Rational proposal with economic effect examples. How to write a rationalization proposal? What can be rationalization proposals


By about 1956, there were already 50 rationalization proposals on my account. I cannot say that all of them were very valuable, but they all concerned new types of tools for producing carving or improved the technology of manufacturing various tools. And I thought that my tools could be useful not only in our factory. But how to implement them in other enterprises, I had no idea about that.

Here are some of my rationalization proposals, which, as it turned out, became useful to many machine-building plants in our country.

Method for making measuring collets. Many modern machines have various units that feed by the movement of a piston in a cylinder - a conventional hydraulic connection.

In order for such connections to be sufficiently reliable and to function flawlessly, it is necessary that the gap between the cylinder and the piston operating in an oil medium be 5-7 microns. This is a theoretically grounded task set by the designer.

And how, in practice, in the manufacture of these systems, a gap of 5-7 microns was guaranteed? Yes, no way, or just "on the probe"!

Looking closely at mechanical workshops to the technique of finishing the piston and the inner surface of the cylinder, I made smooth gauges for the closers every 2 microns so that they could accurately measure the inner diameter of the cylinder and have at least some kind of reference point. But such calibers are, of course, primitive. After all, the cylinder could have an ellipse or barrel shape of 2-4 microns, which you cannot feel with any caliber.

Our suppliers have purchased pneumatic length gauges - rotameters and four-ball bore gauges designed by the Kalibr plant. Judging by the advertisement and the passport, both devices guaranteed the accuracy of measurements of internal diameters up to 0.001 mm. This was all that modern measuring technology has created for internal measurements with an accuracy of one micron. But both devices did not take root in our factory. The fact is that many cylinders had holes in the walls and it was impossible to use a pneumatic gauge to measure them - air escaped into these holes.

Four-ball bore gauges were also not suitable, since they limited the depth of measurement to 30-40 millimeters, and we had to measure cylinders much longer. In addition, the balls often fell into the cylinder bores, and then it was very difficult to pull the bore gauge out of the cylinder. With such gauges, there was nothing to think about of any microns.

Inspector NS Petrov proposed a new device - a collet bore gauge for measuring deep holes with an accuracy of 0.001 mm. Theoretically, the device provided the required accuracy, did not require the supply of specially purified compressed air, did not sink into the side holes of the cylinder, and was very portable: you could, as they say, "carry a micron in your pocket." Many factories needed it.

Nikolai Sergeevich Petrov contacted many tool shops of various factories, and went to the Kalibr plant with a request to make at least one prototype of his device. And everywhere the experts refused him, saying that it was impossible to make what he had drawn on paper out of metal. He has been bored with his inner gauge for several years. And finally, the drawing of the bore gauge once came to me.

Everything about this device was simple, except for one detail - the measuring collet. In order to guarantee a measurement accuracy of one micron, this collet must of course be manufactured with even greater precision! It is impossible to achieve such accuracy with a complex configuration with any, even super-golden hands. It was necessary to find such a technology in which all the elements of the collet would be obtained correctly.

Collet bore gauge of the inventor N.S. Petrova

I decided to try to create a technology for manufacturing a measuring collet of an internal gauge. I spent half a year practicing this technology. Then for another six months he brought her to business on the machine. And finally, after a year, my students began to make these measuring collets. And two years later, a collet bore gauge has already appeared in many instrument factories.

The most difficult part of making a measuring collet is making a deep, precise taper with an angle of 52 ° 48 '

I have been invited to factories more than once to show me the process of making measuring collets. This means that the need for this device has not disappeared at the present time. However, the heads of the Kalibr plant, apparently defending the honor of the uniform, categorically refused the mass production of Petrov's collet bore gauge - an “alien” brainchild! Therefore, even now, a number of factories make bore gauges for themselves on their own, and they avoid using the devices of the Kalibr plant. The Kalibr plant has created and produces a lot of very sophisticated instruments and very precise instruments, but it was not lucky with an internal gage of great accuracy.

A collet bore gauge works by comparison with the installation of a given size along the reference ring. In some cases, the size can be set according to the block of gauge blocks (not lower than the 3rd grade), clamped in a measuring clamp. The device can check holes with a depth of up to 150 mm with an accuracy of 0.001 mm, and deeper holes with a hole diameter over 25 mm. With the same accuracy, you can check the taper and ellipseness of the hole for its entire depth.

The collet bore gauge consists of a micrometer with a graduation of 0.001 mm; the body in which the stem moves; measuring collet and ball. Collets are made replaceable, with a graduation on the outer diameter every millimeter. The smallest diameter measured by the device is 6 mm, the largest is 52 mm. The device is very simple in design.

The hardest part in making a measuring collet is getting a deep, precise taper with an angle of 52 ° 48 'with a grade 11 finish. It is equally difficult and important to make an outer ellipse with very accurate radii, as well as to achieve strict concentricity of the elements of the cone, ellipse and radius surface.

The angle of the taper inside the collet is mathematically calculated, it allows the stem to move by one micron when the outer diameter of the measuring sphere of the collet is changed by exactly one micron. For the correct manufacture of the collet, it is first of all necessary to correctly perform all the preliminary operations, since without this, even the most careful fine-tuning cannot achieve the required accuracy of the device.

Many of my suggestions for improvement relate to cutting tools. Of these, I would like to acquaint readers with the changes technologies for making taps and dies , which are required at every machine-building plant and are produced in the USSR in tens of thousands.

The technology for making taps is well known:

1) blank,

2) thread cutting (for thread grinding or clean to size),

3) milling grooves,

4) heat treatment,

5) thread grinding (if the thread is cut with a grinding allowance),

6) sharpening.

The first (rough) taps and taps with complex profile threads are usually cut clean in the raw state. This technology has been around for many decades, and even now, many toolmakers will get round eyes if they are told that it needs to be changed. And it is imperative to change this technology! I suggested only changing the order of two operations, and this turned out to be enough to make it possible for the turner to fulfill the norms by 1000%. A thousand percent sounds incredible, but there is no exaggeration here.

Take, for example, taps with shaped round threads, which in most factories are cut immediately clean to size in a raw state (such a thread is used in firefighting devices and fittings).

According to the norm, at our plant, 29 minutes were relied on for cutting a round thread of a tap with a diameter of 20 mm with a pitch of 3 mm and a thread length of 50 mm - as they say, you will not really roam! After all, it is necessary to maintain the size of the two radii, external and internal, the diameter of the thread, and you also need to keep the cleanliness of the thread surfaces within the 7th grade.

Cutting a round thread is also difficult because the shavings adhere to the threaded comb along the entire profile, and this inevitably leads to tears and tears at the outer radius of the thread. To avoid nadirs, we cut the taps with a comb clamped into a spring holder, but this did not always help.

I changed the places of the second and third operations: I suggested doing the groove milling on the workpiece, and then cutting the thread.

And the craftsmen and technologists, of course, goggled at me and began vying with each other to prove that, they say, the cutting will go to blow, will chip the comb, and the spring holder with the comb will "nod" all the time!

However, I insisted on my own and on the first batch of 100 pieces fulfilled the norm by 1000%: it took me 2.9 minutes to make each tap. And there was no miracle, everything was theoretically justified and comprehended in advance. First of all, I abandoned the spring holder, and clamped the comb in a hard steel bar with a bolt hole. Such a rigid holder did not give any "nods" when cutting for impact.

When cutting with the old method, the threads often produced nadirs, and to avoid them, they had to work at low speeds. With the new method (cutting for impact), I increased the speed 10 times and, in fact, cutting "for impact", as such, did not become: when stripping the thread, the chips merged into a continuous short thick tape.

What caused the nadirs on the threads with the old method? Due to chips sticking to the comb. With the new method, such sticking of chips stopped by itself. The chips, of course, were still sticking, but now, before cutting began, each tap's nib knocked the sticking chips off the comb.

Subsequently, I analyzed all this when, having started up the machine at low speed, I examined the operation of the comb with a new method under a magnifying glass. At the same time, when changing the technology, I was guided only by intuition and extensive experience in cutting all kinds of threads on a wide variety of cutting and measuring instruments.

At first, some threaders and mechanics tried to object to the new technology. But the advantage of the new method was so obvious that soon all threading tools began to demand that they be given taps with pre-milled grooves for threading.

Two or three weeks later, the sharpeners came to me to thank. "How easy and quick it is now to sharpen the taps!" they said. I understood them perfectly: earlier, when the grooves of the taps were milled after threading, the cutter bent large burrs into the thread, and the sharpener had to remove a lot of metal from each feather with an abrasive wheel in order to remove these burrs. Now the burrs have disappeared, and the sharpening has gone 3 times faster.

The new technology began to use threading tools that manufacture taps with a conventional metric thread: rough taps began to be cut "on impact" immediately to size, finishing taps were cut "on impact" with an allowance for thread grinding.

Soon I heard gratitude from thread grinders, which, I must admit, did not expect. It would seem, is it not all the same to the thread grinder when the thread was pre-cut - before milling the grooves or after milling. It turned out - far from all the same. The thread grinder hits the thread with an abrasive wheel “on a spark” - “strikes” on one side of the profile, sees a spark and notices this moment on the longitudinal travel indicator, then brings the wheel to the other side of the profile until the same spark is obtained. He will see on the indicator how much is from one side of the profile to the other, and divide this value in half. After that, he will put the thread wheel exactly in the middle (according to the indicator) and begin to grind the thread profile - he is sure that he hit the thread exactly in the middle.

With the previous method, the spark was obtained from the contact of the grinding wheel with the burr remaining inside the thread profile after milling, and not with the profile plane. Therefore, the thread grinding wheel did not always hit exactly in the middle of the thread, the worker grinded only one side of the thread, and the other remained black - and the tap was rejected.

Now the burrs were gone, the spark was obtained only from the touch of the circle to the very plane of the thread, and hitting the thread was always accurate. The marriage ended completely.

A few words about fulfilling the standards by 1000% when cutting finishing taps with round threads.

Of course, only one permutation of the order of operations could not give such a good result. It's pretty here important role played different little things, the use of which allowed without fuss, but quickly and confidently perform two operations - cutting (roughing) the profile and fine threading.

Each operation took an average of one and a half minutes. Such "little things" include, as I said, the rejection of the spring holder, the carbide (non-rotating) back center, punching (marking) of one of the sides of the square of the tap under the collar, etc.

With a simple (steel) back center, it would be impossible to increase the cutting speed by 10 times - it would burn out. The rotating center does not provide stability and sufficient rigidity when cutting "for impact", the product would vibrate. The use of a carbide center eliminated all of this.

Marking one side of the square of the tap made it possible to clamp the clamp always in one place, which eliminated the need for the turner to get into the thread after roughing with a fine comb. It was enough to hit the thread the first time - and the remaining 99 taps no longer needed this operation.

The use of such trifles in combination with the new technology made it possible, even now, when, it would seem, everything has already been taken into account and calculated, to fulfill the norm by 1000%.

As for the application of the new technology for the manufacture of round dies, then in this case, too, a significant effect was obtained.

Slicing using conventional technology internal thread walked slowly, because with continuous chips the risk of nadding on the thread of the die was even greater than when cutting an external thread. According to the technology proposed by me, windows are first drilled in round dies, then a hole is bored for cutting, then the back of the head is removed on the die feathers on both sides and only after that the threads are cut.

I started to cut the dies in this way with the size 24 × 1.5 and 24 × 2 and reached the size 100 × 2. The cutting was carried out "on impact" at high speed with constant "collision" of chips adhering to the teeth of the comb. The carving was 2 times faster and clean, without the slightest nadir.

In addition to increasing productivity at the very operation of threading, some other advantages of the new method were revealed: there was no longer the need to manufacture master taps for each die size; the operation of driving the die with the master taps became unnecessary to remove the burrs in the thread; the marriage in the thread, which arose during the running of the thread with the master tap, was eliminated.

Of course, just as with tapping, all these successes did not come by themselves, only from the rearrangement of operations in technology. For the internal dies, holders of increased rigidity had to be made, and the dies themselves for cutting by a new method began to be made with a large-diameter shank. In addition, I suggested making dies for cutting dies not with a regular profile, but with a taper along the average diameter, while ordinary threaded dies have a thread profile cut along a cylinder with a taper along the outer diameter.

With conventional combs, only one last tooth works with a tip, which quickly becomes dull, and the comb often has to be resharpened. At a certain taper angle, which is different for different thread pitches, each tooth of the modernized comb cuts with the entire profile and removes very small chips, which protects the tool from bluntness and provides easy chip escape. Such a comb with four teeth removes a layer of metal 0.2 mm deep in diameter in one pass.

Regular profile (a) and improved (b) combs for cutting dies

Previously, thread drivers often thought about whether to drive out the die after drilling the windows with a master tap or not to drive it out? If you drive it, it means risking a die, since it is not always possible to immediately hit the thread with a tap (especially with a large diameter). And I didn't get it right away - the die goes to marriage. If you do not drive it away, the sharpeners will raise a cry, since they have to grind down the feathers of the die for a long time in order to remove the burrs on the threads left after drilling the windows. Often, at the same time, the thread was annealed, became soft - and the die again went to waste. This way and that - it was still bad!

With the new technology, all these troubles have disappeared, the dies have become of high quality and twice as fast.

So, at first glance, a change in the order of operations in the technology, insignificant, gave a brilliant result. Now this method is used in the tool shops of many factories. For those toolmakers who work in the old way and cut the thread on a die "whole", I advise you to go to new technology, they will not go wrong!

Of course, I will not describe all my 50 rationalization proposals - this is a long time and there is no need. But I will tell you about one more proposal that facilitated the hard physical work of turners-closers - about mechanizing the finishing of threaded gauge rings of medium and large sizes.

In most tool shops of machine-building plants, gauge threaded rings are cut with a cutter and, after hardening, are adjusted with cast iron laps. Grinding of internal threads on calibers is rarely used.

If we take, for example, an M100 × 2 ring, then the allowance for finishing is usually left 0.4 mm. And if we take into account that after heat treatment the ring inevitably deforms by 0.3-0.35 mm, then the turner has to finish the ring for a long time with the help of laps, spending a lot of physical strength.

I was able to mechanize the finishing of large threaded gauge rings using a conventional lathe... I did the first experiment with rings with a diameter of 60 to 200 mm, and the machine for this purpose used an old one, intended for write-off.

A bar with a longitudinal groove is attached between the guides of the machine on the ribs of the bed. Two push-button starters of right and left travel move along this groove and can be fixed in the desired place. The starter buttons are elongated and directed towards each other.

The threaded ring is screwed onto the lap in the usual manner and clamped with the carrier bolt. The shank of the carrier, moving along with the ring along the axis of the lap, in its extreme position, presses the left button of the starter, which switches the machine to reverse. Having reached the right button of the starter together with the ring, the carrier switches the machine to direct motion. This automatically reverses the rotation of the spindle, and with it, changes the direction of movement of the ring along the lap. To make the carrier shank hit more softly against the stops in the extreme positions, two PCB bars are attached inside the bed.

Attachment for a lathe for mechanical finishing of thread gauges

A conventional threaded lap is set on a tapered mandrel, and the turner can only follow the normal movement of the ring along the lap, from time to time add a lapping abrasive and, if the ring has become weak on the thread of the lap, squeeze it on the mandrel. Thus, an allowance of 0.7-0.8 mm is easily removed from the ring and the thread on the ring is clean. 0.03-0.04 mm is left for the final finishing and the finishing is performed manually on a finishing lap with a small amount of a finer abrasive.

In addition to threaded ring gauges on a modernized machine, in the same way, you can bring various threaded parts that require the removal of large allowances on the thread.

Since the starters for reversing the rotation of the spindle during finishing are placed below the level of the bed guides (they are doublers of the main starters of the machine), the machine remains fully suitable for any turning work and can be used for its intended purpose.

I managed to rationalize and improve a number of carving works and tools, but there is no particular merit in this: it was just that then there was still a great difference in the culture of tool production in Moscow and Leningrad. I learned a lot at the Leningrad factories, and what was commonplace there was often an innovation at the Moscow factories.

Ideas for improving work come to minds of many. They often remain ideas. However, if they are formalized in the form of a rationalization proposal, then they can bring benefits and money. How to correctly draw up and submit a rationalization proposal, we will tell in the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to correctly draw up a rationalization proposal

1. The first stage in the design of the rationalization proposal (hereinafter referred to as the RP) is the verbal expression of all aspects of the idea:

  • in what conditions it can be implemented;
  • who will use it;
  • how the idea will be embodied;
  • what are the benefits to the company from the implementation of the RP.

2. Stage three - the study of the history of the issue. You need to collect all the information about how this problem was solved earlier, what are the approaches to solving it now, what is the advantage of your solution to this problem. It can be more economical, safer, more convenient to use, etc. All arguments in favor of your option must be supported by numbers, i.e. you should spend economic analysis RP.


Consider this stage For example. Let's say you want to improve a potato peeler. Study the question. Peeling potatoes with a regular knife involves waste in the amount of 10 g for each medium-sized tuber. Your knife reduces the amount of waste to 5 g. If the cost of a kilogram of potatoes is 25 rubles, and the weight of a tuber is 70 g, then the resulting savings will be 2 rubles. per kilogram. Time savings should also be taken into account. It is 2 minutes per kg. If the cost of a working hour is 120 rubles, the savings will be an additional 4 rubles. Further, it should be noted the ease of use and increased safety of the employee performing this operation.

All the information provided should be summarized in a table, to which drawings, graphs, diagrams, as well as a concise description of the RP should be attached. The text of the description should not exceed 1-2 pages and express the very essence of the RP: the subject of the proposal, the difference from analogues, the economic benefit.

How to apply for an improvement proposal

When the description of the RP is ready, you need to draw up an application. For the application, a standard A4 sheet is taken. At the very top, on the left, the addressee is indicated. As a rule, this is the head of the organization.

At the top right in the frame, write the word "Registered with No." and leave a place for the date.

Certification of educational workers in 2017 will be voluntary and compulsory:

  1. Personnel Number;
  2. Full Name;
  3. Place of work and place of registration;
  4. Profession, specialty, position, education.
  5. Year of birth.

"Application for a rationalization proposal".

Next subtitle "Agreement on the distribution of remuneration". Under it should write the following:" Previously given offer was not served anywhere"(and if it was submitted, then you should indicate where exactly) and further" We ask you to divide the copyright fee in equal parts"(if there is another agreement with the co-authors, then this option must be indicated.

This is followed by a phrase like this: “I (we) affirm that I am (are) the author (co-authors) of this proposal. I (we) know that if the proposal is recognized as secret, I (we) undertake (s) to comply with the secrecy rules, including those established by the Regulations on Discoveries, Inventions and Innovation Proposals. "

The next, final paragraph "Attached:

  1. graphic materials (sketches, drawings, diagrams, graphs, etc.) on… sheets;
  2. technical and economic calculations, justifications, etc. on… sheets;
  3. other materials on… sheets.
    In total on ... sheets. "

The next sheet of your application will be "Conclusions on the proposal".

In this section, you need to provide some feedback received on your RP. There must be at least two reviews. One must be received in his structural unit, and the second and subsequent ones are from other departments of your organization (for example, economic, legal, or accounting department).

All reviews must be certified by signatures indicating the position and date. Please note that if the implementation of your RP can improve the working conditions of the company's employees, then in this case you will need to get feedback from your company's OSH specialist. In practice, reviews are drawn up by the authors of the RP themselves, taking into account the comments of those persons who will sign them.

The structure of the review consists of two blocks - the first one lists all the advantages of the RP, distributed according to reviews, and the second one should justify the need to recognize this proposal as rational.

The next sheet has the title " Decision by the proposal". There should be enough space for the text of the decision. There should also be space for signatures and dates.

At the very bottom of the sheet, a table is inserted with the title “ Changes in regulatory and technical documentation". It will have the following columns:

  • Title of the document;
  • Notification number;
  • Date of change;
  • The position and name of the department;

In the event that your RP entails changes to regulations company, these data will be entered into the table.

The last, most pleasant line:

« Received (s) certificate for the rationalization proposal.»

Date and signature.

The application process is now complete. All additional materials should be attached to it and an application should be submitted to the rationalization council. Applications are usually reviewed at the end of each quarter. If your proposal is approved, then you will receive a prize, certificate, honor and glory, and most importantly - moral satisfaction.

How to write a cover letter competently

The letter of proposal is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization.

What is the structure of the text of the proposal letter?

It is recommended to start a letter of proposal directly from the essence of the letter, that is, with a proposal. Already in the first line of the letter, it should be said about what is offered, the most important conditions or objectives of the offer should be listed. If the subject of the proposal needs detailing, then this information is stated in the second part of the letter, after the proposal made.

What keywords and phrases are used in the letter?

The key verb of the sentence letter is the verb "offer." If the letter is addressed to a specific person, the pronoun “ To you»: « we are offering to you…". If the letter is addressed to an organization as a whole or to a group of individuals, the personal pronoun is written with a lowercase letter: "we offer you ...".

If the proposal is sent as a response to a request, in the initial phrase of the letter it is necessary to express gratitude to the addressee for their interest, for example: “ Thank you for your interest in the personnel testing program developed by us».

So it all starts out easy. A proposal for improvement (the so-called PPU) can be submitted on a form (applications are available from direct managers, you can print it yourself from the system) or through the internal portal of ChMP JSC (IMS PPU). Small group members (MG) do not even have to issue it on paper. It is enough to discuss the idea at general meeting MG, and the leader of MG will help register the PPU. In STO-158, which regulates the submission of PPU, it is prescribed that the manager must help the employee formulate the PPU.

After registration of the PPU in the system, a category is assigned to it, a person responsible for implementation is appointed.

Category 1 assigned to proposals that help improve working conditions (OU). These include proposals for improving existing work processes, incl. more rational placement of equipment, improvement of the state of work places, refinement of office algorithms. The payment for them is 300 rubles. Introduced in 2015 automatic system submission of the PPU (IMS PPU) not only registers all the PPU, but also enters the authors of the PPU into the remuneration pay sheet, which is automatically sent immediately after changing the status "Registered" to "Accepted for implementation". This decision is made by the working group. It is she who determines the feasibility, significance of the PPU and those responsible for the activities. The statuses “Registered” to “Accepted for testing” or “Implementation” are also automatically changed by the system.

The arithmetic is simple: 10 PPUs per month for 300 rubles. = 3000 rubles - a good increase in salary.

NS 2 categories include proposals for organizational and technical improvement (OT). The payment for them is 700 rubles. These include ideas for organizing a new process (production, office - for example, with a change in planning, financing, information systems, etc.) or technical solutions(obtained by design, programming, calculation or experiment) that do not create savings or allow you to obtain an economic effect of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Category 3 - the most significant proposals - rationalization (RP). New and useful organizational or technical solutions that allow you to obtain an economic effect for 1 year of use over 50 thousand rubles. After consideration of such at the scientific and technical council of the enterprise (STC) and the decision to "implement" is paid 1 thousand rubles.

If the economic effect of the PPU is more than 50 thousand rubles, then the remuneration is calculated depending on the economic effect of its use. It will be considered after the PPU is implemented. Those. remuneration is paid after the fact. The explanation is simple - the planned costs were the same, but the actual costs of equipment or renovation of the premises, for example, will be different. For NTS, in order to transfer it to the category with an economic effect, a certificate from an economist will be enough that the PPU will help to save the enterprise, for example, more than 4 thousand rubles.

Sometimes you don't have to wait a year to get paid. For example, in 2016 Sergey Gorbushin, an engineer for the provision of railway transport in workshop 11, proposed using serviceable wheelsets of carriages decommissioned (in terms of service life) for the repair of operating railway tanks. Thanks to this, ChMP saved 1.49 million rubles. The effect was calculated immediately and confirmed by the act. The remuneration was 72 thousand rubles, the co-author received 22 thousand rubles. (No. 182-311-2016-RP). The amount of remuneration is divided among all authors depending on the distribution of remuneration that they have determined when submitting the proposal. The ISU system automatically calculates authorship as well.

By the way, remuneration is paid not only to those who submit PPPs, but also to those who actively help to implement them.

In 2016, for example, more than 7 million rubles were paid to the participants in the process of submitting and implementing the PPU. Of these 6, 25 million rubles. paid as a bonus for PPU accepted for implementation, about 880 thousand rubles. - to the authors of rationalization proposals for using their ideas. More than 260 thousand rubles. were received by employees actively helping to implement rationalization proposals.

If all the implementation measures are completed, the status "Accepted for implementation" changes to "Implemented" - the last stage of the PPP implementation.

PPUs of the first group, as a rule, are implemented promptly. Difficulties begin at the stage of introducing PPUs of other categories. A recent engagement survey showed that the implementation of the PPP, which involves procurement procedures (due to the length of their implementation), as well as proposals for changes to the SAP office systems, EODS, supported by Greenatom, is of particular difficulty.

All information on the PPU (category, activities responsible for the implementation, changed documents, the date of the start of the use of the proposal) is entered into the system by the R&D officer. If you have any controversial questions about entering information into the system, you should contact the authorized R&D officer.


This is a proposal aimed at improving performance. A useful and new solution.

It is useful if, during implementation, an economic, technical or other effect can be obtained, i.e. better result than before.

New is first and foremost initiative proposal, i.e. that which is not imputed functional responsibilities and is not determined by the order of the head, which was not a consequence of the execution of plans and orders, which is not provided for by mandatory regulatory documents enterprise or parent organization.

Improvements can include suggestions:

  • for a more efficient organization of the workplace or improvement of the work process (production and office environment),
  • technical solutions: to change the design of products, the equipment used, to refine programs, production technology, material composition;
  • organizational solutions to save labor and other resources.

PPUs cannot be recognized as proposals aimed at correcting errors and inconsistencies, or only setting a task, indicating a problem or an effect that can be obtained without a specific solution or method of achieving.

Proposals of the same type are not improvements either. For example, a laboratory technician offers an improved container for the safe and secure transfer of tests from room A to room B. This is an improvement for which the employee will be paid a fee. But if it is proposed to use the same container to carry other analyzes, or if we are talking about a different route (from room B to room C), then this proposal is not an improvement, followed by a bonus, because its essence is repeated by the PPU, for which the premium has already been paid.

Prepared for publication by Natalia Pleteneva, infographics - Alisa Korobeinikova

Rationalizing, or kaizen, employee suggestions help companies save and generate additional profits. The first to introduce the kaizen system in the agro-industrial complex was the Kuban holding, which received an effect of 800 million rubles in seven years. In a crisis, the relevance of rationalization proposals increases significantly.

Lyudmila Kremneva

The state increases support Agriculture to replace imports with domestic products, which is undoubtedly beneficial for farmers. However, their production costs rose significantly after the weakening of the ruble. To make a profit, companies must improve efficiency and cut costs by encouraging employees to do so. A program of rationalization, or kaizen, proposals can help to do this.

A properly implemented system of rationalization proposals can bring tangible benefits, says Michael Germershausen, Managing Director of the Antal Russia recruiting company. “I know of a case when a cleaning lady won the competition for the best rationalization proposal,” he says. The employee drew attention to the fact that one of the company's branded stores is always empty for the first two hours after opening, but in the evening before closing, queues are constantly gathering in it. She proposed to change the store's opening hours by two hours later. This innovation immediately had a positive effect on sales volumes - they grew by about 15%. The cleaning lady was awarded a valuable gift.

The idea works

Operator's manual cellular Back in 2011, MTS initiated a project to collect rationalization proposals - "Idea Factory". For three years of its implementation, the company received $ 37 million in additional profit. One of the brightest ideas is the proposal of an employee of the operations department information technologies... He has developed a billing system unified for several platforms, which allows calculating the cost of communication services for each specific client based on the tariff chosen by him. The effect of its implementation was $ 1 million.

The Baltika Brewing Company also believes that thanks to the ideas of its employees, one can significantly save money and increase profits. In 2007, two projects were launched here: for employees of the sales department - the program “Have an idea!”, For production personnel - “Your idea works”. As a result, about 900 rationalization proposals were collected in the first year. For example, two engineers came up with the idea of ​​using condensate to heat water in boilers of a boiler house, which is formed during the production process and is not used in any way. Thanks to this, it was possible to reduce gas consumption.

Another idea, suggested by the sales manager on the eve of the New Year holidays, contributed to an increase in beer sales by 300%. He advised to install in every supermarket where "Yarpivo" ( trademark Baltika), installations in the form Christmas trees made of coasters - cardboard coasters for beer mugs to draw the attention of buyers to the product. Experience has shown that the idea worked.


Lilia Yasakova, HR Director of Nokian Tires Russia (tire production), believes that it is advisable to pay bonuses to heads of departments, depending on the initiative of their employees, only if the standard for rationalization is fulfilled. Thanks to this incentive program, which was launched in 2013, the company received 1,350 ideas against 929 in 2012, and the amount of savings increased from 12 million rubles. up to 28 million rubles.

Similar techniques are applicable in the agro-industrial complex. For example, the Kuban agricultural holding (part of Basic Element) became the first agricultural company in Russia to start introducing a production system based on the principles of kaizen in 2007. “According to it, everyone, from ordinary workers to middle-level employees, is working on modernizing technologies, reducing temporary and labor costs- said the then general director of Kuban Fyodor Druzhinin in 2008 in an interview with Agroinvestor. - For the first time in Russia, this system was introduced at GAZ. As a result, labor productivity there quadrupled. Druzhinin and the company's specialists were trained at the car plant, although at first the manager doubted its expediency. “An automobile plant is machines, walls, heat, monotonous technological process everyday. And today we have a drought, tomorrow it will flood the fields, then it will hail ... After graduating, I realized that I was wrong, ”he recalled.

During the first year of operation of the kaizen system, the agricultural holding received 336 rationalization proposals, 286 of them were implemented. This brought the company RUB 21.3 million. additional profit. “I'll give you an example. The calf milk bucket is usually hung on a hook. The calf pushes him, the bucket falls, and the milk spills. It has always been this way on state farms, - said Druzhinin. “But as soon as the workers thought about reserves to improve production, someone suggested using a ring instead of a hook: it more securely fixes the bucket.” Another idea is to optimize the transport of calves. Previously, several milkmaids literally lifted two or three animals in a small cart pulled by a horse, then got into it themselves and held the calves during the move so that they would not run away. Employees of the company came up with the idea of ​​making carts with higher walls and a tailgate at the back that turns into a ladder. As a result, one person instead of three was able to handle the transport of calves.

“The kaizen system can be successfully applied in all industries. One of such illustrative examples of introducing kaizen in "Kuban", which is relevant for all companies, is the reduction of energy costs, ”says Elena Artyushchenko, deputy general director of the holding (quoted from the company's press release). “In 2009, we analyzed the consumption of electricity at enterprises, reduced it where possible, and in five years we received an economic effect of about 36 million rubles.”

Since 2007, Kuban employees have developed and implemented about 4.6 thousand standards and over 3.4 thousand improvements, including more than 500 kaizens last year. Labor productivity during this time has tripled - from 106 thousand rubles. up to 333 thousand rubles. gross profit per employee per year, which made it possible to double wages... Inventors receive a prize for ideas introduced into production. In 2014, employees were paid in the amount of 2.8 million rubles. for rationalization proposals; the total amount of premiums for ideas since 2007 has exceeded 13 million rubles. Last year, the holding received an economic effect from the implementation production system in the amount of 86 million rubles, in total for seven years this amount exceeded 800 million rubles.

It's easy to submit a rationalization proposal

Despite the fact that such risks are possible, there is a transparent scheme at Rusagro - the Your Idea Works program. “The employee prepares his proposal in writing and submits the application to the program manager at the enterprise, - says the HR director and organizational development sugar business line of the group Olga Fedorova. “The manager registers it and sends it to experts who evaluate the idea and either launch it or reject it.” Fedorova believes that this method of submitting rationalization proposals works: about 130 kaizens were submitted during the year, 60 of them have the status of "in progress", 25 have already been introduced.

CEO recruiting agency SQ-Team Alexey Gorbunov is of the opinion that sometimes it is enough to ask employees the question: "If the company belonged to you, what would you change first?" One retailer did just that, posting it on a corporate website and asking store managers to bring the issue to the attention of employees. Management pursued two goals: to reduce costs and to stop talking about ineffectiveness of leadership and salaries. In two weeks, about 400 written proposals were received, of which 50 ideas seemed sensible and interesting. Some of them were aimed at how to save money, some were more radical in nature: dismiss some managers, and use the money to buy equipment. As a result, 17 rationalization proposals were implemented, the topic of conversations was also changed - now employees are discussing how to get into working group, which decides which programs will be launched within the direction, Gorbunov shares. “People want to get involved in the project because they believe these ideas will help them better solve work problems,” he adds.

Who is promoting ideas

Employees willingly take on the role of project moderators. For example, at the Nikiforov Sugar Plant (part of Rusagro), these duties are performed by Process Engineer Tamara Khludentsova. Colleagues helped to implement one of her ideas. It was necessary to find a way to process substandard sugar faster and easier. At the beginning of the sugar beet processing season, when all the centrifuges are started, the first batch of sugar turns out to be inconsistent with GOST. Previously, this sugar was dried, packaged and sent to a warehouse for subsequent re-processing. Now, instead of releasing a low-quality product, the massecuite mass is dissolved up to a certain value in boiling devices and dropped into a clearing mixer with further return to the process stream. “To achieve this and thereby eliminate unnecessary stages of work, my colleagues and I used a regular pipeline that used to be in a different section,” explains Khludentsova. "We have improved the equipment and put it into operation."

After the implementation of this project joint work the team on increasing the efficiency of production is not over. The workers of the shop, noticing what participation Khludentsova takes in the program "Your Idea Works", come to her for advice: they ask how to describe their idea, whether it makes sense. The specialist helps them because he sees that the management appreciates the proposals. According to Gorbunov, the very fact that the company has employees who are not indifferent manufacturing process, and they are ready to support colleagues and management in the necessary changes or to propose them, indicates that the company can count on success.

At TehBioKorm (sale of feed for farm animals), the site manager personally helped cow feeding specialist Galina Ivanova to improve her rationalization proposal. It consisted in increasing the safety of animals and increasing the average milk yield by changing the daily ration of cows. To achieve the desired result, it was required to constantly monitor the livestock, control the process of feeding and digestion of feed, and, if something did not go according to plan, change the diet.

In the course of work, Ivanova came to the conclusion that it is optimal to add 0.3-2 kg per head / day of chopped straw to animals, increase the proportion of structural fiber and reduce the content of starch, easily digestible carbohydrates by reducing the portion of ground grain by 0.5-1, 5 kg per bird / day. Thanks to this correction of the diet, the cows will be less sick with diarrhea and subclinical acidosis, the specialist noted. In addition, they will restore the process of secondary chewing activity, which will lead to a greater release of saliva, which helps prevent acidification of the rumen and the death of microflora. At the same time, the fat content in milk will not fall. The lifelong productivity of cows was increased from 40 thousand kg of milk to 70 thousand kg, the safety of animals also increased.

In the Cherkizovo group, not only ordinary employees, but also managers are actively involved in the process of submitting rationalization proposals. The company has developed a plan, which reflects how many proposals each department must provide and how many are received in fact. Many affiliates are even overfulfilling their kaizen proposal plan. Sergei Peskov, HR Director of the Meat Processing Segment, is confident that thanks to this practice, managers are better aware of how useful it is for them to promote the ideas of their subordinates.

Reward in two stages

The incentive scheme, when an employee is first awarded for submitting a rationalization proposal, and then for the fact that thanks to him the company managed to save money, is used in almost every enterprise. For example, at Rusagro, the author of an idea receives a T-shirt with the Your Idea Works logo and a small prize. “If the idea is approved and implemented, then the employee is paid additional bonus depending on the size of the annual economic effect, but not more than 5% ”, - comments Fedorova. The most active participants of the program are invited to corporate events, for example, New Year's celebration in Moscow. The company pays for the flight and hotel accommodation. The project participants live and work in the Tambov and Belgorod regions, and it is a strong motivator for them to come to the capital for a celebration, where they will once again celebrate their merits, says Fedorova.


However, according to Khlebnikov, sometimes it is better to reward the author of an idea confidentially, especially if he himself wants it. According to a survey conducted by HeadHunter, only 27% of respondents seek public recognition for their contributions. Many are simply afraid of gossip and envy of colleagues.

At Cherkizovo, each employee receives an award if his idea is recognized as rational and included in the list of kaizen proposals that will be implemented. The amount of the remuneration is 500 rubles. The second prize - 5% of the planned economic effect - will be received by the rationalizer after implementation. Also paid 5% of the amount of the effect received for the year. True, you will not be able to make millions: the program rules have a limit on the amount of bonuses - their total amount cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles.

If the idea was proposed by a group of employees, then the first prize of 500 rubles. every person gets. After the implementation of the idea, they give 8% of the economic effect on everyone. “The amount is distributed depending on the degree of participation of the employee in the implementation process, the complexity of the project, the timing of its implementation, - lists Peskov. - The total amount of the premium, again, cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles. to the team ".

In addition to awards for the proposal and implementation of innovations, an employee of the company can receive an award for participating in the competition for the best kaizen proposal. If the idea takes first place in one of the nominations, then he will receive 50 thousand rubles, if the second - 30 thousand rubles, for the third they pay 10 thousand rubles.

Of course, cash bonuses are not the only way a company is rewarded. A photo of a distinguished employee appears at the plant's stand, and an article about his achievement appears in the plant's newspaper. The hero of several publications was the chief mechanic of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Cherkizovsky meat processing plant Sergey Vishnyakov. One of his ideas is to supplement the installation through which the sausage meat moves with an air supply piston to provide the necessary pressure inside it. Due to the fact that this machine, which resembles a pipeline, is very long and the pressure is not enough (and two pistons cannot be supplied), it was decided to shorten the pipeline where possible. As a result, now all the minced meat that is in the installation is used for the production of sausages, whereas before, some was washed out as waste after the end production cycle... They wrote about the idea in the corporate newspaper of the company in order to encourage the specialist, and to show the rest of the employees that simple technical proposals are also accepted. Vishnyakov is confident that by submitting the idea of ​​a pipeline and a piston, he not only contributed to the improvement of the enterprise, but also simplified his work.

Mushegh Mamikonyan, President of the Meat Council of the Common Economic Space (CES), is confident that although Vishnyakov's innovation is point-and-shoot, his contribution is so significant that neither the economic effect nor the optimization of resources can be compared with it. “It is important that there are highly qualified mechanics in the industry, with innovative thinking and glowing eyes, like Kulibin in his time,” the expert is sure.

Michael Germershausen from Antal Russia also thinks that the value of rationalization proposals is not only in their commercial benefits. If the company implements the ideas of the employees, then there is an effect of motivating the personnel to give out more ideas, increasing loyalty and involvement, which ultimately improves the company's brand. An organization that listens to the suggestions of employees and encourages their initiative looks more attractive on the labor market compared to competitors, Germershausen is convinced.

A rationalization proposal (RP) is recognized as such if:

    is new;

    can solve technical problems;

    gives a visible positive effect.

What should be the significance of novelty?

It is often difficult to separate RP from invention, since both are homogeneous in nature and can be of significant scale. For example, rationalization involving the manufacture of wristwatches in the millionth volume will yield greater profits and savings than creating one unique device that helps to assemble the same watch by hand. Novelty can be considered significant if it:

    matters at the level of world equipment;

    solves the problem posed in production;

    introduces important new elements into an existing solution.

It is noteworthy that the rationalization proposal can be confirmed, even if it was already known earlier, but was not applied in a specific production. These subtleties can be understood with an example. garment production... Suppose the employees of a sewing workshop suffer from the heat in summer, amplified by the heating of electric lamps. There was a need to lower the temperature. For this, the innovator proposed replacing the electric lamps in the lampshades with "housekeeping" (daylight). The issue of lowering the temperature was resolved.

On the one hand, both types of light source are already familiar to the world. Nevertheless, this is a rationalization proposal, since in the specified production such lamps have not yet been installed in lampshades.

Types of offers:

    rationalization (new only for a specific industry enterprise);

    industry (has significance in the whole industry);

    cross-sectoral (affects several different areas).

RP groups

    Innovations in production technology - technical proposals. This can be the improvement of devices, units, machines, apparatus, tools, etc. This also includes changes concerning the product itself (different style, color, size, etc.). A rationalization proposal may affect production technology (improved brightness, strength, etc.), safety, etc.

    Organizational and production proposals. They do not change the production technology, but they increase productivity. This includes saving energy, materials, equipment costs, etc.

Before you start to legitimize the idea, give it a "presentation". Be clear about how your proposal will benefit, by whom, when and how the idea will be used. Check out previous similar solutions. Why is your solution better? Speed, efficiency, safety, comfort and other characteristics should be translated into the language of numbers. For this, an economic analysis is carried out first. All considerations are recorded in a table for a clearer perception by people who will consider your rationalization proposal. All diagrams, graphs and verbal descriptions should not exceed two pages. Express only the essence.

What does a sample rationalization proposal look like? The application is made on standard A4 sheets. At the top left, we indicate the addressee (as a rule, the head of the enterprise), on the right, a "header" is drawn up: an interdepartmental standard form under the number P1 and a code according to the classifier of documentation (management). In the same place, but just below, we write: "Registered, No.". We leave a place for the date. Even lower along the width of the sheet, a table is drawn where the authors of the rationalization proposal are indicated. In the first column - the number (time-stamp), in the second - the full name, in the third, the place of work (residence), then - the position, education, date of birth. Below (center): "Application for an improvement proposal." Further: “We ask (if from one person, then in the singular) to consider the submitted proposal indicated under No. (the number is written), to recognize the introduction as rational and to accept it for use. The next line (below, also in the center): "Offer description". Next, a prepared text with calculations and tables is inserted. At the end we add: "Reward distribution". Below, under this phrase: “This proposal has not been considered anywhere (has not been submitted anywhere). I confirm the following: I really have the rights to this proposal, since I am its author. " If the innovation is classified as secret, the proposal is recognized as secret, and the author undertakes to comply with the secrecy rules, as indicated in the statement. Further, after the mark “Attached”, there is a list of graphic materials, calculations, justifications. At the very end, be sure to indicate "Total sheets ...", the author's signature and date. The next sheet is assigned to the section "Conclusions on the rationalization proposal". It is imperative to have at least two reviews (for example, from the shop and from the chief mechanic), which are certified by signatures (with the date of the recall and an indication of the position). If the proposal concerns the field of labor protection, one more recommendation from a specialist in this field is needed.


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