The speech was greeted by the deputies with loud applause. Syntactic means of language phrase

Options for negotiating definitions and applications. Features of the implementation of the agreement within the phrase. Variants of forms related to management. Synonymy of free and prepositional constructions.

Control and training exercises

1. Compose phrases using homogeneous terms on the left and dependent words on the right:

2. Read the sentences. Find grammar and stylistic errors in them and edit them.

1. The head of administration distributes and manages property and finances. 2. Reading and taking notes of scientific literature is best in the morning. 3. The innovation became objectively useful, since it regulated and introduced new order in the relationship of power structures. 4. The bodies authorized by the mayor independently form and manage extra-budgetary funds. 5. Market relations form producers and consumers' independence, interest and responsibility for the final results. 6. For a successful defense of a dissertation, it is necessary to compile and study a bibliography on your topic.

3. Read the sentences. Correct, where necessary, case stringing that is not justified by the context and makes it difficult to understand.

1. The speech was greeted by the deputies with loud applause. 2. The speaker dwelled on some of the latest assessments of the science of the impact on the nature of chemical production. 3. Our representative is nominated by the deputies for the second time as the chairman of the commission. 4. The paper gives a brief description of the methodology for determining the cost of agricultural products. 5. In order to further expand student participation and attract active work on economics, members of the Managers' Club hold regular round table meetings. 6. Research is underway to create independent independent publishing houses. 7. The dissertation contains an analysis of the theory and practice of solving the problem of strengthening the economic base of the enterprise of our time. The work is an attempt to generalize the experience of the production of goods popular consumption... 9. With the release of the book, readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the understanding of our problems of the famous contemporary writer.

4. Choose the words that are close in meaning to the given words. Make up phrases with those and others using case forms.

Sample: confidence - confidence in success, faith in success.

Transformation, Lean, Review, Superiority, Retard, Caution, Identical.

5. In these phrases, replace the highlighted words with similar ones. Read phrases with synonyms. Watch out for the case form of dependent words.

To draw attention to little things, justify facts, be patient defeat by an opponent making a difference friends and enemies, pay for travel, angry failure be surprised stamina, offended tactlessness.

6. Read the given words and phrases. Indicate those of them, which are characterized by the coloring of the official business style.

Pay tribute, disability, housing stock, square root, enforce, insurance policy, fast, proper, prescribe, miraculous, do research, solicit, conviction, pretend, sociology, routine, lump sum, advise, direct duties, walk, agreement, non-compliance, thesis, delay, defendant.

7. In the sentences provided, find words that refer to people. Describe these words from a stylistic point of view. Give your own examples.

1. Guardianship and trusteeship shall be established at the place of residence of the person subject to guardianship or trusteeship, or at the place of residence of the guardian (curator). 2. A witness may be questioned about the facts of the case, as well as the identity of the accused or victim. 3. Representatives of the customer, the general contractor, the general designer, and the sanitary inspection bodies are to be included in the composition of the state acceptance commissions for the commissioning of production facilities. 4. In response to the claim, the defendant agreed to reimburse us for the labor costs incurred to correct the marriage. 5. The supplier assumes the responsibility for preventive maintenance, as well as for the current repair of gas equipment belonging to customers. 6. Free balances on the account, based on the client's application, can be transferred to a deposit account at his request, with the subsequent payment of the interest specified by the additional agreement.

8. In the above sentences, find the verbal nouns characteristic of the official business style of speech. Explain how the predicate is expressed in impersonal sentences.

1. The trust was denied the allocation of additional funds. 2. Sudden braking of the vehicle on slippery road sections can lead to skidding and rollover. 3. Payment for the order is guaranteed. 4. Tanning of leather is called their processing by soaking in special solutions. 5. As a result of the investigation, it was established that the fire was caused by malfunctions in the electrical wiring system. 6. Most metals that are not coated with any protective layer are susceptible to rust.

9. Read the sentences and determine their functional and style affiliation. Describe the prepositions and conjunctions used in them.

1. A friendly court dismisses the case for reconciliation parties to the dispute. 2. The guys play together again, because they reconciled. 3. Seasonal works are those that are force natural and climatic conditions are not fulfilled all year round, but within a certain period. 4. We couldn't go outside due to pouring rain. 5. In accordance withcurrent legislation authors of inventions can be assigned honorary titles... 6. He was given a big prize, insofar as, he made a new machine. 7. In order to special sections are organized in schools to prepare young men for military service. 8. He began to play sports intensively, to prepare for the army. 9. The ability of a citizen to acquire by his actions civil rights and to create civic obligations for oneself arises in full with the onset of majority, that is upon reaching eighteen years of age. ten. When she was eighteen years old, they got married.

10. Form stable phrases that have the coloring of an official business style by adding appropriate adjectives to the first group of nouns, and necessary verbs to the second group of nouns. Compose phrases with the resulting phrases.

1. Sentence, term, person, children, responsibility, actions, defense, powers, circumstances, crime, punishment, complaint, benefit, authorities, order, consideration.

2. Order, control, official salaries, reprimand, censure, mistake, assistance, order, execution, imperfections, discipline, meeting, restructuring, duties, examination, measures.

11. In the above sentences, find stable verb-nominal combinations characteristic of the official business style. Replace them with verbs where possible.

1. The plant is completing the development of a new tractor model. 2. The staff of the enterprise has undertaken a commitment to double the output per year. 3. Special attention is paid at the factory to the need to master the new equipment as soon as possible. 4. Factory workers express complete confidence that they will be able to achieve timely execution of the order. 5. To turn on the alarm, turn the lever. 6. For reporting period a survey of the plant's activities was carried out.

12. Read the sentences taken from various documents. Try to explain why in some cases the active voice is used, and in others the passive voice. Give examples like this.

1. Payment is guaranteed. The letter has been sent. Your telegram has been received. The deadlines for the completion of work are disrupted. Your proposal was unanimously approved. The specified documentation will be returned to you along with the shipped cargo.

2. Plant "Progress" does not guarantee the quality of products after six months from the date of shipment. The Main Directorate does not object to the plant starting production of dump trucks from November 19 ... of the year. Despite repeated reminders, the Elektrostal plant disrupts the delivery of non-ferrous castings.

13. Answer the questions so that your answer is a fragment from any official document: announcements, instructions, help.

1. Does the atelier sew coats from their material?

2. Is it possible to do business on the subway?

3. Will a notary certify a copy of the document if I do not have my passport with me?

4. Is it possible to ride buses and trolleybuses in overalls?

5. Can I change my ID if there is no new photo?

14. Read sentences taken from colloquial speech. Find stationery in them and replace them with other words that match the colloquial style of speech.

1. I bought for my son board game... 2. The clockwork monkey is out of order. 3. A famous poet lives in the same house with me. 4. At the moment I am preparing for the exams. 5. My friend got a living space. 6. My wife and I never conflict. 7. I am not aware of these details. 8. This area has disgusting climatic conditions. 9. There are so many mushrooms and berries in our green area.

15. Read a comic text from the Literary Gazette. Find a stationery. Try to retell this text using neutral or colloquial vocabulary.

Spoilage Have a good mood

After returning home from service, I did some work of taking off my hat, raincoat, boots, changing into pajamas and slippers, and sitting down with a newspaper in a chair. During this period, the wife implemented a number of activities aimed at peeling potatoes, boiling meat, sweeping the floor and washing dishes.

After some time, she began to loudly raise the question of the inadmissibility of my non-participation in the named events held by her. To this, on my part, a categorical statement was made about my unwillingness to hear claims on this issue in view of the exercise by me at the moment, after the end of the working day, of my legal right to a well-deserved rest.

However, my wife did not draw the appropriate conclusions from my words and did not stop her irresponsible statements, in which, in particular, she reflected such a moment as my lack of a number of positive qualities, such as: conscience, decency, shame, etc., and how in the course of her speech, and at the end of it, she was engaged in assigning me the names of various animals that are in the personal use of workers and collective farmers.

After giving mutual assurances about the non-repetition of such phenomena, we began to eat dinner, which, as a result of cooling, had already had a lowered temperature and had lost its taste.

This is how we sometimes still allow spoilage of good mood, as well as appetite.

1. The response to his application was sent in a timely manner. 2. The editors received a lot of feedback on this work. 3. The article is written on the same topic. 4. Doubtful indicators on the use of electricity. 5. Preparations for the elections have begun. 6. The needs of Holland for rye and barley are met by imports. 7. The plan for the production of non-ferrous metals is not being fulfilled. 8. A mother worries about her son, who is at war in Chechnya. 9. Indifference of leaders for the fate of subordinates causes indignation. 10. These facts speak for the fact that there is no good owner at the plant. 11. It is necessary to accurately determine the need for bricks and other materials. 12. The graduate student must submit a report on the work done by him. 13. The inventor was awarded a high award. 14. Representative construction organization re-assured the customer of his readiness to complete the work on time. 15. The response to the complainant's application was received by him immediately. 16. The facts, which the author of the letter stated, were fully confirmed upon verification. 17. What, apart from condemnation, deserves such a bureaucratic attitude? 18. The department of criticism and bibliography4) and "thick" journals regularly publishes reviews of new fiction novelties. 19. It is extremely important for educators to have high moral qualities and great sensitivity. 20. An important role is played by the development of correct relationships between educators and pupils.

17. Analyze the choice managed forms with a preposition and without a preposition, point out errors in the control and correct them.

1. Tatyana Ivanovna does not fulfill her promises. 2. The patient has not lost hope of recovery. 3. He will never bear this blow. 4. The prefect cannot change this decision. 5. The laboratory assistant did not tell anyone the truth about the result of the experiment. 6. Reinforced concrete as the main building material will never lose its significance. 7. The poet does not intend to publish these poems. 8. I could not think of a worthy revenge. 9. I don’t subscribe to any magazines. 10. We are not wasting our time. 11. Serious crimes were opened in the production of alcoholic beverages. 12. To identify deviations in the standardized working capital to the established standards, make up a table. 13. A lot of work now lies ahead of our employees, who must master computer technology... 14. Those who hindered the forward movement were dismissed. 15. Your offer is unsubstantiated. 16. The offender did not repent for what he had done. 17. In view of the past rains, the harvest promises to be good. 18. As a result of the planned negotiations, the conflict may be settled. 19. Lack of necessary materials creates a threat of timely completion construction works... 20. People complain about law enforcement agencies: law enforcement officers are often rude to detained citizens.

18. Choose the correct form of agreement of the definition, as well as the form of the singular-plural of the word being defined in the following sentences, motivate your choice.

1. It is difficult to deal with a person if you know that he is (incorrigible - incorrigible) dumb. 2. Three (huge, huge) buildings have sprung up on a vacant lot. 3. The room was divided into two (unequal - unequal) parts. 4. I had to stand in line (whole, whole) for two hours. 5. Traffic is open on the (new - new) highway. 6. (The first - the first) two places were shared by two grandmasters, (who got-gotten) 12 points out of 17 possible. 7. Neither one nor the other (team - team) scored a goal. 8. The fifth and sixth (place-places) have already been taken. 9. The bill on changes in the financial and tax (areas-areas) was approved. 10. Students of geography and history ((faculty-faculties) are preparing for the expedition. 11. It was not easy to restore the (destroyed-destroyed) industry and transport. 12. The (restored-restored) museum and art gallery are open to visitors. 13. A competition has been announced for solution of (chess-chess) sketches and problems 14. The inventor designed a (special - special) generator and engine, with the help of which the energy of the falling water or steam engines is converted into electricity.

19. Eliminate errors in the agreement of definitions and applications, motivate your stylistic editing.

1. Four newly built eight-story houses are already inhabited. 2. Two recently renovated rooms are rented. 3. I want to read a historical novel or story. 4. We have been living in a dacha for the last five years. 5. The past year was fruitful for the actor: he played three new roles. 6. Four nine-story buildings will be assembled entirely from large blocks. 7. Created new programs for primary and secondary schools. 8. At first, there was cheerful talk and laughter, and then everything was quiet. 9. An elderly father and mother need support. 10. The athletes who took the first three places go up to the podium. 11. The mass press, in particular newspapers, hopes for the help of the government. 12. Our geobotanical team rode eighty kilometers from the village of Tugaya. 13. The other four chess games ended in a draw. 14. The route of the hike, more than two thousand kilometers long, runs along the Seim, Desna, and Dnieper rivers. 15. In Russian, verbs of the real and passive voice, perfect and imperfect species... 16. The war in Chechnya in 1994-1996 caused enormous damage to our economy. 17. At the Taiga station, we got into a carriage with a board "Moscow - Tomsk". 18. The banks of the Oka River from the city of Serpukhov to the cities of Tarusa and Aleksin are being built up.

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The roof has two functions: insulation and drainage. Insulation protects a home or any institution not only from the weather, but also from noise and birds. The roof serves, for example, to drain snow accumulated on the top of your roof, or possibly from precipitation. Gutters are installed so that water caused by rain or melted snow is directed towards the ground so that it does not interfere with the ventilation of your home. If gutters are not installed, water can run off the walls of your home or building, or it can seep into your property.

Travel is very popular with people nowadays. Those who consider themselves to be travel enthusiasts are generally considered the best workers. They are not under duress and are in high spirits when you meet them. Even scientific researchers are encouraging travel now because, according to their findings, travel relaxes the mind and increases people's productivity. However, if you are still not sure if travel is good for you, read this article.

The long coastline and pristine beaches make Goa, without a doubt, one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. The beaches in Goa attract a crazy number of local and international tourists and are an important part of Goa's tourism. While the most popular beaches such as Baga, Calangute, Vagator, Anjuna and Morjim are located in North Goa, South Goa also has some of the most tranquil and beautiful beaches surrounded by exotic palm groves. The beaches in South Goa are known to be quiet, less crowded and are the most convenient places to visit in Goa for an amazing getaway.

To solve the problems of accelerating the rise in the level of car production, it is necessary to attract investments. ________________________________________________________________

The speech was greeted by the deputies with loud applause. ________________________________________________________________

Course work contains an analysis of the theory and practical solutions problems of strengthening the economic base of the enterprise of our time. ________________________________________________________________

With the release of the book, readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the understanding of our problems of the famous contemporary writer. ________________________________________________________________

We talked with an engineer with extensive production experience. ________________________________________________________________

The exhibition of paintings by Ilya Glazunov showed the artist's search for new means of expression. ________________________________________________________________

Determine in which examples the logic is broken as a result of unfortunate use of cases.

Use the following verbs with the prepositions O and PO. Make up phrases. Enter the received phrases in the appropriate column of the table.

To miss, to grieve, to cry, to yearn, to miss, to grieve.

Correct the mistakes when choosing the case form for homogeneous members of the sentence. Write a variant that corresponds to the norm of the literary language.

In the workshop, equipment is maintained and repaired. ________________________________________________________________

Our company organizes and manages transportation. ______________________________________________________________

The plant must master and start producing new products. ________________________________________________________________

The girls were very fond and proud of their mother. ________________________________________________________________

The newly created department should coordinate and manage the activities of related organizations. ________________________________________________________________

Vakhtangov relied on and developed the Stanislavsky system in his work with actors. _______________________________________________________________

In working with adolescents, it is necessary to understand and come to terms with the difficulties of the transition period. ________________________________________________________________

Correct any mistakes in the sentence structure. Write the corrected version. Please indicate the type of error.

We not only received textbooks, but also exercise books. ________________________________________________________________

The check will be carried out by a commission appointed by the administration. ________________________________________________________________

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" I am attracted by Tatiana and Onegin. ________________________________________________________________

My dream was to go to college. ________________________________________________________________

After reading the book, everyone has their own impression of it. ________________________________________________________________

The lying book on the table is read. ________________________________________________________________

The trees were shading, already covered in dense foliage. ________________________________________________________________

The purpose of the conversation is a general acquaintance with the basic rules of traffic safety on the streets of the city and what harm is done. ________________________________________________________________

Located in the city center, the train station is well connected to the marinas and the transport itself. ________________________________________________________________

Listening to this exciting music, I have a picture of a hurricane.


Those who need additional studies need to provide them.


These few attractions, shown to tourists who were especially famous, have long remained in their memory. ________________________________________________________________

Looking at the photographs of past years, he could not believe that everything was over. __________________________________________________________

28. Find and correct mistakes made in participial sentences. Write the corrected version with punctuation marks.

A checked essay on philosophy was returned to the student by the teacher. _______________________________________________________________

We protect and preserve the places marked in our city in the memory of Pushkin. ________________________________________________________________

The whole world is closely following the events in Serbia and Kosovo. ________________________________________________________________

The man was wearing a sheepskin coat overgrown with a beard. ________________________________________________________________

Tenants moved into the building next to us. ________________________________________________________________

The sunbeam illuminated the falling leaves from the trees. ________________________________________________________________

The statement made by the chairman of the commission dealing with these issues was considered at the next meeting. ________________________________________________________________

The driver asked to pay for the fare for passengers who got on the bus. _______________________________________________________________

The work performed by the designer was sent to the customer. ________________________________________________________________

26 *. Read the sentences. Correct, where necessary, case stringing that is not justified by the context and makes it difficult to understand (see Help 10).

1. The speech was greeted by the deputies with loud applause. 2. The speaker dwelled on some of the latest assessments of the science of the impact on the nature of chemical production. 3. Our representative is nominated by the deputies for the second time as the chairman of the commission. 4. The paper gives a brief description of the methodology for determining the cost of agricultural products. 5. In order to further expand the participation of students and attract members of the Club of Managers to active work on the economy, regular round table meetings are held. 6. Research is underway to create independent independent publishing houses. 7. The dissertation contains an analysis of the theory and practice of solving the problem of strengthening the economic base of the enterprise of our time. The work is an attempt to generalize the experience of the production of consumer goods. 9. With the release of the book, readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the understanding of our problems of the famous contemporary writer.


27. Select these words that are close in meaning. Make up phrases with those and others using case forms. In case of difficulty, use the table. 13 and Help 11.

Pattern: Confidence - Confidence in Success, Belief in Success.

Transformation, Lean, Review, Superiority, Retard, Caution, Identical.

28 *. In these phrases, replace the highlighted words with similar ones. Read phrases with synonyms. Watch out for the case form of dependent words. Use the table. 13 and. Help 11.

Pay attention to little things, justify facts, be defeated by an opponent, distinguish between friends and enemies, pay a fare, angry at failure, be surprised at staunchness, offended by tactlessness.

Reference words: Pay attention, get offended, surprised, pay, lose, build, get angry, distinguish.


29 *. Expand the brackets, using the words in the brackets in the desired form; use the appropriate preposition where necessary (see Help 12).

1. Seriousness and depth distinguish the work under discussion (many student studies). 2. The monograph gives a characteristic (the state of affairs in the industry). 3. At present, efforts are directed (modernization of production). 4. What happened is difficult to fit in (the framework of democratic traditions). 5. The published article contains a brief overview (scientific achievements). 6. Achievements achieved instill confidence (further increase in performance). 7. Serious scientific work demands (dedication).

thirty*. Correct the mistakes in the use of case forms and prepositions.

1. We will introduce you to this later. 2. The speaker emphasized the need for construction. 3. Criticism is expressed about what we are doing. 4. The resolution of the parliament was reduced only in the granting of powers. 5. Shop specifically for schoolchildren. 6. Everyone's confidence for their tomorrow. 7. Monitor the course of treatment. 8. Concern for border security. 9. Participate in elections. 10. The facts speak for the possibility of using the reserves.

31. Come up with sentences (phrases) with the given words. Make sure to use case forms and prepositions correctly.

Assume (what about?); manager (what?); to be burdened (by what?); give a report (in what?); awarded (what?); rejoice (with what?); amazed (what?); fit in (what about?); supervise (who-what?); peculiar (who-what?)

32 *. In the above sentences, correct the stylistic flaws in the choice of the preposition, as well as the erroneous use of case forms.

1. According to the order of the director, the enterprise switched to round-the-clock work. 2. The destruction occurred due to bad job water supply systems. 3. Due to the fact that the schedule is violated, the builders have to work in very difficult conditions. 4. Due to insufficient lighting, many plants die. 5. At the end of the work, everyone should gather in the hall. 6. Contrary to the stated provisions, the factory continues to violate safety measures. 7. After some time, it will be possible to return to this issue again. 8. Due to the planned work, some will have to work overtime. 9. Due to difficulties, we did not have time to complete the task on time.

33 *. Complete the sentences by using the words in parentheses in the correct case, using the correct prepositions if necessary. Use the table. fourteen.

1. The project deserves (approval). The new leader quickly earned (respect). 2. In recent years, there have been major changes (life of society). The change (direction) was indicated on the diagram. 3. Preparation (text of the report) is entrusted to the referees. During the preparation (exams), students receive advice. 4. Time has proven the superiority of this method (others). Superiority (technique) helped the team to win. 5. All this is done for the good (children, homeland).



34 *. Compose sentences with a participle, using, where possible, the sentences (phrases) given in the right and left columns. Explain why in some cases the use of the verbal adverb is impossible (see Help 13).

1. I edited 1. I handed over the manuscript to the re-manuscript. to the actor.

2. Edit 2. You need to hand over the manuscript. letter to the editor.

3. I have finished my work. 3. I felt happy at

4. I have completed the manuscript. 4. The manuscript has been delivered

to the editor.

5. Have free time. 5. There is a lot that can be done.

35 *. Correct the grammatical and stylistic mistakes in the use of adverbial phrases. Explain what the errors are.

1. An explanation of these phenomena can be found by taking recent events as an illustration. 2. Thus, having considered the functional characteristics of the structures of the municipality, the following is proposed. 3. Looking at what is happening today, my hands are untied. 4. The trading floor was cleared of people, fearing that the ceiling would collapse. 5. Raising the prices of cars, fuel, this directly affects the cost of agricultural products. 6. Having read the manuscript for the second time, I think it needs serious revision. 7. Applying one or another form of labor organization, in each individual case, local characteristics are taken into account. 8. Having found out that the volume of production has decreased, the question arises as to the reason for this. 9. Attaching great importance to the research methodology, a number of experiments were carried out. 10. Studying the process of denationalization, a certain pattern is revealed.


1. An old grand piano, your last name, a registered parcel post, our reserved seat, an old banknote, a new rate, a ripe apple, a big corn, a little mouse, a leather shoe, a wide ice hole, a forest clearing, a ripe tomato, a young giraffe, a black boot, a felt slipper.

2. 1) Any vegetable; 2) the apple is green, itself; 3) the mouse is that; 4) a pet peeve; 5) the mouse is small; 6) a healthy apple;

7) wormy apple; 8) the giraffe is big, to him.

4. 1) Was warm; 2) favorites, viewed; 3) published (journal); 4) interested, solemn; 5) was created (language) - was created; 6) two - two; 7) navigable (river);

8) wrote, great; 9) appeared (mountains); 10) military-industrial; 11) new.

6. Fresh, cooled, sweet, young, military, cargo, green (city), ancient (city), overseas - overseas, declared (state), spilled (lake), small, familiar (man) - familiar (woman); my (woman) is mine (man).

7. 1) Concentration - feminine; substance - neuter; characteristic - feminine.

8. The military-industrial complex existed; The State Security Committee noted; the international organization of the united nations; city ​​combined heat and power plant,

new automatic telephone exchange; International Monetary Fund combined; The Federal Counterintelligence Service reported; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is dangerous:

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization awarded. Moscow ring road built. Moskovsky State University prepared.

9. Obstetrician, bath attendant, basketball player, racer, milkman, masseur, rewinder, orderly, pigman, secretary, soloist, stenographer, telephone operator, weaver, paramedic.

10. Postgraduate student, headmistress (outdated), correspondent, conductor (colloquial), skater (colloquial) laboratory assistant, wrapper, leader (colloquial), tractor operator, teacher, hero of the day (colloquial).

Neoplasms in -sha, -ikha, such as agronomist, doctors.ha, prosecutor's office are purely colloquial, often ironic in nature.

12. Astronaut, editor, graduate student, conductor, best foreman, foreman, world champion, usher, leader.

15. 1) Lecturers; 2) bodies - bodies; 3) flaps, 4) flaps;

5) tones; 6) tones; 7) sectors - sectors; 8) drivers; 9) stacks - stacks; 10) spotlights; 11) teachers, accountants, engineers, conductors - conductors.

17. Two sons - two sons, two steamers, two commanders, two directors, two farm laborers - two farm laborers, two carts, two sleighs, two days, two daughters, two teachers, two farm women, two villages, two villages, two cities, two teachers - two teachers, two teachers, two bears, two animals, two wolves, three of them, two military men, two presidents.

18. 1) Two friends - two friends; 2) four orphans (gender unknown); 3) three sons - three sons, all three; 4) three behind them; 5) three servants - three servants; 6) two associate professors.

19. 1) Both sisters; 2) four women; 3) a nursery in the amount of twenty two; 4) two bulldozers; 5) three workers;

6) two kittens; 7) on both banks; 8) in both countries.

20. 1) To three hundred and forty-five; 2) from nine hundred sixty four; 3) with seven hundred and ninety-eight; 4) by three hundred seventy-five votes to forty-four; 5) one hundred and sixty three kilometers.

21. Among six hundred managers: eighty-eight and nine-tenths of a percent of managers: more than fifty-one percent of those surveyed.

24. Postgraduate training and guidance;

assistance and control over related enterprises; rely on and believe in their graduates; understand the difficulties of the transition period and come to terms with them; selection of facts and observation of them; coordinate and manage the activities of related enterprises.

25. 1) Distributes and manages property and finances;

3) regulated the relationship of power structures and introduced a new order in them; 4) form off-budget funds and manage them; 5) interest in the final results and responsibility for them; 7) does not have a leader and needs him; 8) in connection with the class split in society and as a result of it (such a split).

26. 1) The deputies met the speech ... 2) The speaker dwelled on how modern science assesses the impact of chemical production on nature. 3) The deputies nominated our representative for the second time ... 4) The work briefly characterizes the methodology ... 5) In order to expand ... and attract ... 6) Opportunities for creating ... 7) The dissertation analyzes the theory and the practice of strengthening ... in our time. 8) An attempt is made in the work to generalize ... 9) To get acquainted with how the famous modern writer understands our problems.

28. Pay attention to the little things; be based on facts; lose to an opponent; distinguish friends from enemies; pay for travel; get angry at failure; surprised by the resilience; take offense at tactlessness.

29. 1) (What about?) From many student studies; 2) (what about?) The state of affairs; 3) (what about?) To modernize production; 4) (what about?) In the frame; 5) (what is it?) Scientific achievements; 6) (in what?) In the further increase in performance; 7) (wow?) Dedication.

30. 1) Introduce what? with this; 2) emphasize what? need; 3) criticism of what? what we do;

4) boil down to what? to the provision; 5) focused on who - what about? for schoolchildren; 6) confidence in what?

in your tomorrow; 7) control what? the course of treatment; 8) concern about what? security ..; 9) participate in what? in elections; 10) talk about what? about the possibility.

32. 1) According to what? order; 2) in connection with what? (because of which); 3) because of what? (as a result of which); 4) because of what? (why?); At the end of what? - a complex preposition; 6) in spite of what? the specified provisions; 7) after what? - a complex preposition; 8) in view of what? 9) thanks to what? difficulties.

33. 1) To deserve what? approval, deserve what? respect; 2) changes in what? (ie, changes, alterations) in the life of society, changes of what? (i.e. replacing the old with a new one) direction; 3) preparation of what? (ie preliminary work for doing something) of the text of the report, preparation for what? (i.e. preliminary actions, activities) for exams; 4) superiority over someone? (i.e. possession of higher dignities in comparison with someone) over others, superiority in what? (i.e., advantage in any respect) in technology; 5) for the benefit of whom? (when designating a face) children, what? (when not designating a person) homeland.

34. 1. Having edited the manuscript, I handed it over ...

2. Having edited the manuscript, you need to submit it ...

3. The adverbial turnover is impossible. A logical subject expressed in an indirect case (me). There is no infinitive.

4. The adverbial turnover is impossible. The subjects of the action do not match (me, the manuscript).

5. There is a lot you can do with free time.

6. After reviewing the research results, the doctor recommended ...

35. 1) These phenomena can be explained by taking; 2) having considered ..., the author proposes; 3) what is happening today frees my hands; 4) shopping room cleared of people out of fear; 5) price increases ... are reflected; 6) after reading the manuscript ... I think; 7) when applying ..., it is necessary to take into account; 8) having found out ..., you need to answer the question; 9) attaching great importance to ... fulfilled; 10) upon study ... it is revealed.





1. Read the text of article 1, as well as the annotation based on it (see Help 1), abstract and review (see Help 2. 3, 4). Analyze the composition of the text of the abstract, abstract and review, pay attention to the words and phrases highlighted in them, which serve to organize these types of texts.

Artificial intelligence. The phenomenon of thinking

Machines have already learned, and they do it very soundly, to compose poetry, compose music, paint pictures. Perhaps it will seem to someone that this is an undeniable sign of their intelligence. After all, if the computer has access to creativity, which has always been considered a property of high intelligence, then is it fair to deny it reason? Are deeply rooted prejudices preventing us from looking at the world more broadly?

Yet most of us would hardly agree to consider the computer that draws and composes poetry as thinking. What, then, should be called thinking? How to distinguish the thinking from the non-thinking?

It is difficult for a person who is far from science to imagine how much modern cybernetic devices can do. It is worth at least to mention the so-called "expert systems", which, on the basis of the information available in their memory (besides, they also learn from their own experience), analyze the patient's condition, the mode of the technological process, the alignment of forces on the battlefield, and the like. factorial phenomena and give advice on how to act in a particular case. In this case, the computer not only communicates its decision, but also explains why it should be so

1 Barashenkov B.C. Artificial intelligence // Man. - 1991. - M “4. - S. 64-70.

Compared to electronic memory, the issuance of archival references and mathematical calculations, which most people associate today with the image of a computer, this is a qualitatively new stage of intellectual activity, when new knowledge is generated on the basis of the existing one. It does not evolve from one form to another, but it is worked out. Until now, this has always been considered an indisputable privilege of the human brain. It is not surprising that those who are the first to encounter such systems often simply do not fuss that they are dealing with a "hardware computer" and not with a human operator hiding somewhere.

And the ability of a computer to perform mathematical calculations, to which we are now accustomed, until quite recently was regarded as one of the highest levels of human spiritual activity. Complex numbers, which today are easily operated by almost any computer, even some quarantine calculators, G. Leibniz, himself an outstanding mathematician, called "spiritual amphibians", an amazing "creation of the spirit of God", and the writer V. Odoevsky in his Russian speech "wrote about our ability to calculate as some incomprehensible, almost mystical property: In any mathematical process, we feel how some other, alien joins our being, which works, thinks, calculates, and meanwhile our the being, as it were, ceases to act, without taking any part in this process, as in an outsider matter, it has its own food, namely the connection that should exist between it and this process - and we do not find this connection I ".

One can imagine how amazed Odoevsky would have been if he had learned the computational abilities of our computers! And yet I do not regard them as thinking. What are they missing? Any computer, no matter how amazing its "ability" to learn, works on the basis of a program set in advance for it and incoming external data. True, we, people, also implement certain programs of actions, especially in the first months of life, when your behavior is almost entirely determined by the netical program inherent in us. However, the fundamental difference in m is that a person is capable of motivated, i.e. depending on certain conditions, change the program and makes it so that there is no continuous logical bridge between the old and new programs. How this happens is also not clear yet,

there are a lot of controversies and different points of view, but this is another question, it is important that modern computers do not possess this property. Now, if it happened that some kind of computer that solved, say, problems in electromagnetism and quantum mechanics, would combine these two branches of science and derive the equations of quantum electrodynamics, and then with their help would predict new phenomena in this previously unknown area , then, perhaps, we would have the right to call her thinking. And first of all, because she herself, without any programmatic prompting, decided to tackle a qualitatively new problem. The word "decided" just means that she thinks.

Any intellectual task is a search for a way to achieve a set goal, otherwise it will not be a solution to the problem, but simply an action according to precise instructions, not much different from the operation of an automatic machine. When we say that a student solves a problem, this means, first of all, that he must figure out which formula to take for this, which numbers to substitute in it. However, if he, looking into a neighbor's notebook, substitutes the numbers indicated there in the formula written on the blackboard, this is no longer a solution, but a mechanical repetition. This is how modern computers behave. Strictly speaking, they do not solve any problems, and the expression "the computer solves" often used by us has a conventional meaning ... what they tell her. Therefore, we do not consider it reasonable.

The ability to set a task and self-program to solve it is precisely the main thing that characterizes the phenomenon of thinking.

True, some people will probably immediately object: a stupid fish in an aquarium and even a primitive amoeba, overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of prey, also set themselves tasks that change depending on specific conditions, which means that they also think?

Why not? There may be primitive forms of thinking, because it is a hypothesis to explain the behavior of animals in all the variety of life situations by just one instinct. And it would be very strange if nature went only along this tough path, completely not using the opportunity to adapt to the environment "along the way."

By the way, animals and birds have such a "higher property" of thinking as the ability to generalize. For example, they recognize food in a wide variety of specific forms, so to speak - food in general. The dog recognizes its brother in a huge Great Dane and in a tiny Japanese dog that fits in the palm of your hand. Pigeons walking leisurely along the sidewalk do not pay attention to people, but they immediately take off, it is worthwhile for a cat to appear nearby - large or small, black or white. The reader will find even more convincing examples.

Our everyday understanding of the rational is too humanized, and, just as in the last century the very idea of ​​a continuity between man and ape seemed ridiculous to many, today many of us are confused by the idea of ​​the possibility of inhuman intelligence. In particular, without noticing it ourselves, we often associate the idea of ​​thinking with the ability to be aware of our own "I", and this prevents us from taking a broader look at the phenomenon of thinking. True, the connection between thinking and feeling "I", apparently, does exist. One might think that in the conditions of a whimsical changing external environment a complex system will be stable only if it has the ability to feel its state, and this, in fact, is the essence of our "I". Analysis shows that many automatic robots already need this feeling. After all, a robot, and indeed any complex self-learning machine that actively communicates with a person, must inform him about the state of his memory, about what it understands and what is not, and why. And for this, the automaton must feel and be able to express its state. The robot also needs this in order to notice the malfunctions in its "body" in time. A robot that is not aware of itself can hardly exist for a long time in a complex, rapidly changing and influencing environment. Of course, the "I" of a robot is very different from our self-consciousness. But here, too, there should not be a sharp edge.

Surprising as it may seem, but much of what is considered to be inherently human continues on the lower levels of nature ...


Article by B.C. Barashenkov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. "Artificial Intelligence. The Phenomenon of Thinking", published in the magazine "Chelovek" 1991, No. 1, is devoted to the problem of creating an artificial mind.

The article talks about the broad capabilities of modern cybernetic devices, and also names the factors that characterize the phenomenon of thinking, without which it is impossible to talk about artificial intelligence.

The article titled "Artificial Intelligence. The Phenomenon of Thinking" was written by B.C. Barashenkov and published in the magazine "Chelovek" No. 1 for 1991.

This article deals with the problem of artificial intelligence.

In the beginning, the author notes that modern cybernetic devices perform operations that were considered until recently the privilege of the human brain. Using the example of "expert systems", he explains the actions of such machines and argues that this is a qualitatively new stage of intellectual activity, when, on the basis of the available information, new knowledge is being developed - it is being developed, the scientist emphasizes -. However, the author cannot call them thinking.

The author writes that any computing machine acts according to instructions, works on the basis of a program compiled for it in advance, which it is not able to motivate to change. Any intellectual task, the author emphasizes, is a search for a way to achieve this goal. The scientist brings us to the idea that the phenomenon of thinking is characterized, most importantly, by the ability to set a problem and self-program to solve it, as well as the ability to generalize.

At the end of the article, the author analyzes the issue of the connection between thinking and the feeling of "I" and argues that in a complex, rapidly changing environment, only an automaton can exist that is aware of itself and is able to express its state. The unconscious robot has no future.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that modern computers, which do not yet possess the listed characteristics, cannot be called thinking, which means that it is still impossible to talk about artificial intelligence.


The topic of the article by V. Barashenkov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, is one of the most relevant in the era of scientific and technological revolution: both scientists and people far from science are worried about the possibility of the existence of inhuman intelligence.

Using interesting examples, illustrations, the scientist talks about new cybernetic devices capable of composing poetry, music, creating art canvases, analyzing human diseases, establishing the regime of technological processes and much more, which was recently considered an intellectual, spiritual activity of only a person.

In this regard, the question of the phenomenon of thinking is rightfully brought to the fore, about what characterizes it, how the idea of ​​thinking is connected with the ability to be aware of one's own "I". The thesis that the main thing that characterizes the phenomenon of thinking sounds convincing is the ability to set a task and self-program to solve it, as well as the ability to generalize.

Apparently, not everything is indisputable in the author's reasoning, and his point of view, of course, is not new and is by no means sensational, which he himself admits, but the core, the key to the problem, was found to be correct in our view. The whole point, of course, is not in the incomprehensible abilities of a superperfect computer, but in the motivation of actions, and the thinking of a machine is, first of all, a consequence of the scale, depth of the human mind.

2. Find in the table. 1-4 means that perform functions similar to the highlighted words. Define:

a) with what linguistic means the topic can be formulated;

b) what language means are used to describe the main content;

c) what language means are used for illustrations, enumeration, special emphasis (semantic emphasis), for conclusions, etc.

3. Define in the texts of the annotation, abstract and review the words - the means of organizing the scientific text. Find in the table. 7 similar means.

4. Analyze the text of the review from the point of view of the use of emotionally expressive means of the language and their functional purpose. Pick up similar evaluative constructs from table. 2 (VIII p.) And 5 and references 5.

5. Read the new versions of the abstract, abstract and review of the text of the assignment. Find compositional, logical and stylistic inaccuracies and deviations.


In the article by B.C. Barashenkov "Artificial intelligence. The phenomenon of thinking" refers to the fact that under certain conditions modern computers can show some independence, are able to self-learn and even make decisions. The author characterizes the phenomenon of thinking, and also lists the characteristics that thinking machines should have.

In the article "Artificial Intelligence. The Phenomenon of Thinking" the author says that today, under certain conditions, computers can become independent, they can make decisions on their own without any programmatic prompt.

The final part of the article is devoted to the phenomenon of thinking. According to the author, the phenomenon of thinking is characterized by the ability to set a task and self-program to solve it, as well as the ability to generalize.


Article by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences B.C. Barashenkova is dedicated to modern cybernetic devices, their enormous capabilities today and fantastic prospects in the future.

The work tells about expert cybernetic systems that analyze the patient's condition, the mode of the technological process and similar phenomena and give advice on how to proceed in this or that case. Of particular interest is the description of self-learning systems, which we could only recently read about in science fiction. These machines, like a person, become specialists in their field, acquiring their own experience day after day and learning from it.

And yet, one cannot but agree with the scientist that machines are still far from real thinking - the ability to independently set tasks.

6. Read the continuation of B.C. Barashenkov. Using references 1-6 and tables, compose an annotation, abstract and review for it.

Within a hair's breadth of thought

Yes, a modern computer behaves like a schoolboy, stupidly repeating a solution already found by someone using a cheat sheet. But this is not always the case. Under certain conditions, machines can show some independence and go beyond the cheat sheets. They have already been taught this. This is how the expert cybernetic systems, which were mentioned above, behave. Each of them contains in its memory a "bank of knowledge" collected from human experts (hence the name of these systems). For example, in a system related to the diagnosis of diseases and the selection of appropriate drugs, this is the knowledge of experienced medical practitioners. In the memory of the expert system, which helps in the repair of complex electronic devices, the knowledge of qualified technicians and engineers who have worked in this field for a long time is accumulated. And so on - each expert system has a certain "education" written in the form of hundreds and thousands of rules-instructions such as "if this and that takes place, then it follows ...".

For example, in the memory of a computer that helps to repair televisions, there may be such an instruction: "If the image is pale, and transistors No. 1, 17, 46 are in good order, then check the contact at point 119. The specialist who advised to introduce this rule knew from his practice that contact 119 sometimes fails. In the expert system diagnosing diseases, there may be a rule: "If it hurts to move your eyes and your toes get cold, do an analysis 17." There is no such recommendation in any medical reference book, but the practitioner who suggested it noticed, that in a given locality this symptom sometimes accompanies disease X, and to be sure of this, the indicated additional analysis should be performed.

The databank of the expert system may also contain formulas, tables, images - in general, all information that helps to solve the problems it is focused on. Of course, all knowledge is encoded, translated into the language of unified symbols and relationships.

The simplest expert system finds the answer to the question asked by searching through its bank. For example, the symptoms of the disease are entered into it, and it, perhaps, by requesting some additional information, by comparing the information received by her with the data stored in her memory, will highlight one or more of the most probable diseases. Essentially, this is just a high-speed electronic reference book, where the search for an answer is like a sequential movement from the trunk of a "tree" to branching "twigs" and further to thin "twigs". More advanced systems use additional techniques to limit the search and direct it to the most promising branches. Sometimes these are the same rules of the "if ... then ..." type, at other times - a preliminary analysis of the situation by considering some simple limiting cases: the way a thinking person often does, or some other auxiliary techniques suggested by experts.

Each individual rule embedded in an expert system can be very simple, but all together they allow you to unravel the most difficult situations. At the same time, the computer's answer is often better than the answers given by the interviewed specialists, whose experience is encoded in its memory. As they say, one mind is good, and several is better!

Since the computer remembers how the answer was received, it can print on paper or display an explanation of its decision on the display screen. In critical cases, it helps specialists come to the final conclusion. There are already hundreds of such systems in operation in the world today.

The next step is self-learning expert systems. They are able to amend their data banks and the lists of techniques and rules used to process them. With relatively little initial information, they, like humans, are able to adapt to different areas of knowledge. Each such system is like a student who, filling himself with bruises and bumps and assimilating the advice of an experienced mentor along the way, quickly becomes a specialist in his field.

The responses of a self-learning system cannot be predicted in advance, even if the questions asked to it are exactly the same as those offered to it last time. They depend on her experience and today may differ slightly from yesterday. Self-learning expert systems generate new knowledge that cannot be purely logically derived from the original data bank. Until recently, such systems belonged to the field of science fiction.

And yet, they still have a long way to go before real thinking, as we defined it above - the ability to independently set tasks. Work to create artificial intelligence are reminiscent of a journey to the horizon: each frontier reached opens up new distances, and what was considered a sign of "indisputable intelligence" yesterday, today belongs to the category of "purely machine". And this path of modeling the abilities of our brain, apparently, will be very long.

Until recently, few people took the hypothesis of thinking machines seriously, and philosophical books and thick scientific journals proved the fundamental impossibility of such "monsters". Today, most physicists and mathematicians - those who have to deal with computers more often than others - do not doubt the fundamental possibility of simulating any aspect of our mental activity with the help of cybernetic devices. However, in general, there is still no consensus among scientists on this issue even today, and if a vote were made for and against the idea of ​​thinking machines, then the camp of doubters would probably also be very numerous. Fortunately, scientific controversy is not resolved by voting. The opinion of a single talented scientist can be worth hundreds of other votes. And the most convincing "voice" is the rapid progress in laboratories dealing with practical creation artificial intelligence.

In the middle ages by example knightly tournaments scholars liked to have public debates. One of the problems around which the spears of logical eloquence broke down was the question of how many stones a heap begins with - from three, from five, or maybe from nine or from a hundred? Will not the scientists of the future seem to see our disputes about the boundaries from which the intellectual process can be considered "real thinking", something similar to these disputes? ..

7. Using language tools (Table 1) and a sample annotation (see Help 1), compose an annotation:

a) books (monographs) in your specialty;

b) a journal article in your specialty.

8. Using the language tools from tables 2-4, write an abstract of the article in your specialty.

9. Based on a typical plan for writing reviews (see Help 5) and table. 2 (VIII p.) And 5, write a review of the article in your specialty.


10. Using references 8 and 9, what are the basic rules for quoting.

eleven*. Include quotations in these snippets as separate sentences.

1. The problem of what is culture and what is civilization must be solved only from the point of view of the interaction of spirit and matter, for culture is a phenomenon of spirit, acting according to the laws of its energy.

"Many people believe that it is quite possible to replace the word" culture "with civilization. At the same time, it is completely overlooked that the Latin root" cult "itself has a very deep spiritual meaning, while" civilization "at its root has a civic, social structure of life" (N.K. Roerich).

2. Roerich draws our attention to the fact that in the interaction of culture and civilization, the priority should belong to Culture, which will save civilization from many distortions inherent in it.

"... The most important thing for us will be the spirit of creativity, then comes health, and only in third place is wealth" (Nicholas Roerich).

12*. Use a quote after the colon. What letter (lowercase or uppercase) should you start the quote with? Why?

1. One of the largest and deepest Russian philosophers N.А. Berdyaev defined culture as follows ...

"Culture is associated with the cult of ancestors, with legends and traditions. It is full of sacred symbolism, knowledge and similarities of another spiritual reality are given in it. Every culture (even material culture) is a culture of the spirit, every culture has a spiritual basis - it is a product of the creative work of the spirit over natural elements "(NA Berdyaev).

2. A machine-made, technogenic civilization replaces culture with an entertainment industry, on the basis of which “mass culture” emerges, designed to serve the matter of society, and by no means feed its spirit. Berdyaev writes with bitterness ...

"... the old Europe betrayed its past, renounced it. The irreligious bourgeois civilization defeated the old sacred culture in it" (NA Berdyaev).

3. Bourgeois revolutions, which were of a pragmatic and materialistic nature, strengthened and developed the gap that had formed in the integral body of the phenomenon "culture - civilization". The era of alienation of culture from civilization began. Matter, as never before, took over the dominant positions, aggressively and unceremoniously squeezed the spirit and deprived the society of people of the collective energy it needed ...

"... in civilization spiritual energy dries up, spirit - the source of culture is extinguished. Then the domination of human souls begins not by natural forces, but by the magical kingdom of machinery and mechanicalness, which replaces true being" (N.A. Berdyaev).

1. It would seem that a scientific biography should include only socially significant facts, but not everyday "trifles". However, would this approach result in a dead image schema? And the very concept of a "small" fact is vague. Plutarch spoke ...

"Often, some insignificant deed ... better reveals the character of a person than battles in which tens of thousands die, the leadership of huge armies and the siege of cities" (Plutarch).

2. Pessimistic ("finalist") concepts of the future destinies of our civilization are also known. For example, the Russian scientist JI. Leskov writes ...

"Having experienced a rapid rise, space civilizations inevitably perish: either losing their taste for life in the booths of a" consumer paradise ", or suffocating in technological waste, or, finally, burnt out in the fire of nuclear missile disasters" (L.V. Leskov).

fourteen*. Read the passages where the quotes are incorrect. Find and fix errors.

1. The secret of the individual would be violated, and with it the freedom of self-determination of the individual would also be violated. Meanwhile, "Everything spiritual and great arises in life - in a mysterious way from oneself and through oneself ... This is how love is ignited; this is how a person prays; this is how art is created; how science is built; this is how spiritual crises are overcome; this is how the spiritual character of a person is strengthened. ; this is how heroic deeds are done. " (In the source: "Everything spiritual ...".)

2. The emphasis on love is seen in this regard as a factor in the establishment of totalitarianism and authoritarianism. This is exactly how the author argues, who, in particular, writes: "To love a person means to want to make him happy. However, of all political ideals, those that inspire the desire to make a person happy are perhaps the most dangerous." (In the source: "To love a person ...".)

3. Ow. Soloviev, defining the dignity of a person, writes that: “Under no circumstances and for any reason can no person be regarded as only a means ... - he cannot be only a means or an instrument, neither for the good of another person, nor for the good of the whole class, nor, finally, for the so-called common good. " (In the source: "No man ...".)


15. Using references 10-13, tell me how the bibliographic description and bibliographic reference are formatted. 16*. Using references 12-13, compile a bibliographic description of these works.

1. Roerich N.K. A fiery stronghold. - Paris, 1993 .-- S. 28.

2. Roerich N.K. Power of light. - New York, 1931 .-- S. 60.

3. Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of the story. - M., 1990 .-- S. 166.

4. Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of the story. - M., 1990 .-- S. 130.

5. Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of the story. - M., 1990 .-- S. 172.

6. Plutarch. Op. - M., 1983 .-- S. 47.

7. Leskov JI.B. Space civilizations: problems of evolution. - M., 1985 .-- S. 32.

17 *. Based on reference 12, correctly compile a bibliographic description of the following books, articles:

1. Market economy. Textbook. In 3 volumes.Vol. 1. Theory market economy... Part 2. - M. SOMINTEK, 1992.S. 217-220.

2. Buisharin I. Will there be a labor market in Russia? Problems of theory and practice of management, 1992. No. 3. P. 63-68.

4. Rokor M. To work with a soul. - M .: International relationships, 1990.S. 36.

18. Using Help 12, write a description:

a) books on your specialty;

b) articles on your specialty.


1. The problem of what is culture and what is civilization must be solved from the point of view of the interaction of spirit and matter, for culture is a phenomenon of spirit, acting according to the laws of its energy. "A lot of people believe ..." (Roerich N.K. Flame Stronghold. - Paris, 1993. - P. 28).

2. Roerich draws our attention to the fact that in the interaction of culture and civilization, the priority should belong to Culture, which will save civilization from many distortions inherent in it. "The most important thing for us ..." (Roerich N.K. Power of light. - New York, 1931. - P. 60).

1. One of the largest and deepest Russian philosophers

N. A. Berdyaev defined culture as follows "Culture ..." (Berdyaev N. A. The meaning of history. - M., 1990. - S. 166).

2. Berdyaev writes with bitterness: "... the old Europe has changed ..." (Berdyaev NA The meaning of history. - M., 1990. - P. 130) or (Ibid. - P. 130).

3. Matter ... aggressively and unceremoniously pressed the spirit and deprived the society of people of the collective energy it needed: "... in civilization it dries up ..." (Ibid. - p. 172).

I. Plutarch said that "often some ..." (Plutarch. Soch.-M., 1983.- S. 47).

2. For example, the Russian scientist JT. Leskov writes that, "having experienced a rapid rise, ..." (Leskov LV Cosmic civilizations: problems of evolution. - M., 1985. - p. 32).

1. Meanwhile, "everything spiritual and great ...".

3. Ow. Soloviev, defining the dignity of the individual, writes that "no man ...".

1. Market economy / Textbook in 3 volumes. V. 1. The theory of market economy. Part 2. - M .: SOMINTEK, 1992. - S. 217-220.

2. Bushmarin I. Will there be a labor market in Russia? // Problems of theory and practice of management. - 1992. - No. 3. - S. 63-68.

4. Rokor M. To work with a soul. - M .: International relations, 1990. - 36 p.




1. Read the sentences and determine their functional style (see Help 1). Pay attention to the highlighted words and describe them.

1. The Lessee undertakes to bear full responsibility for all losses that he may cause to the Lessor as a result of the use of the land not for its intended purpose in accordance with this agreement or as a result of his incompetent actions. 2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this agreement, the parties shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3. If the founder makes a decision on the reorganization or liquidation of the enterprise (except for cases when the enterprise is declared bankrupt), the labor collective of the enterprise has the right to demand the transfer of the enterprise to lease or transformation into another organizational and legal form. 4. Based on the foregoing, we, the founders of the JSC, undertake the obligations to organize and register the JSC. 5. The company is a legal entity, has separate property, has fixed and circulating assets, an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in bank institutions, can acquire property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration courts ...

2 *. Read the given words and phrases. Indicate those of them, which are characterized by the coloring of the official business style.

Pay tribute, disability, housing stock, square root, enforce, insurance policy, fast, proper, prescribe, miraculous, do research, solicit, conviction, pretend, sociology, routine, lump sum, advise, direct duties, walk, agreement, non-compliance, thesis, delay, defendant.

3 *. In the sentences provided, find words that refer to people. Describe these words from a stylistic point of view (see reference 1, item 3). Give your own examples.

1. Guardianship and trusteeship shall be established at the place of residence of the person subject to guardianship or trusteeship, or at the place of residence of the guardian (curator). 2. A witness may be questioned about the facts of the case, as well as the identity of the accused or victim. 3. Representatives of the customer, the general contractor, the general designer, and the sanitary inspection bodies are to be included in the composition of the state acceptance commissions for the commissioning of production facilities. 4. In response to the claim, the defendant agreed to reimburse us for the labor costs incurred to correct the marriage. 5. The supplier assumes the responsibility for preventive maintenance, as well as for the current repair of gas equipment belonging to customers. 6. Free balances on the account, based on the client's application, can be transferred to a deposit account at his request, with the subsequent payment of the interest specified by the additional agreement.

4*. In the above sentences, find the verbal nouns typical for the official business style of speech (see Help 1, p. 4). Explain how the predicate is expressed in impersonal sentences.

5*. Read the sentences and determine their functional style. Describe the prepositions and conjunctions used in them (see reference 1, p. 5).

1. A friendly court shall terminate the case for reconciliation of the parties to the dispute. 2. The guys play together again because they made up. 3. Seasonal work is recognized as work that, due to natural and climatic conditions, is performed not all year round, but within a certain period. 4. We could not go outside because of the pouring rain. 5. In accordance with the current legislation, the authors of inventions may be awarded honorary titles. 6. He was given a big bonus because he made a new machine. 7. In order to prepare young men for military service, special sections are organized in schools. 8. He began to play hard to get ready for the army. 9. The ability of a citizen by his actions to acquire civil rights and create civil obligations for himself arises in full with the onset of majority, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen. 10. When she was eighteen years old, they got married.

6. Compose sentences typical of the formal business style, using the following absentee prepositions:

For the purpose, in relation, on the subject, in effect, in part, in connection, in accordance, in line, in the course of, in order to avoid, on the basis of, on account, in order.

7 *. Form stable phrases that have the coloring of an official-business style by adding appropriate adjectives to the first group of nouns, and necessary verbs to the second group of nouns. Compose phrases with the resulting phrases.

1. Sentence, term, person, children, responsibility, actions, defense, powers, circumstances, crime, punishment, complaint, benefit, authorities, order, consideration.

2. Order, control, official salaries, reprimand, censure, error, assistance, order, execution, imperfections, discipline, meeting, restructuring, duties, examination, measures.

eight*. In the above sentences, find stable verb-nominal combinations characteristic of the official business style. Replace them with verbs where possible.

1. The plant is completing the development of a new tractor model. 2. The staff of the enterprise has undertaken a commitment to double the output per year. 3. Special attention is paid at the factory to the need to master the new equipment as soon as possible. 4. The workers of the plant express full confidence that they will be able to achieve timely execution of the order. 5. To turn on the alarm, turn the lever. 6. During the reporting period, a survey of the plant's activities was carried out.

9. Find in these sentences the sequential "stringing" of cases. Explain what caused this linguistic phenomenon (see Help 1, item 8). Transform these sentences for oral expression.

1. We send an act of checking the reasons for the leakage of the floors of the shower rooms of the change houses of the procurement shop of the plant for taking specific measures to eliminate defects and put the buildings into operation. 2. To meet the requirement to eliminate the backlog in the production of parts, specific measures are outlined. 3. We must raise the issue of educating the population in improving the attitude towards the implementation of measures for the greening of the city. 4. The fact of the lessee's evasion from paying rent is confirmed by the decision of the arbitration court of the N region.

10. Read the sentences taken from various documents. Try to explain why in some cases the active voice is used, and in others the passive voice. Give similar examples (see Help 1, item 10).

1. Payment is guaranteed. The letter has been sent. Your telegram has been received. The deadlines for the completion of work are disrupted. Your proposal was unanimously approved. The specified documentation will be returned to you along with the shipped cargo.

2. Plant "Progress" does not guarantee the quality of products after six months from the date of shipment. The Main Directorate does not object to the plant starting production of dump trucks from November 19 ... of the year. Despite repeated reminders, the Elektrostal plant disrupts the delivery of non-ferrous castings.

eleven*. Answer the questions so that your answer is a fragment from any official document: announcements, instructions, help.

1. Does the atelier sew coats from their material?

2. Is it possible to do business on the subway?

3. Will a notary certify a copy of the document if I do not have my passport with me?

4. Is it possible to ride buses and trolleybuses in overalls?

5. Can I change my ID if there is no new photo?

12*. Read sentences taken from colloquial speech. Find stationery in them and replace them with other words that match the colloquial style of speech (see Help 3).

1. I bought a board game for my son. 2. The clockwork monkey is out of order. 3. A famous poet lives in the same house with me. 4. At the moment I am preparing for the exams. 5. My friend got a living space. 6. My wife and I never conflict. 7. I am not aware of these details. 8. This area has disgusting climatic conditions. 9. There are so many mushrooms and berries in our green area.

13. Read a comic text from the Literary Gazette. Find a stationery. Try retelling this text using neutral or colloquial vocabulary (see Help 3).

Spoilage of good mood

After returning home from service, I did some work of taking off my hat, raincoat, boots, changing into pajamas and slippers, and sitting down with a newspaper in a chair. During this period, the wife implemented a number of activities aimed at peeling potatoes, boiling meat, sweeping the floor and washing dishes.

After some time, she began to loudly raise the question of the inadmissibility of my non-participation in the named events held by her. To this, on my part, a categorical statement was made about my unwillingness to hear claims on this issue in view of the exercise by me at the moment, after the end of the working day, of my legal right to a well-deserved rest.

However, my wife did not draw the appropriate conclusions from my words and did not stop her irresponsible statements, in which, in particular, she reflected such a moment as my lack of a number of positive qualities, such as: conscience, decency, shame, etc., and how during its
speech, and after it was engaged in assigning me the names of various animals that are in the personal use of workers and collective farmers.

After giving mutual assurances about the non-repetition of such phenomena, we began to eat dinner, which, as a result of cooling, had already had a lowered temperature and had lost its taste.

This is how we sometimes still allow spoilage of good mood, as well as appetite.


14. Read Help 4 and answer the following questions.

1 How is the editing of office documents carried out?

2. What do these correction marks mean:

15*. Read the sentences taken from the business papers. Find lexical errors, identify the character, and correct them (see Help 5).

1. Citizen Sidorova N.F. filed an application for divorce. 2. Disputes often reached the point of direct insults in lies. 3. Write your initials in full. 4. The effectiveness of the saving regime largely depends on how limited financial costs are. 5. On the territory entrusted to you, you must also build a bathhouse for the inhabitants of the village. 6. We provide our details: Moscow, 123298. Ul. People's Militia. 7. With this letter we inform you that the above-named document is attached to the case.

16*. Read the phrases taken from business correspondence. Suggest a shorter record of these turns without loss of information.

Brand new document; collected materials, ongoing incidents; cooperate with you; each individually believes that ...; a statement attached to this; exact matching data; repeat your proposal again; still remains unresolved; I'm talking about ^ Y

17. Replace archaic words and phrases found in business papers with modern ones. In case of difficulty, refer to Help 5, item 3.

Which; the above-named; on the subject; with this; please do not refuse; the department entrusted to you; in this letter; this attitude; we hereby certify that; we notify you.

eighteen*. Read the sentences taken from the business papers. Find words that distort the meaning of the phrase. Determine the nature of the mistakes and correct them.

1. We'll have to calculate all the data again. 2. It remains to confirm this at the meeting. 3. He turned me down on a favorable pretext. 4. The verdict of the court was announced. 5. This was achieved by the most undesirable means. 6. He gave me mutually ... rubles. 7. An intolerable situation arose at the plant.

19*. Read the sentences taken from various documents. Find errors related to word collocation and correct them.

1. I had to familiarize myself with the conclusions of the commission held a year ago. 2. This problem is getting worse every day. 3. This is the main place of the experienced moment. 4. He tried to put his ideas into practice. 5. The staff of the plant made a commitment to accelerate the release of the new model.

twenty*. Read the sentences, find errors in them. Explain the nature of the mistakes and correct them (see Help 6).

1. We have considered the issue according to the received application. 2. The head of the Department of Sociology took part in the discussion. 3. A number of project proposals are not supported by calculations. 4. In 19 ... twenty-one specialists were hired at the enterprise. 5. Young specialists graduated from 19 ... have been assigned to work in our company. 6. In connection with the preliminary agreement, we will send you the necessary documents. 7. We acknowledge that the design of the machine was unsuccessful. 8. The Institute is applying for a permanent residence permit in Moscow for the employee AI Petlak. 9. Taking this equipment from the warehouse without permission, he started having troubles with his superiors. 10. The wages were not paid to five hundred and forty-two workers. 11. The workers who allowed the marriage were reprimanded.

21. Fill out the introductory part of the application: from whom and to whom it is addressed. If you find it difficult to spell the endings of surnames, see Help 6, p. 2.

1. Who is the application submitted from?

(Konstantin Zhivago; Bulat Okudzhava; Nikolai Zherekh, Sergei Zhuk, Mikhail Fomenko; Evgeniy Krysa; Pyotr Gorlo.)

2. Who is the application addressed to?

(Natalia Sedykh, Antonina Venda; Maria Mitskevich; Svetlana Karas; Anna Shevchenko; Elena Craft.)

22 *. Find phraseological phrases in these sentences. Note cases of abnormal or erroneous use of phraseological units. Explain the nature of the mistakes (see Help 7).

1. Social insurance in the region is currently below any criticism. 2. The Commission notes that the situation on the construction site is fraught with and needs immediate intervention of higher authorities. 3. The ability to look facts straight in the eyes comes with experience, with confidence in one's abilities. 4. The foreman has long given up on those annoying problems that were discussed at the meeting. 5. The master more than once assured the meeting that he would do everything as possible, but the order remained the same. 6. Every violator must firmly understand that he will not get away with even the slightest deviation from the charter and the law. 7. Such a leader will put any saboteur under the label. 8. He had to swallow this bitter pill.

23. Write down some words from these combinations in abbreviated form. Check the correctness of your abbreviations according to the Reference Book (see help 8).

1. Vologodskaya Oblast; mailbox number 15; station "Lugovaya"; post office of Dmitrovsky district; Minsk city; Lake Baikal.

2. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences; head of the laboratory; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences; acting head of the center; chief assistant captain.

3. Technical task; special order; state standard.

4. See page 710; document of this year; etc; the like; in the 1996-1997 reporting year.

5. Industrial construction bank; Research Institute of Steel; Russian Academy of Public Administration.

24 *. Check for misuse of abbreviated spellings.

1. Karach fur. zd asks to allocate additional funds for metal according to the following list. 2. Moscow ob., Mountains. Shchelkovo, Lesnoy pr., 7. Maslov N.N. 3. Citizens. Petrov to pay the com-y within two days. 4. To dismiss T. Ivantsova from her post. 5. Protocol tech. owls. at deputy. dir-ra za-da "Red Avenue". 6. The team took obligation. for 1994-5 ^ and did not fulfill them. 7. Instruct Ch. engineer in-ta Kozlov to continue the work. for the design of the workshop.

25. Explain the spelling of the names of the following organizations and institutions. Align your explanation with Help 9.

1. Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation; World Peace Council; Security Council. 2. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Government of the Russian Federation; Association of Peasant Farms and Cooperatives.

3. Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen; House of the actor; Lviv Bus Plant.

4. State Academic Bolshoi Theater; Palace of Culture Metrostroy; Drama and Comedy Theater on Taganka.

26 *. Read the sentences, find in them a violation of administrative speech etiquette. Explain the nature of the mistakes made. Edit the sentences (see help 10).

1. Do not refuse us the courtesy and send, if it does not bother you, the draft of the company's Articles of Association. 2. The Institute asks to present your exhibits for the exhibition in a form acceptable for display. 3. We are sending you a revised version of the draft of the new regulation. Please review and approve. 4. I am writing to you with an earnest request to send urgently necessary documentation. 5. We would ask you to tell us the results of the experiment.



27. Read Help 11 and answer the following questions:

1. What is the meaning of the word document?

2. What explains the emergence of the concept of a service document?

3. What types of office documents do you know?

4. What is the text form of office documents?

28. Write your statements using the form and language clichés provided in Help 12:

a) with a request to allow you an academic leave;

b) with a request to hire you;

c) with a request to send you material for the dissertation.

29. Write a power of attorney, using the material from the certificate 12 and using the words of the official business style: the submitter, the present ^ is certified, the amount due, after expiration, etc.

To the director of motor depot No. 2 from Nikiforov JI.H.


Comrade Deer


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