What documents are needed to sell Christmas trees. Business idea: Sale of Christmas trees for the new year. How much money is needed to start

New Year Holidays are considered perhaps the most profitable period for entrepreneurs working in a variety of fields. It is quite logical that many of them at least once thought about selling Christmas trees on the street, because this, albeit seasonal earnings, promises to be more than solid. In addition, such trade does not require obtaining numerous permits, licenses, as, for example, in the case of alcohol or pyrotechnics. In just a few days, an entrepreneur can receive up to 3 thousand dollars, which is undoubtedly a very good additional income.

Necessary equipment

To sell such a product, you will not need to purchase special equipment. However, such a business always attracts the attention of regulatory authorities, in particular, Gosleskhoz and Gospoznadzor. To pass the test without any problems, be sure to buy and store the following tools at your outlet:

  • Saw;
  • Roulette;
  • Axe;
  • Fire extinguisher;
  • Packing material (usually rope).

It is not necessary to fence the outlet, but it is still better to clarify this issue with the local administration. Some strongly advise entrepreneurs to hammer in poles and wrap them with rope around the perimeter of the retail space, thereby creating visible boundaries.

Where to organize the sale of Christmas trees?

Of course, almost the main guarantee of your success will be right choice location of your point. An unsuccessful choice, on the contrary, is guaranteed to lead to a loss of money, because the unsold goods can no longer be sold. The most profitable places are traditionally considered to be in the markets and near large shopping centers. There is a high probability that they are already occupied by entrepreneurs who have been engaged in this business for more than a year, but you should remember that, first of all, you need a passageway, and it can also be located in large sleeping areas. They are not too involved in this trade, although they are more than promising.

Where to buy spruce?

If you are planning to sell Christmas trees, pines and fir trees on the street, you will definitely need to find a reliable partner from whom you can purchase goods at a reasonable price. The conclusion of contracts should be dealt with immediately after receiving permits, while the search for potential sellers must be started even before the paperwork is completed.

Most often, entrepreneurs choose one of three options:

  1. Forestry... It is in the forest districts that Christmas trees are bought most often. Today they can be found in almost any region, but even if yours turned out to be an exception, you can order a consignment of goods in a neighboring area. Transportation is generally straightforward. If you don't know where to find similar enterprises, when filling out the documents, pay attention to the list of nurseries with plants that are purchased from forestry. Remember, the farther from the city, the better the product and the lower the prices. However, it should be borne in mind that the size of the minimum lot sold in forestries is 100 trees. By signing the contract, the entrepreneur pays half of the amount, and the other half must be paid directly at the time of shipment. The date of the order also matters - the earlier you complete the deal, the better for you, because the competition in this business is quite fierce.
  2. Farms. If such farms are found near the city, it is there that you will be able to purchase small consignments of goods (you should not count on large supplies from such enterprises).
  3. Wholesalers. Intermediaries allow an entrepreneur to get rid of all the worries associated with finding suppliers and transporting trees, but buying a large batch of goods in bulk, your markup will be very small. This will deprive you of most of the possible profit, that is, if you have such an opportunity, it is worth buying spruce from other partners. In addition, suppliers can offer you imported wood, but its cost will be 10 times higher than the market value, and it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately and without serious investment be among the points that target wealthy buyers.

Profitability and profitability of the "Christmas tree" business

An active businessman can earn up to 3 thousand dollars in 8 days of festive excitement. However, this will not be so easy.

According to the latest statistics, during this period, forestry enterprises earn from 10 to 20 thousand dollars from Christmas trees. The total market size is estimated at $ 0.5 to $ 0.7 million. Therefore, such a trade cannot be called big business, but rather a source of additional, relatively large and quick income. As a rule, nurseries sell trees at prices ranging from 50 centers to one and a half dollars per linear meter. The retail price is 30-40% higher than the wholesale price. Thus, your revenue will directly depend on the original price and the size of the consignment. Usually, at the Christmas tree bazaar, they earn up to $ 500 a day, and the profitability of the business as a whole ranges from 15 to 25%.

This amount can be significantly increased by opening a whole network of similar points. However, experienced entrepreneurs who have a large enough amount for investment can bring such an idea to life.

Required documents

Selling Christmas trees on the streets is regulated government organizations, which means that your point must meet all existing requirements, and you, in turn, must have on hand all the documents confirming the legality of the activity. In addition, you must be registered as Individual entrepreneur(registration is also allowed legal entity, however, as a rule, it is simply not needed by small businesses).

First of all, you need to determine the location of your point. If it is located in the municipal market, you need to contact its administration and request a trade permit (many experienced entrepreneurs note that this option not only makes it easier and faster to draw up documents, but also usually brings more profit to the owner). Once you have rented space, you can start trading.

If you want to sell Christmas trees in a residential area, the entrepreneur will need to contact the district administration (it is better to call, and only then go) and fill out the appropriate application. You also need to find out in what form the plan of the place where your point will be located should be presented.

So, the permission to trade has been received. What other documents will an entrepreneur need to make the activity completely legal?

When purchasing a consignment of goods, you will need to obtain an agreement and an act of acceptance from the forestry (all documents must contain information on the exact number of purchased trees). All these documents, if necessary, will need to be presented to representatives of supervisory authorities.

Thus, in case of verification, you must submit the following documents for review:

  1. Trade permit from administration or market;
  2. Consignment note;
  3. Tax invoice.

In addition, your outlet should have a sign informing about its profile (check this issue with the administration). Also prices should be written on (not necessarily exact). Any sheet with information, for example, IP number and phone number, must be signed by you.

If you hire a dealer, be sure to draw up an acceptance certificate - this will avoid theft.

December is on the calendar, which means it's time for enterprising people to mobilize and earn money on New Year's Eve. While the townsfolk are slowly preparing for the traditional watching TV at the festive table, novice businessmen are starting to implement business ideas for sale Christmas trees .

What needs to be done for this? The first is to negotiate the terms of cooperation with the coniferous nursery of the nearest forestry. The second is to choose a place for organizing a retail outlet.

What should be foreseen first?

It should be noted that the forestry sells Christmas trees in bulk (quantity from 100 units) and usually takes an advance payment of 50% of the purchase cost. Harvesting of trees begins approximately around December 10-15.

The estimated cost of purchasing the most valuable New Year's product - spruce - is 100-130 rubles for a meter-long tree and 250-300 rubles for a two-meter high spruce. The second most popular New Year's symbol - pine - will cost less than one and a half times.

Required documents for organizing Christmas tree trade

To implement a New Year's business idea, you need to prepare documents for the sale of Christmas trees... In order to prevent poaching, the transportation of conifers along the route is controlled by the police, who, in the absence of required documents has the right to completely confiscate the goods and impose a fine. That is, the first thing you need is a bill of lading confirming the legal origin of the trees and your right to transport them. The invoice must indicate two points - the number of the car carrying the spruce and the number of trees transported in it.

In addition to the aforementioned consignment note, you must have an invoice (if you paid for the purchase by non-cash method) and a tax invoice. The cut of the trees must bear the stamp of the supplier who sold you the product.

What documents are needed to sell Christmas trees directly at a retail outlet? For individuals and individual entrepreneurs - a certificate of registration, as well as a document approving the location of the outlet.

Where to buy wholesale Christmas trees?

For searching wholesale supplier New Year's trees do not need to go in search of coniferous nurseries. It is enough to open any search engine and in the search bar indicate "Sale of Christmas trees on New Year". Then it will remain from dozens of coordinates of foresters who wish to conclude a contract for the supply of trees, to choose the most suitable for you. It's that simple!

If for some reason you do not need a large batch of Christmas trees, you should look for the addresses of farms that grow spruce no worse than large forestries, but offer conifers for sale in small wholesale.

Advantages and disadvantages of working with farmers

The sale of Christmas trees for the new year by farms is carried out at prices 2-3 times lower than in the nursery under the forestry. Why is there such a difference in price? Because there is a high probability that the documents for the released spruce will not be provided to you and all the related problems in the future you will have to solve on your own, at the expense of funds from own pocket.

Necessary equipment of a sales point for the sale of Christmas trees

The point of sale must have a fence, a sign, an electric cable and a lamp for lighting. You also need inventory to maintain order, funds fire safety(fire extinguisher), devices for measuring spruce and pine trees (for example, a folding rule).

What else to sell for a company with Christmas trees?

Fir suppliers can offer you branches with cones for free. If the branches look attractive, don't skip it. They can also be successfully traded.

In addition, some customers may need stands for installing the fir trees purchased from you. Small amounts of wooden cross-stands will need to be made on their own, taking into account the amount of demand for this product (on average, 10 stands per 100 Christmas trees sold).

How to make a stand for a Christmas tree or pine?

For the manufacture of one stand-cross, you will need a 1.5 meter long "forty" bar, 4 screws for fastening the crossbars. The hole for installing the spruce in the stand is not always required, but if the need arises, then using a drill and a "crown" of 40-45 mm, the cross is refined at the point of sale.

What to do with illiquid leftovers?

During the sale of Christmas trees for the new year, all kinds of illiquid assets (defective trees, branches, sawdust) are inevitably formed, on the sale of which you can also earn a little. Possible options:

Suitable leftovers can be sold to manufacturers of pine needles; you can find them at the cemetery in the spontaneous market.
- if necessary, grind and sell in dacha cooperative for the production of compost.

It must be remembered that selling Christmas trees for the new year is seasonal business starting in mid-December and ending at about 5 pm on December 31st. Therefore, you need to start acting right now!

Question from Rustam Sharipov:

Hello! My friend and I wanted to do retail sale Christmas trees. But there you need to get permission and so we don't know where to apply for this permission. I have a private entrepreneur and have an additional type of activity - sale in tents and on the market.

Hello Rustam!

Sorry for answering the question for a long time, just learning all the information first-hand, namely from my friend who was selling Christmas trees. I will tell you not only about the permission to trade Christmas trees, but also about other subtleties of this business. So let's start in order!

Decide on the place of trade

Where you are going to trade will determine who you go to for permission. If you sell Christmas trees on the market, then go to the market administration and agree on a permit with them. If it's just in some area of ​​the city, then go to the district administration.

My friend's advice is that it is better to trade on central market, there they had the most revenue. You can also sell in a separate area of ​​the city, but next to a large number of residential buildings.

Getting permission

As I already wrote above, depending on where you will trade, there and apply for a permit to trade Christmas trees.

If this is a municipal market, then go to the market administration and ask for permission. It is advisable to negotiate a kind of monopoly trade in the market, that is, so that you are the only seller there. You can agree, it's checked! You conclude a lease agreement at the place you need or at the one that will highlight the market, get permission and you can move on.

If this is an arbitrary place in one of the districts of the city, then go to the district administration (call in advance) and fill out an application for a permit to trade Christmas trees. Find out also in what form to attach the plan (marked on the map), where exactly your trade point... It can be a little more dreary than with the market administration, but not critical. Get permission and go!

Where to buy Christmas trees, pines, firs

All this stuff is bought in the forestry enterprises. You can call the management of the leshozes and find out what prices are in which leshozes and go to where the price suits you best. It is better to go farther from the city, because the trees there are of better quality and the prices are cheaper. My friend drove 400 km. from the city.

From the documents you need to get from the leshoz: a contract and an act of acceptance and transfer of goods. The exact number of trees must be written everywhere.

Buy spruces, pines and certainly firs! Fir has a higher margin and is well bought because of its smell. Plus, you can use one more in a good way earn, I'll tell you below!

Trading place and preparation for inspections

When the trees are bought and brought from you, you can sell. But there are also requirements for the trading place.

  1. You or the seller must have all the documents with you. This is a trade permit, an agreement with the leshoz, an acceptance certificate, in general, everything, everything, everything. If you are the seller, then photocopies will be enough, but with your signature and seal.
  2. There must be a sign with the words "Christmas Bazaar" or something like that (check with the administration).
  3. There must be a sign on the sign with your IP (full name) and phone number written on it.
  4. Prices must be written. You can write OT prices, but not specify the exact ones. But they must be written! Each A4 sheet with information must be confirmed with a seal and your signature. (A4 sheets in a file and fasten with a stapler so that the file does not swell). It is desirable to have more copies, if it suddenly deteriorates or breaks, so that they can be replaced immediately.
  5. You can decorate your trading place beautifully. My friend drew snowmen, Santa Claus, etc. on plywood sheets. This attracts attention from the outside.
  6. There must be the following tools and devices: a saw, an ax, a tape measure, a fire extinguisher (firefighters will come to check), packing material (a rope will do, which will need sooooo much for tying trees when selling). Didn't seem to have forgotten anything.

It is not necessary to fence off the trading place, but you need to check with the administration. Some ask to drive in posts and wrap the borders of the place with a thick rope.

Important subtleties of trading

If you hire a seller, then be sure to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of goods with him. Because sellers often cheat and steal. How many trees he received, for so many he is accountable.

If you leave the goods at the market overnight, then put them in a heap and wrap them up with a "spider web" with a thin thread. In the morning you will come and it will be seen whether something was stolen from you or not. If the thread is damaged, then, accordingly, it was stolen and you can complain about the market guards.

When you unload the trees, you don't need to arrange them all at once. Let most of it lie, because the upper trees will quickly fall off and turn yellow from the sun, and the lower ones will be able to keep them green and fluffy for much longer.

You can add stands for them to the trees. They are also well bought.

How else to make money on fir

If you also sell fir, then you can earn separately on it. Do not discard the lower branches when treating trees. Brooms can be made of them and sold separately. They are well bought for baths and for decoration. There are some people who only deal with fir, namely brooms, and earn good money.

Brooms are well bought in restaurants and cafes to decorate the halls and for a pleasant aroma in them. Some gift shops. For example, a fir twig is added to New Year's gift baskets. You can call entertainment establishments and ask if they need brooms or twigs or not. Well, just sell fir brooms at a retail outlet.

Well, that's probably all!

If you have additional questions, write in the comments! Special thanks to my friend Sergei for his help with the answer to this question!

Best regards, Nikolay Schmidt

Christmas tree trade during the New Year period

Live spruce and pine trees during the New Year period are in demand among the population only once, as well as snowmobiles - during the New Year holidays. This is a one-time, but quite profitable source of financial profit.

How to get permission for such a business as Christmas bazaars on New Year's Eve so that you can legally sell spruces and pines?

This business should start with the registration of permits for the organization of a Christmas tree bazaar, that is, trade in live spruces and pines. How to get permission to trade in live spruce: the department of consumer services of the local administration is in charge of issuing such documents. Code All-Russian Classifier Types of Economic Activity 52, 48, 32 for trade in spruce as well as flowers, seeds and fertilizers. After receiving such permits, the entrepreneur is issued a coupon for permission to trade in Christmas trees and pines.

Into control consumer market an application is submitted with a request to obtain a place for selling Christmas trees on New Year's Eve. Usually, the places for such Christmas tree bazaars, as well as their number, are determined in advance by the administration. But its proposed place is also possible.

Choosing a good place for such trading is half the battle. A good location is practically the main point in such a business. Excellent places, as a rule, are the first to be occupied by those who organize own business for many years. But, on the other hand, there are always places that are distinguished by high traffic. potential clients... These are territories near mega-centers, supermarkets, markets, large parking lots and the city center. For wealthy clients, you can organize a service of ordering and delivering a Christmas tree directly to their home.

When planning a place, entrepreneurs often forget about sleeping areas, where there is a large purchasing power for just such a product. People will buy Christmas trees and pines on New Year's Eve near their homes, and you will do New Year's business.

It is good if by the beginning of the registration of your entrepreneurial activity, the location has already been selected. In this case, the documentation must indicate the address of the Christmas tree outlet.

Where can I get Christmas trees and pines for sale?

After receiving permits, you can conclude contracts with suppliers of this product.

There are several points where you can buy spruce and pine trees:

  1. farms;
  2. city ​​wholesalers selling Christmas trees;
  3. forestry.

The most popular option for purchasing spruce is forestry. Each region has its own forestry, which sells trees. If there are none in the nearest territory, you can make orders to the neighboring area. As a rule, there are no problems with delivery. On initial stage organizing a business, when preparing documents, you can already familiarize yourself with the lists of forestry and nurseries that sell such plants.

As a rule, in such farms, the minimum volume of trees sold is one hundred pieces. At the time of signing the contract with the supplier, at least half of the total cost of the purchased trees must be paid. The rest of the amount is transferred after the goods are shipped. The sooner the order is made, the better.

The competition in such a business is quite large, and continues to grow every year, especially with the arrival of individuals, without permits, documents and individual entrepreneurs.

Option two is farms. There are not very many of them, but only they can buy good spruce and pine trees in small batches.

The third option is to work with wholesaler intermediaries. They conclude contracts with farms themselves and take care of transportation. But their prices are much higher, so you won't be able to get a lot of income working with such firms. Some suppliers resell foreign Christmas trees, to be more precise, they are firs. They are imported, as a rule, from Denmark, Norway and other European countries. Prices for such Christmas trees are, of course, higher than for local Russian Christmas trees and pines, so they are not competitive.

Preparation of the place for the sale of Christmas trees

The place of sale can be prepared until December, then the felling of trees and their delivery begins. Preparation of the place for the sale of Christmas trees requires compliance with a number of rules. These rules are stipulated in special orders of the trade administration of the city administration. The point of sale must be fenced, there must be a sign, there must be a book of complaints and suggestions. A fire extinguisher should also be available. Compliance with such parameters is constantly checked by the State Forestry, the fire safety inspectorate and other various authorities. The seller at each point must have all the permits for the trade in coniferous trees - spruce and pine.

And naturally, the issue of storing the goods is decided in advance. With the choice of the place, attention is drawn to the fenced areas near the outlet, perhaps it will be guarded car parking lots or the same territory of the nearest market in non-working hours... If there is nothing like this nearby, then you need to think in advance where spruce and pine trees will be stored at night.

It is possible to trade without organizing such a site as Christmas tree bazaars, for example, you can trade directly from the car. This method allows you to avoid the financial costs of renting a territory with its registration. But it is imperative to resolve issues with the storage of goods and calculate all costs for the rental of transport. If you own a truck, this is the most profitable method in such a business. By the way, you can store Christmas trees right inside the body.

Another way to trade Christmas trees is an off-site outlet. The car moves from place to place during the entire pre-New Year period. But there is one problem: permission for such a trade can only be obtained for one specific place. Trading in the rest of the other territory will be considered a violation of the law. A fine may be imposed, the amount is set by the city government.

Organization of the purchase of coniferous trees - firs and pines

The documents that the seller has in stock before starting the sale of pines and Christmas trees:

  1. waybill from tax office;
  2. consignment note;

Such invoices, as well as permission to organize trade, are checked by employees of the State Committee for Leskhoz. Therefore, they must necessarily be at the place of trade, regardless of its type: stationary or offsite.

The organization of the purchase of Christmas trees and pines begins with Forestry, which sells Christmas trees and spruces in bulk, a minimum batch of one hundred pieces. The price of a running meter of such a coniferous tree is from thirty rubles to one hundred and thirty rubles. The cost depends on several factors: type of plant, height, fluffiness, place of purchase. Geographic location greatly affects the price of a product. But this will not affect the final profit, as the retail price will be equivalent to the wholesale price in the region.

The cost of each tree includes not only its real price, but it also includes the price of felling and transport delivery. You can save money on this if you do everything yourself, but it's not worth it.

In forestry, individual branches can be purchased for sale. They are cheap and in some cases even free. They sell faster than whole trees.

The Christmas tree bazaars begin to function by mid-December. By this period, it is necessary to decide on the implementers in retail outlets... If there are many outlets, then wage sellers are charged as a percentage of sold goods... As a rule, this is ten percent of the total value of all the spruce trees sold.

The place of trade in Christmas trees and pines on New Year's Eve can be decorated, it does not even matter whether the trade point is stationary or mobile. To attract customers, you can turn on music and colorful garlands. The seller can be dressed up as Santa Claus. Additional parts are needed, such as a cross for the stability of the Christmas trees, as well as packing material in the form of ropes and bags. It is also possible to sell New Year's paraphernalia, tree decorations, snowballs, ribbons, garlands different types etc.

The cost is determined by the purchase price and based on the prices of competitors in the district. In the first week of selling conifers, you can add up to seventy percent of the purchase price. If the trade is successful, then it is possible to purchase a new batch of goods. In this case, the price may remain the same. Although in exceptional cases, a markup of up to one hundred percent is possible. Still, the maximum price will be limited by the prices of the city and competitors.

The total city price for New Year's trees on the last days before the holidays can rise by ten to fifty percent, because everyone wants to buy a tree. But on New Year's Eve, the price drops dramatically. Therefore, after seven in the evening on December 31, the price should be reduced by ten percent or even more. And so every hour. The main thing in this case is not financial profit, but the complete sale of all products (spruce and pine trees, decorations and stands) before the new year. The Americans figured out how to use illiquid Christmas trees after the holiday.

The seasonal sale of Christmas trees begins in mid-December, but you need to get ready now. The earlier the contract for the supply of trees is concluded, the cheaper they will cost. To organize bazaars, you need to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur and permission to place shopping facility... The seller must have documents confirming the delivery of a batch of trees.

Favorite family holidays - New Year and Christmas - are approaching. This means that live Christmas trees, pines and firs will again be in the price. With the right approach, this seasonal business can make good money.

Where to begin

Christmas trees must be traded legally. The best way- registration of individual entrepreneurs. OKVED code 47.89 or 47.99 - retail outside stores (in markets, in tents, home delivery) with other types of goods. The optimal taxation system is the simplified taxation system (6%). You can register an individual entrepreneur at the tax office for permanent or temporary registration, and if there is electronic signature natural person- through the Internet.

In addition, it is necessary to agree on the location of the Christmas tree bazaar. Each piece of land has an owner - a private person or a state. And you will have to negotiate with the person who owns or disposes of this site.

If a point is planned to open on the market, the businessman must go to the market administration and conclude a lease agreement for the place. A Christmas tree market on municipal land is another matter. Permission to organize such a sales outlet must be obtained from the local administration.

Usually the municipality allocates certain places for such bazaars. But you can offer your own by submitting an application to the administration for the placement of an object of non-stationary trade. It is necessary to attach to it a plan of the city or district, on which the desired site is marked. In what form it will be required - it is better to find out in the administration.

Organization of a trading place

Trading place must meet the requirements of the administration and the fire inspection. After the start of trading, you should be prepared for checks, especially by firefighters.

The requirements are as follows:

  • The trading area must be fenced off. In recent years, city authorities have demanded that the Christmas tree bazaars be decorated in the same style, including the installation of a special fence. And these are additional expenses, sometimes very significant;
  • must be equipped with a sign of the type "Christmas bazaar" or "Christmas tree trade";
  • a plate with the entrepreneur's full name and telephone number is required;
  • there must be a price list or at least an indication "Price from *** rub.";
  • requires a cash register.

In the trade tent, you must have:

  • axe;
  • saw;
  • roulette;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • packing material: ropes, nets, etc.

The seller must have all the papers that give him the right to trade in this place in this product:

  • an agreement with a lessor - a private owner, the administration of a market or city (settlement);
  • if the outlet is on a private territory - a copy of the document confirming the ownership or possession of the lessor;
  • a contract with a leshoz or a farm where the trees were purchased;
  • packing list;
  • the act of acceptance and transfer, if it was drawn up;
  • price-list;
  • book of complaints.

Where to go in Moscow

Before each New Year, about 200 bazaars sell Christmas trees in Moscow. The places for their placement are determined by the district prefectures. The tenants of the allocated plots are determined at public auction organized by the City Department of Competition Policy. The winner of the auction receives the plot for a 5-year lease, but can only use it during the opening hours of the Christmas tree bazaar - from 20 to 31 December.

Usually all good places have long been rented out. Moreover, tenants often do not open bazaars themselves, but reassign land plots to real sellers of Christmas trees.

You can also consult the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow - he is in charge of markets, including the weekend. Perhaps on their territory there are places for the sale of Christmas trees.

Purchase of Christmas trees: where to find low prices

Spruces and pines are grown specifically for cutting on New Year's Eve, and trees are also sent for sale after thinning coniferous stands or clearing forest roads. You can buy them in bulk at forestry enterprises, farms, nurseries that are in any region. For information, you can contact the territorial division of Rosleskhoz.

Offers can also be found on the Internet - on ad portals, in catalogs wholesale firms or on the websites of farms. Prices depend on the type and height of the tree, as well as the batch size. Most hot commodity- spruce and pine trees with a height of 1.5-2.5 meters. Average prices are shown in the following table.

Source: agroserver.ru, elisnab.ru, avito.ru

Note. For a fee, many vendors offer a selection of trees.

In addition to Russian spruces and pines, suppliers offer conifers from the Scandinavian countries, Estonia and even Canada. They are significantly more expensive and are positioned as a higher quality class.

Source: festima.ru, cveti-piter.ru, avito.ru

Reference. The Fraser Fir is a premium version of the Christmas tree. It is highly durable - up to a month in room conditions. The needles are not prickly, they do not crumble when dried. There is no tiered branch distribution. It can also be planted in its own garden area.

It is profitable to import New Year's trees from abroad, provided that the batch is large - from 1,000 pieces. However, this entails not only high costs, but also additional complications. The procedure for customs clearance of cargo and sanitary control is pending. Therefore, these trees are more often bought from suppliers in Russia. small wholesale lots (15-20, less often - from 50 pieces).

Photo: plantation of New Year and Christmas trees.
Source: LloydTheVoid / pixabay


The delivery of conifers is usually the responsibility of the supplier. But the option with self-pickup is also possible, especially if the batch is small. Also, the supplier can offer services for storing trees until the time comes to open the Christmas tree markets.

It is convenient to order large quantities - from 1,000 pieces, because it is for such volumes that the maximum discounts are given. And just as many trees fit in a standard road train (a truck, which is usually called a wagon). However, in order to sell such a batch, it will be necessary to equip several points of sale.

If you decide to open one point, you need to focus on delivery by a truck such as a tented Gazelle. It holds about 200 packed trees.

For the transportation of spruce across the country, standard documents are sufficient - a contract, a consignment note (sometimes an acceptance certificate is drawn up). If you decide to arrange delivery on your own, you will need the same kit. If hired by a third party transport company, documents for transportation are additionally drawn up (bill of lading).

Note. The documents must indicate the number of spruces. On the eve of the holiday Federal agency forestry, together with law enforcement agencies, special operations are carried out ("New Year's tree", "Yolochka"). Their goal is to prevent illegal logging of coniferous plantations. The truck can be stopped for inspection and even the number of trees can be counted.

If there are no documents (or there will be more than indicated in the documents), trouble threatens. The consignment of oil may be detained for clarification of the circumstances. For illegal logging, not only administrative fines are imposed. If the damage exceeds 5 thousand rubles, the offender faces criminal liability under Article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How much can you earn

The first question that arises is how many trees can be sold at one point. It is difficult to answer it unequivocally. It all depends on how well it is located. At least 150-350 units can be realized through one point.

An important item of expenses is the cost of rent, but it all depends on the region and location of the point. To understand the range of prices, here are some examples of ads from different regions (the cost is indicated for the entire period):

  • in Rostov-on-Don, ready-made sites with necessary equipment offered for rent at a price of 40,000 rubles (information from the site youla.ru);
  • in the suburbs of St. Petersburg (Shushary, Slavyanka, Pushkin) plots of 10 sq. meters without equipment can be rented at a price of 5,000 rubles (according to avito.ru);
  • in Moscow and the Moscow region, places with an area of ​​15 sq. meters with all the necessary equipment for the Christmas tree market can be rented at a price of 250,000 rubles (website moskva.gde.ru).

Note. In order to save money, an entrepreneur can work on his own. But at least one more person is still needed. Trading goes on for most of the day, and it will be difficult to master it alone, and even in a frosty winter. It is optimal to work in shifts.

Table 3. Calculation of profit from trading Christmas trees (1 batch of 300 pcs)

Amount, in rubles

Lease of the site

Design for the Christmas tree bazaar, design in the same style (the requirement of the authorities)

Purchase of trees (300 pieces at a price of 125 rubles)

Delivery from supplier to storage location

Warehouse rent

Transport costs (delivery from the warehouse to the point of sale)

Decoration and inventory

Salary, 2 employees

Total expenses

Revenue at the cost of the Christmas tree 1000 rubles

300 000 — 217 500 = 82 500


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