Quail business. Own quail farm: earnings and losses of the bird business. Product sales and distribution channels

Many people say that it's time to start your own business. 25% of people go further than talking. Maybe it's time to move from words to deeds?

As a test, it is worth doing what people need daily. Spiritual food, clothes, appearance- this is all secondary, but you always want to eat. So let's talk about food.

Today, there is no more crowded niche than the production and sale of food products. In order to determine the direction in which it will be profitable to start your business, it is recommended to go shopping and explore what is in demand, but little is offered. And a novice businessman will understand that quail breeding is something that is in great demand, but is offered in limited quantities.

Why quail? Their main value is eggs, their benefits are so great that they will overshadow all similar products combined. Connoisseurs say that only paws and beak are not used anywhere in quails - everything else goes into business.


contain a large amount of vitamins, are not allergic, activate the immune system, rejuvenate the skin. They are recommended to be eaten without restrictions as a dietary product.

suitable for stuffing pillows

it is a healthy dietary product, rich in vitamins, helps to actively work the gastrointestinal tract. If quails are bred specifically for meat, then it is especially in demand due to its high nutritional qualities.

the most valuable organic fertilizer that can be used on the land

The bones of the bird that the family ate for lunch can be ground to a state of flour in a mortar and used as a calcium supplement for other quails.

The foundation of an enterprise is the right business plan

It is not enough to know about the advantages of birds in order to run headlong to buy a batch of chicks for breeding. For successful implementation planned plans, a business plan is needed, which will become a guide to action for a successful start.

The business plan does not have any specific structure; it should contain fundamental points and reflect the sequence of actions.

1. Goal setting

The goal of our future business is the production of quail meat and eggs. You can consider the problem on a narrower scale: the production of eggs, but the question remains open: where to put the meat? Therefore, as a trial ball on the first batch of poultry, it is appropriate to produce both eggs and meat.

2. Monitoring of start-up capital

A mature decision to breed quails will require an initial investment of 80,000 - 90,000 rubles. In six months, you can reach a net income of 30,000 rubles.

3. Market analysis for the production of quail meat and eggs from competitors

Analysis is essential to avoid wasting time producing eggs in a crowded market. Today, this niche is about 1/3 filled, so it may happen that in your area of ​​​​residence you will not have any competitors at all.

4. Action plan to complete the tasks

Premises for rent

Quails are considered small poultry, they can be placed in large numbers in a small area, so initial stage need to find a small area. The main requirements: it should be warm and light.

Making or buying poultry cages

Quails can be kept both in specially equipped cages and in adapted or self-made fenced spaces. At the same time, one must remember the ability and constant desire of quails to fly, for this reason the space for them must be closed, but with air access and well ventilated. The place where birds are kept should be well lit and warm. For optimal lighting, it is appropriate to use additional incandescent lamps, they will provide light and heat at the same time. You should not save on the maintenance of quails, they will more than pay for their maintenance.

Video - How to make a quail cage

Video - Making quail cages

Buying feed

Quails are finicky and difficult to keep. For food they need wheat, corn, pearl barley, sunflower cake. Parsley, greens and carrots are eaten by quails in abundance and endlessly. It must be remembered that they eat very often, and you should not limit them to this, otherwise it will affect their egg production and meat quality.

As food additives, it is necessary to add low-fat chopped fish waste, salt, and rye to the diet. Birds love to swim in dry sand, small pebbles are necessary for better digestion of food in the stomach, calcium in the form of ground shells is for strength eggshell, protein - to increase productivity. A dry diet requires a lot of water, so the birds must be provided with a continuous drinking regimen.

Acquisition of a bird

All types of quails are divided into decorative and commercial breeds. The ability to distinguish them from each other externally and by characteristics will help you choose the one that can make your business successful.


it is distinguished by high egg production - 300 eggs per year from quail. Their meat is also used as a delicacy. Bird weight - 200g. This breed goes to production figures after a month and a half. They rarely get sick, almost all birds reach the point of being used for food or laying eggs.

meat breed quail, an option that is ideal for breeding at the start of a business. Weight - 320 g. Productivity - 200 eggs per year from one quail. This species is readily accepted in restaurants and supermarkets.

they carry 300 eggs a year, weight - 300 g. They are superior to other breeds for the price of meat, since its quality is indeed a real delicacy

There are several more breeds of quails, in the production of which you can get both eggs and meat, but their productivity is much lower, so it is preferable to use the named specimens at the start.

  • Registration of official status.

Any business can exist only if it is legal. Therefore, before resolving issues of product sales, it is necessary to register the status individual entrepreneur. With this status, you will have free access to consumers.

Business advertising will be needed after the products appear that need to be sold. In the future, when the production of eggs and meat will be put on stream, it will be possible to create your own website and advertise products on a larger scale.

Building a customer base

Numerous clientele will not appear at the wave of the hand, it must be created gradually, starting with a narrow circle of people. Categories of people who will definitely want to become your customers:

  • Relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances. You won’t get a lot of money from them, but they will play the role of word of mouth, which will tell about products better than any advertising;
  • A grocery market where you can sell products for sale or do it yourself. For trading on the market, certification of goods is not required; for this, it is enough to pass sanitary control in the laboratory of the market;
  • Super- and hypermarkets, fresh markets, restaurants, for which delicacies are one of the main sales products.

On the commercial prospects of breeding quails

A separate paragraph of the business plan must provide for all the estimated costs of business development, investments, prospects for payback and income. An approximate breakdown of expenses will help aspiring entrepreneurs to have an idea of ​​​​what awaits them:

  1. If you take chickens for breeding, they will cost less, but they will have to be grown to a productive age, which will take money and time. If you start with the purchase of uterine quails, then only funds will be spent on them. A thousand young birds will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

  2. To buy factory cages, you will need about 50 thousand rubles, but this price is approximate, since it depends on the design of the cages, capacity, manufacturer, manufacturing materials. At first, you can make cells with your own hands, this will save a lot of money.

  3. It will take about 6,000 rubles a month to buy food.
  4. Payment for lighting and heating of the premises depends on its area. To pay for the cost of electricity and heat from lamps in a room of 15 sq.m, costs of approximately 3,000 rubles will be required.

  5. Purchase of an incubator - 5000 rubles.

Thus, adding up the estimated costs, we get the amount of 94,000 thousand rubles. There is a guideline, the run-up of expenses can be both up and down, but, based on the resulting figure, you can plan your actions more specifically.

Breeding quails is not only a profitable business, but also quite troublesome. An experienced producer will qualitatively cope with the number of quails from 1000 to 2000. Therefore, in the future, you will have to hire workers if the businessman gets a taste and he has a desire to expand the scale of production.

About the income side of the business

The ultimate goal of discovery own business is its income.

Approximate performance perspectives:

  • 500 quails in a month will bring 9000 eggs. By selling the first batch, without raising the price to the real one, for 30 rubles for a dozen, you can get 27,000 rubles, you can get 5 thousand rubles for the meat of extra males. We subtract 6,000 from the income received for food and 3,000 for heating and lighting. According to rough estimates, net income will be 18,000 rubles;
  • large eggs can be started to incubate, increasing the number of females. In the fourth month of work according to the plan, incomes will begin to increase steadily from the sale of eggs and meat of extra males. Expenses should pay off in full at the end of 5 months. Until this period, you should not think about expanding the scale of the business. This period will be quite enough to finally make sure that your decision to breed quails is correct and to understand that the quail breeding business requires labor costs and patience, golden mountains are not immediately and quickly foreseen.

Video - Quail breeding. Business plan

Breeding quails - by investing 35,000 rubles, in 2 months you will get a "plus". We present a step-by-step guide that will put everything on the shelves.

Capital investment in breeding: from 35,000 rubles.
Payback business on quail: 2-3 months.

Quail breeding at home can really be a great alternative to a chicken or geese business.

In addition to small investments in start-up, this idea also attracts with its simplicity of implementation.

At the same time, they can rush very actively: 50 females can bring up to 45 eggs per day!

As you can see, there are many advantages, although there are also disadvantages.

Let's take a closer look at the pitfalls of the business, how to organize the implementation of the idea and which breeding method to choose.

Important nuances of breeding quails at home

On the Internet you can find many positive feedback about the quail breeding business.

Indeed, many entrepreneurs have established their own distribution channel and are successfully developing their business.

However, beginners should not be completely optimistic.

After all, this idea has several significant nuances, which he rarely talks about:

    Moreover, do not forget to take away at least ¼ of them that you send to the incubator.

    There is a myth that quails do not get sick.

    This is not so, it is simply easier for these birds to chop off problems at the root, to extinguish the epidemic in its infancy.

    In addition to diseases, the productivity of quails can be affected by ... yes, anything!

    Temperature fluctuations, stress, food changes, even noisy guests.

Under what conditions can quail breeding be arranged?

Interesting fact:
In Japan, students eat two quail eggs before class. This helps to improve memory, vision, strengthens the nervous system, and also helps the development of the whole organism as a whole.

The first thing you must learn is the correct temperature regime.

Quails are not the most picky birds.

But temperature deviations will cause some problems.

It will be too hot, the birds will start to lay less.

Too cold - they can die altogether.

How to choose a cage for quail breeding?

You can make a cage yourself or buy a ready-made one.

Anyhow, what kind of “home” is not suitable for quails.

Pay attention to the requirement for a bird house:

    In case you didn't know, quails rush straight to the bottom of the cage.

    Therefore, it is imperative to install an egg receiver that will prevent them from breaking.

  • The main material for cells is metal.
  • In this case, extra space can do more harm.

    Quails are prone to sharp upswings.

    So a height of more than 20 cm can be traumatic.

  • Devices for feeding and feed are installed on the front of the cage.
  • From the litter, you can make an effective fertilizer, the sale of which will bring additional income.
  • To reduce the risk of diseases and contamination of eggs, install a special tray for quail feces.
  • There is no mistake - statistics show that, unlike chickens, the tighter the birds sit, the better they rush.

What kind of personnel is needed for breeding quails?

Breeding quails, like any other bird, requires the employment of only a few people.

For those wishing to take everything exclusively into their own hands, we recall: there are no days off and holidays in the quail breeding business.

If you do not agree to spend at the cage every day, hire helpers.

A small livestock can be served "from and to" by two people: remove droppings, monitor the condition of the birds, feed and water them, control indoor conditions, and prepare bait.

Do not forget about the process of selling products: meat will need to be cut, eggs packed, all this will also be delivered to customers.

This work is really “non-dusty”, but it takes a lot of time.

If you are trying to save money, you can ask your loved ones for help.

But if finances allow, hire the following people:

Search for distribution channels for quail meat and eggs

Finding sources of marketing for household products should be sought immediately.

After all, eggs cannot be stored for a long time, and birds will rush actively.

Part will go to the needs of the family, passed on to friends and relatives.

But when it comes to business, it is obvious that more serious clients will be required.

This is the only way to cover the costs of quail breeding, and in the future to receive income from this.

The market analysis algorithm looks like this:

    Find out which customers close geographically could start buying products from you or become points of sale.

    It can be markets, fairs, shops, supermarkets, cafes.

    Refer to their guide to indicate the amount of demand for yourself.

    Based on these data, it is possible to determine the number of livestock for home breeding.

    An important point: what documentation is required for eggs and meat?

    At a minimum, you need to be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

    In addition, more serious partners may require quality certificates.

    Analyze your competitors - disguised as customers or by studying their websites.

    Determine their product prices, strengths and weaknesses.

    It is important to highlight competitive advantages that will make you stand out in the eyes of your customers.

    Yes, quail breeding at home is also worth promoting in order to increase profits.

    It is not necessary to use expensive advertising on TV.

    Affordable methods of guerrilla marketing, with a skillful approach, also bring worthy results.

How much money do you need to raise quails?

It has been mentioned more than once that breeding birds at home requires a very modest investment.

But what exactly is the amount?

Capital investments in quail breeding at home

Monthly investment in quail breeding

An entrepreneur should not forget that in addition to capital investments in quail breeding, monthly expenses will also be required.

This must be kept in mind and not be tempted by just a small amount of initial investment.

The income from quails will begin to compensate for these expenses only after a few months.

The video below shows the main features of quail breeding:

Conclusion on the profitability of quail breeding

The dispute about the profitability of breeding quails at home is not closed.

Some were able to turn it into a large-scale profitable business.

Others complain about the low income.

To draw a conclusion for yourself, you need in which you can calculate your performance.

Be sure to use the methods to improve business efficiency:

    Purchase and add mineral feed for quails to food.

    This is good for the health of the birds and the quality of their egg production.

    Watch the width of the holes between the bars.

    Ideally, only the head should go there so that the quail can eat.

    These birds react very poorly to bright light.

    It causes excitability, aggression and even a decrease in egg production in them!

  • If you do not give vitamins to quails during the change of seasons, their feather cover may completely fall out.

How could you make sure quail breeding at home will require a small investment that can pay off in just a couple of months.

But you should not count on a large income in the future.

To grow profits, the business will definitely need to scale.

But there is potential for this, because poultry meat and eggs always remain in the “grocery basket”!

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When choosing a business, aspiring entrepreneurs look at different options. Today, the quail business is considered profitable, but you can be sure of this only after you have established it. The people who create quail farms are called quail breeders. Quail breeding as a business is profitable or not, you can understand from the first months. If you look at the quail business from the outside, then there is no need to talk about the benefits. Comparing chicken eggs and quail eggs, the cost per item for an incubator will be high. Quail eggs are valuable because they contain a large amount of substances that are not found in any other egg. This product is devoid of cholesterol, while it has a much smaller size.

There is no doubt about the value of a quail egg, although there are many myths around them. But if we talk about the benefits, then the presence of nutrients in large quantities is an indisputable fact. .

The cost of the carcass is not cheap, but the birds eat little. If the quail does not exceed 300 g in weight, the feed will require no more than 30 g. The laying hen requires more attention and feed per day she needs three times more, and the weight is more than quail. Quail does not require a lot of space, and you do not need to walk the bird, it is enough to make an extension in the summer cottage. A quail farm and a business plan for it, which is done correctly, will quickly begin to pay off.

These products have recently become popular, but the market stalls are not filled with egg and quail meat products.

For everyone, a quail farm as a business is something new, but, like any other business, legality is required first of all, since the products are sold to consumers:

  1. To work with food, a veterinary certificate is obtained.
  2. It is not difficult to open a quail farm, but it is better to get acquainted with some questions beforehand, for example, how many heads are suitable for keeping a poultry farm.
  3. To obtain accurate information, SNiPs are considered.
  4. A poultry house is made separately for the birds, only after that the buildings are registered, which are located no closer than 100 meters from the residential building. The distance that needs to be maintained is called the sanitary protection zone.

The border area looks like trees and shrubs, so if they were not there before, it will be necessary to plant several trees. This will include a business plan for a quail farm. Each livestock production entails the accumulation of manure, for this a separate manure collector is built, which is preliminarily concreted, the pit will be closed from above with a lid. Everyone chooses a suitable variant of the pit for himself. A pit in an inclined form is relevant if it will be driven vehicle for the removal of accumulated manure.

Every day in poultry houses they try to collect droppings. If you contact the sanitary and epidemiological station, then professionals refer to bird droppings as organic waste, so it can be used as fertilizer.

If the quail business is officially registered, then a pit is indispensable, and, as an alternative, plastic barrels are installed.

Removing a litter is an important matter, it must be done so that the neighbors do not write slander.

One person can handle a thousand quails, for this you need to prepare a business plan for breeding quails and the following equipment:

  • where the birds will be placed;
  • for the young and the remaining herd at home;
  • feeding bowls and drinkers;
  • conduct electricity;
  • incubator for the minimum number of eggs (3000);
  • a special insulated box to grow hatched heads;
  • heating, including the room where the quails will sit;

Consumables, which include feed and bedding, are taken into account in the business plan.

If the quail breeding business is calculated for private households, then first of all, extensions or a special room are rebuilt. Cells are purchased ready-made, but it’s realistic to make them yourself, as well as use modern materials, which will reduce the cost of manufacturing cells. Their size should be about one square for 70 pieces of birds. If you want to roughly calculate the quail business, you can take the cost of finished cages.

A thousand quails require approximately 3,000 seats. Often the cost of the cage includes drinkers and feeders.

Breeding quails as a business is profitable or not, it is understood only from the moment this activity begins. There are different incubators on the market that differ in the number of eggs.

These are smart devices related to mandatory:

  1. Products with intellectual memory make it possible to facilitate the work of a person, but they are also expensive.
  2. There are also cheap options that can accommodate quail eggs in a certain amount.
  3. Small quails are placed in special brooders, the capacity is small, so several of them will be needed.

At wholesale purchases to buyers the attractive discount becomes.

If we talk about the initial costs, it will not require large cash investments. The business plan should immediately include this item. And there is no need to talk about the fact that the business is profitable.

Good thermal insulation of the walls is required, in this case the heating will be of high quality, the main issue will be the size of the rooms used. If the area is small, a conventional fan heater will suffice.

A quail farm as a business is in demand; you can use your own hands to reduce the cost of the process. The brooder and cages are self made. Everyone can do it, only infrared lamps are additionally installed. The incubator will have to be purchased, since the wrong temperature is often set manually and the wrong humidity is set, and the eggs will have to be turned by hand up to six times a day, which is not always possible. And if the embryos die, there will be problems.

To open a quail farm, you will need to buy eggs for the incubator. A piece will have to pay up to 20 rubles, and they will need about three thousand. A business plan for a quail farm most often provides for two types of quail breeds - broilers and egg breeds, Estonian quails are quite expensive. They are distinguished by not very good egg production, and the size of the bird is average. Texas white birds are also common. We must not forget that at this moment the most minimal amount of electricity is spent. In any of these cases, the purchase of starter feeds will be required, one bag is presented in the form of 40 kg. The bird feeds on compound feed for a month; a lot of feed will be required to feed the young.

It is not enough to properly organize and make a business plan for breeding quails, they require good feeders, a balanced diet for growth and development:

  1. Microelements and other components are used in the composition of the feed.
  2. Quails need compound feed in accordance with the established menu, in this case, adult quails will rush well, and quails will grow quickly.
  3. The quail breeding business involves the purchase of ready-made feed, but if necessary, you can make it yourself.

Everyone chooses what is affordable. Care does not require practical skills, even a beginner poultry breeder can easily cope with this task. Growing quail brings two products - meat and eggs. With meat, the situation is more complicated, since a large number of individuals are kept for slaughter.

Eggs are much easier. One male is enough for four females, but families need to be kept separately.

Small quails require special care.

Although each newly opened quail farm requires a business plan, the poultry breeder chooses breeds according to personal preferences. Breeding quails at home for beginners begins with Japanese breeds that appeared in the last century. They possess high profitability and will be ideal for breeding. Professional quail breeders prefer not to cross different breeds. During the molt japanese birds lay eggs well. Quail laying hens for eggs are selected very carefully. So, pharaoh birds have a lot of weight, so they are not suitable for beginners, but they can be started to update the herd.

Kitaverse birds are a crossing of Japanese quails and pharaohs, the distinguishing feature is their large weight. The maintenance and breeding of quails has its own specific features. Texas Whites and Pharaohs will be the best breeds to slaughter. Japanese quails and English whites are excellent egg-layers, the number of quails is quite high and they are unpretentious to any conditions of detention.

For each type of quail, there are corresponding requirements. Accordingly, the incubator should replace the maternal instinct for hatching eggs. Before purchasing cages for quails, it is very important to choose the right incubator. This device will replace the hen and create favorable conditions for the embryo. When making a homemade device, you will need to purchase high-quality materials. So, for example, the body is made of plywood or from an old refrigerator, the main thing is that it is very warm inside. Various thermal insulation materials will great option for warming.

Electric incandescent lamps are installed in the structure, and it is also necessary to leave ventilation holes to create the necessary microclimate:

  1. The optimum temperature in the incubation chamber should be 37 degrees, while the humidity is 70%, and sometimes up to 90% for a short period of time.
  2. The design is not simple and requires constant human participation.
  3. The total withdrawal period takes 17 days.
  4. If the eggs have been laid for less than a week, they are suitable for breeding.

If we talk about business development, then it will not bring mountains of gold if you do not establish contacts for the sale of products. The marketing options are primarily the market. This method is proven and accelerated, entrepreneurs will gladly accept this product for implementation. Catering business also uses quail meat and eggs in dietary dishes. Often you don’t even have to sell products anywhere, since word of mouth allows you to sell healthy food to friends, sometimes even multi-day orders are created. If necessary, advertisements are given in the newspaper, which also attracts many buyers. An impressive number of free message boards and groups can be found on the Internet.

By creating the right quail care, the business will quickly improve, and it will be possible to update and improve the farm equipment.

Each number of birds, and especially if the plans create a large farm, requires serious work.

Main advantages:

  • minimum costs - relevant if you do not have to rent premises and land for business (everything is organized on your own territory);
  • profit comes quickly - quails are bred at a minimum short time, eggs and meat are popular, and prices are not cheap, but vary depending on the region;
  • quickly the birds become adults, such an individual breeds chickens. If we are talking about broilers, then two months is enough for meat breeds;
  • 400 quails are placed on six acres, but you should not start so many at once, as you will still have to learn how to deal with them correctly;
  • quails are not afraid of tight spaces;
  • this product is in demand, as it is useful and belongs to a healthy diet.

Cons of breeding quails:

  • if the birds are not afraid of cramped living space, then climate control is important, because at night the bird is stressed and additional offspring will not work. Shocks are dangerous for birds, so it is not recommended to transfer the incubator from one place to another;
  • a diverse sales market, difficulties appear only at the initial stage, and then, when regular customers appear, the business will quickly begin to develop.

As can be seen from the above, there are more positive aspects of business than minuses.

Even two months is enough to develop this industry. It is important for businessmen to approach issues competently and be quick. It is enough to start with a small number of quails that will walk in the garden, after which they will gradually reach 400 pieces. If the bird is egg-bearing, it will produce up to 25 eggs, respectively, this number of quails per month will give 8000 eggs, and even taking into account small losses, the number will be impressive. The annual income will be about 400 thousand, but if we talk about net profit, then it is less. It is easy to learn how to care for quails, clean up after them, feed and carry out all the manipulations simply. Finding suppliers is more difficult, but if the sale improves, the birds will bring income, and even have to expand the territory.

Quail business is a responsible business, you will have to work a lot with your hands on the farm, while not knowing holidays, weekends and holidays. You should not let strangers into the farm, as quails get used to one owner and worry about strangers. Each entrepreneur uses developed and proven technologies and own experience for care and breeding.

Quail eggs are valued, because they belong to the treasury of minerals and vitamins, so the demand for them is huge:

  1. Eggs are consumed raw and are not afraid that salmonellosis will appear.
  2. Birds are not capricious, but are afraid of drafts.
  3. If the farm is large, then it is better to make ventilation of the automatic type, and heating through the water system. This will save energy, and the air will not dry out.

If you want to increase ROI, but there are no sales, lower costs.

Self-manufacturing necessary equipment will save tens of thousands of dollars.

Cooking your own feed will also save a certain amount of money, but it is important to make feed mixtures fresh and balanced. Cells are simple inventory that is easy to make, and you don’t even have to think about it.

Features of registration of a subsidiary farm

Today, attention is paid to legal business, therefore subsidiary farm better to register. This is done simply. When contacting the administration, a personal subsidiary plot is drawn up. The administration will tell you in which cases registration of a farm is required, and in which individual entrepreneurship.

Having passed the initial stage, there is no doubt in the future success. Before investing in a business, evaluate the profitability and determine whether there will be demand and whether the cost will pay off. A low-calorie product suitable for women and nursing mothers. For greater effectiveness, exotic breeds are presented. Not recommended to keep together different birds. own pasture in summer season will allow the birds to get everything they need. Payback business, average investment and inexpensive content are obvious pluses. An economically profitable enterprise will appeal to lovers of animals and birds.

Quail is a royal bird. However, today such a luxury is available to almost everyone. The well-known value of this breed of the chicken family lies in the dietary low-allergenic meat and the legendary benefits of quail eggs. Modern conditions make it possible to breed quails almost in industrial volumes and according to affordable prices. Population craze in a healthy way life and proper nutrition- this is the very chance to profitably sell the right and useful product. Familiarize yourself with the theory and move on to the practice of breeding these birds for business. There is no doubt - the benefits are obvious!

business concept

The quail business is young and quite promising. The occupation of these birds involves growing either for meat or for the purpose of breeding eggs. You will need enthusiasm and initial financial investments. But don't let that worry you - the return will please you. Do not doubt the profitability - poultry farmers claim a figure of 200% per year. These are the golden birds.

Before getting to the heart of the matter, consider the pros of the quail business and the possible risks.

Benefits of a quail business:

Business Models

All cultivated species of quail are conditionally divided according to the specifics:

  • meat breeds;
  • egg breeds.

Breeding birds for meat

Quail meat breeds are popular with poultry farmers. In 2.5–3 months, with proper care, they gain enough mass for slaughter. On average, females gain 330 grams, males - 300 grams. But egg production is rather weak (only 150 eggs per year).

Individuals are taken for fattening from 30 days of age. This group includes males, culled females, specially reared young and birds that have passed the productive stage of egg production.

Famous meat breeds of quails in our country: "Pharaoh", "American albinos", "Texas giants". All of them are more demanding for care and maintenance than quails of egg breeds.

Meat breeds of birds are placed in small cages or aviaries. In order for the birds to gain the desired weight for right time You also need to feed them properly. If proper care and fattening is organized, tender dietary meat in the planned quantity is guaranteed.

Meat quail - video

Raising quails for eggs

Quail begins to lay eggs from 30-40 days. With proper care, one bird gives up to 25 eggs per month. Increased egg production is seen in birds that are kept either at home or on a farm. But when placing birds in nature, egg production is low: up to 100 eggs per year. The weight of one quail egg is 10 grams.

Quail eggs have a fragile shell. Nature itself took care of the weak chicks, making it easier to leave the walls of their first home.

You can wait for high egg production from quails for up to 10 months, after which they grow old and rush much less often. Not always, but they can be carried until they reach 30 months.

Eggs can only be carried by female quails without the participation of a male. In this case, the eggs will be infertile, and do not expect chicks from them.

At home, birds observe a peculiar egg-laying schedule. Almost like work week: 5 days carry, 2 days rest.

They place egg quails in cage batteries, ensuring proper feeding, ventilation, lighting and a comfortable temperature.

The most popular egg breeds are: "Japanese quail", "English black quail", "Estonian quail".

Estonian quail - video

Setting up a business: a profitable plan

With a far-reaching approach to raising quails, you should start with official registration. For the successful sale of goods to large retail chains, you will need documents confirming the quality of eggs and carcasses.

The most suitable economic forms for a quail business are LLC or IP.

Forms of business and required documents - table.

If you plan to sell eggs on the market, you will need to obtain a veterinary certificate.

The consumer of quail eggs or meat must be sure of the excellent quality of the product. To enter a large sales market, it is not enough to issue a veterinary certificate. A serious wholesale buyer will ask you for an additional set of documents:

  • Certificate of conformity
  • Obtaining the original barcode for products
  • Acquisition or self-writing specifications(THAT).

When using packaging, a certificate of conformity for this very packaging is useful.

You will have to do microbiological studies of quail eggs, which will be displayed in the corresponding act.

Now you are a thorough seller and you can count on excellent sales.

Farm opening

Room selection

The issue of choosing a room must be approached with responsibility, whether it is rented or own. Clearly compare the possibilities of the premises and the requirements for the care and maintenance of quails.

Here are the space requirements:

  • Comfortable temperature inside the room (the norm is 20 ° C, but fluctuations of 18–25 ° C are acceptable).
  • Humidity (at the level of 50-60%).

In dry air, quail eat worse, drink a lot of liquid. At the same time, egg production decreases, the appearance of birds worsens. This condition in quails happens either in the summer in the heat, or with excessive heating in the room. The conclusion is to humidify the air as much as possible (you can place pallets with water on the floor).

  • Fresh air. His entry should not be end-to-end. Quails suffer greatly from drafts, and this will first of all result in large-scale baldness of birds. Not only is there no aesthetic appearance, it is also accompanied by a decrease in egg production with the likelihood of a case. By scientific approach in winter, 1.5 cubic meters should be supplied. fresh air per 1 kg of birds, and in summer - 5 cubic meters.
  • Lighting. There are no clear requirements for the presence of windows. It's even better if they don't. For the productive keeping of birds, daylight hours last 18 hours a day. Lighting is provided by incandescent lamps (40 W) or dim fluorescent lamps.

With round-the-clock lighting, egg production increases by 85%, but females wear out quickly and often require replacement. Bright light causes aggression in birds.

  • Sufficient area for placement of quails. For egg breeds, the following ratio is sufficient: 20 birds per 2.2 square meters. area. For meat breeds, the placement is denser: 30–40 heads per 3.6 sq.m.

Quail equipment (maintenance and care)

bird cages

Quail cages have clear design requirements. Farmers buy ready-made or make their own. The second way is cheaper.

To save space in the room, it is practical to install cellular batteries in several tiers.

The walls of the cells are made of fine-mesh mesh, the frame is made of wooden blocks. Mandatory presence of feeders, drinkers, egg collectors for quail egg breeds.

Only the allowed number of birds are placed in the cage. Everything that is above the norm or below the norm does not contribute to the productive maintenance of livestock.

If you are preparing to keep a herd of 1.5 thousand heads, then you will need 6 six-tier cage batteries (when placing 45 adult birds in one cage).

The top of the cage is also meshed to prevent bird strikes.

Each farmer can make cages on his own. The drawing of their design is simple, inexpensive Construction Materials: plywood, wooden blocks, metal fine mesh. The cost of one purchased cell battery will cost up to 10 thousand rubles. Here's the benefit.

Bird breeding incubators

It so happened that cultivated female quails have lost the instinct to hatch offspring. It is impossible to breed quail offspring without the help of an incubator.

The choice of an incubator depends primarily on the planned egg capacity. There are household, farm (1-3 thousand eggs) and industrial (up to 50 thousand eggs) on sale.

Proper selection of eggs for incubation is important. Checking each egg with an ovoscope is welcome. It is not necessary to buy such a device, you can make it yourself.

Each egg is important to inspect before laying in the incubator. Here are the main criteria for verification:

  • Egg weight (for egg breeds - 10 grams, for meat breeds - 14 grams). Small fluctuations of 1-2 grams are acceptable.
  • No cracks, strong roughness.
  • Egg color (moderate in variegation and fading).
  • Location of the air chamber (the egg is not suitable if the chamber is located on the side of the sharp end of the egg or on the side).
  • Number of yolks (one).
  • The correct shape of the egg (eggs of non-standard shape are rejected).

Checking quail eggs - video

Buying eggs for incubation

To reproduce the livestock of quails, the farm keeps its own breeding herd. If there is no such herd, then eggs for incubation will have to be bought.

When buying eggs for incubation, it is important to be sure that the seller is honest. Some egg distributors allow in-breeding of females, thereby reducing the egg fertilization rate by up to 40%. Young animals in this case are frail and painful.

Eggs of females older than eight months are used exclusively for food, they are not suitable for incubation.

Eggs older than 7 days should not be placed in the incubator due to the high risk of loss of offspring.

Eggs of meat and barn breeds for laying in an incubator are selected by weight:

  • for meat breeds 12-16 grams;
  • for egg breeds 9-11 grams.

Eggs must be clean. Otherwise, they should be cleared. Washing is prohibited! You can gently wipe the dirt with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, do not wipe dry, but let it dry.

You should not discount the fact that if the parent stock was not properly maintained, then the offspring will experience all the negative consequences of such care.

In order not to start your business with a bad experience, take care to purchase high-quality incubation material.

pen removal machine

Depending on the volume of poultry farming, an additional feather removal machine is purchased. This device will reduce time costs and greatly simplify manual labor.

Types of drinkers

For only hatched chicks and up to 20 days of age, nipple drinkers are used. The advantages of these drinkers: high speed water delivery, protection against dirt and spillage.

For older birds, special nipple drinkers with a 360-degree rotation angle are suitable. The bird presses the drinker from all sides and receives water.

Vacuum shelves are a plastic bucket with a special ring on it. This ring is the drinker. This species is suitable for outdoor quail keeping.

Microcup drinker. Most often used in automated lines. If a special tongue is in the water, its supply to the drinker stops.


In such a business as raising quails, more than ever, the phrase sounds true: "Cadres decide everything." And if not all, then a lot.

A farm can be created by members of the same family. In this case, family members are one team, and everyone is equally interested in the profitability of the common business. All duties are distributed according to the possibility of their implementation among the members of such a team.

Otherwise, you have to hire staff to care for the bird, especially if the farm has more than one thousand heads. You will need services:

  • Bird care workers. One worker may well look after 1 thousand birds.

It is important that the workers are balanced people and treat quails with warmth. When caring for birds, you have to be extremely attentive to the manifestation of any changes in the poultry house, to respond in time to negative factors. The worker will have to use all the senses in order to notice changes in the characteristics of the life of birds: smell, hearing, sight, touch.

  • A manager who will try to sell all the products of your poultry farm.
  • Accountant. In the process of doing economic activity there are many questions with customers and government authorities, which are best left to a specialist.

And, in general, approach the choice of frames carefully, because it depends on them how far your ship will sail.

Buying birds

If you decide to buy a bird, and not eggs for incubation, then you should contact the quail farm. You can not only personally communicate with quail sellers, but also collect necessary information about their integrity. According to the experience of experienced poultry farmers, you should not blindly trust the seller in selecting birds for your farm. If you do not understand young quails, then it is better to take someone more experienced to help.

The selection of quails for purchase is done as follows:

  • A bird is selected that has laid at least one egg (50 days from birth). The presence of egg production is the first sign that you have a female quail in front of you;
  • Pay attention to the legs of quails. They should shine, be free of growths and corns;
  • if you are examining a female, pay attention to the oviduct (it should not fall out);
  • in young birds, the feather is smooth, shiny, without bald spots;
  • healthy bird activity.

Be sure to ask the seller for advice on how to handle the bird. A caring poultry breeder will definitely help you.

Quail Care

Proper quail care includes the following work:

  • Periodically (as far as severe contamination) all cell batteries must be thoroughly washed from stubborn dirt. To do this, the cells are either soaked in water or a special solution is applied to soak the dirt. Then all the dirt is washed off with a stream of water with strong pressure.
  • All drinkers, feeders, water supply systems for drinking bowls are disinfected and thoroughly washed (1 time per month).
  • Sanitization of the locations of cell batteries is carried out (1 time per month).
  • Every day it is worth cleaning the cage trays from droppings, crushed eggs.
  • do once a week general cleaning poultry house.
  • Disinfection of cages and incubators is allowed to be carried out using a quartz lamp.

Quail feeding

Complete feeding is the key to the rapid development of birds. Do not try to save money on feeding quails, this is a bad idea. In a short time, such optimization leads only to irreparable losses.

The feed must contain all the necessary components for the growth and development of birds. A novice farmer is quite capable of preparing it on his own.

First, let's talk about ready-made food. They are considered balanced and save you time.

The purchased feed consists of half grains, and the rest is additives, taking into account the age of the livestock.

Strictly adhere to the feeding rate for 1 individual according to the instructions for the feed. Underfeeding and overfeeding are highly undesirable.

Ready feed for early ages in the first days of life it is worth soaking with water.

Examples of feed for early ages and their composition - table.

Examples of compound feed for adults and their composition - table.

You can make your own bird food. It will not differ in any way from the purchased one in terms of usefulness and value, and even surpass it. Quails are picky in food, but in any case, the value of food should not be lost.

So, for self-prepared feed for young animals (from 0 to 30 days) you will need:

  • 770 gr wheat;
  • 300 gr corn kernels;
  • 75 gr barley.

Mix and crush the grain!

  • 1/3 teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • 1/3 teaspoon bone meal.
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt and ALL MIX.

This amount of the mixture is enough to feed one quail for 1 month. When calculating the feed per bird, it is required to multiply each component of the mixture by the number of birds.

To prepare food for adult quails, you will need to mix:

  • 770 gr corn kernels (thoroughly dried);
  • 300 gr wheat;
  • 75 gr dry peas.

Shatter everything!

  • 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • 2/3 tablespoon of table salt;
  • 2/3 tablespoon of chalk;
  • 2/3 tablespoon of crushed shells.

Mix the mixture thoroughly. The resulting mass is enough to feed one adult for one month. Multiply these figures by the number of birds.

You can feed not only 100% ready-made food, but also add supplements to the food yourself. For very small chicks - up to 10 days old - you can add chopped grass, low-fat cottage cheese (knead well), yogurt, an egg.

Young animals are allowed to eat up to 5-6 times a day, older birds 2-3 times.

Weekly quails eat 3-4 grams of feed per day, at the age of one month 15-25 grams. Males eat less food than females.

Young Animal Care - Video

Quail development cycle from birth to a month - video

Sales preparation

Bird slaughter

Before slaughtering quails, you should not feed for 5 hours. But give plenty to drink.

For convenience, it is best to use an automated line to give the slaughtered bird a marketable appearance. In the process of passing through such a line, the bird is decapitated in a certain neck area, bled, and heat treated (55 degrees). Further, limbs are cut off on a special machine.

The plumage is removed from the carcasses in a special centrifugal-type feathering machine (the plumage is removed up to 97%).

Chilled carcasses are stored at a temperature of 0 - +4 degrees Celsius for up to 4 days, after which they are frozen. So that they do not stick together, each can be wrapped with parchment. Frozen carcasses are stored at -18 for up to three months. At the same time, they do not lose their taste properties.

Egg collection

Freshly laid quail eggs are carefully collected in convenient containers (plastic, cardboard) of 10, 12, 14 pieces. Eggs in a plastic container should "breathe" freely. There must be partitions between each egg. Eggs are laid blunt end up.

The collected eggs are stored at a temperature of +2 - +10 for up to 25 days.

Growing quails at home

The smell from the bird is quite sharp, so you should take care of the timely replacement of the bedding (paper, clean sand).

If you intend to grow quails at home profitably, then we will talk about cages suitable for farming.

You can place cages in outbuildings. Walls and floors are whitewashed with quicklime to kill potentially dangerous microbes.

You can use a cellular battery to save floor space. Indoor conditions are similar to those of a farm (temperature, humidity, feed fixtures). Quails are fed by analogy with farming.

It is permissible to keep quails in the home room, on the balcony of the apartment, while creating suitable conditions (sound insulation, thermal insulation, no harsh noise, dim light, no direct sunlight).

A livestock of 1 thousand birds may well be looked after by 1 person. You can raise poultry at home for eggs and meat.

Now consider an example of the economic benefits of breeding quails at home.

You can breed overfishing for eggs and meat. We make cages, feeders, drinkers on our own - it's more profitable. At first you will try yourself in this business at no additional cost, and with the first profit, you may want to improve everything.

You choose which quails of what age you want to buy. You can buy birds different ages so that one species already lays eggs and begins to pay for your project. Broiler quails will give you the opportunity to eat environmentally friendly dietary meat, as well as provide relatives, friends, neighbors with such a valuable product (of course, with benefits).

To accommodate 100 quails, you will have to allocate 0.5 square meters. m. of floor space (using a cellular battery of 2-3 tiers).

Initial expenses - table.

Monthly expenses - table.

Monthly income, taking into account the fact that the entire population is egg-bearing - a table.

Net profit per month will be 1790 rubles from 100 birds. The optimal number of quails in cramped conditions (apartment) 500 - 1 thousand heads.

And for a private farmstead, the scope of the case can be done much more - up to 2.5 thousand quails.

It is unlikely that you will become a large breeder with such a population of birds, but you will earn a comfortable life.

Sales of products

The farm should establish regular sales of quail eggs for a number of reasons. This product is perishable, requires special conditions storage and transportation.

Well-established sales are a guarantee of your prosperity.

Here are some ways to market products you can take into account:

  • Sale on the market in a specially designated place. Possible long term rental for subsequent recognition of your products in the market.
  • Sales of eggs through a store, retail chains (possibly in bulk).
  • Opening your own website, where you can not only talk about your products, but also find a real wholesale buyer.
  • Selling directly from the poultry farm.
  • Contract for the supply of quality products to restaurants, cafes, canteens.

If you are an amateur poultry farmer, then sales can be organized in the same market, through friends and acquaintances. You will need a veterinary certificate for the products.

advertising question

  • Internet (sites of free/paid ads);
  • newspapers (ads, advertising modules, articles about your poultry farm);
  • rental of banners in passage places;
  • distribution / mailboxes of information leaflets;
  • creating your own website with a maximum of useful information about your products;
  • informing through social networks;
  • leave your notes and comments on the forums;
  • Word of mouth is a win-win.

A small farm allows you to keep quails almost at home. Don't forget to emphasize this in your ad!

Costs and income. Profitability calculation

Let's consider an example of expenses and incomes when keeping 1 thousand heads of quails.

One-time costs - table

Monthly expenses - table.

Monthly income - table.

We begin to receive profit from the end of the first month.

The daily income with the maximum allowance for all costs is 1250 rubles, and this is taking into account the hired worker for the livestock of 1 thousand birds. Such work can be done independently, then the profit, respectively, will be higher. But to develop your own business, you will have to devote a lot of time to advertising and organizational issues (rent trading places, search for consumers, conclusion of supply contracts).

The quail business is quickly paid back, profitability (taking into account the payback of all costs) for 1 year will be 130%.

It is logical that with an increase in livestock, with a competent approach, profits will increase in proportion.

Recently, such a branch of agriculture as quail breeding has been very popular. It is generally accepted that such a business is based solely on the sale of eggs, however, this is not entirely true.

Quails are also valued for healthy dietary meat, fluff and other qualities. Poultry farmers use quail breeding as a business. Whether or not such an investment is profitable, we will consider in the article.

Why it is worth breeding quail

When starting your own business, first you need to decide what you need market. One of the largest industries is food industry. The market is full of various food products, therefore, to start a business, you need to find a niche, the demand for whose products is large, however, there are few such goods offered.

Such a niche can be confidently called quail business. The demand for products in this area is huge today, but the buyer sees on the shelves limited quantity goods. So is it profitable to breed quails?

Experienced businessmen assure: quail breeding is also profitable because almost everything is used. Nowhere are the paws and beaks of birds used. Raising quail as a business has many benefits. Quail breeding involves the sale of eggs and other products:

  1. Quail meat. The product is highly valued for its nutritional properties. Quail meat is considered dietary due to its low fat content and high levels of nutrients.
  2. Eggs. It is believed that quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs. Regular use has a positive effect on the state of the body: rejuvenates the skin, strengthens the immune system. In addition to the vitamins found in eggs, this product is also hypoallergenic.
  3. Feather. The sale of quail down also gives a considerable profit. Feather is a natural material for stuffing pillows.
  4. Litter. It is considered the most valuable fertilizer for the soil and is highly valued in agriculture or at home plantings.
  5. Bones. The ground quail bones are used as a calcium supplement for livestock. You can also feed the quails themselves with this product as a healthy complementary food.

Action plan

In order for the business to bear fruit and not become a waste of time, before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan. There is no clear scheme for compiling such a guide. The plan should contain the main points and reflect the sequence of steps.

To begin with, it is necessary to decide what direction will be production. Quail breeding is often found as a business for the production of meat, but also for the sale of eggs. To determine which industry will be more profitable, it is advised to combine both types at the initial stage of building a business.

In order for a business to generate income, products must be sold. Today, the products do not enjoy a huge demand, so it is necessary to look for regular customers. In addition to agreements with supermarket chains, it is necessary to artificially “ignite” consumer interest. For these purposes, both advertising and various exhibitions and sales of products are suitable.

Another one promising industry- service sector. Cafes, restaurants or sanatoriums serve as an excellent market for quail products.

Poultry farmers call breeding the most profitable sales channel young animals and selling it to existing quail farms. The demand for chicks does not fade depending on the season, so the profit from such sales can be called constant.

The choice of breed for breeding

So, the outline of the business plan is ready, the purpose of breeding is also known. Now you need to decide on quail breed. Each species has its own characteristics, so you need to carefully consider which bird is suitable for the future economy.

There are two directions of quail breeds: broiler and egg-bearing. A business plan for a quail farm can combine breeding of both.


The Texas quail was bred as meat breeds. Therefore, the maintenance of such a bird primarily involves the fattening of the "livestock".

Outwardly, Texas quails are characteristically “fleshy”: a well-defined chest, a rounded physique. Limbs, neck and tail are short. Birds are large species. The breed is also called the white giant.

The average individual brings about 250 grams of meat. At correct fattening from a bird, you can achieve a weight of half a kilogram. Mostly males go for fattening. Overweight females cannot lay eggs. Egg production in the Texas breed is small. However, even a beef breed can produce 280 eggs per year.

When fattening poultry, it is necessary to follow the rules and choose the right diet, since the purpose of rearing is to get meat, not fat.


Manchu birds have a golden hue of the feather. They belong to the universal meat-egg species. They have a small egg production, however, the egg is much larger than that of representatives of other breeds. One female brings about 180 eggs per year.

The average carcass weight is 300-350 grams. Total weight depends from the conditions of detention and diet of quail.

- meat-type quail. They have an appearance similar to their wild relatives. Females are much larger than males, and weigh about 300 grams. The advantage of the breed is that by the age of two months the bird is gaining sufficient weight for slaughter.

Female starts laying eggs at the age of 45 days. The first of the eggs are unsuitable for incubation. Good feeding contributes to the production of 200 eggs in one year.

California breed

california the bird is a rather difficult breed in terms of breeding, so these quails have not received distribution. Breeding the breed makes sense only from a decorative point of view, and does not bring profit as such.


Japanese breed quail includes both meat and egg species, as well as universal individuals. An adult weighs 150 grams, which is an average. The egg production of females is quite high. One quail produces more than 300 eggs throughout the year.


Large sized bird characteristic white sternum plumage and brown body. The females of the breed weigh 180 grams, and the males reach 150.

Breeding this breed is more decorative character. However, females have good productivity: 280 eggs per year.


Bird breeding can be done even in a small area. Even a medium-sized suburban area is suitable for this spruce.

unpretentious regarding the conditions of detention, and also do not incur large costs. It is also worth noting that bird eggs are not susceptible to infection. salmonellosis therefore suitable for consumption even raw.

The most profitable quails as a business are those related to meat and eggs, so beginner poultry farmers are advised to take a closer look at such breeds.

Quail egg incubation

When breeding quails, a business plan should take into account an important nuance: during the formation of breeds, females spent the ability to incubate eggs.

Therefore, for breeding young animals, you will need incubator– special equipment for a quail farm. Such a device can be either made with your own hands or purchased in a store. A medium-sized incubator holds about 400 eggs. Subject to the rules of incubation, the number of young animals will be high. The duration of the procedure is 17 days. On day 1, incubation ends.

Rules for growing young animals at home:

  • The temperature in the incubator should be between 38-38.5 degrees and be stable. Temperature fluctuations are excluded.
  • Air humidity must be maintained within 50%.
  • Special equipment is used to measure temperature and humidity.
  • After all the chicks have hatched, it is necessary to select the temperature empirically, observing their behavior. If the babies in the brooder lie in a pile, then it is necessary to increase the temperature. Under comfortable conditions in the brooder, the chicks sleep on barrels with outstretched paws.
  • After two weeks, the temperature should be lowered to 25 degrees. When the babies reach the age of one month, the temperature can be reduced to normal - 20-23 degrees.
  • For the first two weeks, the chicks need light, so the light regime is maintained around the clock. After 15 days, the chicks are transferred to normal mode.
  • Quail breeding requires moderate lighting. It is noticed that when the light is too bright, the birds begin to peck at each other. To prevent fights, it is recommended to use dimmed red lamps in the equipment.

Quail feeding

Mini farm for quails provides maintenance of both adults and young. Chicks need to be fed quality food. You can use compound feed or boiled eggs. Also, from the very first days, young animals must be provided with vitamins and minerals.

It is important to ensure that the food is always fresh. Food leftovers should not be left in the brooder as the hot environment encourages microbial growth. Pecking at spoiled food, chicks can get poisoned.

Complete nutrition for chicks can enter from the fourth day. Also during this period, you can give the kids chopped corn porridge.

During the second and third weeks, it is better to feed the chicks only with compound feed. As a complementary food is allowed:

  • a small amount of carrots
  • greenery,
  • meat products.

All pieces of food necessary grind. The chicks should be fed from vacuum drinkers of a suitable size.

Water is only used boiled. Young animals often drown in drinking bowls, so small pebbles must be placed on their bottom.

On day 20, you can transfer the chicks to adult food.

To reduce the cost of compound feed, quail mini farms take out feeders outside of the cell. The bird feeds by sticking its head through the bars of the cage. The method is especially relevant for females, because when they become obese, they stop laying eggs.

Females are best fed with specialized laying hen food. You also need to add mineral supplements to their diet: chalk, sand or shells and a vegetable component: greens, fruits, carrots.

The feeding scheme for adult quails provides for three meals a day with the calculation of 30 grams of food per quail. Overfeeding egg-bearing females is not only not necessary, but also categorically undesirable.

Fattening meat species

Quail farm as a business will bring considerable income if fattening poultry for the purpose of selling meat.

When the chicks reach age puberty, they are separated. Males and rejected females are sent for "meat" fattening. Needed for fattening for meat special conditions content: the temperature is considered optimal at about 22 degrees, and the light is dimmed.

meat breeds fed four times a day. A little more food is required. In the morning feeding, greens and herbal ingredients are added to the feed. Grain feed should be added to the evening diet.

Fattening lasts about two months. Slaughter becomes possible when poultry reaches the required weight. Before slaughter, quails are kept on a hunger strike for six hours. Only drinking from drinkers is allowed.

In winter, it is necessary to keep quails in special cells. This must be taken into account when building a quail farm with your own hands. For easy cleaning, they are equipped with a mesh floor. The temperature on the quail farm should be around 16 degrees. Temperature fluctuations adversely affect egg production.

For fattening poultry, the best temperature is considered to be 22 degrees Celsius.

Under the wrong conditions, birds are susceptible to a number of diseases, and acts of cannibalism may also occur. A poor-quality diet can provoke problems such as oviduct prolapse, feather loss, apathy, loss of appetite and lethargy in birds.

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