Directions for the development of international tourism. The main trends in the development of modern tourism. "The main trends in the development of world tourism"

1) The essence and significance of tourism.

Tourism(from the French “walk”, trip) is a free time travel, one of the types of outdoor activities, common in most countries of the world. Nowadays tourism is a whole industry. An industry that includes a number of different organizations and enterprises involved in the organization of tourist recreation, providing the consumer with a variety of recreation services.

Tourism- a socio-economic phenomenon - the rest of the population on a journey outside their permanent place of residence.

Tourists- these are persons traveling for any purpose, except for finding work and changing their permanent place of residence, with a period of stay outside their place of residence of at least 24 hours (less than 24 hours - a sightseer).

According to this definition, tourists are also persons who travel for the purpose of business trips, visiting symposiums, recreation, treatment, entertainment, study, for family and religious reasons.

This definition, put forward at the UN conference in 1954, confirmed by the UN Rome Conference on Tourism and Excursions in 1963, serves as the basis for international tourism statistics and for determining tourism customs law.

Tourist recreation is characterized by the following functions:

liberation of the individual from the feeling of fatigue through a contrasting change of environment and type of activity;

providing recreational opportunities for travelers. This includes getting to know the area, its inhabitants, organizing concerts, sports and other events ( leisure);

Presentation of opportunities for personal development, expansion of the cognitive horizon, creative and organizational activities - a humanitarian function (active cognition and manifestation of personality). In connection with these functions, tourism is able to have an active impact on the economy of the region in which it develops, on its social and humanitarian foundations.

The importance of tourism in the world is constantly growing, which is associated with the influence of tourism on the economy of a particular country: tourism expands contributions to the country's balance of payments, provides employment for the population, contributes to the diversification of the economy, as well as the rational use of recreational resources

Types and forms of tourism, their characteristics, the main criteria for classification.

The significance of the classification of tourism as a special phenomenon is determined by what signs it is based on. Depending on their choice, there are different types, types and forms of tourism.

First of all, tourism can be divided into international and domestic.

international tourism covers trips for tourism purposes outside the country of permanent residence. Traveling abroad, as a rule, requires compliance with certain tourist formalities. This is the issuance of foreign passports and visas, the passage customs procedures, currency and medical control. Simplification or tightening of tourist formalities has a direct impact on development international tourism. Tourist formalities associated with crossing state borders are an integral part of international tourism and act as its main feature. The deeper the differences in the monetary systems of states, the greater the obstacles to the free movement of people between countries, the greater the language barriers that separate peoples, the more significant the differences between international and domestic tourism.

Another feature of international tourism is economic in nature and is revealed through the impact that international tourism has on the country's balance of payments. Foreign tourists, paying for goods and services, ensure the flow of currency into the budget of the host country and thereby activate its balance of payments. Therefore, the arrival of foreign tourists is called active tourism. On the contrary, the departure of tourists is expressed in the outflow of the national currency from the country of their permanent residence. International payments for tourism operations of this kind are recorded in the liabilities of the balance of payments of the country - the supplier of tourists, and tourism itself is called passive.

The division into active and passive, based on the characteristics of reflection financial results tourism activities in the balance of payments, is inherent only in international tourism and does not apply to domestic tourism. This division is inextricably linked with two other forms of international tourism - entry And visiting, which differ in the direction of the tourist flow. The same tourist may be classified as entering and leaving at the same time, depending on the country in relation to which the movement is described. There is a distinction between the country of origin of the tourist, which he leaves for the purpose of travel, and the country of destination, where he arrives. In the first case, we are talking about outbound tourism, in the second case, inbound tourism. These terms are used in relation to foreign travel at the beginning of a trip. On the way back, the tourist simply returns home.

Unlike international interior tourism is the migration flows of people within the country of permanent residence for the purpose of recreation, satisfaction of cognitive interests, sports and other tourist purposes. It does not involve crossing the state border and, therefore, does not require compliance with tourist formalities. The national currency, used daily, continues to be a means of circulation, and the native language of a tourist is a means of communication. Such trips are relatively easy to arrange. Therefore, it is no coincidence that they account for 80-90% of all tourist trips, and the cost of domestic tourism is 5-10 times higher than the cost of international tourism.

Despite significant differences, international and domestic tourism are closely related. Domestic tourism acts as a kind of catalyst for international tourism. It contributes to the development of new recreational resources and regions, the creation of basic tourism infrastructure, training; specialists and thereby assists the process of harmonious integration of countries into the international tourism industry.

The question of the classification of tourism, based on the purpose of travel, remains debatable. Researchers disagree on the sectoral composition of tourism. At the same time, most authors are unanimous on the main point and distinguish between travel for the purpose of entertainment and recreation, on the one hand, and business tourism, on the other. In order to give the classification of tourism some orderliness, aiming primarily at didactic tasks, we will use the scheme proposed in the work of I. Yu. Alexandrova: “International tourism”, and on the basis of this we will consider some of the most complete classification of tourism (see Fig. 5) .

Tourism development factors

Tourist flows are closely related to tourist reception centers, depending on a number of natural (geographical location, climate, etc.) and humanitarian factors (history, social behavior, habits, etc.). The confluence of tourist flows in certain geographical areas, due to their attractiveness, forms tourist centers that economically and socially influence these flows.

Tourist flows- a set of groups of tourists who are sent to special centers for the purpose of spending free time, leisure, travel.

In the 1980s the following tourist flows have developed:

§ meridional (North-South) - from Northern and Central Europe to the Mediterranean Sea and Africa; eastern - from Western Europe to the Middle East and Asia;

§ Atlantic - from Western Europe to North America; from North America to Europe; from North America to Central and South America;

§ Asian - from Japan to Europe and America; from other Asian countries to neighboring countries;

§ Pacific - from Australia and New Zealand to Europe and North America; from Japan to the Pacific Rim.

According to the degree of intensity, tourist flows (according to D.V. Nikolaenko) are distributed as follows:

§ trips to the countries of their socio-cultural system (SCS);

§ trips to countries in the buffer zone adjacent to their SCS;

§ trips to the countries of other SCSs;

§ trips to countries in the buffer zone that are not adjacent to their SCS.

The most intensive tourist flows pass through the territory of their SCS; This is true for all SCSs.

In Russia, the tourist flow in domestic tourism at distances of more than 1000 km has a stable predominantly (70%) western direction - from the regions of the Urals, Siberia, the Far North and Far East to the main tourist regions and centers of the country - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar Territory. Tourist trips over a distance of up to 500 km create hotbeds of tourist traffic around the country's largest cities - Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk. Omsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, which determines the high share of intra-regional tourism in the densely populated industrial centers of Russia.

In order for the flows to pass through a certain tourist center, it is necessary to have territorial combinations of attractiveness factors in this center and the surrounding tourist space.

The presence of favorable factors leads to the leadership of individual regions and countries in world tourism, and undesirable factors reduce the tourist flow.

The main factors influencing the development of tourism are divided into two groups:

§ static, which have a constant value over time. This group primarily includes the recreational and resource potential of the territory, expressed in the quantity and quality of natural and cultural and historical resources;

§ dynamic- political, socio-demographic, financial and economic, material and technical. It should also be noted that the stereotype of a person's life has changed from static to dynamic, and this phenomenon is widespread.

Natural and climatic factors - tourists are attracted by rich and diverse natural and recreational resources, indented coastline and the presence of a large number of bays, gulfs, inland seas, kilometers of sea beaches, a dense river network, mosaic landscapes and a combination of coastal and mountain landscapes in neighboring territories.

Cultural and historical factors are a variety of historical and architectural monuments, a high level of spiritual and material culture, a mosaic of national and confessional composition of the population, a high level of education, long-standing traditions of cultural and other ties both within the region and with other major regions of the world.

The attractiveness of recreation areas is determined primarily by these factors. It is no coincidence that warmer climates in the south have positive tourism/travel balances, while all northern countries, even the wealthy countries of Scandinavia, have negative balances. The value of historical and cultural resources increases with the growth of the level of education and the cognitive needs of people.

Geographic factor acts in all its varieties: physical and geographical position, on which the set of natural and recreational resources depends; economic and geographical position, especially in relation to the main tourist markets; transport and geographical position, the convenience of which is extremely attractive for tourists, geopolitical position, since proximity to the centers of international tension and, moreover, military conflicts, is perhaps the main “frightening” reason for tourists.

Political the situation in the country determines all other dynamic factors. Crises, political instability, militarization of the economy, tightening of tourist formalities, fluctuations in the exchange rate, etc. These are the consequences of government policy.

An important political factor is the policy pursued by the state in the field of interstate and intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in the field of tourism and other international economic relations.

Special Policy state in relation to tourism is manifested in the establishment of norms for tourism activities, planning, advertising, control over tourism through administrative bodies.

Tourism policy is closely related to the political regime of the country and defines three levels of state intervention:

§ complete intervention - establish states of a totalitarian type, where there are no democratic freedoms, the initiative of the private sector is not shown. The state monopolizes all functions of tourism activities;

§ partial intervention - observed in most democratic countries characterized by active economic activity.

State through organizational structures interferes to a greater or lesser extent in the conduct of tourism activities and exercises control over it, leaving the private sector the freedom to create enterprises in the service sector based on market economy; small intervention - typical for political regimes that practically do not interfere in tourism activities, giving the initiative in this area to the private sector operating in a competitive market.

Socio-demographic factors- these are indicators such as age, employment, the presence of single people, childless couples, age tendencies to marry, retirement age, expansion of the social composition of tourists, the level of education, culture, aesthetic requirements of the population, an increase in the duration of paid leave, the ratio of material and spiritual needs in society, urbanization, etc.

Financial and economic factors - this is the economic situation in the country, financial stability, the level of income of the population, the share of funds allocated by society for tourism expenses, prices for goods, etc.

Logistical factors characterize the state and capabilities of the base tourism industry- means of accommodation, food, transport, recreation, trade, etc.

A specific feature of transport links is their integration character, as they turn the world into a single space. For international tourism, it is most important to provide links between multi-level means of transportation so that tourist travel does not have stops and breaks in transport communication. The most important characteristics transport infrastructure become the speed of movement, the level of safety of vehicles.

A special place in the tourism industry is occupied by accommodation and catering enterprises. The attractiveness of the region for tourists largely depends on the level of hotel and restaurant service. But the tourism industry, especially accommodation and catering enterprises, is subject to fluctuations in demand for tourist services during the year (seasonality), which leads to an increase in the cost of maintaining accommodation and catering enterprises and an increase in the cost of their services.

Based on these factors and analyzing the statistical data of the World Tourism Organization, it is possible to make a forecast for the further development of tourism.

The development of tourism across regions will be uneven: the highest rates are expected in Asia and the Pacific, in Europe and North America they will be below the global average.

Thus, in the near future, tourism will remain one of the most profitable areas of the world economy.

2) Organizational features of religious tourism

A tourist traveling for religious purposes is a person who travels outside the country of permanent residence for a period not exceeding six months to visit holy places and centers of religions.

Religious tourism is an independent type of tourism.

Religious tourism should be understood as activities related to the provision of services and satisfaction of the needs of tourists traveling to holy places and religious centers that are outside their usual environment.
Religious tourism is divided into two main types:
1 pilgrimage tourism;
2 religious tourism of excursion and educational orientation.
In pilgrimage tourism spiritual pilgrimage tourism stands out.

Pilgrimage tourism is a set of trips of representatives of various faiths for pilgrimage purposes. Pilgrimage is the desire of believers to bow to holy places. Pilgrimage presupposes a certain relation of a person to reality. The idea of ​​pilgrimage implies action in conditions of special difficulties, voluntarily undertaken obligations to be in these conditions. This symbolizes the readiness of a person to sacrifice transient material values in the name of the eternal spiritual. Hinduism, Orthodoxy and Catholicism have developed foot pilgrimages. People go on pilgrimages when ritual actions in places of their usual living environment are not enough for them.

As part of educational tours of a religious orientation it is planned to visit religious centers where sightseeing tourists will be able to see religious objects - active religious and memorial sites, visit museums and exhibitions. Tourists attend divine services, take part in religious processions, meditations, and other religious events. It should be borne in mind that sightseeing tourists, including representatives of other religions, may not get to all events.

From the point of view of tourist centers, religious tourism is close to scientific tourism of religious themes. Such trips are not numerous, but they expand the geography of tourist trips. Scientists are interested in religious heritage - manuscripts, various cult objects found, including through archaeological excavations, architectural forms of both modern and bygone religions, and much more. Researchers are sent to the centers of existing religions, countries and regions with rich religious traditions. In Russia there is an interest in the countries of the East - China, India, Japan. Places of disappeared religions are visited - Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and Italy, Central America.

In some cases, specialized tours are distinguished, in which pilgrims and sightseers are combined. Specialized tours are designed for at least three days with visits to religious shrines and architectural monuments of the past. Sometimes permission (blessing) is needed to organize such tours. Religious tourism and its varieties are represented by various forms

The difference between pilgrimage trips and religious excursion tours lies in the difference in their goal setting. From here come the peculiarities of accommodation and nutrition of tourists, the specifics of the excursion route, the choice of display objects, the content and form of presentation of the excursion itself.

The cognitive ones use the existing elements of the tourist infrastructure - hotels, etc. Educational tours of a religious orientation, unlike pilgrimage tours, are shorter, they are not timed to coincide with religious holidays, and both adults and children can participate in them. Tourists also visit religious sites during combined tours, in which the excursion component is only part of the program. For pilgrims, the excursion is secondary to certain cult activities. However, some tours involve both pilgrims and sightseers.

Excursion tours of a religious orientation are designed for at least three days with visits to religious shrines and architectural monuments of the past. Sometimes the organization of such tours requires the permission (blessing) of the abbot of the monastery.

If for a group of a religious excursion tour, accommodation in a hotel with an abundance of entertainment venues and modest meals in a restaurant or cafe on fasting days may not be significant in assessing the quality of the tour, then for a pilgrim this fact can negate all other efforts of the travel agency, create psychological discomfort and emotional stress . A pilgrimage tour, unlike a religious excursion tour, includes not only visiting and qualified inspection of temples, monasteries, holy places (sources, etc.), but also the real participation of the pilgrim in the religious life of a temple or monastery, the opportunity to attend worship. Religious-educational and pilgrimage tours combine, first of all, excursion trip routes and display objects, which often leads to a confusion of these categories, when any trip to a monastery is called a pilgrimage. At the same time, these tours have different goals, namely: the pilgrimage tour is primarily religiously motivated, the sightseeing tour is primarily educationally motivated. The difference in goals determines the difference in the choice and use of methodological methods of showing and telling, the style of communication with the group, the use of special vocabulary, etc.

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    In Western countries, in the field of tourism development, the use of franchising is widespread. An example is such world-famous companies as Radisson, Holiday Inns, Sheraton, etc.

    The main idea of ​​entering the network is the ability to connect to proprietary technologies management company. All parties to the franchise agreement must follow certain standards in financial, technological and administrative work. By definition, online trading requires maximum standardization in everything from the choice of suppliers to sales technologies.

    Special requirements are imposed on the quality of the tourist product, which must satisfy all project participants as much as possible. In an effort to keep their corporate secrets, management companies require their franchisees to fulfill the obligation not to enter other networks.

    The next trend in the development of the tourism services market in the world is to increase the level of state support for the tourism industry. So, today in many countries a regional brand of the tourist region is being formed, many states are assisting in the promotion of the tourism product of their country in the global tourism market.

    In modern conditions, private-public partnership is developing in the field of tourism, demonstrating various forms and models in different countries. It seems to us that, given the intensification of globalization processes, increased competition, this kind of partnership is necessary to promote the national tourism product to the international market, develop a marketing plan, carry out advertising activities, and co-finance tourism projects.

    Public-private partnership is also necessary to solve the problems of managing congestion in the most popular tourist travel destinations, improving the environmental situation, and coordinating the actions of state and non-state organizations in crisis situations.

    One of the main features of the development of modern tourism is the uneven distribution of international tourist flows in different regions and countries. Tourist flows are concentrated in several regions of the globe, their movement is mainly intraregional in nature. Tourist flows are mainly concentrated in Europe and Asia. At the same time, the role of the countries of the New World in tourist exchanges is increasing.

    Currently, the following proportions are observed: mass or group tourists make up 20-30% of the total number of tourists; the remaining 70-80% are individual tourists traveling to nearby countries. This ratio has been changing in recent years in favor of mass tourism, the reasons for which are as follows: a decrease in the number of consecutive vacation days and, at the same time, an increase in the frequency of vacations; low price of air transportation; an increase in the number of charters; increased interest of tour operators in mass tourism; search for new directions with great benefits; increasing the number of jobs in mass tourism; increase in the number of tourists traveling by bus.

    By the end of the XX century. there is a trend towards an increase in the length of stay during international travel and the number of trips made during the year. The first occurs mainly due to the number of elderly tourists, pensioners. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of short-term trips for weekends or 2-3 overnight stays in world tourism. This is due to young tourists seeking to break out on a trip for several days in order to avoid long breaks in work.

    There is an increase in the mobility of the population. Many have cars, they are easily removed from their seats and travel. Tourism spending has increased, travelers have begun to spend more money during travel. Now non-traditional accommodation facilities are popular - mountain chalets, hunting lodges, bungalows, etc. The tourist product is becoming more and more sophisticated.

    A characteristic feature of recent years has been the so-called integration (horizontal and vertical), i.e., the consolidation and active penetration of the capital of individual companies into foreign tourism markets through mergers or acquisitions of similar businesses or related (partner) companies.

    Horizontal integration is the consolidation and active penetration of the capital of individual companies into foreign tourism markets through mergers or acquisitions of homogeneous companies. This is especially evident in the hotel business. For example, everyone knows the widespread distribution of such hotel chains as Sheraton, Mariotte, Novotel, Sofitel, Hilton and others in various countries of the world. Large hotel corporations are actively penetrating foreign markets by acquiring property , franchise agreements, management contracts.

    There are currently over 3,000 hotel chains in North America and Europe with at least 10 members each. The rating of the largest of them is regularly published by the magazine "Hotels". He distinguishes three types of hotel chains: corporate companies, hotel management companies and associations of independent hotels.

    Vertical integration - consolidation and penetration of capital into foreign markets through mergers or acquisitions of companies in various areas of tourism services. This type integration in tourism can be considered on the example of the existing three European models: German, English and French.

    The processes of concentration proceed not only in the horizontal and vertical directions, but also diagonally. Unlike the first two, the diagonal type of integration, or diversification, involves the unification of functionally and technologically unrelated enterprises. Diversified, multi-sectoral formations have one important advantage. They create opportunities for mutual compensation risks, when the losses of some industries are covered from the profits of others.

    Thus, nowadays tourism is becoming more and more global. Many enterprises in the hospitality industry, uniting into large economic complexes, overcome the boundaries of individual states and entail the breaking of national barriers. In a short time interval, they have become a noticeable phenomenon in international life and, like threads, have entangled the world space. These new economic formations, corresponding to a higher level of concentration and centralization of production and capital, contribute to the approval and dissemination of international standards for tourism services.

    Modern tourism business cannot be imagined without appropriate information support. The development of even the simplest tour requires a large amount of information: knowledge of timetables and tariffs for international or domestic transportation, service prices, classiness of hotel and other tourist services. Previously, the company received this data from a collection of reference materials. She collected them, kept them and used them in her work. Gradually, multi-page dossiers were replaced by computer information technology.

    In past years, tourist demand was formed mainly under the influence of tourist supply, while at present the situation has changed to the opposite. In today's conditions of ever-increasing market saturation and a greater understanding of their needs by consumers, who also have more financial and temporary opportunities, demand determines the profitability of the offer. That is why a detailed and careful study and forecast of tourist demand is now needed in order to make it possible to form a corresponding tourist offer.

    The European region continues to be the main international center of educational tourism. Overall, however, there has been a steady decline specific gravity old tourism regions of Europe and America due to higher growth rates of the young tourism industry in East Asia and the Pacific region and, to a much lesser extent, other macro-regions. In total, Europe and America still concentrate 3/4 of the world tourist market.

    The second region of cultural and educational tourism is the Asia-Pacific region (APR). The exchange of cultural traditions for thousands of years determines the unique combination of unique architectural monuments and places of worship in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia will become the leader of international tourist arrivals not so much due to the development of medical and health-improving (resort) tourism as educational. At present, major international centers educational tourism are China, India, Thailand.

    The search for new experiences determines the increase in demand for tours to Africa and the Middle East. Combined tours are developing at a high pace in these regions, which are offered mainly to Morocco, Syria, South Africa, and Tunisia. However, the main part of the income comes from the organization of beach holidays (UAE, Egypt, Tunisia). The popularity of educational tours to such countries as Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and some others is gradually growing.

    One of the interesting trends in the development of international tourism can be the creation of special conditions for the development of tourism (accommodation, transportation, meals, travel programs, etc.), taking into account their national and religious characteristics. Such an approach will contribute to the development, for example, of "halal" tourism (tourism according to the laws of Islam) in the context of a predicted rapid increase in the tourist flow from the countries of the Middle East. We can also talk about the formation of special requirements for tourists from other Asian countries (for example, Japan or China), whose perception of the proposed tourist opportunities is very different from the perception of their representatives of Western civilization.

    Poleshchuk N.I.
    Scientific collection of Belarusian state university. - 2012. - Issue. III. - P.176-179.

    In the presented article, the author analyzes the main trends in the development of international tourism. The main conditions and trends in the development of international tourism in the world are considered. Special attention Consideration is given to the so-called integrations (horizontal and vertical), i.e., the consolidation and active penetration of the capital of individual companies into foreign tourist markets through mergers or acquisitions of similar businesses or related (partner) companies. The most priority directions for the development of international tourism in the world are highlighted.

    Tourism is regarded as one of the most profitable and intensively developing sectors of the world economy. This is evidenced by the fact that in 2011 international tourism accounted for 5% of global GDP and 6% of total exports. The number of international tourist arrivals in 2011 reached 980 million.

    With an increase in the amount of free time against the background of a deterioration in the general economic situation, two main trends are revealed in the recreational behavior of the population - the fragmentation of the vacation period and the growth of short trips.

    Before turning to the analysis of the main trends in the development of international tourism, a small analysis of the most important works of various authors, highlighting certain trends in the development of international tourism, should be carried out. Thus, such researchers as A. Yu. Aleksandrova, V. Yu. Voskresensky, E. A. Dzhandzhugazova, S. A. Kuskov and others paid considerable attention to the problems of the development of international tourism in the world and its individual regions.

    Purpose of the article- to analyze the main trends in the development of international tourism in the world for the needs operational planning and forecasting the development of the tourism market.

    A team of scientists led by Yu.V. Zabaeva, I.A. Ryabova and E.L. Dracheva in one of his works highlight the main trends in the development of international tourism. This author's position is compared with the positions of other authors who are also engaged in research on trends and dynamics of international tourism.

    1. One of the main features of tourism development is the uneven distribution of international tourist flows in different regions and countries. Tourist flows are concentrated in several regions of the globe, their movement is mainly intraregional in nature. Tourist flows are mainly concentrated in Europe and Asia. At the same time, the role of the countries of the New World in tourist exchanges is increasing.

    2. Currently, the following proportions are observed: mass or group tourists make up 20-30% of the total number of tourists; the remaining 70-80% are individual tourists traveling to nearby countries. This ratio has been changing in recent years in favor of mass tourism, the reasons for which are as follows: a decrease in the number of consecutive vacation days and, at the same time, an increase in the frequency of vacations; low price of air transportation; an increase in the number of charters; increased interest of tour operators in mass tourism; search for new directions with great advantages; increasing the number of jobs in mass tourism; increase in the number of tourists traveling by bus.

    3. The volume of travel for the purpose of recreation is growing more dynamically compared to the volume of business tourism. If in the 70s. 20th century Since the business segment dominated the international tourism market, now the ratio has changed towards recreational tourism: 60% of tourists travel for recreation and only 40% for business purposes. It can be assumed that the main development of tourism will be carried out by increasing the number of travelers for the purpose of recreation, despite the fact that business tourism will be important for world tourism as a whole.

    4. By the end of the 20th century. there is a trend towards an increase in the length of stay during international travel and the number of trips made during the year. The first occurs mainly due to the number of elderly tourists, pensioners. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of short-term trips for weekends or 2-3 overnight stays in world tourism. This is due to young tourists seeking to break out on a trip for several days in order to avoid long breaks in work.

    5. There is an increase in customer demand for service. This is especially evident as tourists travel more and learn about modern service. The more often tourists travel, the more comfort they want, comparing the level of service provided, often criticizing something, demanding complaints.

    6. There is an increase in the mobility of the population. Many have cars, they are easily removed from their seats and travel. Travel expenses have increased, travelers have begun to spend more money while traveling. Now non-traditional means of accommodation are popular - mountain chalets, hunting lodges, bungalows, etc. The tourist product is becoming more and more sophisticated. New gastronomic concepts are being created.

    A characteristic feature of recent years has been the so-called integration (horizontal and vertical), i.e., the consolidation and active penetration of the capital of individual companies into foreign tourism markets through mergers or acquisitions of similar businesses or related (partner) companies. A team of scientists led by A.S. Kuskova in one of his works distinguish the main types of integration. I will give the author's point of view below with some changes and additions.

    Horizontal integration is the consolidation and active penetration of the capital of individual companies into foreign tourism markets through mergers or acquisitions of homogeneous companies. This is especially evident in the hotel business. So, for example, everyone knows the wide distribution in various countries of the world of such hotel chains as "Sheraton", "Mariotte", "Novotel", "Sofitel", "Hilton" and others. Large hotel corporations are actively penetrating foreign markets by acquiring property , franchise agreements, management contracts.

    There are currently over 3,000 hotel chains in North America and Europe with at least 10 members each. The rating of the largest of them is regularly published by the magazine "Hotels". He distinguishes three types of hotel chains: corporate companies, hotel management companies and associations of independent hotels.

    Vertical integration - consolidation and penetration of capital into foreign markets through mergers or acquisitions of companies in various areas of tourism services. This type of integration in tourism can be considered on the example of the existing three European models: German, English and French.

    The processes of concentration proceed not only in the horizontal and vertical directions, but also diagonally. Unlike the first two, the diagonal type of integration, or diversification, involves the unification of functionally and technologically unrelated enterprises. Diversified, multi-sectoral formations have one important advantage. They create opportunities for mutual compensation of risks, when the losses of some industries are covered from the profits of others.

    Thus, nowadays tourism is becoming more and more global. Many hospitality industry enterprises, uniting into large economic complexes, overcome the boundaries of individual states and entail the breaking of national barriers. In a short time interval, they have become a noticeable phenomenon in international life and, like threads, have entangled the world space. These new economic formations, corresponding to a higher level of concentration and centralization of production and capital, contribute to the approval and dissemination of international standards for tourism services.

    Modern tourism business cannot be imagined without appropriate information support. The development of even the simplest tour requires a large amount of information: knowledge of timetables and tariffs for international or domestic transportation, service prices, classiness of hotel and other tourist services. Previously, the company received this data from a collection of reference materials. She collected them, kept them and used them in her work. Gradually, multi-page dossiers were replaced by computer information technology.

    Based on a comprehensive analysis of the points of view of specialists, the author of the article tried to identify a range of new trends in the development of international tourism.

    In past years, tourist demand was formed mainly under the influence of tourist supply, while at present the situation has changed to the opposite. In today's conditions of ever-increasing market saturation and a greater understanding of their needs by consumers, who also have more financial and temporary opportunities, demand determines the profitability of the offer. That is why a detailed and careful study and forecast of tourist demand is now needed in order to make it possible to form a corresponding tourist offer.

    Currently, educational tourism is one of the leading branches of international tourism. In the context of globalization, educational tourism is no longer considered only as a type of tourism activity, but also as an important mechanism for managing the intercultural dialogue of peoples, an effective way to implement the principles social partnership at the level of various subjects of interaction. A new understanding of culture in social development and awareness of the need to preserve cultural diversity in the world expands the prospects for educational tourism as a factor in regional development.

    The increase in the offer of excursion programs is due to the understanding important role for a person of cultural and cognitive activity and recreation, recognition of the need to create conditions for the realization of the cultural needs of a person in the knowledge of history, religion, traditions, features of the way and style of life, in general, the culture of other peoples. The basis of educational tourism is cultural capital, which is expressed in everyday and highly artistic, common and aristocratic and other sources of culture.

    Cognitive tourism, being an important branch of the world economy, is characterized by an extremely uneven level of development in the regions of the world, which is explained both by the differentiation of the states of the world in terms of socio-economic development, differences in the structure of consumer demand and life attitudes of various social and demographic groups of the population, and the uneven distribution recreational and tourist resources, multidimensional tourist policy of states and international organizations.

    In the period from the middle of the XX century. until the beginning of the XXI century. significant changes have taken place in the spatial structure of international tourism. The geographical distribution of educational tourism flows in its main features had already taken shape by the middle of the 20th century, but under the influence of global and local processes, constant change. Dynamics of international tourism by regions of the world in the second half of the 20th century. reveals significant differences, but reflects the main trends in the development of educational tourism.

    In general, the observed changes in international tourist arrivals in various regions of the world repeat the global trends in tourism development. The fall in the growth rate of tourist flows due to economic crises early 80s and 90s. XX century, terrorist attacks in 2001, the spread of SARS in 2003 is observed at the level of all tourist regions. However, each region has its own periods of growth, decline, stagnation, due to the influence of local factors.

    The European region continues to be the main international center of educational tourism. However, in general, there is a steady decline in the share of the old tourist regions of Europe and America due to higher growth rates of the young tourism industry in East Asia and the Pacific region and, to a much lesser extent, other macro-regions. In total Europe and America still concentrate 3/4 of the world tourist market.

    The second region of cultural and educational tourism is the Asia-Pacific region. The exchange of cultural traditions over the course of millennia determines the unique combination of unique architectural monuments and places of worship in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia will become the leader of international tourist arrivals not so much due to the development of medical and health-improving (resort) tourism as educational. At present, China, India, and Thailand are becoming major international centers of educational tourism.

    The search for new experiences determines the increase in demand for tours to Africa and the Middle East. Combined tours are developing at a high pace in these regions, which are offered mainly to Morocco, Syria, South Africa, and Tunisia. However, the main part of the income comes from the organization of beach holidays (UAE, Egypt, Tunisia). The popularity of educational tours to such countries as Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and some others is gradually growing.

    One of the interesting trends in the development of international tourism can be the creation of special conditions for the development of tourism (accommodation, transportation, meals, travel programs, etc.), taking into account their national and religious characteristics. Such an approach will contribute to the development, for example, of "halal" tourism (tourism according to the laws of Islam) in the context of a predicted rapid increase in the tourist flow from the countries of the Middle East. We can also talk about the formation of special requirements for tourists from other Asian countries (for example, Japan or China), whose perception of the proposed tourist opportunities is very different from the perception of their representatives of Western civilization.

    The ever-increasing flow of foreign tourists, who differ greatly in culture, traditions, mentality from the population of their host countries, also forms a new idea of ​​cultural and educational tourism, covering a wider range of issues than the traditional understanding of culture, and requires the creation of a new combined cultural-educational-entertainment a tourism product that provides an opportunity to get acquainted with all aspects of the life of the society visited by tourists. The changes concern not only the content, but also the technology of the trips.

    Thus, the main feature of the development of modern tourism is the need to create an individualized tourism product that would meet the ever-changing complex nature of the needs of tourists and could be flexibly and quickly transformed, taking into account the impact of political, economic and other factors of world development.

    The current stage of tourism development is also characterized by the widespread introduction innovative technologies. They are manifested in the improvement of all components of the international tourism infrastructure, the deepening and expanding diversification of types of tourism activities that meet increasingly complex needs. modern man in a variety of recreation and leisure, development of new directions and markets of international tourism.

    Analyzing the current trends in the development of tourism, one can see that each new trend gives rise to the opposite movement. In a number of cases, in the course of their development, these tendencies are mixed, giving an unpredictable result, which makes it difficult to determine the main direction. Obviously, the situation in modern tourism is exactly like this, and it is not possible to clearly single out one or more dominant trends. At the same time, the wide diversification of tourism activities indicates the maturity of the market. Tourism is such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that its development is versatile and complex and requires special approaches to research.

    Bibliographic references

    3. Dzhandzhugazova E.A. Marketing in the hospitality industry. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 224 p.
    5. Statistical Application [ Electronic resource] // UNWTO International Tourism Barometer. - 2012, January. - T.10. - Access mode: .
    6. Economy and organization of tourism: international tourism / ed. Yu.V. Zabaeva, I.A. Ryabova, E.L. Dracheva. - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 568 p.

    Poleshchuk N. The Main Trends of International Tourism Development

    The author of the article analyzes the main trends of international tourism development. The main conditions and trends of international tourism development in the world are considered. Special attention is given to consideration of the so-called integrations (horizontal and vertical), i.e. enlargement and active penetration of the separate companies’ capital to the foreign tourist markets by means of merger or absorption of similar or related partner companies. The priority directions of the world’s tourism are identified.

    Chapter 3. The main trends in the development of world tourism

    Tourism is one of the most profitable and intensively developing sectors of the world economy. Tourism spending accounts for 12% of the world's gross domestic product, 8% of total world exports, and 30–35% of world trade in services.

    Over the past twenty years, the average annual growth rate in the arrival of foreign tourists in the world amounted to 5.1%, foreign exchange earnings - 14.0%. According to experts' forecasts, the rapid development of tourism is expected further: by 2005. this industry will become the world's leading exporter. It is expected that, while maintaining current growth rates, the number of participants in international travel by 2005. will reach 1 billion. people

    According to WTO forecasts (Table 1), the number of tourists on the planet by 2020 will triple, and will be more than 1 billion 600 million people.

    The highest growth in arrivals (Figure 1) is expected in East Asia and the Pacific. In Europe and America, they will be lower than the global ones. The share of these two regions in tourist arrivals will fall from 78.1% in 1998 to 62.6% in 2020. At the same time, an increase in tourism revenues is expected: from 444.7 billion dollars. USA in 1998 to 1248 dollars. USA in 2020.

    Table 1. Number of tourists in the regions, million people

    2020 in % to 1995

    East Asia/Pacific

    Middle East

    South Asia

    The World Tourism Organization (WTO) notes the following trends in the development of world tourism:

      There will always be factors that may not show up in one decade, but will emerge as the main ones in the following period. This is due to inventions (such as jet aircraft or computer reservation systems). Another subgroup of factors that will influence travel and tourism is related to the use of new technologies (electronic information and communication systems) and does not depend on socio-demographic changes;

      If tourism in the past years was mainly a reflection of advances in transport technology that contributed to a continuous decrease in the real cost of travel, then the next years will be determined by a number of factors that will very strongly influence tourism at the beginning of the 21st century. These are, first of all, socio-demographic changes, electronic systems of information and communications, increased awareness and exactingness of consumers, the removal of regulatory restrictions in the markets, as well as the polarization of the activities of tourist operators between firms engaged in global business and mastered specialized markets (“niches”);

      Growth of international tourist activity by 3 - 4% per year in the first decade of the 21st century;

      The most successful arrival region will be Asia, although no region is projected to grow below the average forecast for inbound tourism;

      The main source of growth will be the rapidly expanding outbound tourism markets in Asia; The Middle East, East and South America and Europe will also make a significant contribution to the volume of outbound tourism;

      Intra-regional tourism (particularly in Asia) will rise sharply, reflecting the ability of ever-increasing segments of the population to participate in tourism;

      Long-haul tourism from Europe and Japan will grow faster than short- and medium-haul tourism;

      Certain factors will constantly influence travel and tourist activity (the state of the economy, the political situation, improvements related to travel safety). These factors will also affect national (home) tourism.

    Among the expected and most characteristic trends in world tourism in the first decade of the 21st century, the following are noted:

    Slow growth rate;

    Greater competition between regions and countries wishing to receive tourists;

    Awareness of the growing impact on tourism of economic, socio-cultural and environmental factors;

    Consumer awareness of where and how they want to go, and higher demands on the tourism products and services they choose.

    One of the most significant trends in the development of world tourism is a sharp increase in competition in the tourist offer market as a result of the emergence of an increasing number of growing countries with ambitious plans to attract tourists, as well as a glut in the market of the same type of tourist offer. As a result, countries seeking to maintain or strengthen their positions in the international market carry out tourism planning based on the principles of sustainable development, provide for long-term investments in this area and have clear state tourism development strategies. Accordingly, the role of the state policy for the development of tourism in the country as a whole, as well as the targeted promotion of individual tourism products in the domestic and international markets, is increasing (diagram 2) 3

    The main components of the strategies that are used in world practice: a detailed analysis of their own markets with an assessment of the ratio of traditional and promising areas. Taking into account global trends and the multiplier effect of tourism development, conducting annual international campaigns under certain memorable slogans, as well as the widespread use of advanced information technologies as the basic platform for communication with consumers of tourism services.

    The tourism sector, with successful development, can become one of the key elements that allow creating conditions for achieving the strategic goals of the country's development, namely, improving the welfare of the population based on dynamic and sustainable economic growth, ensuring employment, increasing the level of satisfaction of social and spiritual needs, building capacity for the future development of the state and the strengthening of international positions. Subject to the implementation of an effective state policy, the tourism industry ensures the growth of the quality of services, stimulates the development of human capital, improves the quality of life, creates and improves infrastructure.

    Chapter 4 Economic Impact of Tourism

    The exchange of international tourism services between countries is part of international trade and has a significant impact on the country's exports and imports. The share of international tourism receipts is 9% of all world export receipts (figure 3) 4

    Diagram 3. Place of tourism in the structure

    world exports in 1980-1991.

    Tourism covers many sectors of the economy, which makes it difficult to estimate the number of people employed in this area. However, it is clear that tourism has a large impact on employment in the economy. In some (especially small) countries, up to 50% of the working population is directly or indirectly involved in tourism. According to the International Labor Office, approximately 100 million people worldwide are employed in tourism. The number of people employed in some countries is presented in the diagram 4 5 .

    Diagram 4. The number of employed people in different countries

    The diagram shows that the largest number of people employed in this area is in: Canada (768 thousand people), Germany (692.7 thousand people) and Great Britain (603.7 thousand people).

    Thus, the impact of tourism on the development of the world economy is difficult to overestimate and it is constantly increasing.

    Chapter 5. Factors affecting the development of the tourism industry

    Tourism today ranks second in the world in terms of gross income after oil and first in the world in providing jobs.
    The main reasons for the rapid development of tourism in the second half of the XX century. and currently:

      Political. Peaceful relations were present on the main part of the planet, and peace is a necessary condition for the development of tourism.

      Economic. Income growth in the economically developed countries allowed them to spend money on travel. Similar processes are now taking place in developing countries.

      Social. The psychological burden on workers is increasing due to the intensification of labor processes, as well as on all people due to urbanization and technological progress. In developed countries, the average duration of vacation and vacation periods is increasing, and the average life expectancy of a person is increasing. All this together makes it possible to meet the growing needs for recreation and travel.

      Spread of culture and education. Raising the cultural level always generates and increases interest in the knowledge of one's land and fatherland, as well as other peoples.
      and civilizations.

      Successes in the development of transport. Opportunities for short trips over long distances have increased. Service standards are being improved in transport, which is becoming more and more comfortable for passengers and tourists.

      Development of the media. Due to its peculiarities, the development of tourism seriously depends on the possibilities of providing information to tourists about places of recreation and travel. The development of print media, radio, television, computer systems has significantly expanded the possibilities of offering in tourism, and also increased the efficiency of solving travel organization issues. In addition, advertising technologies, improved on the basis of marketing, also have a positive impact on the development of tourism.

    Currently, experts identify five groups of factors that influence the formation of tourist needs, and hence the successful functioning of the tourist center and tourism entrepreneurship:
    1. natural factors- natural resources available to tourists (geographical location of the place of rest, climate, flora, fauna, proximity to water, comfortable and attractive, beautiful natural objects, etc.).
    2. Socio-economic factors- site development
    recreation (language, economic and cultural level of development of the country).
    3. The material base of the tourism industry- the main ground buildings to meet the needs of tourists in terms of amenities and aesthetic perception (hotels, catering, leisure facilities, sports and resort facilities, etc.). Important are the level of comfort, the architectural solution of the object of the material base, its compliance with culture, surrounding architecture or nature, national characteristics, as well as the type of tourism (leisure, sports, business trip
    4. Recreational infrastructure- ground and underground structures necessary to meet the needs of the tourism industry (communications, access roads, lighting, beaches, parking lots, landscape gardening, etc.).
    5. Tourist offer(hospitality resources) - the cultural wealth of the tourist center. Hospitality in tourism is of great importance. The success of tourism is facilitated by: art, literature, music, theater, available in the tourist center. Folklore holidays, national art galleries, festivals and many other things that can interest and attract tourists, including sightseeing, educational, sports, entertainment, resort, recreational offers, can serve as hospitality resources.
    World tourism is developing quite intensively. At the same time, tourism is highly competitive. And therefore, the factors of development and success of entrepreneurship excite all tourist enterprises. Specialists highlight seven factors affecting the competitiveness of tourism services:
    1) quality;
    2) reliability;
    3) security;
    4) price justification;
    5) consumer segmentation;
    6) seasonal price differentiation;
    7) differentiated system of discounts.
    Quality- one of the main factors, without which there is no demand and clientele. Quality is a rather complex value in tourism, which has a complex character. As for the tourist product (tour), at least the concept of quality includes: the consumer quality of each individual service, the compliance of the set of services with the type and type of travel, the optimality of the program and service technology, the compliance of all services with the level of service, etc.
    Reliability– conformity of real service to advertising and information. The client must be sure that during the service he will receive exactly what he paid for. With some changes in the program of providing services that may occur for various, including objective reasons, he must be guaranteed compliance with service standards and, in extreme cases, appropriate compensation.
    Security- an important point that has a great influence on the choice of direction and type of recreation, travel. Safety in tourism depends on many factors (political situation, environmental conditions, etc.) that must be taken into account when planning tourist services. The system of measures to ensure the safety of tourists includes: prevention of risks for tourists associated with natural and man-made disasters in tourist centers; prevention of epidemiological, bacteriological and other medical risks and compliance with the relevant formalities; organizing the safety of tourists during transportation; travel insurance, as well as liability insurance of tourist organizations; creation of a special tourist police and security guards. And at the same time, it is important to fully inform tourists about possible risks, the rules for their prevention, as well as guarantees for their safety.
    Justification for the price. The price should correspond to the level of services and service. Pricing is the most important issue of the enterprise's market policy. Indeed, in tourism, for the most part, the choice of goods is determined by price. Price competition increases consumer attention to price issues.
    Consumer segmentation. Tourism facilities and services should be aimed at certain target groups of tourists (young people, the elderly, rich or not very rich people, parents with children, athletes, etc.) and focus on the needs of certain groups. Since the needs of different consumer groups are significantly different, the tourism product cannot be unified. On the contrary, it should be differentiated, diverse and targeted (by composition
    and level of services) to a specific group of consumers.
    Seasonal price differentiation necessary in tourism, as this area of ​​activity is characterized by seasonal fluctuations in demand. In order to attract consumers in the off-season and equalize tourist flows in different periods of the year, it is necessary to differentiate prices depending on seasonal demand. In the so-called peak (high) seasons, prices can rise, and in the off-season (low season) they can go down. This serves as an additional attractive factor for tourists.
    Differentiated discount system- a very attractive factor for purchasing tours, especially in terms of discounts for families traveling with children. In addition, tourism offers a number of various discounts applied in combination or differentially: for group tours, for advance booking, re-applying, as well as for regular customers, etc.
    Taking these factors into account when planning their activities allows a tourist enterprise to sustainably use the demand of tourists and be competitive.

    Chapter 6. Forecasts and prospects for the development of world tourism

    According to experts' forecasts, the growth rate of international tourism in the first 10–20 years of the 21st century will will decrease somewhat. If at the level of 1999 and 2000. global growth rates are just over 5%, then in the next five years they are expected to decline to 4.4% by 2005 and to 4.3% by 2010.
    Big changes are predicted in the structure of departure. The share of interregional long-distance trips is growing: in 1995 it was 15%, and by 2010 it is expected to increase to 25%. This trend is not only due to the fact that people are traveling more and more, but also because the modern tourism industry can offer tourists a variety of travel options with a fairly high level of security guarantees.

    Experts predict that the number of foreign tourist trips by 2010 will reach 964 million people compared to 657 million in 1999, but it will grow at a much slower pace. By 2020, the number of international tourist arrivals will reach 1.6 billion people and will be three times higher than in 1995.
    The WTO predicts the rapid development of outbound tourism. The largest countries - suppliers of tourists in 2020 will be: Germany (about 163 million trips), Japan (141 million), USA (123 million), China (100 million) and the UK (96 million). Russia, whose inhabitants got the opportunity of mass travel abroad only in 1991, will supply about 30 million tourists to the international travel market by 2020.
    Growth in outbound tourism from Europe and the Mediterranean will slow, while the pace of growth in outbound travel in Southeast Asia will remain fairly strong, despite economic difficulties in the region.

    The most popular tourist destinations in 2020, according to WTO forecasts, will be as follows (Table 2.).

    The forecast for the development of tourism destinations, made by the WTO based on the results of the study "Tourism: 2020 Vision", identifies the most promising areas and types of tourism in the 21st century. The most popular types of tourism by 2020 will be: adventure, ecological, cultural, educational, thematic and cruises.
    The WTO also predicts that the amount of time people spend on leisure will decrease. According to research travelers of the XXI century. will be rich in money but poor in time. As a result, they will look for a tourist product that includes maximum pleasure in a minimum period of time. Theme parks will flourish
    and cruise travel, as people can visit multiple places in a short amount of time.

    Table 2. The most popular tourist destinations in the world in 2020, according to the WTO forecast

    In the next ten years, tourism will remain the largest source of new jobs in European countries and in a number of countries in other regions. Further differentiation of the tourist product offer is predicted, aiming at an ever wider coverage of consumers with a variety of opportunities and needs. For example, there are many people who need a vacation with a complete disconnection from everyday worries, so the popularity of resorts operating on the "all inclusive" system is growing. A further process of concentration of capital is predicted, the creation of large international companies and corporations. The trend of integration processes in the tourism sector will continue.


    World experience in the development of tourism shows that this industry is among the priorities of all developed countries of the world. Increasingly strong positions are occupied by tourism in developing countries.

    The goal of the tourism development policy for the coming years is to form a modern competitive tourist complex that meets the needs of both Russian and foreign citizens in tourist services.

    To form a modern strategy for promoting a tourist product on the international market, the following steps should be taken:

    Organization of presentations of Russian tourism opportunities in countries that send tourists to Russia;

    Organization of a network of information centers for tourists from various countries in the places where the largest tourist flows pass;

    Formation of modern tourism statistics.

    The positive impact of tourism on the economy of the state occurs only when tourism in the country develops comprehensively, that is, it does not turn the country's economy into a service economy. In other words, the economic efficiency of tourism suggests that tourism in the country should develop in parallel and in conjunction with other sectors of the socio-economic complex.


      Papiryan G.A. International economic relations: Economics of tourism. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1999.

      Strzhalkovsky V.I. Macroeconomic conditions for the development of tourism. // Abstract of diss. cand. economic Sciences. Institute for the Economy in Transition. - M., 2005.

      Voloshin N.I. Legal regulation of tourist activity. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1998.

      Tourism management. Tourism and branch systems. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

    1. Trends development world tourist centers. Hotel industry in Russia

      Examination >> Physical culture and sports

      Market, % One of the most significant trends development world tourism is a sharp increase in competition on ... and international markets(diagram 2). Main components of the strategies used in world practice: detailed analysis...

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