The oath in a comic form on February 23. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults. Game of Good Threes

Scenarios for February 23 for adults, for students, for corporate parties, for home

Officially, the holiday is called "Defenders of the Fatherland Day", but all men are honored on this day. Women's hearts are overflowing with pride for their men, and for some reason one wants to exclaim: "The heroes on the Russian land have not yet died out!"

And indeed, our men are wonderful: strong, smart, beautiful ... Therefore, they need to be congratulated beautifully and unusually.

We bring to your attention two scenarios: one - for younger men and an informal setting, and the second - for already held "heroes" in a more solemn form. Of course, it is up to you to choose, but both of these scenarios can be complementary and use contests and games at your discretion.

In addition, we offer you congratulations script for February 23 .

Scenario for February 23 for adults, corporate parties, for home

This scenario is designed for a smaller number of participants, it is better to use it to honor men in a closer company, perhaps it will be a small company or even some kind of department, it is also suitable for a celebration with family and close friends.

It will be great if congratulations sound in poetic form. We will present only some of them.

He best friend he is a husband, father,

He is a son, a hero and a brother,

Conqueror and sage

Lover and soldier

Scientist or Don Quixote

Chauffeur or banker

He is the conqueror of all heights,

He owns the world!

We praise him on this day

And there's a reason

May he be blessed

Whose title is MAN!

Tired of a hard life

Beaten by fate itself

But, devoted to the Fatherland,

You accepted this fight!

We are the strength to admire

We do not get tired of your


Happy February Men's Day!

Today we are more submissive than ever

And we say odes in your honor.

After all, you are for women - pride and support.

Thank you men for being you!

In addition, it is advisable to congratulate each man by name and give each a gift. After congratulations, everyone sits down at the table. Remember that men love to eat well, so you should not limit the table to light snacks, sweets and fruits. So that the toasts are not too frequent and, as a result, the holiday does not end too quickly, you can offer everyone present several table games, for example:

"Knight of the 21st century"

Everyone knows that a real knight should be able to give compliments. The men sitting at the table are invited to choose the "lady of the heart" by drawing lots, and then say the most unusual compliment in her honor. This game can become a joke if you write on pieces of paper not only the names of women, but also men. But in this case, the organizers must be sure that the men who are destined for the honor of complimenting the “lady of the heart” have sufficient relaxedness and a sense of humor. And the last. The names of the men playing "ladies of the heart" are best "encrypted". For example: Peter - Polly, Dmitry - Dulcinea, Mikhail - Milady, etc.

"Who am I really?"

As entertainment at the table, invite your men to spend joke test"Who am I really"? To do this, men are offered to get a card out of a hat or a box. Various "ranks" are written on the cards. It is even more interesting if the cards contain not only inscriptions, but also pictures or photographs cut out from magazines that correspond to the meaning of the inscription.

Examples of inscriptions:

1) real colonel,

2) superman,

3) the hero of our time,

4) sexual giant,

5) exclusive macho,

6) intellectual,

7) agent 007,

8) plush Hercules,

9) ideal husband,

10) super dad,

12) man-orchestra,

13) sage,

14) Don Juan,

15) magician and wizard,

16) Carlson, who lives on the roof.

All inscriptions must be correct enough so as not to offend anyone by chance.

After holding several table games, you can move on to a more mobile part of the holiday, for which the presenter invites men to compete for the title of "The Very Best".

Contests for adults on February 23

Competition 1. "The strongest"

All participants in the competition are invited to crush the empty plastic bottle. The cap must be screwed on the bottle. You might think that this is a very simple task, but it is almost impossible to complete it.

Competition 2. "The most accurate"

Hats or cardboard boxes are placed in front of the competitors at a distance of about two meters. Competitors are given five playing cards. They should try to throw them each into their own hat. This is also quite difficult to do. Naturally, the most accurate wins.

Competition 3. "The most resourceful"

Each participant is given the task to "find" five objects. The names of the items are written on cards, which the contestants take turns pulling out of the hat. The resourcefulness of the players lies in the following: they can find the item they need, beg, steal, but in no case take it away.

Examples of inscriptions on cards:

1) a glass of water,

2) anything starting with the letter "k",

3) lace,

4) something red,

1) handkerchief,

2) something brown

3) a person whose name contains the letter "b",

4) comb,

5) a mirror.

The winner is the participant who "found" everything needed before the others.

According to the results of three competitions, "The most - the most" is determined. If there is no clear winner, then the winners in each contest are declared "the best", each is given a "set of a real man", consisting of a bottle of champagne, a shoe brush and a pack of cigarettes. If men are non-smokers, then instead of cigarettes they can be given a chocolate bar.

After the single competition, the presenter offers to participate in the team relay race. For this, two teams of four people are recruited. If there are more applicants, then a third team can be recruited. All competitions are judged by women. The speed of completing tasks, artistry and cohesion of the male team are evaluated.

Competition 1. "Bound in one chain"

Teams are given ropes five meters long each. At the command of the leader, the first member of the team takes the end of the rope and begins to “string” the players on it in such a way that the rope is threaded through the sleeves of the participants. After the three players are “tied”, the first participant “strings” himself onto the rope, then the two extreme players of the chain must tie the ends of the rope. The team that manages to do it faster than the rest wins.

Competition 2. "Woman of my dreams"

In this competition, men will "sculpt" women. To do this, they receive modeling material: twenty balloons, a spool of thread, adhesive tape, scissors and a set of colored markers for each team. At the command of the leading man, they begin to “sculpt”. They have to inflate the balloons, tie and glue them in such a way that a female figure is obtained. But that's not all. Then they must "draw" the features of the "woman of their dreams." In this competition, the division of labor is encouraged. At the end of the competition, women evaluate the work of each team and choose the winner.

Competition 3. "Our heroic strength"

The most difficult competition of the entire relay race. Opposite each team, at a distance of about three meters, tables are placed on which there are props: a “check” of vodka (a bottle of 250 grams), a fifty-gram stack or glass and a plate with four pickles. The task of each team is to drink all the vodka as soon as possible. However, this must be done in a special way. The first team members start the game.

The scheme of the competition is as follows: the first one runs up to the table and pours vodka into a glass, after which he returns and becomes the tail of the team, then the second participant runs to the table and drinks the poured glass and also returns, becoming the tail of the chain. Then the third participant runs to the table, "bites" a cucumber and also returns. The fourth one starts a new circle: he pours, the first one drinks, the second one has a snack. Then: the third one pours, the fourth one drinks, the first one has a snack. The last circle: the second - pours, the third - drinks, the fourth - has a snack.

It may seem that the scheme is very complicated. However, if each participant remembers that each time he returns, he must stand at the tail of the chain and perform only one action, then everything will go fine.

It is clear that the winner is the team that was able to collectively drink all the vodka faster than others.

All competitions and relay races are best done with cheerful music. It is necessary to reward not only the winners, but also the losers. Remember, the main thing is the good mood of all those present. The best way to end the evening is with dancing.

Good day! The people are joking - on the evening of February 23, our country becomes completely defenseless. All men, from the smallest boys to grandfathers who remember the war years, celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Established almost a century ago, the Day of the Red Army and Navy, gradually transformed into a completely different holiday - Men's Day. Until 2002, however, February 23 was a weekday, a working day - except that colleagues at work organized corporate parties, prepared the male half of employees

Scenario for February 23 in the circle of employees

February 23 scenario in the circle of employees for a team of 15-30 people, lasting 3-6 hours.

For the event you will need:
Presents for men.
Props for games and competitions.

Event plan
Congratulation, presenting gifts.
Comic test “Who is who”.
Contests for real men
Competition "War of the sexes".


Congratulation, presenting gifts

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts to men and congratulations. It is desirable that the congratulations are not too long and official. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form. It is preferable in congratulations to name each man by name and say a few pleasant words about him.

Comic test “Who is who”

Examples of inscriptions: Intellectual. Casanova. Sex giant. Ideal husband. Secret agent. Strongest. Psychic. Mage and Wizard. Commander. Lord. Scrabble. The most temperamental The best fighter. The most dexterous. A professional in his field.
It is even more interesting not just to make inscriptions, but to cut out from magazines and paste pictures corresponding to the inscriptions.
During the preparation of the cards, it is necessary to be extremely correct and make sure that the invented inscriptions do not hurt anyone's dignity and offend no one.

Real men contests


For a competition in accuracy, it is best to use the game "Darts" - factory-made.
An easier option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with an open cap) from a distance of 3-5 m at a target drawn on a piece of paper attached to the wall. The most accurate participant receives a prize point.
The marker should be designed for drawing only on paper, then it will be easy to wash off any traces of it with alcohol.

best toast

After that, each participant receives a glass of strong drink. The contestants take turns toasting and drinking the contents of the glass. The one who completes the task best of all receives a bonus point.

best compliment

The one whose compliment women like more than others receives a prize point.

Competition “War of the Sexes”

Speech rate

For the competition, it is necessary to appoint several controllers who count the spoken words.

Throw range

One representative is called from each team. Their task is to throw a playing card as far as possible. It is possible to allow participants multiple attempts. In order not to confuse the thrown cards, you can invite one of the participants to throw red suits, and the other - black ones.
The team whose representative throws the card further (with several attempts, the best of the throws is counted) receives a bonus point.


One more representative is called from each team. Their task is to perform the most original and exciting dance. The tempo of the music is constantly changing.
The team whose representative performs the best dance receives a bonus point.

Knowledge is power

All team players participate in this competition. copyright - The host asks the teams questions in turn. At the same time, the women's team is asked men's questions, and the men's team is asked women's questions.

Sample questions for women:
What is a carburetor part of? (motor)
What can you hit with a "pyr"? (On the ball)
Is the hood on the car front or rear? (Front)
What is Bullitt? (Penalty in ice hockey)
In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards itself or from itself? (Push)
Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)
Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
Which company's products have a checkmark logo? (Nike)

Sample questions for men:
Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go on torn tights)
When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)
What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
Why would a woman need acetone? (Wash old nail polish off)
What is the name of a small purse that stores items needed to do makeup? (Cosmetic bag)
Do you put yeast in shortcrust pastry? (Not)
Do I need to wash off the dye from the hair after dyeing it? (Yes)
Wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation)

The team with the most points receives a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne).

Helpful Hints

Original congratulations to male colleagues on February 23

Twenty third of February…

Finally with us

Congratulations, colleagues!

We've got a tsunami!

This holiday will overwhelm us,

Wrap in fetters

He really wants us

Everyone was healthy!

To laugh heartily

To have fun

To champagne with cognac

Get rich again!

Happy twenty-third of February

Dear colleagues!

At work for me

The best neighbors!

From the bottom of your heart dear

Congratulations on the holiday!

And health to you, and happiness

I wish you the strength!

Also, great success

And huge awards

And I wish you money

Large and immodest!

Be happy colleagues

On the holiday of February!

The best blessings in the world

I wish you!

Festive snow is fluffing outside the windows,

And here we lightly melt.

Happy Defender Day congratulations to colleagues,

We give simple gifts.

Let the machine guns not be seen in the hands,

And the tanks are hidden in boxes.

With such protection we do not know fear -

Brave, brave boys.

And I want to wish such a holiday

You have a strong Spirit and Word.

What would your colleagues and Motherland

Praised over and over again.

Scenario February 23 in the office

The scenario "Corporate collage" is suitable for congratulating men on Defender of the Fatherland Day at work. It can be an addition to gifts and treats. Women make a collage of photos of employees in advance and place it in the office on the eve of February 23rd. This February 23 scenario is suitable for firms or companies where there are many male employees, preferably of different professions.

On the eve of the holiday, female employees must find photographs of all male colleagues. You can use photos that are left from previous corporate holidays.

Fasten several paper sheets to make a stretch about 2-3 meters long, depending on the number of men in your company. You can also use reverse side wallpaper.

For each male employee, select pictures on the Internet depending on his character, behavior, habits, or related to his work.

Using any photo editor (Paint, Photoshop), overlay the faces of employees on these pictures to get a complete image as a result.

Print all the pictures, cut off the excess, leave only the plot of the picture and stick it on the banner. Leave a place in the center of the poster for congratulations and a little above for the inscription.

At the top, write "Dear men, smile, we congratulate you!" In the middle of the stretch, write a congratulation on February 23 to your colleagues. Under each picture, you can make an inscription in the form of a funny ditty about employees. Also, under the congratulations, each employee can sign on the poster and write any wish to the men.

The night before, February 22, when all the men have already dispersed, hang a poster on the most prominent wall in the office.

Don't forget to have your cameras ready to capture the reaction of the men when they see your creation. Good mood in the company for the whole day is guaranteed.

This scenario is suitable for a small office, consisting of several offices, whose employees have a sense of humor. To create a festive atmosphere for colleagues, he offers to organize a holiday in military style.

Preparation for the holiday, you must start in the evening. Wait for the men to leave their jobs and start preparing. Print the signs on the door in the form of the inscriptions "Shrafbat", "Fuel warehouse", "Nurses", "Radio shack", etc.

You can write "Headquarters" on the chief's office. In the hall, on one of the walls, attach the sign "Voencommissariat", and next to it, attach a ruler with markings from 1 to 2 meters. Near the labels, sign:

- 160 cm - "But economic"

165 cm - "Small, but daring"

170cm - "Hero-lover"

175 cm - "Standard set"

180 cm - "Model"

185 cm - "The Perfect Man"

190 cm - "Calancha"

200 cm - "Uncle Styopa the Giant"

Prepare questionnaires for men, questions will concern women. For example, who is your ideal woman?

For the festive table, buy strong alcoholic drinks, these will be one hundred grams of fighting for your men. For a snack: jacket potatoes, herring, lard, onions.

As a gift for each man, prepare a linen bag, put matches, soap, tea and socks in it. Triangle wrap a piece of paper with wishes for February 23.

Wishes can be individual, and can be the same for everyone.

So, the holiday comes, men come to work. Women with a medical bandage on their arm meet them and escort them to the Military Commissariat.

Each man is given a piece of paper. It's written on the sheet. FULL NAME. conscript, age, weight, volumes. Volumes are measured by nurses and recorded on his sheet.

Then the men are brought to the ruler and their height is measured. But they write down exactly those names that correspond to their growth.

After that, the men hand over all the sheets, and on the basis of them they receive a military ID, which says that the man is fit for service only in reserve battalions.

But for the service at work, men are fit and completely healthy. Therefore, they are called to serve for the benefit of the company for long term. Demobilization does not shine for them.

The last item on the script for February 23 will be an invitation to everyone to the festive table, where, in between toasts, excerpts from their questionnaires will be read.

Comic scenario for February 23

Many companies have a great tradition associated with large-scale celebration of certain dates. The main feature of this custom is that solemn corporate events dedicated to different holidays, perfectly bring together workers. After each corporate party, the atmosphere in the team becomes more friendly, warm and open. Therefore, in many companies, employees take the organization of festive events at work seriously.

Most often noted at work New Year and the birthday of the director of the company. However, many companies pay attention to other significant holidays, including Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is on February 23 that women have the opportunity to congratulate their male colleagues. On this day, many companies hold festive events dedicated to men. Usually, women take care of all organizational issues related to holding corporate celebrations in honor of the holiday on February 23rd.
Preparation for the celebration of February 23 begins with the decoration of the office. Women need to take care to use balloons and other accessories to create a festive atmosphere at work. Well, since there is nothing complicated in this, women will not have problems with decorating the workplace.

A festive atmosphere in the office is only half the battle. It is not enough to spend a fun, original and unforgettable holiday at work. So in addition to decorating the workplace, take care of festive scenario corporate party dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.
Holiday start

It's fun to celebrate February 23 at work in a variety of ways. However, this scenario will allow you to have a really cool Defender of the Fatherland Day with colleagues. However, it is not necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations. But in this scenario, you will find some really interesting ideas that will decorate your holiday.

To spend February 23 at work on such cool script, choose two cheerful and sociable women who will act as hosts. It is on their shoulders that the holding of a festive corporate event will fall. However, you must prepare for the holiday itself by the entire female part of the team.
Events begin with the gathering of guests. The male part of the team is seated in prominent places. Leaders go to the center of the hall.
First host:
Every year, on this day, February 23, our country celebrates the most courageous and patriotic holiday.
Second host:
On this winter day, all the soldiers who defended, defend and will defend our Motherland are honored.
First host:
To do this, it is not necessary to serve in the army and wear a military uniform. Every man is a defender of the family, loved ones and the Fatherland. Therefore, today is your holiday, dear colleagues!
Second host:
We, on behalf of the female half of our friendly team, congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today we will try to do everything necessary to make you feel as cozy and comfortable as possible surrounded by your family colleagues.
First host:
So, dear men, relax, have fun and relax. And we, women, will delight and amuse you to the best of our ability.
After this introduction, the presenters join their colleagues. Someone representative of the female part of the team says a toast. Everyone drinks and moves on to snacks. After some time, the hosts again go to the center of the office or some hall in which the celebration of February 23 will be held at work.
First host:
Our holiday continues. And now it's time to have some fun.
Second host:
Do not be shy! Actively participate in games and contests that we have prepared especially for you, dear men.
Games and contests
To really have fun on February 23 at work, prepare the maximum number of various contests and cool games. If you think that a few games will be enough to have fun at a corporate holiday event, then you are wrong. There must be many. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that all games be related to military topics. The main thing is that they are fun.
Almost all men like the spirit of competition. Based on this fact, choose only those games that you can win. In such competitions, the male half of the team will participate much more actively.

1. Knights and hussars are masters of compliments
Real men are able not only to defend their homeland, but they also know how to make beautiful compliments to women. Recall, at least, Don Quixote, who at one moment bravely fought with his enemies, and at the next showered women with compliments. So why don't you run a compliment master competition among your peers?

To conduct this competition, prepare pieces of paper with the names of all the representatives of the female part of the team. Put them in a box and invite each man to draw out one piece of paper. The task of men is to come up with the most beautiful, interesting and original compliment for the woman whose name is written on the piece of paper he stretched out. Whoever copes with this task best of all, wins.

2. Who am I?
To conduct this competition, you also need to prepare a certain number of pieces of paper. However, this time they need to write the names of not women, but all kinds of famous characters. The task of a man is to attach a piece of paper with an inscription on his forehead and, with the help of leading questions, find out who he is. The beauty of this competition is that it can be held during a feast.

3. Air battle
If you want your male colleagues to have a lot of fun on February 23rd, run this contest. To do this, you just need to buy a package of balloons and prepare a skein of strong threads. Before the contest starts, tie one inflated balloon to each arm and leg of all the men who want to play. When everything is ready, give the command to the men, whose task is to burst the balloons of colleagues, but at the same time keep their own. The winner is the warrior who, after a certain period of time, has the most balls left.

4 Armless Bartender
Every man should know how to pour beer correctly. On February 23, you have a great opportunity to find out which of your colleagues has this skill. To do this, you can hold the Armless Bartender contest.
Prepare several identical glasses and bottles of beer. Call colleagues who want to participate in this competition and invite them to pour beer into a glass without spilling a drop. However, immediately clarify that they will have to pour beer without the help of hands. Usually, in this case, most men hold the bottle between their legs and slowly pour the liquid into the glass. That "handless bartender" who quickly and accurately pours beer into a glass of everyone will win.

5. One-handed shredder
This competition is perfect for hosting a festive event in the office. To conduct it, you need to buy a newspaper. This attribute is sufficient.
Call all the willing men and line them up. Give each of them a piece of newspaper. The task of every man is to take in right hand newspaper and pull it forward. At the facilitator's command, the participants try to tear the newspaper sheet with one hand. In fact, this task is quite difficult. Therefore, the man who is the first to deal with it will win.
Of course, these are not all games that are suitable for celebrating February 23rd at work. In fact, you can come up with a huge number of different entertainment for this event. So if you take the selection of games and contests seriously, then your corporate holiday event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day will turn out to be truly fun and memorable.
It is not necessary to play all the games in a row. Alternate them with drinks and snacks. Only in this case, the holiday on February 23 at work will be truly fun. If during the holiday you see that men are tired of games and competitions, then reduce entertainment program. There is nothing wrong with this.

The end of the holiday
At the end, the presenters once again congratulate all the male colleagues present and present them with gifts. The holiday is over. Now men are forced to hold something similar on March 8th.

Scenario for February 23 for a large team

With your caring female hands, create a festive decoration for the room where the festive table will be laid. Attach helium balloons to the chairs of the defenders of the fatherland. Hang funny pictures on the theme of February 23 (there are a lot of pictures to choose from on the Internet). In general, you can not be limited to this space. Place greeting cards in all offices, even in the men's restroom.

Both presenters: Good evening! We solemnly consider the holiday open!

Presenter 1:
This day is approved not in vain!
There is no reason to be sad today!
Let's celebrate the beautiful...
No, not ladies, but our men!

Host 2:
February 23 is a special day when our men are on legal grounds accept congratulations, compliments and gifts from the weak half of humanity.

All men, young and old, today are surrounded by women's attention and care. We will start the holiday with showering our men with gifts.

Host 2:
Please receive and sign. With all our female soul, we give you the latest news in the world.

Presenter 1:
Only you will have an exclusive issue of the newspaper “..” (the name of a popular newspaper in the region) today.

On each copy of the newspaper, draw a heart (or attach a cut out of colored cardboard) with the name of a particular man.

There is a solemn delivery of newspapers to men.

Presenter 1:
The newspaper is not simple, but speaking.

Host 2:
To the angry calls of his wife, the newspaper replies in your soothing voice: "I'm busy, please do not disturb."

Presenter 1:
But do not think that we will get off only with spiritual food.

Host 2:
Your family and friends are committed to buying a new sofa you like.

Give each man a homemade booklet of sofa samples (print different pictures of sofas from the Internet and staple them with a stapler).

Presenter 1:
Today, words of gratitude from women are heard
In honor of the defenders of the fatherland, salutes are thundering!

Host 2:
So, let's at this festive hour
Let's raise our glasses to you!

Raising glasses.

Presenter 1:
There is an opinion among the people that women and men think and feel differently.

Host 2:
We will not agree with this opinion, nor will we refute it. Let's just do our test.


Materials for the competition (2 sheets of paper, colored pencils or felt-tip pens). One sheet of paper for women, another sheet for men.

Presenter 1:
Using the proposed inventory, each gender group will reproduce the image of the ideal woman in their opinion.

Host 2:
We ask each colleague to draw one element on the sheet.

During the competition, the hosts provide all possible assistance (provide pencils; if necessary, they remind them of the main attributes of women's clothing - a handbag, a hat, jewelry, etc.).
After the portraits are ready.

Presenter 1:
Shows portraits to those present. What beauties turned out!

Host 2:
So we found out the ideal external data of the dream girl of our courageous half of the team.

Presenter 1:
We also learned what kind of opponent the female half of our team represents.

Host 2:
And so we give this portrait (drawn by men) to the personnel department. I ask you to keep it as the apple of your eye, and under no circumstances allow the employment of a woman with similar external data.

Presenter 1:
The portrait (painted by women) is also transferred to the personnel department for eternal storage. We have no rivals here. Any attempts to get into our good-natured team of similar ladies, we kindly ask you to nip in the bud.

Host 2:
We continue to shower our defenders with gifts.

Presenter 1:
When selecting gifts, centuries-old observations of the tastes of men were taken into account.

Host 2:
With trepidation, we hand over these socks to you!

Presenter 1:
These socks are not just a textile product, one might even say magical.

Host 2:
For socks up to 100 years old, the “anti-hole” option functions, that is, the wear of the product is guaranteed for one century.

Presenter 1:
Along with the anti-holes, the “anti-stink” system has been successfully introduced, with five perfumes to choose from at the click of a finger.

Host 2:
One click and the sock releases an intoxicating blend of orange, mandarin, neroli, cedar, pepper and musk in the Chanel Allure Homme Sport edition. We advise you to use this fragrance when playing sports and when conquering high goals.

Presenter 1:
Two clicks and you smell green apple, mint, pine needles, cedar, jasmine, lavender and sage from Hugo by Hugo Boss This feature is recommended to use if you want to feel independent and enjoy freedom.

Host 2:
Three clicks and a lingering fragrance in the air with notes of apple and plum, as well as bergamot and scarlet grapefruit according to Lacoste Pour Homme. This smell is necessary for sexual adventures.

Presenter 1:
Four clicks and here it is Prada Man by Prada - a blend of vanilla, patchouli, geranium, lavender, abmra, musk, cardamom, saffron and sandalwood. This smell is used in cases of passionate behavior, for adamant and determined men.

Host 2:
And finally, five clicks - and you will be surrounded by a sophisticated aroma of the fruity-spicy group from Calvin Klein Be. This scent is bergamot with juniper, mandarin with lavender and peach with magnolia. This smell is recommended to be used only with very close communication.

But these are not all the features of miracle socks.

Host 2:
At the whistle, the socks themselves crawl to the owner. So fly in, hurry up, sign for a gift!

Handing out socks.
If you give real socks, then the host’s phrase: “Options are connected at the address. Filkin's letters, 13 ".

If the purchase of socks is not possible, then give the drawn products with the host's phrase: “Due to the fact that the socks are super-exclusive, you will receive the originals at ul. Filkina letters, 13. Gifts are issued according to these cards.

According to an old tradition, new clothes are subject to thorough washing.

Host 2:
A man's shoulder is so secure
It's hard to live without you dear
Let the wine splash in the glass
For our defenders of the Fatherland!

Second raising of glasses.

Presenter 1:
So that you, our dear men, do not forget the military service ...

Host 2:
We propose to pass several standards, of course, adjusted for the civil service.

Presenter 1:
The first thing we can offer is the standard for dressing.

Host 2:
I ask you to get out of order, that is, the table and disassemble the props.

Get as many military uniforms as you can get in advance. The main thing should be a complete set of clothes (pants, you can just take a large size tights, large family shorts, a hat, you can use any caps, even pioneer caps, a uniform, vests, boots or slippers, a belt, attach a large number of badges to uniforms, you can paper, sew shoulder straps with incomprehensible stars and stripes). It is better for the competition to choose a pair of candidates of a slender constitution so that they can wear the proposed clothes over their own. The more diverse the set, the funnier. Mix clothes together. Contestants must wear it, the generally accepted standard in the army is 45 seconds. Of course, no one will be able to invest in this period. During dressing, the presenters comment on the circumstances: “One 45 seconds, two 45 seconds”, they serve clothes.
After dressing the contestants.

An honest mother, and what troops did you guys serve in?

No wonder people say, live and learn. What ranks are you in?

Warriors are needed. Let's move on to the second rule.

Host 2:
A minute of general trying on running on the spot.

It’s better to turn on cheerful music if possible (you can use V. Leontiev’s song “Green Traffic Light”, especially the part where the phrase “everyone is running” - make a “cut” of these words for a minute).

Well done! Good run! Without stops!

Lead 2 feel the pulse:
Look, running hasn't affected me in any way. Now that's fitness!

Presenter 1:
Now let's see how things are going with you with throwing.

Host 2:
Again, as the people say, for a good soldier and a grenade gauntlet.

At a certain distance, put a target on the chairs (you can use toy tanks or something else). To determine the distance of the target from the contestant, try to leave the “grenades” yourself in advance. Issue three "grenades" (mittens, gloves). The leaders give the command: "Pli." Next, comment on what is happening according to the circumstances. If the target is hit, then: "Target destroyed." If not, then “Nothing relatives, it’s hard when passing the standard, it’s easy in battle. We'll train after work."

Presenter 1:
In general, our women's hearts are under the protection of reliable hands.

Host 2:
We are proud to have such valiant warriors in our team!

Presenter 1:
We did a great job today. A man is not able to have fun for a long time on an empty stomach.

Host 2:
Therefore, we propose to continue the celebration at the festive table!

Scenario February 23 at the corporate

Corporate begins with the presentation of gifts to men and congratulations. It is desirable that the congratulations are not too long and official. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form. It is preferable in congratulations to name each man by name and say a few pleasant words about him.


After congratulations, everyone sits down at the table. When compiling the menu for this holiday, it is advisable to take into account the tastes of men and not be limited to sweets and fruits, but to cook something more significant.

Comic test "Who is who"

As entertainment at the table, you can offer men a comic test. For the test, various ranks are written on the cards, and then each man pulls out one card for himself without looking.

Examples of inscriptions: Intellectual. Casanova. Sex giant. Ideal husband. Secret agent. Strongest. Psychic. Mage and Wizard. Commander. Lord. Scrabble. The most temperamental The best fighter. The most dexterous. Professional.

It is even more interesting not just to make inscriptions, but to cut out from magazines and paste pictures corresponding to the inscriptions.

During the preparation of the cards, it is necessary to be extremely correct and make sure that the invented inscriptions do not hurt anyone's dignity and offend no one.

Real men contests

Another entertainment that matches the theme of the holiday can be a competition between men for the title of the best. The following competitions are held between those wishing to compete for this title.


For a competition in accuracy, it is best to use the game "Darts" - factory-made.

An easier option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with an open cap) from a distance of 3-5 m at a target drawn on a piece of paper attached to the wall. The most accurate participant receives a prize point.

The marker should be designed for drawing only on paper, then it will be easy to wash off any traces of it with alcohol.

best toast

The facilitator informs the participants that, without a doubt, a real man must know how to drink properly. However, the purpose of the competition is not to drink more than others, but to do it most gracefully.

After that, each participant receives a glass of strong drink. The contestants take turns toasting and drinking the contents of the glass. The one who completes the task best of all receives a bonus point.

best compliment

Since a real man must be gallant and be able to find an approach to a woman's heart, in this competition, participants compete in complimenting the fair sex.

The one whose compliment women like more than others receives a prize point.

Competition "War of the Sexes"

In order for not only men, but also women to have the opportunity to take an active part in the holiday, several competitions are held in which teams of men and women compete with each other.

Speech rate

Representatives from each team are called for the competition. They are invited to pronounce as many words as possible in 30 seconds. The team whose representative says more words receives a bonus point.

For the competition, it is necessary to appoint several controllers who count the spoken words.

Throw range

One representative is called from each team. Their task is to throw a playing card as far as possible. It is possible to allow participants multiple attempts. In order not to confuse the thrown cards, you can invite one of the participants to throw red suits, and the other - black ones.

The team whose representative throws the card further (with several attempts, the best of the throws is counted) receives a bonus point.


One more representative is called from each team. Their task is to perform the most original and exciting dance. The tempo of the music is constantly changing.

The team whose representative performs the best dance receives a bonus point.

Knowledge is power

All team players participate in this competition. The facilitator asks questions to the teams one by one. At the same time, the women's team is asked men's questions, and the men's team is asked women's questions.

Sample questions for women:

What is a carburetor part of? (motor)

What can you hit with a "pyram"? (On the ball)

Is the hood on the car front or rear? (Front)

What is Bullitt? (Penalty in ice hockey)

In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards itself or from itself? (Push)

Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)

Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan )

Which company's products have a checkmark logo? (Nike)

Sample questions for men:

Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go)

When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)

What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)

Why would a woman need acetone? (Wash old nail polish off)

What is the name of a small purse that stores items needed to do makeup? (Cosmetic bag)

Do you put yeast in shortcrust pastry? (Not)

Do I need to wash off the dye from the hair after dyeing it? (Yes)

Wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation)

For each correct answer, the team receives a bonus point.

The team with the most points receives a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne.

Helpful Hints

All competitions and competitions must be held in such a way that there are no dissatisfied and offended. It is much better to recognize the victory of several participants at once and give prizes to as many contestants as possible.

Scenario February 23 at work

Creating a festive atmosphere on this day is one of the main tasks of women. Let the men, when they come to work, find on the desktop a bottle of beer and a fish (you can fork out for cognac and chocolate). Spring is coming, but the flowers and the first green leaves on the trees are still far away. Create spring in the festive hall (office), decorate the walls, curtains with various homemade paper leaves and flowers. Also hang up paper-cut hearts with the inscriptions “We love”, “Appreciate”, “We believe”, “We are waiting”.

Presenter 1:
Every year on February 23, one of the most significant holidays is celebrated in our country -.

Host 2:
This holiday is a tribute to the soldiers who defended their Motherland without sparing their young lives during the Great Patriotic War And who is now protecting her.

Presenter 1:
Today, February 23, has become an informal celebration of all men, the holiday is celebrated by colleagues in their teams, in families. The holiday is truly massive.

Host 2:
We will try to make you, our defenders, feel comfortable surrounded by your native team, in a festive and warm atmosphere.

Presenter 1:
So, dear men, relax and have fun, and women will entertain you, congratulate you and, to the best of their ability, help you relax.

Host 2:
We continue the celebration with good news. Letters from different parts of the world came to the address of our company (institution).

Presenter 1:
Our dear men! Please accept sincere congratulations! It was on the eve of the glorious holiday that your heirs found you!

Preparation for this congratulation:
Take pictures of men. Further, depending on your art and computer knowledge, use Photoshop or other computer technologies to insert faces instead of children's faces. If it is not possible to perform this operation in the computer, simply cut out the man's face with scissors and stick it on the image of the child. Make children of different ages from babies to very respectable uncles and aunts (depending on the age of the newly-minted fathers), different sexes, you can make twins, triplets. Choose funnier photos of children, with some ridiculous pigtails, in a cap, with a cigarette in their hand, and so on.

The presentation of photographs of the “new child” occurs to each individual dad: “News from (name locality) from Maria Ivanovna "and further comments, for example:" What an appetite, Petrovich is all in you! (photo of a baby with a spoon at the table), “Oh, Petrovich, your masculine weighty word is immediately needed in raising this child. Look how the child blossomed without you” (photo of a teenager with a cigarette, beer, etc.), “Petrovich! Special personal congratulations to you! Father is a hero, he has cut so many! (twins, triplets) and the like, given the nature and habits of their male counterparts.

Based on the following aspects: cities visited on business trips, data from the biography (born, studied - in this case, mature children are suitable, as offspring of the consequences of cheerful student days), cities visited during vacations (including abroad ).

Presenter 1:
It is not a sin to raise glasses for the newly-minted dads. How many defenders and beautiful ladies they produced!

Host 2:
Now raise them with love
Seeing yourself in their face!

The first emptying of glasses.

Presenter 1:
But together with the children, you also get the most important new relative - the mother-in-law!

Host 2:
Lucky people!!! By the way, our gift will be very timely.

Presenter 1:
And we present to you discount coupon for the service (name of the printing house in your city).

Host 2:
There, with a big discount, you can order a calendar with a snake for 2013 for your mother-in-law with a photo of your mother-in-law.

Presenter 1:
And then play with the father-in-law and with all your guests throughout the year in the game "find 10 differences."

Presenter 1:
This device acts on the mother-in-law simply magnetically.

Host 2:
For example, at that happy time, when your mother-in-law is visiting you, you return home drunk. And in the pocket is a device.

Presenter 1:
And the mother-in-law meets you: “O light of the sun of my eyes! May the hour be blessed when I see you! Come, my lord, I baked pancakes for you!”

Host 2:
BUT? Feel the difference? That's it, don't part with the instrument.

Presentation of a miraculous device (just a button).

Presenter 1:
It's time to show in practice how funny and resourceful you are.

Host 2:
Real men are invited to the competition (choose 4 men)!

Competitive program.
Required material for the competition: fruits, raincoats, two basins or pots, water, beer, beer snack, cocktail tubes, plates. Competition 1.
Divide men into pairs (choose the same height). Pairs of competitors are given an apple each, which they must press with their foreheads, facing each other. And in this position, get to the intended goal (at the other end of the office, put basins of beer on the chairs). The fastest pair are the winners. Before the start of the passage with an apple, one of the leaders commands, when everyone is ready - “To the start, attention, march!”

Competition 2.
Now you need to dress the men (competitors) in raincoats. Drop fruits (small-sized apples, tangerines, lemons, grapes) into bowls with beer. The task of the competitors: without the help of hands, with their teeth, get fruit from the basin. For this, raincoats are needed so as not to soak the festive attire.
While taking out fruit, the presenters stand with plates in which the caught trophies are laid out, serve napkins to wipe their faces. It is necessary to get fruits in turn.

Presenter 1:
What other team would arrange such a holiday for you, whole basins of beer!

Host 2:
But that's not all, please get the straws for the cocktail, but not yet for the beer. Five minutes (or less, depending on the quantity of the product offered) are given for obtaining a snack.

Presenter 1:
And an appetizer, for all tastes, pointing to the plates: and salted nuts, squid, horse mackerel, crackers with aspic and horseradish. Wow!

Host 2:
Time has come gentlemen!

When collecting snacks, the straws can be used in two ways: To attract products with air, or according to the principle of Chinese chopsticks, which the competitors must be informed about, and accordingly give out two straws per person.

The couple that ran faster with an apple in their foreheads, pulled out fruit from the beer and collected more snacks, that one is the winner of the competition (if it is difficult to determine by these criteria, then the couple that did everything with a great sense of humor, with jokes).

The winners are given a 2-liter bottle of beer, the losers - 0.5 liters. They themselves collected a snack for themselves and the basins can also be handed over, of course, with the return of the container.

And you can pour water into one basin, beer into another basin, what to report. The right to dive into beer is played as follows. At the bottom of one container put a candy - a dummy (put paper in a candy wrapper instead of a candy), in another container only sweets. It is necessary to eat everything and find a dummy, the lucky ones get a basin of beer. Instead of sweets, it is permissible to use other products (for example, put one nut or other variations in crackers), most importantly, the “lucky ticket” should be at the bottom so that it takes time and effort to find it.

Presenter 1:
So, one part of the team took the beer to its heart's content. What about the rest are not people?

Host 2:
So let's raise a glass
For the most reliable on this earth,
For our men, without whom
We can't imagine life!

For men! Raising glasses.

Presenter 1:
We continue our entertainment and educational program!

Host 2:
We have prepared some form of vocal music that combines poetic lyrics with upbeat music. To put it simply, accept from us, women, the song "Oh, viburnum is blooming."

Oh, viburnum blooms in a field by a stream
I sing this song for you friends
I love men, to my misfortune
And I'm happy to run to Kalina on a date

And the man lives - does not know about it
Why is the girl thinking about him

Better than you, men, in the whole world there is no!

And my love is stronger every day
And all the time I'm ready to sing about her
I live without knowing any hassle
After all, a man will always come to my aid!

I congratulate you on the holiday from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you light love with me
By the stream from the viburnum the color flies
Better, cooler sex than with me!

A girl's love, stronger every day.
And not only sing, I want to scream about her
Let the viburnum bloom in the field by the stream
I love men, you are my best friends!

Presenter 1:
What are songs without dashing dances?

Host 2:
Yes, but dancing is on your conscience, our defenders.

Presenter 1:
Nothing compares to the beauty of the graceful movement of the male body in dance!

Host 2:
And we will slap and stomp you! I personally invite you to dance (call all the men).

Organization of entertainment: Under the appropriate melody, men must walk a given distance in the rhythm of the dance. In one direction - one dance, in the other direction - another dance. Dances: hopak, lambada, waltz, squat. In paired types of dance (waltz), if a man lacks a pair, then one of the leaders makes a pair.

Presenter 1:
As a rule, giving gifts is the prerogative of men.

Host 2:
But today, by right, women present them to you.

Presentation of gifts (gifts can be useful for the household or comic).

Presenter 1:
Dear men and beautiful ladies, we invite you to join the festive table!

Host 2:
With a clear conscience, we can freely take our "share" of alcoholic beverages and have a good snack.

To have fun celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, you need to prepare for the holiday. If you invent and implement interesting idea, men will be pleasantly surprised and satisfied. So why not please your colleagues on February 23?

When preparing a party, consider:

  • age of employees;
  • tastes and interests of colleagues;
  • the number of employees;
  • how much Friendly team.

The scenario for a specific topic (military, sports) or entertainment (games, contests, master classes) can be based on. It all depends on your imagination, budget and the characteristics of the team. We offer you several good options.

21 scenarios for a corporate party on February 23

1. Scenario "Spy Passions"

All employees are given invitations (2-3 types of postcards), after which they are offered to divide into teams. Participants must "identify" each other by the picture (each team has its own), and this must be done as quickly as possible. This will be the first task.

After the formation of teams, the host conducts an auction. Players are asked to name the skills and qualities of a spy (strength, endurance, attentiveness, ingenuity, good memory, etc.).

After that, you can move on to competitions. Options:

What's for lunch? One representative from each team participates. The players are blindfolded. He must determine by ear what a person eats (crunches a carrot, bites an apple, gnaws crackers, cleans seeds, etc.).

What's wrong? One member per team is required. Players watch the "model" for a minute. Then this person leaves the room, changes something in his appearance and returns. Participants must find the differences.

"Disguise"- interpretation of the famous game "Crocodile". The player is called the image in which he must reincarnate, and then explain this to his team without words. The team that guesses the most words wins.

Encryption. Commands from names or other words (they determine the subject themselves) make up ciphers. The opponent must solve them. Whoever did it faster, he won. Examples: mezhenda - International Women's Day, rovikta - Roman, Victoria, Tatyana, bakislyab - Banana, Kiwi, Plum, Apple.

2. Pajama party in military style

A great option for a youth and friendly team. The women are preparing. All employees must come to the corporate party in pajamas decorated with military paraphernalia (epaulettes, weapons, cartridges, etc.).

Props: pillows, blankets and blankets.

Table: beer and snacks.

Entertainment: games for skill and attentiveness, various contests and quizzes.

3. Sports scenario

If most of the men in your company are passionate about football, hockey, boxing or some other sport, you can hold a corporate party in the appropriate theme.

If this is football, prepare football paraphernalia, and put beer and snacks on the table. Contests and quizzes should be relevant to the topic (for example, questions related to the history of football, football teams and federations; ball games; beer battles, etc.).


Blind soccer player. The player is blindfolded, untwisted, after which he must hit the ball and score a goal. Spectators help him, suggesting where the ball is (to the left, to the right, etc.).
Armless bartender. Blindfolded participants must fill the glass with beer while holding the bottle with anything other than their hands.

4. Scenario "Championship"

If you decide to hold a sports corporate party, but do not want to stick to a specific theme, you can arrange a championship in darts, table football or tennis.


draw a dream. The blindfolded participant must draw what he dreams of, and the audience must guess what is drawn.
Fill the basket. Everyone who wants to participate. Players must throw as many candies into the basket as possible in 1 minute.
Look, don't miss it! Employees are divided into teams. All players participate in the competition. The essence of the game: hold the apple with your chin and run with it to the chair and back. The fruit is then passed to another participant without the help of hands. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

6. Scenario "Ball of the Hussars"

The venue for the party can be decorated with garlands and candles. Congratulation of men and a feast takes place under the compositions from the films “Say a word about the poor hussar”, “Squadron of flying hussars” and etc.

Suits should be prepared for a corporate party: for men - shakos (headwear) and mentics (clothing in the form of a jacket). Women can wear hats with ribbons and flowers (in the style of the 19th century).

Contests: who will perform the romance better, dance competition, saber competition. You can invite a specialist in sabraj, who will teach men how to open champagne in a hussar way.

7. Scenario "Voenkomat"

This is a military-style corporate party, and it is better to hold it in offices with several offices.

On the eve of February 23, it is necessary to print the plates with inscriptions "Headquarters", "First-aid post", "Radio shack" and others, and then attach them to the cabinet doors.

On a holiday, girls dressed in military uniforms meet men in the morning and take them to the “military enlistment office”. Nurses conduct an examination and declare that colleagues are fit for work.

Then the men are congratulated, presented with gifts and invited to the table.

- put on a military uniform while the match is burning;
- "silent" scout reports information to the headquarters;
- blindfolded participants try to build a geometric figure, which the leader calls (they participate in teams).

8. Presentation of the "Real Colonel" award

The corporate event is held in the style of an awards ceremony. Men are awarded titles or determine the best in various categories (economic, macho, lazy, romantic, etc.).

Any competitions are suitable for a party - mobile, intellectual and funny. For example, an "air battle" in which all men participate. Balloons are tied to each arm and leg of the player. The task is to burst the opponents' balloons and save your own.

10. Cheerful evening-fairy tale

Main characters:
- Gold fish
- Fairy
- Old Man Hottabych

Rybka and the Fairy hold a competition: men must assemble a puzzle from pieces (photos of a child, a house and a tree cut into pieces). When the picture is collected, the sorceresses say that it depicts the true desires of men, so they immediately fulfill them.

Instead of a child, they give a condom with holes.
For building a house - brick.
Instead of a tree - a book on gardening.

Hottabych, watching what is happening, begins to argue, arguing that the true male desires are to drink and eat. Then he holds competitions with alcoholic drinks.

After that, you can arrange sports competitions.

11. Women fulfill the desires of men

The following options are allowed:
- women during the working hours can fulfill various small requests of men: make coffee, make tea, print documents, etc.
- play forfeits (tasks are invented by men, and women perform them).
- women find out in advance about the desires of colleagues and, as far as possible, fulfill them (make a surprise or give a gift).

13. Scenario "Attack of drones"

The essence of the evening: to conduct exercises on remote control planes, cars or quadrocopters. You can have races.

checkpoint. To get through the checkpoint, you need to solve all the riddles, answer the questions correctly and decipher the password (for example, a phrase written backwards or in a mirror image).
parade ground. In this block, participants perform different tasks (squats, dressing up, jumping, etc.).
Minefield. To reach your destination, you must pass through a mined area. A lot of cans or cups are placed on the floor, and the players must collect them in 1 minute.
Intelligence service. Participants climb under a stretched rope without touching it.
Throwing a grenade. The players are trying to get the balls into the bucket.
Halt. After all completed tasks, participants are invited to the table.

15. Corporate outside the office

If you are tired of festive gatherings at the table, you can celebrate Real Men's Day outside the office.

17. Show program

Instead of theme party and competitions you can arrange an evening of spectacles. To do this, you need to invite various artists who will present show numbers.

Entertainment options:

  • striptease
  • dances (oriental, pole, cancan)
  • gymnastic tricks
  • snake taming
  • tricks
  • neon show
  • cover band

18. Scenario "Special operation" - active games

The military scenario can be replaced by active games. Such team competitions as paintball, airsoft and laser tag are perfect for a corporate party.

The named games are similar, only the types of weapons are different. In paintball, "wounds" are received with paints, in airsoft - with plastic balls, and in laser tag - with laser beams.

You can order an adventure game in the office. The props necessary for the quest will be brought to you and the room will be equipped. Play in groups of 4-5 people.

20. Wine or beer tasting

You can invite a sommelier or representatives of the brewery to the corporate party, who will tell you a lot of interesting things about drinks and hold a tasting.

What will it give?

  • you will try the best samples;
  • learn about the types of drinks;
  • learn to choose the right glasses;
  • learn how to choose and store drinks correctly.

21. Fishing and winter picnic

If your co-workers love to go fishing, you can surprise them by taking a short hike to a lake or river. All necessary equipment should be taken with you.

While the men are fishing, the women will prepare snacks. Ukha at such a winter picnic is a must.

If there are those who wish, you can arrange a competition - who will catch the most fish in the allotted period of time.

Any of these scenarios can be modified and supplemented as you wish. Any games and competitions are suitable - it all depends on the interests and preferences of colleagues. If you are sure that men will not want to play and participate in activities, organize something else that is more fun for them.

The Prazdn.som event agency will help you choose the most suitable option for you. The organizers will listen to your wishes and prepare original script. You can find out more and prices by visiting our website or by calling.

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Scenario "Alignment to ..!" is a cool way to congratulate the male half of the team on February 23rd.

The scenario is designed for an organization of up to 50 employees and is designed for a fun celebration in the office. Includes a large number funny contests and original congratulations from the female half of the team.

At the entrance to the office, the men are met by several colleagues who offer them to choose who they want to be today - a sailor or a paratrooper. Or you can distribute distinctive attributes by drawing lots so that each team has an equal number of people.

And to create a mood, each man, upon entering the room where the corporate party will be held, receives an Alenka chocolate bar as a gift, but instead of the girl’s face, the employee’s face should be depicted on the wrapper.


The place where the celebration is planned must be arranged in the color of military and sea wave.

1. Paper planes and ships should be hung from the ceilings on a fishing line.

2. For the photo zone, you need to make two large figures: a parachute and a submarine. Those who wish can choose: take a picture with a parachute soaring in the sky or explore the sea world on a submarine.

3. To save space, it is better to set the buffet tables - this will help free up more space for competitions and dances. You can add military-themed elements to the tables: toy tanks, airplanes.

Necessary props

1. Stickers in the form of stars.

2. List of songs for the contest "Guess the melody".

3. Two magnetic boards, two markers, two washing sponges.

4. Ten items for the "To the touch" contest.

5. Two suitcases with clothes, two matches.

6. Matchboxes, ribbons.

7. Two glasses.

8. Musical blanks for competitions.


Leading: Our dear, brave sailors and handsome paratroopers! On this men's day - February 23 - our entire women's team congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wishes you to always keep your eye on luck, good spirits, eternal youth of desires and feelings! And as an initial greeting, please accept our special musical gift!

Women's group performance

Two girls perform a song-alteration to the motive of the song "Fortuneteller", with them a small group of girls on the dance floor.


First verse

Fashion changes daily
But as long as there is a white light
Without men there is no good weather
There is no people without men.
Even in the cards of the old gypsy
Through times the king, then the jack.
Yes, and we will tell you without trickery:
There is a white light on men.


What can I say, what can I say.
Happy holiday to you, men,
And we want to wish you
And courage and strength.
You miss the stars in the sky
Hold a tit in your hands
Don't forget to dream sometimes
Store heat particle.

Second verse

We wish you more happiness in life
Do not be sad for nothing.
Congratulations on this day
Although you were not in the army yourself.
We wish a fair wind
Your life ships.
We dedicate this song to you
Noble to their kings.

Leading: Applause to the charming sailors and paratroopers. And now the floor is given to the director of the company (full name).
(The director gives a short congratulatory speech).

Leading: At the beginning of our holiday, you had a choice: who to become - a paratrooper and a sailor. Divide now into groups according to your choice and let's see who is the most here.
(Men are divided into groups).

Leading: You were divided not by chance. Today we will not only determine who is cooler - the marines or the air cavalry, but also identify the strongest, most courageous - a real fighter!
(Each team can be tied around the neck with a scarf; blue - marines, green - foremen).

Leading: Let's start testing for strength and endurance.

Competition "Women's Carrier"

For the competition, one participant from each team is invited.

Task: to collect as many girls as possible in a certain place, but you need to carry them to the gathering place on your hands, on your shoulder and in any way, only so that they do not walk on foot.
The one who collects the largest number of girls receives an honorary medal - a sticker in the form of a star, which will be glued to each winner's clothes.

Leading: That's the first victory! But let's see if the winner brought our girls to their destination in general condition?
(Looks at the girls). Girls, do you feel good, do you feel dizzy, do you feel sick? Well, everything seems to be fine! And let's say hello to the first winner again. And the opponents do not despair, because there is still a chance to recoup. Sailors, paratroopers, choose your team of 3 girls!

Contest "Guess the melody"

From the teams again leave one participant.
3 girls are invited to help each of them.
Task: guess the melody.
The first person to raise their hand gives the answer.
Songs should be on a military theme.

Leading: A real soldier must be able to convey information in such a way that the enemy does not understand it. Now you have to turn on all your ingenuity, because you will not explain with words, but with drawings.

Contest "Secret Line"

From each team, one person is selected to begin explaining the words first.
Each team has a magnetic board and a marker with which they can draw and, if necessary, erase the excess with a sponge.

Riddle words should display some kind of action. For example, military porridge. It is important to name this particular phrase, and not just “porridge” or “food”. The person who guesses the word gets a star.

Leading: Well, you don’t have to be a commander, but you always have to clean the roads from snow!

Competition "Dance Battle"

4 participants are invited.
Each is given a shovel. With it, they will have to imagine how they clean the roads from snow, but not just like that, but to the music.
Participants will have to demonstrate snow removal under 3-4 songs.
The best dancer is chosen by the audience with applause.

Leading: And they wear it on their hands, and they know the songs, but how beautifully they know how to move! How lucky our women are with such colleagues! Let's check, how do they navigate in the dark?

Competition "To the Touch"

Two participants from each team are blindfolded.
They need to guess 5 objects by touch, and the teams can suggest what kind of object is in front of him if the participant cannot determine the object for a long time.
But the hints should be suggestive - remotely describing the subject and not contain the same root words.

Leading: A real defender of the Fatherland must be fast, dexterous, courageous, and now we will find out who is the most exemplary soldier in your team.

Competition "Exemplary Soldier"

Each team chooses a suitcase. It's closed so they don't know its contents.
The host offers to choose a captain and only then says the rules of the competition.
The task of the captains for a while, while the match is burning, is to put on all the clothes that are in the suitcase.
The one who puts on more things wins.
To be funny, the suitcase should contain funny and ridiculous things, for example, women's or children's clothes.

Leading: Aren't you guys tired of competing yet? While you rest, let's pass the baton to our beautiful ladies!

Contest "Repulsed the guy"

Competition for girls.
To the belt of 5-7 girls, one matchbox is tied to a fishing line or ribbon so that they touch the floor.
On the boxes you need to stick a photo of any male object.
Girls must trample on the boxes of their rivals as quickly as possible and at the same time prevent others from trampling on their own.
Those participants whose boxes were trampled on are eliminated from the game.

Leading: What, however, are your harsh conquerors of men's hearts. Let's congratulate the winner with thunderous applause and be careful with her, everyone saw how she took other people's guys away, beat and trampled!
Attention! Now there will be a very serious competition, which will determine who will come out of here today as a winner!

Competition "Quick reaction"

For the competition you will need a table and two glasses or two faceted glasses.
The contents of the glasses can be anything.
On both sides of the table are a paratrooper and a sailor.
The competition is like a duel. At the command of the facilitator, the participants should grab the glass, drink the contents and loudly put the glass on the table.
You can hold several of these "duels", but with different participants.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, in a fierce battle, in a hard struggle, we have a winner. The most active participant with the most stars. Let's count!
(Music turns on, everyone applauds.)

Host (announces the winner): You get a certificate to visit a real Russian bath! (The music turns on, the presenter addresses all the men). And the rest of the participants are not upset, because gifts have been prepared for you too!

(All participants who have stars receive memorable prizes as a gift, for example, a comic diploma with the inscription “The main thing is not victory, but confirmation that you are a real sailor!”)

Leading: Dear men! Today you showed your strength, skill, quick wits, but for what? After all, no matter how strong men are, their main incentive is to win the attention of a woman. In fact, today there are no winners and losers among you! I was approached by the female half of our team with a request to convey that you no longer need anything, because for your colleagues, you are the strongest, the bravest, the best!

(At this moment, a slow song is turned on and the women invite the men to dance. It is important not to leave a single man unattended!)

Leading: Dear men, if you are not yet convinced that life in our office would be boring and monotonous without you, the ladies have prepared another surprise for you. Happy holiday to you, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Video greeting

(Preferably on a projector), a video on the theme "One day at work without men" is included.
The women's team plays up the situation of one day at work. They reluctantly do all the male work that their colleagues do on a daily basis. And in the end, congratulations on February 23 together.
The video must be copied to a USB flash drive or disk and handed to everyone as an addition to the main gift.

As a cool gift for your colleagues on February 23, you can prepare a bouquet of dried fish and a beer cake.

On this day, it is very important to pay attention to all men so that everyone receives a portion of congratulations and feels the atmosphere of the holiday, because such events bring the team together, and a friendly team is the main secret of the success of any company.

In this blog you will find a great variety of scenarios for congratulating men on Defender of the Fatherland Day for corporate parties that will help you pleasantly surprise the strong half of humanity and make the holiday of February 23 not only solemn, but also fun.

Defenders Day

Glorious day of the defenders of loved ones,
Day of confessions, tenderness, love,
To you, poets, from invisible friends
Congratulations helmet from all over the earth!

Dear, dear, dear,
Strong, reliable friends,
You have wonderful meetings for the weekend,
I wish you happiness, joy!

Let it be the only weapon
Word, inspiration Pen
For verses of love, so tenderly needed,
Sowing smiles and kindness ...

The script for congratulating men on February 23

In place of "dot-com" use the name of your organization,of course if it rhymes))).


First damsel
Second girl
third maiden
young man
First man
Second man

Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.

1 girl.
If only I knew

I would blossom girls
And he would be taken away

Neither sat nor plowed
I would vacation in Spain
Lived like a queen

3 girl
And I would go to the left

2 girl
Oh, if only I knew
Well, at least with one of the "dot-coma"
I drove a wheelbarrow on a steep
I would eat shish kebabs in the country

Walked in a mink coat
With a crocodile bag
And all the women in the country
Envy me

3 girl
Don't poison the soul of the girls
We now listen to this
And I would even from longing
I would wash my socks

Cooked to devour
And I would go to sleep quietly
Well, let the husband be with friends
Lit nights and days

Well, not a word across,
I would even run to the stall,
But in the "point-coma" of simple
No longer single

Just had time to say
The door creaked softly
And not hurrying into the light,
A young man enters.

He is talking
He was doing something at the fence;
Therefore, the speech is girlish
Loved him.

young man(drunk as hell)
I heard it needs husbands
So meet here I am
The boy is extremely cute
My market is quite decent

Four grades, educated
And my outfit is stylized
I know who is there on the pond
Rocked like her, a star

So girls don't get lost
And fall in love with me soon
Fly while I'm here
Spoil, they will take you away!!!

1 girl
Who did it bring
To our quiet village?
The girls are the man
But the language is like a pomelo

Well, tell the whole truth
Don't stand at the door
Who are you, in what rank,
Have you heard of "dot-com"

young man
I know, there are rumors
They spend cool holidays there
There is a demand for men from there
Solve any issue in an instant

I wouldn't mind myself
Join this team

2 girl
So why aren't you from there?
Uh .. it means the girls are bad
We are such a boyfriend
Just like a woodpecker conductor

So what are you going around
Races not included in the "dot-com"
Get out of here without looking back
So that the heels sparkle brightly

Oh those boys
(something big and bad) would be in their pants

3 girl
Looks like the guy wasn't bad.

2 girl
Was not bad, but still goof ... ha ha ha

1 girl
Where can we get lucky
There is no boyfriend or dacha
Gotta go to the cards
Maybe it will clear up

I guess I'll take a look
Tea whom I will bewitch
If today the sky is in the stars
That effect is coming serious

2 girl
Yes! ... I know one pop
Gave a good horoscope
The stars are out now
The constellations have changed

There... in the sky at night
Sagittarius quarreled with a lion
And in the end, the shooter
No right...

3 girl
Your horoscope is stupid
We would have girls in a fitness club
Yes in the tanning bed
Would brown a little

Men's fitness club
All colors and ages
Well, if you're lucky
Then from the "point-coma" who will come

Do not sit here until March!!!

1 girl
Quiet, quiet girls, cards!
Oh, this is fucking
A man is coming over...

And the phrase barely faded
There was a knock at the door immediately
A middle-aged man entered
And immaculately dressed

1 girl
Are you a dot-coma man?

First man
No, I'm a Gazprom manager

The girls jump up in fright and start preening

2 girl
Here girls are lucky
Yes, something to our, to the village
Such a man, top notch!

First man(storgo)
I brought you a gas bill...
Pay by Sunday
Otherwise, we will charge penalties

Just as fast as it came
Our chosen one is gone
And the girls from fear
Silently look at each other

2 girl
Is that what you guessed?
Us here entogo vandal?
Yes, I am in the village of our gas
Haven't seen a pancake, never

Let the infection go
I'll write a lantern under my eye
And in the final chord
A frying pan in the face

3 girl
Enough girls to swear to us
Gotta do business
Stop suffering bullshit
And we'll do the cooking

Bring some milk
Somewhere there was flour
We'll bake pies
Yes fried pancakes

You cut vegetables
Make good cabbage soup
Yes, when ramming from the cellar
Half liter bottle

Only the girl sang
How the work boiled
Cut a carrot in an instant
Pies are already in the oven

Shchi set to languish
It's dear to marvel
I myself am behind this process
Watching with interest

At work such
Hour one changed the arc
But not knowing fatigue
All the cooking is going on

Baked and boiled
And luck was lured
For the evening light
The boy entered the lighthouse

He was traveling from a business trip
Make a stop
And the smell from the hut
He came forgetting everything

3 girl
Make yourself at home

Second man
I'm a dot-com courier
Can you have a little
Refresh on the road

The guest was immediately seated
And passionately asked
About the desired company
Who is married, who is single

Second man
Yes, you girls are not smart
Look with your eyes
Here they are all sitting.
And in the eyes the lights are burning

Choose by right
Who will please you

1 girl
Here are the men
Yes, how beautiful
I see right away
I'm taking this

2 girl
I see my
I take it for myself

Well, the third girl
So as not to languish in thought Shouted

2 girl
This one is mine!!!


And took it home

Yes and I, what a trifle
Also a hot girl
Look how many there are now
I take two

They are here for a reason.

All women together

Hurray MEN!!!


Here is the end of the story
Who listened...

Stepan Strunkin

Scenario of festive congratulations of men from the stage

The stage is festively decorated.
An exhibition of drawings about the war was organized.

1. Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, let me congratulate all the boys, future soldiers and teachers who served in the Army on Defender of the Fatherland Day, although unofficially February 23 became a holiday for all men, young and old. And it's wonderful! Happy holiday everyone!

2. Host: We will start our holiday with the announcement of the order. (Students in grades 6-11 are divided into three teams of recruits: "Sailors", "Peacekeepers" and "Paratroopers").
To read the order, please stand up!
Order No. 001-22 on the personnel of recruits in grades 6-11 dated February 22, 2011.

  • 1. In commemoration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, to express with thunderous applause our admiration for the entire conscription staff.
  • 2. To celebrate the achievements of our boys in studies and sports with three “cheers”
  • 3. Celebrate the achievements of male teachers with three cheers.
  • 4. To express gratitude to teachers - men and boys for their reliability, solidarity, readiness to always come to the rescue.
  • 5. Enlist all recruits!
  • Let me congratulate you on the enlistment of new recruits!
Answer: "I serve Russia!"
(The song "I serve Russia" sounds).

1. Presenter: In the performance of 8th grade students, look humorous scene"Seeing to the army."



A conscript comes out, followed by a mother with a huge bag, the intro of the song “How my mother saw me off” sounds.

Mother: You would not go, son, to the soldiers. I told you, marry Lucy!
Conscript: I do not want to Luce!!!
Mother: Marry Dus! She would have given you two children in a year, or even three!
Conscript: How is it, mom?
Mother: And so! She already has two ... And she wouldn’t join the army!
Conscript: So I want to join the army, mother! Can you imagine, from a machine gun - boom! From a machine gun - plop! That's where life is for a real man! And what about at home - a cow mooing, a goat bleating, girls singing under the window. Boring things! (yawns).
Mother: Okay, okay, son! Once you decide, go! What is it now! And your father served, and grandfather, and great-grandfather. I have collected some goodies for you here: 3 pairs of socks knitted from the wool of the goat Manka, 3 liters of milk from our cow Zorka, 3 meters of fat from Borka, 3 dozen eggs from the chicken Valka. And from myself - a bag of seeds and a pack of envelopes. You will peel seeds and write letters to me.
Conscript: Oh, mother, I'm leaving you!
Mother: What did I say, son? Well, go, go with God!
He waves his handkerchief after him, the conscript leaves.
Performed by students of the 7th grade, the song "How my mother saw me off ..."
2. Presenter: Conscripts enter the army: some out of a great desire, and some out of necessity to fulfill their civic duty. And what is important even in the army?
1. Host: Studies! That's what! And our first test - "Political studies for recruits." Each team will be asked questions in turn, each correct answer is worth 5 points. So let's get started! The jury is asked to listen carefully and evaluate the answers.
2. Host: Let's do a draw.
Questions are asked in turn to 3 teams.
1. What weapon is associated with the name of Damocles?
  • - sword;
  • -onion;
  • - a spear.
2. What weapon is returned to its owner if it misses?
  • - tomahawk;
  • -scimitar;
  • - boomerang.
3. How is the crossbow charged?
  • - an arrow;
  • - with an ax;
  • - electricity.
4. What is the name of the knightly military competition in medieval Europe?
  • - tournament;
  • - duel;
  • - wall to wall.
5. What is the name of the body armor from the time of Alexander Nevsky?
  • - camisole;
  • - chain mail;
  • - a sheepskin coat.
6. What is the name of the element of small arms that allows you to aim accurately?
  • - flea;
  • - midge;
  • - fly.
7. What is the name of a bag or belt with sockets for rifle cartridges?
  • - patronage;
  • - chamber;
  • - patronage.
8. What is the name of a soldier's overcoat, folded into a ring, to be worn over the shoulder?
  • - roll:
  • - self-rolling;
  • - scroll.
9. Where do the military wear epaulettes?
  • - on the head;
  • - on shoulders;
  • - on the pants.
10. Which of the following does the tank have?
  • - tower;
  • - dome;
  • -tower.
11.. What command does the observer give when an enemy aircraft appears?
  • - air;
  • - sky;
  • -eclipse.
12. What do military personnel want when responding to a greeting from a senior in rank?
  • - happiness;
  • - love;
  • -health.
13. With what word does the soldier confirm his readiness to execute the order of the commander?
  • - is;
  • - OK;
  • - swept up.
14. What form is not in the Armed Forces?
  • - front door;
  • - home;
  • - everyday.
15. Which of the following positions does not apply to the command staff of the Armed Forces?
  • - battalion commander;
  • - comfort;
  • - commander.
2. Presenter: Summing up and announcement of results. The word is jury.
The following unanswered questions:
  • -Who is the founder of the Russian fleet? (Peter the Great).
  • - What is the name of the Russian naval flag? (Andreevsky.)
  • -What ship is called the grandfather of the Russian fleet? (Botik).
  • -Who are midshipmen? (Previously, students of maritime schools were called so).
  • What is the name of the painting that depicts the sea? (Marina).
  • - What are the names of the artists who paint marine paintings? (Marinists).
  • - How is the female name Marina translated? (Marine).
  • - Which of the Russian composers was a Russian officer and even made a sea trip around the world? (N A. Rimsky - Korsakov).
  • - Who is the author of the words of the Russian anthem? (Sergey Mikhalkov).
  • -Who is the author of the music\Russian anthem? (A. Alexandrov)
  • - Who is the author of the music of our school anthem? (V. Linkov)
  • - On which street is the military registration and enlistment office located in Inta? (St. Tchaikovsky).
2. Presenter: The floor is given to the jury

1 Lead: The song performed by Vladimir Melnikov "Russian guy" sounds

Now let's move on to the competition:
First competition -“First of all, the planes…”
The boys prepare paper airplanes and arrange competitions for flight distance.
The one whose plane flies the farthest wins.

The second contest is called "Sound Picture".
Before you is a masterpiece of world art. Give the picture a title and come up with a short monologue or dialogue.

Next match"Tell me about serving in the Army" (pantomime)
Participants go to the middle of the stage and begin a story about themselves, but not with words, but with gestures. The winner is the one whose story was more interesting and understandable.

The next competition is "On a halt ..."
The company is sent to carry out a combat mission, the soldiers stopped at a halt to have a bite to eat, to eat army porridge. The essence of the task is who will eat the porridge faster and go to complete the task.

The last competition "Songs about the army and war"
-Learn the song from the intro.
- Name the author of the song.
-Give the name of the songwriter.

The song is performed by Vladimir Linkov.
1. Host: The results of the competitions are summed up, the winners are determined.
2. Host: Let me once again congratulate everyone on the holiday!
Sounds three times "hurrah".
(Singing the school anthem)

Mila Novikova

Scenario and program of the holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day "My Fatherland - Russia"

Decoration solution:

On the back of the stage capital letters the name of our Motherland is written: "RUSSIA". Two tablet decorations on the sides of it symbolize: Russia “past” (domes of old churches) and “present” (towers of new buildings stretching to the heights). These two compositions are connected by a tricolor rainbow.

09.00 - 09.40 On the central stage of the holiday, a festive - patriotic concert begins, accompanied by a group of presenters who perform poems about the Motherland and designate sections of the program:

"I love you Russia!"

Host #1:
Play the accordion, wind up
song ringing in the fields.
This song is our song
About happy peaceful DAYS.
Let him dance in bright groves
Red maidens round dance
Let spring rage around
The holiday is on the ground...

Host #2:
Remembering the days of old
In the light of tomorrow...
I love you Russia
And this is my song!

Host #1: The program "I love you, Russia", dedicated to the future and present defenders of the Fatherland, is opened by the team "Sweet Berry"

9.00 – 9.40 Sweet berry team.

9.40 - 10.00 Building a military parade.

In the southeastern district of the capital
Without demanding applause and awards,
We tell you: the holiday will take place!
The parade is getting ready...

We are the songs of our glory - strung
On the holiday a solemn thread.
And now, for all of you to know
We want to announce the upcoming parade!

Russia's young bloom is coming
And to sing it in celebration
We are built like links in a chain,
And let the copper orchestra sound louder!

Host #1: The parade of the holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day begins!
Host #2: Get ready for the opening of the solemn parade ...
Host #1: Team: Attention!

10.00 – 10.20 Grand opening of the holiday, military parade.

We are very glad to meet you
Believe me, we will not forget her
And it's not easy with ordinary words
Talk about our close friendship

And expressing sincere feelings,
Like my dearest friends
We are the placers of martial arts
With all my heart we give you today!

10.20 - 10.40 Demonstration performances of sports sections and military-patriotic clubs of the SEAD (Phonogram).

Lots of new songs now
We compose and sing
But the songs of grandfathers, like a shrine,
We pass from mouth to mouth.

Days on the saddle
Are carried away into history
But folk songs
They are asking the people.

The song that moves the soul
And inspires and lifts up
You listen to a good song
And respond with a good heart in life

Love won't fade
To the songs of fiery distances.
Resurrects them again
The ringing of father's medals.

Lives in villages and villages
With Cossack prowess people.
Nobody compares to him in song
And it’s better not to enter the dance.

10.40 – 11.10 Cossack collective “Living Rus”.

And now dashing dancers
We invite them to our circle
You clap them with enthusiasm,
Not sparing your hands.

11.10 - 11.30 Group "Polar Star".

Russia! You can't measure your spaces,
And your thoughts are boundless flight,
And you especially believe in Russian songs,
When Russia sings these songs!

In the current lush bloom
All Moscow is noisy like a garden,
Here is a sign of renewal
The songs are new.

Where the sky is bonfires
The stars will light up at midnight
There side by side with the winds
Our songs live!

11.30 - 11.55 Duet "Arkady".

Musicians only have to
Play a Russian dance
And there is no place for you and me
Impossible to resist.

Everyone loves dancing, we and you,
So the truth is undeniable
That dancing is the same as love,
All ages are always submissive.

11.55 - 12.15 Group "On the same wave".

12.15 –12.20 The awarding of the winners of sports competitions is carried out by the organizing committee of the holiday and Y. Mologin.

12.20 – 12.40 Cocktail group.

12.40 –12.45 Rewarding.

12.45 – 13.40 “Musical frigate”.

13.40 – 14.00 Rewarding. Appeal of representatives of the district administration to the residents of the district.

14.00 - 16.00: "You are the most beautiful in the world, my Motherland!".
(Theatrical concert with the participation of district teams).
Participating in the concert:
Choreographic group "Pinocchio"
Life-size puppets of the theater "Polar Elephant"
Constellation team.
Charm team.

16.00 - 20.00 Youth disco. (The disco "Lublino" is open).

20.00 Festive fireworks.

Veniamin Shmatov

You survived, soldier, even though you died a hundred times,

And he pressed his companion-death to his chest.
You survived, soldier! And again in battle!
There will never be peace for you.

Many years have passed. You live, soldier!
Your feat is glorified, it is known without dates.
Hero medals adorn the entire chest,
but from thoughts you will not fall asleep again.

You remember battles, ditches, trenches, friends.
Come on, pour alcohol into a mug as soon as possible.
And remember those who took off into the sky,
dew glistened on the chamomile field...

And the tears in my eyes don't let me see
this Russian land familiar firmament.
You, soldier, would rest in the silence of birches,
only the wind blew the leaves from the trees ...


Short-term leisure program

Compiled by:
Provornova Tatyana Valerievna,
Smirnova Tatyana Leonidovna,
Shamaeva Maria Olegovna;
Zavgorodnev Dmitry Vladimirovich.

Program goal:
To promote the development of a sense of patriotism in children.
Program objectives:
1. Acquaintance with the history of the formation of the armed forces of our country;
2. Manifestation of cognitive activity;
3. Manifestation of physical and creative potential.
Explanatory note

The program is addressed to children elementary school and is aimed at the patriotic education of the younger generation. It is held in the form of competitive competitions between teams. Consists of six thematic blocks. Each block includes a historically educational part and a competitive game part, which includes: sports, intellectual and creative elements.
The program uses photo and video materials, game props, musical accompaniment. Due to the fact that the program is accompanied by interesting and informative information, illustrations and musical accompaniment, team members not only show their abilities, but also learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things.
Conditions for the implementation of the program:
Venue - assembly or sports hall.
The duration is 60 minutes.
Number of participants - 2 teams from 8 to 12 people and fans of the teams.
Necessary equipment:
Screen, video projector, sound equipment, microphones.
Artistic, musical design:
Video sequence: "Russian Army", "Future Soldier".
Video intro: "Cavalry", "Pilots", "Aircraft", "Quiz for Commanders", "Nurses", "Cypher".
Paper tape;
Outdoor flagpole;

1. "Cavalry":
Wooden horses 2 pieces;
Floor chips 6 pieces.

2. "Pilots":
Cardboard "boats" 2 pieces;
Floor chips 6 pieces.

3. "Airplanes":
Colored paper 10 sheets;
School desks 2 pieces.

4. "Quiz for commanders":
Helmet (box) 1 piece;
printed questions.

5. "Nurses":
Toilet paper 10 rolls.

6. "Encryption":
Envelopes 2 pieces;
printed proverbs;

Host costumes:
Raincoats and caps stylized as military uniforms.

"How and when the Red Army appeared" A. Saturn
I. Mints, E. Gorodetsky "Documents on the history of the Civil War in the USSR." Politizdat under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
Internet page "We come from... Chronicle: People, places, events, testimonies.".
Magazine " Military Russia- Submarines", publishing house: Mediahouse,
year: 2006
Encyclopedia of modern military aviation / warehouse. V. P. Morozov, V. A. Obukhovich, S. I. Sidorenko. - M.; Minsk: AST; Harvest, 2001..
"Military Literature". Memoirs.
Internet page The feat of front-line nurses during the Great Patriotic War "Each of us had his own war."
"History of encryption business in Russia" T. Sobolev.

Expected results:
Comprehension by children of the value of patriotic feelings.
Children's awareness of their capabilities and abilities in the creative field.
The acquisition by children of practical skills and abilities in the performance of physical and intellectual tasks.
Improving the culture of relationships between children and their behavior in interaction with peers and adults.

short-term leisure program

Music sounds.
Spectators pass into the hall.
The light goes out.
Video "Russian Army"
Light is gathering. Leaders come out.

Hello dear friends.
We welcome everyone to this hall!
We are glad to meet you.
And our meeting is dedicated to...
Defenders of the Fatherland! (together)

1 presenter
On February 23, our country celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day. Two decades ago, this holiday had a slightly different name - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. However, the meaning and significance of the holiday remain the same to this day.

2 leading
In a multi-year heroic history The number of historical victories and deeds of the Soviet Army and Navy does not know its exact number. During the Great Patriotic War, in a fierce battle with German fascism, the Soviet Army was able to defend the freedom and independence of our Motherland.

1 presenter
And today the Russian Army reliably defends its country from all enemies, protects the priceless heritage of the world. The day of February 23 has long been a special day for the entire Russian people, and on this day a military parade takes place on Red Square in Moscow.

2 leading
At all times in its history, military service has been a matter of honor for every man, and devoted service to one's Fatherland has been the highest meaning of a warrior's life and service.

1 presenter
You future men and future heroes aspire to grow up courageous, strong and worthy defenders of your Fatherland.

2 leading
And today you have the opportunity to demonstrate these qualities.

1 presenter
Guys, imagine that you are soldiers. “The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad,” says folk wisdom.


1. "Cavalry"

2 leading
Who knows the name of the branch of the armed forces in which a riding horse is used for combat operations?

The children answer.

The most active are invited to the site, 5 people from the class.
There are several floor chips on the site.
Teams receive a "Horse".
Task: each participant on horseback runs the distance around the snake chips.
During the explanation of the task, the props are taken out.

Music sounds.
A competition is being held.

1 presenter
Possessing high mobility and maneuverability, combined with a swift and powerful blow, the cavalry played a decisive role in many battles.
But in the mid-50s, in connection with the development of weapons of mass destruction and the transition to full motorization of the army, the cavalry ceased to exist as a branch of the armed forces, and the cavalry units were disbanded.

2. "Submarines"

2 leading
Surely many boys would like to serve in the navy.
For this difficult task, certain skills are needed:
Wits, toughness… more?
What warships do you know? (cruiser Aurora, Varyag, boat).
The children answer.
A screensaver corresponding to the correct answer appears on the screen.
Those children who name qualities are invited to the playground, 5 people from the class.

1 presenter
And who on the ship or submarine paves the way, avoiding underwater obstacles?
The one who answered will be the "pilot".

Two floor chips are placed on the site.
Teams receive "submarines".
Task: "pilots" need to transport the entire team from one chip to another.
During the explanation of the task, the props are taken out.

Music sounds.
A competition is being held.
The children return to their seats.
At this time props are being carried away.

2 leading
And in our time, the largest warships, which are called aircraft carriers, have appeared.
These ships are called so because their main strike force is aviation.
A modern aircraft carrier has several dozen aircraft on board.
To do this, the ship is equipped with a huge flight deck from which planes take off and land.
Also, aircraft hangars where Maintenance and refueling.
The cost of building and maintaining these ships is so high that at present only ten countries have aircraft carriers in service, including our country.

3. "Airplanes"

1 presenter
Airplanes are perhaps one of the most amazing inventions of mankind in recent years, even the very idea that such a huge "steel bird" can rise thousands of kilometers above the ground is amazing. Guys, what is aviation like?

  • Fighter
  • Assault
  • Bomber
  • Intelligence
  • Special
  • Transport
The children answer.
A screensaver corresponding to the correct answer appears on the screen.
Active children are invited to the playground.
Teams receive paper.

Task: all participants fold the airplanes, after which an “air battle” is arranged.

Music sounds.
A competition is being held.
The children return to their seats.

1 presenter
The first aircraft for combat purposes began to be used during the First World War. Prior to this, aircraft were only entertainment for the public. During the war, with the help of aircraft, the location of enemy forces was recognized. Then, over time, they began to install weapons on aircraft, and thus their role in hostilities increased significantly. It took only one century for people to learn how to create the most advanced combat aircraft, they are equipped with modern weapons such as cannons, missiles, bombs, mines.
At an altitude of 17.5 km, these are 34 Ostankino towers, developing supersonic. They can carry out refueling in the air, so the flight range has increased.

4. "Quiz for commanders"

2 leading
In combat, not only technical capabilities are important. But not a single battle would have been won if there were no outstanding generals and commanders.

1 presenter
Guys, what generals and commanders do you know?
The children answer.
A screensaver corresponding to the correct answer appears on the screen.
And we invite commanders from classes to our quiz.
Commanders come out to the court.

2 leading
To win a battle, you need not only strength and skill, but also mental abilities.
And our commanders will demonstrate it.

Questions are taken out of the box one by one.

  • 1. What is common between a tree and a rifle? (Trunk)
  • 2. Why are the spear and shield inseparable friends and enemies?
  • (They are always together. The spear strikes, the shield protects)
  • 3. Who said: "It's hard to learn, easy to fight" (Suvorov)
  • 4. What is the name of the "fighter of the invisible front?" (Scout)
  • 5. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Cabin boy)
  • 6. Sea cook. (Cook)
  • 7. Morning team. (Climb!)
  • 8. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor).
The commanders return to their places.
At this time props are being carried away.

2 leading
And indeed, as the outstanding commander, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, said, “We must fight not by numbers, but by skill.” There are many examples of outstanding warfare strategies. For example: at the time of the Battle on the Ice on Lake Peipus, Alexander Nevsky, knowing the tactics of the German knights, which consisted in the fact that the military ranks lined up in a wedge, which allows them to quickly break through the defenses of the enemy troops, made a brilliant decision. He built a line of infantry near Lake Peipus at the beginning, and behind it loaded carts. Thus, during the retreat of the infantry, the German knights got stuck in the carts, and Alexander Nevsky's cavalry from the flanks dealt a crushing blow to the German military ranks, which could not quickly reorganize for a retaliatory strike. And thus the battle was won.

5. "Nurses"

1 presenter
Over the years, women have also shown themselves in military affairs, first of all, they were nurses, as wounded soldiers affectionately called nurses.
A screensaver corresponding to the correct answer appears on the screen.

In our next competition, girls will participate who will correctly answer the questions:

  • What is used for dressing?
  • How can you carry the wounded?
  • What can be done to treat a wound?
  • What is the identity of a nurse?
  • How is temperature measured?
A boy and 5 girls from each class are invited to the site, the girls are given toilet paper, at the same time the girls bandage the boy: one - the right hand, the second - the left, the third - the right leg, the fourth - the left, the fifth - the head.

Task: to bandage the "wounded soldier".

At this time, the props are taken out.

Music sounds.
A competition is being held.
The children return to their seats.
At this time props are being carried away.

1 presenter
We know from history that Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II, and his daughters, in order to help the wounded during World War I, received medical education and helped the wounded in numerous hospitals in Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg and its environs.
We also know about the exploits of nurses during the Great Patriotic War, who, on their fragile shoulders, carried the wounded right out of the shelling. And sometimes, at the cost of their lives, they saved warriors.

6. "Encryption"

2 leading
There are specialists in the army who are called cryptographers. What is encryption, of course you know.

The children answer.

A screensaver corresponding to the correct answer appears on the screen.
You have to decode the received message.
At this time, the props are taken out.
The commanders receive ciphers and, with the help of their teams, decipher the message.

Music sounds.
The game is being played.
The children return to their seats.
At this time props are being carried away.

2 leading
Our encrypting specialists coped with the tasks entrusted to them with honor.
The leaders of the young Soviet republic understood that it was necessary to create their own secret encryption service.
By a separate order of Lenin, on the orders of the Revolutionary Military Council of November 13, 1918, a "Cipher Department" was created with a staff of 14 people. By the way, this very day - November 13, has since been celebrated annually in our country as the "Day of the Cryptographer".

1 presenter
Today, summing up the results of our game, we saw that the future defenders of the fatherland are growing up and we congratulate you on the holiday. Happy holiday of real men!

The light goes out.
Video "Future Soldier"
Light is gathering. Leaders come out.

Thank you dear friends for visiting us.
Once again, we congratulate everyone on the holiday.
See you soon!

Music sounds.
The children leave the room.


A toast to men

In a beautiful name Man
Gathered courage and become
Ability to think and dream
Being inspired for no reason

Know how to love, know how to give.

To leave, then to return.
To be so fickle
To seem like such a support.

guard his destiny

From lies, betrayal, deceit,
And always be kind
Give life full, without flaw.

And let the words intertwine

About the only, beloved,
Whom nature has named
beautiful name -

Musical-parody script for February 23 (corporate holiday)

Musical parody program for a corporate party or for showing on stage. Consists of 6 mini-sketches and 8 parody songs.

Author - Evelina Pizhenko

Actors (permanent for the entire performance):


TWO "DIRECTIVES"- are selected from the audience, or, alternatively, actors.

Changing characters (can be performed by the same actors):

MOTHER- a hyper-caring lady, escorts her son either to the army, or to a resort.
BABKA- business, quick-witted, what is called "military". It is possible that she personally took Berlin.
BRATOK- typical, all teeth, chains, "nuts".
BROTHER'S DAUGHTER- an imperturbable girl in the last month. Apparently, the father of the "last month" is unknown. Chewing gum constantly.
GIRL-DEMBEL. It happens. She gave the service not only honor, but also a manicure.
TANYUKHA- A student at a vocational college. Previously, this was called the simple and understandable word vocational school.
SVETKA - Tanya's friend.
KINDERGARTEN PUPILS- in the performance of adults, the number is not limited.
ELENA VAENGA- parody character
ALLA PUGACHEVA- parody character
MASHA RASPUTINA- parody character
LARIS DOLINA- parody character

There are two chairs on the stage.

LEADING. Defender of the Fatherland Day has always been considered a purely masculine holiday. Well, with a few exceptions. Even now it is a reason for us to congratulate all men, regardless of their military duty. Unfortunately, the army of those who have not completed military service is growing. But a man, first of all, is a protector. Every year, the times are farther and farther away when the guys who did not serve did not enjoy authority among the girls. And those who served were rightfully proud of their rank and still remember the years of military fraternity, the so-called demobilization, and, of course, the farewell to the army!

And today we invite all men to remember this unforgettable event for them and for their numerous relatives! So, the medical examination and the feast are behind us. Concert at the assembly point!

The presenter invites two (if desired, more) men from the audience and seats them on the stage. They represent conscripts.

HOST(he says cheerfully).

In vain we chewed purgen,
They ran around.
And did not reveal x-ray
Heel fracture.
No head disease
And the analysis is normal,
Even though we blinded him
From dry food.
At the herring with milk
Friendship won.
Hello, military commissar dad,
We are ready to serve!
Dear Guys! That long-awaited hour has come! Behind the fees and farewell to relatives! And in this solemn moment we tell you... However, our first guest will tell you everything herself! (Leaves).

The artist enters the stage in the image of Elena Vaenga. Sings a song.


The sun shines brightly,
And an empty bag
All grubs finished,
But they didn't sober up
Everyone sits and wonders:
"Where will they send
Serve us, in the Navy or in the Airborne Forces?"

I wish that the boots do not sting,
So that grandfathers do not laugh,
And less extraordinary outfits are needed.
To be fed meat
And they drank kvass.
So that they give a sergeant, and so that the girls wait.

"Vaenga" leaves the stage, collides with Mother along the way. Mother has a huge checkered bag in her hands. She menacingly looks after the Vaenga.

MOTHER (rushes to one of the "conscripts").
Son! (hugs vigorously). How did you lose weight! And how pale! This is in two hours, but what will be left of you in a year ?! Why did you take so few things? I brought you something else for the trail!

(He starts to put things and products out of the bag: he tries to put felt boots on his feet, ties a scarf around his neck, puts a hat with ears and a pompom on his head, takes out mittens with an elastic band, puts them on his neck, sentences).
The host appears on the stage, looks in bewilderment at the guests and at the “conscripts” - they are sitting hung with “gifts”. When she appears, Grandma quickly runs away. Mom stays.

LEADING. What is going on here?

(to Mom) Who let you in here?

Mother sings a song.

(Parody of the song "Galina")
You circle the world, you travel for a year,
You promise everything, they say, I will come.
And I'm planting a garden again,
And again I wait, like a fool, I wait.
All chickens and rooster died with laughter,
A boar has grown old in a pigsty for a long time.
Withered under the windows of your favorite dopukh.
And so our romance ended.

Blooming, blooming potatoes in the garden,
Harvest one again.
Well, where are you, damned Seryozha,
You come, finally, come.
The entire text of the song is in the full version of the script.

Mom leaves the stage. The leader speaks to the audience.

LEADING. I hope that the raids of relatives are over, and we continue our holiday concert! (Reads a verse, with a joyful expression):

May the tablecloth be dear to you,
The cockade rings like a bell.
Now your service will become a mother,
And the ensign will become a father!

And we have another "star guest"! We meet!

The artist enters the stage in the image of Larisa Dolina. Sings a song.

SONG OF THE WRITTEN'S WIFE(To the motive "Weather in the house")

What is the forecast for today, honey,
Is there no reason for joy again?
When I married a sergeant.
He promised me to become a general.

That's what mom and dad said
It won't make any sense.
After all, if a husband is an ensign in life,
You can't fix it with an umbrella.

Valley is leaving. The presenter returns, again turns to the "draftees".


How long have you mothers
Were you escorted to first class?
Popes under the native word
Taken from graduation?
And now in one formation
You leave your family.
you as future soldiers
Congratulations Kindergarten!

Artists appear on the stage in the form of kindergarten students. They are wearing dresses, bows, the boys are wearing shorts. Toys in hand. First read poetry.


Twenty third of February.
Congratulations dad. Fuck!..

(interrupts, speaks in a whisper). Is it possible to say such words? Who taught you?

FIRST "BABY" (innocent)
Maria Ivanovna!
(continues, loudly shouting the very first syllable):

Fuck-ha on the belt is on fire,
Father says to son:
Will you listen to me
You won't get a belt!


The son answers the father:
I have one secret.
Mother hid the straps
So, dad, don't drive!


You and I are in the same line,
Do not scold my mother!
We must protect her.
Happy Defender's Day!

Kindergarteners sing a song.

(parody of the song "A soldier is walking through the city")

And today is a day off
Father is celebrating.
Mom cuts for salad
Fresh cucumber.
Prepared a surprise
Cream, deodorant.
Only dad is somewhere again
He landed his troops,
He landed his troops.


And dad is somewhere in the city,
On an unfamiliar street.
celebrating to the fullest
With friends, without a wife.
Don't be offended, mommy
For you and me, the main thing
Home to wait for our
Defender of the country.

Kindergarteners run off the stage. Immediately after them, Bratok enters the stage - all in leather, in chains, "nuts". He looks around, approaches the “conscripts”, speaks in an undertone.

BROTOK. Guys, do you want to hang out?

(Waiting for some kind of reaction from the “conscripts”, nods in satisfaction).
Understood! (Waving backstage).

Daughter, come on!

DOCHA BROTKA enters the stage. She is fashionably dressed, she has a big belly - pregnant. He chews gum, gives the guys a lazy look.

(nods at the guys, like a collision).
Well, what, which one?

(With a lazy look, he continues to chew gum, looks at the guys again, walks around. Then he nods at one of the "conscripts").
(Looks at the guy for some time, looks at him unkindly. He clicks his “tooth”, begins the “interrogation”).

Well, what are we going to do? Wanted to hide from me in the army? That's just not necessary! What, let's start calling our mother, hiding behind our wife and children? (Pointing to Dochu). Did you know what you were getting into, specifically? What you do not know? What's the name you don't know? What's my name, do you know? You do not know?! You don't know Borzoi?! And Sedogo? And Mute? What about Deaf?

At the moment when Bratok interrogates the conscript, Docha looks at the second one with interest. When Bratok lists nicknames, Docha pulls his sleeve several times.


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