What hobbies to include in your resume. How to describe a hobby on a resume? The Best Hobbies for a Resume

January 21, 2018

When filling out a resume or questionnaire, many applicants lose sight of such an item as “Hobbies and hobbies”. Of course, it won't be a big mistake to ignore this section. However, there are many employers for whom it is still fundamental.

Why it is necessary to indicate a hobby

Therefore, the search for examples of interests and hobbies often becomes relevant for those who want to find highly paid position. Even if the employer does not look at this column directly in the questionnaire, he can ask a question about a hobby at the interview itself. Of course, this section should not exceed the description of the applicant's work experience - otherwise, the employer may decide that the candidate devotes too much time to activities outside of work. So, it is unlikely that such an applicant will give all the best during working hours.

Therefore, it is best to indicate a couple of hobbies. If indicating a favorite activity is difficult for the applicant, you can use the described examples to select options. Interests, hobbies and hobbies for a resume should serve the main goal - finding the right job. After all, if you openly talk about yourself to the employer, this can become an obstacle on the way. Therefore, often applicants decide to hide unnecessary information about themselves, and choose the hobby that is more suitable for the desired vacancy.

However, a candidate who indicates an occupation unusual for him in his profile should study these examples of interests and hobbies in the resume in advance. Photos on the topic “Hobbies” will help the applicant prepare for tricky questions about the specified hobby. For example, in the following photo below, you can see an album made by a scrapbooking lover:

What is worth and what is not worth mentioning

It is important for the employer to show that leisure activities are a source of additional energy for the candidate, which will allow him to work with even greater dedication. It is desirable that hobbies emphasize those skills that will be useful in this position. If a person is applying for the position of head of a division, then it is much more useful to indicate that in high school he was the captain of the volleyball team than to write about a passion for astrology or breeding garden asters. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons well before indicating certain examples of hobbies in a resume. What interests are better suited for the purpose of finding a job, we will consider further.

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Compliance with hobbies and qualities required from the applicant

For example, if a woman is looking for a job that requires perseverance, she can list the following activities in the “hobbies” column:

  • Modeling or sewing clothes.
  • Creation of a designer doll or toy.
  • Knitting.
  • Satin stitch or cross stitch.
  • Decoupage.
  • The study of computer programs.

If you need to demonstrate creative inclinations, you can specify:

  • The photo.
  • Writing poems, stories.
  • Drawing lesson.

When an applicant needs to demonstrate the ability to work in a team, it is useful to talk about such hobbies:

In the event that the candidate should hint at his determination, you can indicate such hobbies:

  • Sports, fitness.
  • Active recreation (however, it is required to indicate here that this hobby will not interfere with work).

What is better to keep quiet

There are many rather specific examples of interests and hobbies. You don't need to list them on your resume. By writing that he is a member of any subculture, the candidate runs the risk of being rejected. Perhaps the applicant, who indicates his belonging to the Gothic subculture, only collects silver jewelry and various decorative wood crafts. But the employer may think that a potential employee of the company will one day come to work in full Gothic attire - in black clothes, with a whitened face, in metal jewelry. Therefore, it is better to keep silent about subcultures, love for extreme sports, or, for example, hobbies for computer games.

Unusual hobbies - is it worth pointing out

As for the more approved, but slightly unusual hobbies, here it is also better for the candidate to adhere to the principle of "measure seven times - cut once." This concerns the indication of extreme examples of interests and hobbies. In the resume, it is better to write what the employer wants to see - because it will be easier to get the desired position. Of course, a rock climber or skydiving enthusiast can be distinguished by attentiveness, the ability to clearly plan the situation, and responsibility.

However, many employers prefer to beware of such individuals. Why is this happening? The fact is that extreme sports are always fraught with injuries - with all the professionalism of an athlete, this option cannot be ruled out. The employer fears that soon the new employee will be in a hospital bed - and then he will bring the company not benefit, but additional costs.

What will the extreme hobby tell about?

In addition, people who are prone to risk often underestimate the possibility of failure at work. They make decisions quickly, and therefore make mistakes in their work. Also, extreme sports are always accompanied by a surge of adrenaline - which means that the applicant can be an aggressive or irritable person.

Of course, an indication of hobbies and hobbies is not critical when selecting a candidate for a vacancy. However, often it can become that “decisive drop” that will determine whether this applicant is suitable, or it is better to opt for another.

categorical ban

The worst thing that can be indicated in the "Hobby" column is watching television series or going to the cinema. After all, those people whose leisure time is reduced to a passive pastime, are presented in the eyes of the employer as lazy, lack of initiative, and generally worthless people.

The ideal option is neutral interests and hobbies in the resume. There are numerous examples of when an applicant was rejected due to an unusual hobby. For example, one applicant was asked how he feels about football. He replied that it was positive, and even supported Spartak Moscow. He was denied a job, because the leader himself was a fan of Zenit, and justified his refusal by the fact that he could not trust a Petersburger who was rooting for the Moscow team.

Neutral hobbies

If the employer wants to see a specific person as his subordinate, why not satisfy this requirement? You can choose any neutral hobby (or even two or three), and include these examples in your resume. Your hobbies, interests, hobbies are really of interest to the employer insofar as they can influence the work. Therefore, you can not focus on this point of attention, but indicate what is acceptable to the employer. This will be the best strategy for getting the desired position. Consider a few neutral examples of interests and hobbies in a resume for work.

  • Scarpbooking, or compiling family and other photo albums.
  • Clay crafting.
  • Floristics - the creation of flower bouquets, works of art.
  • Girls can also indicate such a hobby as making cosmetics at home.
  • Men talk about the love of collecting or creating models of ships in a bottle.

It is important to remember one thing - the main factor in finding a job is professional qualifications and work experience. If the applicant meets these points, he has every chance of getting a job. Indication of hobbies and hobbies is useful for beginners in a particular field. After all, if there is no work experience, a description of a hobby will help the employer to get the right idea about the candidate.

V In my life, the situation with regards to hobbies and interests has developed in such a way that since childhood I have found new interests to my liking, some of them were fleeting, others stretched for a lifetime.

It is worth noting one dependence that I noticed many years later, when there were already more than a dozen hobbies up my sleeve - this is the fact that new hobbies appear only when a person is able to devote enough time to reflection and himself. And the more time, the more chances to get to know and reveal your inner world more deeply, to hear the inner voice and direct your gaze to the extremely important and related areas of realization in life.

TO At the age of twenty-six, I had formed a rather extensive and diverse range of interests, the most basic of which I list below:

– social, differential and developmental psychology
– molecular biology, genetics
– parapsychology, extrasensory and esoteric
– astrophysics, astronomy and astrology
– quantum mechanics quantum field theory
– meditation, contemplation and spiritual development
- stock market, business and financial literacy
- travels, leisure, adventure and extreme
– creative realization, writing activity
– consultations, charity, helping those in need
– IT, high technology, internet, blogging
– pets, nature and the environment
– solving the most difficult or impossible goals
– give to old or broken things new life
– self-development, expansion of the boundaries of consciousness
– creating a cozy and harmonious atmosphere
- long walks on foot and talk about the eternal
– gardening, summer cottage, landscape design
– radio electronics is my very first and longest hobby
– photography – about how I met the camera

- acoustic guitar - interesting story about the evolution of guitars in my hands
– mountain biking – I love cycling since childhood
– gym – a healthy mind in a healthy body

A few words about hobbies in general

Am I happy? Yes! If the statement is true - "a person without a hobby cannot live a happy and fulfilling life." Why yes? Because, probably, I don’t just have hobbies, but dozens of them.

It appeared when I was 5 years old, and I got into the photo developer and 220v hit me. And for 18 years now, the radio electronics hobby has always been with me!

Later in life, the list of my hobbies was replenished, as a result, it turned out that by the age of 23 I have “one hundred” activities, constantly unfinished business and unrealized ideas. I simply don’t have enough time for anything, even if I don’t sleep, I still won’t be able to do anything, but I still want to relax.

I completely agree with the statement that without hobbies and hobbies, a person will simply become bored with life, he will be uninteresting to people and to himself.
It’s sad to hear questions from people “Why do you need a hobby?” - I believe that if a person has already asked such a question, then this is already a difficult case ... Recently, I began to ask people (more often girls) if they have a hobby, the answers disappointed me, most, unfortunately, by adulthood, do not have any hobbies are not hobbies - it's a nightmare, and there are many such people ...

And so, what do hobbies and hobbies give a person?
A hobby copes well with stress, a hobby helps to break one's horizons and circle of friends, to find new friends. A hobby is an occupation for the soul, which, as a rule, people do at their leisure.

We all know that the most best job- this is a favorite job that brings not only salary, but also pleasure. That's exactly why, if your hobby also brings you a decent income, on which you can support your entire family, then you can say you are a happy person ...

Even keeping pets is a real passion and hobby. For example, a land tortoise has been living with me since the age of 6, can you imagine it has been with me for more than 20 years !!! I had fish, several cats, I still have two, I love them!
There are no boundaries for choosing a hobby - it can be anything, as long as it is interesting and enjoyable for you.

For example, here is a small list of what can be a real hobby and favorite hobby:

– Sports, BMX, Minigolf, Parkour, Fitness, Skateboarding, Rollerblading, Football, Karting, Volleyball and so on.

– Collecting, Numismatics, Philately

– Modeling, technical creativity, Automodeling, Amateur radio, Amateur radio communication, Amateur radio design, Sound engineering, playing records
In addition: Military-historical miniatures, Making home-made equipment

– Zoo, Pets, Pets, Domestic cat, Domestic dog, Aquarium, aquarium fish, Terrariumistics, Guardian (of animals)

– Creativity, Creative hobbies, Amateur theater, origami, Music, Painting, Photography, Video filming, Scrapbooking, Needlework, Drawing, Fanfiction, Dancing

– Computer, Computer hobbies, Programming, Free software, Wikipedia, Blogging, Forums, Web surfing, Modding, Overclocking (overclocking) and other non-standard hardware applications

– Science, Amateur science, Amateur astronomy, Local history, Felinology

– Historical reenactment, Living history, Historical fencing, Experimental archeology, Subculture

– Games, role-playing games, puzzles

– Travel, Tourism, Sports tourism, Hitchhiking, Museum tours

– Others, Flash mob, Bookcrossing, Bubble bursting, Food, Crosswords, Hunting, Fishing, Mushroom hunting, Yoga, Sauna, Solarium, Paragliding, Lucid dreams, Motorcycling, Shopping, Divination, Solitaire, Penspinning, Illusionism, Indoor plants

As you can see, there is always something to do in life, and there is a favorite activity for everyone. You just need to look into yourself and hear the inner voice, listen and go towards the lesson that is right for you!

Remember that no matter how old you are, it's never too late to find a new interesting hobby for yourself and start life in a new unknown world!

income generating hobby

In my opinion, if a person’s true hobby, in addition to moral and spiritual satisfaction, is capable of generating income for the personal budget, then I’m not afraid to say that this is the very tip of the iceberg, the very Holy Grail that everyone dreams of.

People who have acquired this skill and the skill of combining business with pleasure are usually noticeable from afar. They glow with happiness, have a wise look at the same time, and sometimes their behavior resembles a small child. For such people, the initial motive was not money and a career, but the realization of personal individual inclinations for a certain type of activity. These people did not let the world around them confuse them, they found their own self and learned to conduct a dialogue with it. Successful career, popularity, money and fame are side effects of successful self-realization.

The clearest examples of such people can be found on stage, in movies, on bookshelves, as well as in the list of geniuses of the present and past centuries. Actors and directors, as well as writers, doctors and teachers - this is just a small list of those professions where you can often meet people who came at the call of the heart, and not for any selfish goals.

If you want to join the ranks of the lucky ones who managed to find their hobby difficult, as well as receive financial compensation, then you first of all need to forget about material values and start looking for your inner self. You should not select a hobby according to the principle “it can bring money, but it doesn’t”, these rules do not work, do what your heart and soul lie in, and everything else will come with time as a nice bonus. But I want to emphasize that only a hobby in which you can call yourself a professional in your field has a chance to make you happy, including financially, while superficial mastery of skills will simply be your interest.

Hobbies on resume

Many are wondering what to write in the resume under the item “your hobbies and interests”, I will try to briefly state the essence. In my opinion, this item can tell about the hidden qualities of the applicant, better than any other resume item.

Any form that assumes free information about oneself and one's hobbies reveals those characteristics that are often more valuable than work experience and education. The thing is that by the way a person expresses thoughts in a free form, one can put together a fairly clear psycho-portrait of a person, and if you add a list of interests and the way it is presented, then it will not be difficult for a skilled specialist to discern the hidden features of the personality of this person. person.

You should not write lies in your resume, it does not make any sense, you will only waste your time and the time of the employer, even if you are hired, this will not bring you satisfaction and everything will end before it starts. In the list of hobbies in the resume, anyone can write something, it does not happen that a person does not have interests. Just try to point out only those moments that reflect your personal qualities, which are related to your intended position. For example, when you get a job in a store with flowers and garden supplies, it will be useful for you to have references in your resume that you have your own six acres, where you love to do gardening. The most important thing is to tell the truth, a lie will not lead to the intended goal.

HR consultant

This question arises for many people who write their resume. The absence of this section, with equal chances for a vacancy for you and another candidate, can play a bad role for you. A few tips in this article will help your resume look more professional.

How do candidates prepare their resumes?

Usually, they choose the following options talking about his hobbies:

  • They don't write anything. Just skip this section and don't worry.
  • They write some impersonal set of words: photography, music, books, sports, travel, ... The effect of having this set is slightly better than the first option. The recruiter sees that the candidate has something beyond professional interests. And he also understands that the person wrote a certain average version, not particularly trying.
  • Use a creative approach. Instead of a “book”, the applicant writes “I like to read the latest novelties of modern prose”; instead of "travel" is "I'm fond of the culture and traditions of other countries, so I like to travel." And this version is much better than the previous ones.

Now I will share tips on how to properly format the “Hobbies” or “Hobbies” section in the right resume.

It is important to remember, when talking about your hobbies, the purpose of your resume.

Your hobbies give Additional information about you for the HR manager, saving him the effort of finding the right specialist.

Help him choose you by using these tips.

If there are many candidates with good professional experience and knowledge, and the recruiter only needs to choose a couple of dozen people to talk to, then your hobbies can make your resume stand out among others. Become more “voluminous” and understandable, and as a result, benefit from such an image.


  • The "Hobby" section should not take more than 1-2 lines in the resume.

If its volume is large, then the recruiter has a question: “When will a person work, with such and such a workload of his own interests?”

  • If you have categories and victories in sports, awards and prizes for your hobbies - feel free to talk about them.

Thus, playing for the district's volleyball team will show that you have experience as a "team player", which is important for many companies. And victories and awards will tell about your leadership qualities and dedication better than standard words.

  • Correctly choose from the list of your interests, which ones to indicate, what to keep silent about.
  • Choose those hobbies that can be correlated with the requirements for the job

Intellectual hobbies, such as chess, puzzles, will present you as an intelligent person who can analyze and make strategic decisions

An interest in painting or creating decorative photo albums will show that you are truly a creative person.

Example: One candidate wrote that he has been studying ancient languages ​​for a long time. A great example of perseverance and perseverance

  • Be sure to talk about sports hobbies, if any.

It's always good to be healthy and rich, says folk wisdom. My experience is that people who are interested in sports always make a favorable impression on the employer. It seems that such a person is energetic, active, gets sick less, works more

  • Write in a "living" language

Instead of the word “family,” write: “I love spending my free time with my sons, making various models of aircraft with them.” And your human component immediately manifests itself, which many employers like. Your family values ​​are visible

  • Write well and express your ideas clearly. I think it's an understandable truth
  • No need to write that your passion is the Internet. A candidate who enjoys floating on the world wide web is usually needed for positions related to working on the Internet, for example: social network manager
The most good job It's a high paying hobby. Henry Ford (American industrialist, founder and owner of Ford factories)

I want to give a real example of the relationship between a hobby and a job search:

Natalia V. was interviewing for the position of Director of Representative Office in a Norwegian company. One of the first questions she was asked was: “What do you do in your free time? What is your hobby?"

She said with absolute sincerity that in her free time she and her friends help to restore churches in the Leningrad region. And he also likes to relax in nature, in a clearing with a guitar. And every time she and her group of friends clean up the garbage left after them and other, less conscious tourists for 1 hour.

Later it turned out that her hobbies coincided with life values Norwegian shareholders and they liked it very much. She was offered to head the representative office, finally choosing her from 3 applicants.

It is believed that it is not necessary to indicate a hobby in a resume. Like, these one or two lines in the resume only steal the precious attention of the HR manager, and there is zero benefit in them. But there is another opinion. After all, hobbies are different, and vacancies are also different.

Here are examples of situations in which mentioning a hobby can work in your favor:

a) you can set yourself apart from your competitors with a useful and unusual hobby. For example, you are fond of astronomy, you even have a telescope with which you observe the stars. In companies such as Google, such "eccentrics" are very much appreciated. Firstly, such a hobby gives out an analytical mindset (if in doubt, try to master astronomy); secondly, the hobby illustrates the interest in modern technologies;

b) if a hobby is indirectly related to work, you can “shade” your main advantages (knowledge, skills, experience) with it. For example, if you are applying for the role of a leader and you have experience in organizing hiking trips, this is a big plus, since a hobby indicates that you have leadership qualities, organizational skills and a sense of responsibility for all team members.

What hobbies should be mentioned in the resume in order to show yourself in the most favorable light?

We have compiled a list of hobbies and compared them with professions for which the mention of relevant hobbies can be useful.

Is your profession on the list, and is your hobby also yours? Then make changes to your resume without delay, because any detail can decide the outcome of your job search, and a hobby is important.

1) Yoga

The list is far from complete: it can include all professions that involve the presence of stressful situations. What is yoga here? This is a type of activity that helps to maintain emotional balance, gently control what is happening around due to the conscious perception of one's own states. Therefore, people who are friends with yoga are less conflicted, more emotionally stable.

In addition, yoga is healthy lifestyle life, absence bad habits which certainly appeals to employers.

2) Extreme sports

The list can be replenished with professions in which such qualities as passion and the ability to assess risks are important. After all, excitement without the ability to assess the situation and retreat at the right time brings more harm than success.

3) Video Creation

A copywriter is not required to be able to edit video clips, but if he knows how to do it (we are talking about a basic level), this is a plus. Let's say a company wants to hire a copywriter to run a blog. Video skills will allow a copywriter not only to write articles, but also sometimes add a small video to the blog, assembled from available materials. The same goes for the content manager. A PR director or event manager who has an idea of ​​how a video is made will be able to more correctly evaluate the material created for the company and give recommendations on how to improve it.

4) Endurance sports (marathon, triathlon, cycling)

A sport that requires endurance is important for people who work with tasks stretched out over time, while for success it is important that the specialist be in good shape all the time and be able to dose efforts so as not only to rush forward in one section, but to be the first to reach the finish line .

5) Team sports (football, basketball, volleyball and many others)

It does not make sense to list professions here: passion for team sports is a plus for everyone who works in a team, sorry for the tautology. It's cool if you have experience of being a team captain: be sure to reflect this in your resume; this is a testament to your outstanding leadership and organizational skills.

6) Blogging

The passion for running your own blog is important not only for professions such as a copywriter or journalist.

The author of this article once thoroughly read the foreman’s blog: the expert shared with property owners a variety of (and extremely useful) tips on repair, home improvement, hiring a team of builders, etc.

Theoretically, a worker, a mechanic, and an auto mechanic can maintain a blog: can you imagine what a convenient opportunity an employer gets to assess the competence of an applicant who has a blog on professional topics?

7) Gambling (like poker)

Yes, this kind of hobby can also be an advantage - for example, for financiers, bankers, brokers.

Gambling is often surrounded by a negative halo, but let's not forget that the same poker is the ability to count, analyze, assess risks. Plays and psychological factor: experienced players say that the ability to "read" the opponent (recognize his emotions, intentions) is no less important than what is called "poker mathematics". Perhaps, with the mention of this hobby, you should be careful. Put it on your resume if you can prove your qualifications by winning poker tournaments - as this is more a sport than a leisure activity.

8) Photography

A marketer is unlikely to photograph objects for advertising campaign(for this there professional photographers), but if he has experience working with photos, he will be able to competently select pictures for specific purposes, evaluate the competence of contractor photographers.

In general, photography as a hobby will be a plus for everyone. creative professions- where artistic taste is important in work.

9) Playing musical instruments (harmonica does not count :)

A universal hobby that indicates the presence of taste (in this case, musical taste), the ability to discipline oneself and achieve goals (those who doubt the last statement can try to learn how to play the violin).

10) Any unusual hobby

Basically, it doesn't matter if you're into basket weaving or martial arts - what matters is that you can excel in the activities that interest you.

So if you decide to mention a hobby, mention achievements in this field as well. For example, you won a contest/competition, your work was mentioned in the media, your blog has high traffic, etc.

What NOT to mention as a hobby

Do not enter reading books in this column.

Firstly, the tendency to expand one's horizons is not an achievement, but a necessary quality, so there is nothing to brag about here.

Secondly, this hobby is very often listed on the resume, so if you do the same, you will look like the majority, and this is not the best way when looking for a job.

Modern recruiters want to know more about job seekers. How job applicants spend their free time influences an employer's decision to apply for a job. Therefore, there is a “hobby” column in the resume, and you need to fill it out correctly.

Mentioning a hobby in a resume is definitely worth it, most HRs agree with this. “Information about hobbies speaks about the type of personality and character, gives an idea of ​​the candidate not only as a professional, but also as a person in general,” explains Vera Baban, HR consultant at Wyser (Gi Group International Human Resources Holding). - However, you should be careful when filling out this section in your resume - hobbies should complement your business portrait, have a positive correlation with professional activity. It is worth writing about hobbies and hobbies briefly and concisely, without getting carried away, the main emphasis in the resume should be, after all, on your professional skills.

useful hobbies

Useful for the applicant are those hobbies that complement professional portrait or demonstrate desirable character traits for the profession.

“For example, a person writes books, composes poetry. Him active life in the corresponding social network for writers, poetry lovers and more. And he himself works as a teacher at school, teaches English language. Accordingly, the school administration understands that this person with his hobby can be used for extracurricular work - to create a theater studio or a poetry circle. Accordingly, such hobbies strengthen his position as a professional,” says the professor of the department corporate governance high school Corporate Governance (HSE) RANEPA Elena Yakhontova.

However, as a rule, the employer is not interested in the hobby itself, but in the correspondence of the hobby indicated in the resume to the traditional stereotype of the profession.

“In the process of communicating with accountants and economists, managers quite favorably perceive such hobbies as embroidery and patchwork. These are quite traditional "women's" activities, reinforcing the image of a patient, diligent, measured employee, - comments Natalia Storozhevaya, consultant of the Russian School of Management on recruitment. - If we are talking about sales managers, then the passion for boxing or taekwondo is very welcome. Such a passion confirms the qualities that are very important for a manager: activity, perseverance, purposefulness, and the ability to cope with stress.
When they select senior and middle managers, they pay attention to the passion for team or individual species sports. For example, a passion for football or hockey is a big plus for a team leader, and a penchant for personal superiority in sports such as cycling, shooting, swimming is preferable for a single star focused on strategic tasks.
Also, when evaluating resumes, managers pay attention to the competitiveness or process of hobbies. Some candidates prefer "process" hobbies: yoga, photography, reading, theater, while others prefer competitive ones: tennis, chess, fencing. And these inclinations can also be compared with the business objectives of each specific vacancy.”

Harmful hobbies for a resume

A hobby can be exciting and loved, but an employer may not appreciate it. First of all, “extreme” hobbies are alarming: dangerous sports (fraught with sick leave), piercings and tattoos (may not correspond to the image of the company), away competitions (involving work absences), etc.
Harmless but non-work related hobbies will also not add points in the interview.
“Information that you like to breed snails, for example, will be completely useless, unless, of course, you can find a way to explain how snail breeding helps you in professionally, - Margarita Koshuba, marketing director of Englishdom, warns. “Writing about your specific religious hobbies or the fact that you like to spend all your free time drinking a cup of alcohol is definitely not worth it.”

Expensive hobbies can alert. “For example, a person indicates that he collects motorcycles,” explains Elena Yakhontova. - And good motorcycles cost about a million rubles. At the same time, he claims ordinary position- sales manager or head of the marketing department in a medium-sized company. This hobby immediately shows the company: “This guy is clearly not ours.”

Even if you did not write about your hobby in your resume, this does not mean that the employer will not know about it. Moreover, if a recruiter sees a contradiction between what you post on social networks and what you wrote on your resume, this can harm you in the job search process. There are companies that believe that viewing the personal profiles of applicants is a violation of their privacy, but this approach is rather an exception.

“In recent years, employers at the stage of interviews check the interests of candidates in social networks,” confirms general manager recruitment agency ProPersonnel Tatiana Dolyakova. - For example, we looked at a candidate for one of our football clubs: one of the applicants in his social networks never mentioned sports, but only wrote how he loves to knit and do landscape design. He was refused: there was no immersion in the topic.

Increasingly, employers are exploring social networks in order to learn more about the applicant. Including what can harm the company. “If a person publishes candid photos or writes obscene poems, this may alert future colleagues,” says Polina Rusakova, HR specialist at the OneTwoTrip travel service. “Such cases are not uncommon in practice, especially if a person is considered in a company with strict discipline.”

Social networks is an excellent tool for building a personal brand, which, of course, can and should be used in the process of finding a job. Therefore, HRs recommend taking your social media profile seriously.


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