Dismissal of 2 st 40 chat. The dismissal of employees according to paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Article 40 of the KZOT (reduction in the number or state), the algorithm of actions. Failure to pass the medical examination - the basis for dismissal

When was the last time you raised the salary? Difficult to answer? Well, you are from most ... After all, often, despite your diligence and hard work, skill and experience, the bosses are not in a hurry to raise you a salary. And if even your immediate request did not bring the desired result, you can make a magic rite.

Features of Ritual

The rite after which you will increase the salary, has its own rules. And if they follow clearly, in the near future you will definitely get the desired results:

  • Conspiracy can be done by any person, regardless of gender, posts and salary;
  • Do not hold a ritual if you are sick, on Sunday, or in the days of church holidays;
  • The most effective is the conspiracy, which is carried out in the full moon, or in the phase of the growing moon. The opposite effect may have a rite spent in the phase of the decreasing moon, so it is better to refuse it from it;
  • The best days for a conspiracy for money are Thursday and Saturday.

Guided by these simple rules, You can make a really effective plot. Its action begins literally immediately, and the first noticeable results you will feel already a month and a half.

3-stage ritual

In order for you to increase the salary, you can apply this rite. It is done in stages:

  1. Need to clean workplace. If possible, it would be good lock your workplace with a mixture of herbs calendula and mint. If it is impossible to do this, then in some unavailable for other place you need to hide the bag with these herbs for a week.
  2. Conspiracy. It needs to read 3 times at home on full moon:

"Flowers all in full moon bloom, the moon is listening to the Round, and I am the Slave of God (Name) I ask the Luna of Light of Clear, the consent of the complete. So that my salary is round, like you now, and with your increasing, it increased, and how you will decrease, so it will stabilize. Light long, month full, my wallet is golden "

  1. Conducting the morning ritual is already in the workplace. We need to come to work before everyone and, opening the window, repeat 3 times these words:

"Introduce the light, I will fail!"

After that, you can start fulfilling your duties. The rite will be felt literally immediately, and you will see real results in a couple of weeks.

On a coin

If the work of a talented and diligent employee is not noticed and not encouraged, then magic can come to the rescue. In order to raise the salary, there is a special conspiracy. To make it takes any yellow coin. You need to read the next magic text:

"As in the sea of \u200b\u200bblue, the ocean mighty fish is found yes not translated, as in the sky blue, the sky is huge stars shine, do not recount them, as in the field spacious, the field is wider than the grass, do not reverse everything and me, the slave of God ( Name) There are always money. My words are strong, like a stone mighty alatyr, sealing their iron with iron in the ground-Mother. Let my boss, I will increase the salary, will add money, my talents seek. To be so always. Amen!"

This plot needs to be read three times. After that, you need to put a coin on the right side at your workplace. It should remain there for 3 days. After this period, it needs to be spent on purchasing some thing that can be given to someone. For example, it may be a chocolate that you treat a child. The result of this rite can you feel in a month.

How to draw wage raise

In order to spend this rite to raise the salary, you need a sheet of paper and a new pencil. Before proceeding with the ritual, it is recommended to read the prayer of Spiridon trimifunt. You need to draw your boss. Do not confuse if you do not have a talent for drawing.

Try to make the drawing be good, and your head is smiling. The most important thing is that, drawing, you imagined your chef. Then you need to draw that it stretches to you money, and be sure to write the desired amount on the "money". Over this picture you need to read the following conspiracy:

"Lord, how do you contact me, the slave of God (your name), your gaze, so let my boss, the Slave of God (the name of the head), will pay my gaze and will appreciate my merit. How do you. The king of Heavenly, generous, so let him be generous and the slave of God (the name of the chief). Amen"

Then a leaf with a pattern must be folded and carrying with me to work. When you meet with your boss, you need to imperceptibly touch this sheet and think about the amount of the desired salary. Soon your desire will be.

To give a salary on time

Nowadays, it often happens that for one reason or another, the salary is delayed. In order to give a salary on time, there is such a plot:

"I ask Jesus Christ and the mournful Mother
The slave of God (name) is mine to pick up and give my hands.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

It is pronounced standing opposite the place of your work, while you need to hide the maizers of the hands. Do not doubt, very soon you will get your earned money.

It often happens that human labor is not assessed in dignity. And maybe such that just in your workplace, a bad atmosphere. In such cases, you can use a conspiracy to increase salary. Such rites will help improve your financial position Get the desired office. Well such a ritual to conduct when a device for work, it will help to provide good salary and a worthy post.

Conspiracy on robot

To work smoothly should be a clean workplace, only not in terms of dust, but energy. Most often when a person is arranged on new positionShe gets from someone. Accordingly, the old energy is transmitted, which may not be as good.

Therefore, in order to get an increase or a good salary, it is necessary to remove everything too much from steel. After that, you need to go to church and purchase a candle. Further it is worth up for a candle every seven days. It can clean from the old energy and create the necessary atmosphere to increase wages.

After the ritual, you need to vote daily:

"As a threshold step over, I attract money."

You need to repeat this phrase for 7 days, and in order for the head to raise the salary, it is necessary to pronounce the phrase seven times. During this period, you need to customize yourself as much as possible on the influx of finance, the receipt of money. It is important not to look for the reasons why the increase can pass by.

There is another way to clear your workplace and achieve add. Such conspiracies need to be pronounced in the first few days of the full moon. If you dream to be added to you, you need to prepare herbal collection in the bag. Mandatory components must be mint and calendula.

After you all prepared, come to the robot and hide somewhere a bag of herbs. All day quietly fulfill your duties, and when you come home you need to start reading a plot:

"All Live Full Moon is listening to: Earth, Flowers and Animals. So I, the slave of God (name), I ask for a full moon of light, consent and material wealth. Let my salary also be circulated as heavenly. How to grow the moon will, it will increase, and how to decrease the moon will become, it stabilizes it. Light moon clear, the month is round, and my wallet is full and golden "

The servant of God must specify its name, because you ask to increase the salary for yourself, and not for someone. After reading the conspiracy, go to bed, and in the morning try early to come to work. Discover the window near your location and say the words:

"I make shortages and failures, and let's introduce light."

Conspiracy begins to act on the same day, so that you can safely continue to work and expect you to raise the salary. Using a similar ritual can be achieved:

How to get a delayed salary

The salary conspiracy is of great strength and can easily help when it is not issued for a long time. Previously, they often delayed the salary, and people had to contact the highest forces. Also, a similar ritual makes it possible to ensure that your debtors give you money. A similar method can be achieved by the head of a high salary or a refund, honestly earned money.

In order to hold the rite, it is necessary to prepare a chair that should be made of natural wood. From it you need to take and cut a slightly pinch. Then put it on the threshold. It follows this rite after the sun hys. Slips need to speak in such words:

"Returns to the origins and does not go beyond the threshold. How to pop up the moon, I will come in full. "

Next, take the heading thread, and conspired sins tend it to her. After that, find such a place where they can be hidden. From the threshold you need to remove the stool, it is no longer needed. After holding such a ritual, your former boss will order to pay, what is supposed. And your first payment on new work Get such a thing about which one dreamed.

Best do not try every time to force the chief to issue a salary, and find really good work, with normal conditions. Today it is not so easy to get, but the one who is looking for, always finds. After all, the work on which they pay, requires high knowledge. You can learn a bit and get a position to the soul, and in the future there is also an increase.

What to do if you do not give salary

IN modern world Very often there are such situations that the head did not pay the salary, or when they gave it, you were not at work. Or there is also another situation that the first salary was issued, and the rest is still in any way. Today, many entrepreneurs make a large delay to scroll through money through accounts and they have fallen a penny. This situation was almost every person, what to do and how to put pressure on such a debtor.

Everything is very simple there is a lot of rituals and conspiracies that will help influence your unfair boss. And you will not have problems in getting wages, and money is a good help for a family.

Therefore, if you did not give money, then use a plot. To do this, you need to try to come to work before all. Then clutch the index fingers and read the words:

"As the glory of saints is strong and eternal and the Word of my strongly. Lord, help me to return myself to return, help, that honest hard work earned to get. Let false and careless people give me my good. Do not spend them what I earned. As this fingers do not grow on one hand, so the authorities do not deceive me, but I pay money. How I say - it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading, the fingers are worth it. In this conspiracy, it is important to repeat the word "Amen" three times differently he simply does not work. You reach God, so respect him, please. If you do everything right, then you will be returned to honestly earned money. For those who do not believe in this advice one, it is not necessary to even start reading a plot, he definitely does not work.

So remember the main thing:

Therefore, in order to spend such a strong ritual, it is necessary to wait for the moon to decrease. You need to prepare water that you will use to cook to eat your second half. In it put 3 teaspoons of salt and read over it:

"I urge the well done to find that buying. The first - on generosity, the second - for the gifts, the third - for the last pennies. "

For this rite you can use absolutely any amount of water, the main thing is to correctly read the conspiracy. It is also recommended that this water is used only to a dish that your husband will eat. Do not expect the result quickly, because for a good effect you need to spend a ritual several times.

After that, you will notice how soon the husband received a salary, he immediately runs home and carries it to you. This conspiracy is carried out at home and with it you will notice how the family wallet is replenished.

From this article you will learn:

The amount that you receive a monthly at work is known to change depending on the number of things done, even if the initial bet was fixed. The stronger and more clearly you are trying, the higher the probability that you will soon increase wages.

How magic will help in work

However, in fact, never guess whether you are waiting for an increase. The management of the manual is mnit, and at times there are such people who are absolutely as much as you work on above the required norm: if they wanted to increase your salary, they will not rise it. So people are easier to pretend that they never noticed how you try.

Of course, such a style of behavior is difficult to call fair and appropriate to the employee, however, the owner is known to be a barin. You only have a completely specific choice: to put up with this or do everything possible to achieve a long-awaited wage increase.

In this you can help the Old Slavic ritual adapted for use in modern reality. You will need a large bill and the photo of your chief.

How to raise salary with white magic


Light black and white candles, install the candlesticks on the left and right of the alternate cool. Then put a photo of the head in the center of the circle, cover the bunch of his face on top in the picture. Now get the ritual knife and sprinkle money and the photo.

After done it, read conspiracy to increase wages:

Dark strength, the forces are great,

I spell you: help me

Let them increase me wages

Let I now be a rich

Let my bosses do not oppose

Let everyone around them envy me.

Dark strength, the forces are great,

Let my wealth grow up

Help the salary to raise me

So I lived in wealth, in my satisfaction.

Help me, the forces are dark,

I will answer you my best

I will be faithful to serve yes.

Now, when the cherished words finally pronounced, burn the photo of the chief, and the ashes to breed in the wind. Bottom, sprinkled with blood, must be put in the wallet (preferably - in a separate compartment so that magic is concentrated only in one place).

Very soon conspiracy to increase wagesuttered by you, and the leadership "Suddenly" will decide to increase you wages. The amount that you will see in the coming month is pleasant to surprise you and will continue to always be, because the ritual is one-time and re-conducting.

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Work for each person is an integral part of life. In order to get a good position, you need not just have higher educationBut also to be a real professional. But sometimes it does not even give warranty to get the desired work and wages. In order to ensure that promising work, you can use a plot career growth. They helped to get a good job and climb the career ladder.

Conspuses and prayers for a decent position

A plot for a good job allows you to fight with constant failures and failures. Get a decent post - this is not a whim, but the need for every person. This allows you to provide a family and reach harmony with yourself. A plot for good work can be held both at home and with the help of an experienced magician.

Find a job that really will be very difficult, but perhaps. Do not give up, because the one who will attach to this maximum effort to get the desired one. Nobody besides you can do your dream. In order to get a good position, you can use a variety of rituals that are moving from generation to generation. Rites exist for many years, and in those days everyone wanted to get decent workBut, despite the fact that progress stepped far forward the problem with employment remained.

Therefore, those who really want to get a good position can use special rituals and rituals. Before reading the conspiracy, you need to think very well what position you want to get. Fast rites allow only a couple of days to receive a position that you dreamed of all your life.

Rituals to achieve a career goal

In order to attract good work to prepare for the ritual. After all, such rites allow you to increase your income or get a premium that did not expect at all. Therefore, before carrying out a ritual, prepare a scarf, coin and a secluded corner.

How ritual is held

To spend a similar rite, you need a little time, and you will get a new job very quickly. It is necessary to conduct a ritual, you need to clearly follow the rules, because the slightest deviations can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, if you decide to attract a worthy post, then comply with all the requirements. Conspiracy for good work must be carried out as follows:

When the sun hits the horizon you need to read the following conspiracy over the coins:

"Like the moon eternal satellite stars, so success will become my fellow traveler. I am a well done and master-sterlets, I find an approach to any complicated case, always come to the rescue. With the sunrise of early to me, the new occupation will come. Amen."

  1. Coins over which conspiracy was read should be wrapped in a handkerchief. Then they need to put so that they stood an eagle to you.
  2. Further coins must be hidden so that no one can find them.
  3. When you wake up in the morning, you can safely start searching for the desired robots.

In order for the conspiracy to have a need to have the moon shining directly to the window. Therefore, during the daytime day, it is not desirable to carry out such rites, because they are unlikely to work.

Conspiracy to rich in affairs

There is another strong conspiracy for successful work. For him, it is necessary to take some sacred water and church candle:

  1. In order for a person who will be able to read the conspiracy was really able to find the desired job, must purchase a candle on Wednesday.
  2. The rite can be carried out absolutely any day, except Friday. This ritual allows you to make money in your pocket there is always money.
  3. To hold the rite you need to already be dark on the street.
  4. Next you need to install a candle and holy water on the table. These items must stand opposite each other. After you challenge the candle, we read this plot:

"I ask, I crumble, I will ask for good luck. Give me strength and perseverance so that any work I have successfully went out to all I started, successfully ended. And let me always be the best, colleagues in respect, at the authorities in honor. And no one let me disgust and the goats against me does not build. Amen".

  1. You need to repeat this plot three times.
  2. After which the bank is closed, and then at the workplace of this water, pour all the corners.

It may be that water will remain, and you need to know where to do it. The answer is simple, all that will remain in the bank must be disseminated by the floor.

If you hold such rituals, then success will always keep up with you. In your house will always be money, and the family will rejoice at your achievements. This rite is needed not only to attract good work, but also to increase self-esteem. Therefore, if you doubt that you can achieve the desired result, I feel free to read conspiracies and be sure that the universe will help.

Corporation for career growth

How to get the desired work with the help of rituals you already know, but how to achieve an increase and attract money and good luck. In order to climb the career ladder, you need to work very long and stubbornly. A career is built not one day, but for years. In order for career growth to be noticeable today, it is necessary to conspire a career. To ensure that the rite goes correctly needs to prepare natural products, it is desirable that they are home.

In order to hold a conspiracy on a career and money must be taken:

  • cream;
  • glass;
  • hot water;
  • pillow.

This ritual to increase has one distinctive feature at which it is necessary to conduct it at all who are at home. Traditions say that if you want a luck and money to go always nearby, it is necessary that as many people as possible wished it to you.

When to start a ritual

Conspiracy on a career can absolutely at any time of the day:

First you need to pour a little cream into a glass and read the following prayers:

"I will select from my house, outside the door, for the gate, through the roads are long countryways - not steppe. I will ask for my fate, my first way is to find my coin, the second is Chervonets, and the latter will fool me. I eat cream, rich me. To live prosperity for many years and trouble do not see.

  1. After a conspiracy has been conspiracy, it is necessary to make three throat cream.
  2. All that will remain then add with tea or coffee.

Before you go to bed, you need to safely rub the pillow and speak the following words:

"The Mother's Pepper first drilled me, now it's a good help to find it."

This conspiracy allows in a short period of time to achieve heights. This rite can be carried out independently for yourself or husband. You can do it at all together only everyone must have their own items for the ritual.

Rituals on a career from Stepanova

Rewards that opened people Stepanov are very popular. They are not used for the first year. A career growth of many people allows not just to earn more, but consider themselves with real gods. After all, self-esteem for everyone plays not a small role. It may be that due to the fact that a person did not get the desired work or an increase, he began to eat alcohol or drugs. Everyone wants to have her place under the sun and be an example of their children.

Therefore, if you want to become a truly great person, we bring to your attention the fastest conspiracy for career growth. This rite is carried out exclusively to the young moon. To spend the ritual you need to take several coffee beans, and a candle. As soon as the sun hits the horizon you can safely carry out the rite.

  1. Go to the room in which you will stay one on one with your thoughts.
  2. If the room is icons, they should be removed. This is mandatory condition For this rite.
  3. As soon as the rays of the lunar light fell into the room, put the candle on the table.
  4. After that, it is necessary to put coffee beans around it and set fire to the candle. Tune in to your good luck and read the following words:

"Like the moon in the sky, so I'm in Zenith. As the moon will grow, so I will start growing at work. And I will not have recession, only luck and success in my work. And no one can interfere with me, no evil currency, nor the pests are nasty. And it will be how I say, but what will happen after that, it will not matter. Amen, Amen, Amen. "

This conspiracy must be read three times, and in the morning, having come to work, all over its workplace decompose the grains. The improvement of a person will expect everything within a few days. The most important thing is to clearly comply with all the requirements of the rite. After all, if you do something wrong, then everything can turn into the other direction.

Rituals on a career on Easter day

Easter rituals are the most strong, because on this day the angels themselves descend from heaven. In the church, this night is watching the sky and are waiting for some sign over. Therefore, it is better for Easter to hold rites to success in work or receiving the desired position. The ritual is carried out only in the morning on the holiday, it is necessary to come from the church and wipe the face with a towel. After that, read the following words:

Christ is risen!

And I am the sun is red in the world.

Honey sweet, salt salted,

The most praised!

Next, you need to put the towel on the table, bent over it to emit cake and egg. After you go to work, wash the table with a towel, followed by. Angels will help you achieve great success in our work, and you will go rapidly on a career ladder.

Rituals for a successful interview

Interviews is an integral part of the employment, because thanks to him, the employer can find out what the candidate is capable of. Many are very worried about such an important day. Therefore, in order to gain confidence and attract the attention of the bosses to hold the rite.

Such conspiracies are held secretly, from all, because it concerns only you. It is impossible to talk about the rite not close, not to friends. For the ritual before the interview, it is necessary to prepare some subjects. Take a piece of paper, a glass or mouse, water, a handle and go to the room where it is very quiet.

"I'm not an old man, I'm not a young, I go to a meeting with boyars. The hosts are happy, my words are pleased. Can not be expelled, they will not be able to offend. Amen."

  1. You need to read a plot three times.
  2. After that, it is necessary to drink water from the glass.
  3. Next you can safely go to bed, and in the morning with a clean conscience to go for an interview.

If you hold similar rites, you can achieve great success in life. For unsure people, it will be a good stimulus. Do not be afraid, the main thing is striving and go to your goal. After all, only his future depends on person. And the universe with rites will help to get out even with the most difficult situation and find a job in the shower.

This conspiracy in the old days they read merchants over the keys that they locked their shops. At the present time, the conspiracy on the increase in salary can be read above the keys from any room where you work and earn money. Then your incomes will increase multiple times.

Angels-Archangels, on the blessing of the Lord, go, holy angels, to Blue Sea with golden keys, Lock and swing the blue sea, Open the submorial-underground treasures and goldenness, excite, put the gold, silver and copper money on the net; Gold for God, silver for deubs, copper for beggars. To you, Holy Angels, IKo to the warm faders and the persons of our love and loving and humbly pray: The soul of the Lord God, and your favorable prayers, with their own humanity, let us give us (names) a quiet and pious life in Wet Sea, sneezing from temptations and temptations of Lukavago diazol and from the troubles and misfortunes, and from all slander; In the terrible court, the standing of the standing and the heirs of the kingdom of their heaven will create, I will create, Yako bless the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy from competitors at work

Many people do not believe, but there are envious, which are specifically to the sorcerers go to destroy their competitors. Nothing bend, the most terrible damage is suggested: both to death, and the disease, and on ruin. Read this salary conspiracy if you know that you have strong envious competitors. Stop plot is needed on all business papers that sign. If it is difficult to do this (for example, someone is nearby), then you need to talk a conspiracy on the handle that these papers sign. You screw on the handle every day, in the morning.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Mother of God, Angelic and Arkhangelsk forces, pray, protect, defect from damage-sorcerer. I take the cross the saint, I dare, I discarded the sorcerer and the sorcerer, from black and red, from white and blond, from the girl Prostoloski, from Baba-Samokruktka, from all sorts of magician. The prayers of the Most of the Virgin, the prayers of the holy waters of the Diodorus, Lord, save and defend me. About Rev. and Diodore, Our Father! Pomo us, the slaves of God (names), the way of life saving march: the enlightenment of the souls of our dregs are gloomy than grace, the outbreak of passion, weaken from sinful Verig, save us from the sinking of sinfulness and from all the evil and salvation to us, and all the call : Rejoice, Rev. Diodore, Our Father; Rejoice, strong adamant and a terrible demons to the winner; Rejoice, coming (home) to our, bright kindness. Corresponding troubles and us all sorts of joy and celestial kingdoms of life of the parties, now and in the eyelids.

Conspiracy for good luck

Previously, this conspiracy was read over the keys from the pantry so that it was always full of good. The same conspiracy on the increase in salary can be read over the keys from safes, caskets with jewels and even just over the wallet. Take the keys (wallet), throw in the middle of the room and say:

I will stand, blessing, I will go, crossing, I will come out of a slatenka in the garde, I'll throw the keys in the middle of the gorm, we will blow up to the holy icons, worship Christ-Sawa, pumped about the good brush, about the evil treasury, about all kind, about his soul. Lord Jesus Christ, OUR, OUR, GOV ANYTHING SAN Merity and Shchedrity, His Grace Immeasured, and Personidizing Insome Pattern: To Your Majesty Spacely, with Fear and Trepps Yako Rabiting Thanksgiving Thanks Your Industry on Your Advanced For Your Former, now humbly brings Yako gentlemen, the Lord, and the benefactor, Slavim, praise, sing and greatly, and inquisitively Paka thank you, your immeasurable and unfamiliated mercy is humbly praying. Yes, it's now the praying of the slaves of your pleasant, and makes mercifully to fulfill the ESI, and in the forentigative of yours and sincerenyago love and in all the virtuously invested. Your benefits of all true to you get, the church is your holy, and the deceit of this, (or the whole), from all the zlago, the circumference of the world and the world and dewing, you are with the original, and the Most Holy Spirit, and good spirits , in a single creature to the Holy God, always thanks to the prognosti, and preparing the verbati and chasing the consistency. Glory to you God, our benefactor, forever. Amen.

After reading the salary plot, raise the keys (wallet), throw again, and again read the plot. Make it three times.


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