How to attract customers to billiards. Attracting visitors to the billiard club. Only one stands a chance

About six years ago, a company of adult respectable men was sitting in one of the St. Petersburg cafes. They really wanted to play billiards. But there were simply no places in the city that corresponded to their ideas about this game. “Why not open an institution where in the evenings you can not only drink a cup of coffee, but also play a couple of games?” they thought. There was no question of any business at that time. I wanted to open an institution for myself and my friends, the same fans of billiards. It all ended with the fact that the billiard room "for its own" turned into one of the largest institutions in Russia - an entertainment center based on the Leader billiard club managed by the Fora-Billiards company.

The story of the "Leader" is indicative. At the same time (someone a little earlier, some - later) many businessmen became interested in billiards and opened establishments "for themselves", which then turned into profitable business. The pioneers of the market caught the wave and slightly outstripped the peak of billiards popularity, thereby securing a leading position for themselves. Today, it is becoming more and more difficult to occupy your niche in the billiard room market, and competition forces you to sacrifice profitability. However, there is nothing impossible in opening a billiard club right now. The main thing is to choose the right place and define the concept of the institution.

Billiard club in detail

Investment volume: from 100 to 250 thousand dollars, depending on the quality of the tables, the level of service, the availability of additional services, the floor area.

Investments in finishing 1 sq. m "turnkey" including equipment: from 400 to 800 dollars.

Average billiard room area: 250–500 sq. m.

Payback period: six months - two years depending on the successful location and concept.

Profitability: 40–50%.

The cost of an hour of play: 150-300 rubles in Moscow.

The cost of tables: for the pool - 1.5-3 thousand dollars; for the "pyramid" - from 2 to 7 thousand dollars.

The Brockhaus and Efron Dictionary claims that his homeland is China, and in Europe the first news about billiards dates back to the 16th century. It turns out that even Charles IX on the famous St. Bartholomew's night (August 24, 1572) played billiards. Mentions of this entertainment are also found in Shakespeare's plays. At first, billiards was played with two balls using special sticks, and a hoop resembling croquet gates was installed on a table with six pockets.

Over time, billiards has improved, to XVII century reaching the peak of popularity in Europe. The game was brought to Russia under Peter the Great, but it became widespread only in the 19th century. During the reign of fashion for everything French, the nobles played mainly carom, but in the middle of the century, after the factory in St. Petersburg, the master Freiberg created the first table in Russia for the six-hole "Russian billiards", the "Russian pyramid" was at the peak of popularity. It is not for nothing that Gaev in The Cherry Orchard, out of place and out of place, flaunts billiard words “double in the corner”, “yellow in the middle” and the like. Fashion!

The victorious Soviet government recognized billiards as a bourgeois game and did not welcome the interest of workers in such a pastime. Then the game was rehabilitated. In addition, the leaders, not excluding Stalin, were very fond of billiards.

By the beginning of new times, billiards in Russia could hardly be called a mass hobby, but by the end of the nineties everything had changed. New clubs began to open in the cities, the development of billiards as a sport began, specialized clubs appeared, the game got on sports TV channels, and avid players began to set up tables at home. In addition to the traditionally popular Russian billiards, pool (popularly known as “American”) and English snooker have taken root, while professionals prefer carom (the so-called artistic billiards).

It was possible to make good money on the increased interest in billiards. As a result, the formation of a new entrepreneurial niche took place literally before our eyes. In the absence of competition, the first investors could dictate the prices for services, guaranteeing themselves a fairly high margin. However, the competition quickly increased.

The Russian billiard capital, without a doubt, remains St. Petersburg. “St. Petersburg is ahead of Moscow both in terms of the number of tables and the number of billiard clubs,” says Andrey Afanasiev, senior manager of the Zeus billiard company. In other regions, billiards is still much less developed. But the wider the opportunities for investors.

It is not yet possible to obtain reliable estimates of the volume of the billiard room market in Russia. This is not the most open segment of the entertainment business, and entrepreneurs are in no hurry to talk about their income. But most importantly, the question of what, in fact, is considered billiard rooms, and what is not, still remains open.

In many cafes, somewhere in the far corner, there is a billiard table on which visitors can play a game or two. Is this a billiard room? Hardly. In collapsible objects near the metro, slot machines and one or two billiard tables side by side on an equal footing. This, apparently, is also "not quite right." In addition, in all major self-respecting entertainment and shopping entertainment centers there are at least a few billiard tables. Now this is closer to the truth. Plus specialized clubs, the exact number of which is unknown.

As a result, it is necessary to operate only with the most general data. It is estimated that there are 4,200 pool tables in Moscow alone and about 3,500 for the Russian pyramid. There is no exact data for St. Petersburg, but according to indirect data, the total number of tables in the city has already exceeded 10 thousand. As for the number of clubs, there are up to two hundred specialized billiard rooms in Moscow, and more than 250 in St. Petersburg. CEO Fora-Billiards company Pavel Tinets.

Both sport and recreation

It is convenient to divide the billiard clubs on the market according to the type of premises they occupy. First of all, these are establishments in built-in and attached premises on the first floors of residential buildings or in separate buildings. As a rule, these are small clubs with six to twenty tables. Another format is billiard rooms as part of shopping and entertainment centers. Such clubs can occupy an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. m and accommodate from 15 to 50 tables (in rare cases - more than a hundred, as in the clubs "Leader" or "Pulkovo-3"). The third option is billiard rooms in hotels and holiday homes. As a rule, these are small establishments with three to five tables.

Another classification method is based on concept analysis. In this case, it makes sense to talk about commercial (entertainment), sports and elite (closed) clubs.
The commercial club is aimed at the mass consumer, so most often other entertainment is included in the concept. Most of the establishments located in entertainment and shopping centers, as well as some of those located on the first floors of residential buildings, belong to entertainment clubs. But the actual set of additional services can be arbitrary. IN major centers in addition to bowling, there are usually children's rooms, Q-ZAR, many non-monetary slot machines, air hockey, several food court concepts, and sometimes even night club with disco. Calling such establishments "billiards" can only be a stretch. Rather, these are full-fledged entertainment centers based on billiards.

In specialized billiard rooms, the set of services is limited to a small area of ​​the club, therefore, in addition to a bar with a light kitchen, slot machines and an air hockey table can be located in such establishments.

Sports clubs, of which, by the way, there are not so many in Russia yet, differ from commercial establishments in their audience. If everyone comes to entertaining billiard rooms, then athletes and amateurs gather in sports clubs. In addition, they regularly host various competitions among professionals and amateurs.

A distinctive feature of sports clubs is the use of expensive and high-quality equipment. After all, an experienced player can easily distinguish a “curved” cue from a “smooth one”, and even more so, he will not play on a shabby table with broken balls. Such clubs require large investments, which are very difficult to recoup in tournaments alone. That's why in an attempt to improve profitability

the owners of such establishments often mix the format of a sports and entertainment club. Nothing wrong with that. As a sports ground, the institution operates during the daytime and on weekdays, and during prime time (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) it turns into a commercial club with high quality equipment, which will attract additional customers.

Closed or elite clubs are a special format of billiard rooms. The entrance to them, as a rule, is closed to visitors "from the street", and each table in such establishments is located in a separate isolated room. Another way to cut off unwanted guests is the high cost of the game (from one to three thousand rubles per hour), which allows you to filter out visitors even without the participation of well-trained guards.

- “Elite clubs are positioned as institutions for a wealthy stratum of clients,” says Andrey Afanasiev (“Zeus”). - A feature of such establishments is the provision of exclusive and expensive services, often unparalleled in other clubs in the city.

These are the most expensive establishments in relation to the initial investment. In addition, if customers can be attracted to an entertainment club by a favorable location and abundant advertising, and to sports clubs by the high quality of tables, then an elite club directly implies a personal acquaintance of the investor with future players. As a rule - very wealthy people.

As the chief manager of the capital's billiard club "Yard" Kristina Doroshchuk notes, many professional Russian billiard players do not like establishments where young people play pool nearby: it is too noisy. These clients prefer private clubs. And it is in such establishments that you can meet “rolled”, playing only for money.

White ball sunset

The growth of the billiard market, which began so dynamically, may end in the near future. Experts of equipment sellers are already noting a correction in the growth rates of table sales, although they express the hope that the lull will be temporary. “The market is far from being oversaturated, both in Moscow and in the regions,” says Andrey Afanasiev. “Demand for the game is growing, also due to constant broadcasts on leading television channels.”

Pavel Tinets (“Fora-Billiards”) is also sure that the market of billiard clubs is still not saturated either in the capital cities or in the regions: “Look how often television channels began to show billiard competitions; the game is gaining popularity, and the prospect of including billiards in the Olympic program will increase interest even more. Naturally, this has a positive effect on the business of club owners, increasing the flow of customers.” And Kristina Doroshchuk (Yard) adds that there are still many potential clients who don't go to clubs yet. Businessmen have to fight for them! But real estate market participants, constantly monitoring changes in supply and demand in the street retail segment, note the opposite trend.

Today, billiard rooms are no longer as popular as they were a few years ago, when they were among the main entertainment establishments in different cities. For the most part, billiard rooms are now a place where professionals and fans of this sport gather, - says Alla Glazkova, head of commercial real estate for working with clients at Blackwood.

According to Alexandra Kadchenko, Deputy Head of Analytics and Research at Praedium, the segment of specialized billiard clubs is oversaturated, and now many of them are closing. According to Vesco Group PR director Ivan Lyasnikov, billiard rooms peaked in popularity in Moscow in the early 2000s, while their number has now declined from 280-300 in 2001 to 150-170 in 2007. In St. Petersburg, the number of billiard rooms remained unchanged: weak concepts were closed, new ones were opened, as a result of which it was possible to achieve a zero delta. In the regions, according to experts, the number of billiard rooms is still growing, but also much more slowly than before. But the incomes of the owners of billiard clubs are gradually starting to decline.

Perhaps, only the niche of billiard rooms in the entertainment areas of shopping centers is still not fully saturated. However, as Aidar Galeev, the head of the analytics and valuation department at MIEL-Real Estate, notes, it is not advisable to place billiard rooms in the shopping center, since the main customers of these establishments like a calm atmosphere, and the shopping center is a dynamic complex in which it is difficult to create a measured atmosphere. The opposite point of view is shared by Alexander Kadchenko: “Further development will occur through the opening of halls in the foyer of cinemas, consisting of shopping malls, as part of bowling clubs (billiards is a classic addition to bowling), as well as in cafes and restaurants.

According to forecasts, the market for specialized billiard rooms will soon be saturated in many cities of Russia, and it will be much more difficult for investors who want to capitalize on people's interest in rolling balls on the table to open new establishments. Today, the opportunity to get into the last car of the outgoing train still remains.

wide pocket

Are there any secrets to enter this market? Of course. Let's make a reservation right away: today it is already very difficult to enter here with a low-quality product. As Christina Doroshchuk notes, there is a shortage of good clubs on the market, while customers are no longer interested in dubious establishments with worn tables and torn cloth. This means that saving and buying old, “killed” equipment is not advisable. Another market problem is tokens. “A good billiard room without a good marker is no longer a good billiard room,” Christina Doroshchuk is categorical. Meanwhile, in many establishments, students work as markers, who do not know the rules at all, but play no better than the average visitors. A serious client will not go to such a club.

In addition, it is necessary to be extremely balanced in the selection of premises. Renting too expensive premises can seriously increase the payback period of the project (rent is one of the key expenses of the institution), and too cheap (and therefore unsuccessfully located) - will reduce the flow of customers. Therefore, it is not worth going to extremes here.

Location in the city center for billiards is not a guarantee of success. It is easier for potential customers of inexpensive billiard rooms to play in an institution close to home, and for elite clubs in the city center it is difficult to organize parking, - says Aidar Galeev. According to Alla Glazkova, if a billiard room is positioned as a place for public recreation, then it is natural that the owners will need a room on the first line of houses near the metro or major highways, and if the institution is designed for a narrow circle of professionals, then the location will not play a big role.

As for the area, this is an individual question, and the answer to it depends on the number of tables in the billiard room. “The list of room parameters for billiard rooms is similar to the requirements for venues for small restaurants: walking distance from the metro, convenient access, proximity to pedestrian flows, an area of ​​about 300–500 sq. m,” says Ivan Lyasnikov.

In addition, from the very beginning it is necessary to determine target audience billiard room. If the investor is interested in young people, then it is more expedient to focus on the "American", and if people are aged, then on Russian billiards. In general, a good billiard room should have both types of tables (and the most advanced ones can also accommodate a snooker table). It's just a matter of ratio.

Pavel Tinets is sure: unless we are talking about creating a closed club, we should bet on the pool. “I believe that pool is a more promising form of billiards. Firstly, the colorful balls and the seeming ease of the game attract a wider range of customers. Secondly, both men and women can play pool, while the Russian pyramid is more popular among men. Thirdly, the size of a pool table is smaller than that of a pyramid, so three tables for Russian billiards or five pool tables can be placed on the same area, which is more efficient from a commercial point of view,” says Pavel Tinets.

However, there are still more fans of the pyramid among serious players. In addition, the cost of an hour of playing the "American" is traditionally lower than the cost of the "Russian" table. “If pool is the most popular almost all over the world, then in Russia the situation is different: middle-aged and older men prefer to play the Russian pyramid, women prefer to play pool mainly, and young people prefer to play pool and a little Russian pyramid,” sums up Andrey Afanasiev .

Money on billiards

How much can you earn by opening a billiard club? Let's try to calculate.

The average area of ​​the room required to accommodate 10 tables (for averaging, let's take 5 tables for the "pyramid" and the same number for the pool) is 250 square meters. m. Consequently, the cost of renting in Moscow (regional entrepreneurs can make adjustments for local conditions themselves) will amount to approximately 100 thousand dollars a year. According to Zeus experts, equipping a billiard room on a turnkey basis will cost $400-800 per square meter. According to calculations, the annual fund wages of all employees will be 142 thousand dollars. Another 54 thousand will be spent per year on current repairs, communal payments and advertising. Thus, the total cost that the investor will incur in the first year of operation will be almost half a million dollars.

The profit of the billiard room is made up of the income that the operation of the tables brings, and successful work bar with kitchen. According to experts, the bar brings about half of all the income of the institution.

The average load of one table is four hours a day on weekdays and eight hours at the best time (Friday, weekends, holidays). The cost of the game is also different: on average, on weekdays, an hour of playing will cost 200 rubles (although some clubs make discounts, for example, for students during the daytime, which leads to an increase in flow), and on weekends - about 300 rubles.

For 156 "good" days a year, the company will earn 375 thousand rubles, and for another 209 less successful days - 167 thousand. That is - 532 thousand rubles (20 thousand dollars) from one table or 200 thousand - from ten. The bar and kitchen will bring the same amount with successful work. Total - 400 thousand dollars. Thus, the project will pay off in an average of one year and two months. Considering that a little more will have to be invested in promotion at first, a realistic payback period will be one and a half years with a profitability of 50%.

In theory, a good indicator. However, these are just calculations...

Types of billiards

Russian pyramid- a kind of billiards. The game is played with 16 balls, 15 of which form a pyramid, and one is used as a cue ball. The rules are extremely simple: any ball strikes any other ball. At the same time, the diameter of the pocket is only a few millimeters wider than the diameter of the ball, which makes it difficult to hit. Table size - 12 feet (rarely - 10 feet).

Neva pyramid- a kind of Russian billiards. The main difference is that the blows are delivered with only one ball (“cue ball”).

Pool("American", "eight") - a kind of billiards. The game is played with 16 balls, 14 of which are colored in different colors (solid and striped) and are playing, and one is completely black (it is hammered last). Blows are applied only with the cue ball (white ball). Table size is 9 feet.

"Eight"- a kind of pool. All multi-colored balls from the first to the ninth participate in the game, and the player, striking with the white cue ball, pockets them in serial numbers.

Snooker- the game is played with 22 balls, including one white (ball), 15 red and 6 balls of other colors. The game is played in two stages. The first part ends when the last red ball hits the pocket. In the second stage, the colored balls are pocketed in sequence. The essence of the game is to put a partner in snooker, that is, a position when the cue ball cannot reach the ball that, according to the rules, should be played at that moment.

Attracting visitors to the club is a top priority for every club owner. Having collected a certain contingent over several years, the owner of a commercial club sees only the numbers of expenses and incomes, without thinking at all why the public is not being updated, why and how it is changing. The very fact of holding club events for the club is considered an expense item. Is it possible to consider a regular tournament among visitors as a sunk cost and is it worth it?

What is good about billiards is the opportunity to start classes at any age and achieve certain results at any age. The spirit of competition is inherent in a person in the same way as the need to breathe. And not to use it in the work of a billiard club is tantamount to direct financial losses. Developing club competitions, one can notice the growing interest among club visitors in training, the desire to win, and improve their club rating. Each competition becomes a test, each meeting gives an adrenaline rush, which, in fact, is what a visitor is looking for in a billiard club. Being engaged in most sports, at a certain age one has to give up hope of winning, while in billiards, both an old man and a young man can become the winner of a club tournament and get their share of fame.

How can you organize competitions and increase interest in them? The first thing that many pay attention to is the prize fund. Usually, the players themselves organize it by collecting an entry fee. Its distribution is decided in different ways: usually, playing time is paid from the collected amount, and the rest is distributed among several prizes.
The second thing that is required during the tournament is the organizational part, which includes refereeing, net printing, distribution of places, and rating. It is this part that becomes a stumbling block for most clubs and the most expendable part. Inviting a specialist turns out to be an expensive pleasure, independent management requires at least studying the judging system, schemes of conduct. How to cope with this problem with minimal costs will be discussed in the near future.

Another issue that worries visitors when participating in a club tournament is the distribution of the prize fund: how and what to do so that random strong players who come to the club only for tournaments do not take all the money, depriving them of the chance to win regular customers club. There are several options to resolve this issue. The first option: a small prize pool, which strong players simply will not be seduced by. But the low prize money is not interesting for the club lovers themselves. Then there is the second option: organization of tournaments with accumulative prize fund. The essence of such competitions is that at each tournament the collected prize fund is divided into several parts. One part goes to pay off playing time. The other part can go to pay for refereeing. The third part is a small prize fund of the tournament. But the rest of the money goes to the savings fund. Holding club tournaments once a week, we can say with confidence that after three months the savings fund will replenish quite significantly. That's when you need to play it. But to play between a certain number of regular participants in club competitions, not allowing random players from other clubs to play. To determine the regular players of the club, it is necessary to keep a rating, which will be compiled after each club tournament. There can be no doubt that the amount of the accumulative fund will be quite "tidy". You can be sure that it will be interesting for all participants from the selected "four", "eight" or "16" best players of the club to fight for it. Well, the rest of the visitors will be interested in such an event, which will become an incentive for them to further participation, training and victories.

The development of club tournaments is interesting, cost-effective, stylish - few people doubt this. Having started their regular holding, you can be sure that even if at first there will be only a dozen participants, but in the future, a regular club tournament will surely attract a large number of players and visitors to the club, which means it will be beneficial for the club.

To date, billiards has become a fairly popular sport game in our country.

It is played by adults and even teenagers. Gradually, it grew into a certain sport, in which competitions and other sports events are held annually.

First steps in this business

An entrepreneur who decides to open a billiard club, with right approach can earn a lot more money than was originally invested in it.

To achieve success in such a business, you need to choose a suitable place and draw up a competent business plan for a billiard club. Such an entertainment establishment must adhere to a certain concept.

Required documents for opening

No special documents are required to register a billiard business. Necessary:

Register IP;

Obtain the necessary licenses and permits;

Carefully ensure that the premises for the club meet all the requirements of firefighters and SES.

Obtaining such documents is a completely standard procedure.

Types of billiard clubs

All billiard clubs that are currently open in our country can be conditionally divided into several groups, based on the size of the room and the number of billiard tables.

The first type includes billiard rooms, which are located in holiday homes, boarding houses or hotels. In such a room there are no more than 5 tables intended for fans of this type of sports game.

The second type is billiard rooms located in entertainment centers and large trading houses. There are at least 15 tables in these clubs, which are intended for different types billiards. In billiard clubs of this format, professional competitions at the regional level are often held.

The third type of billiard rooms occupies a separate room and has 20 or even more tables in its arsenal. To create this type of institution, you will have to spend money, but an elite billiard club as a business will bring several times more profit than the rest.

Club subtypes

In addition to such a conditional division into types, billiard clubs are also divided into subtypes: entertainment, elite and sports.

Entertainment billiard rooms can be combined in one room with other entertainment for visitors.

Professional clubs are equipped with the highest quality equipment and focus on the quality of the game, and the last thing they care about is the entertainment side. Many of the professional players come to the game with their own (custom) cues and make sure to use pool gloves.

The main concept of the institution

Before you start drawing up a business plan for a billiard club with calculations, you need to decide on its nature and think over the concept of the institution. On paper, it is worth detailing all the costs point by point, and if the business plan is done correctly, then soon you will receive the first income from your business.

Naturally, count on the fact that in the first months of the club's operation, before you receive the first income, you will have to constantly and heavily invest in it. An institution of such high rank requires equipment corresponding to its status. It should be not only of high quality, but also expensive.

Please note in advance that all the financial costs that will be spent on holding tournaments cannot be recouped, so the owners often combine the billiard business with entertainment and entertainment components.

High competition

If you have already decided to establish an elite institution, but do not know how to open a billiard club and what is needed for this, then first of all, except financial solvency the owner, the initial client base must be compiled!

If on initial stage business development, the founder of a billiard room misses these two points, then it is likely that the business will simply burn out and cause losses. Business analysts say that the billiard club market is highly competitive.

There are entrepreneurs who may doubt such a statement of analysts and believe that there is enough free space for the development of this kind of business, the main thing is to make clear business plan billiard club.

But experts stand their ground and assure that this type of business is developing rapidly, and over time, the number of billiard rooms, designed for any social strata of the population, will grow exponentially.

Only one stands a chance

You can enter any market if you wish, but note that the opening of an elite billiard club is directly related to big money. In a small town where there are not so many fans of billiards, and there are already clubs, albeit of an average rank, they will not allow another such institution to open up. Therefore, know for sure that your project will fail.

Important points when opening a billiard room

The conclusion can be drawn as follows, the Billiard Room business will be profitable only if its founder is not so much chasing income as he is obsessed with the idea of ​​​​an ideal and high-quality institution.

In such an environment, entrepreneurs survive, striving to raise the club to a certain level, and then receive money from it. If the idea of ​​creating a billiard club is based only on generating income, then it is better not to start working in this area!


When an entrepreneur has decided that there are enough funds and opportunities to compete with other clubs, the business plan of a billiard club is planned and ideally developed, you can still “stumble” and stop halfway due to the inability to recruit professional, competent staff in your elite institution .

More experienced entrepreneurs who are looking for a promising niche may be interested in the question of how to open a billiard club. And it is not enough just to preliminarily draw up a business plan with calculations. It is necessary to carefully consider the format of activity, decide on the equipment, evaluate the market and engage in targeted advertising.

This segment simultaneously combines entertainment for the masses and sports game for the elect. This promising niche, having mastered in which you can earn a significant profit and gain a reputation as a prestigious institution.

Idea features

If we talk about billiards as entertainment, then today it has become very popular among young people and middle-aged people. Such a game attracts many, and if you combine it with the convenience of location, competent pricing policy and the supply of alcoholic drinks and snacks, then the institution will always be in demand.

But we must also take into account the fact that in many cities there is a lot of competition among such clubs. And if in a metropolis it is enough to think over a successful strategy and invest a significant amount in order to win its audience, then in small town market research should be approached even more carefully.

A billiard room as a business will not pay for itself, provided that the population is below 500 thousand people, and in one city there are already several such institutions focused on the middle segment of the market. Opening elite and prestigious clubs in small areas is not at all cost-effective. Therefore, think in advance whether it is worth doing this type of business in a particular region.

The relevance of this direction is confirmed by the fact that more and more people want to have fun in the evening after work or want to find a place to chat with friends close to home on weekends. Therefore, mass-oriented entertainment destinations are considered promising in any case. The main thing is to study the market and approach the organization process correctly.

Where to begin?

Initially, you should contact the institutions local authorities, find out all the requirements of the regulatory authorities and register. Subjects entrepreneurial activity in this case may be:

  1. IP ( individual entrepreneur) - provides for a lower state duty upon registration, simple documentation and accounting reports, as well as more convenient taxation conditions. However, not always given form fit.
  2. LLC (company with limited liability) or any other kind legal entity- a more correct option in this case, especially if it is supposed to sell alcoholic beverages on the territory of the institution. Also, this form is suitable for joint financial investments with partners or when looking for investors.

OKVED codes must be indicated according to the activity on which you choose:

  • 29 - limits the business to services and entertainment, which is more suitable for a simple establishment of a medium or low price range;
  • 12 - involves the opening of a sports club for professionals.

You should also add to the list the ability to sell alcoholic beverages and prepare meals according to the type of catering establishments.

After drawing up a contract for the lease of premises, you need to carefully prepare it in accordance with the norms of sanitary and epidemiological control and fire inspection. You can open an institution only after obtaining the appropriate permissions from these regulatory authorities.

If you want to sell alcoholic beverages, you will have to pay and issue a license, which is renewed every year. If you organize a professional club for athletes involved in billiards, then it is advisable to become a member of one of the associations, as well as obtain permission from them to hold sports events.

Activity format

Please note that you can open a billiard club from scratch in different variations:

  1. Amateur institution - focused on a wide audience, using budget equipment and low prices. It can occupy small room sizes from 5 to 20 tables for the most popular varieties of the game.
  2. Professional club - where athletes and experienced players will gather, for whom the availability of high-quality equipment and accessories that meet international standards is most important. Here you can hold competitions, and the clients themselves often come for training. Such a club is distinguished by the constancy of visitors.
  3. A luxury establishment must simultaneously combine high requirements for professional equipment and service. Often there is a bar and a kitchen where dishes are prepared and served no less exquisite than in a restaurant. To organize such an institution, you will have to pay close attention to many little things - the interior, the range of goods, high-quality equipment, exquisite decorations, the professionalism of the attendants, etc.

Depending on which of the points you decide to stop at, the amount of capital investment, the preferred place for arranging the institution, the number of required documents and much more will completely depend.


You can open a billiard club:

  • In holiday homes, boarding houses, hotels - at the same time they allocate one large room where you can arrange up to five tables.
  • In shopping or entertainment centers, complexes - more space is allocated here and at least 15 tables are installed with a focus on the most common types of games.
  • A separate room or building where you can place any amount of equipment and complement the establishment with various services or other entertainment.

It is important to consider that each billiard table is a rather heavy piece of furniture. Therefore, take an interest in the physical characteristics of the floors and interfloor ceilings in advance. It is especially important to pay attention to this point when placing a billiard club on the second and higher floors.

Also prepare all the details in accordance with the requirements of the fire inspection and SES, otherwise, after checking, you will simply be forbidden to open. Think about the size of the room. Depending on the number of tables and the proposed services, the requirements will also change.

So, for each zone for 2 players, you will have to allocate space for overall equipment, which is 6 square meters. m. on the table itself plus the free area around it. Often in the hall there are also places for visitors to relax, tables for drinks and food, as well as racks and other auxiliary accessories for the game. Therefore, expect a space of at least 40 square meters. m. for one billiard table.

Consider the necessary parameters of the hall to accommodate other sections - a kitchen, a bar, an administrator's desk, utility rooms, a bathroom, etc. Therefore, you should calculate in advance how many square meters will suit you. It is important that both staff and clients in the hall move freely, and there is no risk of hitting neighbors with the back of the cue.

Take care of the interior too. If this is a billiards club for the masses of the average price category, then you should not particularly invest in this item. It is enough to choose classic tones and use safe materials for repairs. Only the quality of the floor is always given special attention.

But for prestigious, professional and elite establishments you need to spend a lot on an exclusive interior, expensive furniture and even play tables made of precious woods and other high-quality materials. They also pay attention to decorative elements, decorations, lamps, tables, dishes, etc.

Consider other little things - the height of the ceilings for the correct placement of lamps above each table, install a ventilation system, heating. If you have a kitchen, you will definitely need to carry out sewage and plumbing with hot and cold water. Each element in the hall has its own requirements.


When compiling a list of what you need to open, you should write down all the gaming equipment:

  1. Billiard tables - they differ not only in cost, but also in parameters, size, type of game, quality of materials used, pockets, etc. You will have to choose equipment depending on the format of the activity and the target audience you decide to focus on. Also consider the differences in the games. The most popular are Russian billiards and American pool. Therefore, select a sufficient number of tables for each of them. In large cities, you can also add 1-2 varieties for snooker and carom. There will be less demand for them, but customers will appreciate the uniqueness and will be able to enjoy their favorite game only at your place.
  2. A set of balls - differ in the material of manufacture, cost, target orientation. Since everything happens during the game, it is sometimes better to have 1-2 extra sets in stock. Place one set on each table.
  3. Cues and other playing tools - remember that there can be two or more players at the table. Therefore, provide the correct number of them - a pair for each set, plus a few additional ones to choose from. For professionals, you should choose standard tools that fully comply with international standards.
  4. Other accessories - triangles, chalk, mittens, coasters, ball stands, etc.

In addition, you should also purchase an administrator's desk, cash register, furniture for the hall and staff, separately equip the kitchen and bar, if any. For utility rooms also buy everything you need.

To control the game, you should install special electric meters to count the time or a system for receiving tokens. Remember also about proper lighting, for which special lamps are bought and installed in well-thought-out places for even distribution of light on the gaming table.

Additional income

Not only in an elite billiard club there can be a kitchen, a bar and other elements. Even for a simple institution, these services will be a nice bonus. Firstly, it can attract more customers, and secondly, liquor and prepared food significantly increase the company's profits.

When choosing an assortment for a bar, try to diversify the headings as much as possible. So, people who come here most often drink beer. Therefore, offer a variety of its varieties. It will be useful to sell stronger drinks.

But they rarely prefer to eat in such an institution. And if you decide to open a kitchen, then focus on preparing the simplest dishes that a chef can create in a short period of time, and it will be convenient for a person to eat during the game.

Remember that for each additional service you need to prepare a separate package of documents, indicate the relevant OKVED codes, provide enough space for this and hire the necessary staff.

Staff and work schedule

Depending on the format of activity and the number of services offered, different vacancies are needed:

  • accountant;
  • hall managers or administrators;
  • markers that can play at a professional level - act as a second partner if the client came alone or teach beginners the basics of the game;
  • cooks, waiters and bartenders - if there is a bar and a kitchen;
  • cleaning woman;
  • a security guard who keeps order in the hall prevents violations, as well as theft and damage to club property.

It is worth deciding whether your institution will work around the clock or only at some hours. This factor is influenced by many criteria. It is better to focus on the preferences of most visitors and adjust the schedule depending on the influx of people at different times of the day. Arrange personnel shifts accordingly and hire enough people so that each of them is fully staffed.

Usually special efforts to attract customers to the billiard club is not required. If you have found a good place for an institution, and there is practically no competition in this segment of entertainment in the city, then the news of the opening will quickly spread among amateurs and professionals.

And yet, in order to attract customers or stand out from other similar clubs, you can apply the available strategies:

  1. Install an attractive sign.
  2. Place advertisements in the media - newspapers, television, radio.
  3. Print flyers and leave them in places where potential customers appear (offices, cafes, discos, institutes).
  4. Hold tournaments and competitions in billiards among professionals or even amateurs.

But in order to form a base of regular customers, you need to work hard on the quality of work - the level of service, the friendliness of the staff, the variety of services, the desired range of drinks, professional equipment, flexible tariff scale etc.

Financial questions

To implement a similar project without a competent and detailed business plan almost impossible. This segment has a high entry barrier, as it requires significant investment. The final figures will greatly depend on the size of the rented premises, the established rates, the equipment chosen and the format of the activity.

Initial investment Cost, in rubles
1 Business registration 15 000
2 Premises renovation 200 000
3 Equipment 550 000
4 Other 130 000
Total: 895 000

Stock up on a certain amount to ensure the work of the club in the first months. Current expenses will have a significant impact on net income.

Calculating the cost of one game is quite difficult. In this case, it is better to focus on the target audience, the quality of the equipment and other accessories provided, and the average prices for the region. Obviously, the cost of playing in an elite club will be much higher than in a simple institution for the masses. But in any case, the payback comes in about 6-12 months after opening.

Video: billiard club business plan.


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