the mountains amidst untouched nature. The beekeeper will tell you about the bees, take care of them, treat you with a fragrant herbal tea with honeycomb. Those who wish will be able to buy freshly pumped honey.

Excursion to the museum of the village, where you will be told about its history and sights.

Walking excursion to the Kortuz ridge - the route of this short trip starts from the village of Mayskiy and passes through places rarely visited by tourists, which have retained their beauty and strength. You will see the most beautiful rock formations, stone placers, you can enjoy strawberries and raspberries.

You can also visit the recently built Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, ride horses and swim, sunbathe, as well as go fishing on the banks of the Syda River. make a picture of dry plants, weave a product necessary in the house using the macrame method, make berry and vegetable preparations according to ancient Russian recipes under the guidance of an experienced craftswoman. Plunging into the atmosphere of an old Russian house, you will feel the charm of antiquity and the strong spirit of our ancestors. Children and adults will be offered calm Russians games.

We hope your visit to the Idrinsky peasants will be pleasant and leave a warm mark on your soul.

Tour program "Visiting the Idrinsky peasants"

(5 days / 4 nights)

1 day

11.0 0 Transfer railway station - s. Idrinskoe

12.0 0 Accommodation in the homestead

14.0 0 Lunch

15.0 0 Walking tour "Nature of Idrinskoe village"

18.0 0 Free time

20.0 0 Dinner

21.0 0 Bath

2nd day

9.0 0 breakfast

10.0 0 Excursion to the village museum, walk around the village

14.0 0 Lunch

15.0 0 Rest on the banks of the river. Syda, fishing

20.0 0 Dinner

21.0 0 "Evening gatherings"

Day 3

9.0 0 Breakfast

10.0 0 Excursion "Visit to the apiary"

14.0 0 Lunch

15.0 0 Horseback riding

18.0 0 Free time

20.0 0 Dinner

21.0 0 Bath

4th day

9.0 0 Breakfast

10.0 0 Departure to the village of Maisky

11.0 0 Walking excursion to the ridge Kortuz

17.0 0 Free time

20.0 0 Dinner

21.0 0 Free time

Day 5

9.0 0 Breakfast

10.0 0 Visit to the Church of the Protection of the Mother of God

14.0 0 Lunch

15.0 0 Transfer from. Idrinskoe - railway station

The tour price includes:


Three meals a day

Transport service

Excursion service

Bath (2 times)

Additional services:

Sauna stove (more than twice)

Sale of products of subsidiary plots

Preparation of individual dishes according to the guest's order

Using firewood for cooking barbecue and fire, fireplace

Providing a telephone for long distance telephones.


Most of the population of Russia lives in cities, with a significant part in industrial megalopolises, where air, water and soil are contaminated with toxic chemicals. For example, Krasnoyarsk is one of the ten most ecologically unfavorable cities in Russia, and in terms of the harmfulness of the "bunch" of atmospheric pollutants, it is among the leaders. Living in such monster cities is harmful to human health and life itself. In addition, in modern apartments, a person is surrounded chemical materials(linoleum, wallpaper, paints, fibreboard and chipboard), which continuously emit toxic substances. The same is true in work areas. An example of the ecological madness of people is the so-called European-style renovation. As a result, living in such an aggressive environment leads to an inevitable weakening of the body's defenses, after which endless illnesses begin.

Naturally, city dwellers need to regularly travel to a clean natural environment to maintain their health, especially during vacations and vacations. Unfortunately, due to the deteriorating socio-economic situation, the former, traditional places of rest and treatment in the south of the European part of Russia, not to mention abroad, have become inaccessible for the majority of Siberian residents. Rural tourism can serve as a kind of lifesaver for them.

Rural tourism is a vacation in a picturesque rural outback with accommodation and meals in the houses of local residents, with excursions to natural, historical and cultural attractions. Staying in an ecologically clean environment, in a calm atmosphere, in communication with benevolent owners and nature, perfectly restores the health of the townspeople.

Distinctive features of rural tourism are:

· Low cost vouchers;

· A short time to move to the place of accommodation;

· No change of time zones;

· Eating fresh, organic vegetables, fruits and milk;

· A wide variety of accommodation and food conditions, even within the same village;

· Ample opportunities for the formation of an individual recreation program;

· Ability to communicate with nature;

· Acquaintance with the life of a modern village;

· Minimum investment compared to other types of mass tourism.

All this makes rural tourism very attractive for residents of Siberian industrial cities. It is especially good for families.

For residents who host guests, rural tourism provides an opportunity to market the products of their homestead on-site, creates new jobs, and raises the level of their culture and environmental awareness.

For the administration, rural tourism reduces social tension in the countryside, provides income to the local budget.


2. Tourism in the Shushensky region. Guide for tourists. - Shushenskoe, 2003 .-- 60 p.

3. Tourism and socio-economic development of the territory. Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference. Shushenskoe, 2003 .-- 152 p.

4. Shilova S.G. Rural tourism. From the experience of the non-profit partnership "Green House" of the Altai Republic. - Krasnoyarsk: VSIT, 2005 .-- 96 p.

5. Shushensky district. Avenue. - Ed. "Upper Room", 1999. - 16 p.


I. Rural tourism and prospects for its development

Features of rural tourism

Pros and cons of rural green tourism

Housing classification

Establishment of a farmstead for rural tourism

Organization of tourist reception

Resolution of conflict and controversial issues

II. Tour "Visiting the Idrinsky peasants"

Information leaflet

Tour program "Visiting the Idrinsky peasants"




Rural tourism is not a new phenomenon, it has been known, at least in Europe, since the 1970s. He received the greatest development in France, Italy and Spain. This type of holiday is widespread in Cyprus, Croatia and Poland.

The main reason for the emergence and development of rural tourism is the need of townspeople with an average income to relax alone with nature, to get acquainted with the life of a peasant family. And not only try fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, but also take a direct part in agricultural work - as they say, stand by the plow yourself.

The client's desire was respected, the wheel of the tourism industry spun, providing tourists with a choice of hundreds of rural houses, huts and castles, complete with fresh milk, wine from their own vineyard, fishing, a hayloft and a variety of entertainment options. However, one should make a reservation: in France, the active development of agritourism was caused by the problem of the rapid outflow of residents of unpromising rural areas to large cities. This prompted the government to support the idea of ​​creating conditions for receiving tourists at the base farms... Currently, rural tourism in Europe brings, according to various sources, from 10% to 20% of the total income of the tourism industry.

The achievements of domestic agritourism are much more modest - so far only a few regions of Russia are actively developing this type of recreation (Altai, Kaliningrad region). Nevertheless, tourism industry experts never tire of predicting the unprecedented scale of rural tourism in Russia, which has enormous resources for this. In the near abroad, Belarus and Moldova can be noted, the latter, it seems, mostly counts on investments in the tourism industry from the United States.

I. Rural tourism and prospects for its development

Rural tourism includes any type of tourism outside the urban environment that does not harm natural complexes, contributes to the protection of nature and the improvement of the well-being of the local population.

Rural tourism is not only a tourist's accommodation in a rural house, but also the functioning of an entire infrastructure, which includes good transport links between settlements, places of leisure, the availability of services that provide various services for the provision of information and services, small restaurants, cafes and taverns. Moreover, each guest, and in rural tourism a tourist is called a "guest", must constantly feel the comfort of home and increased personal attention. The main person providing accommodation, food and sightseeing in the countryside is the rural family.

Rural tourism refers to a passive form of recreation, according to the purpose - more social, and not purely commercial.

It is especially important that rural tourism does not require as large public investment as other types of tourism. For now, he is content with using the existing potential of rural regions: unique natural resources and objects of historical and cultural significance; private housing stock in the countryside; food produced on private households, etc.

In general, the emergence of rural tourism should be based on the funds of the population, which assumes the maintenance and service of tourists and vacationers, of course, for a monetary reward. Another feature of rural tourism is that it does not require the creation of large tourism firms, but is an object for the voluntary association of private farms and the owners of some small businesses to provide individual tourism services.

The practical experience of rural tourism, which appeared quite recently in Western Europe (60-70 years of the XX century), shows that it is gradually conquering the whole world, and the profit from this specific holiday in some countries can be compared with the income from agriculture. One of the most important advantages of rural tourism is that it improves environmental education and the general cultural level of both visitors and local residents.

Rural tourism includes a fairly wide range of activities: scientific and educational (ornithological, botanical, archaeological, ethnographic), adventure tours (hiking, cycling, water, horseback riding and routes), summer camps, bases and programs for schoolchildren and students in nature , weekend trips out of town.

However, rural tourism contains great potential hazards. An excessive number of tourists, their vehicles and equipment can fill small towns and villages. Their culture can be foreign and hostile to the locals. Their pursuit of entertainment can distort and degrade local culture. The aimless and uncontrolled development of rural tourism on a large scale can be devastating to local landscapes and ecosystems.

Avoiding such dangers requires a clear understanding by the local authorities of what they want, sound land use policy, competent management of programs for organizing local tourism, which means: striving to create markets based on local "products", taking into account the peculiarities of the culture of the owners; development of efficient infrastructure; control over the number of tourists; prohibition of ugly forms in construction; providing profits to local residents; quality assurance in the new development of the village.

Rural tourism or agritourism is the rest of the townspeople in the countryside in micro-hotels created by a rural family on the basis of their own dwelling house and personal plot. The main person providing accommodation, food and sightseeing in the countryside is the rural family.

Today, no one doubts the fact that the future of our region is closely related to tourism. Several years ago, in the mass consciousness of the villagers, hostility towards vacationers and tourists was still firmly rooted. Today, many families with free housing have spontaneously joined this lively, interesting and profitable business. Renting out housing to vacationers was quickly mastered and began to bring additional income to families. But this income is seasonal and depends little on homeowners. To get a stable income, you need to work to create permanent jobs. And here we should understand and accept that no one will do this for us. We already live in a society with a market economy, which is alien to the consumer approach. If we wait for a solution to our problems from someone, then we will simply suffer from depression and hopelessness, get sick, be angry and destroy nature by excessive consumption of it. In fact, there is a way out. Only many villagers are not used to looking in this direction. For many families, the solution is to create jobs in rural tourism. Then this family activity becomes professional, requires knowledge, skills and compliance with certain norms.

Features of rural tourism

Peace and tranquility of country life.

Living spring water.

Air filled with pines and cedars.

Garden vegetables, fresh milk, homemade bread.

Individual rest and service.

Home cuisine for every taste.

Possibility to take a four-legged friend with you.

Accommodation in a solid peasant house with a stove.

Russian bathhouse with a fragrant broom.

Possibility to communicate with pets.

Harvesting berries, herbs, mushrooms, nuts.

Fishing, horseback riding, participation in haymaking, mastering crafts.

Participation in folk festivals.

The opportunity to relax with the whole family or a small group

Also, rural tourism has a number of advantages over recreation at tourist centers. For greater clarity, the benefits are presented in a pivot table:

Rural tourism

Rest at the camp site

The ability to temporarily change your lifestyle from urban to rural

A recreation center is, as a rule, just a part of the city in the forest, with all its inherent culture, which does not always provide an opportunity to switch to a different rhythm and truly relax.

Friendly hosts

Service staff

Sturdy peasant houses with specially prepared rooms and amenities for guests

Housings. Possibly - separate houses and hotel-type cottages

Solid, unusually tasty food from Mother Nature. Honey, milk, sour cream, meat, etc. - all homemade and of the highest quality

Food from the canteen and shop

Individual guide, individual hiking, horseback riding, car and boat trips and travel. Time, place, duration of travel convenient for you.

Group instructors. The job, as a rule, is to get as many people out of the standard program as possible.

Pros and cons of rural green tourism

Benefits for the rural population:

1. Possibility of additional earnings.

2. An incentive to put your farm in order.

3. The opportunity to engage in creative work of adult able-bodied family members.

4. Opportunity through friendly relations with tourists to solve various problems with children (spending vacations in cities, assistance while studying at universities, selling products of subsidiary farming, etc.).

5. Interesting communication.

6. Raising the educational level.

7. Stimulus for active learning of foreign languages.

Benefits for public authorities

1. Increase in employment of the population.

2. Reducing social tension.

3. Increase in family income.

4. Low cost of this type of tourism for the authorities due to the use of family resources.

5. All funds earned by families remain in the region.

6. Solution by the organizers of tourism of the tasks of the government (creating temporary and permanent jobs, improving the life of the population).

7. Possibility of additional earnings by cultural organizations from serving tourists.

8. Growth of social activity of participants in rural tourism.

9. Additional taxes to the budget from the service sector in connection with the attraction of tourists to rural settlements and an increase in the income of NWT participants.

10. Improving the appearance of settlements.

11. Growing interest of the population in keeping settlements clean.

12. Additional income for the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspection.

13. A reliable source of budget replenishment with a wide network of stable operating estates with a wide range of services.

14. Improvement in the future of the crime situation due to the growth of the cultural level of the population.

Business benefits:

1. Increase in revenues for the entire service sector due to the emergence of solvent customers (shops, gas stations, telecommunication centers, post offices, etc.)

2. The possibility of creating various industries in connection with the increased demand and guaranteed sale of goods and services.

3, Opportunity to establish business ties and attract investment.

Pros for nature:

1. Reducing the burden on the environment, since jobs are created in the service sector and the population ceases to excessively consume natural resources.

2. Waste from tourists' stay is disposed of by the owners of micro hotels.

2. The interest of the population in the preservation and prosperity of the surrounding nature is growing, since nature is the main magnet for tourists.

3. The environmental education of the population is being increased through training at seminars for the owners of micro-hotels.

4. Participants of rural tourism take practical part in cleaning up river banks, ennobling springs, clearing the territory attached to estates, improving access to rural tourism facilities.

Cons of rural tourism:

1. Weak inflow of direct revenues to budgets of all levels in the first years of its existence.

rural tourism program tour

2. The need for constant financial support for the organizers of rural tourism due to the high costs associated with systematic work with the population and promotion of tourism products.


Rural tourism is not a new phenomenon, it has been known, at least in Europe, since the 1970s. He received the greatest development in France, Italy and Spain. This type of holiday is widespread in Cyprus, Croatia and Poland.

The main reason for the emergence and development of rural tourism is the need of townspeople with an average income to relax alone with nature, to get acquainted with the life of a peasant family. And not only try fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, but also take a direct part in agricultural work - as they say, stand by the plow yourself.

The client's desire was respected, the wheel of the tourism industry spun, providing tourists with a choice of hundreds of rural houses, huts and castles, complete with fresh milk, wine from their own vineyard, fishing, a hayloft and a variety of entertainment options. However, one should make a reservation: in France, the active development of agritourism was caused by the problem of the rapid outflow of residents of unpromising rural areas to large cities. This prompted the government to support the idea of ​​creating conditions for receiving tourists on the basis of farms. Currently, rural tourism in Europe brings, according to various sources, from 10% to 20% of the total income of the tourism industry.

I. Rural tourism and prospects for its development

Rural tourism includes any type of tourism outside the urban environment that does not harm natural complexes, contributes to the protection of nature and the improvement of the well-being of the local population.

Rural tourism is not only a tourist's accommodation in a rural house, but also the functioning of an entire infrastructure, which includes good transport links between settlements, places of leisure, the availability of services that provide various services for the provision of information and services, small restaurants, cafes and taverns. Moreover, each guest, and in rural tourism a tourist is called a "guest", must constantly feel the comfort of home and increased personal attention. The main person providing accommodation, food and sightseeing in the countryside is the rural family.

Rural tourism refers to a passive form of recreation, according to the purpose - more social, and not purely commercial.

It is especially important that rural tourism does not require as large public investment as other types of tourism. For now, he is content with using the existing potential of rural regions: unique natural resources and objects of historical and cultural significance; private housing stock in the countryside; food produced on private households, etc.

In general, the emergence of rural tourism should be based on the funds of the population, which assumes the maintenance and service of tourists and vacationers, of course, for a monetary reward. Another feature of rural tourism is that it does not require the creation of large tourism firms, but is an object for the voluntary association of private farms and the owners of some small businesses to provide individual tourism services.

The practical experience of rural tourism that appeared quite recently in Western Europe (60-70 years of the XX century) shows that it is gradually conquering the whole world, and the profit from this specific holiday in some countries can be compared with the income from agriculture. One of the most important advantages of rural tourism is that it improves environmental education and the general cultural level of both visitors and local residents.

Rural tourism includes a fairly wide range of activities: scientific and educational (ornithological, botanical, archaeological, ethnographic), adventure tours (hiking, cycling, water, horseback riding and routes), summer camps, bases and programs for schoolchildren and students in nature , weekend trips out of town.

However, rural tourism contains great potential hazards. An excessive number of tourists, their vehicles and equipment can fill small towns and villages. Their culture can be foreign and hostile to the locals. Their pursuit of entertainment can distort and degrade local culture. The aimless and uncontrolled development of rural tourism on a large scale can be devastating to local landscapes and ecosystems.

Avoiding such dangers requires a clear understanding by the local authorities of what they want, sound land use policy, competent management of programs for organizing local tourism, which means: striving to create markets based on local "products", taking into account the peculiarities of the culture of the owners; development of efficient infrastructure; control over the number of tourists; prohibition of ugly forms in construction; providing profits to local residents; quality assurance in the new development of the village.

Rural tourism or agritourism is the rest of townspeople in the countryside in micro-hotels, created by a rural family on the basis of their own residential building and a personal plot. The main person providing accommodation, food and sightseeing in the countryside is the rural family.

Today, no one doubts the fact that the future of our region is closely related to tourism. Several years ago, in the mass consciousness of the villagers, hostility towards vacationers and tourists was still firmly rooted. Today, many families with free housing have spontaneously joined this lively, interesting and profitable business. Renting out housing to vacationers was quickly mastered and began to bring additional income to families. But this income is seasonal and depends little on homeowners. To get a stable income, you need to work to create permanent jobs. And here we should understand and accept that no one will do this for us. We already live in a society with a market economy, which is alien to the consumer approach. If we wait for a solution to our problems from someone, then we will simply suffer from depression and hopelessness, get sick, be angry and destroy nature by excessive consumption of it. In fact, there is a way out. Only many villagers are not used to looking in this direction. For many families, the solution is to create jobs in rural tourism. Then this family activity becomes professional, requires knowledge, skills and compliance with certain norms.

Features of rural tourism

Peace and tranquility of country life.

Living spring water.

Air filled with pines and cedars.

Garden vegetables, fresh milk, homemade bread.

Individual rest and service.

Home cuisine for every taste.

Possibility to take a four-legged friend with you.

Accommodation in a solid peasant house with a stove.

Russian bathhouse with a fragrant broom.

Possibility to communicate with pets.

Harvesting berries, herbs, mushrooms, nuts.

Fishing, horseback riding, participation in haymaking, mastering crafts.

Participation in folk festivals.

The opportunity to relax with the whole family or a small group

Also, rural tourism has a number of advantages over recreation at tourist centers. For greater clarity, the benefits are presented in a pivot table:

Rural tourism Rest at the camp site
The ability to temporarily change your lifestyle from urban to rural A recreation center is, as a rule, just a part of the city in the forest, with all its inherent culture, which does not always provide an opportunity to switch to a different rhythm and truly relax.
Friendly hosts Service staff
Sturdy peasant houses with specially prepared rooms and amenities for guests Housings. Possibly - separate houses and hotel-type cottages
Solid, unusually tasty food from Mother Nature. Honey, milk, sour cream, meat, etc. - all homemade and of the highest quality Food from the canteen and shop
Individual guide, individual hiking, horseback riding, car and boat trips and travel. Time, place, duration of travel convenient for you. Group instructors. The job, as a rule, is to get as many people out of the standard program as possible.

Pros and cons of rural green tourism

1. Possibility of additional earnings.

2. An incentive to put your farm in order.

3. The opportunity to engage in creative work of adult able-bodied family members.

4. Opportunity through friendly relations with tourists to solve various problems with children (spending vacations in cities, assistance during studies at universities, selling products of subsidiary farming, etc.).

Huge resources for agritourism are concentrated in Belarus, but they are used extremely ineffectively. To develop this species tourism business, support at the municipal level alone is not enough.

The goals that must be set to the tourism committees when working with rural guest houses are to provide work for the villagers, to return the rural youth.

With appropriate, normally working legislation, agritourism will turn from promising to highly developed. For this, all the necessary prerequisites have already been outlined: interest in rural tourism will not fade away from the owners of estates, or from Russian tourists and guests of the country.

Today on the Internet there are offers of farmers who independently advertise their services. Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the provinces are distrustful and fearful, an increasing number of people understand the importance and profitability of engaging in rural tourism and with skillfully organized activities from outside. municipal government, tourist enterprises(travel agencies, excursion bureaus) it will be possible to develop given view tourism, so promising for Belarus.

It is very important to solve the problem of the lack of regulatory legal acts that would give farmers who want to engage in agritourism with a certain status. Luring foreign guests with magnificent landscapes, it would not hurt to think about the quality of the service and accommodation offered to them.

The nascent agritourism in Belarus has already attracted the interest of all kinds of clients. Not only Russians and Belarusians, but also foreign guests are happy to carry out both "bath-barbecue" type events, as well as cultural and educational events. Rafting, biking or kayaking, fishing and hunting, and getting to know local life, crafts and traditions are some of the things you can do besides celebrating your friend's birthday. The owners of the estates try to come up with something of their own, special, that will be interesting to the guest: from active activities to excursions to cultural attractions. As a rule, foreigners want to get acquainted with the life of the local population and communicate with them. Our citizens are more characterized by a hedonistic desire to experience life in the countryside. Participation in Everyday life a village family (feeding poultry and rabbits, milking cows, cleaning horses, going to an apiary, haymaking) arouses genuine pleasure among city dwellers. Guests of rural houses will be gladly shown mushroom, berry, fish places and help to prepare the gifts of nature according to old recipes.

Tourist industry experts never tire of predicting the unprecedented scale of rural tourism, which has enormous resources for this.

The search for the most appropriate model for the development of agritourism for the modern socio-economic conditions of Belarus is relevant for the formation and development of this type of tourism.

In Belarus, agritourism, as a type of recreation compared to European countries, is still little known and is not yet one of the types of tourist products widely promoted in the tourist market (both outbound and domestic).

The outbound rural tourism market is poorly developed, the demand for this type of recreation is poorly studied, and foreign tour operators do not yet have a policy of promoting their agrotourism product on the tourism market.

Popularization of agritourism as an organized type of recreation is one of the tasks that must be solved for the formation of agritourism as a promising sector of the tourism industry.

Obviously, in the modern conditions of Belarus, the main orientation of the rural tourism sector, first of all, should be directed to the domestic tourist market. Due to the sharp rise in prices for tourist services and a fall in the ability to pay, 70% of the country's population takes vacations in their region. Maximum that citizens of this segment can afford consumer market, this is a vacation in the village, weekend rest in summer cottages, as well as recreation of children in the summer in the camp, subject to the solvency of the enterprise where they work. It should also be noted that the environmental situation in some industrial cities is unfavorable and the inhabitants of these cities need outdoor recreation, at least in the summer. In this aspect, rural tourism using local natural and cultural-historical resources of rural areas of the region can be alternative view organized recreation of the townspeople. Today, in a number of regions, there is an increase in the flow of unorganized tourists on weekends to the suburbs, and 30% of potential consumers of a tourist product have increased requirements for the level of accommodation and service, which partly coincide with the quality of the service that the regional tourism industry can provide today.

In general, the first experience of organizing agrotourist enterprises according to the models of the "boarding house", "tour with accommodation in a traditional national dwelling", "national village", "VIP-village", "rural hotel", etc. has already been noted.

In terms of "price-quality", an agritourism product today can hardly compete on international market... The "price-quality" parameters established in European countries are only partially achievable for Belarus in the near future. The primary orientation of the agritourism sector is aimed at the domestic tourist market, which, however, does not exclude the development of certain high-quality tourist products specifically for the international market.

The main goals of the development of agritourism are to meet the demand of the population for recreation in rural areas and improve the living standards of villagers. For the problem of increasing the income of the rural population through the organization of tourist services to be solved effectively, it is necessary to form a market for agritourism services. This means that the tourist service in the village should be put on stream, at least during the summer tourist season, and not be carried out sporadically or depend on random guests. Solving the problem of a tangible increase in the level of income of the rural population through tourism requires the formation of a mass market for agritourism with a sufficient number of consumers for its sustainable functioning. However, the massive nature of agrotourist flows is a prospect for the future, since at present, cheaper forms of recreation are widespread in Belarus, which are an alternative to agrotourist services.

Firstly, this is spending free time in garden and summer cottages, where citizens have the opportunity to relax outside the urbanized environment, to do rural labor for your pleasure. Recently, an increasing part of the population considers their summer cottages not as a source of additional food, but as a place of rest, which is associated with economic growth and an increase in the income of the population to a level that allows meeting the needs for food products almost completely. Here, however, the problem of keeping country houses safe and sound should be noted, since theft and arson are not uncommon. People who do not have a summer residence, in this case, acquire an alternative: to constantly worry about their property or to live and work peacefully in the city, while each time choosing new places for recreation in the countryside.

Secondly, a significant part of the urban population has close family ties with the countryside. Many urban dwellers have relatives of older generations in the countryside, with whom they often spend vacations and vacations. The share of city dwellers with this form of spending their free time is constantly decreasing due to the gradual loss of family ties with the rural population. Nevertheless, this share in Belarus is several times higher than in the EU countries, since the processes of intensive urbanization, accompanied by massive migrations from village to city, took place in the second half of the 20th century, 30-40 years later than in the countries of the European Union.

Thirdly, in Belarus, types of recreation outside the city (for example, organizing picnics), which are widespread among the population, are easily carried out by tourists on their own. In the EU countries, it is more difficult to do this, since they are dominated by private ownership of land. You will have to pay for visiting private estates, where services for organizing the same picnic are provided. In such conditions, agritourism specialization is better crystallized not only for individual households, but also for entire rural regions, which is observed in the EU countries. In Belarus, the domination of state ownership of land makes them publicly available for free use for recreational purposes, which indirectly hinders the concentration of tourist services in rural areas and the specialization of individual farms in agritourism.

The limiting factors for the development of agritourism are also some socio-geographical and natural conditions... Among the socio-geographical factors, the main factor is the specificity of the rural settlement system, which is dominated by medium and large rural settlements, which was the result of the active introduction of collective forms of agriculture. At the same time, the farm settlement system is more suitable for organizing agritourism. In this respect, Poozerie is the most favorable region of Belarus. Among the natural factors that contribute to the lesser development of agritourism in Belarus in comparison with the EU countries, it should be noted that there is a shorter favorable period for summer holidays. The shorter duration of the favorable period objectively contributes to a decrease in the volume of tourist services per year and an increase in the cost intensity of agritourism services. The seasonality of demand, meanwhile, can be smoothed out by offering tourists different entertainment programs based on ancient holidays, rituals and customs. So, for example, the "dead" from the point of view of demand, February-March can be made attractive by celebrating Maslenitsa, farewell to winter and other national holidays.

In conclusion, we note in addition that without the development of domestic agritourism and the development of skills, methods and range of tourist services on domestic agrotourists is impossible successful development international agritourism, requiring, among other things, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and cultural characteristics of foreign countries.

Thus, we can conclude that the idea of ​​developing agroecotourism in the Belarusian society requires certain measures in the field of regulatory legal acts, financing, taxation, marketing policy, etc .:

  • 1. Agroecotourism requires the implementation of a special policy and relevant programs in our republic, because it cannot be sustainably developed simply by copying what has already been done in other countries, and even more so, it cannot be allowed to develop on a random basis;
  • 2. State authorities should simplify the visa regime for foreign tourists entering the Republic of Belarus. Exhausting customs formalities reduce the number of potential tourists who want to relax in our country;
  • 3. Development of agro-ecotourism requires practical and effective systems of coordination between all stakeholders, including government, private enterprises, local authorities authorities;
  • 4. Appropriate legal and organizational mechanisms should be established to facilitate and effectively organize local residents in the entire tourism process, including policy, planning, management, taxation;
  • 5. It is necessary to create favorable investment conditions (to provide credit, tax and other benefits) in order to inflow domestic and foreign capital;
  • 6. Attention should be paid to the issue of certification of Belarusian estates in order to ensure that their quality meets international standards. The obtained certificate will help to increase the credibility in the eyes of consumers and foreign tourists;
  • 7. The design of rural estates, including hotels and other accommodation facilities, restaurants, cafes, bars, should be carried out in such a way as to prevent or minimize any negative impact on the natural environment. It is advisable to use local Construction Materials preserve ancient architectural ensembles, use natural energy sources that do not pollute the ecological situation in the region;
  • 8. Likewise, the means of transport and communications used in these areas should have a low level of pollution;
  • 9. Agroecotourism should contribute to the protection and improvement of natural areas;
  • 10. Professionalism is an important condition for the development of tourism in the Republic of Belarus and agroecotourism in particular. Recently, the need for knowledge of foreign languages ​​for highly qualified guides has increased (preference should be given to the indigenous inhabitants of the corresponding region);
  • 11. Tourists who prefer this type of recreation need detailed specialized information both before and during the trip. Providing complete and timely information is one of the main elements professional activity in the field of tourism. Moreover, this information can be presented in different forms: brochures, booklets, maps;
  • 12. It is necessary to create information centers in the main regions of the republic in the field of agroecotourism. At the present time, only PA "Agro - and ecotourism" owns operational data on the proposed recreation of a rural estate;
  • 13.In promotional materials agroecotourism should contain sufficient information about the experience that tourists can expect, including information about the topography and climate, flora and fauna, and, in general, about the area visited. This should also include truthful information about accommodation and catering, as well as advice on what can and cannot be done in a given tourist center;
  • 14. In foreign mass media, regularly conduct information and familiarization events in order to form an attractive image of Belarus in the world tourism market.

The development process of agroecotourism in Belarus also has a number of positive factors: the proximity of a significant number of potential consumers to the village (family and friendship ties), the prevalence of summer cottages, the lack of private ownership of land and, as a consequence, ample opportunities for independent recreation in the bosom of nature, some social geographical and natural conditions.


Rural tourism is not a new phenomenon, it has been known, at least in Europe, since the 1970s. He received the greatest development in France, Italy and Spain. This type of holiday is widespread in Cyprus, Croatia and Poland.

The main reason for the emergence and development of rural tourism is the need of townspeople with an average income to relax alone with nature, to get acquainted with the life of a peasant family. And not only try fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, but also take a direct part in agricultural work - as they say, stand by the plow yourself.

The client's desire was respected, the wheel of the tourism industry spun, providing tourists with a choice of hundreds of rural houses, huts and castles, complete with fresh milk, wine from their own vineyard, fishing, a hayloft and a variety of entertainment options. However, one should make a reservation: in France, the active development of agritourism was caused by the problem of the rapid outflow of residents of unpromising rural areas to large cities. This prompted the government to support the idea of ​​creating conditions for receiving tourists on the basis of farms. Currently, rural tourism in Europe brings, according to various sources, from 10% to 20% of the total income of the tourism industry.

The achievements of domestic agritourism are much more modest - so far only a few regions of Russia are actively developing this type of recreation (Altai, Kaliningrad region). Nevertheless, tourism industry experts never tire of predicting the unprecedented scale of rural tourism in Russia, which has enormous resources for this. In the near abroad, Belarus and Moldova can be noted, the latter, it seems, mostly counts on investments in the tourism industry from the United States.

Rural tourism and prospects for its development

Rural tourism includes any type of tourism outside the urban environment that does not harm natural complexes, contributes to the protection of nature and the improvement of the well-being of the local population.

Rural tourism is not only a tourist's accommodation in a rural house, but also the functioning of an entire infrastructure, which includes good transport links between settlements, places of leisure, the availability of services that provide various services for the provision of information and services, small restaurants, cafes and taverns. Moreover, each guest, and in rural tourism a tourist is called a "guest", must constantly feel the comfort of home and increased personal attention. The main person providing accommodation, food and sightseeing in the countryside is the rural family.

Rural tourism refers to a passive form of recreation, according to the purpose - more social, and not purely commercial.

It is especially important that rural tourism does not require as large public investment as other types of tourism. For now, he is content with using the existing potential of rural regions: unique natural resources and objects of historical and cultural significance; private housing stock in the countryside; food produced on private households, etc.

In general, the emergence of rural tourism should be based on the funds of the population, which assumes the maintenance and service of tourists and vacationers, of course, for a monetary reward. Another feature of rural tourism is that it does not require the creation of large tourism firms, but is an object for the voluntary association of private farms and the owners of some small businesses to provide individual tourism services.

The practical experience of rural tourism, which appeared quite recently in Western Europe (60-70 years of the XX century), shows that it is gradually conquering the whole world, and the profit from this specific holiday in some countries can be compared with the income from agriculture. One of the most important advantages of rural tourism is that it improves environmental education and the general cultural level of both visitors and local residents.

Rural tourism includes a fairly wide range of activities: scientific and educational (ornithological, botanical, archaeological, ethnographic), adventure tours (hiking, cycling, water, horseback riding and routes), summer camps, bases and programs for schoolchildren and students in nature , weekend trips out of town.

However, rural tourism contains great potential hazards. An excessive number of tourists, their vehicles and equipment can fill small towns and villages. Their culture can be foreign and hostile to the locals. Their pursuit of entertainment can distort and degrade local culture. The aimless and uncontrolled development of rural tourism on a large scale can be devastating to local landscapes and ecosystems.

Avoiding such dangers requires a clear understanding by the local authorities of what they want, sound land use policy, competent management of programs for organizing local tourism, which means: striving to create markets based on local "products", taking into account the peculiarities of the culture of the owners; development of efficient infrastructure; control over the number of tourists; prohibition of ugly forms in construction; providing profits to local residents; quality assurance in the new development of the village.

Rural tourism or agritourism is the rest of the townspeople in the countryside in micro-hotels created by a rural family on the basis of their own dwelling house and personal plot. The main person providing accommodation, food and sightseeing in the countryside is the rural family.

Today, no one doubts the fact that the future of our region is closely related to tourism. Several years ago, in the mass consciousness of the villagers, hostility towards vacationers and tourists was still firmly rooted. Today, many families with free housing have spontaneously joined this lively, interesting and profitable business. Renting out housing to vacationers was quickly mastered and began to bring additional income to families. But this income is seasonal and depends little on homeowners. To get a stable income, you need to work to create permanent jobs. And here we should understand and accept that no one will do this for us. We already live in a society with a market economy, which is alien to the consumer approach. If we wait for a solution to our problems from someone, then we will simply suffer from depression and hopelessness, get sick, be angry and destroy nature by excessive consumption of it. In fact, there is a way out. Only many villagers are not used to looking in this direction. For many families, the solution is to create jobs in rural tourism. Then this family activity becomes professional, requires knowledge, skills and compliance with certain norms.


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